Gangrenous stomatitis in cats. Treatment of ulcerative stomatitis with granulations in a cat. Causes of stomatitis in cats and cats

Stomatitis in a cat is the general name for a group of diseases of the oral cavity, in which there is damage to the mucous membrane and deterioration of the teeth up to their loss. The disease leads to the fact that the animal is constantly tormented by pain and cannot drink and eat normally.

How exactly the treatment of stomatitis in a cat will be depends on the stage and type of the disease. In some cases, drug therapy is sufficient, in others, surgical intervention, in which part of the damaged mucosa is removed, and in severe cases, teeth.

Causes of stomatitis in cats and cats

The following adverse factors can provoke the onset of the disease in a pet:

  1. Injury to the oral mucosa and teeth. It occurs when eating too dry food, sharp bones, when trying to swallow large objects. Pathogenic bacteria accumulate in the resulting wounds, which lead to ulceration.
  2. Chemical burn of the mucosa. It occurs if the pet accidentally tried household chemicals, medicines. Chemical burns most often heal worse than mechanical damage, so ulcers and areas with dead mucosa often form in their place.
  3. Low level of hygiene. In this case, pets that receive exclusively soft food are susceptible to stomatitis. Tartar begins to accumulate on the teeth, caries appears, which gradually leads to tooth decay. All these processes contribute to the occurrence of stomatitis.
  4. Allergy. It can occur both on food eaten and on cat care products.
  5. Infectious diseases. They lead to a decrease in immunity, as a result, existing diseases are exacerbated.
  6. The old age of the pet. Older cats and cats often suffer from diabetes, their body's defenses are significantly weakened. All of these factors can lead to ulcers and bleeding areas in the mouth.

It is important to note that an incompletely treated disease in cats can turn into a severe form - gangrenous stomatitis. This disease is very difficult to treat, the animal's teeth fall out. The lesion affects not only soft tissues, but also the jaw, which often leads to the death of the pet.

Treatment of stomatitis in cats will depend on the type of disease, as in some cases, antiseptics and antibiotics can be dispensed with, and sometimes surgical intervention is required.

Types of stomatitis

Cats are diagnosed with several types of stomatitis. Some varieties are more common, others are less common, but they all bring great discomfort to the animal. There are the following types of the disease:

  1. catarrhal. The type of stomatitis that is easiest to treat. The animal has redness and swelling of the gums, the appearance of plaque on the mucosa. The cat has an unpleasant smell from the mouth, there is profuse salivation.
  2. Ulcerative. It is the next stage of untreated catarrhal stomatitis. Ulcers form in the cat's mouth, which cause severe pain to the animal. In the absence of treatment, the proliferation of connective tissue is observed, and then the complete death of the mucosa. If treatment is not started at this stage, ulcerative stomatitis in cats will turn into gangrenous.
  3. Gangrenous. This type of disease is characterized by the death of the oral mucosa. The animal completely stops eating, becomes very lethargic. From the mouth there is not just an unpleasant smell, but a stench. Saliva is secreted in large quantities.
  4. Phlegmous. Under the mucous membrane of the animal, accumulations of pus are visible. When the tissues break, the contents pour out, the color of the tissues becomes cyanotic. The danger is that this type of stomatitis can lead to the development of blood poisoning.
  5. Papilomatous. Occurs when there is a papilloma virus in the animal's body. The formation of growths on the inside of the cheeks and lips is observed. If the immunity of the animal is in good condition, the disease goes away on its own in a few weeks. Otherwise, surgery will be required in combination with antiviral therapy.
  6. Autoimmune. It occurs as a result of a failure when the body begins to reject its own teeth. In the mouth, there is redness and bleeding of the mucosa around all chewing elements.
  7. Diphtheretic. Occurs very rarely. In a cat, plaque forms in the mouth, when removed, large areas of damage are exposed, up to bleeding ulcers.
  8. Uremic. It is a consequence of renal failure and occurs before the death of a pet. Toxins that enter the bloodstream cause inflammation and irritation of the tissues. This type of stomatitis can be detected during a special blood test.

Only a veterinarian can determine which variety a pet’s disease belongs to after examining and studying laboratory data. This is important, since an incorrectly chosen treatment strategy can lead to a deterioration in the animal's condition.


Despite the fact that there are several varieties of the disease, it is possible to distinguish common symptoms that develop when stomatitis occurs in cats:

  1. There is active salivation. The liquid is often with an unpleasant odor, the consistency is stretching, with inclusions of blood or ichor.
  2. An unpleasant odor is felt from the mouth, with a severe mucosal lesion - a stink.
  3. The mouth swells a little, the animal is constantly washing and licking, as if there is a foreign object in the mouth.
  4. There is a complete rejection of food, even from favorite delicacies. At the same time, the cat often drinks a lot.
  5. Wool becomes unkempt, disheveled, an unpleasant smell emanates from it.
  6. In all cases, lethargy and drowsiness are noted, the pet tries to spend as much time as possible at rest.
  7. The cat has rises and falls in body temperature, enlarged lymph nodes can be felt under the lower jaw.
  8. On visual examination, swelling of the gums, bleeding is visible. In severe lesions, ulcers, purulent areas, plaque, loose teeth are noticeable.

The above symptoms indicate the presence of feline stomatitis, which requires immediate treatment. In the absence of help, the disease will progress, which can lead not only to the loss of almost all teeth, but also to the death of the pet.


Many owners are interested in the question of whether the treatment of stomatitis at home will be effective, or is it better to immediately show the cat to the veterinarian. Even at the initial stage of the disease, there is no need to postpone a visit to a specialist. Before visiting him, you can slightly alleviate the condition of the animal, but only in case of development of catarrhal stomatitis. You need to do the following:

  1. Carefully inspect the mouth for the presence of foreign objects that can injure the mucous membrane. If any are found, very carefully remove them and rinse the animal's mouth with a weak solution of manganese or soda.
  2. Give your cat plenty of clean water.
  3. Eliminate foods that can injure inflamed gums from the diet. Food should be liquid and warm, containing sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals.
  4. After each meal, it makes sense to rinse the cat's mouth. To do this, use a small syringe, while the liquid should not fall into the pet's throat. Hydrogen peroxide, chamomile infusion, a mixture of water and calendula tincture are well suited for irrigation.

It is important to remember that treating stomatitis in cats with the above means is ineffective: they will eliminate unpleasant symptoms, but they will not get rid of the problem.

When contacting a specialist, the doctor will first of all examine the pet's oral cavity, and then send it for urine and blood tests. In some cases, a test for viral infections will be required. If there are purulent foci in the mouth, bacteriological culture is additionally performed to identify the pathogen and prescribe the necessary antibiotics.

How exactly and how to treat stomatitis will depend on what kind of disease the cat has and at what stage it is. The most commonly used tactics are:

  1. Medical treatment. It is effective when the disease is detected at an early stage, there are no deep lesions on the mucous membranes. Then the tartar is removed from the animal, caries is treated, the oral cavity is cleaned of pus and dead tissues. After that, antibiotics are prescribed, mouth rinses with antiseptic solutions, preparations for the rapid healing of the mucous membrane, vitamin and mineral complexes to maintain the body's defenses.
  2. Surgical intervention. It is often one of the methods of treating ulcerative stomatitis, when cats have not only mucosal damage, but also tooth loss. With this method, under general anesthesia, the mouth is cleaned of the affected elements, large areas of dead mucosa, after which, in some cases, sutures are applied for better tissue fusion.
  3. mixed therapy. They resort to it when it is necessary to remove teeth, and subsequently fight the disease with the help of medicines.

How to treat stomatitis and with the help of what methods only a doctor can decide. Attempts to independently open purulent cavities in the mouth of an animal or prescribe antibiotics often result in the death of a pet.


Preventive measures to prevent the disease are of paramount importance. At the initial stages of stomatitis, they often do not pay attention, as a result of which it passes into neglected forms, the most dangerous of which is ulcerative stomatitis with granulations.

  1. Food. Food should contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals to maintain the immunity of the animal. If the cat is used to eating only soft food and does not recognize hard food, brush his teeth a couple of times a week with a special brush and paste. This will protect the teeth from the formation of plaque and tartar, and will positively affect the condition of the oral cavity as a whole.
  2. Vaccinations and worming. The animal must be vaccinated strictly according to the schedule, regularly carry out antihelminthic treatment. This will help to avoid infection with various infections that can provoke the development of stomatitis.
  3. Safe home. Any small or sharp objects that can easily fit in a cat's mouth should be out of reach. When choosing toys, preference is given to solid products that do not have small, poorly fixed parts.
  4. Inspections. It is important not only to regularly show the cat to the veterinarian, but also to conduct periodic examinations of the oral cavity at home, so as not to miss the first signs of the disease.

