What was the new position? In what year was the III department of the Own Chancellery created? The Spartans were considered good



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Instruction: Choose the correct answer.

1. Traces of the most ancient people who lived more than 2 million years ago were discovered by archaeologists:

a) North America

b) in East Africa;

c) in South Australia;

d) Western Europe.

2. About 40 thousand years ago, a person became similar to a modern person, and scientists named him:

a) "a skillful person";

b) "upright man";

c) "reasonable person";

d) a person who is illiterate.

3. With the invention of the harpoon, an important occupation of primitive people became:

a) agriculture;

c) craft;

d) fishing.

4. The most important condition for surviving harsh and frosty winters was helped by primitive man:

a) the ability to use fire;

b) the ability to build dugouts from clay;

c) the use of caves for housing;

d) the ability to store food for future use.

5. Primitive people considered the keepers of the hearth:

a) male hunters;

b) female collectors;

c) male warriors;

d) leaders of the tribal community.

6. The occupation of primitive people, which led to the emergence of agriculture:

b) collecting;

c) fishing;

d) animal husbandry.

7. In the neighboring community, each family had for personal use:

b) pastures;

d) a piece of land.

8. Among primitive people, images of gods and spirits made of wood, clay or stone were called:

a) idols

b) werewolves;

c) prayers;

d) obelisks.

9. The extraction of copper and the ability to process it contributed to the emergence of:

a) blacksmithing;

b) pottery;

c) leather business;

d) spinning.

10. Several tribal communities living in the same area were:

a) the human herd;

d) the state.

11. The first states were formed in the river valleys:

a) V thousand years ago;

b) VI thousand years ago;

c) III thousand years ago;

d) II thousand years ago.

12. The servants of God in the Egyptian temple were:

c) pharaohs;

13. The inhabitants of Egypt used to write:

a) palm leaves

b) clay tablets;

c) bamboo planks;

d) papyrus.

14. One of the most famous and powerful kings of Babylon, Hammurabi ruled:

a) from 1982 to 2001 BC.;

b) from 1849 to 1799 BC.;

c) from 1792 to 1750 BC.;

d) from 1700 to 1760 BC.

15. In ancient times, Indians settled on the banks of rivers:

a) Indus and Ganges;

b) Indus and Euphrates;

c) Ganges and Tigris;

d) Yangtze and Huang He.

16. In India, the divine nurse, mother was called:

a) a cow

c) an antelope;

d) a monkey.

17. Thin and airy silk fabrics have learned to make:

a) in Egypt;

b) in China;

c) in India;

d) in Assyria.

18. Cultural and historical achievements of the ancient Indians are:

a) chess

b) compass;

c) cotton fabrics;

d) trier.

19. The Chinese sage was:

a) Solomon;

b) Cyrus the Great;

c) Confucius;

d) Hammurabi.

20. The ancient Babylonian book was a bunch:

a) palm leaves

b) split bamboo;

c) clay tablets;

d) sheets of papyrus.

21. Most of the territory of Greece is covered by:

a) steep and steep mountains;

b) fertile plains;

c) impenetrable jungle;

d) huge deserts.

22. The Greek siege of Troy ended with:

a) the Trojans defeated the Greek army;

b) the Greeks destroyed and burned Troy;

c) the Greeks made a truce with the Trojans;

d) the Trojans asked for peace from the Greeks.

23. The Greeks asked God for a successful voyage to the ship:

b) Poseidon;

d) Hermes.

24. Spartans were considered good:

a) builders

b) sailors;

c) warriors;

d) merchants.

25. The birth of the Greek theater is associated with festivities in honor of God:

c) Poseidon;

d) Dionysus.

26. The Greek colonists called the southern part of the Apennine Peninsula Italy, which means:
a) "country of lambs";
b) "country of elephants";
c) "country of calves";

d) "country of goats".

27. The expression "Geese saved Rome" arose in connection with:
a) with the struggle of patricians and plebeians;
b) the invasion of Rome by the Latins;
c) the invasion of Rome by the Gauls.

d) the invasion of Rome by barbarians.

28. "The power of the people" is:

a) democracy;

b) autocracy;

c) despotism;

d) aristocracy.

29. The first dictator of Rome was:

a) Octavian

b) Constantine;

c) Pompey;

d) Caesar.

30. Science is engaged in the translation of ancient languages:

a) linguistics;

b) statistics;

c) fiction;

d) shagistics.

31. The split of Christianity occurred:

32. The history of the Middle Ages ended:

33. Peasants' payments to the feudal lord were called:

a) corvee;

c) taxes;

34. "Iron Chancellor" was called:

a) Napoleon

b) Cavour;

c) Wilhelm

d) Bismarck.

35. America discovered:

a) Columbus;

b) Cortes;

d) Magellan.

36. An industrial enterprise based on manual labor is called:

a) a factory

b) workshop;

c) manufactory;

37. XIXcentury in history was named:

a) the age of "iron and steam";

b) the "golden" age;

c) the "silver" age;

d) the age of "oil and gas".

38. Science is engaged in excavations:
a) anthropology;

b) archeology;

c) ethnography;

d) geography.

39. The Tale of Bygone Years is one of the earliest sources on the ancient history of Russia. Specify the approximate time of its creation:

a) the end of the X century;

b) the beginning of the XI century;

c) the middle of the 11th century;

d) the beginning of the 12th century.

40. In what year did the baptism of Russia take place?

41. What was the name of Prince Galitsky, a contemporary of Alexander Nevsky, one of the most brilliant Russian princes?

b) Daniel;

42. At the head of which principality was the hero of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"?

a) Chernihiv;

b) Bryansk;

c) Novgorod-Seversky;

d) Yaroslavsky.

