A detailed menu of the Maggi diet for every day. Cottage cheese and egg diet Maggi: a menu for every day

The Maggi diet, with its effectiveness, has won the hearts of many losing weight women. This is one of the huge number of diets that does not involve hunger strikes, and the menu for every day is quite diverse - fruits, vegetables, protein foods (eggs, cottage cheese, meat). That is, the Maggi diet is aimed at proper weight loss.

The duration of the diet is 4 weeks, each of them has its own diet. With the help of the Maggi diet, you can lose up to 20 kg. The nutrition system developed for a month of the Maggi diet is much more effective than many diets designed for a week.

Features of Maggi's egg diet

The 4-week egg diet is quite satisfying. But, as with any diet, hunger will be felt in the first days - in this way the body adapts to new conditions.

The action of the diet is aimed at the fact that with the help of certain products the body itself burns excess fats - a chemical reaction breaks down adipose tissue and removes toxic compounds. Thus, the caloric content of the consumed products is not taken into account, but volumes and weight go away.

But before starting a diet, you need to weigh the pros and cons, having delved into the description of the diet, listen to advice and recommendations. Going on a diet for 3 days or 5 days is useless, since the body has not yet had time to turn on fat-burning processes.

Maggi's Protein Diet Rules

Compliance with the rules of the diet is strictly necessary, otherwise it simply will not work.

1. The diet cannot be changed at all. Products are not exchanged or replaced by others. If there is intolerance to a component of the diet, then it is simply excluded from the diet altogether. Otherwise, the balance of products will be disturbed and the diet will not bring results.

2. Drink at least 2-3 liters of water daily. There are no restrictions on tea or coffee, but they must be consumed without sugar and milk, but it is allowed to add a sweetener to drinks.

3. Vegetables are boiled in water without the addition of meat, oil and fat. But you can add salt, onion, garlic or seasoning. Ready vegetable broth is not consumed.

4. Eggs must be hard-boiled, of course, unless otherwise specified.

5. If the feeling of hunger persistently pursues, then snacks with cucumber, carrot, salad are allowed, but at least two hours must pass after eating.

6. Even if sports cause negative emotions, you still need to include minimal physical activity on diet days. It will allow the chemical processes to burn fat to proceed more efficiently.

7. Weighing is done every morning, preferably at the same time.

8. Even if the order of eating at least one is violated, the diet will have to be started again. It makes no sense to continue the diet from where it stopped - the fat burning process is disrupted.

9. If you plan to repeat the diet, then it is not necessary to follow the entire four-week course. It is enough to start from the first week, then immediately go to the 4th week. Even such a quick two-week diet will bring tangible results.

I have never been overweight, and there is no genetic predisposition to this, but 3 years of sedentary work, malnutrition and an inactive lifestyle have done their job. I gained 15 kilos. advised by a friend. The drug helped me return to my former forms, while saving me from grueling workouts and diets. Excess weight was gone in just 2-3 months.

Additional products for the Maggi diet menu

In addition to the main food of the diet (eggs), it also includes additional healthy foods for weight loss - low-fat cottage cheese (or cheese) and meat.

Vegetables for cooking - green peas, zucchini, eggplant, squash, carrots, green beans. During the diet, you can eat almost all vegetables, the only exception is potatoes.

The correct menu of Maggi's egg diet for every day, 2 and 4 weeks

The first 14 days of the diet are dominated by the orange-egg component, and almost no day can do without meat. Below is a table for 28 days of the diet.

Week 1

Breakfast food for the first week will be 1-2 freshly boiled chicken eggs; half citrus.

  • Day 1. Lunch - one seasonal fruit. Evening - boiled meat slices or minced meat.
  • Day 2. Lunch - boiled chicken, breast is better, without skin. Evening - 2 freshly boiled eggs; Vegetable Salad; orange or grapefruit citrus; 1 toast.
  • Day 3. Lunch - low-fat cheese, feta is better; toast - 1pc; tomato. Evening - low-fat meat slices or meatballs.
  • Day 4. Lunch - one seasonal fruit available. Evening - boiled meatballs or slices of meat; vegetable salad.
  • Day 5. Lunch - freshly boiled eggs - 2 pcs; boiled vegetables. Evening - boiled fish or steamed; vegetable salad without oil or mayonnaise; orange, or you can grapefruit - 1 pc.
  • Day 6. Lunch - one seasonal fruit available. Evening - low-fat, finely ground boiled or fried minced meat or meat; Vegetable Salad.
  • Day 7. Lunch - boiled chicken, breast is better, without skin; tomato; orange or grapefruit - 1 pc; boiled vegetables.

2 weeks

The morning composition of food in the second week remains unchanged.

  • Day 8. Lunch - baked or boiled meat or products or steam cutlets; vegetable salad. Evening - 2 hard-boiled eggs; vegetable salad without dressing; citrus (or grapefruit, or orange)
  • Day 9. Lunch - boiled or baked meat; vegetable salad. Evening - a couple of hard-boiled eggs; orange or grapefruit - 1 pc.
  • Day 10. Lunch - meat (minced meat) boiled or baked; cucumber. Evening - Soft-boiled egg - 2 pcs; one kind of citrus.
  • Day 11. Lunch - two boiled eggs; low fat cheese; steamed vegetables.
  • Day 12. Lunch - steamed or boiled fish; medium sized tomato; 1 orange. Evening - 1-2 hard-boiled eggs.
  • Day 13. Lunch - two hard-boiled eggs; small tomato; one grapefruit. Evening - Fruit mix.
    Day 14 Lunch - boiled chicken meat; tomato; orange or grapefruit - 1 pc; boiled vegetables. Evening - boiled chicken, without skin; tomato; 1 citrus; boiled vegetables.

As you can see, there is no oatmeal or bran on any of these days - and rightly so, because this is a completely different diet.

3 Week

  • Day 15. Fruit day - any desired fruit, the number is not limited.
  • Day 16. Vegetable day - vegetables at will, unlimited.
  • Day 17. Fruit and vegetable day - a combination of fruits and steamed vegetables in any quantity.
  • Day 18. Boiled fish; green salad or cabbage; boiled vegetables.
  • Day 19. Boiled chicken (without skin) or meat (minced meat).
  • Days 20 and 21. One kind of any permitted seasonal fruit.

4 week

  • Day 22. A quarter of boiled chicken or 4 meat pieces; cucumber - 4 pcs; tomato - 3 pcs; a can of canned tuna without oil; medium-sized toast; orange or grapefruit.
  • Day 23. Boiled meat - 2 pieces; cucumber - 4pcs; tomato - 3 pcs; toast - 1pc; any fruit.
  • Day 24. Cottage cheese or fat-free cheese - 1 spoon; boiled vegetables - 150 gr; cucumber - 2 pcs; tomato - 2 pcs; toast - 1 pc; orange or grapefruit - 1 pc.
  • Day 25. Boiled chicken - ½; cucumber; 3 medium tomatoes; small toast; orange or grapefruit.
  • Day 26 2 hard-boiled eggs; green salad - 1 pc; 3 small tomatoes; citruses.
  • Day 27. 2 pieces of boiled chicken breast; cottage cheese or cheese - 1/8 kg; medium-sized toast; a couple of cucumbers and tomatoes; kefir; orange.
  • Day 28. Cottage cheese - 1 spoon; a can of tuna; vegetables boiled in water - 150 gr; a couple of cucumbers and tomatoes; small toast; grapefruit.

Food for 4 weeks is proportionally distributed throughout the day. If desired, whole recipes can be coordinated from individual ingredients.

