How to wean an adult dog from the bed. How to wean a dog to sleep on the bed with the owner: the easiest ways. Personal space for the dog

Many owners love their tailed friends very much. From early childhood, they allow them all sorts of liberties, including sleeping on their bed. And all good things quickly become a habit. Here the owner is then tormented by questions about how to wean the dog to sleep where it is not supposed to. Let's understand the topic.

About the sleeping place for the dog

First of all, it must be taken into account that allowing the dog to sleep in his bed, the owner thereby provokes behavioral problems. His ward begins to consider himself equal and ceases to listen to the owner. Thus, he simply undermines his authority and allows the dog to feel like a leader. It is unacceptable!

Experienced dog breeders are advised to immediately determine the place in the house for the puppy. It is also worth watching exactly how he sleeps. If this is a curled up position, then buy him a round or oval lounger. And when the dog is resting, stretched out completely, it is advisable to purchase a rectangular mattress. Older dogs with joint problems and dysplasia will be more comfortable sleeping on a foam mattress that conforms to the shape of the body.

If you live in an apartment that for some reason is poorly heated, or your dog is already old, a heated bed is suitable for her. By the way, representatives of decorative breeds are also very cold and will not mind such a bed. The pet bed should be in a convenient place, not in a draft, opposite the front door. A comfortable rest and your own sleeping place is a guarantee that the dog will not look for a better place and choose the master's bed for this. Nearby should be the favorite toys of the animal. Some owners also put their warm clothes there, which retain the smell. And this is another reason that the dog will not climb on the owner's bed. A puppy needs to be taught to such a personal space from the first days of being in the house. Then the problem of weaning from bad habits will not arise. Immediately you need to decide on the name of the dog and, bringing him to the sleeping place, repeat: “Jack (Bars, Snoop, Dean), place!”.

Learning to jump on the master's bed

Of course, from the first time you will not be able to accustom your ward to his sleeping place, even if your dog is purebred, service. But we must be patient, give the command clearly and strictly. A treat for obedience is given only when the dog really lies down.

If your ward runs away from there, each time strictly and clearly pronounce the command “place” or calmly take him back. Some time will pass, and the dog will understand what is required of him, he will understand that he receives a treat only for obedience. If your pet starts whining at night, don't give in. And you can’t yell at your pet when he starts jumping into your bed. Once again command "place", say "no". If the dog repeats such actions - lightly slap him on the croup. Use positive reinforcement to correct behavior.

Some owners use a spray bottle to wean themselves from a bad habit. They do not scream or beat the ward, but simply splash plain water in his face. This is also an effective way to correct behavior, but it is still better to use positive reinforcement than such a harmless punishment.

Experienced dog breeders are sure that the dog should be trained to wait for an invitation to enter the room and never be allowed to walk around the house. Otherwise, again, the dog may imagine itself as a leader. After all, if the dog lies on the master's bed, that is, above the floor level, then he will feel like a leader. Therefore, in order to avoid such excesses in behavior, it is necessary that the mattress or bed of the pet is always lower than yours. Above are those who are higher in rank, that is, the leaders.

It is necessary to ensure that the dog approaches you only on command. If not only a dog lives in the house, but also a cat, then he should not be allowed to sleep or just stay on your bed. Otherwise, jealousy will force the dog to drive the cat out of there and take its place.

If all your pets sleep in their places, then this will provide you with a calm and deep sleep.

An option for weaning a dog from a bad habit is to close the doors to the room. There is no temptation - there is no need to correct the behavior of the dog.

It would seem that there is nothing wrong with the fact that the dog sleeps, curled up comfortably at your side. However, by allowing her to sleep in your bed, you run the risk of causing behavioral problems. The dog may stop obeying and start behaving as if he is the head of the house. This is true: letting the dog into your bed, you undermine your own authority and make it feel like a leader.


