In what zone do woodpeckers live. Great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major). Description of the woodpecker bird

According to most people, the most drinking country in the world is Russia, followed by countries such as Ireland and the UK. But, according to annual studies, it can be understood that these are just stereotypes. These states were not even included in the "top five countries" in terms of the scale of consumption of alcoholic beverages. So which country is the most drinking in the world? Let's look at the representatives of which nations are in the top ten countries that are lovers of such drinks.

The rating of the most drinking countries is compiled annually by WHO (World Health Organization). There are several points of view regarding the use of alcoholic beverages. Most experts say that alcohol is a real evil and it is necessary to tighten the scope of its production and sale as much as possible.

Another part of scientists says that the normalized use of many alcoholic products has a beneficial effect on the state of the body. For example, regular consumption of small doses of wine demonstrates a positive effect on the condition of the skin and contributes to the normalization of blood pressure. But it is very important to note the fact that no matter what point of view you consider yourself to be, the number of people who abuse alcohol is constantly growing. Experts are concerned about the fact that in some states this number has already significantly exceeded the norm.

List of states that abuse alcohol

Tenth line - Slovenia and Denmark. According to the latest data, the amount of alcohol consumed in Denmark and Slovenia is about ten and a half liters per year, per inhabitant. According to statistics, most residents prefer low-alcohol drinks, other products are much less in demand. In one of the cities of Slovenia is the oldest vineyard in all of Europe. Its name is "Stara trta", which in Slovenian means "old vine". Its age is over four hundred years old. To the rest of the world, Denmark is known as a producer of beer brands such as Karlbserg and Tuborg.

Alcohol popularity statistics are as follows: soft alcohol - forty-six percent of the population, wine - thirty percent, strong alcohol - eighteen percent, other drinks - six percent of the population. Borovichka is considered the national drink.

The WHO believes that the most effective measures to address the problems associated with alcohol use are to limit access to alcohol, prohibit its advertising and pricing policy.

Ninth place - Hungary. Alcohol consumption per capita in Hungary is ten point eight tenths of a litre. To collect statistical data, we used a survey of residents in the age category from fifteen to sixty-five years.
Hungary is famous all over the world for its famous vineyards. Drinks of this particular country are preferred all over the world.

By popularity, in this state, the first line is occupied by beer, it is preferred by fifty-four percent of the population. On the second line is wine, with twenty-eight percent. Close the top three strong alcoholic beverages, which are in demand only eighteen percent of the local population. The national drinks of this place include wine and schnapps.

Eighth place - Spain and Portugal. The eighth line of the rating is shared by two southern states, Portugal and Spain. Statistics on the use of alcohol in these states indicate that for each inhabitant there are eleven and a half liters of alcohol annually. The warm climate and constant sunny weather allow the locals to engage in the cultivation of first-class grapes.

It is here that the use of wine is given the main preference. According to polls, more than half of the population prefers wine to other alcohol. On the second line, with a popularity of thirty percent, there are different types of foamy drinks. It is important to mention that in these countries beer is several times more affordable and cheaper than wine.

Spanish wineries occupy the third line in the list of countries engaged in wine production. In total, more than ninety varieties of various grapes are grown on the territory of the state. The area of ​​​​Spanish vineyards is so huge that it ranks first in the ranking of countries with the largest vineyards. The national drink of the two states is port wine.

Seventh place - Ireland. In this country, a special attitude to beer, it is here that Guinness is equated with a national treasure. In Ireland, the average resident drinks about eleven and six tenths of a liter of spirits per year. This country is famous for the largest brewery, which produces the most famous dark beer.

In addition, Irish whiskey is also in demand all over the world. It should be noted that the price of alcohol in this country is very high. The cost of a pint of beer is about two euros, and a bottle of good whiskey can reach the price of twenty-five euros. In terms of popularity of types of alcohol, beer ranks first, wine is in second, and other spirits are in third place.

Russia, contrary to stereotypes, was not in the TOP-5

The sixth line is Russia. Many people believe that it is Russia that should top this list. In fact, the statistics of alcohol consumption in the world suggests that this country occupies only the sixth line in the ranking. On average, one Russian has fifteen liters of alcoholic beverages per year.

