Why dream of other people's little children. According to the dream book Children, what does sleep mean? Why do children dream about the dream book - "True dreams - the most complete dream book"

Seeing a child in a dream is a good sign in esotericism. A dream portends joy and success, but some details of a dream can mean bad news.

For an objective interpretation, the behavior and gender of the child must be taken into account. The emotional state of the dreamer is also important.

It is known that the subconscious reflects human experiences. A dream about a child can show the dreamer's fears and suggest how to act in order to overcome them.

Age and gender of children in a dream

A dream in which small children are present is a good sign, portending a period of calm and stability. For a correct interpretation, it is necessary to remember all the details, only then you can find out what the subconscious is signaling:

  • Little girls dream of unexpected guests. If calm, peacefully playing girls dreamed, the visit of guests will delight the dreamer and bring many pleasant emotions. But the whims and tears of children in a dream - to confusion and chaos in the house.
  • Seeing little boys with whom the sleeper is unfamiliar in life is a pleasant acquaintance. A woman's dream promises the acquisition of admirers who will strive to win her favor. If the dreaming boys were in beautiful and bright clothes, then a wealthy man will become a boyfriend. The further development of relations with a fan depends on the emotions experienced in a dream.
  • A dream in which the dreamer holds other people's babies in his arms reflects the personal qualities of the sleeper. A dream suggests that a person is too kind, and this is often used by people from his environment. It is worth showing determination and not allowing such an attitude towards yourself. It is likely that someone will take advantage of the dreamer's kindness for selfish purposes.

If children of different sexes and ages are present in a dream, one should remember their behavior, what they did.

Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

The actions of children in a dream

Interpretations of the most common dream plots help predict the future of the sleeper.

  • A dream in which a child does small work and helps elders predicts the onset of a favorable time for career growth. In this case, it is necessary to show your positive qualities to the authorities, they will be appreciated.
  • If you dream that the baby is learning, mastering new knowledge, then new horizons will open before the sleeper, so you should devote more time to self-education.
  • A sick child dreams of obstacles, overcoming which will enrich the experience and change the dreamer's life for the better.
  • I dreamed that a child was sitting on the road - a person in reality is confused and cannot find a way out of a difficult situation.
  • If a group of children resting in a camp is dreaming, it means that the dreamer feels tired and needs rest, it is necessary to spend a vacation with the family in order to replenish strength.
  • If in a dream kindergarten students play with each other and indulge, the dreamer will commit a frivolous act that will lead to negative consequences.

When dreaming of a stranger child who is naughty and crying, you should expect minor troubles and trouble .

Interpretations of famous dream books

Many famous interpreters have described dreams about children with various meanings and details. One dream book is not always enough to correctly decipher a dream.

Why does the ex-husband dream - interpretations in dream books


Miller claims that a dream about beautiful children promises a bright streak in life. Success will accompany all the dreamer's undertakings. If in a dream a child draws with enthusiasm, then material well-being will improve in the family.

Other people's children dream in the hospital to unexpected events in life that will deprive the dreamer of his usual calmness. There may also be financial problems.

Playing with a sick child in a dream or taking care of him - to achieve goals, success in business, well-being.


Vanga's dream book says that sleeping with a large number of children of different ages portends minor problems. It will take a lot of effort to solve them. Do not neglect the support of friends who are ready to offer their help.

If a baby cries in a dream, then this threatens a conflict between large countries. The solution to the problem will depend on diplomatic negotiations and a series of high-level meetings. Often such a dream is seen by people who follow the news to keep abreast of the latest events in the world. In this case, the dream betrays a person's anxieties caused by an unfavorable foreign policy situation.

A dreaming disabled child is a warning that it is time to get rid of bad habits. They harm not only the dreamer, but also people from his environment. In a global sense, a dream portends a deterioration in the ecology on the planet.

Games with children and a fun pastime in a dream - to a change in life. The dreamer does not feel happiness, in dire need of a change in the field of activity. But you should not commit rash acts, you need to carefully plan the future.


Aesop's dream book interprets dreams about children as a reflection of the sleeper's inner restlessness. Dreaming little girls and boys symbolize inconstancy, whims, troubles.

A crying child dreams of failure in business. The expected result will not be obtained, regardless of the efforts made.

The process of feeding a child symbolizes the successful completion of a long-standing business. The dreamer will receive benefit and moral satisfaction.

A dream about punishing a child suggests that in real life the dreamer is doing work that depresses him and does not bring satisfaction.

It is important to note that dreams about children portend significant changes in life. Depending on the details, the interpretation may acquire different shades of meaning, but when deciphering, you must carefully listen to your subconscious and not ignore its signs. A careful study of several dream books will certainly help to find the correct interpretation.

Dreams where many children are present can be interpreted in different ways. Much depends on the accompanying objects and circumstances. Often such a dream promises anxiety, trouble, even danger. Sometimes children in a dream prophesy well-being, prosperity, income. It is believed that the sleeping person associates himself with the dreaming child, revealing his anxieties, forebodings, and memories.

For the correct interpretation of a dream, phraseological units or set expressions associated with children are used. In your dream, the children are happy, they rejoice, laugh - this is a good omen. Similar emotions await you, you will experience childish delight. Dreaming children can talk about your habits and actions that are uncharacteristic for an adult - an unreasonable child. A dream may indicate that you are a harmonious and spontaneous nature with natural behavior - a true child of nature. Dreaming about children on the eve of an important meeting is not a good sign; to your opponent, all your arguments may seem like baby talk. In this case, it is worth preparing in more detail for the dialogue, stocking up on iron arguments.

Why do children dream of a woman in a dream (according to the dream book of Natalia Stepanova)

  1. Material wealth, happiness, success are predicted by dreaming healthy, beautiful children.
  2. If you saw a dream where your own child is sick, but not much, you don’t have to worry - your child’s health is strong enough, he is not in danger of serious illness. True, the offspring will provide you with a little trouble.
  3. A good sign is to see children busy with studies or work. Peace and prosperity will reign in your home.
  4. Children are upset about something, crying - trouble awaits you. You may face betrayal, experience fear.
  5. Searching for lost children means unsuccessfully trying to solve everyday problems. Most likely, the efforts will remain in vain.
  6. A dead child promises anxiety, loss of interest in life, disappointment, uncertainty about the future.
  7. If a mother had a dream where her baby was terminally ill or died, then this is an alarming sign. There is a chance that he will not be happy.
  8. For someone who has decided to leave a hated job and is looking for something to his liking, a dream where he plays with children will be a bad omen. The search will not be crowned with success soon.
  9. Did you see yourself as a child? Pay attention to your behavior. You are probably doing ugly things that hurt your loved ones.

