How to make a cat make friends with a puppy. How to make friends a cat with a dog. Adult purr and little puppy

We really want to believe in friendship between animals, but most scientists argue that games between different species of animals and even their joint sleep cannot be attributed to the manifestation of friendly relations. Let's not argue with them, let's better think about how to make sure that the relationship between a dog and a cat is not at least hostile.

A lot of people who want to take a cat into the house are worried about her health and life, so they already have a dog in the house, but it happens the other way around, they already have a cat, but they take a dog, but in this case they worry about the cat. Although quite often in such families where both pets live, as a rule, the dog suffers! What to do to avoid quarrels and fights between a cat and a dog living in your house?

Not everything is as bad as it seems at first glance. Peace between such different animals is entirely possible. There are many stories in which a cat adopted a small puppy, or vice versa, a dog took a tiny kitten under its care. It is much more difficult to try on two adult animals, but, in my opinion, if you show patience and the right approach, then this is also possible.

Who to turn on first?

Often the question arises: who to get first - a cat or a dog? And if it turned out that a pet already lives in the house, and you picked up the second one on the street and there is no one to attach it to? That is, you do not have to choose, because fate decreed so. So you need to "negotiate" with the "senior" animal. Show patience and understanding. If the situation gets out of control, consult a specialist. Remember, there is always a way.

At what age is it better to introduce a cat and a dog?

It is better when they are both small or at least one of them is the best option. If you have a cat in your home but would like to have a dog as well, then try to adopt a 3-12 week old puppy. The ideal option is when you have a dog that is good (calmly) with cats. You can try to get a kitten and introduce them to start with, but everything should be under your control. Try to restrain the dog from excessive emotions.

How to introduce animals?

We are getting a kitten.

To begin with, the meeting should take place at a distance, let the animals get acquainted with the smell of each other. Do not force anything and try to be calm, as your excitement may be indulged in by animals. Experts recommend keeping animals in different rooms for the first 2-3 days so that they do not see each other if possible, but hear and feel each other.

They should also get food in different rooms, then the smell will be positively associated with eating and taming will be faster. If it is not possible to keep in different rooms - feed in one, but in opposite corners. First, put a bowl of food on the older pet, and only then on the younger one - this will also have a positive effect on the further relationship between them.

The dog will soon get used to the kitten, but still, at first, try to control their behavior in order to avoid possible conflicts. In most cases, the animals quickly get used to each other and already approximately on the 3rd-4th day they get along well with each other, as if they had known each other for a long time. The main thing is that the kitten evokes positive emotions in the dog. Punishment won't accomplish anything.

We are getting a puppy.

In this situation, everything is much simpler. A puppy will get used to a cat from childhood and, as an adult, will not show aggression towards it. However, he can be far from friendly with other cats. It's all envy from the owner himself. A small puppy does not need to be accustomed to a cat at all, except to stop all his attempts to annoy her. It is very important to teach animals to eat separately so that they simply do not interfere with each other. Each of them should have their own personal territory.

But if suddenly the cat and the dog did not make friends, then in this case it is better to make sure that they at least meet less.

The situation in which two different animals find themselves on a common territory can turn into a real disaster for both them and their owner. The reason for this is the instincts that make animals see each other as enemies. That is why the question of how to make friends a cat with a dog when they coexist in the same apartment is so relevant.

First you need to figure out why cats and dogs have been opponents for as long as humanity remembers them. It turns out that the matter lies in the differences due to nature. The descendants of wolves, forced to live on the street, still show a feature that is somewhat dulled, but does not disappear in their domestic counterparts. It's about wanting to live in a pack. It is because of him that the animals begin to bark loudly when an uninvited guest invades the protected area - this is a manifestation of the desire to notify the "compatriots", perhaps even non-existent ones, of the approach of the enemy.

Cats, on the other hand, are loners by nature. They do not hope for help, and therefore prefer to personally keep the situation under control. This usually manifests itself in monitoring the environment from a safe point, usually from a height.

Animals perceive their own personal space differently. Dogs tend to explore the object of interest in close proximity, which often leads to conflicts as a result, because cats do not like this behavior at all. They are very sensitive to the protection of their possessions and prefer to observe what is happening, being at a distance.

