Immunomodulators - a list of effective drugs for children and adults. Immunomodulators - a list of effective drugs and reviews

The word "immunity" is constantly on our lips, especially when it comes to seasonal diseases. What is the human immune system and how does it work?

This is one of the systems of the human body that regulates the protective response of the body to the penetration of viruses, microbes and other infectious agents into it. It is believed that immunity needs proper correction. Immunity decreases in the autumn-winter period, especially in big cities, where not everything is in order with the environment. Reduced production of immunocompetent cells is manifested by frequent morbidity. We are talking about the immunodeficiency of a person.

Accordingly, to correct this condition, there are drugs such as immunostimulants and immunomodulators.

What is the difference between immunomodulators and immunostimulants?

Immunostimulants drugs, stimulate the production of certain cellular links, make the immune system work more efficiently. When properly prescribed and taken, the drug helps to cope with the disease, the treatment is faster, without complications. In some, especially severe cases, even babies and pregnant women cannot do without them. But it should be remembered that for some diseases, immunostimulant drugs cannot be used. These are such as disorders of the immune system and exacerbations of chronic pathologies. Also, immunostimulant drugs can cause an allergic reaction, intolerance to any substances.

In what cases are immunostimulants prescribed?

The list of indications for admission is quite extensive., here is some of them:

But, there is also the other side of the coin: Immunity cannot be boosted indefinitely. It is impossible to force the body to give up the last reserves of immunity that exist “in reserve”, this is dangerous. Self-medication can lead to the exact opposite effect - a weakening of the immune system, the emergence of dependence on immunostimulant drugs, the inability to cope with the disease without them. Therefore, these drugs should be used according to the indications and as prescribed by the doctor. This is especially true for children whose immunity is just being formed.

Preparations immunomodulators- balance the work of the entire immune system, change its work depending on which of its components should be strengthened and which should be reduced. In some cases, when a person's immunity works against the person himself (these diseases are called autoimmune), they are prescribed to reduce immunity.

Who is prescribed immunomodulators?

Immunomodulators are often prescribed in the treatment of sluggish diseases such as chronic rhinitis, complex forms of influenza as part of complex therapy.

  • children with weak immunity
  • older people with a weakened immune system,
  • people with busy lifestyles.

The list of immunomodulators is quite large, they can be classify according to origin:

There is a large number of natural immunomodulators natural origin. Since ancient times, people have used them in traditional medicine recipes, and very successfully. These are well-known products: honey, cranberries, onions, garlic, ginger. Herbs: echinacea, lemongrass, nettle. The list is very large, each locality grows its own immunomodulators. The most delicious and sweet natural immunomodulator is honey. This is a natural storehouse of trace elements and minerals that can be consumed by everyone, both children and adults. The only contraindication may be an allergy to a sweet treat.

There is one significant difference from dosage forms: herbal preparations are less effective than those produced industrially, as a rule, have a cumulative effect. But they also act gently, without harm to health.

The prophylactic use of plant immunomodulators helps the body resist SARS, influenza, strengthens the body's defenses. Echinacea and Eleutheraccocus deserve special attention.

On the basis of echinacea, Immunal and Immunorm are produced. Take courses lasting one month three times a year. Can be given to children.

Eleutherococcus tincture is a unique natural immunostimulating drug. In addition to stimulating the immune system, it restores the nervous system, physical and mental activity.

In addition, there is a group of herbal preparations with a narrow spectrum of action, which have both powerful immunostimulating and immunosuppressive effects. These are herbs such as yellow capsule, licorice, milky white iris, licorice and others. They can only be used under the strict supervision of an immunologist and according to his prescription.

There is also a classification of immunomodulators according to the time of their creation: drugs of the first, second, third, fourth generations. The latest generation drugs: "Kagocel", "Polyoxidonium", "Immunomax", "Sellecept", "Sandimmun", "Transfer Factor". All of them, with the exception of "Transfer Factor", are used only on prescription, as they have a narrow spectrum of action.

The drug "Transfer Factor" has no side effects and contraindications, is the most modern immunomodulator. It is made from bovine colostrum. It is used both for preventive purposes and in the treatment of various diseases. Can be used for both adults and children.


