Suspicion of ovarian cancer. What ovarian cancer looks like on ultrasound: signs, interpretation of results, difference from the norm From the tissue covering the follicle of the granular layer

Timely diagnosis of ovarian cancer is of great importance for the treatment of the disease. Identification of pathology in the early stages significantly increases the chances of a favorable outcome of treatment.

Cancer cells

Early diagnosis of ovarian cancer is difficult. This is due to the fact that the pathology does not manifest itself in any way, therefore, there are severe consequences leading to death.

The only way to detect an ailment at an early stage is a regular visit to a gynecologist-mammologist for the purpose of preventive examination and ultrasound. Pathology is discovered, as a rule, by chance. Psychosomatics is due to the fact that it is difficult to see a microscopic tumor formation on the ovaries or in the uterus. A smear taken from the vagina is able to show the presence of a cancer cell, but only at a later date.

Women with an average or high risk of developing cancer processes are screened. Such a study allows you to determine the tumor, but does not recognize its quality.

Signs of the disease

At the very beginning of the development of a malignant neoplasm, it is characterized by the same symptoms as other pathologies of a similar nature.

The disease is characterized by a slow, asymptomatic development process. At that moment, when the appearance of a characteristic clinical picture is noted, the tumor has already developed to the last stage.

If certain signs occur, a woman should immediately consult a doctor. These include:

  • pain in the lower abdomen. As a rule, the pain is aching, permanent, and this does not affect the quality of life in the best way;
  • the appearance of weakness, fatigue, exhaustion;
  • there is a violation of urination;
  • appetite disappears, depression suddenly arises;
  • when the cancer process spreads to the intestinal area, digestive disorders appear;
  • the size of the abdomen increases;
  • characterized by menstrual irregularities. The volume of discharges may decrease, or they are infrequent.

In addition, the patient may complain about the occurrence of causeless hyperthermia, characteristic of the evening. Based on the patient's complaints, the doctor prescribes the necessary diagnostic examination.

Diagnostic methods and procedures

Among the main methods and procedures to confirm the diagnosis of ovarian cancer, the following are distinguished:

Rectovaginal examination

In case of suspicion of oncological formation, the doctor performs a rectovaginal examination. Women are wary of this method, mistakenly considering it painful.

The procedure boils down to the fact that the doctor inserts one of the fingers into the vagina, the other into the anus. The purpose of such an examination is to palpate the reproductive system from different angles. In the event that there are on the walls separating the vagina from the rectal region, the doctor will feel them.

Ultrasound diagnosis of ovarian cancer

The psychosomatics of the procedure does not require special training. A woman should simply be in a relaxed state and not interfere with the actions of a specialist. Additionally, the abdomen is also palpated to determine if fluid has accumulated in the peritoneal region (ascites). This process is often accompanied by ovarian cancer.


An ultrasound examination is an effective method that allows you to establish the state in which the internal organs of the peritoneum are located. Ovarian cancer on ultrasound can be recognized due to the characteristics of the reflection of sound signals by healthy organs and tumor formations.

Ultrasound helps:

  • establish a specific place where the tumor process is localized;
  • get information about the size of the tumor;
  • detect probable structural changes in the reproductive organs;
  • assess the spread of malignancy to nearby tissues.

The method of ultrasound diagnostics helps to draw a conclusion about the nature of the neoplasm, and the features of its structure are also clearly visible.

A sensor installed on the patient's stomach of a small size sends sound waves that, in contact with the ovaries or other organs, create an echo. The sensor detects such a reflected echo, and then the computer forms these signals into images that are displayed on the monitor.

Transvaginal sonography method

Transvaginal echography is a type of ultrasound examination that boasts the greatest information content. In this case, the doctor inserts the sensor into the vagina itself. Examinations of such a plan help to establish tumor formations of small size.

The advantage of ultrasound is its safety. This method can be used many times without causing any harm to the internal organs.. This technique is by far the most popular and in demand.

However, not in all cases it is possible to obtain a complete picture of the disease from one ultrasound result. There are neoplasms of a very small size, and it is impossible to recognize them from the pictures.

Analysis for tumor markers

Those who are concerned about the problem of how ovarian cancer can be detected at an early stage can take a blood test for the CA-125 tumor marker. The CA-125 indicator is a special protein that cancer cells secrete as a waste product. The higher the content of this protein in the blood, the larger the tumor formation.

Thanks to this analysis, it will be possible not only to establish whether there is a tumor, but also to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy. So, for example, if according to the results of chemotherapy, the amount of CA-125 decreased, then we are talking about the positive dynamics of therapy.

Important! The presence of the CA-125 protein in the blood may indicate not only the development of a malignant formation, but also the presence of fibrosis, endometriosis, and can be detected in women in position. Therefore, to confirm the diagnosis, one should resort to a number of other diagnostics.

CT scan

CT is a diagnostic method of modern medicine, thanks to which it is possible to obtain images with transverse sections of tissues of the whole body. X-rays produce a flat image, while computed tomography produces a three-dimensional image. It is possible to achieve volume due to the many shots.

If the patient has ovarian cancer, then CT helps to see how much the malignant process could spread to nearby organs and tissues.

MRI picture. Crayfish

Computed tomography can:

  • determine the volume of the tumor;
  • whether the liver is affected;
  • whether the tumor has spread to the kidneys;
  • whether metastases have penetrated into the peritoneum;
  • whether there is damage to the bladder;
  • the lymphatic system is affected or not.

Sometimes a contrast tomography is prescribed. Shortly before the examination, a woman should drink a special liquid. The introduction of a similar contrast composition intravenously is allowed. Thanks to such a simple method, a clearer outline of all the structural formations of the body is found.

However, a contrast drink can cause reactions that are manifested by reddening of the skin, a feeling of heat and allergies in the form of urticaria. In rare cases, more serious manifestations may occur, in the form of shortness of breath, a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

Magnetic resonance imaging

Thanks to the MRI method, it will be possible to obtain an image of the internal organs. An MRI of the ovaries differs from a CT scan in that the scanner first emits radio waves.

The resulting MRI images are computer processed. The image comes out not only transverse, but also longitudinal. Contrast fluid may be injected into the patient to make the MRI images clearer and more detailed.

Magnetic resonance imaging of ovarian cancer

If the doctor has an assumption that a malignant tumor is developing, MRI is rarely used as a diagnostic method.


If ovarian cancer is detected on ultrasound, then a biopsy is additionally prescribed, which allows you to confirm the diagnosis with maximum accuracy.

