Methodical guide to the didactic game "Teremok". Analysis of the didactic game

Exhibition participant:

Datsyuk Olga Yurievna,


MADOU CRR - d / s No. 50 of the city of Tyumen

Didactic game "Teremok"

This didactic game is intended for preschool children from 5 to 7 years old.

Main goal: The development of all components of children's oral speech, the formation of primary ideas about the objects of the world, the properties and relationships of objects of the world.

The game set includes a panel in the shape of a house with opening doors, 11 pockets, sets of cards on a leg with the image of letters, syllabic divisions of words, animals, birds.

With the help of this game, you can solve problems in the educational areas "Speech Development" and "Cognitive Development". It is recommended to use as a method within the framework of organized educational activities for the development of speech, cognitive development, familiarization with fiction. It can be used especially successfully for individual work and for work with small subgroups of children on speech development, correction of speech development disorders. Can be used by children on their own.

The game includes several didactic tasks.

1 task "Remember the fairy tale"

A task: develop coherent speech of children, exercise in the use of ordinal numbers.

The teacher shows subject pictures of the heroes of the fairy tale.

Guess what fairy tale the characters came from?

Tell this tale (the child tells a tale on his own or with the help of a teacher).

Who was the first to find the teremok? Who came second? Third? Who came last and broke the tower?

Task 2 “Come up with your own story of the fairy tale“ Teremok ”

A task: develop coherent speech of children, imagination, fantasy.

The teacher offers to come up with and tell his own story of the fairy tale "Teremok" using other characters.

The teacher portrays the characters of the fairy tale: a mouse, a frog, a bunny, a fox, a wolf, a bear. The child guesses. Then the child and teacher switch roles.

Task 4 "Who lives where?"

A task: Learn to use prepositions over, under, between.

The teacher places the animals in the pocket windows, offers to look carefully and guess who it is?

This beast lives above the wolf. This is ... - This beast lives above the fox. It's... This beast lives under the armpit. It's... This beast lives under the frog. This... This beast lives between the wolf and the hare. This ... - This one is between a mouse and a bear. It …

Then the child himself makes riddles by pronouncing the words over, under, between

6 task "Settle the tenants"

A task: Pin spatial representations left, right, top, bottom.

The teacher offers to settle the animals in apartments.

The mouse will live on the third floor on the left. Fox is on the second floor on the right. The bear is on the first floor on the left. The hare is on the third floor on the right. The frog is on the second floor on the left. The wolf is on the first floor on the right.

Task 7 "Pick up pictures with a given sound"

A task: develop phonemic hearing, learn to highlight a given sound in a word, automate the sounds [w], [h], [c], [l], [g], [r] [s] in words.

The teacher puts in the upper window a letter denoting the sound [w] (or another fixed sound) and invites the child to find pictures with this sound.

8 task "Divide into syllables"

A task: Practice dividing words into syllables.

The teacher places syllabic schemes in the windows on the right side and invites the child to settle the tenants on the left side in accordance with the scheme.
- Name each tenant. Clap your hands for the number of syllables in each word and you will find out who lives in which apartment.

Nomination "Multimedia technologies in the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions"

I bring to your attention an interactive game based on the fairy tale "Teremok".

To develop the cognitive interest of children, various techniques and methods can be used. The interactive game method will be modern and interesting for a preschooler. Creating this game for children of the second junior group based on the fairy tale "Teremok", I intended to solve various problems: the development of attention, memory, thinking, and mathematical development.

You can use the didactic game "Teremok" in directly organized educational activities with children of primary preschool age, as well as individually by teachers and parents.

The target audience: 3-5 years.

Place of use: directly educational and individual activities.

Target: To support children's interest in Russian folk tales. To consolidate the ability to distinguish between fairy-tale characters, to develop coherent speech of children, to exercise in the use of ordinal numbers. Develop curiosity, cultivate love for animals.

Tasks: development of attention, memory, thinking, mathematical development.

Practical significance: The presentation can be used by teachers in the classroom for the formation of elementary mathematical representations, when organizing joint gaming activities, as well as caring parents.

All slides are scrolled with the help of a computer mouse or with the help of control buttons.

