What is determined by ultrasound. What does an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity show - "through the eyes of a doctor". There are a number of cases when thyroid ultrasound is a necessary procedure, this applies to such symptoms

Abdominal ultrasound decoding is a series of numbers and characteristics of reflected ultrasound that you can see in the protocol of your own study.

In order to understand them at least a little before you go to the doctor, we suggest reading the following information.

What will the decoding of the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity show

First, let's see what this ultrasound shows.

Behind the front wall of the abdomen is a large space - the abdominal cavity. It contains quite a few organs, which will be shown by ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. It:

  • stomach
  • intestines
  • pancreas
  • liver
  • bile ducts: intra- and extrahepatic
  • spleen
  • gallbladder
  • kidneys
  • adrenal glands
  • abdominal aorta and its branches
  • lymph nodes
  • lymph trunks and vessels
  • department of the autonomic nervous system
  • nerve plexuses.

The abdominal cavity is lined with two layers of a thin membrane - the peritoneum. Its inflammation is called peritonitis and is a life-threatening condition. The organs are differently covered by the peritoneum: some are wrapped in it, some do not even touch, but are inside the boundaries outlined by it. Conventionally, the cavity is divided into the abdominal cavity proper and the retroperitoneal space. The latter is at the bottom of the list of organs, starting with the kidneys.

All these organs - both the abdominal cavity and the space behind the peritoneum - are looked at by an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity. This study is able to detect the presence of structural damage, inflammation, pathological formations, an increase or decrease in an organ, and a violation of its blood supply. Ultrasound does not see how a sick or healthy organ copes with its functional duties.

What does an ultrasound. The study helps to find the cause of the disease in such cases:

  • pain or discomfort in the abdomen
  • bitterness in the mouth
  • feeling of a full stomach
  • fatty food intolerance
  • increased gas production
  • frequent bouts of hiccups
  • feeling of heaviness in the right or left hypochondrium
  • jaundice
  • high blood pressure
  • lower back pain
  • fever not due to a cold
  • non-diet weight loss
  • belly enlargement
  • as a control over the effectiveness of the treatment of pathologies of the digestive system
  • and also as a routine examination, including with existing anomalies in the development of organs, cholelithiasis.

Pathology determined by ultrasound

What does abdominal ultrasound diagnose? With the help of this study, the following diseases can be detected:

1. From the side of the gallbladder:

  • acute and chronic cholecystitis
  • bladder empyema
  • gallstone pathology
  • during a choleretic breakfast, it is possible to assess the motor function of the bladder
  • developmental anomalies (kinks, partitions).

2. From the side of the liver:

  • cirrhosis
  • hepatitis
  • abscesses
  • tumors, including metastases
  • hepatosis
  • "Stagnation" in the liver due to cardiopulmonary diseases
  • fatty change in the liver.

3. From the side of the kidneys and urinary system:

  • kidney tumors
  • "shrunken kidney"
  • pyelonephritis
  • narrowing of the ureters
  • stones and "sand" in the kidneys.

4. From the side of the spleen, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity reveals:

5. From the side of the pancreas:

  • cysts
  • tumors
  • abscesses
  • stones in the channels
  • signs of acute and chronic pancreatitis.

6. Ultrasound reveals free fluid in the abdomen

7. From the side of the abdominal part of the aorta or its branches, an aneurysm and its dissection, vasoconstriction can be seen

8. From the side of the retroperitoneal lymph nodes, their increase is visible, the uniformity of the structure

How to understand the results of the study

To do this, consider the form (protocol) of ultrasound. It indicates the points that relate to each organ separately.


Deciphering the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity in relation to this organ includes:

Share sizes:

Parameter What is written on the form Normal ultrasound in adults
Whole organ dimensions Norm, reduced, increased (underline as appropriate) Norm
right The numbers are in cm for each item. Up to 12.5
left Up to 7
caudate 30-35
Oblique-vertical size (CVR) of the right lobe Numbers in mm Up to 150 mm
contours Underlined whether they are equal or not Smooth
Capsule It is underlined whether it is differentiated or not, thickened or not. Differentiated, not thickened
Thickness of the left lobe Digit in mm 50-60
Thickness of the right lobe 120-125
Echostructure of the parenchyma Stressed, normal, increased or decreased Norm
Focal formations Is there or not Must not be
Portal vein Specified size in mm Up to 14 mm
Vascular drawing Depleted, normal or boosted Ordinary
inferior vena cava Size in mm Anechogenic, 20 mm in diameter
Hepatic veins of the first order Size in mm Up to 1 mm

