Ultrasound of the ovaries when carried out. Regular and unscheduled ovarian ultrasound in women: reasons for conducting, results. In postmenopausal women, the size of the ovary is much smaller.

Usually, ultrasound of the ovaries in women is carried out in combination with other studies, but in some cases it can be prescribed by a doctor as an independent procedure.

What should every woman know when preparing for such an examination?

The ovaries are a paired organ that provides the hormonal background necessary to maintain reproductive function and the formation of an active egg capable of fertilization. It is the activity of the ovaries that determines the female menstrual cycle and affects the general condition of the body.

Often, gynecological ultrasound of the ovaries of the ovaries is prescribed to monitor their functional activity. The fact is that the structure of these organs undergoes monthly cyclical changes: follicles appear, from which the dominant one forms the egg, hormones are synthesized, ovulation and the development of the corpus luteum occur.

All these processes are perfectly visualized during the examination and allow the doctor to find out how fully the patient's ovaries "work".

A gynecologist gives a referral for an ultrasound of the ovaries at the slightest suspicion that any pathological processes or hormonal disorders are occurring in the woman's body.

  • irregular menstrual cycle, delayed menstruation;
  • painful menstruation;
  • excessively heavy or scanty bleeding, bleeding outside of menstruation;
  • diseases of the mammary glands (mastopathy, neoplasms);
  • suspicion of inflammatory processes in the appendages;
  • complaints of pain in the lower abdomen;
  • suspicion of the presence of neoplasms;
  • monitoring in preparation for IVF;
  • dynamic monitoring of ovarian functions;
  • no planned pregnancy;
  • screening observation of women's health (prevention of the development of diseases).

The risk of developing diseases of the reproductive system can be significantly reduced if regularly examined by a gynecologist. Doctors recommend that every healthy woman undergo an ultrasound examination annually in order to notice violations in time and prevent the occurrence of pathologies.

How is an ultrasound of the ovaries done: methods of conducting

To check the ovaries in women, there are three methods of ultrasound: transabdominal, transvaginal and transrectal. Let's consider each method in detail.

Transabdominally - ultrasound is performed through the abdominal wall, with an external sensor. This method is now used less and less, because. associated with significant preparation of the patient for the procedure. With poor quality preparation, the reliability of the results is distorted.

Transvaginally - since the accuracy of the data of this type of ultrasound is much higher, and the need for preparation on the part of the patient is completely absent, this method is a priority in modern clinics. A narrow probe is inserted through the vagina up to the cervix, providing the greatest possible access to the pelvic organs.

There is also a transrectal method, but it is used extremely rarely, in exceptional cases (for example, in virgins).

How to Prepare for an Ovarian Ultrasound

Preparing for an ovarian ultrasound in women is of great importance. Although there are no special restrictions on nutrition, medication and health status, a woman should consider the following rules.

Ultrasound of the ovaries should be performed on certain days of the monthly cycle.

  • In order to assess their morphological state and check for the presence of pathologies, it is necessary to do an ultrasound immediately after the end of menstruation, on day 5-7 of the cycle.
  • In order to determine their functional activity, the study should be carried out on the days recommended by the attending physician. The fact is that within a month, reproductive processes occur in the body of a woman, which have 4 phases of development. To determine the causes of infertility or hormonal imbalance, it is often necessary to observe the state of the organ in each of these phases.

With transabdominal access, the bladder should be filled as much as possible.

An hour and a half before the study, you should drink 1-1.5 liters of non-carbonated water or tea. The bladder, filled with water, conducts ultrasound well to the ovaries, which are located behind it.

If the bubble is not full enough, the doctor may not "examine" the organs of interest properly. Emptying before the end of the procedure is not recommended - this may affect the reliability of the results.

Transvaginal ultrasound does not require special preparation.

The most important thing that a woman should take care of is personal hygiene. For individual protection against infections, a special condom is put on the sensor.

Typically, diagnostic rooms are fully equipped with such disposable products, but sometimes, in their absence, the patient is asked to purchase the product on her own. The tool is called "Ultrasound Condom" and is sold in all pharmacies.

Note: if a woman has a severe allergy to latex, the doctor should be warned about this in advance.

Before transrectal ultrasound, it is necessary to clear the rectum from feces.

To do this, on the eve of the reception, the girl should make a small enema (300-350 ml of water). You should also ensure the absence of gases in the intestines - do not eat foods that stimulate their formation the day before (fruits, vegetables, sweets, black bread, legumes, carbonated drinks).

How is an ovarian ultrasound procedure performed?

  • Checking the ovaries on ultrasound using transabdominal access - the patient is located on the couch with her back down, freeing her groin and abdomen from clothing. The doctor generously lubricates the surface of the skin with gel in order to ensure better contact of the external sensor with the body. Moving the device over the skin is carried out with a slight pressure.
  • With transvaginal access, it is necessary to take the position necessary for optimal insertion of the sensor - lie on your back, bending your knees. The device is quite narrow and does not cause any discomfort - the procedure is completely painless.

In order to fully examine both ovaries, an ultrasound specialist will need 10-15 minutes.

Norms of the results of the study of the ovaries

During the examination, the doctor determines the position, size and structure of the ovaries.

The normal position of the ovaries is on the sides of the uterus and somewhat backwards. It is because of the fit to the uterus that they received the unofficial name of the appendages. During pregnancy, these organs move upward.

The size of the ovaries can vary depending on the day of the menstrual cycle, the age of the woman, the number of endured and interrupted pregnancies, the use of oral contraceptives and the individual characteristics of the body. The following parameters are considered normal for a woman of reproductive age:

  • volume - from 4 to 10 cm3;
  • length - from 20 to 37 mm;
  • width - from 18 to 30 mm;
  • thickness - from 16 to 22 mm.

In most women, the right and left ovaries differ in size. However, a significant difference in volume may indicate the presence of a pathology or congenital anomaly. An increase in size may indicate polycystic syndrome, oophoritis.

The structure of the ovaries depends on the day of the menstrual cycle - the doctor determines the size and number of follicles, the presence of a dominant follicle, corpus luteum, examines for cysts and tumors.

Inconsistency of the structure with the norm may indicate polycystosis (many undeveloped follicles), late ovulation, functional disorders and pathologies.

The normal size of the ovaries on ultrasound depends on the day of the study:

  • 5–7 days: 5–10 follicles in the cortical layer, ranging in size from 2 to 6 mm;
  • 8-10 days: 5-9 follicles no more than 10 mm and 1 dominant, 12-15 mm;
  • 11-14 days: dominant follicle 16-20 mm, ovulation - when it reaches 18 mm;
  • 15–18 days: (15–20 mm) at the site of the ovulated follicle;
  • 19–23 days: the corpus luteum gradually reaches a size of 25–27 mm;
  • Day 24–27: The corpus luteum regresses to 10–15 mm;
  • menstruation: corpus luteum disappears.