Two types of specimens can be taken for a biopsy:

  • intraperitoneal fluid;
  • education tissue.

The last procedure is associated with a great danger associated with the spread of cancer cells in the presence of a malignant formation. Therefore, tissue is taken for biopsy in extremely rare cases.

A biopsy is performed after the tumor has been found and removed.

Diagnostic laparoscopy

In the event that a tumor formation is detected, a laparoscopic examination may be prescribed. The essence of the procedure is to conduct a minimally invasive operation. A pair of punctures are made in the patient's peritoneum, through which a flexible tube is inserted, ending with a miniature camera and a flashlight.

The resulting image of certain areas or organs is displayed on a computer monitor. Thanks to such manipulations, it is possible to obtain information about the stage of cancer, the prevalence of the tumor process and the degree of damage to nearby organs.

It plays a decisive role in determining the plan for the upcoming operation or, conversely, the impossibility of performing an operative intervention due to the spread of metastases. Through laparoscopy, instruments can also be inserted into the internal cavity to help take tissue samples for analysis.

Ovarian cancer is an insidious disease that can develop in women of any age, even girls. Psychosomatics of oncology is the most difficult. How you feel about your own health, how often you visit the gynecologist's office for a preventive examination, depends on the likelihood of detecting pathology in the early stages.


Ovarian cancer and hereditary predisposition

According to modern research, hereditary predisposition to this disease also plays a role in the development of ovarian cancer.

In particular, in women with close relatives who (mothers, sisters or daughters) had ovarian cancer, the lifetime risk of developing this disease increases from 1.6% to 7-10% (if only one relative had the disease) or up to 50% (if two or more relatives had the disease). Genes that predispose to ovarian cancer can be passed down through both the mother and father.

Ovarian cancer and hormonal drugs

The effect of hormonal preparations containing female sex hormones on the risk of developing ovarian cancer depends on the age of the woman.

Modern research has shown that taking oral contraceptives by young women reduces their risk of developing ovarian cancer.

As in the case of a decrease in the likelihood of developing cancer in women who have had at least one pregnancy, this can be explained by a decrease in the number of ovulations that a woman had throughout her life (as is known, ovulation does not occur in the ovaries while taking oral contraceptives).

On the other hand, taking drugs with female sex hormones by women in the period may increase the risk of developing ovarian cancer, regardless of the duration of treatment, type, dosage, type of hormonal components that make up the drug.

Ovarian cancer and hygiene products

According to some reports, the use of hygiene products containing talc (for example, powders) for the care of the external genital organs also increases the risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Cancer and ovarian cysts

Many women who have (for example, during an ultrasound) are worried about the possibility of developing ovarian cancer.

Such fears are partly justified, since uterine cancer can indeed develop in the form of a cyst. However, not every cyst is cancer.

In young women, ovarian cysts are extremely rarely cancerous.

On the other hand, the discovery of a cyst in a girl who has not yet had her period or in a woman during menopause is primarily considered as a sign of a tumor.

During an ultrasound, the doctor can only see the cyst, but cannot accurately determine whether it is cancer or not. For this, it is necessary

  • firstly, to evaluate the dynamics of cyst growth (the cyst decreases or increases)
  • secondly, to obtain a tissue sample from the cyst for histological analysis

To assess the dynamics of cyst development, doctors usually prescribe a second ultrasound in 1-2 months.

Cysts that are not cancer during this period of time either disappear completely or decrease significantly in size. Cysts, which are cancer, on the contrary, increase in size.

If, during a second examination, the doctor sees that the cyst has increased in size, he may recommend an operation during which the cyst will be removed, and its tissues will be subjected to histological analysis, which will finally determine whether the cyst is cancer or not.

Ovarian cancer and cancer of other organs

In some cases, ovarian cancer develops as a result of the spread of cancer cells from tumors located in other organs. Ovarian cancer is especially common in women with , breast cancer, and .

Symptoms and signs of ovarian cancer

The first symptoms of ovarian cancer may include:

  • Constant or recurring feeling of bloating in the abdomen;
  • Stomach ache;
  • Frequent heartburn;
  • Increase in the circumference of the abdomen;
  • unexplained weight loss;
  • prolonged constipation;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Feeling full quickly when eating;
  • Bloody discharge from the vagina

It is quite clear that in the understanding of most people, almost all of these symptoms (except weight loss and spotting) are not associated with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba serious illness. It is for this reason that women who begin to develop ovarian cancer rarely go to the doctor, attributing these symptoms to “age”, “stomach disease”, “malnutrition”, etc.

More noticeable and severe symptoms of ovarian cancer appear when the tumor spreads to neighboring organs and metastasizes. In particular, if the tumor spreads to the liver and peritoneum, ascites, severe abdominal pain, and severe weight loss may develop.

Spread of the tumor to the lungs can cause coughing, fluid in the pleural cavity.

What are the stages (degrees of development) of ovarian cancer? How do they determine survival prognosis?

The likelihood of successful treatment and recovery in ovarian cancer (as in other forms of cancer) depends on the degree of development of the disease, that is, on how widely the tumor has spread in the human body. Other factors on which survival depends are the histological type of the tumor (tumors of some types develop more aggressively than tumors of other types), the ability to conduct adequate treatment.

Grades of ovarian cancer
What does this mean and what are the chances of recovery?*
1 stage Cancer does not extend beyond the ovaries. The chances of recovery are very high and average 87-79%.
2 stage Cancer grows outside the ovaries and spreads to surrounding organs (uterus, fallopian tubes). The chances of recovery are about 67-57%.
3 stage A cancerous tumor spreads to neighboring organs, to neighboring lymph nodes. Foci of tumor growth appear on the peritoneum. The chances of recovery are about 41-23%.
4 stage A cancerous tumor spreads to neighboring organs and metastasizes (most often to the liver, lungs, spleen). The chances of recovery are about 11%.

* The data presented in the table refer mainly to survival rates for so-called ovarian carcinoma (one of the most common types of ovarian cancer). However, other much less aggressive forms of ovarian cancer are known, in which the survival rate even at the last (4) stage exceeds 30%, and in the initial stages it is above 90%.

Ovarian cancer is one of the most common cancers in women of childbearing age. Therefore, verification and treatment of an ovarian tumor in the early stages is the main task of oncogynecologists. The leading diagnostic method is ultrasound.