Deciphering the results

  1. Fatty hepatosis is evidenced by an increase in the echo density of the organ in the form of small foci. The edge of the liver is rounded. In the last stages, due to the compaction of the organ, it is impossible to see the portal vessels.
  2. With cirrhosis of the liver, its increase, dilation of the portal and splenic veins is visible. The lower edge of the organ will also be rounded, the contours will be uneven. The increase in echo density in this case will be large-focal. Free fluid in the abdominal cavity (ascites) is also determined.
  3. If an increase in size, rounding of the edges, as well as an expansion of the vena cava and the absence of narrowing it on inspiration, is described, this indicates congestion in the liver due to a heart or lung disease.
  4. If foci are described in which there is a violation of the normal echostructure, this may indicate malignant or benign tumors, cysts or abscesses.

In the video, the specialist talks about the errors that occur during ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.


The norm of ultrasound according to the results of the examination of this organ:

  • Shape: various - pear-shaped, cylindrical.
  • Dimensions: width 3-5 cm, length 6-10 cm.
  • Volume: 30-70 cu. cm.
  • Walls: up to 4 mm thick.
  • Education in the lumen: in the norm they are absent.
  • Acoustic shadow from formations: this applies to stones and bladder tumors. By the presence of this shadow, the types of stones are deciphered (they come in different compositions).
  • Whether they move or not: the stones are usually mobile, but can be soldered to the wall or be large. According to this and some other signs, one can judge whether the formation is a tumor.

Signs of pathology of the gallbladder

  1. In acute cholecystitis, there is a thickening of the wall of the organ, while the dimensions can be normal, reduced or enlarged. The wall can also be described as a "double circuit", and the presence of fluid around the bladder indicates that local peritonitis has already developed and an urgent operation is needed.
  2. Thickening of the wall will be in chronic cholecystitis. The contour in this case is clear and dense.
  3. In conclusion, various deformations of the organ can be described. This is not a disease, but a structural feature.
  4. If echo-negative objects are described that leave an acoustic shadow, while the bladder wall is thickened and the contour is uneven, we are talking about calculous cholecystitis. At the same time, the expansion of the bile ducts indicates that the stone blocks the exit of bile.

Deciphering ultrasound of the bile ducts

Normally, on ultrasound, the bile ducts have the following characteristics:

  • common bile duct: 6-8 mm in diameter
  • intrahepatic ducts: should not be dilated

Norms of the pancreas on ultrasound

  • There shouldn't be any extras.
  • head: up to 35 mm
  • body: up to 25 mm
  • tail: about 30mm
  • contour: smooth
  • echostructure: homogeneous
  • echogenicity: neither decreased nor increased
  • Wirsung duct: 1.5-2 mm
  • education: normally they are not.

A decrease in the echo density of the gland indicates acute pancreatitis, an increase in it indicates chronic pancreatitis or cancer. The expansion of the Wirsung duct also speaks of chronic inflammation. The "favor" of cancer is evidenced by a segmental increase in size and uneven contour of the gland, depression on the surface of the liver, as well as displacement or compression of the inferior vena cava or aorta.

Deciphering ultrasound of the spleen

  • dimensions: length - up to 11 cm, thickness - up to 5 cm, longitudinal section - up to 40 square meters. cm
  • splenic index: no more than 20 cm 2
  • structure: normal - homogeneous
  • splenic vein at the hilum.
  1. You can see an increase in the size of the organ. It is associated both with certain blood diseases and with liver diseases (for example, cirrhosis) or infectious diseases.
  2. Compacted (less often - less dense) tissue indicates a spleen infarction, that is, that as a result of thrombosis or injury, the death of some part of the organ occurred.
  3. Ultrasound also allows you to see the rupture of the spleen, which usually occurs either with a strong injury, or with a minor bruise, but in the case of an enlarged organ.

Read also:

Assessment of the gallbladder on ultrasound with the definition of function

Ultrasound of hollow organs (stomach, small, large and rectum)

It only indicates whether there is a symptom of an “affected organ” (it should not be) and whether there is fluid deposition in the intestinal lumen (this should also not be).

If ultrasound was also performed on the kidneys, then a description of this organ is also included in the conclusion of the study. The results of the examination of the kidneys by ultrasound are normal:

  • width: 5-6cm
  • length - about 11 cm
  • organ thickness: 4-5cm
  • kidney parenchyma - no more than 23 mm thick
  • pelvis should not be dilated
  • there should not be any structures in the lumen of the pelvis and ureters.

Lymphatic structures on ultrasound imaging

Ultrasound of retroperitoneal lymph nodes normally suggests such a conclusion "Lymph nodes are not visualized." That is, if they are of normal size, their ultrasound "does not see".

