How long does it take to change breast implants? Do I need to change breast implants: expiration date, reasons for replacement. Possible Complications of Breast Augmentation

Most women who get an appointment with a plastic surgeon and express a desire to increase their breasts do not even suspect that implants are not placed for life, and over time they will need re-endoprosthetics. Indeed, breast prostheses have their own service life, after which they wear out.

How long can you walk with breast implants?, and when it is impossible to refuse to replace them? We will try to answer these and other questions, having the professional opinion of the majority of reputable specialists in the field of breast plastic surgery.

Do I need to change breast implants?

How old are breast endoprostheses? Fears that after mammoplasty you will have to regularly change implants scare many women. They are mainly associated with information about the probable wear of prostheses. Indeed, doctors always warn the fair sex about possible complications of the operation and the need for repeated surgical intervention. Implants can wear out for a variety of reasons:

  • internal exposure to saline, silicone or hydrogel, which thins the shell of the prosthesis;
  • influence on the material of surrounding living tissues and immune cells;
  • the formation of folds on the surface, which increases the likelihood of a decrease in the thickness of the implant capsule;
  • manufacturing defects and poor material quality.

So, do breast implants need to be changed over time after mammoplasty? The latest technologies make it possible to create endoprostheses of the mammary glands, which are distinguished by the durability and strength of the materials used to make them. Such implants have a long service life and do not need to be replaced frequently. Sometimes women wear dentures all their lives without thinking about the need to replace them with new ones.

Shelf life of breast implants

How often should breast prostheses be changed to avoid complications? A decade ago, doctors recommended replacing them every 10 years. Today, the picture has changed. Scientists have managed to create life-long breast implants, and all because the processes and materials for their manufacture have been improved. No matter how positive it sounds, there are a number of reasons why women go for a second operation.

Indications for implant replacement

Consider the reasons why women are most often prescribed an operation to remove the old breast endoprostheses and install new ones.

Aging of implanted materials

Over time, all prostheses age, and breast implants (for example, those filled with saline) are no exception. The speed of this process depends on several factors, namely: the body's reaction to a foreign body, the location of the prosthesis. Breast implants in old age are more likely to destroy the shell, prone to leakage, change in shape.

aesthetic preferences

Sometimes patients want to change the shape or size of the prosthesis. In such cases, they talk about aesthetic reasons for re-mammoplasty. Naturally, such an intervention is possible only after a certain time after the previous procedure, when the swelling subsides and the postoperative wounds heal.

Age changes

Often the reason for replacing the endoprosthesis is its sagging. And patients mistakenly believe that the implant itself is to blame, but in fact this is due to age-related or hormonal changes in the woman's body. Dentures lose their quality and functional characteristics due to breastfeeding, pregnancy, weight gain or loss, etc.

Development of complications

Another reason for the need to replace the prosthesis is complications after surgery. No one knows for how long the rejection of the breast implant or its damage may occur, but the fact of the likelihood of such processes is present in the operated women.

Does a damaged breast implant poison the patient's body? The filling of modern endoprostheses is biocompatible with human tissues. If an implant consisting of a hydrogel is damaged, it breaks down into glucose, carbon dioxide and water and does not cause any harm to health.

How is the replacement

Knowing how long do breast implants last, it becomes obvious that sooner or later there will be a need to change them. The process of carrying out such a procedure consists of two main stages:

  • preparatory period;
  • re-endoprosthetics.

At the stage of preparation, the patient visits a plastic surgeon. He conducts a thorough examination of her, evaluates the results of mammography and makes recommendations regarding lifestyle before surgery. At this time, it is forbidden to take herbal medicines, as well as drinking alcohol and smoking.

The operation itself lasts from one to two hours, depending on its volume and complexity. The replacement of endoprostheses takes place under general anesthesia. It includes several main steps:

  • removal of previous implants by cutting the skin along the line of scar formation from the first operation and removing old prostheses;
  • capsulotomy or excision of the capsule formed around the implant with partial removal of fibrous formations;
  • installation of endoprostheses in an already formed bed or created specifically for the size of a new implant.

Women with breast implants must wear compression underwear for a month after the plastic surgery. Also, patients throughout the entire rehabilitation period are prohibited from visiting the bath and sauna, going to the solarium or sunbathing in direct sunlight, before the tissues heal, to play sports or physical labor.

