Mukaltin - official instructions for use (in the form of tablets), aspects of taking the drug, a brief review of reviews. "Mukaltin" or "Cough Tablets" - which is better? Instructions for use, reviews

What is mukaltin and to whom is it prescribed? This is a fairly common inexpensive medicine, which is an extract of the herb. Marshmallow officinalis. It is prescribed in most cases for dry cough to relieve cough and improve expectoration. The active substance has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also has an enveloping effect and the effect of active stimulation of the bronchial glands. As a result of stimulation, the glands produce more fluid, sputum is coughed up with less effort. Mukaltin is produced in tablets of gray-brown color with inclusions, convex on both sides and a transverse chamfer applied to them.

When to take Mukaltin tablets

Among the indications for taking mukaltin is a wide range of diseases lower respiratory tract, along with which the patient has a so-called dry cough and sputum is separated with great difficulty. It is important to remember that mukaltin is not able to eliminate the cough, it can only make it more "productive", facilitate the process of sputum separation, stimulate the bronchial glands, and relieve inflammation. Take mukaltin for adults in tablets for diseases upper respiratory tract is inappropriate and will not bring the desired result.

Each tablet of mukaltin weighs 300 mg, of which 50 mg is the weight of the active substance (marshmallow extract), and the rest are excipients: calcium stearate, sodium bicarbonate, tartaric acid.

Indications for the use of mukaltin tablets for adults:

- bronchiectasis;
- pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs);
- inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi (tracheobronchitis);
- bronchial asthma;
- obstructive bronchitis;
- emphysema;
- pneumoconiosis;
- other acute and chronic diseases accompanied by a dry difficult cough.

How to take mukaltin tablets for adults and children. Dosage, method of application

According to the manufacturer's instructions and clarification, adults should take mukaltin tablets 30-60 minutes before meals with a dosage of 1-2 tablets(50-100 mg of active substance) depending on the degree of dryness of the cough and the difficulty of expectorating sputum. The average daily number of doses of the drug - 3-4 doses per day.

- children over 12 years old must take the drug at the dosage suggested for an adult,
- children under 12- 1 tablet every 4 hours in the amount of 3 times a day,
- children from 1 year to 3 years- 0.5-1 tablet every 4 hours in the amount of 3 times a day,
- children under 1 year old- 0.5 tablets every 4 hours in the amount of 3 times a day

Mukaltin, use during pregnancy

Taking the drug is possible only on the advice of a doctor. In the recommendation for use, manufacturers do not give a negative answer to the question - is it possible to use mukaltin during pregnancy, however, they note that in the first trimester, the intake should be careful and always under the supervision of a doctor.

During the observation period, rare cases of allergic reactions to mukaltin were noted, which is completely unacceptable during pregnancy. At the same time, in the entire history of observations, not a single case of an overdose of mukaltin and associated side effects has been identified, which suggests that allergic reactions to the active substance (marshmallow extract, calcium stearate, tartaric acid) are caused by the individual characteristics of the human body.

Cough occurs periodically in all people, regardless of gender and age. To eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon, many people go to the pharmacy and buy expensive medicines there, believing that the more expensive the medicine, the faster it will cure the cough. Meanwhile, you can get by with budget medicines that have been tested by time. These medicines include Mukaltin and cheap cough tablets. These drugs contain natural ingredients, so side effects are very rare.. So which is better - Cough tablets or Mukaltin?

General characteristics of drugs

Cough is considered a reflex manifestation that occurs as a protective reaction to the penetration of various irritants into the respiratory organs. These can be allergens, dust, bacteria and viruses. In many cases, antibiotics are not needed to treat a cough. This unpleasant phenomenon is completely eliminated with the help of conventional expectorant drugs.


This drug is familiar to many of us since childhood. Mukaltin has a pronounced expectorant effect, it is used to facilitate expectoration of sputum in various diseases of the respiratory organs.

Mukaltin contains Althea extract. This medicinal plant has long been used to treat pathologies of the upper and lower respiratory tract..

