Do-it-yourself bed for a large dog. Making a comfortable dog bed. How to choose material

You can make a do-it-yourself cat bed in just a few hours. Moreover, for this it is not at all necessary to go to the store and buy expensive fabrics. If you open the closet and go through all the old unnecessary things, you are sure to find a piece of material that is perfect for making a cat bed. It can be an old fur coat, a sweater, corduroy trousers, a knitted dress, or even boots with fur.

An example of how to sew a do-it-yourself cat bed from a blanket

Types of beds for cats

The place where the cat's bed will stand should be dry, warm and cozy.

It is desirable that the sunbed is located in the same place as with - then the animal will understand that this is his personal territory.

Advice! The bed, first of all, should be comfortable for the pet. When thinking about the question of how to make a do-it-yourself cat bed, you should remember that the animal may refuse a bed that is too cramped or hard.

You can make a do-it-yourself cat bed with a removable top

There are many options for creating a cozy nest for a cat:

  • If the pet likes to retire, then it is best to build him a couch-house with a roof, where he can hide from prying eyes and rest in peace. In such a house, a cat with kittens will feel comfortable. If your pet, then the house should be prepared even before they begin.
  • A cat bed made of a sweater does not have such a spectacular look compared to other types of beds. Therefore, it is best suited for arranging a place in the country or in the barn, where the pet likes to spend time lying in wait for mice.
  • If the favorite place of the pet is the battery, then the bed can be made with special fasteners that fix it on the heater.
  • For observant cats who like to look out the window, you can sew a bed on the windowsill in the form of a mattress.

Today, online stores sell a wide variety of sunbeds. Having chosen the model you like, you can make the same one yourself

Bed with boards

This option is the easiest to make, and its advantage is that such a model can be beaten in various ways. For example, the photo below shows how you can sew a sunbed with a low side on one side and a soft, cozy pillow.

So that the pet does not stain the bed, and the whole apartment with fluff and wool, you can purchase a special one or.

The bed with a removable pillow is easy to care for, which allows you to keep the place of the pet clean

Then, based on the size, select a suitable fabric and prepare a piece of foam rubber or padding polyester, thick cardboard, a ruler, a pen, a needle with a thread to match the selected fabric for work.

Now you can start making patterns. To do this, cut out a long strip of cardboard (detail A) and an oval (detail B). The width of the strip corresponds to the height of the side of the sunbed, and its length should be equal to the circumference of the oval plus 1-2 centimeters for allowances.

Pattern of a simple model of a couch

How to sew a bed with sides is described step by step in the master class:

  1. First, prepare two patterns A - side and B - bottom.
  2. Stitch the two long sides of the hem and turn the piece right side out.
  3. Cut out a rectangle of the appropriate size and shape from the foam rubber, and insert it into the side. Sew the edges of the bead by hand.
  4. For the bottom, you need to choose a thick, durable fabric. If one was not found, then put an oval cut out of cardboard or plywood between the two parts of the bottom.
  5. Sew the bottom to the side.
  6. The next step of the master class is sewing pillowcases. To do this, cut out two oval parts according to the pattern and stitch their sides.
  7. Stuff the pillowcase with padding polyester or foam rubber, and place the pillow inside the crib.

Now you know how to sew a do-it-yourself cat bed! If you have extra fabric left, then it can be used to make.

Knowing how to sew a simple bed, you can make a more elegant heart-shaped bed.

The same pattern is suitable for making other various models, for example, with a closed top.

If you do not know how to sew a bed with a roof, prepare a pattern in the shape of a half circle from construction paper, sew a part for the roof and attach it to the sides.

A crib with a closed top can also be sewn according to a different pattern

Making a lounger on a battery

Almost all cats in winter climb on warm batteries and sleep on their hard, uncomfortable surfaces.

To make the sleep of your favorite purrs more pleasant, make a cat bed for a battery.

The battery bed is a structure consisting of a mattress and a rigid frame, which is attached to the heater

Making a cat bed for a battery is easy. And how to sew such a device is described step by step in the following master class:

  1. First, build a frame out of wood. The design of the fasteners on its top will depend on the design of your battery. The cat bed on the battery must be firmly held in place so that the pet, jumping onto it from the floor, does not fall.
  2. Then sew a rectangular bag out of thick fabric and fit a wooden frame.
  3. Insert foam rubber or synthetic winterizer inside.
  4. Attach the cat bed to the battery.

Important! If you make a cat bed too large for a battery, it will prevent warm air from entering the room. Therefore, the design should not obscure more than 20% of the heating device area.

