Intrauterine device: what is good and what is bad about this method of contraception. Types of intrauterine devices

In women after 25-30 years. This popularity is due, first of all, to ease of use (placed in the uterine cavity).

Modern IUDs are made of inert plastic wrapped with the finest copper wire, which increases the efficiency and duration of the coil. In addition, the spiral may contain silver, gold, other additives (for example, propolis). Their purpose is to reduce the risk of developing inflammatory diseases of the uterus when using the IUD, but, according to some reports, they also reduce the effectiveness of contraception. Hormone-containing spirals are a separate item, we will talk about them a little lower.

The contraceptive effect of the IUD is that the spiral makes it difficult for the sperm to move towards the egg and, consequently, its fertilization. In addition, the IUD prevents the implantation of the fetal egg due to its accelerated flow from the fallopian tubes and the lack of a full-fledged secretory transformation of the endometrium.

Pros of using copper containing IUDs quite significant:

  • no other contraceptive, with the exception of surgical sterilization, allows you to forget about this problem for such a long time, the average period of using the IUD is 3-5 years;
  • one of the cheapest methods of contraception, from $ 2 to 30 for 3-5 years for copper-containing spirals;
  • reliable way, efficiency 97-98%;
  • possible use in various therapeutic diseases, excluding diseases of the blood system;
  • unlike sterilization, the method is reversible; the ability to conceive is normally restored within 3 months after the removal of the IUD.
  • However, this method of contraception also has the largest number of contraindications and side effects, which significantly limits the range of its application. Once again, the proverb "not all that glitters is gold" is justified.

    To side effects include:

  • Long-term presence of a foreign body in the uterine cavity contributes to the occurrence of an inflammatory process (endometritis), which, in combination with any STD, gives a very difficult clinic. Changes persist for a long time in the inner layer of the uterus after removal of the IUD and can be the cause of miscarriage and infertility.
  • Violation of the function of the fallopian tubes, induced by a foreign body to anti-peristaltic contractions. This circumstance is associated with an increase in the number of cases of ectopic pregnancy when using the IUD.
  • The long-term presence of IUD conductors in the cervical canal contributes to the upward spread of the vaginal microflora with the development of an infectious process in the mucous membrane of the cervix, the formation of cervical polyps. Especially unfavorable is the combination of the IUD with cervical erosion.
  • With regular sexual activity, women using the IUD periodically still conceive, followed by spontaneous abortion in the first week of its development. Such spontaneous mini-abortions have an erased clinical picture, which is manifested by profuse, irregular and painful periods. Therefore, this method of contraception is categorically unacceptable for believers.
  • The use of the IUD is associated with surgical manipulation in the uterine cavity during the installation and removal of the IUD. Rare cases of perforation of the uterus are associated with this, which requires abdominal surgery.
  • Spontaneous prolapse (expulsion) of the IUD is possible, which is especially common when using this method by women with cervical ruptures.
  • If pregnancy still occurs when using this method, then it is not always possible to save it, as the number of spontaneous miscarriages increases.
  • These complications define a wide range of contraindications to the use of the IUD:

  • allergic to copper;
  • various inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • the presence or risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease;
  • postpartum trauma, as well as other diseases of the cervix (erosion, dysplasia, polyps);
  • benign and malignant tumors of the genital organs;
  • endometriosis, fibroids, hyperplasia, endometrium;
  • malformations of the uterus;
  • menstrual disorders, heavy or painful menstruation;
  • anemia and disorders of the blood coagulation system.
  • If we take into account that gynecologists do not recommend the use of IUDs for nulliparous women, then the circle of patients who, without any particular fear, can be introduced into the uterine cavity for a long time to prevent implantation of the ovum, is very limited.

    Let's summarize: this method of contraception is suitable for absolutely gynecologically healthy women with light, regular, painless periods, having a child and one sexual partner and not guided by the conventions associated with religion.

