What is severe asphyxia in newborns. Asphyxia of newborns during childbirth: consequences, causes, help, what will happen at an older age. Degrees of asphyxia in newborns

For 9 months, parents are looking forward to the birth of a small miracle. During this time, future mom and dad experience versatile feelings: joy and feelings, happiness and fear. The birth of a baby is the happiest moment in their life, which is often overshadowed by the news of the discovery of any health problems in the newborn. For example, a child may experience asphyxia. Many mothers and fathers become very nervous about this.

In most cases, the experiences turn out to be too strong, because the parents do not know what is happening at this time with their child and how modern medicine copes with such situations.

Asphyxia of newborns is understood as a pathological condition of newborn children, in which breathing is disturbed and oxygen deficiency develops. This dangerous and serious condition can occur both during childbirth and after them in the first days of the baby's life.

In a baby, asphyxia cannot occur without a specific reason, but before talking about them, it is worth paying attention to the types of this pathological condition of the child. Asphyxia is classified into primary and secondary. First view occurs in the fetus during childbirth. Chronic or acute intrauterine hypoxia causes this pathological condition. Also, asphyxia can occur due to:

  • intracranial injury in a baby received by him during childbirth;
  • fetal malformations that affect breathing and cause difficulty;
  • immunological incompatibility of the child and mother;
  • blockage of the respiratory tract crumbs with mucus or amniotic fluid.

The causes of primary asphyxia in a child may be the presence of extragenital diseases in the mother. For example, the fetus may suffer due to the fact that a pregnant woman has diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, iron deficiency anemia. The child may also experience asphyxia if the expectant mother suffers from (late toxicosis), which is accompanied by increased pressure and swelling of the limbs.

Quite often, the causes of asphyxia in newborns lie in the pathological structure of the placenta, umbilical cord, and fetal membranes. Risk factors include premature discharge of amniotic fluid, premature, improper insertion of the fetal head during labor.

Secondary asphyxia occurs in a child a few hours or days after birth. Its reasons may be:

  • heart defects;
  • violation of cerebral circulation in a baby;
  • CNS damage.

The most common cause of secondary asphyxia is pneumopathy (diffuse and polysegmental atelectasis, hemorrhages in the lungs, edematous hemorrhagic syndrome, hyaline membranes). They occur in the prenatal period or during childbirth and are accompanied by the development of a syndrome of respiratory disorders.

What happens in the body of newborns with asphyxia?

With this pathological condition, the newborn begins to change metabolic processes in the body, the severity of which depends on the degree of intensity of asphyxia and its duration.

At acute asphyxia , developing against a chronic background, hypovolemia is observed. This term refers to a decrease in the volume of circulating blood. It becomes thicker and more viscous.

In the brain, heart, liver, kidneys, there may be hemorrhages and edema that occur due to a lack of oxygen. Hypoxia of the fetus and asphyxia of the newborn leads to a decrease in blood pressure. The number of contractions of the heart is significantly reduced. The urinary function of the kidneys is impaired.

Signs of asphyxia in newborns

Doctors detect this pathological condition in children in the first seconds of life. The frequency and adequacy of breathing, skin color, indicators of muscle tone, heartbeat, reflex excitability are assessed.

The main sign of the presence of asphyxia in a child is violation of the breathing process leading to serious changes in the body. Immediately after the birth of the baby, doctors conduct a thorough examination. His condition is assessed on the Apgar scale.

There are the following forms of asphyxia:

  • light;
  • average;
  • heavy;
  • clinical death.

At mild form asphyxia, the condition of the crumbs on the Apgar scale is estimated at 6-7 points. The baby takes its first breath within the first minute after birth. However, his breathing is weakened, muscle tone is reduced, and a bluish tint is inherent in the nasolabial triangle.

At average form asphyxia, the assessment of the baby's condition is 4-5 points. The child, as well as with mild asphyxia, will take a breath during the first 60 seconds. His breathing will be weakened (irregular or regular). The baby may experience tachycardia, extinction of reflexes, decreased muscle tone, and bradycardia. The skin of the face, hands and feet will have a bright bluish tint.

The child's condition severe form asphyxia is estimated at 1-3 points. Breathing is irregular. It may or may not be present at all. The baby does not scream, but only sometimes moans. The heartbeat is slow and there are no reflexes. There is also muscle atony or hypotension. The skin is characterized by a pale shade. The umbilical cord does not pulsate. Quite often, with this severity of asphyxia, a newborn develops adrenal insufficiency.

