Road sign for even and odd numbers. Parking rules on even and odd days

The principle of operation and the rules for installing the road sign 3.30 "Parking is prohibited on even days of the month" are completely identical to those of the sign 3.28 "Parking is prohibited". What caused the need to install such a sign? Is it not enough to put up a simple no-parking sign? It turns out not.

Sign 3.30 is usually installed on narrow sections of roads where it can be difficult to pass oncoming vehicles, as well as in places where office buildings, various institutions, supermarkets and other places that require parking of vehicles are congested. Cars parked on both sides of the road can significantly interfere with traffic, while parking on only one side of the road will not be a problem for traffic. Therefore, sign 3.29 “Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month” is often installed on one side of the road, and sign 3.30 “Parking is prohibited on even days of the month” on the other. Thus, a certain balance is achieved and transport has the ability to move more or less unhindered.

True, such an installation of signs has one interesting nuance. What if the car stops on the "permitted side" but the driver leaves it overnight? After all, exactly at 00.00 an even day is replaced by an odd one, and in one second the carriage turns into pumpkins, and an exemplary driver into an intruder.

This point is provided for in the Rules of the Road. In the case of parallel installation of signs 3.29 and 3.30, the beginning of the next day is considered not at 00.00, but at 21.00, and the time interval from 19.00 to 21.00 is considered the time of rearrangement of vehicles, when cars can be parked from either side. That is, if the driver does not want to be among the violators, he must make sure that between 19.00 and 21.00 he rearranges his car to the “right” side.

Sign 3.30 completely resembles sign 3.28: a blue circle with a red border, “crossed out” by a red stripe, with one exception: in its center there are two vertical white stripes.

Sign 3.30 "Parking is prohibited on even days of the month" begins directly at the place of its installation, and its prohibition is valid until the following sections:

  • the intersection following in the direction of the vehicle;
  • the end of the settlement marked with the appropriate sign;
  • sign 3.31 indicating the end of the zone of all restrictions;

After the above sections of the road are passed, parking is automatically allowed on all days of the month.

Sign 3.30 and plates of additional information

The zone of influence of sign 3.30 can be clarified by installing plates and signs of additional information, namely:

So, plate 8.2.2, installed together with sign 3.30, indicates the distance to which the sign applies.

Sign 3.30 can be installed together with plate 8.2.3. This plate indicates the end of the zone of validity of the sign. Simply put, the arrow on the plate indicates that the sign "Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month" is valid in front of the place of its installation.

If a sign 8.2.4 is installed on the road, this tells the driver that he is currently in the area of ​​​​the sign "Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month." This plate is an additional indication of the current restriction on the section of the road where the previously imposed parking ban is already in effect, and the ban has not yet been lifted.

Additional information boards 8.2.5 and 8.2.6 (individually or together), which can be installed together with the sign "Parking prohibited on even days of the month" are used to indicate parking restrictions near squares, buildings, etc. In this case parking will be prohibited starting from the place where the sign is placed, in the direction in which the arrow points and at the distance indicated on the sign.

Sign 3.30 coverage area can be limited using information sign 6.4 "Parking place" and plate 8.2.1, which, if installed together, indicate a place allowed for stopping and parking.

The driver must remember that sign 3.30 "Parking is prohibited on even days of the month" is valid only on the side of the road from which it is installed.

Sign 3.29 does not apply to drivers with disabilities of the first and second groups, as well as to drivers of vehicles that transport such disabled people. Such cars must be equipped with special signs "Disabled".

In addition, the sign does not apply to taxis with a taximeter turned on, as well as to cars belonging to the Russian Federal Postal Service.

Alexander, here is an excerpt from the court decision, on the basis of which one can demand cancellation due to the fact of insignificance, here the car was also parked behind sign 6.4, but not in the pocket, but further:

The case was correctly established the existence of an event of an administrative offense, actions K.A.The. properly qualified for hours. 4 Article. 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The judge came to the correct conclusion that the car was parked in the zone of action of the sign 3.27 "Stopping is prohibited" in a place that was not covered by the sign 6.4 "Parking (parking space)". In this case, the information sign 6.4 " Parking (parking space)" with sign 8.6.4 "Method of parking a vehicle" is located in front of a specially equipped and equipped place intended for organized parking of vehicles and serves to designate this parking space. From the literal interpretation of the concept of "Parking (parking space)" clause 1.2 of the SDA of the Russian Federation and the location of the information sign 6.4, it follows that the effect of this sign applies only to this parking space. Clause 5.7.5 of GOST R 52289-2004 in terms of the effect of sign 6.4, indicating sidewalk parking, to the nearest intersection in the absence of a sign 8.2.1, cannot be applied in this situation, since this provision contradicts the concept of "Parking (parking space)" of clause 1.2 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation, which refers specifically to a specially equipped and equipped place, designed for organized parking of vehicles. GOST, on the other hand, regulates the operation of sign 6.4 for sites intended for parking vehicles that do not meet the requirements specified in clause 1.2 of the SDA of the Russian Federation "Parking (parking space)". Thus, since the vehicle was parked outside a specially equipped and equipped place intended for organized parking of vehicles, the effect of sign 6.4, installed in front of this parking space, did not apply to the parking place of the specified vehicle. Meanwhile, I find grounds for qualifying the actions of K.A.V. how minor offense. Within the meaning of Article 2.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, an insignificant administrative offense is an action or inaction, although formally containing the elements of an administrative offense, but taking into account the nature of the offense committed and the role of the offender, the amount of harm and the severity of the consequences that have occurred, it does not represent a significant violation of protected public legal relations. In accordance with the legal position of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, as set out by it, including in Ruling of December 07, 2010 N 1702-O-O, in relation to such an offense as leaving the scene of a traffic accident, which poses a greater public danger than the offense in question - in the absence of harmful consequences and did not constitute a significant violation of protected public relations, - in accordance with Article 2.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, it may be recognized as insignificant and not entail an administrative penalty. The Constitutional Court referred in the Ruling to the need to maintain a balance of interests, to implement the constitutional principles of fairness and proportionality of responsibility. Traffic rules of the Russian Federation, the circumstances that caused such a violation (necessity of work), data on his personality, together give reason to the Smolensk Regional Court to conclude that the offense committed by him is insignificant.

Sign 3.30 "Parking is prohibited on even days of the month" is used to prohibit parking.

Sign 3.30 is installed on the side of the road where the ban is introduced.

With the simultaneous use of signs 3.29, 3.30 on opposite sides of the carriageway from 19 to 21 hours (change time), parking is allowed on both sides of the carriageway.

To prohibit stopping or parking along one of the sides of the square, building facade, etc. sign 3.30 with one of the plates 8.2.5, 8.2.6 or with both plates at the same time may be installed opposite the entrance to the square, the entrance to the building, etc. facing the drivers of the vehicles.

In populated areas, a repeated sign 3.30 with a diameter of 250 mm (without plates 8.2.2 - 8.2.4) to confirm the previously introduced restrictions is allowed to be installed behind exits from adjacent territories, the signs of which may be ambiguously recognized by vehicle drivers.

Sign 3.30 does not apply to vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II or carrying such disabled people, if these vehicles have an identification sign "Disabled".

In the zone of action of the sign 3.30 parking of cars of federal postal organizations with a white diagonal stripe on a blue background is allowed, as well as parking of taxis with a taximeter turned on.

The action of the sign extends from the place where the sign was installed to the nearest intersection behind the sign, and in a built-up area, if there is no intersection, to the end of the built-up area.

The indicated sign must be re-installed after the end of the settlement or immediately after the intersection, if necessary, to maintain the restrictions imposed by the sign, installed respectively before the intersection or the end of the settlement.

The coverage area of ​​the sign 3.30 can be reduced by installing at the end of their coverage area repeated signs 3.30 with a sign 8.2.3 (which is preferable) or by using a sign 8.2.2 or by installing another sign from the specified list or by installing a sign 6.4 "Parking place" with a sign 8.2 .1 "Scope".

Sign 3.30 applies to the side of the road where the sign is installed.

The effect of the sign "Parking is prohibited" and the amount of the fine

Motorists who have crossed the city line should carefully look at the signs, choosing a place to stop the car, so as not to pay fines. The fact is that modern megacities are packed to capacity with cars, and more and more often it happens that a motorist decides to stop a car not where it is allowed, but where there was an empty seat. And often such tricks as, for example, stopping under a sign, end with a fine. If we talk about the worst case scenario, then it is worth mentioning the sending of the car to the impound.

It is necessary to say about the differences in the concepts of "parking" and "stop". Often these terms cause difficulties for car owners. But you need to distinguish between them, this will avoid punishment.

Stop and parking signs are prohibited and what is the difference

Stop sign and parking is prohibited.

If you name the main difference between the concepts, then the essence is that "parking" and "stop" differ in the duration of the process. When stopping, the car stops moving for a short time, but parking is different in that the process lasts much longer.