43. Since the time of Dmitry Donskoy, a new type of weapon has appeared in Russia - “mattresses”. What weapon was it?

a) a mortar;

b) squeaker;

d) arquebus.

44. What was meant by "plow" in Russia in the XV-XVIII centuries?

a) a measure of length;

b) the size of the peasant plot;

c) measure of area;

d) unit of land taxation.

45. The ancestors of the Russian people were:

a) Eastern Slavs;

b) southern Slavs;

c) Western Slavs;

d) Northern Slavs.

46. ​​1223 is the year:

a) the Battle of the Neva;

b) standing on the river Ugra;

c) Battle on the Ice;

d) battles on Kalka.

47. The community of the Eastern Slavs was called:

c) parish;

48. What was the name of the uncle of Prince Vladimir of Kyiv, the prototype of the hero of many Russian epics?

a) Alexey;

b) Ilya;

c) Dobrynya;

d) Mikula.

49. What did the word "fireman" mean in Ancient Russia?

a) a burnt out;

b) a person making a fire;

c) the owner of a hearth, a house;

d) arsonist.

50. United Kyiv and Novgorod in the IX century, prince:

a) Yuri Dolgoruky;

b) Rurik;

c) Yaroslav the Wise;

d) Oleg.

51. Eastern policy of Ivan IV led:

a) to the conquest of the Volga region and Western Siberia;

b) to obtain access to the Baltic Sea;

c) to obtain access to the Black Sea;

d) to the development of Eastern Siberia.

52. In what year did the Astrakhan Khanate conquer and join Russia?

53. Name the city in which Kuzma Minin gathered the militia that liberated Moscow from the Polish invaders:

a) Vologda;

b) Great Ustyug;

c) Nizhny Novgorod;

d) Vladimir.

54. In the 16th century, during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the famous “Tsar Cannon” was cast in Moscow. Who is its author?

a) Andrei Rublev;

b) Andrey Chokhov;

c) Dionysius;

d) Fioravanti.

55. Who is "tiun"?

b) stable;

c) the first person in the master's household;

d) companion.

56. Which of the named pairs of historical figures were contemporaries:

a) Ivan Kalita and Yaroslav the Wise;

b) Ivan the Terrible and Ermak Timofeevich;

c) Andrei Rublev and Alexander Nevsky;

d) Nestor and Peresvet.

57. Indicate the years of the peasant war led by Emelyan Pugachev:

a) 1606-1607;

b) 1670–1671;

c) 1707–1708;

d) 1773–1775

58. The place where goods from all over Russia were brought was called:

a) a fair

b) manufactory;

c) a landing;

d) camp.

59. What was the name of land ownership in Russia, owned by the owner on the basis of full hereditary ownership?

a) estate;

b) feeding;

c) tithe;

d) estate.

60. As a result of the military reform of the XVI century in Russia appeared:

a) recruits;

b) archers;

c) dragoons;

d) guards.

61. Indicate the year with which the beginning of the Romanov dynasty is associated:

62. What was the name of the document that in the 18th century determined the system of ranks and the procedure for promotion in the state and military service:

a) a table of ranks;

b) a decree on uniform inheritance;

c) military position;

d) regulations of the admiralty.

63. What was the Kunstkamera founded by Peter I:

a) a botanical garden;

b) an art gallery;

c) one of the 12 colleges;

d) natural science museum.

64. The adoption of the title of emperor by Peter I and the proclamation of Russia as an empire occurred:

65. Service people who guarded the borders of the Russian state and became a class in the 18th century were called:

a) Cossacks;

b) archers;

c) recruits;

d) guardsmen.

66. According to the table of ranks adopted in 1722, career advancement depended on:

a) from the nobility of the family;

b) from personal merits;

c) from wealth;

d) seniority.

67. The privileged class in Russia, whose economic dominance was based on land ownership, is:

a) nobles

b) the clergy;

c) Cossacks;

d) commoners.

68. Colleges, as a body of the central government of the country, have replaced:

a) zemstvos;

b) orders;

c) ministries;

d) voivodeships.

69. Indicate which event happened later than the others:

a) adoption of the Council Code;

b) the accession of the Romanovs;

c) Russia gaining access to the Baltic Sea;

d) the appearance on the political arena of False Dmitry I.

70. The Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy in Russia of the 18th century is:

a) an organ of supreme ecclesiastical authority;

b) educational institution;

c) the department in charge of school education;

d) an advisory body at the royal court.

71. Which of the following events happened before all the others?

a) the assassination of Alexander II by Narodnaya Volya;

b) the creation of a party of socialist revolutionaries (SRs);

c) the creation of the "Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class";

d) the trial of the Decembrists.

72. In what year was the III department of the Own Chancellery created

a) A.N. Radishchev;

b) I.V. Kireevsky;

c) N.M. Ants;

d) N.M. Karamzin.

74. The defense of Sevastopol related to the events of the war, which took place:

a) in 1787 - 1791

b) in 1813 - 1814

c) in 1853 - 1856.

d) in 1877 - 1878

75. Representatives of Russian social thought in the 1830s - 1850s, who idealized the historical past of Russia, were called

a) Slavophiles;

b) social democrats;

c) Westerners;

d) Decembrists.

76. The "golden age" of Russian literature includes creativity:

a) D. I. Fonvizin;

b) A.S. Pushkin;

c) A.P. Chekhov;

d) I.A. Bunin.