Signs of ovarian cancer on ultrasound can be suspected even in the early stages, when laboratory tests are uninformative. This method helps to quickly and with a high degree of certainty differentiate benign and malignant processes.

By two methods:

  • transabdominally;
  • transvaginally.

When conducting a transabdominal examination, the sensor is placed in the suprapubic region. The doctor assesses the condition of not only the pelvis, but also the abdominal organs (search for metastases in regional lymph nodes).

With a transvaginal transducer, the probe is inserted directly into the vagina. This is a more informative method, since the gonads are located in close proximity to the apparatus.

During the study, localization, size, structure, shape, contours of organs are evaluated. The condition of the uterus is also being examined. The procedure should be carried out on the 5-8th day of the menstrual cycle.

Normally, a woman of reproductive age has the following indicators:

  • volume 5–8 cm;
  • thickness 0.1–0.2 cm;
  • length 0.25–0.4 cm;
  • width 0.15–0.3 cm;
  • homogeneous structure;
  • oval shape;
  • clear contours;
  • the presence of follicles of varying degrees of maturity, including dominant.

It is important to understand that often the ultrasound picture is ahead of the onset of the first symptoms of the disease. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a study annually.

Ultrasound is an indicative method, it shows the possible manifestations of ovarian cancer, but it is incorrect to make a diagnosis based only on the conclusion. Signs on ultrasound of ovarian cancer are not always specific, therefore, if there is a suspicion of oncological diseases, it is necessary to undergo a full range of diagnostic measures.

Ultrasound picture in oncology

Signs on ultrasound of ovarian cancer are diverse. The following symptoms are more common:

  • resizing;
  • abnormal form;
  • the presence of education (it is worth remembering that on ultrasound, not only cancer, but ovarian cysts can look like this);
  • fuzzy contours;
  • asymmetric arrangement;
  • structural heterogeneity;
  • neovascularization (increase in the number of blood vessels);
  • the presence of free fluid in the Douglas space;
  • change in the state of the nearest lymph nodes (signs of metastasis).

Three videos show what ovarian cancer might look like on an ultrasound machine:

When two or more symptoms are described, the patient is referred for a consultation with an oncologist to determine further management tactics.

In contrast to normal tissues, in oncology, volumetric formations with increased echogenicity are visualized; in the absence of pathology, the ovary has a homogeneous structure, fibrosis areas in the capsule do not exceed 2–3 mm (hyperechoic formations are lighter than normal tissues).

Often there are changes in the contours (normally they are clear and uneven due to growing follicles), an increase in the volume of the organ due to edema. Also, free fluid in the pelvis or in the abdominal cavity is often determined.

Cancer significantly affects the quality and duration of life. Malignant neoplasms in the last stages can permanently deprive a woman of the ability to become a mother and accelerate the onset of menopause. Among other things, oncopathologies are life-threatening and potentially disabling diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly undergo preventive examinations and treat precancerous changes.

Additionally, watch a video about a malignant ovarian tumor:

Have you done an ultrasound of the ovaries and have you or your loved ones encountered such a terrible disease as cancer? Share your experience in the comments. All the best.

A woman usually finds out that she has such an ailment, usually already when it becomes too late to do anything.

Ovarian ultrasound procedure and decoding for cancer

Ultrasound is an effective method for diagnosing ovarian cancer

Most often, this disease is diagnosed using ultrasound of the pelvic cavity and abdominal cavity. This examination uses special sound waves, with which you can get an image of the organs inside the body. This method actually determines where the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes are located and shows their shape and size.

The most informative are transvaginal and transabdominal types of ultrasound. During a transabdominal ultrasound examination, a specialist conducts a sensor over the area located between the pelvic bones and in the abdomen. The gel is rubbed into the skin in order to make the image of the affected organ clearer.

Transvaginal ultrasound is different in that the sensor is inserted into the vagina of the patient who came to the appointment. Usually such a study is fairly painless, but sometimes a woman may feel a little discomfort. On average, the duration of an ultrasound is 20 to 30 minutes. It all depends on which part of the body will be examined.

During such a study, the specialist determines the structure of the ovaries, their size, and how they are located relative to the uterus.

Normally, they should be on the sides of the uterus. As for the size of the ovaries, they must meet the following parameters (this applies only to patients of reproductive age):

  • volume from 5 to 8 cm;
  • thickness from 0.1 to 0.2 cm;
  • length from 0.25 to 0.4 cm;
  • width from 0.15 to 0.3 cm.

Signs of ovarian cancer on ultrasound are diverse. The development of cancer can be suspected using special ultrasound markers:

  1. The ovaries are abnormally sized with pronounced asymmetry. In this case, their contour is significantly enlarged and it can only be partially determined.
  2. Postmenopausal patients have a formation on the damaged organ, which resembles a cyst or follicle in its shape.
  3. The affected area is characterized by increased blood supply.
  4. The retrouterine space has a lot of free fluid, the presence of which is in no way associated with ovulation.

If a specialist determines at least one of the above signs during an ultrasound examination, then he will prescribe a special medical observation. It lies in the fact that the doctor will monitor how the ovaries change for 4-8 weeks.

If more than two such signs are revealed, the patient is immediately sent for a consultation with a gynecologist-oncologist. After that, the specialist will prescribe a woman an examination of the thyroid gland, mammary glands, lymph nodes and organs located in the abdominal cavity. All these procedures are necessary in order to identify whether there are metastases in the listed organs.

Causes of ovarian cancer

There is still no exact cause of ovarian cancer, but there are suggestions

The exact causes of this disease are still unknown. But experts name some types of circumstances that can provoke ovarian cancer in women.