Getting out of the diet

From the Maggi diet, the exit should be gradual:

  • within 7 days after the end of the egg diet, it is necessary to include in the diet some foods that the body is used to during the diet marathon. These are eggs, citrus fruits, cottage cheese. Thus, week 5 - fixing, allows you to save the result;
  • you should not pounce on fried potatoes, pasta or sweets at the end of the diet;
  • the result of the diet is well supported when following the principles of proper nutrition or the -60 system.

Contraindications and disadvantages

Maggi's four-week protein diet has almost no contraindications. But it is categorically not suitable for people who have an allergic predisposition to food, especially eggs and citrus. Intolerance to certain types of foods involved in the diet can also bring unpleasant consequences.

It is not recommended to follow a diet during pregnancy and for nursing mothers whose children are under 12 months old. With caution, the diet should be followed by people who have chronic gastrointestinal diseases, heart, kidney and liver diseases. It is best to control weight loss under the supervision of a doctor so as not to harm the body.

Cons of the diet are minor:

  • strict and precise observance of the menu;
  • eating a large number of eggs;
  • for those who violated the course of the diet, you will have to start all over again.

Questions and answers about the Maggi diet

1. How good is this diet for weight loss? The effectiveness of the diet is scientifically proven. The more extra pounds you need to lose, the greater the plumb line. Dieting often gives a boost to the body when weight does not come off with other diets.
2. Who can follow the diet? The diet is great for men and women, especially for vegetarians.

3. Is it possible to stay on a diet for only 2 weeks? Yes, if you need to lose 3-5 extra pounds.
4. Is it possible to follow a diet without eggs or what can replace eggs? Instead of eggs, you can include low-fat cottage cheese.
5. How much can you lose kg on a diet? 5-20 kg.

6. What can and cannot be consumed on a diet? You can eat any fruits and vegetables, except for potatoes, bananas, mangoes, grapes, figs, dates. Any berries are allowed. Prohibited products apply to cereals, pasta and flour products. From meat it is impossible lamb. Vegetable and animal fats are not consumed. Berries are also allowed.

7. What to drink when dieting? Is alcohol allowed? You can drink non-sweet tea (black, green), coffee without milk, fermented milk drinks. Alcohol in the diet is not recommended.
8. How much to cook eggs for a diet? For hard-boiled eggs, the cooking time is 10 minutes. If a soft-boiled egg is required, then the cooking time is 2-3 minutes. In eggs, it is the yolk that is valuable, it gives the body a feeling of fullness.
9. How to dress salad? Salad on a diet is consumed without dressing.

As you can see, Maggi's egg diet, even with a detailed menu for every day, has its own specific features, however, like any other diet. Be sure to learn the rules for losing weight on a protein diet before you start.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the state of the body. If you have chronic diseases, especially at the stage of exacerbation, then no diet should be started. You can, of course, but under certain conditions. Usually, in our webinars, we tell you how to enter and exit a diet correctly, who can start and who should wait, and how to make a diet as easy and natural as possible. Have you been to our webinars yet? If not, come, we are very interesting.

There is a tasty and varied diet that you can live with for a lifetime. It will not only allow you to regain your slim figure in four weeks, but will also make you healthier and younger. We offer the Maggi diet - a menu for every day.

Features of the Maggi diet

This method of gaining harmony is not based on reducing calories. You will eat enough calories without giving up fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy products. And even bread! The mechanism of action of such a diet is that the body receives all the necessary nutrients, and at the same time, the mechanism of those chemical reactions that speed up the metabolism, get rid of toxins, and allow you to restore all disturbed processes in the body is launched.

Food means a lot for health, mood, longevity.

It was this correct combination of products, as in the Maggi diet, that was compiled for the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher himself. Hence, probably, the name - Maggi.

How many kilograms of extra weight can you lose?

In 4 weeks, you can get rid of 10 to 25 kilograms. Proven in practice by many people. But there is no need to rush. Further, the body will bring itself back to normal, and a person will lose exactly as many kilograms as he needs for health. Our body is by nature unique and perfect, it is able to get rid of diseases and extra pounds without pills. But we must help him in only one thing - to listen to his requests and moderate gluttony. Therefore, the diet, that is, the discipline in nutrition, which we have lost in the pursuit of pleasure.

Food should bring pleasure and benefit. Following the rules of nutrition according to the Maggi system, you will learn to enjoy those foods that any body needs. Losing pounds, you will not lose health, since you do not have to give up either carbohydrates or proteins.

Diet rules

If you want to get the expected result, and not for a short time, but for life, you should follow the rules on all counts. And this means that there is only what is prescribed by the diet, do not replace one product with another, eat at the same time, do not eat up 3 hours before bedtime. And drink two liters of water a day.

On the plus side, you can eat after 6pm if you go to bed after 9pm. Your figure will not suffer from this. Another nice plus is that you choose the menu yourself, according to your preferences. But the emphasis will be on proteins: eggs, cottage cheese, not fatty meat. Another indisputable plus: the diet is affordable for everyone.

It is worth mentioning all the advantages of this food:

  • no need to count calories;
  • all products are simple;
  • coffee and tea are not limited;
  • there are no restrictions on the choice of products.

However, do not confuse with the Kremlin diet. Maggi allows you to eat vegetables and fruits in sufficient quantities, as well as bread. You can make toast for breakfast, why not. In general, Maggi is divided into two types: egg and cottage cheese. You need to eat three times a day, snacks are possible. Cottage cheese variation can be alternated with eating eggs.

With a diet like the Maggi diet, you are allowed to eat everything that speeds up metabolism.

These include:

  • apples, grapefruits;
  • cinnamon, curry;
  • turkey meat, chicken, eggs;
  • broccoli, beans, sweet peppers;
  • soy milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk;
  • green tea, coffee;
  • oatmeal, almonds.

Of course, this is not a complete list of such products. You can also include ordinary white cabbage, spinach leaves, lettuce, beets, plums and much more.

But what foods should be excluded, at least for a month:

  • grapes, dried fruits, dates, avocados, mangoes, figs, bananas;
  • meat with a fatty layer, chicken skin, lard, oil of any kind;
  • potatoes, rice, corn, canned foods;
  • sausages;
  • spicy seasonings;
  • sweets, including honey, marmalade, marshmallows, chocolate, products with sweeteners;
  • alcohol.

Remember that all sweeteners are enemies of the figure.

Maggi's egg diet: a detailed menu for 4 weeks

It should be said right away that eggs will not increase blood cholesterol. Excess cholesterol is excreted by itself, and is delayed only if there is inflammation of the vessels. Eggs are not harmful to healthy people, they are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. So, the menu for 4 weeks.

In the first 7 days, you need to adapt to a change in diet:

  • for breakfast, always half an orange or grapefruit, as well as one or two hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs;
  • at lunch: any fruit, as much as you want (from those allowed), or boiled chicken, turkey and tomato, or cottage cheese 9% fat plus one tomato, a piece of cheese, two bread;
  • dinner: a boiled piece of pork, skinless chicken, turkey or beef, plus lettuce or tomato, cucumber, or vegetable salad, two loaves of bread, two boiled eggs.

For the second week:

  • the same for breakfast;
  • for lunch and dinner - the same, but you can add lean fish.

The third week is shocking. Food changes:

  • on Monday it is any fruit allowed in any quantity;
  • on Tuesday: any vegetables allowed boiled, stewed or raw;
  • on Wednesday: any fruits or vegetables, but not in one go together;
  • Thursday: boiled or stewed fish and boiled vegetables or lettuce;
  • on Friday: lean meat and vegetables in any quantity;
  • on Saturday and Sunday: any fruit from the permitted as much as your heart desires.

