Figs boiled in milk. Figs for cough. Recipe with milk: tasty and healthy. The best recipe for pregnancy

Fruits and berries are often used to combat various diseases. So, for example, they use figs with cough milk, the recipe for preparing the remedy is simple and may vary depending on the ingredients used and the needs of the patient.

Benefits of figs for cough

Figs help fight coughs due to their high content of vitamin C and other vitamins. These compounds improve the functioning of the immune system, which allows the body to cope with the disease on its own. One fruit allows you to improve the functioning of the whole organism, the main thing is to choose the right recipe.

The diaphoretic and diuretic effect of the fruit allows you to remove toxins from the body, removing intoxication, which negatively affects the functioning of the body and interferes with the natural fight of the immune system against the disease.

Figs in combination with milk can thin phlegm, making it easier to remove from the lungs. The anti-inflammatory effect of the finished product allows you to relieve inflammation in the upper and lower respiratory tract, which allows you to get rid of not only wet, but also dry cough.

What cough helps

A remedy prepared from figs with milk is recommended for the treatment of:

  • dry cold cough;
  • acute bronchitis;
  • tracheitis.

Simple recipes using figs allow you to get rid of almost any type of cough, but you should pay attention that the sooner the treatment of cough with figs is started, the better the result will be.

How to cook and eat - recipes

It does not take much time to prepare a medicine from figs, but despite this, all recipes are highly effective and have a pleasant taste. Preparation of funds takes from several minutes to several hours.

Figs against cough, the most effective recipes:

  1. The traditional way. To prepare the medicine, you will need 500 ml of milk and dried figs, a few pieces. The fatter the milk, the higher the medicinal properties will be. Milk must be brought to a boil over low heat, then immerse the fruit in it and cook for another 30 minutes. The resulting mixture should be wrapped and insisted for 4 hours. The finished product should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.
  2. With ginger. To make a medicine, 5 fresh fruits and 250 ml of high-fat milk are required. Figs should be crushed and immersed in milk heated to 60-65 degrees. When the figs soften, the mixture should be passed through a blender and add a little chopped ginger to it.
  3. Figs with milk in three stages. Dried figs (3 pieces) should be immersed in cold milk (250 ml) and infused for 30 minutes. Next, you should brew the figs in milk, bringing the mixture to a boil, then wrap and leave for another 3 hours. In the resulting product, you must add chopped ginger. You can also combine figs with honey.

You can also diversify any recipe if you combine:

  • dried figs with honey;
  • figs with ginger and lemon juice;
  • figs with radish.

You can use these products with or without milk. This method is suitable for the treatment of people of different ages, regardless of gender.

For kids

A healthy milk-fig drink can be used to treat children, but only after prior consultation with a specialist. Consultation with a doctor is necessary in order to prevent the development of pneumonia, which can occur with a bacterial cough.

Important! Fig cough medicine can be used for children over 6 years of age.

To prepare medicine for a child, it is allowed to use all the same recipes as for adults. Starting to give a fig remedy should be from small amounts, 30 ml per day.

For pregnant

Fruit and milk decoction is an excellent alternative to synthetic medicines for pregnant women, which are prohibited during pregnancy.

What is the recipe for the preparation for the treatment of cough in pregnant women? In order to prepare figs in cough milk, you need 750 ml of milk with a high percentage of fat content and 3 fruits.

The components must be placed in a saucepan and boiled until the mixture turns brown. The resulting product should be stored in a cool place. For the best effect, you can infuse the decoction in a slow cooker or in a thermos.

The duration of therapy during pregnancy is 21 days. The product should be consumed 1/3 cup three times a day. The result will be noticeable for 3-4 days of treatment. Dairy medicine can be used both as the main therapeutic agent and as a preventive measure.

Features of using a cough remedy

Despite the fact that the remedy in question is easy to prepare, for maximum effect, some subtleties of use should be observed.

If the fruit is used as a whole in cooking, it cannot be disposed of, it must be eaten. The fruit has a beneficial effect on the body, helping to reduce intoxication.

How to take fruit (recipe without milk)? The fruit should be consumed before meals, separately from the drink. This allows you to improve digestion, activate the immune system and normalize metabolic processes, which will speed up the healing process.