These include:

  • hormonal factor. Reliable information has long been found that this disease is associated with changes in the hormonal background and the number of births a woman has undergone. It is generally accepted that during each ovulation (that is, the release of the egg), ovarian tissue is damaged. After all this, healing begins. During this process, cells are actively dividing. And the more often they do it, the greater the risk that the process will get out of control.
  • Since there is no ovulation during pregnancy, while taking contraceptives and breastfeeding, it is these factors that help to significantly reduce the risk that a woman will develop ovarian cancer. But as for the first menstruation, which began very early, the presence of one, and not several births, and late menopause, they are risk factors during such diseases.
  • This is due to the presence of frequently recurring ovulation. This list also includes infertility in women and prolonged stimulation of ovulation. It makes sense to prescribe hormone replacement therapy during early menopause. After the onset of 55 years of age, women are not prescribed such treatment.
  • hereditary predisposition. A very small percentage of tumor formations is associated with disorders in genetics (approximately 2% of all cases of ovarian cancer).
  • There are 3 types of syndromes during which the risk of developing cancer is significantly increased: Lynch syndrome 2, familial ovarian cancer, and familial breast and ovarian cancer. Each of all these syndromes is manifested by cases of cancer of the uterus, breast, ovaries and intestines in women who are the closest relatives (sisters, grandmother or mother). If the family history is unfavorable, then specialists conduct a study of genes that are provocateurs of the appearance of tumor formations on mutations.
  • Food addictions. Very often, malignant tumor formations in the ovaries affect women who live in developed industrial countries. The United States of America and Europe are leaders in mortality and morbidity from such an unpleasant disease. At the same time, in some Asian countries and in Japan, the number of women affected by such diseases is much lower. This is due to the fact that patients with ovarian cancer at one time ate a large amount of fat. Although most scientists do not believe that such food habits are the cause of this cancer, some still attribute the passion for animal fats to a factor that provokes ovarian cancer.
  • Harmful impurities (including asbestos). This risk factor, although it has existed for a long time, is still poorly understood. We are talking about the use of talc for hygienic purposes. Studies have shown that some of the examined women were found particles of talc, which is used in deodorants and powders. This substance is very similar to asbestos, which is considered a trigger for this disease. But the exact results of such studies have not yet been obtained.
  • Irradiation of organs located in the small pelvis. In this case, ovarian cancer in women appears if they were treated with other tumors with radiation.

Signs and stages

Symptoms of ovarian cancer

Symptoms of the appearance of malignant tumors in the ovaries are quite non-specific. Basically, they are very similar to the clinical picture of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or bladder. Often, it is for this reason that an incorrect diagnosis is made, and therefore, the wrong treatment is carried out.

Ovarian cancer is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Persistent weakness in a patient.
  • Discomfort and pain that are localized in the pelvic region.
  • Often bloated and distended abdomen.
  • Even after very small portions of food eaten by a woman, she has a feeling as if she had overeaten.
  • Constant urge to urinate.
  • Decreased or lost appetite in the patient.
  • Frequent indigestion of the stomach (in the later stages of such an oncological disease, it becomes chronic).
  • Strongly dizzy.
  • The woman is often sick.
  • The patient begins to quickly gain weight, or vice versa, loses weight dramatically. At the same time, the level of physical activity and eating behavior does not change.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.
  • Pain is felt during intercourse.
  • The waist increases significantly in its volume.
  • Anemia develops in the later stages of ovarian cancer.
  • Plus tissue syndrome appears. It is determined only during the examination or special examinations.

Syndrome of pathological secretions. In this case, there are traces in the feces or urine. This symptom is not permanent. It depends only on where the metastases are located and how they are distributed.

More information about ovarian cancer can be found in the video.

Ovarian cancer develops in four stages:

  • The first is characterized by the fact that the pathological process can be limited to two or one ovary.
  • In the second stage, the tumor spreads to the fallopian tubes and, in fact, to the uterus itself. In addition, other organs that are in the pelvis are affected.
  • The third stage is characterized by the development of intra-abdominal metastases. They begin to go beyond the pelvic region, while penetrating the liver and lymph nodes.
  • The fourth stage of ovarian cancer is characterized by the presence of distant metastases, which are located in the lungs, liver and other organs of the diseased woman.

Treatment and possible complications

Surgical treatment of ovarian cancer

Treatment of such a disease is carried out using surgical methods (panhysterectomy is performed, that is, removal of the uterus with appendages) combined with radiotherapy and polychemotherapy. If the tumor has a localized form in the first or second stage, then the uterus is removed along with the appendages and the greater omentum is resected.

If the patient is elderly or has a severely weakened condition, then subtotal resection of the greater omentum is performed, as well as supravaginal amputation of the uterus. During such an operative intervention, an audit of the paraortal lymph nodes is carried out. In addition, a woman with ovarian cancer is referred for a histological examination.

Later stages of this disease (third and fourth) require cytoreductive intervention.

During it, the tumor mass is removed as much as possible, and subsequently chemotherapy is carried out. If the patient has an inoperable tumor, then only a biopsy of the tumor tissue is done.

The greater the stage of such a disease in a woman, the higher the risk of complications. They are relapses. Sometimes a second operation is required. A multiple tumor may appear, which occurs immediately after the treatment. In this case, the operation is not performed. Another complication is that new tumor formations may be insensitive to agents previously used in the patient. In this case, they begin to try new combinations of drugs.

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Photo of ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is an aggressive and dangerous disease that occurs most often in women of mature age. Radical surgery and chemotherapy can cure ovarian cancer only in cases where cancerous tumor cells have not yet spread through the lymphatic and circulatory systems throughout the body.

Consider photos and images of the varieties and stages of ovarian cancer.

Ovarian tumors are classified according to the histological structure and localization of malignant processes.

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Serous carcinoma

Serous carcinoma is often bilateral - that is, it affects the left and right ovaries at the same time. At the first stage, this tumor gives almost no symptoms and can be detected during a routine gynecological examination.

Serous carcinoma grows relatively quickly and invades neighboring organs. These tumors cause rapid seeding of the peritoneum and metastasis.


Endometrioid carcinoma, as its name suggests, is associated with the endometrium, the tissue that lines the inside of the uterus. Tumors of this type can be benign, but in order to find out, you need to either biopsy the tissues or remove the neoplasm.

The clinical course of tumors of this type is relatively slow, which gives more chances for early detection of the disease and successful treatment. After surgical removal of endometrioid malignant tumors, chemotherapy is usually prescribed. This type of ovarian cancer is not sensitive to radiation.

Photo: Endometrioid carcinoma (type of cells when analyzed for histology)


A mucinous tumor is an aggressive neoplasm - the sooner such a tumor is removed, the more favorable the prognosis will be.

Such tumors occur in 10% of cases of ovarian cancer and can reach large sizes (up to 50 cm). Symptoms of the disease are typical.

clear cell

Clear cell tumors of the ovary are quite rare (in 1-3 cases out of a hundred). Clear cell carcinomas are among the least studied forms of ovarian cancer. These tumors are aggressive and rapidly metastasize.

Treatment outcomes for such a tumor are often unsatisfactory because clear cell carcinomas are rarely diagnosed in the first stage and have an increased chance of recurrence after primary treatment.


Ovarian tumors, like all cancers, have 4 stages of development.

