How to draw a lake with a pencil step by step. We draw a lake. Mountain lakes - draw a stunning landscape

Natural landscapes are always very beautiful. They enchant, give peace and tranquility. This is especially true of water bodies, because in many cultures it is not without reason that the element of water is associated with calmness and wisdom. To convey the beauty of such natural landscapes, we will learn how to draw a lake.

Mountain lakes - draw a stunning landscape

The combination of mountains striving for the sky, forests and lakes can be safely called a masterpiece of mother nature. And if you want to display this beauty on paper, you should learn how to draw a lake in stages.

First of all, we mark several lines. separating the foot of the mountains, the wooded part and the shore of the lake.

Then we draw the tops of coniferous trees. The forest will be divided into three sections, two of which will be a little closer to the viewer, and one - a little further.

After that, we basely outline the mountain range.

Now we draw mountains with many peaks, passes, slopes. These will be bare rocks, so the lines will be sharp, rather angular.

Then we will erase all auxiliary lines.

And let's add colors to our picture. The forest, as expected, will be dark green, the mountains - gray. Do not forget that in the lake there should be a reflection of the tops of trees, and mountains, and the sky.

That's all - the picture is completed.

Fishing on the lake

Although you can admire the lakes for hours, people often used them not only as an object of aesthetic pleasure, but also for more practical, domestic needs. For example, for catching fish. This is what we will demonstrate when we figure out how to draw a lake with a pencil.

Let's do an outline first. The painting will be done in an Asian style, so that the mountains will be separated from each other, in a soft triangular shape. The boat will also be traditional for China - with a characteristic canopy.

Then we will paint the mountains green and draw a red sun rising from behind their peaks.

After that, we will add colors to all the remaining elements of the picture - the water will be azure blue, the stones in the water will be light brown. We will make the sail on the boat scarlet, and we will dress the rowing person in a blue and white robe.

Lake with a pier - draw with the children

If you and your children have traveled to the village at least once, then most likely you are familiar with fishing on the lake. To refresh these pleasant memories, we will figure out how to draw a lake for children.

Let's start with a light pencil sketch. The viewer will, as it were, stand on the pier, so in the foreground in the center we will draw this same pier, and a little further - a lake and mounds on the sides.

Then we will outline and add some details to the picture: trees on the hills, four fluffy clouds, large stones visible from the water.

Let's move on to coloring - paints, felt-tip pens or pencils are perfect for this. The water should be blue, the wooden jetty should be brown, the hills and rocks should be black, and the trees should be green. It is necessary to paint very carefully so as not to get out of the contour.

Everything, the drawing is ready - you and the baby did a great job.

We draw rural landscapes

We have already familiarized ourselves with how to draw a forest lake, but now we will continue the theme of a lake in the village. Now small neat rural houses, trees and a boat on a leash will be added to our landscape.

As in the previous sections, we will start with a pencil sketch. A fragment of a lake with a flat shore, a boat tied to a peg driven on the shore and a beautiful large tree with a spreading crown will come to the fore. And in the background you will see houses - small, one-story.

Then we will paint the upper part of the picture - greenery, sky, houses. It is better to paint the foliage of a tree and greenery in the background not with one shade of green, but with several - this way the picture will look much brighter, livelier.

After that, let's deal with the bottom part. The water will be a deep blue, the trunk of the tree will be warm brown, and the sail will be orange, almost red. Pay attention to the special canopy on the boat - it protects the fishermen from the scorching midday sun.

Everything, we coped with the task.

To draw nature, so different and changeable, is not easy. The article will help to depict winter, summer, seascapes with a simple pencil.

Many people like to be in nature, to admire it, to be charged with its energy. To keep positive emotions from communicating with nature longer, you can try to learn how to draw landscapes - images of nature. To do this, you need to master the initial skills, and then you can diversify your drawings, because nature itself is so diverse!

How to draw a beautiful landscape with a pencil step by step for beginners?