In the medical community today there is no consensus on what is more harm or benefit from immunomodulators and immunostimulants. Abroad, they can only be bought with a doctor's prescription; in our country, they are sold freely at any pharmacy.

Thus, the difference between immunostimulants and immunomodulators exists, but not so great. The main thing to remember is that basically they can be apply only as directed and under medical supervision. The intake of natural immunomodulators and immunostimulants does not need strict control.

In order to prevent various diseases, strengthen the immune system, as well as the complex treatment of many ailments, modern medicine uses special drugs that have a common name - immunomodulators. The classification representing immunomodulators is quite extensive, so it is difficult to describe their action “in a nutshell”. In general, it is generally accepted that immunomodulators are drugs that have an inherent ability to restore the functions of the immune system.

This class of drugs is indicated for use in children because their immune systems are still weak; elderly people, because the vital forces of the body are depleted; people with a busy rhythm of life who have to study or work a lot. Constant stress, an unfavorable ecological situation, harmful, and often even dangerous food, addictions - there are many factors that undermine our health and destroy our immune system, so even healthy and active people will not interfere at all with immunomodulators. In addition, this class of drugs is indispensable in the complex therapy of chronic diseases in the acute stage, frequent relapses, as well as to support the body during the recovery period after surgical interventions. In modern medical practice, there are a lot of cases in which immunomodulators are prescribed, the list of which is very large .. In general, we can say that even at present, immunological studies do not have absolute accuracy, therefore, in the vast majority of cases, immunomodulators are automatically prescribed along with antibiotics, antiviral or antifungal drugs.

The list, which includes modern immunomodulators, represents about 400 drugs with various mechanisms of action. As mentioned, the classification representing immunomodulators is quite wide, so we will consider it in more detail.

Characteristics of immunomodulators

Modern immunomodulators are usually divided into three main groups depending on their origin: endogenous, exogenous and synthetic.

The first group - endogenous immunomodulators - is considered the safest and most acceptable for the human body, since they are obtained by isolating special substances from the central organs of the immune system. This group, in turn, is divided into 4 categories of immunomodulators:

1) Thymic preparations based on thymus peptides (one of the central organs of the immune system that generates cells that protect our body from harmful elements) are mostly produced from the thymus gland of cattle. This includes drugs such as Timalin, Timogen, Imunofan and many others. This category also includes immunomodulating drugs derived from the bone marrow of mammals. An example is the drug Myelopid.

This category of immunomodulators is prescribed for exacerbations of chronic respiratory and allergic diseases, for bacterial infections, as well as for recovery after surgery.

2) The second category includes cytokines. This is a special category of molecules that carries information about the functioning of the immune system, and is able to influence the processes of intercellular interaction. There are more than a dozen types of cytokines, but the most active of them are interleukins. This is a type of molecules that are synthesized by leukocytes - the main cells of the immune system. They are the first to be responsible for the invasion of pathogens. Preparations based on interleukins are prescribed for various sepsis, for the speedy healing of wounds (including purulent ones) and burns. In this category, the most common natural immunomodulators are Betaleukin and Roncoleukin.

3) The next category is interferons. Their action is similar to the action of interleukins, however, interferons are of a protein nature and are produced by the body as a protective reaction to the invasion of the virus. Thanks to interferons, the virus cannot affect the cells of the body. These natural immunomodulators are successfully prescribed in the complex treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, hepatitis, measles, chickenpox and many other diseases. Examples of interferon preparations are Kipferon, Viferon, Lokferon.

4) The fourth category of endogenous immunomodulators are immunoglobulins. These are protein molecules that act as a homing weapon against viruses. Immunoglobulins in modern medicine are represented by therapeutic sera administered intravenously or intramuscularly. An example of a drug in this category is a complex immunoglobulin preparation, or CIP for short.

The second group of exogenous immunomodulators is characterized by fungal or molecular origin. This includes the well-known BCG vaccine, as well as drugs ribomunil, pyrogenal, bronchomunal and many others.

The third and last group of drugs under consideration is called synthetic immunomodulators. They are the product of scientific research and chemical synthesis.
Earlier developments include diucifon and levamisole. Modern synthetic immunomodulating drugs are widely known - these are amixin, neovir, galavit, polyoxidonium, etc.

