Is it good to drink milk and which one. Is there another way to get the calcium the body needs? %DV

It is difficult to find another food product that attracts as many conflicting opinions as milk. Whether it's good for overall health or not, helps you lose weight or not, whether you should buy it raw or pasteurized, low fat or full fat, the list goes on.

Who to believe?

On the one hand, there are groups (PCRM and PETA) who claim that milk is evil.

At the other end of the spectrum is the Dairy Association, which believes that milk is necessary to keep yourself at your best.

And besides disputes about usefulness, there are also political, ethical, environmental factors that must be taken into account. As with most other disputes, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Let's try to find this middle ground!

Milk and health

A study was conducted - 400,000 adults around the world were observed for 28 years. Those who drank the most milk were less likely to have heart disease and heart attacks than those who drank less or no milk (and the study was not sponsored by the dairy industry).

But! There is an increase in cancers provoked by hormones in the world. And cow's milk is a source of estrogen and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), which can cause unregulated cell division.

On the other hand… The relationship between breast or prostate cancer and milk tends to be zero, if you exclude the influence of excess consumption of other animal products - and in particular red meat.

More facts:

  • Drinking milk increases the risk of uterine cancer, but also reduces the risk of anal cancer, which is much more common.
  • Currently, there is no evidence of an association between milk consumption and type 1 diabetes.
  • Approximately 70% of the population has some degree of lactose intolerance. For those who drink milk, this can be a problem, but there are always lactose-reduced options. In addition, cheese and yogurt contain much less lactose, so they are usually not a problem.

Milk and bones

Easterners have a much lower incidence of osteoporosis than Westerners, even though they consume less dairy products. The Nurses Health Study found that women who drink more than two glasses of milk a day are more likely to break bones.

But! Asians have vastly different overall diets and lifestyles, and the results from the Nurses Health Study may well just be a reflection of the number of women who are aware of the risk of fracture and are trying to compensate (just too little, too late).

Milk and weight loss

The once-promising study that showed three meals a day of dairy products to reduce weight has not been confirmed. Another independent study showed virtually no effect of daily milk intake on fat loss. In general, and not surprising, given who was initially beneficial result "milk reduces weight."

Pasteurized or natural?

Proponents of pasteurization insist that it is a necessary process to kill harmful bacteria, with little effect on nutritional value and flavor.

Opponents of pasteurization are convinced that the same process that kills bacteria also destroys vitamins, minerals and enzymes that are vital to our health. What's more, they point out that bacterial infections from unprocessed milk are very rare, so they hardly deserve the status of a global problem.

Is milk bad or good? Many people are often interested - is it possible to drink milk?
It is difficult to find another food product that attracts as many conflicting opinions as milk. Whether it's good for overall health or not, helps you lose weight or not, whether you should buy it raw or pasteurized, low fat or full fat, the list goes on.


On the one hand, there are groups (PCRM and PETA) who claim that milk is evil.

At the other end of the spectrum is the Dairy Association, which believes that milk is necessary to keep yourself at your best.

And besides disputes about usefulness, there are also political, ethical, environmental factors that must be taken into account. As with most other disputes, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Let's try to find this middle ground!


A study was conducted - 400,000 adults around the world were observed for 28 years. Those who drank the most milk were less likely to have heart disease and heart attacks than those who drank less or no milk (and the study was not sponsored by the dairy industry).

But! There is an increase in cancers provoked by hormones in the world. And cow's milk is a source of estrogen and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), which can cause unregulated cell division.

On the other hand… The relationship between breast or prostate cancer and milk tends to be zero, if you exclude the influence of excess consumption of other animal products - and in particular red meat.

More facts:

  • Drinking milk increases the risk of uterine cancer, but also reduces the risk of anal cancer, which is much more common.
  • Currently, there is no evidence of an association between milk consumption and type 1 diabetes.
  • Approximately 70% of the population has some degree of lactose intolerance. For those who drink milk, this can be a problem, but there are always lactose-reduced options. In addition, cheese and yogurt contain much less lactose, so they are usually not a problem.


Easterners have a much lower incidence of osteoporosis than Westerners, even though they consume less dairy products. The Nurses Health Study found that women who drink more than two glasses of milk a day are more likely to break bones.

But! Asians have vastly different overall diets and lifestyles, and the results from the Nurses Health Study may well just be a reflection of the number of women who are aware of the risk of fracture and are trying to compensate (just too little, too late).

Milk and weight loss

The once-promising study that showed three meals a day of dairy products to reduce weight has not been confirmed. Another independent study showed virtually no effect of daily milk intake on fat loss. In general, and not surprising, given who was initially beneficial result "milk reduces weight."


Proponents of pasteurization insist that it is a necessary process to kill harmful bacteria, with little effect on nutritional value and flavor.

Opponents of pasteurization are convinced that the same process that kills bacteria also destroys vitamins, minerals and enzymes that are vital to our health. What's more, they point out that bacterial infections from unprocessed milk are very rare, so they hardly deserve the status of a global problem.


Drawing conclusions from all of the above is a very subjective matter, but we can summarize the following:

No one has proven that milk is really as healthy as it is promoted by broadcast advertising campaigns. A healthy diet most likely does not depend on the presence of milk in it.