At clinical death doctors give the child's condition a zero Apgar score. Specialists to save the life of the baby begin to immediately carry out a set of resuscitation measures.

It is worth noting that asphyxia is detected not only by external examination and assessment of the condition of the crumbs on the Apgar scale. The study of the acid-base state of the blood serves to confirm the diagnosis. With the help of ultrasound of the brain and methods of neurological examination, it is possible to determine damage to the central nervous system (extensive subdural, subarchanoid, intraventricular hemorrhages, etc.).

Treatment of acute asphyxia

All babies born in this pathological condition need intensive care. Doctors carry out certain activities in the delivery room in the first minutes of the baby's life, carefully monitoring the main parameters of life:

  • heart rate;
  • frequency and depth of inhalations and exhalations;
  • hematocrit.

According to these indications, medical workers evaluate the effectiveness of the measures taken and adjust them, if necessary.

What actions do doctors perform when a child is born? First of all, when the head is born, the doctor in the nasal cavity and mouth introduces a special probe . With its help, the remnants of mucus and amniotic fluid are removed from the upper respiratory tract.

After the baby is completely removed from the birth canal, doctors will cut the umbilical cord. The baby will be placed on the resuscitation table and the contents of the nasopharynx and stomach will be re-aspirated.

After the restoration of the child's cardiac and respiratory activity transferred to the intensive care unit . The actions of doctors will not end there. Further measures of medical workers will be aimed at eliminating the consequences of newborn asphyxia: restoring metabolic processes, eliminating cerebral edema, and normalizing kidney function.

Caring for a child after suffering asphyxia

A baby after asphyxia needs special medical care. The child must be given complete rest. His head should be in an elevated position. Oxygen therapy plays an important role.

Babies after a mild form of asphyxia should be in a special tent with a high oxygen content inside it. There is no specific period of stay in it. One child needs to be in the tent for several hours, and the other for several days. The time spent in the oxygen tent is determined by the doctor after assessing the child's condition.

A newborn who has had asphyxia in severe or moderate form is placed in an incubator. Oxygen is supplied there. Inside the couveuse, the concentration of this chemical element should be about 40%. Some maternity hospitals may not have the necessary equipment. In this case, special nasal cannulas or breathing masks are used. Through them, oxygen is supplied.

A newborn child after asphyxia must be observed. It is necessary to control body temperature, bowel function, diuresis. Quite often, repeated cleaning of the respiratory tract from mucus and other contents is required.

The first feeding of a baby who has had a mild or moderate form of asphyxia is made 16 hours after birth. Children who are faced with a severe form of asphyxia are fed a day after birth using a special probe. The question of when to apply a baby to the breast after asphyxia is of interest to many mothers. There is no specific answer to it. The start time of breastfeeding is determined individually, depending on the condition of the baby.

What to do after discharge from the maternity hospital?

The baby after discharge from the hospital should be under the supervision of a neurologist and pediatrician. The purpose of medical supervision is to prevent the occurrence of complications from the central nervous system.

The prognosis of doctors depends on the following factors:

  • the severity of the pathological condition;
  • timely initiation of treatment;
  • adequacy of medical measures.

If the baby was born with asphyxia, then the prognosis is directly dependent on the secondary assessment of his condition, which is made on the Apgar scale 5 minutes after birth. The forecast will be favorable if the second estimate is higher than the first.

During the first years of life, the following consequences of asphyxia in newborns can be observed:

  • hydrocephalic syndrome;
  • diencephalic disorders;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • hypo- and hyperexcitability.

The above complications most often occur after a severe form of asphyxia. To prevent their occurrence, follow-up care by doctors is necessary.

Measures for the prevention of asphyxia in newborns

Asphyxia can cause quite serious health problems. You may not encounter this pathological condition at all if you perform certain actions aimed at preventing asphyxia. They do not always help, but despite this, you should not refuse them. In 40% of cases they give a positive result.

It has already been mentioned above that intrauterine hypoxia can be the cause of asphyxia. It can be avoided by visiting the doctor regularly.

During the "interesting situation" you need to identify all the risk factors:

  • infectious and somatic diseases (acute respiratory diseases, influenza, colds);
  • age of the fair sex;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • change in the hormonal background of a woman;
  • the presence of situations in life that cause stress;
  • bad habits (alcohol, smoking).

