How to soften the stool in a child. Careful fecal plug. Ways to normalize the consistency of feces

People who are constipated suffer from a feeling of heaviness and discomfort inside the abdomen. A hard stool can deliver a lot of unpleasant and painful experiences to the patient. This problem can be solved, first of all, by changing your diet and eating habits. And also, after reading this article, you can learn how to soften feces at home on your own and without the help of doctors.

Drinking regime

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out whether it is possible to soften the stool with constipation and how it is better to do it. First of all, you need to increase the amount of water consumed. Once in the intestines, it will soften the feces and thereby contribute to their removal to the outside.

If there is not enough water in the body for any reason, fluid is absorbed from the internal environment of the intestine, as a result of which the process of hardening of feces and their accumulation begins. All this leads to an increase in the reactions of fermentation and putrefaction, due to which numerous poisons begin to accumulate in the body.

Therefore, if treatment is carried out at home, it is very important to observe an increased drinking regimen. Water is drunk, as a rule, on an empty stomach, or not earlier than two hours after filling the stomach with food. To get the result, you should drink a glass of water every 20-30 minutes. The first dose is preferably carried out early in the morning immediately after sleep. Drink a glass of chilled water in small, leisurely sips.

The required amount of fluid directly depends on the body weight of the patient, as well as on the condition of his intestines. To liquefy hard stools in an adult patient, more water will be required than in a child. Starting to drink more water, you need to carefully monitor what effect it caused. If the feces are still in a neglected state, the amount of fluid you drink should be increased further, and do so until the expected result manifests itself.

As a liquid, it is better to use whey, low-fat kefir or, of course, water. Tea, milk, coffee should be abandoned for a while, as they can only aggravate the situation. However, sometimes one liquid is not enough to save the patient from constipation, since it is caused by an improperly composed diet. Therefore, it is necessary to move on to the next stage of the fight against constipation.


Our most favorite dishes are often flour and meat products, in which there is very little or no fiber. We eat them in excess, forgetting to eat enough fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals and other products that are useful for the body and the digestive tract.

Foods that soften feces are primarily those that are rich in fiber.

They have some laxative effect. These include, first of all, prunes, fresh plums or plum juice, as well as many other products. Basically, these are fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits, legumes and grains, including germinated wheat, as well as some dried fruits, such as figs, dried apricots, dates.

Boiled vegetable roots are useful in this case: carrots, beets, turnips. For example, prunes contain a large amount of sorbitol, which tends to attract liquid to itself, thus softening the fecal lump.

Fiber is a coarse dietary fiber that is not digested and absorbed by our body. They contribute to the formation of soft bulky feces, and therefore their presence in food plays an important role. Without fiber, normal bowel function is impossible. If the amount of fiber in the patient's diet increases, at the same time it is necessary to increase water intake.


Boiled beets are considered a very good remedy for the treatment and prevention of constipation. It can be added to salads or cooked on its own. The advantage of this remedy is that, unlike pharmacy laxatives, it does not adversely affect the kidneys and liver. In addition, the healing effect of beets extends not only to one intestine, but to the entire body. The list of its useful properties is very extensive and covers most of the organs and systems of the human body.

During normal cooking, beets leave a lot of useful substances, therefore, in order to get the desired therapeutic effect, it is better to cook it in an electric double boiler.

Then grate and season with any vegetable oil. To give a piquant taste, you can add walnuts, prunes. Best consumed shortly before dinner. During the night, the beets will perform their cleansing function, and the morning stool will pass without delay.

When defecation is delayed, it is necessary to increase physical activity, for example, walk more, be in the fresh air, and also perform a set of simple exercises every morning to tone the abdominal muscles and thereby stimulate intestinal motility.

Auxiliary drugs

Getting used to laxatives in the case of their regular use occurs quite quickly. In addition, there are often side effects from such drug therapy. Diarrhea may develop, and as a result, the patient will face dehydration. Or, even worse, it causes drug-induced inflammation of the intestines, and then its atony.

Given all the possible consequences of the frequent use of medications, it is better to use folk remedies at the beginning of the disease that are not addictive and the appearance of side effects. And only after that, if the expected results are not achieved, you need to find out from a specialist what to do with the fecal plug.

When using pharmacy laxatives, one should not forget that their long-term use leads to the loss of calcium, potassium, magnesium and other ions by the body. This can subsequently cause problems in the work of the heart and digestive tract, including a violation of the defecation mechanism.

All laxatives are classified as follows:

Forming the volume of the fecal lump. These are preparations, as a rule, containing fiber - wheat bran, flaxseed, polysaccharides and others. Emollient. It's vaseline oil, docusate sodium. Osmotic and saline. Magnesium or sodium sulfate, Karlovy Vary salt. They are not absorbed by the intestines and do not penetrate beyond it. They change the osmotic pressure in the intestine, which causes the flow of fluid into it. Fecal masses increase in volume, this causes an increase in peristalsis. A softened lump passes through the intestine more easily without injuring its mucosa. Lubricants. This is mineral oil, aloe juice. They create a layer of lubrication on the inner walls of the intestine. They envelop and penetrate into the fecal mass, soften it. As a result, the fecal lump simply slides through the intestines. Stimulants. For example, Bisacodyl, castor oil, aloe extract, buckthorn and rhubarb preparations. They irritate the intestinal mucosa, and thereby activate its peristalsis. There is also an accumulation of water and an increase in the volume of feces.

Laxatives, softening feces in the rectum, where they mainly accumulate, as we see, are very different. At first, weaker drugs should be used, since sooner or later addiction is formed to any kind of laxatives. Therefore, you have to increase the amount of the drug or switch to another remedy, stronger.

It is advisable to start with preparations made on the basis of rhubarb, buckthorn or hay. These are the most gentle means. Then come Guttalax, Bisacodyl. And the strongest are Dufalac, Normaze. They relieve constipation very quickly.

When choosing a drug that has a laxative effect, it is necessary to take into account the state of intestinal motility. With its increased tone, it is better to use preparations of bismuth, belladonna, platifillin, as well as medicinal plants that have anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic orientation, such as calendula, chamomile, mint. With low intestinal tone, lactulose preparations are indicated - Dufalac, Normaze.

After taking laxatives, it is advisable to take a course of probiotics and prebiotics, which will enrich the intestinal microflora with beneficial bacteria and healthy food that contributes to their active life.

For effective treatment of hemorrhoids, our readers advise


This natural remedy, which quickly eliminates pain and itching, promotes the healing of anal fissures and hemorrhoids. The composition of the drug includes only natural ingredients with maximum efficiency. The tool has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Proctology.

To learn more… "

How to soften the stool with hemorrhoids or anal fissures, when the delay in defecation is caused by pain? To do this, it is necessary to carry out, first of all, the treatment of the underlying disease. It also shows the intake of enemas in small portions, laxatives.

