The game is an accident for children in the camp. Questions to the "Why" team. Intellectual game "Lucky chance"

Extracurricular activity for grades 5-9 game "Lucky chance"

Technology- game.
Target:- development of cognitive abilities, erudition, speed of thinking
memory, attention.
- raising self-confidence, a sense of responsibility, the ability to overcome difficulties.
- expanding the horizons, intellectual abilities of pupils.
- development of communication skills, extraordinary thinking, ability to justify and
argue your point of view.

The game is played by two teams of 4-5 people each. Participating teams have their own name. The game is played in 5 games. Before the start of the game, it is played out which of the teams will begin to respond first. For each correct answer, the team receives the number of tokens, how many points they earned. At the end of each game, announces the final result of each team.
Each team is given a sheet with a labyrinth - whoever finds the exit faster, that team starts first.
"Further, further, further..."
Each team takes turns rolling the die. Units are marked on four faces of the cube, zero is drawn on one face of the cube, and a horseshoe is drawn on one more face. If one is rolled on the top face of the die, then the team receives 1 point for the correct answer to the question asked by the presenter. If a horseshoe falls out, this means that the team is lucky, it has a “lucky chance” and for the correct answer to the same question it can get 3 points. But if zero falls out, this means the transition of the course. During the first game, each team rolls the die 11 times.
First game questions:
1. Which elephant does not have a trunk? (at chess).
2. What happened on February 31st? (there is no such day).
3. Who saved the hares during the flood? (grandfather Mazai).
4. What notes can be used to measure distance? (mi-la-mi).
5. How do day and night end? (soft sign).
6. In which fairy tale does a girl go to pick flowers in winter? ("Twelve months").
7. The table has four corners. One corner was cut off. How many corners are there? (five).
8. What will happen if you hurry? (make people laugh).
9. What two notes grow in the garden? (beans).
10. Name the author: “God sent a piece of cheese to a crow somewhere”? (Krylov).
11. What does not burn in fire, and does not sink in water? (ice).
12. She herself is motley, eats green, gives white? (cow).
13. Which watch shows the correct time only twice a day? (which are worth).
14. Name a children's humorous film magazine. ("Yeralash").
15. What terrible beast is greedy for raspberries? (bear).
16. What beetle bears the name of the month in which it was born? (May).
17. What birds cannot fly? (penguins and ostriches).
18. A product that is obtained from beets and cane? (sugar).
19. Underground railroad? (underground).
20. What state can be worn on the head? (Panama).
21. What kind of fuel is mined in the swamp? (peat).
22. Do migratory birds nest in the south? (No)
"Troubles from the barrel."
The host takes out 7 multi-colored numbered kegs on a tray (you can use capsules from Kinder Surprises and put question numbers inside them). The team that currently has fewer points starts pulling the kegs. The facilitator reads the question to the team, the number of which is indicated on the keg. If the question is answered correctly, the team receives 2 points. If the team does not answer, then the team that knows the answer can answer, and it receives an additional 2 points.
Since our game is called “Lucky Chance”, there is no question in one of the barrels, but the team gets 2 points.