An increase in these organs of immunity indicates either an infectious disease present in the abdominal cavity, or a malignant formation. In the latter case, they can increase due to the fact that cancer cells of the hematopoietic system "live" in them, as well as with metastases of any adjacent organ tumor.

Sonologist's conclusions

In the conclusion of the ultrasound, the sonologist (ultrasound diagnostics doctor) indicates the presence of a pathology: he describes what the echo signs look like.

If the doctor indicates in the direction that it is necessary to conduct an examination for some disease, but his ultrasound did not visualize (for example, calculous cholecystitis), then the phrase “Echo signs of the disease were not detected” may be. The final diagnosis is made only by the doctor who directs the examination.

Who needs to undergo dopplerometry of the celiac vessels

This examination, which is also called UZDG (that is, Doppler ultrasound) of the celiac vessels, is often performed together with an ultrasound. The patient does not feel differentiated and is not more harmful than ultrasound. It allows you to evaluate the anatomy and characteristics of blood circulation in such vessels as:

  • abdominal aorta
  • common hepatic artery
  • iliac arteries
  • celiac trunk
  • splenic artery
  • superior mesenteric artery
  • hepatic portal vein and its branches
  • inferior vena cava.

Ultrasound of the abdominal vessels allows timely detection of early disorders in the vessels, identification and assessment of the degree of increase in pressure in the portal vein (with cirrhosis, “stagnant” liver), and assessment of the result of cava filter implantation.

Ultrasound of the abdominal aorta and its branches helps in the diagnosis of:

  • fainting
  • frequent headaches
  • epileptic seizures
  • high blood pressure
  • repeated strokes (sometimes blood clots can “fly off” from this large vessel)
  • pain in the legs
  • potency disorders
  • aortic aneurysms
  • atherosclerotic lesion
  • vasoconstriction
  • anomalies in the development of large vessels.

duplex scanning

The study of blood vessels during ultrasound on modern equipment almost always includes duplex angioscanning. This is the "gold standard" in the assessment of blood circulation in the venous vessels.

It allows you to identify pathological blood reflux, obstruction of blood flow, to assess their localization, extent and severity.

With this type of study, the sonologist receives a two-dimensional color image of the celiac vessels, where red means the movement of blood to the sensor, and blue - on the contrary, from the sensor. According to the intensity of red and blue colors, the doctor draws conclusions about the speed of blood flow in any part of the vascular system.

Probably now it is very difficult to find a person who would not go through the procedure once in his life. ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the abdominal cavity. Surely many have done it even more than once.

This study is extremely informative and absolutely safe for humans, however, it requires a well-trained specialist in this field, as well as high-precision equipment. It is as a result of the absence of one or another item from the latter that errors in diagnosis occur, after which many argue that ultrasound is fortune-telling on coffee grounds.

Many people believe that ultrasound can harm human health, but in fact this is absolutely not the case.


Ultrasound is a study of the state of organs and tissues using ultrasonic waves. Passing through tissues, or rather through the boundaries between different tissues, ultrasound is reflected. A special sensor captures these changes, which are the basis of the image. The ultrasound used in the device does not cause tissue damage. There are several types of ultrasound, among which the most commonly used is scanning (what is traditionally called ultrasound), as well as Doppler. The Doppler effect is based on the Doppler effect, which means a change in the wavelength reflected from moving objects. This effect allows you to study the blood flow and the state of the patency of blood vessels.

Ultrasound has found a very wide application in medicine and is used to diagnose diseases of a large number of organs: in surgery and therapy, in ophthalmology and neurology, in cardiology and vascular surgery, in urology, obstetrics and gynecology(at present, almost no child is born without a preliminary ultrasound examination in the womb).

For each specific ultrasound, there are currently their own programs for processing information parameters installed on modern devices, which significantly improves the quality of diagnosing diseases in a particular area, special techniques are used, such as 3D and 4D ultrasound.

In this review, I will talk about abdominal ultrasound so as not to interfere with all areas of the human body in one heap.


  • the size of the organs, their location in the abdominal cavity and in relation to each other;
  • the presence of pathological volumetric formations in the abdominal cavity, their relationship with organs;
  • the presence of congenital anomalies in the development of internal organs, deformation, duplication, absence or underdevelopment of the organ;
  • changes in the structure of organ tissues: cirrhosis, fatty degeneration, deposition of stones, thickening of the walls of organs;
  • the presence or absence of normal functioning of organs: peristaltic waves, contractions, atony;
  • the presence of a pathological accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity - ascites.

Modern equipment and good specialist training make it possible to detect even small formations and suggest their origin, after which the patient will be sent for a more in-depth examination.