The last 7 days have been interesting. You have to eat during the day four slices of chicken, beef or fish, a piece of cheese (100 gr.), 1 orange or grapefruit, 4 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast. All this should be distributed throughout the day. Drinking without restrictions.

Curd diet Maggi for 4 weeks

The cottage cheese version of the diet is not far removed from the egg one. The only difference is that instead of eggs, you need to eat low-fat cottage cheese 150-200 gr. in one go. The first and second weeks involve a boring breakfast of half fruit and cottage cheese. But you can alternate with taking eggs for breakfast. Thus, on the menu for 4 weeks, two breakfasts can consist of fruits and eggs, and two of fruits and cottage cheese.

By the way, the cottage cheese diet is not suitable for those who have an increased acidity of the stomach.

Cooking Recipes

Recall that the food according to the Maggi system does not involve fried foods, as well as the use of meat and even vegetable broths.

It should be easier to cook.

For example, the Red Trio salad:

A large red bell pepper must be baked, and then peeled off and cut into squares. Cut the red onion into rings, cut 20 cherry tomatoes in half. Mix everything with a handful of red pomegranate, a whisper of ground black pepper, wine vinegar or juice of lemons, parsley and cilantro.

"Piquant salmon" is steamed. Two steaks should be poured with a teaspoon of lemon juice and marinated in two tablespoons of soy sauce. Then place in a double boiler for only 2 minutes. If there is no double boiler, you can put the fish in a pan without oil and add a little water. Two minutes, you can shoot. This fish goes well with baked vegetables.

Physical activity with the Maggi diet

Any diet cannot be effective without exercise. You need to perform the simplest exercises, starting with tilts and turns of the head and neck, then shoulders, arms, lower back, legs. Separately, you can do exercises for the press, since the stomach will decrease with the diet. And so that the skin does not hang, it would be better to tighten it.

Even with a lack of time or other problems, you should at least take walks for half an hour, but every day.

Swimming is a great alternative: 20-30 minutes daily.

And in a month your figure will become the one you dreamed about. And eating habits will change and become dearer, more pleasant. The need for a healthy diet will become the norm, not a compulsion.

Diet Maggi menu for 4 weeks and for every day is the most effective way to lose weight at home. The basic principles of the diet should be based on the correct menu for the week, which is rigidly fixed and unchanged. She received such a “bouillon” name by the name of her creator, and not because she is based on the use of the famous bouillon cubes.

Maggi diet - menu, reviews, recipes, results

The Maggi diet has already fallen in love with many Russian overweight women: its observance guarantees very good results. The Maggi diet has nothing to do with the bouillon cubes of the same name. Looking like a queen is every woman's dream. But it’s one thing to dream while lying on the couch, and another, having undergone theoretical training, to start practicing called the Maggi diet.

Diet Maggi - features of a diet for weight loss

Food lovers and those who are negative about fasting will love the low-carb eating strategy. Protein diet involves individual nutrition with egg products. How does the body usually react with such a diet? How exactly should you eat? How long and what results can be expected? In this article, we will understand the nuances and get rid of extra pounds with the help of eggs and cottage cheese.

Most of those who were on such a diet enthusiastically claim that extra pounds melt very quickly, and the figure changes its contours before our eyes. During such a diet, according to reviews, you can lose weight by 10-12 kg. Such a run is associated with a different initial weight of losing weight. But such nutrition also has pitfalls - a decent load on the body.

Diet Maggi: reviews and menus for 4 weeks

For 4 decades now, the Maggi protein diet has been listed in the TOPs of the best weight loss systems, presented in two versions - egg (classic) and cottage cheese. The duration of the Maggi protein diet is four weeks, during which time you can significantly lose weight.

This is one of the few diets, sitting on which, you do not have to starve and dream of an extra piece of meat. Her diet includes a sufficient amount of meat, fruits, vegetables and eggs. The Maggi diet menu is designed in such a way as to force the body to burn accumulated fats on its own using active chemical processes.

It is composed in a special way, from products for the digestion of which the body spends more energy and begins to burn its excess fat as a result of a switch in metabolism. The diet is well tolerated, food is easy to prepare. There are no age restrictions.

Maggi diet - effectiveness and results

When deciding on any diet, a woman should see the end result she is striving for. The specific figure promised by nutritionists and other beauties who have lost weight in this way is a great incentive that makes you go to the bitter end, no matter how hard the path is.

If this is a real diet (cottage cheese or egg, and not other pseudo-options with the addition of shrimp, vinegar and other obscure foods), then the results can be most promising:

  • 1 week - loss of 2-3 kg .;
  • 2 weeks - 3-5 kg ​​go away;
  • 3 weeks - up to 8 kg.;
  • The Maggi diet at week 4 can give a result of 10-12 kg.

There is something to strive for! And if the weight does not go away, contrary to this schedule, although you follow all the rules and diet, the problem may lie in a more serious reason for excess weight. This may be heredity, a failure in the hormonal system, or a metabolic disorder. In these cases, you need to contact the doctors, who will first put your health in order, and only then you will resume the fight against excess weight.

Previously, it was believed that eating several eggs a day is not healthy and even harmful, as this leads to an increase in blood cholesterol levels. It has now been proven that there will be no harm if oil and other fats are not consumed along with eggs.

You need to drink more water. In addition to regular water, you can drink a glass of soda, or 1-2 cans of diet soda. You can also drink coffee and tea without milk and sugar at any time. Substitutes can be used instead of sugar.

There is also an effective Dukan diet, in which weight goes away quickly, the most important thing is not to overdo it. Maggi - the diet is more balanced, the effect of it is good, the products are affordable, especially in the summer-spring period.

Diet Maggi - weight loss according to the rules of the menu

This diet involves a strict menu and a number of other rules:

  • We adhere to the specified amount of food. If there is no strict indication - you can eat at your discretion;
  • Any meat should be lean, lamb is not allowed. Among vegetables we do not use potatoes;
  • Physical activity is desirable. If health allows, they are always desirable - you want to lose weight, but do not gain weight;
  • Enhanced drinking regime. We drink about 2 liters a day. It's about water;
  • Drinks include tea and coffee. Only not a gram of sugar;
  • Do not make adjustments to the product list! If you are allergic to something from the proposed menu, we simply cross out the product without replacing it with anything;
  • Banned fruits are ripe mango, banana, grapes, as well as dates and figs. The rest can;
  • Snacking is allowed, but only two hours after the main meal. You can crunch carrots, cucumbers or lettuce;
  • We strictly follow the menu. You can not swap days and meals;
  • If you break or mix up the diet - back to the start, by the first day.

There is a version that the name of the diet comes from a diminutive version of the name Margaret. The dietary menu was specially designed on the eve of the parliamentary elections, which Margaret Thatcher intended to win, which she actually did.

This legend was invented by journalists, or it took place, it is difficult to say. And not some simple Margaret, but the famous iron lady Margaret Thatcher. Back in the late 1970s, a journalistic tale appeared that a leaflet was found in the diary of a woman politician, where the diet was painted - the menu, however, was originally designed for two weeks.