Modern immunomodulators

The list of modern drugs related to immunomodulators is very extensive. Many of them are subject to serious requirements for safety and efficacy, for lack of addiction, for interaction with other drugs, and for many other criteria. We can say with confidence that not all modern immunomodulators are able to strengthen the immune system without harming other organs and systems. With special care, you need to approach the use of synthetic immunomodulators, because, unlike endogenous ones, they do not stimulate the immune system, but take on its functions. As a result, the immune system "relaxes", and after the drug is discontinued, the body becomes even more susceptible to the action of pathogens. As a result, a person walks in a vicious circle, unable to recover from a series of ailments. In this sense, it is considered more appropriate to take endogenous immunomodulators, since it is this group that is able to gently correct the work of immunity.

Recently, modern immunomodulators have been replenished with a fundamentally new, revolutionary drug - Transfer Factor. It got its name due to a unique molecule containing information about the memory of immunity. This molecule is able to restore damaged areas in the structure of the DNA chain, which are responsible for immunity, for the body's ability to resist diseases and self-repair. To work properly and effectively, the immune system needs to know HOW it's done. Transfer factors just carry all the necessary information about this to the main organs of the immune system. As a result, there is an effective adjustment of the work of immunity and tuning of its functions. It is this fact that makes this drug unique and one of a kind, since it does not act as a temporary substitute for the immune system, but as its teacher and mentor.

The best immunomodulator - Transfer factor

Transfer Factor is by far the best immunomodulator, because it has no analogues in terms of efficiency and mechanism of action on the immune system. This drug is completely safe and can be taken by adults, children and the elderly. It does not have a detrimental effect on any organs and systems, does not cause addiction and undesirable reactions.

The drug received such amazing characteristics due to its origin. In the course of many years of research, it was found that transfer factors are found in the highest concentration in colostrum. Everyone knows that the first maternal colostrum is a cocktail of a huge amount of antibodies, so the first attachment of a baby to the breast is incredibly beneficial for
development of his immunity. And since the principle of operation of transfer factors is the same in almost all vertebrates, this makes it possible to obtain a concentrate of molecules from a product of animal origin - cow colostrum. This fact indicates the 100% naturalness and safety of the drug, which is "extracted" from the colostrum of cows. The effectiveness of this immunomodulator is also due to the fact that the size of its molecule is incredibly small. This allows transfer factors to be freely absorbed into the walls of the intestinal mucosa, and from there into the blood. That is, each molecule of colostrum concentrate goes to its intended purpose.

Transfer factor is the best immunomodulator of natural origin, which can be used for the prevention and complex treatment of a wide range of diseases without harm to the body.

Immunomodulators include drugs that directly affect the immune system and can correct its activity. It is possible to raise immune indicators only to the degree of physiological parameters that are considered the norm for the human body. The presented list of ratings of the best immunomodulators includes agents that effectively increase immune responses.

Medicines are used to treat sluggish infectious and allergic diseases, a weakened state of the body. Such funds are especially relevant in the off-season in autumn and spring, when cold damp weather contributes to an increase in colds.

It is better to take care of your health in advance and take preventive measures on your own in order to remain a healthy working person.

The list is compiled on the basis of positive feedback from people who have undergone prevention or treatment with the following means.

Rating of the best immunomodulators - a list of drugs

1. Interferon (Sotex PharmFirma, Russia). The most popular endogenous immunostimulating agent. Increases the resistance of healthy cells to pathogenic viruses. Possesses high biological activity. The main application is the prevention of influenza and SARS. The solution is instilled into the nasal passages or sprayed. High efficiency, safety and affordable price puts interferon on the first line of the rating of immunomodulators.

  • A bottle of solution 1000 IU/ml 5 ml - 115 rubles.

2. Echinacea-Vilar (Pharmcenter VILAR ZAO, RF). Purple echinacea juice and herb on the basis of which the drug is made is deservedly considered one of the best natural immunomodulators. Stimulates cellular immunity, increases the immune status.

It is used to increase the protective function of the body in case of frequently recurring inflammatory diseases and for immunostimulation. It is used for internal administration in the form of drops diluted with a small amount of water.

  • A bottle of juice with an alcohol content of 50 ml - 114 rubles.