Let's turn to the rules. They say that stopping involves nothing more than deliberate braking, the period of which should not exceed five minutes. A parking lot is a situation where further movement stops for a long time. In this case, the process should not be associated with the disembarkation of passengers or their boarding in the car. Also, it does not involve loading or unloading luggage.

What does a No Parking sign look like?

"Parking is prohibited" is a sign that is often found on the track. It is round in shape, about 0.25 m in diameter. In places where there are no settlements, its size is increased. In this case, the diameter is made at least 0.6 m. The sign has a blue background, a red border runs along it, and there are also inclined stripes.

Many drivers are interested in whether it is possible to stop if the sign "Parking is prohibited" is installed? If your car is under the sign, and the stop time does not exceed five minutes, then you do not violate traffic rules. The same is true when you stop moving in order to disembark or embark a passenger. In addition, you can stop driving for the time mentioned above for unloading or loading. By doing so, you make a stop that does not violate the requirements of the rules.

Even and odd days of the month

No parking sign.

When installing sign 3.29 on the road means that stopping in its coverage area is prohibited on odd days of the month (1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29 and 31st days).

If the sign is 3.30, it means that stopping is prohibited on even days of the month (2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28 and 30th).

If different signs 3.29 and 3.30 are installed on different sides of the road, this means that you have the right to stop on one side or another, depending on an even or odd date.

No parking sign area

"No Parking" takes effect from the place where it was installed to the following sections:

  • the end of a village or other settlement;
  • the nearest intersection, as viewed in the direction of your car;
  • to the sign indicating the end of all restrictions.
  • the zone of action of the sign turns out to be “information signs”, which are installed under the sign (see Fig. 1) or the time for stopping is indicated (see Fig. 2).

Where parking is prohibited

The driver must not stop at the following places:

  • where tram tracks pass, as well as in their immediate vicinity, interfering with the passage of public transport;
  • it is forbidden to stop in the tunnels;
  • you can not stop the car on bridges, flyovers;
  • it is forbidden to stop the car at railway crossings;
  • you can not leave the car at the pedestrian crossing and in close proximity to it, at a distance of less than 5 meters to the crossings;
  • in other places specified in the Rules.

Fine for parking under the sign "Parking prohibited"

If the driver violated the parking rules, then the punishment is determined by Art. 12.19. If you park your car incorrectly, then be prepared to pay 500 rubles, or you will be warned. You can read more about this in part 1 of article 12.19. For parking in places specially created for stopping cars with disabilities, a fine is imposed. You will have to pay 5,000 rubles, part 2 of article 12.19.

The sign "Parking is prohibited" prohibits parking at a pedestrian crossing, as well as parking closer than 5 meters in front of the "zebra", if there was no forced stop, as well as the case referred to in part 6 of the article, a fine of 1000 rubles is imposed. The same amount will have to be paid when the car is parked on the sidewalk, except for the case specified in part 6 of this article. More details can be found in Part 3 of Art. 12.19.

In part 3.1. articles say that you can’t stop the car in those places that are reserved for taxi ranks, minibus stops. You can stop if you are disembarking passengers, or are going to pick up a person. In addition, the exception is the forced stop of the car, as well as parking due to cases referred to in parts 4 and 6 of the article. You will pay 1000 rubles.

Parking a car on the tracks provides for a fine, you will need to pay 1,500 rubles. The same amount will have to be paid when parking the car further than the first row, when viewed from the edge of the roadway. This is stated in part 3.2. Art. 12.19. Exceptions are specified in part 4 and part 6 of the article.

Parking is prohibited in the tunnel, except for the exceptions provided for in the article, will result in a fine of 2000 rubles. The same amount will have to be paid to those drivers who stopped the car, thereby creating an obstacle for the passage of other vehicles. This is part 4 of article 12.19.


Carefully choose a place to park your car in the city. If you comply with traffic rules, you will not have to pay a fine. Remember that offenses that have occurred in cities of federal significance involve the imposition of a larger fine.

Where is the parking of vehicles prohibited and what are the fines for this?

The rules governing where and how you can park a vehicle are quite diverse. Therefore, if you do not know certain points, you can easily violate traffic rules and get a fine, sometimes very large, reaching even up to 5000 rubles. We note right away that the parking ban applies to all points of the rules prohibiting stopping.

Wherever stopping is prohibited, you can get a fine for leaving the vehicle, since parking is prohibited in 2018 in the same places. Therefore, these points should also be considered at least briefly.