In addition, in dogs, which are natural hunters, excitement easily flares up. Even an accommodating pet may suddenly see a smaller creature as potential prey.

Important! Many breeders are interested in how to make friends a cat with a dog, but not everyone knows that in reality such a step can be extremely dangerous. The problem is that a mustachioed pet that grows next to a neighbor gradually loses its vigilance and caution. If such a pet gets on the street, then with a high degree of probability it will be mutilated by homeless animals.

To the happiness and calmness of the owners, for pets that walk by themselves, they created a bracelet that allows you to track the location of the animal at any time.


A well-conducted first meeting is the most important aspect in the question of how to make friends a cat with a dog. Vigilant control of a person and the absence of direct contact - this is what will ensure a successful start of a relationship.

The dog must be seated with the appropriate command, praised and given time to calm down a little, and then, finally, show a new roommate. Any attempt to approach will need to be stopped, and in case of aggression, the animals will be separated into different rooms. Before meeting, you need to feed both pets well, and the dog should also be properly walked. So the malevolence caused by instincts will be significantly reduced.

Before meeting, the dog will have to be planted at the foot, put on a leash and a muzzle, and then let the cat walk around the room wherever she pleases. The reaction of the "slave" is likely to be typical - barking, sharp impulses, anxiety. However, after a while, the animal will get tired, come to terms with what is happening and lie at the feet of a person, ignoring the current situation. Only after this the beast will need to be thanked so that he learns which of the actions was encouraged.


In the first 3 days, it is better for animals, already under stress, not to see each other. Despite this, they must hear, smell and feel the neighborhood. Getting used to the presence of the second pet begins already on the 4th day, and the complete acceptance of the newcomer occurs after 1-2 months.

What else can the head of the house do to make a cat and a dog friends in his apartment? Without a doubt, ensure the safety and tranquility of the animals. It is the person who is obliged to ensure that the interaction of pets in the early stages brings them only positive emotions. Otherwise, pets that do not get along with each other will need to be separated immediately. To build relationships in this case, it is better to contact a professional cynologist, an experienced zoopsychologist or a breeder. Experts will help determine the cause of hostility and choose the best methods of education.

Do not provoke too rapid development of events. It is better to wait until the cat and dog themselves show curiosity and interest. It is not required to lock them in different corners of the house, however, it is still necessary to functionally delimit the space. Each pet should have its own place to rest. A quiet and secluded nest somewhere higher is perfect for a cat (a climbing stand, a window sill, shelves-steps right under the ceiling), and an ever-emotional dog will be delighted with an ordinary soft bedding on the floor. Such a layout will be truly saving if the cat gets tired of the restlessness of a new friend. Then he will have the opportunity to hide and avoid conflict.

Separation of dining areas will also be useful. Representatives of both species are extremely jealous of food, and the descendants of wolves also sin by striving to eat even what does not belong to them. Of course, with such an attitude to food, not far from a fight! That is why experienced owners try to feed their wards in different rooms, and in the absence of such an opportunity, at least at different levels of the room. Dog bowls are placed on the floor, and cat bowls are placed on a countertop or window sill.


What to do with the fact that sometimes it just doesn’t work to make friends between an adult dog and a cat? Probably the reason for this lies in too strong, overwhelming fear. It is this feeling, and not at all love for a person, that largely determines the behavior of four-legged animals. They are afraid of losing the favor of the owner and being expelled. Pets that begin to feel a lack of affection and attention become depressed, and, accordingly, aggressive towards the opponent.

To avoid such a situation, you need to show a sufficient amount of attention in relation to both animals. However, it is worth remembering that the nature of interaction with them will be different. So, cats do not tolerate excessive obtrusiveness, while dogs are ready to wag their tails with happiness almost because of any word of the owner said to them.

In the family hierarchy, a cat is always higher than its neighbor because:

  1. She is allowed a lot of things that are strictly forbidden for a dog (climbing on window sills, walking on tables, defecate inside the apartment).
  2. She does not know what it means to obey, while the dog is a social creature who can easily yield to others thanks to his pack instinct.
  3. She will try to avoid negative interaction, because in the event of a quarrel, she will have only one way - to go to the end or retreat in disgrace.