Milk drink should be consumed warm, but not hot. A hot drink can lead to an increase in body temperature. A cold agent will not have the desired effect, since it does not have an enveloping effect.

Therapy should be carried out for a long time. It will not be possible to get rid of a cough in a couple of days using the presented method. The duration of treatment directly depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. The minimum treatment period is 10 days. In chronic cases, therapy will take up to 1 month.

The product should be used after eating food. A single dosage for adults is 200 ml, for children - 1/3 cup. Frequency of application - 3 times a day.


Figs and milk are not only able to strengthen the body, but also harm people suffering from certain diseases.

Figs should not be consumed by persons with:

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • gastritis or peptic ulcer;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • gout;
  • pancreatitis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Allergic reactions to the product are rare, as it contains a small amount of esters. Allergy sufferers should start consuming the fruit with small volumes, gradually increasing the amount. If an allergy occurs, you should immediately stop eating figs and carry out symptomatic therapy in the form of taking antihistamines, for example, Fenistil.

Irrational use of any product can lead to negative consequences. But if you approach the presented recipes wisely, you can not only get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of the disease, but also strengthen the body.

The recipe for making figs with cough milk can be found in old healers' books that were previously passed down from generation to generation. This recipe is unique in that it can be used to treat all categories of patients, including young children and pregnant women. To prepare the medicine, you can take both fresh and dried berries. And if fresh products are hard to find, then dry products can be purchased at any market.
Figs with cough milk can be prepared according to different recipes, but they are all equally good and effective.

Fig properties

Figs have a lot of useful properties. This southern berry has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, expectorant, laxative, diuretic and antipyretic effect. For the preparation of various medicinal potions, both fresh and dried product can be used. Some experts believe that dry berries are more preferable, since the concentration of nutrients in them is higher.

Dried fruits contain a lot of potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart and nervous system. The product is rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamins from group B. Figs contain dietary fiber in large quantities, therefore, it contributes to the rapid removal of toxic substances and toxins from the body.

Fresh figs contain a lot of iron and various vitamins.. Due to its unique composition, this product can be used to treat many diseases of the internal organs.

The shelf life of figs is short, so you need to pay attention to the freshness of the product. Stale berries have a rancid smell and an overdried appearance.

Indications for consumption of figs

Fresh figs are a tasty product that people of all ages love to eat. But you can also use berries for the preparation of medicinal formulations that will help with a number of pathologies. Figs in milk can be used in such cases:

  • To strengthen the immune system in children and adults. Such a remedy can be recommended to people who are often and for a long time ill, both for treatment and for prevention.
  • With a strong cough, sore throat of various pathogenesis and hoarseness. Warm milk infused with berries works wonders. Within a couple of hours after taking the first dose of the drug, the symptoms of the disease are significantly reduced..
  • At high temperature. If you do not want to resort to drugs at elevated body temperature, you can taste figs or milk infused with berries. This product has a pronounced diaphoretic effect, which is especially important for colds;
  • Figs perfectly cleans the intestines from toxins and toxins. And as you know, a contaminated intestine is the primary source of many diseases.
  • Pathology of the heart. Figs contain a lot of potassium, which helps to strengthen the heart muscle and normalizes the work of an important organ.
  • With anemia. Figs can also be used to quickly treat anemia in children and pregnant women..

Treatment of a severe cough with figs with milk is so effective that in many cases it is possible to do without taking medications. Often this remedy is recommended by doctors to patients with pneumonia, as part of complex therapy. Such a drink allows you to strengthen the body's defenses and speed up recovery.

You can start taking a milk drink with figs only after the approval of a doctor. We must not forget that the specialist must fully control the entire treatment.


Even such a harmless cough remedy as figs with milk has a number of contraindications that cannot be ignored. It is forbidden to be treated with a drug when:

  • diabetes mellitus of any type;
  • allergies to an exotic product or milk proteins;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the digestive tract;
  • with stones in the gallbladder.

A fig-based milk drink can be taken in conjunction with medications prescribed by a doctor. You should not refuse the prescribed treatment and drink only the prepared drug; with bronchitis, such monotherapy will not be effective.