We should not forget about intrauterine monitoring of the state of the placenta and fetus. It is very important, because thanks to it, various violations can be detected in time. By the state of the placenta, you can determine if the fetus is oxygen starvation or not. The danger signal is the presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid. At the first suspicion of hypoxia, it is necessary to start appropriate therapy as soon as possible.

All of the above is a confirmation that it is necessary to regularly visit a gynecologist. In no case should this be neglected, because the health of the baby and his life are at risk.

An important role in the prevention of hypoxia and asphyxia of the fetus and newborn is played by the correct lifestyle of a woman. The expectant mother should follow a few simple rules:

Walk more. A pregnant woman should spend more free time outdoors. Her blood is saturated with oxygen, which is then transported to the fetus. The child needs this element. It needs oxygen for proper development and growth.

Some women believe that walks are useful only if they are not in the city, but outside it. Such a view is incorrect. You can walk in the city at any time of the year in the nearest park or square.

Follow the daily routine. A pregnant woman should forget about the former “crazy rhythm of life”, when she sat at the computer at night, went to bed late, woke up early in the morning and went to work. Now you need to sleep at least 9 hours at night and during the day it is recommended to find a couple of hours for sleep.

Take vitamin and mineral complexes. A pregnant woman and her baby, who is still in the tummy, need vitamins and nutrients. Unfortunately, the quality of modern products does not allow obtaining all the necessary minerals and trace elements. "Magic wand" are special preparations - vitamin-mineral complexes.

They help meet the needs of mother and child. However, the drug must be prescribed by a gynecologist. You should not make decisions on your own, because some people do not need vitamins and minerals, and their excess can harm both mother and child.

Maintaining peace of mind and positive mood. Pregnancy is an unforgettable period in a woman's life. It is associated not only with joyful moments, but also with experiences, stresses. The expectant mother needs to worry less. All worries and worries can be easily dealt with. You just need to learn how to do it.

Pregnant women are encouraged to delete negative emotions from their lives. Dreaming about the future will help you maintain a positive attitude and peace of mind. You can bring bright colors into your life by watching good comedies, reading funny books, communicating with positive people.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that asphyxia is a serious pathological condition, but do not worry if this has affected your children. Thanks to modern devices, doctors will quickly notice something is wrong and take the necessary measures that will protect newborns from the consequences of asphyxia and save their lives.


Asphyxia during childbirth is very dangerous and unpleasant, however, unfortunately, it is not uncommon in newborns. Hearing such a diagnosis, many parents at first panic, which is categorically not recommended. It is better to study the problem first, so that in which case you know how to react, and what exactly is the threat of asphyxiation.

What is it

The terrible word "asphyxia" in fact means a violation of the respiratory functions in newborns during childbirth. As a rule, the danger manifests itself in the first seconds of the baby's exit. Breathing may be absent altogether, or be intermittent, rare. Roughly speaking, this is the usual suffocation.

Also, the term "asphyxia" means a whole range of changes and disorders in the body of a newborn child, which occur due to a lack of oxygen. The most common occurrence in the fetus is acidosis, which means that the acid-base balance is tilted to one side. At the same time, the heartbeat also slows down, and there is a violation of the metabolic processes of the body. Adaptation of a child with asphyxia, as a rule, turns out to be very difficult, and takes more time than for other children.

Asphyxia can develop in different forms, different conditions, as well as at different stages of pregnancy and the birth of a baby.

In order to understand what measures to take, and whether it is worth fearing the consequences, you need to study all the possible causes of asphyxia - this will help the expectant mother to be more careful.

The reasons

There are many reasons why asphyxia can occur, and they all fall into different groups.

  • insufficient amount of oxygen or an excess of carbon dioxide, or simply a lack of oxygen in the body of a young mother. This occurs as a result of acute blood loss, shock, diseases of the cardiovascular system, or intoxication;
  • it is through the umbilical cord that the necessary oxygen and nutrients are transferred to the fetus. With impaired circulation of the blood vessels of the umbilical cord or with pathologies of the placenta, a violation of respiratory functions may also occur. This list includes any other problems during pregnancy: severe toxicosis, prolonged gestation, violation of labor, and so on;
  • however, the presence or absence of asphyxia is provoked not only by factors dependent on the mother. Sometimes a lack of oxygen occurs due to dysfunction of the central nervous system of the child, malformations, as well as birth injuries and congenital heart defects;
  • sometimes the cause is absolute or intermediate obstruction of the fetal airways. If during pregnancy the mother had a cyst removed, or she was ill with infectious diseases, the child may be born with congenital pneumonia;
  • sometimes the lungs of a premature fetus cannot expand, because their body is simply not yet able to produce a substance such as a surfactant. It is this that contributes to the fact that the lungs of a healthy person are constantly straightened.