Part 1

Sleeping place for a dog

    Watch how your dog sleeps. This will help you find a comfortable bed for her. Pay attention to the position in which the dog likes to sleep.

    • If the dog sleeps stretched out at full length, a comfortable rectangular mattress will do.
    • If your dog likes to curl up, choose a round or oval bed with sides.
    • If your dog is old or has painful joints, he may be more comfortable on a body-shaped foam mattress.
  1. Buy a dog bed from a pet supply store. The price and quality of a bed are usually closely related. A cheap, flimsy bed will fall apart easily and will only last a few months for your dog. The higher its quality, the more durable it will be. When choosing a dog bed, you should consider the position in which he usually sleeps, his age and your budget. There are several types of dog beds.

    • Orthopedic beds. These are mattresses of an elongated shape that provide orthopedic support. They are best suited for older dogs and provide additional comfort. In addition, such a mattress is spacious, so it is worth choosing if the dog likes to sleep stretched out.
    • Round beds. It is a pillow or basket with raised edges forming a soft cushion. These beds are good for dogs that sleep in a ball.
    • Pillows. This is the simplest bed, which is a large pillow on which it will be convenient for the dog to stretch out.
    • Heated beds. If you live in a cold climate and it's hard for your dog to keep warm (this happens, for example, with old animals or small breeds), a heated bed will keep him warm.
  2. Put the sunbed in a convenient place, such as in the living room or in the bedroom. Although your dog should sleep in his own bed, not yours, give him a place where he feels comfortable and at ease.

    • Place the sunbed in a room with room temperature, not at an open door and not in a draft. Try to choose a dark or shaded corner.
  3. Place your dog's favorite toys next to the bed. So the couch should seem more attractive to her. You can also start by laying out an old T-shirt that stores your scent so that the dog is more likely to lie down in a new place.

    If you have just adopted a puppy, arrange a bed for him in a cage or pen. It is very important to let the animal know where it belongs right away in order to prevent it from wanting to climb onto your bed. Line the cage or pen with newspaper in case the puppy wants to go to the bathroom at night. In the far half, arrange a raised bed - a lounger or pillow, so that the puppy always sleeps clean.

    Take your dog to the bed on a leash. You can lure her with treats. So the dog will establish a connection between the place and the reward. You should never grab the dog in your arms and put it on the couch, because then he will associate his place with a negative experience.

    Give the command "place". Command clearly and distinctly. Give your dog a treat only when it lies down.

    • If the dog runs away from the couch, each time say "fu" or "no" and calmly take it back. Then repeat the "place" command. Wait longer after the command and if the dog lies down and doesn't leave, reward him with a treat.
    • Over time, the dog will learn the command and understand that he will receive a treat if he remains in place.
  4. Ignore if your dog starts whining or howling at night. When you go to bed, your four-legged friend may look at you with a sad look or voice his displeasure with the new sleeping arrangement, whining or howling all night. However, do not give in: you will only encourage the dog to continue to behave in this way, and your attempts to accustom him to the place will fail.

    • Don't yell at a howling dog as it will start to howl even louder. If you ignore the cry for a few minutes and it doesn't stop, ask your dog if he needs to go outside. If she responds in the affirmative, take her out. Keep the walk short and focused: let the dog do its thing and take it home without stopping to play.
    • If you understand that the dog does not ask to use the toilet, but simply does not want to sleep on the couch, continue to ignore its howl. Do not punish the animal, so as not to provoke further vocal exercises. Punishment will mean that the dog managed to get his way and get your attention.
    • Be prepared that the dog may howl louder and louder until it gradually calms down. However, be firm and ignore it in order to accustom the animal to its place in the long run.
  5. Chase the dog away if it jumps on your bed. This is an important step in setting boundaries for your dog and instilling the habit of sleeping in a designated space.