Mukaltin tablets are brownish in color, interspersed. Each tablet is divided by a score, which facilitates the division of the drug. As part of Mukaltin, in addition to marshmallow extract, there are such substances:

  • aspartame and magnesium carbonate;
  • calcium stearate and baking soda;
  • wine acid.

Mukaltin is not intended for simultaneous use with antitussive drugs. It liquefies viscous sputum, which should be free to leave the respiratory system. Codeine and other drugs reduce coughing attacks, due to which stringy sputum accumulates in the body. This can lead to bronchitis and pneumonia.

Mukaltin can be prescribed for any type of cough. The main indications for the use of this remedy are such diseases:

  • acute bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma, in the acute stage;
  • tuberculosis, which is accompanied by a strong cough;
  • colds that occur with a cough.

As part of complex treatment, Mukaltin can be prescribed for whooping cough, laryngitis, pharyngitis and influenza. The doctor always determines the dosage and continuation of treatment individually.

Despite the relative safety of Mukaltin, you can take it only as directed by a doctor!

Cough pills

Cough pills are small, brownish in color. They have a characteristic sour taste of soda, the smell is almost not noticeable. The pharmacological action of this drug is due to the unique composition. The tablets contain:

  • thermopsis lanceolate;
  • sodium bicarbonate.

In addition to these two components, there is nothing else in the composition, so the drug is considered natural. The indication for the use of this drug is acute bronchitis. Cough tablets have a strong expectorant effect, therefore they are often prescribed for colds, which are accompanied by a strong cough.

The mechanism of action of the thermopsis herb is similar to the action of the marshmallow extract, which is included in Mukaltin. Thermopsis quickly liquefies thick sputum and facilitates its easy removal from the respiratory tract.

It is worth knowing that thermopsis can temporarily increase the cough, due to the excitation of the cough center. Due to this action, the patient quickly coughs up liquefied sputum.

The mechanism of action of drugs

Marshmallow herb has long been used to treat whooping cough and pneumonia. Most often, the roots of this plant are used for the preparation of medicines, but the other parts are no less useful.

The substances contained in the marshmallow stimulate the bronchi, due to this, the volume of sputum increases, but it becomes rarer and is easily coughed up. Mukaltin also contains auxiliary substances that enhance the effect of marshmallow and also contribute to liquefaction of sputum. As a result, sputum does not accumulate in the respiratory organs and does not provoke the development of the inflammatory process.

In addition to a good expectorant effect, Mukaltin also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.. The drug promotes the formation of a protective film on the surface of the bronchi.

If sputum is not coughed up, then pathogenic bacteria multiply rapidly in it and severe inflammatory processes begin.

Cough pills do not have an international name, in our country they are called that. This drug has a strong expectorant effect, so it is prescribed for bronchitis, pneumonia and a cold that occurs with a cough.

Doctors sometimes recommend taking Mukaltin and Cough Tablets together.. This helps to quickly make the cough productive and speeds up recovery. It must be understood that expectorants are completely incompatible with antitussives. In this case, the secretion of the bronchi increases, but the sputum does not go away, so congestion occurs.

Mukaltin and Cough Tablets do not cure cough, but only relieve it. Due to these drugs, a dry cough quickly turns into a wet one, and a wet one noticeably softens, in certain cases the drugs can be compatible.

How to use

Mukaltin tablets are recommended to dissolve in the mouth until completely dissolved.. It is permissible to crush the tablet with a rolling pin to a powder state, mix with a small amount of water in a tablespoon and drink. The dosage depends on the age of the patient:

  • Adults and teenagers may take 2 tablets up to 4 times daily.
  • Children from 12 years old are recommended to take 0.5 tablets, three times a day.
  • Children under 3 years of age are prescribed ½ tablet 3 times a day.

It is recommended to take Mukaltin an hour before a meal, but if discomfort in the stomach is felt during this intake, then you can drink the pills half an hour after a meal. The duration of treatment with Mukaltin can be from a week to two. It all depends on the degree of neglect of the disease and the age of the patient.

During treatment with Mukaltin, the patient should drink a lot. Due to this, sputum is rarefied and departs faster.