When both stopping and parking are prohibited

So, stopping and parking is prohibited in the following cases:

  1. On tram tracks and near them, if this creates difficulties for the movement of the latter, as well as beyond the first row of the carriageway. This violation is punishable by a fine. 1500 rubles. Moreover, in Moscow and St. Petersburg the fine for these violations has been increased to 3,000 rubles.
  2. On railway crossings. It's a risk not only to get a fine of 1000 rubles, but also deprivation of VU from three months to six months. For a repeated violation of the VU is selected for a year.
  3. In tunnels, under overpasses, under bridges and on them, if there are less than three lanes for traffic in one direction. Violation is punishable by a fine in 2000 rubles. In St. Petersburg and Moscow - 3000 rubles.
  4. If the distance between the vehicle and the "solid" one separating flows of different directions, or the edge of the carriageway is less than 3 m. In the best case, this falls under Art. Code of Administrative Offenses 12.16.4 on non-compliance with the requirements of markings and signs prohibiting parking. The penalty in this case is 1500 rubles. Moreover, if the inspector manages to prove that with your vehicle you have created an obstacle to the movement of other vehicles, then you will have to answer under Art. 12.19 part 4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, providing for a fine 2000 rubles(in the capitals in both cases the fine will be 3,000 rubles).
  5. Closer than 5 m to the zebra and on the sidewalk in violation of the requirements of stop and parking signs. Fine - 1000 rubles(3000 rubles in both capitals).
  6. Closer than 15 m from the stops of passenger vehicles and taxi ranks, counted from the place of installation of the corresponding sign or from the markings. Penalty except for Moscow and St. Petersburg - 1000 r.
  7. In places provided for parking vehicles with disabilities. This carries the heaviest penalty. 3000-5000 rubles
  8. In other places where parking of vehicles is prohibited, i.e. where the car closes the traffic lights or signs, on the roadway with limited visibility, near dangerous turns, closer than 5 m from the intersection of the roadways. All this falls under Art. 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, part 1, punishable by 500 r. fine or even a warning. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the fine is already 2,500 rubles.

Prohibitions relating only to the parking of the vehicle

The above points stipulate places that are not marked with the “Parking prohibited” sign, where under no circumstances can you leave the car. If you parked in the zone of action of the sign, then the fine will be 1500 rubles. In the capitals - 3000 rubles.

In addition to these points, the SDA contains rules according to which parking is prohibited in certain areas where stopping is allowed:

  1. On the carriageway on the main road outside of settlements. The fine for parking on the motorway outside specially designated places is 1000 rubles.
  2. On a segment less than 50 m from the railway crossing. Then the country's budget will have to be paid in accordance with Art. 12.10 h. 1 Administrative Code 1000 rubles. A repeated violation threatens not with a fine, but with the deprivation of the VU for a period of 1 year.

In a word, parking and stopping rules are one of the most voluminous and difficult to remember. However, it is certainly necessary to know them, because compliance with traffic rules will allow you not to spend extra money on paying rather high fines provided for violations of the rules for parking vehicles.

No parking signs, no parking on odd days of the month, no parking on even days of the month

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will look at the last 7 road signs from the prohibition section. We are talking about the signs "Stopping is prohibited", "Parking is prohibited", "Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month", "Parking is prohibited on even days of the month", "End of the zone of all restrictions", "Movement of vehicles with dangerous goods is prohibited" and " The movement of vehicles with explosive and flammable cargo is prohibited.”

Let me remind you that earlier articles were published as part of the “Signs of the Road” series:

The signs discussed in this article are quite popular in modern Russian settlements, and the fines for their violation can be quite large, so I recommend that you take this article carefully enough.

No stop sign

The sign "stop is prohibited" imposes a ban on stopping and parking vehicles:

The sign applies only to the side of the road on which it is installed. Let me remind you that in some cases, the car can be parked not only on the right side of the carriageway, but also on the left (for example, on a one-way road).

The sign "stop is prohibited" does not apply to route vehicles and taxi cars, but only if the following signs and (or) markings are present:

No stop sign area

Consider the conditions under which the zone of action of the sign "stop is prohibited" ends:

I remind you that the zone of validity of the sign "no stopping" ends immediately after any of the above conditions is met.

No parking sign

Road no parking sign imposes a restriction solely on parking and does not apply to stopping cars:

Like the previous one, the no parking sign applies only to the side of the road on which it is installed.