    A few words about hormonal IUDs

    Available on the pharmacy market hormonal intrauterine system "Mirena". It occupies an intermediate position between the IUD and oral contraceptives. Around the vertical rod of the IUD is a cylindrical reservoir containing gestogen, which is released into the uterine cavity in microdoses and enters the inner layer of the uterus and blood. At the same time, a constant concentration of this hormone is maintained in the blood plasma at a level of 1/3 or 2/3 of the level of hormones when using conventional oral contraceptives. Mirena, combining the advantages of the IUD and oral contraceptives, does not have the disadvantages inherent in them separately.

    pros Minuses Anti-
    poured for 5 years.
    Pretty high price
    (about $250 for 5 years)
    Acute or exacerbation of chronic
    telny ill-
    genital organs
    up to 98%
    It is possible to use
    treatment with heavy, painful menstruation, while the system has a therapeutic effect - menstruation becomes scarce and painless;
    the scope of manipulation in the uterine cavity
    venous tumors of the uterus or cervix
    Does not increase the number of ectopic pregnancies
    news and
    body diseases
    The presence of side effects associated with gestagens (depression, headache, minor
    significant change in body weight, engorgement of the mammary glands); usually these phenomena disappear after 3-6 months from the installation of the system
    Uterine bleeding
    from the genital tract unidentified
    lenny etiology
    Can be used for therapeutic purposes in women with fibroids, endometriosis
    rhiosis, adenomyosis, premenopausal
    striatal syndrome.
    Some women experience a complete cessation
    menstruation during the first year of use
    zation, in the future, the cycle of restoring
    pouring; there are also spotting non-cyclic
    cal secretions.
    Anomalies in the development of the uterus that interfere with the introduction of the spiral
    Due to the very low concentration of the hormone, it is possible to use the system in women with a general pathology, when conventional hormonal contraceptives are contraindicated.
    Acute hepatitis
    Reversible method - the ability to conceive by restoring
    poured within a year after extraction
    Acute thrombo-
    phlebitis or thromboembolism
    pain disorders

    How is the introduction and removal of the intrauterine device.

    It is always difficult for women to decide on various manipulations that are associated with the internal genital organs. However, a huge number of women decide to install an intrauterine device (IUD), which is a common and reliable method of contraception, especially for those who have already given birth to a child.

    This option of protection against unwanted pregnancy is very popular, because it is distinguished by the possibility of long-term use, high efficiency and comfort of use. True, many patients are interested in the question, does it hurt to put a spiral?

    What is the Navy?

    An intrauterine device is a small device made of medical plastic or with the addition of silver, copper or gold. These precious metals have anti-inflammatory properties, in addition, they have a positive effect on the reproductive system of women. True, such contraceptives are more expensive, but they are more effective. There are also devices that contain hormones. Below we consider in more detail, does it hurt to put a spiral?

    This gynecological device after installation in the uterus prevents the conception of a child. It works as follows:

    • the spiral with the metals present in its composition activates the production of natural mucous spermicides;
    • inhibits the movement of spermatozoa;
    • reduces the thickness of the endometrium, preventing the embryo from gaining a foothold in the uterine cavity;
    • reduces the lifespan of the female egg.

    Varieties of devices

    It should be noted that only a gynecologist can recommend a woman a suitable type of spiral. The doctor compares the possibility of using one or another intrauterine contraceptive with the state of the uterus. Only after all the examinations, the IUD is inserted into the woman, the varieties of which can be:

    • Hormonal. This contraceptive contains hormonal components.
    • Copper. In the spiral of this type there is such a chemical element as copper.
    • inert. This device is made in the form of the letter S. It belongs to the first types of IUDs, has low efficiency.
    • Gold. In the manufacture of such a spiral, gold is added to extend its service life.
    • Silver. This type of contraceptive is made with the addition of silver ions.