Mukaltin does not affect the reaction rate and attention, therefore, during treatment, it is permissible to drive a car and work with complex mechanisms.

Cough tablets are also prescribed in a dosage that depends on the age of the patient:

  • Adults drink 1-2 pills, 3 times a day.
  • Children from 12 years old should be given 0.5 tablets 3 times a day.

It is not recommended to prescribe cough tablets for very young children.. This is due to the fact that the composition contains an allergenic plant component. Treatment with such tablets should not exceed 3 days.

If the Cough Tablets and Mukaltin were prescribed to drink together, then the time interval between taking the two drugs should be at least half an hour.

Thermopsis, which is contained in Cough Tablets, can affect the reaction rate, so it is better to stop driving during the treatment.


Do not forget that Cough Tablets and Mukaltin have certain contraindications. The doctor must necessarily take into account the recommendations of the manufacturer when prescribing drugs.

The instructions for Mukaltin from different manufacturers contain different information regarding the age at which the medicine can be taken. For some, this is the age from 3 years, for others - from one year. Due to such inconsistent instructions, it is better to consult a doctor. Concerning treatment by this means.

Pregnant women should be treated with Mukaltin with great care. The plant component can provoke allergies, which is completely unsafe in the early stages.. Some doctors believe that marshmallow greatly increases the tone of the uterus, which can lead to early miscarriages and premature births.

You can not use the drug to treat infants and nursing mothers. In addition, the drug can not be used with a tendency to allergic reactions and with certain diseases of the digestive organs.

When treating with Mukaltin, there may be allergic reactions and dyspeptic disorders.

Cough tablets are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. It is not recommended to prescribe such pills to children under 12 years of age, as there is a high probability of side effects. You can not take such pills for people with certain diseases of the digestive tract, as well as for those who are hypersensitive to certain components of the medication.

If you choose between Mukaltin and cough tablets, then it is worth saying that the medicine based on marshmallow is more effective and also cheaper. In some cases, doctors prescribe the simultaneous use of these two drugs to enhance the expectorant effect. It is worth remembering that you can start taking any medication only as prescribed by a doctor. He must also control the entire process of treatment.

Pharmacists classify this drug as a secretolytic, recommended for cough relief. It can be taken if the doctor confirms that there are diseases of the lower respiratory tract.

The drug is produced in the form of a mass of gray-brown color, with inclusions of plant origin. The finished dense mass, formed in the form of a round tablet, is marked with a risk that allows you to get the necessary single dose for patients of any age.

When the drug is useful

If someone doubts whether it is possible to give Mukaltin with a dry cough, then the composition of this drug should be studied. The main active substance is marshmallow extract. The roots and rhizomes of this herb have traditionally been used to treat coughs that are painful and difficult to expectorate.

On a note! The beneficial properties of the drug are explained by the presence of essential oil, vitamins, mineral salts in the underground part of the plant.

They act on the organs of internal secretion, triggering biochemical processes that force the respiratory organs to actively cleanse themselves of pathogenic agents and mucus accumulated there.

To make the processes more active, sodium bicarbonate, tartaric acid and calcium stearate were added to the marshmallow extract. This composition allows you to stop doubting whether it is possible to take Mukaltin with a dry cough. Soda is traditionally added to dosage forms designed to increase sputum, stimulate its evacuation from the lungs. It helps the active ingredients to accelerate the production of secretions and thin the sputum.

Tartaric acid, when the tablet enters a humid environment, reacts with soda, and the finished form quickly dissolves upon contact with the liquid. So that this property of the drug cannot damage the mucous tissues of the stomach, it is recommended to dissolve a single dose in warm tea before using the medicine. The resulting solution should be drunk immediately after preparation. Calcium stearate is used to form a dense dosage form that allows you to keep all components intact.

Mukaltin tablets can be taken from a dry or wet cough, because the main active ingredient of plant origin gently affects the mechanisms that enhance the activity of the ciliated epithelium. Thanks to the action of polysaccharides present in the roots of marshmallow, the work of the bronchi improves, the inflammatory process is removed, and sputum production increases. This action allows the use of Mukaltin for dry cough for children and adults.

