Pulling shards of glass from your leg in a dream. Why dream of broken glass: a bad or a good sign

Why dream of collecting fragments ▼

If in a dream I had to sweep the fragments ▼

Dreaming that glass fragments means you are on the right track. The decision was finally made and now you just need to follow it. Do not be afraid of the upcoming changes in - they will only bring. If it is very difficult, you can turn to the right one for help, he will not let you down.

Where were the fragments in a dream?

Why dream of a glass shard in hand ▼

A piece of glass in a dream speaks of your being too naive for life. The people around you use it. You need to trust people, but not as blindly as you. Try to use logic and common sense to realistically assess the situation.

What does a fragment in the mouth mean according to the dream book ▼

If you dreamed that you had glass fragments in your mouth, it means that many difficulties lie ahead. Disagreements on, discord in relationships with loved ones, lack of understanding in the family circle. Before judging others in your own, take a look at your mistakes. Perhaps this will help to establish relationships with others who sincerely love and respect you.

What does a piece of glass symbolize in the body in a dream ▼

A dream in which glass fragments stuck into says that you have a lot of envious people and ill-wishers who are always trying to prick and hurt. Not everything is going smoothly at work either - management will be dissatisfied with your work and criticize it in every possible way.

What do the glass fragments on the floor say in a dream ▼

To see fragments of glass scattered on the floor in a dream means many tears will be shed. Family relationships will be severely tested. However, if you do not break down and endure all the hardships together, a long and happy family life is guaranteed.

How many fragments did you dream about?

Seeing a lot of glass fragments in a dream ▼

If you dreamed of many small pieces of glass, it means that painful memories of the past will visit you. It is possible with a person with whom it was difficult and unpleasant and whom you would not like to see, or you will find out some unpleasant news.

Do not let go of thoughts in the past, it will not bring anything good. Live in the present, then no memories can shake your attitude to life.

Why the fragments dream depends on which particular shards are seen and to whom. Various dream books give their interpretation of sleep.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

Imminent problems are possible - this is what glass fragments dream of. The problems may be small, but the worries will bring a lot.

The dreamed fragments of a mirror prophesy significant troubles that can cross out all the results of long work. It is better to postpone a trip or an important deal for a while.

All troubles will pass by if in a dream you saw fragments from dishes.

If in a dream you were sweeping up fragments, in reality you are on the right track. Do not be afraid of the upcoming changes - they will bring a happy life.

You look naively at life, which others use - this is what shards of glass in your hands can dream of.

A fragment pierced into the body indicates that in your life you have many ill-wishers who seek to hurt you.

A lot of fragments scattered on the floor dream of hard trials and tears.

Family dream book

The fragments that pierced the body dream of reproaches from relatives.

If in a dream you pricked your leg with a fragment, expect an unpleasant visit in reality.

Esoteric dream book

The dreamed fragments of dishes promise getting rid of many problems.

For a collector who dreamed of fragments of ancient objects, the dream portends a successful find.

Various kinds of premonitions - good or bad - often occur in a person after sleep.

You can try to predict the future with the help of magical rituals, cards and palmistry, as well as turn to fortune tellers, but these are dubious methods.

Whereas the subconscious mind, which gives out certain social and psychological pressing problems in the form of dreams, does an excellent job with the task of a harbinger of possible future events. Especially if you have to think about what broken glass is dreaming of.

A lot of objects and details seen during a night's rest are most often interpreted in one way - positive or negative. But the case when glass gets into a dream, you hold it in your mouth or try to get rid of it, is very ambiguous. How not to make a mistake in this interpretation and correctly understand the signs sent by our consciousness?

Glass Thoughts

Knowing what glass is dreaming of, it makes sense to reconsider your life priorities, correct plans and set yourself up for positive thinking.

The main source for deciphering certain events, things and objects in dreams is the dream book. Glass in a generalized context always symbolizes a shutter, a shield, a barrier. If the glass fragments were in the mouth, someone cut them or any other actions were performed with it - this indicates a not very favorable state of affairs. Remember your dream and interpret the glass according to it:

  • Matte, almost does not shine through. Welfare begins to take on an uncertain character, and you may encounter material need and deceptive illusions.
  • Lies on the floor, and you walk on it. Threat or danger awaits.
  • You cut yourself on them. Demonstrate your abilities and in the shortest possible time gain the delight of others. Also, you will be able to achieve interest from the object of your adoration.
  • They admired the clean transparent windows. You will take an authoritative place, going through a large number of disagreements and conflicts.
  • We saw the glass shine. Pay attention to personal relationships. A quarrel with a loved one is possible.
  • Shards that sparkle and shimmer. In fact, this promises luck and happiness.
  • The glass fogs up. There are things in everyday life that you don't want to notice.
  • You look through it at one of your friends. Dream interpretation glass in this case is interpreted as a sign of alienation between you and the person you were watching.
  • Rain drums on the glass. Extraneous tears will not cause you anything but sympathy.
  • Muddy, dirty. A small quarrel with strangers is possible.
  • The windshield of the car is broken:
  1. Be careful on the way, on the road. Don't take risks.
  2. On the other hand, it may mean broadening one's horizons.