It is in Russia that the popularity of vodka and beer are equated to each other. According to statistics, the number of consumers of these types of alcohol is about forty percent. According to analysts, the popularity of wine in Russia is only increasing every year. In the next few years, its popularity will catch up with other alcohol. The national drink of this country is considered to be vodka.

Fifth place - Lithuania. In Lithuania, the average resident consumes about sixteen and three tenths of a liter of alcoholic beverages. Thanks to this fact, Lithuania got into the top five most drinking countries. Along with vodka and beer, Lithuanian Midus, a drink made from honey, water and yeast, is popular in this country. It is in this country that the production of most popular alcohol-containing tinctures, balms and nectars is located.

The fourth line is the Czech Republic. Another country where beer is considered to be the most popular type of alcohol. The Czech Republic occupies the fourth position on the list due to the fact that its inhabitants consume almost sixteen and a half liters of alcoholic beverages. A lot of legends and stories are connected with beer in this country. Some breweries are known throughout the world for their quality products.

Beer production in this country has more than eight centuries of rich history. The Celts, one of the first to whom the idea of ​​brewing belongs. Even in ancient times, this drink was so popular that it was prepared in almost every home.

Czech wineries are not inferior in quality to beer. Prague is considered a real Mecca for lovers of quality beer and wine. Such an alcoholic product as Becherovka can be attributed to the real national treasure of the Czech Republic.

Third place - Estonia. If we divide alcohol consumption by country, then Estonia will take the third place in this list. This is exactly what the WHO statistics say. The capital of Estonia, Tallinn is one of the most cultural and peaceful cities on the planet. It is here that the amount of alcohol consumed per capita is about seventeen and a quarter liters per year.

On the numerous streets of Tallinn there are not only masterpieces of world architecture, but also quite interesting establishments. One of these establishments is the Olde Hansa restaurant, stylized under the atmosphere of the Middle Ages.

All the furniture of this restaurant is made of oak wood. Candles are used for lighting, and the food is consistent with what many people believe the ancient knights ate. Such an atmosphere is the best way to ensure that the hand reaches for a mug of light beer. It is beer that is in first place in popularity in Estonia.

In recent years, Russia has been in this sad rating, which inspires a certain positive, down

Second place - Ukraine. The second line of the rating is occupied by Ukraine, where the amount of alcoholic beverages per capita is about seventeen and a half liters. This is the amount the average person drinks. Ukraine is known all over the world for vodka, a product whose popularity dates back to the seventeenth century. In those distant times, vodka was called hot wine.

Among the alcoholic producers, which are famous all over the planet, there are representatives of this people. The Nemiroff brand belongs to the Ukrainian wine and vodka factory. One of the most popular products produced under this brand is Nemiroff. Honey and pepper."

The first line is the Republic of Belarus. It is Belarus that holds the first place in this list. According to the latest WHO information, alcohol consumption in Belarus reaches a value of more than seventeen and a half liters per year per native. In addition, the researchers did not take into account those nuances, which include moonshine. If these data were also taken into account, the figure would be much higher.

It is Belarus that is recognized as the world leader in the consumption of alcoholic products. Krambambula can be attributed to the national alcohol-containing compositions of this country.
By popularity in Belarus, strong alcohol is on the first line. It is used by about forty-seven percent of the population. The second line is occupied by low-alcohol drinks, and beer closes the top three.

World average

According to the same statistics, per capita alcohol consumption in the world is about eight liters per person.

This fact is extremely worrying for WHO representatives, since, in their opinion, the percentage of the drinking population is increasing every year. A few decades ago, this value was equal to only six liters of alcohol per person.

Despite the high development of civilization among the most drinking countries in the world in 2016-2017, there were states with a low standard of living that did not lag behind at all.

World alcohol consumption statistics

When compiling such lists, it is necessary to consider the fact that different alcoholic products are consumed in different parts of the world. For example, beer is quite popular in European countries, the most "beer" cities are recognized:

  • Brussels;
  • Munich;
  • Dublin;
  • Berne.

In regions with a hot climate, products belonging to the wine family are very popular. France and Spain are not only true legislators in this area, but also true fans of this alcohol.

