Irs 19 for what they are prescribed. IRS19 - instructions for use. Sale in the pharmacy chain

After a long summer vacation spent with children in the countryside in the fresh air, I went with my daughter to the children's clinic for a certificate of admission to the kindergarten. We got the certificate pretty quickly, the child did not get colds during the summer, even though he swam in an open pond. But the caring doctor did not forget to recommend preventive measures during the first month of visiting the kindergarten after such a long absence.

To preventive measures, the doctor attributed the washing of the nose with "Aqua Maris", well, or at least saline(which, by the way, I have been using successfully for a long time, instead of more expensive preparations containing sea salt, such as "Aqualor" or the same "Aqua Maris" in the form of a spray). She also advised me to irrigate the nasal cavity in the morning before the garden spray "IRS 19".

Nasal spray "IRS 19".

I am familiar with the drug "IRS 19" already like 10 years old. I then only came to work in a pharmacy and studied with interest the range of drugs, the names of which turned out to be dozens, no, hundreds of times more than the amount that we were told about at the university in pharmacology. Therefore, I enthusiastically studied the instructions, the mechanism of action of all drugs, indications and contraindications, as well as analogues that can replace this or that drug.

Initially spray "IRS 19" interested me with its unusual name. Usually, manufacturers of homeopathy call their preparations in this way, with a digital designation. Therefore, then I thought that this drug belongs to homeopathy, but after reading the composition, I was quite surprised that the components of the drug had nothing to do with substances in various dilutions.

Nasal spray "IRS 19".

"IRS 19" has no analogues and refers to a group of vaccines rather than immunostimulating drugs. Sometimes on the net, on the forums they write that it can be replaced by any known antiviral agent. No, you can't, these drugs have nothing in common.

Information from the official site:

Any bacterium is a microorganism that has a shell, the destruction of which causes its death. The destruction process itself is called "lysis", and lysates are particles of bacteria obtained as a result of this process. Their mechanism of action is simple: in response to the introduction of lysates, the body begins to actively resist, and the immune system eventually copes with the disease itself.3

The use of bacterial lysates, unlike antibiotics, does not harm the intestinal microflora and does not cause beriberi - this is especially true in the treatment of children. Another indisputable advantage is that bacterial lysates can be used both at the height of the disease and for prevention, and, if necessary, combined with antibiotics, vasoconstrictors and antipyretics. Bacterial lysates strengthen the immune system, so they are successfully used in the treatment of children who often suffer from acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, as well as inflammation of the middle ear.3

Early use of bacterial lysates for the prevention and strengthening of immunity reduces the risk of developing intracranial complications after SARS, especially in young children. And if uncomplicated bacterial infections are treated comprehensively, including bacterial lysates, the use of antibiotics can be avoided.

The drug IRS®19 can be used both for prevention and during illness. It contains 19 strains of the most common causative agents of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract and effectively stimulates the immune system. Unlike other immune boosters (such as bronchomunal or ribomunil), IRS®19 is completely safe for children and can be given from 3 months of age.2

Currently, there are many drugs that can treat acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, but it must be remembered that their effect is selective. Use them in a timely manner and wisely so that recovery comes quickly, and the disease passes without complications.

That is, in the essence of its action, the drug stimulates the production of its own immune response to microorganisms that have come from outside, albeit in a dissected form. The instructions describe in detail the particles of which microorganisms are contained in the solution.

Nasal spray "IRS 19".


Nasal spray in the form of a clear, colorless or yellowish liquid with a slight specific odor.

100 ml

bacterial lysates 43.27 ml,

including Streptococcus pneumoniae type I1.11 ml

Streptococcus pneumoniae type II1.11 ml

Streptococcus pneumoniae type III1.11 ml

Streptococcus pneumoniae type V1.11 ml

Streptococcus pneumoniae type VIII1.11 ml

Streptococcus pneumoniae type XII1.11 ml

Haemophilus influenzae type B3.33 ml

Klebsiella pneumoniae ss pneumoniae6.66 ml

Staphylococcus aureus ss aureus9.99 ml

Acinetobacter calcoaceticus3.33 ml

Moraxella catarrhalis2.22 ml

Neisseria subflava2.22 ml

Neisseria perflava2.22 ml

Streptococcus pyogenes group A1.66 ml

Streptococcus dysgalactiae group C1.66 ml

Enterococcus faecium0.83 ml

Enterococcus faecalis0.83 ml

Streptococcus group G1.66 mg

Excipients: glycine - 4.25 g, sodium merthiolate - no more than 1.2 mg, flavor based on nerol (linalol, alpha-terpineol, geraniol, methyl anthranilate, limonene, geranyl acetate, linalyl acetate, diethylene glycol monoethyl ether, phenylethyl alcohol) - 12.5 mg, purified water - up to 100 ml.

Nasal spray "IRS 19", composition.

