Chances of getting pregnant on the day of ovulation. The most favorable days of the cycle for conceiving a child

When girls decide to have a baby and face some difficulties, then one of the mandatory measures to increase the chances of conception is the selection of a favorable time for fertilization, that is, the calculation of ovulation. Knowing this day, you can easily calculate the most favorable time for conception. But even in such a seemingly simple question, ambiguities often arise that require clarification. Is it possible to get pregnant a week before ovulation, how likely is such a conception and when is the best time to try for successful fertilization.

The birth of a child brings joy and happiness to every family.

To begin with, it is worth understanding what ovulation is and why it is so important for successful procreation. This is necessary for every woman for control and planning, or for protection from unwanted motherhood.

  • Each relatively healthy girl who is of childbearing age, monthly in the body in a certain sequence, there are cyclical processes that take about 21-34 days.
  • When one menstrual cycle ends, menstruation comes and the second begins. It is the beginning of menstruation that indicates the beginning of a new cycle. And so every month.
  • On the first day of menstruation, the process of development and maturation of follicles starts in the ovary. In a few days, the most dominant of them will be revealed, which will continue its active development, the rest will return to their previous state again.
  • Around the middle of the cycle, the follicle matures to the desired state, its wall breaks and releases a mature and ready for fertilization egg, which is sent to the fallopian tube for fertilization by sperm.
  • The time of exit and advancement of the cell into the tube is called ovulation.
  • It is at this time that a woman has every chance to conceive safely.

It is theoretically impossible to get pregnant before ovulation. After all, the cell has not yet had time to leave the follicle, which means that the spermatozoon will not be able to fertilize it. But if sexual intimacy occurred before the onset of the ovulatory period, and the spermatozoon waited for the cell to mature, then conception is quite possible. Therefore, in fact, pregnancy before ovulation is possible. But more on that below.

Early and late ovulation

The length of the menstrual cycle is different for every woman.

The concept of the ovulatory period is not so clear. Although for most women this process occurs in the middle of the cycle, there are those who have a slightly shifted cell release time. Doctors call this phenomenon early or late ovulation. In patients with a cycle of 28 days, the cell matures on days 14-15, i.e. exactly in the middle of the cycle, two weeks before menstruation. If the cycle lasts only 22 days, then the release of the egg falls on the 7-8th day, also two weeks before the onset of menstrual bleeding. This is the early period of egg maturation.

If the cycle is long and is, for example, 34 days, then the ovulatory period will come on the 20th day of the cycle, and this is much later than the generally accepted norm. But such phenomena are considered quite normal and depend on the individual characteristics of the girl's body. The main thing is that menstruation comes regularly. If they are uneven, then a specialist consultation is necessary.

If a girl has an early maturation of the egg, and she calculates the onset of this phase based on the average 28-day cycle length, then in her understanding it is possible to become pregnant before the maturation of the cell. Although in reality, of course, it will ripen and successfully fertilize. With the late onset of the ovulatory period, conception occurs much later, when, according to all perfect calculations, it turns out that the cell has long matured and left the follicle.

How to determine the day X

There are several effective and fairly reliable methods for counting and determining the entrance of a mature egg. The calendar has already been discussed above. It lies in the fact that 14 days must be subtracted from the date of the alleged menstruation. But this technique is approximate and works only in the case of regular menstruation, when the body works like clockwork, which is rare.

Basal measurements are considered a more accurate technique, but such a calculation takes a long time and requires daily manipulations in compliance with strict rules.

  • Every morning, the girl, just by opening her eyes, must measure the rectal temperature and enter the data into a special chart.
  • Until the ovulatory period, the temperature will stay below 37 ° C, when the follicle ruptures, the temperature drops sharply, and after a few hours it rises above the 37-degree mark.
  • It is this jump on the graph that indicates the completed exit of the mature cell.
  • In order for the basal method to be as accurate as possible, the girl needs to take measurements over several cycles.
  • As a result, it will be possible, based on the charts for the last few months, to predict the onset of the next ovulatory period and choose the most favorable time for conception.

There is a less time-consuming technique - the use of special tests. Such systems work by analogy with pregnancy tests, however, they react to the content of luteinizing hormone if its level is elevated. Usually, this hormonal substance rises sharply about a day and a half before the onset of the ovulatory period. Having calculated the approximate calendar dates for the release of the egg, you need to start testing 5-6 days before. Measurements are carried out twice a day strictly according to the instructions. When the cell comes out, two clear lines will appear on the test strip.

