What is the cure for cancer. "Nobel" cancer drugs are already available in Russia, but not suitable for all patients. Dr. Budwig's anti-cancer method

At this time, oncology is on the 1st place in the medical problems of the XXI century. And will it be decided before the end of the century or not? — is not yet clear. Scientists and doctors are trying every day to fight this unfortunate disease. First of all, what oncologists should find out - is this why Cancer appears ?!

There are two very clear theories at the moment:

A drug capable of defeating malignant cells in the body is being developed now. In modern medicine, there are a huge number of proven and experimental drugs to combat carcinoma.

NOTE! All pharmaceutical preparations against malignant diseases presented below in the article are FORBIDDEN to be used without the knowledge of an oncologist who is familiar with the diagnosis and medical history of the patient. Many of them are very toxic and have side effects that can aggravate the health of the patient.


ovarian cancer

Taxane drugs are widely used. Of these, the most popular:

  • Paclitaxel
  • Carboplatin
  • Cisplatin
  • Docetaxel

In studies, it was noticed that this drug greatly reduces the growth rate and invasion of the tumor. As a result, with cancer in the last stages, life expectancy increased by 2 times. True, these drugs are quite toxic and severely hit the patient's nervous system.

breast oncology

In 80% of cases, all genital cancers are hormone-dependent. That is why, in particular, with breast cancer, the patient begins to use antiestrogen drugs. Which primarily reduce the sensitivity of the mammary gland to female hormones. And secondly, they already reduce the amount of estrogen in the blood.

These drugs include Tamoxifen. It is excellent for breast cancer with metastases to nearby lymph nodes. True, when using it, you should also familiarize yourself with contraindications and side effects. This drug should not be used during lactation and in case of blood diseases.

Sinestrol is also an excellent effect on the unfortunate ailment. Improves proliferative processes in the endometrium. Blocks the possibility of osteoporosis. The drug is administered dosed intramuscularly under the supervision of an oncologist.

Vitamin B17

This vitamin is also called “anti-cancer” in the common people, since it not only allows you to keep the body in good shape, but also allows you to fight cancer cells both at the molecular level and not at the cellular level.

With the correct daily dosage, the body begins to fight cancer more strongly. B17 or Amygdalin is quite a lot in:

  • Grape
  • apricot bone
  • Prunes
  • Cashew nuts
  • Blueberry
  • apple seeds
  • Linseed oil
  • Millet
  • Raspberry
  • Lentils

B-17 can reduce pain from a cancerous tumor, and also supports metabolic processes in a diseased body. Reduces intoxication from cancer processes and releases of toxins into the blood.

There are a few tips for use:

  • Completely give up alcohol, smoking, fatty, fried and canned foods.
  • When taking bones, eat no more than 10 pieces per day.
  • Drink plenty of regular boiled non-carbonated water.
  • It is forbidden to take in large quantities: pregnant women, young children and lactating women.

In case of an overdose, side effects may occur:

  • Dyspnea
  • Lack of air
  • Blueness of the lips and some of the skin.

To avoid more serious consequences, you should drink up to 3 liters of water per day.


The two most famous firms Merck and Bayer AG have been developing a huge number of drugs for many years.


There is an excellent Israeli cancer drug Nivolumab (Opdivo), which helps in the late and early stages of kidney and lung tumor development. And also with a complex form of melanoma. Produced jointly with an American and Japanese pharmaceutical company.

Table of drugs by type of disease

oncological diseasePreparations
ProstateFirmagon, Fluorouracil, Flutamide, Bicalutamide, Triptorelin, Leuprorelin, Degarelix, Casodex, Diferelin
StomachEvetrex, Epipodophyllotoxin, Tegafur, Fluorouracil, Sinoflurol, Methotrexate, Bortezomib, Etoposide, Flutorafur, Velcade.
BladderCisplatin, Gemcitabine, Carboplatin, Methotrexate, Cyclophosphamide.
LungsHydroxyurea, Endoscan, Ifosfamide, Gemzar, Cyclophosphamide, Cytogem, Cytoxan, Gemcitabine, Cyclophosphamide,
MelanomaFluorouracil, Melphalan, Demecolcin, Gliozomid.
PancreasImatinib, Ftorafur, Ifosfamide, Gemcitabine, Streptozocin, Glivec.
BrainTemodal, Procarbazine, Vincristine, Bevacizumab, Cyclophosphamide, Temozolomide.
LiverPlatinotin, Ftorafur, Doxorubicin, Neskavar, Syndroxocin, Sorafenib, Rastocin, Afinitor, Cisplatin, Everolimus.
LymphomasRedditux, Doxorubicin, Rituxan, Bleomycin, Etoposide, Cyclophosphamide, Alemtuzumab.
EsophagusPaclitaxel, Imatinib, Doxorubicin, Fluorouracil, Vincristine.
BonesIfosfamide, Cyclophosphamide, Cabroplatin.
kidneysCisplatin, Gemcitabine, Fluorouracil, Imatinib, Dacarbazine, Sunitinib.
BloodIbrutinib, Zavedox, Cytarabine, Idarubicin, Doxorubicin, Fludarabine.
Breast or mammary glandEpirubicin, Paclitaxel, Trastuzumab, Pierrette, Thiotepa, Methotrexate, Methotrexate, Letromara, Tamoxifen.
gutsCarboplatin, Erbitux, Capecitabine, Cetuximab, Leucovorin, Irinotecan, Oxaliplatin, Bevacizumab, Medaxa, Cytoplatin.
CervixCyclophosphamide, Ifosfamide, Xeloda, Pertuzumab, Pierrette,
ovariesCytoforsphan, Chlorambucil, Melphalan, Fluorouracil, Cisplatin,
ThroatCabroplatin, Cetuximab, Cyclophosphamide, Dacarbazine.
UterusChlorambucil, Dacarbazine, Cyclophosphamide, Methotrexate, Endoxan.
Squamous cell carcinomaDoxorubicin, Etoposide, Cisplatin, Dacarbazine, Ifosfamide.

Research scientists and doctors

Many people are still wondering: has a cure for oncology been invented? Some agree that this anti-cancer drug has long been invented in the United States. But it is not brought into wide use, as it is beneficial to large pharmaceutical companies.