Second game questions:
1. In 1850, a bird was first brought to America, which soon settled down there. It so happened that in the suburbs of Boston insects multiplied strongly. The caterpillars caused serious damage to crops. A bird came to the rescue - it destroyed insect pests. As a token of gratitude, residents erected a monument to her in the central park of the city of Boston. Name the bird.
Answer: Sparrow
2. In order for it to serve faithfully, it must be regularly lubricated. Hinge and bearing assemblies - bushings, rollers, chain tensioners, steering columns need lubrication. Gear and brake cables. It should be remembered that excess oil is bad for him, sticking dirt can get inside the nodes. What are we talking about?
Answer: Bicycle
3. Despite its small size: 2.54 centimeters thick and 7.62 centimeters in diameter, the weight is less than two hundred grams, the speed is about 160 km / h, it poses a great danger to spectators if they are not surrounded by protective glass. What is the subject?
Answer: hockey puck
4. The first can be molded from snow,
A piece of dirt can be one too.
Well, the second is the ball transfer,
This is an important task in football.
Whole people take on hikes,
After all, without it, they will not find the way. (com-pass-compass)
5."Lucky case"
6. Meeting guests with bread and salt, our ancestors put the concept of health into bread. What did the salt mean?
7. The ancient Incas could only sacrifice a parrot instead of a person. Why this particular bird?
(He can speak)
"A dark horse".
The facilitator gives the teams pieces of paper on which the task is printed.
Using the hints, guess the words themselves and the names of those animals that “ran away” from them.
Gi _ _ _ _ _ (rules for maintaining health) hyena
Bala _ _ _ _ _ (folk musical instrument) balalaika
_ _ _ elok (camping pan) cat
Pa _ _ _ _ day (fenced garden in front of the house) fox
Two hundred _ _ _ _ a (hunting rifle) wolf
P _ _ _ _ ok (small town) donkey
_ _ _ _ _ ka (delicious nickname for a car steering wheel) ram
"Race for the Leader"
Each team is asked 20 questions in a row. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point. If within 3 seconds after reading the question the team does not give any answer, the leader reads out the correct answer and asks the next question. The facilitator begins to ask questions to the team that has fewer points.
Questions for the first team:
1. Cow as a child? - Calf.
2. Car house? - Garage.
3. "Measure seven times, once ..." - Cut off.
4. Astronaut suit? - Space suit.
5. Northern capital of Russia? - St. Petersburg.
6. What city is flying? - Eagle.
7. Which snow melts faster: clean or dirty? - Filthy.
8. Hidden treasures? - Treasure.
9. Does it show the way to ships at night? - Lighthouse.
10. A magic tablecloth where food appears on its own? - Self-assembly.
11. The father of the wooden boy? - Papa Carlo.
12. A plot of land for growing vegetables? - Vegetable garden.
13. Water in a gaseous state? - Steam.
14. What size did Uncle Styopa wear? - 45th.
15. The seventh letter in the word "electrification"? - The letter "and".
16. Boxing area? - Boxing ring.
17. What does a hedgehog do in winter? - Asleep.
18. Is there an Orange Sea in the world? - Not.
19. Day of fun, joy, celebration? - Holiday.
20. Ice cream in chocolate? - Eskimo.
Questions for the second team:
1. Gingerbread man, overgrown with needles? - Hedgehog.
2. Dog house? - Konura.
3. The student's very first book? - Primer.
4. Personal transport of Baba Yaga? - Stupa / Pomelo.
5. Baby goat? - A kid.
6. Who said the magic words: "Sim, Sim, open!"? - Ali Baba.
7. City institution for animals? - Zoo.
8. What goes without moving? - Time.
9. What can you see with your eyes closed? - Dream.
10. What key did Pinocchio get from Tortila the turtle? - Golden.
11. A rectangle with equal sides is called ... - Square.
12. What holiday is celebrated on January 7? - Christmas.
13. Which of the notes is not needed for compote? - Salt.
14. Who speaks all languages? - Echo.
15. Place for performance in the circus? - Arena.
16. Horse symbol of good luck? – horseshoe
17. Who can lie on a board with nails? - Yogi.
18. Appears on iron due to dampness? - Rust.
19. The emblem of the state? - Coat of arms.
20. The fastest bird? - Ostrich.

Summing up the game.

And we have the last lot left undrawn - this is the auction lot.
Let's start the draw.
"Lot Auction".
The lot is read out - the player who gives the correct answer receives a prize.
LOT №1- The symbol of the Garden of Eden, which caused discord. (Apple)
LOT №2- Prevents a person from drying out, vitamins necessary for life are added there.
(juice box)
LOT №3- Thought fixer. (pen)
LOT №4 If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't say anything. (language)
Always in the mouth, not swallowed.
LOT №5- A source of "winter freshness", a super-modern dental instrument.
(chewing gum)
LOT №6– Silence is not only gold, but also a mass of sweet pleasure, as well as a remedy for
loquacity (chupa-chups)
LOT №7- aircraft (balloon)
LOT №8- is simply necessary for those who sometimes have to "cover their tracks." (eraser)
LOT №9- Energetic for the mind. (chocolate)
LOT №10- a cosmetic product that gives the surface shine, protects against damage and destruction.
LOT №11- the talisman of pedantic people who love accuracy in everything (ruler)
LOT №12- tear absorber (handkerchief)
LOT №13- A stress reliever. (sachet of coffee)
LOT №14- an ominous place in Bermuda (school triangle)
LOT №15- I feed everyone willingly, but I myself am without a mouth. (a spoon)
LOT №16- what is the mystery here,
good to eat with a seagull,
looks like a small loaf,
with sweet stuffing. (roll)
LOT No. 17- a fermented milk product made from cow's milk, cream, etc., prepared with the addition of special starter cultures and fruit additives. (yogurt)
Thank you all for your active participation.

Correctional developmental lesson for middle school children.

Intellectual game "Lucky chance"


  • generalize the knowledge and ideas of children about the world around them.


  • promote the development of curiosity in children;
  • create conditions for the development of speech;
  • to form a positive attitude towards knowledge, books;
  • to develop in children the ability to work in a team;
  • to encourage the search for new knowledge, to expand their horizons;

The course of the intellectual game

Hello, dear guests and dear guys! Today we are here to play a game...

Do you like to play? What games do you like to play?

Sociologists say that man is a playing being. The game accompanies us throughout life. Today we will play an intellectual game...

OK. - Oh, you know, Yegor, I was invited to be the host of the intellectual game!

Eg.- Imagine! Me too!

OK. - Yes! So, we will play an intellectual game together! But I know sports games, but what games are called intellectual?