The main indications are:

- nausea;

- pain in the abdomen;

- belching;

- increased gas formation;

- change in the shape and size of the abdominal organs according to the results of palpation;

- Suspicion of the presence of pathological formations in the abdominal cavity.

However, the list of indications can be significantly expanded by the attending physician, but this is already an individual approach to the patient.

A referral for research can be issued as an attending physician, then there is a chance that it will be performed for free, and the a person, if he has any symptoms, can go to any medical center and perform research on a paid basis. Prices for research are very different in different cities and in different centers, expensive does not always mean high quality. It is best to look for a doctor according to the reviews of your friends and relatives.


First, you need to prepare mentally. If a person is sent for any type of research, then he probably has some kind of complaint. Few people go to the clinic simply because they "want to get checked", and not every doctor will issue a referral without evidence. Otherwise, the diagnostic service will simply choke. It’s better not to be nervous, if you can’t cope with emotions on your own, then you should take a sedative. The procedure is painless, the result will be given to you immediately and you can quickly take any further action if something is found.

Secondly for the research to be successful, Requires little preparation in terms of diet within a few days. This is necessary so that there is no increased gas formation in the intestines and the accumulated air does not screen the waves and does not interfere with the study. It takes a few days exclude fresh fruits and vegetables, black bread, legumes, whole milk, juices and carbonated drinks from the diet. Last meal no later than 8-10 hours before the proposed study, that is, it should be carried out on an empty stomach, before the study, you can take the so-called defoamers (espumizan, bobotik, disflatil or banal activated carbon). If there is a tendency to constipation, then it is advisable to use laxative suppositories the day before. BUT NOT an enema!

Thirdly, before an ultrasound examination, the patient should not have such studies of the gastrointestinal tract as endoscopic or X-ray contrast. Doctors sometimes simply give referrals and the patient himself makes an appointment in the appropriate rooms. In the ultrasound room, they cannot know that you have a gastroscopy scheduled an hour before the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. However, if you come for an ultrasound scan after examining the stomach, it will not be informative, because the air in the stomach and intestinal loops will not allow you to fully examine other organs.


Going to research you need to bring a sheet and a towel to wipe off the subsequent gel used during the procedure (in case there are no napkins in the office).

The patient is placed on the couch, a special echo-gel is applied to the area under study, which will ensure the conduction of waves through the skin. This moment is not the most pleasant, because the gel is sticky and cool, but for the sake of research, you can suffer a little, at the end of the procedure, the gel is easily removed with a napkin.

The study itself is not particularly difficult for the patient, his task is simply to lie down and fulfill the simple requests of the doctor: turn on one side, take a deep breath or hold your breath. The procedure lasts an average of 15 to 30 minutes, after which the doctor will issue a completed protocol form and possibly a snapshot of the area that interests him most, if necessary.

I have personally gone through this process many times. Having a not quite healthy gallbladder and chronic gastritis, which periodically reminds me of exacerbations, I sometimes experience so much pain that I have to seek medical help in order to exclude a serious pathology.

The last time I did an ultrasound in connection with stem. that I often began to appear bitterness in the mouth, nausea periodically disturbed, problems with the stool began and the right hypochondrium hurt. In general, the symptoms certainly fit into the clinical picture of biliary dyskinesia, but after acute cholecystitis was discovered during pregnancy, I decided to check it out.

As it should, I excluded all prohibited foods from the diet, before the study I took a drug containing simethicone (

To exclude the pathology of the organs of the upper gastrointestinal tract, I had to do gastroscopy, but there, fortunately, nothing criminal was revealed.

So this study quite often finds structural evidence of symptoms that disturb a person, but is not a 100% method for diagnosing diseases. This study is still quite subjective and often the opinions of different doctors may differ. So if any serious pathology is detected, it is worth undergoing a more in-depth examination in order to finally determine the diagnosis.

The indication for an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity is most often abdominal pain, so any doctor in contact with this area can refer to an ultrasound scan: a gastroenterologist, gynecologist, surgeon, oncologist, urologist or therapist. The main purpose of the examination is to establish the source and cause of pain. Recently, apparently to save time, the ultrasound room is also visited by people without a referral, on their own initiative. In this case, they go to the doctor after receiving a printout with the results.

If you want to undergo an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, having received a high-quality result, sign up at the NEOMED clinic. The examination is carried out using the latest expert ultrasound machine SonoAce X8, capable of displaying an image in color format, which significantly increases the accuracy of diagnosis. The equipment is endowed with high sensitivity and resolution, which eliminates the possibility of medical errors. After the examination, you can get a consultation from an experienced specialized doctor right in the clinic.