The dangers of reoperation

With any surgical intervention, there is a risk of complications, especially when it comes to re-correction. Among the most frequent negative consequences of re-endoprosthetics are:

  • formation of contractures;
  • the formation of hematomas and seroma;
  • infection of the intervention site as a result of attachment of pathogenic microorganisms to the wound;
  • the appearance of keloid and hypertrophic scarring zones;
  • an increase in overall body temperature due to the occurrence of an inflammatory reaction;
  • displacement, rupture or leakage of the endoprosthesis;
  • double fold development;
  • allergy to the material from which the implant is made;
  • fusion of the mammary glands.

Even the most modern breast implants are placed under general anesthesia, after which side effects may occur in the form of dysfunction of the head part of the central nervous system, thromboembolism, pathological manifestations of the cardiovascular sphere and kidneys.

Prevention of complications

Women who change silicone implants should know how to prevent the likely negative consequences of the operation. These preventive measures include:

  • clear implementation in the postoperative period of all the recommendations of a plastic surgeon;
  • mandatory intake of antibacterial drugs in the first days after plastic surgery and in case of elevated body temperature;
  • wearing special compression underwear;
  • the right choice of endoprostheses from well-known manufacturers with a positive reputation.

Factors affecting wear

Among the reasons that determine the service life of breast implants, in the first place in importance are:

  • age features;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • changes in the size of the glands due to a decrease or increase in weight;
  • the reaction of a woman's body to the introduction of a foreign body into it;
  • location of endoprostheses.

The term of use of implants largely depends on their quality. Cheap prostheses of the mammary glands very often begin to leak, change shape or break in the process of wear. Such changes occur, as a rule, after a chest injury, as well as as a result of surgeon errors.

Studying the question of how many years breast implants can be worn, experts found that the majority of women after mammoplasty were satisfied with the result and understand the importance of changing endoprostheses. Despite this, there is also a large percentage of the fair sex, for whom the operation to increase the mammary glands ended not entirely successfully. In such patients of plastic surgery clinics, dissatisfaction is associated with the following postoperative complications:

  • rupture and leakage of the endoprosthesis;
  • discrepancy between the resulting breast shape and that which was declared by the woman before the surgical intervention;
  • reaction of the body to foreign material;
  • occurrence of other undesirable consequences of the operation.

Do not forget that after the installation of breast implants, you need to undergo an annual examination of the mammary glands. This will help prevent the development of pathological conditions and maintain the health of a woman.

Tatyana (32 years old, Odintsovo), 05/30/2017

Good afternoon, Maxim. It's my birthday soon, so I want to give myself a gift in the form of a breast augmentation. It is important to note that I want to do breasts in the summer, and during this period I develop an allergy to the pollen of flowering plants. I can’t say that the condition is becoming critical, but I feel very bad. Is it possible to do breast augmentation during this period:? What pills to drink during rehabilitation. Thanks for the answer. Tanya.

Good afternoon, Tatyana. I do not recommend breast augmentation during an allergy flare-up. It is worth waiting until there is no allergy in order to perform surgery. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

Irina (26 years old, Korolyov), 05/27/2017

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! I plan to increase my breasts, but at the moment I am still breastfeeding my daughter (Breastfeeding). Tell me, after what period can I do an operation to increase? Irina

Good afternoon, Irina. Breast augmentation surgery can be performed only six months after the last day of lactation. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

Lilia (25 years old, Moscow), 05/25/2017

Good morning! It so happened that by nature I have very small breasts. I'm worried about surgery. I'm afraid that there will be very visible scars. There will be traces of the operation. Perhaps you can recommend how else you can increase your breasts without implants? Are there recommended injections? Sincerely, Lily.

Hello Lily! At the moment, I consider the only acceptable method of breast augmentation - plastic surgery with implants. After the operation, the traces remain minimal, and postoperative scars are difficult to see. Do not worry, because the result after this operation will definitely surprise you. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

Kristina (27 years old, Moscow), 05/24/2017

Good afternoon, Maxim Alexandrovich. My girlfriend did your breasts, now I want to enlarge my breasts, because after pregnancy I am not at all satisfied with her shape. Can you tell me what are the forms? My friend chose the round shape of the implants, but for my taste, the round one looks unnatural. What could you advise in this matter?

Good afternoon! There are enough implants to choose the shape that will suit you. The shape can be: anatomical, spherical, drop-shaped and round. I can recommend a certain form of implant only after I see your breasts and their condition after pregnancy. I suggest making an appointment for a consultation. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

Olga (25 years old, Moscow), 03/15/2017

I live in another city. How many days do I need to allocate for breast augmentation surgery? Is it possible to take tests in my city and come only for an operation?