    • If the dog jumps on your bed, give him the command "place". If she doesn't leave, take her in your arms and push her to the floor or gently push her off the bed, saying "fu" or "no".
  6. Use positive reinforcement to correct your dog's behavior. Many dog ​​owners use a spray bottle and splash water on their dog as punishment for bad behavior, including when the dog climbs onto a bed or other furniture. However, positive reinforcement, that is, rewarding an animal for good behavior instead of punishing bad behavior, can also be an effective training method.

    • Praise your dog if he goes to his bed of his own accord or after you command "place". This way, she will associate the place with reward and praise, and not with punishment and discomfort.
  7. Train your dog to wait for an invitation. Never let her come into your bedroom or climb into bed without your permission or she will think she can wake you up whenever she wants to. Make sure that he only comes running to you on command - when you wake up, the dog should calmly wait until you call him (unless you have overslept and he urgently no need to go outside!).

Part 3

Benefits of not having a dog in your bed

    Designate your dominance over the dog by keeping it out of your bed. One way to define hierarchy in the canine world is the height of the seat. Animals that lead the pack are physically higher than those that are ranked lower (remember how in "Mowgli" the leader of the wolf pack was lying on top of the cliff?). Therefore, by allowing your dog to sleep on the bed next to you, you show that he is equal to you or even more important than you.

    Make sure your other pets are happy and safe. If you have another animal in the house, such as another dog or cats, then by not allowing the dog to lie on your bed, you are setting a positive example for others. In addition, if each animal sleeps in its own place, this will ensure good sleep for you too - you do not have to worry that you might accidentally crush your shaggy friend at night.

A little puppy who got into a new home yearns for his pack, his mother. Therefore, he tries to be closer to his new family around the clock. Owners often take a whining puppy with them to bed to calm them down. However, then it is very difficult to drive a matured dog out of bed. How to wean a dog to sleep on the bed with the owner?

The reasons why dogs want to get into a bed with a person lie in the nature of pack animals. The ancestors of pets lived in large packs, and modern dogs are also pack animals. They experienced a sense of security, warmth, closely clinging to each other during sleep. Only outcasts were forced to sleep separately from the pack. Therefore, puppies tend to be closer to those from whom they expect protection.

Animal psychologists say that the pet’s posture can determine how much he trusts the members of his “pack”. If the dog turns the most unprotected part - the back, then he trusts the person, feels protection and comfort. Such close contacts, however, do not contribute to building a proper hierarchy. Highly organized animals need a hierarchical structure.

Puppies are born immediately as dominants, subdominants and low-ranking ones, so from the very beginning, alphas strive to occupy the appropriate position. The leader of the pack is always higher on the social ladder than the relatives. This also applies to the location in space. The dog bed is located one level below the owner's bed or sofa. So he understands that the owner is the leader, and the dog must obey him.

In an effort to get into bed with the owner, the dog tries to compete for leadership. Such a dog is more difficult to educate and more difficult to demand obedience from him. The dog strives to sleep in a person’s bed, but he himself does not allow encroaching on his sleeping place - this is the right of the leader of the pack. The man himself gives up part of his leadership, and the dog knows how to manipulate the man in order to get his way.

There are more “prosaic” reasons that are not related to the psychology and nature of the pet. For example:

  • the apartment is too cold, and the pet is looking for a warm place;
  • the dog needs attention, close contact allows you to compensate for this;
  • the dog in the owner's bed "hides" from the excessive attention of small children or other inhabitants of the housing.

Feelings of fear, lack of security, the need for a "family", stress are factors that make a dog look for comfortable mental and physical conditions in a human bed.

Reasons not to let animals in the bed

Leading cynologists advise not to allow a puppy, even the smallest breeds, to sleep in the owner's bed from the first day. This affects not only the nature of the pet and relationships in the family, but can also pose a danger to human health.

Many dog ​​owners who are accustomed to sleeping in bed admit that they do not get enough sleep. The dog sniffles, sighs loudly, tossing and turning from side to side. She can jump out of bed to drink water, walk around, clattering her claws and jumping up again, continue her dream. In such a "busy" environment, it is difficult to get a good night's sleep.

