Flu shot swine flu. Vaccinations against swine flu to do late, it is better to stock up on garlic. Is it necessary to get vaccinated?


Viktor Ivanov

any vaccination must go through the development stage, certification, many times more people die from a simple flu, then what they offer you, ask your family pediatrician


you something is still experiments. There is no real and good vaccine yet.

aka Diesel

No need. It is dangerous because you pay for nothing, it is not clear to anyone.
And "swine flu" is a myth.

Artyom Rumyantsev

They are experimenting.

Artem Zilipupkin;)

In the video that I watched, the man stated that it was categorically not, that this would greatly affect human health in 8-10 years, that this was all the implementation of a plan to reduce the world's population, and at the same time enrich pharmaceutical companies, sounds like nonsense, of course, but most likely this is true, because even the h1n1 strain, or whatever it is, has been open for a long time, and in fact it is not a new flu and is not more dangerous than others.

cold emotions

what swine flu? Buy the guys an apple each, and feed them with onions at dinner. And most importantly - do not believe the gossip of the media. You are a grown woman! I wish you success!

Ekaterina Dmitrenko

In no case!! ! The body must fight infection on its own. The vaccine infects the body with a certain amount of the virus, and the body develops immunity. Monitoring the condition of the child, timely access to doctors is all that is needed!! ! And also: VITAMINS!!!


Do you know that vaccine companies pay billions of dollars a year to affected people?

!!!Lady Nataliannochka!!!

no no need... it is 100 times more dangerous than the flu itself..

Anna Baidavletova

vaccinate or not
you decide,
and it is dangerous because if the child’s body is not strong enough,
to overcome the vaccine,
then serious debility can begin.


In general, the flu shot is pointless. I have so many acquaintances at the enterprises who are vaccinated, and the strangest thing is that those who have been vaccinated get sick, and those who did not do it do not get sick.

merry Kurva

Children do not need to be vaccinated at all .... human immunity is a complex self-sufficient system that can cope with the disease even without human intervention.
And the flu is not a plague - it is curable, and there is nothing wrong with it ...

If all of a sudden the child catches a cold - you can always go through abort therapy for aprus sessions and that’s it, and it doesn’t poison the body - more here.. .http://www.google.com.ua/url?q=http://novamed. com.ua/gripp


Do you want to hear my experience?? ?
The 2-year-old was not vaccinated - they were afraid, she is now preparing to safely leave the intensive care unit, having survived a high temperature, intoxication, and everything else ...
Mom is happy - sleepless nights are over, the boy died in a neighboring region, not in ours, antibiotics were dripped ... The flu, of course, is curable ...
A 7-year-old was vaccinated in October, with a French vaccine, they were monitored for 2 weeks, they were not allowed into large crowds, they were taken from school immediately after classes, and everything else, she was vaccinated well, then she hugged her sick sister all the way, without infection, and now she is well and cheerful... The flu did not have to be cured)))) And, apparently, it will not be necessary)))
Your child - you decide ...
The ideal option is the French vaccine in September ...
You read my version, but yours ...
As I saw both girls - antibiotics and intoxication are worse for the body than vaccination, the little gray one is completely, and the seven-year-old walks for herself, she has other problems, not with health))))
Vaccination is dangerous - but why?? ?
All "against" are speculative and delusional ...
In addition to the quality of the vaccine, of course, but the parents are there for some reason ...

River Gornaja

Yes, it's up to each parent to decide. The question is very delicate, and each child must be approached individually.
Recently, I have become seriously interested in the issue of vaccinations.
My opinion is that it is not necessary to vaccinate not only against the flu, but also all others, such as DTP. There are many facts about the negative impact of vaccinations on the health of the child. Unfortunately, these facts are not recognized, not advertised and hidden.
There is information that many vaccinations adversely affect the reproductive function of a person.
So I wouldn't risk it.
The moral is roughly the following. If a person is destined to get sick, he will get sick. If it's not meant to be, it won't get sick. Of course, in cases of epidemics, it is necessary to exercise caution and prudence, to strengthen immunity in a natural way (fresh air, garlic, lemons, etc.), and not to visit crowded places unnecessarily. After all, "God saves the safe."
And flu shots are, in my opinion, paranoia and overkill. Here you already need to think about how not to "take care" of your health.
Not so long ago I posted an interesting video about vaccinations on my LiveJournal. In my opinion, this is the most balanced and professional thing about vaccinations today. If interested, you can see: Vaccinations. To do or not? .
There are not just the opinions of some people who are trying to promote themselves on scandalous topics, but the opinions of famous doctors, reliable facts.

Anastasia Lady

With a vaccine for children, it is worth waiting for a while.


It's better not to. Recently, I have generally been against vaccinations against any flu. My daughter was recently done (I don’t remember which one), so after 3 weeks her temperature rose and lasted for 5 days, which is new for me, we have a maximum of 2-3 bottoms, and here it lasts 5 days. Especially now, during the epidemic, no vaccinations can be given at all, otherwise you can get even worse.