Conditions for accurate diagnosis of the abdominal cavity

Unfortunately, ultrasound waves can only visualize organs that do not contain air, and fat can also become a problem during examination. Therefore, the main condition for a successful diagnosis is proper preparation, which allows you to eliminate gases in the intestines.

The effect is achieved by taking antifoaming and enzymatic preparations in advance (2-3 days in advance) and following a diet. The diet should be freed from products that increase gas formation (legumes, black bread, etc.) 8-12 hours before the start of the ultrasound, it is recommended to refuse to take any food. This will allow the specialist to conduct a full examination, and the procedure will not take more than 40 minutes.

What can ultrasound of the abdominal cavity show in the NEOMED clinic

Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity is the most important diagnostic manipulation that allows to detect and identify a wide range of diseases and conditions: cirrhosis and hepatitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis (acute and chronic) and pancreatitis, various tumor processes, problems with ducts, veins, the presence of foreign objects.

At the time of the procedure, the specialist gets the opportunity to visualize the organs of the specified area, partially retroperitoneal space, part of the pelvic organs, which is very important for extensive processes or unclear causes of pain.

  • Liver. This organ, like a sponge, absorbs all the decay products of the body, and therefore is often subject to destructive factors. Ultrasound will allow you to visually see diffuse changes in the tissues of the liver, which characterizes cirrhosis or hepatitis, and various formations of a tumor nature. Also, the doctor can see clear contours of the liver, and using the color rendering function, he will consider areas of necrosis, if any.
  • Spleen. An organ associated with the liver by common functions, therefore, must be considered without fail. In case of violations of the spleen, its size and shape can change, which is quite clearly demonstrated by ultrasound. In addition, during the analysis, it is possible to determine the presence of developmental anomalies, heart attacks, focal and oncological diseases of the spleen.
  • gallbladder. The most important organ of the abdominal cavity is scanned along with the biliary tract. This makes it possible to diagnose kinks and constrictions, which are formed due to improper development of the organ, and to detect violations of the outflow of bile, provoked by improper functioning of the bile ducts. Also, ultrasound is a great way to confirm a patient with cholelithiasis of any severity and acute or chronic cholecystitis. And for the detection of polyposis and cancer, this technique will be the most informative of all known to science today.
  • Pancreas. A unique organ that takes part simultaneously in the digestive and endocrine metabolism. The enzymes produced by this gland contribute to the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates into simpler compounds, thereby performing the main function of digestion. At the same time, the production of the hormone insulin regulates the level of glucose in the blood, protecting the body from hyper- and hypoglycemic conditions. Due to such a huge load on the pancreas, its tissues regenerate very slowly, which leads to numerous diseases, such as acute and chronic pancreatitis. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs can also detect abnormalities in the structure of the organ, cysts and tumors, fatty infiltration and disorders caused by diabetes mellitus.
  • Vessels. They are responsible for the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to all organs, and therefore the early detection of their blockage (thrombosis) can play a decisive role in the patient's medical history. Vessels located in the abdominal cavity are also amenable to ultrasound diagnostics. In addition, this technique allows assessing the state of the lumen and physiological abnormalities of the vascular system.
  • Retroperitoneal space. Examine to determine the parameters of the lymph nodes.

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity shows the general condition of the above organs, allows you to assess their size, shape and structure of tissues. The results of the diagnosis will be the basis for determining the diagnosis and prescribing topical therapy.

1 - anus
2 - labioscrotal tubercles
3 - Legs
4 - Genital tubercle
7 - Deepening of the urethra
8 - Sexual folds

Embryo size - 45 mm.

At the 9th week, there are no noticeable differences between the genitals of a boy and a girl. The genital tubercle and genital folds are surrounded on the outside by labioscrotal tubercles. The pictures confirm that outwardly the boy and the girl do not differ.

Boy (11 weeks post fertilization, 13 obstetric weeks)

Boy, 11 weeks

Embryo size - 64 mm.

The development of male external genitalia depends on dihydrotestosterone, which is produced by the testicles. The genital tubercle elongates and grows to form a penis, and the urogenital folds on both sides of the urogenital membrane begin to coalesce to form the urethra. The labioscrotal tubercles grow intensively and turn into the scrotum, growing together along the midline.

In boys, the genital tubercle forms the penis (4) . The body of the penis is formed from the genital folds, at this stage of development, the formation of the penis is not yet completed (7) . Scrotum (6) formed from the labioscrotal tubercles (2) . scrotal fusion line (5) formed by the union of the labioscrotal tubercles.

At this stage of development, the testicles are located in the abdomen. They do not descend into the scrotum (6) up to 7-8 months of pregnancy.

The foreskin at the 12th week of embryo development is already formed.