3. Grippferon (Firn M, Russia). Active substance interferon alfa - 2b. A powerful prophylactic for the prevention of influenza and SARS. Stops the development of the disease with timely admission at the very initial stage of its development. Guaranteed to protect against colds by 96%.

It is successfully used for prevention, as well as during epidemics in large groups. After taking after a short period of time, there is a removal of inflammatory symptoms: runny nose, pain in the oropharynx, normalization of body temperature.

  • Nose drops 10,000 IU/ml 10 ml - 260 r.

4. Arbidol (Pharmstandard, Tomsk). Active ingredient umifenovir. Pronounced immunomodulator of antiviral action. It increases the body's defenses against various infections, reduces the risk of developing secondary infections and complications, and increases immunological parameters to normal. Scope - prevention and treatment of influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, infectious diseases caused by the herpes simplex virus.

  • The cost of a tab. 50 mg, 20 pcs. - 168 rubles

5. Immunal (Lek, Slovenia). Natural remedy based echinacea herb juice. It has a pronounced immunostimulating effect. Suppresses the growth of pathogenic bacteria, including influenza and herpes viruses. It is used to strengthen immunity in order to prevent acute respiratory viral infections and increase the body's resistance to prolonged use of antibiotics and other conditions associated with immune deficiency.

The usual echinacea tincture is much cheaper than immunal, but many prefer a more convenient tablet form and are willing to overpay for comfortable use. Due to the natural composition and reasonable price, the drug deservedly took the fifth line of the rating.

  • The cost of a tab. 80 mg 20 pieces - 250 rubles.

6. Ribomunil (Pierre Fabre Medication, France). Included in the ranking of the best immunomodulators with a high degree of safety - approved for use in children from the age of six months. Active ingredient ribosomes bacterial increase the body's resistance to pathogenic infections.

It is used as a preventive measure to reduce the risk of diseases of the upper respiratory tract - organs and diseases caused by respiratory tract infections. It is recommended for patients prone to frequent colds with recurring relapses, as well as for the elderly.

  • The price of tablets 0.75 mg, 4 pcs. - 390 rubles.

7. Derinat (FZ Immunnolex, Russian Federation). Strong safe means of modeling action. Active substance sodium deoxyribonucleate. Approved for admission to adults and children from the first day of life. The medicine stimulates different parts of the defense system.

Promotes the development of resistance to microbial, fungal and viral infections. It enhances the physiological regeneration of tissues and organs, activates the immune response to bacterial antigens.

  • The price of a bottle of 0.25% 10 ml is 254 rubles.

8. Anaferon (Materia Medica, Russia). Medication with homeopathic ingredients immunomodulatory action. Scope - prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and diseases caused by the herpes virus. The drug is popular among people who save homeopathy for help.

The undoubted advantage of Anaferon is the absence of contraindications for use, except for individual intolerance to the components in the composition. Approved for adults over 18 years of age. Also produced "Anaferon for children" for persons not older than eighteen years of age.

  • Tablets 20 pieces - 194 rubles.

9. Immunorm Teva (Israel). Medicine with herbal composition based on echinacea purpurea. Activates immunity at the cellular level. Has anti-inflammatory properties. It is used as a preventive measure with a tendency to colds characterized by frequent relapses.

  • The cost of tablets 100 mg 20 pcs. - 172 rubles.

10. Stimmunal (Evalar, Russia). Another drug included in the rating of the best immunomodulators to enhance the protective functions of the body. The recipe includes echinacea purpurea extract and vitamin C. Strengthens immune reactions, strengthens weakened cells, removes oxygen radicals, prevents allergies.

  • Price tab. 500 milligrams 20 pieces - 168 rubles.

Some medicines have serious restrictions for taking, allergic reactions and side effects are possible. When choosing a medication, be sure to consult your doctor.

Four drugs out of ten presented in the rating contain echinacea extract. This suggests that people in most cases prefer natural, inexpensive and safe remedies with a low percentage of contraindications.

After birth, the child has a natural maternal immunity for some time, protecting the baby from diseases. But over time, immunity weakens, and the child's body learns to fight ailments on its own.

A group of immunostimulants appeared on the pharmaceutical market not so long ago and has already won its segment of customers. These drugs act to strengthening, increasing and stimulating children's immunity. These are synthetic and natural drugs, which at the initial stage of their appearance were recommended as antiviral agents.

