Causes of diarrhea, diarrhea with blood in a cat, how to treat severe bloody diarrhea in a cat? Kitten has bloody diarrhea

It's not uncommon for cat owners to experience digestive problems with their pets, but some of the symptoms are especially worrisome. These include bloody diarrhea can be in adults and kittens.

In such a situation, the most responsible decision is to go to a good veterinarian., which, with the help of professional diagnostics, will establish why the cat is carrying blood, what treatment should be prescribed in order to save the animal.

If a cat has diarrhea with blood, it should be acted upon immediately, this may be a symptom of a dangerous disease. Sometimes it is even about the life of a pet.

Features of the disease

What to do if the animal has diarrhea, and blood is visible in the stool? Diarrhea is associated with rapid bowel movements, in which its contents are not completely digested.. In cats with this condition, there is an increase in temperature, intoxication of the body. There may be vomiting and associated dehydration, which debilitates the pet.

Over time, the amount of feces increases, the cat feels worse and worse. No need to wait for the critical condition of the cat, It's best to call your veterinarian at the first sign of a problem. If an adult pet or a kitten has loose stools with mucus, blood stains, if pieces of undigested food are visible, you should immediately call the doctor who observes the animal. Or any other veterinarian.

ATTENTION! It is impossible to give a cat medicine for a person, even if they are directed against indigestion. Such a "treatment" can further worsen the condition of a pet.

The reasons

Only a medical examination and special tests can determine the reasons why a cat suffers from diarrhea.

  • Bloody stool most often occurs in a kitten due to diseases of the intestines or stomach.
  • But also such a symptom can be caused by diseases of other organs.

Intestinal diseases respond better to treatment than diseases of organs such as the kidneys and liver. This gives hope to cat owners that competent medical care and the means prescribed by the veterinarian will give a positive result.

But if the owners gave a product that is categorically not suitable for the feline digestive system, such an additive can cause serious intestinal inflammation and even bloody impurities in the stool. Some cats may be completely intolerant of such a "feline" product as milk.

An infection can only be determined by laboratory testing.. If such a cause is confirmed, all animals in the house will need to be treated.

Tumors and other formations

The real horror for cat owners is such suspected cause of blood in feces, like a tumor in a pet's body. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is typical for older cats. In most cases, it is possible to notice a deterioration in the state of cat health only at a late stage, when the treatment does not become one hundred percent effective.

Can also grow benign formations, such as polyps. They are not so dangerous for the pet's life, they are eliminated surgically, but they also cause a lot of problems, causing constant inflammatory processes in the intestines. The cat suffers from intestinal obstruction or diarrhea, such symptoms also require serious medical attention.


Many cat breeds are very sensitive to certain foods., such weakness is quite common in the sphinx. They can cause severe allergic reactions in the intestines in animals.

Allergy may not even appear immediately, intolerance develops gradually. And it is difficult for owners to guess the root cause of a pet's poor physical condition. The situation can be clarified only in a veterinary clinic.

IMPORTANT! Food allergies are a complex problem that should not be brushed aside. It is necessary with the help of a specialist to determine which products or prepared feed it occurs in order to avoid danger in the future.


A larger animal, such as a calf, can also be severely affected by helminthic invasion. How does a worm infestation manifest itself?

  • The cat becomes emaciated, has a poor appetite and pickiness in food.
  • Visible liquid blood in the stool, diarrhea may alternate with debilitating constipation.
  • Pregnant cats are especially susceptible to helminthic invasion.

If these symptoms appear, you need to immediately pass the tests and get recommendations from the doctor about treatment and prevention in the future.

More rare cases

The veterinarian may indicate such a cause of bloody loose stools as lack of vitamin B 12. The problem has not been thoroughly studied by specialists, although there is a connection between vitamin deficiency and indigestion. In order to confirm this reason, you need to do a biochemical analysis of the cat's blood.

Treatment of the problem is most often simple, the animal is taking multivitamin preparations. After the course prescribed by the doctor, the symptom of B12 deficiency disappears.

If diarrhea occurs at the same time as vomiting of bile, this may be a manifestation of problems with the liver. Also cause diarrhea in more rare cases of kidney disease, hyperthyroidism.

cat behavior

Diarrhea may not be the only manifestation of ill health. In case of problems with the large intestine, the animal pushes hard on the tray, shows a greater frequency of defecation, and mucus and blood in the feces.

The clinical picture in diseases of the small intestine is somewhat different. Feces without blood, but blackish-brown in color, which gives the blood digested. In such cases, the cat goes to the doctor at a later stage of the disease, since the owners do not see blood in the feces.

ATTENTION! Animals that go to the toilet outside often do not survive intestinal problems. After all, the owners do not see the stool and blood in it.

Drafting treatment

How to treat a cat with loose stools and blood in the stool? The main treatment depends on establishing the cause of such a condition.