You can also determine the maturation of the egg using ultrasound diagnostics, tracking follicular development. The study is carried out using a vaginal probe. Using this method, the specialist monitors the condition of the follicle and will be able to detect when it bursts, which indicates that ovulation has taken place.

Pregnancy before the ovulatory phase

Freshly squeezed juices are very useful for the expectant mother

So, we have come to the core of the question, is it possible to get pregnant before ovulation. There is a lot of controversy regarding this issue. Conception is quite possible if the PA took place a little earlier than the cell left the follicle. But in fact, fertilization occurs after this event. A conception that occurred during sexual intercourse, which took place 1-4 days before the release of the egg, is considered to be a completely acceptable phenomenon. Contribute to this factors such as increased survivability of sperm and alkaline environment in the vaginal cavity.

To increase the chance of successful motherhood, care must be taken to maintain the viability of sperm by the time the ovulatory stage of the cycle occurs. To do this, you need to give up douching and even just washing after sex, it is better to lie down for about half an hour with a slightly raised pelvis so that sperm can quickly reach the uterus. Since spermatozoa can sometimes live in the female reproductive tract for a week, fertilization is also possible 5-6 days before the ovulatory period, although the likelihood of becoming pregnant in such a situation is negligible.

Conception a few days before ovulation

Experts in the field of gynecology and obstetrics say that a few days (1-4) before the onset of the ovulatory stage, it is quite possible to become pregnant. It is believed that the highest probability of conception, if the PA took place on the day the cells were released, the chances in such a case are 33%. What is the probability of a successful pregnancy before the ovulatory phase?

  1. Five days before cell maturation - 10%;
  2. For 4 - 14%;
  3. For three - 16%;
  4. For two - 27%;
  5. Is it possible to get pregnant 1 day before ovulation? Experts say that the chances of such a conception are 31%.

After the ovulatory period, there is a sharp decrease in the likelihood of pregnancy, and two days after the release of the egg, it loses its viability and dies. Now, until the next cycle, the girl enters the phase of infertility. Based on the above information, the fertile period for patients occurs approximately 4 days before ovulation and lasts another day after it. It is during this period that you need to have sex without protection in order to successfully conceive.

There are several ways to determine the favorable period for conception.

But of great importance in this matter is the viability of spermatozoa. The average duration of sperm activity in the female body is about 3-4 days, and sperm with the X chromosome are more likely to live that long (daughters are born from such). If you create a favorable environment, then the sex cells of the partner will be able to survive in the uterus and tubes for 7-11 days. Therefore, it is impossible to exclude the possibility of conception with unprotected proximity a week and a half before the maturation of the egg. Therefore, a lot also depends on the man, although the stronger sex is used to placing all the responsibility in terms of pregnancy on the woman.

To increase the chances of successful fertilization, the couple is recommended to have sex every 1-2 days. Such a mode of sexual life provides a beneficial effect on the formation of high-quality seed material. If sexual intimacy is more or less frequent, then the quality of sperm deteriorates markedly.

Pregnancy after the release of the egg

If the question of whether a girl can get pregnant before ovulation is more or less clear, then how are things going with conception after the ovulatory phase of the cycle? The opinion of doctors indicates that already a day after the release of the egg, absolute infertility sets in, which will last until the next menstruation. According to statistics, the probability of conception at this time is close to zero. Just such a phase, as it were, divides the menstrual cycle into two stages: follicular and luteinizing. During the last stage, the development of the corpus luteum occurs, during which the onset of pregnancy becomes impossible.

The phase of the corpus luteum begins within a day after the release of the egg from the follicle and continues until the onset of menstruation. The cell after the exit is able to live no more than a day, after which it dies. That is why you can get pregnant only in the first 24 hours, and then conception becomes impossible. Although we must not forget about the exceptions, when patients were surprised to find signs of pregnancy after sexual intercourse on absolutely safe days. Doctors explain such cases with the hormonal variability of the cycle and its dependence on the psycho-emotional state of the patient. For example, in a stressful state, the phase of egg release may shift slightly, which will lead to such consequences.

Pregnancy during menstruation

We figured out that you can get pregnant before ovulation, but it turns out that conception is possible even during menstrual bleeding and a couple of days before they start. The fact is that nature endowed each girl with some individual characteristics, and therefore their reproductive processes proceed according to their own scenario.