Got a flu shot today! Will this drug protect against swine flu at least to some extent?



Naturally! By the way, you've already been infected with a mild strain of swine flu! This is how modern vaccines work! The body produces antibodies and kills the virus in this way, immunity appears!
Just with that aggressive form that the virus has!
We already have one case of infection in the city! DAMN as it is written in the bible, all sorts of sores went (((


it won’t save, each vaccination is designed for one strain of flu, and I would not advise getting a flu vaccine at all, it greatly weakens the body’s immune system, I did it once, I didn’t get out of the hospital all winter

Natalia Zelenova

This vaccine will not save you from swine flu. It can alleviate the course of the disease, protect against complications and severe forms: infectious-toxic shock and pneumonia.

Ekaterina Gerasimova

It’s unlikely that it’s from swine, after all, vaccines are being given against specific strains, but now there is both seasonal and swine vaccines, you definitely protected yourself from one.


In the month of November, they will be vaccinated against swine flu. Without grippol, it will not be effective.

Tell me, where can I get myself vaccinated against swine flu, where? and for what approximate cost?


Anastasia Shmeleva

Go to the clinic and see your doctor. .
It has already been said that more people die from the common flu!
the topic flared up among people, about nothing ..

deny style

Good evening! Vaccinations can be done in private clinics for a lot of money, but they will no longer help. From myself, I can advise you not to worry about this, this is 100% not a pandemic of the 21st century. Of course, you won’t believe me anyway, but after 2 months, remember me when everyone forgets about this clownery with the flu. Good luck.

Mikhail Kokarev

Anton Levitin

Come to me, I'll put it on. leather syringe!


This vaccine is free, and soon it is planned to provide the vaccine to kindergartens and schools, first of all, then to polyclinics. The news is constantly talking.


Are you sure that they will do exactly what you need? Me not. Better give it up, save yourself. Before vaccination, the immune status should be checked. But they don't (expensive). Here are the complications. It's up to you to suffer with unsuccessful vaccination - also to you.

Romualda Genrikhovna

Too late to drink Borjomi... Vaccination is an intervention in the immune system, which begins to work in a month, but not a fact. Are you sure you won't pick up another virus this month? No, no and NO.

Swine flu vaccination in kindergarten



Irina, would you first suggest that doctors and healthcare workers sign a guarantee regarding the safety of the vaccine. And its text is about
the following could be:

I, a doctor (so-and-so), have a full understanding of the risk of vaccination.
I know that vaccines usually contain the following ingredients:

Living tissues: porcine blood, horse blood, rabbit brain, dog kidney, monkey kidney, permanent monkey kidney cell line VERO cells, washed sheep blood erythrocytes, chicken embryos, chicken eggs, duck eggs, calf serum, fetal bovine whey, hydrolysed porcine casein pancreatic gland, MRC5 protein residues, human diploid cells (from an abortion of a human calf)

Thimerosal mercury

Phenoxyethanol (automotive antifreeze)


Formalin (solution for the preservation of corpses in morgues)

Squalene (major odor component in human excrement)

Phenol red indicator

Neomycin sulfate (antibiotic)

Amphotericin B (antibiotic)

Polymyxin B (antibiotic)

aluminum hydroxide

aluminum phosphate

ammonium sulfate


Tributyl Phosphate


Gelatin (protein hydrolyzate)

hydrolyzed gelatin


Monosodium glutamate

Potassium diphosphate

Potassium monophosphate

Polysorbate 20

Polysorbate 80

The same substances in English (for quick verification on a computer).

* aluminum hydroxide
* aluminum phosphate
* ammonium sulfate
* amphotericin B
* animal tissues: pig blood, horse blood, rabbit brain,
* dog kidney, monkey kidney,
* chick embryo, chicken egg, duck egg
* calf (bovine) serum
*fetal bovine serum
* formaldehyde
* formalin
* glycol
* human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)
*hydrolized gelatin
*mercury thimerosol (thimerosal, Merthiolate(r))
* monosodium glutamate (MSG)
* neomycin
*neomycin sulfate
* phenol red indicator
* phenoxyethanol (antifreeze)
*potassium diphosphate
*potassium monophosphate
*polymyxin B
*polysorbate 20
*polysorbate 80
* porcine (pig) pancreatic hydrolysate of casein
* residual MRC5 proteins
* sorbitol

* tri(n)butylphosphate,
* VERO cells, a continuous line of monkey kidney cells, and
* washed sheep red blood

However, I believe that these ingredients are safe to inject into the body of an adult or child. I am aware that the long-term use of the mercury component of thimerosal in the vaccine has caused permanent damage to the nervous system in children, and that there have been lawsuits in the United States in this regard that ended in monetary compensation for the maimed children. "Post-vaccination Autism" due to toxic damage to the nervous system has increased by 1500% in the USA!!! Because since 1991 the number of vaccinations for children has doubled and the number of vaccinations is only growing. Until 1991, only one in 2,500 children had post-vaccination autism, and now there is only one child in 166 children" [link blocked by decision of the project administration]
I also know that some vaccines can be contaminated with the Simian Virus 40 (SV 40) strain, and this SV 40 is associated by some scientists with the occurrence of Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (white blood cancer) and mesothelioma tumors in both experimental animals and humans. I swear that this vaccine does not contain thimerosal or Simian Virus 40 or any other live virus. I have personally reviewed the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VAERS) reports, and yet I believe that the recommended vaccines are completely safe for children under 5 years of age.