First you need to decide what will be depicted in the landscape. You can draw:

  • sea, river or ocean
  • ravine
  • tree standing alone
  • road leading into the distance
  • exotic island with palm trees
  • nature at different times of the year

This is how you can draw pond surrounded by trees:

  1. It is best to start by separating the horizon line, so it will be easier to distribute objects in the drawing later.
  2. A pond is outlined with uneven winding lines.
  3. Around the pond are marked with lines where there will be several trees. In the pond itself, you can mark with circles what will later turn into floating ducks.
  4. We “strengthen” the banks of the pond by painting parallel lines with the original ones.
  5. Grass like reeds is drawn in the foreground, and trees are detailed. Let them have trunks of different widths and heights, in some places the trunks will be broken or uneven.
  6. The stage of detailing has come: ducks are drawn, a light swell is painted on the water, the grass should be thicker, like the branches on the trees.
  7. Let the clouds be visible in the background.
  8. The last step will be shading and shading.
Pencil pond: stage 1.

Pencil pond: stage 2.

Pencil pond: stage 3.

Pencil pond: stage 4.

Landscape in pencil: a pond.

River crossing the forest.

  1. As always, the drawing begins with the definition of the horizon line. Vertically according to the drawing, respectively, you need to draw the winding lines of the river banks.
  2. As planned, the river will be surrounded by a forest, that is, trunks of different volumes and heights are drawn. And, before drawing trunks, it should be noted that they stand on a hill in relation to the river.
  3. Add crowns to the trees so that they make a dense cover of the forest; we strengthen the banks of the river, shade the trunks.
  4. It is more interesting to draw a river with rapids. With the help of hatching, a current appears on the river.

Landscape with a river in pencil: stage 1.

Landscape with a river in pencil: stage 2.

Landscape with a river in pencil: stage 3.

Landscape with a river in pencil.

Mountain Lake

  1. A sketch is made of the lake and the surrounding mountains and hills.
  2. Between the lines of the lake and the lines of the mountains, a strip is left on which vegetation or a couple of small houses can be placed.
  3. Fuzzy contours of vegetation and houses reflected in the water are made.
  4. With the help of denser hatching, mountains and hills stand out, while on the surface of the lake, let the hatching be barely noticeable.

Landscape with a mountain lake: stage 1.

Landscape with a mountain lake: stage 2.

Landscape with a mountain lake: stage 3.

Landscape with a mountain lake.

Island in the ocean.

Many people dream of visiting such an island in the ocean that they saw in the pictures - immense blue water around, yellow sand on land in the middle of it, palm trees that create shade. While we are trying to draw such a landscape with a pencil.

  1. The horizon line will cross the sheet almost in half. In the middle, we mark the place of the island, for now it will look like pancakes or flatbread.
  2. There are clouds above the island. You can draw wavy clouds.
  3. There will be palm tree trunks on the island. Palm trees can be drawn thickly, or only three to five, if desired.
  4. Under the palm trees you need to draw grass.
  5. Now you can go to the water surface. It is better to draw it with oblong lines of different lengths.

Island in the ocean: stage 1.

Island in the ocean: stage 2.

Island in the ocean: stage 3.

Island in the ocean.

Lonely sailboat at sunset

The expanse of the sea and the setting sun are not difficult to draw, and the sailboat too, and the landscape will turn out beautiful.

  1. The horizon line is drawn first of all, the contours of the sailboat are indicated on it, because it is sailing somewhere far away.
  2. The sailboat looks like a triangle, but it is better to shade the sails.
  3. A circle of the sun close to the horizon will mean that the sun is about to set.
  4. The final touch is to make the water alive by drawing small waves.

IMPORTANT: The sailboat must be reflected in the water!

Sunset: stage 1.

Sunset: stage 2.

Sunset: stage 3.

Landscape with sunset.

VIDEO: How to draw a landscape with trees with a pencil?

How to draw a summer landscape of nature with a pencil in stages?

If you want to draw a summer landscape, then those described above may well come up. And, as an option, you can offer to draw a landscape with a summer house and a garden, where many people go to relax in the summer or tinker in the garden.

  1. The horizon line is indicated, above it the sun and clouds.
  2. In the foreground, on one side of the sheet, we will place the trunks of future trees, and on the other, a house.
  3. The house is drawn from two rectangles, and a roof is placed on top.
  4. From the schematically marked elements of the picture, you can now move on to detailing. Tree crowns need to be made lush, because it's summer. On the house, you can draw a pipe on the roof, a door, windows, including an attic window. At the same time, all unnecessary lines are slowly erased so that they do not distract from the main picture.
  5. A fence is drawn from the house, and grass is made under it with strokes. You can also draw plain flowers.
  6. Finally, you can draw a path to the house and some other details that will be nice to depict.