Sometimes constipation can be caused by spasms in the intestines. This interferes with the normal movement of fecal matter. Therefore, you should stop taking strong tea and coffee, especially in the evening. The caffeine contained in them provokes spasms of smooth intestinal muscles. It is necessary to take two tablets of No-shpa before going to bed, and all night the feces will safely move through the intestines and come out the next morning without difficulty.

Help a child

Stool retention in young children is a common occurrence. Their body is still adjusting to the environment and the new way of eating. Newborn babies are usually given small enemas that effectively solve the problem with emptying. In addition, foods that promote bowel movement, such as vegetable and fruit purees, as well as mixtures with prebiotics, are introduced into the diet.

In older children, constipation is also not uncommon and their parents are very worried. The most used drugs for softening stools in a child include glycerin suppositories, which are so safe and effective that they can even be given to newborns.

You can make an enema by adding one or two tablespoons of glycerin to a glass of water at a temperature not higher than room temperature. The water should not be too warm, as in this case it will be absorbed very quickly into the intestines and with it the toxic substances formed during the stagnation of feces.

If this was not enough, and constipation became frequent, it is imperative to consult a pediatrician.

Folk remedies

In home treatment, enemas are very often used to relieve constipation. They can have a different composition and be:

saline solution; decoction of medicinal herbs; oil or water-oil solution, you can take all vegetable base oils, but not essential; water with the addition of any components, for example, glycerin, soda and others.

The disadvantage of this method is that it causes a very rapid addiction, which threatens to develop into intestinal atony.

other methods

The pharmacy sells a lot of herbal laxatives, which in many cases help with constipation. If desired, you can collect and prepare medicinal herbs yourself.


Take two small handfuls of chopped herbs and pour half a liter of boiling water over them. Continue to simmer over low heat for another five to seven minutes. Do everything in the evening so that the solution can stand overnight and stretch well. The next day, drink before lunch and after it take as much as you want.

psyllium seeds

They are very rich in mucus and can help with constipation. Pour two tablespoons of seeds into a cup of water, boil and turn off immediately. Wrap well and give time to brew. Drink the resulting solution before each meal on a spoon.

black elderberry

It is necessary to pour two tablespoons of dry fruits with a glass of water at room temperature and, of course, boiled. It is very good to insist, preferably at least half a day. You need to drink a third of a glass at night.


Pick the berries and wash and dry them thoroughly. Lay in a jar in layers, alternating with granulated sugar. Tie the neck of the jar with a piece of gauze and expose it to the sun, let it infuse. As a result, the sugar should dissolve and form a syrup.

Then the jar needs to be rearranged in a dark room. Sugar should not ferment. After three weeks, filter the syrup, and squeeze out the liquid component from the berries. Add a little vodka (25 ml) to half a liter of the resulting syrup.

Drink in the morning on an empty stomach until the stool returns to normal. Then take a break, and to consolidate the effect, conduct another course of treatment.

wheat bran

Pour the bran so that the water covers them by about a centimeter. And in the morning, eat everything instead of breakfast and always on an empty stomach. The chair will improve after several such procedures.

A spoonful of bran can be added to a glass filled with biokefir and drunk every day. They are also added to oatmeal for breakfast. Bran can be purchased on the market and they are inexpensive.


In the treatment of constipation, taking various oils inside helps a lot. As a rule, this should be done in the morning and evening on an empty stomach. Almost any vegetable oil will do. But first of all, flaxseed, pumpkin, castor and many others.

Expert comment:

Nutrition for constipation in adults and children must necessarily include natural laxative foods. Since both irregular bowel movements and the constant use of drugs to cleanse the intestines cause great harm to health.

How do laxatives work?

There are several ways in which natural or chemically synthesized compounds can produce a laxative effect.

the formation of voluminous soft feces; liquefaction of the stool; moisturizing the lower intestines, facilitating defecation; increased peristalsis.

Usually, laxatives, whether natural or synthetic, have multiple effects and work very effectively. Their single use does not bring harm. But if you use such drugs often, they can have an extremely negative impact on your health and lead to the development of a huge number of side effects.

Foods that weaken the intestines do not work so quickly and brightly, but they do not have a negative effect.

List of proven natural remedies

One of the most effective food remedies for relaxing the intestines are chia seeds.

The fact is that they are unusually rich in soluble fiber. 20 grams contains almost 8 grams of plant fibers. This is a lot.

Soluble fiber is a powerful laxative, as it helps form bulky, soft stools. Chia seeds are so high in fiber that loosening the gut is a common side effect of eating chia seeds.

Flax seeds. This product also has a lot of vegetable fiber. But unlike chia, flax seeds contain not only soluble fibers, but also insoluble ones. One tablespoon contains 1 gram of soluble and 2 grams of insoluble fiber.

If soluble vegetable fiber is responsible for the formation of voluminous soft feces, then its insoluble form ensures their rapid passage through the intestines.

They belong to products that weaken, for two reasons at once.

First, they have a lot of fiber. For example, in one glass of ready-made lentils, there are 15.6 grams of fiber.

Secondly, legumes enhance the production of butyric acid, which has many beneficial properties. Among other advantages of butyric acid is its ability to enhance intestinal motility, and, therefore, “weaken” it.

Sauerkraut. Works both quickly and in the long run. Refers to laxative products due to the presence of a significant amount of fiber.

At the same time, sauerkraut not only promotes bowel movements during one particular day, but also, thanks to the presence of probiotics, treats chronic constipation.

Probiotics normalize the functioning of the intestinal microflora, and this is extremely important for eliminating problems with bowel movements.

Only naturally fermented cabbage has a laxative effect. The product that you can find in supermarkets in plastic containers is often devoid of probiotics. For the cabbage in it was fermented not by the traditional method, but with the help of vinegar.

Kefir. It also contains probiotics, and therefore, with regular consumption, it helps to eliminate chronic constipation.

It can also help with fast relief. True, it is not very effective and you need to drink a lot - at least half a liter.

But if you pour chia or flax seeds with kefir, the laxative effect will not take long.

Lubricates the lower intestines. This makes it easier to defecate in cases where the stool is too hard. In addition, olive oil enhances the contraction of the small intestine.

This product is recommended for use even when it is impossible to do without the use of medicines. Medical laxatives have been found to work more effectively when combined with olive oil.

Obviously, all vegetables include a significant amount of fiber. Therefore, they help to loosen the intestines. However, there are vegetable products that have additional properties that are useful for cleansing. Here we will highlight them.

All green vegetables(spinach, kale, lettuce, all types of cabbage, etc.). Rich in magnesium. A lack of this trace element often leads to constipation. Not without reason, medicinal laxatives often include magnesium, which dilutes feces by attracting additional water into them.

Tomatoes. They include a lot of fiber. To combat constipation, they are useful in that they are usually included in the menu in raw form. And this sets them apart from many other vegetables that we eat mostly cooked. And for the treatment of constipation should be eaten raw.