  • From a medical point of view, the onset of pregnancy on such seemingly safe days is due to a particularly long viability of spermatozoa and the irregularity of the female menstrual cycle.
  • With a late onset of the ovulatory phase, it is likely that the female cell can be fertilized on safe premenstrual days.
  • That is why girls with an irregular cycle who do not plan to become pregnant need to thoroughly approach the problem of high-quality contraception.
  • It is impossible for such patients to accurately calculate the onset of the ovulatory phase, therefore, safe days cannot be determined either.

In such cases, cell maturation can occur on any day of the cycle, which is impossible to predict.

Is it possible to get pregnant without the release of the cell

If a girl does not have egg maturation, then her reproductive system is simply not capable of producing full-fledged germ cells. In such situations, pregnancy is impossible, because the main condition for this process (cell maturation) is absent. Such patients need to undergo a comprehensive and in-depth examination in order to determine the true reasons for the absence of ovulatory processes. A similar phenomenon is caused by serious hormonal disorders, which adequate therapy will cope with.

When conception occurs, the maturation of eggs for the period of gestation stops. In the body of the expectant mother, cardinal hormonal changes occur, aimed at preserving and bearing the fetus. And they are incompatible with the ovulatory processes and the hormonal background for their implementation. During such a period, the maturation of the egg threatens the woman with an interruption, therefore nature itself turns off this process for the duration of gestation.

Let's summarize. If the PA was a week before the ovulatory phase, then it is possible to conceive a baby, but it is unlikely. Every day, the chances grow and already the day before ovulation, conception is possible with more than 30% probability. If you do not want children, take care of this period of contraception. A day after the release of the cell, conception becomes impossible, so these days will be safe for pregnancy.

Approximately from the age of 12–13, girls begin menstruation, which indicates the readiness of the reproductive system to reproduce offspring. The menstrual cycle is a complex phenomenon, and includes a lot of related processes. One of the most important in terms of the possibility of getting pregnant is ovulation. Let's find out exactly how it is connected with conception and when there are the greatest chances of becoming a mother.

What is ovulation

As part of the menstrual cycle, cyclical changes occur in the female body, stimulated by the production of hormones. So, in one of the ovaries, thanks to the follicle-stimulating hormone, the dominant follicle matures, inside which the egg is located. Approximately in the middle of the cycle, it breaks, releasing a cell ready for fertilization, and this phenomenon is called ovulation. After the egg moves through the fallopian tube towards the uterus, where favorable conditions have already been created for further implantation, subject to fertilization. If conception does not occur in the current cycle, then the egg dies, and, together with the exfoliating lining of the uterus, is removed from the body through menstrual bleeding.

Ovulation is the process of release of an egg ready for fertilization from the follicle in the ovary.

Ovulation and conception

Ovulation is directly related to conception, because if a mature egg does not come out of the ovary, then it will not work to get pregnant.

When planning a replenishment, many expect to get a positive result from the first time, but this is not always possible, because successful conception depends not only on the fact of having a ready egg. In medical science, it is believed that trying to have a child for one year is the norm, and only if after 12 months it is not possible to achieve what you want, you should contact specialists to clarify the reasons.

With an average cycle duration of 28 days, the rupture of the follicle occurs approximately in its middle, on days 13–15, but deviations from this figure are possible. Calculating the day of ovulation, relying solely on the stable order of menstruation, is not worth it, this rarely provides reliable information necessary for conception. The following methods are considered the most reliable:

Best days to conceive

The definition of ovulation is of great importance for the success of conception, since the female egg lives for a short time - from 12 to 36 hours, after which it dies and there will be no chance in this cycle. So, the most favorable days for trying to get pregnant are:

  • directly the day of ovulation - the probability of conception reaches 34%. In this case, the spermatozoa must be active enough to have time to reach the goal;
  • 5 days before ovulation. This figure is due to the viability of spermatozoa - in some cases, they can remain active in the reproductive system of a woman for exactly 5 days. Sexual intercourse during this period has an increasing chance of fertilization - from 10% 5 days to 31% 1 day before ovulation;
  • 1 day after ovulation. After the release, the phase of a rapid decline in fertility begins, since the egg dies rather quickly. There is a chance of getting pregnant during this period, but it is not too high. After 1-2 days, a period of absolute infertility sets in, which lasts until the end of the next menstruation, and it is impossible to get pregnant either a few days or a week after the release of the cell.