Summer landscape: stage 1.

Summer landscape: stage 2.

Summer landscape: stage 3.

Summer landscape: stage 4.

Summer landscape: stage 5.

Summer landscape: stage 6.

Summer landscape: stage 7.

Summer landscape: stage 8.

Summer landscape: stage 9.

Summer landscape.

How to draw a winter landscape of nature with a pencil in stages?

The easiest way for beginners to draw is winter and snow on the hills. This can be done with smooth, uncomplicated lines.

  1. Since winter is often associated with the New Year, and the New Year is with Christmas trees, let there be Christmas trees against the backdrop of snow-covered hills. Moreover, it is not difficult for beginners to draw them.
  2. Above the hills, you can draw several clouds.
  3. The detailing stage includes the drawing of Christmas trees and strokes on the snow, indicating its fragility and uneven surface.

Winter landscape: stage 1.

Winter landscape: stage 2.

Winter landscape: stage 3.

Winter landscape: stage 4.

Winter landscape.

VIDEO: Draw a winter landscape with a pencil

How to draw a landscape of nature with paints in stages?

It is more difficult to draw with paints than with a pencil, but nothing is impossible.

  1. Paint the sky using blue watercolor paint. From the sky with the same blue paint we will draw lines down, it will be a river.
  2. Our clouds will be purple or crimson, and the hills will be yellow. In yellow, it is worth drawing the foreground of the picture.
  3. An interesting combination of colors is already appearing, which can often be observed in nature. Let's diversify it by adding orange color on the banks of the river and slightly shading the sky.
  4. You can draw several circles on the river, it will create the effect that the water is playing. Also, with the help of additional layers of paint, the yellow surface in the foreground can also be distinguished.
  5. If desired, trees can be added to the landscape using the green color of the spheres and brown trunks. In addition, trees can be made directly with fruits.

Landscape with paints: stage 1. Picture for sketching: park.

VIDEO: Marine p landscape Drawing with a simple pencil

The lake is home to fish, crabs and even Loch Ness creatures. Serene and quiet, there are no complaints about it, it is also an excellent area for those who, in hot weather, like to celebrate something and take water baths, and even drunk. In hot weather the most popular place. In case of complete exhaustion by the sun, it gives vigor and strength to people. Takes under the water liked and drunken people.
It differs from the sea, river and other water species manifestations of life on earth, in comparison with other water resources, it is characterized by calm and peaceful. Living creatures that live there calmly, quiet and calm, and even come into contact only with fishing rods, hooks, nets and worms, immediately avoid people. For people who differ in financial position and location, the level of attendance is low, because there are no similar signs with the sea, there are no servants and it is dirty.
It is more known where there is a convenient position, that is, everywhere.

Let's figure out how to draw a lake with a pencil in stages:
Step one. Draw a few lines with a pencil, in the center you need to highlight a figure or shape for the lake.

Step two. Draw the ground and some vegetation around the outline of the lake, and the reflection in the water.

Step three. You will make the vegetation even brighter, more magnificent, draw the details, correct the outlines of the mountains in the background.

Among the mountain ranges, near the hills and rocks

The lake-sea spread,

Pearl of Siberia - ancient Baikal,

Whose waves are roaring in the open space ...

V. Baranova

Once we made a long road trip across Russia.

One of the most beautiful places on our way was Lake Baikal.

Almost in the center of Eurasia there is a narrow blue crescent - the most ancient (20-25 million years) and deep-sea (maximum depth 1637 m) Lake Baikal. In terms of area, Baikal is equal to Belgium with its almost 10 million population.

In order to realize the immensity of the Baikal water body, imagine that the Angara, which annually takes out 60.9 km3 of water from the lake, would need 387 years of continuous work to drain its bowl.

My big trip around Russia in search of my city: On Baikal

“On Baikal”, M. Trushnikova, watercolor, 2012

So, this is what the landscape itself looked like.

In it, I was attracted by a tree and a fishing boat on the shore.