Such is, for example, beet. In its raw form, it is an extremely powerful natural remedy for inducing the urge to defecate. Since it not only fills the intestines with fiber, but also actively stimulates peristalsis.

However, not all people can eat raw beets. Moreover, not everyone is healthy enough to do this. Since both raw beets and its juice have contraindications for use.

Pumpkin. Works very effectively. And not only in raw, but also in finished form. In addition to the abundance of fiber, it contains a lot of potassium, which maintains the correct electrolyte balance in the intestines. What is extremely important with loose stools, which can be caused by this vegetable.

The situation with fruits is exactly the same as with vegetables. All of them in one way or another contribute to relaxation. But some are more efficient.

Apples. Amazing fruit. Since it is also indicated for nutrition in diarrhea, and at the same time it is a laxative product, useful for constipation in adults and children.

Apple pectin is not only an excellent prebiotic that nourishes beneficial intestinal microflora. It also enhances the contraction of the colon, thereby helping the stool to move to the exit as quickly as possible.

Similar in chemical composition to apples pears, kiwi, many berries(strawberry, blueberry), as well as a vegetable carrot.

Pectin is also present in citrus fruits. But in much smaller quantities. Sometimes they are also advised to eat for relaxation. However, their healing effect in this case is mainly due to the presence of a large amount of moisture, which is not enough for many people suffering from chronic constipation.

Peaches, apricots. Fiber with lots of moisture is just what you need to form soft stools quickly.

plums. In addition to the fact that plums contain fiber, including its variety - pectin, they have another compound that is necessary to eliminate constipation. It is the sugar alcohol sorbitol. This substance attracts additional moisture to the feces. Due to this, they become more liquid and rush to leave the body.

Avocado. Great for emptying the bowels. Despite its delicate creamy texture, the fruit is rich in plant fiber. In addition, it contains healthy oils, the effect of which on the intestines is similar to the effect of olive oil.

Prunes. One of the most popular products that loosen stools in adults and children. Its effect is similar to that of fresh plums, but is often even stronger due to the higher concentration of sorbitol.

Prunes work even more effectively than some medicinal plants used for colon cleansing.

Dried apricots, raisin, figs and others. They do not work as efficiently, because they cannot boast of a high concentration of sorbitol. But they contain more potassium, which helps maintain electrolyte balance in the intestines. And, besides, to a lesser extent than prunes, they cause bloating and gas formation.

1 cup contains 14 grams of fiber (both soluble and insoluble).

Efficiency has been proven even for elderly hospital patients.

It was also found that regular inclusion in the diet allows 59% of older people who constantly use medication laxatives to stop using these harmful pills.

For some people, this drink affects extremely strongly. They drink a cup and immediately go to the restroom.

He has such an impact on everyone. It's just that it's not always expressed so clearly. Coffee enhances the release of the hormone gastrin, which, among other things, is responsible for the contraction of the intestinal muscles.

To enhance the laxative effect of coffee, it should be drunk rarely and always after meals, since it is at this time that gastrin synthesis reaches its maximum.

Some sweeteners

Sugar substitutes such as erythritol or xylitol (sorbitol) contain sugar alcohols. Therefore, they work similarly to prunes. They attract additional water to the intestines. And it helps to soften the stool.

Not all people are strongly affected by sugar substitutes. But for some, chewing gum without sugar is enough, and they go to the toilet.

Because of all the sugar substitutes, sorbitol (xylitol) and erythritol are by no means the most harmful and even have some health benefits, their inclusion in the diet may be justified to combat constipation. But only in small quantities. And only when there is intestinal sensitivity to them.

Let's not forget the water!

The inclusion in the diet of foods that have a laxative effect is necessary to combat chronic constipation. But we must not forget about the correct water regime.

Very often, problems with bowel movements are associated with insufficient hydration of the body. So little ordinary drinking water enters him that he is forced to save it like the apple of his eye and there is no more moisture left to liquefy the fecal masses.

Therefore, the first thing to do if you encounter problems with daily bowel cleansing is to drink more ordinary pure water.

And in addition to water, it will not be superfluous to include drinks in your diet that help normalize the work of microflora. And this is not only kefir and other natural lactic acid products, but also kombucha, which is a natural fermentation drink. And that means it contains an abundance of probiotics.

And, of course, remember watermelon. Berries are seasonal. But when it is possible to include it in your diet, people suffering from chronic constipation should definitely do this. Watermelon remarkably moisturizes the body, while introducing a noticeable amount of fiber into it. This is just what you need to immediately go on important matters.


Consequences of hard feces with constipation

Normally, feces should consist of 30% food debris, microbes and desquamated epithelium and 70% water. It is water that makes the feces soft, such bowel movements are excreted without difficulty, and the process of defecation itself does not lead to discomfort.

With constipation, the processed food bolus contains little of the liquid part and therefore becomes dense, almost solid. Emptying with such feces leads to quite negative changes.

Firstly, the mucous membrane of the rectum is injured, it not only stretches, but also diverges in the most vulnerable places, that is, cracks form.

Secondly, it takes a lot of effort to evacuate dense feces and sometimes attempts do not lead to a positive result.

Fissures formed during constipation become a source of pain and bleeding along with feces. If the injury to the organ continues further, then this can cause a strong inflammatory reaction that occurs with discomfort and temperature.

Hard stools, due to the fact that more effort is required to push them, often become provoking causes of diseases such as:

Haemorrhoids. Hernias. Prolapse of the rectum.

In old age, constant strong attempts during bowel movements lead to circulatory disorders, which can be the direct cause of a stroke or heart attack. You can not strain and with aortic aneurysm, after abdominal operations, during pregnancy.

Hard stools are highly undesirable in children. Even a single excretion of dense feces can lead to such painful sensations that the baby will remember for a long time and will completely restrain the urge to defecate. Solid stools will cause constipation.

Considering all the negative consequences of the impact on the body of solid feces, there is no doubt that they need to be softened. And this can be done both with the help of medications and by changing the usual diet.

Ways to normalize the consistency of feces

Hard, hard-to-pass stools are often the only but recurring symptom of constipation. With chronic constipation, soft stools can be achieved, naturally, if there are no concomitant diseases, with the help of a properly selected diet.

In acute constipation, diet is of secondary importance. First of all, it is necessary to soften the already accumulated feces, which will lead to bowel movements. This is achieved in several ways - by setting an enema, rectal suppositories, or by using systemic drugs.


Enemas are divided into several types. A cleansing or oil enema can be used to soften the stool.

A cleansing enema is the introduction into the rectum using Esmarch's mug from one and a half to two liters of water or a special solution. You can use just boiled water, or:

Decoction of chamomile or mint. These herbs have a calming effect and are therefore useful when there are symptoms of rectal and anus irritation. acidified solution. For a liter of water, you can take 20 ml of lemon juice or 1 ml of vinegar. Acidified solutions accelerate the softening of feces and increase intestinal motility. Water with the addition of two to three tablespoons of pharmacy glycerin or petroleum jelly. Hypertonic saline - 10 grams of salt or 25 grams of magnesium sulfate per liter of water. Such a solution attracts fluid into the rectum, but it strongly irritates the mucous membranes. Therefore, it is possible to do an enema with a hypertonic solution only if other methods are ineffective, do not prescribe it to children.