And how to make a do-it-yourself cat bed if you don’t know how to work with wood?

To do this, do the following:

  1. In a plumbing store, buy a PVC pipe of the largest diameter.
  2. Then cut the old fur coat in such a way that you get two fur rectangles of different sizes: the smaller one will be inside the pipe, and the larger one will be outside.
  3. Sew two sides of a small rectangle and put the resulting fur pipe inside the PVC pipe.
  4. Wrap the pipe with a large rectangle to make a fur mink, as shown in the photo below. Sew the edges of the inner and outer rectangles by hand.
  5. Now it is necessary to solve the question: how to make a do-it-yourself cat bed so that it is firmly attached to the radiator. To do this, sew fasteners along the edge of the product, and with their help fix the cat bed to the battery.

In a fur mink, a fluffy pet will be cozy and warm

Important! After attaching the fur mink to the radiator, be sure to check whether it holds firmly enough. If the purr, together with the structure, falls down, then, most likely, it will no longer fit such an unreliable couch.

Simple models: for a window sill, from a sweater

So, how to sew a do-it-yourself cat bed on the windowsill? First of all, it is necessary to measure the width of the window sill and calculate the size of the future crib, and then select the appropriate material.

Advice! In order for the sunbed on the windowsill to harmoniously fit into the interior of the room, you can use the same fabric from which the curtains were sewn to make it.

It is better to make a sunbed on the windowsill in the form of an ordinary rectangular or square pillow. Sewing it is so simple that you don’t even need a pattern, but if you wish, you can decorate the pillow with a frill or piping.

For a playful pet, you can sew a pompom on a braid onto one of the corners of the pillow, and so that the purr does not constantly drop her bed on the floor, it is advisable to attach it to the windowsill with double-sided tape.

Rigid bench on the windowsill can be fixed with two clamps. This fastening option is especially relevant for too narrow window sills.

If the pet loves not only to watch nature through the window, but also to walk on the street, then it is worth buying for her in order to protect the animal from unexpected troubles.

For those who are thinking about how to sew a cat bed with their own hands from improvised materials as simply as possible, you can try to make it from a sweater. It should be borne in mind that it must be made of natural, sufficiently warm and dense yarn.

A cat bed made of a sweater, which even a beginner needlewoman can sew

Making a cat bed out of a sweater is as easy and quick as making a bed on the windowsill. To do this, you just need to turn the sweater inside out, sew up the neck tightly, sew the sleeves together and fill them with padding polyester. The photo shows how to make a cat bed from a sweater step by step.

Do-it-yourself cat bed: A detailed guide to creating a product

To make a do-it-yourself cat bed, you will need a small piece of fabric or an old sweater, soft filler and a little imagination. You can arrange a place for your beloved pet on the windowsill, battery, or any other convenient place.

Cats in the house love to sleep on everything soft. Pet's favorite places to sleep are the sofa and the owner's bed. But your pet should have its own cozy place where the cat can hide from all the fuss and sleep peacefully. Pet stores also offer cat litter, but all this requires finance. You can not spend extra money on a bed for an animal, but sew it yourself. And the money saved is better spent on treats for your pet.

How to sew a bed from improvised materials

In order to sew a bed for your cat, you do not need to go to fabric stores and buy special fabric. For a cozy place for your pet, improvised dense fabrics that are in every home are suitable. Every person has old things that have been lying in the closet for a long time, and hands never reach to throw them away.

For the beds, the remnants of the upholstery of the sofa, old jeans or a sweater, dresses made of thick fabric and other unnecessary clothes will go.

It is worth remembering that durable fabrics are better suited for beds, as the cat will scratch its claws or bite on it. Therefore, beds made of such materials will last as long as possible.

Video on how to sew a cat bed

What is required for a bed

In order to make a bed for a pet with your own hands, it will take a little time and more of your imagination. Even if you don't have a sewing machine, don't worry. You must have darned socks or sewed up clothes at least once in your life, these skills are quite enough to create a cozy bed for an animal.

A cat bed can be made from an ordinary box, basket, pillow or even a mattress. On the Internet there are many instructions or videos for making do-it-yourself beds. Therefore, even if you do not shine with imagination, you can always find for yourself the option that is most convenient to do on your own.

Before making a cat bed, it is worth considering some features:

  • A cat bed should always be comfortable . If your pet loves everything soft, then a pillow is suitable as a base. If the animal prefers to rest on hard surfaces, then the bottom of the bed can not be made soft and airy.
  • The bed should be easy to clean and wash . It is advisable to wash your pet's bed once a week to avoid the buildup of dust that your pet will breathe.