The meaning of sleep about Children (Symbolic dream book)

Young children represent various aspects of adult life. Healthy, beautiful children symbolize pleasant chores, success, well-being. If the children look bad, this may indicate problems in life, anxieties, failures.

The image of a child can act as a symbol of some kind of beginning, an idea that is nurtured for a long time, born in pain, carefully raised, brought to perfection. It can be a professional brainchild, a creative idea or life plans.

Interpretations of the dream book depending on the gender and age of the kids

If a young girl sees many boys in her dream, then she will have many admirers. What matters is how the guys look. Beautiful, healthy and neat children in expensive clothes promise the same attractive, successful gentlemen with a good income.

Beautiful boys in the dream of an adult woman portend great financial gain, which will be very easily obtained without effort. But if you dream of fighting boys, you need to beware of dangerous adventures and unreliable partners. Serious financial losses are possible, up to complete bankruptcy.

When a lot of unfamiliar little girls come to your house in a dream, expect uninvited guests. Pay attention to how the girls behave. If they swear, shout, fuss, then the guests will not bring you joy, but will only complicate your life. Children constantly ask about something, impose communication, chat in vain - be prepared for gossip.

But calm, polite, smart girls are a pleasant social circle that can have a beneficial effect on you, enrich you with new knowledge, pleasant emotions, warm memories.

If your own adult child is small in a dream, then he needs parental help. Perhaps now it is hard for him and it is your support that he needs. Try to meet with him, talk about his fears and experiences, inspire confidence.

Another reason why you see your children as small is that you are burdened by the state of loneliness. You have a lot of unspent care and warmth. Try to expand your social circle. There will definitely be those who really need your attention.

It is a dream that many small children surround you, you love them, hug them, kiss them - pleasant changes will occur in your daily life. All difficulties, conflicts, misunderstandings will remain in the past, and ahead lies harmony, calmness, prosperity. Any close interaction with children is a good omen. Even if you punish them and spank them, get ready for the best, luck is on your side - it's time for new beginnings.

A good dream is the one where a baby was thrown to you. A foundling in a dream predicts an unexpected earning opportunity. Suddenly, a job will turn up that will bring not only satisfaction and pleasure, but also help to improve the financial situation or further strengthen it. But if the baby gets out, behaves badly, then expect minor troubles, useless fuss.

Freudian interpretation of sleep

Sigmund Freud believed that dreams reveal those sexual desires that our subconscious mind carefully hides. Dreaming children betray a person's propensity for self-satisfaction, they are the personification of the feminine and masculine. A large number of children may indicate an irresistible craving for masturbation. The punishment of a child of the same sex with the dreamer may indicate the non-traditional sexual orientation of the sleeper.

Deal with your fears

David Loff analyzes the state of mind of a person with the help of dreams.

When children appear in the dreams of an unmarried woman, this indicates her desire to have a permanent relationship, start a family, and feel stability in her personal life.

If the children are the heroes of the dreams of people who already have children, this betrays the concern of the parents for their children. Dreams in which they appear dead or asleep speak of constant anxiety for the fate of children.

According to the version of the sorceress Medea, unmarried ladies experiencing difficult personal relationships often give birth to a large number of children in a dream. This is a signal that partners are deceiving them and, most likely, will leave them in the near future. In addition, such dreams can portend chaotic numerous relationships.

The appearance of children in the dreams of elderly women testifies to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or the genitourinary system.

Ahead of the implementation of plans

The family dream book interprets childbirth as a good sign. A woman who has given birth to many children in a dream will surely fulfill her cherished dream. If a pregnant woman dreamed that she had given birth to several children, then the waking birth would be quick and easy, the baby would be born healthy.

A universal dream book predicts a close wedding and motherhood to a girl who had a birth in a dream.

It happens that men give birth in dreams. This suggests that success will come, but not as easily as we would like. To implement all plans, you will have to try hard, make a lot of efforts. To be a father of many children in a dream means to have professional success in reality, to move up the career ladder.

Make time for rest

A tired person, in whose life there are many problems, may dream of a house full of children.

According to the Dream Interpretation of Solomon, a large number of children in the house indicates a useless desire to solve other people's troubles, while their own problems grow and multiply. Redirect your efforts towards your well-being.

Spoiled, capricious, naughty children symbolize a decline in moral strength, a lack of positive emotions. If you pay a lot of attention to newborn babies in a dream, think about restoring your physical strength.

Joy will come soon

In most cases, newborn babies are a harbinger of joy and happiness. I dreamed of a large number of people with babies in their arms, expect good news.

The dream book gives an explanation of what many children and adults dream of in the square. Probably, you will be in the center of a big holiday, celebration.

If there are many boys under 7 years old in a dream, then luck will smile at you, you will be very lucky in something.

Delay with the implementation of the plan

It is unpleasant to see drowned people in a dream, especially if they are children. The general dream book interprets such a vision as a bad sign. You may encounter great difficulties on the way to achieving your goals. During this period, it is better to abandon your plans for a while, try to avoid any life changes.

A bad omen will be a dream in which snakes writhe next to the children. Your enemies are not asleep, they already know your weaknesses and can strike at any moment.

Important details

Answering the question of what many children of different ages dream of, the Modern Combined Dream Book draws attention to the details of the dream. What matters is what the children do.

  • Studying promises many new discoveries, perspectives, realization of opportunities.
  • Children help adults, do what they can - ahead of professional success, promotion.
  • Children's rest suggests that now is the time to restore strength for further achievements.
  • The kids do not obey, hooligans - be careful. Perhaps you will make a rash act, which you will later regret.

Wangi's dream interpretation meaning of sleep about small children

Wangi's dream book gives many dreams a double interpretation: a forecast for the dreamer and a prediction on a global scale.