Since it is still easier to work with a dog that easily accepts a subordinate role, it is she who should help the owner to approach the independent cat correctly. Touchy must be made clear that no one encroaches on her superiority and primacy.

game method

Active joint "fuss" will help the animals to get to know each other. The key condition for games is the presence of the owner. If at the time of the game one animal injured another, the culprit should be lightly clicked on the nose and the action should be accompanied by a jerky command: “No!”. Next, you need to stop the game. It is impossible to beat the animals or shout at them, because the lesson, accompanied by panic, will not be learned.

You also need to learn how to avoid taking one side. Often, the owners begin to sympathetically press the “victim” to their chest and show their disposition towards him in every possible way, while the instigator of an unpleasant event is condemned with anger and abuse. Such a demonstrative acceptance of one into the pack and the exclusion of the other from it can become a reason for a real war between animals.

Important! If one of the animals hits its partner with a “soft” paw, without releasing its claws, and also does not hiss and does not press its ears to its head, this is a form of play, not aggression.

After a few lessons, the animals will understand that entertainment stops when they go beyond the boundaries indicated by the owner with their actions.

In order to finally reconcile two creatures living in the same territory, remember the following recommendations:

  1. The owner should be as calm as possible in the presence of his wards. Pets not only react very sensitively to the mood of the owner, but also copy the behavior of their owner. Nervousness of a person can aggravate the situation, while his self-control, on the contrary, will help to calm down and get rid of feelings of fear.
  2. If the head of the house has to make friends with each other an adult dog and a kitten, close attention should be paid to the old-timer. A dog that feels sympathy will wag its tail, fall on its front paws and invite the baby to play. But if an adult cat lives in the apartment, it can be extremely risky to introduce a newcomer of her own age to her. The ideal age for a puppy to move in is between 3 and 12 weeks.
  3. When walking a dog, he should be praised every time he does not have time to react to stray cats or shows friendliness towards them. In case of aggression, the animal is given the command “No!”, after which it is led away in the opposite direction.

All the above methods and measures will help a person to bring together such different creatures of nature without conflict and, perhaps, even make them best friends. If the coexistence of pets proceeds without quarrels, they will even begin to sleep together, which will mark the establishment of a strong bond between them.

Animals are like children, the younger the cuter. A favorable time for dating both pets is considered to be the age of 2 to 4 months. A kitten and a puppy find common hobbies, get used to each other's smell, do not pose a threat. They begin to play together, since for the most part the owner cannot find time for round-the-clock supervision. In cases where one pet is an adult, a lot depends on his upbringing and ability to obey. The saying “They live like a cat and a dog” arose not by chance, for the most part it is inherent in nature.

Getting Started with Cats and Dogs

  1. First reaction. You should be careful during the first meeting of an adult dog (more precisely, a pet of large breeds) and a small kitten. If you do not hold one of them in your arms, stay alert throughout the contact. The dog will most likely want to make friends with a funny little lump, as a result of which he will start waving his huge tail and jumping with interest. The cat will not understand such a reaction, the instinct will push it to cling to the insolent dog face. It will be worse if the fluffy pet gives a fight, the dog will have a hunting reaction, and it will rush after it.
  2. Introduction to smell. As soon as you have brought a new family pet into the house, hold the animal in your arms and do not let it out. Go into the room and let the current household sniff your new friend. Stay on the alert throughout the acquaintance, keep in mind that the cat may rear up and release its claws, and the dog will begin to growl. Smell is fundamental to successful dating. You can not push a new family member to an experienced one without the support of the owner.
  3. Feeding. After mastering the smell of each other, it is worth thinking about feeding. Many advise to temporarily place pets in different rooms, and to some extent they are right. If a pet already living in the house has a wayward character, this is exactly what you should do. In cases where the animals are calm, feed them in the same room, but in different corners. Food is associated with pleasant moments, a cat and a dog should understand this. After the time has passed, you can move the bowls closer to each other, and soon set them close.
  4. Tray space. The cat litter box should be located in a dark, secluded place where the dog does not have access. Otherwise, the animals will constantly mark the territory, which will start a war. You can place the toilet in the bathroom under the sink, on the balcony, or anywhere your dog rarely goes.
  5. Joint pastime. After the arrival of a new pet in the house, look for ways to bond. Perhaps you will come up with interesting games or teach them to eat together. Also a good option would be to spend time on the same sofa on both sides of the owner. The next time you walk your dog, take your cat with you, let her stay in your arms if there is no harness.