The above measures will help to significantly reduce the risk of stomatitis in a cat and save the animal from pain and the need to undergo long-term treatment.

Stomatitis develops gradually, so it is important to monitor the health of the animal, and if necessary, immediately consult a veterinarian.

Stomatitis is a very common disease that affects cats regardless of gender, age or breed. It is characterized by inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, and in severe cases - complete loss of teeth and the inability to take solid food. In fact, the animal becomes disabled.

Stomatitis can occur even in small kittens up to six months old. Lack of calcium in the body, stressful situations, lack of essential vitamins and minerals in the diet are the most typical causes of illness in babies. It is possible that they can become infected from the mother cat.

The reasons

Often, it is the improper care of the cat and the carelessness of the owners that causes the development of this unpleasant disease. To prevent such diseases in a cat, it is necessary to visit the clinic periodically.

If, for some reason, this cannot be done, it is necessary to observe oral hygiene, brush your teeth, monitor the cat's diet and periodically, by external examination, identify the symptoms of such an unpleasant and rather painful disease for the cat. Let us consider its primary causes. They can be divided into four categories.

  1. Mechanical (various injuries of the oral cavity - damage by sharp objects, for example, fish or tubular bones, sticks, as well as when changing teeth).
  2. Thermal (too hot, or vice versa, cold food).
  3. Chemicals (household chemicals, products used to wash the pussy, or even drugs that cause severe irritation of the mucous membrane).
  4. Biological (imbalance of microflora in the oral cavity, resulting in damage to the mucous membrane).

It must be borne in mind that with age, stomatitis in a cat may be the result of caries or tartar deposits. In any case, you should not engage in self-treatment and buy the first drugs that come across in a pharmacy, this can lead to complications and additional costs.

There are also a number of "secondary symptoms" that are slightly more complex and take longer to detect.

  • Lack of vitamins (in particular, vitamin C, PP and tryptophan protein).
  • Hormonal failure in the body of the animal, metabolic disorders.
  • Diseases of the kidneys, liver and other organs.
  • Various allergic reactions.
  • Gastroenteritis, diabetes mellitus.
  • Various infectious diseases (distemper, parvovirus, panleukopenia).

Features of ulcerative stomatitis

Often, with untimely detection, catarrhal stomatitis in cats can quickly develop into ulcerative. Small, red sores appear on the gums of the affected pet.

Over time, they increase and cause severe trouble for the cat in the form of pain, loss of teeth, bleeding from the gums, and the inability to eat.

Also, the cat's thirst increases, and the putrid smell from the mouth becomes stronger due to the multiplication of various bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Salivation slightly relieves the suffering of the pet, but urgent treatment is needed with the help of special medications prescribed by a specialist. The next stage of stomatitis proceeds in an even more severe and dangerous form for the pet.

The main reason for the development of stomatitis in cats is poor oral hygiene or its complete absence. Problems such as caries, plaque in the mouth and tartar, combined with a weakened immune system, give impetus to the development of a serious pathology.

In addition, there are a number of other reasons, in the presence of which the risk of developing this disease increases:

  • Mechanical damage resulting from gnawing tubular bones, hard food or hot food;
  • Chemical damage leading to a burn of the oral cavity: ingestion of shampoo, bleach, or acid;
  • The defeat of infections;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Allergy;
  • Diabetes;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If the owner wants to treat stomatitis in cats on their own, then you still need to contact a specialist to correctly diagnose the type of disease and identify the possible consequences of this problem.

Stomatitis in cats is a disease of the oral cavity in which inflammatory processes affect the mucous membranes. As the disease progresses, inflammation can affect not only the gums, but also the tongue, lips, buccal mucosa, upper and lower palate. This disease is often diagnosed in veterinary practice in cats of various breeds and age groups, and especially in those animals whose owners do not pay due attention to the oral hygiene of their fluffy pet.

Stomatitis in cats occurs in acute and chronic form, it can be of primary or secondary etiology (origin), when a relapse occurs after treatment. The causes of the disease have a variety of etiologies.

Causes of stomatitis in cats:

  • mechanical damage, trauma to the oral mucosa;
  • thermal, chemical irritations;
  • diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis, gastroenteritis);
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • wrong taste;
  • congenital endocrine pathologies;
  • malfunctions in the functioning of the liver, liver failure;
  • infectious diseases;
  • taking certain pharmacological drugs;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body.

An important role in the development of an inflammatory disease is dental problems, caries, periodontitis, periodontitis, gingivitis, which often occur in the absence of oral hygiene, deficiency of macro-microelements, vitamins, and also due to age-related changes. Therefore, stomatitis is often diagnosed in cats at an older, advanced age.

Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity in cats can be caused by poisoning with potent toxins, chemicals, pesticides, household chemicals, toxic fumes, vapors.

Cause of primary stomatitis in cats may be the wrong temperature of the feed. Animals should not be fed either too hot or too cold food. Before giving your pet food, warm it up to room temperature.

Secondary stomatitis in cats develops as a result of systemic, functional disorders and pathologies. For example, beriberi, diabetes, tartar, metabolic disorders, gastroenteritis lead to the development of this disease in animals.

A number of factors can cause ulcerative stomatitis in cats and its other varieties:

  • infections - bacterial, viral, mycoplasmic, fungal, etc.;
  • rough food that damages the mucous membrane of the mouth (bone fragments, dry food), too hot and too cold food, aggressive reagents (alkalis, acids), toxins on the mucous membrane;
  • dehydration caused by poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea, insufficient water intake, persistent fever, excessive urine output, significant blood loss;
  • dirty dishes for feeding;
  • bite defects, tartar, caries;
  • the use of drugs that reduce salivation;
  • deficiency of vitamins or microelements caused by an unbalanced diet or impaired absorption of them;
  • weakened immunity, autoimmune reactions;
  • malignant tumors in the neck, throat and nose;
  • hormonal changes (pregnancy, puberty, recent sterilization, etc.);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • diseases of the digestive tract and genitourinary system, diabetes;
  • anemia;
  • allergic reactions to food ingredients or various chemicals (even shampoo residues on wool), side effects of chemotherapy;
  • exhaustion of the body, emotional stress.

Depending on the causes of stomatitis in cats, symptoms and treatment will vary.

Stomatitis in cats occurs due to various types of damage:

  1. Mechanical - when eating foods with sharp edges (bones, crackers, fish fins), with bites during fights, often appears due to teething;
  2. Thermal - eating too hot or frozen food, even from too cold water;
  3. Biological - malocclusion, teeth affected by caries, the presence of tartar on them;
  4. Chemical - licking off irritating chemicals, washing powder, shampoo, etc.

The appearance of stomatitis also happens for other reasons:

  • If any foreign body gets into the oral cavity;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • kidney disease;
  • Consequence of leukemia;
  • Metabolic disease;
  • Allergy to certain types of products;
  • Weakened immunity.

Why do cats develop a disease that leads to tooth loss? According to statistics, the main causes of such problems in furry pets are: the lack of proper and regular hygiene procedures for the oral cavity. As a result, caries, tartar and plaque form in the mustache.

The root of the problem can also be mechanical wounds when eating solid food or spicy food, such as bones. When a pet tries all kinds of chemicals (shampoos, soaps, acids, etc.), the oral mucosa is also damaged, however, burns and poisoning may occur.

There are certain breeds of cats (British, Scottish, Maine Coon and Sphynx) that are genetically predisposed to this disease, so the owners of such beauties should examine their mouths more often.

Stomatitis in a cat is the result of exposure to some irritants of a different nature and origin.

  • Mechanical factors: injuries of the oral cavity, for example, when accidentally swallowing sharp objects or eating tubular bones, when the chance of damage to the gums is very high.
  • Thermal factors: often stomatitis is the result of feeding too hot food to the pet.
  • Chemical factors: burns of the oral mucosa with vapors of toxic substances, potent drugs, medical antiseptic solutions of high concentration or household chemicals.
  • Biological: conditionally pathogenic microflora, which is normally found in the mouth of any cat, but under favorable conditions (cracks, injuries, foreign or excessively dirty objects entering the mouth) begins to multiply intensively, “corroding” the mucous membrane.