    This intrauterine contraceptive is highly reliable - a guarantee of the absence of pregnancy is almost 100%. Any spiral has similar parameters, but only a doctor can advise the most suitable one. He first studies in detail the features of the anatomical structure of the uterus and the history of the woman. She should not have any chronic inflammatory and infectious processes in the reproductive organs.

    A brief overview of the Mirena intrauterine device

    To find out if it hurts to put the Mirena spiral, reviews of which are both positive and negative, you need to understand the principle of its operation. This contraceptive differs from other similar devices in the presence of the hormone levonorgestrel.

    Every day, such a spiral releases a little hormone into the uterus, which is practically not absorbed into the blood and acts only within the reproductive organ. As a result, there is no suppression of the functioning of the ovaries, the risk of negative consequences is significantly reduced, and even a therapeutic effect is exerted.

    Does it hurt to put the Mirena coil? The installation of this device is not a very pleasant procedure, however, many women do not experience pain during the introduction. With an underestimated pain threshold, it is necessary to warn the gynecologist about this. The doctor in this case will inject an anesthetic drug into the cervix to reduce sensitivity. Having found out whether it is painful to put the Mirena spiral, you can not worry and feel free to go to the doctor.

    IUD Insertion Procedure

    First of all, before installing an intrauterine contraceptive, it is necessary to be examined to exclude diseases and infections associated with the reproductive organs. A woman will have to undergo several diagnostic procedures:

    • get tested for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis;
    • pass urine for a general examination and tests to detect genital infections;
    • perform a colposcopy;
    • make an ultrasound of the reproductive organ;
    • take a smear of the vagina, as well as the cervix.

    An ultrasound examination is used to confirm that the patient does not have any changes that prevent the use of an intrauterine device. Also, such an examination helps to make sure that at the time of the introduction of the contraceptive, the woman is not in position. For this purpose, a test is done to determine the level of hCG.

    Before installing a contraceptive, you will have to refrain from having sex for about a week. It is administered only in the gynecologist's office under sterile conditions. The patient is placed in a chair with her legs on the holders, then the doctor treats the vagina and cervix with disinfectants. Almost every woman thinks before the procedure, does it hurt to put a spiral? In some cases, local anesthesia is performed to avoid discomfort. As a rule, a special gel is used for anesthesia or injections are made.

    Only after preparing the patient for the procedure, the gynecologist opens the neck with special tools to measure the depth, and then installs the device in the cavity of the reproductive organ. The antennae of the contraceptive, whose length is about 2 cm, the doctor brings to the outside of the uterus into the vagina. It is with their help that the device is then removed. When performing hygiene procedures, the patient should periodically check whether the antennae of the contraceptive are in place.

    Does it hurt to put a spiral without menstruation? The introduction of such a device in most cases does not cause severe discomfort. Sometimes ladies during such a procedure feel discomfort, which quickly pass. Some women experience fainting and dizzy spells, but this is very rare and goes away after a few minutes. In the first 30 days, until the immune system gets used to the presence of a foreign device, a woman is not recommended to visit the pool or bath.

    Feeling good after the procedure

    Does it hurt to put an intrauterine device? In addition to discomfort during the procedure, there may be some other changes in the body of the lady. After the introduction of a device without hormones, the following changes may occur:

    • Menstruation becomes more abundant, painful and prolonged.
    • Perhaps the appearance of spotting with an admixture of blood from the vagina, appearing before or after menstruation, and sometimes in between two cycles.

    Some ladies, due to severe pain during menstruation and blood discharge, stop using the intrauterine contraceptive and remove it before the expiration date.

    What should not be done after the installation of the IUD?

    In the first 7 days after the procedure, it is recommended to exclude sex, avoid excessive physical exertion and rest more. Do not use vaginal tampons until the body is fully accustomed to the presence of a foreign object in the cavity of the reproductive organ. Thus, it will be possible to avoid falling out and displacement of the spiral.