The legendary Vanga believed that many children in a dream prophesy a whole bunch of minor difficulties. However, it will be very difficult to solve these problems, they will take a lot of time and effort. There is an interpretation of this vision for the entire planet: such a dream may indicate the beginning of demographic growth in the world.

Vanga considered crying children a bad sign. Children's tears, in her opinion, predicted war.

Children with disabilities testify to the presence of harmful addictions. They have a detrimental effect on the whole life of a person, have a bad effect on people close to him. Another such dream may indicate a global environmental catastrophe.

For parents, to see a dream with the participation of their own children means experiencing difficulties in communicating with the family. Conflicts, misunderstandings, even deceit are possible. Searching for missing children is an unsuccessful attempt to find a way out of this unpleasant situation.

In a dream, you play with children - the subconscious mind exposes your desire to radically change your professional field. However, in the near future you should not be led by your desire, it is better to leave everything as it is for now, otherwise you can fail and suffer material losses.

Miller's clarification

A crowd of small, cute, healthy children suggests that the dreamer is accompanied by unprecedented success, his business is flourishing. Children of different ages predict harmony and harmony in relationships with people, an improvement in their financial situation.

In Miller's Dream Book, crying children are also considered a bad omen. Enemies may appear in your environment, and people whom you trusted will be capable of betrayal.

Playing in a dream with guys of different ages is a great sign. You will soon achieve great success, strengthen your financial position. On the personal front, everything will turn out well.

List of used literature:

  • Bolshakov IV Predestination and interpretation of dreams in ancient Egypt (historical and philosophical aspect). St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 2007.
  • Zhivitsa E. Yu. Russian tradition of dream interpretation // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. - 2005
  • Nechaenko D. A. The history of literary dreams of the XIX-XX centuries. Dreaming as a form of culture. - M.: University book, 2011.

Why do many Children dream in a dream from a dream book?

A dream where many children appear often portends fuss, minor problems that will take a lot of time. Don't let minor problems ruin your mood. Remember: troubles always end.

According to another version, many children are an omen of profit. Both a bonus or an increase in wages, as well as gifts from relatives, friends, or an unexpected inheritance are possible.

What age were the children in the dream?

Why do many children of different ages dream

If many children of different ages dream, most likely, any new undertaking will be successful. The near future is a favorable period for moving, changing the type of activity, a bold project, marriage or pregnancy.

I dreamed of many children in the house

When there are many children in the house in a dream, family quarrels and disagreements are likely to come. It is possible that they will occur due to financial problems that will take a long time to resolve. However, then everything will return to normal.


Why do Children dream, a dream book of Children to see in a dream what does it mean?

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

Why do children dream in a dream?

According to the dream book to see Children - If in a dream you see children who are not familiar to you, but not you yourself in childhood, these dreams, oddly enough, are a harbinger of quarrels. Moreover, quarrels because of some trifle, stupidity or someone's envy, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do children dream in a dream?

Seeing Children in a dream means - Children: beautiful - to prosperity, happiness and wealth; children are busy with business or study - peace and prosperity; upset or crying children - troubles, disturbing chores, intrigues of imaginary friends. Show concern for children, mess with them, play - success in commercial and love affairs.

Why do children dream - For a mother to see a child easily ill - he will be healthy, but she will be worried about other problems related to him, dating, pampering, studying, etc., a seriously ill or dead child is in trouble. Seeing someone else's child dead in a dream - to anxiety and disappointment. Newborn - success, well-being. Baby stroller - a surprise from a close friend is possible, as the dream book says about this dream.

Psychological dream book

Why do children dream in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Children - Many children - a warning that you have to solve many small problems, each of which will require a lot of time and effort. Playing with children is evidence that you are looking for a job you love, but despite your efforts, you will have to spend some more time in an old unloved job that deprives you of your last strength.

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Children, what does sleep mean?

Seeing Children in a dream - Pretty kids dream of prosperity and happiness. If a mother dreams that her child is slightly ill, in fact he will have very good health. To see how children learn is to peace and prosperity. Upset by something, crying children dream of trouble.

If you played in a dream with children, you will reach the goal in all commercial and love affairs. The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga spoke about dreams in which children are present, the following: Seeing many children in a dream is evidence that you will have many small problems, each of which will require additional time and effort from you. Perhaps such a dream prophesies an increase in the birth rate on the planet. If you saw yourself as a child, it means that in real life you are not behaving in the best way.

If children dream, your children's antics are extremely inappropriate and offend the people around you. Crying children dream of danger. Such a dream prophesies troubles from their children or children of close relatives. A person who dreamed of children with disabilities should know that his addictions are harmful not only to his health, but also to the health of those around him. Sometimes such a dream portends an ecological catastrophe. Seeing your own children in a dream, think about it: do you offend your family? Try to be more attentive to them. Looking for children in a dream is a bad omen. Small troubles will prevent you from finding a way out of this situation. If you played in a dream with children, then in real life you are most likely looking for a job to your liking. However, you will have to spend some more time at the old, not too favorite job. D. Loff said the following: “Children are an image that deserves special attention, because it conveys the true reflection of all our thoughts and experiences. Children are always afraid of what is worth fearing; they have a heightened sense of justice, they clearly distinguish between good and evil; they also tend to frankly express their feelings to objects of both adoration and hatred. If you dreamed of friendship with some familiar child, then this is just a projection of your desire.

Seeing children in a dream - If the child is unfamiliar to you, then perhaps it is you yourself in the past. The main thing is to determine how you are connected with this child and how you behave with him. If you have children in a dream, then most likely this is a reflection of your desire. However, this may also be an indication that you are not getting along with your parents. In addition, a dream in which you see yourself as a parent means your desire to influence someone. For example, a relationship with someone from your environment is out of control and you want to put this person in his place. Most of us have experienced parental dominance, so as adults we do the same thing in our sleep.

Why do children dream - A dream in which you yourself are a child may mean that your colleagues have more authority than you.

Dream Interpretation Grandchildren (their own) - to consolation, joy.

Dream Interpretation of Grandchildren: their own - to consolation, joy (even when they are not in life).