The contours of healthy appendages should be uneven, but clear. Fuzzy boundaries may indicate inflammation.

In acute cases, ultrasound is also done during menstruation - the procedure is absolutely safe and cannot entail any complications.

The female ovaries are a paired organ that produces hormones necessary for the reproductive system to function. The activity of the ovaries affects the general well-being of a woman and her menstrual cycle. Ultrasound of the ovaries in women is prescribed in a comprehensive examination or as an independent procedure. The study allows to evaluate the functional activity of the organ and the presence of pathological processes in it. Such a scan is completely safe, so it is used for preventive purposes and is prescribed for pregnant women.

Ultrasound scanning is considered one of the most informative diagnostic methods. Ultrasound of the ovaries allows you to identify the pathology of the organ, assess its condition and functional activity. The study is carried out if a disease is suspected and as a planned procedure.

Scanning uses a transducer that emits ultrasonic waves. An image appears on the monitor screen, which evaluates the size of the ovaries, their structure, the presence of neoplasms and the condition of the follicles. The procedure is painless and takes about a quarter of an hour.

Depending on the scanning technique, the following types of ultrasound are distinguished:

  1. Transabdominal examination is done through the skin, placing the sensor in the projection of the ovaries. The procedure is suitable for primary research and preventive medical examination of the female population. A decade ago, this technique was the basis of diagnostics, but today devices have appeared that give more reliable results.
  2. A transvaginal scan is performed with a long-handled probe inserted into the vagina. During the study, you can clearly see the follicular apparatus, the uterus and its cervical canal. With this method of review, the visualization of organs is more accurate.
  3. The transrectal procedure is performed with a smaller probe that is inserted into the anus. This alternative diagnostic method is used to examine patients with an intact hymen.


Sometimes ultrasound of the ovaries is performed after menstruation several times during one cycle. So you can identify violations in the reproductive system, which appear at a certain phase of the cycle. Scanning is indicated for infertility and deviations in the hormonal background.

Indications for the procedure:

  • in the absence of pathologies, scanning is performed if infertility is suspected, if the couple cannot conceive within a year;
  • various formations in the ovaries and uterus (benign and malignant cysts, tumors) are also the reason for ultrasound;
  • with mastopathy (pathology of the mammary glands), ultrasound is performed, because the causes of the deviation may be associated with the activity of the ovaries;
  • scanty or significant discharge during menstruation, which is a sign of a cycle disorder;
  • discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen associated with inflammation or other pathologies;
  • the method is used in a comprehensive preventive examination of women by a gynecologist.

Preparation and course of the examination

Preparation for the procedure depends on the method of scanning. Three days before any examination, you need to stop eating foods that cause fermentation processes in the intestines. This will relieve the patient from bloating. It is not recommended to eat:

  • legumes;
  • dairy;
  • barley porridge;
  • black breads;
  • greens and cabbage;
  • products containing yeast;
  • drink carbonated drinks.

It is recommended to follow a light diet for three days, and to do an enema on the day of the study. Before a transabdominal ultrasound of the reproductive organs, drink enough water to keep the bladder full.

If research using an external sensor is not enough, a transrectal or transvaginal method is used. But keep in mind that they are not suitable for examination of pregnant women. In girls and nulliparous women with preserved hymen, the transrectal method is used. It is important to know how to prepare for such a study. Before the procedure, be sure to do an enema to cleanse the rectum.

Now let's talk about how the ultrasound of the ovaries goes. For transabdominal examination, the patient is placed on a couch, a gel is applied to the lower abdomen and a sensor is applied. To conduct a transvaginal ultrasound, a condom is put on the transducer and inserted into the vagina. In this case, the patient lies on the couch, spreading her legs. If a woman has pain, then the first scanning method is used.

With transrectal ultrasound, the patient is laid on her side on a couch with her legs bent at the knees, which must be clasped with her hands. A condom is put on the sensor and inserted into the anus. This method is used if the uterus and ovaries are difficult to see through the abdominal wall, and there are contraindications for transvaginal scanning.

When to do?

When is the best time to do an ovarian ultrasound? depends on the purpose of the procedure. The most important studies in terms of diagnosis are carried out on the 7-9th day after menstruation. It's very important to know what cycle day to do Ultrasound in the treatment and detection of pathologies of reproductive function. Usually the procedure is carried out three times:

  • on days 8, 9 and 10;
  • from 12 to 14 days;
  • and on the 22nd, 23rd or 24th day.

At this time, the egg matures in the appendages, ovulation and the development of the corpus luteum occur. If necessary, the maturation of the follicles is monitored throughout the cycle. If endometriosis is suspected in the patient, then the transvaginal scan is transferred to the end of the cycle, when the overgrown endometrial tissue is clearly visible.

Result interpretation

After performing an ultrasound of the ovaries, the gynecologist compares the results with the norm. The latter depend on the age of the patient. In girls and postmenopausal women, the follicles do not mature, so the ovaries have different parameters and rounded outlines.

As for young patients of childbearing age, the dimensions of healthy appendages are as follows:

  • width within 25 mm;
  • thickness - no more than one and a half centimeters;
  • length - 3 cm.

Since these paired organs continue to grow until the age of 40, when deciphering the results of ultrasound, taking into account the norms for size, doctors take into account the age of the woman. By the age of forty, the ovaries reach their largest size, and then gradually decrease. Such changes are associated with a reduction in hormone production and the approach of menopause.

If a small cavity with liquid contents is found, they speak of an appendage cyst. Cysts are usually harmless and resolve on their own without treatment. Surgery or drug therapy is prescribed if the cyst has survived by the time of the second examination.

If the organs are not visible on the monitor, this indicates spikes that appear due to the growth of the neoplasm, or congenital pathology. But more often this happens with flatulence.


After deciphering the results of ultrasound of the ovaries, the following conclusions are issued:

  1. There are no deviations, since ovulation proceeds according to the phases of the menstrual cycle. Healthy ovaries have a bumpy shape, which indicates the simultaneous maturation of several follicles.
  2. There is no ovulation if the follicle has not matured or has begun to decrease.
  3. If no follicles are found during the diagnosis, infertility is diagnosed.
  4. Also, after ultrasound, a follicular cyst may be detected.

Proper preparation for the examination is very important, which will help to obtain accurate reliable data. In some cases, to clarify the diagnosis, additional studies are prescribed - urine, blood and other diagnostic procedures.

In modern gynecology, various methods of diagnosing diseases are used. The most accurate and most common among them is the ultrasound of the ovaries in women.

Two small glands located in the pelvic area perform the most important reproductive functions. It is in the ovaries that sex hormones are produced, which directly affect the physical and psychological state of a woman, provide the possibility of successful conception and childbearing.

With the help of ultrasound examination, a physician can determine the exact size and shape of the genital organs, identify any violations in their work, and diagnose various pathologies.


