Myths about hormonal drugs. What are female hormones in tablets used for? Should I take hormones?

Over the years, no one remembers who was the first to come up with hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The German Langerhans, who discovered islets in the pancreas, and our compatriot Sobolev, who established their role in the production of insulin, and the Canadians Banting and Best, who obtained insulin from the bovine pancreas in 1922, also distinguished themselves.

It is probably worth including here also the one who was the first to comprehend the simple truth: it is not the symptoms that need to be treated, but the disease. His name is unknown, but his tactics helped his descendants: since there is not enough hormone, let’s add it, and everything will immediately fall into place. That's what they did.

Equivalent replacement

The first “experimental subjects” on whom hormone replacement therapy was tested were patients with diabetes mellitus. Unfortunately, the results of insulin therapy were far from perfect. Of course: the hormone was extracted from the first available animals, the methods of its purification left much to be desired, and the administration regimens required improvement. Only in the 1960-1980s did things start to improve, and on the wave of this success, all the now known hormone replacement therapy rose - treatment aimed at replacing missing hormones in the body.

Dwarfism began to be treated with somatotropin - growth hormone, hypothyroidism - with hormones, Addison's disease - with cortisol and aldosterone. Naturally, this also falls into the category of conditions that can be corrected by HRT.

Not all women take menopause for granted and find positive aspects in it (like saving on pads and contraceptives). Most people are seriously concerned about the drop in the level of sex hormones (estrogens and progestins), because it is accompanied by mood swings, hot flashes, thinning of the skin, dry mucous membranes of the vulva and vagina, osteoporosis, loss of interest in sexual activity, and neurocirculatory dystonia. In a word, a whole set of unpleasant symptoms.

Hormone replacement therapy was just right for these ladies. By the end of the twentieth century, more than 20 million women in the West were taking hormone medications daily, and for many years they did not want to give them up. So far, inquisitive scientists have not been overcome by doubts: is it really useful to interfere with the hormonal background of the body and give it a dose of the active substance day after day?

Sayechka for fright!

Large-scale studies at that time showed that HRT cures one thing and cripples another. Women who used sex hormones for more than five years really looked great and felt good, but... It turned out that the use of estrogens increases the likelihood of developing breast and endometrial cancer: estrogens stimulate cell division, including cancer cells. Again, hormone replacement therapy then triples the risk of thrombosis and embolism, including pulmonary embolism.

However, the attempt to link HRT with coronary heart disease, hypertension and liver disease failed miserably.

It turned out that all cases of weight gain due to HRT are associated with a late start of treatment, when obesity has already begun, and precisely from a lack of sex hormones. And American doctors, together with the All-Russian Scientific Society of Cardiology, have proven that hormone replacement therapy, on the contrary, improves survival in women with coronary heart disease. The 10-year survival rate for patients who took hormones was 97% versus 60% for those who never took them. If we talk about the risk of cancer, it has been reduced by using combined estrogen-progestogen drugs.

Today, “heavy” low-purity hormonal drugs have been replaced by the latest low-dose products of biochemical technologies and genetic engineering. However, many doctors still remain in the camp of opponents of HRT. And that's why.

The main thing that is alarming about the rosy prospect of mass propaganda of HRT is the dosage. All hormones are present in the blood in negligible quantities; their balance is extremely individual and can change from day to day. You can, of course, study the daily rhythm of the production of a particular hormone in the body, but how to calculate the required individual dose of hormone replacement therapy?

Let's reveal a little secret. Until now, all hormones are prescribed in average doses. That is, by and large, with each medication taken, patients deal a powerful blow to their tissue receptors, which have to adapt, roughly speaking, not react so actively to the stimulus. It’s not hard to guess how it will all end: their sensitivity to hormonal drugs gradually decreases, and then disappears completely.

Expert commentary
I prescribe hormone replacement therapy to menopausal women, but when my patients hear about hormones, they often refuse to take them. Therefore, I prefer to use homeopathic remedies or dietary supplements, the effects of which have been tested experimentally. By the way, I take them myself.
Regarding true hormone replacement therapy, I can say that in all my many years of practice I have observed only three cases of complications. These were edema and exacerbation of hypertension.
Zubanova I.V., gynecologist

Another disadvantage: the hormone introduced from outside suppresses the work of the gland that normally synthesizes it. The principle of negative feedback. While a foreign hormone circulates in the blood, practically no own hormone is produced - the gland rests, without receiving an order from above (from the hypothalamus and pituitary gland). If the replacement treatment lasts for a long time, she loses her skills altogether, and her abilities do not return when HRT is stopped.

What to do? The answer lies in competent tactics for treating hormone deficiency:

  • There is no need to rush to switch to hormonal therapy. Let's remember the basics of endocrinology: first they try to cure thyroid gland insufficiency with iodine preparations, and to stimulate the ovaries with various physical procedures. And only if all these methods are ineffective should one resort to hormones as a last resort.
  • If you can do without HRT, then it is better to do without it. For example, during menopause, hormones are prescribed for osteoporosis and severe menopausal disorders if they cause anxiety to the patient. Contraindications to hormone replacement therapy: malignant tumors, liver or kidney failure, acute thromboembolic diseases
  • Choose the right medicine. Modern drugs for HRT are divided into herbal hormone-like agents, bioidentical hormones and synthetic analogues of natural hormones. The first ones are good from a psychological point of view, because a clear prejudice has formed against hormones, and a rare patient is eager to take them. Synthetic hormones have a quick and powerful effect, but their structure is slightly different from the natural hormones of our body, therefore the production of our own hormones is more actively suppressed. The golden mean is bioidentical hormones.
  • Choose the optimal route of drug administration. For gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract, it is not recommended to swallow HRT tablets. Instead, you can give injections, glue hormonal patches and throw special quickly dissolving tablets under the tongue.
  • Stop in time. You don't have to take hormones your whole life. Practice shows that 2-3 years are enough to relieve menopausal disorders; after discontinuation of the drug, hot flashes and other “delights” of menopause are unlikely to return. Lifelong prescription of hormones is justified only in cases where a woman has had one or both ovaries removed.