Offspring - Your own offspring dreams of good. You yourself will be kind and cheerful, and joy and comfort will forever settle in the house.

Summer dream book

Why see Children in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep: Orphanage - Orphanage dreams of loneliness.

Stroller - A stroller with a child seen in a dream - to joy.

Lose children. Losing children in a dream is for well-being.

Autumn dream book

Why see children in a dream?

Why dream of an orphanage - To the illness of parents.

Stroller - Rocking a child in a beautiful stroller - enjoy life.

Losing children - Losing children in a dream - to suffering and worry about children.

Spring dream book

Why see Children in a dream?

According to the dream book, Orphanage - to despondency, to undeserved resentment.

Stroller - no doubt.

Lose children (child, child). - to longevity.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Why do children dream?

According to the dream book, see Stroller - Baby carriage - a happy marriage. Wheelchair - premature senile weakness. Rolling children in a stroller - financial difficulties

Dream Interpretation of Gypsy Seraphim

Why do children dream in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Offspring - (see the symbol "Children").


If children dreamed, such a plot most often portends events favorable for the dreamer. Good luck will favor your career, business, personal life.

In addition, such a dream may mean future changes in the dreamer's inner world. A child that lives in the subconscious of every person sometimes requires the release of positive emotions. Probably, you need to please yourself, take a break from hard work, as well as fuss and petty worries.

However, there are negative interpretations of such a plot. Dream Interpretation of Felomena advises paying special attention to the condition of the dreamed babies. If they are poorly dressed, sick, untidy, unhappy and crying, such a dream portends trouble. Most often, such a dream symbolizes difficulties in the business or financial sphere. But sometimes it also warns of health problems.

What gender were the children in the dream? How many children did you see in a dream? Whose children did you dream about? Did you dream about healthy children? What age children did you dream about? Where were the children in your dream? How did the children behave in their sleep? What did you do with the children in your sleep? Did you dream of living children? Children of what nationality did you see in a dream?

What gender were the children in the dream?

Dreamed of children: a boy and a girl

Seeing children in a dream, especially a boy and a girl, is a good sign. Large cash flows are highly likely. Hard work and competence did not go unnoticed: soon they will be rewarded. In any undertakings, fortune will remain on the side of the sleeper.

How many children did you see in a dream?

A lot of children

Dreaming of three children

According to Felomena's dream book, three children are an omen of great luck. The time has come to do things that the sleeper could not decide on before. For example, in business, you can make deals that, under other circumstances, seem risky.

Whose children did you dream about?

Alien children

Dreamed of their adult children as small

A dream where your adult children appear small symbolizes the kindness of the dreamer, his constant desire to take care of others, to help them. Surely you feel that these noble impulses require implementation. Consider adopting a pet or doing charity work.

Did you dream about healthy children?

Sick children

What age children did you dream about?

Why do little children dream

The interpretation of sleep about young children largely depends on their appearance. Healthy, neat, joyful babies promise a fun and carefree period. Dirty and unhappy crumbs, on the contrary, warn of future problems and difficulties.

Dreamed of newborn children

Newborn babies in a dream are often a good sign. It portends the completion of affairs that burdened the dreamer. It is also likely the implementation of one of the old ideas. Such a plot also has a direct meaning: for a woman, it can be an omen of a long-awaited pregnancy.

Where were the children in your dream?

Children dream in the water

If you dreamed about how children bathe in water, you will probably soon be able to establish relationships with someone. Reconciliation with a friend or even an end to a long-standing enmity is not ruled out.

How did the children behave in their sleep?

Dancing children

Sleeping children playing

A dream where children play symbolizes spiritual harmony. The experience endowed the dreamer with wisdom, which allows him not only to live easily and happily himself, but also to help others.

Dreaming about how the children disappeared

The dream book warns: missing children are often an omen of a large number of unpleasant little things and troubles. However, in the pursuit of their elimination, do not forget about the really important things.

Dreamed of naughty children

When naughty children dream, this portends minor troubles: a misunderstanding at work, a misunderstanding in the family, or a short illness. Don't let what happened throw you off track: things will get better soon.

What did you do with the children in your sleep?

Why dream of adopting children

Scolding children in a dream

The dream where you scold children reflects a subconscious fear for their fate. It is possible that the kids have grown up, which means that it is becoming increasingly difficult to participate in their lives. Do not worry, because this is a natural process. Surely grown children will not forget your care.

Did you dream of living children?

Dreamed of hanged children

The dream interpretation warns: hanged children are a harbinger of negative events that will affect the fate of the sleeping person. Most likely, they will be associated with excessive frankness, perhaps even boasting. Be more reserved in your conversations.

Why do aborted children dream

A dream where dead children appear is an omen of failure. Surely the dreamer will not have the patience or strength to complete the project, to realize the idea. It is also possible the negative influence of external circumstances.

Children of what nationality did you see in a dream?

Dreamed of gypsy children

Gypsy children, according to the dream book, are a symbol of deception, insincerity. Probably something important is being kept from you. At the same time, both close people or a partner, as well as acquaintances or colleagues, can deceive.


There are many explanations for dreaming children. Most often, it is a reflection of your desires and feelings for others. But there are other interpretations of dreams about children. Consider a few dream books and try to understand why children dream.

Miller's dream book. Why is the child dreaming.

  • If you dreamed of small, laughing children, then soon you will achieve great success. Your home will be comfortable. Your current problems will be solved soon.
  • Your child, dreaming sick, means the good health of the child in the future. Nothing is more dangerous than a cold. But you will always worry about him for every little thing.
  • If you dream of a child who does homework, then your family will have peace and order. If you are already dreaming of an adult child who comes with a bag or briefcase, then your plans will come true and you should realize what you have in mind.
  • The death of a child in your dreams warns of misfortunes that will soon fall on you and your family.
  • A child in tears portends a strained relationship with loved ones and colleagues. Prepare for the fact that intrigues will be built against you.
  • A dreaming cheerful and cheerful child playing with you in the sandbox means achieving your goals. This applies to both goals in the commercial sphere and in love affairs.

Loff's dream book. Why dream of a child?

