How to bring a person to life from alcohol. Sobering up a person at home: practical advice

Most are familiar with the rules of drinking, allowing you to stay sober for as long as possible. However, on holidays they are forgotten and unpleasant situations happen. Then the question arises of how to quickly sober up a person at home. If the extra glass has already been drunk, and the next day you go to work, you will have to put in order the body suffering from a hangover.

To understand how to quickly sober up a drunk, figure out whether you want to bring him to his senses for a short time or to remove alcohol to the maximum. If you are wondering how to sober up a person for a short time, then an invigorated nervous system can return feelings.

It's about shaking the body. Cold water has a strong effect on the body systems. It is recommended to wash with ice water or even take a cold shower. An intensive massage will help to quickly bring a person back to normal. You need to massage the ears or feet. Massage helps to sober up due to the stimulation of blood circulation, metabolism also increases, and ethanol begins to be excreted from the body.

A person at home can quickly be brought back to "life" using mint, in the form of toothpaste or leaves. Coffee or strong tea helps, to which you should add a slice of lemon. Try another version of tea - ginger, honey is added to it. However, do not forget that sugary drinks increase the absorption of alcohol taken. Therefore, before using them, it is advisable to perform a gastric lavage.

If you see that one of your friends needs a sobering up, use the classic recipes for dealing with intoxication. For different options you will need:

  • ammonia;
  • peppermint tincture;
  • activated carbon or other sorbent;
  • oils;

One of the most popular ways to sober up a drunk person is ammonia. Six drops of alcohol are added to a glass of cold water. The person who needs to get sober drinks the mixture. This will help flush out the stomach. Remember that the sobering person should not be given the mixture if he is unconscious, as this is fraught with suffocation.

Additional options

Many people note that a great sobering drink is peppermint tincture. It is diluted in a glass of water, but in larger quantities. It will take two dozen drops. This tincture is dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription, but is available for cooking on your own. To do this, a glass of vodka is used on a teaspoon of dry mint leaves. You need to insist the mixture for at least a week.

An intoxicated person will quickly come to his senses if you rub the ears. Rubbing is performed on both ears at the same time. This allows you to quickly bring the drunk to consciousness, but the “life” is short, so this option is not suitable for bringing to life for a long time.

A popular and effective method is gastric lavage. For this, a person is given to drink a large amount of warm water. You can use a solution of potassium permanganate. Vomiting is caused forcibly by irritation of the root of the tongue. Lavage is performed until only water comes out of the stomach. Remember that only a conscious person can perform flushing, you don't want to become a killer.

After the stomach is cleaned, it is necessary to collect the remains of ethanol and its decay products in it. Activated charcoal or another sorbent works best with this. These drugs are based on components that bind toxins and are excreted from the body during emptying. If you chose activated charcoal, then the dose is selected at the rate of one tablet per ten kilograms of weight.

If there is no activated charcoal or other sorbent at hand, and all pharmacies are closed nearby, pay attention to warm drinks with honey. Fructose, which this product is full of, perfectly neutralizes the negative effects of alcohol.

Although the cold helps to quickly bring a person to his senses, you should not send a drunk person alone on the street, especially in winter. Most likely, a person will quickly fall asleep, and in cold weather this threatens with big problems. It is better to make the person move quickly. This will dissipate the alcohol fumes and return his head to normal functioning.

Hard enough, but at the same time an effective remedy is an ice shower. It is necessary to undress the drunk, put him in a bath and pour cold water on him until a reaction to what is happening is manifested. However, it should be borne in mind that a person may begin to resist. In this case, the method will be ineffective if the person is much larger than you. Then wiping the face and neck of the victim with a wet cold towel is more suitable.

Working on a hangover

In addition to directly washing the stomach, doctors recommend performing cleansing enemas. This method is also effective, since the mucous membranes in the intestines actively absorb ethanol and its decay products. Diuretics have also proven themselves well, but you need to carefully select medicines. If a person has chronic kidney disease, the use of diuretics is prohibited.

So that in the morning, on impulse, a person quickly comes to his senses, you need to drink several glasses of water. Aspirin can relieve such symptoms as a severe headache. Remember that people with bleeding problems and ulcers should not use aspirin or aspirin-containing products.