How to check the ovaries in women? The answer to this question worries many of the fair sex of childbearing age. Diagnosis of such organs of the reproductive system is performed directly during a comprehensive ultrasound examination of the small pelvis. This allows the physician to objectively assess the patient's health status.

If the doctor wants to determine the causes of dysfunction of the reproductive system, ultrasound of the ovaries is performed several times in one month, at different phases of the cycle. Such an examination is especially important if a woman cannot become pregnant for a long time or if she has any disturbances in the balance of sex hormones.

There are several medical indications for an ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries. These include:

    • Reproductive disorders, suspicion of infertility.
    • Menstrual disorders. Menstruation is irregular, the discharge is too plentiful or, conversely, scarce.
  • Pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  • Suspicion of the development of neoplasms in the uterus or ovaries of a benign or malignant type, cysts.
  • Mastopathy. Not all patients know that such a disease of the breast develops against the background of a hormonal disorder, and therefore affects the functioning of the ovaries.
  • Preventive examination by a gynecologist.

Modern methods of diagnostics of the organs of the reproductive system allow you to quickly and accurately diagnose, identify pathology at an early stage of development. It is very important to visit a gynecologist and undergo a preventive examination at least 1-2 times a year.

The thing is that many diseases of the uterus and ovaries at the initial stage are almost asymptomatic. Timely detection of the disease will allow you to get rid of it as quickly as possible and without dangerous consequences.

Ultrasound examination of the ovaries should be carried out regularly in the process of infertility treatment. This will allow you to determine the type of violation in the endocrine system, evaluate the effectiveness of therapy or choose a more appropriate treatment method.


Ultrasound of the ovaries and uterus in women is a completely painless and safe procedure that does not require special preparation. However, in order to obtain the most accurate diagnostic result, the patient is advised to follow certain rules.

First of all, a few days before the procedure, be sure to pay attention to your diet. A large accumulation of gases in the intestines significantly distorts the picture on the monitor, and the physician will not be able to make a diagnosis with 100% accuracy. For 4-5 days before the ultrasound of the pelvic organs, it is recommended to follow a special diet. From the daily menu, you need to exclude foods that can cause flatulence and bloating. The list of prohibited products includes:

  • Bread, flour products, pastries and other products containing yeast.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Legumes, greens, milk.

Sweets contain a lot of carbohydrates, which also cause an increase in gas formation. If a special diet does not give the desired result, you can additionally take medicines for bloating - Motilium, Espumizan.

If you are scheduled for a transabdominal ultrasound, fill your bladder as much as possible immediately before the procedure. A few hours before the diagnosis, start drinking as much clean water as possible and do not go to the toilet.

In some cases, research using an external sensor is not enough. Then the physician may prescribe a transvaginal or transrectal ultrasound. Preparation for such procedures is practically no different. Additionally, the patient is given an enema to completely cleanse the rectum. The bladder before internal diagnostics, on the contrary, is better to empty.

On what day of the cycle is it better to do an ultrasound of the ovaries in women? It all depends on the medical indications for which the procedure is performed. The clearest picture and the most accurate result of the diagnosis of the organs of the genitourinary system is obtained if the procedure is carried out on the 5th-7th day of the menstrual cycle.

If ultrasound is used to study the functioning of the reproductive system, you need to perform several studies per month - on the 8-10th day, then in the middle of the cycle on the 14th day, and the last at the end, just before menstruation.

A physician during an ultrasound scan can see the number of mature follicles, determine the dominant among them. This is very important for successful infertility treatment or IVF procedure.


Despite the fact that this diagnostic procedure is quite common today, many do not know how an ovarian ultrasound is performed in women. In modern medicine, several types of ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs are used. Consider the features of each of them.

Transabdominal ultrasound. A special ultrasonic radiation sensor is located on the front wall of the patient's abdomen. Such an examination is considered informative enough to diagnose inflammation or any other ovarian pathologies, ectopic pregnancy, oncology, cysts, etc.

Often this method of diagnosis is used for pregnant patients. The doctor monitors the process of growth and development of the child in the womb, excludes the development of any pathologies or abnormalities in the embryo. The gynecologist must definitely properly prepare the patient for the procedure, tell that it is safe and completely painless. This ultrasound method is suitable even for examination of virgins and children.

Transvaginal ultrasound. The procedure is performed using a special probe that is inserted directly into the patient's vagina. Special preparation of a woman for such an examination is not required. The diagnostic results are more accurate than with transabdominal ultrasound.

Source: uzipro.ru

For such a procedure, it is very important to choose the right date, which will correspond to the patient's menstrual cycle. As a rule, diagnosis is carried out immediately after the end of menstrual bleeding or on the 9-10th day of the cycle.

If, during the examination on the gynecological chair, the physician made a preliminary diagnosis of endometriosis, transvaginal ultrasound is best done at the end of the cycle. This will allow you to track changes in the mucous membrane of the endometrial tissue and identify pathologies.

To diagnose infertility and determine the causes of such an ailment, vaginal ultrasound of the ovaries is performed several times a month. During pregnancy, this method can be used only in the early stages. If you use a vaginal probe at 6-9 months, unwanted muscle tone may occur, which often leads to miscarriage or premature birth.

Transrectal ultrasound. This method of diagnosing pathologies of the ovaries and uterus is rarely used, as it is considered less effective than those described above. A transducer with an emitter of ultrasonic waves is inserted into the patient's rectum to a shallow depth (about 5-6 cm).

The device has a very small size, so the procedure is painless and harmless. This method is ideal for girls and young girls who are not yet sexually active. The procedure takes no more than 10-15 minutes.


What is the normal size of the ovaries in women according to ultrasound? Only a gynecologist can give you an exact answer to this question, having carefully studied the results of your examination, as well as the individual characteristics of the body. In many ways, the size of the ovaries depends on the age of the patient. In young women of reproductive age, the dimensions of such organs are:

  • 25 mm. - width;
  • 30 mm. - length;
  • 15 mm. – thickness.

These indicators cannot be considered static. Doctors say that the ovaries grow in women almost up to 40 years. By this age, they reach their maximum size, and then gradually begin to decrease. This is due to a decrease in the production of sex hormones, a decrease in the functionality of the ovaries and the approaching menopause.

During an ultrasound examination of the reproductive organs, a cyst can be detected on the ovary - a small cavity filled with fluid. Such formations are not dangerous. As a rule, they disappear on their own, without any additional treatment. If the cyst does not disappear during re-diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a course of medication or surgery (in rare cases) to the patient.

Sometimes a sonologist cannot examine one or both ovaries during an ultrasound. This may mean a congenital anomaly or adhesions against the background of the progression of the development of the neoplasm. However, most often the lack of visualization of the ovary is associated with excessive accumulation of gases in the patient's intestines.

If a woman does not have any diseases and abnormalities, the outlines of the ovaries on the monitor turn out to be slightly bumpy, as follicles ripen in them. Normally, about 10 follicles should form in one menstrual cycle.

