Can ultrasound detect cancer? What does breast cancer look like on ultrasound: a clinical picture of oncology. Percutaneous examination in B-mode

Cancer is one of the most common causes of death in developed countries. There are many prerequisites for this: severity in treatment, complications after treatment, frequent relapses, and one of the most frequent is late detection of cancer.

In order to avoid the latter, it is necessary to conduct preventive examinations for the presence of the most common forms of malignant neoplasms. For this purpose, ultrasonic examination (ultrasound) is quite successfully used. There are many reasons for this, and to understand why ultrasound is used, they should be disassembled.

Reasons why ultrasound is used

  • To begin with, the main question is: “Does the ultrasound show cancer?”. The answer to this question is, of course, yes. But it will still be necessary to clarify the diagnosis by other methods. First of all, because one of the main requirements for a diagnostic method is efficiency. After all, no matter what other advantages of a diagnostic tool, but if it is not able to provide the necessary information, then such a tool will be used extremely rarely, almost never.
  • Another big plus is safety. Tumors in the human body can be located almost anywhere and can be close to or grow from the cells of its tissues. Then, even after the initial detection, it will be necessary to monitor the progress of treatment. And here constant exposure or expensive MRI will not be rational. However, sometimes the location of the tumor does not allow it to be examined by ultrasound.
  • The availability of ultrasound devices and the low price of the examination is another significant point in the diagnosis. Indeed, given the above points and accessibility, it is possible to perform screening examinations that allow timely detection of oncological diseases.
  • Important advantages include the painlessness and non-invasiveness of the method. There is no need to make punctures or break the skin in any way. There is also no need for anesthesia or the introduction of additional substances. No contact with most common allergens.

Symptoms and signs of cancer

In the initial stage, almost all cancers do not manifest themselves in any way. This means that they can only be identified during the diagnosis. In the future, the symptoms develop in accordance with the tissue from which the tumor grows, but what is this tumor?

A tumor is a random cell division that is caused by any number of factors (smoking, radiation, hereditary factors, and even malnutrition). These factors disrupt the genetic material and the cell “goes crazy”, starting to divide uncontrollably an unlimited number of times, simultaneously growing into the surrounding tissues and forming metastases.

Returning to the topic of symptoms, it should be mentioned that tumors can be hormone-forming. For example, pheochromocytoma is a tumor of the adrenal glands that leads to increased production of catecholamines. Symptoms in this pathology indicate a spontaneous increase in these hormones in the blood. A sharp increase in blood pressure, a feeling of fear, chills, pale skin, headache, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, etc.

These symptoms are very much like a sympatho-adrenal crisis. That is, in this way the tumor is disguised as a given disease. This is just one of many options for the development of cancer. However, by doing, you can confirm the diagnosis, but not completely.

What does cancer look like on ultrasound?

The role of ultrasound in the diagnosis of tumors

Having found a neoplasm on ultrasound, the doctor will not be able to immediately say whether it is malignant or not. He can only guess what kind of pathology this is. A more accurate diagnosis will be given by a biopsy of the tumor tissue, which is often performed under ultrasound guidance. Other diagnostic methods are also prescribed to increase the amount of information about the tumor.

Quite often, this, already mentioned, is an MRI. Therefore, it is possible to talk about whether it is possible to see cancer on ultrasound, but with difficulty, since additional, more complex and expensive diagnostic measures are still needed. Metastases are also visible on ultrasound, but worse than a tumor, since much depends on their location.

Where do tumors most often occur?

Naturally, it is not worth performing an ultrasound of the whole body. It will be quite expensive and time consuming. And no one needs it either. So, in order to identify groups of patients who should undergo ultrasound, it is necessary to determine the so-called risk groups.

The first, regardless of age, should be people who are in the area of ​​radioactive contamination, working in radioactive preparations or in places where there is radioactive exposure, as well as military personnel on nuclear submarines. These people, in addition to a personal dosimeter, should undergo regular examinations. At the same time, it is necessary to examine not only the organs and tissues that are most often affected, but also other organs according to specific characteristics.

For example, after the accident at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl, cases of thyroid tumors have become more frequent. This is due to the release of radioactive iodine, which is tropic to the thyroid gland.