This vaccine has not yet been invented in Russia, but if they do, let them try it out first!


Today in our local news they said that the clinic received the first batch of swine flu vaccinations. Maybe the plan was exceeded.


swine flu shot in kindergarten - YOUR CHILD'S SOON DEATH
- do not allow your child to be vaccinated in any way without your knowledge IF the child dies you will NEVER prove that the cause was VACCINE
-there were cases 2 children died look for news on the Internet

Sounds of the rain

If the one that exists, then its main side effect in a mild case is paralysis of the limbs, in a severe case, death. Problems such as rheumatism, crunching of the limbs, fatigue during physical exertion will be provided. It was for this that the vaccine was created in 1953. But at that time no one had heard of flu shots, the project was closed in 1958. now the most important thing is that everyone is obsessed with vaccinations, so one and a half hundred people in Mexico are a trifle compared to what will happen in Russia if these vaccinations go into business. The joke of vaccinations is that they do not act immediately, but when exposed to the allegedly "vaccinated" body of the swine flu virus. Therefore, cause and effect - you can't prove it to anyone.

Irina Uryupina

god save you!
experimental vaccine! !
your child is not experimental?
here the same topic is being discussed (see source)
If I were you, I would speak personally with the administration of the kindergarten and the nurse and would strictly forbid touching the child. if necessary, I would write a refusal. and you know how they can, the old fashioned way ... prick and then tell

Adelaide Markoffeva

NPO "Vector" of the science city of Koltsovo, Novosibirsk is one of the developers of this vaccine. To date, it has passed preclinical trials and the stage of clinical trials has begun. Congratulations, your child is participating in a vaccine clinical trial. How honorable...
There is no official announcement about the release of the swine flu vaccine.

Fairy Winged

Looks like an experiment is underway! !
DM: New swine flu shot could be deadly
The new swine flu vaccine can cause a dangerous disease of the nervous system. In a letter from the British Health Protection Agency to leading experts in the field of neurology, which was obtained by The Daily Mail, it is reported that this vaccine can provoke the appearance of Guillain-Barré syndrome. This syndrome affects the nervous system, causes respiratory failure and can be fatal. In society, the British newspaper emphasizes, there has long been a discussion that the new vaccine has not passed enough tests, and the results of its impact on the body, primarily for children, have been little studied.
Military epidemiologist talks about "swine flu"

Oksana Egorova

Most likely it is a vaccine against the common flu. Vaccination started early this year. In our kindergarten, they vaccinate against the flu with the free vaccine "Grippol" and only with the consent of the parents! There is no vaccine yet for swine flu.

Anna Hecate

I refused such a vaccination, I think this is another experiment on children, the doctors themselves say that it is dangerous, I watched a film called The Truth About Vaccinations, they say that vaccinations are dangerous in general, think for yourself, of course, but last year children died from vaccinations. I don't think it's worth it.

Vaccination of citizens against the new A/H1N1 influenza virus has started in Russia. The first immunity from pandemic influenza will be acquired by life support workers, health workers, teachers, senior students of medical universities, and after them - schoolchildren and pregnant women.

At the moment, vaccination is considered by specialists to be the most effective and cost-effective means of protection against infectious diseases. The promise of this method of fighting influenza is confirmed not only by the Russian Ministry of Health, but also by the World Health Organization (WHO). However, there are skeptics who believe that such prevention still does not provide 100% protection.

Cheaper than an injection

Contrary to popular belief, the A/H1N1 vaccine is not administered by injection, but intranasally, that is, it is injected into the nasal passages from a special syringe. The cost of such a procedure is less than an injection, and the efficiency is higher.

However, even these 6% play a role when it comes to the so-called risk group - medical workers, pregnant women, schoolchildren, students, as well as people who get sick more than five times a year. It is better for these categories of the population to cast aside skepticism and get vaccinated first.

Medical contraindications

The A/H1N1 vaccine should not be given:

If you are allergic to chicken protein;

Children up to three years old and preschoolers;

Patients with HIV;


With any current illness, as well as those who have recently (less than two weeks ago) had any cold or viral infection, even if this infection is just herpes;

With an exacerbation of chronic diseases - from hypertension to bronchial asthma, writes kp.ru.

27% of Russians plan to vaccinate their children, and 47% are negative about this idea, according to a survey conducted by the Research Center of the SuperJob.ru recruiting portal.