Zoonotic diseases are difficult to treat and can have complications. Children are especially at risk, as their immunity is not yet perfect, and the body is not able to withstand many serious pathologies. Animal hair is an allergen that can cause an allergic reaction with skin manifestations or breathing problems.

How to wean a pet to sleep in the master's bed

It is most difficult to wean a pet if it has already formed certain habits. In order to succeed, you will need:

  • patience;
  • subsequence;
  • persistence;
  • support for all family members.

It will not be possible to wean a dog for 1-2 times. The pet will ask to go to bed, whine, look with an imploring look, stubbornly jump into the usual place. It is worth giving in and the attempts made earlier will be completely leveled.

It is necessary to expel the pet gently, but persistently, using prohibiting commands: “Fu!”, “No!”, “Place!”. The dog should be taken by the collar, taken to the couch, command "Place", and when the dog lies on the couch, give him a treat. Positive reinforcement will soften the conflict situation and help the pet get comfortable in his sleeping place.

As a punishment, do not use force (beating, screaming). Some dog owners use a spray bottle filled with water that is sprayed when the dog jumps onto the bed. The alternation between punishment and reward helps to get the result faster.

For adult dogs and teenage puppies, you can use a leash to get your pet out of bed. A stubborn dog can be punished for disobedience - a light slap on the back, holding with a hand is the maximum that can be allowed in relation to a pet.

It is best to immediately accustom the dog to sleep only on its couch and enter the master bedroom only with permission. A closed door will help get rid of temptation. If there are still animals in the apartment, the ban on sleeping in the owner's bed should also apply to them, otherwise jealousy will induce the dog to violate the prohibitions.

In very difficult cases, an innovative tool - "scat mat" can help. This is a special training electric mat, safe for the health of the animal, but indispensable when weaning from jumping on furniture, a table, trying to "pee the need" in the wrong place. It has 3 modes, and when the animal stands on the mat with its paws, it experiences a weak discharge of current that does not cause pain, but only discomfort.

A rustling plastic film, a layer of newspapers can replace an expensive slope mat. An unexpected noise heard when landing on a chosen bed or sofa is unpleasant for the pet and will irritate him, causing a desire to avoid discomfort.

It needs to be done regularly. If one day you drive a pet to a couch, and the next you take him to your side, then this will not only not facilitate education, but will also negatively affect the dog's psyche.

Video on how to wean your dog off the bed

Pet sleeping requirements

In J. Fischer’s book “What Your Dog Is Thinking About”, very famous and popular among dog breeders, the author asks dog owners who like to jump on a bed, sofa or chair, is their pet’s sleeping place comfortable? He believes that in order for the dog not to have to ask for the owner’s bed, you need to make his sleeping place more attractive:

  1. The sleeping place should be located in a place protected from drafts, away from busy traffic and close attention.
  2. The mattress should correspond to the size of an adult dog, so that the pet can feel comfortable in any position.
  3. The choice of mattress depends on the age of the pet. If the dog has problems with the musculoskeletal system or is in old age, then it makes sense to purchase a mattress that takes the shape of the body. An excellent choice is an orthopedic mattress. Regardless of the mattress, its cover should be easy to remove and wash. It is preferable that the cover be made of natural fabric. Artificial materials can cause allergies, and in long-haired dogs, electrification of the “fur coat”.
  4. Representatives of some breeds need very soft beds - sofas or beds. This is due to the physiology of dogs (mastiffs, bull terriers, schnauzers, staffordshire terriers), which have weak joints.
  5. For small, smooth-haired breeds, it is especially important that the bed is located in a warm place. It makes sense to purchase a crib or a sofa with legs in order to “tear off” the bed from the floor.
  6. Burrowing dogs really like houses in which they feel isolated and protected.
  7. Favorite toys should be located next to the bed, as this is not only a sleeping place, but also a recreation and relaxation area.