No need to be upset if at first the dog and the cat cannot get along. Like any other creatures, they have established habits and wayward character. Do not get angry in the presence of pets, so as not to escalate the situation. Do not stick them under each other's noses if the animals prefer to keep their distance. Let them adjust as quickly as their instincts allow.

Location signs

  1. Dog. Very often, young dogs wag their tail in the hope of drawing the cat into the game. It is at this point that you can be sure that the odds have skyrocketed. The cat, in turn, will be confused for a long time. Stroke her, saying affectionate words. Over time, the animal will learn to understand the body language of the dog and will gladly accept the invitation to frolic.
  2. Cat. To understand that the cat is favorable to the dog, her behavior will help you. In most cases, the animal uses the dog's tail as a sharpener for claws or teeth, plays with tassels of wool, or pulls its paws. Also, cats love warmth, they realize that a dog can give it to them. For this reason, they lie on top or "under the side" to a new friend. After a week after the manifestation of such signs, pets begin to lick each other's fur, frolic together and clean their ears as a sign of fidelity.

Should I get a second pet?

  1. If your current pet has a complex and aggressive nature, do not rush to get a second animal. Your actions may provoke jealousy in a cat or dog in relation to a new tenant. This cannot be fixed in 1 or even 2 months.
  2. Review your daily routine. If you come home from work and immediately fall asleep, you should not get a second pet. Both animals need your participation, kindness, affection and games. In cases where the owner cannot give all this to the household equally, the pets will suffer and be at enmity. In a word, your attention should be enough for both the cat and the dog so that they do not hate each other because of jealousy.
  3. Keep in mind that after you get a second pet, there will be no going back. The animal may not immediately get used to his four-legged friend, but he will be drawn to you. This is especially true for boys, they quickly find contact with people.
  4. Take a good look at your life over the past year. How often have you not been able to get home in time to prepare meals? How many times a year do you go on vacation, and to whom will you leave the animals now? If it is enough for a cat to pour food into a bowl and clean the tray, then things are much more serious with a dog.

  1. You have made a decision, weighed all the pros and cons, and now the newly-made friends live side by side with each other. Watch the reaction of the cat to the dog and vice versa. Study the psychology of animals, pay attention to what they like or dislike. Subsequently, you must find a way out of this situation. You can't escalate hostility.
  2. The dog that was bailed first may be jealous of your cat. The discontent of the dog will consist in constant growling, whining, barking. In such cases, it is recommended not to show excessive love for the new inhabitant in the presence of a dog.
  3. Cats are not as social as dogs, which is why they love being alone. Create a cozy nest for your pet in which she can hide from an annoying dog. You can place the house on the top shelf of the closet or purchase a special scratching post with stands at the top. If your dog keeps pestering, try luring him in with a new rubber toy or treat.
  4. Animals must understand that you are the authority in the house. Does not allow them to establish orders, let them learn to obey. It is necessary to nip in the bud any manifestation of aggression, greed and self-indulgence (intentional). This does not mean that animals need to be beaten, learn to speak in such a tone that they understand everything.
  5. If you see that a cat and a dog have been favorably disposed for a day, two or three, do not flatter yourself. They still rub against each other, so the fear should remain. Don't leave them alone in a room. Keep your pets in different rooms when you go out to the store or to work. Do not be careless, you are responsible for the health of your pets.
  6. In cases where you already own an adult cat (a year or more), but decide to get a dog, choose the appropriate age. The best option would be a two-three-month-old puppy who does not have thoughts of occupying the territory. As a rule, cats are incomprehensible to small running lumps sticking their nose everywhere. However, they do not extend their claws and do not hiss, allowing a new friend to sniff them. In rare cases, a cat may run away because it gets tired of an annoying puppy.