How to make a cat bed out of a sweater

As an example, let's sew a pet bed from a sweater. For this we need:

  • An old sweater, preferably without a high collar.
  • A small pillow on a synthetic winterizer.
  • Sintepon for stuffing. It can be taken from a pillow or an old jacket.
  • A thick piece of cloth 20 to 40 cm.
  • Large needle, thick thread and scissors.

Old suite and synthetic winterizer.

Now let's proceed directly to the manufacture of a cat bed:

  1. If the sweater has a high collar, then it must be cut off. You can use woolen or nylon threads for maximum strength of the seams.

    Sew on the neck of the sweater.

  2. Sew in a circle over the chest. Pins or special needles can be fixed evenly, and then stitched well.

    Let's do the neck.

  3. We put a pillow inside the sweater and drive it in well. Next, sew a strong seam along the bottom of the sweater so that the pillow cannot fall out.

    Sew the pillow into a sweater.

  4. We fill the sleeves with padding polyester, preferably so that they become almost solid. In the figure, the places of filling are indicated in blue.

    We sew the synthetic winterizer into the sleeves.

  5. As the sleeves are filled with padding polyester, we sew them to the body in a circle.

    Sew the sleeves to the body.

  6. In the place where the sleeves met, we also sew them together.

    We sew the sleeves.

  7. stocked cloth 20×40 cm we wrap it in the place where the sleeves were sewn together and carefully stitch it with threads in the color of the fabric.

    Sew sleeves with fabric

  8. Ready! Whip the couch and invite the cat.

    All is ready. You can treat it with a little catnip to attract the cat.

Bed for a cat from improvised materials

For the next bed, we need:

  • two types of dense fabric measuring 105 × 90 cm,
  • filler, for example, synthetic winterizer.

If you don't have a whole piece of fabric, then you can sew several pieces of fabric to get the right size.

Before making patterns for the couch, measure your pet and decide where you put it. All this will allow you to make a bed of the right size, which will suit both the cat and the interior.

  1. We transfer the pattern to the fabric and cut it out.

    Pattern for a bed. Measurements for our cat.

  2. From the remaining fabric we cut out 8 ribbons, the longest possible size.
  3. We fold two patterns and put the ribbons inside, as shown in the photo.
  4. We sew around the entire perimeter, leaving 12 cm from each end. This is necessary in order to make it convenient to fill the sunbed with synthetic winterizer.

    We sew around the perimeter.

  5. We turn the product inside out and fill it with synthetic winterizer. We try to have the most filler in the sides so that they are dense and can stand.

    The bed is ready! Call the cat.

    Please note that if your pet is fluffy, then the sides can be made lower so that the cat is not hot. If you have a short-haired animal that likes to sleep with you under the covers, then it is better to make the sides higher and fill the bottom more densely with filler.

    All do-it-yourself beds are very practical. They can be cleaned of wool, and then washed in a washing machine. After the couch dries, it is easy to beat it with your hands, and the sleeping place for your pet is like new!

    If you appreciate the design and style of your interior, then for a cat bed you can buy fabric in the same color as your furniture. Such a couch will look stylish and attractive. .

    Stylish, inexpensive and vintage style.

    If the apartment is decorated in a vintage style, then a cat bed can be made from an old suitcase. Just put a soft pillow there, and the cat will definitely appreciate its new sleeping place.


    Since the cat in the house is a full member of your family, then she needs a suitable place to rest. Searching the Internet, leafing through magazines, you will find many new ideas for your pet's bed. Fantasy for a person is limitless, so you can safely come up with something unusual and decorative. Or you can modify existing options and make the perfect cozy nest for your animal. Whatever you choose, your pet will certainly appreciate it and will be very grateful to you.

Do-it-yourself cat beds are the best way to make the life of a mustachioed purr more comfortable and enjoyable. Pet pussies love to sleep sweetly and often choose the owner's bed as their favorite place to sleep. But it is better to create for them their own quiet secluded corner, where the cat will hide from the hustle and bustle and rest in peace.

You can buy a pet house and bedding at a pet store, but this requires a lot of money. Therefore, we offer to sew a bed for a cat on our own, and use the saved money to purchase gifts for rumbling sissies.

What do you need for a bed

For a cozy bed for your pet, old things that are always in every home are suitable. These include:

  • Dresses with dense fabric;
  • Sweaters;
  • Jeans;
  • Fur coats;
  • Plaids;
  • Blankets.