It's possible. First you need to choose the day of the operation. We send you a list of tests and you submit them in advance in your city. On the eve of the operation, you need to come for a consultation, at which the doctor will select implants for you, taking into account your wishes and anatomical features. After the operation, you stay in the hospital for a day, then you are discharged and you come to remove the stitches in 3-4 days. And the doctor will let you go. That is, you will need 4-5 days to travel.

Olga (28 years old, Moscow), 12/18/2016

Hello? Maksim. I want to enlarge my breasts. How can I if I have stretch marks on my chest??

Good afternoon! The presence of stretch marks does not affect the operation. Unfortunately, stretch marks cannot be removed. With the help of cosmetic effects, they can be made less noticeable.

Anastasia (27 years old, Moscow), 11/29/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! My husband and I go to the gym, the weight of the load is not significant, but still ... I want to put implants and I would like to clarify how long it takes to return to sports?

Good afternoon, Anastasia! As a rule, you can return to sports activities one and a half months after the operation. However, it will be necessary to learn the permission of the doctor after he evaluates the failure of the sutures.

Victoria (32 years old, Moscow), 11/28/2016

Hello, I am a male transvestite, and I want to make myself a female breast (enlarge). What is needed for this, to what size can it be increased, and how much will it cost ??? Thanks in advance.

Good afternoon. The cost of the operation is 250,000. The size and shape of the implants can be determined during the consultation. Implants are placed under the pectoral muscle, the incision remains almost invisible.

Kristina (18 years old, Moscow), 09/20/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! I have a zero breast size, I want (ideally) a fourth ... I myself am slim, they tell me that there can be a big load on my back. This is true?? I am 18 years old. Sincerely, Christina!

Hello Christina! There is no actual limit in matters of breast augmentation, but an experienced professional considers each individual case. In your case, it is probably undesirable to increase to the fourth size. Since there will really be a big load on the back and the risk of an unnatural appearance of the implants. In addition, you will need several operations, since surgeons do not perform a one-time breast augmentation of 4 sizes. More precisely, I can answer your question at a face-to-face consultation. Come and we will help you!

Irina (23 years old, Moscow), 09/18/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! I did a breast augmentation ten years ago (two sizes, now three). Recently, my breasts have sagged a little, and it has become noticeable that I am wearing implants. Can this be fixed somehow? Thanks in advance, Irina.

Hello Irina! We can perform breast lift surgery and implant replacement, which will completely solve your problem. Come to us for a consultation and we will help you!

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Reconstruction of the breast (replacement of breast implants)

Breast implant surgery, usually involving displacement and/or replacement of saline or silicone breast implants, is performed to change not only the size of your breasts, but also the appearance of your breasts after breast augmentation. The ultimate goal of the operation is to restore the natural youthful shape of the bust.

The content of the article:

When is a Breast Reshaping Necessary?

If there has been a descent of saline implants or damage to silicone implants detected during X-ray and MRI studies.
If you want to change your implant/breast size.
If there is hardening of the scar tissue around the implant (capsular contracture) or if your breast implants have changed their position.
If your breast tissue has changed as a result of skin stretching during weight loss/gain.

Related procedures

Many women who decide to re-breast augmentation also consider additional bust augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction and liposuction.


You can restore youth to the shape of the bust.
You can increase or decrease the size of your breasts.
You can improve the natural symmetry of the chest.

Under the influence of gravity and inevitable aging, the shape of the breast and its size may eventually change.
The initial weight of the implants greatly affects its further appearance over time.
Your surgeon will need medical records of previous breast surgery.

So, these are the main pros and cons in deciding on a second breast correction. If you would like to know the important aspects of the operation in relation to your situation, please consult your plastic surgeon.

Implant replacement: photos before and after the procedure

Are you a suitable candidate for re-breast correction?

Even if your first breast augmentation was well planned and beautifully executed, things can change over time.

The following are some of the common indications for a revision breast augmentation:

You are healthy.
You don't smoke.
You want to increase or decrease the size of your breasts.
You want to correct breast asymmetry.
You want to get rid of the problems that have arisen with your implants and / or the mammary glands around them.
Pregnancy and/or breastfeeding has changed the appearance of the implants.
Losing or gaining weight has a negative impact on the appearance of your breast implants.
You should have had a breast lift after your primary augmentation, but you didn't.
You are dissatisfied with the results of a previous operation due to poor placement of implants or other aesthetic problems.
You want to remove your breast implants permanently.