Eg.- Sports games train the body, and there are intellectual games to train the mind. Solving riddles, puzzles, puzzles, we not only have fun, but also learn to compare, analyze, think. We learn patience, perseverance and wisdom.

Together: So, let's start the intellectual game "Lucky chance". And we, Oksana and Yegor, are the hosts of this game.

OK. We have two teams of 5 members. Teams please introduce yourself!

Command presentation.

1 team:

"Pathfinders" - Pathfinders follow the trail, we also follow the trail of facts in search of knowledge.

2 team:

"Knowledge is power" - we named the team that way because we strive to learn more and become stronger.

Eg. - The game consists of five games. The draw decides which team starts first. At the end of each game, the jury announces the result.

OK. - Egor, you just said so many incomprehensible words: game, lot, jury. Are you sure the guys know the meaning of these words?

Eg. Well, let's ask them! Although, I'm sure they know it.

Game- Part of the game in some sports (usually tennis), set by the number of points. Efremova T.F. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.

Lot- A conditional object (coin, ticket, etc.), taken at random from many others in any dispute, competition, division and establishing rights to smth., some kind of order. queues, etc. Efremova T.F. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.

Jury- neskl., cf. A group of experts that determines prizes, awards prizes, awards at exhibitions, competitions, competitions. J. musical competition. Judicial Well. (at sports competitions). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov.

OK. -It's time to find out which team starts the game! I have chips with numbers in my bag. Team captains come up and determine who starts the game first.

Game 1 "Next...Next...Next..."

The teams take turns rolling the dice. Units are marked on four sides, zero on one side, and a horseshoe on another. If units fall out on the top face of the cube, then the team gets 1 point for the correct answer to the question, if the horseshoe, this means that the team is lucky and it gets 2 points for the correct answer. If zero falls out, the transition of the move.

You have 5 seconds to think.

  1. Inventor of the alphabet, consisting of dots and dashes. (Samuel Morse).
  2. The land of all marsupials. (Australia).
  3. Crybaby with long sleeves. (Pierrot).
  4. Russian wooden doll with friends inside. (Matryoshka). 5.Patch in the tooth. (Seal).
  5. Vessel of patience. (Bowl).
  6. An indispensable device for wandering in the forest. (Compass).
  7. Antonym of the word "dark". ("Light").
  8. Where can you find dry stone? (In water).
  9. Who is this "doodle"? (Shark).
  10. Collection of geographical maps and tables. (Atlas). 12. Highest sports indicator. (Record).
  11. Recently received news. (News).
  12. Ice vehicle. (Skates).
  13. He is put at the meeting with an edge. (Question).
  14. What fuel is mined in the swamp? (Peat).
  15. Home Santa Claus. (Fridge).
  16. Great Russian fabulist. (Krylov).
  17. Underground railroad. (Underground).
  18. Undersized horse. (Pony).

Eg. - The jury sums up.

OK. — Egor, can I ask you a question?

Eg. - Yes, you certainly may!

Ok.- Why is there a horseshoe on the cube? And what did it say about a lucky break?

Eg. Let's ask the guys! Can any of you answer Oksana's question?

It has long been considered that horseshoe is a symbol that brings happiness. This is a kind of protective amulet. This is largely due to the fact that her birth took place in a forge, combined with fiery power, heated metal and the reasonable power of a blacksmith. Under the thunder of heavy blows of the hammer and the ringing of the anvil, under the ringing song of creation, when something clear and fresh is born from something formless. For "to forge" signifies "to create."

Everyone knows that the horseshoe is an ancient and most famous talisman that brings good luck, success, wealth to the house. Moreover, this belief is widespread in different countries of the world. Why did people begin to attribute magical properties to such an ordinary object? A bit of history ... When horseshoeing was first started, it is not known exactly. One thing is certain, that already in ancient Rome, the owners took care of horses and mules. They put special shoes made of wood or metal on the feet of animals. Shoes were fastened to their feet with leather straps. The ancient chronicles describe how the emperor Nero, about to visit the Olympic Games, ordered several thousand mules to be “shod” in silver plates, fastened to their legs with straps.

The jury announces the results of the 1st game.

OK. - I wonder what the word "troubles" means?

Eg. - Guys, tell Oksana what the word "troubles" means!


  1. Any oddity, feature in human behavior; any occupation in which a person is strongly immersed
  2. Difficulty, difficulty. For example: Everyone has their own troubles.

Fuck off, I'm confused on my topic.
It includes such a brain trouble that you can’t make out the first time.
I don't know of a reliable solution to this problem.
Do you have such troubles that always arise with a new partner or partner.
Such troubles do not deserve my respect.
When we annoyed our friends with our troubles.

Eg. - Oksana, now you also look like a "trouble". You are confused by every unfamiliar word.

OK. -Well, okay!

Eg. - Let's continue the game.