If there are much fewer of them, a physician can diagnose infertility or the development of any pathologies of the reproductive system. Normal follicles are 3-5 mm in diameter. Then one dominant begins to gradually increase, reaching 24 mm, and a mature egg comes out of it.


During ultrasound diagnostics, a medical specialist evaluates not only the size and shape of the ovaries directly, but also the process of formation and maturation of follicles. When examining a patient who cannot become pregnant for a long time, you can get the following doctor's conclusion:

  • Ovulation takes place in accordance with the menstrual cycle, no deviations have been identified.
  • There is no ovulation. The follicle is immature, decreased in volume, the egg could not be released.
  • There are no follicles in the ovaries, they are not produced throughout the entire menstrual cycle.
  • The presence of a follicular cyst.
  • The follicle is formed, but the egg does not come out of it, gradually turning into a cyst on the ovary.

One of the most common causes of female infertility can be considered incorrect ovogenesis. A cyst on the ovary, as a rule, depends on the hormonal balance in the patient's body, so it can resolve on its own. When a large follicular cyst ruptures, an urgent surgical operation is necessary.

During a pelvic ultrasound, the doctor may notice that one ovary is slightly larger than the other. This is not considered any deviation if the difference in the size of the organ does not exceed 5 mm. If the difference is too large, the doctor diagnoses the development of the pathological process.

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How is an ultrasound of the ovaries performed and what can be detected?

Ultrasound of the ovaries with the utmost accuracy visualizes the shape, location and size of the ovaries in women. At the same time, the procedure itself is absolutely painless and is performed quickly (about 15 minutes).

Ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries also allows you to examine the follicular apparatus (it contains the right and left ovaries). It is he who is responsible for the fertility of a woman. Its diagnosis can be done on any day of the cycle.

In this article, we will talk about what pathologies an ovarian ultrasound shows, what are the normal sizes of the ovaries, and why this diagnostic method is not dangerous. We will also talk about how and when it is better to do an ovarian ultrasound.

Types of diagnostics

Modern types of gynecological ultrasound are divided into three different ways of conducting ultrasound of the ovaries:

  1. Transabdominal.
  2. Transvaginal.
  3. Transrectal.

Transvaginal ultrasound of the ovaries

Transabdominal ultrasound uses a wide ultrasound transducer. It is placed on the front wall of the woman's abdomen and the follicular apparatus is diagnosed through the skin.

Previously, this method was the only way to conduct an ovarian examination. But now it is done less often, since it shows little information about the state of the reproductive organs of a woman.

It shows only gross and neglected pathological processes. But in modern medicine, diagnosticians must diagnose the disease as early as possible. Therefore, this method is exclusively reserved.

The transvaginal method is based on the fact that a small sensor (transducer) is inserted into the woman's vagina. With it, you can see the state of the uterine mucosa, the state of the follicular apparatus and many other nuances.

Despite the fact that the probe is small and fits perfectly through the entire length of the vagina, it still affects the patient's sensations. So many women complain of discomfort and slight pain during the procedure.

Diagnosis by transrectal method (into the rectum) is done most often in virgins, so as not to damage the hymen. Although the transducer is small and fits perfectly through the rectal lumen, women with anal fissures may experience pain. to the menu

Preparation for the procedure

Preparation for an ovarian ultrasound is specific to each of the three methods. But in general, all three methods of preparation are united by their simplicity.

So the preparation before the transabdominal examination consists in a three-day diet before the procedure. The following foods should be excluded:

  • cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • any carbonated drinks;
  • black bread;
  • raw vegetables and fruits.

Ultrasound of the ovaries through the vagina

And an hour before the study should fill the bladder. The volume of the required liquid: from 0.5 to 1.5 liters of ordinary water (necessarily without gas!).

Preparation for a transvaginal examination is carried out the day before the procedure. It is enough to apply during the day "Espumizan" (three times in the norm corresponding to age) or any sorbents. This procedure is done only with an empty bladder.

In preparation for a transrectal examination, the same rules apply as for a transvaginal examination. However, you still need to empty the rectum a few hours before the diagnosis.

To do this, use either classic enemas, or microclysters of the Norgalax type, or the introduction of glycerin suppositories. Laxatives such as Senade and Guttalax are also suitable.

This study, as well as transvaginal, is done only with an empty bladder. On the day of the study, alcohol should be excluded. to the menu

Ovarian parameters are normal

Follicles in the ovaries, the norm of which is that they are approximately the same size relative to each other, are variable in size. That is, there is no indicator that is universal for all, which can be taken as an absolute norm.

But the size range is known, which in any woman indicates the absence of pathologies. So the normal sizes of the ovaries are as follows:

  • length: from 30 to 41 millimeters;
  • width: from 20 to 31 millimeters;
  • thickness: from 14 to 22 millimeters;
  • volume: approximately 12 cubic milliliters.

Conditional pathologies

Conditional pathologies include cystic formations (as with polycystic disease), which do not pose a threat to life. They usually go away on their own, but sometimes surgery is required.

Transabdominal ultrasound of the ovaries

Luteal cyst (decoding: corpus luteum having a cystic capsule). This cyst may be at the place where the finished egg came out of the follicle on a certain day of the cycle.

The luteal cyst has a diameter of 30 millimeters (sometimes it can be larger). Usually, this cyst dissolves by itself without leaving any traces (the corpus luteum is not damaged). This can happen on any day of the cycle.

But sometimes a luteal cyst can be present throughout a woman's pregnancy. In this case, this cyst will disappear only when the corpus luteum stops producing progesterone (the placenta will do this).

But the follicular cyst appears where the follicle appears (ripens). This can also happen on any day of the cycle.

Having appeared on a certain day of the cycle, this cyst from that moment will gradually increase its volume. Sometimes there is a situation when the volume of the follicular cyst reaches huge values ​​​​and it ruptures.

Such an event is accompanied by sharp dagger pains in the abdomen. In this case, urgent hospitalization in a surgical hospital (but better in a gynecological one) is necessary. to the menu

Pathological cysts

Dermoid cyst refers to benign tumors. The reason for its formation is a failure in intrauterine differentiation (decoding: identification) of tissues. It can form on any day of the cycle.

In its cavity are those cells that should have formed the skin, but mistakenly got into the ovaries. The results of this are quite disgusting: the body of the cyst is filled with unformed nails, hair, and even cartilage.

Ultrasound examination of the ovaries

You can see it only with the help of an invasive (penetrating) ultrasound (it is better to use the intravaginal method in this case). The results and interpretation of ultrasound with such a cyst has the following parameters:

  • number of formations: one, rounded (sometimes joins the corpus luteum);
  • hyperechoic blotches are visualized inside the cyst (as in polycystosis);
  • the formation has rather thick walls (from 7 to 15 mm).

There is no method of preventing the appearance of this formation. It can occur, as mentioned above, on any day of the cycle.