1 stage

The initial stage proceeds without pronounced symptoms. The tumor does not spread outside the organ and is small in size. There are no cancer cells in body fluids.

Patients do not feel signs of deterioration in health, only in some cases there is discomfort in the lower abdomen or lumbar region. At the first stage, tumors can be detected by chance during ultrasound or computed tomography of internal organs.

Treatment of ovarian tumors in the first stage has the most favorable prognosis. Radical surgery (removal of the uterus, fallopian tubes and the ovary itself) provides a complete cure (lifelong remission) in 80-90% of all cases.

2 stage

In the second stage, cancer spreads to tissues and organs adjacent to the ovary.

  • 2A, in which the tumor has spread to the uterus or fallopian tubes;
  • 2B, in which the malignant process spreads to other organs of the small pelvis - the bladder, rectal intestine;
  • 2C - spread of cancer cells into the abdominal cavity.

In the second (sometimes third) stage, ascites usually develops - filling the abdominal cavity with fluid, which leads to an increase in the abdomen. There are other signs of the tumor process - pain in the lower back, not yet intense and not constant.

Another characteristic symptom of stage 2 is vaginal bleeding. They may not be related to the menstrual cycle, but in some cases lead to an increase in blood volume during menstruation. Sexual intercourse at this stage also causes pain and bleeding. Tumor growth leads to intestinal disorders - constipation, diarrhea, flatulence.

The prognosis for stage 1 ovarian cancer is covered in this article.

3 stage

In stage 3, cancer cells invade the lymphatic system and cause lumps and tenderness in the lymph nodes. The process of metastasis to distant organs also begins.

This process is facilitated by ascites and seeding of the abdominal cavity with cancer cells that enter the intraperitoneal fluid due to rupture of the ovary.

All symptoms at this stage (especially pain, bleeding and ascites) become pronounced. Often it is at this stage that women finally turn to the clinic, but due to metastases, the treatment has an unfavorable prognosis with a rather low survival rate.

Only 30% of women after removal of the tumor of the 3rd degree of cancer and subsequent chemotherapy live longer than 5 years. In other cases, relapses occur within a year, which lead to death in a matter of months.

4 stage

At stage 4, the tumor reaches its maximum size and metastasizes to distant organs. The liver, lungs, stomach, bone tissue are affected, less often the brain. At this stage, women experience severe pain that can be localized in any part of the body, and not just in the pelvis and lower back.

Patients experience weight loss with a simultaneous increase in the abdomen, lack of appetite, weakness, fatigue, signs of severe intoxication of the body caused by tumor decay, fever, frequent urge to urinate, and digestive disorders.

Treatment of stage 4 cancer is palliative. A complete cure of the disease is unlikely - doctors can only temporarily stop the spread of metastases.

Everything about the treatment of recurrent ovarian cancer is written here.

Ascites in stage 3 ovarian cancer is quite common. Read more here.

Until recently, ultrasound was the main method for diagnosing ovarian cancer. It is still relevant today, but in most modern clinics, along with ultrasound, computed tomography and positron emission tomography are also performed. On ultrasound images, both the tumors themselves and lesions of nearby organs are clearly visible.

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Do not self-medicate. Consult with your physician.

Ovarian cancer - symptoms and diagnosis

Today, ovarian cancer ranks first among oncological diseases of women. At the first stage, it does not differ in special signs and symptoms, so the woman does not seek a diagnosis from a specialist. Statistical data claim that the first signs of the disease are diagnosed only in a third of patients. At the same time, the prognosis remains positive, only in the case of early diagnosis. For this, the ultrasound method is used, which is supplemented by other general analyzes.

Symptoms of the disease

Ovarian cancer does not have any special symptoms, so it is quite difficult to recognize it without a specific diagnosis. For example, some signs can be confused with a violation of the digestive system or bladder. In some cases, the diagnosis is false precisely because of the similarity of symptoms.

Most often, ovarian cancer manifests itself in a woman in the form of the following symptoms:

  • in the stomach there is a constant feeling of heaviness and bloating, which is characteristic of overeating;
  • the woman experiences the urge to urinate more often than previously observed;
  • a feeling of discomfort and pain is present in the pelvic area;
  • excessive flatulence;
  • nausea;
  • the stomach cannot fully digest food;
  • the most characteristic symptom is frequent urination;
  • ovarian cancer is also characterized by a sharp increase in waist circumference;
  • loss of appetite;
  • the weight of a woman increases for no particular reason;
  • during sexual intercourse, pain often occurs;
  • pain in the lower back and abdomen.

Some of the women noted the presence of non-specific symptoms such as bloating, lower back pain, and a large accumulation of gases. In the later stages, there is an aggravation of the main symptoms, which manifests itself in the form of anemia, an increase in the volume of the abdomen, cachexia.

The main symptom of the presence of a tumor in the ovaries is the “flattering” syndrome. At the same time, a woman constantly has abundant discharge, in which blood is periodically present. Ovarian cancer is characterized by such a symptom with a large tumor size.

ovarian cancer ultrasound

In order to diagnose the disease at an early stage, the method of examining the ultrasound of the vagina is used. In this case, the malignancy of the formation is additionally determined, the size is measured and the number of chambers is determined. This is what ovarian cancer looks like on ultrasound.

The study of the vagina of a woman only through ultrasound is considered ineffective, since it has low specificity and does not prove that the formation is not a simple cyst. With color Doppler scanning, ultrasound increases the likelihood of determining the benignity or malignancy of the process. The survival prognosis for ovarian cancer is much higher, so every woman should regularly undergo a preventive examination by means of ultrasound.

Treatment of the disease

To eliminate ovarian cancer, you can choose one of the following treatment options: surgery or chemotherapy. One of the options can be chosen only after passing a full examination and ultrasound of the vagina. The prognosis depends on the stage of the disease, as well as the spread of metastases to neighboring organs.

The doctor may choose one of the options for cancer treatment, which relies on the management of the following tactics:

  • surgery to remove the tumor, after which it is necessary to undergo chemotherapy;
  • if the disease is in the fourth stage, then chemotherapy is prescribed at the first stage, and only after that it is advisable to carry out surgical intervention;
  • today it is very rare to find forms of the disease that can be eliminated only through chemotherapy. Most often, this method alone is used only in case of contraindications against surgical intervention;
  • Radiation therapy is used not only to eliminate the tumor, but also to eliminate metastases that are in some other organs of a woman.