77. As a result of the judicial reform of 1864:

a) a single court was formed for representatives of all estates;

b) the landowners lost the right to judge the peasants;

c) the adversarial nature of the trial was limited;

d) the participation of jurors in the trial was prohibited.

78. Dates 1825, 1855, 1881, 1894 relate:

a) to the process of liberation of peasants from serfdom;

b) to the beginning of military campaigns;

c) public administration reforms;

d) to the beginning of the reigns of Russian emperors.

79. "Peacemaker" was called:

a) Alexander I;

b) Alexander II;

c) Alexander III;

d) Nicholas I.

80. During the Patriotic War of 1812 word appeared:

a) a fool;

b) sharomyga;

c) a charlatan;

d) chantrap.

81. The event that marked the beginningfirst Russian revolution:

a) "Lena execution";

b) "going to the people";

c) "Khodynskaya tragedy";

d) Bloody Sunday.

82. What is the provision that is not related to Stolypin's agrarian reform:

a) creation of farms and cuts;

b) resettlement of peasants to free lands;

c) creation of individual farms;

d) strengthening the peasant community.

a) proclaimed Russia a constitutional monarchy;

b) introduced bourgeois rights and freedoms in Russia;

c) introduced a special position in Russia;

d) declared the immutability of the political structure of the country.

84. The first Workers' Council was created:

a) in Ivanovo-Voznesensk;

b) in St. Petersburg;

c) in Kharkov;

d) in Moscow.

85. In 1915, for the first time in world military practice, chemical weapons (chlorine) were used:

a) Russia;

b) Germany;

c) Austria-Hungary;

d) France.

86. During the years of the revolution of 1905-1907. The bloc of revolutionary parties included:

a) Socialist-Revolutionaries and Cadets;

b) Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries;

c) Bolsheviks, Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries;

d) Socialist-Revolutionaries, Cadets and Octobrists.

87. The head of the Provisional Government immediately after the February Revolution was:

a) A. Kerensky;

b) G. Lvov;

c) M. Rodzianko;

d) A. Guchkov.

88. In 1917 NicholasIIabdicated:

89. VChK stands for:

a) commission;

b) committee;

c) commissariat;

d) company.

90. The term "Red Army" refers to the abbreviation:

91. The symbols of Soviet power were:

a) sickle and plow;

b) hammer and sickle;

c) plow and hammer;

d) sickle and sword.

92. The combat reserve of the Bolshevik Party was:

a) Komsomol;

b) command staff;

c) combo;

d) community.

93. The "third force" in the civil war were:

b) interventionists;

c) green;

d) whites.

94 . To fight Denikin was created:

a) southern front;

b) western front;

c) eastern front;

d) northern front.

95 . The royal family was shot:

a) in Yekaterinodar;

b) in Yekaterinburg;

c) in Petrograd;

d) in Moscow.

96. One of the reasons for the forced industrialization in the USSR was the need:

a) restore the pre-war level of industrial production;

b) ensure the accelerated development of light industry;

c) limit the inflow of foreign capital;

d) to overcome the technical and economic backwardness from the leading countries.

97. A. Stakhanov was:

a) polar explorer;

b) a pilot;

c) an actor;

d) a miner.

98. In December 1922:

a) the Treaty on the Formation of the USSR was signed;

b) the Constitution of the USSR was adopted;

c) a separate peace treaty with Germany was signed;

d) the Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia was adopted.

99. In what year was the Soviet-German non-aggression pact signed?
a) 1922;
b) 1933;
c) 1939;
d) 1940

100. The idea of ​​a blitzkrieg was laid down by the German General Staff in the plan:
a) "Ost";
b) "Barbarossa";
c) "Typhoon";
d) Citadel.

101. The largest tank battle of the Great Patriotic War took place during the battle:
a) Kursk;
b) near Moscow;
c) Stalingrad;
d) for the Dnieper.

102. Salute during the Great Patriotic War was first given in honor of the liberation:
a) Sevastopol;
b) Koenigsberg;
c) Leningrad;
d) Belgorod and Orel.

103. "Boiler" is:
a) the line of defense of a strategically important object;
b) the area of ​​the most dense artillery fire;
c) the area of ​​deployment of the main troops before the offensive;
d) isolation of the enemy grouping for subsequent destruction, capture.

104. The Warsaw Treaty Organization was created when the leader of the USSR was:

a) I.V. Stalin;

b) N.S. Khrushchev;

c) L.I. Brezhnev;

d) M.S. Gorbachev.

105. Which group of dates is associated with the success of the USSR in space exploration:

a) 1945, 1953, 1964

b) 1965, 1977, 1982

c) 1957, 1961, 1975

d) 1969, 1979, 1989

106. As they called in the late 1960s - mid-1980s. people who did not share the state ideology that dominated the USSR?

a) emigrants;

b) anarchists;

c) dissidents;

d) cosmopolitans.

107. Which of the named persons led the implementation of economic reforms in 1965?

a) A.N. Kosygin;

b) B.N. Yeltsin;

c) Yu.V. Andropov;

d) N.I. Ryzhkov.

108. What new provision was included in the Constitution of the USSR adopted in 1977?

a) condemnation of Stalin's personality cult;

b) building a communist society in twenty years;

c) introduction of the principle of separation of powers;

d) building developed socialism in the USSR.

109 . Which of the Soviet leaders in 1990. was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?

a) B. Yeltsin;

b) M. Gorbachev;

c) E. Shevardnadze;

d) Yu. Andropov.

110. In 1991, 1996, 2000 The Presidents of the Russian Federation took office as a result of:

a) election by the State Duma;

b) appointment by the Federal Assembly;

c) popular elections;

d) appointment by the Constitutional Court.