Hormonal drugs are intended for the treatment of endocrine disorders. They are prescribed to women and men. There are more than 50 drugs for hormone replacement therapy.

All hormonal products are divided into natural and synthetic. Natural ones contain hormones obtained from fresh or frozen glands of livestock, as well as from animal or human biological fluids. Synthetic analogues are obtained chemically, but perform similar functions.

What are the different types of hormones?

  • pituitary gland (anterior and posterior lobes);
  • thyroid and antithyroid substances;
  • pancreas (insulin and glucagon);
  • sugar-lowering substances;
  • parathyroid gland;
  • adrenal cortex;
  • sexual;
  • anabolic substances.

Hormonal preparations can be in the form of an aqueous or oily solution, tablets, ointments. They are administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly, taken orally or rubbed into the skin.

13 facts about hormone therapy

  1. Hormones are not always harmful. Hormonal drugs have different effects and often have side effects.
  2. Hormonal medications have different effects on people. Those drugs that helped a relative or friend can harm you with the same diagnosis.
  3. Young patients and nulliparous girls can take hormones. They are prescribed even from a young age, and hormonal contraceptives are allowed for adolescents.
  4. Hormonal drugs do not always have a contraceptive effect. A month after hormonal therapy, reproductive function is completely restored. There is also a chance of conceiving twins or triplets, as certain hormones cause multiple eggs to grow.
  5. Breaks in hormonal therapy are optional. Most often, hormones are prescribed in a continuous course.
  6. Breastfeeding women can also take hormonal medications. The ban applies only to certain tablets that affect lactation.
  7. Not all hormonal drugs cause weight gain. If the patient is prone to obesity or begins to gain weight during treatment, the doctor can reduce the amount of gestagens in therapy.
  8. There are hormones for men.
  9. Hormonal drugs are prescribed not only for serious illnesses. They help cure mild pathologies of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland or pancreas.
  10. Hormones do not accumulate in the body. These substances disintegrate almost immediately and are eliminated from the body over time.
  11. Hormone medications are prescribed to pregnant women. If a woman had hormonal imbalances before conception, she needs drug therapy during pregnancy. Without normalizing hormonal levels, it is impossible to bear a child.
  12. Hormones do not always reduce libido. Many patients note an increase in libido with hormonal therapy. If your desire decreases, you can ask your doctor to prescribe medications with less progesterone.

When are hormonal medications prescribed?

Natural hormones are produced by the endocrine glands of our body. These substances have a distal effect, that is, at a distance from the gland in which they were formed. Hormonal drugs are prescribed for dysfunction of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pancreas and ovaries, as well as some diseases that do not affect the endocrine system.

For what diseases are hormones prescribed?

  1. Diabetes. The disease is diagnosed in the absence of the hormone insulin, without which glucose does not enter the cells and sufficient energy is not created for normal life. Insulin medications solve this problem.
  2. Adrenal insufficiency. With adrenal dysfunction, the patient becomes weaker, loses weight, and suffers from symptoms of poor circulation. The hormones glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids help restore stable functioning of the organ.
  3. Hypothyroidism. This condition develops when the functionality of the thyroid gland decreases, when levothyroxine ceases to be produced. The hormone itself is inactive, but in cells it is converted into triiodothyronine and regulates protein biosynthesis.
  4. Hypogonadism. The disease is characterized by insufficiency of the gonads. With hypogonadism, women and men develop infertility, and hormonal therapy is the only way to conceive a child.

In addition to glandular insufficiency, there is also overactivity. Patients are often diagnosed with an excess of hormones. This condition is no less dangerous and also requires treatment. To reduce the amount of hormones, drugs are prescribed that block secretion or the gland itself is removed.

Estrogens and progestins - female hormones - have a contraceptive effect. They may also be prescribed during perimenopause to relieve symptoms. Anabolic steroid male hormones are effective in the treatment of dystrophic conditions.

Contraceptives are divided into those combined with estrogen and gestagen and preparations with progesterone. Hormonal contraception is preferable if a woman has one regular partner. Only condoms will provide protection against infections during chaotic sexual intercourse.

The effect of hormonal contraceptives is due to the fact that the substances provoke changes in the cervix that interfere with the penetration of sperm. Pathological changes that can cause infertility can develop with long-term use of hormonal contraceptives (non-stop for more than 3 years). However, many experts claim that after stopping contraception, the likelihood of pregnancy only increases.

Hormonal contraceptives do not affect weight, help cleanse the skin and reduce the amount of hair on the body. Hormones can improve your cycle and reduce your risk of ovarian cancer. Some people note breast enlargement and increased firmness when taking hormonal contraceptives.

Modern contraceptives have minimal side effects. With the help of hormones, you can postpone the timing of menstruation and reduce the symptoms of PSM.