Types of the disease process

There are several types of stomatitis that only a veterinarian can determine. To improve the efficiency and speed of treatment, the correct diagnosis of the disease plays a huge role.

Varieties of stomatitis:

  1. Primary (catarrhal) - the first stage of the disease, preceding all other types of this disease. With it, the gums swell and acquire a specific shade. This type of stomatitis is perfectly treatable at home.
  2. Ulcerative (secondary) - appears in the absence of treatment of the primary stage of the disease, characterized by the appearance of ulcers and edema in the mouth of the animal. In the absence of treatment at this stage of the disease, severe complications can develop.
  3. Phlegmonous - characterized by the presence of pus in the oral cavity of the cat, can provoke sepsis.
  4. Gangrenous stomatitis in cats is the most dangerous form of the disease, in which teeth fall out, rotting of the tissues of the mouth occurs and the temperature rises. Gangrene can lead to the death of a pet.

Even in the presence of the mildest stage of stomatitis, the animal needs to show it to the veterinarian. Self-treatment can lead to loss of time, the development of serious complications and irreversible processes in the cat's body.

Stomatitis in cats, depending on the manifestations, localization, intensity of inflammatory processes, is classified into:

  1. catarrhal. The most common form of the disease.
  2. Ulcerative. With this form, small ulcers form on the surface of the palate, tongue, mucous membranes of the lips, gums. A very dangerous, painful form of an inflammatory disease.
  3. Papillomatous. Small pustules filled with a clear liquid form on the mucous membranes of the lips and tongue.
  4. Phlegmous. The advanced stage of the disease in which purulent exudate is formed under the mucous membranes. It is not excluded the development of sepsis, viremia, if treatment is not prescribed.
  5. Gangrenous. The form of stomatitis, which provokes the development of necrotic tissue changes, provokes a gradual "death" of the mucosa.

By the nature of localization, stomatitis is focal, diffuse. Regardless of the form, stomatitis can lead to irreversible consequences, so treatment should be started at the initial stages of an inflammatory disease.

Each form of stomatitis is characterized by its own symptoms. The intensity of the symptoms depends on the age, the general condition of the pet's body, immunity, and the underlying cause.

Symptoms of stomatitis:

  • loss of appetite, refusal to feed;
  • increased salivation (drooling);
  • depression, drowsiness, apathy, decreased physical activity;
  • an increase in body temperature by 1-2 degrees, chills, fever;
  • strong thirst;
  • unpleasant putrid smell from the mouth;
  • convulsions, tremor;
  • swelling, redness of mucous membranes;
  • discharge from the eyes, nose;
  • deterioration of the tooth enamel;
  • bleeding gums;
  • swelling of the lips, tongue;
  • respiratory failure, shortness of breath.

With a careful examination of the oral cavity of a cat, you can see with the naked eye that the mucous membrane of the oral cavity is thickened, strongly hyperemic. On the surface of the tongue, gums, at the base of the teeth, multiple red blisters are visible, small weeping, non-healing sores, aphthae, vesicles.

At the initial stage of the disease, catarrhal inflammation develops, which, if appropriate measures are taken in a timely manner, quickly disappears, since the pathological processes proceed benignly. With proper therapy, the mucosa quickly heals and recovers.

The ulcerative lesion develops from the gums and gradually passes to healthy tissues. A very painful form of stomatitis, which provokes severe bleeding of the gums, pain on palpation. If you do not prescribe treatment, the inflammation will go to the bone tissue, jaw bones. A cat can lose a lot of teeth or completely lose them.

The most severe, deadly form of stomatitis is gangrenous, the main symptoms of which can be called:

  • a strong fetid odor from the mouth;
  • increase, soreness of the submandibular, regional lymph nodes;
  • profuse salivation;
  • severe depression;
  • copious catarrhal-purulent discharge from the eyes, nose;
  • decay of mucous lips, gums, tongue;
  • complete rejection of food.

Such a stage can provoke sepsis, viremia, and cause the death of a pet.

Depending on how the disease proceeds, stomatitis is acute and chronic, and on the origin - primary and secondary.

The nature of the lesion of the oral cavity may indicate what kind of stomatitis the animal has: catarrhal, ulcerative, gangrenous, aphthous or pustular.

Catarrhal and ulcerative forms of stomatitis are successfully treated with medication. With gangrenous, the intervention of a surgeon may be necessary: ​​this form refers to neglected ones, in which other organs are affected. Unfortunately, even the surgeon cannot guarantee that the animal will fully recover after surgery and be able to return to a full life. The owner must be prepared for the fact that his pet will have a long treatment, antibiotics and long-term rehabilitation.

Experts divide stomatitis into several types:

  1. Catarrhal (primary) is the mildest form of the disease. The lesions in this case are minor and with timely therapy, the disease quickly passes.
  2. Ulcerative (secondary) - in most cases, it occurs as an advanced form of primary stomatitis, when the pet develops ulcers and swelling on the mucous membranes of the mouth, which is accompanied by pain and burning. In this case, the pet often opens its mouth and rubs its muzzle with its paws, it stops licking the fur, because it is unpleasant for her.
  3. Gangrenous - when teeth fall out, the tissues inside the mouth begin to fester, the temperature rises and the inflammatory process intensifies every day. A very dangerous situation for the health of a four-legged friend, which requires immediate examination by a specialist and proper therapy.

If you postpone a trip to the doctor for a long time, then the disease can develop into a chronic form, then the therapy will give only temporary results, because stomatitis will disturb the mustache at the slightest reason (change of diet or season, stress, etc.).

There are several options for classifying inflammation:

  1. Along the course, it can be acute or chronic.
  2. By the nature of the process: catarrhal, ulcerative and gangrenous; diphtheritic, vesicular and phlegmonous forms are less common.
  3. Primary or secondary origin.

Symptoms of stomatitis in cats

Stomatitis in a cat is detected by examination of the oral cavity. More technological methods (taking tissue samples, studying bacterial cultures) are not provided, since the main symptom of stomatitis is the presence of ulcers, vesicles, rashes, inflammation of the gums, and tissue damage. With a competent and timely determination of the symptoms of stomatitis in cats, the treatment will pass with the least consequences, the disease will not become chronic, and other pets will not become infected (in the case of an infectious nature of the disease).

However, as stomatitis develops in a cat, symptoms may include:

  • lethargy, depression, refusal to eat and / or drink;
  • digestive disorders (vomiting, diarrhea, constipation);
  • temperature fluctuations in both directions;
  • fever, tremor, convulsions;
  • accession of a secondary infection;
  • the smell of decay from the mouth;
  • tissue necrosis.

All these symptoms reduce the quality of life of the animal and endanger it.

With any form of stomatitis, it becomes difficult for a cat to chew. She tries to choose softer pieces, eats slowly, carefully so that food does not fall on a sore spot, and often rests. In addition, due to the inability to take care of their own fur coat, the cat loses its attractive appearance and quickly becomes untidy.

The main symptoms of catarrhal stomatitis are profuse salivation, slow chewing of even soft food, and intense thirst.

In the cat's mouth, redness and swelling of the mucous membrane will be noticeable due to venous congestion. With the progression of the inflammatory process, saliva is secreted more and more. During the meal, a distinct champing is heard. The tongue is covered with a grayish coating. From the mouth of the animal smells bad.

Ulcerative stomatitis is characterized by the fact that with it the cat almost cannot eat due to severe pain. Sores appear around the teeth, gums swell and bleed heavily. Blood begins to flow even from a slight touch to the gums of the animal. Reception of semi-liquid food becomes impossible. Teeth become loose and fall out one by one. A heavy smell comes from the mouth.

Gangrenous stomatitis is, first of all, a high temperature, an extreme degree of depression, a complete loss of appetite and a strong stench. Saliva continuously flows from the mouth of the animal, swollen lips are visible. With this form of the disease, the mucous membrane of the mouth, tongue, gums, and cheeks rapidly disintegrate.

Aphthous stomatitis is characterized by the appearance in the cat's mouth of vesicles with a yellowish liquid, pustular - the same vesicles in which pus is located.

In turn, the symptomatology of the disease depends on the type of stomatitis, however, veterinarians distinguish catarrhal, vesicular, ulcerative, phlegmonous, diphtheria, gangrenous groups of symptoms.

Thus, the development of the disease is most often accompanied by a catarrhal inflammatory process, which is accompanied by increased thirst in the animal, increased salivation, caution while eating, painful sensations, as a result of which the animal refuses to eat. Also, owners often notice that an unpleasant odor begins to come from the animal’s mouth, and if they manage to look into the oral cavity of their pet (this should be done very carefully), then they can see small sores on the mucous surfaces.