The most common types of cancerous pathologies are cancer, breast and. With the lungs, ultrasound will not be the best option for diagnosis, but with the other two, it is very, very effective. Thyroid cancer is also common. The age at which oncopathologies occur starts from 35-40 years old, but there are cases of earlier detection, but they are exceptions, not the rule.

Thus, and, as well as, should be performed by people aged 35-50 years, at least 1 time per year. It is worth performing such a diagnosis even when there are no symptoms.

Metastases on ultrasound. What do they look like?

Since ultrasound diagnostics is developing rapidly. Now it will not be difficult to detect even the smallest of them. The detection of metastases is very important. For example, lung cancer can metastasize to. On ultrasound, the doctor will see them as rounded, hypoechoic neoplasms.


Now, when it has already become clear whether it is possible to see a tumor on an ultrasound scan and whether an ultrasound scan shows metastases, it is worth sorting out the preparation. All 3 examinations will not be performed at once.

  • There is no need to prepare for an ultrasound of the thyroid and breast. These examinations can be performed immediately after consulting a doctor, if possible.
  • But preparation for an ultrasound examination of the intestine is required. You will need to follow a diet for three days, which involves the exclusion of all gas-producing foods from the diet (a complete list can be obtained from a doctor). On the eve of the diagnosis, in the evening, you should empty the intestines naturally, but you do not need to perform an enema. You can use laxatives. Diagnosis is performed in the morning on an empty stomach or after a 6-7 hour fast. If the patient suffers from flatulence, then the use of carminative drugs is allowed.

About results

When an ultrasound scan revealed cancer, or rather, found its signs, you should immediately contact an oncologist, you can also first contact a gastroenterologist (if you suspect a tumor in the abdominal cavity), an endocrinologist (if you suspect a tumor in the thyroid gland) and a mammologist (if you suspect breast cancer). Based on the results of the diagnosis, the doctor draws conclusions and prescribes subsequent diagnostic measures. Everything will be aimed at the earliest possible detection of pathology, since it is unacceptable to delay with oncological diseases.

Diagnosis of cervical cancer requires a comprehensive examination of the patient. The diagnostic program includes a gynecological examination, a number of laboratory tests, a blood test for the presence of tumor markers and the determination of their concentration. To identify the exact location of the tumor, its size and the presence of complications in the form of metastases, instrumental examination methods are used. One of the simplest, but highly informative ways to find a uterine tumor is ultrasound. Uterine cancer is well visualized on ultrasound.

Can a cancerous tumor be seen on an ultrasound? Yes, this diagnostic method is one of the most accurate ways to determine cervical cancer. Simultaneously with the detection of an oncological neoplasm, the entire organ is examined, concomitant diseases are diagnosed. But to make an accurate diagnosis by ultrasound is quite problematic.

Cervical cancer is confirmed only after the doctor examines the results of laboratory tests and other additional examination methods.

Is cervical cancer visible on ultrasound? Yes, during the diagnosis, not only the tumor is determined, but also other parameters are identified that indicate the stage of development of oncology and the presence of complications:

  • altered size and shape of the lymph nodes;
  • uneven contours of the body;
  • violation of the state and functioning of blood vessels;
  • damage to oncology of neighboring organs of the small pelvis;
  • dysplasia.

Before giving a referral for an examination using ultrasound, an initial examination of a woman is carried out on a gynecological chair. If the doctor suspects the development of oncology, a blood test is taken to determine the concentration of tumor markers. If the analysis gave a positive result, an ultrasound is prescribed (as a method confirming the primary diagnosis).