111. "Age of Stagnation" refers to the reign of:

a) L.I. Brezhnev;

b) Yu.V. Andropov;

c) M.S. Gorbachev;

d) B.N. Yeltsin.

112. Define the wrong position: "what is the significance of perestroika in the life of Soviet society":

a) laid the foundations for the formation of market relations;

b) increased party dictate in the spiritual life of society;

c) the prerequisites for the transition to democracy were created;

d) a revival of the multi-party system began.

113. Who was not a member of the State Emergency Committee:

a) Vice President G.I. Yanaev;

b) Minister of Defense D.T. Yazov;

c) Chairman of the Supreme Council R.I. Khasbulatov;

d) Chairman of the KGB V.A. Kryuchkov.

114. Determine what Yeltsin's program for the transition of Russia included

to the market:

a) strengthening fixed prices;

b) privatization;

c) land reform;

d) non-economic coercion.

115. What events unite the dates of 1977? and 1993 in the history of the USSR and Russia?

a) the introduction of a state of emergency in the country;

b) disarmament of illegal military formations in Chechnya;

c) the intensification of hostilities in Afghanistan;

d) the adoption of the Constitution of the country.

116 . Y. Vizbor, Y. Kim, B. Okudzhava, A. Galich are:

b) musicians, performers of classical music;

c) well-known literary critics;

d) emigrant scientists who left the USSR in the 1970s.

117. Famous Russian singer of the early twentieth century:

a) F. Chaliapin;

b) S. Rachmaninov;

c) L. Andreev;

d) F. Shekhtel.

118. Which of the named surnames belongs to the cultural figures of the second halfXXcentury?

a) I.A. Bunin;

b) A.I. Kuprin;

c) S.F. Bondarchuk;

d) M. Gorky.

119. The traveler was:

a) N. N. Miklukho-Maclay;

b) P. L. Chebyshev;

c) A. N. Lodygin;

d) A. M. Butlerov.

120. The world famous Russian musician:

a) N. Mikhalkov;

b) Z. Tsereteli;

c) Yu. Bashmet;

d) A. Shilov.

Test key:

Criteria for evaluating test results:

120–108 points- 5 "excellent".

107-96 points- 4 "good".

95-72 points- 3 "satisfactory".

Less than 72 points- 2 "unsatisfactory".

1. Zagladin N.V. Simonia N.A. History of Russia and the world from ancient times to the end of the 19th century. Grade 10, - Moscow, Russian word, 2008.

2. Zagladin N.V. Simonia N.A. History of Russia and the world in the XX-beginning of the XXI century. Grade 11, - Moscow, Russian Word, 2008.

3. Kreyder A.A. Recent history. XX century, - Moscow, Education, 2001.

4. Khachaturyan V.M. History of world civilizations - Moscow, Drofa, 2001.

5. Klyuchevsky V.O. A Brief Guide to Russian History - Moscow, Drofa, 2001.

6. Danilov A.A. Kosulina L.G. History of Russia, XX century, - Moscow, Education, 2008.

Internet resources:

www.fihi.ru(Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements)
http://www.rustest.ru(Federal Testing Center)
http://www.educom.ru– Department of Education of the City of Moscow
http://www.mioo.ru– Moscow Institute of Open Education
www.omczo.org(District methodological center)

The most striking manifestation of this inconsistency in the development of the state system of the USSR was the Constitution of the USSR of 1977. It emphasized the continuity with the Soviet constitutions of 1918, 1924 and 1936. The construction in the USSR of a "developed socialist society" and the creation of a "nationwide state" were stated; the goal of the development of Soviet society was indicated - the construction of a "classless communist society" based on public self-government. The basis of the economic system of the USSR was declared to be socialist property, the basis of the political system - the councils of people's deputies (in 1936-1977 - the councils of working people's deputies). In a separate article 6 consolidated the "leading role" of the CPSU. For the first time, the provision on the "leading role" of the party appeared in Art. 126 of the Constitution of the USSR of 1936, where, after the declaration of the right of citizens of the USSR to unite in public organizations, it was said that “the most active and conscious citizens ... unite in the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), which is the vanguard of workers and represents the leading core of all organizations of workers.” However, in the new Constitution, this most important political conclusion was made more carefully and legally precise.

A preamble and a number of new sections (on the political system of society, social development and culture, foreign policy, the status of a people's deputy) appeared in the Constitution for the first time. New forms of "direct democracy" were consolidated: popular discussion and a referendum, new civil rights - the right to appeal against the actions of officials, to judicial protection against attacks on honor and dignity, to criticize the actions of state and public organizations, etc. For the first time, new the social rights of Soviet citizens - to health care, housing, the use of cultural achievements, freedom of creativity.

The adoption of the Constitution of the USSR in 1977 was of great positive significance:

1. An expanded interpretation of the social base of the USSR was given, which for the first time included the intelligentsia (Article 19).

2. Soviet “democracy” expanded somewhat (due to the inclusion of Article 5 on nationwide discussion and nationwide voting in the Constitution).

3. The article on personal property was expanded (art. 13).

4. The chapter on foreign policy included 10 Helsinki principles (Article 29).

5. The declaration of the social rights of citizens of the USSR has been expanded (universal secondary education, the right to housing, an expanded formulation of the right to work, freedom of scientific, technical and artistic creativity).

6. A number of new political rights have been declared: the right to judicial protection (Article 57), the right to appeal against the actions of officials, state bodies and public organizations (Article 58).