There are 10 barrels in front of you. The team that has fewer points at the end of 1 game starts pulling the kegs. If the question is answered correctly, the team receives 3 points.

  1. Who is called a sea fox? (shark)
  2. The largest and most beautiful butterfly in Russia, the catching of which is prohibited by law (Swallowtail)
  3. Book that lists rare endangered species (Red)
  4. The cleanest lake (Baikal)
  5. Karakurt is a bird, a gem or a spider? (Spider)
  6. Marsupial bear. (Koala)
  7. Giant evergreen tree. (Eucalyptus)
  8. Lined horses. (Zebra)
  9. Faithful friend of man. (Dog)
  10. Desert ship. (Camel).

The jury sums up.

Game 3 "Dark Horse"

Questions are asked to each team in turn. You must answer: “true” or “false”. For each correct answer, the team gets 4 points.

  1. A thermometer contains a thin tube containing a liquid metal called mercury. From heat, mercury, like any metal, expands, and the thermometer column creeps up - above zero, and from cold, mercury contracts, and the thermometer column creeps down, showing a temperature below zero. (Right).
  2. The very first and eternal mirror is an ordinary water surface, which appeared long before the first man. (Right).
  3. In the old days, buttons were needed for fastening. (Incorrect. In the old days, buttons were an ornament and testified to the nobility and prosperity of a person).
  4. Shark teeth change every 8 days. (True. Sharks wear teeth quickly as they tear food into small pieces to make it easier to swallow.)
  5. Hungry eaglets devour their parents. (Wrong. The forces are not equal. But the elders can do it).
  6. Cobra is able to dance to the sounds of the fakir's pipe. (Incorrect. In fact, the snake does not hear the music. When the lid is removed, the cobra rises - this is a sign of readiness for defense. Then it follows the movement of the pipe, preparing to attack).

OK. - The jury sums up. Reporting results.

4th game "Gong for the leader"

OK. -Egor, even though you called me a "trouble", I will still ask. What is a leader?

Eg. Well, I think the guys will answer this question for you.

Leader (from English leader - leading, first, going ahead):

Leader- a person in any group, organization, team, unit, enjoying great, recognized authority, having influence, which manifests itself as control actions.

Eg. - Teams are asked 20 questions each. For each correct answer, 1 point is awarded. If within 5 seconds after the question the team does not answer, the answer is read out and the next question is asked. The game starts with the team with the fewest points.

Questions for the 1st team:

  1. It was not simple in the fairy tale, but golden. (Egg).
  2. Who visited the Swedish Svanteson family from the roof - through the window? (Carlson).
  3. Book clothes. (Cover).
  4. What do rifles and wood have in common? (Trunk).
  5. An irreplaceable thing that fixes the page. (Bookmark).
  6. A place in the desert where there is vegetation and water. (Oasis).
  7. Name the country with the largest population. (China).
  8. What goes without moving? (Time).
  9. What elephant doesn't have a trunk? (At chess).
  10. At what time did the events take place when "there was nothing to do"? (In the evening).
  11. Century. (Century).
  12. Boxing area. (Ring).
  13. Animal science. (Zoology).
  14. He kept his death at the end of a needle. (Kashchey).
  15. Where does the Volga flow? (To the Caspian Sea).
  16. Where is Miracle Field located? (In the Land of Fools).
  17. Bird on the coat of arms of Russia. (Eagle).
  18. What state can be worn on the head? (Panama).
  19. Equilateral rectangle. (Square).
  20. Dog house. (Konura. Booth).

Questions for the 2nd team:

  1. What country did Papa Carlo live in? (In Italy).
  2. Although he didn’t know anything, he became the hero of the book by Nikolai Nosov. (Dunno).
  3. Which continent has the most states? (In Africa).
  4. Which sea is the most salty? (Dead).
  5. What does a hedgehog do in winter? (Asleep).
  6. How many days are in a leap year? (366).
  7. Author of poems "Nanny", "Prisoner". (Pushkin).
  8. The fastest bird. (Ostrich).
  9. Popular sport in Brazil. (Football).
  10. Where were the 22nd Olympic Winter Games held? (In Sochi).
  11. At night he points the way to the ships. (Lighthouse).
  12. Postage sign. (Mark).
  13. Papa Carlo's home. (Closet).
  14. House for a car. (Garage).
  15. Emblem of the state. (Coat of arms).
  16. A household item that does not let you sleep in the morning. (Alarm).
  17. A day of fun, joy, celebration. (Holiday).
  18. How many wings does a flea have? (They are not here).
  19. Who did Duremar catch in the swamp? (Leech).
  20. Name the largest ocean. (Quiet).

The jury sums up.

5th game "Contest of captains"

Eg. -I have two envelopes: one contains 5 questions on the topic "Space", and in the other - 5 questions on the topic "Animal World". The captain whose team has fewer points has the right to choose an envelope. If the question is answered correctly, the captain receives 1 point.