Types of ultrasound for cervical cancer

In order to determine the presence of cervical cancer by ultrasound, it is necessary to conduct a deep study of the organ. There are 5 ways to conduct ultrasound diagnostics. In the latent course of oncology, if the tumor has a small diameter, several ultrasound examination methods are used in turn for its better visualization:

  1. transabdominal- a standard procedure based on the conduct of a special device by the sensor along the abdomen. During the examination, the organs of the small pelvis and the uterus are studied, a tumor is detected, and its size is determined.
  2. Transvaginal– insertion of the probe into the vagina. This method is considered the most accurate. But the technique has a drawback - if the tumor of the uterine cavity and cervix is ​​small, located at an angle from the vagina, the sensor may not see it. Transvaginal ultrasound is not performed to diagnose cervical cancer in menopausal women.
  3. Transperineal- shows the state of the pelvic organs and the uterus through the walls of the abdominal cavity. In the diagnosis of uterine cancer, it is rarely used, only in cases where other examination methods cannot be performed due to contraindications, or if it is known that the tumor has a large diameter. A small neoplasm may not be detected.
  4. transrectal– insertion of the probe through the rectum. Oncological formations in the uterus are rarely diagnosed by this method. The very peculiarity of the conduct brings a woman moral discomfort. This method of examining the uterine cavity is used in girls who are not yet sexually active, and in women who have contraindications for transvaginal examination.
  5. 3D ultrasound- during the examination, a three-dimensional image of the uterus and pelvic organs is obtained. A malignant neoplasm is visualized as well as possible. It is possible to obtain a horizontal and vertical section of the tumor, which greatly facilitates and speeds up the determination of its type and exact size.

Ultrasound 3D research is rarely resorted to, since the procedure is expensive.

Indications for examination

In addition to the suspicion of a cancerous growth based on the results of a laboratory examination, a woman herself can undergo the procedure if she has certain symptoms. Indications for the study:

  • bleeding in the middle of the cycle;
  • periodic aching pain in the abdomen;
  • pain during sex;
  • watery or frothy discharge;
  • failure of the menstrual cycle.

The presence of such signs may indicate cervical cancer.

Preparation for the procedure

Before the study, a woman needs to conduct thorough hygiene. No other specific preparation is required. Before performing a transabdominal ultrasound, you need to drink some water, do not go to the toilet so that the bladder is full. This will make it easier to visualize the tumor. To exclude bloating, the day before the examination, you need to stop eating foods that cause accumulation of gases.

Transvaginal ultrasound is performed on an empty bladder and intestines. Before a transrectal examination, it is recommended to do a cleansing enema in the evening.

Manifestations of cervical cancer on ultrasound

To see cancer on ultrasound means not only to get an image of the tumor itself, but also to study in detail the state of the uterine cavity and its neck. What does cancer look like? A neoplasm can have a different shape: round, similar to a fungus or like a wart. How uterine cancer looks on an ultrasound photo depends on the form of the disease.

Uterine cancer has two forms - nodular and diffuse. The nodular form has clear boundaries and a fixed diameter of the neoplasm. Such a tumor is located mainly at the bottom of the uterine cavity. The diffuse type is manifested by a tumor that is widespread throughout the tissues of the organ. It is these two forms of the disease that are determined by ultrasound.

Nodular cervical cancer on ultrasound is detected by a number of criteria:

  • neoplasm with an irregular shape;
  • echopositive structure;
  • spread of the tumor outside the uterine cavity;
  • the contours are blurred, the boundaries are not clear.

How to determine diffuse uterine cancer? This type has its own characteristics:

  • the walls of the uterus have a changed structure;
  • the contours of the organ are intermittent;
  • there is fluid in the uterus (infiltrate);
  • foci of compaction are clearly visible on the organ.

Patients are often concerned about the question of whether cervical cancer is always visible on ultrasound. There are atypical cases when a uterine tumor cannot be clearly visualized by ultrasound. With a latent oncological disease or in the early stages of tumor development, pathology is detected in the form of an accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity. Suspicion of cancer is also put forward if an accumulation of infiltrate or mucous fluid is found in the uterus.

Weak severity of oncology of the uterus with the definition of mucous fluid in the organ is a symptomatic picture characteristic of a woman in the menopausal period. It is not possible to determine the nature of the liquid by means of ultrasound diagnostics, therefore, detailed diagnostics are required.

doppler ultrasound

Common oncological diseases of the female reproductive system, including cervical cancer, develop gradually. Papillomas, condylomas and a number of benign formations can provoke the formation of a malignant tumor.

If the patient has pathologies and diseases that are characterized by high risks of cancer, a diagnosis of "precancerous condition" is made. In this case, regular diagnostics are required in order not to miss the moment of transition of a benign process into a malignant tumor.