An interesting fact is that the further north the state is located, the stronger alcohol is preferred by its inhabitants. Strong alcohol is quite popular in the Russian Federation, the United States of America, the Czech Republic and Norway.
Also, according to WHO research, about forty percent of people living today have never consumed alcohol.

Which countries are non-drinkers

Which country is the most drinking country in the world, we found out thanks to the rating, but the inhabitants of which country can boast that they do not drink alcohol at all? According to statistics, the states of South Asia are among those where alcoholic products are in the least demand. Pakistan tops the list of these states, where more than two hundred million people live. In the world list in terms of population, Pakistan ranks sixth.

Interestingly, the rate of alcohol consumption in this place on the planet is almost equal to zero. According to WHO research, the average native of Pakistan drinks about one hundred grams of alcoholic beverages every year.

The reason for such a low popularity of such products lies in religion. The state religion in Pakistan is Sunni Islam. Drinking alcohol-containing liquids for followers is strictly prohibited. As a result of the research, a curious fact was revealed that only visitors and tourists drink alcohol in Pakistan. Another interesting fact is that, despite the fact that the religion forbids Sunnis from drinking alcohol, it is not forbidden to buy, sell, and even present it as a gift to other people.

Worldwide, there is a steady upward trend in the incidence of alcohol dependence. The World Health Organization cannot stand aside, since alcoholism provokes deadly diseases that annually claim the lives of many people.

Every year this organization publishes a rating of the most drinking countries in the world. The volume of alcohol consumption per capita is taken into account (the population is taken with the exception of citizens under the age of 15, and ethanol is considered in its pure form). Of course, only legally sold alcoholic products are subject to accounting.

Positions in the ranking change from year to year, but, as a rule, the same countries fall into it. These are European states and countries of the post-Soviet space. Despite the widespread opinion that Russia is a territory of wholesale drunkenness, it is not even included in the top three.

Of course, the level of alcohol consumption in the Russian Federation is quite high, but we are quite seriously overtaken by our neighbors - the Baltic countries and other states of the post-Soviet space.

Belarus, Ukraine

In Belarus, alcohol consumption is approximately 17.5 liters of alcohol annually. Almost half of the residents prefer vodka and other strong drinks, about 17% drink mostly beer.

Of course, official figures do not reflect the true level of drunkenness, since the tradition of handicraft production of alcohol in this country is quite common. In this regard, the government is now developing and implementing programs to combat drunkenness.

In Ukraine, according to official data, they consume almost the same amount of alcoholic beverages - 17.4 liters. The inhabitants of this country prefer their national drink vodka, as well as beer. Ukrainians also drink wines, mostly locally produced.

The circulation of alcohol and alcohol-containing products in Ukraine is almost not regulated by the state, alcohol laws are imperfect, therefore, there is a persistent trend towards an increase in alcoholism among young people and adolescents in the country.

Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia

The Baltic states remain the traditional leaders of the alcohol "hit parade". In 2016, Lithuania was in first place.

Latvia and Estonia "drink" less, but regularly get into the top three.

In 2016, 17.2 liters of alcohol per capita were drunk in Estonia. These people prefer beer, as well as their signature drink - the strong liquor "Old Tallinn" (Vana Tallinn).

Today, the Baltic countries are taking serious government measures against the growth of alcohol consumption: the age at which you can legally purchase alcohol is increasing, a ban on advertising has been introduced, and temporary restrictions on the sale of alcoholic products have been established.

Czech Republic, Poland

The Czech Republic has ancient traditions of brewing, many original varieties of this drink are produced and consumed here. Also popular is Becherovka, a strong herbal liqueur.

Alcohol consumption per capita is approximately 16.4 liters.

Poland hit the top ten not so long ago, but in recent years there has been a pronounced trend towards an increase in alcohol consumption.


In Russia, many residents prefer the national drink - vodka. Russians do not disdain other strong drinks, they also love weak alcohol - beer, wine.

The per capita consumption is about 15 liters per year.

Although Russia is not among the top three, the numbers are disappointing - Russians drink a lot. That this is a national tradition is a myth.