As you can see, the sources are very diverse, and they all lead to different side effects.

Video "How to reduce the risk of asphyxia of the baby?"


The diagnosis of "asphyxia" can be made only in the first 24 hours after the birth of a child, and parents should not forget about it. If oxygen deficiency was recorded later, then the disease will be called differently. Various complications can appear as consequences, which are divided into two groups: early (in the first 24 hours) and late (starting from the first week of life).

The result of a lack of oxygen in the first day can be cerebral edema, hemorrhages inside the cranium, and death of the brain substance. Changes in the cardiovascular system, heart failure and impaired renal function are also possible. In some cases, pulmonary edema and pulmonary hemorrhage are obtained, as well as, as already mentioned, a lack of a substance that helps to restore the lungs. Certain consequences also concern the gastrointestinal tract: intestinal obstruction, damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

There is also a group of late complications, including general brain damage, circulatory disorders, convulsive syndrome, and colds.

Signs and forms

As already mentioned, the first and most obvious consequence of asphyxia is impaired breathing. Further, the symptoms vary depending on the form of the disease.

  • with a mild form, the child inhales for the first time within 60 seconds after birth, however, there is a weakened intensity of breathing, reduced muscle tone, and in the region of the nose and lips, the skin has a bluish tint;
  • a severe form is also characterized by the first breath within a minute after birth, however, breaths are accompanied by tachycardia, extinction of reflexes, decreased muscle tone, and a bluish tint to the hands, feet and face skin;
  • in severe form, breathing is very irregular, or may be absent altogether. The child does not cry, only makes weak moans, the heartbeat slows down very much, primary reflexes do not appear. The skin takes on a pale bluish tint, the umbilical cord does not pulsate. Also, a severe form causes adrenal insufficiency;
  • the most dangerous form is called clinical death. Here it is necessary to immediately carry out a complex of resuscitation measures, otherwise the consequences may be irreparable.

Any experienced form of asphyxia requires some care and treatment later, even if the child's condition has returned to normal.

Treatment and care after

The first condition for therapy after complications of respiratory functions is a state of complete rest for the child. The child is placed in a chamber with a high oxygen content for some time, but only a doctor can predict how long this treatment will last.

All vital signs of the child are carefully observed and controlled, sometimes the body needs one or more cleanings of the respiratory tract from accumulated mucus. With a mild form of asphyxia, after 16 hours the child will be given to the mother, if the form is acute, feeding is carried out through a special probe.

After discharge, the baby must be registered at the dispensary, as well as under the supervision of a whole group of doctors. Depending on the severity of the condition, the speed of the measures taken, as well as the presence of complications, appropriate treatment may be necessary, which depends on the affected areas of the body.

It can be summarized that in order to prevent asphyxia in a child, it is necessary, first of all, if possible, to prevent various kinds of infections and stress during pregnancy, and otherwise everything will depend on the competence of doctors.

Video "Asphyxia - what is it?"

What is this danger that lies in wait for the baby when it is born? How to protect the child from the dangers of childbirth? You will learn all this from the video.

Asphyxia of newborns is a special type of pathology in childbirth, in which there is a complete blockage of oxygen access through the umbilical cord during the passage of the baby through the birth canal. In this case, a child can be born in a serious condition or die during childbirth in just a few minutes. This is caused by sharp disturbances in metabolic processes and acute hypoxia of vital organs - this is the heart and brain.

In a state of asphyxia, up to 5% of children can be born, the degree of its severity depends on the duration of the period of suffocation, changes in gas exchange, how much carbon dioxide the tissues have accumulated. Asphyxia can be in utero, during childbirth, and after birth, on the first day, secondary. It is one of the main causes of death of children in childbirth.