But when observing small patients who took drugs to increase immunity, it became clear that they can be used not only for the treatment of diseases of viral etiology, but also for immunodeficiency of a different origin.

Due to the action of these funds, all organ systems begin to work more productively.

Do not take immunostimulants on your own- this is very important to learn for parents who, at the first appearance of a runny nose in a child, buy a long list of all kinds of drugs in a pharmacy. There is a clear list of indications for admission, which must be strictly observed.

Carefully! Uncontrolled intake of immunostimulants can lead to a decrease in one's own immunity in the child's body, and the appointment of immunostimulants for children under 3 years of age is generally not recommended.

It is also worth paying attention that the immunostimulant is not a magic pill that saves the child from the disease. Like all drugs, they have contraindications and side effects, so only an immunologist should prescribe this or that drug taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby's body. Otherwise, health can not be strengthened, but undermined.

Taking immunostimulants also does not exempt parents from other ways to strengthen immunity - fortification of the body, hardening, sports. Tablets alone will not be effective enough to affect the immune system - a set of measures is needed that will complement each other. Only in this case it will be possible to speak about the formation of strong protective forces in the child's body.

Indications for use

Usually, before prescribing immunostimulants, the doctor prescribes a series of tests that can be used to determine degree of immunosuppression. A carefully collected history allows you to determine the weakest system of the child's body, which is most often affected. Based on these data and indications for the use of drugs, appropriate funds are prescribed.

The indications include the following:

  • the presence of chronic recurrent diseases;
  • taking drugs that weaken the immune system;
  • sluggish infectious processes;
  • severe viral and bacterial infections;
  • the presence of diseases in which secondary immunity is stimulated;
  • malignant tumors;
  • congenital immunodeficiencies;
  • metabolic disease;
  • the need for recovery after chemotherapy, radiation therapy;
  • immunodeficiencies caused by the action of adverse external factors.

Any drugs, even those for raising immunity, should not be taken without the appointment of a specialist

Only when these indications are identified, the doctor will select an immunostimulating drug for the child.

Types of immunostimulants

To date, there are several approaches to the classification of drugs based on various features, but it is most convenient to divide immunostimulants for children into two categories:

  • vegetable (natural);
  • synthesized by the pharmaceutical industry.

Laboratory synthesized immunostimulants

Laboratory remedies for boosting immunity have gone through three generations - each time they become more effective and bring fewer side effects. Such drugs differ in form, direction of action and strength. They are usually applied in combination with other medicines, complementing each other.

The list of immunostimulant drugs for children is wide, all drugs have their own characteristics and indications. Some of them:

  • Amiksin- helps to get rid of the baby from frequent;
  • Anaferon, Viferon- from a respiratory tract infection;
  • Decaris- activates the immune system in the fight against the herpes virus;
  • Bronchomunal- raises local immunity of the respiratory organs (the baby will get sick less);
  • Derinat- to protect against acute respiratory infections;
  • Roncoleukin- a universal remedy that strengthens the immune system in lesions of various etiologies.

Herbal immunostimulants

Nature has provided a person with a number of immunostimulants that act no less effectively than synthetically generated agents. Immunostimulant plants have long been used in folk medicine, and today it is possible to evaluate the experience of using this or that remedy.

As practice shows, effective natural analogues are cranberry, honey, garlic, onion and ginger. Extracts of these funds are included in many preparations, but experts in traditional medicine advise giving them to children according to special recipes.

No less powerful immunostimulants are echinacea, nettle, lemongrass, eleutherococcus, licorice, white iris. These drugs have a mild effect on the body, almost do not cause allergic reactions, they can be used for quite a long time, since they have a cumulative effect and do not act immediately.

Important! Natural immunostimulants are not as effective as synthetic drugs, therefore, if necessary, quickly raise immunity or if there is a serious illness, they cannot be used, so as not to provoke a worsening of the situation.

Medical opinion

The opinion of doctors about immunostimulants varies. Some doctors believe that the appointment of immunostimulants is a good and almost the only way to increase immunity in children, and doctors often prescribe such drugs when they first treat the symptoms of a cold.

Another, rather skeptical opinion regarding immunostimulants is held by the well-known pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky.

In his interviews he shows ridicules the "deification" of immunostimulants, as magical means that restore health to children.