It is impossible to get pregnant without ovulation, since there is no basic condition for conception. It is important to understand that the egg may not mature every cycle, on average, a woman produces 10–11 cells capable of fertilization per year, and the rest of the cycles are anovulatory.

Safe days or periods of minimum fertility

There is a method of preventing unwanted pregnancy by detecting ovulation (called calendar). It is based on the calculation of the day of the release of the egg and the exclusion of sexual contact during this period. This approach is inherently really effective, since in each cycle there are safe days when there is no chance of getting pregnant at all - this is the time from the beginning of the cycle (onset of the next menstruation) to the period of 5 days before ovulation, and the interval from 2 days after the release of the egg to next menses. It's simple and logical: no live egg - no pregnancy. However, this method has its downsides. So, the timing of ovulation can be shifted in each cycle under the influence of a lot of reasons, and it is impossible to know exactly when exactly the follicle will burst, and therefore calculate the “dangerous” period before this event. The approach is effective only in a situation where the fact of ovulation is known reliably and more than a day and a half has passed.

The calendar method of contraception involves the calculation of safe days with no chance of getting pregnant

Signs of successful conception after ovulation

When the spermatozoon reaches its goal and fertilizes the egg, the stage of implantation begins - insertion into the prepared loose lining of the uterus and fixing there for further division and development of the fetus. It takes some time, therefore, immediately after intercourse during ovulation, it is impossible to find out about the fact of conception, since the corresponding changes in the female body have not yet begun to occur. Pregnancy can be reliably established based on the results of a blood test taken over time with a certain interval to establish the level of human chronic gonadotropin (hCG) and according to ultrasound data. At the same time, there are a lot of signs that cannot be considered unambiguous, but they, especially in the aggregate, can with a high probability be evidence of a conception that has occurred:

  • delay in the onset of menstruation (if the introduction of a fertilized egg into the walls of the uterus has occurred, then there will be no rejection of the lining, and therefore menstruation);
  • swelling and soreness of the mammary glands;
  • implantation bleeding - a small discharge of blood in the absence of the onset of full-fledged menstruation. During the introduction of the egg, the vessels in the uterine wall can be injured, which will cause short-term bleeding;
  • a sharp "dip" (decrease) in the basal temperature chart 2-5 days after ovulation;
  • slight malaise due to a decrease in immunity (this is necessary so that the embryo is not rejected);
  • increased fatigue, drowsiness, weakness;
  • slight pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, warmth due to a rush of blood.

After conception. the egg moves to the uterus, where it is implanted in its wall

At home, if you suspect pregnancy, you can do a test for the content of hCG in the urine. If it is negative, do not be upset, since the sensitivity of such a rapid method may not be sufficient at an early stage, and it is worth repeating it later.

Pregnancy tests behaved differently for my friends. The cherished two strips appeared to one girl on the very first day of the delay, the second one had a distinct strip for almost 10 days, until she passed a blood test to detect the same hCG and found out that she was pregnant. In my case, a pale strip of a positive result was noticeable 3 days before the expected menstruation, and it was present only on 2 out of 4 tests purchased from different manufacturers.

Ovulation occurs, but pregnancy does not occur - causes

The presence of a mature egg is one of the main conditions for conception, but far from the only one. The process of creating a new life is very complex, and its success depends on a large number of factors. If a woman ovulates, but pregnancy does not occur, then this may be the result of the following conditions:

  • hormonal disruptions. They may exist due to problems with the endocrine system, due to a past illness or nervous tension;
  • inflammatory diseases in the reproductive system of both women and men;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes, due to which the egg cannot reach the uterus;
  • infection of the uterus;
  • endometriosis - the spread of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity, which becomes a source of the formation of adhesions, cysts, scars, inflammatory processes that prevent pregnancy;
  • underdevelopment of the endometrium - too thin a layer does not allow a fertilized egg to hook on and implant;
  • insufficient number of healthy and mobile spermatozoa in the male ejaculate.

Gallery: reasons for the lack of pregnancy with intact ovulation

Inflammatory processes in any of the elements of the female reproductive system can prevent pregnancy. One of the common reasons for not getting pregnant during ovulation is low sperm activity in men. Endometriosis is the spread of endometrial tissue to areas outside the uterus.

Lack of ovulation - what to do?