Drunkards met at all times, but the attitude towards them was sharply negative. The policy of the 1990s led to rampant drunkenness and an increase in the number of people suffering from alcohol addiction, when the circulation of alcohol-containing products was practically not controlled by the state. Today in Russia serious measures are being taken to combat alcoholism.

South Korea

Asia is considered a relatively sober region, but one country made it into the WHO alcohol top ten. South Korea is recognized as the most drinking state in the region.

Residents also prefer the national drink - rice vodka, they also like weaker local alcohol - fruit-based wines, beer.

Traditionally, most South Koreans end their working day in bars and other drinking establishments. On the streets of Seoul and other cities in the evening you can meet a lot of drunk people, but the Asian mentality and upbringing do not allow Koreans to behave ugly.

Great Britain

England and other parts of the United Kingdom have long been considered the most drinking countries in Europe.

In Ireland and Scotland, whiskey is considered a national drink, which is produced here in a large number of varieties. The British and Welsh prefer ale, beer, whiskey and gin (a popular English brand of Beefeater gin).

In this country they drink a lot, the tradition is preserved to go to one of the many pubs after the end of the working day. On weekends, the British, especially the young, get drunk, which is called "to death", you can meet very drunk people on the streets.

Here, alcohol is legally allowed to drink in public places, you can also drink while driving, though within certain limits.


This country has one of the oldest brewing traditions, and beer lovers pay tribute to German beer. It is thanks to intoxication that the level of alcohol consumption in Germany is about 12 liters per year.

Stronger drinks are also respected here, which are called the term "schnapps". Initially, this word was called moonshine, obtained by distillation of mash based on potatoes. Today, many types of it are produced, which the Germans consider their national drink along with beer.

France, Italy

These states are wine-producing regions where the tradition of making and consuming alcohol dates back to ancient times. In these countries, the main amount of grapes in Europe is grown, the vineyard area in France is about 60 million hectares, in Italy - about the same.

The level of alcohol consumption is high, so the ranking of drinking countries, of course, cannot do without them. However, the tradition of use here is strikingly different from the Russian and post-Soviet countries.

In France and Italy they drink mainly wine. They drink it during the day, at dinner, often diluted.

Portugal, Spain

In the Iberian Peninsula, the tradition of winemaking is almost as old as in France and Italy. Many varieties of wines are produced here, including fortified wines (port and Madeira are the most famous).

The Portuguese and Spaniards consume about 11.5 liters of alcohol annually.

Hungary, Denmark, Slovenia

In Denmark and Slovenia, consumption is 10.5 liters each, in Hungary - 10.8 liters of alcohol. The Danes prefer beer as much as the Hungarians. The second most popular place is wine.

Hungary is famous for its wine-growing region - the Tokaj Mountains, where the wine of the same name is produced.

Slovenia also grows grapes and makes wine. Strong drinks in these countries are preferred only by a fifth of the inhabitants, the rest of the population drinks mostly weak alcohol.


In this country, alcohol is consumed mainly by the local population, the indigenous inhabitants of the continent. Most often, preference is given to beer, among the natives there are many alcohol-addicted people. This forces the government to take quite drastic measures, such as compulsory addiction treatment.

Drinking alcohol in Australia is a tradition dating back to British colonial times. At that time, strong alcohol, mainly rum, was often used for mutual settlements, used as a currency. Since then, many Australians have followed the tradition of drinking heavily.

Today, state measures to combat alcoholism are yielding results - the popularity of alcohol is falling.


Uganda is recognized as the most drinking African country. Residents of this state prefer strong drinks, as well as locally produced beer.

Of the hard liquor, Uganda Waragi gin and Bond7 whiskey are considered the most popular. Alcohol is sold everywhere here, there are no time limits, so most of the inhabitants of Uganda drink it.

According to WHO, about 60% of the world's population does not consume alcohol at all. Traditionally, Muslim states are considered non-drinkers, where the use of alcohol is prohibited for religious reasons.

Prohibition has been introduced in 41 states, and in 40 more countries quite severe restrictions on the sale of alcohol have been introduced. Sobriety laws of varying severity are in force in India, China, most Asian and African countries, Turkey, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and Turkmenistan.