  • Nor can milk be the root of all evil, as the Society for the Ethical Treatment of Animals claims. All other things being equal, eating 1-3 times a day of dairy products is probably enough to meet your vitamin/mineral requirement, but not enough to start worrying about harmful effects.
  • Milk and other dairy products are probably the best way to get adequate calcium, although they are not the only way. We also recommend fortifying dairy products with vitamin D, which allows the bones to absorb this calcium.
  • Don't expect a glass of milk, a cup of yogurt, or a slice of cheese to help you lose weight.
  • I don't think pasteurizing milk is as problematic as anti-pasteurizers make it out to be, but the opposite is also true. The risk of bacterial infection from consuming raw milk seems to be low enough, but the potential consequences are severe enough to be ignored. If you're going to be consuming raw milk, it's important to know what conditions the animals are kept in, how hygienic they are, and how products are tested at your supplier. Whether you drink live milk or dead milk, it is unlikely to have a significant impact on your health if you consume it in moderation.

Is milk bad or good? Many people are often interested - is it possible to drink milk?
It is difficult to find another food product that attracts as many conflicting opinions as milk. Whether it's good for overall health or not, helps you lose weight or not, whether you should buy it raw or pasteurized, low fat or full fat, the list goes on.

Whom to believe is milk good for?

On the one hand, there are groups (PCRM and PETA) who claim that milk is evil.

At the other end of the spectrum is the Dairy Association, which believes that milk is necessary to keep yourself at your best.

And besides disputes about usefulness, there are also political, ethical, environmental factors that must be taken into account. As with most other disputes, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Let's try to find this middle ground!

Milk and health

A study was conducted - 400,000 adults around the world were observed for 28 years. Those who drank the most milk were less likely to have heart disease and heart attacks than those who drank less or no milk (and the study was not sponsored by the dairy industry).

But! There is an increase in cancers provoked by hormones in the world. And cow's milk is a source of estrogen and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), which can cause unregulated cell division.

On the other hand… The relationship between breast or prostate cancer and milk tends to be zero, if you exclude the influence of excess consumption of other animal products - and in particular red meat.

More facts:

  • Drinking milk increases the risk of uterine cancer, but also reduces the risk of anal cancer, which is much more common.
  • Currently, there is no evidence of an association between milk consumption and type 1 diabetes.
  • Approximately 70% of the population has some degree of lactose intolerance. For those who drink milk, this can be a problem, but there are always lactose-reduced options. In addition, cheese and yogurt contain much less lactose, so they are usually not a problem.

Milk and bones

Easterners have a much lower incidence of osteoporosis than Westerners, even though they consume less dairy products. The Nurses Health Study found that women who drink more than two glasses of milk a day are more likely to break bones.

But! Asians have vastly different overall diets and lifestyles, and the results from the Nurses Health Study may well just be a reflection of the number of women who are aware of the risk of fracture and are trying to compensate (just too little, too late).

Milk and weight loss

The once-promising study that showed three meals a day of dairy products to reduce weight has not been confirmed. Another independent study showed virtually no effect of daily milk intake on fat loss. In general, and not surprising, given who was initially beneficial result "milk reduces weight."

Pasteurized or natural milk?

Proponents of pasteurization insist that it is a necessary process to kill harmful bacteria, with little effect on nutritional value and flavor.

Opponents of pasteurization are convinced that the same process that kills bacteria also destroys vitamins, minerals and enzymes that are vital to our health. What's more, they point out that bacterial infections from unprocessed milk are very rare, so they hardly deserve the status of a global problem.

How to understand all this is milk useful?

Drawing conclusions from all of the above is a very subjective matter, but we can summarize the following:

No one has proven that milk is really as healthy as it is promoted by broadcast advertising campaigns. A healthy diet most likely does not depend on the presence of milk in it.

  • Nor can milk be the root of all evil, as the Society for the Ethical Treatment of Animals claims. All other things being equal, eating 1-3 times a day of dairy products is probably enough to meet your vitamin/mineral requirement, but not enough to start worrying about harmful effects.
  • Milk and other dairy products are probably the best way to get adequate calcium, although they are not the only way. We also recommend fortifying dairy products with vitamin D, which allows the bones to absorb this calcium.
  • Don't expect a glass of milk, a cup of yogurt, or a slice of cheese to help you lose weight.
  • I don't think pasteurizing milk is as problematic as anti-pasteurizers make it out to be, but the opposite is also true. The risk of bacterial infection from consuming raw milk seems to be low enough, but the potential consequences are severe enough to be ignored. If you're going to be consuming raw milk, it's important to know what conditions the animals are kept in, how hygienic they are, and how products are tested at your supplier. Whether you drink live milk or dead milk, it is unlikely to have a significant impact on your health if you consume it in moderation.

During laboratory experiments, it turned out that soy milk negatively affects the bacteria that live in a person's mouth. When they consume this milk, they release six times more acid than if they were fed cow's milk. As a result, a person's teeth are destroyed much faster and may fall out altogether.