In precancerous conditions, ultrasound is performed simultaneously with the study of blood circulation in the uterine cavity - transvaginal ultrasound with Doppler.

To identify the process of formation of a malignant tumor, the following parameters are taken into account:

  • the number of blood vessels in the uterine cavity;
  • the speed of blood circulation in the venous and arterial bed;
  • the presence of foci of low echogenicity, the diameter of which is up to 6 mm.

The presence of foci of low echogenicity may be a sign of the initial stage of cervical cancer. But there are a number of other diseases of the female reproductive system in which low echogenicity of the uterine cavity is found, so this parameter is not an indication for an accurate diagnosis.

When benign processes degenerate into cervical cancer, blood flow in the uterine cavity increases. This is because the tumor needs more blood to grow further. The presence of such a sign is an indication for additional diagnostics to determine cancer. Given the possibility of Doppler ultrasound to detect uterine cancer in the early stages, all women need to conduct this examination at least once a year for preventive purposes.

Norm and deviations

In a healthy woman, the uterus has clear contours, delineated boundaries. The size of the organ in women who have not given birth is from 7 to 9 cm, in those who have given birth, the size of the uterus is from 9 to 11 cm. The shape is pear-shaped. There are no inclusions, growths and formations.

If cancer develops in the uterine cavity or on the cervix of the organ, a “pearl necklace” will be detected during ultrasound diagnostics. This term in gynecology refers to the process of cell degeneration into a malignant formation.

"Pearl necklace" is a cluster of round-shaped formations with increased echogenicity. In appearance, the accumulation of round small tumors arranged in a row resembles a string with pearls. The definition of this neoplasm on ultrasound is the reason for the immediate referral of the patient to an oncologist.

Cancer can affect the endometrium, body of the uterus, cervix and cervical canal. Most often, this disease develops asymptomatically. Therefore, it is possible to detect uterine cancer on ultrasound during a regular gynecological examination, sometimes even in the early stages.

According to medical statistics, it is possible to detect the disease only in the last stages, when characteristic symptoms already appear. The first signs may be bleeding, leucorrhoea, menstrual irregularities, pain in the lower abdomen between menstruation.

On ultrasound, cancer can be seen if the disease has passed into the second stage. In this case, only if the size of the malignant tumor exceeds 3 cm.

When the doctor prescribes to undergo an examination, indications for ultrasound of the uterus

Ultrasound is a cancer research method that can refute or confirm suspicions of cancer. Studies are carried out if the first signs of uterine cancer appear:

  • bleeding for no apparent reason, the discharge of a large amount of mucus (most often spotting occurs after sexual intercourse, physical activity, or heavy lifting);
  • pain in the lower abdomen between periods;
  • postoperative period;
  • installation of spirals and other uterine contraceptives;
  • delayed menstruation in the absence of signs of pregnancy;
  • infertility.

In case of any atypical discharge or pain syndrome, you should immediately consult a doctor for a comprehensive diagnosis.

Pre-preparation for ultrasound

The possibility of detecting pathology directly depends on the correct preparation. In particular:

  • before a transabdominal examination, you need to drink about 1 liter of water an hour before the procedure to fill the bladder (you need to drink water without gas);
  • 3 days before the ultrasound, it is necessary to completely exclude from the diet foods that can cause fermentation in the stomach and flatulence (for example, beans, peas, cabbage, carbonated drinks);
  • in a transrectal examination, an enema is given before the procedure.

Incorrect preparation of the patient for an ultrasound scan can lead to distorted results, and hence an incorrect diagnosis.

The course of the ultrasound examination in case of suspected malignant tumor

The doctor chooses the method of ultrasound examination independently, depending on the condition of the woman. Most often, 2 studies are performed: first transabdominal, and then transvaginal to clarify the results.

Transabdominal ultrasound

It is carried out no later than on the 10th day from the beginning of the menstrual cycle. Allows you to study all the organs of the small pelvis, compare the parameters of the neoplasm with the size of all organs.

During this examination, the sensor is located in the lower abdomen and moves along the pelvic organs. A special gel is used to prevent air from getting between the sensor and the skin.