For this reason, the doctor even came up with sonorous names - Immunoucrepin, Coughprecratin and Snot-disappearance.

« Unfortunately, this irony is a reflection of our reality,” says the doctor. - “Now it is easier for parents to give a pill of some kind of drug than to harden a child, to form strong immunity from the cradle. And already when the beneficial time is gone, maternal immunity has ceased to operate, and its own has not yet formed, an endless series of colds, allergies and other ailments begins.»

According to the doctor, there is not a single drug that could one hundred percent raise the baby's weakened immunity. But if you still have to choose immunostimulants for children, Komarovsky recommends doing this only after careful examination and immunograms.

Harm and side effects

The appointment of immunostimulants is one of the extreme measures when the child's own strengths cannot cope with the disease. Intervention in natural processes can do more harm than good, and the side effects of drugs will be no less negative than the root cause of the disease.

There is always a serious risk of complications, among which are the following:

  • the appearance of allergic reactions that were not previously observed;
  • joint damage;
  • disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • infectious-toxic shock;
  • a decrease in immunity to certain types of pathogens (for example, when taking immunostimulants in children, thrush may occur).

Usually, with the correct selection of immunostimulants and compliance with the dose of drugs, such complications do not occur. Therefore, in no case should you change the dose of the prescribed remedy and increase the frequency of its administration.

Immunostimulants for children are not essential drugs, as long as the child's body can cope with the disease on its own. Each transferred is another step towards the formation of persistent defenses of the body, and only in extreme cases does it need to be helped to fight diseases.

Immunomodulators are a group of pharmacological drugs that activate the body's immunological defenses at the cellular or humoral level. These drugs stimulate the immune system and increase the body's nonspecific resistance.

major organs of the human immune system

Immunity is a unique system of the human body that can destroy foreign substances and needs proper correction. Normally, immunocompetent cells are produced in response to the introduction of pathogenic biological agents into the body - viruses, microbes and other infectious agents. Immunodeficiency states are characterized by reduced production of these cells and are manifested by frequent morbidity. Immunomodulators are special preparations, united by a common name and a similar mechanism of action, used to prevent various ailments and strengthen the immune system.

Currently, the pharmacological industry produces a huge number of drugs that have immunostimulating, immunomodulatory, immunocorrective and immunosuppressive effects. They are freely sold in the pharmacy chain. Most of them have side effects and have a negative effect on the body. Before purchasing such medicines, you should consult with your doctor.

  • Immunostimulants strengthen human immunity, ensure more efficient functioning of the immune system and provoke the production of protective cellular links. Immunostimulants are harmless to people who do not have immune system disorders and exacerbations of chronic pathologies.
  • Immunomodulators correct the balance of immunocompetent cells in autoimmune diseases and balance all components of the immune system, suppressing or increasing their activity.
  • Immunocorrectors affect only certain structures of the immune system, normalizing their activity.
  • Immunosuppressants suppress the production of immunity links in cases where its hyperactivity harms the human body.

Self-medication and inadequate intake of drugs can lead to the development of autoimmune pathology, while the body begins to perceive its own cells as foreign and fight them. Immunostimulants should be taken according to strict indications and as prescribed by the attending physician. This is especially true for children, because their immune system is fully formed only by the age of 14.

But in some cases, it is simply impossible to do without taking drugs of this group. In severe diseases with a high risk of developing serious complications, taking immunostimulants is justified even in babies and pregnant women. Most immunomodulators are low-toxic and quite effective.

The use of immunostimulants

Preliminary immunocorrection is aimed at eliminating the underlying pathology without the use of basic therapy drugs. It is prescribed to persons with diseases of the kidneys, digestive system, rheumatism, in preparation for surgical interventions.

Diseases in which immunostimulants are used:

  1. congenital immunodeficiency,
  2. malignant neoplasms,
  3. Inflammation of viral and bacterial etiology,
  4. Mycoses and protozooses,
  5. Helminthiasis,
  6. Renal and hepatic pathology,
  7. Endocrine pathology - diabetes mellitus and other metabolic disorders,
  8. Immunosuppression against the background of taking certain drugs - cytostatics, glucocorticosteroids, NSAIDs, antibiotics, antidepressants, anticoagulants,
  9. Immunodeficiency due to ionizing radiation, excessive alcohol intake, severe stress,
  10. Allergy,
  11. Conditions after transplantation,
  12. Secondary post-traumatic and post-intoxication immunodeficiency states.