Potentially dangerous formations also include an endometrioid cyst. It is formed from the tissues of the uterine mucosa on any day of the cycle, but not in the uterus itself, but in the ovary. Its features:

  1. Quantity: always one (sometimes attached to the corpus luteum).
  2. It has a variable wall thickness (from 2 to 8 mm).
  3. The outer contour resembles that of cysts with polycystic disease (smooth, clear).
  4. The ovary from the side of such a neoplasm is not differentiated.
  5. In the formation cavity there are inclusions less than two millimeters in size, having an annular or linear shape (reminiscent of a honeycomb).

It is best to look for such a cyst on a transvaginal ultrasound (abdominal examination will only see its contours). There is no way to prevent the occurrence of such a cyst. to the menu

Detection on ultrasound of ovarian cysts (video)

to the menu

Ovarian diseases

Serious and very dangerous diseases of the ovaries include cancer and polycystic. The results of transabdominal ultrasound do not always visualize these pathologies, which is why it is always better to use penetrating diagnostic methods.

With polycystosis, a large number of neoplasms (cysts) of different sizes are visible on the ultrasound monitor. Their size is in the range between 2 and 9 millimeters. Such cysts sometimes affect the corpus luteum.

Visualization of the ovary on ultrasound

The number of cysts directly affects the course of the disease. With a large number of them, a woman feels worse than with single neoplasms. Polycystic disease is suspected when the image shows:

  • there is an increase in the size of the ovaries (more than 10 cm3);
  • there is a thickening of the capsule;
  • Ultrasound visualizes multiple neoplasms of the ovary.

The most formidable disease of the ovaries is cancer. It is important to understand that the corpus luteum can also undergo degeneration into cancer.

Most often, ovarian cancer occurs in women who are in the so-called menopause. Extremely rarely (in order of casuistry) cancer occurs in young women.

Ovarian cancer is often difficult to distinguish from a cyst. In this case, ovarian cancer is very similar to a banal cystadenoma. But there are clinical differences that should alert the diagnostician regarding cancer:

  1. Multichamber neoplasm.
  2. The spread of this neoplasm to neighboring organs.
  3. Unable to analyze (without biopsy) contents of the cyst.
  4. Accumulation of fluid in the pelvis and abdomen.

If cancer is suspected, an additional study is carried out. Usually this is a biochemical blood test and a mandatory biopsy of the neoplasm.


Ultrasound of the ovaries in women

Ultrasound of the ovaries is rarely performed as an independent procedure - it is usually done as part of an ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women. But in some cases, the doctor prescribes an ovarian scan to track their functional activity. This occurs when organ diseases are suspected, hormonal disorders, infertility is diagnosed, and other problems.

Why do you need an ultrasound scan of the ovaries?

The ovaries are the sex glands that perform a wide variety of functions in the female body. They are responsible for puberty, sexual activity, reproductive health. They also support a regular menstrual cycle and affect the general condition of the body of women.

Ultrasound is the best way to find out the state of these organs and determine their performance. With the help of ultrasound, you can determine:

  • the size and shape of the female gonads;
  • clarity and evenness of their contours;
  • the state of the follicular apparatus (number of maturing follicles).

The state of the female ovaries is constantly changing during the monthly cycle - follicles mature, one becomes dominant, ovulation occurs (egg release), the corpus luteum develops. All these processes can be clearly seen with the help of ultrasound. This allows you to assess the state of the reproductive system and in time to recognize any pathology of the gonads.

Indications for ultrasound scanning of the ovaries

Ovarian scanning is mandatory if a woman is scheduled for a gynecological ultrasound. In this case, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs is done - the uterus, cervix, uterine appendages (the ovaries and fallopian tubes themselves), and the bladder. Such a study is done once, it needs to be repeated only if the results are inaccurate.

A special ultrasound of the ovaries takes place several times during one menstrual cycle. This is necessary to track the state of the gonads at each phase of the female cycle.

Scanning of the ovaries (either single, or monitoring of their functional activity) is required when there are the following indications:

  • the menstrual cycle is irregular (delayed menstruation or complete absence);
  • regular pulling or sharp pains in the lower abdomen, on the right or left;
  • too scanty, heavy or very painful menstruation;
  • suspicion of a tumor;
  • obvious symptoms of inflammation of the uterine appendages;
  • preparation for IVF;
  • signs of a cyst;
  • diagnosis and treatment of infertility;
  • preventive examination.

How is the ultrasound procedure performed?

Ultrasound of the ovaries, like the usual ultrasound of OMT in women, is done in 3 ways. The main methods are external (transabdominal) and cavity (transvaginal). In exceptional cases, transrectal scanning is used.

  1. Transabdominal ultrasound.

Such a scan is done through the lower abdomen using an external ultrasound sensor. Of all the types of ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, this one is the least informative. Therefore, external ultrasound is usually used for clinical examination, general examination, as well as for women who do not live sexually.

In addition, external ultrasound requires very careful preparation, and this is not always convenient for the patient.

  1. transvaginal ultrasound.

This type of ultrasound scanning is considered optimal for examining the ovaries, primarily for studying their functional activity. With this procedure, an internal sensor is used, on which a special condom for ultrasound is put on. The scanning process takes 15-30 minutes and is completely painless for women.

Internal ultrasound is the most informative when examining the pelvic organs. In this case, the sensor is located as close as possible to the female genital organs, and the picture on the screen comes out very clear.

There are only a few contraindications for transvaginal examination. It is forbidden for virgins and for uterine bleeding.

  1. transrectal ultrasound.

Such an ultrasound is performed by an internal sensor, which is inserted into the anus. A transrectal scan is done in exceptional cases. When external ultrasound is not informative enough, and transvaginal is impossible for objective reasons.

Preparing for an ultrasound scan of the ovaries

In order for the results of an ovarian ultrasound to be as accurate as possible, careful preparation for the procedure is needed. First of all, this applies to external, transabdominal ultrasound.

Preparation for an external ultrasound examination of the ovaries in women includes the following procedures:

  • special diet. Before external ultrasound, it is important to ensure the absence of gases in the intestines, so the menu will have to be adjusted. 3-4 days before the ultrasound, you need to give up sweets, black bread, legumes, cabbage, fresh fruits, carbonated drinks.
  • Taking pharmaceutical drugs. To enhance the effect of the diet, 1-2 days before the analysis, you can drink a small course of activated charcoal or Espumizan.
  • Laxative or cleansing enema. An empty bowel is required for the scan to be successful. therefore, with a tendency to constipation, a laxative or an enema can be taken the day before. But only with the consent of the doctor!

The bladder must be full before the transabdominal scan. To do this, you need to drink a liter of any liquid without gas an hour and a half before the procedure and do not go to the toilet. In some cases, 2 ultrasounds may be required at once - external and abdominal. In this case, the patient, after an external ultrasound, goes to the toilet, and then the doctor performs the procedure using an internal sensor.