Mukaltin greatly facilitates the course of coughing. It is indicated if the secretory fluid is coughed up with great difficulty. With the help of this expectorant, which is of plant origin, all the processes that cause phlegm to come out are improved. The drug is good for diseases of the trachea, bronchi and lungs.

It is especially useful to give Mukaltin with a dry cough, the instruction for which recommends these tablets during irritation of the mucous tissues by opportunistic microflora. They are useful if an inflammatory process of the respiratory organs occurs during acute respiratory infections. The active substance in any disease of the respiratory system has an anti-inflammatory, expectorant and analgesic.

Mukaltin is ideal for the treatment of children who suffer from an allergic type of cough and often catch a cold. The drug removes the painful dry cough in babies and brings out the sputum accumulated in the bronchi. Herbal medicine is given to babies from two years old as prescribed by a pediatrician. It will be useful if a small patient needs a mild expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent.

Features of taking the drug for ARVI

The drug is prescribed for dry cough for the treatment of colds of the upper respiratory tract of viral etiology. The doctor may recommend Mukaltin tablets at the end of the course of complex treatment, which was carried out after a viral infection of the body. Mukaltin helps to remove residual effects after damage to the respiratory organs by pathogenic microflora.

Often after ARVI, 5 days after the onset of the disease, the second stage begins, indicating a complication. Dry cough in this case indicates that opportunistic microflora has joined the virus, and the process of damage to the internal respiratory organs has begun. Usually, doctors prescribe an antibiotic course of treatment to treat complications, and drugs that quickly remove symptoms. For the treatment of dry cough, modern synthetic drugs can be prescribed that cause sputum to actively separate. And in this case, it is better not to dispute the appointment of a doctor, because it is important to quickly and timely carry out the necessary treatment.

When the course of antibiotics is completed, and modern effective cough medicines have already ended, and the cough is still observed, the doctor may suggest drinking Mukaltin. A mild remedy of plant origin activates the discharge of sputum from the lungs, and this will completely get rid of pathogenic agents that may be in the secretory fluid for some time.

Preparations created on the extract of Marshmallow officinalis, in this case, are ideal for the final phase of treatment. They contain substances that stimulate the immune system, accelerating the healing process.

Reflex cough will be observed for several more days after the last dose of the drug, but then it will end, and the person will fully recover.

How to use the drug correctly

To get the effect of the finished product, the tablet should be dissolved in 150 ml of warm sweet tea. The resulting mixture is drunk half an hour before meals.

A large amount of fluid and active ingredients make it possible to improve the processes that allow active substances to be quickly absorbed from the intestine and affect the mechanisms of rejection of viscous sputum from the lungs and bronchi.

Dissolved Mukaltin with a dry cough begins to act very quickly, and numerous reviews confirm this. To prevent dry cough at night, it is recommended to take an evening single dose 2 hours before going to bed.

Important! If within 7 days the drug did not bring relief during self-treatment, you need to contact your local therapist to clarify the diagnosis.

Unproductive cough is a symptom of many diseases, and some of them should be treated only under medical supervision.

Daily and single doses are prescribed by the attending physician, because they depend on the weight and age of the patient. In some cases, the amount of medication that can be taken will be affected by various medical conditions in history.

Many use Mukaltin in complex treatment. To quickly translate an unproductive cough into a productive form, inhalations with saline or mineral water such as Borjomi are used. On the recommendation of a doctor, inhalations are done with Lazolvan or another drug. Mukaltin interacts with various active substances and enhances their effect on the body.

When to Stop Medication

Mukaltin with dry or wet cough is taken no more than a week. During this time, the unproductive form will turn into a productive cough, chest pain will disappear, and the immune system will suppress the causative agent of the disease and eliminate the consequences of the destruction that the pathogenic agent has caused to the body.

The drug is canceled during self-treatment, passing without medical supervision, if allergic reactions are observed against the background of its administration, indicating individual intolerance.