7. The powers of the SSR, ASSR, autonomous regions and districts are more precisely and clearly defined.

8. An article appeared on the orders of voters (Article 102).

9. Reduced by two years the age limit for deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

10. The discussion of the new Constitution (which took place in April-September 1977) increased the political activity of Soviet society.

At the same time, the adoption of the "Brezhnev" Constitution had a number of negative consequences:

1. The politicization and ideologization of the Constitution was strengthened (due to the preamble).

2. The anti-scientific conclusion about "developed socialism" was legally fixed.

3. The "leading role" of the Communist Party was more rigidly fixed in comparison with the "Stalinist" Constitution.

4. The new Constitution did not affect the power and property of the nomenklatura.

5. The political rights of Soviet citizens and the right to secession of the union republics from the USSR remained a fiction.

6. For a significant part of the population, the right to housing has remained a fiction.

7. The political system of the USSR, enshrined in this Constitution, rejected the basic principles of democracy - a multi-party system, alternative elections, separation of powers, a professional parliament, etc.

8. The inequality of the peoples of the USSR persisted.

9. Deletion of the wording of the Constitutions of 1924 and 1936. on the election to the Council of Nationalities only representatives of the titular nationality (from the Ukrainian SSR - Ukrainians, from the Georgian SSR - Georgians, etc.) infringed on the right of non-Russian peoples.

10. The Soviets remained a screen for the dominance of the party and economic nomenklatura.

11. "Direct Democracy" of the 1977 model did not work. The "nationwide discussion" created ample opportunities for the Soviet elite to fabricate any result it needed. A "popular vote" was held only once in the 14 years of the Constitution's existence (March 17, 1991).

12. A number of democratic proposals made during the discussion of the Constitution (on alternative elections, the elimination of the privileges of the nomenklatura, the fight against corruption, etc.) were rejected.

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a) A.N. Radishchev;

b) I.V. Kireevsky;

c) N.M. Ants;

d) N.M. Karamzin.

74. The defense of Sevastopol related to the events of the war, which took place:

a) in 1787 - 1791

b) in 1813 - 1814

c) in 1853 - 1856.

d) in 1877 - 1878

75. Representatives of Russian social thought in the 1830s - 1850s, who idealized the historical past of Russia, were called

a) Slavophiles;

b) social democrats;

c) Westerners;

d) Decembrists.

76. The "golden age" of Russian literature includes creativity:

a) D. I. Fonvizin;

b) A.S. Pushkin;

c) A.P. Chekhov;

d) I.A. Bunin.

77. As a result of the judicial reform of 1864:

a) a single court was formed for representatives of all estates;

b) the landowners lost the right to judge the peasants;

c) the adversarial nature of the trial was limited;

d) the participation of jurors in the trial was prohibited.

78. Dates 1825, 1855, 1881, 1894 relate:

a) to the process of liberation of peasants from serfdom;

b) to the beginning of military campaigns;

c) public administration reforms;

d) to the beginning of the reigns of Russian emperors.

79. "Peacemaker" was called:

a) Alexander I;

b) Alexander II;

c) Alexander III;

d) Nicholas I.

80. During the Patriotic War of 1812 word appeared:

a) a fool;

b) sharomyga;

c) a charlatan;

d) chantrap.

81. The event that marked the beginning of the first Russian revolution:

a) "Lena execution";

b) "going to the people";

c) "Khodynskaya tragedy";

d) Bloody Sunday.

82. What is the provision that is not related to Stolypin's agrarian reform:

a) creation of farms and cuts;

b) resettlement of peasants to free lands;

c) creation of individual farms;

d) strengthening the peasant community.

a) proclaimed Russia a constitutional monarchy;

b) introduced bourgeois rights and freedoms in Russia;

c) introduced a special position in Russia;

d) declared the immutability of the political structure of the country.

84. The first Workers' Council was created:

a) in Ivanovo-Voznesensk;

b) in St. Petersburg;

c) in Kharkov;

d) in Moscow.

85. In 1915, for the first time in world military practice, chemical weapons (chlorine) were used:

a) Russia;

b) Germany;

c) Austria-Hungary;

d) France.

86. During the years of the revolution of 1905-1907. The bloc of revolutionary parties included:

a) Socialist-Revolutionaries and Cadets;

b) Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries;

c) Bolsheviks, Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries;

d) Socialist-Revolutionaries, Cadets and Octobrists.

87. The head of the Provisional Government immediately after the February Revolution was:

a) A. Kerensky;

b) G. Lvov;

c) M. Rodzianko;

d) A. Guchkov.

88. In 1917 Nicholas II abdicated the throne:

89. VChK stands for:

a) commission;

b) committee;

c) commissariat;

d) company.

90. The term "Red Army" refers to the abbreviation:

91. The symbols of Soviet power were:

a) sickle and plow;

b) hammer and sickle;

c) plow and hammer;

d) sickle and sword.

92. The combat reserve of the Bolshevik Party was:

a) Komsomol;

b) command staff;

c) combo;

d) community.

93. The "third force" in the civil war were:

b) interventionists;

c) green;

d) whites.

94. To fight Denikin was created:

a) southern front;

b) western front;

c) eastern front;

d) northern front.

95. The royal family was shot:

a) in Yekaterinodar;

b) in Yekaterinburg;

c) in Petrograd;

d) in Moscow.

96. One of the reasons for the forced industrialization in the USSR was the need:

a) restore the pre-war level of industrial production;

b) ensure the accelerated development of light industry;

c) limit the inflow of foreign capital;

d) to overcome the technical and economic backwardness from the leading countries.

97. A. Stakhanov was:

a) polar explorer;

b) a pilot;

c) an actor;

d) a miner.

a) the Treaty on the Formation of the USSR was signed;

b) the Constitution of the USSR was adopted;

c) a separate peace treaty with Germany was signed;

d) the Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia was adopted.