  • Slide number 1. Title page.
  • Slide number 2. Table of contents.
  • Slide number 3. The game "Who lives where?"
  • Slides 4-8. Game "Riddles about animals"
  • Slide number 9. Dynamic warm-up
  • Slide number 10. The game "Who saw the tower first?"
  • Slide number 11. The game "Who broke the tower?"
  • Slide number 12. The game "Build a tower"
  • Slide number 13. Game "Count the animals"
  • Slide number 3. If the answer is correct, the background behind the figure changes color to green. If the answer is incorrect, the figures will sway.
  • Slides #4-8. If the answer is correct, the figures increase, the marker does not change color. If the answer is incorrect, the animal figures sway, the marker turns red.
  • Slide number 9. Launched by mouse click.
  • Slides #10-11. If the answer is correct, the marker changes color to green, the figure increases. If the answer is incorrect, the marker changes color to red, the figure wobbles.
  • Slide number 12. Training apparatus. When you click on a geometric figure, it moves to the part of the "teremka" similar in shape.
  • Slide number 13. If the answer is correct, the marker changes color to green. If incorrect, to red. Animals are motionless.

The presentation is set up in such a way that you can dwell on each story in more detail.

Didactic game based on the fairy tale "Teremok"

Methodological guide to the didactic game


What is the game for:

in the classroom;

For individual activities;

For theatrical activities.

Target: development of logical thinking.


Develop imagination;

To form the ability to distinguish colors and find in the surrounding objects;

Develop figurative representation, attention, memory;

Teach children to determine the shape of an object;

Introduce children to opposite signs of objects;

Preparation for mastering the topic "Antonyms";

Learn to compare objects by size, color, volume, weight, quantity;

Develop children's speech;

Get to know the numbers

Introduce counting within ten;

Introduce geometric shapes

Learn to compare numbers

To acquaint with simple types of tasks: tasks that reveal the meaning of addition and subtraction, with tasks for difference comparison, for increasing and decreasing a number by several units.

Equipment: teremok with two windows-pockets; a set of educational cards with colors for memorization; cards with the image of objects of one color or another; question cards; cards with the image of opposite signs of objects; cards with numbers from 1 to 10; cards with shapes (circle, square, rectangle, oval, triangle); cards with images of objects for counting, for recognizing figures.

Option 1 "What happens in this color?"

The teacher inserts a card with a picture of any color into the window and invites the children to remember what happens, for example, red. Children name objects and find a card with an image of an object of a given color and insert it into the second window.

Option 2 "Look out the window"

In one window of the tower, the teacher inserts a card with an image of any color. Next, the teacher invites the children to “look out the window” - to dream up and tell what they see “outside the window”. (Usually, behind a white sheet, children see a winter landscape, a skating rink, a hospital; behind a yellow one, a desert, an autumn meadow, etc.)

Option 3 "Collect by color"

AT The teacher offers to collect objects in groups by color. For example, in the first window, all green ones “live”, and in the second, all blue ones. During the game, monitor the speech of the child. Ask them to name their picture. For example: “This is a green apple”, “This is a red strawberry”.

Option 4 "Learning numbers"

The teacher shows a card with the number 1 and inserts it into the first window, while clearly pronouncing the name: “One”. Then the teacher takes a card on which one object is depicted. You need to say “There is one toy here. One". Ask the child to find another card that shows one object and insert it into the second window of the tower. When the child remembers the numbers, start pairing. Place cards with numbers and cards with the image of objects for counting on the table. Ask the child to count the items on each card and put a card with the right number on it, making a pair, while inserting them into the windows of the tower.

Option 5 "Study the figures"

The teacher shows a card with a figure and clearly pronounces the name: “Circle” and inserts it into the first window of the tower. Then you need to take a card on which a round object is depicted. Say: "Here is a round button." Ask the child to find another card with a round object and insert it into the second window of the tower.

Then invite them to make pairs on their own. Follow the speech of the child, ask him to name what he put. For example: "This is an oval, and this is an oval ball."

Option 6 "Pick a couple"

The teacher puts a card with one object in the window of the tower. You need to ask what the child sees on it. Ask to pick up a pair on the opposite basis, considering the cards on both sides and insert into the second window. Pay attention to the child's speech. In case of difficulty, help with your own wording: “This is a big ball, and this is a small ball”, “Here is a thin brush, and here it is thick”. At the next stage, invite the child to make pairs himself and name opposite signs.

7 option "Simple tasks"

The teacher takes cards with texts of tasks and reads. You can read slowly, highlighting the data in the problem and the unknown with your voice. It is good if, after reading or listening to the text, the child repeats what is known in the task, what needs to be found. After that, offer to find a card with a picture that suits the plot, describe the solution and select a card with an example corresponding to this solution and insert it into the window of the house.

I bring to your attention the game "Geometric Teremok".

To make a didactic game for children of primary preschool age "Geometric Teremok", I was prompted by Montessori frames and inserts, they are very boring.

Manufacturing process.