Transvaginal ultrasound does not require special preparation. The main thing is that the intestines and bladder are empty. Preparing for transrectal ultrasound in women is necessary in the same way as for transabdominal.

Another important requirement for any type of ovarian ultrasound is to choose the right day. The gynecologist will definitely tell the patient when it is best to come for an ultrasound. If the procedure is single, the best time is the beginning of the cycle, 5-7 days. When monitoring the condition of the ovaries, at least 3 procedures are required - in each phase of the cycle.

Norms and interpretation of ultrasound scanning of the ovaries

On the monitor of the ultrasound machine, each ovary is visualized as a small oval formation. The surface of each gland is slightly bumpy as it is covered with maturing follicles. The more days have passed since the beginning of the cycle, the larger these tubercles.

Pretty soon, one dominant one stands out among the total number of follicles, it is clearly visible on ultrasound. It is he who at the time of ovulation will release a mature egg.

In deciphering the results of ultrasound, the sizes of the organs themselves and follicles are always indicated. The size of the gonads may vary slightly depending on the phase of the cycle, the number of pregnancies, the age of the women, etc. The norms of each ovary for ultrasound are as follows:

  • in length - 20-37 mm;
  • in width - 18-30 mm;
  • volume - 4-10 cubic meters. cm;
  • organ thickness - 14-22 mm.

The norms for follicles differ depending on the day of the menstrual cycle:

  • 5-7th days - 5-10 formations, sizes - 2-6 mm;
  • 8-10th days - 5-9 follicles, sizes up to 10 mm, dominant - 12-15 mm;
  • 11-14th days - the dominant follicle grows to 16-20 mm, ovulation usually occurs at 18 mm;
  • 15-18th days - a corpus luteum 15-20 mm in size appears in place of the burst follicle;
  • 19-23 days - the corpus luteum increases to 25-27 mm;
  • 24-27th days - the corpus luteum reaches 10-15 mm.

Then comes menstruation.

What pathologies can be recognized by ultrasound scanning of the ovaries?

Normally, on the ultrasound monitor, the ovaries should not be enlarged, they do not have any cystic or tumor-like formations. They usually coincide in size, the difference between the left and right organs in women is minimal.

With the help of an ultrasound machine, you can see the following pathologies of the female gonads:

  • functional, or physiological cysts (follicular and luteal cysts of the corpus luteum);
  • pathological cysts (dermoid, endometrioid, cystadenoma);
  • polycystic (ovaries are greatly enlarged, and numerous cysts 2-9 mm in size are visible in them);
  • malignant tumors.

In rare cases, the ovaries in women with ultrasound are not visible. If one (or both) organs are not visible, the main reason is their absence. It can be congenital or due to the removal of the ovary during surgery. Other causes are premature ovarian failure, severe pelvic adhesions, or intestinal distention.


Ultrasound of the ovaries: normal sizes, how does it go and on what day to do it?

Ultrasound of the ovaries is a familiar procedure for a woman, which consists in checking the functionality of the appendages.

This diagnostic is safe and allows you to diagnose polycystic disease, inflammation and cancer.

In order for the doctor’s conclusion to reliably reflect the state of the reproductive female organ, this ultrasound should be done on certain days.

The significance and all the nuances of the examination of the appendages

Ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries is often a preventive examination for a woman. But the doctor can send the patient for an ultrasound examination, having heard complaints of pain.

A woman will need to undergo an ovarian ultrasound if she plans to have a baby in the near future. This procedure can be considered as preparation for both conventional conception and IVF.

Women are sent for ultrasound strictly on certain days of the menstrual cycle. It is customary to evaluate the genitals according to external parameters the next day after the end of menstruation.

For most women, this study falls on day 6-7 of the cycle, sometimes on day 5.

But during one procedure, the doctor does not have the opportunity to understand how the appendages function. Therefore, you will need to do an ultrasound three more times.

According to the rules, it takes place first immediately after menstruation, and then on the 10th, 16th and 24th day of the cycle. But on what specific day to go for an examination of the ovaries, only the gynecologist decides.

To determine on which day of the cycle it is necessary to do an ultrasound, you need to know when one phase of the development of the reproductive organ is replaced by another.

To undergo an ultrasound of the genital organs, women need preparation. Before examining the ovaries through the abdominal wall (transabdominal ultrasound), you should drink plenty of water, at least a liter.

This will help the doctor examine the appendages, because it is the fluid that conducts and reflects ultrasound. If examination of the appendages will be performed with a vaginal probe, no preparation is required.

The most important thing is to wash the external genitalia before going to the ultrasound and put on clean underwear. Also, the preparation involves the purchase of a special condom for ultrasound in a pharmacy.

Ultrasound of the appendages

Ultrasound by the transabdominal method is done when a woman assumes a “lying on her back” position. She needs to expose her stomach and lower her clothes below the waist so that the doctor can freely move the probe in the groin area.

Before manipulating the sensor, the specialist will lubricate the woman's skin with a gel for better glide of the device.

When working with a sensor, the doctor slightly presses on the stomach and looks at the computer monitor.

Transvaginal ultrasound of the genital organs takes place in a different way. The woman lies down so that the doctor can insert the probe into the vagina. To do this, she needs to bend her legs and slightly spread apart.

The device inserted into the womb of a woman is thin, so it will not cause any inconvenience. The specialist will examine the appendages, noting their condition and size, for about 15 minutes.

This examination will give the doctor much more information than the transabdominal one, because the device will be located near the organ being examined.

But the transvaginal ultrasound method is aimed at examining only part of the internal organs, while the transabdominal type of study allows you to see a larger picture.

But for the examination of the appendages, a vaginal ultrasound is most suitable.

If additional information is needed, the doctor may refer the woman to Doppler or hysterography.

Doppler ultrasound is done when there is a suspicion of tumor formation in the reproductive organs. Hysterography is performed to detect fibroids and uterine cancer.

During the Doppler ultrasound, blood flow velocity is measured and the walls of the uterus are carefully examined. Also during this type of ultrasound, a woman is examined for the presence of pathology and ovarian dysfunction.

Hysterography is done using a special substance that is injected into the vagina.

It allows you to better visualize the organs of the urinary and reproductive systems and identify pathologies. This substance does not pose any danger to the woman's body.

Interpretation of results and normal indicators

Deciphering the results is an important part of the procedure. First of all, the size of the ovaries is determined by the uzist.

They are influenced by the day of the menstrual cycle, the woman's age data, the number of pregnancies (including artificially interrupted ones).

The individual characteristics of the female body and birth control pills also have some significance, so the norm is a relative concept.

At childbearing age, the normal size of the appendages, if there are no congenital anomalies, should fit into the following framework:

  • length ranges from 2 to 3.7 cm;
  • the width is about 3 cm (but not less than 1.8 cm);
  • thickness can be equal to 1.6 cm (maximum 2.2 cm);
  • the volume must be at least 4 cubic meters. cm (but not more than 10 cubic cm).