A cup of ginger tea with honey or milk will help you quickly come to your senses. These drinks will start the metabolic process, which means that the decay products of ethanol will be removed from the body faster. Milk and ginger perfectly cleanse the body of toxins and give a boost of energy.

So that all these tips are not useless, of course, you need to drink alcohol correctly. There are not so many rules for competent drinking, and with their observance, an ordinary person (not an alcoholic) will definitely not have problems.

Avoid mixing drinks. Regardless of how high-quality alcohol you drink, mixing different drinks, especially in degrees, is prohibited. If you do plan to drink one alcohol first and then another, take care to follow the rule from weak to strong.

Do not forget that a good and hearty snack is important at a party. It is important to choose quality products for her. Then the degree of intoxication will be noticeably lower. Of course, it is forbidden to drink alcohol on an empty stomach.

At the time of the party, choose something plentiful, such as fish, meat products. However, it is better to give up too fatty, smoked and salty foods. All this loads the kidneys and liver, and also increases thirst. Between glasses of strong alcohol, the rule of half an hour should be observed.

Ideally, give up cocktails, especially those that are drunk through a straw. With this form of drinking, you retain alcohol in your mouth, which increases the absorption of ethanol. It is better to drink alcohol in one gulp.

Often waking up after drinking, feel regret for last night? Did you call your ex, spent all your money, or got into a fight? It is not right. This is the prerogative of stupid schoolchildren and carefree students. Adult men behave differently.

1. Lose control

Let's start with the fact that grown men do not get drunk to the squeal of a pig. In any state, you must control your words and actions. It is better not to drink too much than to drink too much. Do not overestimate your abilities, this is the main feature of inexperienced students. If you feel like you're getting drunk quickly, get out into the fresh air, eat more, skip the toast, and drink less.

When a person is drunk, he is not cool and not incredibly smart. Do not write statuses, messages and do not post photos on social networks when drunk. You will be ashamed of them in the morning, uncomfortable and uncomfortable. Do not take incriminating photos that you will look at with horror in the morning after drinking. Never make any evidence of your alcoholic adventures.

3. Make plans and promise

There is nothing more stupid than making plans and predicting your life for the future while drunk. You are not able to really overshadow the situation. No one needs to promise or offer anything. 99 out of 100 plans are not realized and even stupid. You'll look like a talker when you don't keep your promise. Do you need it?

4. Dance and sing

After taking alcoholic beverages, you usually want to play tricks. Are you drawn to the dance floor, despite your tangled legs and lack of clear coordination? Don't make others laugh! It will look ridiculous and pathetic, especially if you continue to perform new "cool" moves. People can post your efforts on YouTube. Do you want to be a YouTube star that the entire Internet makes fun of? The performance of songs, in the absence of hearing, is extremely unpleasant for others.

5. Make phone calls and sms

In your "alcohol" career, there have certainly been cases of drunk calls and messages. When you're drunk, emotions and old memories kick in. Be a man! Do not call ex-girlfriends, mistresses and friends. Do not sort things out in a moment of drunken weakness. You will regret these words. Better turn off your phone now.

6. Start a fight

Under the influence of alcohol, it is better to get away from the emerging conflict. A drunk person cannot adequately resist in a fight. Most likely he will be beaten up and made a laughingstock. And evidence of this fight will be on YouTube or in the "Street Fights" group on social networks. If you start a fight or a petty brawl, then do it sober. (see Bar fight)

7. Shop

Most spontaneous purchases fall on the "fun" state of a person. Going to the store or shopping online is best sober. Save your finances and your credit card. Ideally, it's best to leave excess cash and credit cards at home.

8. Drive a car

Even if you drank just a glass, it is forbidden to drive. This is not discussed. You can cripple your life, friends, relatives and strangers. Don't do something you might regret for the rest of your life.

9. Do rash things

Many drunken emotional outbursts and decisions need to be nipped in the bud. If you are drunk, but you can not adequately assess the situation. Protect yourself and your health from rash actions. Postpone your plans for another day. On a sober head, everything looks completely different.