It is much more profitable for them to sell tons of medicines that only keep the patient alive than to sell a cheaper medicine that will completely cure a malignant neoplasm. The treatment itself in oncology has been marking time for a long time. After all, most tumors are treated with the help of surgical removal, chemotherapy and radiation.

In the last 5 decades, these types of therapies are the most effective, compared to others. As some economists say, at this time it is not profitable for the capitalist world to carry a cancer pill.

But these are just guesses and is there a cure for cancer or not? - We don't know yet. On the other hand, every year there are new therapies and treatments. Recently, a lot of new drugs have appeared that really effectively fight the hellish disease.

L Anticancer drugs and immunomodulators

Indications for use

We will not delve into the details of the biochemical processes that determine the pharmacodynamics of anticancer drugs: indications for the use of each of them are approved by clinical protocols for chemotherapy for each type of tumor, taking into account the stage of the disease, the presence of metastases and the individual characteristics of the body of a particular patient.

Major cancer drug names

It is impossible to list all the names of anti-cancer drugs currently being produced: almost fifty drugs can be used only for the treatment of breast cancer. The release form of most anticancer drugs is a lyophilizate (in vials) for the preparation of an infusion solution or a ready-made solution (in ampoules) for parenteral use. Some enzyme inhibitors and immunomodulating agents are available in tablets and capsules.

Chemotherapy protocols provide for the use of:

  • medicine for lung cancer: Cyclophosphamide (Cyclophosphamide, Cytoxan, Endoscan), Ifosfamide, Gemcitabine (Gemzar, Cytogem), Hydroxyurea;
  • medicine for stomach cancer: Etoposide (Epipodophyllotoxin), Bortezomib (Velcade), Ftorafur (Ftoruracil, Tegafur, Sinoflurol), Methotrexate (Evetrex);
  • pancreatic cancer drugs: Streptozocin, Ifosfamide, Imatinib (Gleevec), Ftorafur, Gemcitabine;
  • liver cancer drugs: Cisplatin (Platinotin), Doxorubicin (Rastocin, Syndroxocin), Sorafenib (Neskavar), Everolimus (Afinitor), Ftorafur;
  • kidney cancer medicine: Dacarbazine, Fluorouracil, Cisplatin, Imatinib, Sunitinib, Gemcitabine;
  • medicine for esophageal cancer: Vincristine, Doxorubicin, Fluorouracil, Paclitaxel, Imatinib;
  • bowel cancer medicine: Leucovorin, Capecitabine, Oxaliplatin (Carboplatin, Medaxa, Cytoplatin), Irinotecan, Bevacizumab, Cetuximab (Erbitux);
  • medicine for squamous cell cancer: Cisplatin, Etoposide, Ifosfamide, Doxorubicin, Dacarbazine;
  • throat cancer medicine: Cabroplatin, Cyclophosphamide, Dacarbazine, Cetuximab;
  • breast cancer medicines: Pertuzumab (Pieretta), Paclitaxel, Goserelin, Thiotepa, Tamoxifen, Letromara, Methotrexate, Epirubicin, Trastuzumab;
  • medicine for uterine cancer: Chlorambucil, Cyclophosphamide (Endoxan), Dacarbazine, Methotrexate;
  • drugs for cervical cancer: Cyclophosphamide, Ifosfamide, Pertuzumab (Pierrette), Xeloda;
  • medicines for ovarian cancer (carcinoma): Cisplatin, Cytoforsphan, Melphalan, Fluorouracil, Chlorambucil;
  • medicines for bone cancer (osteogenic sarcoma): ifosfamide, cabroplatin, cyclophosphamide;
  • medicine for blood cancer (acute leukemia): Cytarabine, Ibrutinib, Doxorubicin, Idarubicin (Zavedox), Fludarabine;
  • drugs for cancer of the lymphatic system (lymphomas): Bleomycin, Doxorubicin, Cyclophosphamide, Etoposide, Alemtuzumab, Rituximab (Redditux, Rituxan);
  • skin cancer drug: Fluorouracil, Melphalan, Gliosomid, Demecolcin;
  • drugs for brain cancer (gliomas, glioblastomas, meningiomas, etc.): Bevacizumab, Temozolomide (Temodal), Procarbazine, Vincristine, Cyclophosphamide;
  • medicine for bladder cancer: Cyclophosphamide, Gemcitabine, Cisplatin, Carboplatin, Methotrexate;
  • drugs for prostate cancer (prostate adenocarcinoma): Bicalutamide (Casodex), Fluorouracil, Triptorelin (Diferelin), Leuprorelin, Degarelix (Firmagon), Flutamide.

Cancer cure from Germany

The release of anti-cancer drugs (Gemzar, Alkeran, Crizotinib, Holoxan, Oxaliplatin, etc.) is carried out by many German pharmaceutical companies, including well-known ones such as Bayer and Merck.

Cancer cure from Germany Nexavar, manufactured by Bayer AG, is used to treat inoperable hepatocellular carcinoma, renal cell carcinoma, and thyroid cancer.

The company produces the protein kinase inhibitor Stivagra (Regorafenib) for the treatment of bowel cancer, as well as the radiopharmaceutical Xofigo, used in the treatment of metastatic bone cancer.

Merck launches experimental cancer drug Vorinostat (Vorinostat) or Zolinza, which is used for progressive, chemotherapy-resistant T-cell cutaneous lymphoma (approved by the FDA in 2006). The active substance of the drug is suberoylanilide-hydroxamic acid (SAHA), which inhibits histone deacetylase (HDAC). Clinical trials of this drug are ongoing and have shown activity against recurrent glioblastoma multiforme (brain tumor) and non-small cell lung carcinoma.

Cancer cure in Israel

Numerous cancer centers can provide any cancer medicine in Israel as well as patients outside the country.

One of the newest drugs used by Israeli oncologists for targeted therapy of advanced melanoma, non-small cell lung cancer and renal carcinoma - Opdivo(Opdivo) or Nivolumab (Nivolumab) - refers to a new pharmacological group of PD-1 receptor blockers. The drug was developed by the American biopharmaceutical company Medarex and Ono Pharmaceutical (Japan), produced by Bristol-Myers Squibb (USA); approved by the FDA in 2014.