According to Professor William Bowen from the University of Rochester, the study was conducted in the laboratory, so it is too early to draw final conclusions, for this you need to continue experiments. According to him, if you drink a glass of soy milk a day, it is unlikely to harm your teeth in any way. But if, for example, you regularly feed your baby with soy milk, the risk will increase significantly. Bowen added that cow's milk is perfectly safe, no matter how much you drink it.

Soy milk, remember, is made from soybeans. In terms of nutritional value, it is compared with cow's, as it contains approximately the same amount of protein. However, soy milk has less fat, and besides, it has little calcium, so many manufacturers add this substance in addition. However, soy milk does not contain cholesterol.

In Soviet times, children were specially taken to their grandmother in the village for the summer, so that they drank cow's milk. Nowadays, everyone knows that there is a lot of calcium in milk and it is necessary to drink it so that the bones are strong. And it turns out that everything is different: for those who drink a lot of milk, the bones are weaker, and life is shorter. This truly shocking discovery by Swedish scientists is hard to believe.

Mistake came out

But it is just as difficult to doubt its truth. Scientists observed more than a hundred thousand people who consumed milk - 61 thousand women and 45 thousand men. Over 20 years of observation of women, 15.5 thousand of them died, and 17 thousand had bone fractures. Men were observed for about 11 years, and during this time more than 10 thousand died, and 5 thousand had fractures.

And now the most amazing thing. Among women who drank at least 3 glasses of milk a day, fractures occurred almost twice (1.93 times) more often! Scientists calculated that each glass of milk increased the risk of death by about 15% in women and by 3% in men.

It is no coincidence that milk was recommended for strengthening bones. It contains a lot of not only calcium, but also phosphorus and vitamin D - they all work in unison, strengthening the strength of bone tissue. But what then reduces all these advantages to nothing? According to scientists, this substance is galactose. Sugar, which has recently been considered one of the most harmful. Even not a very large amount of galactose in the experiment causes accelerated aging of the body and brain in animals and their early death.

With galactosemia (there is such a congenital disease in which the amount of this sugar in the blood increases), children already develop brain damage, such an senile disease as cataracts (clouding of the lens), and osteoporosis - bone weakness. There are many studies showing that an excess of galactose-rich foods seriously increases the risk of ovarian cancer in women.

How scary is life?

Most galactose in milk: a glass contains about 5 g, about one teaspoon. Where does it come from, because we know that it has a completely different sugar - lactose (it is called milk sugar)? The fact is that lactose in the intestine breaks down into glucose and galactose. There are many more foods that contain this harmful sugar, but they contain much less of it than milk (see infographic).

AiF infographic How to live without milk, because there are so many useful and important things in it? Very simple. Instead of milk, use dairy products, especially fermented milk. Everything useful remains in them, and the harmful ... for the most part disappears. During fermentation, bacteria destroy most of the galactose, and glucose too. Upon receipt of cottage cheese and cheeses, these sugars “float away” with whey. So dairy is a class, and milk itself is better to be recycled.

Victor Konyshev, MD, well-known nutritionist:

The debate about the benefits of milk in protecting against fractures is not new. The main debate is whether it is necessary to drink enough milk at any age or only in youth - during the period of bone formation. But the conclusion of researchers about the negative effect of galactose presents this problem in a new perspective and, undoubtedly, will cause discussions among specialists about whether the adverse effect of milk is caused by galactose itself. In any case, you can advise people to consume lactic acid products. They differ from milk not only in their lower galactose content: they contain bacteria and lactic acid that improve intestinal flora, and this, in turn, can positively affect metabolism, antioxidant status, and longevity (remember the advice I. I. Mechnikova consume Bulgarian yogurt daily). It is argued that even the tendency to obesity depends on intestinal bacteria. By the way, galactose itself is part of the structures of the brain and other organs. Because of the high content in the brain, it was even called cerebrosa, from the Latin word "cerebrum" - the brain.

Milk ... We all remember the words " drink milk children - you will be healthy... "But, is it really so? Or are all those terrible stories about milk, which is absolutely not useful and not absorbed by the human body - all the same true? Today, dear reader, we will talk about milk and try to decide whether to give it to our children and whether we should drink it ourselves ...

Milk and harm

The famous American scientist and physician D. Wallace wrote the following words in his book:

“The experience of many centuries has proven that it is cow's milk that is the cause of colds, influenza, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, hay fever, rheumatism and even tuberculosis ...”

Milk, oddly enough, is one of the strongest allergens and the explanation for this may lie in the fact that animal milk was never originally intended for human consumption. In addition, as in newborn representatives of the fauna, so in children in the body there are special enzymes that can break down milk. As the body matures (or ages), these enzymes are produced less and less and the body is no longer able to absorb dairy products. The ecological situation of the environment also influences. What do modern cows eat? Just imagine what a bouquet of harmful components, along with grass and hay, enters the cow's body, from there into milk, and then into our dairy diet. And then we are still surprised by the disease that came out of nowhere. That's why Any treatment for allergic diseases begins with the complete exclusion of dairy products. and the milk itself from the diet of an allergic person. And that's why the older a person gets, the less milk he should consume.