You can also make from these things. The fabric for the lounger must be durable, because the animal scratches its claws on it, bites.

On the Internet, there are a large number of photos and videos that show and tell how to make such a “cat's bed” with your own hands. But you need to take into account some nuances:

  • A cat bed should be practical and easy to wash and clean. Try to wash your pet's bed at least once every 7 days so that wool and dust do not accumulate in it;
  • A lounger should always be comfortable and comfortable. The place for a cat's house should be cozy, dry and warm. If the animal loves everything soft, then take a pillow as a basis. But if the pet likes to sleep on a hard plane, the bottom of the bed should not be airy and soft;
  • For a cozy nest, you can purchase a fabric similar to the color of your wallpaper and furniture, it will look attractive and stylish. In this way, you save the beautiful design of your interior.

Making a cat bed from an old sweater

Consider how to make a do-it-yourself cat bed. Such a process will not take much time, but it will require unlimited imagination. It is not necessary to use a sewing machine, which you may not have. Everything can be done by hand if you have sewing skills.

You will need:

  • A small pillow on a synthetic winterizer;
  • Scissors;
  • Large needle;
  • Dense threads;
  • Used sweater;
  • Fabric (size 20x40 cm) of dense texture;
  • For stuffing - synthetic winterizer. You can pull it out of an old jacket or pillow.

Making a cat bed step by step:

  1. The high collar of the sweater needs to be cut off. To make the seams strong, take nylon or woolen threads;
  2. Sew over the chest in a circle. Pre-fix with special needles or pins;
  3. We put a pillow inside the sweater, sew it with a strong seam along the bottom of the product so that it does not fall out;
  4. We fill the sleeves with padding polyester to a solid state;
  5. We sew them in a circle to the body as they are stuffed with material;
  6. We sew the sleeves at the place of their connection;
  7. We wrap the place where the sleeves are sewn together with a dense cloth and carefully sew it with threads of the color of the fabric;
  8. Let's whip up a couch from a sweater and call the cat.

To interest the purr, the product should be slightly sprinkled with catnip.

Cat bed with sides

Such models are not only the easiest to manufacture, but also quite beautiful. They are made in several variations. You can make a cat bed with a short side at one end and a soft pillow. The "crib" with a removable pillow is very easy to care for, because at any time it can be pulled out and cleaned.

To begin with, let's determine the size of the future cat's place and the dimensions of the pet. Using these data, we will take for work:

  • Textile;
  • Thick cardboard;
  • Handle;
  • ruler;
  • A piece of synthetic winterizer or foam rubber;
  • Needle and thread in the color of the fabric.

Let's start the process of making patterns:

  1. Cut out a long strip from cardboard (detail A), then an oval (detail B);
  2. The width of the strip is equal to the height of the side of the couch, and its length corresponds to the size of the circumference of the oval (do not forget to make an allowance of 1-2 cm).

Now a master class on sewing a crib with sides:

  1. Let's prepare two patterns: A-side, B-bottom;
  2. We stitch the two elongated sides of the board, turn the part right side out;
  3. We cut out a rectangle of the required shape and size from the foam rubber, insert it into the board. Manually sew the edges of the side;
  4. We will select a strong thick fabric for making the bottom or we will put an oval shape cut out of plywood or cardboard between the bottom blanks;
  5. Sew the bottom to the board;
  6. We sew a pillowcase: cut out 2 oval-shaped parts according to the pattern, connect their sides;
  7. We will fill the pillowcase with foam rubber or synthetic winterizer, sew a zipper or sew it by hand, place the pillow in the crib.

You can also make an elegant cat bed in the shape of a heart.

If the animal is fluffy and does not like heat, the sides are made lower. If the pet is short-haired and often freezes, make the sides higher and fill the bottom with filler more densely.

We make a cat bed on the battery

Cats love to sleep on warm batteries during the cold season, despite the fact that they have an uncomfortable, hard surface. To facilitate the fluffy sweet dream, we will make a “crib” with the help of special fasteners.

Step-by-step master class for creating a sunbed:

  1. Build a frame out of wood. The fasteners of its top design depend on the design of your battery. The cat bed must be very strong so that the cat does not fall, jumping on it from the floor. Otherwise, he will no longer come to this unreliable place;
  2. We will sew a bag in the shape of a rectangle from a dense fabric, we will fit a wooden frame;
  3. Inside we insert a synthetic winterizer or foam rubber;
  4. We attach a bed to the battery.

You can not make too large a stove bench - it will not let warm air into the room well.