If your overall health is good, you are positive and realistic about the future result, then most likely you are suitable for this procedure.

About the progress of your operation

How is the breast revision procedure performed?

Which type of surgery your surgeon will perform to remove and replace breast implants depends on why you need to reshape your breasts.

Changing the size of the implant: If you decide to change the size of your implants, then your surgeon will most likely make an incision over the old scar to remove and replace the implants. If you want larger implants, the surgeon must enlarge the "pocket", or space in the chest, to accommodate the larger implant. If you want smaller implants, then your doctor can surgically reduce the existing pocket with sutures to fit a smaller implant. A breast lift can also be performed at the same time.

The occurrence of capsular contracture (tightening of tissues and implant): Your doctor will most likely use the old scar to remove hardened tissue and the implant. He or she will then replace it with a new implant.

Perceptible palpation of the implant: When the margins of breast saline implants are very visible and palpable, your surgeon will remove or reposition the implants using the initial plasty incision. Other methods are also possible where a different type of implant is used or a new implant is placed in a different breast pocket having thicker muscle tissue or additional muscle tissue is used to cover the edges of the implant.

Incorrect position of the implant: Sometimes implant pockets are formed too far or too close to each other, so the breasts look ugly. To correct this, your surgeon, using the primary incision, reconstructs the pocket by moving the appropriate amount of tissue around the implant into the appropriate position by suturing. Your surgeon may need additional tissue to reinforce the resulting implant pocket, so an acellular dermal matrix technique is used to create additional support.

Implant Removal: If your implants are too large and the skin is stretched because of this, your surgeon may recommend a breast lift along with the removal of the implants, perhaps only removal of the implants will be sufficient. To remove implants, the primary scar is almost always used for their installation. It is also quite common to remove the lining or "capsule" around the implant to allow the sutures to heal quickly.

Changing the position of the nipple and areola: If your nipple and areola (the dark part of the skin around your nipples) needs to be tightened, additional incisions are made. An annular incision along the contour of the areola is used in cases of slight elevation. If it is necessary to significantly move the nipple and areola upwards, it is most rational to simultaneously apply two incisions: around the areola and a vertical incision down from the areola to the crease under the breast. In cases where it is necessary to remove a significant part of the breast (for example, in women who have lost a lot of weight), an additional third incision in the horizontal direction along the contour of the natural fold under the breast may be required. If a nipple lift is needed, the nipples and areola themselves can be left attached to the underlying breast tissues, thereby maintaining sensitivity and the possibility of further breastfeeding.

The goal of your plastic surgeon and all clinic staff is to achieve the most beautiful and natural appearance of your breasts, as well as to facilitate the entire surgical process as much as possible and, if possible, create optimal comfort.

What are the options for implants?

Established contact with your plastic surgeon is the key to success in achieving your goal. Your task is to describe your aesthetic preferences as clearly as possible so that the doctor can offer appropriate options. During your consultation, you and your surgeon should address the following questions:

1. What type of implant will be used?

Breast implants filled with saline (sterile salt water). They can be pre-filled with the required volume of solution or filled during surgery, thus providing a slight change in the dimensions of the implant.
Breast implants filled with silicone, a soft and elastic gel in different shapes and sizes. All silicone implants are pre-filled with gel and may require large incisions for implantation.
Breast implants filled with cross-linked silicone gel, also known as "gummy bear" or "permanent mold" implants. These implants are made from a thick gel made from bonded silicone molecules, making the implants slightly thicker and harder than regular implants. This allows them to keep their shape longer. They have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in the US since 2013 and have been available in most other parts of the world since 1992.

2. Will your implants be placed in front of or behind the pectoralis major?

Positioning the implant behind the pectoralis muscle (the muscle behind your breasts) reduces interference with mammograms or breastfeeding. Your surgeon will talk to you about the pros and cons of both options.
3. What will be the size of your implants?
4. Will you also need a breast lift?
5. Will you need general anesthesia or intravenous sedation?
What will my scars and scars look like after a second breast augmentation?
The initial incision is almost always used for both replacement and removal of implants. However, if you need a breast lift by repositioning the nipple and areola, the scarring may be different (see How is Breast Reshaping Performed?).

Preparation for the procedure

How to prepare for breast revision surgery?