Hormones for contraception are prescribed for a maximum of one year. It is advisable to take breaks for several months and regularly visit a gynecologist. Oral contraceptives are contraindicated in smokers, patients with tumors and varicose veins.

The main method is hormonal therapy. Depending on the severity of the pathology, doctors prescribe contraceptives, drugs with progesterone, drugs with the hormone danazol, or analogues of gonadotropins.

Hormonal contraceptives for endometriosis reduce pain and shrink the endometrium. Usually the drugs are prescribed for six months; if necessary, the course can be extended for 3-6 months. With successful treatment, areas of endometriosis are significantly reduced.

Popular contraceptives:

  • Regulon;
  • Yarina;

For endometriosis, medications with progesterone may be prescribed. This substance suppresses the secretion of estrogens, which provoke the growth of the endometrium of the uterus. The course of treatment is 6-9 months. The best drugs in the group are Duphaston, Visanne and Depo-Provera.

The hormone danazol for endometriosis reduces the amount of sex hormones, which reduces the foci of pathology. The optimal course of treatment is 3-6 months

Another method of treating endometriosis is gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues. They reduce the functionality of the ovaries and suppress the production of sex hormones. During therapy, menstruation disappears and menopausal symptoms may occur. To prevent this, doctors prescribe small doses of hormones. Treatment lasts a maximum of six months. After discontinuation of the drugs, ovarian function is restored.

Drugs with gonadotropin-releasing hormones:

  • Buserelin;
  • or ;
  • Sinarel.

Hormonal therapy for menopause

Closer to 50 years, a woman’s body undergoes restructuring. Fertility declines, estrogen levels decrease, bones become fragile and tissues become less elastic. A woman experiences characteristic symptoms: hot flashes, headaches, sweating, emotional instability, osteoporosis.

Hormone replacement therapy for menopause helps reduce the number of strokes, heart attacks, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, as well as maintaining pelvic tone and stabilizing the nervous system. Menopause symptoms disappear.

If there are no contraindications, replacement therapy can be prescribed for 5-8 years. Hormones are not recommended in the presence of a malignant tumor, circulatory disorders, uterine bleeding, a history of stroke or heart attack, or liver disease.

What hormones are prescribed for menopause:

  1. Angelique. With estradiol and drospirenone.
  2. Femoston. Contains estradiol and dydrogesterone, which improves the natural cycle.
  3. Ovestin. Contains estriol, which is necessary to restore the elasticity of the mucous membrane.
  4. Livial. Includes synthetic tibolone. It has a complex estrogen-gestagenic effect.
  5. Norkolut. Progestogen-based product with norethisterone.

Hormones during pregnancy

One of the main reasons for early miscarriage is the instability of a woman’s hormonal levels. As a rule, termination of pregnancy occurs due to insufficiency of progesterone or estrogen.

A lack of progesterone is dangerous because the conditions necessary for the development of the fetus are not created, and a deficiency of estrogen leads to thinning of the endometrium of the uterus and rejection of the embryo. During pregnancy, it is necessary to treat not only problems with sex hormones, but also all hormonal disorders.

Preparations with progesterone:

  1. Duphaston. The drug contains a synthetic analogue of progesterone - dydrogesterone. It is much more active and stable than the natural hormone, therefore it effectively supports pregnancy. As a rule, the drug is discontinued after 20 weeks, when the body’s need for progesterone decreases. Duphaston does not affect skin, hair, sleep and blood glucose levels. If bleeding occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor to increase the dose. Duphaston is incompatible with phenobarbital, which is prescribed for epilepsy.
  2. Utrozhestan. The drug contains micronized progesterone. Utrozhestan normalizes the level of female hormones and affects androgens (male sex hormones). Excess androgens in a woman’s body can harm pregnancy. The drug may affect the reaction rate and cause drowsiness.

When taken correctly, these drugs do not cause malformations in the fetus. They help normalize the endocrine system and hormonal levels, which only supports pregnancy and ensures the full development of the child. Refusal of therapy affects not only the mother’s body, but also the physical and mental development of the child. However, hormones are not prescribed for diabetes, liver disease, bronchial asthma, circulatory disorders, malignant tumors and epilepsy.

Hormone therapy for men

Already from the age of 25, testosterone levels gradually decrease, and by 45 the levels drop by 30%. During this period, hormones may be prescribed to eliminate symptoms (fatigue, worsening mood, weakness, decreased sex drive). Hormones are also suitable for treating erectile dysfunction.

It is possible to use tablets, capsules, gel, injections and even patches with testosterone. Among the most common drugs are Andriol, Methyltestosterone, Androgel, Androderm, Nebido injections, Sustanon-250 and Testenate.

Hormone therapy in men sometimes causes side effects. The risk of prostate cancer, oily skin, sperm problems and androgenetic alopecia may increase.

It must be remembered that any medication can be dangerous if used incorrectly. When selecting hormones, it is important to take into account the patient’s gender and age, concomitant pathologies, habits, allergies, heredity and lifestyle.

Our life is filled with hormones of happiness, pleasure, stress, fear. They are the ones who cause these emotions. Hormones help us in various situations and rule our body in the most literal sense. For a long time, people have learned to use them in medicine for various pathologies and reduced activity of the endocrine glands. Only many people are wary of taking such drugs. Let's understand what hormonal medications are and what they are used for.