As for the exceptions, they are different for this sign. It does not apply to cars of the postal service, to taxis with a taximeter turned on, as well as to cars owned by disabled people or transporting disabled people or disabled children (they must have an identification sign “Disabled”).

I note that route vehicles cannot violate the requirements of this sign.

No parking sign area

Consider the conditions under which the zone of validity of the “No Parking” sign ends:

Parking prohibited on odd days of the month

The sign "Parking prohibited on odd days of the month" is similar to the previous sign, but it is valid only on odd days of the month:

Parking prohibited on even days of the month

The sign "Parking is prohibited on even days of the month" is opposite to the previous one and is valid only on even days of the month:

Consider the signs 3.29 and 3.30 in more detail. Exceptions for these signs are similar to the exceptions for sign 3.28 (postal vehicles, taxis and those transporting the disabled). The zone of action of signs is also similar to the zone for sign 3.28 with the only exception - marking 1.10 together with signs 3.29 and 3.30 is not applied.

Another interesting feature of the signs 3.29 and 3.30 is the so-called " shift time". The shift time takes place only if signs 3.29 and 3.30 are installed on opposite sides of the carriageway. In this case, from 19:00 to 21:00, cars can stand on both sides of the carriageway.

Pay attention to the following example. Let sign 3.29 “Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month” be installed on the right side of the road, and sign 3.30 “Parking is prohibited on even days of the month” on the left side of the road. Question: "On which side of the road can you park the car on January 1, 2013 at 22:00?".

Following the current rules of the road, the car must be parked on the left side of the road (where odd-numbered parking is allowed).

On the other hand, reading the traffic rules, one would like to think that after the rearrangement, the car should be on the right side of the road. Since this moment is not regulated anywhere, you can get a corresponding fine for stopping on the right side at 22:00.

Penalties for violation of traffic signs 3.27 - 3.30

At present, a driver will be issued a warning or a fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

Also, starting from July 1, 2012, there is a dedicated fine for violation on the territory of Moscow or St. Petersburg - 2 500 rubles.

You can familiarize yourself with the full list of current fines on the page "Table of traffic police fines 2018".

Sign the end of the zone of all restrictions

The sign of the end of the zone of all restrictions terminates the previously considered signs 3.16, 3.20, 3.22, 3.24, 3.26 - 3.30:

Sign movement of vehicles with dangerous goods is prohibited

The sign "Movement of vehicles with dangerous goods is prohibited" restricts the movement of only those vehicles on which special information plates "Dangerous goods" are installed.

In this case, you need to pay attention that even if there is no dangerous goods in the car body, and the plates are still installed, the requirements of sign 3.32 must not be violated.

Sign the movement of vehicles with explosive and flammable goods is prohibited

This sign prohibits the movement of vehicles carrying explosives and products, as well as other dangerous goods subject to marking as flammable.

Signs 3.32 and 3.33 are installed on road sections where vehicles with dangerous goods can pose a danger to people.

As for the fine for violating the requirements of these signs, in accordance with Article 12.21 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, it is 1,000 - 1,500 rubles.

This concludes the consideration of prohibitory road signs, and in the next article we will move on to prescriptive signs. Good luck on the roads!

Question about violation of the sign 3.30, parking under the sign even, odd numbers

I was fined 1500 rubles, sign 3.30 parking is prohibited on even numbers.

Date and time of violation 25.09.2014, 21:49.

To my question to the administrative practice on fines in the traffic police in KEMEROVO: "What's the matter, the sign is on even numbers, and the date and time is the 25th and the time is before 00:00" ??

I was given an answer that according to the traffic rules, although the time is not indicated on the sign, its action takes effect immediately after 21:00 and is valid until 21:00 the next day.

Tell me if this is really so according to the law, or is it an excuse and how to react to it correctly.

By the way, the signs are on both sides (even or even numbers) and even despite the fact that there is a parking pocket for parking and here transport does NOT create interference and emergencies.

To which the employee explained to me that they had nothing to do with the signs, this was the patrimony of the city administration and these signs were their property, and the traffic police were only doing their job.

Lawyers Answers (2)

With the simultaneous use of signs 3.29 and 3.30 on opposite sides of the carriageway, parking is allowed on both sides of the carriageway from 19:00 to 21:00 (change time).

After 9 p.m., the sign of the next day begins to operate.

However, the amount of the fine is unclear.