    After 10 days, a scheduled examination is performed. Sometimes an ultrasound is done to check the location of the contraceptive. In the absence of side effects, the patient returns to her rhythm of life. If necessary, the doctor prescribes a second examination in a month. Then you should visit the doctor every six months.

    As for the discomfort during the introduction of the device, then everything is individual. Every woman has her own pain threshold. What is not painful for some may be unbearable for others.

    Does it hurt to put an intrauterine device? Reviews of women who put the spiral, in most cases, are positive. All ladies agree that the discomfort during the installation of a contraceptive resembles discomfort, as during menstruation. Many people complain about the appearance of pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

    Severe pain syndrome can occur in young patients who have not given birth and had little sex life. For girls who do not yet have children, there are some restrictions on the use of this method of contraception.

    Before you find out if it hurts to put a spiral, reviews of which are contradictory, you need to find out the principle of the procedure. During the installation of the IUD, in many cases, general anesthesia or intravenous anesthesia is not done. But with a strong fear, you can reduce the pain by taking a light drug for pain relief together with antispasmodics before the introduction of the device. In case of excitement, you can take a sedative, for example, motherwort or valerian.

    Restrictions on the use of an intrauterine contraceptive

    Before you understand whether it is painful to install a spiral, you must first find out all the contraindications to its introduction. It is necessary to take into account the fact that such a contraceptive is not suitable for all women. It is intended, first of all, for giving birth to ladies who have a regular sex life.

    Such devices for unwanted pregnancy cannot be used if inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs are present. Before deciding on the introduction of a spiral, you must first pass all the necessary tests and eliminate such infectious pathologies as gonorrhea, chlamydia and others. Diseases that have appeared due to abortion or childbirth are also subject to treatment.

    It is forbidden to install such a device for cervical cancer. In addition, benign formations, such as fibroids, can become contraindications to the use of such a contraceptive. Naturally, you will have to abandon the IUD if you suspect pregnancy. You can not install such a contraceptive if a woman suffers from severe pathologies of blood vessels and the heart, as well as tuberculosis of the pelvic organs.

    Possible Complications

    After the introduction of this device, various negative consequences can occur. In some cases, after such a procedure, women begin to be disturbed by pain in the lower abdomen, which has a pulling character and prolonged heavy periods. Chronic processes in the pelvic organs may also become aggravated.

    The first days after the introduction of the spiral are considered the most dangerous. If the pain does not go away for a long time or there is discomfort in the abdomen, accompanied by fever, you need to urgently contact a gynecologist to exclude perforation of the uterus.

    How long to use an intrauterine contraceptive

    The service life of the spiral depends on the type and correctness of its installation. For example, if the intrauterine device moves, then it will have to be removed ahead of schedule.

    These contraceptives are usually set for 5 years, but there are types of spirals, the shelf life of which is about 10 years. Such devices include products with gold, since this metal is highly resistant to corrosion. When the spiral loses its contraceptive effect, it is removed. The procedure for pulling out the IUD is painless.

    Does it hurt to put a spiral after childbirth? It is allowed to perform the procedure 1.5 months after the birth of the baby in the absence of complications. If a caesarean section was performed, then it is allowed to install an ectopic device only after six months. This method of contraception does not affect the woman's lactation and the baby.

    In the first 3 months after the insertion of the IUD, there is a huge risk of the device falling out, especially during menstruation. To avoid an unplanned pregnancy, you should pay attention to menstruation. If they become more abundant and are accompanied by pain in the abdomen, it is better to see a doctor.

    Often, from the conversations of friends or in queues at the antenatal clinic, you can hear stories about intrauterine devices, various reviews on them and impressions about this contraceptive. But what is it and what does it do? Will this affect the hormonal background of a woman, her ability to become a mother someday and, of course, will she be able to protect her from certain diseases? Is this method reliable for preventing unwanted pregnancy and are there differences between them?

    We will try to understand these issues, consider 6 popular intrauterine devices and find out what are the differences between them. Which spiral to choose?