To choose a further course of treatment at the first stage, it is important to conduct an ultrasound scan. Based on its results, the doctor will be able to determine the stage of the disease, as well as make a prognosis.

Oncologists believe that every woman with such a diagnosis should be operated on without fail. After the rehabilitation period, in order to eliminate remissions, it is important to regularly undergo a preventive ultrasound examination. Today there is no exact method that would accurately determine the malignancy and size of the tumor without surgery. That is why doctors recommend to play it safe. Therefore, all other methods can be read only as an addition to the main one.

Consequences and prevention of the disease

A recurrence of the disease can occur 1.5-2 years after surgery and removal of the tumor. Most often, cancer develops in the area between the uterus and the rectum.

When diagnosing recurrent cases of the disease, the following important factors should be considered:

  • the type of previous operation and the amount of tissue removed;
  • results of a histological examination, a remote tumor;
  • during what period of time the human body was exposed to chemotherapy;
  • whether hormonal drugs were taken in combination with chemotherapy.

Only on the basis of all these data it is possible to draw a conclusion about the need for further treatment and choose the right course.

In order to avoid the appearance of tumors, a woman should follow the following simple rules:

  • completely abandon bad habits such as alcohol, smoking, drugs;
  • all sexual infections and diseases must be recognized and treated in time;
  • healthy diet;
  • if a woman has a predisposition to this disease, then for preventive purposes, an examination should be carried out once every three months;
  • if there are some symptoms and suspicions, you should immediately seek the advice of a specialist.

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ovarian cancer on ultrasound

In the structure of malignant diseases of the female genital organs, ovarian cancer accounts for only 26.4%. But in terms of the number of deaths, this disease is the leader among oncological diseases of the genital organs.

As with other oncological diseases, the causes of the pathology are still controversial in the scientific world. Of course, the risk factors contributing to the development of the disease are well known: unfavorable heredity, exposure to harmful substances, certain viral infections, the woman's age, etc. However, how many people, faced with adverse factors daily, remain healthy, or vice versa - the disease is often diagnosed patient with no history of risk factors.

The origin of the disease may be

  • primary - the tumor is classified as malignant from the very beginning
  • secondary - a malignant formation develops at the site of a benign
  • metastatic - a malignant neoplasm is formed as a result of the spread of tumor cells from other places.


About 70-80% of malignant neoplasms at the initial stage do not have any specific signs, the disease is asymptomatic and the disease is often detected at a late stage. And if symptoms do occur, they can be so minor that they are not given due attention. In addition, a third of patients report general symptoms during the disease: weakness, fatigue, flatulence, heartburn, nausea. Such patients can be observed for some other disease, unaware of the impending problem: unrecognized cancer, treatment not started on time lead, if not to death, then to complications of the disease. That is why early diagnosis is one of the priorities in oncology.

Recognition of a malignant disease today is carried out by several methods. These include:

  • Study for tumor markers
  • Ultrasound procedure
  • Computed and magnetic resonance imaging
  • Laparoscopy

However, the most accessible and highly informative diagnostic method is ultrasound. Ovarian cancer on ultrasound can be detected at an early stage.

The method is based on the principle of echolocation, when the sensor emits a signal for a very short time, and the rest of the time it receives the emitted signal. Therefore, this method is harmless not only for an adult, but also for a child. Research is carried out in three ways:

You can not only detect ovarian cancer on ultrasound, but also determine the size and location of the tumor, its structure, the presence of peritoneal infiltration, ascites, metastatic lesions of the lymph nodes and liver, involvement of the greater omentum in the process, and much more.

After surgery, the ultrasound method is recognized as the leading method in detecting recurrence of the disease. The smallest size of the infiltrate during relapse, visible with ultrasound, is 0.5-0.8 cm. However, this method does not claim to be the only accurate one. The final diagnosis is established only after additional examinations, which include various methods.

Timely diagnosis determines the success of treatment. Unfortunately, today in 80% of cases the diagnosis is established at the stage of tumor spread, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of treatment. In general, ultrasound improves the quality of diagnosis at the initial stages of the disease, reduces the time of examination, minimizes the use of invasive methods and other expensive diagnostic measures. Survival, the most acceptable methods of treatment, the success of the procedures depend on a thorough examination.

Ovarian cancer on ultrasound description

How does ovarian cancer manifest itself?

Urogynecology and pelvic surgery

Preparing for the operation


Operative gynecology



How common is ovarian cancer?

In the structure of oncogynecological morbidity, uterine ovarian cancer ranks third. At the same time, the highest incidence is recorded in developed countries. The detection rate of ovarian cancer in Russia during preventive examinations is low, it is only 2%. In 35 - 40% of patients, I - II stages of the disease are detected, and in 60 - 65% - III and IV stages. The maximum incidence is observed in postmenopausal women, aged 60-75 years.

What are the risk factors for ovarian cancer?

Risk factors for cancer of the uterine body include: early onset of menstruation, late menopause (after 52 years), lack of childbirth. 10% of patients with ovarian cancer have a burdened family history and congenital genetic disorders are detected. The most common genetic disorders are mutations in the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes. A history of breast, uterine, and colon cancer also increases the risk of ovarian cancer.

What are the characteristics of hereditary ovarian cancer?

Most often, hereditary ovarian cancer is associated with mutations in the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes. The main features of BRCA-positive hereditary ovarian cancer are: serous cancer, high grade of malignancy, high response rate to platinum drugs, relatively high overall survival.

How does ovarian cancer manifest itself?

Ovarian cancer in the early stages also has no specific symptoms. The most common situation is the detection of a volumetric formation in the ovary during examination by a gynecologist or during ultrasound of the small pelvis. The multi-chamber nature of the formation, thickened septa, the presence of a solid ("tissue") component in the composition of the formation, parietal papillary growths in the cystic chambers or on the surface of the formation, the presence of blood flow in the partitions and the tortuous nature of the vessels, the presence of free fluid in the abdominal cavity - these are the ultrasound signs, which make the doctor-specialist in ultrasound diagnostics suspect the malignant nature of the ovarian tumor and refer the patient to a gynecologist or oncogynecologist. In the presence of the above described characteristics of an ovarian tumor, it is necessary to take a blood test for the CA-125 tumor marker. Although the content of the tumor marker above 35 U / ml is observed in 80% of patients with ovarian cancer, nevertheless, the analysis does not have 100% specificity and sensitivity in relation to malignant ovarian diseases. The content of the CA-125 tumor marker in the blood may be higher than normal in endometriosis, inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages, as well as in non-gynecological pathologies (hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis, peritonitis, pleurisy, pericarditis). The mandatory examination plan for ovarian tumors (especially bilateral) includes esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy, which are performed to examine the upper digestive tract and large intestine. The need to perform these studies is due to the fact that in 5-12% of cases, ovarian tumors are metastatic, and the most common sources of metastatic ovarian tumors are tumors of the stomach and large intestine. In the presence of ascites (free fluid in the abdominal cavity), it is possible to perform a puncture of the posterior fornix of the vagina under ultrasound control and to take fluid for cytological examination in order to verify the oncological process.