Changes in the development of the genital organs of girls at 13-20 weeks after fertilization

Girls have very little testosterone in their blood. Therefore, after the formation of the external genitalia at the 8th week, in the future they practically do not change outwardly.

The genital tubercle turns into a clitoris, it can increase not only during the period of being in the mother's stomach, but also after the birth of a girl.

The urogenital folds form the labia minora. The labioscrotal tubercles enlarge and become the labia majora, while the urogenital groove remains open to form the entrance to the vagina.

The position of the external opening of the urethra is determined by the 14th week of embryo development.

13 week embryo size - 90 mm, 17-week - 150 mm, 20-week - 185 mm.

Girl, ultrasound 13-20 weeks

1 - anus
2 - Buttocks
3 - Clitoris
4 - Large labia
6 - Legs
7 - Small labia

The genitals of girls are formed from the same folds and tubercles as the genitals of boys.

By the 20th week, the labioscrotal tubercles and genital folds in girls do not grow together and form small (7) and big (4) labia. The clitoris is formed from the genital tubercle (3) .

The ovaries are not identified until 10 weeks.

Gender determination during the second scheduled ultrasound at 20-22 weeks

At week 20, all external changes in the genitals have already occurred and you can “see” everything quite accurately. But if you come across a qualified specialist and high-quality equipment, then an ultrasound scan can determine the sex of the child starting from the 12th week.

In boys, you can see a tubercle between the legs, which is the scrotum and penis. may show a round, raised area within the genital area, which is the scrotum and penis. On the screen of the ultrasound machine, the boys' genitals in profile look like a small snail.

Some babies turn around during the ultrasound so that their genitals are not visible on the third screening ultrasound at 32-34 weeks.

Factors such as the position of the fetus, the amount of amniotic fluid, and the thickness of the abdominal wall affect fetal sex determination.

Three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound makes it easier for specialists to determine the sex of the fetus.

Answers to the most frequently asked questions

Question: Can the sex of the baby be determined at the first screening ultrasound at 12 weeks?

Answer: At 12 weeks, the ultrasound doctor can make a guess about gender, sometimes it is a little more accurate than 50/50.

Proper visualization of any part of the fetus depends on many factors, including:

  • fetal position,
  • amount of amniotic fluid
  • abdominal wall thickness, etc.

So, if you are very interested in who will be born, then here are a few possibilities suppose about the field according to the results of an early ultrasound examination.

Such successful pictures as in the photo on the right are extremely rare.

If the child has turned so “comfortably”, the sex can also be determined for a period of 12 weeks after conception (14 obstetric weeks).

3 ways to determine sex by ultrasound in the early stages

1. Definition by analysis the angle between the genital tubercle and the baby's back.

On the ultrasound screens below you can see how it looks like. All screens are embryos at the 12th (14th obstetric) week of pregnancy, the size of the embryos is about 75 mm.

At boys genital tubercle forms an angle approximately 30 degrees or more with a back (left column in the photo).

At girls genital tubercle forms an angle less than 30 degrees(right column of examples in the picture).

2. Location of the placenta

If the placenta is located on the right side of the uterus are more likely to be born boy.

If the placenta is located on the left side of the uterus- wait girl.

This method bears the name of its discoverer and is known as . (At the link you will find a description of the studies, as well as the voting of the site's readers, whether the method of determining the sex by the location of the placenta was confirmed in their case).

3. According to the shape of the skull

If the skull and jaw are square - a boy; if round - a girl.

Question: How accurate are the results of determining the sex of a child in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Answer: Experienced ultrasound specialists can determine the sex by measuring the angle of the genital tubercle.
At the 11th week, the error rate is approximately 50% (out of 100 boys, the sex is determined exactly in 14), at the 14th week, the sex determination is already more accurate.

What does an abdominal ultrasound show? Currently, the study is the fastest, simplest, most accurate and safest diagnostic method. Behind the front wall of the abdomen is a large space, which is the abdominal cavity. Various organs are located here, and it is their condition that reflects an ultrasound examination:

  • stomach;
  • pancreas;
  • intestines;
  • liver;
  • spleen;
  • bile ducts: extra- and intrahepatic;
  • kidneys;
  • gallbladder;
  • the abdominal section of the aorta, as well as its branches;
  • adrenal glands;
  • lymphatic vessels and trunks;
  • lymph nodes;
  • nerve plexuses;
  • department of the nervous autonomic system.

What does an abdominal ultrasound show? This is a common question. The abdominal cavity has two layers of peritoneum - a thin membrane. The inflammatory process that occurs in it is called "peritonitis" and poses a threat to human life. The organs are covered by the peritoneum in different ways: some are wrapped in it, while others do not touch at all, but are inside the boundaries outlined by it.