Diet Maggi - list of allowed foods on the menu

Allowed foods on the Maggi diet
  • Fruit. The diet must contain tangerines, grapefruit, oranges, kiwi, persimmon, apples, cherries, kiwi, etc. Eat any berries and fruits, excluding prohibited ones (see below). Cook them the same way you would vegetables;
  • Fish, seafood. Low-fat varieties (pollock, sole, haddock), shrimp;
  • Drink. Tea and coffee without sugar and milk. 1 glass of diet cola;
  • Vegetables/greens. You can eat any vegetables: carrots, zucchini, broccoli, green beans, etc. In addition, the consumption of frozen vegetable mixtures is allowed. You can steam, boil, bake, crunch raw, make smoothies and stew in a slow cooker. The main thing - without frying and the use of oil. Cook on the water. You can add allowed seasonings;
  • Sweet. Sugar-free lollipops (rare). Sugar substitutes (stevia, agave syrup);
  • Bread. Toasted rye, whole grain bread. Or replace with bread or bran (only no more than 30 g per day);
  • sour milk. Low-fat cottage cheese (maximum up to 9%). Cheese (up to 20% fat). Curdled milk and kefir (introduced into the diet starting from 4 weeks);
  • Meat. Low-fat (boiled, baked), a couple of pieces of barbecue (rarely). You can eat by-products. It is allowed to cook, bake, stew on water, in a double boiler or in a slow cooker;
  • bird, egg. Low-fat poultry, eggs. If you bake meat, then eat without the skin. It is allowed to use by-products;
  • condiments. Salt, pepper, garlic, onion, seasonings (no sugar or starch), soy sauce (only sugar free), lemon, gelatin, balsamic vinegar, ginger.

Today, those who want to lose weight using the iron lady method must ironically hold out for 28 days - 4 weeks. An effective result and provided this diet with wide world fame. On this strict low-carb diet, volumes are actually melting before our eyes.

Diet Maggi - a list of prohibited foods on the menu

Vegetables for the diet are boiled in water, but broths should not be consumed. The same goes for chicken, meat products. You can not use:

  • Sweet fruits (grapes, bananas, dates);
  • Potatoes, legumes;
  • Oil and any other fats;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Sugar and its derivatives.

The use of any alcoholic beverages is contraindicated. They not only have a high calorie content, but also whet the appetite. At the time of the diet, it is also recommended to stop smoking, as nicotine inhibits all processes in the body.

The diet for weight loss, in the modern interpretation, represented by the egg and cottage cheese diet, is a very effective method of freeing the human body from excess volume and fat mass. At the slightest deviation, you will need to start all over again. If you want to repeat the regimen again, it is better to repeat 2 times 1 and 4 weeks.

Maggi Diet: Prohibited and Allowed Foods

It is advisable to go in for sports to achieve a greater effect. But for those who have reached the victorious end, stunning results await. You will need to change your wardrobe, perhaps not even by one size. The diet is based not on limiting the calorie content of food, but on those chemical reactions that occur in the body.

Diet Maggi - contraindications for diet

Eggs are very allergenic, they often cause a reaction. If you are intolerant to this product, you should abandon the diet. Main contraindications:

  • Liver disease;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Childhood.

If the diet is completed to the end, but there is a desire to repeat it, then it is recommended to immediately switch to the fourth after the first week. Longer adherence to the system is not recommended.

If you monitor your weight every day, then you need to weigh yourself once a day after going to the toilet. This method of weight loss refers to protein and low-carbohydrate diets with a strictly prescribed daily menu and clear rules for its observance. In the modern classification it goes like protein.

An abundant menu containing protein foods, boiled vegetables and citrus fruits, curd dishes and cheese - all contain a rich concentration of fiber and special substances - flavonoids, which burn fat and release stagnant fluid, harmful excesses from the body.

The mechanism of action of the Maggi diet is not based on a “hard” restriction of the caloric content of the foods eaten, but on the activation of some biochemical reactions that take place in the body when a certain combination of foods is consumed. If a specific amount of the product is not indicated, then it can be consumed in any quantity.

Diet Maggi - a smooth exit from the diet

The finish should be done carefully without overloading with fatty and sweet foods. The menu should be diversified, but gradually. During the week, you can afford only 2 - 3 eggs. Leave the grapefruit for tomorrow and its total amount will have to be reduced. A few teaspoons of honey will come in handy.

For mood, you should add a little sugar to coffee and tea. The number of vegetables can also not be reduced. It is impossible to delay a protein diet for a period longer than 4 weeks. In the process of following a protein diet and after leaving it, listen to yourself. Maybe the diet isn't right for you. The solution can be sports for fun and a menu that includes balanced healthy food. After all, everyone has the right to choose the best for themselves.

The diet is suitable for all ages. If you follow it, you do not need to take any vitamin complexes. You can not swap dinner and lunch, and vice versa. If you feel a strong feeling of hunger, then it is allowed to eat carrots, cucumbers or lettuce, but only 2 hours after the recommended food.

According to many nutritionists, it is thanks to such natural chemical processes that the metabolism is restructured, which begins to work to burn excess accumulated fats and cleanse the body of various toxins and toxins.

Diet Maggi - diet recipes

The diet allows you to consume a very large number of products from which you can make many dishes, both meat and vegetable. With this diet, you can lose weight without fitness, eating, as before, quite fully. Consider delicious and healthy Maggi diet recipes:

Recipe 1: Vegetable soup.

  1. With the help of slicing maceduan, chop the onion, garlic and celery;
  2. We rub the carrots on a grater or chop them by hand (slicing julienne or jardinière);
  3. The same cut as carrots (for symmetry) - chop the cabbage;
  4. We blanch or cut off the peel from bell peppers with a knife;
  5. We cut peppers and tomatoes using the concasse method;
  6. Transfer the prepared vegetable mix to a bowl. Fill with water. We put on the stove;
  7. Add bay leaf and dill;
  8. Bring everything to a boil over high heat and reduce it. Cook over low heat for about 30 minutes;
  9. 15 minutes before the end of the time - add red pepper to taste. After - remove from the fire and proceed to the meal. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 2: Fish baked in foil.

Cooking method:

  1. We take the fillet of any low-fat fish (for example, cod) and cut it in portions. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and leave to soak;
  2. We disassemble the grapefruit (we only need the pulp with juice, without peel and veins);
  3. Finely chop the onion and thyme;
  4. We spread the fish on foil, wrap and bake in the oven for 15 - 20 minutes (depending on the type of fish and the size of the pieces);
  5. Put a slice of fish with a cushion of grapefruit salsa on a serving plate. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 3: Steam cutlets.

Cooking method:

  1. We interrupt the chicken fillet for minced meat or buy ready-made;
  2. Finely chop or press the onion, garlic and herbs (optional);
  3. Add all this to the minced meat along with spices (salt / pepper);
  4. We form cutlets and steam them until fully cooked in a double boiler / slow cooker / in a water bath. If there is nothing like this, wrap it in foil, add a little water and cook in the oven or simmer in a pan with water, but without oil. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 4: Vegetable omelet.

Cooking method:

  1. Steaming vegetables: green beans, broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower (all at once or one thing, to choose from);
  2. We mix in a separate container a couple of raw eggs, spices (salt / pepper), 1 tbsp. water;
  3. Pour over cooked vegetables with egg mixture. Steam until fully cooked (about 15 minutes). Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 5: Diet Pie.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely rub boiled carrots;
  2. Mix it in a container with cottage cheese and egg yolks;
  3. Optionally, you can add spices: ginger / cinnamon;
  4. Beat the whites until a thick high foam and add to our finished mass;
  5. Mix thoroughly. Pour everything into your favorite baking dish;
  6. We cook in the oven or slow cooker for about half an hour. Serve hot. You can decorate with cinnamon on top. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 6: Curd.

Cooking method:

  1. With the help of a press we press 1 clove of garlic;
  2. Finely chop the onion and herbs;
  3. We mix all this in a container along with low-fat cottage cheese;
  4. It can be served in portions on bread, unleavened tartlets or with fresh vegetables. Enjoy your meal!