Today, there are many women whose ovaries do not match in size. This is not scary, only a significant discrepancy in their parameters speaks of the incorrect operation of the organs.

In this case, the doctor can identify various anomalies on ultrasound of the ovaries - polycystic, oophoritis, or numerous calcifications.

The structure of the ovaries is also affected by the time of the female menstrual cycle. It is important for the doctor to count the follicles and find the main one among them.

In addition to the follicles, it is necessary to examine the corpus luteum on ultrasound and check for malignant formations - cysts or tumors. This diagnosis is called folliculometry.

The rate of formation of follicles will be violated if there are many of them, but they are all underdeveloped. This proves that the patient has polycystic disease.

The reason for the malfunction of the ovaries may be late ovulation and other problems with the functioning of the female genital organ.

The quantitative rate of formation of follicles depends on the day of the menstrual cycle. In the period from 5 to 7 days, 5 to 10 follicles should appear.

Normal sizes for them range between 2 and 6 mm. Two or three days later, the ovarian cortex should contain about the same number of follicles plus one dominant.

They should double in size. During the 11-14th day of the cycle, the dominant follicle grows and reaches 18 mm. At this point, ovulation occurs.

Later, after a few days, the corpus luteum becomes visible. Its normal dimensions are 15 - 20 mm. If the corpus luteum is larger (up to 30 mm), this means that the follicle was affected by a cyst.

The corpus luteum gradually increases, and by the 19th - 23rd day it becomes equal to about 2.7 cm.

On the 24th - 27th day, the corpus luteum begins to decrease. Now its normal size is no more than one and a half centimeters.

Later, when the time of menstruation comes, the corpus luteum disappears. The endocrine organ or corpus luteum is usually examined for infertility and to assess ovulation.

Deciphering the ultrasound protocol and possible pathologies

Deciphering ultrasound of the ovaries may contain data on two types of cysts - dermoid and endometrioid.

The first cyst appears due to a violation in tissue differentiation. The second is a consequence of the disease of women with endometriosis.

The decoding of the ultrasound will indicate the formation of a dermoid cyst, if it indicates that the cyst reaches 7–15 mm and has hyperechoic blotches.

Inside such a cyst are cells intended for the formation of skin, but trapped in the ovary.

The appearance of an endometrioid cyst in women is indicated by the following doctor's notes: it is filled with liquid, has walls of different thickness from 2 to 8 mm, a smooth outer and fuzzy inner contour.

These formations resemble a honeycomb, as they are in the form of a ring or an arc.

Due to the endometrioid cyst, the uterus can be dilated, as during childbearing.

But if the presence of a cyst did not affect its shape, then small follicles will be visible in the ovary. 2-3 of them can become dominant.

An ultrasound may reveal polycystic disease, which is characterized by a peculiar appearance of cysts. Usually, polycystic disease appears in young girls due to a hormonal imbalance (a male hormone is produced).

Polycystic is a disease where the ovaries swell and increase in size.

If women have polycystic disease, then the capsules of the appendages are thickened. A huge number of cysts up to 9 mm in diameter appear inside them.

When women have inflammation of the appendages, the doctor will find multiple calcifications.

Calcium salt deposits often accompany ovarian cancer. Calcifications usually appear at the sites of scars or where the inflammation of the organ began.

Calcifications are seals in the tissues and are about 2 mm in size.

Polycystic disease and inflammation of the appendages are curable if they are detected in time and effective treatment is started. Another thing is a malignant formation or ovarian cancer.

The appearance of this disease is typical for those who have crossed the menopause period. But sometimes cancer is found even in girls.

It can be difficult to identify cancer - it looks like a cyst. But cancer is usually a neoplasm that spreads to nearby organs and has an incomprehensible internal content.

To accurately determine whether a woman has cancer or not, the doctor must prescribe a second examination.

Thus, thanks to ultrasound, you can find out if the female appendages are functioning normally, if there are any pathologies, and why it is impossible to get pregnant.

As a result, the doctor can prescribe the patient an effective treatment that relieves pain and infertility.


2018 Women's Health Blog.

Ultrasound is a method for diagnosing the state of internal organs, based on the different ability of tissues to absorb short ultrasonic waves. As a result, the doctor on the screen of a special monitor sees the echogenic structure of the organ, which may indicate a particular pathology.

The question of when to do it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer. It's all about what goals the doctor sets for himself.

Let's start in order. Ultrasound of the ovaries, as a rule, is performed in conjunction with an examination of the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe internal reproductive system of a woman. Indications for this diagnosis can be called the following situations:

Preventive examination;

Treatment control;


Suspicion of gynecological pathology;

Change in the volume of menstrual blood released;

Suspicion of pregnancy, pregnancy planning, and infertility;

During the start of taking hormonal contraceptives, as well as when setting up an intrauterine device.

Ovarian ultrasound can be performed in three main ways:

  1. Through the tissues of the abdomen, i.e. transabdominally. If a woman is not in a position, then such an ultrasound must be performed with a filled bladder.
  2. Transvaginally - the sensor is inserted into the vagina, and thus the diagnosis is carried out.
  3. Mixed or combined method - first, an examination is carried out through the abdominal wall, and then through the vagina. This method is optimal, because. allows you to see a more accurate picture of what is happening.

An ultrasound of the ovaries to determine the normal maturation of the follicles and the formation of an egg is performed on days 5, 9, 11-14, 15 of the menstrual cycle. These days are "indicative" for the consideration of a woman's folliculogenesis. Most often, diagnosis on such days of the cycle is carried out when planning pregnancy, infertility, or to evaluate the result of treatment.

In order to identify the viability of the endothelium, the diagnosis is best done on the 20-21st day. In other cases, pelvic ultrasound can be done at any time, and there are no contraindications for this study.

Ultrasound examination is the most inexpensive, simple and informative method for diagnosing gynecological pathology.

As described above, there are three main types of diagnostics of the organs of the female reproductive system using ultrasonic waves. Each woman is warned in advance about how much liquid she should drink before the procedure, and for how long. Modern methods of ultrasound of the ovaries allow this procedure to be carried out with a small amount of liquid drunk an hour before the procedure.

If you are assigned a combined diagnostic method, then prepare for the fact that the doctor will first look at the pelvic organs through the abdominal muscles, and then you will be asked to urinate (empty the bladder) to continue the diagnosis. A vaginal probe covered with a condom is inserted into the vagina up to the cervix - both the ovaries and the uterus are examined in this way. In addition, the state of the Douglas space is determined (liquid sometimes accumulates here). Normally, the fallopian tubes are not visible on ultrasound, and there should be no fluid and blood in the retrouterine space. The echogenicity of the uterus should be homogeneous, without structural changes.