99. In what year was the Soviet-German non-aggression pact signed?
a) 1922;
b) 1933;
c) 1939;
d) 1940

100. The idea of ​​a blitzkrieg was laid down by the German General Staff in the plan:
a) "Ost";
b) "Barbarossa";
c) "Typhoon";
d) Citadel.

101. The largest tank battle of the Great Patriotic War took place during the battle:
a) Kursk;
b) near Moscow;
c) Stalingrad;
d) for the Dnieper.

102. Salute during the Great Patriotic War was first given in honor of the liberation:
a) Sevastopol;
b) Koenigsberg;
c) Leningrad;
d) Belgorod and Orel.

103. "Boiler" is:
a) the line of defense of a strategically important object;
b) the area of ​​the most dense artillery fire;
c) the area of ​​deployment of the main troops before the offensive;
d) isolation of the enemy grouping for subsequent destruction, capture.

104. The Warsaw Treaty Organization was created when the leader of the USSR was:

a) I.V. Stalin;

b) N.S. Khrushchev;

c) L.I. Brezhnev;

d) M.S. Gorbachev.

105. Which group of dates is associated with the success of the USSR in space exploration:

a) 1945, 1953, 1964

b) 1965, 1977, 1982

c) 1957, 1961, 1975

d) 1969, 1979, 1989

106. As they called in the late 1960s - mid-1980s. people who did not share the state ideology that dominated the USSR?

a) emigrants;

b) anarchists;

c) dissidents;

d) cosmopolitans.

107. Which of the named persons led the implementation of economic reforms in 1965?

a) A.N. Kosygin;

b) B.N. Yeltsin;

c) Yu.V. Andropov;

d) N.I. Ryzhkov.

108. What new provision was included in the Constitution of the USSR adopted in 1977?

a) condemnation of Stalin's personality cult;

b) building a communist society in twenty years;

c) introduction of the principle of separation of powers;

d) building developed socialism in the USSR.

109. Which of the Soviet leaders in 1990. was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?

a) B. Yeltsin;

b) M. Gorbachev;

c) E. Shevardnadze;

d) Yu. Andropov.

110. In 1991, 1996, 2000 The Presidents of the Russian Federation took office as a result of:

a) election by the State Duma;

b) appointment by the Federal Assembly;

c) popular elections;

d) appointment by the Constitutional Court.

111. "Age of Stagnation" refers to the reign of:

a) L.I. Brezhnev;

b) Yu.V. Andropov;

c) M.S. Gorbachev;

d) B.N. Yeltsin.

112. Define the wrong position: "what is the significance of perestroika in the life of Soviet society":

a) laid the foundations for the formation of market relations;

b) increased party dictate in the spiritual life of society;

c) the prerequisites for the transition to democracy were created;

d) a revival of the multi-party system began.

113. Who was not a member of the State Emergency Committee:

a) Vice President G.I. Yanaev;

b) Minister of Defense D.T. Yazov;

c) Chairman of the Supreme Council R.I. Khasbulatov;

d) Chairman of the KGB V.A. Kryuchkov.

  • Agrarian reform P.A. Stolypin: main tasks and consequences;
  • Administrative reform in the Russian Federation: tasks and main directions of implementation.
  • Administrative reform: reasons for reform, main problems of implementation.
  • The structure of the new Constitution differed from those preceding it (1918, 1924, 1936).

    It consisted of a preamble, which contained some provisions of political, scientific and practical importance, and 174 articles. The preamble to the Constitution stated the building of a “developed socialist society” and the creation of a “nationwide state”, and the goal was to build a “classless communist society” based on public self-government.

    The constitution consisted of the following sections:

    1) Fundamentals of the social system and politics;

    2) State and personality;

    3) National-state structure;

    4) Councils of People's Deputies and the procedure for their election;

    5) Supreme authorities and management;

    6) Fundamentals of building state power and administration in the Union republics;

    7) Justice, arbitration and prosecutorial supervision;

    8) Coat of arms, flag, anthem and capital;

    9) Operation of the Constitution and the procedure for its application.

    The USSR Constitution of 1977 emphasized its continuity(1918, 1924, 1936), but it also had certain differences. For the first time, a special section appeared in the Constitution on the foundations of the social system and policy of the USSR. The term “social structure” was replaced by the concept of “the foundations of the social order”. The Constitution attributed the political and economic systems to the social system. The constitution of 77 defined the USSR as socialist nationwide state expressing the will and interests of the workers, peasants and intelligentsia, the working people of all nations and nationalities of the country.

    In the Constitution for the first time, a characterization of the political system and its constituent components was given. It was emphasized that in the USSR all power belongs to the people. The political basis of the USSR was the Soviets of People's Deputies, which corresponded to the social relations that had developed in the USSR. The role of the CPSU as the leading and guiding force in Soviet society was emphasized. The supreme body of state power in the USSR was the Supreme Soviet of the USSR., which consisted of two equal chambers: Council of the Union and Council of Nationalities.

    The supreme judicial body in the USSR is the Supreme Court.. All judges and people's assessors must be independent and subject only to the law. For the first time, the concept of “presumption of innocence” is introduced, i.e. no one can be called guilty of a crime except by the verdict of a judge.

    The new constitution is significantly expanded the powers of trade unions and other public organizations.

    For the Constitution of the USSR in 1977. characteristic is the continuity of provisions on the economic system of socialist society. Of great importance was the indication that no one has the right to use socialist property for personal gain or other selfish interests.