Cell apoptosis receptor-1 (PD-1) is a member of the CD28 receptor membrane protein superfamily that plays a critical regulatory role in immune T cell activation and tolerance, as well as tissue protection from autoimmune attack. Moreover, being activated in chronic infections and malignant tumors, this receptor and its ligands weaken the body's defenses. Blocking PD-1 allows the immune system to attack cancer cells. In trials, Opdivo has been shown to be effective in the treatment of metastatic advanced squamous cell lung cancer.

Recently, Russian media announced the development and decision to produce PD 1 drug, which, according to the head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, "is able to completely cure oncological diseases that were previously untreatable."

American cancer drugs

More than a decade ago, the American pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb began developing an experimental cancer drug. Tanespimycin(Tanespimycin, 17-AAG) is a derivative of the polyketide antibiotic Geldanamycin, which has been studied for the treatment of leukemia, multiple myeloma, and kidney tumors. The drug acts by inhibiting intracellular stress protein - heat shock protein (HSP) or chaperone, which performs regenerative functions and prevents apoptosis.

Proteins that are produced by cells during stressful conditions (necrosis, tissue destruction or lysis) were discovered in the early 1960s. Italian geneticist Ferruccio Ritossa. Over time, it turned out that HSPs are activated in cancer cells and increase their survival. The heat shock transcription factor (HSF1), which regulates the expression of the genes for this protein, was also discovered. Specialists from the Whitehead Biomedical Research Institute (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) proved that HSF1 coordinates the induction of chaperones and is a multilateral factor in carcinogenesis, and deactivation of this factor stops tumor growth. Drugs that block heat shock protein are referred to as proteasome or proteolysis inhibitors.

When Bristol-Myers Squibb pulled out of Tanespimycin, a new American drug for breast cancer, lung carcinoma and angiosarcoma - Triolimus– began manufacturing the newly formed company Co-D Therapeutics, Inc. This medicine contains nanotechnology-based polymer micelles that allow multiple anti-cancer agents such as Paclitaxel, Rapamycin and Tanespimycin to be delivered in a single formulation.

By the way, since 2006 Bristol-Myers Squibb has also been releasing a nano-cure for cancer. Sprycel(Dasatinib), belonging to the group of enzyme tyrosine kinase inhibitors and intended for the treatment of lymphoblastic leukemia and skin cancer with metastases.

Nanomolar concentrations of the drug act purposefully and inhibit the growth of only tumor cells.

But back to the chaperones. In the spring of 2017, there were reports that the NII OCHB FMBA (Research Institute for Highly Pure Preparations at the Federal Medical and Biological Agency) developed and tested on laboratory rats a unique Russian cure for cancer of any kind. Its basis is a heat shock protein, which, according to the authors of the publication, has an antitumor effect ...

Russian cure for cancer

For the complex therapy of breast cancer, the Russian cancer medicine Refnot is offered, in which the active components are genetically modified cytokines - TNFα(tumor necrosis factor-alpha) and thymosin alpha-1 (lymphocyte growth factor and T-cell differentiation). It should be noted that a separate drug Thymosin-alpha belongs to the pharmacological group of immunostimulants.

BIOCAD (Russian Federation) produces anti-cancer monoclonal antibodies Acellbia(Rituximab) Bevacizumab and BCD-100, as well as an antimetabolite Gemcitar(Gemcitabine) and proteasome inhibitor Bortezomib.

The last drug under the designations Amilan-FS and Boramilan-FS is produced by F-Synthesis; entitled Boramilan Nativa company; the trade name Bortezol was assigned to this drug by the Pharmasyntez company, and two other Russian companies produce Bortezomib under the name Milatib.

Finnish cancer medicines

Finland is considered one of the leading countries in the field of cancer research and treatment. According to the EUROCARE-5 cancer survival study in Europe, Finland was ranked the best European country in the treatment of breast, head and neck cancer, third in the treatment of prostate cancer and fourth in the treatment of colon cancer.

Antiestrogenic drug Fareston from breast cancer in women during menopause is produced by the Finnish company Orion Pharma (Orion Pharma). It also produces an antihormonal drug for prostate cancer. Flutamide.

The Institute of Molecular Medicine of the University of Helsinki, together with the American pharmaceutical company Pfizer, are starting to develop new targeted anticancer drugs for the treatment of leukemia.

Indian cure for cancer

In the complex treatment of malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract can be used Suprapol(manufactured by Glerma Pharmaceuticals, India).

This Indian cancer medicine consists of the antimetabolite fluorouracil and fulvic (humic) acid, which has a number of biological inhibitory properties, exhibits adaptogenic and anabolic qualities, and promotes detoxification of the body.

In the last two decades, the antiproliferative and antitumor properties of humic fulvic acids in cancer of the liver and other organs have been intensively studied abroad. So, in 2004, a group of scientists from China Medical University (Taiwan) found that humic acid induces apoptosis of HL-60 cells in promyelocytic leukemia. By the way, a patent for the invention of a method for producing modified fulvic acid for the preparation of anticancer drugs was issued in 2008, also in China.

Chinese medicine for cancer

Many Chinese cancer medicines are herbal, and this medicine is no exception. Kanlayt- an extract from the grains of pearl barley or common busen. This cereal, a relative of corn that grows in the countries of Southeast Asia, is also called Job's tears (lat. Coix lacryma-jobi). Along with other herbs, it has always been used in traditional Chinese medicine as a diuretic, pain reliever, and antispasmodic.

In the middle of the last century, the Japanese were engaged in the study of pearl barley, and for a more detailed study of its properties by scientists from the University of Zhejiang Province

was prompted by the fact that among the inhabitants of southeast China, in whose diet this cereal is present, the incidence of cancer is the lowest in the country.

The drug KLT for parenteral use is an emulsion of lipids extracted from the grains of the plant - a mixture of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The drug has passed laboratory studies and clinical trials in medical institutions in China, proving its effectiveness in lung carcinoma, as well as tumors of the breast, stomach and liver.

In the description of the action of this drug, its ability to slow down the mitosis of cancer cells and the formation of blood vessels in tumor tissues is noted.

Cuban cure for cancer

According to Expert Revue Vaccines, the new Cuban cancer drug CIMAvax-EGF is Cimavax(based on the molecular complex of the epidermal growth factor EGF) is claimed as a therapeutic antitumor vaccine for progressive non-small cell lung cancer that does not respond to chemotherapy (as an adjuvant).

In five clinical trials and two randomized trials, four doses of Civamax were found to improve patient survival. The safety of this drug has also been confirmed.