Your surgeon will give you detailed instructions on preoperative preparation, answer all your questions, take a complete medical history and perform a physical examination to determine your physical readiness for surgery. In some cases, you may need to have a mammogram before surgery.

Before surgery, your surgeon will give you the following instructions:

Do not take aspirin, certain anti-inflammatory drugs, or herbal medications that can cause increased bleeding.
For better scar healing, stop smoking at least six weeks before your surgery.
Regardless of the type of surgery, it is very important to stay hydrated before and after surgery for a safe recovery.
Limit your consumption of alcoholic beverages to 2-3 times a week.
If your surgery is scheduled to be performed on an outpatient basis, be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery and stay with you for the next two days, unless you and your surgeon have decided on other options for post-operative recovery. (See How will the recovery and healing process take place after a re-breast correction?)
Before surgery, fill your refrigerator with high-protein, low-sodium foods, including prepared meals, fresh fruits and vegetables, and plenty of caffeinated drinks and plain water. During the postoperative period, avoid eating foods and drinks containing salt.
During the recovery period, you will not be able to move your arms freely, so make sure that all the things you need during recovery are stored in an accessible place without having to reach for them or bend down (high shelves or very low cabinets).
Prepare a wide variety of movies or pre-recorded programs, as well as novels and magazines. If possible, install a radio link on your bed and put a remote control for the TV.
Ensure continued communication throughout the recovery period specified by your surgeon. This is very important for your recovery. If you have children under the age of five, arrange for someone to take care of them during this period. For the first two weeks, you should not lift, move, wash or clean anything.
Spend time of rest and sleep in the supine position at a slope of 25-45 degrees in the first postoperative days and until the swelling subsides. You can achieve the required incline by using a reclining pillow or by relaxing in a rocking chair.
Avoid hot showers, hot tubs, and saunas for two to three weeks.
Decide what you'll be wearing for the first few days, pick up some zip-up fronts. Wear ballet flats or slip-on shoes so you don't have to bend over.
Usually repeated breast correction is performed on an outpatient basis. Arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery and stay at least the first night.

What to expect on the day of the revision breast correction?

Breast revision surgery can be performed in a public hospital, a private clinic, or a specialist facility. Your surgeon will inform you about the duration of the operation depending on the details of the operation plan.

You may be advised to bathe with antibacterial soap before surgery.
Do not use any make-up products, including nail polish, lotions, perfumes, and other cosmetics.
Wear or bring with you soft and comfortable clothes that open at the front, which you will wear after the operation, including shoes that can be put on quickly and easily.
Take with you only the essentials (passport, insurance policy, cell phone, etc.), the rest of the things you need to leave at home, such as jewelry.
All medications are administered for your comfort during the surgery.
Usually, general anesthesia is used during breast reshaping, although local anesthesia or intravenous sedation may be used in some cases.
To ensure your safety during the operation, you will be monitored by various devices to monitor your heart, blood pressure, pulse and the amount of oxygen circulating in your blood.
Your plastic surgeon will follow the surgery plan discussed with you prior to the operation.
Once the operation has already begun, the surgeon may decide to use ancillary techniques or change the technique to ensure the best result. The main thing is that you feel comfortable and trust your doctor so that he can make such decisions.
After surgery, long elastic bandages (bandages) or a surgical bra will be wrapped around your breasts. You may also have drainage tubes attached to your breasts.
After the operation is completed, you will be transferred to the rehabilitation unit, where you will continue to be closely monitored.
When you're ready, you can return home with the help of a friend or family member.

Before leaving home, you (or your caregiver) must be sure that you can clean the drain yourself.
You will most likely be allowed to return home after a short follow-up period, unless you and your plastic surgeon decide otherwise about the postoperative recovery period.

Aftercare and Recovery

You should discuss with your doctor how soon you can return to your normal lifestyle, activity and work. Also after the operation, you and your assistant will receive detailed instructions about the rehabilitation period, including information about:
Drainage tubes, if fitted
Symptoms that you will experience
Possible signs of complications

Immediately after breast reshaping

Your postoperative discomfort and recovery period will be similar to the recovery period after your first breast augmentation surgery. On the day of the operation, you will need to get up and walk around. You should do this for several days in a row until you return to more normal activity after surgery. Getting up and moving around is essential to your recovery. The degree and duration of discomfort depends largely on the size and location of the implants, and may include pain, stiffness, swelling, bruising, and itching.