The cavity is conditionally divided into the abdominal cavity itself and the space behind the peritoneum. Organs located both in the retroperitoneal space and in the abdominal cavity are examined on ultrasound. Such a study can establish structural damage, inflammation, reduction or enlargement of an organ, pathological formations, and negative changes in blood supply. Ultrasound will not be able to reveal how a healthy or diseased organ copes with its functional responsibilities.

What does an abdominal ultrasound show?

Thanks to the study, it is possible to establish the cause of the pathology in the following situations:

  • abdominal pain or discomfort;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • feeling of a full stomach;
  • excessive gas formation;
  • intolerance to fatty foods;
  • frequent bouts of hiccups;
  • feeling of heaviness in the left or right hypochondrium;
  • high blood pressure;
  • jaundice;
  • pain in the lower back;
  • weight loss that is not related to diets;
  • high temperature without the presence of colds;
  • an increase in the size of the abdomen;
  • as a control over the effectiveness of therapy for pathological changes affecting the organs of the digestive system;
  • as a form of routine examination, including also cholelithiasis and anomalies in the structure of organs.

Examination of the abdominal cavity can also be prescribed to pregnant women in order to monitor the normal development and location of the fetus.

Abdominal ultrasound showing intestines?

Preparing for an abdominal ultrasound

To get the most accurate result, you need to properly prepare for the study. A clear scan can be interfered with by gases accumulating in the intestines. To minimize their number, experts recommend switching to a more sparing diet at least two to three days before the study.

It is advisable not to use all varieties of bread products, do not eat fatty meat. Nuts, legumes, fruits, raw vegetables, various sodas, unleavened milk also cause excessive gas formation, and you should not drink or eat them before scanning. It is strictly forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages. When prescribing a study for the morning, it is better to do it on an empty stomach, and even ordinary water should be abandoned.

In the afternoon of the study, the last meal should be no later than 4-5 hours. It is also not recommended to drink water or any drinks. What shows the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, you can also check with your doctor.

Before the study, for prevention, a specialist may prescribe the use of laxatives that reduce the formation of gases or improve digestion of drugs. On the day of the ultrasound scan, it is imperative to relieve the intestines. If the laxative does not help to go to the toilet, then in the morning and evening you can apply a cleansing enema. Patients need to come to the examination with their own sheet and napkins.

Will ultrasound of the abdominal cavity show pathologies in the liver?

Liver examination

An organ such as the liver is the most important organ not only in the abdominal cavity, but in principle in the entire human body. It is she who is responsible for the synthesis of the necessary substances, as well as the neutralization of accumulated harmful toxins. When is an ultrasound of the liver recommended?

  • If there is a suspicion of neoplasms, abscesses, injuries.
  • When examining a patient whose tests reflect abnormalities in the functioning of the liver.
  • In the treatment of AIDS, hepatitis, oncological or infectious diseases.
  • For the selection of contraceptives or the treatment of diseases of the gynecological sphere.
  • With a comprehensive analysis of the state of organs.
  • As a preventive examination, which is carried out every year.

Through ultrasound of the liver, a specialist can establish many defects in its condition or functioning. Most often, ultrasound is used to diagnose:

  • hepatitis of various origins;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • different tumors;
  • the presence of abscesses and cystic formations;
  • hepatic obesity (fat infiltration or steatosis).

Thanks to the study of the liver, you can see other diseases that are less common. Will an abdominal ultrasound show gallbladder disease?

Examination of the gallbladder

Scanning is prescribed to establish the motor functions of the gallbladder, which is located in the abdominal cavity. To determine its motility, the number of contractions of the organ for a certain time interval is measured. Ultrasound makes it possible to determine:

  • dyskinesia of any type (hypo- and hypertonicity, sphincter insufficiency, spasms);
  • inflammatory pathologies: cholangitis, cholecystitis, cholecystocholangitis. Ultrasound also allows you to determine the specifics of the course of these diseases, their phase, features of inflammation, localization.

It is worth noting that on the day of the study, it is undesirable to neither drink nor eat until the end of the ultrasound.

What shows the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, it is interesting to many.

Examination of vessels located in the abdominal cavity

The study is based on the fact that it allows you to penetrate into the vessels due to the reflection of sound waves from red blood cells. These waves after certain transformations appear on the monitor in the form of a color image, which allows you to determine the presence or absence of pathologies. Ultrasound, or ultrasound, of the vessels makes it possible to analyze:

  • venous portal system;
  • mesenteric superior artery;
  • iliac arteries;
  • celiac trunk;
  • vena cava and other vessels.