10. Be active in the love sphere

Do not make love confessions under the influence of the green beast. Suddenly this is a "drunk" sympathy, and not love? Also, alcohol will spoil the impression of such a wonderful love moment. Save your kind words for another day. You can have sex, but be careful. Be sure to use condoms to avoid an unhealthy alcoholic pregnancy. Under the influence of alcohol, you may experience problems with ejaculation or insufficient erection hardness.

We know that many agree with our advice, but some will not listen to them. They will soon be drunk again. They'll fight, call exes, and spend all their money on bullshit or strippers. They will be ashamed, uncomfortable and not very comfortable in the morning. These are rags, not men.

Intoxication from an overdose of ethyl alcohol leads to many negative consequences. In most situations, if you know how to sober up a drunk person, you can help him recover and avoid serious trouble. At the same time, it is necessary to understand which method of sobering up is applicable in a particular case - whether it is necessary to bring a person to his senses for a short time so that, for example, he can get home, or whether it is necessary to remove the alcohol remaining in the digestive tract so that the next day the hangover syndrome is less pronounced . It is also important to consider that such measures will not sober up a person completely, since the effect of alcohol already absorbed into the blood will continue. But it is quite possible to bring a drunk to his senses and reduce the harm of alcohol.

First aid for sobering

Before bringing a drunk to his senses, they completely exclude the possibility of further drinking and smoking for him. Then the algorithm of actions should be like this:

  • stimulation of the activity of the central nervous system;
  • cleansing the stomach, if possible, washing it and enema.

At the same time, they must provide an influx of fresh air - open windows or take a person outside, but not in frost. A sharp change in temperature will aggravate the situation and give an increased load on the heart.

To improve the functioning of the nervous system, it is recommended:

  • stir up the victim, lightly pat on the cheeks;
  • wet your face or entire head with cold water;
  • Rub your ears, feet and palms vigorously with your hands or with a wet towel.

Then the digestive tract is cleared of the remnants of alcohol, for which the urge to vomit is stimulated. If possible, do washing with a probe and put at least 3 enemas. The last two options are rarely used, because they are inconvenient to perform, require certain skills and conditions. Most often, only stimulation of the gag reflex is performed.

To induce vomiting, a drunken person is given a weak solution of potassium permanganate, soda-salt solution (1 tsp per glass of water) or just warm water to drink. Then lightly press on the root of the tongue with the back end of the spoon. If the person cannot be lifted, they are turned on their side face down to prevent vomit from entering the larynx.


It is allowed to perform such manipulations only if the drunk is conscious, otherwise lethal consequences are possible.

After cleansing the stomach, give activated charcoal or any enterosorbent to drink. This will ensure maximum removal of ethanol residues and its decay products from the digestive tract. Next, you need to drink plenty of water, which will help to avoid dehydration, reduce the amount of toxic substances and accelerate their removal to the outside. Then further actions are taken, the choice of which depends on the ultimate goal of the activities.

How to sober up a drunk

If an intoxicated person needs to be brought to his senses for a while, for example, to be taken home, several recipes for home remedies are used. The most popular of them is ammonia.

Sobering with ammonia

The pungent smell of ammonia and its chemical properties help to quickly return a person to consciousness. To quickly sober up, use ammonia in several ways:

  • give a sniff to the drunk;
  • lubricate his whiskey with liquid;
  • give a drink of ammonia solution (2-5 drops per 1 glass of water, the dosage is determined by the degree of intoxication).

A drunkard should drink a glass of ammonia drink in one gulp. To improve the taste, it is allowed to add a little jam to it - such an additive will not reduce the effectiveness of the sobering solution, but will make its taste less disgusting.


Also, you should not give a drunk a second portion of such a drink, since the ammonia solution acts too aggressively on the mucous membranes of the oropharynx and stomach. This can lead to pain, cramps, diarrhea, swelling of the larynx up to suffocation. If it was not possible to achieve the desired effect, it is better to use other, less drastic sobering options. In any case, one should not forget that before sobering up a person, it is imperative to first cleanse the stomach by causing him to vomit or by doing a gastric lavage.