At a press conference at Rospotrebnadzor, the right of absolutely all citizens who are vaccinated (not only against pandemic influenza) to the so-called social support in the event of a post-vaccination complication was stipulated, Altapress writes.

Such complications include severe and (or) persistent health problems due to preventive vaccinations, namely:

Anaphylactic shock and other immediate allergic reactions; serum sickness syndrome;

Encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, myelitis, mono (poly) neuritis, polyradiculoneuritis, encephalopathy, serous meningitis, afebrile convulsions, absent before vaccination and recurring within 12 months after vaccination;

Acute myocarditis, acute nephritis, thrombocytopenic purpura, agranulocytosis, hypoplastic anemia, systemic connective tissue diseases, chronic arthritis;

Various forms of generalized BCG infection.

In the event of a post-vaccination complication, a citizen can receive a state lump-sum allowance in the amount of 10 thousand rubles (as amended by Federal Law No. 122-FZ of 07.08.2000).

Is it necessary to get vaccinated?

"Vaccination is a voluntary procedure, but we recommend going through it. More than 15,000 people have already been vaccinated, according to our data, there are not a single case of complications among them," Tatyana Golikova, Minister of Health and Social Development, quotes remedium.ru.

However, the expression "voluntary procedure" implies the right of a citizen either to be vaccinated or not to be vaccinated. In a number of cases, the law warns the "refusenik" about subsequent sanctions. "A citizen has the right either to be vaccinated or not to be vaccinated. But the law, including in Article 5, Part 2, says that the lack of preventive vaccination entails suspension from work, the performance of which is associated with infectious diseases," the representative of the Federal medical and biological agency Alexander Alexandrov russia.ru.

The material was prepared by the editors of rian.ru based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

"It's not swine flu that's dangerous, it's the vaccine that's dangerous!"

Russian Prime Minister Putin recently signed a decree allocating 4 billion rubles for the purchase of 43 million doses of A/H1N1 influenza vaccine, which is scheduled to be produced from November. This number of doses is enough to vaccinate every third inhabitant of Russia. In December, they intend to begin universal compulsory vaccination ...

The scale and speed of the planned vaccination program is absurd when compared with the mild ailments seen in people affected by the disease. The version that the swine flu virus was artificially created in the laboratory in order to provoke panic and present the vaccine as the only salvation has very specific justifications. And, following the logic, we can conclude that it is not the so-called swine flu that is really dangerous, but the imposed vaccine. Let us present the facts confirming this assumption.

Most recently, we were scared of bird flu. The media on all channels unanimously broadcast about the mortal danger of this disease. But then came the testimony of former US Naval Intelligence officer journalist Wayne Madsen. He stated that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with the participation of the US military, managed to restore the tissues of the body of an Eskimo woman who died in 1918 in Brevig Mission (Alaska) from the Spanish flu, which claimed millions of lives in 18 months. The genetic material extracted from these tissues was used as the basis for the H5N1 avian or chicken flu virus developed in the laboratory of the Military Medical Institute for Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, Maryland. It became known that this laboratory was also the source of anthrax bacteria sent with letters and parcels to some congressmen and journalists shortly after the events of September 11, 2001.

Now, the Austrian journalist Jane Burgermeister submitted documents to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation that the swine flu virus was created and released by pharmaceutical companies with the assistance of the World Health Organization, which then stated that the disease was spreading so fast that it was time to declare a global epidemic. The symptoms of "swine flu" are practically indistinguishable from the usual ones, and therefore, classifying all patients as victims of the epidemic, it is not difficult to obtain impressive statistics. Dr. Peter Holden of the British Medical Association was quick to say that although swine flu is not a serious disease, mass vaccination should still be carried out, starting with "priority groups".

The main manufacturers of the swine flu vaccine are the American company Baxter International and the Swiss company Novartis. This year, Baxter International distinguished itself by “inadvertently” sending chicken flu virus to European laboratories, and in July 2009 paid compensation to the State of Kentucky in the amount of two million dollars for selling intravenous drugs to the local Kentucky Medicaid agency at an overpriced price. by 1300%.

The new vaccine quickly passed the barriers of health inspections, which were limited to inspections lasting less than one week. The London Times reported: "According to the European Medicines Agency, an accelerated testing procedure was carried out on samples close to the vaccine that will be used in the mass vaccination program for people of all ages. Clinical tests will continue simultaneously with the start of the general mass vaccination of the population."

In fact, there is no need for "tests" except to calm public opinion. Organizers of vaccination are well aware of the composition of the drug and the effect of it. Moreover, in the United States, at the government level, pharmaceutical companies are declared in advance to be immune in cases of death or irreparable damage to the health of vaccinated people.

Baxter International executives have already begun shipping the vaccine around the world. Income is expected to be fantastic...

The media are reporting that pharmaceutical companies and the World Health Organization have been working day and night to develop a vaccine against a "new" swine flu subtype. However, recently it became known that Baxter International patented the H1N1 vaccine as early as August 28, 2008!