The second version of the "cat's bed" on the battery:

  1. We buy a large diameter PVC pipe in a specialized store;
  2. We cut the old fur coat into two rectangles of different sizes: we place a small one inside the pipe, a large one - outside;
  3. We sew the two sides of the smaller rectangle and put the resulting fur pipe into the PVC pipe;
  4. Wrap the pipe with a large rectangle until you get a fur mink. We sew the edges of the outer and inner rectangles manually.

In order to very firmly fix the stove bench on the radiator, it is necessary to sew reliable fasteners along its edge and use it to fix the fur mink on the radiator.

More options for cat beds

  • For observant pets who look out the window for hours, they sew a bed in the form of a mattress or pillows on the windowsill. To prevent the "crib" from falling to the floor, we attach it to the windowsill with double-sided tape. It can also be fixed with two clamps (this is suitable for narrow window sills);
  • If the "mustache" likes to be alone, a couch-house with a roof is perfect for him. In it, he can calmly relax and hide from prying eyes. If the family has small children, it is better to put such a cat's dwelling in a hard-to-reach place. If a cat has kittens, then in such a cozy house they will feel great, and "mommy" will be grateful to her owner for this;

  • In a vintage-style apartment, an old suitcase is a good fit for a four-legged friend's bed. One has only to put a soft, comfortable pillow there, as a purring sissy will immediately appreciate the new comfort zone;
  • A kitten bed can be made in a shoe box (without a lid). Or in a large closed box, you can cut a window in the shape of a circle. The baby will sleep in perfect twilight. Also, a frame, wicker or plastic carrier is suitable for resting a kitten. In both cases, be sure to put the fluffy soft bedding for a sweet sleep.

The cat is a full member of the family and deserves a suitable resting place. Make the perfect "nest" for your furry pet, and he will certainly appreciate it.

Video: Original do-it-yourself cat bed

It is known that a cat can be in a state of dormancy up to 22 hours a day. For sleep, she chooses sofas, armchairs and beds, leaving a lot of wool. The cat's six then sticks to clothes, causing unpleasant troubles for the owners. In this case, a special sleeping place for a pet becomes indispensable. And if your pet does not have it yet, then you should definitely buy it. Pet stores present a large assortment of cat beds, but it is much more pleasant to make it yourself.

Everyone in the closet has a sweater that you can’t wear anymore, but it’s a pity to throw it away. From it we will build a bed for a cat, and at the same time we will give a second life to an old little thing. Note that a place with a master's smell is more attractive for a pet than a purchased one brought from a pet store.

How to make a do-it-yourself cat bed from an old sweater

The process of making a cat's nest is simple, everyone can handle it. For sewing, we do not even need a sewing machine or other special tools. In addition to the old jumper and filler, it is enough to prepare thick threads and an ordinary needle with a large eye.

Which sweater is suitable for a bed

Use a sweater from any material - knitted or knitted, only the appearance of the finished product depends on it. It is better to stay on a model with standard straight sleeves. Styles with batwing sleeves do not look very neat in the final form, but you can experiment. It is worth looking at the composition of the yarn from which it is made, so that the cat wants to sleep in this place.


Ideally, things made from natural threads are suitable, without the addition of synthetics. They do not accumulate static electricity and create discomfort for the pet.

What filler to choose for the bed

A synthetic winterizer, holofiber, fluff, bamboo or any other is suitable as a filler.. Do not rush to run to the store, probably at home in the pantry an old pillow, blanket or even a jacket was lying around. The filler of these things is quite suitable for a cat's place. If this is not there, you can use old things.

Making a cat bed: a step-by-step guide

Knitted things retain the smells of the owner well, and if the cat has taken root in the house, then she likes these smells. With a little effort and a little creativity, we will create an exclusive, comfortable and safe place for your pet.

Preparatory stage

Having decided on the sweater and filler, it remains only to prepare scissors, a large needle, safety pins and a thick thread. We can start.

Converting a Sweater

The following steps must occur in this order:

  1. Lay out the jumper on a flat surface.
  2. We cut off the neckline along the line of the shoulders and sew up the opening of the neckline by hand from the wrong side.
  3. We sew the seam on a sewing machine or manually.
  4. We turn it right side out and lay a parallel line that serves as a continuation of the seam of the sleeves.

The result is a roller.

Filling the sweater

We tightly stuff the sleeves and the space between the two lines with filler. If there is no filler, old pants, thick scarves or other things that we roll into a roller and insert into the hole will do.


If instead of a filler you use a roller from clothes, then it is more convenient first insert this roller into the sleeves, and only after laying the second parallel line.