If at this stage of the disease no measures are taken to eliminate the focus of inflammation, the disease begins to progress - ulcers and vesicles are already formed on the mucous surfaces. As a rule, ulcers are first localized in the gums, the gums themselves become swollen, the mucous membranes become red, and in some places - a bluish tint, the stench from the mouth increases.

Decaying tissues involve nearby tissues in inflammatory processes and the inflammatory process passes to the bones, the teeth begin to loosen and fall out.

In advanced form, stomatitis can lead to sepsis, as a result of which the pet dies.

The picture of inflammation will change depending on the nature of the disease and the stage of the disease. Often the process begins with the catarrhal form of stomatitis, in cats it manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • severe salivation (salivation),
  • thirsty
  • careful intake of food, in some cases even refusal to eat,
  • limited areas of the mucosa are red and covered with a grayish coating.

Granulation form

In the absence or improper treatment, the process is aggravated and turns into ulcerative stomatitis in cats. As a rule, changes are first observed on the gums, and in areas of the mucosa at the base of the tooth:

  • gums are very swollen
  • take on a reddish-purple hue
  • bleed when touched
  • a putrid odor is heard from the mouth.

Under the action of microbes, tissues disintegrate and ulcers form. Their edges and bottom consist of dead cells, while healing is impaired, normal granulation tissue is reborn and acquires a pathological form. On the mucosa, in addition to wounds, nodules of a grayish-white color appear. They may be solid or filled with liquid. In this case, the process in a cat will be called ulcerative stomatitis with granulations.

Gangrenous form

As already mentioned, another name for the gangrenous form of stomatitis is noma. This is the most severe stage of the disease, which is characterized by progressive lysis of mucosal cells, as well as other adjacent tissues (gums, tongue, cheeks). The following signs are characteristic:

  • lack of appetite,
  • feverish state,
  • profuse salivation,
  • swollen lips,
  • a fetid odor comes from the mouth,
  • lymph nodes in the neck are enlarged and painful.


Only a veterinarian can determine that a cat has stomatitis after a diagnostic examination. The veterinarian takes into account the data of the anamnesis, symptoms, conducts a general examination of the four-fingered patient. They take swabs from the oral cavity, pieces of tissues affected by inflammation, swabs from mucous membranes.

Without fail, for the diagnosis, a differential diagnosis will be carried out, which will help to establish the root cause that provoked the development of this disease. If, in addition to inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, other symptoms are noticed, a number of biochemical, serological ones are carried out. laboratory research.

How to treat stomatitis in cats at home

The treatment of stomatitis in a cat requires an integrated approach. Thorough disinfection of the cat's oral cavity with a 3% peroxide solution or 1% soda solution. It is recommended to carry out several times a day, after the next meal.

Ulcerative stomatitis at home is treated with Lugol mixed with glycerin, or with methylene blue. Perhaps the use of ointments prescribed by a doctor. If necessary, antiviral and antifungal drugs are used. Even if the root cause is not bacteria, antibiotics are necessary in any case.

Vitamins are also necessary for a cat, but they cannot completely cure stomatitis. But observation by a good specialist gives a chance for recovery. With the right, timely and ongoing treatment, your cat will return home faster and enjoy life.

If catarrhal and ulcerative types of stomatitis can be cured with medication, then gangrenous stomatitis requires surgical intervention. With such a neglected form, bacteria can damage other organs.

In this case, even surgical intervention does not guarantee that the animal will fully recover and be able to live its former life. There will be a huge number of antibiotics, operations and a long rehabilitation period.

Stomatitis in kittens and its treatment

Babies are also at risk for the disease. Lack of calcium, stress, malnutrition - these are a few reasons that cause stomatitis in kittens. Weakened immunity, improper care, lack of oral care and preventive examinations can also aggravate the baby's condition.

Watch for the absence of plaque when changing teeth, prevent the appearance of various wounds and give your baby calcium. Then he will grow into a beautiful, adult cat or a cute, healthy kitty who will live a long and happy life.

Let's figure out how to treat stomatitis in a cat correctly. The first action of the owner upon detection of wounds and discoloration of the mucous membrane in the mouth of the animal should be to contact the veterinarian, because it is very difficult to determine the type of disease and possible complications on your own, especially when a small kitten falls ill. If you do not determine the cause of the disease and do not eliminate it, then even effective methods of treatment may not give a positive result.

In any case, with stomatitis, it is necessary to change the cat's diet: replace solid food with liquid or semi-liquid. It is best to give the animal broths, cereals or milk.

If symptoms of stomatitis are detected in cats, treatment should be comprehensive.

Stages of treatment:

  1. Disinfection of the oral cavity with solutions of furacilin, peroxide, soda or potassium permanganate.
  2. Treatment of wounds and ulcers of the mucous membranes in the mouth of the animal with special means, for example, a solution of methylene salt or glycerin Lugol.
  3. In the presence of a large number of ulcers and seals in the lymph nodes, one cannot do without the use of antibiotics, which are drunk in courses. To do this, the doctor may prescribe drugs such as Erythromycin, Oxytetracycline and others in appropriate dosages.
  4. To maintain the immunity of a cat, vitamins and nutrients are prescribed.

To prevent stomatitis and its complications, it is necessary to periodically examine the cat's oral cavity to identify diseased teeth, chips or wounds on the mucous membranes. You should also treat your pet for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in a timely manner and provide him with good nutrition.

Treatment methods should be prescribed by a veterinarian, based on the results of a comprehensive diagnostic examination. To achieve a positive result, it is very important to establish the root cause. Only then can drug therapy be carried out. Treatment of a sick cat is selected on an individual basis.

Cats are prescribed anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antibacterial drugs, a special sparing therapeutic diet, vitamin therapy. The main treatment methods are aimed at removing pathological inflammatory processes, healing the affected areas, removing pus from the mouth with a gangrenous, ulcerative form of the disease.

The affected oral mucosa is treated with disinfectant, antiseptic solutions: 3% hydrogen peroxide, weakly concentrated soda solution, decoction of chamomile, celandine, St. John's wort, lemon balm. For rehabilitation, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate, furacilin, herbal decoctions that have an astringent, anti-inflammatory effect. For irrigation of the oral cavity, an insulin syringe and a small syringe are used.

From ulcers, aphthae, vesicles, and other pathological manifestations on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, Traumeel, Lugol, Dentavidin, glycerin solution, blue, boric acid, therapeutic creams, ointments, gels based on metrogil help well.

In advanced, severe cases, cats are prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy, general strengthening therapy, and immunostimulants.

At the time of treatment, it is very important to carefully monitor the standing of a pet, follow all the recommendations of the attending veterinarian. Food should be liquid, warm. At the same time, in order not to injure the affected mucous membranes once again, for some time you will have to feed the cat with meat, chicken broth through a syringe without a needle. Rough, solid food is completely excluded from the diet. Dry food is replaced with canned food.

To normalize the general condition, stimulate recovery processes, sick animals need to be given vitamin-mineral complexes, enzymes.

The duration of therapeutic therapy depends on the form, stage of stomatitis. Treatment is carried out until complete normalization of the physiological animals, relief of all symptoms, both primary and secondary diseases.

After identifying stomatitis, biochemical blood and urine tests, sowing from the oral cavity, etc. may be required. This is necessary to determine the disease, the consequence of which may be stomatitis in cats - treatment otherwise will not bring results. Symptomatic treatment of ulcerative stomatitis in cats and other types of stomatitis is selected individually.

In severe cases, surgical removal of anesthetized tissues, tartar, decayed teeth is performed under local or general anesthesia. The doctor prescribes a number of procedures and drugs:

  • antibiotics: intended to eliminate the infection or to prevent postoperative complications. Usually prescribed Amoxiclav, Lincomycin, Metronidazole, Klaforan. The form of admission is determined by the doctor;
  • antiviral, antifungal - if the cause is the corresponding infection - levorin;
  • rinsing or spraying the mucosa with antiseptic and wound healing agents: Actovegin (Solcorexil), a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, etc .;
  • local treatment of the mucosa after rinsing - applying gels and solutions with a swab to the affected areas. Apply Dentavidin, Lugol, Kholisal, Metrogil-denta;
  • antihistamines - are prescribed necessarily to avoid allergic reactions. An example would be Suprastin, Tavegil, Pipolfen;
  • general strengthening - Actovegin, multivitamin complexes;
  • painkillers and antipyretics - as needed.