Asphyxia will be the result of an unfavorable course of pregnancy and childbirth, pathologies of both the mother's body and the fetus. A baby can be born in asphyxia during acute or chronic fetal hypoxia as a result of congenital infections (affection with syphilis, rubella, herpes, chlamydial and other infections), in the presence of intracranial injuries, malformations, in the presence of an Rhesus conflict or in the blood group, if amniotic fluid into the respiratory tract, if the baby takes the first breath before birth, when the umbilical cord is clamped during childbirth (loops fell out, breech presentation). Asphyxia threatens the fetus with placental abruption during childbirth, with prolonged pregnancy, late gestosis.

The secondary process occurs when the lungs are damaged (did not straighten out, pulmonary edema) after childbirth or disruption of the brain (hemorrhage, damage).

The stronger and longer the hypoxia was, the more severe the course of asphyxia will be, the internal organs, brain, and blood circulation suffer. Severe hypoxia leads to a decrease in pressure and death.


First of all, asphyxia is manifested by the absence of breathing at birth, which leads to impaired blood circulation, decreased muscle tone and the disappearance of reflexes. Asphyxia is recorded on the Apgar scale immediately after birth, while the presence of points from 5 to 7 indicates fetal hypoxia of a small degree, with 4-5 points of severe hypoxia, with a decrease in points to 3-1, birth in asphyxia (suffocation) is put. If there is a score of 0, they talk about clinical death and carry out resuscitation.

At birth in asphyxia, children are bluish all over the body or pale, there is no heartbeat, the first breath and cry, there are no independent movements, reflexes and muscle tone. Children do not react to irritants, there is no pulsation of the umbilical cord. This condition requires immediate measures to restore breathing.

Weaker degrees - hypoxia of newborns at birth give the presence of palpitations, partial cyanosis, single movements of the limbs, a cry after first aid and skin irritation, clearing the respiratory tract from mucus. Usually, children can be removed from the state of asphyxia if it lasted no more than 5 minutes.

Diagnosis of asphyxia in a newborn

The basis for diagnosing asphyxia in the neonatal period is an Apgar assessment immediately after birth, or registration of asphyxia intrauterine according to CTG data with immediate assistance. In addition to an external examination, the gas composition of the blood is immediately determined using a skin pulse oximeter, all assessments are carried out already against the background of resuscitation. The doctor immediately listens to heart sounds and breathing with a stethoscope, immediately checks reflexes and visually skin color, their reaction to resuscitation.

Immediately after the removal of the child from asphyxia, an additional complete examination is necessary to determine the consequences. These include an examination by a neurologist and an urgent ultrasound of the head through the fontanel, determination of reflexes, the state of internal organs. A chest x-ray may also be shown to evaluate the condition of the lungs.


The main complication of asphyxia is the death of the fetus during childbirth or severe disorders of the brain, heart or internal organs, which can remain for life. Often such children suffer from neurological disorders, have cysts or hemorrhages in the brain, decreased tone, disorders of motor functions, developmental delays - physical or mental.


What can you do

Asphyxia is a life-threatening condition, only a doctor provides all measures to a newborn. It is important, if there is a threat of asphyxia in childbirth, to listen carefully to the doctor and strictly follow all his instructions when to push and when to breathe.

What does a doctor do

At birth in asphyxia, immediate cutting of the umbilical cord and the beginning of resuscitation are required. This is carried out by a neonatologist immediately in the delivery room. This is the suction of all the mucus of the nose and throat, the respiratory tract, conducting pulmonary and cardiac resuscitation, if it is necessary to intubate the baby and connect it immediately to the ventilator, administer the necessary drugs, correct circulatory and respiratory disorders as soon as the baby breathes.

After suffering asphyxia in childbirth, the baby is immediately taken to the neonatal unit, to the intensive care unit and a full-fledged treatment is carried out with the restoration of all organ functions. It is shown to be on a ventilator or transfer to mask breathing with oxygen, being in an incubator with heating and oxygen supply, gastric lavage, the introduction of special solutions into a vein in order to eliminate excess acid (CO2) and normalize the amount of oxygen. Such children remain under the supervision of doctors for a long time until their condition causes concern, they will breathe normally on their own and their condition will be stable.


Childbirth is carried out under the control of CTG to detect the slightest deviations in the condition of the fetus. With signs of hypoxia, a caesarean section may be indicated. It is important to listen to all the instructions of the doctor during childbirth, with the slightest doubt, to agree to an emergency completion of childbirth through surgery. During pregnancy, you need constant medical supervision and monitoring of the condition of the fetus.