    What is an IUD (intrauterine device)?

    - this is one of the effective means of contraception, which is often used by women who have given birth, most often with a permanent partner and are not currently ready for motherhood again.

    Like any other type of contraception, spirals differ in their composition, type, duration of use, and other parameters.


    There are 2 groups of spirals:

    • hormonal;
    • non-hormonal.

    Both perform the same task - protection from unwanted pregnancies. But some of them have additional properties. For example, they are often used in gynecological practice as a way to treat certain diseases, and non-hormonal spirals with the addition of silver or gold have a bactericidal effect and protect the female reproductive system from unwanted infections.

    There are 3 generations of spirals:

    1st generation

    • IUD without any metal or hormone, consisting only of medical plastic.
    • Their contraceptive effect is achieved only by the mechanical impossibility of attaching the fetal egg to the endometrium.
    • Often cause complications (infectious diseases, ectopic pregnancy and spiral prolapse - expulsion).

    IUDs of the 1st generation are not used now, as there are more reliable and efficient coils.

    2nd generation

    • IUDs containing metal in their composition. That is, these are spirals, also consisting of medical plastic, but having a contraceptive effect due to additional components - copper, silver, gold.
    • Metals act not only on the female body, but also on the male factor - spermatozoa, and thereby reduce the risk of an unplanned pregnancy.

    3rd generation

    • Hormonal spirals, which at this stage are used as therapeutic and contraceptive agents.

    Intrauterine devices have different shapes:

    • t-shaped;
    • round or semicircular;
    • in the form of an umbrella;
    • in the shape of a horseshoe (semi-oval).

    Each spiral has its advantages and disadvantages and is selected individually depending on the characteristics of the body of a particular woman.

    All spirals have the same principle of action - protection from unwanted pregnancy.

    So, how does the spiral help to avoid conception?

    All coils are made of medical plastic, which rarely causes an allergic reaction in women. But such cases do occur. For this reason, you need to carefully monitor your feelings and monitor the reaction of the body after installing the spiral.

    In addition to medical plastic, modern spirals include:

    • metals (silver, copper, gold);
    • hormones.

    Hormonal spiral

    This type of IUD releases a certain amount of a hormone that not only affects the female body, but also reduces sperm activity. The spiral does not affect male potency and male health! Only on spermatozoa that have already entered the female genital tract. The only tangible disadvantage that intrauterine devices can deliver to a man is the feeling of the antennae of the spiral during intercourse. This issue is easily solved: you need to come to the doctor's office, and the gynecologist will simply shorten the interfering antennae of the spiral.

    The hormone in the spiral affects the maturation and release of eggs by the ovaries of a woman and does not have a destructive effect on the hormonal background as a whole.

    The very presence of the spiral in the uterus prevents the attachment of the fetal egg and, accordingly, pregnancy does not occur. This is a mechanical factor of protection from pregnancy. Also, the spiral causes a local reaction that adversely affects spermatozoa, inhibiting and destroying them.

    Hormonal spirals affect many female diseases (, etc.) and are recommended for use by gynecologists for the treatment of the latter.

    Non-hormonal spiral

    As for the IUDs, which have metals in their composition, such designs, in addition to the mechanical factor of protection against pregnancy inherent in all spirals, have a detrimental effect on the male factor in their arsenal. For example:

    • Copper, oxidizing the environment, inhibits the movement of spermatozoa that have entered the uterine cavity, and damages them.
    • Silver and gold increase the shelf life of coils and have a positive effect on local immunity, protecting a woman from inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

    All types of spirals have a stimulating effect on the fallopian tubes and increase their peristalsis. While the fetal egg is rapidly moving into the uterine cavity, the endometrium does not have time to prepare for the adoption of a new life, and as a result, the embryo enters an unfavorable environment that is not suitable for further development.