The filed patent application No. US 2009/0060950 A1 states:
"In some, preferred embodiments, the vaccine contains several antigens<...>selected in particular from one or more of the H1N1, H2N2, H3N2, H5N1, H7N7, H1N2, H9N2, H7N2, H7N3, H10N7 human influenza subtypes, the H1N1, H1N2, H3N1 and H3N2 swine influenza subtypes, the H7N7 canine or equine influenza subtypes, H3N8, or chicken influenza subtypes H5N1, H7N2, H1N7, H7N3, H13N6, H5N9, H11N6, H3N8, H9N2, H5N2, H4N8, H10N7, H2N2, H8N4, H14N5, H6N5, H12N5".

The patent was published in March 2009, a month before the virus appeared in Mexico, but the patent application was filed seven months before the "new" subtype became known to the public. It is difficult to imagine a more shamelessly planned action! The patent contains the following warning:
"The toxicity of the vaccine depends on the characteristics of the subject's body and can range from zero to high."

Jane Burgermeister has no doubt that we are dealing with a long-established mass vaccination plan, the developers of which are the least worried about people's health. The World Health Organization has recommended the use of live swine flu virus in the vaccine, which is likely to result in a significant increase in its effect on the body after vaccination.

The staged 1976 swine flu epidemic in the United States was a dress rehearsal for what is happening now. An outbreak of swine flu was first recorded in early 1976 at a US military base in New Jersey. Fear arose in society, analogies were drawn with the influenza pandemic in 1918, but many experts today are convinced that the death of people during the pandemic of 1918–1919 was not caused by a virus, but was provoked by medical campaigns for mass vaccination of the population.

President Gerald Ford announced a plan to vaccinate every citizen of the country. By the end of 1976, 40 million out of 200 million Americans were vaccinated against a new strain of the virus, but there was no pandemic - one soldier died from swine flu (and that is, there are big doubts about the cause of his death), but the vaccine itself claimed the lives of 25 Americans, and 500 people were diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome (acute polyradiculitis that can lead to the development of severe respiratory failure or heart rhythm disturbances).

Thousands of Americans have filed complaints with the US Department of Health about the side effects of the swine flu drug. The story of vaccination turned into a scandal on a national scale, and the US government was forced to pay considerable compensation to the victims. As a result, vaccination turned out to be much more dangerous and destructive than the 1976 swine flu.

Today we are on the eve of a similar campaign, but on a much larger scale. And there is no need to wait for compensation, since everything is foreseen in advance, and pharmacists are not responsible for the quality of drugs. The British and American governments have already ordered enough swine flu vaccine for the entire population, and other countries are following suit.

States such as Ukraine do not have money in the budget to purchase a foreign A/H1N1 vaccine, Deputy Health Minister Valery Bedny said at a briefing. However, the World Health Organization offers Ukraine to receive a specific drug for free, which costs almost 1 million US dollars. This means that the Ukrainians are again going to be used as guinea pigs.

There have been reports in the press that mandatory flu vaccinations are already in place in New York State. Before vaccination, they give a paper to sign, which lists possible serious complications, up to sudden death. And a person under this document is obliged to sign, notifying in such a way that he is familiar with various possible consequences and will not have any claims. All refused employees of New York hospitals were ordered to be fired from December 1. It will not be possible to sit at home either: they say that mobile vaccination teams will operate. This is the "kingdom of freedom and democracy." And anyone in the US who says anything against this event can be declared a terrorist. After all, in 2006, as part of "anti-terrorist measures," President Bush signed a law stating that the occurrence of infectious diseases is declared a threat to national security.

The current US president, Barack Obama, has expressed a desire for his "health care reform" to take effect in August, ahead of mass vaccinations. The law was approved by the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions and provides for action against parents who refuse to vaccinate their children. The law says that according to the International Health Regulations of 2005 and the epidemic plan approved by the WHO in April this year, the WHO "recommendations" in the conditions of the declared epidemic are mandatory for all member countries (there are almost 200 of them today).

WHO Director-General Margaret Chan announced the beginning of the epidemic when it did not yet exist as such. The goal is to secure emergency powers in advance and, in a different tone, "recommend" mandatory vaccination.

British neuroscience experts warn the Health Protection Agency that the new swine flu shot "may pose a threat to the life of the population, the effects of the vaccine on the body, especially in children, are little studied."

Some German experts believe that A/H1N1 vaccination is a massive human experiment. The head of the health department in the Bremen Senate, Matthias Grul, believes that it is possible to completely do without vaccinations. The swine flu vaccine has caused a big scandal in Germany. Members of the country's cabinet of ministers were inoculated with a more advanced drug than is offered to ordinary Germans. According to some reports, only 200,000 doses of the “special” vaccine were purchased for the government apparatus, and 50 million doses of a conventional drug for the rest of the Germans.