Indeed, all these microorganisms are very common in the environment and quite often are the causative agents of infectious diseases, often occurring with complications - otitis media, meningitis, pneumonia. It is with these diseases that pediatricians most often scare mothers in polyclinics, forcing them to be vaccinated with vaccines of the type "Prevenar" (Prevenar) or "Pneumo 23" (Pneumo 23).

I remember how our pediatrician at the clinic insisted that I sign the consent to the vaccination "Prevenar" after all, the child is only a year old, at this age everyone is vaccinated, the immune system is weak, the bacterial flora is everywhere, plus everything is very aggressive, I don’t want my daughter to get severe infections that often end in death! While I was breaking down and waiting for a month to pass after our last vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps, it turned out that my friend was trying to get a similar vaccination at school for a child of 8 years old, because he visits a place where children congregate, moreover, throughout apparently highly contagious, he is not yet 10 years old, so his immunity is weak, he can get the most dangerous infections that will provide him with a bed in intensive care. She refused, because it seemed strange to her that the same vaccine was recommended to be given to her mother, already in an adult clinic, because she is over 60 years old, her immunity is weak, she goes to shops, to the post office and to the clinic, where it is mandatory to soon time will pick up severe pneumonia, to get out of which at this age is almost impossible.

Honestly, all these stories reminded me of some kind of sect, to join the ranks of the followers of which I did not plan. Therefore, at the next appointment with the doctor, she wrote a decisive refusal to vaccinate "Prevenar" (Prevenar) or "Pneumo 23", although in general I am for vaccination with both hands, but only when it comes to testing new vaccines.

But back to our spray "IRS 19". What do we have in it? Components of 19 dissected corpses of bacteria. 19! That is, in fact, it turns out that when using the drug, conditions are created similar to those as if a person had caught 19 infections at the same time!

It's scary to imagine what's going on with the immune system when it is attacked by hordes of 19 types of bacteria, although not viable, but quite suitable for triggering an immune response.

Not only live, even killed vaccines are not allowed to be made less than a month after the last one, so that the immune system will fully work out the response, but at the same time it will not get confused. It is clear that "IRS 19" it is not injected into tissues, as is the case with vaccines, but acts locally, but this is quite enough to make the immune system go crazy, especially with regular use.

Further, I am somewhat confused by the composition of the excipients. Good old glycine, so beloved by neurologists, but in my experience giving only negative consequences of taking. Although its concentration is not high, but with prolonged use, the drug can easily provoke the appearance of neurological symptoms, even if in an erased form.

Thiomersal, commonly known in the US as thimerosal, is a mercury-containing compound used as an antiseptic and antifungal agent. The pharmaceutical corporation Eli Lilly gave thiomersal the trade name Merthiolate. It is used as a preservative in vaccines, immunoglobulin preparations, antigen skin tests, antidotes, ophthalmic and nasal preparations, and tattoo inks. The use of thiomersal as a vaccine preservative has been challenged and, in response to popular fears, discontinued in the United States, the European Union, and several other countries.

It has high toxicity, manifests itself as an allergen, carcinogen, teratogen, mutagen.

Thiomersal is very dangerous when inhaled, ingested and through the skin.

The current scientific consensus is that there is no hard evidence to support these concerns.

There is no conclusive evidence that this substance is dangerous, nor is there credible evidence to the contrary. It is somehow strange that in America and Europe, where everything is fine with medicine, where research and development in the field of pharmacology is actively going on, to use merthiolate in the manufacture of medicines, especially for children, is prohibited. Russian children will endure everything! In order to reduce the cost of Russian multi-dose vaccines "AKDS", "ADS" and "ADS-M" they add merthiolate, and in high concentrations. That is why I flatly refused to administer these vaccines to my daughter and bought foreign Pentaxim in order to protect my child from the possible toxic effects of the mercury-containing component. I failed to find Pentaxim with my son, sanctions covered our country, and I had to vaccinate him with a regular "AKDS", which, by the way, unlike a higher-quality foreign vaccine, caused a rise in temperature in the child.

Another questionable component in the composition of the drug is flavoring. What for? If a person has a runny nose, he is treated, including spray "IRS 19", then he will not feel any aroma anyway. If the sense of smell is not lost, then I still do not understand what the flavoring is for. It still does not carry any functional load, but it is quite capable of causing allergic reactions, especially in a child.

Nasal spray "IRS 19".


Immunostimulating drug based on bacterial lysates. IRS 19 increases specific and non-specific immunity.

When spraying IRS 19, a fine aerosol is formed that covers the nasal mucosa, which leads to the rapid development of a local immune response. Specific protection is due to locally formed antibodies of the class of secretory immunoglobulins type A (IgA), which prevent the fixation and reproduction of infectious agents on the mucosa. Nonspecific immunoprotection is manifested in an increase in the phagocytic activity of macrophages, an increase in the content of lysozyme.