The recreation area should evoke positive emotions, a sense of security and safety. If the dog cannot get used to its own sleeping place for a long time, whines and asks to go to the owner's bed, the bed should be placed next to the bed so that the puppy can feel the presence of a person, but firmly stop attempts to climb into the owner.

In living together with a dog, there are not only positive, but also rather unpleasant moments. Few people like to sleep surrounded by dog ​​hair, dirty paw marks and the specific smell left after a pet. To experience all these dubious delights, it is not at all necessary to settle down for the night on a dog bed. It is enough just to let the pet into your bed and then solve the problem of how to get him out of there for the rest of his life.

Why not?

Many owners quite calmly let animals into their own bed, without bothering about it at all. If this situation suits both people and dogs, we can only rejoice at the harmony that reigns in this friendly flock and leave everything as it is - in the end, why not? Our article is not for them, but for those who, despite the love for a pet, would like to relax all the same separately.

However, most zoopsychologists and dog training specialists are still inclined to believe that the dog does not belong on the bed. There are many reasons for this, and here are the main ones:

  • Allergy. Dog hair and epidermal particles are quite strong. And if, during normal communication with a dog, an allergic person may well avoid contact with these substances, then it is difficult to do this in his own bed. Direct close contact is fraught with skin irritations, swelling of the mucous membranes and a general deterioration in the condition.
  • Injuries. Small dogs or animals with fragile bones (for example,) may try to jump or jump off furniture. However, sleeping on the couch can be unsafe even for quite large and strong pets - almost every dog ​​owner has a story in store about how the dog fell out of bed in a dream or trying to get comfortable on the surface.
  • Dog's fur. An old joke says that the dog has wool everywhere except the dog itself. And there is some truth in this. Small prickly needles or luxurious fluffy tresses settle on your upholstered furniture or bedding, and then from there they migrate to your clothes or guests' outfits. If you do not want to spend half your life, your furry four-legged friend - do not let him go where people sit.
  • Drooling, puddles, etc. This is perhaps the most annoying thing that dogs can do in bed. A small puppy or an adult male may well choose your bed as a toilet, in many breeds of dogs salivation only intensifies during sleep, and involuntary cleaning of the paraanal glands is an unpleasant thing.
  • Snore. Have you ever tried to fall asleep in a train car when a hefty man was snoring behind the wall? Now imagine that this snoring is heard right under your ear. And for this you don’t even need to invite home a brutal uncle from a neighboring compartment - just put a cute little pug, French bulldog or other dog with a short muzzle into bed. Even those breeds of dogs that differ in anatomical structure from brachycephals can whine or bark loudly in their sleep. Now ask yourself - do you want to spend your night listening to the sounds of such roulades?

Where to begin

The best way to wean a dog from lying on a bed is not to accustom him to it at all. Start from the very first day of a puppy's life in your home. In order for the baby to feel comfortable and protected, make him a small cozy place in the house or just in a secluded corner where strangers do not look. Make sure that such a place is comfortable - a pet may ask you to bed not out of harm, but simply because it is corny cold, damp or uncomfortable to lie.

No matter how educated or self-sufficient your pet is, he will definitely try to seep into your bed. First of all, because the animal is interested in doing everything that you do, and secondly, sleeping on a raised platform in a dog or wolf pack speaks of a high status, so a dog, teenager or adult dog, from time to time will try to break into the bed , dreaming of climbing higher up the hierarchical ladder.

Another reason why animals try to take your sleeping place is the banal boredom of the owner. The bed, unlike the dog bed and other places in the apartment, keeps your scent as long as possible, which is why the dog tries to get closer to the place that smells like his beloved owner. To brighten up loneliness, put some of your thing on the dog's mattress - a sock or a T-shirt that you have been wearing for a long time. This will allow him to be less sad in separation from you.