    Summing up, we can distinguish the links of fertilization, which are influenced by any spiral:

    • On the male factor (inhibitory and spermicidal action).
    • For the maturation and release of the egg from the ovaries.
    • For the delivery of the egg and the fetal egg through the fallopian tubes.
    • Attachment of the fertilized egg to the endometrium.
    • A local reaction that causes the release of enzymes that are detrimental to spermatozoa.

    Who can put an intrauterine device?

    • The desire of the woman herself at this stage of life not to become a mother (provided that there is already a history of childbirth).
    • Frequent pregnancies with other types of contraception (if they are used incorrectly or inattentively in taking).
    • Prevention of unwanted pregnancy during lactation (breastfeeding).
    • In order to save money. Spirals are placed for several years, which allows a woman not to worry about other types of contraception (oral contraceptives, condoms).

    Important! Coils do not protect against STIs (sexually transmitted infections)! It is recommended to install a contraceptive with an existing permanent sexual partner (low risk of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases). It should also be mentioned that coils are used in women who have given birth and are not recommended for contraception in young women who have not given birth.

    Spiral setting technique

    The spiral is installed both during menstruation and immediately in the first days after it, since at this time it is more likely. In addition, the cervix during this period is slightly ajar, which makes it easier for the spiral to enter the uterine cavity and cause minimal discomfort to the woman.

    Before installing the spiral, the doctor conducts research on the presence of inflammatory diseases and, if necessary, prescribes anti-inflammatory therapy. This reduces the risk of complications and spiral loss in the future. The process itself takes place only in the office of a gynecologist, under aseptic conditions.

    If a woman decides, then you should wait a while (about 6 weeks) for the uterus to return to its previous state. The fact is that during pregnancy, the uterus is overstretched, and after childbirth, it gradually returns to its previous size. This process is called uterine involution. In order to avoid complications after the installation of the spiral, gynecologists recommend waiting for the end of the involution.

    It is not recommended to install an intrauterine device immediately after an abortion. The patient should be observed for the presence of complications and various inflammatory diseases that could provoke an abortion. As soon as the obstetrician-gynecologist is convinced of the complete health of the woman, the spiral can be placed in the uterine cavity.

    In the instructions for some spirals there are marks about setting a contraceptive immediately after an abortion. This issue should be addressed individually with an experienced doctor and follow his advice in this matter.

    Overview of intrauterine devices: the most popular means

    There are a huge number of intrauterine contraceptives on the market, which have a different shape, composition, terms of use and, of course, the price range. All of them have their advantages and disadvantages.

    So, consider the most commonly used and popular spirals:

    Spiral Multiload (Multiload CU-375)

    This is a T-shaped copper wire helix. It is not hormonal. The metal affects the spermatozoa, causing their death and the impossibility of further fertilization.

    The shelf life of the spiral is 4 years. After this period, the spiral can not be used in any case!

    Rod length - 35 mm. This is a standard length, the spiral has no other variations in size. It is suitable for women who, after measuring the size of the uterus with a probe, the length of its cavity is from 6 to 9 cm.

    Of the features of the spiral, it should be noted that its use is prohibited in such situations:

    • with an existing allergy to copper;
    • in the first 3 months after an abortion;
    • during the period of breastfeeding.

    If a woman takes immunosuppressants for a long time to treat another pathology, the spiral is not suitable, and another method of contraception should be selected.

    It should be noted that the presence of copper in the composition of the contraceptive will not affect the total amount of copper in the body.

    The price range is in the region of 2.5-3 thousand rubles.

    Spiral Copper (Copper TCu 380A)

    Like the previous spiral, it incorporates copper. Spiral dimensions - vertical - 36 mm, horizontal - 32 mm. A feature of this spiral is a greater release of copper in the uterine cavity, which causes a stronger local reaction.

    The term of use is 5-6 years.

    Another tip: after installation, you should lie down on the couch in the doctor's office. In rare cases, after the introduction of the IUD, there is a decrease in the pulse and clouding of consciousness.