The Journal of Biological Chemistry reports cancer drug trials are underway CIMAvax-EGF- in order to test EGF as a predictive biomarker of the effectiveness of this drug.

Kazakh medicine for cancer Arglabin

Arglabin, an immunomodulatory drug of plant origin, for parenteral use after radiation or chemotherapy for oncological diseases of the mammary glands, ovaries, lungs and liver, is produced in Kazakhstan.

The destruction of cancer cells and the enhancement of the biological effect of radiation therapy is provided by the arglabin compound dimetolamine isolated from the plant Artemisia glabella (smooth wormwood), which is a registered antitumor substance in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Researchers at the International School of Molecular Medicine at the University of Ulm (Germany) are studying the antitumor potential of arglabin using prostate carcinoma cell lines. It has been proven in vivo that this substance can selectively inhibit the proliferation and reduce the viability of prostate cancer PC-3 cells, as well as initiate their apoptosis by activating cysteine ​​proteases (which leads to cell membrane damage and DNA fragmentation).

And in the research center of Wageningen University (Netherlands), they developed a new method to obtain arglabin from bitter wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), and from tansy (Tanacetum parthenium) another compound with anticancer activity - parphenolide.

Ukrainian cure for cancer

An antitumor agent of Ukrainian development, created at the Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine - nano cure for cancer breast Ferroplat (alkylating cytostaic Cisplatin + magnetized iron in the form of nanoparticles). Currently, its preclinical studies are ongoing.

How do I get into cancer drug trials on cancer patients? When the drug is ready (passes all the required checks and execution of all required documents), the Ministry of Health of Ukraine will prepare and publish on its official website an appropriate order indicating the medical institutions selected for conducting clinical trials of this drug and the conditions for its potential participants (having suitable for drug diagnosis and a detailed medical history with a full description of the treatment and its results).

Together, scientists of the National Antarctic Research Center and the Institute of Biology and Medicine of the KNU named after A.I. Shevchenko. During the Antarctic expeditions 2013-2015. At the Akademik Vernadsky station, microorganisms living on soil, mosses and lichens adapted to low temperatures were studied as potential sources of compounds with biologically active properties. And among the cultures of micromycetes and bacteria discovered by microbiologists (more than three dozen in total), suitable “candidates” were found. According to the Ukrainian Antactic Journal, these are microscopic gelotian fungi of the genus Pseudogymnoascus pannorum (surviving in the cold due to the accumulation of lipids in cell membranes) and Zygomycete Mucor circinelloides (known for its ability to genetic transformations).

What is a digital cancer cure?

It is an experimental drug for cancer, created with the help of computer technology, which makes it possible to combine and compare complex sets of molecular, biochemical and clinical data that represent the disease from all sides. In addition, the drug development cycle is reduced several times.

Biotechnology company BERG Health has created a computer program (Interrogative Biology AI platform) to develop drugs for cancer using artificial intelligence. One drug in particular, BPM 31510, has entered phase II trials to study its efficacy in the treatment of pancreatic cancer.

Another digital cure for cancer is the new drug BPM 31510-IV for the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme (a type of brain cancer). To clarify the exact mechanism of its action, the drug will be tested in patients whose standard treatment is carried out with the use of recombinant monoclonal antibodies, in particular, Bevacizumab.

Many IT professionals predict that the Interrogative Biology AI platform could revolutionize the pharmaceutical industry.

Does vitamin 17 exist?

Vitamin 17, other names - Laetrile, Letrile, Amygdalin, was produced in the USA and was presented as a cure for cancer. In fact, liquid Laetrile B 17 was part of the Budwig diet for cancer patients (which will be discussed below) - as a dietary supplement.

After repeated cases of Americans being poisoned with Laetrile, the FDA began prosecuting "natural medicine" clinics that used the drug. In late 2012, the American Cancer Society stated that (quote) "existing scientific evidence does not support claims that Laetrile or Amygdalin are effective in treating cancer."

Drugs other than anticancer drugs

Adjuvants that are proposed for use in combination therapy of oncological diseases do not belong to anticancer drugs:

Timalin (bovine thymus extract) can be used to maintain immunity during long-term use of antibacterial drugs, chemotherapy and radiation courses.

ASD (Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant, produced by high-temperature processing of meat and bone meal) is a modified Russian-made biostimulant used in veterinary medicine. According to the patent, it can be used to activate the general and local metabolism.

Thiophane is a phenolic antioxidant produced by the Russian Federation, containing hydroxyphenyl-propyl sulfides and a polymer and food stabilizer (CO-3). It acts as an angiprotector, that is, it improves the rheological properties of the blood and reduces the risk of blood clots.

Creolin - antiseptic for disinfection; can be used externally for mycoses.

Krutsin - official production has long been discontinued.

Folk cures for cancer

Some, faced with an oncological diagnosis, decide to use the so-called traditional cancer cures. Do such miracle cures even exist?

For example, there are rumors that soda as a cure for cancer cures oncology ...

Now expelled from the Italian Medical Association, the Italian oncologist Tulio Simoncini at one time came up with the idea of ​​​​the fungal origin of cancer, and he assured everyone that cancer was provoked by the fungus Candida albicans colonizing the human body (and even wrote a book about this Cancer is Fungus). For the fact that he treated cancer patients with injections of a solution of sodium bicarbonate (soda), and did not prescribe the necessary drugs for cancer, he was deprived of the right to practice medicine. And when one of his patients died, Simoncini was put on trial.

Chaga (birch fungus), celandine grass (especially for colon cancer), garlic, green tea, ginger root and turmeric are considered folk remedies for cancer.

Selenium (Se) is able to inhibit the growth of thyroid tumors, thanks to the optimization of the immune system and antioxidant properties (American oncologists recommend that their patients consume 200 micrograms of selenium daily).

The perennial herb aconite (wrestler) used in homeopathy is poisonous, but, as recent laboratory studies at the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Lishui, Zhejiang Province) showed, the poisonous alkaloid of this plant - aconitine - inhibits the growth of pancreatic cancer cells and activates them apoptosis (the study was conducted on mice).

How can black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) help with cancer? Elderberry contains anthocyanins, flavonoids, other polyphenols and vitamins A and C, which give its berries medicinal properties, in particular, antioxidants. Several physiological and biochemical processes in the body contribute to the formation of free radicals. Oxidative reactions can cause abnormal cell mitosis and the appearance of tumors that can become malignant.