Landscape watercolor for beginners “On Baikal”: stages of work

1. I am drawing a landscape with a pencil.

In it I find the main masses, sizes of objects, without drawing details. It is important to mark where everything is, to create a strong composition.

2. Blue color.

I start painting with shades of blue. This is the sky, water, shady parts of trees.
Blue is part of the shadow side, so it's everywhere.

The sky in the upper part is more blue, for it I take a mixture of blue fts and ultramarine. For the bottom - lighter shades of blue.

I stretch these colors, and while the layer is wet, I choose with a brush the place of white clouds.

The water reflects the sky. Therefore, it has the same color, but darker.

Prescribing the shadows on the trees and falling, I figure out what they are in terms of lightness, I select the appropriate tone.

3. A layer of yellow.

Yellow as part of the illuminated side is also present on all objects. I prescribe them the illuminated part of the tree crown.

I paint the distant trees with ocher. This allows you to create a more complex shade of color and visually remove these trees into the distance.

4. Greens.

Now I'm starting to prescribe shades of green. Partially this layer overlaps the shades of blue and yellow laid earlier.
I watch the change in the shade of green near and far. Closer it is brighter, darker, away - lighter, grayer.

When writing greenery, I change the principle of writing on different trees.

Far I write with broad strokes, a flat brush. The front tree was also originally painted by him. But in the future, I change the brush to an elastic round one in order to prescribe smaller foliage.

5. Detailing.

With a thin brush I prescribe a tree trunk and a boat.
I add pink spots of flowers in the foreground.

I add tree branches with a thin brush:

6. Completion.

I prescribe the foreground more carefully: grass, flowers, pebbles.
I rest a little and check myself - what else needs to be generalized or detailed. Ready!

(c) Marina Trushnikova
Copying of this material is permitted only with a link to this site.

If you have been to Baikal or painted with me, write about your impressions in the comments!

Start painting with watercolors today!

Learn the basics of watercolor painting with a popular course

“The Taming of Watercolor”

For those who cannot swim or who were drowned in water as a child, and now you are terribly afraid of liquid of any consistency, there will be a lesson on how to draw a lake with a pencil. You won’t have to swim here, but you can take a piece of chocolate under your tongue to calm down. The lake is a natural haven for fish, in some cases, Loch Ness monsters. He lives calmly and no one complains about him, a favorite place for those who like to celebrate something, while swimming while drunk. The main point of attention at extremely high temperatures bestowed by the sun. In case of complete exhaustion by ultraviolet radiation, it hides human bodies in itself, refreshes them. Often she takes the body she likes with her, especially the drunk ones are attracted.

Unlike the river or the sea, other types of manifestation of the life of water, the lake is calmer, and it creates fewer problems. The living creatures living there legally are peaceful and come into contact only with hooks and worms, avoiding humans in every possible way. The level of attractiveness for rich lovers of splashing is low, because it is dirty, there are no servants, and indeed it is not the sea. Common where gravity allows you to keep water in its trivial state, that is, where you can not poke.

Some interesting lakes:

  • Ink Lake, or Lake of the Dark Lord. A lake devoid of any life, composed entirely of inky material. A dream for poets with feathers. An ideal place to hide crimes and diaries with deuces, it can keep terrible secrets, like the Death Star or bald Britney Spears.
  • Glamorous Lake Hillier. An Australian place for high society parties and birthday celebrations for Lindsay Lohan or other pretentious chick. The reason for this is completely the pink color of the water, which makes this place very suspicious for people, and interesting for flamingos.
  • Asphalt Lake Peach Lake. The dream of the Minister of Transport Rashi, as well as drivers, as it is filled with tons of free asphalt. While America is busy begging terrorists for oil, others are pumping asphalt. The next world war will be for this place, when someone notices that there are no roads in Russia.

Here we come to the drawing process.

How to draw a lake with a pencil step by step

Step one. Draw a few lines with a pencil, select the shape for the lake in the center.
Step two. Let's draw the land around the lake with all the vegetation and a small display in the water.
Step three. Let's make the vegetation more extensive and detailed, adjust the contours of the mountains in the background.
Step four. Completely shade the entire area, sketch the surface of the water so that the color tone is different.
This is not the only lesson about nature, there is more here.

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