    All other properties are the same as for the Multiload spiral.

    The price fluctuates around 2 thousand rubles

    Spiral Goldlily (Goldlily)

    It contains both copper and one of the noble metals - gold. Gold coats the copper surface, protecting it from early oxidation and corrosion. By creating a potential difference, additional protection against unwanted pregnancy is created. Gold has a powerful bactericidal effect and prevents the occurrence of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

    Another advantage of the contraceptive is the availability of several sizes. Each woman will be able to choose exactly the option that she needs.

    The term of use is 7 years.

    The main downside is the price. Due to the presence of gold, the cost of an intrauterine contraceptive is about 4-5 thousand rubles.

    Spiral Juno Bio-T with Silver (Ag)

    Another spiral in the line of modern contraceptives. The instruction offers the following indications for the use of a spiral (except for the desire of a woman):

    • Treatment and prevention of Asherman's syndrome (formation of adhesions in the uterine cavity).
    • For postcoital protection (can be administered within 3-4 days after unprotected intercourse).

    It contains copper and silver in its composition, which increases the duration of the period of use up to 7 years. Silver prevents early and rapid oxidation of copper, which gives the coil a longer-term effect.

    Another useful quality of silver is its bactericidal effect. Juno protects a woman's body from inflammatory diseases and other infectious complications associated with the presence of a spiral in the uterine cavity.

    Juno works on the same principle as other spirals, affecting all links in the chain to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The price of this product is also attractive - about 400-500 rubles.

    Spiral Nova T (Nova T)

    T-shaped helix containing copper and silver (copper wire with silver in the core). As in Juno, in the Nova T helix, silver prevents early fragmentation of copper. But the difference is the period of use - Nova T should be changed every 5 years. No specific features were identified for other mechanisms of action.

    The price is about 1500-2000 rubles.

    Spiral Mirena (Mirena)

    One of the most common means of intrauterine contraception is the hormonal system. This drug contains a synthetic progestogen - levonorgestrel. It is released per day in a certain required amount, which is sufficient to perform two functions - contraceptive and therapeutic. That is why this spiral is often recommended for women with gynecological diseases (myoma, endometriosis, etc.).

    Mirena inhibits ovulation and prevents the formation of a fetal egg, which increases its contraceptive effect. The Pearl Index of the hormonal intrauterine system is 0.1-0.5, while for conventional IUDs it reaches 3.

    Important aspects:

    • The spiral does not affect the hormonal background.
    • Not contraindicated in women with metal allergies.
    • Approved for use during breastfeeding.
    • It is a 3rd generation spiral.

    Mirena has a shelf life of 5 years. Further use is not recommended due to the depletion of the hormone supply in the coil and the increased possibility of developing infectious diseases of the pelvic organs.

    This contraceptive has a high cost - about 10-12 thousand rubles.

    Dear girls and women! Remember that for an accurate and correct selection of the spiral, you must definitely consult a doctor, because each female body is unique and unrepeatable!

    In contact with

    At all times, special attention was paid to contraception. In place of one method of preventing unwanted pregnancy, others appeared, many methods have improved.

    Today, the installation of an intrauterine device is very popular. Like other methods, it has its advantages and disadvantages.

    How does the spiral work?

    The spiral prevents the fertilized egg from gaining a foothold on the uterine mucosa, as a result of which pregnancy does not occur. In addition, the Navy has one more property. Copper particles produce a toxic environment inside the body (copper ions, enzymes and a huge number of leukocytes), which has spermicidal properties, having a detrimental effect on spermatozoa.

    Modern IUDs are made in such a way that a complex effect is exerted on the body. Double protection appears, which today is recognized as one of the most reliable.

    A quality spiral can be installed for five to seven years. However, you should regularly visit a specialist for examination.

    Can the spiral fall out?

    Despite all the advantages of using an intrauterine device, there are disadvantages that should be remembered. To avoid trouble, you should be attentive to your feelings, especially immediately after the installation of the IUD by a specialist.