  • Doctors point out the need for a starvation diet, which gives rest to the intestines. This method can help with mild diarrhea. Without food, a cat cannot be long without consequences, a starvation diet is allowed no more than a day.
  • Can also be used light diet, which includes rice, boiled chicken meat in small portions. These products are given for only one week. If you need to follow a diet longer, it should be compiled by a veterinarian.
  • If you have a food intolerance, be sure those foods that cause allergies are excluded.
  • If the treatment included antibiotics, then the cat can be given probiotics specially formulated for felines.

An indispensable component of any treatment is a large amount of drinking in the form of clean and fresh water.

In order not to harm even more the condition of a pet, you should not deal with it yourself.

Every cat owner needs to know and take care of their pet's toilet. Particular attention should be paid to the frequency of the cat going to the toilet, to the amount and consistency of feces. This will give you the opportunity to notice deviations in time, for example, diarrhea with or without blood in cats.


An unnaturally rapid passage of food eaten through the intestines, which is accompanied by an increase in the frequency of stools, the appearance of loose stools with blood, increased stool content is called diarrhea or diarrhoea. Feces in cats are slightly denser and better formed than in dogs. In its structure, it is similar to plasticine of medium softness. There is a difference in the structure of the feces of cats that eat dry food and cats that eat natural food. Dairy products and raw meat are produced into denser feces, and bowel movements are slightly less frequent than with artificial feeds.

If changes in the feces were noticed, and the diet did not change, then it is important to monitor the possible appearance of other symptoms. Diarrhea is often caused by both mild and non-dangerous diseases, as well as severe and dangerous ones.

When should you seek help from a veterinarian?

As soon as you see blood, seek professional advice immediately.

You should contact your veterinarian in such cases if there is bloody diarrhea, if you are sure that your cat has eaten toxic or poisonous substances.

In cases where your cat has a fever with diarrhea and is depressed and dehydrated.

In cases where the gums are yellow or simply pale in color.

The motive for going to the veterinarian may be the lack of necessary vaccinations in a sick kitten.

An animal should not be left unattended if it is in pain and diarrhea is accompanied by the release of vomit. Do not give cats any medications, especially those that are freely available on the market. Give your pet only those medicines that the doctor has prescribed for you.


Treatment of the disease must be provided as soon as possible. It can only be carried out by a qualified veterinarian. By color, an experienced doctor can determine the condition of a sick cat. Therefore, it is necessary to take with you when going to the veterinarian, a little feces that the cat has produced recently.

For the successful treatment of a cat, it is necessary to correctly prescribe its course and eliminate the causes that cause diarrhea. The veterinarian uses your information about the symptoms of a sick cat to make a diagnosis. If necessary, laboratory tests are carried out.

Diarrhea with blood

In cases where diarrhea in a cat with blood is caused by bacteria, appropriate antibiotics are prescribed by the veterinarian. Diarrhea with blood indicates that the intestines are damaged and there is a possibility of bacteria entering the circulatory system through wounds. And this can cause cases of serious diseases, such as sepsis - blood poisoning. In some established cases, drugs are prescribed that slow down the passage of food through the intestines.

How to treat a cat at home?

It is necessary to stop feeding a cat with symptoms of diarrhea during the day. At this time, the stomach and intestines should be completely free. The cat should always have fresh water. Many do not give water in order to thicken the stool. But this is wrong. The animal must always have enough water.

After fasting, it is necessary to give the cat boiled egg white, white fish, and boiled rice in small quantities.

On the first day after the treatment of diarrhea in a cat, it is necessary to give the animal no more than half the usual amount of food.

In the first days after the illness, you should not let the cat go outside, in order to avoid various physical exertion.

Your cat should always have a clean toilet at their disposal.

If diarrhea still continues, then you should immediately consult a veterinarian, this is due to a viral or bacterial infection.

In case of diarrhea, you should still consult a veterinarian until the animal's body is completely dehydrated.

The reasons

Blood impurities in the feces of an animal cause:

  • infectious diseases;
  • distemper;
  • poisoning with food or household chemicals.

All the above causes, except for blood particles, cause mucus impurities in diarrhea.

Video: Treatment and symptoms of bloody diarrhea in cats

In a cat - a rare phenomenon, especially if the animal does not suffer from any chronic disease. The presence of blood in the feces of a pet indicates the presence of a disease, and the first step is to establish the root cause of this condition and urgently begin treatment.

Main reasons

If with blood, the reasons may be different:


In addition to the occurrence of blood in the stool, there may be other symptoms that indicate the presence of a serious illness. In these cases, urgent specialist help is needed:

  • frequent urination;
  • vomit;
  • weak or absent appetite;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • thirst;
  • apathy.