Hormonal drugs– medicines containing hormones or their artificial substitutes. These may include:

  • natural hormones that are secreted from the endocrine glands of slaughter cattle, blood and urine of animals and humans;
  • artificial hormonal agents and their derivatives;
  • chemical analogues of hormones, differing in structure from natural hormones, but endowed with similar properties.

Hormone therapy is necessary for:

  • prevention of unwanted pregnancy;
  • women during menopause;
  • treatment of inflammatory and allergic diseases;
  • treatment of hormonal deficiency and cancer;

There are a huge number of hormonal drugs in the world. Let's consider hormonal drugs for contraception and women's health, which are widely used in gynecology. A complete list of names and prices can be seen at the end of the article.

Hormonal contraceptives are:

  • combined (estrogen-progestogen);
  • non-combined (mini-pill);
  • emergency medications.

Combined oral contraceptives

This group of drugs is used in gynecology to protect against unwanted pregnancy and treat a number of hormonal problems; it contains 2 types of hormones - estrogen and progesterone. Often found as the abbreviation KOK. The effectiveness of protection is determined by the Pearl index - the lower the number, the more reliable the method. The index is less than 1.

The advantages are determined by high efficiency, excellent tolerability, rapid reversibility (pregnancy can occur in the first cycle after discontinuation of the drug) and additional non-contraceptive properties.

Depending on the dose of hormones, they are divided into: monophasic and multiphasic.

Monophasic oral contraceptives

The concentration of hormones in the tablets does not change during the entire period of administration. The contraceptive effect is associated with ethinyl estradiol, the dosage of which is selected specifically to suppress ovulation.

It is important to remember that these drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor! Self-medication can lead to hormonal imbalance and other unpleasant consequences.

  • Jess (Dimia)

These popular hormonal pills for women contain drospirenone, which stops weight gain and the appearance of edema, relieves symptoms of PMS, hormonal engorgement of the mammary glands, headaches and muscle pain. It also helps reduce the symptoms of acne, oily skin and hair. Dimia is an analogue of Jess, only it costs an order of magnitude cheaper.

  • Belara

The hormonal drug has a positive effect on restoring the cycle, reducing the severity of PMS, the incidence of anemia, pain during menstruation, cysts and malignant tumors of the ovaries. It has a direct effect on the condition of the skin, so it is often prescribed to girls to improve it.

  • Lindinet 20 (Logest)

When taken systematically, they have a therapeutic effect, normalizing hormonal conditions and preventing the development of a number of gynecological diseases, including reducing the risk of neoplasms.

  • Novinet (Mersilon)

Excellent hormonal agents. They have additional positive effects: menstruation becomes sparser and less painful, the occurrence of anemia is reduced, diseases of the uterus, ovaries, and mammary glands develop less frequently, have a beneficial effect on the skin, removes acne and acne. Usually prescribed to young girls.

Packages of contraceptives may contain different numbers of tablets. It depends on the dosage regimen. They come in two types: 21+7 and 24+4. There is no fundamental difference.

First scheme: Active pills are taken for 21 days without a break, then a 7-day rest is taken, during which withdrawal bleeding begins, then a new pack begins.

The second scheme is a set of 24 active tablets and 4 inactive pacifiers, which you don’t have to take; they are needed for convenience, so as not to forget when the next pack should start. Although sometimes “dummies” are not dummies at all. In some drugs ( Yarina Plus and Jess Plus) inactive tablets contain levomefolate - the active form of folic acid, in this form it is better absorbed by the body. This is done to reduce the risk of developing neural tube defects in the fetus if a woman wants to become pregnant immediately after stopping the drug.

Multiphase oral contraceptives

Due to the phase of the monthly cycle, the dosage of hormones in the tablets changes, this ensures natural changes in hormonal levels and reduces the risk of side effects. Packages of contraceptives in this group contain 2-3 types of tablets. The dose of estrogen, which is responsible for the contraceptive effect, in each tablet is maximum, and the level of gestagen increases gradually, creating a limit by the 3rd phase of the cycle.

  • The brightest and most modern representative − Claira.

In addition to the contraceptive effect, it helps reduce the abundance and duration of menstruation, reduces the manifestations of PMS symptoms, and also relieves pain during menstrual periods. Taking contraceptives with small dosages of hormones helps reduce the possibility of developing a number of gynecological diseases, and also reduces the manifestations of hypertrichosis - excess hair growth. These hormonal pills for women are considered the most physiological.

Non-combined OK

The second name of the group is “mini-drinks”. They contain a small dosage of the hormone progestin and are a substitute for COCs. They differ from them in their composition - they include an artificial analogue of progesterone. The hormone content is lower than in other drugs. They do not suppress the ovulation process.

The contraceptive effect is based on changing the properties of the mucus lining the cervix. By increasing viscosity, it becomes a barrier to the movement of sperm to the egg. The rate of contraction of the walls of the fallopian tubes slows down, which is why the egg cannot enter the uterus. If the sperm does reach the target, then 2 protective mechanisms are activated: a hormonal change in the mucous membrane of the uterine walls does not allow the fertilized egg to attach.

The effectiveness of these products is 95%

The main advantage of hormonal pills of this group is that the natural menstrual cycle and menstrual bleeding are preserved.

A significant drawback is that tablets cannot be skipped. If in the case of COCs, the gap can be more than 12 hours and nothing bad will happen, then here this interval is only 3 hours, after which hormonal therapy is disrupted, i.e. the contraceptive effect is reduced.