The words are beautiful, promising, I want to believe that using this unusual and one of a kind drug, you really will not get sick with anything and never. After all, the body, in response to the introduction of bacterial particles, develops strong immunity and does not let anyone further into the respiratory system.

But what about such entrance gates of infection as the oral cavity? It is clear that there is a serious barrier in the way of bacterial hordes in the form of tonsils, but they do not always work well for everyone, they are even removed for some people, and infectious agents easily cause tonsillitis, pharyngitis, otitis media, laryngitis, etc. Spray "IRS 19" used only for intranasal administration, works only there, locally. Yes, theoretically, the drug should affect the entire immune system, but I did not find data on studies that would reveal a general increase in immunity in any source. Locally - please, there is no general. That is, using "IRS 19" a person should walk in a gauze bandage on his face, then the likelihood of getting sick really decreases.

Spray "IRS 19", having dead bacteria in its composition, can provide the formation of an immune response only in relation to bacteria that are part of. But what about the viruses that cause colds more often? But no way. In the best case, a person will calmly recover from ARVI, since the immune system was not prepared for the introduction of viruses. At worst, he will get sick in a severe form, since the immune system will be busy forming an antibacterial response to the contents "IRS 19", and it simply won’t be enough for viruses. That is why, after vaccination, it is recommended not to visit crowded places, since there is a chance of getting sick, because the immune system is busy with its own business, it processes the pathogens introduced into the body and it has no time to pay attention to the little things.

Nasal spray "IRS 19", instructions.

Still indications for use "IRS 19" quite a bit of.


Adults and children over 3 months old:

- prevention of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi;

Treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi, such as rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchitis and others;

- restoration of local immunity after the flu or other viral infections;

- preparation for planned surgical intervention on the ENT organs and the postoperative period.

Nasal spray "IRS 19", instructions.

Here are some vague indications and raise many questions.

1. Can babies just over 3 months old be given mercury products? Probably yes, because the first "AKDS" Have us as times and is done in age 3 months.

2. Prevention of CHRONIC diseases. For a second, chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis and rhinitis have a slightly different pathogenesis and are indirectly associated with the bacterial flora. Prevention exacerbations or acute diseases, yes, it is possible, and even then it is doubtful. But chronic!?

3. Treatment of ACUTE, well, or exacerbations of chronic diseases I can agree. But only in COMPLEX THERAPY! How can a bacterial infection be cured without antibiotics is not entirely clear to me. One "IRS 19" you can’t get off here, and the manufacturer should have indicated this in the instructions.

4. Restoration of immunity after influenza and SARS. It is not clear what the manufacturer proposes to restore there, if the drug is aimed at forming ANTIBACTERIAL immunity, not viral. With viral infections, a completely different link in the immune system works.

5. Preparation for surgical treatment. Well, how can you admit such an indication. But if the operation is deliberately planned, then it is carried out after the complete sanitation of the ENT organs with much more serious preparations than fragments of bacterial cells, the operation is performed with sterile instruments, during the operation everything is washed with antiseptics. If necessary, antibiotics are used in the postoperative period.

Nasal spray "IRS 19", instructions.

In general, the testimony raises a lot of questions for me.


- autoimmune diseases;

- Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Nasal spray "IRS 19", instructions.

Often, a person may not even be aware of hypersensitivity or the presence of an autoimmune disease.


Dermatological reactions: rarely - erythema-like and eczema-like reactions; in isolated cases - thrombocytopenic purpura and erythema nodosum.

Allergic reactions: rarely - urticaria, angioedema.

From the respiratory system: rarely - asthma attacks and cough, at the beginning of treatment - rhinopharyngitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, bronchitis.

From the digestive system: rarely (at the beginning of treatment) - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea.

Others: rarely (at the beginning of treatment) - an increase in body temperature (> 39 ° C) for no apparent reason.

Side effects may or may not be related to the action of the drug. If the above symptoms appear, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Nasal spray "IRS 19", instructions.

Nasal spray "IRS 19", instructions.

Most of all I like the postscript that all side effects may not be associated with the use of the drug. Very comfortably!

Information that when using the drug, body temperature may increase, up to fairly high numbers, can often mislead the patient. He somehow thinks that he has it from the medicine (by the way, during vaccination, the body temperature also often rises, which once again indicates that "IRS 19" this is the sweat of the essence of its vaccine, only local action), but in fact, a viral infection is already in full swing, it would be time to be treated with antiviral drugs, and not raise local antibacterial immunity in the nose.


The drug is used intranasally by aerosol administration of 1 dose (1 dose = 1 short press of the spray gun).

FROM purpose prevention adults and children from 3 months of age are administered 1 dose of the drug in each nostril 2 times / day for 2 weeks (it is recommended to start the course of treatment 2-3 weeks before the expected rise in incidence).

For treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi children aged 3 months to 3 years are prescribed 1 dose of the drug in each nostril 2 times / day after preliminary release from the mucous discharge until the symptoms of infection disappear; children over 3 years of age and adults - 1 dose of the drug in each nostril 2 to 5 times / day until the symptoms of infection disappear.

For restoring local immunity after the flu and other respiratory viral infections, children and adults are prescribed 1 dose of the drug in each nostril 2 times / day for 2 weeks.

At preparation for planned surgery and in the postoperative period adults and children are prescribed 1 dose of the drug in each nostril 2 times / day for 2 weeks (it is recommended to start the course of treatment 1 week before the planned surgical intervention).

Nasal spray "IRS 19", instructions.

I can imagine how many questions arose by this moment from those who mastered so much text about why I bought "IRS 19" if it is so useless and even dangerous.

Yes, I bought it, not for a child, as the pediatrician advised, but a few months before that for myself, when I was tired of suffering from my rhinitis that occurs from scratch. As soon as my daughter starts to snort at least a little in the kindergarten, my nose immediately starts to stuff up, all sorts of filth flows from it, I stop smelling completely. Therefore, I bought it in the hope of prevention and without thinking that there are so many dubious auxiliary components in the composition.

Nasal spray "IRS 19".

The metal spray bottle is in a cardboard box along with instructions for use. The cost of one bottle 20 ml is about 450 rubles(spring 2016).

Nasal spray "IRS 19".

The package contains a Russian barcode, as well as the logo of the pharmaceutical company Pharmstandard, but in fact it is produced in France by Abbott. The drug is foreign, it would seem, you can trust him.

Nasal spray "IRS 19".

Nasal spray "IRS 19", manufacturer.

Apparently, despite the ban on the sale of this drug in the European Union, factories work for export, for those countries where doctors like to prescribe such drugs. Yes, and people themselves can freely buy "IRS 19" in a pharmacy, it is released without a doctor's prescription (I remind you that in essence it is a vaccine).

Nasal spray "IRS 19", spraying process.

After injection, I did not experience any discomfort. Mucus does not dry and thanks for that. It does not save from nasal congestion, and it should not. The composition does not contain a single component that would cause vasoconstriction. In case of abundant discharge from the nose, the spray should be used only after washing the mucosa. saline solution or any ready-made seawater solution, otherwise contact with the mucous membrane will be minimal and the effect can no longer be expected.

Nasal congestion will require the use of a vasoconstrictor ( "Galazolin" or "Vibrocil", for example). First you need to make sure that congestion is not associated with allergic rhinitis, in which more serious drugs with hormones are used ( "Nasonex").

Nasal spray "IRS 19".

I used spray "IRS 19" twice a day, as recommended by the manufacturer, I did not experience any side effects. Similarly, I did not find a positive effect from the use of the drug. After 3 weeks, the child came from the garden with a runny nose, and the very next day the noses of the whole family were blocked. That is, those who did not use "IRS 19" and I, who irrigated the nasal mucosa with it twice a day for three weeks for the purpose of prevention, fell ill in the same way. It would seem that during this time my immunity should have developed simply incredible, but in fact the drug turned out to be useless!

But, as I already mentioned, the drug will not save you from viral diseases, and it is viruses that are the most common cause of kindergarten infections. Therefore, I do not consider it necessary to divert the immune system to the formation of local antibacterial immunity in the nasal cavity, while a lot of viruses are flying around. If we are to carry out preventive measures, then drugs that cause the activation of antiviral protection, although even here the issue is moot. The body must independently produce antibodies to foreign agents, and not rely on outside help.

Already after application spray "IRS 19" personally by me, I began to analyze its composition and effect on the body, although I usually first study the drug in detail, and only then I start using it. And if it were not for the cost of the drug, then the lack of a positive effect could be forgiven. But it still seems to me that the drug for more than 400 rubles should work. Better then instead spray "IRS 19" buy good vitamins, obviously there will be more benefits.

I didn’t spray this spray into my child’s nose, for all the reasons that I described above. Despite the fact that my daughter is already a little over three years old. I would generally prohibit using this spray for babies, creating a graveyard of bacteria in their nose, because it is not known what consequences "IRS 19" may cause.


Country of origin


Product group

Immunomodulatory drugs and immunosuppressants

Immunostimulating drug of bacterial origin

Release forms

  • Nasal spray 20 ml in an aerosol can. 1 bottle complete with a nozzle and instructions for use is placed in a cardboard box.

Description of the dosage form

  • Transparent colorless or yellowish liquid with a slight specific odor.


The drug mainly acts in the upper respiratory tract; currently there are no data on the systemic absorption of the drug.