In a situation where a woman has, first of all, specialists are taken to find out the reasons for this condition. This can be due to an infectious disease, increased stress on the psyche, hormonal failure, and even insufficient weight (less than 18% body fat). After identifying the source of the problem, measures are taken to eliminate it, which will be determined on an individual basis. It could be:

  • taking hormonal drugs to restore balance;
  • antibiotic therapy of identified infectious diseases;
  • a course of means to stimulate ovulation;
  • comprehensive measures for weight gain;
  • laparoscopic surgery in case of polycystic ovaries.

After successful treatment and the resumption of ovulation, you can again start trying to have a baby.

Video: what determines the likelihood of conception

Ovulation is the release of an egg ready for fertilization and is one of the most important conditions for conception. There is a window of maximum fertility, when the chances of sperm to fertilize an egg are maximum, and intervals when it is simply impossible to get pregnant. In any case, a single principle remains: no ovulation - no conception, therefore it is important to identify the reasons for the non-maturing of the dominant follicle and promptly eliminate them.

How the process of conception takes place, at what time is the most likely to become pregnant, excites many girls. We know that this is possible during the ovulation period. But there are cases that do not meet the deadlines. Often from girls there is a question whether it is possible to get pregnant not during ovulation. Let's analyze in detail.

What is ovulation

Let us consider in more detail the question of what ovulation is, when and how it occurs.

When does ovulation occur

The female body and ovulation when planning pregnancy is a big secret created by nature to reproduce offspring. In it, everything is regulated to the smallest detail. The monthly menstrual cycle functions under the influence of sex hormones that are in a certain balance and are responsible for the harmonious rhythm of processes.

In the first phase, which begins with the onset of critical days, the dominant follicle with the egg grows and develops until its full maturity under the influence of estrogen.

Is it possible to get pregnant outside of ovulation?

Then comes ovulation, the best time for pregnancy planning and the shortest segment of the cycle, when the germ cell leaves the bursting vesicle into the abdominal cavity and moves into the fallopian tube, where it should meet with the sperm. Sexual intercourse during this period of time gives a real chance for conception. And no matter how a woman dreams of an early pregnancy, such an action can occur only at this single moment. Therefore, the answer to the question: Is it possible to get pregnant not during ovulation, is negative

Therefore, to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant not during ovulation, the answer will be one: no, you can’t. Fertilization without an egg is impossible, and it is released precisely in the interval between periods of the cycle. No egg, no conception.

Pregnancy in other periods

late ovulation

In some cases, an erroneous interpretation of the time of pregnancy is created not at the time of ovulation. For example, we know that spermatozoa remain viable in a woman's genital tract for 5-7 days. If ovulation occurred 6 days after the act and pregnancy occurred, then the expectant mother can assume that fertilization happened during sexual intercourse. But this is not so, just a few rather tenacious male cells waited in the fallopian tube for a female cell, and only then did they merge.

There are cases when a hormonal failure provokes the development of follicles in both ovaries, and with a gap in time. In this scenario, a hidden fertilization of one of the eggs is possible, whose appearance occurred unscheduled.

Getting pregnant with a girl at the wrong time of ovulation

Confusion in reasoning also occurs when planning the sex of the child. Sometimes it is suggested that a woman could become pregnant with a girl at the wrong time of ovulation, which is not true. Experts, based on the structure of spermatozoa, believe that in order to conceive a boy, they must enter the woman's genital tract on the day of ovulation.

We know that male cells with a Y-chromosome can live only one day. Their counterparts with the X chromosome can exist up to 3-7 days. At the same time, sexual intercourse 2-4 days before ovulation gives sperm with a female chromosome a chance to wait for an egg. But fertilization, of course, occurs after her exit, and not at the time of making love. In the absence of ovulation, it makes no sense to talk about whether it is possible to get pregnant not during ovulation.

What to do if there is no ovulation (video)

A gynecologist in a video review tells what to do if there is no ovulation and why it is impossible to get pregnant during ovulation

Favorable for conception is the period five days before the onset of ovulation and the first day after it. However, sometimes it is not possible to get pregnant during ovulation. Why is this happening?

Even if the partners are healthy, fertilization may not occur immediately. But with the health of a woman or a man, there may be problems that they are not even aware of. And although women more often than men ask themselves the question “why didn’t you get pregnant during ovulation?”, Both partners should visit the doctor if pregnancy has not occurred within six months to a year of unprotected sex.

During the period of ovulation, you are more likely to become pregnant than on other days, but the possibility of conceiving a child is affected not only by the day of the cycle, but also by many other factors that the doctor will help to identify.