The presence of signs of immune deficiency is an absolute indication for the use of immunostimulants in children. The best immunomodulator for children can only be selected by a pediatrician.

People who are most often prescribed immunomodulators:

  • Children with weak immunity
  • Elderly people with depleted immune systems
  • People with busy lifestyles.

Treatment with immunomodulators should be under the supervision of a physician and an immunological blood test.


The list of modern immunomodulators today is very large. Depending on the origin, immunostimulants are isolated:

Self-administration of immunostimulants is rarely justified. Usually they are used as an adjunct to the main treatment of pathology. The choice of drug is determined by the characteristics of immunological disorders in the patient's body. The effectiveness of drugs is considered maximum during an exacerbation of the pathology. The duration of therapy usually varies from 1 to 9 months. The use of adequate doses of the drug and proper adherence to the treatment regimen allows immunostimulants to fully realize their therapeutic effects.

Some probiotics, cytostatics, hormones, vitamins, antibacterial drugs, immunoglobulins also have an immunomodulatory effect.

Synthetic immunostimulants

Synthetic adaptogens have an immunostimulatory effect on the body and increase its resistance to adverse factors. The main representatives of this group are "Dibazol" and "Bemitil". Due to the pronounced immunostimulating activity, the drugs have an anti-asthenic effect and help the body recover quickly after a long stay in extreme conditions.

With frequent and protracted infections, for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes, Dibazol is combined with Levamisole or Decamevit.

Endogenous immunostimulants

This group includes preparations of thymus, red bone marrow and placenta.

Thymic peptides are produced by thymus cells and regulate the immune system. They change the functions of T-lymphocytes and restore the balance of their subpopulations. After the use of endogenous immunostimulants, the number of cells in the blood is normalized, which indicates their pronounced immunomodulatory effect. Endogenous immunostimulants enhance the production of interferons and increase the activity of immunocompetent cells.

  • Timalin has an immunomodulatory effect, activates regeneration and reparation processes. It stimulates cellular immunity and phagocytosis, normalizes the number of lymphocytes, increases the secretion of interferons, and restores immunological reactivity. This drug is used to treat immunodeficiency conditions that have developed against the background of acute and chronic infections, destructive processes.
  • "Imunofan"- a drug widely used in cases where the human immune system cannot independently resist the disease and requires pharmacological support. It stimulates the immune system, removes toxins and free radicals from the body, and has a hepatoprotective effect.


Interferons increase the nonspecific resistance of the human body and protect it from viral, bacterial or other antigenic attacks. The most effective drugs that have a similar effect are "Cycloferon", "Viferon", "Anaferon", "Arbidol". They contain synthesized proteins that push the body to produce its own interferons.

Natural medicines include leukocyte human interferon.

Long-term use of drugs in this group minimizes their effectiveness, inhibits a person's own immunity, which ceases to function actively. Inadequate and too prolonged use of them has a negative impact on the immunity of adults and children.

In combination with other drugs, interferons are prescribed to patients with viral infections, laryngeal papillomatosis, and cancer. They are used intranasally, orally, intramuscularly and intravenously.

Preparations of microbial origin

Medicines of this group have a direct effect on the monocyte-macrophage system. Activated blood cells begin to produce cytokines that trigger innate and adaptive immune responses. The main task of these drugs is to remove pathogenic microbes from the body.

Herbal adaptogens

Herbal adaptogens include extracts of echinacea, eleutherococcus, ginseng, lemongrass. These are "soft" immunostimulants widely used in clinical practice. Preparations from this group are prescribed to patients with immunodeficiency without a preliminary immunological examination. Adaptogens start the work of enzyme systems and biosynthetic processes, activate the nonspecific resistance of the organism.

The use of plant adaptagens for prophylactic purposes reduces the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections and resists the development of radiation sickness, weakens the toxic effect of cytostatics.

For the prevention of a number of diseases, as well as for a speedy recovery, patients are recommended to drink ginger tea or cinnamon tea daily, take black peppercorns.

Video: about immunity - School of Dr. Komarovsky

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