Article 12.19. Violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles [Russian Code of Administrative Offenses] [Chapter 12] [Article 12.19]

1. Violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles, with the exception of cases provided for by part 1 of article 12.10 of this Code and parts 2-6 of this article, -

shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles

5. Violation provided for by paragraph 1 of this article, committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg, -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of two thousand five hundred roubles.

Although in this case, Art. 12.16 p.4. In this case, a fine of 1500 rubles. At 12.16.4, it is specifically about violation of parking at the request of signs, and at 12.19 part 1, about violation of traffic rules in general (for example, parking on a bridge).

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  • According to the official statistics of the traffic police, in 2019 one of the most popular traffic violations among drivers is parking a car under a parking sign is prohibited.

    Indeed, many motorists do not see it, do not know it, or even confuse it with similar ones. It is necessary to figure out how you can recognize the sign “no parking”, what punishment may result in non-compliance with its requirements, and how it differs from other prohibitory signs.

    According to the SDA, there are three options:

    • parking is always prohibited, except for the use of clarifying signs (3.28);
    • parking is prohibited on odd days of the month (3.29);
    • parking is prohibited on even days of the month (3.30).

    The first option is the most popular. Made in a round shape. Along the rim, like all prohibitory signs, it is circled with a red line. The background is blue. One diagonal red line is drawn through it from the upper left corner to the lower right.

    Attention! If there are two diagonal red lines, this means that the driver is dealing with “no stopping”.

    In the second option, where it is forbidden to stand on odd days of the month, the Roman numeral “I” will be crossed out on a blue background. In the third variant, the traffic law sign "Parking prohibited on even numbers" looks like a crossed out Roman numeral "II". Only thanks to this difference can these signs be distinguished from each other.


    In some cases, traffic rules allow the driver to put the car under one of the three listed. Exceptions include:

    • postal service car parking;
    • it is allowed to park taxi cars with the taximeter turned on;
    • under the sign you can put cars belonging to the disabled or transporting the disabled;
    • vehicles performing an urgent service task (fire engines, ambulance, police);

    Sometimes, under them there is a sign with a crossed-out image of a person in a wheelchair. This means that a disabled person cannot park a car even in the area of ​​the sign.

    Important condition! According to the traffic rules, in the third version, a “disabled” sign must be affixed to the car.

    The difference between parking and stopping

    In addition to the SDA of 2019, which lists road installations, there are two similar ones. We are talking about "no stopping" and "no parking". In order to understand the difference, you need to understand the very concepts of “stop” and “parking”. In the first option, we mean parking with the engine running for no more than 5 minutes. For example, to disembark passengers. In the second - long-term parking.

    Therefore, the zone of action of the sign "no stopping" is less loyal to drivers. Unlike it, the zone of action of the sign "parking is prohibited" allows cars to stop for a short tremin.

    Attention! The driver must understand exactly how long it is possible to stand under the no parking sign. Short-term parking is allowed with the engine running for no more than 5 minutes.

    Additional plates

    Often, additional signs are hung under such installations that specify the requirements. For example, you can often see a no parking sign with a down arrow. Thus, the side on which it is forbidden to park is specified.

    Also on the plates you can see:

    • prohibition to park vehicles for the disabled,
    • clarification that the sign is valid on a day off (red asterisk on a white background) or working days (two hammers (symbols) on a white background);
    • the distance at which the signs operate;
    • direction of action;
    • time designation.

    Example. The sign of car parking is prohibited on odd days of the month hangs on the right side of the road and is supplemented by a sign 7.2.2 (an arrow indicating the distance). This means that the driver is forbidden to park the car there on the right side of the road on odd numbers, but only for 10 meters from it. Any parking is allowed on even days.

    Termination of the area of ​​effect

    The zone where parking is prohibited ends in specified cases. The action of the sign parking is prohibited ends if:

    1. A no parking sign was installed with a sign that informs about the specific distance of the coverage area;
    2. The coverage area extends to the first intersection;
    3. There is a feature of the settlement (determined by a sign with the name of the city, crossed out with a red line);
    4. There is an installation of traffic rules that removes prohibitions.

    It is important to know what the sign of the lifting of bans looks like - it is a white background crossed out with black lines on a round one.

    What kind of punishment can you get?

    For parking under the sign, parking is prohibited, very often drivers are brought to administrative responsibility.

    A fine for parking in the wrong place is issued by the traffic police, who take into account:

    • whether the car creates obstacles for road users;
    • where exactly the violation took place (for example, at a pedestrian crossing).