We also fill the base of the sweater with any filler, but not as tightly as the roller. You can put a small pillow or old warm clothes there to form a soft featherbed.

We form a couch

The final steps are:

  1. We sew the bottom cut by hand and pull the seam tightly, forming an assembly.
  2. We connect the sleeves in front and sew them together.
  3. We turn the bed upside down and pin the sleeves to the base with safety pins, so that we get the same sides around the entire bed.
  4. With a large needle with thick threads, we connect the sleeves with the bottom with a seam “over the edge”.

The product is ready!

Tips on how best to make a couch from an old sweater

To avoid mistakes, take note of the following tips:

  • For a pet that is too large, it is better to use a men's sweater to fit comfortably in the finished bed.
  • It is not necessary to cut off the collar of the sweater, just tuck it inward. On the wrong side, we lay a line right along it, turn the sweater inside out, the collar will remain inside.
  • When filling the sleeves with filler, make sure that they keep their shape and are not too stiff, otherwise the cat will be uncomfortable.
  • As an additional decoration, sew a few buttons to the base of the couch. Cover the buttons with fabric. We apply one from above, the second from below, at the same time we sew them, creating the effect of a quilted pillow.

Now your pet will be comfortable lying on its own bed, and the old sweater will not gather dust in the closet.

Cat lovers cherish their pets. Every owner wants to give their cat the very best. For pets, you need to purchase many different items, including beds. There are many specialty stores for animals. But not everyone can afford to buy expensive things for pets.

What is a cat bed and why is it needed

A bed (bed) for a cat is a place where a cat will sleep (rest). A bed is sometimes called a bed. Such beds are usually installed next to or scratching posts. After all, the pet must understand where its territory is located. The bed should be in a warm and dry place. In addition, the chosen place should be cozy. If the cat does not like the bed, she will choose another place to sleep and rest, and the bed will remain untouched.

The bed should be comfortable and cozy

When choosing a bed, you need to consider the preferences of the cat. If the pet chooses soft places to sleep (sofa, armchair, etc.), then the bed should be soft. If the cat likes to sleep on your fur coat, then the bed should be fluffy. In addition, it is important to consider the place where the animal likes to sleep. So, if the cat likes to sleep, for example, under the table, then the purchased bed can be placed under the table. Later, when the cat gets used to its bed, it can be moved.

We have a store bed and, but the cat sleeps under the bed and you can’t lure him out of there with any gingerbread, a favorite place, and even a bathroom.

Anyuta, cat owner

Types of beds and their features

There are several types of beds

Beds that are sold in stores differ in color and size, shape and price. But these are just visible differences. In fact, each type of sunbeds has its own characteristics:

  1. Bed-baskets (basket with a pillow). Well ventilated, but cats love to gnaw on the bars of the walls.
  2. Plastic beds (plastic frame and pillow). Comfortable because they are easy to clean.
  3. Bed-bagel. A kind of pillow (may be with or without sides). Bagels are sewn from soft materials. This will have to be washed entirely (or pull out the filler before washing).
  4. Beds-hammocks. Hammocks are installed at a certain height from the floor. Cats love these cribs, but kittens or older cats can be uncomfortable climbing up.
  5. Closed beds. These are beds in the form of a house or a hut. Cats love to feel protected.
  6. Beds - tubes. These are tubular beds. Such a bed can be lined with warm fabric both inside and out. The advantage is that it can be installed in the form of a suspension to the battery.

Some cat owners choose a cat bed based on the design of the apartment as a whole.

How to make a do-it-yourself cat bed

If it is not possible to purchase a store lounger, you can make it yourself. In addition, a homemade sunbed will be exactly what you want. Moreover, when making a bed, you can use exactly the material that the cat likes (fabric of a particular item, cardboard from a favorite box, etc.). When choosing a material, you need to consider not only your capabilities and preferences, but also safety. The material must not be toxic. To make a pillow base, it is best to use cotton (or semi-natural, cozy) fabric:

  • coarse calico;
  • jersey;
  • velveteen;
  • denim;
  • knitted fabrics;
  • corduroy (plush) or other fleecy materials.

How and where to make a hammock

A hammock is a bed in the form of a canvas attached at the corners (or around the circumference) to the base. The outer side of such a bed should not touch the floor.

cats like hammocks because they have a better view of the room

The hammock can be placed anywhere your pet is comfortable. It is best to put a hammock where your cat likes to sleep. It is important to consider the height of the hammock. Ideally, if the height can be adjusted. Not every cat will be able to climb to great heights.