Only a professional can determine how to treat stomatitis in a cat - prescribing drugs for people is dangerous, as these drugs can cause unexpected consequences in the animal's body.

When diagnosing stomatitis in a cat, the first thing to do is to exclude hot and cold food from her diet, give food in a warm semi-liquid form, and provide enough plentiful drink at room temperature.

In the case when the appearance of stomatitis is provoked by the ointment with which you treat the cat from a skin disease, you need to put on a special collar on the animal that prevents the hair from licking.

If in the near future it is not possible to take your pet to the veterinarian, this does not mean at all that you will not be able to help him on your own.

If stomatitis has just begun, the suffering of the animal can greatly facilitate irrigation. A teaspoon of baking soda or 3% hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water is a proven home remedy. A good result can bring the use of a light pink solution of potassium permanganate. You can irrigate the cat's mouth with a syringe without a needle or a baby syringe.

If the cat flatly refuses to be treated with drugs, you can replace them with folk ones - a decoction of chamomile or oak bark.

The greatest effect will be achieved if you use those and other means, supplementing them with vitamins purchased at a veterinary pharmacy.

Therapy of stomatitis will be most effective if it is carried out by a veterinarian. Tests (blood, urine) and swabs from the mouth will be able to accurately diagnose the disease. If stomatitis is a manifestation of any infection, then it is necessary to cure it first of all.

Ulcers and other lesions in the mouth will need to be treated with special preparations that the doctor prescribes, Traumeel, Dentavidin and Lugol work well. To relieve pain, you can lubricate or spray the affected areas with decoctions of herbs (sage, chamomile, oak bark).

With the gangrenous form of the disease, the pet may need surgery to completely cut out too affected areas in the mouth.

The owner of a sick pet should pay attention to her diet. Food should be served to the pet in puree or liquid form and at room temperature. Dry food should be replaced with mousses or canned cat food.

Therapy Issues

How to treat stomatitis in a cat will depend on the stage of the pathological process and the degree of its manifestation.

First of all, pay attention to feeding: food should be liquid! It can be broths, soups, cereals, milk, etc. Perhaps this is one of those diseases when a pet can and should be force-fed. For these purposes, a syringe or catheter is used, through which food is carefully poured into the mouth.

The second step in the treatment of stomatitis in a cat will be sanitation or disinfection of the mucous membrane. For these purposes, solutions of ordinary drinking soda, hydrogen peroxide, boric acid, potassium permanganate, furatsilin, etc. are used. The mouth is washed with a syringe or spray dispenser, as in Miramistin bottles.

Ulcers, pustules are lubricated with astringents and disinfectants: Lugol, methylene blue.

In the presence of extensive areas of damage or obvious inflammation of the lymph nodes, the use of antimicrobial drugs is indicated. Before their appointment, a laboratory study of the washout from the mucous membrane is carried out to identify the pathogen and test for sensitivity to antibiotics.

You can often hear the question: is it possible to use catozal for stomatitis in a cat? In principle, this drug is never superfluous in any disease. After all, its main action is aimed at toning the body and increasing its resistance to disease-causing agents. Especially the drug will be useful in complicated forms of the pathological process.

Prevention of stomatitis

Simple preventive measures taken on time will save your cat's health, as well as nerves and finances. Teach your pet to brush his teeth from a young age, so as not to scare him when he grows up.

Special brushes and paste can be purchased at the pet store. Never brush your teeth with human toothpaste! The fluorine contained in it will harm the animal. Pay attention to nutrition, feed the cat non-solid food, moderate temperature.

Check your mouth regularly for damage. Get vaccinated early. If you have several cats, then if one of them becomes ill, isolate it immediately! Remember, stomatitis is contagious!

For humans, stomatitis is also dangerous. Wash your hands after each contact, do not let your pet eat food from other people's bowls. But there are cases when the disease is difficult to detect due to problems with the immune system, in connection with diseases of the stomach or intestines. Try to identify them early. Give your cat vitamins and watch his appearance.

In order to prevent the development of stomatitis in their beloved cat, owners must systematically monitor the standing of their teeth and oral hygiene. cats should brush their teeth once a month to avoid the appearance of tartar, caries, which often lead to the development of stomatitis.

Do not give your pet raw fish, chicken bones, as the bones can injure the oral mucosa and gums. Food from the refrigerator, as well as drinking water, should be warmed up to room temperature. Monitor the quality of the diet, support the cat's immunity. If the animal is kept on natural feed, you should definitely give vitamin and mineral supplements, multivitamins.

If you notice a cat has sick teeth, contact a veterinary clinic, where they will be treated or removed. Your cat's teeth should be checked at least once every two weeks.

Carefully monitor the habits, behavior, general condition of the pet. With a sharp deterioration in the condition of a fluffy pet, take the animal to a veterinary clinic for a preventive examination.

So that your cat never encounters stomatitis, you should follow a few elementary rules:

Get your cat used to regular (at least once every two weeks) brushing from an early age. Purchase a special brush and paste for her at the pet store. Remember that human pastes are completely unsuitable for animals due to the fluoride they contain.

Stomatitis is a contagious disease! If you have multiple cats, you will need to keep the sick one in strict isolation. Teach cats to only eat from their own bowl. Wash your hands thoroughly with hot water and soap after each contact with a sick animal, otherwise you may become infected yourself.

In order to eliminate the possibility of your pet getting stomatitis, you should try to exclude the possibility of situations that can cause the development of this disease. Do not feed the animal too cold or hot food, give him bones, limit your pet's contact with household chemicals, medicines, chemicals, monitor oral hygiene, brush your cat's teeth.

Video of a cat brushing its teeth

Today we talked about stomatitis in felines, about the types of this disease, its forms, symptoms, causes, methods of treatment and methods of prevention. We hope that our recommendations and advice will help keep your pet healthy.

Have you ever had to deal with a situation where your cat or cat developed stomatitis? How did you treat the animal? What, in your opinion, caused stomatitis in your pet. Share with us your experience.

  1. Regular inspection of the mouth of the mustache.
  2. Daily brushing of teeth.
  3. The pet needs to be given vitamins for teeth and bones (if it is on a natural diet).
  4. Do not give your pet sharp bones that can scratch the mucous membrane.
  5. The cat should not have access to all kinds of household chemicals.
  6. The temperature of cat food before eating should not be too hot or vice versa - cold.

If the animal begins to behave differently and sores are found in its mouth, you should take your pet for examination to a specialist.

Stomatitis in a cat manifests itself in different ways, depending on its form, but the disease can be recognized by common signs.

With the disease, the following symptoms will appear:

  1. The animal is constantly thirsty, drinking more than usual.
  2. Loss of appetite, refusal to eat.
  3. Redness of the gums, swelling.
  4. Profuse salivation.
  5. The occurrence of a strong bad breath.

There are also other signs by which you can determine the disease in the initial stage:

  1. The animal becomes lethargic, secretive, may show aggression towards the owner for no apparent reason.
  2. The fur becomes unkempt.
  3. Difficulty breathing, as from a stuffy nose.

If the disease is not detected at the initial stage, it progresses. Ulcers appear in the cat's mouth, gums begin to bleed, teeth may fall out.

Wounds become infected with microorganisms living in the oral cavity, which leads to necrotic changes.

Types of disease

Stomatitis in cats is divided into primary and secondary.

Primary stomatitis appears under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Tooth stone.
  2. Caries.
  3. Feeding foods that are not suitable for the animal: food from the owner’s table, too hot or cold food, solid food.
  4. Chemicals: bleach, vinegar, detergents that accidentally get on the animal's hair, when licked, enter the oral cavity, causing inflammation.

Secondary stomatitis occurs against the background of disorders in the body of the animal:

  1. autoimmune- occurs due to disorders in the body, when immune cells attack the gums and teeth of the animal. It is characterized by loss of teeth, swelling of the gums, profuse salivation.
  2. Viral- provoked by the feline immunodeficiency virus, the causative agent of feline leukemia. Damage to the gums and palate is also caused by a disease called calcivirosis.
  3. plasmacytic stomatitis occurs when the immune system is disturbed, under the influence of the feline herpes virus. With this form of the disease, cysts form in the mouth of cats, which eventually develop into tumors.
  4. ulcerative stomatitis is the next stage of infectious if the disease is left unattended. Ulcers form on the gums, foam comes out of the mouth, often with an admixture of blood.

    The pet refuses to eat, rubs its muzzle. The increase in infection is accompanied by an increase in the temperature of the animal.