If the dog does jump onto the bed, do not try to pull it out by force. Firstly, it may not be safe for you - many animals are very aggressive about trying to force her to change her comfortable position and jump off to the floor. Secondly, it is fraught with danger for the dog itself. An unsuccessful jump or fall from a hill, as we said earlier, is fraught with serious injuries.

It is best to call the dog loudly by name and, after giving the appropriate command, make it jump to the floor on its own. In the early stages, you may well use a treat or a toy. Subsequently, when your contact with the dog will improve, it will be quite enough for you to give a command in a strict voice and force the dog to leave the sofa.

In order for the animal to love its bed, try to have only positive emotions associated with it. Reward or praise your pet if he rests in his place. Give him any bones, chews and new toys only when he is there.

And, of course, in no case do not let him jump on your bed - even for a minute, even if he cries and makes round orphan eyes, even if you feel like Medusa Gorgon and Cruella de Vil in one bottle, mocking the unfortunate animals. Just remember: NEVER! NEVER let your dog lie on a bed unless you plan to leave it there for the next 10-15 years.

How to fight

What to do if this cunning beast nevertheless leaked into your sleeping place and now pretends with all his might that it has always been lying here and is not going to get up? If the rules of classical training do not help, it's time to move on to tricks - it's not for nothing that a person, and not this impudent pet, is the crown of nature's creation. Over the years of dealing with dogs lying on their beds, inventive owners have come up with a whole bunch of different original ways to deal with stubborn pets. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most interesting and effective of them, maybe some of them will help you in your difficult battle for a place under the covers:

  • Rustling newspapers. In order for the dog to stop wanting to jump on your bed, it is recommended to cover the surface with rustling newspapers. It is assumed that the animal will be uncomfortable lying on something that makes unpleasant sounds at the slightest movement. However, this method only works on the most impressionable and gentle pets. Animals with a strong nervous system, most likely, will not pay attention to the rustle, or they will start to arrange an anxieties with the press.
  • Film. To enhance the effect, you can try to cover the bed with thick plastic wrap, which is sold in hardware stores for arranging greenhouses. Firstly, it rustles even more than newspapers, and secondly, even if the dog is not afraid of rustling, the film will protect your bed linen from dirt and wool.
  • Chairs. In the hope of making it difficult for a pet to get to bed, owners build entire barricades of chairs or other home furnishings. Particularly advanced people pile chairs in such a way that when trying to get on the bed, the whole structure fell on the violator of the border, forever discouraged from sleeping where they should not. When adopting this method, try to calculate not only the effectiveness, but also the safety of such punishment, otherwise you can then treat the consequences of your pedagogical experiments all your life.
  • Boards. If you throw several boards on the bed, placing them in such a way that there are small gaps between them, this, in theory, will not only make it difficult for the dog to try to get there, but also make lying itself uncomfortable - the paws and other parts of the body will fall into the gaps, creating discomfort.
  • Kuznetsov applicator. This useful relexotherapy device is used not only for healing a person, but also for weaning a pet from a bad habit. Spread the canvas with needles on the bed, carefully fixing it. The dog, having jumped onto the plane, pricks the tender paw pads on needles and instantly jumps to the floor. Some folk craftsmen, who do not trust factory devices, make their own dog repellers by driving small carnations into the board with the tip up and laying out the torture items on the bed. If you still have a desire to wean your pet from a bad habit in this way, opt for the applicator - plastic tips will create discomfort and will not cause serious injury to the animal.
  • Scat mat. The innovative developments of scientists do not stand still. Now, in order to wean your pet from unwanted actions, you will need a ramp mat - a special rug that conducts electric current discharges of various intensities. The dog associates the discomfort with the place and subsequently weaned from the habit of jumping onto the bed. Manufacturers guarantee the complete safety of such a rug and attach detailed instructions to it on how to select the desired discharge strength.
  • Closed door. No matter how trite it sounds, but a closed door to a room with a bed is the best protection for your bed linen from a cheeky pet. Even if the dog is used to relaxing next to you on the rug, you can temporarily evict him from the room during your absence. When you return, the pet will have an extra reason to be happy about your arrival and gladly take its rightful place on the rug next to your bed.