Special conditions

At the beginning of treatment, in rare cases, an increase in temperature (> 39 ° C) is possible. In this case, the treatment should be canceled. However, this condition should be distinguished from an increase in body temperature, accompanied by malaise, which may be associated with the development of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In the presence of systemic clinical signs of a bacterial infection, the advisability of prescribing systemic antibiotics should be considered. When prescribing drugs based on bacterial lysates for the purpose of immunostimulation to patients with bronchial asthma, asthma attacks may occur. In this case, it is recommended to stop treatment and not take drugs of this class in the future. Precautions for use Spray bottle: - keep away from heat above 50°C and from direct sunlight; - do not pierce the vial; - do not burn the vial, even if it is empty. The effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and other mechanisms: The use of IRS® 19 does not affect the psychomotor functions associated with driving a car or driving machines and mechanisms.


  • For 100 ml:
  • Active substances:
  • bacterial lysates 43.27 ml
  • Composition of bacterial lysates:
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae type I 1.11 ml
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae type II 1.11 ml
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae type III 1.11 ml
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae type V 1.11 ml
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae type VIII 1.11 ml
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae type XII 1.11 mg
  • Haemophilus influenzae type B 3.33 ml
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae ss pneumoniae 6.66 ml
  • Staphylococcus aureus ss aureus 9.99 ml
  • Acinetobacter calcoaceticus 3.33 ml
  • Moraxella catarrhalis 2.22 ml
  • Neisseria subflava 2.22 ml
  • Neisseria perflava 2.22 ml
  • Streptococcus pyogenes group A 1.66 ml
  • Streptococcus dysgalactiae group C 1.66 ml
  • Enterococcus faecium 0.83 ml
  • Enterococcus faecalis 0.83 ml
  • Streptococcus group G 1.66 ml
  • Excipients:
  • Glycine 4.25 g
  • Sodium merthiolate not more than 1.2 mg
  • Nerol flavor** 12.50 mg
  • Purified water up to 100 ml
  • ** Nerol based flavor composition: linalol, alpha-terpineol, geraniol, methyl anthranilate, limonene, geranyl acetate, linalyl acetate, diethylene glycol monoethyl ether, phenylethyl alcohol.

Irs-19 indications for use

  • - Prevention of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi
  • - Treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi, such as rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, etc.
  • - Restoration of local immunity after influenza and other viral infections.
  • - Preparation for planned surgical intervention on the ENT organs and in the postoperative period.
  • IRS® 19 can be administered to both adults and children from 3 months of age.

Irs-19 contraindications

  • - Hypersensitivity to the drug or its components in history.
  • - IRS® 19 should not be prescribed to patients with autoimmune diseases.
  • Pregnancy and lactation:
  • There is insufficient data on the potential for teratogenic or toxic effects on the fetus during pregnancy, so the use of the drug during pregnancy is not recommended.

Irs-19 side effects

  • While taking IRS®19, the following side effects may occur, both related and unrelated to the action of the drug.
  • Skin reactions: in rare cases, hypersensitivity reactions (urticaria, angioedema) and skin erythema-like and eczema-like reactions are possible.
  • From the ENT and respiratory organs: in rare cases - asthma attacks and cough.
  • In rare cases, at the beginning of treatment, there may be:
  • fever (> 39 ° C) for no apparent reason, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, bronchitis.
  • Isolated cases of thrombocytopenic purpura and erythema nodosum have been described.
  • If the above symptoms appear, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

drug interaction

Cases of negative interaction with other drugs are unknown. If clinical symptoms of a bacterial infection appear, antibiotics may be prescribed against the background of continued use of IRS® 19.


To date, cases of overdose of the drug IRS® 19 have not been reported.

Storage conditions

  • keep away from children
Information provided

IRS 19 is an original immunostimulant, which is a mixture of bacterial lysates (in other words, "debris" of bacterial cells). The action of IRS 19 is aimed at increasing both nonspecific and specific immunity. The composition of the drug includes lysates of the following bacteria: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Moraxella catarrhalis, Neisseria subflava and perflava, Enterococcus faecium, etc. (total 18 bacterial strains, most often causing respiratory infections). Thanks to innovative biotechnological lysis techniques, pharmaceutical technologists have managed to preserve in IRS 19 key antigenic determinants of bacteria that cause similar immune responses as pathogens, and are not pathogens. The drug is administered intranasally using a special inhaler. The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is the first protective barrier against bacteria and viruses. It has a large, intensely blood-supplying surface. IRS 19 is evenly applied to the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. Due to the rapid absorption of the active ingredient, almost instantaneous mobilization of protective immune mechanisms occurs directly in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. This route of administration of immunomodulators is one of the safest. The system of local immunity is exposed first of all to therapeutic influence. The pharmacological effect of IRS 19 is manifested in increased production of specific and secretory immunoglobulins (Ig). In the first hours after using the drug, a reliable protective film of antibodies is formed on the surface of the mucosa. Strengthening of nonspecific immunity involves stimulation of phagocytosis, an increase in the content of the antibacterial enzyme lysozyme and opsonins facilitating phagocytosis, activation of the complement system, the formation of globular protein properdin, and induction of the synthesis of endogenous interferon.