    The risk of developing toxic shock is high. Due to the activity of pathogenic microflora, wound healing is not carried out correctly, ulcerative stomatitis with granulations develops into necrosis.

  5. Gangrenous stomatitis is the terminal stage of an infectious disease. Reddish or dark brown foam comes from the mouth, the animal almost does not move. The high temperature is kept constantly, the lymph nodes are enlarged.

    The smell from the cat's mouth gives off carrion or rotten meat, this is due to necrotic tissue changes in the oral cavity. If no action is taken, the infection will spread through the bloodstream and the animal will die from exhaustion and septic shock.

    If an ulcerative or gangrenous form of stomatitis occurs, you should immediately contact your veterinarian!

  6. uremic- occurs against the background of an increase in the concentration of urea and nitrogenous bases in the blood. It is observed in animals that suffer from chronic kidney disease.

    Another cause of high urea levels is diabetes. The disease is diagnosed by the characteristic ammonia smell from the pet's mouth.

Home treatment: medicines and preparations

If stomatitis is found in domestic cats, treatment should begin immediately.

First of all, you should contact a specialist to establish the exact causes of the disease.

It is necessary to take tests to identify the pathogen, but it is better to start treatment immediately, without waiting for the result.

With an advanced form of the disease, a specialist will prescribe a surgical intervention to remove necrotic tissues and affected teeth of a cat.

With a mild or satisfactory condition of the body, the pet will be treated at home, with periodic examinations and correction of therapy.

You should know how and how to treat an animal at home:

  1. Switching your pet to liquid food: broths, milk, soft porridge. It is better to give the cat food in small portions and slightly warmed up, but not hot.
  2. Take good care of your oral hygiene cats: rinse the gums and mucous membranes with a pipette or syringe.

    At home, this is done with a solution of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide. Furacilin is suitable for washing. Sores should be treated with Lugol or methylene blue.

  3. Can rinse the cat's mouth with a decoction of oak bark, for the speedy healing of deep ulcers. According to the doctor's prescription, Dentavidin or Traumeel are used.
  4. To prevent the development of a bacterial infection in an animal weakened by the disease use antibiotics.

The course of the drug is prescribed by a veterinarian. It is categorically not recommended to choose medicines for an animal on your own, to use medicines for people!

It should be remembered that the disease cannot be cured once and for all: a periodic visit to the veterinarian will be required.

At home, you need to regularly monitor the cleanliness and condition of the mucous membranes, gums and tongue of the pet, remove teeth affected by caries, and feed specially selected food for the animal.

With proper care, the condition of the cat and its quality of life will improve significantly.


Watch the video for more details about this disease:

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Unfortunately, some diseases in animals are characterized by subtle, unexpressed symptoms, and only when the disease reaches its peak, the owners can understand that something is wrong with the cat. But even with proper, systematic care, some symptoms remain unaddressed. The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, small wounds, manifestations on the mucous membrane, loss of appetite, change in habits, drowsiness. Inattention can lead to tragic consequences and is fraught with the development of serious complications. Such a clinical picture may indicate that the cat is sick with stomatitis, and appropriate measures should be taken as soon as possible.

Causes of stomatitis

Stomatitis in cats is a disease of the oral cavity in which inflammatory processes affect the mucous membranes. As the disease progresses, inflammation can affect not only the gums, but also the tongue, lips, buccal mucosa, upper and lower palate. This disease is often diagnosed in veterinary practice in cats of various breeds and age groups, and especially in those animals whose owners do not pay due attention to the oral hygiene of their fluffy pet.

Stomatitis in cats occurs in acute and chronic form, it can be of primary or secondary etiology (origin), when a relapse occurs after treatment. The causes of the disease have a variety of etiologies.

Causes of stomatitis in cats:

  • mechanical damage, trauma to the oral mucosa;
  • thermal, chemical irritations;
  • diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis, gastroenteritis);
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • wrong taste;
  • congenital endocrine pathologies;
  • malfunctions in the functioning of the liver, liver failure;
  • infectious diseases;
  • taking certain pharmacological drugs;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body.

An important role in the development of an inflammatory disease is dental problems, caries, periodontitis, periodontitis, gingivitis, which often occur in the absence of oral hygiene, deficiency of macro-microelements, vitamins, and also due to age-related changes. Therefore, stomatitis is often diagnosed in cats at an older, advanced age.

Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity in cats can be caused by poisoning with potent toxins, chemicals, pesticides, household chemicals, toxic fumes, vapors.

Important! Inadequate intake of zinc, selenium, vitamin C, D, tryptophan protein into the body of cats with food can also provoke the development of stomatitis, as well as cause diseases such as scurvy, pellagra.

Cause of primary stomatitis in cats may be the wrong temperature of the feed. Animals should not be fed either too hot or too cold food. Before giving your pet food, warm it up to room temperature.

Secondary stomatitis in cats develops as a result of systemic, functional disorders and pathologies. For example, beriberi, diabetes mellitus, tartar, metabolic disorders, gastroenteritis lead to the development of this disease in animals.

Types and symptoms of stomatitis

Stomatitis in cats, depending on the manifestations, localization, intensity of inflammatory processes, is classified into:

  1. catarrhal. The most common form of the disease.
  2. Ulcerative. With this form, small ulcers form on the surface of the palate, tongue, mucous membranes of the lips, gums. A very dangerous, painful form of an inflammatory disease.
  3. Papillomatous. Small pustules filled with a clear liquid form on the mucous membranes of the lips and tongue.
  4. Phlegmous. The advanced stage of the disease in which purulent exudate is formed under the mucous membranes. It is not excluded the development of sepsis, viremia, if treatment is not prescribed.
  5. Gangrenous. The form of stomatitis, which provokes the development of necrotic tissue changes, provokes a gradual "death" of the mucosa.

By the nature of localization, stomatitis is focal, diffuse. Regardless of the form, stomatitis can lead to irreversible consequences, so treatment should be started at the initial stages of an inflammatory disease.

Each form of stomatitis is characterized by its own symptoms. The intensity of the symptoms depends on the age, the general condition of the pet's body, immunity, and the underlying cause.

Symptoms of stomatitis:

  • loss of appetite, refusal to feed;
  • increased salivation (drooling);
  • depression, drowsiness, apathy, decreased physical activity;
  • an increase in body temperature by 1-2 degrees, chills, fever;
  • strong thirst;
  • unpleasant putrid smell from the mouth;
  • convulsions, tremor;
  • swelling, redness of mucous membranes;
  • discharge from the eyes, nose;
  • deterioration of the tooth enamel;
  • bleeding gums;
  • swelling of the lips, tongue;
  • respiratory failure, shortness of breath.

With a careful examination of the oral cavity of a cat, you can see with the naked eye that the mucous membrane of the oral cavity is thickened, strongly hyperemic. On the surface of the tongue, gums, at the base of the teeth, multiple red blisters are visible, small weeping, non-healing sores, aphthae, vesicles. In some cases, with stomatitis, body temperature may be lowered. Another characteristic symptom is a strong unpleasant odor from the oral cavity of a sick animal, which is provoked by the decomposition of saliva, exfoliated epithelium, mucus produced by pathogenic microorganisms.

At the initial stage of the disease, catarrhal inflammation develops, which, if appropriate measures are taken in a timely manner, quickly disappears, since the pathological processes proceed benignly. With proper therapy, the mucosa quickly heals and recovers.

The ulcerative lesion develops from the gums and gradually passes to healthy tissues. A very painful form of stomatitis, which provokes severe bleeding of the gums, pain on palpation. If you do not prescribe treatment, the inflammation will go to the bone tissue, jaw bones. A cat can lose a lot of teeth or completely lose them.

The most severe, deadly form of stomatitis is gangrenous, the main symptoms of which can be called:

  • a strong fetid odor from the mouth;
  • increase, soreness of the submandibular, regional lymph nodes;
  • profuse salivation;
  • severe depression;
  • copious catarrhal-purulent discharge from the eyes, nose;
  • decay of mucous lips, gums, tongue;
  • complete rejection of food.

Such a stage can provoke sepsis, viremia, and cause the death of a pet.


Only a veterinarian can determine that a cat has stomatitis after a diagnostic examination. The veterinarian takes into account the data of the anamnesis, symptoms, conducts a general examination of the four-fingered patient. They take swabs from the oral cavity, pieces of tissues affected by inflammation, swabs from mucous membranes.