Other ways to temporarily sober up

Very effective means for sobering up are prepared at home according to the following recipes:

  1. Spicy cocktail - grease a cup with vegetable oil, pour 2 tsp. spicy ketchup, 1 raw yolk, pour ½ tsp. mixture of black and red hot peppers, add 10 drops of vodka and a little lemon juice. Drink at once.
  2. Mint tincture - use the finished product or homemade alcohol infusion of mint leaves. To prepare a sobering drink, 20 drops must be dissolved in 1 glass of water. Drink in one gulp.
  3. Vitamin C - a drunk is given to drink orange or other citrus fresh juice or pharmacy fortified products. But they can not be combined with aspirin or anti-hangover drugs, which include it.

Strong black tea, coffee, a drink with ginger will help to recover a little. You can also brush your teeth with mint paste, rinse your mouth with sparkling mineral water, chew coffee beans or bay leaves. This will help sober up with a slight degree of intoxication.

How to revive a drunk for a long time

To help a heavily drunk person cope with alcohol intoxication and not suffer from withdrawal symptoms the next day, a number of such activities are performed:

After completing all the sobering procedures, the drunk is forced to eat well. Hot soup, stew with potatoes and sauerkraut are best. Finally, the person should be put to sleep. In the morning he will feel much better.

The most reliable way to avoid intoxication is to maintain a culture of drinking. To do this, you need to know your norm and under no circumstances exceed it. If the situation is out of control, it is extremely important to take timely measures to minimize intoxication of the body and prevent its negative consequences.


The information in the article is for informational purposes only and is not an instruction for use. Consult with your physician.

If there was a fun night, then the next day, traces of drinking do not disappear without a trace. However, it often happens that you urgently need to sober up, because tomorrow is work, an important meeting, etc. Sometimes there is no time at all to get in shape.

Eliminating alcohol from the body is not a quick fix, but there are a few things you can do to look more sober. However, before you sober up a drunk person at home quickly, you should make sure that the chosen methods are safe. It is better to use the safest and most common methods that work effectively, as radical sobering up can lead to health problems.

Stop drinking alcohol

When ingested, ethyl alcohol releases special enzymes that break down, enter the bloodstream and lead a person into a state of intoxication. These substances are dangerous, as they also poison the body. The more of them in the body, the more a person gets drunk, the worse his condition during a hangover.

Before you quickly sober up a person, you need to consider how much he has already drunk. If, for example, tomorrow you need to be fresh at work, then in the evening it is better to stop drinking alcohol at a reasonable dose. This means that you need to stop drinking completely, and not reduce the degree by switching from vodka to.

Not everyone is saved by drinking alcohol during a hangover. It can be hard for one person after drinking, and a glass of alcohol improves the condition, for another it can only be harmful. Narcologists believe that only people who drink often, but do not yet have an alcohol addiction, get drunk. It brings them relief.

However, for people who are inexperienced in drinking alcohol, an additional dose of alcohol in the morning will not help. Therefore, high-grade “helpers” must be completely abandoned if you need to quickly become sober, and replaced with useful and more effective means.

inducing vomiting

The faster alcohol enzymes leave the body, the faster the person will sober up. Since most of the harmful substances accumulate in the stomach, it is cleared in the first place. In the hospital, toxins are removed from the body using a dropper and other means. At home, this can be done quickly by inducing vomiting and taking diuretics. After the first urge, you need to drink water to wash out the stomach, and provoke vomiting again.

If, after such a gastric lavage, weakness is felt - since it will not be possible to sober up a drunk person quickly without harming the body - then you can sniff a solution of ammonia, which will invigorate, and provide good oxygen access. After the cleansing of the stomach, it is best to go outside and take a short walk.

Food and drink

To sober up quickly, you need to eat the right foods. Water and drinks are also important. Sometimes during a hangover you don’t feel like eating at all, but this condition needs to be overcome. But it is important to choose those products that will improve the condition, and not aggravate it.

Fatty, fried, smoked and salty foods, fast food and food with a lot of chemical additives are excluded. It is better to start recovery with a simple sandwich of slices of bread with a slice of scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs, natural yogurt, oatmeal, honey, dairy products, etc.

A healthy breakfast will give your body the strength to fight toxins. The less harmful substances remain in the body, the faster the body will come to tone. Fruits with a high content of fructose, such as:

  • apples;
  • pears;
  • grape;
  • peaches;
  • bananas, etc.