In 60 - 65% of cases, common stages of the disease are detected. The most frequent complaints of patients are an increase in the size of the abdomen, discomfort, a feeling of heaviness and periodic pain in the abdomen, and a decrease in appetite. An increase in the size of the abdomen can be associated either with the growth of the ovarian tumor itself, or with ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity), which often occurs with a widespread lesion of the abdominal cavity. Considering the non-specific nature of the complaints, patients often go first not to a gynecologist or an oncogynecologist, but to a general practitioner, gastroenterologist or surgeon. Sometimes, in the event of an emergency (torsion or perforation of an ovarian tumor), the diagnosis is established only during surgery.

What to do if you suspect ovarian cancer on ultrasound?

If a volumetric ovarian mass with the ultrasonic characteristics described above is detected, as well as with elevated values ​​of the CA-125 tumor marker, a consultation with an oncogynecologist is necessary to determine further tactics for examination and treatment.

What examination is necessary for suspected ovarian cancer?

If a woman of reproductive age is found to have a volumetric formation or a cyst in the ovary, it requires dynamic observation for 1–2 menstrual cycles, because most ovarian cysts in women with a preserved menstrual cycle are functional. Functional cysts include follicular cysts and cysts of the corpus luteum. These cysts can form in different phases of the menstrual cycle, completely regress within 1-2 menstrual cycles and do not require any medical interventions. With the persistence of a volumetric formation in the ovary for several menstrual cycles, it allows us to exclude its functional nature and draw a conclusion about its tumor genesis. The revealed volumetric formation of the ovary in a woman of postmenopausal age is never functional. In this case, ovarian tumors are benign, borderline and malignant. The malignant nature of the disease allows us to suspect the ultrasound signs described above, an increase in the level of the CA-125 tumor marker in combination with the described complaints. In the future, it is necessary to perform an abdominal ultrasound and a chest x-ray or, more preferably, an MRI of the pelvis and a CT scan of the abdomen and chest.

Based on the survey data, access and the scope of surgical intervention are planned. Operations for ovarian tumors can be performed by laparoscopic or open laparotomic access. The choice of access is determined by the stage of the disease, the age and somatic status of the patient, and many other factors. Often, at the stage of preoperative examination, it is not possible to obtain cytological or histological confirmation of the malignant nature of the ovarian tumor. In such a situation, during surgery, it is necessary to conduct an urgent histological or cytological examination of the surgical material (performed within 20-40 minutes during the operation) to confirm the malignant or benign nature of the ovarian tumor and determine the adequate amount of surgical intervention.

For the treatment of malignant tumors of the ovaries, the surgical method of chemotherapy is used. The treatment of each patient is planned individually and based on the examination data, the stage of the disease and taking into account all prognostic factors. With highly differentiated ovarian cancer stage IA - IB, only surgical treatment is sufficient. At the same time, in young patients with stage IA highly differentiated ovarian cancer who have not realized their reproductive plans, it is possible to perform an organ-preserving operation - adnexectomy on one side (removal of the appendages with a tumor), biopsy of the second ovary, resection of the omentum. But this volume of the operation is “conditionally radical” and is performed only if the patient wants to have children in the future. In all other cases, combined treatment is required (usually surgery and chemotherapy).

Operable patients at the first stage of treatment are subject to surgical treatment. The goal of surgical intervention is the maximum removal of all macroscopically detectable tumors in the abdominal cavity, since the effectiveness of further chemotherapy and the prognosis of the disease are determined by the size of the residual tumor after surgery.

In patients with the initial stages of the disease, when the pathological process is limited to the ovaries and small pelvis, hysterectomy with appendages and adequate surgical staging (abdominal fluid washes for cytological examination, resection of the greater omentum, polyfocal biopsy of the peritoneum, selective lymphadenectomy) are performed. The need for surgical staging is associated with the predominantly intra-abdominal nature of the spread of ovarian cancer. And only with surgical staging, it is possible to detect microscopic implantation metastases in different parts of the abdominal cavity, correctly establish the stage of the disease, and subsequently conduct adequate chemotherapy.

In advanced stages of the disease, surgical treatment involves performing cytoreductive operations, in which all or the maximum possible volume of tumor masses is removed from the abdominal cavity. In case of damage to the abdominal organs (intestines, bladder, ureter, spleen, liver, peritoneum, diaphragm), various volumes of organ resections are performed (removal of the part of the organ affected by the tumor). Such a volume of operations is justified, since many studies have shown that the volume of the residual tumor and the degree of cytoreduction are factors that determine the prognosis of the disease. According to modern concepts, cytoreductive surgery is considered optimal, after which the residual tumor is not determined or its size is less than 1 cm. In patients with IIIC-IV stages of the disease, in order to increase the likelihood of achieving optimal cytoreduction during surgery, several courses of chemotherapy are performed at the first stage (neoadjuvant chemotherapy) . This tactic can reduce the size of intra-abdominal tumors and the amount of ascitic fluid, increase the likelihood of tumor resectability.

After surgical treatment, all patients (with the exception of patients with IA and IB stages of highly differentiated ovarian cancer) are shown chemotherapy. The most commonly used chemotherapy regimens for ovarian cancer include platinum drugs, taxanes, and the targeted drug bevacizumab. The effectiveness of treatment is monitored after each course of chemotherapy. When remission of the disease is achieved, patients need periodic examination (gynecological examination, smears for cytological examination, blood test for the CA-125 tumor marker, ultrasound of the small pelvis and abdominal cavity, chest x-ray). If a recurrence of the disease is suspected, pelvic MRI, abdominal CT, PET (positron emission tomography), diagnostic laparoscopy or laparotomy are performed. Tactics of treatment of recurrence of ovarian cancer is determined by the term and variant of recurrence. Chemotherapy and surgery are used to treat relapses.