Factors that determine the likelihood of getting pregnant during ovulation

  • Hormonal disbalance

Have you calculated a favorable period for having sex according to the calendar, but pregnancy has not occurred? Perhaps in this physiological cycle, ovulation did not occur as a result of hormonal failure caused by endocrine disorders or stress.

  • Insufficient concentration of live and motile spermatozoa

The quantity and quality of spermatozoa deteriorates with the age of a man, as well as due to infectious and inflammatory diseases he has suffered. What is the probability of getting pregnant at ovulation, if the cause of infertility is in a man, the doctor must decide. If natural pregnancy is not possible, artificial insemination methods will come to the rescue.

  • Fallopian tube obstruction or uterine pathology

On the day of ovulation, you can get pregnant if the woman's pelvic organs are ready for this. Due to past infections, inflammations or abortions, adhesions can form in the tubes that interfere with the fertilization of the egg. With various neoplasms in the uterus (myomas, cysts), an already fertilized egg will not be able to attach to the wall of the uterus.

Most pathologies of the pelvic organs can be treated, and in extreme cases it is possible to carry a pregnancy with the help of a surrogate mother.

  • Incompatibility of mucus in the cervix with partner's sperm

Normally, cervical mucus helps sperm move faster to the uterus. But in some cases, the female body produces antibodies that prevent sperm from fertilizing the egg. To suppress the production of antibodies, the doctor prescribes special drugs to the woman.

If you have already consulted a doctor and ruled out all the factors that prevent you from getting pregnant, you need to be patient and wait for the onset of pregnancy by regularly having sex on fertile days.

How to increase the chance of getting pregnant during ovulation?

  • The chance of getting pregnant during ovulation will increase if you do not have sex a few days before it occurs - in this case, the concentration of spermatozoa increases.
  • You can get pregnant during ovulation by cutting out caffeine and nicotine and eating a special diet that includes vegetables, fruits, and legumes, as well as vitamins, especially folic acid and vitamin E.
  • Lubricants interfere with the advancement of sperm to the egg, so avoiding moisturizers can increase your chances of getting pregnant during ovulation.
  • Using certain sex positions can increase your chance of getting pregnant when you ovulate. For most women, the “knees to the chest” position is recommended for conception; women with a tilted uterus are easier to get pregnant in the “man behind” position.
  • Untreated sexual infections or pelvic inflammatory disease reduce the chance of getting pregnant on the day of ovulation. It is necessary to carefully monitor your health and regularly consult a doctor for preventive examinations.

Often a woman is prevented from getting pregnant by banal stress or too strong a desire to conceive a child as soon as possible. In such cases, the most effective medicine is to free your head and let go of the thought of a child: go on vacation, relax, or, conversely, do other things - and then it is possible that the long-awaited news of pregnancy will take you by surprise.

The symptoms of ovulation are not hard to spot. Once you know what to look for, you'll be surprised how easy it can be. Almost everyone who is trying to get pregnant wants to know when is the day of ovulation. Ovulation is when an egg is released from the ovary. When an egg is ovulated, sperm should already be in the fallopian tubes available to fertilize that egg.

In other words, ideally, intercourse should occur before ovulation to increase your chances of conceiving.

You are most fertile in the days leading up to ovulation. If you can have sex during this time, your chances of getting pregnant will increase significantly.

How can you find out which are your most fertile days? Here's how to know when it's approaching, and how to know if it's happened.

When do most women ovulate?

On average, a woman with regular cycles tends to ovulate somewhere between days 11 and 21 of her cycle. (Day 1 is the day the period begins.) This means that a woman's most fertile days are somewhere between 8 and 21 days.

If your cycles are shorter, you are more likely to ovulate closer to day 11. If you have longer menstrual cycles, ovulation may occur closer to the 21st day. But "for a while" between day 11 and day 21 is quite a long time!

You can aim to have sex every day or every other day from 8 to 21 pm.

Or you can look for ovulation symptoms and have sex whenever you find fertile signs. You can also track your cycles every month, so you get an idea of ​​when you ovulate (your own average).

Some signs of ovulation indicate its approach. This allows you to have sex while pregnant.

Others tell you that you have ovulated.

Signs of ovulation

Here are eight signs of ovulation or ovulation.

Positive ovulation test result

It works like a home pregnancy test. You urinate on a stick or into a cup in which you place the stick or test strip. Two lines will appear. When the test line is darker than the control line, you are about to ovulate. It's time to have sex to get pregnant.