At home, the water temperature for setting a cleansing enema should be between 20 and 25 degrees. Hypertonic solution works better if its temperature is 35-37 degrees.

A cleansing enema for a child in the first years of life is carried out using a soft syringe, and the amount of solution varies from 50 to 250 ml.

Oil enemas are carried out using olive, castor, linseed, vaseline oils. One procedure requires from 50 to 100 ml of oil heated to 35-40 degrees, it is enough for small children to inject 30 ml. The oil must be warmed up, since it is the heat that helps to relax the walls of the intestines. The action of the enema begins after about 8 hours, so it is recommended to put it in the evening before going to bed.

Before the procedure, you need to prepare everything you need in advance - a syringe or an Esmarch mug, petroleum jelly for lubricating the tip, a heated solution, an oilcloth. A person in need of help is laid on his left side on an oilcloth (a diaper can be placed on top to reduce discomfort), the bent lower limbs are brought to the stomach. This posture makes the procedure easier. The buttocks are bred with one hand, and a vaseline-lubricated tip is inserted into the rectum with the other hand. The movements should be rotational, strong efforts during the introduction are not allowed, the tip must be advanced towards the navel. After the introduction, the solution is injected. When conducting a cleansing enema, it is enough to open the clamp. After the end of the procedure, you must lie down for at least 15 minutes and only then go to the toilet.

It is better to enema a child with the help of relatives, as babies often resist, and therefore the procedure may be unsuccessful.

Enemas for constipation are an emergency measure that proctologists advise resorting to in situations where other measures to relax the intestines do not help. If you do enemas too often, this will further worsen the duration and course of constipation.

It is forbidden to do an enema with acute pain in the abdomen, bleeding from the intestine, tumors of the rectum, severe inflammation.

Setting suppositories

How to soften feces with constipation in a child and without negative consequences? It is sometimes impossible to give an enema alone, so you can replace it if you need an urgent bowel movement using rectal suppositories. Glycerin suppositories have a softening effect, after their introduction, the feces become softer and peristalsis increases, which leads to defecation.

Candles with glycerin are suitable for facilitating bowel movements at any age, starting from the neonatal period. Children up to a year put from ¼ to ½ of the candle, defecation occurs literally within 30 minutes.

Laxatives for internal use

Doctors do not advise resorting to general laxatives as soon as the problem of constipation appears. It is better to start using them if other intestinal stimulation measures do not help to achieve the desired result.

Drug treatment should be prescribed after the examination, quite often the problem of constipation lies not only in the malfunction of the intestines.

Pancreatitis, inflammation or inflection of the gallbladder, gastritis and a number of other diseases are accompanied by constipation. To improve the functioning of the lower gastrointestinal tract in such cases, it is necessary first of all to treat the underlying disease, and this may require the course use of enzymes, probiotics, antispasmodics, antibacterial agents.

Laxatives are selected so that they:

Differed in safety. Fecal softening drugs should not irritate the walls of the digestive organs throughout their entire length and should not be toxic to the body. They did not cause pronounced discomfort, possible from increased peristalsis. They were the most efficient. Medicines should begin to act no later than 12 hours from the moment of their use. Didn't cause diarrhea. Didn't get used to it. They were convenient to use. Some medications are endowed with an unpleasant odor or taste, which makes treatment difficult, especially children refuse to drink such drugs.

Not many laxative drugs meet all of the above conditions. Only a doctor can choose the right drug, its dosage and calculate the duration of the course of treatment based on the examination and examination of the patient.

There are several types of laxatives currently available. In those situations where difficult defecation is accompanied by the release of solid feces, preparations with emollient components and osmotic laxatives are usually used.

Medicines that reduce the hardness of feces contain mineral or vegetable oils. These oils soften dense feces and at the same time lubricate the intestinal walls, which contributes to the painless evacuation of accumulated contents. The most famous funds from this group:

Castor or castor oil. Available in both capsules and vials. The drug is used once a day for 15-30 grams, which is 15-30 capsules, they drink castor oil in the morning or before bedtime, relief comes after 2-8 hours. It is only necessary to remember about the categorical ban on the use of castor oil as a laxative for more than three days in a row. Vaseline oil. Liquid petroleum jelly is the best stool softener. Vaseline is not absorbed by the walls of the digestive organs, it is recommended to use it for chronic constipation no more than five days in a row. With prolonged use, the absorption of basic substances is disrupted and intestinal atony may develop. Vaseline is taken in 1-2 tablespoons, this should be done between meals, the daily amount of oil is 30 ml. Sunflower, almond, corn, linseed, olive oils. Each of these oils, taken orally, helps to soften the stool. You need to start drinking them with one tablespoon a day, the dose is increased gradually until defecation is normal. The maximum daily amount of oils is two tablespoons with a multiplicity of intake three times a day.

The use of oils may not be indicated for any internal diseases. Therefore, before you start using them, you need to carefully study the instructions for use.

Osmotic laxatives help to attract and accumulate water in the intestinal lumen, which ultimately leads to softening and thinning of the stool. This group of drugs includes:

Sodium sulfate or Glauber's salt. Currently, this tool is practically not on sale. Magnesium sulfate (bitter or Epsom salt). From 15 to 30 grams of salt should be diluted in half a glass of water and drunk on an empty stomach or at bedtime. Magnesium sulfate not only softens feces, but also relieves spasm and enhances bile secretion, which is also necessary for constipation. Laxomag. The drug has not only a laxative effect, but also an antacid property. Due to this, Laxomag is used both for ordinary constipation and for constipations, which are the result of gastritis, gastric ulcer. The drug well eliminates cramping pain in the stomach, heartburn. The laxative property begins to appear after 4-8 hours. Forlax is a combination drug that thins feces and increases intestinal motility. A single dose - one sachet of medicine per glass of water, usually begins to act in a day. Forlax can not be used for too long. Derivatives of lactulose. These are drugs such as Duphalac, Normaze, Portalac. A laxative effect is due to the normalization of microflora and due to the elimination of putrefactive processes in the digestive system. Fecal masses become soft only after a few days of taking drugs from this group.

All drugs with a laxative effect are selected based on the age of the patient, comorbidities. Many emollients for internal use are not indicated during pregnancy and children.

Softening stool with diet

Medicines prescribed to soften stools often only work for the time they are used. Therefore, the main role in the normalization of the consistency of feces and the frequency of bowel movements is assigned to the diet.