Without fail, for the diagnosis, a differential diagnosis will be carried out, which will help to establish the root cause that provoked the development of this disease. If, in addition to inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, other symptoms are noticed, a number of biochemical, serological ones are carried out. laboratory research.

Treatment of stomatitis

Treatment methods should be prescribed by a veterinarian, based on the results of a comprehensive diagnostic examination. To achieve a positive result, it is very important to establish the root cause. Only then can drug therapy be carried out. Treatment of a sick cat is selected on an individual basis.

Cats are prescribed anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antibacterial drugs, a special sparing therapeutic diet, vitamin therapy. The main treatment methods are aimed at removing pathological inflammatory processes, healing the affected areas, removing pus from the mouth with a gangrenous, ulcerative form of the disease.

The affected oral mucosa is treated with disinfectant, antiseptic solutions: 3% hydrogen peroxide, weakly concentrated soda solution, decoction of chamomile, celandine, St. John's wort, lemon balm. For rehabilitation, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate, furacilin, herbal decoctions that have an astringent, anti-inflammatory effect. For irrigation of the oral cavity, an insulin syringe and a small syringe are used.

From ulcers, aphthae, vesicles, and other pathological manifestations on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, Traumeel, Lugol, Dentavidin, glycerin solution, blue, boric acid, therapeutic creams, ointments, gels based on metrogil help well.

Important! Drug therapy, drugs should be prescribed by a veterinarian. Do not self-medicate, so as not to harm your pet.

In advanced, severe cases, cats are prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy, general strengthening therapy, and immunostimulants.

At the time of treatment, it is very important to carefully monitor the standing of a pet, follow all the recommendations of the attending veterinarian. Food should be liquid, warm. At the same time, in order not to injure the affected mucous membranes once again, for some time you will have to feed the cat with meat, chicken broth through a syringe without a needle. Rough, solid food is completely excluded from the diet. Dry food is replaced with canned food.

To normalize the general condition, stimulate recovery processes, sick animals need to be given vitamin-mineral complexes, enzymes.

The duration of therapeutic therapy depends on the form, stage of stomatitis. Treatment is carried out until complete normalization of the physiological animals, relief of all symptoms, both primary and secondary diseases.

Prevention of stomatitis

In order to prevent the development of stomatitis in their beloved cat, owners must systematically monitor the standing of their teeth and oral hygiene. cats should brush their teeth once a month to avoid the appearance of tartar, caries, which often lead to the development of stomatitis.

Do not give your pet raw fish, chicken bones, as the bones can injure the oral mucosa and gums. Food from the refrigerator, as well as drinking water, should be warmed up to room temperature. Monitor the quality of the diet, support the cat's immunity. If the animal is kept on natural feed, you should definitely give vitamin and mineral supplements, multivitamins.

If you notice a cat has sick teeth, contact a veterinary clinic, where they will be treated or removed. Your cat's teeth should be checked at least once every two weeks.

Carefully monitor the habits, behavior, general condition of the pet. With a sharp deterioration in the condition of a fluffy pet, take the animal to a veterinary clinic for a preventive examination.

Do not underestimate the inflammatory process in the mouth of mustachioed pets. Harmless at first glance, stomatitis can affect not only Murka's lifestyle, but also health in general, bringing a lot of problems to the work of many organs and systems. In cats, this term is collectively referred to as any inflammation of the gums and mouth as a whole. Can the owner help with something on his own, or is the intervention of a specialist necessary? We understand.

Causes of stomatitis

Depending on the causes, all stomatitis is divided into primary and secondary. The first category develops on its own and has its own specific causes of occurrence. The second category of stomatitis occurs as a concomitant symptom of some other underlying disease of a viral, fungal or bacterial nature.

Causes of primary stomatitis

  • any mechanical injuries (scratches, punctures, wounds) due to something foreign falling into the mouth or due to malocclusion;
  • chemical and thermal influences (the influence of ice water or excessively hot food, the ingress of irritating chemicals into the mouth, chewing poisonous-irritating plants, etc.);

Causes of secondary inflammation

  • fungal, viral or bacterial infections (for example, panleukopenia - cat distemper, candidiasis, leukemia, etc.);
  • food allergic reactions;
  • pathologies of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract (gastroenteritis, uremic syndrome, hepatitis, etc.);
  • endocrine pathologies in metabolism (diabetes mellitus);
  • diseases of the chewing apparatus (tartar, carious processes, autoimmune reactions).

Types of inflammation of the oral cavity, how they manifest themselves

In its course, inflammation of the oral cavity can be in acute or chronic form. Acute stomatitis has a vivid clinical manifestation and develops rapidly. Chronic stomatitis has a sluggish clinic and can already provoke a general malaise of a cat.

By distribution in the mouth, they are divided into focal and diffuse - focal do not cover the entire mouth, diffuse most often affect the entire oral mucosa, including the gums, the inner surface of the cheeks, lips and palate. According to the course and manifestation of stomatitis in cats, the symptoms are very diverse:


Catarrhal stomatitis is the most common - the onset of all complicated stomatitis in case of improper or neglected treatment. The classic signs of inflammation are intense redness, swelling, soreness of the gums, increased salivation, and an unpleasant smell from the mouth. Plaque may appear on the gums and the inner surface of the cheeks. It often develops against the background of diseased teeth or tartar. Saliva viscous, unpleasantly smelling.

Papillomatous stomatitis

This is the result of the activity of the papilloma virus in the body of a cat, i.e. complete viral stomatitis. In the area of ​​the cheeks and lips on the mucosa, growths in the form of cauliflower are formed. With the normal functioning of the immune system, after 7-12 weeks, everything goes away by itself as suddenly as it appeared. If this does not happen, surgical removal of papillomas will be accompanied by appropriate antiviral and immunostimulating therapy.

diphtheritic form

It is very rare in cats and is manifested by the formation of white plaque, which is difficult to remove, and under it there are areas of even more inflammation or even bleeding ulcers.

Phlegmonous stomatitis

It is characterized by the accumulation of pus under the first thin layer of the mucous membrane, which changes color from bright pink to gray and bluish. At punctures of places of such accumulations, pus is released. The risks of sepsis (blood poisoning) are very high, and cleaning of the oral cavity is often performed under general anesthesia.

Gangrenous stomatitis

In most cases, it is a complication of ulcerative or phlegmonous. The mucous membrane begins to simply die off. A sharp, fetid smell comes from the mouth. Definitely shown surgical cleaning of the affected tissues. There is a high risk of developing sepsis and death of a pet. Often accompanied by fever and enlarged submandibular lymph nodes.

Ulcerative form

Ulcerative - weeping sores are found over the entire surface or in places, the size and depth of which depends on the cause of the onset and the duration of the course of the disease. Body temperature may rise. If during the treatment the healing of ulcers does not occur correctly, then this form turns into ulcerative stomatitis with granulations (overgrowth of pathological connective tissue) and, further, into necrosis (complete death of the mucosa with a complete violation of its functions).

Autoimmune (feline immune-mediated stomatitis or chronic lymphocytic gingivostomatitis)

A special form of stomatitis, in which inflammation develops against the background of rejection by the body of its own teeth. Very bright signs of inflammation are observed right around the dental arcades, and near all. The course is greatly complicated by the addition of infectious agents. Conventional treatment according to the classical scheme does not give absolutely no results. Tooth extraction cannot be avoided.

Uremic syndrome

The most severe complication of chronic renal failure. Usually precedes the death of the animal. It is possible to determine this form of stomatitis only with the help of laboratory blood tests. It occurs due to toxic substances that accumulate in the blood of a sick animal, causing irritation and inflammation from the inside.

Symptoms of stomatitis

5 main signs of stomatitis, which should alert the owner and push to inspect the cat's mouth:

  • excessive production of saliva, literally dripping from the mouth when the cat is at rest;
  • the cat often washes, carefully rubbing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mouth, as if something is bothering her there;
  • frequent drinking (drinks almost constantly);
  • weak appetite or refusal even from favorite delicacies;
  • disheveled, unpleasantly smelling coat (the cat in the process of licking stains the coat with “bad” saliva).

In addition to the above symptoms, there may also be:

  • jumps in body temperature;
  • lethargy, inactivity, drowsiness;
  • enlarged lymph nodes under the lower jaw;
  • unpleasant smell from the mouth;
  • complete loss of interest in food;
  • pinkish saliva (with impurities of ichor or blood);
  • visible swelling and swelling of the lips;
  • ulcers, pus, neoplasms, tooth loss.