Once, for lack of medicines, kerosene (an oil refining product) was used for general infection (for disinfection), arthritis and radiculitis). Perhaps the merit of kerosene (taken orally) is the destruction of bacteria and fungal infections, which in cancer reduced the infectious burden on the immune system.

Fly agaric, pale grebe and cancer

The red fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) and its closest “relative”, the pale grebe (Amanita phalloides), belonging to the deadly poisonous amanite mushrooms, contain amatoxins α- and β-amanitin. In classical homeopathy, Amanita phalloides is used as a remedy for the fear of death...

The mechanism of the toxic effects of amatoxins on the human body is associated with the inhibition of a vital enzyme in the synthesis of cellular proteins - RNA polymerase II (RNAP II). Interacting with this enzyme, α-amanitin prevents the translocation of RNA and DNA, resulting in the cessation of metabolism in cells and its death. When all this happens with tumor cells, where, as it turned out, RNAP II activity (due to increased expression of tumor HOX genes) is higher compared to healthy cells, fly agaric or toadstool toxin acts as an anticancer agent. At the same time, α-amanitin, affecting atypical cells, does not cause serious consequences for healthy cells.], ,

Hemp and its oil

Hemp seed (Cannabis sativa) provides not only a drug, but also an oil, which is considered an effective complementary treatment for cancer, stopping the growth of malignant tumors.

Hemp oil contains cannabinoids (phenol-containing terpenoids), one of which, cannabidiol, binds to specific ones that are found in the central nervous system, lungs, liver, kidneys, hematopoietic and immunocompetent cells (macrophages, T- and B-cells of the immune system). Due to its blocking effect on the inhibitor of DNA-binding protein ID-1 (stimulating growth, angiogenesis and neoplastic transformation of cells), cannabidiol reduces its expression in cancer cells.

This has been proven by a number of studies, and today hemp oil includes such anti-cancer effects as preventing the appearance of new blood vessels in the tumor and the spread of cancer cells to neighboring tissues, as well as stopping the division of atypical cells and starting the process of their lysosomal "self-digestion" - autophagy. This applies to malignant neoplasms of the lungs, prostate and pancreas, colorectal carcinoma and ovarian cancer, leukemia and lymphomas.

Flax oil in the diet of cancer patients

Linseed oil (linseed oil) contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids: linolenic (ω-3), linoleic (ω-6) and oleic (ω-9). It also contains alpha and gamma tocopherol and selenium. Selenium was mentioned above, but fatty acids should be precisely unsaturated, since, according to the theory of the famous German pharmacologist and nutritionist Johanna Budwig, the author of the diet for cancer patients, the causes of many forms of cancer lie in the imbalance of polyunsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids - with the predominance of saturated.

Experts from the American Institute for Cancer Research support the opinion that flax oil is certainly useful for cancer patients, but it cannot cure oncopathology.

Where can I get Brazilian wasp venom?

Polybia wasp (Polybia paulista) lives in the tropical regions of Argentina, Paraguay and is common in Brazil

The venom of the Brazilian wasp contains peptide toxins - polybins (Polybia-MP1, etc.), which, as biochemists at Sao Paulo State University (Brazil) and the British University of Leeds have found out, bind adhesively to phospholipids of cell membranes, damage them and penetrate into cancer cells.

And as a result of the subsequent necrosis of the cytoplasm and the chemical destruction of mitochondria, a decrease in tumors is observed - due to the inevitable death of its cells.

How do cancer drugs work?

When asked the question - is there a cure for cancer? - then, obviously, they mean a remedy that can destroy the tumor and make damaged cells healthy. There is no such drug yet, and most of the drugs that are currently used by oncologists in cancer chemotherapy (they are called anti-blastoma cytostatics and cytotoxins) are aimed at slowing down the mitosis of tumor cells, leading to their programmed decay. Unfortunately, these drugs do not act selectively (only on tumor cells), and normal cells are also affected.

A universal cure for all types of cancer - despite the occasional loud claims from some pharmaceutical companies - is also not yet available. The fact is that cancerous tumors of various organs are formed, grow and react to drug exposure in different ways, and this depends on many factors that are difficult to take into account in a single drug.

However, in almost all types of malignant neoplasms, polyfunctional alkylating drugs (inhibitors of DNA replication) are used. This is one of the main and most numerous groups of anticancer drugs. Depending on the mechanism of action, cytostatic drugs for cancer may be referred to as antimetabolites (Methotrexate, Ftorafur, Gemcitabine, etc.), plant alkaloids (Vincristine, Vinblastine, Paclitaxel, Docetaxel, Etoposide) and antitumor antibiotics (Bleomycin, Doxorubicin, Mitomycin).

For targeted (targeted) therapy, other drugs are used. First, they must reduce the number of tumor cells without affecting normal cells, especially immune cells. Secondly, the immune system needs to be strengthened, especially its cellular link. To achieve the first goal, there are drugs that have an inhibitory or blocking effect on specific cancer genes or enzymes in the human body that promote the growth and survival of tumor cells. These are enzyme inhibitors (Imatinib, Sunitinib, Bortezomib, Letromara, Regorafenib, etc.) and monoclonal antibodies (Alemtuzumab, Bevacizumab, Rituximab, Trastuzumab, Keytruda(pembrolizumab), Pierrette(Pertuzumab). A number of antitumor hormonal agents (for example, Triptorelin, Goserelin, etc.) are used for hormone-dependent types of cancer. And to help the immune system deal with mutant cells, oncologists prescribe immune-modulating drugs (although there is controversy about how effective they are).

The most expensive cancer drugs

Cancer is a cruel disease that affects millions of people every year. And in order to overcome their illness, they are forced to pay fabulous money for the majority for the most expensive cancer drugs. From a business point of view, oncology drugs are the most reliable guarantee of high profits for pharmaceutical companies...

Many new drugs target specific types of cancer and are very expensive. For example, the price of 40 mg of the drug Opdivo(nivolumab) 40 mg. - more than $900, and 100 mg - over $2300. The price of one package of medicine Zolinza(in a package of 120 tablets) is about $12 thousand, that is, each tablet costs the patient $100.

When will a cure for cancer be invented?