Ovulation tests are a popular way to detect ovulation, but they have their pros and cons.

  • This requires less work than determining your core body temperature. (More on this below.)
  • Hobbyist ovulation monitors (digital) can be relatively easy to use.
  • Simpler tests are more difficult to interpret, and it is not always easy to tell when a test line is darker than a control.
  • Can be expensive, especially if your periods are irregular or you've been trying to conceive for a long time.
  • Mistakes happen - you can get a positive result, not ovulation.
  • Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can get multiple positive results even if they don't ovulate, making the kits useless.

Quality of cervical secretion

As you approach ovulation, the amount of secretion near the cervix, known as cervical mucus, increases and turns into the consistency of a raw egg and is white. This fertile quality of cervical mucus helps sperm pass into the female reproductive system and makes intercourse easier and more enjoyable.

When you are not in the fertile stage of your cycle, cervical mucus is sticky. The stages of cervical mucus go from almost dry to sticky, creamy, watery, white, and then back to sticky or dry. You can learn to track these changes and predict ovulation.

When you have it egg white, it's time to have sex to get pregnant!

Increased sexual desire

Nature knows exactly how to get you to have sex at the perfect time to conceive. A woman's desire for sex just before ovulation. She not only wants sex, but also looks more sexy. The actual bone structure of the woman's face shifts slightly, her walk becomes sexier, and if she dances, her hips have more sensual vibrations.

Of course, ovulation is not the only thing that can lead to an increase in your libido. Also, if you are anxious or depressed, you may not notice or increase your sexual desire even right before ovulation.

Sustained increase in body temperature

Your basal body temperature (BBT) is the temperature when you are at rest. While you may think of a normal body temperature as 36.6, the truth is that your body temperature changes somewhat throughout the day and month. It rises and falls in activity levels, what you eat, hormones, sleep habits, and of course if you get sick.

After ovulation, progesterone levels rise in your body. The hormone progesterone causes fever. If you track your BBT, you can see when you are ovulating.

Some things to know about basal temperature tracking:

  • It requires you to take your temperature every morning, at the same time (no sleep!) before you get up.
  • Free apps and websites can be used to chart
  • This is a bad method if you work the night shift or sleep at different times.
  • Your BBT chart can be used by your doctor to diagnose irregular cycles or ovulation problems

Position of the cervix

If you think of your vagina as a tunnel, it ends at the cervix. Your cervix shifts positions and changes during your menstrual cycle. You can track these changes.

Before ovulation, the cervix rises higher (maybe difficult for you to reach), becomes softer to the touch, and opens slightly. When you are not in the fertile stage of your cycle, the cervix is ​​lower and more closed.

Soreness of the mammary glands

Have you ever noticed that your breasts are sometimes tender to the touch? But not always? This is caused by hormones that the body produces after ovulation.

You can pay attention to this change as a way to know that ovulation has occurred. You can't predict ovulation this way, but it could be a sign.

However, breast tenderness can also be a side effect of fertility medications.

Saliva drawing

Another possible sign of ovulation is your saliva. A unique and unusual way to detect ovulation, the saliva pattern looks like frost on a window pane. Specialized microscopes are sold for this purpose, or you can technically use any microscope.

Some women find this pattern difficult to detect. Since this is an unusual way to track ovulation, you won't find many people online to consult. (Unlike tracking cervical mucus or basal body temperature, where there are many support forums from which you can get feedback and recommendations.)

Mittelshmertz or painful ovulation

Do you ever notice a sharp pain in your lower abdomen that seems random? If this pain comes in the middle of your cycle, you may experience ovulation pain.

Studies have shown that mid-cycle pain (also known as mittelschmerz) occurs just before ovulation.

For most, ovulation pain is temporary, sharp pain in the lower abdomen. But others experience pain so severe that it prevents them from having sexual intercourse during their most fertile time. This could be a possible symptom of endometriosis or pelvic spasms. You must tell your doctor.

Exact day of ovulation?

Can any of the ovulation signs listed above give you an accurate ovulation date? It does not matter. As long as you have sex every day or every other day for three to four days from your possible ovulation date, you will have sex at the right time to get pregnant. In fact, research has shown that you won't even know what day you ovulated.

An ultrasound can be used to determine when ovulation has occurred. The researchers compared the results of the ultrasound with commonly used ovulation tracking methods. They found that a basal body temperature chart correctly predicted the exact day of ovulation only 43 percent of the time. Ovulation tests that detect an LH surge can only be accurate 60% of the time.