How to examine the oral cavity of a cat?

The whole procedure should be carried out slowly, affectionately talking with the pet. Inspection usually begins with the gums and teeth, for which the lips simply rise and fall.

To look exactly into the mouth, you need to take the cat by the head along with the upper jaw with one hand, so that the thumb and middle finger fall on the corners where the jaws converge. Press lightly on the toothless edge along with the cheek, so that it slightly sinks into the mouth on the sides. The cat reflexively opens its mouth. Then, with the thumb of the second hand, press lightly on the incisors of the lower jaw, holding the chin. The mouth will be opened, it can be carefully examined.

Help at home before visiting the veterinarian

A visit to the vet is a must! Only a specialist will be able to determine what was the exact cause of inflammation. Without its definition, the treatment of stomatitis in cats at home will be meaningless, the whole process will turn into a chronic course, and this already threatens to worsen the general state of health. Moreover, sometimes there can be such pain during examination that processing manipulations are possible only after its introduction under general anesthesia, and this can only be done in a veterinary clinic.

You can try to help yourself at home only with the initial forms of stomatitis. Self-treatment of ulcerative stomatitis in an extensive form is a rash decision that can lead to the death of a cat.

What can you do before visiting the vet

  • Eliminate traumatic objects from the mouth, if any - thorns, bones, blades of grass, etc. If you can not extract something from the soft tissues, it makes sense to immediately go to the veterinarian.
  • Rinse the mouth with a small rubber bulb, a disposable syringe without a needle with a rubber piston (smoothly removes liquid) or a spray bottle (you can take a washed bottle from any old medicine that gave a fine spray):
    • 3% hydrogen peroxide (it is important not to overdo it so as not to provoke vomiting if accidentally swallowed);
    • strong herbal infusions, such as: oak bark, sage, chamomile, string (200-250 ml of boiling water is poured into a container where 1 tsp of one name or a mixture of herbs is poured; everything is infused closed for up to half an hour; diluted boiled water to 500 ml and brought to room temperature);
    • slightly pink solution of manganese (1:10000) or furacilin 1:5000 (0.1 g per 0.5 l of boiled water);
    • warm 1% soda solution (1 tsp / l warm boiled water);
    • alcohol tincture of calendula, diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:10 (1 tsp tincture, 10 tsp water);
    • an aqueous solution of methylene blue for the treatment of single sores (sold at any pharmacy).

When washing, a jet of liquids should be directed to the surface of the gums, slightly tilting the cat's head forward. All liquid products will spread through the oral cavity anyway, nothing needs to be poured directly into the mouth (the exception is the tongue)! It is desirable to do such washings after each meal or at least twice a day.

It is not worth doing anything extra if tartar, extensive ulcerative or gangrenous stomatitis is found. Only a specialist can remove tartar, and with deep stomatitis, one local effect is not enough, antibiotic therapy or even surgery will be needed. In such cases, the owner can help only by the speedy delivery of the pet to the veterinary clinic.

Be sure to transfer the cat to a special diet of soft, liquid, slimy and jelly foods. Strictly monitor the temperature of food - it is impossible to be very cold or excessively hot. For drinking, it is best to use water at room temperature. Of the dairy products at first, only acidophilus is recommended. If the ulcers are extensive and deep, after washing the mouth and until the very visit to the veterinarian, you can keep on a starvation diet with free access to water (up to a day).

Veterinary specialist assistance

The diagnosis is made not only on the basis of clinical signs and a survey of the owner about the condition and lifestyle of the pet of the last few days. Laboratory blood tests, sometimes urine tests, and necessarily tests for viral infections are also taken into account. The disease is complex, the clinic is versatile, the correct diagnosis is very important!

In case of a purulent process, before starting antibiotic treatment, it is advisable to sow secretions from the mouth in order to accurately determine the susceptibility of the pathogen to a particular antibacterial agent. With gangrenous stomatitis, several different names of antibiotics are often used.

Assistance is medical, surgical or combined. What type of therapy is needed is decided individually.

  • Surgical care consists in the prompt removal of the affected mucosa, which has changed so much that it is no longer possible to restore it. Moreover, such severely affected areas will interfere with the healing process of relatively healthy tissues. This also includes the removal of teeth in autoimmune stomatitis - one of the prerequisites for successful treatment. Important: when removing teeth, they do not remove more than two units at a time and be sure to suture the gum flaps to bring the edges of the hole together - this way healing will occur many times faster.
  • Combination therapy consists of surgical cleaning of the oral cavity, extraction of teeth and further medical treatment.
  • The standard course of medical care includes the following items:
    • cleansing the oral cavity from pus and traces of tissue decay;
    • suppression of infections in secondary inflammation (antibiotics for stomatitis are prescribed in most cases);
    • healing of the ulcerated mucosa (after removing signs of inflammation);
    • increase the general immunity of the animal.

Antiseptics and disinfectants for the oral cavity

  • Lugol's solution with glycerin or Lugol-spray for stomatitis (glycerin is in the composition) show excellent disinfectant properties: to treat sores directly, smear or spray. Can be replaced with an iodine-glycerin mixture (1 tsp iodine + 4 tsp glycerin). Important: long-term use is excluded, because. can provoke the reproduction of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which iodine does not affect;
  • Chrorhexidine 0.05% - for washing the mouth or treating wounds and ulcers directly;
  • Rotokan in cats is rarely used for processing the mouth, because. in most cases, it provokes already excessive salivation;
  • Dentavedin-gel is used up to 2-3 times a day, applying a thin layer on diseased gums, or placed directly into the sockets after tooth extraction;
  • Metrogil-denta in the form of a gel is applied in a very thin layer on the foci of inflammation or ulceration. It is important not to overdose, so as not to provoke an increase in side effects - vomiting, thirst, indigestion, loss of appetite;
  • 1-5% solution of Protargol - irrigate the oral cavity in case of inflammation or cauterize point ulcers, wounds or places of removal of papillomas with the same type of stomatitis.

How does a veterinarian treat stomatitis

Antibiotics, antimicrobials, antivirals and antifungals
  • Lincomycin 10% - a course of 3 to 7 days at a dose of 2 ml / 10 kg for intramuscular injection and 1 ml / 10 kg for intravenous;
  • Amoxicillin 15% - a single injection at a dose of 1 ml / 10 kg (or 15 mg / kg) under the skin or into the muscle; if necessary, you can make a second injection after 48 hours;
  • Oxytetracycline - 0.1 ml / kg of body weight once a day for up to 5 days (minimum 3);
  • Nystatin and Oxolinic ointments, Levorin, Holisal and Kamistad gels - are applied topically to the sites of inflammation and ulceration with a very thin layer, avoiding overdose; possess: antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and analgesic action.
Wound healing
  • Actovegin-gel - apply a thin layer on wounds and ulcers in the oral cavity 2-3 times a day after removing signs of inflammation;
  • rosehip oil - smear ulcers for faster healing directly on ulcers;
  • Levomekol (Methyluracil) - smear a thin layer of ulcers and wounds up to 3 times a day, you can not be afraid of getting into the digestive tract.
Immunostimulating agents
  • Gamavit - 0.3-0.5 ml / kg once a day up to 3 times in 7 days for 2-4 weeks.
  • Catosal - 0.5-2.5 ml / animal, depending on the size and severity of the condition, once with a repeat after 3-5 days (if necessary);
  • Hemobalance - 2-3 times / week. at a dose of 0.25 ml / animal, if the weight is up to 5 kg and 0.5 ml / animal, if the weight exceeds 5 kg.
Auxiliary therapy for autoimmune stomatitis
  • Cyclosporine 7 mg/kg once daily for 4-16 weeks, depending on the severity of the cat's condition. If there are disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, then the initial dose is ½ of the main daily dose, bringing it to the daily dose in 2-3 days;
  • Prednisolone is used to suppress inflammation or for targeted immunosuppression. In the first case, the dose will be 0.5 mg / kg twice a day at the beginning of therapy, and after a few days the maintenance dose will be up to 1 mg / kg every other day. In the second case, the main dosage is 1-3 mg/kg twice a day, the maintenance dose is up to 2 mg/kg also every other day.

How to prevent the appearance of stomatitis

So that the cat is not bothered by stomatitis, it is enough to exclude the likelihood of a collision with the causes that provoke them. It is enough to feed a mustachioed pet with high-quality food (without bones and at a normal temperature), do not let ice water drink, hide all chemical household solutions, monitor the condition of the teeth and vaccinate in a timely manner.

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