Transabdominal ultrasound shows the entire pelvis, although this type of study is survey, since many areas remain outside the field of view of the device.

Another advantage of this type of study is the possibility of conducting virgins, including little girls.

Ultrasound hysterography

This method involves the preliminary introduction of a solution of furacilin or glucose into the uterine cavity. Only after that the doctor proceeds to the diagnosis itself. The duration of the study is about 15-20 minutes, the maximum time is 30 minutes.

During ultrasound hysterography, the doctor can assess the condition of the uterine cavity and tubes, diagnose their condition.

Transvaginal ultrasound

To conduct this type of study, a special sensor is inserted directly into the vaginal cavity. This allows you to get the closest access to the body of the uterus, which guarantees accurate examination and results.

When conducting transvaginal ultrasound, the fullness of the bladder is not required.

Simultaneously with the examination of the uterus, an examination of the appendages is also carried out. If it is necessary to study the process of formation of follicles, ultrasound of the appendages is performed several times during one menstrual cycle.

This type of study is not performed during menstruation.

If the girl does not live an intimate life or the study is carried out for a little girl, then transperineal ultrasound of the uterus (through the perineum) or transrectal (through the rectum) is prescribed.

Data decryption

After receiving the results, they are decrypted. At the same time, there is no data on the condition of the pipes. A transcript of the result is given to the patient immediately after the examination.

Normal condition of the cervix

Cancer can be diagnosed if abnormalities were found during the examination. To correctly interpret the results, you need to know the indicators of the norm. These are:

  • cylindrical shape of the organ and oval cross section;
  • smooth contours, any tubercles, gaps and other deviations are absent;
  • homogeneous structure of the muscle layer.

As for the size, this parameter is strictly individual. The ratio of the length of the uterus to the length of the cervix is ​​3:1.

What does uterine cancer look like on ultrasound?

Endometrial cancer on ultrasound has the shape of a round, oval or irregular formation. In this case, there may be areas of increased or decreased echogenicity, an uneven contour. The main symptom is the growth of tumors in uterine cancer during repeated studies.

When interpreting the results, the doctor also pays attention to:

  • condition of the lymph nodes;
  • the condition of the vessels;
  • evenness of contours;
  • whether there are cancer metastases on nearby organs.

The doctor can determine the type of disease only after a biopsy. According to the results of an ultrasound examination, the doctor learns about the presence of neoplasms in the uterus.

Features of the classification and staging of uterine cancer

The doctor will be able to determine the stage of cancer and the possible type by ultrasound (the latter is confirmed by the results of a biopsy):

  • oval shape and clear contours indicate the presence of the disease at an early stage;
  • with the further development of the disease, the contours become uneven, the blood flow in this part of the organ increases, the diameter of the vessels and their number increase;
  • the neoplasm of the exophytic type has uneven contours at the location of the external cervical os, while an irregular shape and heterogeneous structure are observed;
  • endophytic type is characterized by an increase in the body of the uterus and a barrel-shaped shape with a heterogeneous structure;
  • with further progression of the disease, the shape of the body of the uterus is smoothed out, this also applies to the angle of inclination between the uterus and the cervix (it is absent), and the walls of the vagina thicken;
  • in the last stages, with the appearance of infiltrates, the tumor increases, its shape becomes oval, round, pyramidal, the contours are uneven.
  • with a large number of infiltrates, the process can go to the rectum, bladder, which is clearly visible on the echogram.

Possible errors differential diagnosis

Not always ultrasound will show uterine cancer. Errors are possible, and most often in the diagnosis of the disease in the early stages. The cause of errors can be not only poor equipment, but also improper preparation of the patient for the study or insufficient experience of the ultrasound specialist. Although cancer is visible on ultrasound even in the initial stages, there is a risk of confusing it with other diseases. Most often with:

  • endometrial polyp;
  • submucosal myoma;
  • hyperplastic processes of the endometrium.

To avoid possible errors, the patient must undergo a comprehensive examination of a malignant uterine tumor, which will provide more accurate information about the woman's health status.