Also cook fragrant and satisfying cheesecakes from cottage cheese according to an old grandmother's recipe - this is a delicious and very simple dish.

Recipe 7: Vegetable salad.

Cooking method:

  1. It is necessary to chop bell peppers using the concasse method (you can use yellow and red for color), tomatoes and cucumbers;
  2. Finely chop lettuce leaves;
  3. Using a press, squeeze out a couple of cloves of garlic;
  4. Mix all ingredients in a container. Add lemon juice;
  5. Mix well. Salt to taste. The salad is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Before you start eating according to this scheme, you need to weigh yourself. The diet contributes to a noticeable reduction in volume. Vegetables should be boiled in ordinary water without various additions of broths. It is allowed to add pepper, seasonings, salt, onion, garlic to vegetables. Fats and oils must not be added.

Dieting is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. We have compiled a menu in the table for a diet for 4 weeks, but it can be used every day. Only the most persistent women can sit on such a diet, but according to many, the result is worth it. Losing weight love this diet, which is actively shared in their reviews online and on forums. After all, the result can be colossal - after a full course of 4 weeks.

Diet Maggi - diet menu for 4 weeks, table

Cooking for a diet for 4 weeks is carried out by boiling, baking or stewing. It is recommended to lead an active lifestyle. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. The egg diet is one of the most effective ways to lose weight at home, which will help you lose 8 to 25 kg. in just 28 days.

Diet Maggi egg for 4 weeks, the right menu

First week


  • Breakfast
  • Dinner
  • Dinner: Lean boiled meat (any, except lamb), minced meat is acceptable.


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: Boiled chicken (can be fried, be sure to remove the skin!).
  • Dinner: 2 hard-boiled eggs, 1 grapefruit (you can orange), salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, peppers, no dressing), 1 toast.


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: 1 low-fat cheese toast, tomatoes.
  • Dinner: lean boiled meat (any, except lamb), let's say minced meat.


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs and half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: One of the following fruits in any quantity: apple, orange, watermelon, apricot, pear, melon, kiwi.
  • Dinner: Salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, peppers, no dressing), lean boiled meat (any, except lamb), minced meat is acceptable.


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: 2 soft-boiled eggs, steamed or boiled vegetables (carrots + green peas or beans + zucchini).
  • Dinner: 1 whole grapefruit (you can use an orange), salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, peppers, without dressing), a piece of boiled or fried fish.


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: One of the following fruits in any quantity: apple, orange, watermelon, apricot, pear, melon, kiwi.
  • Dinner: Salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, peppers, without dressing), low-fat boiled meat (any, except lamb), minced meat is acceptable.


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: Boiled chicken (you can fried, be sure to remove the skin!), Steamed tomatoes or boiled vegetables (carrots + green peas or zucchini + beans), 1 whole grapefruit (you can orange).
  • Dinner: Boiled or steamed vegetables (carrots + green peas or zucchini + beans).

Second week


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner
  • Dinner: 1 whole grapefruit (you can use an orange), 2 soft-boiled eggs, salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, peppers, no dressing).


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: Salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, peppers, no dressing), boiled lean meat.
  • Dinner


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: Cucumbers boiled or fried meat.
  • Dinner: 1 whole grapefruit (you can orange), 2 soft-boiled eggs.


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: 2 soft-boiled eggs, low-fat salted cheese, steamed or boiled vegetables (carrots + green peas).
  • Dinner: 2 hard-boiled eggs.


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: Boiled fish (in any quantity).
  • Dinner: 2 soft-boiled eggs.


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: Boiled lean meat, 1 whole grapefruit (you can orange), tomatoes.
  • Dinner: Fruit salad (melon, tangerine, peach, orange-apple).


  • Breakfast: 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, half a grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: Tomatoes, steamed or boiled vegetables (zucchini + beans), boiled chicken (you can fried, be sure to remove the skin!), 1 whole grapefruit (you can orange).
  • Dinner: Steamed tomatoes or boiled vegetables (beans + zucchini), boiled chicken (you can fried, be sure to remove the skin!) 1 whole grapefruit (you can orange).

Third week



  • During the day, eat raw or boiled vegetables (except potatoes) in any quantity.


  • During the day, eat fruits (except prohibited ones) and vegetables (except potatoes) in any quantity.


  • During the day, eat boiled fish (can be steamed) in any quantity, green salad or cabbage, boiled vegetables (except potatoes).


  • During the day, eat lean boiled or fried meat (except lamb) or chicken, boiled vegetables (except potatoes) in any quantity.


  • During the day, eat fruits (except banana, mango, grapes, dates, figs) in any quantity.


  • During the day, eat fruits (except banana, mango, grapes, dates, figs) in any quantity.

Fourth week


  • During the day, eat: a quarter of boiled chicken (remove the skin!) or 4 slices of lean meat (fried or boiled, about 200 g), 1 can of tuna (without oil!), 4 cucumbers 2-4 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 whole grapefruit or orange.


  • During the day, eat: 4 slices of lean meat (fried or boiled, about 200 g) 4 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast, to choose from: a piece of melon, 1 grapefruit or 1 orange, apple or pear to choose from: 1 apple or 1 pear.


  • During the day, consume: 1 tbsp. low-fat cottage cheese, 200 g low-fat cheese, boiled vegetables (except potatoes), 1 toast, 2-3 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 whole grapefruit or orange.


  • During the day, eat: half a boiled chicken (remove the skin!), 1 cucumber, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 whole grapefruit or orange.


  • During the day, eat: 2 hard-boiled eggs, 3 tomatoes, lettuce (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, peppers, without dressing), 1 whole grapefruit (you can orange).


  • During the day, consume: 2 boiled chicken breasts, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese or cheese, 2-3 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 glass of curdled milk, 1 whole grapefruit or orange.


  • During the day, use: 2 tbsp. low-fat cottage cheese, 1 can of canned tuna (no oil!), 2-3 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 toast, boiled vegetables (except potatoes), 1 whole grapefruit or orange.

After a short period of time, the mark on the scales will decrease from 8 to 25 kg. depending on how much they showed initially. In this case, you will not have to feel hungry, and counting calories can be left for others. The result obtained at the finish line will not disappear after some time, but will remain if the initial principles are observed.