OK. - Egor, what theme do you like best?

Eg. -"Space". And you?

OK. -And I'm closer to "Animal World"!

Eg. Let's see what team 1 gets.

Questions for the captain Theme "Space".

  • The largest planet in our solar system. (Jupiter).
  • Who was the first person to experience the feeling of weightlessness? (Yuri Gagarin).
  • Which planet is best seen in the sky? (Venus).
  • The name of the first female astronaut. (Valentina Tereshkova).
  • What was the name of the rocket on which Yuri Gagarin flew? (Launcher VOSTOK-1)

Questions for the captain Theme "Animal World"

  • What mammal has the fattest milk? (In a female blue whale).
  • Which birds can fly backwards? (Hummingbird).
  • Who is the most dangerous enemy of sharks? (Dolphin)
  • Which songbird gets its food by diving into the water under the ice? (dipper)
  • Who sleeps upside down? (the bats)

Eg.- Questions are all set. The jury sums up.

OK. - Yegor, now you answer the question on the topic "Space": In addition to Valentina Tereshkova, were there other female astronauts?

Eg. - (Of course there were: Svetlana Savitskaya, Elena Kondakova)

55 women cosmonauts and astronauts participated in space flights.

Ok.- Well done! The answer is correct.

Eg. -Then you, Oksana, have a question on the topic "Animal World"

Who is heavier: the biggest shark or the elephant? (whale shark weighs 30 tons, elephant 6 tons)

Ok.- I think not I'm sure it's a shark!

Eg. -You're great too! The answer is correct. And now let's see what good fellows our teams are!

(1 liked, average score: 5,00 out of 5)

Svetlana Krivonogova
Intellectual game "Lucky chance"

Target: contribute to the expansion of the general horizons of children; develop independence, thinking


1. Formation of the development of cognitive interests and attention.

2. Formation of communication skills.

3. Formation of the ability to show resourcefulness and erudition.

Game progress

Good evening, today we will play a game of lucky chance, and find out who our most erudite pupil is. I will ask questions, for the correct answer my assistant Maryana will issue a token. At the end of the game, we will sum up whoever has the most tokens is the winner of today's game. And the prize fund today is chocolate, and, as you know, chocolate improves brain function. And so we begin, the names of the questions section are written on the board, you are given a lucky chance to choose which section we will start with. (choice of children)

attention question.

1. "Journey through fairy tales"

Which of the heroes of the Russian fairy tale was a bakery product? (Kolobok)

In which Russian nar. fairy tale solve the problem of housing? (Teremok)

In which Russian nar. fairy tale, the brother did not obey his sister: he violated the sanitary gig. rules and paid dearly for it. (sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

Name the heroine of the French. fairy tales, engaged in unskilled labor: cleaning the stove and cleaning the house. (Cinderella)

Name the heroine of the French. fairy tale, which got its nickname thanks to the headdress.

(Red Riding Hood)

What a French hero fairy tales were very fond of shoes, and how was he nicknamed for this? (Puss in Boots)

What fuel did Emelya drive on stoves? (on wood)

What fairy-tale hero sowed money, thinking that a money tree would grow and all that would be left was to harvest? (Pinocchio)

2. "Great mathematician"

Which is lighter: kg of cotton wool or iron? (Same)

What happens to a goat after 6 years? (Will go 7th)

How many fingers are on a person's hands? (eight)

What month has 28 in it? (in any)

How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (one)

When we look at the number 2 and say 10? (Minute hand)

How many peas can go into one glass? (Peas can't walk)

3. "Rusologists"

What is the last letter of the alphabet (I)

What is between the window and the door? (AND)

What is the heron in front and the hare behind? C

What is less in the sea than in the lake? (E)

What is in the middle of the earth? (M)

4. "Connoisseurs"

Who speaks all languages? (Echo)

How long does a hare run into the forest? (To the middle, further - from the forest)

You are the pilot of a plane flying from Salekhard to Paris with a stop in Sochi. How old is the pilot? (How old are you, because you are the pilot)

Which chain cannot be lifted? (Mountain)

What yarn is not available? (webs)

What can't you pick up from the ground? (your shadow)

What can't you bake bread without? (Without crust)

Under which tree does the hare sit when it rains? (under wet)

Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (He can't speak)

What land never gets old? (New earth)

What reaches the back of the head with teeth? (Comb)

Where do we go most often? (Out the door)

Can a man marry his widow's sister? (No, he's dead)

What question cannot be answered with "no"? (Are you alive).

What question cannot be answered with "yes"? (Are you sleeping now).

Which hand is best to stir the tea? (Tea is best stirred with a spoon).

What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured? (Time, temperature).

What gets bigger when put upside down (Number 6).

What are all the people on earth doing at the same time? (Get older).

What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons).

Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak).

Which month is the shortest? (May - three letters).

The results of the game are summed up and a prize is awarded.

