What is the illness now? How to put autumn viruses on the shoulder blades. When, in what period can you catch the flu from a patient

Despite the fact that the flu epidemic most often begins in Moscow in November, this is due to the onset of cold weather. But even at the beginning of spring, when the weather tends to be damp and with a piercing wind, very often the influenza and SARS epidemic comes in a second wave. In 2018, this is exactly what happened. But whether it’s the flu or what other virus is circulating in Moscow in March 2018, it’s still worth figuring out.

Influenza in 2018 is an epidemic of new mutated strains of the virus that can infect a huge number of people in a short time. The main peak of the disease mainly falls in the winter season.

Those infected with the virus often consider the disease to be harmless and try to treat themselves. But doing so is strictly prohibited. Thus, statistics show that, due to a conniving attitude towards one's own health and the lack of necessary vaccination, up to 500 thousand people die from influenza every year in the world.

The main source of infection is considered to be a person with a virus, while the main route of infection is airborne. The maximum risk of infection occurs when the patient sneezes or coughs in close proximity to a healthy person. Isolation of the influenza pathogen usually ends a week after infection. But, for example, in the case of pneumonia, the patient remains potentially dangerous for 2-3 weeks.

The main flu symptoms in 2018

The main symptoms of influenza are mainly limited to fever, high fever, muscle pain, cough. The main difference between influenza and SARS is the consequences.

Influenza is sometimes accompanied by further complications, as well as a long rehabilitation period. With a mild course of the disease, you can recover in a week. Malaise and fatigue haunts a sick person for almost three weeks.

Influenza can be recognized only through special studies. The disease has no obvious specific signs. The flu can be indicated by a rapid deterioration in well-being, high fever, vomiting, photophobia, pain in the temples. The incubation period for influenza lasts about 5 days, depending on immunity.

At-risk groups

Acute viral infections, like any other diseases, have their own risk groups. The World Health Organization considers the 2018 flu to be of particular danger to:

Children. Their vaccination should take place at the age of at least six months, or during the mother's pregnancy. Babies between 2 and 5 years of age respond most favorably to vaccination.

Pregnant. Vaccination of women can occur at any time.

People with chronic pathologies. They form the highest risk group. Therefore, to prevent possible complications, they definitely need to be vaccinated.

Starikov. In this case, a fatal outcome occurs much more often than in all others. Moreover, for older people, vaccination has a lesser effect.

medical workers. Doctors face various viral diseases every day, so they need to be vaccinated every year.

Local flu treatment

with rhinitis intranasally 0.9% sodium chloride solution, vasoconstrictor drops (oxymetazoline, xylometazoline); with prolonged rhinitis with severe nasal congestion, additional topical antihistamines (desloratadine from 2 years of age), and with an allergic component, an intranasal spray with a topical glucocorticosteroid;

with pharyngitis, tonsillitis 2% solution of silver proteinate or collargol; in older children - bicarmint, chlorhexidine + tetracaine + ascorbic acid, etc.;

with laryngitis, tracheitis, laryngotracheitis in children over 2 years old to improve drainage, steam inhalations (with infusion of chamomile, calendula, mint, sage, St. John's wort, 1-2% sodium bicarbonate solution); with obstructive laryngitis / laryngotracheitis (croup syndrome) in the hospital, steam inhalation chambers are used with the use of bronchodilators (berodual, etc.), glucocorticosteroids, sodium bicarbonate;

vitamins: ascorbic acid, B vitamins, multivitamins;

antihistamines are indicated for children with allergic diseases in the acute stage (atopic dermatitis, respiratory allergies, etc.). Use clemastine, chloropyramine, loratadine, fexofenadine, etc.

Enemy combat plan

1. Virus particles, multiplying, destroy the affected cell and go outside, immediately infecting neighboring cells.

Hence there is pain and soreness behind the sternum, dry cough.

2. Along the way, the virus leads to the release of biologically active substances and cell decay products, many of which are toxic to the nervous, cardiovascular and other body systems.

Influenza: 6 ways to effectively treat

There are weakness, "brokenness", headaches, pain in the eyeballs, especially when moving and pressing on them. Disturbed by aching muscles and joints, photophobia.

The temperature rises, the heartbeat and breathing become more frequent, blood pressure decreases, swelling and bleeding appear.

3. A viral attack leads to a decrease in immunity, the appearance of "holes" in the body's barrier systems.

Therefore, influenza is often accompanied by an exacerbation of chronic diseases, bacterial complications: runny nose, pneumonia, sinusitis, kidney damage, etc.