Cow's milk, like human milk, contains a special substance casein, but in cow's milk it is three hundred times more. What's the trouble? And the fact that the casein substance, like glue, covers the mucous membranes of the small and large intestines, preventing the absorption of beneficial nutrients and the normal functioning of the body. In order to more clearly understand what substance we are dealing with when we consume cow's milk, it will suffice to have examples of the fact that combs are made from casein in the industry, and even the strongest and most reliable carpentry glue. All the same casein can cause a constant feeling of hunger, which later results in extra pounds and overweight. Why? Yes, because our intestines, which are simply coated with casein, if we love milk, cannot get the necessary nutrients from the portion of food that we usually eat. Therefore, for the usual set of nutritional energy for the body, a double or even triple portion of food is required. The words that milk brings health to the body is nothing more than one of the myths. Since when using a milk diet, the healing effect does not give milk at all, but the absence of other products in the diet. Pasteurized milk can cause constipation. And folk healers and sorcerers do not accidentally argue that for any disease, it is better to exclude milk from the diet, since it has a harmful effect on blood vessels and joints. The same applies to people suffering from diseases of the stomach and intestines - a feeling of heaviness and discomfort, bloating, pain - these are the consequences after a cup of fresh milk at night ..

Add to all this the high cholesterol content in fatty dairy products and the slagging of your already unhealthy body will be provided to you.

If with adults and with the benefits (or rather, harm) of cow's milk for them, everything is more or less clear, then what about the children? Studies by Finnish scientists have shocked the public, as infant formula based on cow's milk can become an impetus for diabetes in a child's body. Here's your benefit! In addition, the theory that milk is a source of calcium has given a significant crack. Our body needs much less calcium for health than previously mentioned, and that amount, with the least harm to our health, we can get from vegetables and legumes, and not from milk.

After the foregoing, there are quite strong doubts as to whether it is worth drinking milk ...

Milk and benefits

In order to be extremely objective and justify the name “Milk. Helpful or harmful? We will also consider the arguments in favor of milk ... Milk has always been used. And what to feed and drink a child if not milk? How to replace it in the diet? The question remains open. And if adults can somehow adapt, then with children who simply need milk, the situation is much more complicated.

Milk in certain cases was even used as a medicine for the body. The well-known academician Pavlov prescribed it for gastric diseases, Professor Botkin for diseases of the kidneys and liver, and Hippocrates managed to treat tuberculosis with it. One and a half liters of milk contains a daily supply of energy for a person.

Milk is the truth in the middle

More loyal scientists and researchers, in an effort to please everyone, put forward the theory that milk is useful, and sometimes harmful, but it depends ... on the time of day (!!!) and the amount of milk drunk. They argue that you can and should drink milk either early in the morning or late in the evening. And the amount of milk drunk is determined by the individual characteristics of the body.

We have considered impartially all three positions about milk, its benefits and harms. Which position you prefer is up to you... However, now you know everything about milk!

Many people stop drinking milk when they are out of childhood. There is even a statement by Western scientists that milk is contraindicated for an adult organism. On the other hand, in the USSR, hazardous industries provided milk to restore health. Is it good or bad for adults to drink milk?

“What is good for a Russian is death for a German”

Western scientists, on the basis of ongoing research, have come to the conclusion that it is harmful for an adult to drink whole milk. “After all, among mammals, to which humans also belong,” they confirm their conclusions, “only cubs consume milk up to a certain stage of growing up.” Indeed, based on the data obtained by these scientists, it was found that the adult population of Southern Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America does not tolerate milk well. Their body does not absorb milk sugar - lactose. As a result, people have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, the older the person, the more severe the consequences. Bloating, colic, diarrhea - these are the most harmless consequences that such a person can experience after drinking milk. It may also be contraindicated for allergy sufferers.

However, for the majority of residents of Russia and the Nordic countries, such problems do not arise. Lactose is perfectly digested in both children and adults. This is due to the genetic level - this is how we evolved. Features of the assimilation of certain types of products by the body, depending on the race, are widely known, and this must be taken into account when visiting exotic countries. For us, local fruits, vegetables and berries, commonly used among the native population, as well as some types of animal food, may turn out to be harmful and even life-threatening.

Which milk is healthier

Which milk is healthier: cow's or goat's, natural homemade or in bags from the store? Of course homemade, because it is not in vain that it is natural. Fresh milk contains a lot of various vitamins and microelements that are lost during heat treatment. On the other hand, due to insufficiently sterile storage conditions, a wide variety of microbes, including pathogens, live, develop and multiply rapidly in homemade milk. Therefore, it is better to boil homemade milk. And milk from the store, although pasteurized and sterilized, still remains a healthy product, rich in proteins, calcium and other trace elements. Goat's milk differs from cow's in the composition of proteins and fats. It is richer in calcium, but it has less iron and folic acid. Due to the predisposition of goats to brucellosis, goat's milk should certainly be boiled.

When drinking milk, remember that it is not a drink, it is food. It is better to drink it on an empty stomach, as a snack with sweet fruits and berries or nuts.

Is milk good or bad?