The standard vaccine contains so-called adjuvants - elements that enhance the effect of the drug. But because of this, the drug has additional side effects. However, despite this, it was decided to vaccinate everyone, including children and pregnant women. Claudia Roth, the leader of the Green Party, actively opposed such discrimination against ordinary citizens, saying that it is impossible to divide people into grades. For the same reasons, in the medical environment in Germany, the opinion is ripening that people should not be vaccinated with a mass-purchased vaccine.

In order not to get infected with swine flu, it is enough to carry out prevention correctly, insists the chief rhinologist of Ukraine, academician Serhiy Bezshapochny, whose words are quoted by Donbass.ua. To effectively counteract the disease, it is only necessary to consume daily *** the favorite national product - lard. According to him, bacon is the only thing that needs to be treated for a person of the third millennium, exhausted by the uncontrolled use of antibiotics. “Together with onions and garlic, lard will fight back any viruses and colds. But on condition that antibiotics are completely abandoned and with proper breathing, through the nose, the integral system of protective filters of which protects the lungs from microbes and viruses,” emphasizes the academician.

In addition, virologists suggest boosting immunity with propolis and honey. It is also advised to sew a gauze mask in 4 layers.

Pharmaceutical companies, realizing that it will be necessary to vaccinate with the finished vaccine mainly people from high-risk groups - children, pensioners, health workers - report on supposedly serious trials of a new vaccine on volunteers. Yet many people still have doubts. Especially after reading an article by Canadian economist and publicist Michel Chossudovsky, in which the author says:
- about a document signed by the US Secretary of Health, which releases vaccine manufacturers from legal liability for the fruits of their activities;
– about the dubious reputation of SAGE (Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Vaccine and Immunization), which gives the go-ahead to launch a rapid response program to a pandemic;
– about how the world's largest pharmaceutical company applied for a patent for a vaccine against the H1N1 virus a year before the first case of infection.
Separately, the introduction of toxic enhancers of the drug, in particular, aluminum hydroxide, into the vaccine composition is also stipulated.

The virus will be deliberately presented as more dangerous as it spreads, and death statistics will be deliberately inflated in order to stimulate panic and inspire people that only a vaccine can save them.

The authorities will blame those who refuse vaccinations for preventing the spread of the epidemic.

If WHO headquarters in Geneva, at the request of SAGE, decides to declare a "phase six" H1N1 virus, then many states will be required to launch rapid response programs. Such programs will be forced to launch even those countries where the number of cases with a mere suspicion of the H1N1 virus (i.e., unconfirmed and unproven) can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

Recall that today WHO has already announced the “fifth phase” of the epidemic.

“The SAGE group at WHO deserves special attention,” says Michel Chossudowski. – Since 2005, this group has been chaired by the Director of Immunization at the British Ministry of Health, David Salisbury, who in the 1980s was widely criticized for supporting the mass immunization of children with the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine produced by the company, now named GlaxoSmithKline.

After many Japanese children developed side effects, the Japanese government withdrew the vaccine and had to pay massive compensation to those affected. In early 1988, this vaccine was phased out by the Canadian government. Sweden banned it after scientists published facts confirming the relationship between the MMR vaccine and the epidemic of Crohn's disease (a chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract that can affect everything from the mouth to the rectum). Pharmaceutical company executives demanded a guarantee from the British government against any legal and litigation as a result of possible harm caused by this vaccine. That is, the company was already well aware of the danger of this drug. But the British government, heeding the recommendations of the consultant Salisbury, still allowed the vaccine to the market. It is this man, in his position as SAGE chairman, who is now actively promoting the idea of ​​the controversial H1N1 flu vaccine being used globally.

In 1997, a CIA scientist claimed that microchips developed in secret military-government laboratories were so tiny that they could be injected under the skin with a syringe along with a vaccine. Modern nanotechnology allows you to do this completely unnoticed.

From these facts, we can conclude that it is quite likely that a massive reduction in the population of the planet is planned and, in the future, in the process of vaccination, the implantation of integrated circuits into the body of every adult and child, which will allow manipulating people. In this case, the impact can be both massive and individual, since each microcircuit is a transceiver device operating at a certain frequency. It will become very easy to kill someone from a distance.

Meanwhile, in Russia, trials of a vaccine against the “new influenza virus” are in full swing. All "new" A/H1N1 drugs are being tested on volunteers.

According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development, four types of A/H1N1 drugs have now been created in Russia: one live nasal (it contains a live virus) and three inactivated drugs that are administered intramuscularly (they contain “killed” viruses).

The first two domestic vaccines - live and inactivated, developed by the Research and Production Association (NPO) Microgen - passed the first stage of clinical trials on adults and were recognized as safe for use. Roszdravnadzor registered these drugs under the name "Influvir" (live) and "Pandeflu" (inactivated) and allowed to start clinical trials on children in St. Petersburg, Smolensk and Perm. This was stated by the press secretary of NPO Microgen Timofey Peshkov.

First Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov said that the vaccine will be produced at Russian enterprises, including in Ufa, Irkutsk, St. Petersburg. “All of them are ready for the start of serial production. The timely receipt of funds will allow us to start work on the mass production of the vaccine in accordance with the schedule,” Zubkov assured.

In such a short time it is impossible to test a new drug and determine its safety. Side effects may not appear immediately. Moreover, it is impossible to test the drug on children. It is a crime! Never before has the situation been so serious as in connection with the current intention to carry out compulsory vaccination of the entire population of the planet. The supposedly "natural" vaccine in question contains human, pig and bird genes from several continents. If a virus is created and released into the wild, and a vaccination program planned many years ago is carried out to combat it, then there can be only one reasonable conclusion: it is not the swine flu that is really dangerous, it is the vaccine!

The swine flu pandemic of 2009 swept through 200 countries and claimed the lives of 19,000 people. In the statistics of lethal outcomes, only laboratory-confirmed cases were taken into account. According to research by an international team of scientists from different countries, the number of victims actually reached 200,000 people. About 21,000 cases of swine flu were recorded in Russia at that time. The infection affected the able-bodied population and children from 7 to 14 years old.

Do I need to get vaccinated against swine flu? Why is this infection dangerous, what vaccinations are given against it?

The causative agent of swine flu

The 2009 epidemic showed that the animal influenza virus had mutated and began to be transmitted to humans. The pandemic also showed how quickly the virus was transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person. Until about 1990, the virus circulated only in pigs in Mexico and North America. The first episodic cases of influenza infection from pigs began to appear among pig farm workers in Mexico, North America. The infection began to spread to Canada, Chile, Germany and other European countries, China, Russia. The virus occurs in serotype C influenza strains and serotype A subtypes (A/H1N1, A/H1N2, A/H3N1, A/H3N2 and A/H2N3).

The most common, capable of causing epidemics in humans and many animals, is a subtype of influenza A - H1N1, which is called "swine". In the body of infected people, this subtype mutated, crossed with the human influenza virus, and acquired highly pathogenic properties. Today, WHO calls this infection not swine, but influenza A subtype H1N1.

Why swine flu is dangerous

Susceptibility to the A/H1N1 virus is extremely high. The incubation period is 1–3 days. The infection is transmitted during a conversation, coughing and sneezing, as well as by household means through household items (dishes, toys).

Initial symptoms are similar to other flu subtypes:

  • fever, a sharp increase in temperature up to 38–40 ° C;
  • dry cough, accompanied by chest pain;
  • Strong headache;
  • aches in the eyeballs and pain when pressing on them;
  • severe muscle aches;
  • chills;
  • weakness;
  • conjunctivitis.

Signs of swine flu:

Important! The danger of swine flu, like the usual one, lies in severe complications.

  1. Pneumonia may develop. Its course is severe, prolonged, accompanied by severe shortness of breath and pain in the chest during breathing. Often pneumonia progresses to pulmonary edema or abscess. Death is most often due to pneumonia.
  2. Inflammation of the lungs, possibly from an attached bacterial infection (staphylococcus aureus, pneumococcus).
  3. Pericarditis.
  4. Myocarditis with heart failure.
  5. Meningitis.
  6. Encephalitis.

In general, the rate of complications and deaths due to the A/H1N1 virus does not exceed the usual rates for seasonal influenza.

What vaccines are used against the A/H1N1 virus

For vaccination against swine flu, injectable and intranasal forms of vaccines are used.

Intranasal forms:

Intranasal vaccines are administered by spraying from a syringe into the nose with a dose of 0.25 milliliters in both nostrils.

Injectable forms of vaccines:

  • Russian and Grippol Plus;
  • French "Vaxigrip";
  • German "Begrivak";
  • Dutch "Influvak";
  • Russian "Fluariks";
  • Swiss "Inflexal V";
  • Italian "Agrippal S1".

Injectable vaccines contain attenuated (live attenuated) virus strains and protect against 3 common influenza virus strains.

Vaccination of children

Since 2015, according to the Calendar, influenza vaccinations have been carried out for children of the age group from 6 months of age.

The best vaccines from 6 months - split vaccines: Vaxigrip, Begrivak and Fluarix. Vaccination is done 2 times. The interval between vaccination and revaccination is 1 month. The dose in each nasal passage is 0.25 milliliters from a syringe. After revaccination, immunity is formed between 3-4 weeks and lasts up to 1 year.

Children after 3 years of age use live intranasal vaccines "Ultravak" and "Influvir", split vaccines, as well as "Grippol plus".

Immunity after vaccination is formed within 3 weeks and lasts up to 1 year. Flu shots are given annually.

Where is the best place to get the swine flu vaccine? Children and adults under 35 receive a free vaccination at the clinic. In commercial centers, vaccination is done for a fee.