Think twice before getting a second pet. You should have enough time for them to feed, walk, bathe and socialize. At the same time, an important criterion is the presence of a person who can be trusted with animals in case of departure. When a cat or dog arrives in a new home, start introducing them from afar. Do not put bowls too close, give each pet its own place so that they do not violate the boundaries.

Video: how to make friends a dog with a cat

There are people who are incorrigible cat people, and there are equally incorrigible dog people. And between these two groups of animal lovers, disputes often arise about which of the pets is better to have, which of the two pets is kinder, smarter, more affectionate, etc. Such disputes can already be classified as eternal.

And there are people who do not participate in such discussions for the simple reason that they cannot classify themselves as either dog people or cat people: they belong to both.

It is about the third type of people, or rather about their pets, that we will talk about today.

Main stumbling blocks

Fight for the owner's attention

Many have heard the phrase "A cat walks by itself." I also diligently believed in this truth: my domestic cat is very affectionate, never rebels when you try to pet or pamper her, but she herself very rarely seeks human attention, preferring to do some of her own business. More precisely, she had such a demeanor exactly until the moment when the second four-legged pet, the Pekingese, appeared in our house.

This is where the fierce struggle for the attention of all family members began: competitions called “Who will quickly run to the door and meet the owners”; if they stroked or took on the hands of one of them, aggression from the other immediately began.

Sometimes the situation can take even sharper turns: the cat, seeing that the dog is being taken for a walk, with its desperate meowing, will urgently demand that they take it with them too.

Those who are going to have a cat and a dog in the same house should be aware of how jealous the animals are - almost like little children of the weather. Promise yourself to try to give the same amount of attention to both pets - this way you will prevent hostility between them.

If you have a cat at home, then you know how they eat: even if they have a full bowl of food, but no appetite, they will not eat against their will, but leave it for later and return to it during the day. Dogs have the opposite attitude towards food: they will eat everything in the bowl and ask for more.

Milles Away/

Coexisting in the same space with the dog, the cat will have to rebuild its gourmet habits: returning to the bowl during the day will not have the desired result, since the dog, having eaten his food, will also take the cat's portion.

Remember that it is bad for dogs to overeat. Keeping in mind that a certain percentage of cat food will be eaten by the watchdog, try to ensure that both of your pets are full, but do not overeat.

It is also worth remembering what kind of dogs are beggars and how often it is difficult for us to refuse them a tidbit. Do not forget that there are certain breeds of dogs (for example, pugs and Pekingese) that cannot have sweets - only special dog treats.

Fight for a place

It is unlikely that you will be able to avoid the action between pets under the general name "Who is the boss in the house." The fight will be for any place in the house. Even for a place on your lap. Therefore, prepare in advance for the fact that while your pets get along together, there will be no peace in your house.

Things to keep in mind if you are going to have a dog and a cat in the same house

If you don't have a single animal yet, but you want to have both, then you should take a kitten and a puppy, not adult pets.

So it will be easier for them to get used to each other, and not one of them will feel that someone else has taken his place in the house.

And if you already have an adult cat or dog, then you should not immediately tune in to the fact that he will dislike the new one. It is quite possible that your pet will treat the new pet as if it were his kitten or puppy: he will take care of him in every possible way and play with him.

If you have noticed increased aggressiveness in your dog/cat, think twice before getting a new pet.

If animals to some extent show aggression, jealousy towards their owners, hostility towards other animals, then you should think carefully before getting a second pet, because you can endanger the health and life of a new pet.

If you are not sure that you can surround both pets with the same attention and love, then you should wait a little in order to get a second animal.

Remember that dogs and cats are very sensitive animals that will immediately notice the lack of attention from the owner. They need care, love and affection, and if one of the two feels that the other is being given more attention, this can provoke hatred and aggression towards the second animal.

Think about whether you can handle the responsibility of two lives.

Think very well. If you are going on vacation, will there be such a person among your loved ones who will agree to look after your mini menagerie? Cats tend to require less grooming - they don't need to be walked three or four times a day - but things are more serious with a dog.