Angelina Zhernosek

In general, it has a lot of vitamins. But if the milk is high in fat, then there are more calories in it and there is a danger of getting fat. Therefore, I buy low-fat milk, since I myself drink it every day.


Cow's milk is harmless, but you can't call it the most useful product either. Normal, for those who do not have lactose intolerance (as a result - diarrhea). There is much more calcium in cottage cheese than in milk, skim milk does not bring any benefit at all.

* Raw Shka * Polly *

It is useless for an adult organism. And calcium and phosphorus, because of which it is mainly recommended to drink milk, can be obtained with fresh dill, parsley, celery, beans, peas, cabbage, honey.

Natalya Korneeva

Milk makes us more alert, active and healthier.
While by and large a truly health drink, milk can still put some people in a hospital bed. Moreover, the specific negative impact of this product on an adult is stronger than on a child. The most dangerous manifestations are associated with an allergy to the protein contained in milk.
Protein allergy is not the only “weakness” of milk. About 10 million people in the country are intolerant of milk sugar (lactose). In the body, lactose is broken down by the enzyme lactase. With its deficiency, a portion of drunk milk almost inevitably leads to an upset stomach or intestines. Individual reaction to lactose can be determined by special medical tests. If the result is positive, then consultations with specialists about the diet are needed. The risk factor in this case is not only milk or dairy products: lactose is also found in many other food items that, it would seem, are not related to milk.
But be that as it may, the call to completely abandon milk is too radical and even more harmful. The overall benefits of milk cannot be discounted. According to the calculations of the Federal Office for Healthy Nutrition and Food (BfEL), the body of an adult should receive 1200 mg of calcium daily. The main source of calcium is milk and dairy products. Moreover, they contain vitamins A and B, which transport calcium into the cells. Milk is also useful for the prevention of common diseases such as osteoporosis and hypertension. Milk is a good way to prevent myocardial infarction.

Zimina Ekaterina

So, about milk. In nature, everything is arranged very wisely, no species of wild animals feeds on the milk of another species. Because on this planet, the milk of each species of living beings is intended for that particular species and for feeding the young.
Man is no exception to this rule. After 3 years, the human body loses the ability to fully absorb any kind of milk.
Scientists have found that four out of five people are allergic to the main protein found in all dairy products, the so-called "casein". This protein is used in the body of animals to form horns, hair and hooves. You need it? :)
Due to dairy products, a large amount of mucus is produced in the human body, which affects digestion, as mucus coats the stomach and intestines and hardens.
Due to this, a barrier is formed through which nutrients cannot be absorbed into the intestinal wall. Mucus also accumulates in the lungs and causes many respiratory problems, including bronchitis and asthma. Dairy products contain a large amount of fat, and this is reflected in our cardiovascular system.

Is milk good or bad? some write useful, others harmful, whom to listen to?

Alexey Avdeev

useful, but there are doubts about fresh milk. to have it, you need to make sure that the cow from which this milk comes from is kept in good conditions and that she is not sick

Lika Mikhey

Unverified harm. It is believed that people over 30 should avoid milk. Allegedly, with age, the human body loses the ability to break down milk sugar (lactose). Therefore, drinking a glass of milk, you risk getting an upset stomach. Indeed, in some people, milk can cause flatulence, bloating and pain in the stomach, diarrhea. However, lactose intolerance is a genetic trait that has nothing to do with age. So, those who drank milk with pleasure in childhood should not give up their favorite drink over the years. But even if milk is contraindicated for you, do not exclude dairy products from your diet - you can drink kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, eat cottage cheese and cheese without any health risk. Scientists from New Zealand have developed a theory according to which casein (one of the proteins found in milk) negatively affects the walls of arteries. But this hypothesis has not received any confirmation. Domestic doctors and nutritionists, on the contrary, believe that people with heart and vascular diseases should often include dairy products in their diet. The fact is that milk is rich in potassium, and this trace element strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves heart function. In addition, milk can lower blood pressure, and therefore hypertensive patients are advised to eat as much dairy products as possible.
Real benefit. Milk is still given to those who work in hazardous industries. Modern experts believe that in order to remove harmful substances from the body, you just need to drink as much liquid as possible. And which one - milk, mineral water, fruit drink or tea, is not so important. As you can see, for those who do not suffer from milk sugar intolerance, there is no reason to refuse milk. After all, avoiding this drink, you deprive your body of many useful substances.
The main advantage of milk is that this product is a wonderful supplier of calcium and phosphorus, without which it is impossible to keep bones and teeth strong. In addition, calcium and phosphorus are involved in the construction of brain cells and contribute to the smooth functioning of the nervous system. As for vitamins, here milk also has something to brag about - it promotes the synthesis of B vitamins (which fight stress, relieve fatigue, eliminate depression, relieve dandruff and acne), contains vitamin A (necessary for vision and skin health), vitamin D (needed to absorb calcium and phosphorus and keep bones in good condition) and folic acid (an essential vitamin for pregnant women and those who want to have a healthy complexion and keep muscles in good shape). Due to its unique composition, in some cases, milk can even replace medicines. For example, if you have a headache, do not rush to swallow the pills. Drink a glass of warm milk. Substances contained in milk reduce pain sensitivity and reduce spasms.