The least common alcohol among professing Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism.

The most sober countries are Yemen, UAE, Pakistan.

In Arab countries, for the use and sale of alcohol, you can get a very severe punishment up to flogging, caning and even the death penalty.

Measures to combat drunkenness

The highest positions in the ranking of drinking countries are occupied by secular states. Yes, and the Christian religion, the various branches of which are professed by most Europeans, does not prohibit drinking alcohol, and even uses it in rituals. Therefore, the effective methods of struggle used in Islamic states are not suitable for “drinking” countries.

Alcohol abuse is a serious problem that needs to be tackled at all levels. On the part of the state, the following measures are considered the most effective:

  • age restrictions on the purchase of alcohol;
  • a ban on all types of advertising;
  • control over the turnover of alcoholic products and state regulation of prices.

A very important preventive measure is educational activities aimed at acquainting people (mainly young people and adolescents) with how alcohol affects the body, what are the medical and social consequences of alcohol abuse.

The World Health Organization (WHO) published in 2014 a report on alcohol consumption in the world (as of 2010), which presented data on how many liters of pure alcohol are consumed per year by people over the age of 15 in different countries. Let's see who was in the top ten most drinking countries in the world.


10th place. Slovakia. Alcohol consumption by an average citizen of this country in terms of pure alcohol is 13 liters, with an average consumption in the European region of 10.9 liters. At the same time, the male population of Slovakia drinks 20.5 liters per person, the female - 6.1 liters. (Photo: Renata Opprecht/

How much pure alcohol does alcoholic beverages contain, for example, wine with a strength of 13 degrees? 750 milliliters of this wine contains only 97.5 milliliters of pure alcohol. Now try to imagine how much you need to drink it so that the average consumption in the country is like that of the “world champion in alcohol consumption” or 17.5 liters of pure alcohol per year!?

9th place. Czech. The average annual consumption of pure alcohol per 1 inhabitant of the country over 15 years old is 13 liters, including 18.6 liters for men and 7.8 liters for women. (Photo: flamedot/
8th place. Hungary. Each inhabitant of this country over the age of 15 drinks 13.3 liters of pure alcohol per year, while men - 20.4 liters, women - 7.1 liters. (Photo: Matteo Muratore/
7th place. Andorra. 13.8 liters of pure alcohol per year is drunk by the average citizen of this country over 15 years old, while among men consumption is 19.5 liters per person, among women - 8.2 liters. (Photo: JK04/
6th place. Ukraine. Each inhabitant of this country over the age of 15 drinks 13.9 liters of pure alcohol per year, while men - 22 liters, women - 7.2 liters. (Photo: alxpn/
5th place. Romania. The average resident (over 15 years old) of Romania drinks 14.3 liters of pure alcohol per year, while men - 22.6 liters, women - 6.8 liters. (Photo: Matt Bigwood/
4th place. Russia. The average annual consumption of pure alcohol per 1 inhabitant of Russia aged 15 years and older is 15.1 liters. Men drink 23.9 liters per year, women - 7.8 liters. (Photo: Ilya Klenkov/
3rd place. Lithuania. An average resident (over 15 years old) of Lithuania drinks 15.4 liters of pure alcohol per year, while men consume an average of 24.4 liters, women 7.9 liters. (Photo: Michael Pretzsch/
2nd place. Moldova. The average annual consumption of pure alcohol per inhabitant of Moldova over 15 years old is 16.8 liters, including 25.9 liters per man and 8.9 liters per woman. (Photo: Andreas G/
1 place. Belarus has become the world record holder for the consumption of pure alcohol per capita. During the year, the average resident of Belarus over 15 years old drinks 17.5 liters of pure alcohol, while men drink an average of 27.5 liters, and women 9.1 liters. (Photo: Radio Svaboda/

Alcohol is currently causing more deaths globally than HIV/AIDS, pneumonia and violence combined. In Belarus, the problem of alcoholism is becoming truly catastrophic, it affects almost every family. And the social and economic costs of excessive alcohol consumption become a heavy burden not only for a single family, but for the whole society. The only way to get rid of alcohol addiction is treatment. There are many methods of complex treatment of alcoholism, both drug and non-drug, as well as innovative programs, which can be found on Help your loved ones! Alcoholism is a disease that needs to be treated like any other!