The game is actually a house, if in layers, then the first is a self-adhesive film, the second is an ornament on the roof, the third is colored cardboard with holes-windows in the form of geometric shapes, the fourth is small drawings glued to drawing paper, and the fifth is drawing paper repeating the shape of colored cardboard-teremka. And separate liners in the form of windows from the same cardboard in color, also pasted over with a film.

Necessary materials.

Colored cardboard, drawing paper, pictures from an old primer, transparent self-adhesive film, a simple pencil, scissors, glue, a clerical knife and nail scissors, and if you want, an ornament in the form of a carving on the roof of the house, it is sold in stores selling inexpensive wallpaper.

Let's get to work. We draw on cardboard, placing it vertically, pentagon houses, then glue the ornament on the roof until we cut out nothing. We paste over a colored cardboard house with an ornament with a self-adhesive film, now we cut out the same "towers", I have 6 colors. Then, in the form of a cardboard tower, we cut out the same pentagons from drawing paper. We mark the windows, preferably from the unglued side with a pencil, I also have 6 of them, in two floors, 3 for each. With the help of a lumograph, we draw windows - the figures that we need. In my case, these are equilateral and right triangles, a square and a rectangle, a circle and an oval. Now the most difficult process; carefully cut out the windows with a clerical knife, razor and nail scissors. I had to use all three tools. It is important here that the edges are cut exactly along the line of the pencil. If the window is cut out very carefully, then it can be used as an insert, if not, then it’s not scary, you can then cut the inserts out of the remnants of cardboard.

We work with the two bottom layers. We impose a colored house on a white pentagon and draw windows, circling the holes on the cardboard. Now we know where to stick our animals and birds. We glue the prepared drawings on the window markings. Another crucial moment, gluing together the top layer - a colored cardboard house and the bottom layer - a white pentagon-house with drawings. I used KAPRAL universal pva glue. I lubricated both parts and let it soak in for another minute. Now the teremok is ready, we send it under the press. About the windows, or you can call them lids or shutters, I want to remind you that they are cut out on colored cardboard in the form, pasted over with tape or film.

We solve problems.

We introduce children to geometric shapes and color, fix the ordinal and quantitative count up to 6. We develop attention, memory and thinking. Cultivate an interest in mathematics.

Now let's look at the use cases.

We play in the junior and middle groups in the 1st half of the year, then it's not interesting to play. At first I played with 3-4 children, then everyone turned on. In the younger one, we consider the house and call its inhabitants, circle the windows with our fingers, call the children the shape, repeat. Used different scenes. I put on masks, a bear came, we’ll hide all the inhabitants, or at speed, whoever hides it faster, or it starts to rain, we’ll close all the windows soon, or the wind confused all the windows, and it’s time for the inhabitants of the house to sleep. We say which figures are on the 1st or 2nd floor. We work separately with the figures, laying them out in the sequence that you suggest. Like a graphic dictation. First put a circle, then an oval, a third square, etc. Of course, you will come up with your own options for playing around.