"Cancer treatment is difficult and the biological changes in cancer types are profound and a big challenge with all the different mutations in cancers." This was said by the former director of the US National Cancer Institute (NCI), Nobel Prize winner Dr. Harold Varmus.

Experts say there has been tremendous progress in the field of cancer over the past five years, but a "cure" for all of its types is unlikely, with at least 200 of them. So finding one cure for cancer to deal with all of them is apparently impossible.

Therefore, oncologists do not believe in any prophecies about a cure for cancer ... Someday, as Vanga said, cancer should be "shackled with iron chains", but no one knows who this "blacksmith" will be.

(This is the same mouse that was transplanted with almost all of the most dangerous human tumors and made a full recovery after being treated with CD-47.)

Cancer cure seems to have finally been found

In her ScienceNow publication, "One Drug to Remove All Tumors," Sarah Williamson claims to have found a new drug that has been shown to be highly effective against virtually all human cancers (breast, brain, colon, liver, prostate, and ovary) implanted in mice.

The discovery is connected with the history of research by biologist Irving Weissman (Stanford University) of a special protein CD47, produced in large quantities in leukemia, and also, as shown later, in all types of cancerous tumors. This protein is also found in red blood cells, and serves as a kind of label for the immune system not to destroy beneficial cells. Thus, by camouflaging with CD47, cancer cells become invisible to the immune system and mistaken for friendly tissue.

Over the past few years, Weisman's laboratory has been synthesizing antibodies that could, by interacting with the CD47 protein, break this disguise, making the cell visible to the immune system. After that, healthy lymph could successfully destroy foreign cells. More recently, this work has been successful and the new antibody has been tested in mice. The new technique has been found to not harm healthy CD47-containing cells, but can cure many types of cancer, regardless of stage, tumor aggressiveness, or even metastases.

"We have shown that CD47 is not only relevant for leukemia and lymphoma," Weissman said. "It shows up in any kind of human cancer." What's more, Weissmann's lab found that cancer cells produce much higher levels of CD47 than healthy cells do. Thus, the level of CD47 may also indicate a person's chances of recovery.

"We have shown that even after a tumor has developed, an antibody can either cure it or slow its growth and prevent metastases from forming," Weissman said.

And although macrophages also attacked blood cells surrounded by CD47 when antibodies were injected into mice, the scientists found that the reduction in the number of cells was of a short-term nature, and the animals easily restored the production of new blood cells to replace those lost. This was reported by researchers today in the materials of the National Academy of Sciences.

Tyler Jacks (Cambridge), an oncologist researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, emphasizes that although the results are very encouraging, a clinical stage should be carried out: "The microflora of real tumors is somewhat more complex than implanted ones, and it is possible that real cancer will reveal additional effects that dampen the immune systems"

Another important question, Jax says, is how will the CD47 antibody complement existing treatments—work together or stand alone? For example, the use of anti-CD47 as an adjunct to chemotherapy may not be effective due to normal cells producing more CD47 due to stress.

Weisman's team has received a $20 million grant from the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine to transfer safety research from mice to humans. "We already have enough data," says Weisman, "and I can say that I'm confident that it will carry over to the first stage of human trials."

In a book called "Not Just About Cycling: My Return to Life" there is a wise quote that says that l people are dying. When you know this, the rest seems unimportant. Just a trifle. But there is another truth. People live. This is the opposite, but just as true truth. People live, and sometimes live wonderfully.

Scourge of the 21st century

Cancer was encountered in medical practice thousands of years ago and was even described by Greek and Egyptian healers. To date, it is increasingly being diagnosed in patients, especially the elderly, whose cells are no longer able to work the way they worked in their youth. Indeed, in fact, a cancerous tumor is an accumulation of underdeveloped cells that cannot perform their functions, but at the same time spread, affecting the entire body over time. Is this serious disease being treated now? Scientists all over the world are developing drugs for cancerous tumors - and achieve greater success in this field.

If earlier oncologists were more like surgeons and simply removed the neoplasm, today chemotherapy and drug treatment are most often practiced. Of course, not all types of oncology are treated - there are tumors that are still not amenable to therapy.

The earlier the better

Alas, most tumors are diagnosed already in the later stages, when drug treatment does not give the desired effect. However, if it is detected in advance, in its infancy, it is quite simple to cure it with conservative therapy. In many cases, treatment ended with a victory over the tumor.

Screening methods help to diagnose a dangerous disease in time. So, in Israel, thanks to timely mammography, about 90% of women with breast cancer recover. Unfortunately, usually people ignore preventive research and even alarming symptoms.

Antiviral drugs and cancer treatment

The course of oncology treatment must include First of all, doctors have long known that many viral diseases can cause the development of malignant tumors. For example, the human papillomavirus, which is diagnosed in the majority of the population, has a number of strains that can cause cervical cancer. Medicines that activate the patient's immune response help the body fight the disease on its own, so they play an important role in the treatment regimen.

Cancer drug for anemia

In 2016, scientists made an amazing discovery - it turns out that the "cancer pill" has already been invented. An anemia drug sold on pharmacy shelves helps with cancer!

Scientists from the American Stanford University found that iron nanoparticles, which are part of the drug, stimulate the immune system to destroy cancer by influencing macrophages - cells whose main task is to cleanse the body and inhibit the development of cancerous tumors. The drug is called Ferumoxitol and is already available in US pharmacies without a prescription.

The effect of the drug was tested on groups of mice artificially infected with cancerous tumors. The study showed that Ferumoxitol does not allow metastases to spread, suppresses cancer cells and does not have serious side effects. The drug will soon be tested on cancer patients.

Development of new drugs for oncological diseases

Pharmaceutical companies around the world today are very active in the development of drugs for cancer. On the one hand, they sincerely hope to help humanity in the fight against malignant neoplasms, on the other hand, they understand that this will bring them a lot of money.

Today, the main task of such developments is not to create a drug that destroys the tumor, but to invent drugs that act more gently and selectively. After all, chemotherapy, so popular in medical practice, often suppresses the patient's immunity so much that instead of a patient's tumor, even the flu can kill.

First of all, scientists say, new cancer pills should prevent the cell from growing, block its growth factors, and also strengthen the immune system, which itself will begin to destroy the neoplasm in a natural way.