Dorofeev Pavel/ Date: 2016-04-24 in 4:31 Category: 4 comments

Alcohol consumption per capita in Russia and the world. Terrifying statistics

Hello dear readers of my blog. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the share of annual alcohol consumption per person should be no more than 8 liters. Exceeding this norm endangers the existence of the nation. I prepared an article about alcohol consumption per capita in Russia and the world. After reading it, you will simply be amazed at how many countries exceed the permissible norms at times!

Having learned the process of fermentation and the manufacture of ethyl alcohol, alcoholism advanced on the scale of bad habits and addictions, and over time became a problem on a global scale. Every year the ranks of alcoholics in the world are replenished with new adherents, partly because of ignorance of the consequences of addiction, partly because of the sluggish promotion of sobriety.

world ranking

As a basis for the rating of residents who consume alcohol by country, it is worth taking not only regions in which demand for high-grade drinks prevails, but also those where any liquid with an ethanol content of more than 0.1-1.5% is classified as alcoholic.

Situation in Russia

In Russia, a stable situation has been recorded over the past five years. Only the priorities for choosing alcoholic beverages have changed, and alcoholism, despite government programs, has become much younger. In general, there is a steady increase in ethanol consumption around the world, despite the fact that, according to WHO recommendations, only consumption of up to 8 liters of alcohol-containing products per year can be considered safe.

With this, I conclude today's story. I invite you to share your thoughts in the comments and subscribe to new blog articles.

See you again. Dorofeev Pavel

Alcohol today is very common throughout the world.

The world population is subject to negative dependence on alcohol, which leads not only to the development of various diseases, the mental and moral decline of the individual, but also to death.

Alcoholism statistics confirm this.

Alcoholism in the world

Drinking alcohol is becoming a problem in many states. Addiction is widespread on all five continents. According to statistics, about 2.5 million people die from alcohol every year in the world.

Due to the excessive use of alcoholic beverages, all kinds of problems are experienced not only by alcoholics, but also by their families. Since alcohol becomes the cause of many unpleasant and illegal actions. Thus, about 50% of all crimes are committed by people in a state of intoxication. Alcohol causes inappropriate behavior. Under the influence of strong drinks, people commit suicide, murder, serious accidents, violence, beatings and many other actions. Alcohol has a detrimental effect on children as well. Alcoholic women often give birth to children with various mental and physical developmental disabilities. In addition, due to addiction, families break up, parents abandon their children or do not give them appropriate upbringing, support, as a result, children become homeless.

Alcohol addiction can cause an economic crisis, disruptions in the production process, and the destruction of people's ability to work. Alcohol causes the development of various diseases of internal organs and systems, mental disorders, loss of normal appearance, rapid aging.

The situation with alcoholism in Europe and Russia

Europe is a part of the world where problems with alcohol addiction are felt most acutely. It has the largest proportion of alcohol consumed per capita. On average, each person has 1-1.5 liters of beer per day. During the year, Europe suffers losses from alcohol consumption from 125 to 300 billion euros. Such losses include the costs associated with both the purchase of alcoholic beverages themselves and the costs of treating addiction and illness. In addition, the state's profit is lost from the fact that alcoholics often do not go to work, which leads to various failures in the labor process.

The statistics of alcoholism in Russia are also disappointing. The level of the dependent population is approaching a critical point. At the same time, all segments of the population suffer, the problem affects directly or indirectly any person. According to statistics on alcoholism in Russia, every year the number of people with harmful addiction increases by 2 million, and the number of addicts with acute mental disorders - by 100 people.

Because of drunkenness in Russia, not only men, but also women suffer. very common in the country. As a result of excessive alcohol consumption, about 500 families break up a year, about 3% of the working-age population does not work. And the costs of treating alcoholism significantly exceed the costs of treating various diseases (diabetes, bronchitis, asthma, etc.).