Coffee is the most invigorating drink. Before sobering up a person, it is worth preparing natural coffee for him. Coffee will not help to return to a full sober state, so it is better not to experiment with the number of cups so as not to overload the heart system. Enough 1 invigorating cup.

When drunk, the body becomes dehydrated. And if the morning is accompanied by a severe hangover with vomiting, then the body suffers greatly from dehydration. To bring the body into tone, it is necessary to restore the water balance. For this you need to drink water. Each glass of alcohol is compensated by a glass of water.

You can also drink mineral water, it depends on taste preferences. Not bad invigorates mineral water with gas, but it should not be drunk much. One small glass is enough, otherwise it will become even worse.

A healthy effect on the body will have a natural juice with vitamins B and C. These vitamins contribute to the increased work of the liver in the processing of harmful substances. Natural juice also helps to remove toxins from the body, which contributes to the speedy sobering up.

Cold shower

A cold shower will not help reduce the level of alcohol in the blood, but it is good for stimulating the nervous system and toning the body. This is a kind of alarm clock for the body. It is believed that a cold shower quickly "turns on" the body, but the effect lasts only half an hour.

All action is based on the cold, so the shower must be icy to feel the state of shock. If there is no shower or even a bath, then a simple wash with cold water or rubbing with snow will do. However, a sharp change in temperature is not suitable for people with heart disease, as shower "shock therapy" negatively affects the functioning of the main organ.


Full sleep is the best way for a person to sober up. Sleep allows the body to rest and recover from a night of drunkenness. Even if there is no time, it is necessary to set aside at least half an hour or an hour for sleep. Any amount of time allotted for sleep, rest and relaxation is important for a weakened body.

Physical exercises

Exercise also helps the body wake up, although getting up, running and jumping is the last thing you want to do when drunk or hungover. But exercise can help invigorate the body and get the muscular system to work.

Light exercise also stimulates the release of “joy hormones” called endorphins, which can help wake up the brain, increase energy levels, and improve mood.

Light outdoor jogging, jumping jacks or a few sets with dumbbells can help fight the stress and anxiety caused by drunkenness and the need to get in shape fast. Yes, any move will be good. For example, you can just dance to invigorating music.


There are techniques to help sober up with massage. This method of relaxation does not require any effort from the drunk. Therefore, it is suitable in cases where a person is not able to sober himself up, or there are no other available means to bring him to his senses.

The drunk must be put on his back. The index finger of the left hand is placed on a point that is located between the upper lip and the tip of the nose. Then, with the fingers of the right hand, they feel for a point on the left hand, which is located at the base of the thumb and forefinger. The points are massaged for a minute. Drunk should feel the pain.

Today, there are many drugs and biological supplements that can solve any problem. However, before using them for a quick sobering up, you should at least consult a doctor, because all medicines have contraindications. But it is best to use less risky means and not strive for a miraculous result. You can slightly alleviate the state of intoxication, but you can’t sober up a person in an hour to such an extent that he can drive without problems.

When a person has gone through alcohol, his friends and relatives often face the question of how to sober up a drunk person quickly at home, without resorting to the help of a doctor. There are many methods of bringing a drunk to his senses, and which one is better to use depends on how long he should be in a sane state. Some means help to become sober for a short time, for five to ten minutes, but there are also ways that allow the drunk to come to his senses completely.

A person remains in a state of alcoholic intoxication until alcohol toxins are completely removed from the body. This means that although numerous methods can bring a person to himself, drive or do any work that requires precision, he is strictly prohibited as long as the breakdown products of ethanol are in the body.

This is explained by the fact that while poisons circulate in the blood, a person in a state of intoxication is not able to quickly respond to emergency situations, his reactions are inhibited, there is bravado and he is capable of inadequate actions. When exactly a person completely sobers up, you can calculate using special tables, or using a breathalyzer.

Nevertheless, the less the state of intoxication, the more a person is able to realize his actions and understand what they want from him. For example, the need for a quick sobering up may arise at a party or in a bar when you need to go home, and the person is sleeping soundly or barely moving. Also, knowing about quick sobering methods will help if you need to find out the address of a drunk person if he is accidentally found on the street in order to take him home.