Among the drugs already approved for use in cancer treatment are the following:

  1. "Kadsilah". Developed by the Swiss company Roche. It is a combination of Herceptin already known on the pharmaceutical market and the chemotherapy drug Emtanzin. The US has already decided to buy it from Swiss colleagues for mass sale.
  2. "Fluorouracil" is an antimetabolite that blocks the synthesis of DNA cells. Chlorambucil works on the same principle. In general, antimetabolites are considered universal remedies for any cancerous growths, because they destroy the DNA of the cell and prevent its division. Often used in combination with platinum compounds.
  3. "Imatinib", marketed under the name "Gleevec". An anti-leukemic cytostatic drug that selectively affects cells that can cause the development of cancerous tumors. The main disadvantage of cytostatics is that, despite their ability to kill dangerous cells, they still cause many side effects.

Since many developments are carried out in the United States, the only way for our population to get these drugs is through courier delivery. But the main thing is that a cure for cancer has been found.

Homeopathic remedy from Thailand

In 2013, information appeared that in Thailand there is a medicine based on the collection of medicinal herbs for sale, which cures oncology at any stage. This cure for cancer was found a long time ago and is actively used by Thais. The drug is available in the form of capsules called G-Herb. The doctor who made this medicine is no longer alive, but his son continues his work. Alas, Thai cancer pills are not able to help everyone - those who have already completed a course of chemotherapy, the creator himself did not recommend their use. Nevertheless, he helped many people, extending their lives by 10-20 years.

The cost of this drug is from 3,000 rubles. for 60 capsules.

Russian drug in the treatment of tumors

Given the huge cost in Russia and Ukraine, they are not always available. Therefore, Russian scientists have invented a "cancer pill", the price of which will be significantly lower than foreign analogues.

At the end of 2016, it was reported that the latest cancer drug is available in 2018-2019. To date, it is being prepared for the first clinical trials, in which patients from different countries of the world, including, of course, Russians, will take part.

The main task of the drug, while bearing the working name PD-1, is to remove the “mask” from cancer cells. The thing is that for some time the immune system simply does not see the activated and growing cancer cells, because they are successfully masked. And when the disguise subsides, it is already much more difficult to deal with them. If the immune system recognizes pathogenic agents immediately, the chance of a cure is much higher. In addition, scientists are confident that the Russian analogue is much more effective than foreign drugs.

So far, the drug is being tested on animals and patients, and if it passes all the tests, these cancer pills will be available in 2018. Their cost will be much lower than foreign ones.

German doctor Johanna Budwig, a female scientist who PhD in chemistry and physics, leading specialist in the field of biochemistry of fats and essential fatty acids, pharmacologist,was one of the leading biochemists in Europe, who discovered the cure for cancer over 60 years ago and cured 90% of her cancer patients.

Joanna Budwig has been nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine seven times, which in itself inspires respect for her work. She died in 2003 at the age of 95.

In her practice, she invariably resorted to the use of non-toxic ingredients that did not cause side effects. Due to her astonishing success in this area, Dr. Budwig has become the most bitter enemy of the pharmaceutical and nuclear industries.

Representatives of these industries put pressure on Joanna Budwig in the early 50s, so the general public is not familiar with the results of her research and with the Budwig Method (the Budwig Method is a procedure by which cancer is cured). Dr. Budwig claimed that she was ready to answer the most exciting question about cancer.

However, she was afraid that other representatives of medicine and pharmaceuticals would not listen to her, since the goal of these people is not to hear and understand, but to get and use for personal gain. Dr. Budwig knew that no country would recognize her as being right.

The cancer industry is built on lies!

On a global scale, pharmaceuticals make a decent amount of money from patients who are barely alive, which means that dead and healthy patients are not profitable for the industry. Therefore, it is no secret that the cancer industry is not interested in finding a cure for this terrible disease.

Cancer is the most lucrative disease in the history of medicine, and drug dealers will try their best to keep it that way.

The unholy trinity of cancer!

Toxins, radiation and acidosis, which manifests itself in the body due to pharmaceuticals and malnutrition, this is the unholy trinity of cancer. Acidosis is the final stage of a condition in which the body chemistry oxidizes and the ability of the blood to hold and transport oxygen drops dramatically.

This lack of oxygen is the cause of tumors, and cells must urgently change to get more energy during the process of fermentation (fermentation - the release of energy without the participation of oxygen) of sugar. This is not the same as the well-known biochemical process.

The waste products of fermentation that accumulate in the tissues cause an even higher degree of "poisoning", which leads to even more oxidation of the chemical composition of the body and oxygen starvation of the cells. As a result, cancer cells divide at a tremendous rate, and the whole process has a fatal end.

These facts are scientifically proven. They were proven by Dr. Otto Warburg, who received the Nobel Prize in 1931.

Oxygen is the most powerful weapon in the fight against cancer. The Budwig Method is a process that stimulates the body's supply of oxygen better and faster than other therapies. In this case, the pH level in the body is displayed in an alkaline state. When the body is in an alkaline state, the blood is enriched with oxygen, which is detrimental to mutating cancer cells.

Dr. Budwig's method is based on using a combination of regular linseed oil and low-fat cottage cheese. She learned that "healthy" (fat-free) diets can actually cause huge problems.

She eliminated harmful fats and foods that cause cellular oxygen starvation from the daily diet, replacing them with healing foods and essential fatty acids. She also stressed the importance of sunlight, which is a natural source of anti-cancer vitamin D3.

Dr. Budwig's anti-cancer method!

The Budwig method consists of two steps.

First stage is completely natural, which combines the sulfur protein of cottage cheese and omega-3 from flax seeds. Dr. Budwig found that the body will extract exactly the amount of omega-3s from flaxseed oil that it needs.
She argued that there are a number of fatty acids, without which respiratory enzymes simply do not work. A person will not be able to breathe, even if there is air enriched with oxygen around him. In addition, many processes in the body slow down due to the lack of these beneficial fatty acids.

Dr. Budwig said that we cannot exist without them, just like without air and food.
This medicine is mostly taken orally, but in most difficult cases, Dr. Budwig administered flaxseed oil rectally.

The second part The Budwig method includes a special diet. Patients are advised to follow this diet for at least 6 months, regardless of symptoms.