Often associated with the flu is the appearance of herpes and thrush.

In typical cases, on the 5-7th day of illness, the symptoms begin to regress and gradually disappear.

If you are currently in a cold state, let's check the symptoms. First, the throat begins to hurt, unambiguously hinting at the sore throat that has appeared. But no, it doesn’t look like a sore throat, because typical respiratory viral symptoms follow - with, brittle and low. But the scenario of the disease does not stop there, but develops further, and unexpectedly - it suddenly "lays" one, or even both ears, after which many people experience a severe headache. This temporary deafness is disturbing.

There have been complications in the ears before - this is not news to us. A complication from the influenza virus is considered especially serious, as a result of which even complete hearing loss can occur. However, the current "deafness" is more like one of the components of the disease, and not a complication after it.

To clarify the situation, I first turned to the doctor who is the first to meet with any cold - to the district therapist Olga Vitalievna Kovalchuk from the Moscow City Polyclinic No. 211.

“Indeed, now such a SARS has appeared. Every third patient comes to me with complaints of similar symptoms. What specifically colds - I can not say. You need to do sowing and see what appears there. But that's up to the scientists. And about the otitis that accompanies this cold, it would be good to consult with an ENT - what he will say, ”Olga Kovalchuk commented on the situation.

Well, it is quite reasonable that we need an ENT consultation. And it is definitely needed, because if in the district clinics the “share” of an unknown cold is more than 30% (!) - this is serious, you cannot turn a blind eye to this. Therefore, for clarification, I turn to Andrey Borisovich Turovsky, head of the department of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Otorhinolaryngology, head of the ENT department of the city clinical hospital No. 12, doctor of medical sciences.

“Cold viruses are still living organisms, they constantly mutate, change, acquire new properties. Therefore, it is not surprising that surprises are suddenly presented to us - a new set of symptoms. Judging by today's "unusual" ARVI, we are talking here, most likely, about some new strain of rhinovirus. And a temporary hearing loss occurs due to too much swelling in the nasopharynx, ”he said.

To find out what kind of new strain of a cold virus appeared on the horizon, I had to turn to virologists, but I no longer went to them. Let them guess to conduct a study, let them become interested. It is more important for us, the townsfolk, to know what to do?

To relieve stuffy ears - you need to act on the nasopharynx, reduce swelling. A set of remedies is known - these are vasoconstrictor drops or rinsing the nose with saline if it helps you as effectively as nasal drops.

At the same time, anti-inflammatory ear drops can be used.

What complications the new strain can present is unknown. Therefore, it is imperative to get sick only at home, do not go out into the cold air of the street (at the same time, do not spread an incomprehensible infection throughout society!), In general, observe a sparing regimen.

In the rest - to behave as in the usual - more warm drinks and other anti-cold remedies.

And that's it. It remains only to wait for the cold to pass. Usually rhinovirus lasts 5-7, maximum 10 days.

For January-February 2018, doctors predict the peak of influenza virus infections. The epidemiological situation is still within the normal range. There are sick, there are hospitalized, but not a single lethal case has been recorded.

The beginning of the year is marked by a rather low incidence of influenza and SARS. According to Rospotrebnadzor, epidemic thresholds have not yet been exceeded either in the regions or in the capital. At the same time, the percentage of cases of influenza is about 3% of all studied cases when contacting hospitals. Parainfluenza and adenovirus are mainly diagnosed. It is necessary to know the symptoms of influenza and the differences from ARVI in order to take action in time.

Very often, due to difficulties in determining the disease, time is lost, the trip to the hospital is delayed, and subsequently there is a risk of complications. Knowledge that helps to establish the correct diagnosis and start the correct treatment is essential, especially for parents. ARVI and influenza, despite the similarity of symptoms, still have differences in sensations during infection. There is also a difference in the duration of recovery and possible consequences.

ARVI is characterized by more external symptoms, such as a runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, coughing, some malaise and a non-dangerous fever. Recovery usually occurs in 3-6 days, hospitalization is not required. The desire to eat practically does not disappear and the patient can even perform some physical activity.

Infection with influenza is accompanied by severe weakness, weakness of the body, severe headache, aching joints, chills, difficulty in perceiving bright light and sounds. Appetite is lost completely, dry cough and fever up to 41 degrees are possible. And it will be better if, having felt one of the above, a person will call a doctor at home, or go to a medical institution himself. This is especially important if the child is sick. Self-treatment and bringing down the temperature can harm.