They say that over time, owners become like their dogs. Or maybe it's the other way around, and it's the dogs that start to resemble us? What do you think? After all, some pets adopt our behavior with enviable persistence. For example, do they prefer to sleep on the bed (and everything is as it should be: head on the pillow), while ignoring the couch and disapproval of the owner?

Of course, there are those who will say: “What's wrong with that? Let the dog sleep on the bed. But in this case, most likely, it will be about a toy terrier who has just taken a bath, and not about Russell, who just a minute ago explored the corners of his favorite park. Or not about a rough collie in the molting period, agree?

Most often, the dog's persistent efforts to climb onto the master's bed really turn into a problem. However, with the right approach, it is very easy to solve. Take note of our helpful tips!

Do not train your dog to bed. Many problems are easier to prevent than fix. This is also true in our case. From the first days of the appearance of the dog in the house, accustom it to the couch and in no case take it with you to the bed. After all, if today you decide to “pamper” your pet a little and give him a place on your pillow, then jumping onto the bed tomorrow, he sincerely will not understand why you are unhappy. Remember, the most effective way to wean a dog from jumping on a bed or other furniture is not to initially accustom it to this.

Get the perfect bed. Offer your pet a worthy alternative to a bed - a couch on which it will be warm and comfortable. To achieve the effect, the bed must be made of good material and ideally fit the dog in size and shape. It is very important to arrange a place in a quiet part of the apartment, without high traffic and drafts.

Distract your dog with toys and treats. To divert your pet's attention from the owner's bed, offer him special toys and hard treats. For greater effect, place them directly on the couch. In this way, the dog will develop pleasant associations with his place, and he will get used to it.

Put your item on the bed. Another plus to the pleasant associations with the couch. Many dogs jump on the bed, not because they are comfortable there, but because they miss their beloved owners, and the bed retains their smell. If your pet is often left alone, put some of your own thing (for example, a T-shirt) on his couch - so your faithful four-legged friend will be less lonely in your absence.

Teach your dog the “No!” command. When you see that the dog is about to jump onto the bed, clearly state its name and command “No!”. If your pet is not responding well to voice commands, reinforce “no” with a treat or toy. Your main goal at this stage is to get the dog's attention and prevent him from jumping onto the bed. Continue to engage in education and training so that in the future your pet will follow commands without additional incentives (in the form of treats, etc.) .

Limit access to the bed. Perhaps the most effective way to keep your dog from jumping on the bed is to close the bedroom door. The bottom line is that the pet, not seeing the bed and not being tempted to jump on it, after a while will completely forget about it. And do not give in to provocations! The dog may whine plaintively outside the door and ask to be with you. Yes, especially at night. Your task is to courageously withstand the onslaught (and it can last for several days) and completely ignore such behavior. Only then the dog will understand that its measures are useless, and will go to sleep sweetly on its couch. But if you can't resist and open the door or even just yell at the dog - rest assured, the quest is lost! Having achieved your attention (not so important, positive or negative), the pet will conclude that his plaintive behavior worked and will resort to it in the future.

Cause unpleasant associations with the bed. Remember, we said above how important it is to instill pleasant associations with the bed in the dog? The same thing, only in reverse, needs to be done with your bed. In a word, the pet must make sure that the master's bed is completely unpleasant. What needs to be done for this? For example, cover the bed with oilcloth, rustling newspapers or bags. Yes, of course, this is not very convenient, but it is effective. Having jumped on the “prepared” bed several times and having experienced not the most pleasant sensations from this, the dog will soon leave his idea, and there will no longer be a need for rustling structures.

We hope our tips will help you in raising a household. Try it and share your feedback in the comments on the site or in social networks. Also love your pets. Despite the gaps in behavior, they deserve it!

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