    Thus, a fine for parking under the sign can be 1,500 rubles. If the transport interferes with other motorists, you will have to pay 3,000 rubles, and the vehicle itself will go to the penalty area. The Code of Administrative Offenses does not provide for other sanctions for this violation of the rules.

    Important note! Consider how many minutes you can stand under this sign. Recall that according to the current legislation, the driver has only 5 minutes, but the engine must be running.

    The sign "Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month" and the sign "Parking is prohibited on even numbers" often lead to disputes between the driver and the traffic police. For example, sometimes a car is parked until 00:00, but when they come to pick it up the next day at 08:00, they get a fine for parking.

    The driver should know that a fine for parking under the traffic rules sign “Parking is prohibited” can only be done personally by a traffic police officer when communicating with the driver. He must attach a photo with a violation to the decision, and if there is none, the driver can safely appeal the decision of the inspector in court.


    Thus, every driver is obliged to know the “no parking” traffic sign and comply with its requirements.

    You need to remember the following points:

    1. Normal (3.28) always prohibits parking, but allows a short stop;
    2. Sometimes it is forbidden to park the car on even and odd days of the month, depending on which sign is set (3.29 or 3.30);
    3. It is important to pay attention to the signs below them, which play the role of a pointer (for example, the sign “no parking” along with the arrow below it indicates in which direction the pointer works);
    4. For parking under the sign “parking is prohibited”, a fine of 1,500 to 3,000 rubles is issued.

    It is also advisable to remember description 3.28 in order to distinguish it from similar ones (which prohibit parking on even or odd days, or even prohibit stopping altogether).

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    We will be interested now in the sign prohibiting parking. There are many interpretations of it. And for each case there is a separate image. Of course, there are penalties for parking violations. But what exactly? What does a no-parking sign look like, anyway? All this is necessary to know. After all, this is the only way to avoid punishments and the deplorable consequences of committed violations. Let's try to figure it all out. You should not be afraid - everything is extremely simple to understand. The main thing is to know your rights and traffic rules.


    Let's start with definitions. The thing is that in the rules of the road there are signs prohibiting parking, and those that do not allow stopping. All these are different concepts, but the penalties for these violations are approximately the same.

    Before studying the sign prohibiting parking, it is worth understanding the definitions. What is what? According to the law, a stop is a temporary and deliberate cessation of the movement of a car (or vehicle) for up to 5 minutes. This definition is used in cases where the action is necessary for the embarkation and disembarkation of passengers, as well as unloading and loading.

    But parking is a broader concept. It characterizes a long stop (more than 5 minutes), not related to passengers or loading. At the same time, the driver does everything consciously and deliberately. As you can see, there is nothing difficult to understand here. The no parking sign has several interpretations. Which ones?


    The first option is "No stop". Everything here is extremely easy and simple. This sign looks like a circle with a red edging. And it is crossed out diagonally twice. In fact, the cross.

    If you see this kind of image, you can be sure - you can not stop here. And you can't park here either. Quite often, a yellow solid line is displayed nearby on the roadway. This is another signal to stop.


    There is another popular type of prohibition sign. It's No Parking. It is somewhat similar to the previous version, but has a difference. Which one?

    "No Parking" is a circle with a red "edging", crossed out only once diagonally from left to right. At the same time, this sign does not prohibit stopping. Near it, you can “pause” for 5 minutes to unload and load something, as well as disembark and disembark passengers. Everything is easy and simple, isn't it?


    Please note that very often there are some additional signs on poles with installed signs. They play an important role in the rules of the road. Their task is to clarify certain points.

    For example, a no parking sign for trucks is "No Stopping" with an additional small image of a truck underneath. Pay attention to this feature. After all, very often prohibitory signs have certain clarifications. And, of course, the scope. Which one? This will be discussed now.

    Area of ​​effect

    Consider the most common and simple scenario. If there are no clarifications, then any road sign has its own coverage area. What restrictions can be encountered here?

    A no-parking sign (whose coverage area is not specified) is valid only for the lane on which it is installed. More precisely, on the side where it stands. And parking in this case extends to the nearest intersection (in the village). If there are none, then until the very end. Nothing difficult, right?

    It turns out that if you "run into" the "Stop is prohibited", then you can not park to the nearest intersection at least. Learn it. Although there are some limitations and features that we have not yet talked about. But now we have to fix it.

    Arrow to down

    Clarifying signs very often indicate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe main pointer. And in our case, you can easily get confused. Note that the no-parking arrow down sign is quite common on the roads. But what does he represent?