Figs have a mild laxative effect, so during treatment there may be a slight loosening of the stool.


You can cook figs with cough milk according to various recipes, which you can find a great many on the Internet, but they are all based on a basic recipe that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Figs with cough milk can be prepared according to the classic recipe. For cooking, take three fresh or dried fruits and 250 ml of fresh milk. Prepare the drug, adhering to this recipe:

  • The berries are cut into small pieces and placed in a stainless steel or glass saucepan, poured with milk.
  • Place the saucepan over low heat and bring to a boil. Stir all the time.
  • After boiling, the fire is reduced to a minimum and the composition is left to languish under the lid for about an hour. During this time, the figs will give all the nutrients to the milk.
  • After that, the container is removed from the fire and insisted for a couple of hours in a warm place.

The result is a brownish drink with a sweetish taste and a characteristic smell of figs. Before use, the fruits are removed from the milk or ground to a puree state with a blender. For the treatment of children, it is advisable to strain the milk so that the pieces do not get into the respiratory tract when coughing..

To prepare the medicinal composition, you need to take lilac figs and fresh milk. It is undesirable to use pasteurized milk, as it has fewer nutrients.

Milk tincture with figs

Such a drug helps well with an unproductive and hysterical cough.
. After a couple of days, the expectorant effect of the drug is fully manifested. The sputum thins and begins to be easily coughed up. Such milk with figs for dry cough is well suited for adults and children. To prepare such a cough remedy, you have to spend a little time.

Milk tincture is made exclusively from dried figs, take one fruit per glass of fresh milk. It is better to buy milk at home or as fat as possible, since fat envelops an irritated throat well. Prepare the drug according to this recipe:

  • The fruits are finely chopped with a knife and transferred to a saucepan with a double bottom.
  • Pour the berries with fat milk and put on a slow fire.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil, and then pour it into a refractory form and put it in the oven to languish for half an hour.
  • After this time, the oven is turned off, but the dishes with the drug are not taken out until the oven cools down.
  • After cooling, the tincture is ready for use.

Children take a glass of tincture a day. This volume should be divided into 2-3 doses. Adults drink 0.5 liters of milk tincture per day, dividing the volume into 3 doses. Milk tincture should be taken one hour before meals. Store the medicinal composition in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

Before taking the right amount of milk tincture is heated in a steam bath to a comfortable temperature.

Butterscotch with milk and figs

Butterscotch with milk, figs and butter will definitely appeal to the kids. Such toffees quickly relieve throat irritation, reduce coughing and promote easy sputum discharge.. In terms of taste and texture, these sweets resemble store-bought toffee. For cooking, you need to take 4 large dry fruits of an exotic fruit, a tablespoon of good butter, a glass of sugar and two glasses of full-fat milk. Prepare cough toffee according to this recipe:

  • Dry figs are cut into pieces, and then grind with a blender to a homogeneous consistency.
  • The fig mass is poured with milk and put on a slow fire, where the drug languishes for about half an hour.
  • At the same time, a glass of sugar is poured into a cast-iron pan and melted until it becomes a caramel shade.
  • Next, butter is added to the caramel mass and mixed well. After that, fig milk is poured into the pan, kept on fire for about half an hour, stirring constantly, and poured into molds.

Store toffees with figs in a dry glass jar with a tightly ground lid.. Sweets can be sucked for coughing or sore throat.

Fig milk is very good for coughing, which is caused by various reasons. But it is worth remembering that such a remedy is very high in calories and contributes to weight gain.

How to use the medicine

To quickly get rid of a debilitating cough, you must adhere to the rules for using the drug:

  1. It is necessary to drink fig milk up to 5 times a day, while one dose is about 50 ml..
  2. Take the drug before meals, preheat the healing composition.
  3. The fruits boiled in milk must be eaten.
  4. The duration of the course of treatment varies greatly and ranges from 10 days to 1 month.

Milk with figs for bronchitis should be taken for at least 2 weeks, together with medications prescribed by the doctor. Milkshake with figs can be taken simultaneously with mucolytics, bronchodilators, antiallergic drugs and antibacterial drugs.