Short term methods

You can bring a drunk to his senses with the help of ammonia. The pungent smell of ammonia will wake up and help a person who is in a state of intoxication become more sober. At the same time, ammonia is good because it can be used both at home and at a party or in a bar.

On the Internet, you can find advice that you can remove alcohol intoxication by diluting a few drops of ammonia in a glass of water, but this is highly undesirable. Ammonium chloride is a poison, so not every organism can tolerate it normally, especially if it is struggling with alcohol toxins. If you make a mistake with the dose, vomiting, stomach pain, convulsions may begin, with severe poisoning, death is possible.

If a drunk is at a party or in a bar, strong tea will help him become more sober. Some advise using coffee for this purpose, but it creates a strong burden on the heart, which is undesirable for an organism weakened by alcohol toxins. In order for the tea to work better, it is advisable to induce vomiting before that.

To quickly remove alcohol intoxication, you can prepare a special cocktail. This requires the following ingredients:

  • vegetable oil;
  • raw yolk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. spicy tomato ketchup;
  • a little black pepper;
  • a few drops of lemon juice;
  • 10 drops of vodka, brandy or other strong liquor.

Mix all the ingredients and let the drunk drink. The burning mixture will help you become sober for a time long enough to find out the address of the drunk and deliver him home. But we must be prepared for the fact that soon it will turn off again.

An ice-cold shower, an energetic massage of the ears or feet will help to sober up a drunk at home. True, this will not help for a long time: in any case, a person needs to oversleep and wait until the body removes toxins.

Enema and gastric lavage

An enema and gastric lavage will help to remove alcohol toxins from the body and quickly sober up a drunk at home. These two methods are able to rid the body of alcohol toxins, so the liver will take less time to process them. If it is convenient to do an enema only at home, then gastric lavage can also be done at a party or in a bar, by going to the toilet or, in extreme cases, on the street.

An enema helps to remove alcohol toxins from the intestines, as well as provide the body with the right amount of fluid. Therefore, this method is also recommended for severe intoxication. For a person to sober up, you need to do at least three enemas, each with a volume of two liters. Water should be at room temperature.

When a person comes to his senses, you need to give him to drink as much water as possible, after which the awakened person should go outside or onto the balcony. Even better, after sobering up, he immediately engages in intense physical exercise, which requires profuse sweating (ethanol also exits through the sweat glands).

If it is not possible to give an enema at home, you can do a gastric lavage. If the drunk is able to drink water, dilute six tablespoons of baking soda or activated charcoal in three liters of water, and then give the patient three glasses of the mixture to drink, which will cause him to vomit. It is necessary to clean the stomach until the vomiting becomes a transparent color (5-8 liters of water are needed in total).

If a person is so drunk that he is not able to drink, put two fingers in his mouth and press on the root of the tongue. This will instantly trigger the gag reflex.

To quickly become sober, you can use diuretics, thanks to which alcohol toxins leave the body faster with urine. Mineral water can be used as a diuretic if you drink it in large quantities.

What to do after sobering

After the cleansing procedure, it is necessary to moisten the cotton wool in ammonia and give the patient a sniff. Activated charcoal will be useful: you need to swallow ten tablets. The medicine absorbs the remnants of toxins, which will help to cleanse the body faster. Then you need to give him ascorbic acid tablets (2.5 g per 70 kg of weight).

If ascorbic acid was not at hand, it is necessary to give the person warm, preferably green tea with honey. Honey contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that have been washed out of the body along with alcohol toxins.

Although fresh air helps to sober up, you should not send an intoxicated person outside alone, especially in winter. Under the influence of a large amount of oxygen entering the body, the drunkard will quickly fall asleep. If this happens during frost, he may freeze to death. Therefore, it is necessary to go outside with him and it is desirable to make him move quickly: this contributes to sobering up, and he will be able to think normally.

If there is an opportunity to give a person sleep, it must be provided to him. During sleep, the body normalizes many processes that have been disturbed by alcohol toxins.

When a person wakes up, in no case should you give him alcohol to drink, including replacing strong drinks with weaker ones: it is likely that this will lead to the person getting drunk again. Instead, it is better to give him as much water as possible to drink, brine, fermented milk products, hangover pills.

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