    New Section in the Constitution “State and Personality”. Significant changes in social relations necessitated the promotion of one of the first places in the Basic Law regulation of the relationship between the state and the individual.

    The constitution enshrines new forms of “direct democracy”: national discussion and referendum; new civil rights; the right to appeal against the actions of officials; to judicial protection against encroachment on the honor and dignity of a citizen; criticism of the actions of state and public organizations, etc. For the first time, the rights to health protection, housing, the use of cultural achievements, and freedom of creativity were secured. The law emphasized the “inextricable link” between rights and duties.

    The constitution secured for each union republic the right to secede from the USSR, as well as the right of legislative initiative in the highest authorities of the Union. The Constitution with great certainty emphasized the importance of the individual, declaring respect for and protection of his rights and freedoms.

    64. Changes in the economic and political system of the USSR during the years of "perestroika".

    In 1987, when the program to remake the Soviet state entered the decisive stage of the revolution. The top leadership of the CPSU saw the task not in gradual reform, but in change through demolition.

    From the point of view of the history of state and law, the following conclusions can be drawn from perestroika:

    • perestroika belongs to the category of "revolutions from above". They are in crisis
      the legitimacy of the state, threatening the redistribution of power and wealth, is resolved by the actions of the ruling stratum through the state apparatus;
    • perestroika ended with profound changes in the political system, socio-economic system, national relations, lifestyle and culture of all citizens and peoples of the USSR. It led to a fundamental change in the geopolitical structure of the world and gave rise to global processes that are far from complete. Thus, in terms of its scale, perestroika is a phenomenon of world-historical significance;
    • Perestroika was part of the global conflict - the Cold War. In its development and use of the results, foreign political forces played an active and important role. The completion of perestroika with the liquidation of the Warsaw Pact and the Comecon, then the collapse of the USSR is viewed in the West as the defeat of the USSR in the Cold War;
    • The driving force behind perestroika was an unusual union of the following sociocultural groups: part of the party-state nomenklatura, striving to overcome the looming crisis of legitimacy while maintaining its position (even at the cost of changing its ideological mask); part of the intelligentsia, imbued with a liberal and Western utopia (it was driven by vague ideals of freedom and democracy and the image of "counters full of products"); criminal strata associated with the "shadow" economy;
    • the first stage of perestroika (before the immediate dismantling of the structures of the Soviet state) was a "revolution in consciousness". This period is called glasnost..

    Glasnost was a big program to destroy the images, symbols and ideas that held together the "cultural core" of Soviet society and strengthened the hegemony of the Soviet state. This program was carried out by the entire force of the state media with the participation of reputable scientists, poets, artists. The success of this program was ensured by the complete blockade of that part of the intelligentsia that appealed to common sense, and the complete exclusion of public dialogue - the "reactionary majority" could not speak out. From time to time, for contrast, carefully selected grotesque performances such as the famous "letter of Nina Andreeva" were allowed.

    The discrediting of symbols and images was carried out to a great historical depth: from G.K. Zhukov and Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, through Suvorov and Kutuzov - to Alexander Nevsky. Catastrophes were intensively used (Chernobyl, the death of the ship "Admiral Nakhimov"), incidents (flight of Rust's plane to Moscow), bloodshed (Tbilisi, 1989).

    Purely ideological tasks were performed by the so-called. "environmental movement", which sometimes brought the reading public to the stage of psychosis (the so-called "nitrate boom" with the creation of absurd fears of carrots and cabbage). In the republics, environmental issues were given a national dimension.
    A special kind of ideological influence was "opinion polls". How effective was the pressure on the public consciousness, says the all-Union survey of 1989 "opinions about the level of nutrition." "Public Opinion" was created by ideologues and the press.

    The ideological core of perestroika was Eurocentrism- the idea of ​​the existence of a single world civilization, which has its own "correct" high road. The West has passed along this road. Russia, especially at the Soviet stage, allegedly deviated from this path. From this the concept of "return to civilization" and orientation to "universal values" was derived. The state was seen as the main obstacle on this path, and “denationalization” was seen as the main task.

    In general, the entire glasnost program was characterized by extreme anti-statism- in the public mind, the image of almost all institutions of the state, including the Academy of Sciences and kindergartens, was blackened, but most importantly, the image of the state economic system and the army. After the creation of negative stereotypes in society, the reform of government and administration began.

    4. What was one of the consequences of the adoption of Article 6 in the Constitution of the USSR in 1977?

    1) reduction in the number of party-state apparatus; 2) liquidation of the privileges of the party-state nomenklatura; 3) development of internal party democracy; 4) legal consolidation of the power of the party-state nomenklatura.

    5. Which of the listed events, phenomena of the scientific and technological development of the USSR belong to the period of 19 years?

    A) the launch of the first artificial satellite of the Earth; B) export of industrial products of the USSR to Western countries; C) Yu. Gagarin's flight into space; D) a ban on the development of cybernetics; E) access to the routes of the world's first jet passenger aircraft TU - 104; E) widespread introduction of robots and computers in industry.

    Specify the correct answer: 1) AVD; 2) BVG; 3) BGE; 4) WHERE

    6. The beginning of grain imports to the USSR from abroad refers to the period when the leader of the USSR was:

    1) ; 2) ; 3) ; 4) .

    7. What was one of the manifestations of the "thaw" in the spiritual and cultural life of the USSR?

    1) cessation of ideological pressure on cultural figures; 2) the abolition of state censorship; 3) the possibility of developing all areas of art; 4) publication of works about GULAG prisoners;

    8. What years does the approval of the "Brezhnev Doctrine" in the foreign policy of the USSR refer to?

    1) late 1950s; 2) early 1960s; 3) late 1960s; 4) late 1980s;

    9. What was one of the consequences of the USSR signing the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe in 1975?