After several days of storage, the medicinal drug with milk and figs becomes more viscous, but this does not affect the properties of the product at all.

Milk with figs is a cough remedy that has been proven over the years. Such a drug can be given to adults and children, but only if there is no allergy to cow's milk or an exotic fruit. People with protein intolerance can prepare decoctions in water, at the end of cooking add a little ginger, lemon juice and honey.

An ancient healing berry - figs - will cure many ailments. Very useful for children and effective for coughing is tincture of figs, boiled in milk.

Today, figs can be found in the composition of many medicines. But the therapeutic effect at home will be much more effective and useful if you prepare milk with figs for coughing for children yourself, and also use these fruits as a prevention of other diseases.

Fig berries with milk are shown as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for pregnant women. Fig fruits can be used in the treatment of children from 9 months, as a rule, healing remedies with this berry begin to be given to babies from the age of 5.

Fig - fig, fig or fig is considered the oldest fruit of the Earth. Mentioned since biblical times. From the same period, its wonderful healing properties are well known.

Useful properties of figs

The fig tree is literally a “green pharmacy”, in which leaves, bark, and fruits are used. After the leaves of the fig tree, the most valuable are the berries, the beneficial properties of which are difficult to belittle. The benefit of figs lies in its saturation with proteins, sugars, trace elements, coarse fiber and vitamins.

Dried and dried figs contain more protein and sugar than fresh figs. In terms of potassium content, figs are second only to nuts. Dried figs are a high-calorie product.

Fresh berries contribute to:

  • regulation of blood pressure;
  • normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • getting rid of constipation;
  • removal of toxins from the body;
  • urine output, proper functioning of the kidneys;
  • prevention and treatment of vascular and heart diseases;
  • rejuvenation of the skin, retina, and other tissues;
  • potency improvement.

The consumption of figs will help quench your thirst, and treatment with these berries stops the development of anemia, anorexia, and prostatitis. Also, fig syrup is a healing agent for muscular rheumatism, stones in the bladder and kidneys, with an increased volume of the liver. Due to the content of the substance benzaldehyde, figs prevent the growth of cancer cells, and the available antioxidants slow down age-related changes.

And finally, figs are highly effective in the treatment of colds, various types of coughs, including asthma, chest pains, loss of voice, and other throat diseases, have excellent diaphoretic and antipyretic properties. It is also widely used in cosmetology. And fig syrup is a useful and effective tonic for children, which you need to know how to take and in what doses.

Contraindications for use

  • with overweight, obesity;
  • with elevated glucose levels, diabetes mellitus;
  • cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;
  • gout;
  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, duodenal ulcers, stomach, pancreatitis in acute / chronic forms;
  • in cases of allergies, lactose intolerance.

For the correct, effective and healthy consumption of figs, do not forget to consult your doctor. Also, do not exceed the dose of nursing mothers.

Recipes for making fig milk for cough

To cook a healing decoction of figs in milk, it is better to take fatty cow or goat milk. For 750 ml (one and a half cups) of liquid, 1 medium fig is taken.

Wash the berries, put in a saucepan with milk. Milk can be pre-boiled, or you can put raw milk on fire, heat it up, and, bringing it to a boil, boil the fruits for 30 minutes under a lid over low heat.

Milk, combined with figs, will boil down by about 1/3. You will get a nice caramel brown liquid. After cooking, wrap the container with fig milk well or pour into a thermos. Let the figs steam out and insist. After complete cooling, pour into a glass container.

Using this cough recipe, brew no more than 0.5 liters of a healing drink. Do not take more than a glass of medicine per day. Store in the refrigerator and drink warm.

Regular intake of prepared figs as a preventive measure will relieve even a smoker from a choking cough, and will significantly strengthen the immune system.

Another recipe on how to make milk with figs will be useful for both adults and children. For those who want to lose weight, it is good to drink this tonic syrup for dinner, and also use it for prevention.


  1. 1 glass of milk
  2. 1 glass of hot water
  3. 100 g dried figs
  4. 1 tsp Sahara.

Wash the fruits, finely chop. Pour the berry with a glass of boiling water, leave to brew for 4 hours. You can add sugar.