In order for soft stools to come out of the intestines with each bowel movement, it is necessary to completely reconsider your eating habits and diet. Nutritionists for constipation recommend:

Drink as much as possible. The day should start with a glass of water, and throughout the day you need to drink at least two liters of water. In water, especially in the morning, you can add lemon juice or honey. Unsweetened compotes, green tea, fruit drinks are useful for the intestines. Include fiber-rich foods in your diet. Stool softening is facilitated by the daily use of prunes or fresh plums, peaches, pears, apples, spinach, zucchini, pumpkin, apricot, grapes. For a day you need to eat at least 400 grams of fresh vegetable fruits, it is useful to prepare salads from vegetables with the addition of vegetable oil. There are cereal dishes. With constipation, rice and semolina bring little benefit, the rest of the cereals contribute to the formation of a soft food lump. Regularly eat vegetable soups in a weak broth. Drink dairy products. Fresh kefir, yogurt, acidophilus contribute to the normalization of microflora, which is necessary for the normal digestion of all incoming food. Eat fractionally, but not in large portions. Include supplements in the diet - bran, seaweed, flax seeds. These drugs are natural laxatives and therefore not only soften the stool, but also improve intestinal motility. Don't overeat.

When introducing new dishes and products into the diet, it is imperative to evaluate how the human body reacts to them. Some types of food in some people cause constipation, in others, on the contrary, they help facilitate bowel movements. Taking into account the individual reaction of the digestive system, your daily menu can be compiled in such a way that the dishes you eat will always contribute to the formation of soft feces.

With constipation, you can use alternative methods of treatment. It should be borne in mind that some herbal remedies for constipation lead to increased discomfort and therefore are contraindicated in children and debilitated patients.

In the fight against constipation, sufficient physical activity also helps. Naturally, sports or exercise cannot soften the feces, but they can improve intestinal motility and therefore the feces will not accumulate and thicken.

Softening feces with constipation prevents the occurrence of undesirable consequences that are possible when solid feces are released. It is best to choose the right approach to solving the problem of difficult defecation with your doctor, since a number of pathologies may require not only conservative, but also surgical treatment.

The softening of stool is mainly of concern to those who suffer from chronic constipation. The topic is very delicate, but important, since hardened feces can eventually develop into a fecal plug, which will entail a lot of consequences. In addition, the release of solid excrement causes a lot of discomfort and is one of the reasons for the development of hemorrhoids.

Causes of accumulation and hardening of feces

The main reason for the hardening of excrement is considered to be malnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. This is what most often causes a disruption in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and changes the structure of feces.

Too dense or dry stools are also observed when the body is dehydrated. If a person is used to eating snacks, washing down food not with water, but with tea or coffee, then problematic emptying often has a chronic course.

Hard stools are also observed for the following reasons:

  • binge eating;
  • lack of vegetable fiber in the diet;
  • decreased bowel activity;
  • taking certain medications;
  • abuse of laxatives;
  • diseases of the stomach and pancreas;
  • consumption of carbonated drinks;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Also, a change in the fecal structure can provoke a depressive state and psycho-emotional problems. Often, constipation with a dense stool is observed in the postoperative and postpartum period.

Hardening of feces is also diagnosed with prolonged ignoring of the urge to empty, for example, with hemorrhoids. In this case, minor constipation turns into a chronic ailment, the treatment of which is much more complicated. The longer a bowel movement does not occur, the harder and denser the feces become, which often ends in the formation of a fecal plug.

Symptoms of hard stool

Normal bowel function is characterized by regular emptying, which occurs easily and painlessly. If the act of defecation is difficult or the stool is observed less than once a day, then we can talk about the presence of constipation.

The structure of feces during intestinal stagnation can take several forms:

  • separately passing round feces (pea-shaped feces);
  • too dense sausages;
  • dense masses with a ribbed surface;
  • lumpy feces.

The acute form of constipation occurs when solid masses get stuck in the intestines, and their exit stops completely. The following symptoms are characteristic of this type of problematic stool:

  • discomfort in the rectal area;
  • feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen;
  • complete lack of emptying;
  • urge to empty, ending in nothing.

If constipation with hard feces is characterized by a partial release of masses accumulated in the intestines, then most often such a pathology is accompanied by loose stools. At the same time, the process is painful, since previously stuck feces pass heavily through the intestines, damaging its walls, and provoke a rupture of the anus.

If hardened excrement is not softened before emptying, then the consequences of such constipation may be hernias, the appearance of hemorrhoids and prolapse of the rectum.

How to soften feces at home

Normalization of the structure of feces first of all begins with the adjustment of the diet. If you suspect hardening of feces inside the intestines, you should refuse food that can aggravate the problem and include more plant fiber in your diet.

For constipation, accompanied by too dense feces, gastroenterologists recommend:

  • fill the diet with fresh vegetables;
  • give up rice and semolina;
  • cook soups in low-fat broth;
  • eat small meals, but not less than six times a day;
  • give up caffeine (tea, coffee, energy drinks, etc.);
  • drink fermented milk products (without flavorings and thickeners);
  • add 2-3 drops of vegetable oil to cooked food.

Dry and hard stools appear with dehydration, therefore, to moisten the feces, it is necessary to drink enough water per day (at least 1.25 ml). You should drink clean water. Common drinks such as coffee and tea are not considered because, on the contrary, they are the cause of dehydration.

If the therapeutic diet does not bring the expected results, then at home you can apply laxative to soften stools. But you should drink them with caution, as they have a number of contraindications. For example, with hard feces, you can not take a laxative, fast-acting. They do not soften the stool, so the exit of feces is accompanied by breaks and soreness.

What kind stool softener preparations with the best fit, depends on the neglect of the pathological condition. Also an important point in the choice is the age of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases.


Medications to soften stools there are several types. Some drugs are used rectally, others are for internal use. However, all of them are aimed at cleansing the intestines, by softening and removing accumulated feces.

If we talk about the tablet form of laxatives, then they are divided into:

  • drugs that irritate peristalsis and intestinal muscles (stimulating);
  • mild agents;
  • voluminous;
  • prebiotics.

They differ in the time of exposure and the effect on the fecal structure. It is best to use mild drugs and bulk laxatives for hardened masses. Emptying after taking them occurs no earlier than after 10-12 hours, but during this time the feces soften and its exit occurs painlessly and easily.

These laxatives are:

  1. Dulcolax.
  2. Guttalax.
  3. Lactitol.
  4. Mukofalk.
  5. Duphalac.

However, it is better not to get carried away with laxatives, as getting used to them comes pretty quickly. With the regular use of such drugs, the intestines stop working on their own, atony occurs. In addition, you can not drink more than one laxative tablet per day, otherwise constipation may be replaced by severe diarrhea, which will cause dehydration.

An excellent substitute for tablets from intestinal stagnation are suppositories for softening feces. They act directly in the rectum and are quite effective for functional constipation.

If the cause of a bad stool lies in the presence of a gastrointestinal disease, then suppositories will not bring the desired effect. With the accumulation of feces in the upper intestines, it is best to use tablet laxatives or enemas. Also, suppositories will not be of any use if there are mechanical obstacles in the intestines, for example, scars, neoplasms, etc.