My cat Hosya used to love to sleep in the hood of her jacket (hanging in the corridor at a height of about 2 meters from the floor). From this, white hairs are on the blue hood. To wean the cat, I had to unfasten the hood and put it on a chair that we don't use. Gradually, Khosya got used to the chair, and I was able to remove this hood. Now she doesn't even remember him.

To make a hammock, you need to take the canvas on which your pet sleeps and attach it, for example, to the legs of an overturned stool. Some, before hanging, sew a pillow from this fabric. And sometimes (more skillful owners) make a frame of PVC tubes. True, men can handle this material better. And you can also attach this pillow instead of the seat of a folding chair. In this case, it is not necessary to specially train the pet, since he will not give up his favorite rag.

It is important that the bottom of the hammock does not sag too much.

Tip: To avoid having to retrain your cat, do not wash the fabric before the cat lies down on the hammock. Let it lie on it for a couple of days to get used to the new device. Cats smell their own, and if the bed smells like laundry detergent or conditioner, the cat may reject the new bed.

Do-it-yourself cat bed from improvised materials

You can make a pet bed with your own hands. Each apartment has the necessary materials, you just need to look. The laziest option is to take the pillow on which the cat sleeps and place it in the half of the suitcase (case, diplomat). The main thing is that the suitcase fits in size. You can also arrange a cat's bed in a car tire. A solid base (plywood, board, etc.) must be placed in the overturned tire. Place a pillow on top. In such cases, you can decorate the couch at the request of the owner. More "handy" owners build a bed for a pet from bathrobes or fur coats (most often from sweaters). In this case, the sleeves become sides (you don’t even need to cut).

A couple of years ago, my apartment was renovated. From this, the cat could not "find a place for itself." She hid in corners and climbed into rolled carpets. I realized that she liked the smell of the carpet (the usual smell of home and wool). I chose an “older” rug and built a wigwam (cone) out of it. The edges were fastened with a regular stationery stapler. She put a folded terry towel inside the wigwam. So we survived the repair and the next winter. But this hut did not fit into the new interior, and later we abandoned it.

Photo gallery: examples of improvised beds

A bed from a sweater (sweater) can be made in half an hour to make a bed from a suitcase, you can use any of the halves of the suitcase, but so that the wall lying on the floor is flat, such a bed is good because you can make a canopy (by attaching the canvas to the legs of the table ) the basket can be attached with the bottom to the wall or installed on the floor, in addition to the case from the TV, you can use the box from the microwave oven, monitor, etc. such beds are convenient because you can adjust the height

How to sew a do-it-yourself cat bed

Most often, cats choose soft surfaces as beds, so the owners try to make the same soft bed (bagel). To sew such a lounger, you need to choose the material:

  • fabric for the upper part of the donut (sides - 1.20 x 0.20 m., base - 0.40 x 0.60 m.);
  • fabric for the lower part (0.40 x 0.60 m.);
  • stuffing material (can be pulled out of an old padding jacket).

Listed are approximate measurements for a medium sized cat (they may be smaller or larger). When the materials are prepared, you need to cut out two parts. When cutting, do not forget about the seam allowance (1 cm on each side).

You need to cut out 2 parts A and 1 part B

You will have two parts A. They need to be sewn (stitched) together along the edge that has a notch. Then you need to connect the narrow sides of the part. Next, you need to turn the resulting part out and stitch the free edges so that you get a rim (do not forget to leave a hole for stuffing). After the side is stuffed with padding polyester (or foam rubber), the hole can be sewn up. Now you need to sew this board to the top (detail B). This is the base of the bagel. The base must be sewn to the rounded seam (usually this is a coarser fabric). Here you also need to leave a hole, and after stuffing, sew it up. As a result, there will be one outer seam. It can be crocheted, overlocked, sheathed with an oblique trim, or left as is. If the fabric for the donut was not purchased on purpose, then you may be unhappy with its pattern (its absence). In this case, you can paint the fabric before sewing.

The drawing took quite a long time (but carried away). First, I made prints: I cut out the cat's face from porous rubber from an old armpit rug. I dipped this signet in acrylic paint and made a drawing. And it can be easier - through a stencil. Do not forget to put newspaper under the fabric, because the paint penetrates the fabric. Then I drew eyes, mustaches, etc. with a gel pen for each face. (This is of course optional.)
When completely dry, turn inside out and iron (to fix the paint). After the paint should not be washed off. All this was not done in one evening.

Maxa, creator of the patterned bed

For those whose cat “choosed” the material for the sunbed, there is another way. For sewing a couch you will need: an old sweater (jacket, jumper), scissors, a needle, thread, stuffing.