Diet Maggi - reviews and results

The best reviews and comments about the Maggi diet
  1. Shelley.I didn't believe it, but it worked. After the birth of 2 children, she began to weigh 61 kg. I really wanted to lose 5 kg. I never sat on diets, and in principle I didn’t believe it. A friend told about her friend, decided to try. I sat for 5 days and broke down, well, I really wanted something sweet. A week later I resumed my attempt, I wanted to prove to myself that I could, 4 weeks passed, the weight became 54.5 kg, the volumes noticeably decreased. Now it’s only 1 week after the diet, I try not to eat up, but I think that in a week I’ll sit down again, I really want to lose another 4 kg. Try it, it really works;
  2. Elena.Sidela on this diet just a year ago. Gained courage, willpower and sat down. The first days of the transition from my messy diet to regular meals were difficult, and the refusal of sweet, bakery, fried foods was depressing, but I managed. There was a huge surprise when, after the first week of the diet, I got on the scales and noticed that the weight was literally melting before my eyes, 4 kilograms were lost in 7 days, in the following days the weight began to go off less intensively, but I did not stop and went to my dream of a slender body, and you know, I reached it. that all my things became quite large for me, but when I got on the scales, I gasped when I saw that I had lost 10 kilograms. I am very pleased with this diet, because after it I have not gained a single kilogram for a whole year. And also, dear girls and women, do plus to this sport and the result will not keep you waiting. Good luck;
  3. Asya. The diet for every day is simply excellent, as close as possible to proper nutrition, serves as a kind of impetus for the transition to proper nutrition as a way of life, because if we want to remain beautiful, after any weight loss system we must come to healthy food. So, about the diet. It is designed for 4 weeks, I will tell you my impression of each of the weeks. The first and second weeks of the diet are very similar, but on the 2nd week, the number of eggs is added, if you are worried that such consumption of eggs can adversely affect your body, then either eat one egg, where 1 or 2 eggs are indicated, or eat only proteins, in large quantities only yolks are not useful. The third week is a mono-diet, it is the most difficult, but it is necessary to endure it, it is in the third week that the body volume decreases. The fourth week after 3 weeks seemed like a fairy tale to me, quite full, and this time we are offered a set of products for the day, and we already choose how to distribute them, which is also very convenient). About the results. I started the diet with a weight of as much as 80 kg. with a height of 160 cm, during these 4 weeks I lost about 10 kg. and about 2 sizes in clothes. It was easy to stay on a diet, it is satisfying, it is desirable to add sports. For me it was an elementary exercise for 20-30 minutes. I advise this diet to people who need to lose a large number of kilograms. And of course, after the diet, do not forget to limit portions, eat healthy food and, if possible, play sports, at least at home, following these simple rules, you will lose weight further and become more and more beautiful!;
  4. Svetlana.They advised me the “maggi” diet or, as it is also called “chemical” or “maggi egg diet”. I’ll say right away that I didn’t sit on it strictly: I lasted the first 2 weeks, and then Monday-Friday on a diet, Saturday-Sunday I ate what I wanted (without any frills). The diet consists in following the menu personally every day of the diet. What unites them is that every day your breakfast should consist of half an orange or grapefruit and two eggs. If the diet was broken, then you need to start over. As a result, in a month I lost 3 kilograms (53-50). Of course, I get tired of eating eggs every morning, but I’m happy with the diet, because there was no feeling of hunger, and I didn’t want to break ( weekends I allowed myself to eat my grandmother’s favorite pies), as well as what was prescribed in the diet, I got very tasty cooked;
  5. Ksyusha.I sat on this diet with my girlfriend, but it was a long time ago, even before the birth. At the institute, I had many complexes about the figure and I tortured myself with all sorts of means in order to somehow increase my self-esteem! This diet is quite long - 4 weeks. It promises weight loss from 10 to 20 kg., But I didn’t have so much excess. it is not recommended to retreat. During the diet, it is advisable to consume a large amount of water (2-3 liters), it is allowed to drink coffee or tea in any quantity, cook vegetables without oil, but it is possible to add seasonings and salt. And, of course, it would be nice to add physical activity. I stayed on this diet for all the prescribed 28 days, and very easily, without breakdowns and nerves. My result: minus 7 kg. For my physique at that time, it was very good, I was pleased and received a bunch of compliments. I had to update my wardrobe.

Diet Maggi - nutritionist on the Maggi diet

We present an effective Maggi diet with a detailed menu for every day. A table of products, reviews and menus for every day will help you appreciate the Maggi diet for weight loss, as well as make the right choice in its favor.

The Maggi Diet is a 4-week protein diet designed to cut down on carbohydrates as much as possible and get rid of excess weight. This diet is also called egg diet, as this product has a special place in the diet. There is an opinion that a chicken egg is a heavy food saturated with cholesterol. This statement is a myth, moreover, a menu based on this product is able to rid the body of extra pounds in a short time.

Features of the Maggi diet

The Maggi diet is one of the most popular weight loss systems. The results that you can achieve with it depend on your individual characteristics. On average, the representatives of the weaker sex manage to lose from 8 to 12 kg. However, someone manages to lose up to 25 kg. The result largely depends on how disciplined you approach your diet.

As mentioned earlier, the Maggi diet is a protein diet, and its use implies
almost complete rejection of carbohydrates. This means that you can safely consume meat, fish, poultry, cottage cheese, cheeses, dairy products and, of course, chicken eggs.

The latter are one of the most important elements of the diet. No wonder, because eggs are a real treasure trove of useful vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, especially during a diet. It is necessary to boil eggs in a bag, so they are quickly absorbed by the body, while retaining all all the useful trace elements.

The Maggi diet requires adaptation of the body and a complete restructuring of your diet, which is very difficult to do at first. Therefore, you need to follow a number of rules in order not only to achieve maximum results, but also to harm your health.

Rules for dieting

There are two types of Maggi diet: cottage cheese and egg. As you guessed from the name, one implies the exclusive compilation of your menu based on chicken eggs, the other based on low-fat cottage cheese. However, for both diets, there are a number of equivalent rules that must be observed:

  • Prepare your body for a change in diet. If you immediately start dieting, it will be a great stress for your body, in addition, you can earn various kinds of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and intestines. It is necessary to gradually reduce the daily intake of carbohydrates and fats, and then move on to a protein diet;
  • Three meals a day. Make three meals a day, accustom your body to discipline and a new regimen;
  • Dinner 3 hours before bed. It's okay if you ate dinner after 18:00. The main thing is to do this at least 3 hours before bedtime;
  • Drinking mode. As with any diet, you need to drink plenty of fluids. Your daily allowance should be 2 liters. In addition, coffee, tea can be drunk without restrictions between meals;
  • Strict adherence to the diet. Do not change the order of meals and products. The diet in this regard is very strict and does not allow for adjustments;
  • Eliminate fats from your diet. If carbohydrate intake should be minimized, then animal fats should be excluded from the diet as much as possible. Use omega-3 fatty acids instead;
  • Use seasonings. Onions, garlic and other natural spices will save you from a bland diet;
  • Physical activity. Do not forget at least a little physical activity. This will help keep the body in good shape and reduce excess weight;

Follow these rules, and the result will not be long in coming!

Detailed product table

This table contains a complete list of products, permitted to use. Keep it at hand, it will help you create a competent and varied menu:

Product Description
Vegetables/greensYou can make up a diet from any vegetables: zucchini, carrots, broccoli, beans, etc. Moreover, frozen vegetable mixtures are allowed for consumption.

Acceptable cooking methods: steamed, boiled, stewed, in the oven, whipped (smoothies), eaten raw. Eliminate frying and the use of vegetable oil.

FruitBe sure to add to your menu: grapefruit, tangerines, oranges, cherries, persimmons, kiwi, apples, kiwi. Only high-calorie fruits should be excluded (see below).
sour milkCheese up to 20% fat and cottage cheese up to 9% fat. Starting from 4 weeks, you can add yogurt and kefir to the menu.
Fish, seafoodShrimp and low-fat varieties of fish are allowed for consumption: haddock, salmon, pollock, sole, etc.
bird, eggChicken (without skin), turkey, eggs. It is allowed to use offal: minced meat, meatballs, etc.
MeatAny lean meats are allowed.

Cooking methods: boiling, baking. You can use spices and the list of permitted.

BreadIt is allowed to consume no more than 30 g per day of bread or bran during the diet.
condimentsPepper, salt, onion, garlic, ginger, sugar-free soy sauce, seasonings (no sugar or starch), gelatin, lemon, balsamic vinegar.
DrinkTea and coffee without sugar. Water.
SweetMinimal sugar substitutes, sugar-free lozenges (no more than 1 per week).