Oils and enema

If medication stool softeners do not give the proper result, or there are contraindications regarding their use, then you can clean the intestines with an enema.

When constipation is not started, a hypertonic enema is used, aimed at washing out accumulated feces, by introducing a special solution into the intestine. Emptying after such a procedure occurs quite quickly. Salt water increases the osmotic pressure and softens the feces, so their exit is free and painless.

Softening of feces with constipation, neglected etiology, must be carried out with an oil enema. Its effect does not come so quickly, but it is necessary for the complete softening of hardened feces. It is only necessary to pour warm oil into the intestinal cavity - 37 degrees. This allows you to relax the muscles of the intestine and relieves spasms, which is important for proctogenic constipation. Enema should be done carefully, adhering to all recommendations.

How to prevent hardening of feces in the intestines

Hardening of fecal matter most often occurs due to bowel dysfunction. In order for the feces to come out regularly and not have time to accumulate, it is necessary to ensure daily emptying.

  • fill the diet with products that soften the feces;
  • reduce the use of flour products and eat only stale pastries;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water per day;
  • refuse fried, spicy and fatty foods;
  • eat more fresh vegetables and fruits (with the exception of legumes, pears, grapes and persimmons);
  • include dried fruits in the diet, especially prunes and dried apricots;
  • daily use a few tablespoons of boiled beets with vegetable oil;
  • start the day with a light charge.

If constipation with hard stools is due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then prevention should include not only proper nutrition, but also treatment of the underlying problem of bowel dysfunction. Such therapy is carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor with the use of medications.

Constipation(colonic coprostasis) - the so-called delay in stool for more than 2 days or regular poor emptying of the intestine. At the same time, both the act of defecation is difficult, and the qualitative and quantitative properties of feces are changed (feces less than 100 g per day, or its hardness is increased - like “sheep feces” in the form of separate balls, or there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the rectum). If the manifestations of coprostasis occur for more than 6 weeks, then they speak of chronic constipation. As a rule, the usual frequency of bowel movements of a person varies from 3 times a day to 3 times a week.

It has been established that about 2% of the population suffers from the problem and their frequency increases significantly after 65 years, reaching 10% or more of all people. Most often, constipation occurs in patients with low socioeconomic status. Studies conducted in the United States found that the population of this country annually spends about 350 million US dollars on the purchase of laxatives, and the cost of purchasing them has recently been increasing.

The causes of constipation can vary. Sometimes it can be caused by changes that have occurred in the intestines, such as: the appearance of tumors, hemorrhoids, scars, colitis. Very often, the violation is provoked by the poor quality of nutrition: irregular meals, insufficient amounts of plant products in the menu, overeating or malnutrition. Among other reasons, insufficient emptying of the intestines during previous acts of defecation is also possible.

The cause of stool retention is often certain functional disorders. In this case, as a rule, atonic constipation is noted (due to weakening of the muscles of the intestines), which are the result of a sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition, weakening of the general tone of the body, and frequent suppression of the urge to defecate. Naturally, atonic constipation is observed mainly in office workers.

Another example of a functional disorder is spastic constipation. Their occurrence is provoked by occupational poisoning, excessive smoking and prolonged spasm of the intestinal muscles due to an excited nervous state.

In the occurrence of constipation, an important role is played by a violation of the mechanisms of sequential emptying of the rectum (or defecation). So, normally, the act of defecation occurs due to irritation of the mechanoreceptors of the rectum, i.e. special sections of the intestine that respond to pressure with fecal masses from the overlying sections of the colon. In response to these irritations, a person takes a squatting or just sitting posture. Simultaneously with this action, the muscles of the anterior abdominal press contract, providing an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. At the same time, the muscles of the pelvic floor and the muscles that form the ring of the anus relax, which leads to the release of feces out. For various reasons, contraction of the muscles at the exit of the rectum can occur. In this case, there is an accumulation of feces in the rectum, which expands, and the receptors (in its wall) already cease to respond to wall tension, which leads to the fact that the reflex urge to defecate passes.

The main role in the development of this intestinal disorder is played by various diseases that interrupt the sequential mechanism of the physiological emptying of the rectum. These diseases can be conditionally divided into two large groups - extraintestinal and associated with the colon (intestinal).

Extraintestinal causes include, first of all, various diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system, endocrine diseases, drug and psychogenic factors.

Peripheral nervous system diseases leading to constipation include lesions of peripheral nerve trunks in diabetes mellitus; absence of nerve plexuses (agangliosis) in certain parts of the colon wall; acute expansion of the lumen of the colon of non-toxic origin.

Among the diseases of the central nervous system that cause chronic constipation, there are various tumors of the brain or spinal cord; Parkinson's disease (parkinsonism); Alzheimer's disease (acquired dementia); acute disorders of cerebral circulation.

Among the large number of metabolic disorders leading to the development of constipation, the most common conditions are accompanied by a low level of potassium and magnesium ions, or an increased level of calcium ions. Other causes may include low thyroid function (hypothyroidism); pregnancy; kidney failure; tumors of the adrenal cortex.

The most common drugs that cause constipation are various antidepressants or antiparkinsonian drugs; non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as diclofenac, indomethacin, nimesulide, etc.; diuretic, antacid antisecretory agents; preparations of iron and colloidal bismuth; reducing blood pressure; laxatives (with their constant use for a long time).

Intestinal causes include two large groups of diseases associated with blockage of the lumen or dysfunction of the colon wall (causing cologne colostasis), as well as those associated with diseases of the rectum or anal canal (so-called proctogenic colostasis). In addition to these two groups of diseases leading to constipation, there are also functional reasons: insufficient intake of plant fiber and fibers (due to a lack of vegetables and fruits in the diet) or water; limitation of physical activity (compulsorily manifested during travel, in the postoperative period).

Among diseases of the rectum and anal canal, leading to intestinal causes of constipation, narrowing of the anal canal is most common; cracks; prolapse of the intestinal mucosa.

However, in a number of patients, even after a thorough examination, it is not possible to establish the main cause of chronic constipation. In these cases, the disease is called idiopathic constipation. They are most often due to lethargy of the colon.

  • This is expressed in a decrease in the frequency of defecation. It occurs almost exclusively in women due to colon dysfunction.
  • Expressed by painful defecation. It occurs mainly in young women due to various anatomical and functional disorders that lead to difficulty defecation.
  • It is expressed in the appearance of a feeling of incomplete emptying of the rectum and excessive tension during the act of defecation. It also occurs predominantly in women.

Most often, the causes of chronic bowel disease are associated with the rectum and sigmoid colon, less often with the descending colon.

Prolonged (chronic) constipation can often be the cause of chronic intoxication of the body, then form a number of psychogenic disorders. At the same time, a number of patients develop suspicious or even litigious character traits that were not previously characteristic of them, and the so-called fecal character is formed, which is well recognizable in the main character of the novel "Gobsek" by Honore de Balzac.