According to the latest data, alcoholism in Russia is getting younger every year. An increasing number of the working-age population begins to drink alcohol at a young age. According to surveys conducted among people suffering from alcoholism, the first experience of drinking strong drinks for the most part falls on the age of 10-20 years. It is worth noting that in adolescence, addiction to bad habits is carried out much faster than in more mature years. It is not uncommon for young people to be introduced to alcohol by the parents themselves, believing that it is time to start “adult” life. As a result, teenage alcoholism is becoming more common and younger.

Today, 99% of men and 97% of women consume alcohol, including occasional drinking. This has to do with the availability of alcohol. Compared to 1925, the situation is now very critical. In those years, the proportion of drinkers among men was 52%, among boys 65% and among women 10%. In almost 100 years, the situation has changed a lot and not for the better.

Numbers and alcoholism

As mentioned above, because of alcoholism in the world there are various crimes, unpleasant situations, diseases develop.

If we talk about crime, then worldwide from 60 to 90% of all crimes are committed by persons who are intoxicated. If addiction treatment were carried out in a timely manner, then the number of illegal actions could decrease by about 50%.

Alcohol consumption by drivers also has a significant impact. In a state of intoxication, a large number of accidents are committed, many of which are distinguished by their severity, accompanied by death. A special number of accidents with drunk drivers is observed in Russia - about 85% of the total number of accidents. Most emergencies happen due to driving into the oncoming lane and exceeding the speed limit by more than 30 km / h. This is due to the loss of fear in a drunk driver and the inability to soberly assess the situation on the road.

Another unpleasant statistic is suicide. According to the data, up to 80% of suicides are committed by people who are in a state of intoxication or who are in a state of alcoholic psychosis. About 60% of suicides are carried out by alcoholics, but only about 8% of them make ends meet while intoxicated.

Drunkenness also has a negative effect on children. Most children from families of alcoholics become drunkards themselves. About 60% of adolescents who regularly drink alcohol have an alcoholic father. In addition, such children are characterized by bad behavior, do not study or do poorly in school. All this affects their lives in the future. Alcoholism among teenagers is becoming more and more common.

Due to the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, life expectancy is drastically reduced. In connection with alcoholism, mortality in Europe has increased by 2.5 times. In Russia, almost 1 million people die every year due to addiction.

All these data are indicated only in the official aspect. However, in reality, everything is much worse, since not all deaths, diseases and crimes are deciphered in light of the influence of alcohol.

Rating of the most "drinking" countries

Studies are being conducted in the world, according to which the ranking of countries in the world in terms of the level of alcohol consumption by the population is subsequently displayed. It is expressed in liters of pure ethyl alcohol per capita. The value is calculated according to the method of the World Health Organization, whose main task is to solve the problems associated with protecting the health of the world population.

Alcohol is a kind of narcotic substance that can cause a state of euphoria in a person, distract from problems and various situations. Alcohol has been known since ancient times, but its consumption increased significantly in the Middle Ages, when the processes of distillation of alcohol were discovered.

Studies of changes in society in the medical, psychological and sociological fields associated with the use of alcohol began to be carried out as early as the middle of the 19th century. Alcohol statistics began to be derived from those years.

Alcohol is one of the three most significant public health problems today. And, although about half of the world's population consumes an excessive amount of alcoholic beverages, alcoholism is the third risk factor that causes various diseases and premature death (after smoking and high blood pressure).

The ranking of countries in the world in terms of alcohol consumption is compiled once every few years. Published in a special edition. It is calculated how much ethyl alcohol per inhabitant. The calculation takes into account persons from 15 years of age and older. The last time the calculation was carried out in 2014, which included 188 countries.

    • 1st place - Moldova;
    • 2nd place - Czech Republic;
    • 3rd place - Hungary;
    • 4th place - Russia;
    • 5th place - Ukraine.

If there is no further improvement in alcohol consumption, the situation may become critical. This is especially true for our country. Alcoholism in Russia affects almost every resident directly or indirectly.

Thanks for the feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone managed to save her husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying up, I don’t know what to do ((I thought of getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their markup brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through the pharmacy chain and retail stores in order to avoid overpricing. Currently, you can only order official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can not influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    I haven’t tried any folk remedies, my father-in-law both drank and drinks

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