Vaccination of pregnant women

Since 2015, according to the Calendar, pregnant women have been given mandatory vaccination against influenza. Do pregnant women need the swine flu vaccine? Let's think logically. The risk of infection in a pregnant woman increases by 4 times. After all, immunity during pregnancy decreases. In the case of infection with influenza, the course of the disease in them is characterized by severe complications. Not only the mother is at risk, but also her child.

In case of infection, the following consequences may occur:

  • termination of pregnancy or miscarriage;
  • pathology of fetal development;
  • pneumonia in a pregnant woman;
  • otitis.

A pregnant woman after vaccination receives protection for herself and her child. Modern inactivated split influenza vaccines do not have a teratogenic effect on the fetus and do not harm the health of a woman. Important! Pregnant women should not be vaccinated with live intranasal vaccines. For them, the Grippol Plus vaccine is better suited.

Side effects after vaccination

The most common mild reaction is:

  • hyperemia (redness) of the injection site;
  • a slight increase in temperature to 37.2 ° C;
  • malaise.

In very rare cases, after vaccination, severe consequences develop:

  • allergic shock;
  • angioedema.

How to prepare for vaccination and what to do after it

In order to avoid complications and consequences, it is recommended to prepare for vaccination in this way.

  1. On the day of vaccination, a person must be healthy and 2 weeks before it must not suffer an infectious disease.
  2. It is not necessary to introduce unusual dishes into the diet before vaccination.
  3. If you suffer from any type of allergy, inform your doctor in advance.
  4. After vaccination, do not move away from the clinic for half an hour. If you feel unwell after vaccination, contact your doctor immediately.

In the absence of contraindications, influenza vaccination is necessary for everyone, including the so-called "swine." Modern vaccines are safe even for children and pregnant women. Vaccination protects not only you, but also your family from getting the flu and its severe consequences!

Vaccination of citizens against the new A/H1N1 influenza virus has started in Russia. The first immunity from pandemic influenza will be acquired by life support workers, health workers, teachers, senior students of medical universities, and after them - schoolchildren and pregnant women.

At the moment, vaccination is considered by specialists to be the most effective and cost-effective means of protection against infectious diseases. The promise of this method of fighting influenza is confirmed not only by the Russian Ministry of Health, but also by the World Health Organization (WHO). However, there are skeptics who believe that such prevention still does not provide 100% protection.

Cheaper than an injection

Contrary to popular belief, the A/H1N1 vaccine is not administered by injection, but intranasally, that is, it is injected into the nasal passages from a special syringe. The cost of such a procedure is less than an injection, and the efficiency is higher.

However, even these 6% play a role when it comes to the so-called risk group - medical workers, pregnant women, schoolchildren, students, as well as people who get sick more than five times a year. It is better for these categories of the population to cast aside skepticism and get vaccinated first.

Medical contraindications

The A/H1N1 vaccine should not be given:

If you are allergic to chicken protein;

Children up to three years old and preschoolers;

Patients with HIV;


With any current illness, as well as those who have recently (less than two weeks ago) had any cold or viral infection, even if this infection is just herpes;

With an exacerbation of chronic diseases - from hypertension to bronchial asthma, writes kp.ru.

27% of Russians plan to vaccinate their children, and 47% are negative about this idea, according to a survey conducted by the Research Center of the SuperJob.ru recruiting portal.

At a press conference at Rospotrebnadzor, the right of absolutely all citizens who are vaccinated (not only against pandemic influenza) to the so-called social support in the event of a post-vaccination complication was stipulated, Altapress writes.

Such complications include severe and (or) persistent health problems due to preventive vaccinations, namely:

Anaphylactic shock and other immediate allergic reactions; serum sickness syndrome;

Encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, myelitis, mono (poly) neuritis, polyradiculoneuritis, encephalopathy, serous meningitis, afebrile convulsions, absent before vaccination and recurring within 12 months after vaccination;

Acute myocarditis, acute nephritis, thrombocytopenic purpura, agranulocytosis, hypoplastic anemia, systemic connective tissue diseases, chronic arthritis;

Various forms of generalized BCG infection.

In the event of a post-vaccination complication, a citizen can receive a state lump-sum allowance in the amount of 10 thousand rubles (as amended by Federal Law No. 122-FZ of 07.08.2000).

Is it necessary to get vaccinated?

"Vaccination is a voluntary procedure, but we recommend going through it. More than 15,000 people have already been vaccinated, according to our data, there are not a single case of complications among them," Tatyana Golikova, Minister of Health and Social Development, quotes remedium.ru.

However, the expression "voluntary procedure" implies the right of a citizen either to be vaccinated or not to be vaccinated. In a number of cases, the law warns the "refusenik" about subsequent sanctions. "A citizen has the right either to be vaccinated or not to be vaccinated. But the law, including in Article 5, Part 2, says that the lack of preventive vaccination entails suspension from work, the performance of which is associated with infectious diseases," the representative of the Federal medical and biological agency Alexander Alexandrov russia.ru.

The material was prepared by the editors of rian.ru based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

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