  • Why dream of glasswhich you are inserting? It portends internal changes. You are ready to correct past mistakes.
  • The glass is broken and is being repaired. The symbol of the next loss.
  • It's polished. Problems will be solved for the better.
  • You wash and wipe the glass. Connect with your soulmate.
  • Look at the world through the window. Defeats await you, which will bring bitterness and resentment.
  • Break the glass into pieces and get out of the window outside. A cherished wish will come true.
  • You buy it in the store. Soon you will bring family hardships upon yourself.
  • Selling glass. With foresight, you can avoid a scandal in the family.
  • It has frost on it. Meet your love.
  • Dreaming of stained glass, colored glass. Decide on the main goal, do not spray on a lot of hobbies at the same time.

fragile dream

Separately, it is worth making out what the glass in your mouth dreamed about. Not the most pleasant details, but the dream book will definitely tell you: the glass that you feel in your mouth is interpreted as a “sharp tongue”.

Choose softer words for communication so as not to hurt others. It may seem to you that you are behaving normally and do not offend anyone, but in fact, even an innocent phrase can hurt a nerve.

Do not try to constantly defend your opinion, it will remain with you anyway. And the reputation and relationships with people will radically change for the worse.

The most popular dreams are those in which breaking glass appears, its fragments. All dream books of famous interpreters and folk books about dreams say why broken glass is dreaming.

  1. For a child, this indicates a difficult transitional age.
  2. A broken bottle - to failure in the service.
  3. Old relationships that were unpleasant for you can be restored.
  4. Sad news will come from relatives.
  5. Glass means your fear for some person.
  6. Your tears will shed.
  7. Businessmen are advised to postpone important business and transactions after such a dream.

The presence of glassware in a dream also marks chagrin and minor misunderstandings. Broken objects always dream before an important event. Such a dream warns that decisions should not be made without thinking them over.

Recall the details of the dream and focus on household chores, work or personal relationships to improve them by resolving outstanding points.

Concentrate not on a bad dream (thoughts are material), but on your accuracy in real life and focus; be careful with your imagination. It is much easier to prevent trouble than to deal with it. Author: Olesya Kulchitskaya

If you dream of glass fragments, this is a negative sign. Failure in work affairs, quarrels, conflicts, internal discomfort - this is what such a night vision promises. However, the correct interpretation depends on many details seen by the dreamer: where did the broken glass come from, the type of fragments, the size and number of them, actions, the mood of the sleeping person, people, plot. A small piece of glass portends minor domestic troubles, and a huge one portends a global catastrophe.

Interpretation of sleep about fragments by popular predictors

The meaning of broken glass in various dream books:

  • Female: a failed business situation, a defeat in professional activity, the unsuccessful completion of an important event. Cut yourself with a small fragment - open your creative potential, arouse the admiration of others, general recognition. Losing a lot of blood due to a cut is the need for proper rest, moral exhaustion. If the shard is stuck in the leg and cannot be pulled out in any way, there will be an unpleasant meeting, an important conversation that will not please the dreamer.
  • Small Velesov dream book: to break the glass on purpose - to unravel the insidious plan of the ill-wisher, to prevent the negative impact of others, to expose the liar. Stepping barefoot on broken glass is in great danger, risking your life. To look at a stranger through broken glass is to hope for the best, to be in anticipation of change.
  • Interpreter Tsvetkova: confusion, strong fear, excitement.
  • Ukrainian: stepping on fragments is a threat to the dreamer's state of health, getting seriously ill through one's own fault. Break glass - feel unwell, tired, prostration. Accidentally get hurt - ruin your reputation due to other people's gossip and intrigue.
  • Dream Interpretation of Smirnov: small fragments portend a family quarrel, and large ones - global problems in personal relationships, parting with a lover.
  • French: misunderstanding, coldness, alienation, the emergence of conflict situations in all spheres of the dreamer's life.
  • Interpreter of Medea: looking through broken glass - not noticing obvious things, self-deception, illusory perception of real life. To see a lot of fragments - to quarrel with household members and colleagues.
  • Large: broken glass symbolizes the safety of a sleeping person. To purposefully break a window and cut yourself with a small fragment - disturb the peace of a loved one, cause anxiety and excitement among people for their state of health.
  • Miller's dream book: Breaking window glass - being disappointed in the end result, a waste of time and energy on an unsuccessful business. Cut yourself - get respect and general recognition, surprise others with your abilities and talents.
  • Esoteric: old friendships, events from the past, exposing an old secret. Broken color - to spray, not to notice the main thing, a waste of time, uncertainty. To beat the dishes and cut yourself at the same time - to establish relations with relatives, harmony and mutual understanding in the dreamer's house.
  • Interpreter of Catherine II: gloomy mood, pessimism, depression, negative reaction to any events.