In modern medicine, special attention is paid to diagnostics, which allows the doctor to obtain valuable information about the state of the patient's internal organs, make the correct diagnosis, treat and monitor the course of the disease. Ultrasound diagnostics is considered to be a common examination method, which is widely used in various branches of medicine, is completely safe, has a high degree of information content and is accessible to people with minimal financial resources.

Ultrasound is widely used in gynecology, it allows to evaluate the structure of the pelvic organs, to identify disorders and diseases of the genitourinary system of a woman. Diagnosis of the pelvic organs consists in studying the cavity of the uterus, cervix, ovaries, and the doctor also examines the bladder, the walls of the uterus and its appendages.

During the examination, the position of the uterus, the shape, structure, its structure, the presence of deformations or deviations from the norm are initially determined. When the ovaries are examined, their location, size, inflammation or pathological changes are studied. The diagnostic results are compared with the phase of the menstrual cycle.

Changes occur in the uterus and appendages throughout the entire menstrual cycle, so it is recommended that diagnostics be carried out on days 5-7. If the functionality of the ovaries is assessed, then it is recommended to do ultrasound repeatedly during one menstrual cycle. Ultrasound does not contain x-rays, therefore it is completely safe for the patient and can be done several times. When examining the ovaries, ultrasound is recommended at least 3 times a month.

For preventive purposes, ultrasound should be done 1-2 times a year, this will prevent the development of gynecological diseases or, in the presence of violations, treat in a timely manner. Ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries is recommended for women when there is a history of diseases of the genital area or the following symptoms are observed:

  1. irregular menstruation;
  2. prolonged, heavy and painful menstruation;
  3. lack of menstruation;
  4. pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  5. infertility;
  6. spotting between periods;
  7. pregnancy.

Indications for the procedure

During the ultrasound examination, the doctor has the opportunity to assess the functionality of the woman's reproductive system, to identify those who have diseases, such as:

  1. uterine fibroids;
  2. endometriosis;
  3. inflammation of the internal genital organs;
  4. endometrial hyperplasia;
  5. polycystic ovaries;
  6. salpingitis;
  7. ovarian tumors or cysts;
  8. confirm or deny pregnancy;
  9. pathology of the cervix.

In addition to the above diseases, the diagnosis of the uterus and ovaries allows you to identify other disorders caused at the hormonal level, monitor the course of pregnancy, the development of the embryo and other abnormalities in the female genitourinary or reproductive system.

Ultrasound methods

In gynecology, ultrasound can detect changes in the uterine appendages and ovaries, as well as pathological formations in tissues and blood vessels, such as tumors or cysts. For gynecological examination of the uterus and ovaries, two diagnostic methods are used: transabdominal or transvaginal.

  1. The transabdominal method is carried out through the anterior wall of the lower abdomen using a sensor that is pressed tightly against the skin and driven at various points, examining the desired organs. Ultrasonic waves penetrate deep into the organs, allowing the doctor to get a clear image on the monitor screen and read the necessary information, which is recorded in the examination protocol.
  2. The transvaginal method is similar to a gynecological examination, but allows the doctor to see the pelvic organs much better. For this examination, a special sensor is used, which is inserted into the vagina. A disposable condom is put on the probe tip and a small amount of gel is applied. The advantage of this examination is the ability to examine the uterine appendages, the structure and functionality of the ovaries from different angles. For carrying out the transvagral diagnostic method, no preliminary preparation is required, and it can be carried out at any convenient time, except for the period of menstruation.

The transvaginal examination gives a clearer picture than the transabdominal examination method because the transducer is closer to the organs being examined, but the vaginal probe can only examine a smaller part of the pelvic organs, unlike the transabdominal examination. Therefore, the choice of examination remains with the attending physician. To study the uterus and ovaries, it is better to use the transvaginal diagnostic method, and for a more accurate picture, the doctor may prescribe Dopplerography or hysterography.

  1. dopplerography- allows you to measure the movement of cells and the speed of blood through the vessels. It is carried out together with ultrasound when there are suspicions of neoplasms or during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. The results of Doppler sonography make it possible to draw up a graph of blood flow through the vessels to the pelvic organs. Vaginal scanning is combined with color Doppler mapping and Dopplerography, this allows you to better visualize the walls of the uterus, ovarian function, and identify physiological or pathological changes. It is also recommended to do an ultrasound scan when the doctor suspects a tumor process in the pelvic organs.
  2. Hysterography- allows you to get a clear image of the organs of the genitourinary system. This method is carried out using a contrast agent that is injected into the vagina, it is completely safe for the female body. Ultrasound hysterography is prescribed when the doctor suspects malignant gynecological diseases such as fibroids, uterine cancer. This diagnostic method requires preparation, so the doctor must warn the woman and acquaint her with the rules of the procedure.


Depending on the chosen method of ultrasound diagnostics, you need to follow some rules that will help the doctor to examine the necessary organs well. Preparation for the examination consists of the following rules:

  1. On the eve of the procedure, it is recommended to follow a slag-free diet, you can also take 30 ml of castor oil.
  2. For two days before the procedure, it is not recommended to eat foods that increase gas formation.
  3. 2-4 hours before the examination, you need to fill the bladder with one liter of fluid. Bladder filling is performed only with transabdominal examination.
  4. if the ultrasound is transvaginal, then no preparation is required, and examinations are scheduled on certain days of the menstrual cycle (5-7 days). If the examination is aimed at assessing the functionality of the ovaries, then the diagnosis can be carried out 3-4 times for the entire menstrual cycle.

Proper preparation will allow the doctor to obtain more detailed and accurate information, on the basis of which the final diagnosis is often made and treatment is prescribed.

How is a pelvic ultrasound performed?

During the procedure, the patient lies on the couch, baring the abdomen and lower abdomen. If the procedure is performed by the transabdominal method, then the doctor applies a special gel to the skin, which allows the sensor to better move along the skin. The procedure is completely painless and takes 15 to 30 minutes.

In transvaginal diagnostics, a vaginal probe is inserted into the vagina, which allows you to examine the pelvic organs from different angles, identify inflammatory processes in the ovaries or pathological disorders of the uterus and its appendages. The vaginal probe is small and does not cause discomfort. Before an ultrasound is done, the ultrasound doctor collects the patient's medical history, studies the medical history, this will allow him to draw up an accurate picture of the examination.

Ultrasound results

During the examination, the doctor reads the information from the monitor screen and records it in the examination protocol, which is transmitted to the attending physician. The results of the survey reflect the most important indicators of the state of the pelvic organs, in particular the uterus and ovaries. The parameters and results are not constant and depend on the age of the patient, the phase of the menstrual cycle, the number of pregnancies and childbirth. Therefore, the correct decoding of the diagnostic results can only be carried out by a qualified doctor.

Ultrasound examination must be done not only at the first ailments in the genital area of ​​a woman, but also for preventive purposes, this will provide accurate information about the structure of the internal genital organs and surrounding tissues. Also identify even minor deviations, which may be the first sign of gynecological diseases.

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