Causes and risk factors

Risk factors are:

  • age 50;
  • treatment with estrogen only without the use of progesterone, including stimulation;
  • excess body weight;
  • postmenopause;
  • menstrual disorders, including their onset before the age of 12;
  • endometriosis;
  • frequent inflammatory processes of female organs;
  • polycystic ovaries;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • violation of carbohydrate metabolism in the body;
  • if the woman did not give birth.

Provoke the development of uterine cancer can promiscuity, abortion, early pregnancy, bad habits such as smoking, alcohol abuse, drug addiction.

The presence of oncology in close relatives can also be considered a predisposition to the development of cancer.

There is an opinion about the connection of cervical cancer with the papilloma virus strains 16 and 18. In 100% of cases of a study of patients with this disease, the presence of this virus was detected.

Ultrasound is indispensable in the process of diagnosing cancer. With a timely visit to the doctor and the detection of the disease in the early stages, the prognosis can be positive.

Ultrasound is widely used in medicine and every year the scope of its use is expanding. This is influenced by the painlessness of the procedure (not like with a biopsy) with an instant result, great information content and safety for the body, unlike, say, an x-ray. Oncology is no exception. The development and improvement of ultrasound examination equipment makes it possible to show cancer with an accuracy of up to 100%.

Ultrasound helps in diagnosing various pathologies

In this article you will learn:

Is ultrasound used in oncology?

Ultrasound is now being used more and more in oncology. For example, it is used to determine whether there is cancer in the stomach, intestines, at what stage, whether metastases have appeared. This was made possible thanks to elastography. Using this method in modern medicine determine the density of tissues. A specialist who examines a particular organ uses this method to detect a tumor (the tumor and the healthy part of the organ will have different densities). In addition, other tissue deformations are visible in the picture: increase, thickening, curvature, reduction, etc.

Today, clinicians often choose between conventional biopsy and dynamic follow-up with ultrasound. A very weighty argument in favor of the latter is the fact that it allows minimizing the number of painful procedures for collecting suspicious organ tissue for examination. Therefore, it is already possible with a high degree of probability to assert that in the near future ultrasound will be the main method for detecting malignant tumors.

The most accessible organ for ultrasound testing is the thyroid gland. With the help of echolocation (elastography), a suspicious node is examined. If the node is enlarged, darkened, or other changes are visible, the patient is referred for further examination, which will confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland is performed quite often

There are some features of the study of different organs:

  • in the study of the intestines and stomach, the tumor is found, unfortunately, already when it takes on large sizes, however, this is the primary study of these organs, which makes it possible to detect neoplasms;
  • with ultrasound of the kidneys, renal cell malignancy is primarily diagnosed;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys does not give a definite answer for suspected cancer: there may be both polyps and cancer cells;
  • when examining the brain, it is not always possible to detect tumors, only with the help of duplex scanning, abnormal deviations from the norm can be noticed;
  • with pancreatic cancer, the picture shows enlarged lymph nodes, the gate of the liver with retroperitoneal lymph nodes.

It is important to understand that any change in an organ, a deviation from the norm, which is clearly visible on ultrasound, is a reason for further research.

What changes are seen on ultrasound in cancer

With ultrasound, the density of organ tissues is determined. When tumors appear, they become denser, which slows down the passage of the wave through them. In the picture, these areas are displayed in a darker color.

The tumor is easy to detect on ultrasound.

It is important to know that before undergoing an ultrasound examination, it is necessary to carefully prepare for it. Studies of the stomach, intestines, abdominal organs should be done on an empty stomach.

At what stage can cancer be detected?

Currently, if cancer is detected early, it is more likely to be curable. Therefore, it is very important to identify it at the very beginning of development. For this examination, it is necessary to undergo at least once a year, especially if signs characteristic of malignant neoplasms are observed.

OrganProvoking factorsRegularity
Breast gland in womenHormonal imbalance, alcohol, smoking, nutritionOnce a year
Stomach, pancreasFew greens, a small amount of vegetables and fruits, fried and smoked foods, alcohol abuseOnce a year
IntestinesFrequent consumption of fatty and meat dishes, few plant foodsOnce every two years
LungsSmoking, frequent inhalation of harmful substances, polluted areas, especially near factories and other air polluting enterprisesOnce a year
ProstateInactive lifestyle, diet, sexually transmitted infections.Once a year

Can ultrasound help detect metastases?