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Competitive game program in grades 3-4 "Lucky chance"

Targets and goals:

Development of cognitive abilities, logical thinking and ingenuity of younger students;

Raising a sense of collectivism, respect for classmates, older and younger.

A class hour can be spent with the class teacher of a parallel class. Then teams of "experts" are formed from the classes, and the rest of the students will be fans.

If the class hour is held in one class team, the teacher helps the children form teams.

Prepare the room in advance - it is necessary that the teams sit opposite each other; prepare 2 tables, scotch tape and scissors, envelopes with tasks for teams, separately print out questions for the host for each game.

You can invite a school librarian and give him the floor during the game.

Musical accompaniment- audio recordings of any slow music.

Description of class

Teacher: Our meeting is unusual. You guys will really need friendship and ingenuity, logical thinking and knowledge, quick wit and resourcefulness for today's class hour.

Let's start our game. It is a bit like the famous TV game Lucky Chance. Let the rules be changed a little, but, you see, this is your “happy occasion” - to show knowledge and skills, friendship and fun.

Each team is given a question. The first student to answer the question becomes the captain of the team.

1. What is in watermelon, tomato, cucumber, but not in melon and pumpkin? (Letter "R".)

2. Imagine that you are a train conductor. The train is carrying 1200 boxes. Each box contains 100 boxes. Each box contains a pair of shoes. How old is the conductor? (The answer can be anything, but witty)

Teacher: So, there are captains. Now you can start the game. Before the game starts, I will introduce you to our referees. The teacher introduces the invited guests.

1st game. "Warm-up"

Teacher: In 1 minute, each team must answer the maximum number of questions. She gets one point for each correct answer.

Questions for the 1st team

Rolled the ball until he became a sock. (Clew)

In which fairy tale does a girl go to pick flowers in winter? ("12 months")

Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (Not)

The dwarf moved his beard and the owner entered the house. (Key)

The two played chess for 4 hours. How long did each player play? (4 hours)

What is the name of Santa Claus' granddaughter? (Snow Maiden)

Many are people, one is ... (Man)

Bird house. (Nest. Possible option - birdhouse)

A cunning animal with a fluffy red tail. (Fox)

What phrase ends the letter? (Goodbye)

Are trams standing at a stop being bypassed from the front or from the back? (Front)

Which human organ is called a "motor"? (Heart)

A doctor, a steelmaker, a salesman - is this...? (Professions)

Is a penguin a bird? (Yes)

What flower is considered the symbol of Japan? (Chrysanthemum)

Live and learn)

What bird of our forests best imitates bird voices? (Starling)

Who is more, girls or children? (Children)

Running at full speed means... (Fast)

The honey plant is ... (Linden)

Questions for the 2nd team

Doesn't fly, doesn't sing, but pecks. (Fish)

Small paws, and scratches in the paws. (Cat)

What was Piero's fiancee's name? (Malvina)

The person who lives nearby. (Neighbor)

An insect that produces honey. (Bee)

In which book did S. Marshak talk about the inhabitants of the zoo? ("Kids in a Cage")

A place where vegetables grow. (Garden)

Raspberries, blueberries, gooseberries are ... (Berries)

What does half an apple look like? (For the second half)

Is a trolleybus or bus standing at a stop being bypassed in front or behind? (Behind)

There are twenty of them. (Fingers)

Sheep, hare, elephant - this is ... (Animals)

What does a moose lose every winter? (Horns)

What flower is considered a symbol of Russia? (Chamomile)

With the arrival of which birds do they believe that spring has come? (Rooks)

Measure seven times, and once ... (Cut off)

Which is more, apples or fruits? (fruit)

To fool another's head means ... (Deceive)

What tree gives sweet juice? (Maple) Summing up.

Game 2 "Dark Horse"

Teacher: Our guest loves books very much and teaches us to love them. Her work is connected with the book. We often turn to her for help and she is always happy to help us. This is our school librarian - ... She came to us with her assignments to find out which of you knows fairy tales best of all.

Librarian: What fairy tale am I reading now?

Excerpts from various fairy tales are read. Each team must guess the name of the book or fairy tale and the author of this work. Summing up.

3rd game. "In a word"

A cup and a knife are ... (dishes).

Winter and summer are ... (seasons).

Meters and liters are ... (measurement system).

And and K are ... (letters).

Tulip and rose are ... (flowers).

A minute and a year are ... (time).

Thursday and Friday are ... (days of the week).

Cucumber and beets are ... (vegetables).

North and west are ... (cardinal directions).

Carp and pike are ... (fish).

Football and checkers is ... (game).

Valenki and slippers are ... (shoes).

The heart and kidneys are ... (organs).

A wardrobe and a chair are ... (furniture).

The Volga and the Oka are ... (rivers).

Plum and apple are ... (fruit).

Piano and violin are ... (musical instruments).