When you need veterinary help

If any of the following signs appear, you need urgent professional help:

Diarrhea with blood in a cat: treatment

In the presence of the above symptoms, self-treatment is not recommended. If the cat has diarrhea with blood, the specialist will tell you what to do. In case of illness, the animal should not be left unattended. If there is a general malaise in the cat, only a doctor should prescribe treatment. Self-therapy, especially with drugs that are freely available, is undesirable, as it is fraught with more serious problems up to the death of the animal. The entire course of treatment is carried out only with those drugs that were prescribed by the veterinarian who examined the cat.

All medical treatment should be prescribed based on the results of tests that help identify the cause of the cat's diarrhea. How to treat the identified disease, the doctor will determine. In an advanced case, antiviral and antibacterial drugs are prescribed. Perhaps the appointment of immunostimulants ("Gamavit") and antidiarrheal drugs ("Loperamide"). Without fail, hemostatic agents are used: Vikasol, Dicinon, vitamin C.

With diarrhea, it is necessary to help the intestines and stomach of the animal to be freed. To do this, you need to stop feeding the cat during the first day. At the same time, the animal should always have free access to a bowl of clean water. It has been noticed that many, on the contrary, consider heavy drinking to be a provoking factor in the appearance of diarrhea. This is fundamentally wrong. Water must be constant. Drinking plenty of water will help remove harmful substances from the body.

The next day after fasting, the animal is put on a special diet, which includes boiled egg protein, boiled rice, and white fish.

The amount of food consumed should be halved. The cat needs rest. You should not provoke her to games and even more so to let her out on the street.

The litter box should always be clean and easy for the cat to reach. If it is difficult for the animal to walk, then it is worth moving it.

If your cat continues to have bloody diarrhea, it is most likely caused by a bacterial or viral infection. The help of a doctor is required.

An appeal to a doctor should occur as soon as possible, until severe dehydration occurs.

Preventive actions

If it is planned to carry out disinfection work, then it is advisable to give the animal for overexposure to a safe place. If rodents or insects are poisoned, and the cat is with you, then it is required to limit its movements in the treated area. It is also necessary to ensure that the cat does not eat a dead rodent.

At the first suspicious changes in the feces of the animal, tests are taken. This simple procedure will help to quickly identify the problem and prevent unwanted consequences, while maintaining the health of your pet.

Blood with mucus that appears in cats with diarrhea can be the cause of various diseases. Therefore, it is by no means impossible to throw such a thing to a loving owner. Blood in the feces of a cat - the reasons for what kind of plan can be the result of this? How to determine what a cat is sick with if she has loose stools with blood? What to do in such cases? You can find out more about this below.

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The reasons

But we will consider all questions in order. Before you treat an animal and know what treatment is needed, you should understand the reasons why a pet has loose stools with blood. Why does he appear?

In addition to the main causes, you should also consider the symptoms that cause the cat to have diarrhea or feces with blood. Sometimes, after all, diarrhea and feces with blood are not the only sign of the disease. So, what are the symptoms of diseases if a cat needs veterinary treatment?

  • if the animal has frequent urination;
  • in addition to diarrhea, the pet may periodically experience bouts of vomiting;
  • the animal has no appetite at all or it is very weak - the cat eats once a day and a little bit;
  • with frequent diarrhea, the cat began to gradually lose its weight;
  • the cat has a strong thirst, she constantly wants to drink;
  • the cat has become indifferent to what is happening around her - she is no longer amused by games and other activities that were previously interested.

This is what worms look like for pets

When is it time to contact the veterinarian?

In case of the above signs and symptoms in cats, it is necessary to consult a doctor. We recommend that you do nothing on your own and do not treat the animal on your own. This can only harm him, so the doctor must prescribe the treatment. So, when you need the help of a specialist:

  • if the cat pooped blood, and the feces were tarry;
  • if there is a high probability that the animal was poisoned due to the fact that she ate something toxic;
  • if the cat pooped incorrectly, and over time you began to notice that his gums turned yellow or whitened;
  • if the wrong feces in the cat is accompanied by fever and dehydration;
  • if the kitten has pooped feces with blood, but he has not yet been vaccinated with all the necessary vaccinations;
  • if you see your animal experiencing pain when walking on a tray;
  • if the cat pooped and vomited almost immediately, and if this is repeated on a regular basis.


Of course, no one will draw any conclusions and prescribe treatment after the cat just pooped incorrectly. If such symptoms appear in cats, tests should be done, and for this, the pet should be shown to the doctor.

Sometimes it will be enough just to make changes in the animal's diet so that its intestines work as before. In the case of a diet, the animal must be fed rice or oatmeal or food that is easily digestible. Smoked meat and sweet foods should be avoided.

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If the case is more advanced, then the veterinarian may prescribe antiviral and antibacterial drugs of the type of action. It can be both immunostimulants and various special serums. One way or another, but the cat has to be treated:

  • disinfectant enemas;
  • help improve digestion by adding enzymes to cat food;
  • injecting or forcing them to eat antibiotics to reduce the chance of infections spreading.