  • Dreaming little children deserve special attention. Children in a dream are a reflection of your fears, feelings and attitudes towards other people. If you see children in dreams, then you should start to be more attentive to the events around you.
  • If you dreamed of an unfamiliar child, then this speaks of your internal contradictions. You cannot decide for yourself some simple, “childish” things.
  • If you do not have children in your life, but you dreamed of a child calling you dad or mom, then this is only a reflection of your desire to have children. Another option is to build relationships with your own parents.
  • Another version of this dream is the desire to control other people. Wanting to be a mentor to someone else.
  • If you dream that you yourself have become a child, then one of your friends or colleagues is trying to control you. Get rid of this influence, because it will not lead to anything good.
  • A dreaming child, changing clothes in front of people you know, means their authority in relation to you. You don't know how to deal with them, hence your strained relationship.

Why do children act? Answers from Vanga's dream book.

  • Dreaming little children mean a lot of problems in your life. Although they are insignificant, they need to be gradually addressed.
  • If the dreaming child is you yourself, then you should think about your behavior. You are behaving inappropriately towards other people. You need to become more responsible.
  • If the children in your dream cry, then a sad event will happen soon. Try to spend more time with your relatives. Some of them may fall ill soon.
  • If you dreamed of sick children or disabled children, then you should give up bad habits. They can do you a lot of harm in the coming days.
  • If you dreamed of children playing with you, then your activities and hobbies have ceased to satisfy you and subconsciously you are trying to captivate yourself with something new.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov. Why is the child dreaming?

  • If in a dream you kiss a child, then you are calm and nothing bothers you. Problems will continue to bypass you.
  • If in a dream you beat children, then, no matter how unexpected it may sound, success at work awaits you. Your ideas will come true and bring profit.

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Children

If you dreamed that you were playing with children, dream books say that happiness and success await you in love.

Healthy children portend good luck, a happy marriage and a strong family.

Small children or babies dream - dream books are interpreted as a sign of good hopes and the realization of all your cherished desires. Also, small children in a dream can mean chores.

Seeing crying children in a dream means that you will be betrayed by close people whom you trust the most. The cry of children is a sign of deceit and betrayal.

Losing a child in a dream or dreaming of dead children, or your child drowned is a sign of deceit and betrayal.

Dreaming of bathing children or children in the water means you have big plans for the future that you can implement.

Dropping a child in a dream - your plans will not come true.

Dirty children dreamed or ugly children dream - to sorrows and disappointments, you may be deceived.

Adoption of children in a dream - dream books are interpreted as the fulfillment of all your cherished desires.

In our dream book you can learn not only about what dreams about children mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see children in a dream in Miller's online dream book.

Are the children dreaming? Tell me your dream!


Many foreign children

Dream Interpretation Many other people's children dreamed of why in a dream there are many other people's children? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see many other people's children in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Children

To see many children in a dream - to anxiety and trouble. Seeing that the child has fallen means that soon you will have many obstacles in your affairs. Crying children in a dream are a sign of deceit and trouble through false friends. Seeing children playing is good news, family peace, joy. The dream in which you saw that the child was walking without adult supervision means that you may regret that you neglected other people's advice. To play with them yourself - to achieve the desired goal. Seeing a child accompanied by a nanny in a dream is a harbinger of a pleasant and relaxing pastime. Nursing children yourself in a dream is an indication that friends or partners, whose help or support you were counting on, will betray you at a difficult moment. To see a cute child in a dream and be touched - to good news or a new and pleasant acquaintance. To the childless, to see in a dream that they have children is a sign that a happy and prosperous life awaits you. Seeing yourself in a dream as a father (for someone who does not have children) of several small children running around the room and playing is a sign that he will never have children, and his life will be full of troubles and sorrows. To see in a dream a child in the arms or on the shoulders of a man portends the birth of a boy, and if in the hands of a woman, then a girl will be born in the family. However, this dream can only be interpreted in this way by those who are actually expecting the birth of a child. For other people, such a dream predicts troubles and worries related to business. Dropping a child in a dream is a sign of failure of plans. For parents, such a dream predicts the illness of their child. Beating a child in a dream means that success awaits you. Punishing a child in a dream is a sign that you should repent of your mistakes. Without this, you cannot be successful. Dirty and unwashed children in a dream - to big problems, litigation that will suddenly fall on your head. Seeing your child sick in a dream - to minor troubles and domestic squabbles. If you dream that your child has a high temperature or fever, then great emotional experiences or longing await you. Seeing your child very sick or dead in a dream is a sign of danger hanging over your family and your well-being. Often such a dream predicts the collapse of hopes or plans.

Children to see how they work or study is a sign of good hopes for the fulfillment of desire. Illegitimate children in a dream are an omen of reproaches that others will shower you with. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you have a lot of envious people who are just waiting for the moment to deal with you. Idiot children in a dream predict new grief due to failures in business. Hearing a child's conversation (if it does not annoy you) - to peace and well-being in the house. If in a dream you are fed up with the chatter of children, then in real life someone will tire you with false promises and their incompetence. Seeing a growing child how he is getting prettier and changing before our eyes is a very good sign, portending an increase in well-being and a strengthening of his position. To see an empty stroller - to the chagrin of one's own disorder and loneliness, with a baby - a sign of the help of a true friend. Small children in a dream usually mean chores. But to see teenagers in a dream portends help and hope. If you dream of unfamiliar teenagers, then such a dream predicts your well-being and successful implementation of your plan. If in a dream you find out that a certain child is your relative, then expect an inheritance or unexpected profit. To have an adopted child in a dream means that you will receive support in your business or someone will offer you to participate in a profitable business. If in a dream you could not adopt (adopt) a child, then competitors will get ahead of you. Sometimes such a dream portends a failure in a deal. If you dream that you were adopted by rich people, then you will receive the support and patronage of influential people, which will ensure the successful implementation of your plans. See interpretation: baby, child.

Dream Interpretation - Children

Seeing your children in a dream portends happiness and prosperity if they look healthy, beautiful and smart. If they are shabby, filthy and sick, it means that in real life they will always have good health. Seeing babies - your affairs will get better, cradling them - in reality, hear promises and believe them.