Boil a glass of milk, let cool. Mix the infused and swollen figs with cooled milk, beat the mixture with a blender. The recipe is convenient in that you do not need to boil milk, fearing that it will burn or run away.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of figs for kids, as well as for adults. Information about its healing qualities have passed through the centuries. To always be healthy, use these fruits in nutrition and treatment.

Figs are not only an extremely tasty and healthy fruit, but also a popular folk remedy used to treat sore throats and debilitating dry coughs. Figs with cough milk, the recipe for which has been used for many centuries, allows you to get rid of the problem without drug treatment. Figs in combination with milk have the most useful properties. Such a remedy is distinguished by anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antipyretic, diaphoretic effect. Due to this, the medicinal preparation has a positive effect on the state of the respiratory system, relieves pain in the larynx, and also helps to eliminate cough.

Figs with milk for children

Many parents know that figs with cough milk, the recipe for which was known to our ancestors, not only eliminates cough, but also softens the throat, moisturizes the mucous membranes and helps to get rid of pain and sore throat.

It should be remembered that the recipe for children is prepared taking into account several important rules:

  • In no case is it recommended to boil a healing drink - it must be warm, since when boiled, figs lose almost all of their beneficial properties.
  • The fruits of figs, present in milk, must be eaten, as it is of great benefit to the digestive system.
  • You should not think that the medicine will have an instant effect - it will take at least 5-10 days to eliminate a debilitating cough.

For the preparation of the drink, you can use both fresh and dried fruit. As medical practice shows, the most effective recipe for children is as follows - pour 4-5 large figs into a small saucepan with 400 ml of milk, place on a small fire and simmer for 25-35 minutes. Then the broth should be removed from the stove and wrapped tightly with a blanket or towel. After 4-5 hours, the product is ready for use.

Contraindications for use

Despite all its many positive properties, figs with cough milk, the recipe for which is described above, are categorically not recommended for use in some cases. The main contraindications to the use of folk remedies:

  • Allergy to figs or milk protein.
  • Intestinal infection.
  • Chair disorders.
  • Diabetes.
  • Enterocolitis, gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the stomach.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Gout.

All people who are prone to lactose intolerance or frequent stool disorders should be extremely careful about the use of any products that include milk.

Preparation of a remedy in a thermos

If you decide to use figs with milk against a cough, a recipe in a thermos will be an ideal solution for both adults and children. One large fig fruit (fresh or dried) must be poured with 250 ml of boiled and pre-cooled milk, then placed on a slow fire and boiled for 5 minutes. After that, the fire is reduced and the resulting liquid is boiled for another 35 minutes.

After that, the drug must be poured into a thermos and left to infuse for several hours. This is necessary so that the figs are completely steamed out and "give" all their useful properties to the milk drink.

Figs with milk recipe, in a thermos is ready for use after 2-4 hours of infusion. Adult patients are recommended to drink a cup of a healing drink three times a day, it is enough for kids to drink ½ cup.

Use of the drug during pregnancy

Is it possible to use figs with milk for women during the period of bearing a baby? A prescription during pregnancy can be used with great care and only after prior consultation with a doctor. During this period, doctors advise expectant mothers to limit the use of various medications as much as possible, so the use of folk remedies is considered the most optimal.

4-5 large figs should be washed under running water, then pour 600 ml of cold milk. Next, the liquid is put on a small fire, brought to a boil and simmered for 35-40 minutes. The first sign that the remedy is ready is that the milk has thickened and turned brown.

This recipe during pregnancy involves the use of a milk drink of 100 ml 2-4 times a day. As a rule, after 3-4 days of treatment, the first positive results can be seen. Cough and sore throat disappear, breathing becomes easy and free.

Using fresh figs for cough

To prepare an effective folk remedy for cough, you can use both fresh and dried figs. Fresh figs with cough milk, the recipe of which is presented below, helps to quickly and painlessly get rid of a debilitating cough in adults and children.

The fruit in combination with honey has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. For example, 8 figs can be sprinkled with 8 tablespoons of natural honey, chopped with a meat grinder, and then add a teaspoon of the resulting mixture to a glass of warm milk. Such a tasty and healthy drink is recommended to be taken 2-3 times a day.