Taking into account the presence of 19 traces of potential pathogens in the composition of the IRS, it can be noted that the immune response that is formed in this case is much more pronounced, because due to the presence of several antigens, the production of immunomediators is summed up. Since the effect of IRS 19 on the immune response is complex, this drug can be successfully used both in the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections. The basis of the therapeutic effect of IRS 19 is the stimulation of the production of non-specific local protective factors. An increase in the number of immunoglobulin-forming cells in the mucosa and the production of specific IgA provides a therapeutic and prophylactic effect of the drug, which lasts for 3-4 months. A productive response leaves behind an immunological memory lasting up to 6 months, after which (or earlier) the prophylactic drug course can be repeated. IRS 19 acts not only at the site of its direct injection, but causes an immune response throughout the entire respiratory tract, including the bronchial tree up to the alveoli. The drug reduces swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, promotes liquefaction and outflow of exudate, which prevents the development of such complications of SARS as otitis media and sinusitis. IRS 19 also has an anti-allergic effect, inhibiting the formation of sensitizing antibodies.

IRS 19 is available as an intranasal aerosol, where 1 short press corresponds to 1 dose of the drug. For prophylactic purposes, this immunostimulant is applied 1 dose in each nostril 2 times a day for 14 days. The beginning of the use of the drug should coincide with the time of the expected seasonal rise in the incidence. For therapeutic purposes, IRS 19 should be used in accordance with the instructions.


Immunostimulating drug based on bacterial lysates. IRS ® 19 increases specific and non-specific immunity.

When spraying IRS ® 19, a fine aerosol is formed, which covers the nasal mucosa, which leads to the rapid development of a local immune response. Specific protection is due to locally formed antibodies of the class of secretory immunoglobulins type A (IgA), which prevent the fixation and reproduction of infectious agents on the mucosa. Nonspecific immunoprotection is manifested in an increase in the phagocytic activity of macrophages, an increase in the content of lysozyme.


This information is not included in the instructions.

Release form

Nasal spray in the form of a clear, colorless or yellowish liquid with a slight specific odor.

100 ml
bacterial lysates43.27 ml,
including Streptococcus pneumoniae type I1.11 ml
Streptococcus pneumoniae type II1.11 ml
Streptococcus pneumoniae type III1.11 ml
Streptococcus pneumoniae type V1.11 ml
Streptococcus pneumoniae type VIII1.11 ml
Streptococcus pneumoniae type XII1.11 ml
Haemophilus influenzae type B3.33 ml
Klebsiella pneumoniae ss pneumoniae6.66 ml
Staphylococcus aureus ss aureus9.99 ml
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus3.33 ml
Moraxella catarrhalis2.22 ml
Neisseria subflava2.22 ml
Neisseria perflava2.22 ml
Streptococcus pyogenes group A1.66 ml
Streptococcus dysgalactia group C1.66 ml
Enterococcus faecium0.83 ml
Enterococcus faecalis0.83 ml
Streptococcus group G1.66 mg

Excipients: glycine - 4.25 g, sodium merthiolate - no more than 1.2 mg, nerol-based flavor (linalol, alpha-terpineol, geraniol, methyl anthranilate, limonene, geranyl acetate, linalyl acetate, diethylene glycol monoethyl ether, phenylethyl alcohol) - 12.5 mg, purified water - up to 100 ml.

20 ml - glass aerosol cans (1) with a continuous valve and a nozzle - packs of cardboard.


The drug is used intranasally by aerosol administration of 1 dose (1 dose = 1 short press of the spray gun).

For the purpose of prevention, adults and children from 3 months of age are administered 1 dose of the drug in each nostril 2 times / day for 2 weeks (it is recommended to start a course of treatment 2-3 weeks before the expected rise in incidence).

For the treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi, children aged 3 months to 3 years are prescribed 1 dose of the drug in each nostril 2 times / day after preliminary release from the mucous discharge until the symptoms of infection disappear; children over 3 years of age and adults - 1 dose of the drug in each nostril 2 to 5 times / day until the symptoms of infection disappear.

To restore local immunity after influenza and other respiratory viral infections, children and adults are prescribed 1 dose of the drug in each nostril 2 times / day for 2 weeks.

In preparation for a planned surgical intervention and in the postoperative period, adults and children are prescribed 1 dose of the drug in each nostril 2 times / day for 2 weeks (it is recommended to start the course of treatment 1 week before the planned surgical intervention).

Rules for the use of the drug

For the correct functioning of the aerosol can, put the nozzle on the can, center it and gently, without force, press it. After that, the device is ready for use.

When injecting the drug, the vial should be in a strictly vertical position, the patient should not tilt his head back.

If you tilt the balloon during injection, the propellant will flow out in a few seconds and the device will become unusable.