Insufficient supply of oxygen to the body is very dangerous for the normal functioning of all organs, tissues and cells of the human body. And the longer a person experiences a lack of oxygen, the more pronounced negative consequences can occur. This condition is considered especially dangerous when it comes to a still developing organism - a fetus or a newborn child. With an acute lack of oxygen, children can face directly at the time of birth. Let's talk about what neonatal asphyxia is, consider the consequences of such a violation and the degree of asphyxia on the Apgar scale, and also figure out how a newborn is resuscitated during asphyxia.

The term "asphyxia of newborns" means that critical condition that develops due to impaired gas exchange: due to oxygen deficiency and carbon dioxide accumulation. Such a pathological condition makes itself felt by the absence of breathing or its weakness against the background of the intact work of the heart.

Asphyxia of newborns during childbirth can be explained by intracranial trauma of the newborn received during passage through the birth canal. It can also be provoked by cord entanglement, oligohydramnios, blockage of the respiratory tract with mucus, malformations, etc.

The degree of asphyxia of newborns according to the APGAR scale

When a baby is born, doctors evaluate his condition, focusing on the criteria of the Apgar scale.

So if the baby is completely healthy, they talk about eight to ten points on the Apgar scale. With a mild degree of asphyxia, we are talking about six or seven points, and with an average degree, four or five points. If severe asphyxia has occurred, the baby needs resuscitation, and his condition is estimated at zero to three points on the Apgar scale.

Children after asphyxia in a mild degree have a decrease in muscle tone, as well as respiratory activity. The lack of oxygen causes a decrease in physiological reflexes. Breathing in such children is superficial, diffuse cyanosis is recorded. However, the child's condition stabilizes rather quickly, after two or three days the baby feels good.

If a child is born with an average degree of asphyxia, he does not have physiological reflexes, a noticeable decrease in tone, motor activity and pain sensitivity is recorded. There is marked cyanosis.

Severe asphyxia is often incompatible with life, in this case the child does not breathe on his own, his physiological reflexes are not determined, the pulse is filiform, and the heartbeat is weak.

What threatens asphyxia during childbirth, what are its consequences

Birth asphyxia of the brain in newborns, which we continue to talk about on this page www .. They can be early or late. The first include swelling of the brain, hemorrhages in the brain and its necrosis. And late complications can be infectious (,) or neurological (or).

The consequences of asphyxia during childbirth are usually diagnosed in the first year of a baby's life. They can be represented by hyperexcitability, delayed reactions, convulsive syndrome, encephalopathy, and even the death of the baby.

Many children who have suffered asphyxia during childbirth have a lag in the formation of speech, they may behave inappropriately and have reduced academic performance. Also, these children have significantly reduced immunity. In a third of babies with a similar history, there is a lag in mental and / or physical development.

Resuscitation of newborns with asphyxia

If asphyxia is suspected in a newborn child, doctors immediately predict the need for resuscitation and take measures to prepare them. Immediately after delivery, the condition of the newborn is assessed. Further, specialists restore free patency of the paths, try to achieve adequate breathing and normal cardiac activity. Medicines are administered as needed.

Medicines for primary resuscitation are used only if, even with artificial ventilation of the lungs with one hundred percent oxygen and with indirect heart massage for thirty seconds, the crumbs retain bradycardia of less than eighty beats per minute.

Of the medicines, the most commonly used solution is adrenaline hydrochloride, which can increase the frequency and strength of heart contractions. In addition, such a tool effectively increases coronary blood flow and improves blood supply to the heart muscle.

In addition, during resuscitation, doctors can use agents that replenish the volume of circulating fluid. They can be presented with a 5% albumin solution or isotonic sodium chloride solution or ringer's solution. Such compounds are injected directly into the umbilical cord vein, for every kilogram of body weight, the crumbs use ten milliliters of the solution in five to ten minutes. Such funds effectively reduce pallor, increase pulse and heart rate, increase blood pressure and reduce acidosis (due to improved microcirculation in tissues).

In some cases, a 4% solution of sodium bicarbonate can also be used. It allows you to increase the heart rate to 100 or more beats per minute and significantly reduce acidosis. This is the treatment of asphyxia of newborns.

Neonatal asphyxia is a rather serious disorder that requires immediate correction and further monitoring.