As the anesthesia wears off, you may experience pain. If the pain is very severe and prolonged, see a doctor. Also, after the operation, there will be slight redness and swelling. Check with your doctor to see if your pain, redness, and swelling are normal or if there are complications.

Recovery time after repeated breast correction

It is imperative that you follow all of the care instructions provided by your surgeon. These include: wearing a compression garment at all times, taking care of your drainage, taking antibiotics if needed, and the amount and type of activity that is safe for you. Your surgeon will also provide detailed instructions about the normal symptoms you should experience and any possible signs of complications. It is important to understand that the duration of the recovery period directly depends on the person.

They undergo breast lift procedures in combination with the removal of implants, the rehabilitation period increases. If your implants were completely removed, then the recovery period is likely to be short and with minimal discomfort. Avoid strenuous exercise for at least the first two weeks after surgery. After this period, you must take very good care of your breasts for at least the next month. Your plastic surgeon will give you clear recommendations and restrictions regarding physical activity.

First week

During this week, you should sleep with your head and shoulders above the level of the rest of your body, so swelling in the chest area will go down better. You can use regular pillows, a reclining pillow, or sleep in a large chair.
Your plastic surgeon will likely allow you to shower 1-3 days after your surgery, but soaking in a bathtub or hot tub will have to be avoided for at least 4 weeks after your surgery.
Depending on your plastic surgeon's decision, your bandages may be removed within a few days of your surgery.
If drains are installed, then you can’t take a shower for at least a day after they are removed, which usually happens after three days.
You may be advised to wear a compression bra during the first healing period to prevent fluid buildup, control swelling, and keep the implants in position during the initial recovery period.
If non-absorbable sutures were used, they will be removed within a week.
At the initial stage, there may be some discoloration of the skin and the appearance of edema, but this will pass after your full recovery.

After 2-6 weeks

The remaining swelling will resolve within a month. It is usually possible to return to work after a second breast correction in 7-10 days, depending on the type of surgery you have had.
If you have opted for larger implants, you may feel some tension in the skin around your breasts as your body adjusts to the new size.

Longer period

The final shrinkage of new breast implants occurs after a few weeks or months. There may be changes in sensation, tingling, or numbness around the scar, but this should resolve in a few weeks or months.

Are implants safe and after how many years do they need to be replaced?
Will there be scars and scars?
Is it possible to breastfeed with silicone breasts?

Because of these and many other questions, a woman is afraid to fulfill her dream of having beautiful and firm breasts. This article will dispel all doubts and tell the whole truth about implants.

The evolution of implants

Back at the end 19th century I started trying breast augmentation. Liquid paraffin, glass beads, oils and other foreign bodies were injected into the chest. But all these operations were unsuccessful: foreign objects did not take root, went beyond the mammary glands, and were rejected from the body.

AT 1960 In the 1990s, the first silicone implant was created, which is a capsule with thick walls, although it looked unnatural and leaked easily.

1968 year gave the world an implant with a physical solution, thanks to which the body did not reject the capsules. But the main drawback of the invention was the thin walls, which often led to rupture, in addition, the chest with saline clearly gurgled when walking.

AT 1970 the second generation of silicone implants appears. But the walls of the capsules become even thinner. 95% of women receive no know-how, but only disappointment after arthroplasty: almost all implants crack during the first 12 years.

1980 year gives the world the third generation of silicone implants. The walls of the capsules become much stronger, and the filler becomes thicker. And most importantly, the statistics associated with complications after the first two models are rapidly falling.

AT 1990 A safer model was developed in 2013, but has not yet received recognition: implants with viscous jelly-like silicone, which does not leak when the capsule breaks.

1992 year – silicone implants are banned in the US, and saline implants are again used for breast augmentation.

AT 2006 year after many years of disputes and discussions, the US re-authorizes the use of silicone implants.

To date Breast augmentation is one of the most popular plastic surgeries in the world along with rhinoplasty and facelift. According to statistics, in the United States over the past 5 years, the number of women who have decided on arthroplasty has increased by approximately 40%, which is about 350,000 women. Every day, surgeons performed up to 1000 operations per day! In Russia, the figures are much lower, and in 2012 the number of patients was 22,000. Perhaps this is due to the small number of professional surgeons in our country.