Some patients may suffer from impaired respiratory function of the lungs. Such a reaction most often occurs in babies and in patients with a chronic disease of the broncho-pulmonary system. Rarely, Mukaltin tablets can cause side effects such as:

  • itching of the skin;
  • the appearance of urticaria;
  • indigestion;
  • complaints of nausea;
  • single vomiting after taking the drug.

In adults, taking Mukaltin can cause exacerbation of ulcerative gastritis due to tartaric acid, which is part of the drug.

Marshmallow preparations should not be taken with medicines containing codeine. This substance stops the action of the active substance, and the treatment will be meaningless.

If a person has a tendency to constipation, then it is best for him to refuse cough treatment with Mukaltin and choose another remedy for dry cough.

Pregnant women should not take this drug in the first trimester, when all the systems of the unborn baby are being formed. In the second and third trimesters, the drug is taken on the recommendation of the attending physician.

Nursing mothers can take the medicine in the doses recommended by their doctor.

How to drink mukaltin tablets?

Mukaltin is a drug based on an extract of the marshmallow herb. It has an expectorant effect and facilitates the discharge of sputum with a strong cough. How to drink mukaltin tablets correctly, how many times a day and for how long?

Indications for admission

Mukaltin is drunk when coughing, when sputum is difficult to leave. It is prescribed for respiratory disease accompanied by cough, tracheobronchitis, chronic broncho-pulmonary inflammation, emphysema, acute and chronic bronchitis.

Mukaltin has only an expectorant effect and slightly relieves inflammation, so it is most often prescribed in combination with other drugs (except those containing codeine). The use of mucaltin alone is not enough for a complete treatment.

This drug is effective for dry and wet coughs, when the sputum in the lungs and bronchi is too thick and hardly leaves, or does not leave at all. Althea extract stimulates the production of pulmonary secretions by activating bronchial peristalsis. An increase in secretion leads to thinning of the mucus and easier separation of sputum.

How to take mukaltin for adults

Tablets are available in two dosages:

  • 50 mg - for children;
  • 100 mg - for adults.

For 1 dose, an adult can drink 1-2 tablets (a single dose is 50-100 mg). Take them before meals, slowly dissolving, or swallowing with water. Another way is to crush the tablets and stir in a glass of water, then drink. Any of the options is correct, but doctors recommend dissolving the medicine under the tongue, as this enhances the expectorant effect.

Take mukaltin 3 times a day, in one day you can drink from 3 to 6 tablets.

The duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks. Due to the fact that the drug is natural, it does not give a quick result. The effect is cumulative. After 2 weeks, treatment is stopped, as the active substance accumulates in the body and an overdose is possible.

How to drink for children

For children, it is recommended to buy the drug with a dosage of 50 mg. The dose varies according to age. Children under 3 years of age should not give more than half of one tablet 3 times a day, dissolving it in 100 ml of water (you can add sugar to improve the taste).

Children over 3 years old are given 1 tablet (50 mg) 3 times a day.

Attention! The exact dosage should be prescribed by the doctor, based on the age and health of the patient. Before giving the drug to a child, consult a pediatrician.


Mukaltin is not addictive and does not affect the resistance of bacteria to the active substance. It can be taken whenever a cough appears, without fear of addiction to the body and weakening of the therapeutic effect.

Before taking, read the contraindications:

  • violation of blood clotting (thrombosis, thrombophlebitis);
  • diabetes;
  • urolithiasis, acute inflammation of the kidneys;
  • phenylketonuria;
  • peptic ulcer of the esophagus, intestines or stomach;
  • individual intolerance to the components.

Before taking mucaltin tablets, check the dosage and duration of treatment with your doctor. Discontinue use if skin itching, nausea, urticaria, diarrhea occur.

Mukaltin is a drug that belongs to the group of expectorants of plant origin (the group of mucolytics). The main active ingredient of Mukaltin is a dry extract of marshmallow, which is able to have an anti-inflammatory, expectorant and enveloping effect on the bronchial mucosa. Mukaltin also contains potassium bicarbonate - it is he who has an antitussive and secretolytic effect.