Preventive actions

As for preventive measures, first of all, the animal should be given anthelmintic drugs.

If you have poisoned rodents or cockroaches, then limit the movement of your pet in the marked area. If he is very curious with you, then this will help him not to taste the poison and not find out about the consequences that may await him.

In addition, when blood appears, pet feces can be collected and taken for analysis. This procedure is one of the simplest, because this way you can quickly identify the problem and prescribe the appropriate treatment. In general, you should always consult your veterinarian if you have any of these problems. Compliance with elementary prevention will allow your pet to be healthy.

Video "Detailed information about worms"

What to do if there are blood clots in your cat's stool? An animal with diarrhea may have a fever. The pet refuses his favorite food and loses his former activity. Diarrhea with blood in a cat may indicate that inflammatory processes have begun in the body of a pet. Action must be taken immediately or the animal will die.


Signs of bloody diarrhea include:

  • the cat urinates more often;
  • the pet does not touch the food;
  • the animal suffers from constant thirst;
  • the cat loses interest in the world around it;
  • frequent bowel movements lead to rapid weight loss;
  • the animal does not go through bouts of vomiting.

Causes of diarrhea with blood

Loose stools with blood can be caused by several reasons:

In what cases can you do without the help of a veterinarian?

You may need to see a specialist if your pet has the following symptoms:

  • the animal suffers from pain during defecation;
  • the cat's feces turned black due to internal bleeding;
  • the cat showed signs of poisoning due to the consumption of toxic substances;
  • diarrhea is accompanied by constant bouts of vomiting.

What are the signs of dehydration?

Severe diarrhea inevitably leads to water loss. The cat's blood begins to thicken, metabolism is disturbed. The animal sharply weakens, its eyes tumble into the sockets. The skin of a cat loses its former elasticity.

You can understand this by pulling the pet's skin at the withers. When released, the skin fold will return to its original position very slowly. Mucous membranes also change. They become very pale. The cat loses interest in games, and all the time lies in one place.

If no action is taken, the animal may die. To help a sick cat, you can use a 0.9% chloride solution. Fill the syringe with the solution and inject the animal under the skin at the withers.

The recommended volume of the drug is 5 ml. Before the introduction of the ampoule with the solution, heat in your hands. Help to cope with dehydration drugs such as Aminovit and Gamavit. If the cat suffers from bouts of vomiting, then you should not forcefully water the animal.

After examining the cat in the clinic, the veterinarian clarifies with the owners the nutritional features of the animal, the conditions of its residence. After receiving the results of laboratory tests, conclusions can be drawn about the severity of the disease.

The cat's feces are examined to reveal the facts of infection with worms and other protozoa. Diarrhea in small kittens can be caused by rectal prolapse. This process is considered reversible, and after undergoing a course of treatment, the disease disappears without surgery.

Treatment options depend on the signs of the disease. In case of poisoning, the cat must be given. Children's Smecta and are suitable as preparations for removing toxins.

Ringer-Locke and Aminovit solutions help prevent dehydration.

Indigestion may be associated with the ingestion of pathogenic microorganisms into the intestines of the animal. To destroy harmful bacteria, you can use Enterofuril or Levomycetin.

Do not try to treat a cat, as it acts in a completely different way on animals. Its intake will lead to an exacerbation of the disease. You can stop internal bleeding in a pet with Vikasol and Dicinon.

What to feed a cat with bloody diarrhea?

To get rid of bloody diarrhea, you need to follow a certain diet. At the time of illness, exclude dry food from the animal's diet, as they can cause disruption of the digestive system.

In order for your pet to get rid of diarrhea faster, he needs to be fed food that will not burden his digestive system. Include boiled chicken or beef in your cat's diet. Do not give him pork, as it has too much fat.

Your cat may have an allergic reaction when changing food. Do not give your pet a new food that can lead to a deterioration in his health.

To alleviate the condition of the cat, use herbal infusions. Oak bark has astringent properties. It can be crushed in a mixer and pour 2 cups of boiling water. After that, close the broth with a lid and wait about 30 minutes. Give the finished decoction to the animal 3 times a day.

To treat bloody diarrhea, you can use rice water. Rinse a handful of rice in cold water and add it to the boiling water. The broth should languish over low heat for about 30 minutes.

Preventive measures

You can avoid diarrhea with blood if you vaccinate your pet in a timely manner. This will reduce the risk of contracting various infectious diseases.

Particular attention should be paid to the nutrition of a furry family member. Do not feed him sour, spoiled dairy products.

You should not walk with the animal near garbage cans, as they are sources of various diseases.

The cat should be regularly vaccinated. Store poisonous substances and household chemicals in closed places. They should not be available to your pet.

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