For a definitive diagnosis of chronic constipation, examinations of the rectum and colon should be performed, including colonoscopy (examination of the large intestine with a flexible fiber instrument) and radiopaque examination with barium suspension.


Irregular and/or infrequent bowel movements. With prolonged constipation (4-5 days), sometimes there is a dull pain in the lower abdomen, bloating. If stool retention is accompanied by noticeable bloating, nausea and (or) acute pain of a diffuse or local nature, then constipation acts as a symptom of a more serious illness, possibly intestinal obstruction.

Prevention and treatment

If constipation is associated with other diseases, then it is necessary first of all to treat them.

With atonic constipation, the use of coarse plant foods and bowel movements at certain hours are shown (this contributes to the development of a conditioned reflex to defecate). Regular consumption in the morning on an empty stomach of 2 apples or pears or a few slices of boiled beets has a beneficial effect.

Exercise 1

Lying in bed, raise the torso 20-30 times without the help of hands, taking a sitting position. The exercise is done slowly.

Exercise 2

Standing on the floor, slowly squat about 30 times. Exercise 2 is performed immediately after exercise 1.

With spastic constipation, it is necessary to monitor the general psychological state, to prevent nervous strain. For the entire duration of treatment, the use of alcohol is excluded. The use of enemas and strong laxatives during the treatment of constipation is allowed only after consulting a specialist.

It is unacceptable to take a laxative without a doctor's prescription. The more often a person resorts to the use of laxatives, the less actively the intestines work. As a result, constipation not only does not disappear, but, on the contrary, is observed more and more often and even gives complications.

Treatment of constipation should necessarily include a sufficient amount of fluid and food rich in plant fiber. These are, as a rule, cereals, germinated wheat bran and vegetable root crops - boiled beets, carrots, cabbage, radish, individual dried fruits - figs, dates, dried apricots.

It is recommended to take 1 glass (200 ml) of chilled water in small sips daily on an empty stomach. It is necessary to develop a stable conditioned reflex of the act of defecation (especially tied to a certain time of day). In cases of intestinal atony and muscle weakness, physical exercises are needed to strengthen both the abdominal muscles and the pelvic diaphragm.

In cases where a special diet and exercise do not help in the treatment of constipation, various laxatives are used. When using them, it should be remembered that their long-term use can contribute to a significant loss of electrolytes (potassium, magnesium, calcium ions, etc.), which can then cause cardiac and gastrointestinal disorders, or lead to a weakening of the conditioned reflex mechanisms of defecation .

All laxatives are divided into the following groups:

1) Forming the volume of feces.

As a rule, the products of this group contain vegetable fiber (for example, psyllium preparation or wheat bran and flaxseed), polysaccharides and oxidized cellulose derivatives. The latter swell in the intestines and form a gel-like mass that facilitates the passage of intestinal contents. The main effect of their use appears after 12 - 24 hours. A prerequisite for their use is the intake of a sufficient amount of water, as well as the absence of obstacles to the passage of intestinal contents;

2) Emollient laxatives.

They are practically non-absorbable in the intestine preparations that can change the permeability of the small intestine and reduce the surface tension of feces. The main representatives of the group are vaseline oil and docusate sodium preparation;

3) Osmotic and saline laxatives.

They are represented by non-digestible disaccharides (sorbitol, lactulose), hydrolyzed in the small intestine with the formation of organic acids, which reduce the pH level of the intestinal contents and increase intestinal motility. Side effects of their use include flatulence, bloating, diarrhea. Represented by such preparations as magnesium sulfate, Karlovy Vary salt, sodium sulfate. The main effect of the action occurs within 1 - 3 hours after ingestion;

4) Lubricating laxatives. They are represented by various mineral oils that envelop and soften the stool, penetrating inside them;

5) Stimulant laxatives. Represented by a group of laxatives from various substances, including castor oil, anthraquinones (senna, aloe), diphenylmethanes (eg, phenolphthalein, bisacodyl). The drugs of the presented groups act in various ways. Some of them, such as anthraquinones, break down under the action of colonic bacteria and turn into compounds that attract fluid and electrolytes into the intestinal lumen. Others, such as diphenylmethanes, directly stimulate intestinal motility and inhibit reabsorption of fluid from its lumen. This, in turn, is accompanied by the accumulation of fluid in the intestinal lumen. Their main effect of action develops 6-12 hours after ingestion.

Symptoms of accumulation of feces

Accumulation and compaction of stool occurs with severe acute constipation. The condition can be complicated by other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The symptoms include disruption of the rectum, and this does not allow the normal functioning of the intestine. A person experiences a feeling of internal overcrowding and the inability to defecate. Sometimes there may be difficulty urinating or urinary incontinence. On the left side in the lower abdomen, a seal is felt and pain occurs. There may be watery discharge from the rectum, as well as vomiting, loss of appetite, and nausea.

In women, the accumulation of feces is often detected during a gynecological examination. In the female body, the small and large intestines are adjacent to the genitals, so the discomfort arising from the accumulated gases and feces can be mistaken for inflammation of the pelvic organs. Sometimes this causes constipation.

Caprostasis appears against the background of psychosis, neurological diseases, with damage to the anus or expansion of the large intestine. The main symptoms are frequent urge to defecate, a feeling of fullness in the rectum and incontinence. In neurological patients, such symptoms may generally be absent. In some cases, there may be bleeding from the rectum. On palpation, the contents of the caecum and sigmoid colon are determined as soft, mobile and irregular in shape. Squeezing during examination can change its consistency and shape and be accompanied by cramping pains. In the rectum, on palpation, fecal masses are defined as irregularly shaped dense cylindrical formations.

To make a correct diagnosis, a rectal or vaginal examination is necessary. If there is any doubt, a second study should be carried out after using an enema or laxative. In the presence of an adhesive process between the genital organs and the intestines, the final diagnosis is made only after laparoscopy.

Softening of feces

Special treatment to soften the stool is only needed when the stool is very hard. In such cases, an enema of 60 milliliters and 5 milliliters of a 1% solution of dioxyl sodium sulfosuccinate is prescribed. Saline enemas can lead to rapid emptying. If these measures do not help, then the feces are removed during a rectal examination.

Glycerin suppositories help well with heaviness in the intestines, bloating and gas formation. Enter into the rectum two suppositories in the morning and evening. The drug begins to act in ten to thirty minutes.

You can prepare an enema solution. To do this, mix a teaspoon of highlander, chamomile, motherwort and linden. Prepare a decoction and mix with three tablespoons of beetroot juice, half a teaspoon of vinegar and two liters of the resulting decoction.

Stool softeners

Modern laxatives must meet the following requirements:

  • they should not damage and irritate the mucous membranes of the esophagus, pharynx, stomach and cause pain and colic;
  • the effect should occur no later than twelve hours after ingestion;
  • laxative should not cause diarrhea and addiction

Medicinal preparations are of plant origin and based on chemicals.