With cancer, metastases very often appear - new foci of malignant neoplasms. Most often they are found in the lymph nodes, liver, lungs. With various cancerous lesions of organs, metastases appear in certain places. For example, with stomach cancer, metastases usually appear in the lungs, liver, and peritoneum. With lung cancer - in the adrenal glands, another lung, liver, etc.

Ultrasound can also detect metastases

Therefore, first of all, in case of cancer, it is necessary to check the relevant organs. The stages of diagnosing metastases are conditionally divided into two stages:

  • initial examination (immediately after the diagnosis of cancer);
  • secondary, observation by a doctor after treatment.

In modern medicine, metastases are detected not only with the help of radiography, tomography, but also with ultrasound.

How often can you do an ultrasound for cancer

It is recommended for men over 40, and for women over 45, to be examined annually for ultrasound. At the risk of cancer, for example, of the breast, recommendations are different: - from 20 to 30 years - 1 time in 3 years; from 30 to 40 years - every year. An ultrasound scan of the breast also reveals fibroadenoma (a benign tumor), which in very rare cases turns into cancer. But there are risks. Therefore, when undergoing an ultrasound scan once a year, you have an almost 100% guarantee of defeating this disease.

Learn more about diagnosing cancer with ultrasound in this video:

When is ultrasound contraindicated?

Today there are several types of ultrasound examinations:

  • color mapping;
  • echography;
  • harmonic;
  • elastography;
  • sonohystereography.

But, like any other research method, it has its pros and cons. In the following cases, ultrasound is not recommended or completely contraindicated:

  • skin diseases in the place where you need to do echolocation;
  • damage to the skin, for example, burns;
  • obesity (due to thick layers of fat, it is not always possible to see changes in the organ and, thus, not notice malignant tumors at an early stage);
  • when examining the bladder with urinary incontinence or with infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.

Many are interested in whether cancer will be visible on ultrasound? It depends on the stage of the cancer and how deep it is in the tissues. For example, bone cancer or metastases in them, x-ray will show. Let's take a closer look at the problem in the article.

Cancer diagnosis with ultrasound

To diagnose cancer in the early stages, ultrasound is a simple, effective and fast diagnostic method. Your doctor may be able to diagnose you using other methods. For example, MRI, x-ray or biopsy, etc., but ultrasound examination is painless and completely safe and very informative, therefore, it is prescribed for most patients. Screening will 100% show whether you have a neoplasm in your organ or not and at what stage is it?

Ultrasound technologies are being improved and a specialist can do an ultrasound of the intestines with the stomach and determine whether there is cancer in those organs or not? This examination is possible due to the fact that ultrasound scanners have an elastography function. Using it, the specialist will record the spectrum of blood flow in the vessels and evaluate the structure of tissues in suspicious areas.

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland

Many patients who had problems with the thyroid glands and the doctor suspected a neoplasm in them were sent by the specialist for an ultrasound scan. The tumor will be detected quickly, but it must be determined whether it is malignant or benign. In a suspicious node, the uzist evaluates the condition of the vessels.

The device captures the spectral characteristics of the blood flow in the node. Additionally, the doctor will refer you for a biopsy of this area and the established diagnosis will be 100% confirmed by several examination methods. Additionally, lymph nodes are examined. According to the theory, cancer cells can get into them.

Examination of blood vessels in the brain

If the doctor suspects a neoplasm in the brain, then he will most likely prescribe you not an ultrasound, but an MRI. An ultrasound examination with duplex scanning can reveal a lot. What is the state of the vessels in the brain, are they displaced, is there a developed vascular network, which should not be there? If the latter is detected, the patient is given a referral for an MRI. Establish an accurate diagnosis.

Ultrasound of the peritoneum

If the area of ​​localization of cancer is in the abdominal cavity, then using an ultrasound scan. They will help to establish, for example, primary tumors - this is a hepatocellular neoplasm, metastases or cholangiocarcinoma.