  • 1 cup peeled cottage cheese (make sure it's not made from homogenized milk)
  • 2-5 tablespoons flaxseed oil, found in about 10 capsules as a dietary supplement, or 1-3 tablespoons ground flaxseed (note that flaxseed oil or ground flaxseed should be used immediately after contact with air)
  • a little red capsicum

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The resulting medicine is taken by mouth at least once a day. It must be poured into a wooden spoon and never into a metal one.


Avoid pure animal fats.
- Do not use store-bought salad dressings and toppings.
- Avoid using store-bought mayonnaise.
- Refrain from meat if you are not sure of its natural origin or you do not know what the animal was fed with.
- Avoid butter and margarine.
- Drink fresh vegetables: carrots, celery and beets.
- Drink a cup of warm tea three times a day. Teas from mint, rose petals and grape tea. Use honey to sweeten your drink.
- Give preference to products without chemical additives.
- Avoid all foods that have been pre-processed.
- Cut down on all medications.
- Do not drink drinks with additives.
- Avoid tap water and plastic water, food should not contain fluoride.
- You need to cook every day so that any dish is fresh.


Use flaxseed oil protected from air, heat and light. It must be cold pressed and natural.
- Avoid eating food that is a source of omega-3 fatty acids, except for flax.
- Refrain from hydrogenated oil in your daily diet.
- Take chlorophyll supplements.
- Drink green drinks constantly to ensure proper nutrition.
- Take vitamin C daily, but not more than 5 grams per day, because exceeding this dose can lead to impaired kidney function.
- Avoid cosmetics that protect against ultraviolet rays.
- Foods containing chlorine compounds (flour, rice, white bread) should be excluded from the diet.
- Instead of table salt, use high quality unbleached sea salt.
- Look for safer alternatives to regular soap and household products.
- Avoid soy products.
- Take a teaspoon of natural cold-pressed coconut oil daily.

Books by Joanna Budwig

Six of Dr. Budwig's books have been published in German, and only three of them have been presented in English. In Russian, the titles of the books are as follows:
- Proteins and butter in a cookbook (2000)
- Cancer - Issues and Solutions (1999)
- Flax seed oil is an indispensable remedy for arthritis, heart attack, cancer and other diseases (1972)

Last but not least, it is important to note that Dr. Budwig's method is the result of extensive research conducted by Dr. Budwig after she came to conclusions about the properties of acids.

* * *

At his lecture November 2, 1959 in Zurich, Budwig said: "Without fatty acids, the enzymes that ensure the absorption of oxygen in the respiratory system do not function. A person begins to suffocate even in oxygen-rich air. A deficiency of fatty acids undermines the vital functions of the body."

After thirty years of research, Joanna Budwig discovered that in the blood of patients in the last stages of cancer, always without exception, there is a deficiency of the most important ingredients, substances called phosphatides and lipoproteins. The blood of healthy people always contains a sufficient amount of these essential ingredients. With their deficiency, cancer cells begin to multiply uncontrollably.

A blood test in cancer patients showed the presence of a strange greenish-yellow substance instead of healthy red blood with the presence of hemoglobin - an oxygen transporter, which explained the anemia and weakness of cancer patients!

This unexpected discovery led Budwig to her theory. She found that with the help of natural products within three months, the tumor began to decrease. The strange greenish elements in the blood began to disappear, replaced by healthy red blood cells with phosphatides and lipoproteins.

Weakness and anemia receded and vital energy returned. The symptoms of cancer, liver dysfunction and diabetes were completely eliminated!

Dr. Budwig discovered a natural way to replenish vital essential acids for patients suffering from their deficiency in the blood.

A simple combination of two products can not only play a preventive role in warding off the threat of illness, but also cure those who are already ill.

The combination of cold-pressed flaxseed oil with homemade cottage cheese has been successful where most classic medicines have failed. After 10 years of solid clinical trials, the dietary use of the Budwig Protocol, as it was later called, has proven its therapeutic value in the prevention and treatment of cancer, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, liver dysfunction, peptic ulcer, arthritis, skin eczema, age; diseases and autoimmune diseases.

A diet consisting of a cup of cottage cheese (100-150 g) mixed with two tablespoons of linseed oil was used with success in Europe, and in 1990 oncologist Dr. Roehm has stated that this diet is the most successful anti-cancer diet in the world.

Budwig, in her research, revealed the harmfulness of the use of "bad" fats for health, in particular, the widely used methods of hydrogenation (an example is the production of margarine, a very dangerous product for people with cancer risks).

Budwig's scientific views and ideas throughout her life were attacked, and then agreed by default, by official medicine, connected by mutual interests with the pharmacological and food industries.

As Cliff Beckwith, a former patient of Budwig's, who was under her supervision for prostate cancer for 10 years, recalled, about 1000 successful stories of cancer cures were documented.

But the pharmacological oncology industry ignored all the achievements of Budwig. In addition, her scientific findings could deal a serious blow to the food industry in the production of fats.

Budwig considered unacceptable the use of any refined types of oils, the so-called artificial fats (margarine, mayonnaise), obtained as a result of hydrogenation or partial hydrogenation. All these fats are rejected by the body, the heart muscle, leading to various disorders, including at the cellular level. In a number of bad fats, Budwig included unsaturated fats, which are widely used for the preparation of confectionery products.

According to her ideas, carbohydrates containing natural sugar are acceptable for consumption: apples, figs, pears, grapes. It is not allowed to use refined sugar in all forms, pasta, white bread, fatty meats, fried and canned foods.

To maintain normal health, almost everyone was recommended to consume at least 100 grams of cottage cheese daily with 5 grams of linseed oil.

According to Dr. Budwig's diet, breakfast could include honey mixed in a blender with organic cold-pressed flax oil (such oil should only be kept in the refrigerator), a small amount of fresh fresh milk (a scarce product in today's environment), and fresh grainy cottage cheese. The addition of nuts (with the exception of peanuts) and a small amount of fresh seasonal fruit was allowed.

In Germany, a proprietary formulation called Linomel was used, consisting of a mixture of freshly frozen ground flax, honey and powdered milk. Linomel with the addition of a blender mixture, or just a blender mixture according to the above recipe - in any case, the product should have been eaten within 10 minutes after preparation. Otherwise, the product would oxidize and become unhealthy.

It should be noted that Joanna Budwig in severe cases used a mixture of 42 g of linseed oil (3 tablespoons) per 100 g of fresh cottage cheese. A common daily practice for this food combination is to use less flaxseed oil for more curd as a preventive measure.

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