  • Charosetta (Laktinet, Modell mam).

They are best suited for use during lactation, because... do not affect the production and taste of milk, as well as for girls who are prohibited . The contraceptive effect of the drug is achieved by increasing the viscosity of the mucus that covers the cervix, which is an obstacle to the passage of sperm to the target.

  • Exluton

Like other OCs in this group, use is preferable when breastfeeding, contraindications to COCs. The contraceptive effect is associated with an increase in the viscosity of mucus, which prevents the movement of sperm, disruption of contractions of the walls of the fallopian tubes (this change is reversible after discontinuation of the drug).

Emergency medications

Emergency (postcoital) contraception is carried out after unprotected sexual intercourse, or if protection methods have failed, within 1-3 days to stop an unwanted pregnancy. It is important to know that these female hormonal pills should be used as rarely as possible, because... can cause irreparable damage to the body.

  • Escapelle (postinor)

They inhibit ovulation, which stops the fertilization process. Prevent implantation, i.e. penetration and fixation of the embryo in the wall of the uterus. They will not work if the implementation has already occurred. You should start taking it as soon as possible (no later than 72 hours) after unprotected sex. The longer the period of time between unprotected intercourse and taking the drug, the higher the likelihood of pregnancy. Can be used at any time of the cycle.

  • Genale

Slows down ovulation and prevents the attachment of a fertilized egg. Used 2 hours before or 2 hours after meals (within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse), regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle.

Note! These hormonal pills for women should not be taken together with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (painkillers, antipyretics, for example, ibuprofen) for a week after taking the drug.

What is hormonal imbalance?

Hormonal disbalance- this is a discrepancy in the ratio of estrogen and progesterone - the main assistants to the activity of the reproductive system. The work of the entire body is related to hormonal status.

Failure factors:

  • dysfunction of the endocrine glands. This can occur either as a result of disease or as a result of developmental abnormalities;
  • incorrect hormone production can be either a congenital or acquired problem;
  • increased nervous excitability and prolonged stress;
  • uncontrolled use of postcoital contraceptive drugs provokes a sharp shift in hormones, after which the body can take years to return to order;
  • independent use of hormonal drugs;
  • artificial termination of pregnancy (abortion);
  • age-related physiological deviations. Puberty and menopause are 2 periods in a woman’s life when a radical reboot of the endocrine system occurs.

Menopause is a predictable hormonal imbalance caused by an inevitable reduction in ovarian function.

Menopause and menopause

Menopause refers to the long-term gradual decline of a woman’s reproductive system.

The menopause period is divided into 3 phases: premenopause, menopause, postmenopause. Key hormonal surges occur during premenopause. This phase combines the time when menstruation becomes arbitrary and ends completely, and 2 years after that. Perimenopause lasts approximately 4 years. If there have been no spontaneous periods for a year, we can say that the last menstrual bleeding is menopause. It occurs between 40 and 50 years of age. The time of its onset in most cases depends on genetic characteristics.

Tides- the most common trouble that is caused by hormonal changes. During “attacks,” a woman may experience a feeling of heat, most often in the face. Reducing the amount of meat and protein in your diet will help reduce hot flashes during menopause; it is advisable to eat more vegetables and fruits. Other symptoms include depression and migraine headaches.

Involuntary urination also develops, discomfort appears during sexual intercourse, and the likelihood of cystitis increases. These manifestations are associated with a decrease in estrogen levels in the blood. Brittle nails, hair loss and roughening of the skin are characteristic manifestations of estrogen deficiency.

Larger problems may arise:

  • osteoporosis (increased bone fragility);
  • atherosclerosis (deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels);
  • diabetes.

To prevent all of these problems, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is used. Its goal is to compensate for lost ovarian function and prolong youth. But it is not indicated for all women. The contraindications are quite serious:

  • deep vein thrombi of the lower extremities;
  • intrauterine bleeding of unknown origin;
  • cancer;
  • liver pathologies.

However, hormone therapy is not as scary as it seems. There are special hormonal medications for women over 40 years of age.

Hormonal pills for women used during menopause may contain:

  • estrogen;
  • a combination of estrogen and progesterone;
  • a combination of estrogen, progesterone and androgen.

List of hormonal drugs for women after 40 years

  • Angelique

Contains both types of hormones (estrogen and progestogen), the levels of which fall during menopause. Hormones that are no longer produced by the ovaries are replaced.

Estradiol prevents or mitigates hot flashes, excessive sweating, sleep disturbances, depression, increased nervousness, dizziness and migraine headaches, as well as urinary incontinence, dryness, itching, burning sensation in the vagina, discomfort during sexual intercourse. The inclusion of a gestagen (drospirenone) in the drug reduces the risk of developing uterine cancer.

The drug reduces bone loss, so-called postmenopausal osteoporosis. Drospirenone regulates the excretion of fluid and sodium ions, which reduces blood pressure, weight, breast pain and other symptoms associated with tissue swelling.

  • Ladybone

​Inhibits the destruction of bone mass during the postmenopausal period, smoothes out symptoms such as hot flashes, increased sweating, and headache. Raises libido and mood. It has a tonic effect on the vaginal mucosa, without causing the proliferation of endometrial tissue (which can lead to neoplasms).