Thanks to ultrasound, a specialist has the ability to quickly and painlessly determine:

  • the speed of blood flow in the vessels located in the abdominal cavity, and the usefulness of the process;
  • the presence of blood clots, aneurysms, stenoses, plaques (even at the very beginning of their formation);
  • portal hypertension and many other pathological abnormalities.

What does abdominal ultrasound show in women?

The patient is sent for an urgent examination (ultrasound) and in case of suspicion of the following pathologies:

  • liver abnormalities;
  • gallstone disease;
  • cholecystitis;
  • anomalies in the development of organs;
  • pancreatitis of any form (acute, chronic);
  • aortic aneurysm (abdominal);
  • tumors;
  • to assess the prevalence of neoplasms (if any);
  • hepatitis.

The presence of menstruation does not affect the procedure at all. With menstruation, as well as in their absence, this technique shows the same result. During the study, at the request of the doctor, you will need to hold your breath for a short time several times. Diagnostics is carried out in real time, which ensures the most reliable result by the end of the study. Thus, in 20-30 minutes spent in the ultrasound room, you can get complete information about the work of all the internal organs of the patient.

Ultrasound of the pancreas and stomach

Most often, a study of the stomach is prescribed if the patient has an ulcer or gastritis. However, it is advisable to undergo ultrasound with systematically manifested heartburn, constant belching, diarrhea and vomiting.

During the research, tumors of a malignant and benign nature, disorders in the gastric walls, catarrhal inflammations, ulcers, various kinds of oncological diseases, stenoses that can develop in the initial stages with little or no symptoms can be detected. Thanks to the study of the pancreas, pancreatitis can be detected in a timely manner. What else will an abdominal ultrasound show in adults?

Examination of the spleen

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the spleen in the human body. This organ is located in the abdominal cavity and destroys those blood cells that have been worked out, transforms hemoglobin into hemosiderin and bilirubin, acts as a source of red blood cells and lymphocytes, produces the necessary antibodies, and also serves as an excellent barrier to various foreign particles or bacteria.

The spleen is a rather “gentle” organ, because it feels any changes concerning all the organs located in the abdominal cavity, and immediately suffers from them. That is why ultrasound of the liver is desirable to carry out in the following cases:

  • with suspicion of congenital malformations;
  • with damage to the peritoneum;
  • with oncological and chronic diseases;
  • with leukemia;
  • with infectious diseases: hepatitis, typhoid, mononucleosis, etc.;
  • with suspicion of the formation of neoplasms.

The study of the spleen can be carried out at routine examinations. Ultrasound makes it possible to detect the presence of the spleen in a patient (sometimes people can be born without it), to establish how “correct” its structure, location, stability of fixation is, whether the size is optimal, whether there is a heart attack and other lesions. Some of these indicators allow you to determine the development of other diseases. For example, an enlarged spleen, that is, splenomegaly, may be a sign of:

  • jaundice;
  • leukopenia;
  • infections;
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

This is what an abdominal ultrasound shows in a child.

In some cases, the disease can develop almost imperceptibly to a person. The patient may experience only minor negative symptoms, which are often not given any importance. But even minimal deviations in any organ can become a source of serious illness.

Lymphatic structures on ultrasound imaging

Lymph nodes located behind the peritoneum should normally not be visualized. This means that their dimensions are normal and ultrasound cannot detect them. An increase in these organs indicates either the presence of an infectious disease in the abdominal cavity, or that cancer cells of the hematopoietic system are present here. In addition, this may mean metastases of a tumor of any organ located nearby.

When should an ultrasound of the organs located in the abdominal cavity be performed?

  • not too strong, but constant discomfort after eating or prolonged fasting;
  • bad breath in the mouth or bitterness;
  • sharp or girdle pain;
  • burning and heaviness in the hypochondrium;
  • suspicion of an increase in the size of any organ located in the peritoneum;
  • increased formation of gases in the intestines;
  • injuries or bruises of the abdominal cavity;
  • diagnosed diseases: pathologies of the digestive system, diabetes mellitus;
  • before preparing for surgery.


What does an abdominal ultrasound show in men? Rarely is an isolated study of a single organ. Firstly, for the reason that all organs are very close. Secondly, their functioning is closely related to each other. Most often, specialists prescribe an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity of a complex nature, during which an analysis is made of the state of the pancreas and stomach, spleen and liver, vessels located in the peritoneum, duodenum and other organs. Thanks to this analysis, it is possible to diagnose pathologies of the abdominal cavity in time, establish the causes of their occurrence, and start a treatment course in a timely manner. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to do it once a year.

We examined what diseases an abdominal ultrasound will show.

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