Asphyxia of a newborn is a condition of a child at birth, which is characterized by a violation of breathing and cardiac activity.

These disorders can be mild, passing on their own or with minimal medical assistance, or severe with full-fledged resuscitation.

Children born in a state of asphyxia do not cry or scream, they have no independent movements or they are minimal, the skin is cyanotic (with a bluish tint).

Asphyxia of newborns can be intrauterine, it develops due to chronic or acute intrauterine fetal hypoxia (oxygen starvation).

The reasons for the development of this type of asphyxia in newborns are intrauterine infections, malformations, various toxic substances, including drugs, alcohol, nicotine.

In general, almost all negative effects on a pregnant woman can lead to the development of hypoxia in the fetus, and as a result, the development of asphyxia.

Perhaps the development of asphyxia of the newborn due to a violation of the supply of oxygen to the baby during childbirth. This is due to a change or cessation of blood flow in the vessels of the umbilical cord: entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck of the fetus, prolapse of umbilical cord loops, thrombosis of the umbilical vein, premature detachment of the placenta.

Violation of oxygen supply leads to the development of hypoxia in the baby.

Asphyxia can also develop in a newborn child who developed normally.

The reasons for the development of such postpartum asphyxia, as a rule, is a violation of cerebral circulation or pneumopathy (perinatal non-infectious lung diseases that are associated with incomplete expansion of the lung tissue).

All organs of the fetus suffer from a lack of oxygen, but primarily the heart and brain. Depending on the degree of oxygen starvation, asphyxia can be moderate, moderate and severe.

Moderate asphyxia

Moderate asphyxia at birth is characterized by the absence of a cry, but at the same time the child reacts to touch, breathing is independent, but irregular (slow), arms and legs with a bluish tint, cardiac activity does not suffer.

The doctor removes mucus from the baby’s mouth and nasal passages with a special probe (any help to the newborn in the delivery room begins with this), then pats the baby’s heels, runs his fingers along the back along the spine (this is called tactile stimulation) and gives oxygen through the mask. Usually this is enough.

A child born in a state of moderate asphyxia has no further problems. Only minor neurological changes are possible: tremor of the arms, legs, lower jaw, increased muscle tone. But these changes do not require treatment and pass on their own.

Asphyxia of moderate severity

Asphyxia of moderate severity is also characterized by the absence of a cry, but the child does not respond to touch, the skin has a bluish tinge, respiratory movements are single, but cardiac activity also does not suffer yet.

Such a baby, in addition to the above measures, requires artificial ventilation of the lungs, usually manually using a special bag and mask, and in some cases short-term breathing with an apparatus through an endotracheal tube that is inserted into the child's trachea.

Postponed asphyxia of moderate severity always leaves neurological changes in the form of increased excitability of the child (unreasonable cry, prolonged tremor of the arms, legs, lower jaw) or depression (small number of movements, sluggish sucking).

Such children require further treatment in the neonatal pathology department, but the prognosis for their further development is usually favorable, although neurological disorders and mild neuropsychiatric developmental delay may develop.

Severe asphyxia

Severe asphyxia is characterized by the absence of breathing at birth, the baby is cyanotic or pale, does not respond to touch, the number of heartbeats is slow (bradycardia), in the most severe cases, heart sounds may be completely absent. Such children require full resuscitation measures.

The child undergoes tracheal intubation, the device breathes for the baby through the endotracheal tube, drugs are injected into the umbilical cord vein to stimulate cardiac activity. Such children are on machine breathing for a long time, they develop severe neurological disorders up to convulsions.

Babies require long-term intensive treatment in the neonatal intensive care unit, and then in the neonatal pathology unit. The prognosis for these children is serious. In most cases, persistent neurological disorders remain, and there is a delay in neuropsychic development.

Obstetricians are engaged in the prevention of asphyxia of the newborn. During pregnancy, heart tones are recorded, ultrasound of the fetus is done in order to detect violations in time.

During childbirth, the heart sounds of the fetus are also recorded, and the doctor also listens to them with his ear. If there is a change in heart tones, then the doctor decides to complete the birth as quickly as possible, either by caesarean section, or, if this is not possible, by applying a vacuum extractor.

All this is done so that the baby suffers as little as possible from a lack of oxygen.

And of course, the mother herself should not forget that pregnancy is a very important time. And the health of the baby directly depends on her lifestyle, nutrition and health!

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