To get out through a broken window glass - to fulfill a cherished dream, to successfully overcome life's obstacles on the way to the goal.


If you dreamed of muddy and dirty fragments - a serious illness, internal tension, subconscious fears and anxieties. Darkened or matte - misunderstanding in the family, an awkward situation. Distorted - not to notice obvious things, to be in the dark, to be deceived, to build castles in the air. Mirror - lose heart, fail, unfavorable life period. Sparkling in the sun - luck, family happiness, harmony.

If the dreamer is watching a stranger who deliberately begins to break window panes, someone will purposefully interfere with the implementation of the plan, someone else's interference in personal relationships. Cleaning up broken glass is a change that will have a positive effect on personal relationships and in the work area. Throw away - get rid of negative emotions, spiritual cleansing. To swallow a tiny shard is to do extremely unpleasant and hard work.

Snow-covered fragments with a crust of frost portend great and pure love. Collecting them in a dream is not taking care of your health. Talking with fragments in your mouth - expressing yourself sharply, being rude and ignorant, offending your loved ones with words. If they dig into the skin and a person begins to bleed, you should pay attention to your emotional state and let go of past grievances, as this can have a very negative impact on health.

To help a stranger pull a shard out of his hand - to find a faithful and reliable friend, out of the body - to feel the help and support of loved ones in a difficult life situation.

Many dream books are arguing about what broken glass is dreaming of. So, for example, some interpreters argue that this image promises broken hopes, others believe that seeing fragments in a dream is a sign of getting rid of invisible, but interfering barriers. What interpretation is right for you, tell the details of the plot.

Miller's prophecies

Miller's dream book explains the vision in which you see broken glass around you: you may not have had the fortitude to "spread your wings", but now you will feel more free.

Did you happen to break a window in a dream? This means your unwillingness to submit to the situation. But if you are caught in a fragmentary "rain", then take care of yourself, as such a dream can mean a threat to your reputation.

What crashed

The interpretation of a dream about broken glass can vary greatly, depending on what exactly broke in a dream. Compare how dream books explain why various broken glass objects are dreamed of:

  • dishes - to family problems;
  • figurines - to a quarrel with a friend;
  • aquarium - to unpleasant conversations, gossip;
  • light bulb - someone will put obstacles in your business.

Beat the window: A good period awaits you

If in a dream you happened to break glass, then remember under what circumstances this happened, dream books recommend.

Here, for example, Tsvetkov's dream book predicts getting rid of invisible control, which gave the dreamer trouble and difficulty in communication if he dreamed that he was hitting a store window with a hammer.

And pastor Loff's dream book predicts the achievement of the goal by those who saw in a dream how they knocked out a window with their own bodies. True, one should take into account the fact that it will be difficult to achieve what you want, despite the seeming simplicity.

Unpleasant consequences - a sign of possible trouble

Did you dream that you walked barefoot on broken glass and cut your legs into blood? You shouldn't be on the road. And if you drove a piece of glass into your leg, despite the fact that you were shod, then this is a symbol of the fact that an obstacle will arise in the planned business.

Walking on the glass that covers the floor in the church and feeling how small glass fragments of stained-glass windows, falling into shoes, cut your feet - a signal that you are deceived in something, taking a lie for the truth.

Contact with glass: Luck is near

You feel small glass and dandruff in your hair - a sign that brilliant ideas will “visit” your head. But, riding on fragments of glassware is a sign that you are capable of more than you allow others to think about you, the interpreter of the White Magician predicts.

Remove pieces of glass, or Inner rebirth

Changes in life, and mostly for the better, await the one who collected pieces of broken glass in a dream. Did you dream that you were sweeping up the pieces and throwing them in the trash? You will have an irresistible craving for inner self-renewal.

But, according to the Gypsy interpreter, who predicts what the cleaning of broken glass means in a dream, one who in a dream happened to collect and not throw away the glass scattered on the floor under his feet should choose friends with care. Since the dream plot does not exclude acquaintance with a person who intends to subjugate the will of a sleeping person.

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