  • Cyclo-Proginova

Contains a special salt of estradiol, which is converted in the body into its own hormone. Also included is norgestrel, a progesterone derivative. Its use for 10 days of the monthly cycle stops the excessive growth of the endometrial mucosa and stops the development of uterine cancer. Used in perimenopausal women to treat spontaneous uterine bleeding.

Estradiol compensates for the lack of estrogen in the body during the approach of menopause and creates a favorable course of therapy:

  • eliminates hot flashes;
  • excessive sweating;
  • insomnia;
  • increased nervousness and causeless irritability;
  • chest pain;
  • dizziness;
  • migraine pain;
  • weakening desire for intimacy;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • involuntary leakage of urine;
  • dryness and itching in the vagina;
  • pain during sex;
  • reduces bone depletion.

Hormonal drugs for women after 40 years of age can be started at any time. It is important to exclude pregnancy!

Table of hormonal drugs with active ingredients and prices

The table shows the list and prices of the popular hormonal products that were mentioned above. It is worth noting that the markup on drugs in each region is different, so the cost may vary. You should know that all drugs containing hormones are prescription drugs.

The prices of small and large packages are written through a slash (\).

Trade name Active ingredients and dosages price, rub.
Jess ethinyl estradiol 0.02 mg; drospirenone 3 mg 1200
Belara ethinyl estradiol 0.03 mg; chlormadinone 2 mg 750 \ 1900
Lindinet 20 ethinyl estradiol – 0.02 mg; gestodene – 0.075 mg 500 \ 1100
Novinet ethinyl estradiol – 0.02 mg, desogestrel – 0.15 mg 450 \ 1200
Midiana ethinyl estradiol 0.03 mg; drospirenone 3 mg, 700 \ 1900
Dimia ethinyl estradiol 0.02 mg

drospirenone 3 mg,

750 \ 1800
Logest ethinyl estradiol 0.02 mg; gestodene 0.075 mg 850 \ 1900
Mercilon ethinyl estradiol 0.02 mg;

desogestrel 0.15 mg

Claira estradiol; dienogest (amount varies depending on the type of tablet)

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

general information

Hormones are active substances that are involved in all physiological processes. They are produced by the endocrine glands and coordinate various processes: growth, reproduction, metabolism, and so on.

Hormone therapy in children

This type of treatment requires special qualifications from doctors, since the use of even the “lightest” hormonal agent necessarily reduces the activity of the gland that secretes it. It should be understood that the endocrine glands finally develop only at the age of twenty-five. Therefore, inept use of hormones can disrupt the natural process of formation of the endocrine system.

Children are prescribed hormonal drugs only in special cases and those that are quickly destroyed in the body ( prednisolone, hydrocortisone). It is better to give medicine containing hormones to your baby during ( or before) breakfast.
Children are very carefully prescribed insulin medications. The presence of glucose in the urine does not necessarily indicate diabetes. There are many diseases that are similar in their manifestations to diabetes, but not all of them are associated with a lack of insulin. Usually, when treating such diseases, hospitals do not use hormonal drugs.

After infectious diseases and in case of disruption of the endocrine glands, in some cases, children are prescribed anabolic steroids, but they should absolutely not be used for illnesses of an infectious-allergic nature ( for example, collagenosis, glomerulonephritis).
Any hormonal drugs can be given to babies only after consulting an endocrinologist and in strict accordance with the prescribed dosage.
During the course of treatment, you need to carefully monitor the baby’s condition, his body weight, and the functioning of the digestive system.
If prednisolone is prescribed, you need to periodically check the amount of calcium and sugar in the blood, make sure that the child does not have increased body hair, does not have high blood pressure, or signs of decreased adrenal function.

Replacement therapy for menopause

During menopause, a woman’s body produces not only less of the female sex hormone - estrogen, but also its weaker form - estrone. Thanks to the introduction of replacement therapy, the level of female sex hormone in the body is normalized, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body.


  • The work of the brain is activated,
  • Sleep is normalized
  • Blood pressure normalizes,
  • Heart rate normalizes
  • Collagen fibers are strengthened in blood vessels, cartilage, skin,
  • Atherosclerosis is prevented ( increases the amount of high-density lipoproteins - good cholesterol),
  • The likelihood of a heart attack and heart attacks is reduced, the likelihood of death from coronary diseases is reduced by half,
  • Reduces the risk of stroke by 50%,
  • The likelihood of fractures due to osteoporosis is reduced by 50%,
  • Symptoms of menopause such as vaginal dryness, vulvar itching, atrophy of the vaginal mucosa, difficulty urinating,
  • Regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland,
  • Body weight does not increase under the influence of testosterones.
  • Severe forms of diabetes mellitus,
  • Liver dysfunction,
  • Unexplained vaginal bleeding.
A large selection of drugs for replacement therapy, as well as modern diagnostic methods, make it possible to select an individual course of treatment for each representative of the fair sex. These drugs contain very few hormones, which reduces the likelihood of side effects.

Before prescribing medications, the doctor will order an examination to identify common diseases, the course of which may be aggravated by taking hormones. You will need to go to an appointment with a gynecologist, do an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, take an oncocytology test, examine the condition of your breasts, check your blood pressure, body weight, donate blood for cholesterol and a general analysis, for sugar, as well as a urine test.
During the course of replacement therapy, you need to undergo annual examinations with a doctor and ultrasound monitoring.