Think about your daily routine: if you are at work all day, will other members of your family be able to go out for an afternoon walk with the dog? Are you ready to wake up at 6 a.m. sometimes if your dog needs to go to the toilet? Can you accept the fact that you will have to walk with a dog in any weather - and in 40-degree frost, and in 40-degree heat, and in a snowstorm, and in rain, and in slush - and after a walk to bathe your pet?

Answer these and other questions for yourself BEFORE you get a pet. After all, it is only because of our human irresponsibility and cruelty that there are so many homeless animals on the streets now.

Watch the reaction of both pets.

Study a couple of books about dogs and cats, study their reactions. Reactions can be completely different, for example, a dog wags its tail when it likes something, and a cat waves its tail when, on the contrary, something does not like it. If you gather information about such reactions in advance, this will help you recognize the emotions that your pets experience, and most importantly, how they are configured at a certain moment in relation to each other.

Don't stay away.

Especially at the very beginning, when your pets are just starting to get to know each other, do not let everything take its course. Try to bring them closer: come up with games that both pets can participate in at the same time, take your cat for a walk the next time you go for a dog walk, or just collapse with your pets on the couch and watch a movie.

Whether two different pets can get along in the same house depends not only on themselves, on their characters and habits, but also on their owners - you should never forget this.

And for all those who still doubt that a cat and a dog can become friends while living in the same house, I suggest watching this short video.

Do you have an adult dog living in your house and are you thinking about getting a kitten? Or do you want to have a puppy and a kitten at the same time? Then you are probably worried about doubts: is it dangerous? In this article, we will look at how to make friends a dog with a kitten. However, be prepared for the fact that this will not happen on its own, you will have to try to make animals friends with each other. Otherwise, the result can be sad.

Preparing to meet

To make everything go smoothly, you need to prepare in advance:

  • First, make sure your dog is ready for the next phase of his life: at the very least, he needs to know the basic commands and be muzzle trained.
  • In advance, the territory should be divided into “cat” and “dog”: animals should have their own place for sleeping, feeding and tray. If possible, place them as far apart as possible.
  • Trim the kitten's nails and file them with a nail file - this seems like an exaggeration, but in fact, a frightened kitten can cause serious damage to a walrus dog.

Where to begin?

The first days the kitten and the dog are best kept in different rooms, they should not meet. It is necessary to periodically change their places and let them sniff the room with an unfamiliar smell. So the dog can get used to the smell a little and will accept the kitten more easily, and the kitten will not be so scared. The larger and more aggressive the dog, the longer this period should last - until it begins to calmly react to the smell of a kitten.


The first meeting should take place very carefully. A strict collar and muzzle are put on the dog, and the animals are allowed to see each other through a gap in the door. Be careful: a kitten can scratch a dog even through a very narrow gap, measures must be taken to prevent this.

This stage of dating can drag on for a long time. It will end when the animals calmly sniff each other "nose to nose". This reaction means that the friendship between the dog and the kitten has already begun.

And only after that, animals, under the careful attention of the owner, can be freely introduced to each other.

Before the last step, it is advisable to study the literature on the body language of cats and dogs. This way you will know how they feel and what to expect from them in the next moment.

Friendship from a young age

If you decide to have a puppy and a kitten at the same time, it will be much easier and safer to make friends with each other. After all, while the puppy and kitten are small, they treat each other quite peacefully, and even during quarrels they do not try to cause serious damage.

For comfortable coexistence of small pets, arrange places for their rest, feeding and toilet as far from each other as possible.

Play with the puppy more and walk longer, so that he gets tired and does not try to play with the kitten. For the kitten, be sure to arrange a comfortable, inaccessible place for the puppy. Ideally, if it is on a hill, and the kitten can always hide there from his overly assertive friend.

How to deal with aggression?

If a dog shows aggression towards a kitten, he should be punished by you. Intervene in the conflict: command "fu" or slap him with a rolled-up newspaper. Do not allow the kitten to scratch the dog in defense of itself - this way the animals will not get along.

If aggression comes from a cat, it is much more difficult to deal with it.. After all, a cat, unlike a dog, cannot be trained. The only solution to this problem is patience and attention. Stroke the cat more often, equip it with several beds on a dais. She will feel calmer there and will ignore the dog.

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