  1. The size of the implants does not correspond to the standard breast sizes (A, B, C...). It is measured in milliliters and varies in volume. The smallest implants are a 90 ml capsule, the largest are 740 ml. The most popular are implants of 200 ml, which increase the breast by 1.5 sizes, as well as 300 and 400 ml.
  2. To date, there are 2 forms of implants: round and drop-shaped (anatomical). The former give the breast sexuality, the latter look more natural.
  3. Also distinguish between the surface of the implant - smooth or rough (textured).
  4. A distinctive feature of modern implants is that they are almost eternal.

Preparation for surgery and choice of implants

The choice of the implant, its shape, size and surface is carried out by the surgeon together with the patient at a preliminary face-to-face consultation. The following questions are also discussed:

Features of the operation;
- possible complications and rehabilitation period;
- place of the incision (through the inframammary fold, through the areola of the nipple, through the armpit).
For convenience, a "fitting" of external implants is carried out, which allows the patient to evaluate the final result.

In addition to the face-to-face consultation, the patient must undergo a number of standard studies:
-consultation of mammologist and anesthesiologist;
-blood chemistry;
- research on HIV, AIDS and hepatitis B and C.

Temporary contraindications

Due to a cold, fever, menstruation, the operation is postponed for a while. Also, no later than one month before the operation, the patient should not smoke.

Surgical intervention and rehabilitation period

The patient is put into a state of general anesthesia and the operation takes from 40 minutes to 2 hours. The surgeon inserts the implant under the pectoralis major muscle, so women do not have problems during lactation. Most often, arthroplasty is performed through the armpit - this technique is minimally invasive and avoids scars and scars.

After the operation, the patient is on bed rest for 24 hours. Bandaging is performed every few days, sutures are removed on the 10th day. The swelling goes down within 2-3 weeks. For two months, a woman must constantly wear a holding bra with wide straps to avoid the appearance of stretch marks, her sex life is also limited, sports, weight lifting, hot baths and smoking are excluded.

Possible Complications of Breast Augmentation

Problematic issues are commented by the leading surgeon of Frau Klinik Egorova M.V.:

Implant rupture: "Modern implants are almost eternal, but there are situations in which rupture is possible: car accidents, falls, injections and other types of injuries. Although the thick composition of the silicone implant will not leak out, a second operation will be necessary."

Hematomas: "After surgery, blood usually accumulates under the skin during the day. The body can cope on its own only with small hematomas, but larger ones do not dissolve and require opening to remove the accumulated fluid."

Reduced nipple sensitivity: "About 5-7% of women after endoprosthesis lose nipple sensitivity, the situation may not change even within 5 years."

Rare complications: "Breast augmentation is still an operation, not an aesthetic procedure, therefore, in rare cases, complications are possible (infectious diseases, suppuration). In case of complications, the implant is removed, and after six months, repeated endoprosthesis replacement is performed."

The final result mainly depends on the professionalism of the plastic surgeon, but also on the natural size of the breast and other physiological features.

Leading manufacturers of breast implants give a lifetime warranty on their products. Similar promises are made in plastic surgery clinics. And how is it in reality? The average lifespan of breast implants is 10-15 years. This does not mean that during this time it can become thin and its contents leak out. In reality, this means only one thing - over time, inevitable changes in the figure and mammary gland tissues occur. In particular, their omission may occur. Muscle and adipose tissues also change. This is what leads to the need to replace the breast implant with a more suitable one. But this does not mean the wear of the implant itself. In fact, the materials from which it is made are much less susceptible to change than the tissues of the human body. And if our body did not change, the implants could last almost forever. Prejudices about the strength of breast implants have a long history. The first silicone implants, which appeared in the 1960s, did not really differ in high strength and were not guaranteed to leak. Even worse was the case with implants filled with saline. Saline leakage was less of a problem than silicone leakage, but it also happened more often. As for modern implants, they use a cohesive gel as a filler. It is characterized by extremely low fluidity and does not leak even if the implant is physically damaged. On the other hand, the shell of modern breast implants is such that it can withstand even extreme overloads, for example, in a car accident. The only way to damage it is to pierce it.

However, scandals flare up from time to time, such as with PIP breast implants, whose manufacturers, in order to save money, filled them with not medical, but industrial silicone.

In addition, it turned out that they are leaking. However, such stories relate more to criminal law than to plastic surgery.

Compared to the last decade, now the choice of modern and high-quality implants on the world market of manufacturers has become much more diverse and richer. Of course, there is such a tendency that many plastic surgeons work with the products of a single manufacturer, and there is nothing to worry about. The choice is usually made on the basis of the reliability and quality of the product, as well as the availability of a wide choice of firms.