Regardless of which virus is currently circulating, it is better to prevent infection

The variety of different new strains of the influenza virus, which surprisingly (and even suspiciously) often began to appear almost every year, encourages citizens to take preventive measures. The human immune system is able to repel almost any attack of the virus, and not just the flu, if it is ready for it. To do this, it is necessary to follow a number of recommendations for setting up internal reserves:

  • Regular meals. A person, in cold conditions, spends more strength, weakening the body and exposing it to infection. Therefore, replenishment of energy is critically important. It is worth remembering that any virus can already be inside and wait in the wings for activation.
  • Saturation of the body with vitamins. Immunity, figuratively speaking, rests on a foundation of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids and other substances. And even when infected, the body copes with the virus much faster and without health complications, having a margin of safety.
  • Healthy good sleep. Lack of sleep for three days or more severely affects the protective functions of the body.
  • Rest after physical exertion. For fans of the gym, it is important to know that in the autumn-winter period, after prolonged sports, it is important to compensate for the loss of energy and nutrients. Also, you can not overcool and neglect a good sleep.

What to do if there are symptoms of a virus that is now walking

In conditions when the forecast for January-February for an increase in the incidence of Michigan, Hong Kong, and Brisbane viruses with similar symptoms is maintained, following the above recommendations will save you from health impacts, unpleasant treatment and hospitalization.

Doctors remind, especially parents, that if infection does occur, and the child is treated at home, then you should not try to force-feed the child. The body needs strength to fight the virus, it is not up to digestion. Need bed rest and plenty of fluids. Berry and herbal decoctions, various teas will saturate the body with vitamins in an easily digestible form. The temperature of drinks should be 37-40 degrees. Every day you can give small portions of chicken, turkey, fish, various cereals. Sugar and flour products to eat at a minimum. An excellent home remedy for maintaining the body and healing it will be honey with turmeric. They can be mixed into a mush and consumed regularly. Both products are sources of a whole range of useful substances, and turmeric plays the role of a natural antibiotic.

To know how the flu proceeds, you need to know everything about this disease: how long does it last, what are its symptoms and how to cure it?

Influenza is an acute infectious disease, and its causative agent is a virus.

It lives for a long time and can be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one. However, outside the body, it exists for a very short time.

This disease is seasonal. The flu goes in cold times: the beginning of spring, winter, the end of autumn. The disease can develop in every person, regardless of age and gender.

Influenza can spread to several large regions at once. Officially, the influenza virus was registered in 1931, it was unified in 1933.

The B virus was registered in 1936 and the C virus in 1947. Group A virus is a disease that occurs in a moderate or complex form.

This virus can infect not only humans, but also animals. With this disease, severe pandemics and epidemics appear (the disease can quickly spread throughout the entire country).

Influenza B virus can break out simultaneously in several regions. Often it is the beginning for the spread of virus A or is identical to it. This form of influenza can only develop in humans.

Group C virus has not been studied to this day. The form of its course is mild, with mild symptoms. It develops only in the human body, while the disease does not bring complications and does not differ in the scale of distribution.

This disease lives on objects in the room, where the infection can be in the air. It is transmitted by airborne droplets. So, during sneezing, coughing or talking of a patient, particles of saliva and mucus are released into the air stream, which contain pathogenic microbes, including viruses.

The space around the patient is infected at a distance of three meters. Therefore, when a healthy person enters this space or touches objects that the sick person has previously touched, infection occurs.

If the virus enters the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, it is instantly absorbed into the bloodstream. Blood quickly carries it to all cells of the body. As a result, it becomes intoxicated.

In this case, the immune system cannot fully function. Meanwhile, the virus negatively affects:

  1. muscles;
  2. heart;
  3. joints;
  4. vessels;
  5. brain.

How long is the patient dangerous to others? It can infect a healthy person in the first five days of the course of the disease.

Mild and moderate forms of the disease can be treated outside the hospital. Recovery occurs after a week. How long does a severe flu last? This form lasts for several weeks, and in order to avoid complications, it is better to carry out therapy in stationary conditions.

The flu has common symptoms such as:

  • malaise;
  • temperature;
  • cough;
  • intoxication;
  • headache;
  • chills;
  • muscle pain.

The first manifestation of the disease is fever. In this case, the chill is so strong that it stops only when the temperature decreases.

If the temperature suddenly rises to 40 degrees, then this indicates a strong intoxication of the body. Therefore, the patient's condition worsens greatly.