We also provide you with a list prohibited to the use of products during the Maggi diet:

  • canned foods;
  • Sweet - honey, sweets, jam, fructose, sorbitol;
  • Potatoes, legumes (lentils, beans);
  • Roast;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Mutton;
  • flour;
  • Milk (including tea and coffee with milk);
  • Fruits: bananas, avocados, grapes, mangoes, figs, high-calorie dried fruits;
  • Any oil and fats;
  • Alcohol (no more than 2 glasses of red or white wine are allowed for the entire diet).

Menu for every day: 4 weeks

First week Second week Third week Fourth week

The first week of the Maggi diet is the hardest. At this time, the body will have the hardest time adjusting to a new diet.

Breakfast during the first week remains unchanged: grapefruit + 2 eggs
Day Dinner Dinner
1 1 kind of fruitLean meat or minced meat
2 Boiled chicken without skin2 eggs, toast, fresh vegetables, grapefruit
3 Low-fat cheese, toast, tomatoesLow-fat minced meat
4 1 kind of fruitLean meat, fresh vegetables
5 2 eggs, boiled vegetablesSteamed fish, fresh vegetables, grapefruit
6 1 kind of fruitLean meat or minced meat, fresh vegetables
7 Boiled chicken without skin, boiled vegetables, tomatoes, grapefruitBoiled vegetables

Note: Grapefruit can be replaced with an apple.

By the second week of the diet, the body begins to get used to the new diet. Since then, eggs have been more actively introduced into the menu.

Breakfast is the same as in the first week: grapefruit and 2 eggs
Day Dinner Dinner
1 Minced meat, fresh vegetablesFresh vegetables, 2 eggs, grapefruit
2 Lean meat, fresh vegetablesGrapefruit, 2 eggs
3 Not fatty meat, cucumbersGrapefruit, 2 eggs
4 Cheese (no more than 17% fat), 2 eggs, steamed vegetablesGrapefruit, 2 eggs
5 Steamed fish2 boiled eggs
6 Low-fat minced meat, tomatoes and grapefruitFruits from the table of allowed
7 Boiled chicken, steamed vegetables, fresh tomato, grapefruitSteamed chicken breast, vegetables, grapefruit

Two weeks is enough for the body to adapt to a new diet and begin to actively lose extra pounds. Starting from the third week, the body needs a new shake-up, which will contribute to intensive weight loss. At this stage, the products are distributed by day, and not by meal.

Day Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner
1 Any fruit from the allowed table
2 Any vegetables from the allowed table
3 Steamed vegetables, fruits from the allowed table
4 Steamed fish, fresh vegetables
5 Lean meat, fresh vegetables
6 Fruits from the list of permitted
7 1 type of fruit from the table of allowed

Maggi's diet is coming to its logical conclusion, the last week is next in line. The list of products must be evenly distributed throughout each day.

Day Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner
1 Lean meat, 3-4 fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 can of tuna WITHOUT oil, grapefruit
2 Up to 200 g of low-fat minced meat, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, 3-4 pieces each, 1 fruit from the table of permitted
3 Up to 200 g of cheese or cottage cheese, steamed vegetables, 2 tomatoes and cucumbers, 1 toast, grapefruit
4 Half boiled chicken (small, without skin), 1 cucumber, 3 fresh tomatoes, 1 toast, grapefruit
5 2 eggs, 3 tomatoes, lettuce, grapefruit
6 2 steamed chicken breasts, 120 g cheese or cottage cheese, 2 tomatoes and cucumbers, 1 toast, grapefruit
7 Up to 100 g of cheese or cottage cheese, 1 can of tuna WITHOUT oil, 2 fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, grapefruit, steamed vegetables, 1 toast

The Maggi diet differs from other diets in its severity, so you need to strictly follow the indicated menu to achieve maximum results. If you have deviated from the diet for at least a day, then it must be started from the very beginning.

Getting out of the diet

You should exit the diet just as smoothly as you start to follow it. Otherwise, you can create artificial stress for the body, earn gastrointestinal disorders, and even return the pounds you have lost with difficulty. Carbohydrates should be gradually added to the diet menu in small portions.

It is also worth noting that many of the fair sex in 4 weeks get so used to the Maggi diet menu that they continue to use it further. There is nothing wrong with this, however, in this case, you should diversify your diet as much as possible so that the body receives the necessary amount of useful trace elements from food. The diet still creates a calorie and carbohydrate deficit, and after achieving the desired result, this indicatively needs to be normalized, especially in the presence of high physical activity.

Maggi Diet Recipes


  • Fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • Dill and parsley - 2 branches each;
  • Mineral water - 50 ml.


  1. Wash vegetables and herbs thoroughly;
  2. Cucumbers cut into small slices, and finely chop the greens;
  3. Add chopped ingredients to a blender, fill with mineral water and beat until smooth;
  4. Refrigerate before use. The dish is ready!


  • Salmon steak - 2 pcs.;
  • Lemon - 1/2 pc.;
  • soy sauce to taste;


  1. Squeeze lemon juice in a saucer and add soy sauce to it;
  2. Pour the sauce over the steaks and refrigerate for 30 minutes;
  3. Wrap each steak in foil and steam for 20 minutes;
  4. Serve with boiled vegetables from the list of allowed. Enjoy your meal!

Baked chicken breast


  • Chicken fillet - 500 g;
  • Basil, dill and cilantro to taste;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • A mixture of peppers - 1/2 tsp;
  • Garlic - 4 cloves.


  1. We clean the garlic from the husk and squeeze it through a press;
  2. Greens are very finely chopped;
  3. Mix the resulting ingredients with a mixture of peppers and lemon juice;
  4. Make small cuts in the chicken fillet, where you place the resulting mixture. Grate the chicken breast with the rest of the mixture;
  5. Put the fillet on a baking sheet, send it to the oven preheated to a temperature of 200 degrees for 20 minutes;
  6. Serve with fresh herbs and vegetables from the list of allowed.


  • Tomatoes - 4 pcs.;;
  • Eggplant (young) - 2 pcs.;
  • Sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • Bulb - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Parsley to taste;
  • Vegetable broth - 250 ml;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.


  1. Wash eggplant and tomatoes well. Without peeling, cut into small slices of 1-2 cm;
  2. We clean the peppers and the onion and cut into small half rings;
  3. Put the resulting vegetables in layers in a saucepan, adding salt layer by layer. Leave the top layer of tomatoes;
  4. Add chopped parsley, squeezed garlic, pepper and 250 ml to the vegetables. vegetable broth;
  5. We put the saucepan on a small flame and simmer for 2-2.5 hours. Enjoy your meal!
68 votes

I revealed the essence of this nutrition system and showed what results can be achieved. Today we again have a Maggi diet menu for every day we will consider. I will tell you which foods are allowed and which are prohibited. And I will share my recipes with you.

You can choose an egg or cottage cheese option for 4 weeks. Download and print the detailed menu. Hang it in a prominent place so you can see what needs to be cooked the next day. The food system is strict and does not allow changes.

Maggi's nutritional system is a protein diet with a very low carbohydrate content. It lasts exactly 4 weeks. During this time, you can get rid of 10 to 25 kg of excess weight.

Maggi's basic rule: to lose weight, you must unconditionally follow the chosen diet

If for one reason or another you interrupted the diet, you will have to follow it from the very beginning. Such a “zeroing” will have to be done even if you mixed up the products. Judging by the reviews, many losing weight were able to evaluate the effectiveness of this nutrition system. And in general, such a diet disciplines well.