Replacement therapy in gynecology

  • Menopause,
  • Previous ovarian failure
  • Hypogonadotropic amenorrhea,
  • Gonadal dysgenesis,
  • Normalization of the endometrium after operations or in chronic forms of endometritis,
  • Medical menopause.
When treating women with infertility, hormone therapy is prescribed during stimulation of ovulation, during in vitro fertilization, and when using donor oocytes.

Steroid hormones are used in treatment because they affect many internal organs. Their lack negatively affects the condition of fatty tissue, liver, dermis, bones, digestive system, reproductive organs, blood vessels, and brain.

Hormonal drugs of the latest generations, almost one to one, imitate natural ones, their concentration in the blood. The treatment uses small dosages of sex hormones that do not disrupt ovulation and do not have a contraceptive effect.
The use of hormones in the treatment of infertility comes down to the fact that when there is a natural lack of hormones in the patient’s body, with the help of their artificial analogues, conditions are created that are as close to normal as possible. Thanks to this, fertilization and gestation of the fetus takes place. When prescribing drug dosages, one of the most important indicators is the condition of the endometrium.

For amenorrhea and early menopause, hormonal medications are taken in cycles. Treatment continues until the age of normal menopause. If a woman wants children, hormone intake is not interrupted, as it helps normalize the condition of the endometrium.

Tumors are divided into three groups:

  • Hormone active,
  • Hormone-dependent
  • Hormone dependent.
Hormone-dependent are called neoplasms that appear as a result of disruption of the endocrine system. One such tumor is breast cancer, which develops when the function of the ovaries or thyroid gland is impaired.
The appearance of such a tumor does not in all cases indicate the advisability of hormonal treatment.

Hormone active - These are tumors that secrete hormones. Such neoplasms have a double destructive effect on the body. These include cancer of the adrenal gland or pituitary gland, pancreas, and thyroid gland. They can also appear on other organs that, in a healthy state, do not produce hormones ( for example, intestines or lungs).

Hormone dependent – these are neoplasms, the existence of which is impossible without the presence of certain hormones. A change in the hormonal background of the body, stopping the production of a hormone necessary for a tumor, leads to inhibition of tumor development. This category includes some tumors of the breast, testicles, ovaries, prostate, kidneys, thyroid gland, and uterus. Hormone therapy is needed to treat such tumors.

Hormone therapy is usually used for metastasis ( occurrence of secondary tumors). The effect depends on how sensitive the tumor is to hormones. Sometimes this method is prescribed in the early stages in combination with other methods.
The most significant results have been achieved in the treatment of breast and prostate cancer with hormones.

Therapy for breast cancer

The female sex hormone estrogen in many cases activates the appearance of malignant breast tumors. Estrogens interact with proteins in the upper layers of the tumor and accelerate the division of malignant cells.

The use of hormones for breast cancer leads to:

  • Reducing the amount of estrogen produced by the ovaries,
  • Inhibition of the activity of mammary gland receptors for progesterone and estrogen,
  • Reducing the production of estrogen by the adrenal glands,
  • Inhibiting the activity of the hormone itself by increasing the level of male sex hormones.
Hormonal treatment is often combined with chemotherapy. It is easier to tolerate and has less impact on the functioning of the body as a whole.
If the tumor is sensitive to this type of therapy, it can completely eliminate itself along with the metastases. Often, thanks to this type of treatment, patients live several decades longer.

Therapy after spay removal

After removal of the ovaries, young patients begin to experience sensations that are observed in menopausal women. Already after 15–20 days, symptoms of malaise appear, which begin to seriously annoy 8–12 weeks after surgery. This is due to the fact that the remaining estrogen is gradually removed from the body and early menopause develops.
A woman begins to experience fever, increased activity of the sweat glands, tachycardia, her blood pressure and mood are unstable, she often has a headache, poor sleep and has no interest in the opposite sex.
After some time, these unpleasant signs will disappear, but other, more dangerous ones will take their place: dysfunction of blood vessels, urinary organs, and external genitalia.

Some hormones are produced by the adrenal glands. However, their work is not enough. Therefore, women are prescribed hormone replacement therapy. You can take hormonal medications for the rest of your life, which will prevent the development of early menopause and allow a woman to feel good for a long time.
If the ovaries were removed for a malignant tumor, hormonal treatment is usually prohibited. Then homeopathic remedies are prescribed instead.

For psoriatic arthritis

In severe cases of joint damage by psoriasis, the following drugs containing glucocorticoids are prescribed:
  • Kenalog ,
  • Flosteron ,
  • Diprospan ,
  • Hydrocortisone ,
  • Metipred .
Positive effect of treatment:
The patient's condition improves quite quickly: pain in the affected joints is relieved, their mobility increases, fever and lethargy disappear.

Negative effect of treatment:

  • The immune system is suppressed, which provokes ulcers on the body,
  • The drugs are addictive
  • Side effects: hypertension, obesity, diabetes, edema,
  • The drugs must not be used continuously and for a long time,
  • May contribute to the development of stomach ulcers,
  • The drug should not be discontinued immediately, as the patient’s condition will sharply worsen.

Anti acne

Hormonal treatment can sometimes help those who suffer from acne on the face and body. The use of hormonal drugs reduces the production of sebum by the skin glands, so the skin actually clears up.
But many people notice that after stopping taking the drug, acne appears again. In order for the effect to last, hormones should be combined with skin treatment with special antibacterial agents. Products should be selected based on natural ingredients and do not contain antibiotics or chemicals.