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Most often, Mukaltin is used for diseases of the lower respiratory tract, but not only. The same drug will be effective for bronchiectasis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumoconiosis.

Note:Mukaltin is very widely used in the treatment of acute and chronic cough.

How the drug works

To understand the mechanism of action of the drug in question, you just need to know what properties it has:

The use of Mukaltin for dry and wet cough

The drug in question is not just so often used by doctors - it is universal, it can help with an unproductive (dry) cough, and with a productive (wet). If Mukaltin is used by patients with pathologies of the lower respiratory tract, characterized by the presence of a wet cough, then almost immediately there is a liquefaction of the accumulated mucus, an improvement in its outflow and a faster evacuation of sputum.

The pharmaceutical preparation under consideration is distinguished by a combined action - it both liquefies sputum and promotes its excretion. But it is liquid sputum (not viscous) that is most easily excreted - it is enough for the patient to cough well enough to evacuate it.

Note:timely evacuation of sputum avoids the attachment of a secondary infection in the sputum accumulated in the lower respiratory tract - the environment for pathogenic bacteria is simply optimal for growth and reproduction.

If we talk about diseases that are accompanied by an unproductive cough, then Mukaltin will be effective here too - the agent provokes the formation of sputum, which contributes to the rapid completion of the inflammatory process.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the great advantage of Mukaltin over other drugs - there is no addiction to it, and there are no strong side effects. It is worth remembering that immediately, after 1-2 doses of the drug in question, there is no need to wait for the results of treatment - Mukaltin has a therapeutic effect only with the accumulation of the active substance in the body.

Note:as a rule, doctors prescribe a course of treatment with Mukaltin in 10-15 days. In special cases, this medicine can be taken for 60 consecutive days, but this decision should only be made by a doctor.

Rules for the use of Mukaltin

How to take the drug in question correctly, the attending physician should tell - there are many individual characteristics. But there are also general recommendations:

  1. Tablets dissolve in the oral cavity until completely dissolved. The dosage should be determined by the doctor:
    • children under 3 years old - take the prescribed amount 3 times a day;
    • children from 3 to 12 years old - the prescribed single dose is taken three times a day every 4 hours of the day;
    • adults - take the prescribed amount of the drug 4 times a day.
  2. The daily dose of Mukaltin tablets should be dissolved in 500 ml of warm water and consumed during the day before each meal (you need to drink the entire amount). If you have to use the medicine for children, then the tablets can be dissolved in juice, fruit drink, tea, sweet compote. For complete dissolution of the tablet, it is better to crush it first.
  3. A single dose of the drug in question is dissolved in 100 ml of water and drunk in one go. For children, the amount of liquid is reduced to 50 ml per dose.

You need to take Mukaltin a maximum of 60 minutes before a meal, a minimum of 30 minutes.

If you have to treat a child with the agent in question, then it is better to dissolve it in water. Mukaltin has a not very pleasant, specific taste - many pediatric patients refuse to drink even a dissolved medicine. In this case, to improve the taste, honey or any jam can be added to the liquid.

Important! Pregnant women and nursing mothers can take Mukaltin only after consulting a doctor.

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What to remember

Despite the fact that Mukaltin is presented in the article as a safe drug, you need to remember some features of its use.

Firstly, in some cases, an allergic reaction may develop to the drug in question - itching, irritation, redness of the skin, rashes, and indigestion. If this began to happen, then you should immediately stop taking Mukaltin and seek help from your doctor.

Secondly, Mukaltin is strictly forbidden to use in the following cases:

  • diagnosed with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • a history of phenylketonuria;
  • the patient has an individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the marshmallow root;
  • thrombosis and thrombophlebitis were diagnosed;
  • children's age up to 1 year.

Thirdly, the mucolytic in question should absolutely not be taken simultaneously with drugs that suppress coughing. The result may be the accumulation of sputum in the lower respiratory system, and this is fraught with the development of a secondary infection. It is impossible to take any drugs containing codeine and ethylmorphine at the same time as Mukaltin - for example, Glaucin, Oxeladin and others.

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