It is also very useful to enrich fresh figs with cough milk, the recipe of which is presented above, with additional ingredients - freshly squeezed lemon juice, buckwheat or linden honey, chopped ginger. This fragrant root significantly increases the effectiveness of the drug and helps to get rid of coughs and sore throats in the shortest possible time. To add, ¼ teaspoon of ginger root, previously grated, is enough.

Recipes with figs without milk

Many men and women suffer from milk lactose intolerance. In such cases, it is recommended to use a cough fig recipe without milk, which is highly effective and fast acting.

To prepare a therapeutic antitussive, 3 large figs must be crushed, the resulting mass combined with the same amount of honey. The finished mixture should be insisted for several hours in the refrigerator, and then taken in a tablespoon three times a day.

You can effectively treat coughs and other manifestations of the common cold with figs and lemon. 3-5 fruits should be poured with 250 ml of cold water, placed on a small fire and simmered for half an hour. After that, 100 g of granulated sugar and the same amount of water, as well as freshly squeezed juice from ½ lemon, are added to the drink. The liquid must be boiled for another 10 minutes, after which it is completely ready for use.

Figs with cough milk, the recipe of which is presented above, is an extremely effective and very affordable remedy that can be used to treat adults and children. Fig-milk drink perfectly eliminates cough, dryness and sore throat, normalizes the state of the respiratory system and speeds up recovery from colds. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum.

The period of lactation, pregnancy, age up to three years are the main contraindications indicated in the instructions for the main number of drugs. In this case, the question may arise as to how to treat people who fall under this category? Almost everyone finds a way out in traditional medicine, using, for example, cough figs (a recipe with milk is given in the article below). For the most part, such products have no restrictions, and also do not contain any chemicals.

Of course, if we are talking about some kind of serious illness, it is better to immediately consult a doctor, but such an ailment as a cold can be cured on its own. A simple fig will help you with this, use figs with cough milk. The recipe for this remedy is quite simple, as you will learn from the article below. The product is absolutely harmless, therefore, it can be used even during lactation and pregnancy. Figs are effective in treating coughs, and recipes with this fruit are very popular among the population.

The benefits of figs

Dried and fresh fruits contain tannins that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system and kidneys. This sweet fruit is rich in potassium, one of the main elements in the treatment, as well as maintaining the entire human circulatory system in a normal state.

Useful properties and calorie content of figs in official medicine have been used for many decades to treat various diseases. It was given to people after a long convalescence. In addition, this sweet berry has replaced candies for people for many centuries and served in the East as one of the main components of world-famous and very tasty and healthy oriental sweets. As mentioned above, they use figs for coughing. The recipe with milk pleases with its simplicity and naturalness.

The benefits of fruit for the body plays a very important role in the treatment and prevention of hypertension. Dried berries are consumed in venous insufficiency. It was found that the ficin contained in figs significantly reduces blood clotting, therefore, these berries must be eaten in the treatment of thrombosis, since they contribute to the effective resorption of blood clots.

Excellent hematopoietic properties of the fruit are used in the treatment of anemia, in addition, figs are useful in the treatment of diseases of the spleen and liver.

Composition of figs

Figs are an incredibly sweet berry, due to which many consider them to be very high in calories. In order to dispel all questions and doubts, you need to reveal the secret and note that this berry contains only 50 kcal per 100 grams of weight, in other words, it is not more nutritious than any yogurt. At the same time, there are practically no fats and proteins in the composition of figs, while you can have a snack with these fruits with pleasure, since 100 g of fruit contains 14 g of carbohydrates. Therefore, doctors and nutritionists recommend eating figs on the road or at work, since all dried fruits, without exception, perfectly satisfy hunger, which is the main benefit of dried figs, according to gourmets.

Fresh fruits contain 25% sugar in their composition, while not everyone likes to eat them fresh, and basically these tender fruits, resembling huge black onions, are used to make delicious fig jam. Tourists, visiting the countries of Africa and Asia, the entire Mediterranean coast and the Balkans, will certainly bring with them a jar of very sweet and viscous jam with a unique aroma.