Playing with children in a dream means committing a reckless act in reality. Kissing children - peace and joy will reign in your house. Carrying children in your arms is a minor chore in the family. Put them on your shoulders - you will have a boy if it is the first child, and a girl if the second.

Seeing children playing portends pleasure and fun. Seeing them in kindergarten means spending happy hours in peace and doing what you love. If children say or sing something in a dream, in reality you will make a pleasant acquaintance. Crying children in reality will give you a lot of anxiety.

To dream that your child has fallen and hurt himself is an obstacle in your endeavors. Seeing how children do their homework and help you with the housework portends peace and prosperity. Seeing your child seriously ill indicates that something threatens him in reality and you should pay the most serious attention to this. If a child has a sore throat, do not worry - this is a positive dream, all fears will be in vain.

Seeing a dead child in a dream portends anxiety and disappointment in the very near future. Beating children in a dream - to family troubles due to their own incontinence and irritability.

If in a dream you punish your children, this means that in your soul you doubt the correctness of the educational methods you have chosen, in which there is no respect for children. Upset, complaining about something children are a sign of impending trouble due to the deceit of people who pretend to be your friends.

Doing some interesting business with your children means that in reality you will find interesting purchases or gifts.

Reading books to children and seeing how they read them themselves means that you will find a common language with them and they will delight you when they grow up with their successes. Seeing children frolicking in a river, fountain, etc. is a happy dream that portends you good luck. For a mother, hearing the voice of her child in a dream is a sign that she should be prepared for sad events.

Seeing feeble-minded children in a dream means grief and unfortunate changes in life. If in a dream you protect children from an angry dog ​​or dangerous wild animals, it means that the enemies threatening you will succeed if you succumb to their tricks and evade your debt obligations.

If, while visiting with your children, you are ashamed of their ugly behavior - in reality this portends you unfulfilled hopes in the future.

Dream Interpretation - Children

Prosperity and happiness awaits you. Seeing yourself as a child in a dream is a successful completion of trading operations or professional success; playing children - you will soon receive good news about the success of your friends; admiring a beautiful child - symbolizes a meeting with a person who will cause you ambiguous feelings; to see how children laugh - get information that can turn your life around for the better; bathing children - to a speedy recovery.

Children - pupils of the orphanage - symbolizes the loyalty and reliability of your friends: visit the orphanage - in difficult times you can rely on the help of friends; to be a pupil of an orphanage yourself - your plans will come true, no matter how illusory they may seem to others; take on the upbringing of children from an orphanage - soon you will have the opportunity to repay your best friend with kindness; new children were brought to the orphanage - you will make new friends.

Imagine that you are playing with fun, healthy, pretty kids.

Caring for children in a dream - changes in the life of you and your loved ones: many children - your family will have troubles associated with domestic problems; to nurse a naked child - family quarrels; breastfeeding a child - to the loss of a loved one; rocking children - one of your family members will have a long illness; calm crying children - because of gossip and empty talk, a family scandal may flare up; kiss your children - your household will delight you with their successes; swaddle a child - to family well-being; treat sick children - unforeseen circumstances will briefly delay you away from home; punish children - your wastefulness forms a hole in the family budget; hold a child in your arms - your family happiness depends on your decision.

Imagine that while caring for children, you experience joy and a good mood rises. Try to experience these feelings in reality. Remember these feelings and return to them during the day as often as possible (see Joy).

Dream Interpretation - Children

Pretty kids dream of prosperity and happiness.

If a mother dreams that her child is slightly ill, in fact, he will have very good health.

To see how children learn is to peace and prosperity.

Upset by something, crying children dream of trouble.

If you played in a dream with children, you will reach the goal in all commercial and love affairs.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga spoke about dreams in which children are present, the following.

Seeing many children in a dream is evidence that you will have many small problems, each of which will require additional time and effort from you. Perhaps such a dream prophesies an increase in the birth rate on the planet.

If you saw yourself as a child, it means that in real life you are not behaving in the best way. Your childish antics are highly inappropriate and offend the people around you.

Crying children dream of danger. Such a dream prophesies troubles from their children or children of close relatives.

A person who dreamed of disabled children should know that his addictions are harmful not only to his health, but also to the health of those around him. Sometimes such a dream portends an ecological catastrophe.

Seeing your own children in a dream, think about it: do you offend your family? Try to be more attentive to them.

Looking for children in a dream is a bad omen. Small troubles will prevent you from finding a way out of this situation.

If you played in a dream with children, then in real life you are most likely looking for a job to your liking. However, you will have to spend some more time at the old, not too favorite job.

D. Loff said the following: “Children are an image that deserves special attention, because it conveys the true reflection of all our thoughts and experiences. Children are always afraid of what is worth fearing; they have a heightened sense of justice, they clearly distinguish between good and evil; they also tend to frankly express their feelings to objects of both adoration and hatred.

If you dreamed of friendship with some familiar child, then this is just a projection of your desire.

If the child is unfamiliar to you, then perhaps it is you yourself in the past. The main thing is to determine how you are connected with this child and how you behave with him.

If you have children in a dream, then most likely this is a reflection of your desire. However, this may also be an indication that you are not getting along with your parents.

In addition, a dream in which you see yourself as a parent means your desire to influence someone. For example, a relationship with someone from your environment is out of control and you want to put this person in his place.

Most of us have experienced parental dominance, so as adults we do the same thing in our sleep.

A dream in which you yourself are a child may mean that your colleagues have more authority than you.

Dream Interpretation - Children

Seeing many children in a dream is evidence that you will have many small problems, each of which will require additional time and effort from you. Perhaps such a dream prophesies an increase in the birth rate on the planet.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, then in real life you are not behaving in the best way. Your childish antics are highly inappropriate and offend the people around you.

To see crying children in a dream - a dream portends a world danger. There will come a time when the men will go to war, the women will be busy with things that are unusual for them, and the children will shed many tears. To the dreamer, such a dream prophesies troubles from his children or children of close relatives.

If you dreamed of disabled children, then your addictions harm not only your health, but also the health of those around you. Sometimes such a dream prophesies an ecological catastrophe on the planet.

If you saw your children in a dream, then you should be more careful in dealing with your family. It is possible that by your actions and words you greatly offend them.