Any sweater can be used (the main thing is that the cat likes it)

The neck of the sweater can be cut off and sewn up or rolled up. After that, you need to lay 1 horizontal seam along the chest (from armpit to armpit). From cuff to cuff, it turned out to be a tube. It needs to be filled with padding polyester (or other suitable material).

It is better to use threads of the same color as the material (so the seams will be less noticeable)

The sleeves must be joined together at the cuffs. You will have a circle. Sew the sides of the sweater to this circle so that the panel turns out to be flat. You need to leave the bottom of the blank (bottom of the sweater) unsewn. Through this hole you need to put a finished pillow or padding polyester.

If the corners of the sweater (elastic belt) stick out from under the bed, they can be cut off (but not under the spine, but with an overlap (1.5 - 2 cm). So that the edges of the cuts do not “wrinkle”, they need to be tucked up and hemmed .

Do-it-yourself knitted bed for a cat

Some cat owners do not know how to sew, but love to knit. In this case, you can knit the bed with knitting needles or crochet. To do this, you need to prepare a tool (knitting needles or a hook) and yarn (threads). Yarn can be any color. The lounger can turn out to be plain or with a pattern. It all depends on your preferences and patience. In general, knitting is the most painstaking and painstaking way to make a bed. But on the other hand, the finished device will be one of a kind.

If you knit with knitting needles, then you can separately knit the details of the same shape as the patterns, then connect them and do not forget about the stuffing. If you crochet a device, then the situation is different. You can crochet any round lounger (bagel, ball, egg, etc.). We will consider a bed-house. Such a product is knitted in one piece. To do this, you will need a hook (N° 7 or N° 8) and yarn (you can buy a new one or use leftovers). You need to start from the foundation. Knitting takes place in a circle:

  1. Cast on 3 air loops (ch), close the chain into a ring using 1 connecting column (ss). The rows will begin with one ch rise and end with ss.
  2. 8 single crochet (sbn) we close in a circle.
  3. Increase x 8 (16).
  4. (sc, inc) x 8 (24).
  5. (2 sc, inc) x 8 (32).
  6. 32 single crochet.
  7. (2 sc, inc) x 8 (42).
  8. 42 single crochet.
  9. (2 sc, inc) follow the sequence until the end of the tier (56).
  10. 56 single crochet.
  11. (2 sc, inc) follow the sequence until the end of the tier.
  12. Single crochet in each loop of the previous tier.
  13. (4 sc, inc) repeats until the end of the tier.
  14. 13 - 16 rows single crochet in each loop of the previous tier.
  15. (5 sc, inc) and so on until the end of the row.
  16. single crochet in each loop of the previous tier.

This will turn out the lower convex part of the sunbed.

The bottom of the bed should turn out to be flat, and the walls should be slightly convex.

  1. We knit half a row of sc in each loop, cut the thread, leave the end (this is the 19th row).
  2. We perform sb in each loop, and when only 5 remains, we knit the tail left over from the previous row, we break the thread.
  3. Next, 10 single crochets - a pass, we start knitting from the place where the previous row began.
  4. We knit the remaining ends of the threads into the main fabric to give the product an aesthetic appearance (20th row).
  5. Repeat the 20th row five more times (21-25 rows).

The "window" is formed in 7 circles.

It is important to ensure that there are no protruding loops and puffs

When the round entrance to the workpiece closes, the number of loops in the circle will decrease. Here you need to knit according to the scheme:

  1. 6 row we knit sc in each loop (hereinafter kp.) Of the previous row, we close the row after knitting 8 loops over the entrance.
  2. 27 - 30 rows (sc in cp, reps until the end of the circle).
  3. (4 sc, dec) repeat to the end of the tier.
  4. 32 - 33. sc in kp, repeat to the end of the row.
  5. (3 sc, dec) repeat to the end of the tier.
  6. sbn in kp, repetitions until the end of the tier.
  7. 36 - 37 rows. (3 sc, dec) repeat to the end of the tier.
  8. 38 - 39 rows (2 sc, dec) rep until the end of the circle.
  9. 40 - 41 rows. (sc, dec) and so on until the end of the tier.

Here the circle must be closed. If there is a hole on top, then somewhere you missed a decrease or made an extra yarn. Rate the product. If the shape of the lounger is beautiful and neat, then continue to decrease until the circle is completely closed. The end of the thread must be tucked in. If desired, the lounger house can be decorated with additional elements or a ribbon can be passed along the body.

Video: how to knit a cat cushion

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