Basic nutrition rules

There are 2 options for the Maggi nutrition system - egg and curd. But the rules for both options are the same. Curd modification is the best solution for those who are losing weight, who will “feel bad” from endless eating of eggs 🙂

So, the rules of nutrition on the Maggi diet are as follows:

  • Three meals a day. At the same time, try to eat every day at the same time. Snacks are allowed. For example, you can eat fresh cucumber, carrot, lettuce or slimming cocktail. But I recommend such a snack not earlier than 2-3 hours after the meal.
  • You can also eat after 18.00. The main thing is to have dinner, no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  • It is important to observe the drinking regimen. Drink 2 or even 3 liters of clean water a day. You can also drink tea and coffee, but without sugar and milk. More details I have a separate .
  • Do not swap breakfast or lunch menus. And yet, do not replace one product with another. If you have grapefruit for breakfast, you need to eat it in the morning, not for lunch.
  • If you decide to exclude one of the products from the menu, you cannot put another in its place.
  • Cook meals in a dry frying pan, in a slow cooker or in the oven. Fats, oils and seasonings with flavors and preservatives must not be used! Food can be salted, peppered and garlic or onions can be added to it.
  • Do not forget about moderate physical activity. Start with a simple walk in the morning or before bed. Many write that they consistently lose 1-2 kg per week.

But, friends, if your diet has a small amount of fruits, fresh herbs and vegetables, do not rush to sit on Maggi. First you need to prepare the body for a new diet. If you suddenly begin to intensively eat vegetables and fruits, problems in the digestive tract are inevitable. Flatulence or intestinal upset may occur.

I collected all the information on what you can eat on the Maggi diet in a convenient plate:

Vegetables/greens You can eat any vegetables: carrots, zucchini, broccoli, green beans, etc. In addition, the consumption of frozen vegetable mixtures is allowed.

You can steam, boil, bake, crunch raw, make smoothies and stew in a slow cooker. The main thing - without frying and the use of oil.

Cook on the water. You can add permitted seasonings.

Fruit The diet must contain tangerines, grapefruit, oranges, kiwi, persimmon, apples, cherries, kiwi, etc. For a complete list of products, see the article "what fruits you can eat when losing weight".

Eat any berries and fruits, excluding prohibited ones (see below). Cook them the same way you would vegetables.

sour milk Low-fat cottage cheese (maximum up to 9%)

Cheese (up to 20% fat)

Curdled milk and kefir (introduced into the diet starting from 4 weeks)

Fish, seafood Low-fat varieties (pollock, sole, haddock), shrimp. See detailed list.
bird, egg Low-fat poultry, eggs. If you bake meat, then eat without the skin. It is allowed to use by-products
Meat Low-fat (boiled, baked), a couple of pieces of barbecue (rarely). You can eat by-products.

It is allowed to cook, bake, stew on water, in a double boiler or in a slow cooker

Bread Toasted rye, whole grain bread. Or replace with bread or bran (only no more than 30 g per day).
condiments Salt, pepper, garlic, onion, seasonings (no sugar or starch), soy sauce (only sugar free), lemon, gelatin, balsamic vinegar, ginger
Drink Tea and coffee without sugar and milk (even dry)

1 glass of diet cola

Sweet Sugar-free lollipops (rare)

Sugar substitutes (stevia, agave syrup)

Prohibited Products

  • Canned vegetables (peas, corn, etc.)
  • Roast
  • Sweet - honey, jam, fructose, sorbitol. Why honey is not better than sugar for weight loss
  • Milk
  • Potatoes, legumes (lentils, beans)
  • Fruits – avocados, bananas, grapes, figs, mangoes, high-calorie dried fruits
  • Mushrooms
  • Any oils and fats
  • Alcohol

During Maggi, do not chew gum - it stimulates the appetite.

Menu for 4 weeks: egg option

This weight loss system is not based on reducing the calorie content of the diet. Its secret is that the consumed set of products stimulates the chemical processes occurring in the body.

One of the main components of such a diet is a chicken egg. Skeptics believe that consuming so many eggs is dangerous. After all, this product increases the level of "bad" cholesterol in the body. But I hasten to reassure you: such cholesterol is the least harmful. It enters the body simultaneously with lecithin.

In addition, during a recent study, scientists at the University of Surrey made an amazing discovery. It turns out that the consumption of chicken eggs does not affect the level of cholesterol in the blood.

After all, this product contains a unique set of valuable substances that are vital for each of us. At the same time, most of the calories of a chicken egg fall on the yolk: 352 kcal per 100 g. The digestibility of this product largely depends on the time of its heat treatment. Soft-boiled eggs are digested in a few hours. And in order to digest hard-boiled eggs, it will take an hour more.

Of course, eggs are one of the staples of this weight loss system. But the diet of egg Maggi is based not only on them. During Egg Maggi, you need to stick to a four-step weight loss plan. Each week is a new step with its own results and victories over excess weight. I have prepared for you a 4-week egg diet meal plan with a detailed menu, where the recommended foods are listed by day and what, when and how to eat.

First week- This is a period of restructuring of the body. He will have to get acquainted with the new diet. The detailed table that I give you below describes the menu of the first week.

Second seven days: the body begins to get used to the new diet. It's time to act! Eggs are actively introduced into the menu of every day. Detailed menu for 2 weeks. This week, many notice that the weight begins to decline not so quickly. This is logical, because in the 1st week, excess fluid leaves.

Third week- a new "surprise" for the body. For 2 weeks he got used to the diet. Now it's time for shock therapy. No, no, don't be scared, they won't torture you with electric shock 🙂 It's just time to make drastic changes in your nutrition plan.

Fourth step: at the end of this stage, the achieved result is evaluated. The table below lists and amounts of foods to consume on certain days of the week. In fact, this is the daily norm. Any additions are prohibited! I recommend dividing the mentioned products into 4 or even 5 meals. The interval between individual meals can be 2-3 hours.

All plates can be downloaded, printed and used to your health.

Curd variant

Maggi's cottage cheese nutrition system is a great alternative to the egg diet. Especially when it’s already sickening to look at eggs 🙂 Although a curd diet is not the best option for high acidity of the stomach.

This Maggi meal plan is not particularly different from the egg diet. The main difference is that instead of eggs, low-fat cottage cheese is eaten.

In the cottage cheese version of the Maggi diet, you can alternate cottage cheese with eggs

Be sure to weigh yourself before losing weight. This will be the point of reference. The result will be calculated based on this figure. By the way, I recommend carrying out each subsequent weighing once a day in the morning after the toilet.

Breakfast for 1 and 2 weeks does not please with a special variety. Every day it is allowed to eat fruits and 150-200 g of cottage cheese. There are more variations for lunch and dinner. Recommended foods for 3 and 4 weeks are given not by meal, but by day. Distribute them yourself, breaking up into 4-5 meals.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Below in the comments I get asked a lot of questions. Many are repeated. In order not to write the same answers, I decided to answer all the questions in a separate article - Maggi Diet FAQ.

Simple recipes

And I have prepared delicious recipes for you. Catch.

Appetizing salad "Red Trio"

For the salad you will need: large red pepper, 20 cherry tomatoes, red onion, pomegranate. You also need some parsley and as much cilantro as possible.

For dressing, you need the following ingredients: salt, ground black pepper, lemon juice or wine vinegar. Optionally, you can take granular mustard. Mix all these components thoroughly.

Bake peppers in the oven: black skin should appear. Remove the skin from the pepper and cut it into strips or cubes. Peel the skin off the onion. Cut it into half rings. Cut the cherry in half. Finely chop the greens. Mix all ingredients. Pour dressing over them and mix well. Serve salad after 15-20 minutes. During this time, it will soak in the sauce and will be much tastier 🙂

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