All this is good news. This means you don't have to stress that you're having sex on the exact day before ovulation. If you have intercourse when there are possible fertile signs, or have sex frequently throughout the month, your chances of conceiving are good.

Signs When You Can't Ovulate

If you don't ovulate, you can't get pregnant. If you ovulate irregularly, it may be harder for you to get pregnant. Anovulation is the medical term for the lack of ovulation. Oligovulation is the medical term for irregular ovulation.

Here are some possible signs of an ovulation problem.

irregular cycles

If your periods are unpredictable, you may have an ovulation problem. It is normal if your menstrual cycle changes by a couple of days every month. It is not normal if the changes fluctuate over several days.

Very short or long cycles

The usual period can be as short as 21 days or up to 35 days. However, if your cycles are usually shorter or longer than this, you may have a problem with ovulation.

No periods or months without menstrual cycles

Assuming you're of childbearing age, if you don't have your period at all, or there are many months between cycles, that's a strong sign that you're not ovulating.

No rise in body temperature

As mentioned above, your basal body temperature rises somewhat after ovulation. If you're scheduling your cycles and there's no temperature rise, you may not be ovulating. However, for some women, basal temperature does not rise even if they ovulate. Why this happens is unknown.

Also, if you don't have a sleep routine, or don't take your temperature at the same time every morning before you get up, it can reset your schedule results.

No positive ovulation test result or multiple positive results

Ovulation test kits detect luteinizing hormone that builds up just before ovulation. If you never get a positive result, you may not ovulate.

Oddly enough, getting multiple positive results can also indicate an ovulation problem. This means that your body is trying to induce ovulation but is not succeeding. Think of it as a misfire. It is common in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Note: Don't assume you can't get pregnant if you have symptoms of a possible ovulation problem. Even if you don't have a period, you can still get pregnant. This is unlikely. But it is possible.

If you do not want to become pregnant, you must use contraception or birth control. Talk to your doctor about your specific situation.

How does a doctor determine ovulation?

If you suspect that you are not ovulating or ovulating irregularly, see your doctor. You may have a fertility problem and it's important that you find out about it quickly. Some causes of infertility worsen over time.

How will your doctor determine if you are ovulating? The most common way is a progesterone blood test. The hormone progesterone rises after ovulation. If you don't ovulate, your progesterone results will be abnormally low. This test is usually done on day 21 of your cycle.

It is also necessary to give blood during a fertility test, which can help determine why there is no ovulation. Your doctor will also check your FSH and AMH levels, as well as estrogen, prolactin, androgens, and thyroid hormones.

Transvaginal ultrasound may be prescribed. It will let you know if follicles are developing in the ovary. After ovulation, an ultrasound can detect if a follicle has opened and released an egg.

What happens if there is no ovulation?

If your doctor has already run tests and determined that you are not ovulating regularly, you are probably wondering what to do next. Usually, but not always, your doctor will suggest treatment with Clomid. It is a popular drug with few side effects and has a good pregnancy success rate.

However, make sure your doctor checks your partner's fertility and your fallopian tubes first. That means a semen analysis for him and a hysterosalpingogram (a special kind of x-ray) for you.

You may want to just take Clomid. But if something else is keeping you from getting pregnant, like blocked fallopian tubes or male infertility, then you'll take Clomid for no reason.

Nobody wants it. If your doctor won't check your partner's fallopian tubes and fertility before prescribing Clomid, go to someone else. Your partner may need to see a urologist for a semen analysis. Then, after the test, you can return to your gynecologist to try Clomid. It is worth taking the time to pass the necessary tests.

You can use what you've learned about ovulation to get pregnant faster. However, even if your fertility is "perfect", don't expect to conceive in the first month of trying. According to studies on couples who knew how to spot signs of ovulation for pregnancy, 68% got pregnant within three months. After six months, 81 was the percentage of pregnant women.

However, ovulation is not the only key to conception. This is just one piece of the puzzle. The health of the entire reproductive system in both partners is also important.

If you're trying to conceive and you're sure you're ovulating, don't assume everything is fine. See a doctor and get confirmation. If you are 35 and have been trying to get pregnant for six months without success, see your doctor. If you are under 35, as long as you have no other symptoms of infertility, see your doctor after a year of trying to conceive without success.

The good news is that most couples with fertility problems will be able to get pregnant with fertility treatments.

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