    In no case should you install an intrauterine device on your own. Only a specialist can do this correctly.

    A trip to the gynecologist should not be delayed if you began to feel discomfort and pain in the vaginal area and the prolapse of the intrauterine device was accompanied by discharge.

    Why does an intrauterine device fall out? The reasons

    The spiral may fall out involuntarily. The fact of prolapse is not always painful and, as a rule, does not harm the body. However, at this point, the woman is not protected from an unplanned pregnancy.

    Most often, prolapse occurs within a few hours after the installation of a contraceptive. However, there are times when the IUD falls out a few months after insertion. Sometimes the loss of the spiral can be imperceptible and not cause discomfort to the woman.

    There are several reasons for a spiral to fall out. The most common of them:

    1. improper installation by a specialist;
    2. deformation of the cervix;
    3. choosing the size and type of the IUD that does not correspond to the individual characteristics of the body;
    4. great physical activity.

    How to understand that the spiral falls out? signs

    A woman herself can check whether a contraceptive is in place or not. Many female representatives are wondering: how to feel the antennae from the spiral? To do this, you must independently examine the vagina. When examining, it is necessary to pay attention to the length and location of the threads. If something has changed - do not delay the appointment with a specialist. A change in the length of the antennae may also indicate that the IUD has shifted. In this case, its contraceptive effect is minimized. Most likely, in addition to a medical examination, you will be assigned an ultrasound. Thus, the following signs are cause for concern:

    1. you cannot feel the tendrils from the helix, or they have become shorter/longer
    2. the location of the threads (antennae) has changed;
    3. experience pain during intercourse;
    4. painful sensations are observed during menstruation.

    Symptoms of a prolapsed intrauterine device

    If changes begin to occur in the body, it is urgent to consult a doctor. Symptoms of a prolapsed IUD can include:

    • heavy menstruation, change in cycle length;
    • flu-like symptoms;
    • fever or chills;
    • vaginal discharge;
    • bleeding in the middle of the cycle;
    • constant headache.

    These symptoms are an alarming signal that something has gone wrong in the body.

    What to do if a spiral falls out?

    If any of these symptoms or signs appear, you should immediately consult a specialist. Since the intrauterine device fell out or not, only a doctor can answer the question.

    IUD is one of the most modern and reliable methods of protection against unplanned pregnancy. If you master all the subtleties of its application, you can not think about alternative methods.

    Many girls are interested in how they put the helix into the uterus. The video of this process is widely presented on thematic resources, however, before deciding on this procedure, it is necessary to get to know it in as much detail as possible. This method of contraception is widely used in gynecology. The success rate for preventing unwanted pregnancy is 95-99%, depending on the chosen IUD.

    After the installation of the helix into the uterus, fertilization of the egg by the sperm does not occur, since its speed of movement increases and full maturation does not occur. However, if the embryo is still formed, then the product will not allow it to be implanted to the wall of the organ.

    Before determining how a spiral is placed in the uterus, it is also necessary to know such a fact. Pregnancy in the presence of a product in the organ cavity is also impossible because the active components from which it is created act derogatoryly on spermatozoa. Male genitals reduce their activity of movements and lose the ability to fertilize. The following photo shows how the spiral looks in the uterus.

    T-shaped helix in the uterus. Source:

    The most common types of IUDs are:

    1. S-shaped;
    2. T-shaped;
    3. In the form of a ring.

    Also, some girls note the appearance of discharge after the procedure. This condition is also considered normal, but provided that the discharge has a natural smell, and there is no admixture of purulent exudate. During the first six months, the biological fluid may periodically appear, but this should not be considered as a symptom of the development of pathology.

    A woman should go to the doctor if there is a heavy discharge. As for the menstrual cycle, the contraceptive also affects it, so the duration of menstruation can be lengthened, but after 3-4 months everything stabilizes.

    Installation (video)

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