    As practice shows (and the law says), this kind of image indicates the end of the sign. That is, you can already park behind it. And nothing will happen to you with such actions. But before the sign it is better not to stop. After all, the scope has not yet ended. In principle, there is nothing difficult to understand. Did you see a down arrow under "No stopping" (a separate sign)? Then know that you can park behind this sign. The restricted area is ending.

    double arrow

    But that's not all. Many drivers, especially beginners, are able to get confused by traffic signs. And in clarifying interpretations too. For example, what does a no-parking sign with an up and down arrow represent?

    With one "arrow" we have already figured out. This is an action limitation. What about double then? In this case, you should not panic. The only thing to consider is that this kind of pointer shows us that the main pointer is in the coverage area. That is, it prohibits parking in a certain area before and after the pole. Nothing difficult. Usually on the same side you can see "No Stopping" with a down arrow. These are very common cases. Therefore, the double arrow should not be afraid and afraid. It is needed to prevent stops in a certain area. Quite often there is a certain small qualifying symbol in the form of meters. It indicates the parking restriction area after and before the sign.


    And that's not all. Sometimes on the streets you can find quite non-standard parking restrictors. For example, a sign prohibiting parking, indicating the time. To be honest, everything is quite simple here. The driver does not have the right to stop near the sign and after it for a certain period of time.

    Which one? This will be indicated by a clarifying plate below the main image. Most often, such restrictions are imposed in busy areas of cities. And you must anticipate it. During the time not indicated on the table, you can park in certain places. Although some drivers still do not risk doing so. Only in rare cases, when it is really necessary. It is better to play it safe once again than to run into this or that punishment.

    Even days

    Another rather interesting case is the sign prohibiting parking on even days. It is found in small towns not too often, but in large ones all the time. Moreover, its action does not apply to taxis, fixed-route transport, as well as cars driven by disabled people. In all other cases, you will have to follow the rules.

    What does this sign look like? This is No Parking, but two white "bricks" will be placed vertically inside the circle. And they will be crossed out. As you can see, nothing supernatural either. If you see this sign, you can be sure that you can’t stop here on even days of the month. The rest of the time this rule does not work. And each driver can "pause" in the area near the sign. This is worth taking into account.

    odd days

    A sign prohibiting parking on odd days is also in place. And it doesn't look very original. Something like a sign prohibiting parking on even days of the month.

    What exactly does the next type of ban look like? It's nothing more than "No Parking", but there is one "brick" in the center. In a vertical position and under the diagonal line of the circle. That is, it is crossed out. That's all.

    Restrictions in this case are imposed exactly the same as in the previous case - parking is prohibited for all citizens, with the exception of post office, fixed-route taxi (transport), as well as disabled people. You can park on even days. If there are any clarifications under the index, pay attention to them. It happens that on even days and on odd days it is forbidden to park only at certain times. This is a fairly common phenomenon that drivers rarely pay attention to.


    Here we are with you and studied the sign prohibiting parking. In general, there are still a lot of additional clarifying symbols that concretize the action of this. But the most popular of them is now no secret to us.

    For violation of parking and stopping rules, you can run into a punishment. It will not always be serious, but this feature will have to be taken into account. And special attention, as practice shows, is paid to places specially equipped as parking lots.

    The nature of the penalties varies. First, it all depends on where you live. If you live in a federal area, it will be more stringent. And in ordinary cities - softer. Secondly, your history of "relations with the law" will also play a role in this or that violation. And that's a pretty important factor. Thirdly, much depends on the situation as a whole.

    Practice shows that the most harmless punishment is a reprimand in the form of a warning. The second is fines. If you decide to deal with the problem immediately, you can hope to deposit only 500 rubles. Otherwise, depending on the severity of the violation and the specific situation, you will have to pay from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles. The most unpleasant moment is the deprivation of a driver's license and the confiscation of the car. Under such circumstances, you will need to additionally redeem your vehicle from the impound.

    When it comes to violations of parking rules in specially designated areas, the authorities speak with drivers in a harsher manner. If you take the place of a disabled person, be sure that you will either be deprived of your rights (a very common punishment), or your car will be confiscated (also not so rare), or you will have to pay a decent fine of approximately 5,000 rubles. The usual warning is unlikely to get off. Always pay attention to traffic signs and follow the parking rules. Remember about the restricted areas, and then you will not have any problems with the law. A sign prohibiting parking (photos of different interpretations can be seen above) will tell the driver how to act in a certain situation.

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