Side effects observed when taking hormonal drugs to clear the skin of acne:

  • Headache,
  • Increase in body weight,
  • Depressed mood
  • Edema,
  • Individual intolerance to the drug.
You should not experiment with medications on your own. It is better to get advice from doctors: a dermatologist and an endocrinologist.

Transsexuals and hormone therapy

Estrogen preparations are used to suppress the production of testosterone and give the body female characteristics. In addition, progestogens are used, under the influence of which the mammary glands enlarge.
Antiandrogens suppress the production of male sex hormones. The use of these hormones makes it possible to reduce the dosage of estrogen drugs and reduce the sensitivity of internal organs to the action of testosterone.
Testosterone medications are taken to suppress the production of estrogen.

Hormonal therapy for gender reassignment is divided into two phases:
1. The first months of treatment ( six months) hormonal drugs are taken in large dosages, which allows you to achieve the desired result in a shorter time. Once the desired result is obtained or if the maximum dosage of hormonal drugs is taken, the doses should be slowly reduced. 20–30 days before surgery, hormonal medications should be completely discontinued to reduce the likelihood of developing blood clots. This phase of treatment suppresses the functioning of the sex glands and helps the appearance of signs of the desired sex. Also, treatment helps prevent a serious complication of the operation - post-castration syndrome, characterized by lethargy, weakness and a craving for sleep.

2. The second phase begins after surgery. After removal of the testes, antiandrogens are stopped. After removal of the uterus and ovaries, the dosage of drugs to suppress the production of female sex hormones is reduced. However, in order for the hormonal background to correspond to the chosen gender, therapy is carried out throughout life.

Taking hormonal therapy allows you to change the appearance of a transsexual to the desired gender type.
Most often, hormones are taken orally in tablet form. But there are drugs in the form of patches, gels, and liquid injections.
Since the use of hormonal therapy increases the thickness of the blood, thrombosis, stroke, and heart attack may develop as a side effect. The likelihood of developing heart and vascular diseases, breast cancer, osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease increases.
To minimize the likelihood of developing side effects, you need to give up nicotine, balance your menu, lead a healthy lifestyle and carry out general diagnostics from time to time. Under no circumstances should you discontinue or prescribe hormonal medications on your own.

It should be understood that the effect of taking hormonal drugs occurs gradually and quite slowly. Only 24 months after the start of treatment can the maximum result be achieved.
The effect of drugs may be stronger or less depending on age and genetic characteristics. The strongest effect is observed in individuals aged 18 to 21 years. But if the patient is over 30 years old, the magic will not happen.

But there are indicators that even hormones cannot influence.

  • Facial hair growth. The hair will not be as coarse, but it will not disappear completely,
  • The breasts may increase quite a bit,
  • Shoulder width, height and size of legs and arms will not change,
  • The voice will not change either.

Consequences of therapy in men

Hormone therapy with female sex hormones causes:
  • Reduced attraction to the opposite sex,
  • Flushing in the cheeks and upper body,
  • Osteoporosis and bone fractures,
  • Enlargement and tension of the mammary glands,
  • Decrease in the level of red blood cells in the blood,
  • Decreased memory function
  • Decreased muscle mass, increased body weight due to fat,
  • Lethargy and fatigue
  • An increase in the amount of cholesterol in the blood,
  • Depressed mood.
In men taking such treatment, the risk of diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease increases.
Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Alcohol is harmful to health even on its own. And if in combination with medications, even more so. Every sane person knows this. Alcohol is a toxic substance, and its combination with drugs can be accompanied by serious problems, even death. Let's not talk about and. Let's discuss how alcohol affects the body when taking hormonal medications? What drugs are strictly prohibited to be combined with alcohol?

Alcohol and hormonal drugs

Many women use hormonal drugs for treatment or as a means of contraception. Moreover, treatment with hormonal drugs usually lasts a very long time, and contraception is used regularly. And, sooner or later, many people wonder: Is it possible to combine a hormonal drug with alcohol? After all, there can be many reasons - a birthday, a wedding, just a vacation in the company, and the course of admission is long. How to be? What do experts say on this topic?

  • Alcohol is not recommended with any medications .
  • The consequences of simultaneous use of a drug and alcohol are unpredictable .
  • Hormonal drugs are among those drugs that are prohibited to be combined with alcohol. .

Consequences of taking hormonal pills with alcohol

In the process of taking hormonal drugs, the female endocrine system begins to function in a different mode. When they are combined with alcohol, the following happens:

  • The activation of the adrenal glands and gonads is “turned on”. This, in turn, becomes a consequence of an increase in adrenaline, cortisone and aldosterone in the blood. Happening oversaturation of the body with hormones and, accordingly, their overdose.
  • The opposite result is also possible. That is, the lack of therapeutic effect from taking drugs due to alcohol inhibiting the effect of drugs. But this is a relatively safe situation that you shouldn’t count on.
  • A very serious consequence of the combination of artificially introduced hormones and alcohol can be exacerbation of peptic ulcer, development of thrombophlebitis, headaches and convulsions.
  • There can be many consequences of such a rash act. And no one can predict the reaction of alcohol with hormonal drugs on a specific organism. It cannot be ruled out that the endocrine system will completely stop working in the same normal mode. In this case, problems associated with hormonal levels can cover the body like an avalanche.

Almost every the instructions for the drug contain a warning that combining it with alcohol is undesirable or prohibited. And when treating with hormonal drugs, the use of which in itself is stressful for the body, it is better to abstain from alcohol and follow clear instructions.

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