With regular use of the drug, it is not recommended to remove the nozzle from the vial.

If the drug is left for a long time without use, a drop of liquid may evaporate and the resulting crystals will clog the outlet of the nozzle. This happens most often when the nozzle is removed and placed in the packaging with the top end down next to the cylinder, without first rinsing and drying it. If the nozzle is clogged, several clicks should be made in a row so that the liquid can pass under the action of excess pressure; if there is no effect, lower the nozzle for several minutes in warm water.


Cases of overdose of the drug IRS ® 19 are unknown.


Cases of negative interaction of the drug IRS ® 19 with other drugs are unknown.

In the event of the appearance of clinical symptoms of a bacterial infection, it is possible to prescribe antibiotics against the background of the continued use of IRS ® 19.

Side effects

Dermatological reactions: rarely - erythema-like and eczema-like reactions; in isolated cases - thrombocytopenic purpura and erythema nodosum.

Allergic reactions: rarely - urticaria, angioedema.

From the respiratory system: rarely - asthma attacks and cough, at the beginning of treatment - nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, bronchitis.

From the digestive system: rarely (at the beginning of treatment) - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea.

Others: rarely (at the beginning of treatment) - an increase in body temperature (> 39 ° C) for no apparent reason.

Side effects may or may not be related to the action of the drug. If the above symptoms appear, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


Adults and children over 3 months old:

  • prevention of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi;
  • treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi, such as rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchitis and others;
  • restoration of local immunity after the flu or other viral infections;
  • preparation for planned surgical intervention on the ENT organs and the postoperative period.


  • autoimmune diseases;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Application features

Use during pregnancy and lactation

There is insufficient data on the potential for teratogenic or toxic effects on the fetus during pregnancy. Therefore, the use of IRS ® 19 during pregnancy is not recommended.

Use in children

Assign to children older than 3 months according to indications

special instructions

At the beginning of treatment, reactions such as sneezing and increased nasal discharge may occur. As a rule, they are of short duration. If these reactions take a severe course, the frequency of administration of the drug should be reduced or it should be canceled.

At the beginning of treatment, in rare cases, an increase in body temperature ≥39 ° C is possible. In this case, the drug should be discontinued. However, this condition should be distinguished from an increase in body temperature, accompanied by malaise, which may be associated with the development of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

In case of clinical symptoms of a bacterial infection, the advisability of prescribing systemic antibiotics should be considered.

When prescribing the drug IRS ® 19 to patients with bronchial asthma, an increase in attacks is possible. In this case, it is recommended to stop treatment and not take drugs of this class in the future.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

IRS ® 19 does not affect the psychomotor functions associated with driving vehicles or operating machines and mechanisms.

IRS 19 is an antimicrobial drug intended for systemic use.

Release form and composition

IRS 19 nasal spray is produced in the form of a colorless transparent liquid with a slight specific odor, in 20 ml glass aerosol cans with a nozzle and a continuous valve in the kit.

The composition of 100 ml of the product includes 43.27 ml of bacterial lysates, namely:

  • 3.33 ml of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus and Haemophilus influenzae type B;
  • 1.11 ml of Streptococcus pneumoniae type I, type II, type V, type VIII and type XII;
  • 9.99 ml Staphylococcus aureus ss aureus;
  • 2.22 ml each of Neisseria subflava, Moraxella catarrhalis and Neisseria perflava;
  • 6.66 ml Klebsiella pneumoniae ss pneumoniae;
  • 1.66 ml each of Streptococcus pyogenes group A, Streptococcus dysgalactiae group C and Streptococcus group G;
  • 0.83 ml of Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus faecalis.

Also, the composition of 100 ml of IRS 19 includes the following excipients:

  • 12.5 mg nerol flavor;
  • 4.25 g glycine;
  • Up to 100 ml of purified water;
  • Not more than 1.2 mg sodium merthiolate.

Indications for use

IRS 19 is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of chronic and acute diseases of the bronchi and upper respiratory tract. The drug is used in preparing the patient for a planned operation on the ENT organs and in the postoperative period, as well as to restore local immunity after viral infections (flu).


The use of IRS 19 is contraindicated in children under 3 months of age, as well as in cases of hypersensitivity to the components included in the product.

The drug is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in patients with autoimmune diseases.

Method of application and dosage

The drug is used intranasally. It is important when using IRS 19 to observe the following rules:

  • Before use, put the nozzle on the bottle, center it and then gently press;
  • Hold the bottle upright when spraying and do not throw your head back;
  • Do not tilt the bottle while spraying, as propellant will flow out of it in a few seconds and the device will become unusable;
  • Do not remove the nozzle from the bottle with regular use;
  • If IRS 19 has not been used for a long time, you should lower the nozzle from the bottle for several minutes in warm water and only then apply the spray.