Milk: harmful or beneficial?

Daria Yastrebova

Now more and more people began to wonder whether it is harmful for adults to drink milk at all? News feeds are full of reports about fresh "anti-dairy" discoveries of foreign scientists. For example, one New Zealand Aesculapius allegedly discovered the detrimental effect of milk on the heart. He blamed the A1 casein protein contained in milk, which, they say, is capable of causing damage to the walls of the arteries. And some European scientists, according to the same news agencies, generally stated that children who regularly drink milk increase the risk of diabetes in the future. An expert from the Russian Institute of Nutrition disagrees with these conclusions:
“You should not trust such information from the Internet, especially if the message does not indicate the institution where this or that mentioned scientist works. Milk cannot be harmful. Even Avicenna called dairy products the best food for people. Botkin is a precious remedy in the treatment of diseases of the heart and kidneys. But these are people who have earned world prestige. Although, speaking of milk in this way, they meant, of course, not modern powdered milk, which can be stored for months, but fresh, from under a goat or a cow ...
“Adults do not need to drink milk - it is absorbed only by a child” - this opinion, so widespread among the people, turns out to be also a myth. And even to explain where it came from, domestic nutrition experts are now at a loss.
"This is absurd," says Gurvich. “Don't repeat any nonsense. An adult person perfectly absorbs milk, unless he has a lack of the lactase enzyme. But even in this case, he can perfectly absorb, for example, kefir. And as for the fact that some peoples digest milk better, while others (for example, Indian tribes) worse or do not digest at all, in fact, no one has conducted serious research.
But isn't it harmful for an adult to drink a lot of milk?
“The concept of “norm” is often used, for example, in preschool institutions. But there it is more determined by the amount of money that is allocated to children, and not by the effect of milk on their body. It's like talking about the norm of red caviar: for someone to eat five eggs is already happiness, and for another who has such an opportunity, three spoons are needed.
Is milk good?
By the way, people get fat not from milk, but from the fat contained in it. Therefore, the opinion that milk is contraindicated for overweight people is also wrong. In our clinic, dairy products are even included in weight loss programs. Just for a person who is prone to fullness, it is better to choose milk with a low percentage of fat content - 1-1.5%, and not 5-6%. And then you can drink it in large quantities.
Beware of milk foam!
But a completely different matter is food allergies and individual intolerance (by the way, it is not associated with immunity).
Such intolerance to milk may be due to insufficient activity or even the absence in the body of the notorious lactase, which breaks down milk sugar. Its increased fermentation leads to gastrointestinal disorders. The second reason may be the increased sensitivity of the body to milk proteins.

Derevyanko Sergey

The position of Ayurveda (this is where milk is best studied) is as follows in brief:
1. During the day, milk is HARMFUL!
2. Milk doesn't go well with anything.
3. Milk is a lunar product and therefore it is digested and assimilated only at NIGHT.
4. BUT if you cook cereal porridge in milk, then it becomes AMRITA - (translated - the elixir of immortality)
5. Fermented milk products are perfectly digested during the day.
6. For every dairy product, there is also an ideal time to consume.
7 Children under 5 can drink milk whenever they want and as much as they want.
8. But you MUST drink milk! Because only COW'S milk is the ONLY product that develops the finest structures of the brain that are responsible for MIND,
9, Because cow's milk is a product in goodness, it is the only non-violent product. Cow's milk is the concentrated love of a cow for a calf, and a cow has such a psychology that she considers everyone who drinks her milk to be her children.
10 Goat's milk can also be drunk during the day - this is a slightly different product (more in passion).
11 Shop milk is a substance similar to milk, from creatures similar to cows, or in general from some kind of alibaster.

Is milk harmful for an adult - myths and reality

Some say that drinking milk is unnatural for a person. Others talk about the uselessness of milk. Still others say: milk is generally dangerous for life, because it causes heart disease ... Others, on the contrary, assure that without milk a person will simply die.

No, it's not about beer and not about smoking. So many conflicting myths among the people cause ... ordinary milk. So what does this product actually give an adult: harm or benefit? And how much should you drink? Mikhail Gurvich, a doctor at the therapeutic nutrition clinic, a researcher at the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, told about this to MK-Sunday.

Dairy diet

Now more and more people began to wonder whether it is harmful for adults to drink milk at all? News feeds are full of reports about fresh "anti-dairy" discoveries of foreign scientists. For example, one New Zealand Aesculapius allegedly discovered the detrimental effect of milk on the heart. He blamed the A1 casein protein contained in milk, which, they say, is capable of causing damage to the walls of the arteries. And some European scientists, according to the same news agencies, generally stated that children who regularly drink milk increase the risk of diabetes in the future. An expert from the Russian Institute of Nutrition disagrees with these conclusions:

  • You should not trust such information from the Internet, - says Mikhail Gurvich, - especially if the message does not indicate the institute where this or that scientist works. Milk cannot be harmful. Even Avicenna called dairy products the best food for people. Botkin is a precious remedy in the treatment of diseases of the heart and kidneys. But these are people who have earned world prestige. Although, speaking of milk in this way, they meant, of course, not modern powdered milk, which can be stored for months, but fresh, from under a goat or a cow ...
    “Adults do not need to drink milk - it is absorbed only by a child,” - this opinion, which is so widespread among the people, turns out to be also a myth. And even to explain where it came from, domestic nutrition experts are now at a loss.
  • This is absurd, says Gurvich. - Do not repeat any nonsense. An adult person perfectly absorbs milk, unless he has a lack of the lactase enzyme. But even in this case, he can perfectly absorb, for example, kefir. And as for the fact that some peoples digest milk better, while others (for example, Indian tribes) worse or do not digest at all, in fact, no one has conducted serious research.
  • But isn't it harmful for an adult to drink a lot of milk?
  • The concept of “norm” is often used, for example, in preschool institutions. But there it is more determined by the amount of money that is allocated to children, and not by the effect of milk on their body. It's like talking about the norm of red caviar: for someone to eat five eggs is already happiness, and for another who has such an opportunity, three spoons are needed.

By the way, people get fat not from milk, but from the fat contained in it. Therefore, the opinion that milk is contraindicated for overweight people is also not true. In our clinic, dairy products are even included in weight loss programs. Just for a person who is prone to fullness, it is better to choose milk with a low percentage of fat content - 1-1.5%, and not 5-6%. And then you can drink it in large quantities.

Beware of milk foam!

But a completely different matter is food allergies and individual intolerance (by the way, it is not associated with immunity).

Such intolerance to milk may be due to insufficient activity or even the absence in the body of the notorious lactase, which breaks down milk sugar. Its increased fermentation leads to gastrointestinal disorders. The second reason may be the increased sensitivity of the body to milk proteins.

But after all, if one out of a hundred people becomes ill from apples, this does not mean that apples are harmful, says Gurvich.

The manifestations of a food allergy to milk are very different. The most frequent and characteristic are heartburn, bloating, vomiting, flatulence.

In practice, by the way, there were even cases when a person could easily drink milk itself, but from the foam he became ill. A symptom of such an allergy can be nausea, itching of the skin or hives (!). The fact is that in its chemical composition, the foam is somewhat different from milk, although it contains a large amount of substances useful to humans ...

By the way, doctors sometimes advise parents whose children do not like milk foam to stir milk when boiling, and cool it quickly when serving, thus preventing foam from forming on the surface of the cooled milk. This is also recommended for adults.

In general, for those who do not tolerate milk well, experts in clinical nutrition recommend several ways out. Add it to tea or coffee, or simply limit yourself to milk derivatives - kefir, cheese, cottage cheese ...

Milk as a remedy for edema

But nutritionists do not doubt whether milk brings real benefits.

Milk is a weak causative agent of gastric secretion, so it is very useful for those who need a sparing diet - patients with ulcers and gastritis with high acidity, - lists the expert of the Research Institute of Nutrition. - There is a lot of potassium in milk, which means that it is also necessary for those who suffer from osteoporosis. And since milk enhances the excretion of fluid from the body, it is often recommended to drink it with edema. In addition, it helps with atherosclerosis, as well as chronic diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

Doctors have established another important fact: milk reduces blood pressure in hypertensive patients.

Refuting the hypothesis of the same New Zealand scientist who linked milk with diseases of the cardiovascular system, Gurvich notes:
- In case of heart disease, doctors, on the contrary, recommend dairy products. This is exactly what the patient needs in such a situation: milk plus vegetables and fruits ...

On the contrary, for a long time it was believed that milk helps to avoid many occupational diseases in the so-called harmful enterprises, for which, as you know, it is given to employees. So, about 10-15 years ago, scientists had a new hypothesis: milk does not particularly neutralize harmful chemicals. And it is necessary to issue it to employees of enterprises simply as a general tonic. With the same success, workers, for example, can be given juice or fruit drink. And until now, opinions about whether it is necessary to give milk “for harmfulness” differ among scientists.

If the effect of milk on physical health is obvious, then its effect on the psyche or just the mood of a person is not yet clear.
“Doctors do sometimes recommend milk to patients at night, but only because it calms the stomach and intestines,” says Gurvich.
- However, there are cases when it helped with insomnia.

Wash down herring with milk?

Other disputes around milk - what they can drink and what not. Of course, it is not customary to drink salty and spicy (for example, herring or canned cucumbers) with milk, but in fact, according to Gurvich, there are no strict restrictions here. Everyone should look at their individual reaction.

Moreover, good milk, especially if it is fresh, just from under the cow, even neutralizes the action of spicy marinades in the body. So such an experiment can, on the contrary, be beneficial.

And by the way, milk is useful and well absorbed not only in its original form, but also in the composition of cereals and milk soups.

Well, what about those who suffer from the notorious allergy to milk or simply cannot stand it? Is it possible to live without milk and still feel fine?

Of course, experts say. Its derivatives are also quite suitable - cottage cheese, cheese ... And even if for some reason you do not consume dairy products at all, in extreme cases there are fish and meat. After all, the most important thing that the body receives from milk is animal protein.

So to decide whether to drink or not to drink, everyone should for himself. The main thing is to listen not to impostors from nutrition, but to authoritative specialists. Well, to the sounds of your intestines, of course.