didactic game
(five options)
for children of the second younger group

The most difficult for preschool children is the formation of elementary mathematical concepts. Making a didactic game based on the Russian folk tale "Teremok" for children of the second junior group, I also intended to solve problems of mathematical development. Children know and love to listen to this fairy tale very well. I believe that while playing this game, children will also solve a didactic task.
The didactic game "Teremok" can be used by educators both in directly organized educational activities with children of primary preschool age, and in the joint activities of a teacher with children in the morning or evening.
Benefits: House - "Teremok", characters from the fairy tale "Teremok", "shutters" (geometric figures) for closing square, round and triangular windows of different sizes and different colors, high and low Christmas trees, four strips (paths) of brown color of different lengths and width.
Game number 1. “How many animals settled in the tower? »
Purpose: To consolidate the ability to distinguish between the number of fairy-tale characters, using the words "one", "many".
Preparing for the game. The teacher puts a tower in front of the children. The teacher puts fairy-tale heroes aside so that the children do not see them.
Game progress.
Game plot based on the Russian folk tale "Teremok" using cardboard theatre.
Educator: Children, look, there is a tower.
A mouse runs past. I saw the tower, stopped and asked:
Nobody responds. The mouse entered the tower and began to live there.
Educator: How many mice are in the tower? (one)
A frog jumped up to the tower and asked:
- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?
- I'm a mouse! And who are you?
- I'm a frog.
- Come live with me!
The frog jumped into the tower.
Educator: How many frogs are in the tower? (one)
Educator: A runaway bunny runs past. Stop and ask:
- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?
- I'm a mouse!
- I'm a frog!
- And who are you?
- I'm a runaway bunny.
- Come live with us!
Hare jump into the tower!
Educator: How many hares are in the tower? (one)
How many animals were in the little house? (a lot of)
Educator: A fox-sister is walking past. She knocked on the window and asked:
- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?
- I'm a mouse.
- I'm a frog.
- I'm a runaway bunny.
- And who are you?
- And I'm a fox-sister.
- Come live with us!
The fox climbed into the tower.
Educator: How many chanterelles are in the tower? (one)
How many animals were in the little house? (a lot of)
Educator: A top-gray barrel came running, looked in the door and asked:
- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?
- I'm a mouse.
- I'm a frog.
- I'm a runaway bunny.
- I'm a fox-sister.
- And who are you?
- And I'm a top-gray barrel.
- Come live with us!
The wolf got into the tower.
Educator: How many tops are in the tower? (one)
How many animals were in the little house? (a lot of)
Here they live in the tower, they sing songs. Suddenly a clumsy bear comes along. The bear saw the Teremok, heard the songs, stopped and roared at the top of his lungs:
- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?
- I'm a mouse.
- I'm a frog.
- I'm a runaway bunny.
- I'm a fox-sister.
- I, a top-gray barrel.
- And who are you?
- I'm a clumsy bear.
- Come live with us.
- And I'll live on your roof.
The bear climbed into the tower. Teremok was big, there was enough space for a bear.
Educator: How many bears are in the tower? (one)
Educator: And how many animals have become? (a lot of)
Educator: All the animals began to live together together.
Game number 2. "Neighbours"
Purpose: To exercise the ability to determine spatial directions from oneself and designate them with the words “above-below”, “lower - upper floor”, “right-left”, “above-under”, “between”.
Preparing for the game. The teacher puts a teremok in front of the children in which fairy-tale characters “live”.
Game progress.
Educator: All the animals live in a small house together, they visit each other.
Then the teacher asks the children questions, the children answer.
Who lives on the lower (first) floor?
-Name the animals that settled on the upper (second) floor.
- Who settled on the roof?
What kind of animals does a bear live on?
-Who settled under the fox and the wolf?
Who lives to the left of the mouse?
-And who lives to the right of the hare?
Who lives between the mouse and the hare?

Game number 3. "Close the windows at night with the animals"
Tasks: Improve the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle. To consolidate the ability to distinguish geometric shapes by size, using the words "big", "small". To fix the names of primary colors in speech.
Preparing for the game. The teacher puts a tower on the table in front of the children. There are geometric figures near the tower: two circles of the same size, large and small squares, large and small triangles.
Game progress.
Educator: The animals have a big house, beautiful. And what geometric shapes does it consist of? (from a large red square and a large yellow triangle). Then the teacher reports that night is coming, the animals go to bed. We need help closing the windows at night. Children select the appropriate geometric inserts and close the windows. At the same time, the figures are compared in size: “I will close the mouse window with a small green triangle”, “The wolf window with a large yellow square”.

Game number 4. "High and low Christmas trees in the forest"
Purpose of the game: to exercise children in comparing objects in height.
Preparing for the game. The teacher puts a tower in front of the children. The windows in the tower are open. Christmas trees are placed near the tower: large and small.
Game progress.
Teacher: It's morning. In the little house, all the animals woke up and hurried into the forest on their own business. Christmas trees grew in the forest.
Educator: Children, please see what trees grow in the forest? Children: Christmas trees grow in the forest.
Educator: Are the Christmas trees the same height?
Children: Christmas trees are different in height.
Educator: What height of Christmas trees grow in the forest?
Children: Christmas trees in the forest are high and low.
Educator: Please show me the high (low) Christmas trees.
Children compare Christmas trees in height, show and name high and low Christmas trees, use the words "high-low".

Game number 5. "Paths in the forest"
Purpose of the game: to improve the ability to compare two objects in width and length in an overlay way.
Preparing for the game. A teremok is placed in front of the children. Near the tower - high and low Christmas trees, two stripes (narrow and wide). The course of the game.
Educator: Children, look, teremok. And two paths lead from the tower. The mouse will go into the forest along a narrow path, and the bear along a wide path.
Educator: Children, show which path the mouse (bear) will go along? Children find narrow and wide paths using the overlay method.
Then the teacher puts long and short strips from the tower.
Educator: The frog will jump along the short path, and the fox and the wolf will go along the long one.
Educator: Children, show which path the wolf and the fox (frog?) will follow.
Children find a way to overlay a long and short path.

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