Dried figs with cough milk are also used (recipe in the article below). In this form, its composition changes - it begins to contain about 35% sugar, since with a similar method of harvesting these berries, moisture is evaporated until these berries acquire a recognizable beige color and elasticity. It is in this form that we mainly see figs for sale, and it is in this way that all its beneficial properties are revealed.

The benefits of the berry lies in its unique composition. It is a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. Figs are 80% fresh from water, therefore, to improve its taste and useful qualities, moisture is evaporated, while retaining only the natural properties of this useful berry.

Figs are especially rich in vitamins A and B. In addition, the beneficial properties of the fruit demonstrate themselves in a set of mineral salts that can compete with many mineral-vitamin complexes. It is especially rich in potassium, in addition, it contains magnesium, calcium, sodium and other elements important for the proper development and health of the body, therefore, the product is especially useful for anemia and after illness and for children.


This fruit, in addition to all the components listed above, contains a large amount of sugar and carbohydrates. All this makes it fatal for those who have diabetes.

Another contraindication is allergies. Cough figs are often used. The recipe with milk should not be used by those who have contraindications to casein. Figs contain a large amount of vitamin C. So, if a person is allergic to citrus fruits, then they will probably appear after eating this fruit.

Cough figs (recipe with milk in particular) have no other contraindications.

We treat cough with figs

In order to use cough figs effectively, it can be combined with other components. In addition, various decoctions and mixtures can be made from them.

Figs with cough milk: recipe

This is a very popular recipe. With it, you can cure the disease in the shortest possible time. To prepare the remedy, take a liter of milk (goat or cow). It is advisable to take a home-made product, since many useful substances are lost after processing in the store. In addition, the milk should be full fat, as this helps to warm the throat and also provides the effect of retaining this heat.

Next, what needs to be done is to pour the product into a container and gradually heat it over low heat. Take 5 pieces of figs, wash them and put them in milk. Cover the container with a lid and cook for half an hour. When this time has passed, remove the broth from heat, carefully wrap and remove for 3 hours. The medicine should be used according to the following scheme: eat the fruits before meals, while milk - before bedtime, initially heated.

Cough treatment with figs with milk (recipe above) is very effective. A few days - and it will completely pass. You will feel relief after just one treatment.

Dried figs with honey

As we have already found out, cough figs have long been actively used. The recipe without milk is very simple. For cooking, you need to grind 10 pieces of dried fruit and add 10 tablespoons of honey to them. Stir the mixture. It is recommended to use a blender for best results. The resulting medicine should be consumed one teaspoon in the evening and in the morning. Do not eat for 30 minutes after taking. This remedy will help to cope with the disease supported by viruses and smoking.

Figs with ginger and lemon juice

Cough figs can also be used in the form of syrup along with lemon juice. So the body will receive vitamin C in sufficient quantities, which will significantly strengthen the immune system, while the healing process will be much faster. To do this, take eight figs, cut them into small pieces, then pour a glass of clean water and heat over low heat for about 20 minutes. Then add some sugar and 2 parts water. The syrup must be put on fire again, and then brought to a boil. It should be boiled until the sugar dissolves. Add a teaspoon of ginger and the juice of ½ lemon. Use a dessert spoon three times a day.

Figs with radish

Radish is often used in recipes to treat coughs. For example, it is used together with honey. No less effective combination with figs. To prepare such a remedy, you need to rub the peeled radish (preferably black). Perform similar actions with figs, taking 6 of them. Add 10 tablespoons of honey to it and mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Cover this product with a thin towel in order to completely limit the access of light to it and put it in a cool place for a day. Take a tablespoon in the morning.

Cough in itself is not dangerous if you take the necessary measures to cure it. But if this is not done, then it will turn into more serious diseases - bronchitis or pneumonia. This will help prevent figs. The recipes that are listed in this article are very effective when used regularly until the disease completely subsides. If you stop treatment in the middle, you can get a relapse. Only a full recovery will be a signal that the use of funds should be stopped. At the same time, observing all the necessary requirements, you will very quickly cope with a cough with the help of figs without any harm to health.

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