What is the survival rate for ovarian cancer?

The prognosis of the disease depends on the stage of the disease, the histological type of the tumor, the degree of cytoreduction and the size of the residual tumor after surgery, distant metastases, and the age of the patient. Five-year survival rate at stages I - II - 80 - 100%, at stage IIIA - 30 - 40%, at stage IIIB - 20%, at stage IIIC - IV - 5%.


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Among oncological diseases in women, the leading positions are occupied by tumors of the reproductive organs, in particular, ovarian damage is in the first place. Ovarian cancer is common in women of childbearing age.

Ovarian oncology is a disease in which abnormal development of cells and tissues of the ovaries occurs, which leads to the replacement of healthy cells with atypical ones and causes dysfunction of the organ.

If the lesion is malignant, then in addition to dysfunction of the organ, there is a high risk of death, since the malignant neoplasm tends to rapidly uncontrolled growth and metastasis to other organs and systems.


Ovarian tumors with a benign course occupy the first place in the structure of the incidence of the female reproductive system and have some typical properties that make it possible to attribute all forms to this type.

Regardless of the type of origin of the benign tumor tissues, there are important common features:

  • Not invasive, i.e. not able to grow into healthy tissues and neighboring organs;
  • Degree of cell differentiation allows you to find similarities with the tissue from which the tumor originated;
  • Has much slower growth in comparison with malignant forms of ovarian cancer;
  • At neoplasm has its own capsule, which allows you to draw a clear line between healthy and atypical tissues.

An important feature of all benign tumors is the absence of the risk of metastasis, since the formation has a high degree of cellular differentiation.

All these signs are to some extent characteristic of any histological form of a benign neoplasm located in the ovaries.

The survival rate for benign ovarian cancer is high. In some cases, tumors regress on their own or grow so slowly that they do not need surgery to remove them.

The prognosis for benign neoplasms is always favorable. A feature of some neoplasms may be hormonal activity, which leads to an imbalance of steroid female sex hormones and can negatively affect target organs, i.e. such organs that change their functional activity depending on the concentration of certain hormones.


Such neoplasms originate from germinal germ cells with pluripotent activity. The prevalence of such neoplasms among women is low. . A characteristic feature of germ cell tumors is the formation of cystic cavities in the ovaries.

Germogenic forms often appear as mature teratomas or dermoid cysts. As a rule, the localization of such formations affects one ovary. The tumor grows very slowly and rarely undergoes malignancy.

At a young reproductive age up to 30 years, primary ovarian chorionepithelioma is common. From the point of view of morphology, such formations can be divided into yellow sac tumors, trophoblastic and teratomas.

Chorionepithelioma is characterized by the absence of a history of sexual activity in the patient. Quite often, germ cell tumors turn into malignant forms, which leads to rapid damage to the uterus and fallopian tubes, as well as the bladder.

Sex cord stroma

Ovarian stromal neoplasms originate from the connective tissue and are capable of producing hormonally active substances, which determines the clinical picture of oncological diseases of this form.

Stromas of the sex cord are hormonally active forms and originate from theca cells or Sertoli and Leydig cells. In almost 100% of cases, they contain ovarian cells of the granular-stomal type, which makes the tumor hormone-dependent in the feminizing type.

Such neoplasms can occur in any age group, but are more often diagnosed in girls. Much less common is androblastoma - a tumor, a component of which are male germ cells that secrete androgens.


Neoplasms of the epithelial type are most common in women and can produce a glandular secret. Depending on the type of glands, the tumor can be serous, mucinous, endometrioid.

The variant of atypical glandular tissue determines the clinical picture and the course of the oncological process. Epithelial ovarian tumors can undergo a process of malignancy, which entails degeneration into cancer. Epithelial benign tumors are often detected in women aged 30 to 40 years.


Although ovarian cancer is not in the first place among the female incidence of malignant neoplasms, it occupies a leading position. The prognosis for malignant forms largely depends on the stage at which the tumor process was detected and what histological structure the neoplasm itself has directly.

For malignant tumors, as well as for benign ones, there are peculiarities and patterns of development, which consist in such signs as:

  • Rapid and uncontrolled growth of atypical cells due to high mitotic activity and accelerated angiogenesis;
  • High degree of invasiveness tumors due to infiltrative activity;
  • Low differentiation with pronounced cellular and tissue atypia;
  • high metastatic activity.

All these signs allow the tumor to progress rapidly and affect the entire body systemically, which significantly impairs the effectiveness of treatment, the quality of life of patients and survival. Since in the early stages of ovarian cancer the symptoms of the disease do not have a pronounced activity, in 70% of cases ovarian cancer is diagnosed in advanced stages.

Despite the low differentiation of atypical cells, three main histological forms of cancer can be distinguished, the clinical picture and course of which will differ.

The prognosis during diagnosis largely depends on the degree of tissue differentiation and the stage of the process.

With poorly differentiated forms, the prognosis will be conditionally unfavorable even in the early stages., since such tumors are highly invasive and quickly lead to damage to anatomically adjacent organs, which requires extensive surgery and powerful chemotherapy.

From connective tissue

These malignant neoplasms are classified as sarcomas and include several subtypes of ovarian tumors. Sarcomas are characterized by very rapid growth and low differentiation of elements.

Tumors from the connective tissue of the ovaries quickly undergo disintegration due to high mitotic activity. Typically, such neoplasms are hormonally inactive and also do not depend on the concentration of female sex hormones in the blood. Ovarian sarcoma can be either primary or secondary.

From the granular layer covering the follicle

This type of malignant neoplasm is quite rare and affects mainly young women. The tumor has a high mitotic activity, which characterizes rapid growth.

Histologically, the neoplasm is formed from poorly differentiated germ cells against the background of a reduced concentration of estrogen and progesterone. Very often, such women have an underdevelopment of secondary female sexual characteristics, which indicates the hormonal dependence of the tumor.

From epithelial tissue

This type of cancer is formed from the superficial tissues of the ovaries and is found in the structure of the incidence of malignant neoplasms more often than the other forms described above. Epithelial cancer is highly invasive, literally infiltrating healthy tissue and causing a large volume of lesions.

The progression of this form of cancer is very rapid, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of the treatment. The epithelial form is more common in older reproductive and postmenopausal age.

Malignant neoplasms of the ovaries with a serous type of tissue are the least favorable, since they have a very low degree of differentiation and often recur even with full treatment.

You can learn more about malignant neoplasms from this video:

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