A saw and an ax are ... (tools).

Zebra and bear are ... (animals)

A saucepan and a cup are ... (dishes). Summing up.

4th game. "Guess"

Each team is asked various questions at a fast pace in order of priority, the team that answered the most questions wins. Questions can be on ingenuity and ingenuity. For each correct answer, the team receives two points.

What has neither a beginning nor an end? (At the circle)

How to name five days of the week in a row without saying their names? (The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)

What will happen to the magpie if she lives for two years? (Will live for the third year)

What dishes can not eat anything? (From empty)

What tree does a crow land on when it rains? (on wet)

The protagonist of the book, who was given a very funny name because he fell off the table. (Cheburashka)

With the help of this item, you can make wonderful things and even kill the evil "long-liver" from Russian fairy tales. (Needle)

Which of the inhabitants of the swamp became the wife of the prince? (Frog)

The name of a boy who was carried away by wild swans. (Ivanushka)

What fabric can not be used to sew a shirt? (From the railway)

What three numbers, when added or multiplied, give the same result? (1, 2 and 3)

Which city is bleeding? (Through Vienna)

Oak grows. It has 12 branches, 52 branches, each branch has 7 leaves. What it is? (Year, months, weeks, days)

Name the words in which the letter "t" occurs four times. (Stratostat, certificate)

Where do we pay money to have something taken from us? (at the barbershop)

Which verb has 100 negatives? (In the verb "groans")

What female name consists of two letters that are repeated twice? (Anna)

Which bird's name consists of four tens of the same vowel? (Magpie)

Which forests do not have game? (In construction)

What mathematicians, drummers and even hunters cannot do without? (No fraction)

What belongs to you, but others use it more than you? (Name)

When does a person have as many eyes as there are days in a year? (Second of January)

Who wears a forest on his head? (Deer)

Who has eyes on their legs, hell on their back? (Snail)

You and I, and we are with you! How many of us are there? (Two)

If a chicken stands on one leg, it weighs 2 kg. How much will a chicken weigh if it stands on two legs? (2 kg)

What was "tomorrow" and what will be "yesterday"? (Today) Summing up.

5th game. "The cleverest"

Which of the teams in a certain time, for example, in 3 minutes, will have time to answer more questions correctly.

Questions for the 1st team

What elephant doesn't have a trunk? (chess)

What is a wing without feathers? (Airplane)

Car driver. (Chauffeur)

White drink, useful for children and adults. (Milk)

A tool for cutting. (Axe)

Dense forest. (Thicket)

Strong wind with snow. (Snowstorm or snowstorm)

Cover on the table. (Tablecloth)

Home caretaker. (Dog)

They lock the door or the safe. (Lock)

A figure without corners. (A circle)

Oak fruit. (Acorn)

Horse child. (Foal)

Common set of letters. (Alphabet)

Which tree has a white trunk? (By the birch)

Who sleeps under their ears? (Hare)

Residence of Baba Yaga. (A hut on chicken legs)

Who writes books? (Writer)

Winter lair of a bear. (Den)

Organ of vision. (Eye)

The most poisonous mushroom. (Death cap)

Questions for the 2nd team

Can elephants fall? (Yes)

Who wrote the poem "Our Tanya cries loudly"? (A. Barto)

What scary animal loves raspberries? (Bear)

Always in the mouth, not swallowed. (Language)

Nose of a bird. (Beak)

Baby cat. (Kitty)

Wardrobe, table, chair - in a word ... (Furniture)

Sports equipment for ice skating. (Skates)

Snow game. (Snowballs)

House for the horse. (Stable)

Underground railroad. (Underground)

Device for measuring body temperature. (Thermometer)

How many legs does a fly have? (6)

Male chicken. (Rooster)

Oak forest. (Oakwood)

A furry animal that lives in a hollow. (Squirrel)

What do 12 months add up? (Year)

The longest animal. (Giraffe)

Mowed, dried grass. (Hay)

The fabulous name of the tablecloth. (Self-assembly)

Cellular mystery. (Crossword)

(The results of all previous games are summed up)

6th game. "Assignments from envelopes"

Teacher: I have in my hand two envelopes containing tasks for your teams. The tasks are a little unusual - for smart guys, and, of course, not without a sense of humor.

Have the team captains come up to me and choose one envelope each. After my signal, they should open the envelopes and read the task. You are given 2 minutes for this. For the correct or most original answer, the team receives 5 points, and the second - 3.

Task 1st team. An electric train travels from east to west at a speed of 60 km per hour. The wind blows in the same direction from east to west, but at a speed of 50 km per hour. In which direction does the smoke of the train carry. (Electric train does not give smoke)

Assignment to the 2nd team. On a hot summer day, when thousands of insects soar in the air, two horses graze on a green lawn of 3.5 hectares. The horses are exactly the same. They differ only in that the first tail is tied up, while the second does not. The lawn has the shape of a square, and one of the horses grazes the grass, moving diagonally across the lawn, the other walks to the sides. Which of the horses will eat more grass within an hour if their appetite is the same? The grass grows evenly, without bald spots. (More grass will be eaten by that horse whose tail is not tied up. She does not have to be distracted from the grass to drive away gadflies and horseflies.)