In addition, the flu accompanies a dry cough, indicating the penetration of inflammation into the bronchi. In this case, the person experiences pain behind the sternum.

Another symptom of general intoxication of the body is pain in the muscles and joints, which appear in the first days of the course of the disease.

General weakness and drowsiness - these phenomena occur due to the deterioration of the protective functions of the body. Another intoxication is accompanied by a headache, which may indicate the progression of the disease, as a result of which sinusitis or sinusitis often develops. Basically, a dull pain in the head increases when a person moves his eyes or head.

Other flu symptoms are:

  1. rapid heartbeat and pulse;
  2. poor perception of odors and a decrease in taste;
  3. frequent hot breath;
  4. lacrimation;
  5. glitter in the eyes (unhealthy);
  6. high blood pressure;
  7. noise in ears;
  8. cracks in the corners of the lips;
  9. dizziness;
  10. whitish coating on the tongue and lips;
  11. No perception of noise and bright colors.

Only the attending physician can diagnose the flu after examining the patient, identifying characteristic signs and listening to all the patient's complaints.


Influenza therapy implies compliance with certain recommendations. So, the temperature cannot be knocked down if it is less than 38 degrees. After all, it is considered a protective function of the body, due to which the production of antibodies and endogenous interferon is activated, thanks to which the body is actively fighting the virus.

And you should drink plenty of warm liquids. This will allow toxins and other harmful substances not to stagnate in the body for a long time, so they will be excreted with sweat and urine, and all this can be brought under.

When the flu virus is around, it is better to wear a gauze bandage so as not to infect people. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to bed rest, especially if the temperature is increased.

At the initial stage of the progression of the disease, it is desirable to take antiviral agents, for example, Antigrippin. It is worth noting that taking such drugs on the 3-7th day of the disease will be ineffective.

When the temperature rises above 38 degrees, the patient develops a fever. Therefore, it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol).

How long does it take to get rid of unpleasant flu symptoms? Therapy of this disease takes from 1 to 2 weeks. But in order not to treat the flu for a long time, the following measures are used:

  • The throat should be rinsed with solutions based on salt, soda, potassium permanganate or furacilin.
  • With a runny nose, oxolinic ointment and vasodilator potassium are used.
  • It is useful to use minerals and vitamins, antihistamines and ascorbic acid.
  • However, it is useful to make warm foot baths.
  • Dry cough is usually treated with drugs such as Bromhexine and Broncholitin.
  • To get rid of a wet cough, it is useful to take Alteyka, licorice root and Mukaltin.

If the flu virus is walking, then it is useful to drink linden, raspberry tea with the addition of honey and rosehip broth. And it is preferable to eat foods rich in vitamin C. These include sauerkraut, citrus fruits, cranberries and kiwi.

Another piece of refined sugar should drop a few drops of propolis, and then slowly dissolve it in your mouth. You can also put a piece of propolis in your mouth and dissolve it during the night.

You can eliminate a cough with the help of ordinary radish. So, the vegetable should be cut into thin slices, and then sprinkled with sugar so that the juice stands out. The resulting liquid should be taken in 1 tbsp. spoon every hour.

In addition, the radish can be crushed with a grater, and then squeeze the juice out of it and mix it with honey. The prepared remedy should be taken 2 tablespoons before meals.

To stimulate the immune system, it is useful to eat garlic and onions. To this end, chopped garlic should be mixed with honey and taken at bedtime for 1 table. spoon.

To eliminate symptoms such as cough and runny nose, it is necessary to carry out steam inhalations based on herbal decoctions:

  1. pine buds;
  2. mint;
  3. wild rosemary;
  4. chamomile;
  5. calendula;
  6. St. John's wort;
  7. sage.

Preventive actions

Now the main preventive method is vaccination. But how long does its action last and when is it advisable to do it?

It is very important to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene. Thus, before eating, wash your hands well with soap and water. During an influenza epidemic, when the virus is in the air, it is necessary to wash the nasal passages twice a day with soapy water. This procedure allows you to wash out the harmful microorganisms that enter the nose with each breath.

Among other things, it suggests that during an epidemic of colds, living quarters should be treated daily with special disinfectants. And during this period it is better not to visit public places.

In addition, you should not contact a person who has the flu, in particular if he is an outsider. To strengthen the immune system of the body, one should carry out the hardening procedure, regularly consume fresh vegetables and fruits and take vitamin complexes. The famous doctor Komarovsky also talks about this in the video in this article, talking about the nature of the flu.

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