Looking for children is a bad omen. You will not be able to find a way out of this situation due to a number of minor troubles.

Playing with children in a dream is a sign that in real life you are looking for a job to your liking, but, despite your search, you will have to spend some more time in an old unloved job that deprives you of your last strength.

Dream Interpretation - Children (child, child)

A dream about children marks the strengthening of family ties or an upcoming wedding.

Beautiful, cheerful children - to joy and prosperity.

If in a dream children work or study - to improve material well-being.

Kissing children - to peace, playing with them - to success in business, in love (sometimes - to frivolity).

Beating children in a dream is a big nuisance in reality.

Breastfed baby - to profit, well-being.

Naked, sick, dirty, crying children - to all sorts of troubles for you and your family.

Seeing a seriously ill, dying or dead child in a dream - to fear, disappointment, grief, or a change for the worse in your destiny.

Just seeing a child is something amazing.

A child is a miracle in folk traditions.

If in a dream you see your child dancing, beware for his hearing and speech, protect him from diseases associated with deafness and dumbness.

To lull a child is naive to believe flattering promises.

Dream Interpretation - Children

To see children is joy, success in the very near future / good or bad sprouts in your soul.

Playing children - satisfaction, peace in the soul.

Very beautiful children - a pleasant acquaintance.

Sick children are a joy.

Crying - a nuisance.

A lot of children - money.

To see a baby - surprise / worries / well-being / amendment of affairs.

To see someone else's baby in your house - gossip, anger, enmity.

Foundling - wealth.

Naked babies - treason.

Swaddled - a disease.

Someone's breast sucking is a disease.

Breastfeed - health / pregnancy.

Swaddling - health.

Nursing is profit.

Download - sadness / thoughts about old age.

Beating children is success / peace, joy.

Kissing is a nuisance.

Bathing is harm from deceit.

Playing pranks with them, pampering them is a disease.

Playing with them is reckless.

Talking is a success.

Dream Interpretation - Children (see child)

Success in business // enemies; small, naked - soon become pregnant (for a woman) // chores, quarrel with a friend, gossip, misfortune, funeral, illness; to feed a child is a loss; breastfeed, nurture children, nurse - illness, worries; to rock a child - to illness; funny children - good news; crying children are sad news; bathing children is recovery.

Dream Interpretation - Children

Joy and success in the very near future.

Very beautiful - to a pleasant or useful acquaintance.

Sick children - to joy.

Crying children - to trouble.

To lull a child in a dream - you will believe false promises, show excessive gullibility.

To see a small child in a dream is to great surprise.

Infant - to well-being.

A beautiful child - to joy.

An ugly child - to unexpected worries.

Lull the child to sleep - family joys await you.

A man to dream that his wife is breastfeeding a child - to success in business.

To see a lot of children in a dream - to money and profit.

Beating children in a dream is a nuisance.

Kissing them or talking with children - to success and joy.

Play with children - you have to commit a reckless act.

To see a child on the shoulders of a man - a boy will be born for a pregnant woman, a girl will be born for a woman.

To give birth to a child is to wealth.

To see a baby in a dream - to well-being, success in business.

Someone else's baby - to gossip and quarrel.

Breastfeeding a child is for good health.

Nursing a child is for profit.

You learn about the birth of your daughter, a surprise.

To see a newly born daughter - to mutual understanding in the family.

The daughter died - at a loss.

You see a beautiful and healthy son - a good sign: honor and respect await you.

A foundling was seen in a dream - to profit, success and prosperity.

Holding a foundling in your arms - to success and wealth.

To take a foundling to be brought up is to have a chance to do a good deed.

To visit an orphanage in a dream - you can count on the help of friends in difficult times.

To be an orphanage yourself and leave the orphanage - your plans are full of illusions and you are unlikely to be able to bring them to life.

A baby stroller is a sign of loyalty and reliability of your friends.

They kidnapped a child and demanded a ransom - you made a small but unfortunate mistake, because of which you will have a lot of trouble.

Participate in the abduction of children yourself - they will make you a tempting and interesting offer, but some nuances may be hidden from you, thanks to which you can understand that this is a trap.

The pampering of the child is annoying - you are tired of problems and difficulties, you need to relax.

I like how the baby indulges - you are loved and life pleases you.

Dream Interpretation - There are a lot of children to see


Why dream of many small children?



Seeing beautiful children in a dream portends extraordinary prosperity, happiness and good. For a mother to see her child in a dream as easily ill means that he will always have good health, but she will be worried about other minor troubles associated with him. Seeing how children work or study portends peace and prosperity. Seeing your child hopelessly ill or dead in a dream means that you have reason to be afraid, as terrible threats to his well-being arise. Seeing a dead child in a dream is a worry and disappointment in the near future. Grieved by something, crying children are a sign of impending troubles, anxious forebodings, deceit and unkindness of your imaginary friends. Playing and messing with children means that you will achieve your goal in all commercial and love affairs.


usually children take off to worries ... and if in the dream the children are happy. . then to joy! if you hold a crying person in your arms .. to disappointment and something unpleasant ..


To your joy, if in a dream the children are related to you.


there will be many small joys!

Why do children dream??? I dreamed of a lot of children and everyone laughed and hugged!


Anastasia Slantseva

good dream) expect changes for the better

Vladlen Voitsekhovsky

Children are a good sign. They promise prosperity, well-being and good emotions and changes.


To trouble.

Nadezhda Lomaeva

a good sign that promises peace and tranquility in the house, mutual understanding between relatives and friends (girlfriends), the flow of support and help from the outside if necessary

To see many children in a dream - to anxiety and trouble.

Seeing that the child has fallen means that soon you will have many obstacles in your affairs.

Crying children in a dream are a sign of deceit and trouble through false friends.

Seeing children playing is good news, family peace, joy.

The dream in which you saw that the child was walking without adult supervision means that you may regret that you neglected other people's advice.

To play with them yourself - to achieve the desired goal.

Seeing a child accompanied by a nanny in a dream is a harbinger of a pleasant and relaxing pastime.

Nursing children yourself in a dream is an indication that friends or partners, whose help or support you were counting on, will betray you at a difficult moment.