Manufacturers of modern breast implants for breast plastic surgery guarantee that their products do not cause neoplasms and in no way affect the ability to breastfeed an infant. It would be possible to talk about the lifelong possibility of the implant being inside your body, but it is almost impossible to guarantee that your breasts will retain their shape in an unchanged state. For example, a woman may give birth, which will lead to deformity of her breasts.

No one can guarantee that in 5-15 years the figure of a woman will not undergo any changes. She can get better or lose weight, which will violate the proportionality of the once correctly selected implant. Therefore, the need for implant replacement and breast lift is a common thing, so be prepared for this.

What else can cause the replacement of the old implant with a new one?

  • The desire of the patient to again change the shape or size of the breast
  • Fluid leakage or sheath rupture
  • The desire to change the old implant for a more modern and “fashionable” one
  • Inflammation in the area of ​​the implant

The need to replace a breast implant with a modern type should also be taken into account.

However, plastic surgery does not know sufficiently strong arguments pointing to the indispensable need to replace the implant at a certain time if it is no longer modern. Replace it only if there is a defect in the shell or if it is damaged. Also, if there is inflammation in the implant placement area, which cannot be treated with a conservative method.

The average lifetime of an implant can vary from 5 to 15 years depending on the type of implant. But in fact, implants are much more durable and less susceptible to age-related changes in the body than your own tissues.

An implant can deteriorate only when wrinkles form on its shell. It is in the places where these folds are formed that the shell can wear out and fray. For this reason, implants made from highly cohesive helium are more durable as they do not wrinkle.

It is important to understand that with age, under the influence of the weight of breast implants, breast tissues can stretch, which requires additional correction. Although many manufacturers give the so-called "lifetime warranty", in fact, this means the possibility of a free replacement of the implant with a new one. True, the guarantee of the service life of implants does not apply in all cases.

Science is moving forward. Undoubtedly, cosmetic surgery will achieve certain successes and new perfect types of breast implants will be created. And maybe soon the service life of breast implants will be really eternal.

Although breast implants are not considered lifelong devices, that doesn't mean they can't last for many years. There are women whose implants have lasted 10, 20, 30 years and even more.

Implants can be filled with saline or silicone gel.

The shell of the saline and silicone implant is made of durable silicone. It has high durability and does not pose a threat to health.

Despite the fact that the shell of both types of implants is made of silicone, and the fillers are different, saline implants are just as strong as silicone ones.

They differ in elasticity. Saline implants are more affordable and softer. Silicone implants are more elastic and hold their shape better.

Reasons for possible implant replacement or removal

Think of the implant shell as the skin of your face. You can determine the lifestyle of a person by his wrinkles on his face. These wrinkles appear as a result of repeating the same actions many times.

For example, from laughter or because of squinting. The same can happen with implants.

When the shells interact with each other for a long time, regardless of the filler of the implant, “folds” form on it. The integrity of the shell can be damaged, which can eventually lead to rupture.

Another reason why breast implants may be replaced is due to breast hardening. This is called capsular contracture.

This is when the collagen fibers inside the capsule that surrounds the breast implant become rough, causing the breast to harden. When the level of capsular contracture has reached the need for surgery, the implant may be replaced with a new implant or sterilized and reimplanted in the breast.

How to prolong the life of breast implants

The longer you have breast implants, the more likely it is that complications can develop over time. By distinguishing implants by type and content, you can more easily determine what to do to prevent possible complications.

Salt Implants

Saline implants will last longer if they are filled with the solution as much as possible. Unfilled saline implants will form "folds" and eventually rupture. Unfilled saline implants are more at risk than silicone implants.

The rupture rate for saline implants in a recent study was 5.6%.

Of the 48 saline implants examined, 26 were not filled. However, overfilling the implant with solution can also lead to rupture.

Silicone implants

Silicone implants have a huge advantage over saline implants in that the silicone gel is more solid and not liquid like a saline solution.

This means that if the silicone implant ruptures, the gel will remain intact and most likely retain the shape of the implant. Being more stable in shape and having the ability to stay in shape even after rupture, silicone implants will have a longer service life.

What is the actual shelf life of breast implants?

The implant can last 3 months or 50 years.

No one can guarantee the length of his life. If you have a breast implant that has ruptured or has complications, check the warranty on it. The cost may be minimal for you, since the manufacturer will most likely cover the cost of replacing it.

Consultations / Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery / Lifetime of Breast Implants

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