    1) improving the climate of international relations; 2) observance of human rights in the USSR; 3) the provision of assistance by the USSR to North Korea in the fight against American aggression; 4) the adoption of Brezhnev's "doctrine".

    10. Under what leader in the USSR did mass construction of residential buildings with separate apartments for families begin:

    1) ; 2) ; 3) ; 4) .

    Part "B"

    A) the Caribbean crisis;

    B) XX Congress of the CPSU;

    C) Signing of the Final Act on Security in Helsinki;

    D) development of virgin lands;

    B.2. Establish a correspondence between the events of foreign policy and the leaders of the USSR.

    Events, phenomena Leaders

    A) the beginning of the Afghan war; one)

    B) Hungarian events; 2) ;

    C) rupture of relations with Yugoslavia; 3) ;

    D) the beginning of the Cold War 4)

    C.3. Read the statement referring to the 1980s and fill in the missing name of the era in the text.

    “Our society turned out to be … profoundly poor. The symptoms of the disease, the last stage of which is called the “epoch of ________________”, are known.

    Part "C"

    C.1. Name at least three directions in the development of the foreign policy of the USSR in the -ies. XX century. (describe one of them with an example)

    C.2. Compare the main features of the development of culture in the USSR in 1919. and 19gg. Indicate what was common (at least two characteristics). And what is different (at least three differences)

    Evaluation rate:

    Control test in grade 11 on the topic "USSR in the 1920s"

    Option -II

    Part "A"

    1. What new provision was included in the Constitution of the USSR adopted in 1977?

    1) condemnation of Stalin's personality cult; 2) building a communist society in twenty years; 3) introduction of the principle of separation of powers; 4) building developed socialism in the USSR;

    2. In what years did the Warsaw Pact Organization of Socialist Countries exist?

    1) 19 years; years; years; - 1991

    3.XX Congress of the CPSU (1956) substantiated and consolidated the provision on:

    1) the need to adopt a new Constitution; 2) the transition to a policy of publicity;

    3) transition to market relations; 4) the need for peaceful coexistence of two opposite systems;

    4. What features of the USSR economy refer to the period of the 1970s - the first half of the 1980s?

    A) a high degree of militarization of the economy; B) the elimination of manual unskilled labor in production; C) the development of the economy to a large extent due to the export of oil and other types of raw materials; D) decentralization of industry management; E) transfer of all enterprises to full cost accounting; E) the introduction of scientific and technical achievements mainly at the enterprises of the military-industrial complex;

    Specify the correct answer: 1) ABE; 2) BVG; 3) GD; 4) WHERE.

    5. What concept has become a symbolic designation of the division of the capitalist and socialist world during the Cold War

    1) "new world order"; 2) "fifth column"; 3) "non-intervention policy";

    4) "iron curtain".

    6. Which of the documents is an important historical source for the period 1953 - 1964?

    1) "Economic problems of socialism in the USSR" by I. Stalin; 2) report of the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU at the Twentieth Congress "On the cult of personality and its consequences";

    3) The Peace Program from the Report of the Central Committee of the CPSU to the XXIV Congress of the CPSU; 4) Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR.

    7. What feature characterized the economy of the USSR in the 1960s - the first half of the 1980s: 1) the priority development of light industry; 2) preferential financing of the military-industrial complex; 3) creation of a banking system; 4) the intensive nature of the development of the economy.

    8. What was one of the reasons for the deterioration of the situation in agriculture in the USSR by the beginning of the 1960s:

    1) the introduction of market relations; 2) forced purchase of livestock from collective farmers; 3) development of farms; 4) reduction of acreage.

    9. Which of the listed dates is associated with the participation of the USSR in the signing of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe?

    1) 1961; y.; y.; y.

    10. What was the result of the conservative leadership of the USSR in the 1970s - early 1980s?

    1) mass strikes of workers; 2) strengthening the bureaucratization of the party and state apparatus; 3) deportation of a number of peoples; 4) the emergence of interethnic conflicts.

    Part "B"

    C.1. Arrange the following events in chronological order. Transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the worksheets.

    A) The constitution of "developed socialism"

    B) Czechoslovak events;

    C) Launch of the first artificial satellite of the Earth;

    D) reforms

    B.2 B.2. Establish a correspondence between the periods and the chronological framework of these periods

    Periods Chronological framework

    A) the era of "stagnation"

    B) restructuring

    B) "thaw"

    D) "the apogee of Stalinism";

    AT 3. Read the passage from the memory and write the name of the head of government in question.

    “According to my observations, an important role was also played by the fact that Brezhnev and the partyocracy behind him turned out to be on the sidelines, as it were, from the development and implementation of the reform, zealously followed the actions of the head of government, were not very happy about his achievements and were not very sad about his failures, but sometimes they put sticks in the wheels "

    Answer: ________________

    Part "C"

    C.1. Name at least three directions in the development of the domestic policy of the USSR in the 1960s

    80s XX century. (describe one of them with an example)

    C.2. Compare the main features of foreign policy in the USSR in 1

    y. and 19y. Indicate what was common (at least two characteristics). And what is different (at least three differences)

    Record in the table, rewrite the received answer from the table in the worksheets.

    Evaluation rate:

    Grade "5" is given when scored - 18 - 22 points;

    Grade "4" - put when scored - 15 - 17 points;

    Grade "3" - put when scored - 12 - 14 points;

    Below 12 points, the score is "2"

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