To see a cute child in a dream and be touched - to good news or a new and pleasant acquaintance.

To the childless, to see in a dream that they have children is a sign that a happy and prosperous life awaits you.

Seeing yourself in a dream as a father (for someone who does not have children) of several small children running around the room and playing is a sign that he will never have children, and his life will be full of troubles and sorrows.

To see in a dream a child in the arms or on the shoulders of a man portends the birth of a boy, and if in the hands of a woman, then a girl will be born in the family.

However, this dream can only be interpreted in this way by those who are actually expecting the birth of a child.

For other people, such a dream predicts troubles and worries related to business.

Dropping a child in a dream is a sign of failure of plans. For parents, such a dream predicts the illness of their child.

Beating a child in a dream means that success awaits you. Punishing a child in a dream is a sign that you should repent of your mistakes. Without this, you cannot be successful.

Dirty and unwashed children in a dream - to big problems, litigation that will suddenly fall on your head.

Seeing your child sick in a dream - to minor troubles and domestic squabbles.

If you dream that your child has a high temperature or fever, then great emotional experiences or longing await you.

Seeing your child very sick or dead in a dream is a sign of danger hanging over your family and your well-being. Often such a dream predicts the collapse of hopes or plans.

Children to see how they work or study is a sign of good hopes for the fulfillment of desire. Illegitimate children in a dream are an omen of reproaches that others will shower you with.

Sometimes such a dream indicates that you have a lot of envious people who are just waiting for the moment to deal with you.

Idiot children in a dream predict new grief due to failures in business.

Hearing a child's conversation (if it does not annoy you) - to peace and well-being in the house.

If in a dream you are fed up with the chatter of children, then in real life someone will tire you with false promises and their incompetence.

Seeing a growing child how he is getting prettier and changing before our eyes is a very good sign, portending an increase in well-being and a strengthening of his position.

To see an empty stroller - to the chagrin of one's own disorder and loneliness, with a baby - a sign of the help of a true friend.

Small children in a dream usually mean chores. But to see teenagers in a dream portends help and hope.

If you dream of unfamiliar teenagers, then such a dream predicts your well-being and successful implementation of your plan.

If in a dream you find out that a certain child is your relative, then expect an inheritance or unexpected profit.

To have an adopted child in a dream means that you will receive support in your business or someone will offer you to participate in a profitable business.

If in a dream you could not adopt (adopt) a child, then competitors will get ahead of you. Sometimes such a dream portends a failure in a deal.

If you dream that you were adopted by rich people, then you will receive the support and patronage of influential people, which will ensure the successful implementation of your plans.

See interpretation: baby, child.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Naughty kids can cause tenderness and a smile, and in some people, on the contrary, irritation. What many children dream about, the dream book interprets very ambiguously.

What do children portend?

For a mother to see beautiful and healthy children in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream portends a happy and prosperous period in life. And even if while having a dream, your own children were sick, the dream can be considered positive: in the future, children will get sick less. Playing in a dream with other people's children means that in reality you just can’t decide what you want to do in life. Perhaps now is not the time to change professions: your attempt may be unsuccessful. Men dream of many children for a reason. Such a plot can tell a lot about his business: if the emotional coloring of the dream was positive, then the business you started will give you great pleasure and vice versa.

  • A woman with children in a dream is a meeting with an old friend. In the future, this may turn into troubles and troubles;
  • Feeding babies is a difficult task at work. Despite the fact that you have to spend a lot of physical and moral strength, the reward will exceed all your expectations;
  • Seeing your children in a dream is a sign that your own children need you. Give your children more attention, even if they do not require it.

What gender and age were the children

Famous dream books interpret visions in which many children dream in two ways. Interpretations may depend on the details of the dream, your emotional mood in relation to the kids. An important point in interpreting sleep is the gender and age of children.

  • Little boys - the appearance of a large number of admirers in a woman. If the children were cute and beautifully dressed, it means that wealthy and attractive men will become boyfriends;
  • Younger girls in a dream - an unexpected arrival of guests. It will be pleasant or not, it will depend on the behavior of the kids. Noisy children predict confusion and chaos in your home;
  • Seeing your children at a younger age - your children need support. Talking to you will help them come to their senses;
  • To see many small children - life will take on a calm course. Troubles and troubles will be left behind, you will only have to enjoy harmony;
  • Foundlings in a dream - you will be “thrown” with a job that you will like and also bring financial stability.

A negative interpretation of what many children dream of, the dream book gives only in one case: if the kids are capricious and mischievous. With such a dream, you should not expect anything other than minor troubles and rigmarole.

Children: interpretation in Vanga's dream book

Clairvoyant Vanga believed that children dream of many small problems that will require even more time from you. Such a dream may portend an increase in the birth rate on the planet. Among other interpretations of Vanga's dream book, the most interesting are the following:

  • Seeing yourself as a child is unacceptable waking behavior. Perhaps in life your infantile actions offend the people around you;
  • Children cry - troubles from their own children or children of close relatives;
  • Seeing disabled children - bad habits will deal a serious blow not only to your health, but also to the health of others;
  • Looking for children is a bad symbol. Because of small problems, it will be difficult for you to find a way out of this situation;
  • Playing with kids in a dream is a search for your favorite job. But, despite this, you will have to spend some time in the old position, which deprives you of your last strength.

Women's dream book about children

Beautiful and healthy babies in this interpreter portend prosperity and well-being to the dreamer. Seeing your own children work or study means peace and prosperity.

  • Distressed or crying babies - an alarming premonition, trouble and deceit from imaginary friends;
  • Seeing a dead child is anxiety and disappointment;
  • Seeing your child sick or dying is a serious threat to the well-being of the child in reality.

The meaning of sleep about children in Freud's dream book

Freud considered children in dreams as a symbol of the genitals, both male and female. According to the interpreter, if a boy dreamed, this is a sign of the genitals of a man, and if a girl - female. Playing or babysitting with babies in a dream means the dreamer's craving for self-satisfaction, which you do not want to resist. And punishing a child of the same gender as you is a tendency to non-traditional sexual orientation. Saving a child from death, for example, if the baby is drowning, may indicate a subconscious desire to have children of their own, or perhaps adopt a baby.

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