Milk for adults - harmful or beneficial?


It all depends on whether you use it regularly. The fact is that over time, the enzyme that breaks down lactose ceases to be produced in the body. (hence the advice to drink sour-milk products - there is no lactose) Accordingly, milk is not digested, problems with digestion arise. But - if you drink regularly, then to your health! It is easily digested, good for the stomach, calcium and vitamins have not been canceled. And one more thing - my father, he is 50, still drinks at least a liter of milk a day and feels great))


After 40 years, milk is definitely harmful. The body of an elderly person is not adapted for the efficient digestion of this "children's" food. But dairy products are useful at any age.


In general, milk is useful, because it contains calcium, BUT it also contains phosphorus, which is not good. And you need to drink it, or rather, you can drink a lot, only if you use calcium from other products.

Is it bad to drink milk?

Olga Dmitrieva

yes, someone says it's not useful. and there is some truth in this, because milk is for children. adults don't need it anymore. , of course, the devil is not as terrible as he is painted, but still ... some of the peoples who do not drink milk for adults say that they are healthier, like


Yes, it doesn't look bad!! !
Milk is a rather controversial product. It is well known that it is not advisable for people over thirty years of age to drink it, as it can cause indigestion. This question is serious, because many people drink milk all their lives, considering it a product that can replace drugs. It is worth understanding what the harm and benefits of milk are. If milk is considered a harmful product from a certain age, then why is it offered to be consumed free of charge by people working in "harmful industries"?
Many people know that milk contains a large amount of calcium, phosphorus and other exceptionally useful substances that are actively involved in the construction of brain cells, contribute to the normalization of the functioning of the human nervous system. Vitamins of group B included in milk relieve fatigue, have a positive effect on depression, perfectly renew the skin, help improve hair structure, and relieve dandruff. Vitamin A is essential for maintaining good vision. Vitamin D is a companion for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
Considering the issue of harm and benefit of milk, it is worth noting that there are people who have an individual intolerance to milk. They, of course, need to replace the consumption of milk with sour-milk products, the choice of which is simply huge. Many lovers and connoisseurs of milk confidently assert that a glass of warm milk perfectly relieves a headache, you can even do without taking pills.
There is sterilized and pasteurized milk. When discussing the dangers and benefits of milk, it is necessary to take into account these processed types of milk, which have undergone thorough heat treatment to significantly increase the shelf life of the product. During sterilization, milk is heated to 135 °, then abruptly cooled. Such a process leads to the death of a large number of bacteria, sometimes extremely necessary for the human body, and most of the vitamins are preserved. Hermetically sealed milk can be stored for six months. Pasteurized milk is considered healthier. The heating of the main product occurs up to 70 °, while all bacteria and vitamins are preserved. But the shelf life of such milk is much shorter, only one and a half days.
When buying milk, it is necessary to take into account its percentage of fat content. It is generally not recommended to drink high-fat milk, due to its extreme calorie content and the ability to significantly increase cholesterol levels. If we consider the issue of harm and benefit of powdered milk, then there are practically no useful substances in it at all.
There is such a variety of milk as homogenized. This concept can be deciphered as homogeneous. In such milk, fat is broken down into tiny particles, distributed throughout the volume of milk, and is not collected in the form of cream. Previously, it was believed that in the process of homogenization, milk, penetrating into the intestine, damages blood vessels, which leads to atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases. Modern scientists have refuted this erroneous theory by scientifically proving the high rates of homogenized milk.
In general, milk is a fairly healthy product for people of any age. The low fat content of milk is recommended for people suffering from obesity, it is useful for them to consume whey. Milk is a wonderful diuretic that absolutely does not irritate the kidneys, does not cause swelling. Also, it should be noted that the enzymes in the body of small children help milk to be perfectly absorbed. Adults produce these enzymes in smaller quantities, which means that it is much more difficult for an adult to digest milk.
Each person must decide for himself the question of the harm and benefit of milk, what it brings to him. The individual perception of this wonderful product lies entirely with you. If your body does not want to take it, give it up, if not, then drink it all your life.


Milk - Of course, it’s good, but only if the milk is REAL, and not artificial or generally soy - but it happens - under the label (DRINKING). If bitter belching occurs after taking milk, do not drink this milk forged and do not give such milk to children.


Everywhere you need to know the measure.
What is being sold in the store now can be said not to be useful, but on the contrary, it is harmful to health chemical with antibiotics and ultra-pasteurized milk there is identical to natural.

rainbow rainbow

it is useful if there is no allergy to milk protein

The only downside is that some people have lactose intolerance = lactase deficiency (m. b. primary, secondary, or may simply accompany certain diseases)
... in short, diarrhea and / or severe flatulence after milk happens ...

There are lactose-free and low-lactose milk (as well as cottage cheese, cheeses, yogurts, etc.) from Valio

Many people cannot drink only milk, and fermented milk products are normally digested,
but sometimes even sour milk is not perceived by some ...
..for them, they came up with products where lactose is split into glucose and galactose

The same Valio has lactose-free and low-lactose milk with the HYLA badge

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