The dosage for children older than 3 months and adults to restore local immunity, as well as in the prevention or treatment of chronic and acute diseases of the bronchi and upper respiratory tract is one dose (1 injection) in each nasal passage twice a day for 14 days (prophylaxis) or until symptoms of infection disappear.

In the postoperative period, as well as in preparing the patient for a planned surgical intervention, one dose of IRS 19 is prescribed in each nasal passage twice a day for two weeks. Therapy with the drug should begin 7 days before the planned operation.

It should be borne in mind that at the beginning of treatment with the drug, sneezing and increased nasal discharge may appear for a short time. If these reactions are severe, it is recommended to reduce the frequency of use of the drug, or cancel it.

Side effects

The instructions for IRS 19 indicate that the drug can cause skin reactions and side effects from the respiratory and ENT organs, namely:

  • Urticaria, angioedema, skin eczema-like and erythema-like reactions;
  • Asthma attacks and cough.

In rare cases, IRS 19 can cause fever, thrombocytopenic purpura, nausea, abdominal pain, erythema nodosum, vomiting, diarrhea, laryngitis, nasopharyngitis, bronchitis and sinusitis.

Cases of drug overdose have not been registered to date.

special instructions

In rare cases, at the beginning of the use of IRS 19, body temperature may rise to 39 ° C or more. In such cases, it is necessary to stop taking the drug. However, it should be borne in mind that an increase in temperature may also be a consequence of the development of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, in which it is necessary to consider the appointment of antibacterial agents.

Taking the drug in patients with bronchial asthma may cause asthma attacks, which requires the abolition of IRS 19 and the exclusion of its use in the future.

During storage, the container with the product must be protected from fire, direct sunlight and heating above 50 ° C.


Synonyms of the drug are not released. Analogues of IRS 19 include Keravort, Arpetolid, Tamerite, Ismigen, Neovastat, Alkimer, Mielopid, Ismigen, Helixor A, Arpeflu, Imunorix, Likopid and Bation.

Terms and conditions of storage

The instructions for IRS 19 indicate that the drug should be stored in a well-ventilated, dry, dark place and out of the reach of children, at room temperature.

From pharmacies, a homeopathic remedy is released without a doctor's prescription. The shelf life of the spray, subject to the manufacturer's recommendations, is three years.

A drug IRS 19 immunostimulating agent, is of bacterial origin. IRS 19 is used in local treatment for inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract in acute and chronic forms. Also, the drug can be prescribed as a preventive measure for recurrent bronchitis and chronic diseases of the nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses, as well as to strengthen local immunity.
The active ingredient is lysates (individual elements) of bacteria, which most often contribute to the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the respiratory system. In addition, the composition of the IRS 19 spray includes excipients, which, in combination with active ingredients, provide an effective increase in local immunity through the formation of antibodies on the mucosal surface both in the nasopharynx and larynx, and in the alveoli and bronchi of various calibers. Due to the increase in the content of lysozyme and phagocytic activation of macrophages, the use of the drug strengthens the nonspecific immunity of the body.

Indications for use

IRS 19 used for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory and / or infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract: rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal mucosa), pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx), laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx), tonsillitis (inflammation of the palatine tonsils), otitis media (inflammation of the ear cavity) , infectious-allergic bronchial asthma; complications of influenza and other viral infections. For premedication (preparation for surgery) and postmedication (relieving the condition after surgery) during surgical interventions on the ENT organs.

Mode of application

In acute diseases, 2-4 aerosol injections IRS 19 in each nasal passage per day until the symptoms of the disease disappear (8-10 days). In chronic diseases and for prevention, two injections per day for 4 weeks are sufficient.

Side effects

At the beginning of treatment, rhinorrhea (runny nose) is possible, which indicates good organic stimulation.


Contraindications to the use of the drug IRS 19 are: autoimmune diseases; hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


There is insufficient data on the potential for teratogenic or toxic effects on the fetus during pregnancy. Therefore, the use of the drug IRS 19 during pregnancy is not recommended.

Interaction with other drugs

Cases of negative drug interactions IRS 19 with other drugs are unknown.
In case of clinical symptoms of a bacterial infection, antibiotics may be prescribed against the background of continued use. IRS 19.


Cases of drug overdose IRS 19 unknown.

Storage conditions

IRS 19 keep away from fire and heat sources.

Release form

Aerosol vials with 20 ml of solution (60 doses) containing: standardized lysate (decay product) of bacteria Diplococcus pneumoniae - 1.32 ml, Haemophilus influenzae - 0.66 ml, Streptococcus pyogenes and S.faecalis - 1.32 ml, Staphylococcus aureus - 1.32 ml, KJebsiella pneumoniae - 1.32 ml, Neisseria catharhalis, flava and perflava - 1.32 ml, Gafkya tetragena - 0.66 ml, Maraxella - 0.66 ml.


100 ml spray IRS 19 contains bacterial lysates 43.27 ml.

main parameters

Name: IRS 19
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