When an uzist diagnoses the gallbladder, it often finds polyps in it. They need to be monitored once every six months, a year, by conducting repeated ultrasound diagnostics. Polyps can degenerate into malignant tumors. If the diagnostician has a lot of experience, then he will notice Vaterov's tumor on the screen, which is a nipple.


Is it possible to see a neoplasm in the pancreas on ultrasound? It's pretty difficult. The picture on the screen is blurry. It is especially difficult to see and it is difficult to establish a correct diagnosis in obese people. Ultrasound examination is an inexpensive, accessible method, and therefore, first of all, patients are referred to it.

When the doctor examines the pancreas, he pays attention to the state of the lymph nodes of the gate of the liver with the retroperitoneal lymph nodes. If they are enlarged, then it makes sense to prescribe a CT scan to the patient, which will help identify malignant neoplasms.


With ultrasound, the spleen is perfectly visualized. Fortunately, cancer almost never occurs in this organ, and metastases do not form.

Stomach with intestines

In recent years, ultrasound often examines the stomach with the intestines. These organs are located quite deep in the human body and ultrasound will accurately show only a grown neoplasm, or rather, a specialist will recognize it 100%, and smaller neoplasms can be interpreted as natural processed products.

Will an ultrasound show for sure that a patient has cancer if it is stage 3 or 4? The uzist will confirm 100% that a person has neoplasms, because there are already many noticeable pathological changes in the body. In an advanced case, the doctor will also see metastases in the stomach and even determine their size.

To make the diagnosis as accurate as possible, the following procedures are performed:

  1. Before the examination, the patient is reported to drink 300 to 500 ml of plain boiled water on an empty stomach. the main thing is that it does not contain gas. The specialist will ask you to lie down on the couch and you will change positions, and he will examine your stomach from all sides or in different projections.
  2. The 1st projection is made when the patient has taken a pose lying on his back, and then lies on his left side. Later en right. He rises from the couch and the projection must be captured when he is standing. The projection will show how large the neoplasm is and how it has grown into nearby tissues and organs.

Ultrasound of the stomach is considered an auxiliary method. An experienced specialist will notice cancer at an early stage. Especially when it hit the upper layer of the stomach, the muscles. But in the later stages, the lesions are large and better visualized, interpreted by the uzist.

"Advice. If cancer is suspected, after the ultrasound, ask to be referred for an x-ray of the stomach."


Ultrasound diagnosis of the kidneys will show if the patient has renal cell carcinoma, transitional cell neoplasms, Wilms cancer with metastases. Diagnosis is accurate. Additionally, a biopsy and other tests are done.


An ultrasound will help to see cancer in the bladder. Benign polyps also grow there, but they can degenerate into cancer. It is required to do a cystoscopy, then the diagnosis will be considered 100% confirmed.

mammary gland

The doctor will refer you for an ultrasound examination + elastography. These methods of diagnosing breast cancer are very informative. No matter how old you are, ultrasonic waves, reflected from the tissues, will show whether there is cancer and at what stage or not? After menopause, try to undergo examinations once a year, or starting from the age of 40.


Does an ultrasound machine show uterine cancer? Yes. A neoplasm can be both inside the organ and on its neck. When the appendages are examined, it will be established that there are neoplasms in the ovaries or endometrium, since they have excellent echogenicity. It is possible that the patient has all healthy tissues.

It is difficult to establish that the endometrium is affected. The doctor may think that this is a benign fibroid, but in fact it is a malignant cancer.

"Advice. Don't worry too early, you will be sent for an additional biopsy."

prostate gland

When studying the prostate gland, elastography with Doppler examination of the state of the vessels is used. In malignant neoplasms, recognizable signs. The diagnosis will be accurate.

How often can screenings be done?

If you are over 35 or 40 years old, you can conduct a study: thyroid gland, peritoneal organs, urinary tract annually. Women, do not forget to regularly examine the mammary glands. In addition to ultrasound, take blood tests with urine. Even if you do not have bad symptoms, you can be examined prophylactically.

On the ultrasound of other organs, one or another doctor will give a direction. Examinations are not expensive, and you will be calm that everything is in order. Early diagnosis of cancer with timely treatment will save and prolong your life.

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