Language Production Filming location

Moscow Ostankino Concert Hall

Duration Broadcasting TV channel(s) Broadcast period Reruns

Lucky case- a family quiz that aired from September 9 to August 26, 2000. It is an analogue of the popular English board game "Race for the leader" (Trivial pursuit). The permanent host for all these 11 years was Mikhail Marfin, in 1989-1990 his co-host was Larisa Verbitskaya. From September 9, 1989 to September 21, 1999, the TV game went on ORT, and from July 1 to August 26, 2000, the TV game went on TVC. Since October 11, 2012, the TV game has been published as a heading in the program Evening Urgant, however, it has nothing in common, except for the splash screen and the name, with the TV game.


  • On the Nostalgia channel, episodes of 1994 and 1994 are repeated.
  • On the channel "Questions and Answers" Issues and 1996 are repeated.

Rules of the game

Two family teams consisting of 4 people took part in each game. The game usually consisted of 5 games. The team with the most points was the winner.

First version ( -)

The teams sat opposite each other on either side of a large table with a playing field. The playing field itself was divided into colored sectors, each corresponding to a specific topic of questions:

The correct answer in case of a normal sector falling out brought one point. Also on the playing field there were sectors "Lucky chance" - they gave the players the opportunity to earn 3 points in case of a correct answer.

First game

In this game, questions were asked to the teams in turn, the right of the first move was given to the team that answered the question first. Randomly, by pressing a button, the topic was determined, as well as the number of the question. For reasoning on each question, the teams were given 15 seconds, the answer could be discussed collectively. In total, each team had to play 8 questions in this game.

Second game

This game was already played individually, the team meeting was prohibited. The right of the first move was again received by the team that answered the question of the presenter earlier. The game began with the heads of the family, if the head answered correctly, then the next member of the team got the right to answer, if it was wrong, then the right to answer passed to the opponents. If all 4 members of the team in a row answered the questions correctly, then one more bonus point was awarded and the move still passed to the opponents. Game duration was limited to 6 minutes.

Third game

This game was a video question game. The right of the first move was again played out with the help of a question. The teams answered in turn. Each was shown a 15-second video clip related to the question being asked. During this time, it was necessary to think and give an answer. Each correct answer was always worth one point.

Fourth game

This game was played according to the rules similar to the second, but now the topics of the questions were chosen not by chance, but by the opposing team.

Fifth game

In this round, the teams had to give as many correct answers as possible in 2 minutes. Teams responded in turn, starting with the one with the lowest score. Each correct answer was worth one point.

Draw system

The winning team of each game advanced to the next. where she had to fight the winner of the qualifying games that took place during filming in the Ostankino hall. If the team managed to win 4 games in a row, then it received the main prize - a TV, a VCR and a music center.


The Trivial Pursuit company, which owned the rights, decided to release a board version of the game in the USSR. Being dissatisfied with the printing quality, they refused to renew the contract

Second version (-)

Somewhat later, the Italian company Publitalia, headed by Silvio Berlusconi, took the game under its wing. The rules have been changed.

The first game - "Race for the leader"

The rules of this game were similar to the old first game, only the number of attempts for each team was reduced to 4. The Lucky Sector rule was also changed - now it gave the team the right to answer 3 questions in a row.

The second game - "Hurry up to see"

In this game, the rules were similar to those of the old third game. Also, now the right of the first move was received by the team that had fewer points.

The third game - "You - to me, I - to you"

In this game, the teams took turns asking each other questions they had thought up. Each correct answer was worth one point.

Fourth game - "Dark Horse"

Questions were asked by an invited famous guest, usually they related to his professional activities. Each team was given one point for a correct answer.

Fifth game - "Next ... Next ..."

The rules completely coincided with the old fifth game


In the summer of 1994, Silvio Berlusconi's firm began to have serious financial problems, as a result of which the game was again closed.

Latest version (-)

The studio has undergone major changes, the playing field has disappeared from it. The games have also been slightly changed:

  • "Next ... Next ..." - now he had no name
  • “Troubles from a barrel” - teams took turns choosing questions by pulling barrels with numbers from a large barrel.
  • "You - to me, I - to you"
  • "Dark Horse" - not played if celebrities took part in the game
  • "Race for the leader" - different from the second version. The teams were asked questions in turn for 2 minutes, starting with the lagging behind.

2 closures


L-club Mafia Big Race In a black-black room... Funny Bucks Lord of the Mountain Lord of the Mind Garage Two pianos Money doesn't smell Lie detector dog show The game Imagination game Empire of Passion Crocodile

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