They include oils of mineral and vegetable origin. They lubricate the intestinal walls and facilitate the passage of feces.

Castor oil is made from castor bean seeds in either oil or capsule form. Emptying occurs after two to six hours. You can use the drug for no more than three days, in order to avoid intestinal atony.

Vaseline oil or liquid paraffin is not absorbed in the intestines. Effectively used for constipation. You need to take one to two tablespoons between meals. Using the oil for more than five days can lead to hypovitaminosis and intestinal atony.

Sunflower, corn, olive, almond oil has a gradual mild laxative effect. First, take one to two tablespoons three to four times a day. When you feel better, add oils to your meals.

Cumin fruits contain three to six percent essential oils. Apply in the form of an infusion, one to two tablespoons per day.

The fruits of fragrant dill contain carotene, vitamin C, phytoncides and essential oils. Good for improving bowel function and reducing accumulated gases. Take in the form of infusions, one tablespoon two to three times a day.

Fennel fruits are taken in the form of dill water or infusion. It is recommended to take half a glass in the morning and in the evening.

Hard feces - normal or pathological? This question worries many people who monitor their health. Ideally, stools should be soft to ensure a regular bowel movement. Otherwise, problems such as constipation occur, which leads to poisoning of the body with toxins. Next, let's take a closer look at how to soften feces with constipation at home?

So, if constipation occurs, how to soften the feces?

You can try one of the following methods:

  • Special drugs with a laxative effect. After taking laxatives, the body is cleared of hardened feces, and the work of the gastrointestinal tract is restored.
  • In an emergency, you can try an enema. This method should not be abused, because during the procedure, beneficial bacteria necessary for digestion are washed out of the intestines.
  • A balanced diet also helps to eliminate unpleasant symptoms such as constipation.
  • Folk recipes to restore the natural processes of defecation.


In the pharmacy, you can buy special tablets that soften feces. The tablet form is very convenient for adults. And for children, specially designed sweet syrups for softening feces with constipation.

It is best to choose drugs with lactulose, which is not digested, but naturally pushes feces out of the intestines. In addition, the activity of the digestive system is stimulated.


Laxatives are also available in the form of suppositories. This is a very convenient form for children who cannot swallow pills. For example, you can select glycerin suppositories that are safe for the child's body. Glycerin is not absorbed into the blood, but is excreted from the body along with feces. In addition, it is worth highlighting the fast action. Within an hour, the restoration of the natural process of defecation is observed.


You can choose from the following enema solutions:

  • Ordinary boiled water within 25 degrees Celsius.
  • Decoctions based on mint or chamomile, which have an antiseptic and soothing effect.
  • To stimulate the muscles of the intestine, an acidic solution is recommended. 20 ml lemon juice per liter of water.
  • In water, you can add two tablespoons of petroleum jelly or glycerin.
  • Take a large spoonful of salt per liter of water. It should be remembered that salt strongly irritates the delicate mucous membrane of the stomach.

Only after consulting a doctor can you give an enema to a newborn.

To get the most positive effect from the enema, we adhere to the following simple recommendations:

  • Water or oil must be heated. A warm solution has a positive effect on the intestinal walls, expanding them.
  • The tip of the enema is recommended to be lubricated with Vaseline.
  • The person should lie on their left side with their knees bent.
  • Be sure to lie down for 15 minutes after the introduction of the solution, and then go to the toilet.
  • You can not do an enema with anal fissures, bleeding and pain in different parts of the abdomen.

Folk remedies

  • First of all, it is fiber. Fresh and boiled vegetables must be included in the daily diet. Beets are best for constipation. You can cook a delicious and healthy salad of beets and vegetable oil. Fresh juices from apples, carrots and beets also have a positive effect on digestion.
  • Bran will help to remove feces naturally. You need to eat one large spoonful of bran and drink plenty of water. Dairy products can be used instead of water for better results.
  • An infusion of black elderberry is excellent for relieving constipation. To do this, pour boiling water over the berries, insist and drink half a glass at night.
  • With congestion in the colon, rowan perfectly copes, which we also steam and insist.
  • A decoction of prunes, drunk on an empty stomach in the morning, helps to start the digestion process. Prunes can be eaten throughout the day between meals.
  • Flax seeds help cleanse the stomach of toxins and toxins. To do this, you just need to pour boiling water over them and insist. Take one spoonful on an empty stomach. Flax will speed up the natural processes of defecation.
  • Fennel seeds also help. You can prepare teas and decoctions.
  • Dill water is great for kids.
  • In the morning on an empty stomach, it is recommended to eat a spoonful of sunflower or olive oil.
  • To start the work of the stomach, before breakfast, we drink a glass of warm water. You can add honey and lemon juice.


A balanced diet will eliminate congestion and normalize the digestive system.

So here are some simple tips:

  • First of all, you need to drink a lot. It is because of the lack of fluid in the body that hardening of feces occurs. In addition to water, you can drink kefir, yogurt, compotes, fruit drinks, juices, teas and decoctions.
  • For the stomach, fiber is useful, which can be found in vegetables and fruits. You can cook raw salads or vegetable stews, soups and casseroles. It is allowed to use vegetable oil for dressing dishes.
  • You can eat all kinds of cereals, except semolina and rice.
  • At night, be sure to drink a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk in order to get the desired effect in the morning.
  • Healthy bran, flax seeds, oatmeal cookies and whole wheat bread.

From the daily menu, you need to exclude products that lead to constipation. This includes confectionery and bakery products, canned, smoked and spicy foods, fatty fish and meat, fast food such as a hamburger.

The main thing is to prepare food in a healthy way. Meat and vegetables can be boiled, baked in the oven or cooked over an open fire with a little fat. Spices and preservatives are not recommended. Salads can be seasoned with vegetable oil and lemon juice.

You need to eat in small portions and often. For snacks, prunes, fresh fruits and sour-milk products are suitable.


If you lead a proper lifestyle, you will be able to avoid various problems with digestion.

  • First of all, it is a balanced diet with a lot of fiber and coarse fibers that cleanse the stomach of toxins. The daily menu should include vegetables, herbs and fruits.
  • It is very important to drink plenty of water throughout the day to avoid hardening of the stool. In addition to water, you can cook vegetable broths, dried fruit decoctions, fresh juices, teas with fennel and rose hips.
  • A sedentary lifestyle leads to constipation. Therefore, you need to move a lot, walk in the fresh air. Enough morning exercises to start the digestive system. Pets or an active hobby will help you move more. Abdominal massage and breathing exercises are also useful.
  • It is recommended to eat at the same hours so that the stomach prepares for digestion processes. You need to start the morning with a glass of warm water to cleanse the digestive system of food debris.
  • After long-term drug treatment, it is recommended to use preparations with probiotics to restore the normal intestinal microflora.
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