Endometriosis and pregnancy - is it possible to save and give birth to a baby? Can you get pregnant with endometriosis

Pregnancy after endometriosis is, of course, possible. But in most cases, women have to remove the uterus and ovaries, without which it is simply impossible to give birth to a child.

Almost every woman sooner or later begins to experience maternal instinct. Usually, the desire to have a child in our time appears in girls from 18 to 35 years old. Unfortunately, women do not always manage to feel like a real biological mother because of a number of diseases of the female reproductive system. One such disease is endometriosis.

There is a mucous membrane on the inside of the uterus. In medical circles, it is often referred to as the endometrium.

In the event of serious hormonal failures or menstrual irregularities, the endometrium can spread outside the uterus. This phenomenon is considered to be endometriosis.

It is not uncommon to hear the claim that endometriosis can be treated with a normal pregnancy. Experts say that this belief is partly correct, since at the time of bearing a child, the usual production of female hormones stops, which can irritate and destroy the inner mucous wall of the uterus. Often, with endometriosis, the mucous membrane, on the contrary, grows. If a woman managed to get pregnant during endometriosis, in the future she will be able to see positive changes in the form of a cessation of the manifestations of the disease. During the examination, it turns out that the foci of growth either decrease or disappear altogether. Despite this, one cannot hope for such a method of treatment and the process of future recovery, as long-term practice shows, endometriosis begins to manifest itself before ovulation.

Experts advise planning a pregnancy only after endometriosis treatment for a period of six months or more. If a woman found out about her pregnancy already during endometriosis, in no case should the pregnancy be terminated. Abortion for endometriosis creates a risk of infertility for the rest of a woman's life. In general, doctors advise planning a pregnancy only after a full recovery. Only in this case the child will be born healthy, and the young mother will be happy.

Is it possible to conceive a child with endometriosis?

Most of the ladies in the process endometriosis treatment can't get pregnant. There are many different reasons for this.

First of all, this is the absence of ovulation. Naturally, menstruation continues as before the illness. Bloody discharge is regular and cyclical. Despite their presence, it cannot be called menstruation, because due to endometriosis, the functioning of the ovaries is disrupted. In this case, there are multiple problems with the passage of the egg through the fallopian tube. As a rule, a similar problem occurs in the presence of an endometrioid ovarian cyst.

The second reason for the occurrence of difficulties in the process of conception is a violation in the implantation of an already fertilized egg. This phenomenon in the circles of gynecologists is called. In this case, the woman most often loses the child. The girl will become pregnant, but will not be able to give birth to a baby. With adenomyosis, a so-called ectopic pregnancy can also develop.

The last reason for the difficulties in conceiving a child is a violation in the normal functioning of the endocrine system, namely in the thyroid gland. This phenomenon in every possible way contributes to the spread of excess endometrium in the body, and also causes infertility.

However, if a woman has found out about the presence of a problem in the form of endometriosis, there is no need to despair. Pregnancy and endometriosis are quite compatible things. If the fertilized cell can go all the way and gain a foothold in the abdominal cavity, the woman will be able to endure and give birth to a healthy child.

Methods for the treatment of this disease in women of childbearing age

As already mentioned, pregnancy can be planned only after treatment, which will provide positive changes and the elimination of all symptoms of the disease. This is especially true for women and girls of childbearing age who plan to have children in the future. The most careful attention should be paid to the disease in the third and fourth stages of endometriosis, otherwise the disease can cause a number of negative consequences, which in the future will develop into infertility.

If a woman cannot become pregnant for a long period of time after completely getting rid of all the foci of the disease, you should contact a specialist who will conduct a complete diagnosis of the body and explain the cause of infertility.

Usually the tactics of treatment is determined by the doctor after the examination. It is formed depending on the complexity of the disease in a particular case. Often it all depends on the stage of the disease, as well as on the individual characteristics of the patient.

One of the most common ways endometriosis treatment rightfully considered a special hormonal therapy. This type of treatment is primarily aimed at reducing the amount of secreted hormone estrogen, which further promotes the growth of the endometrium outside the uterus. Usually, experts suggest treating endometriosis after childbirth progesterone and similar agents in terms of composition and effects on the body. Usually, specialists prescribe this method of treatment in the first and second stages.

The second method endometriosis treatment considered a surgical procedure. Unfortunately, today this is the only effective way to deal with the disease in the last stages. Only when using this technique can a girl completely get rid of all the foci of the disease. Usually, after this type of treatment, a woman cannot become pregnant. After the operation, special hormonal preparations are prescribed, which are necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the female body.

Another method is the wait-and-see strategy. It is suitable only for those ladies who have a child and their illness proceeds without much pain. In this case, such therapy is quite likely and often helps. With all this, it is necessary to regularly be examined by a doctor and do an ultrasound.

Endometriosis does not always lead to infertility, so if you want to have children, you should not let the disease take its course, consult a doctor and he will help solve your problem.

⚕️ Olga Alexandrovna Melikhova - endocrinologist, 2 years of experience.

Deals with issues of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the endocrine system: thyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, gonads, parathyroid glands, thymus gland, etc.

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One of the most common and insidious female diseases is endometriosis. This disease manifests itself as a layering of uterine tissue in an unusual place: in the abdominal area, fallopian tube, on the ovaries, and also on the walls of the uterus. Pathological manifestations of endometriosis are especially dangerous when planning a pregnancy, since they significantly complicate the process of conception, and in severe cases can provoke infertility. In this regard, endometriosis and pregnancy is considered the most relevant topic among the fair sex.

How does endometriosis and its types manifest?

The symptoms of endometriosis depend on the area of ​​manifestation of the pathological process and the general condition of the girl. According to medical practice, there are cases when the disease occurs without symptoms, and a gynecologist can diagnose it during a preventive examination.

The development of endometriosis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. The appearance of pain in the pelvic area - this symptom occurs in 25% of women. The pain is clearly localized in a certain place for a long period.
  2. Painful sensations of a cyclic nature accompanying menstruation - a symptom bothers 50% of patients. A pronounced manifestation occurs on the first day of the menstrual cycle as a result of the following factors: the formation of spasms in the uterine vessel, bleeding in the abdominal region, and increased pressure.
  3. Discomfort during sexual intercourse is present when the pathology affects the uterine ligaments or the vagina.
  4. Menstrual irregularities:
  • prolonged, profuse menstruation;
  • the presence of brown discharge after menstruation;
  • shortening of the menstrual period;
  • heavy bleeding.
  1. The most dangerous symptom is problematic conception and gestation. This symptom is present in 40% of girls.

In the presence of severe complications, the manifestation of specific symptoms is observed:

  • the formation of bloody discharge in the urine;
  • disturbed defecation;
  • cough accompanied by hemoptysis.
  1. The genital view is divided into three forms: internal, peritoneal, extraperitoneal. The first subspecies - adenomyosis involves the growth of foci inside the uterus, while penetration deep into the mucous tissue occurs. In the peritoneal form, other organs of the reproductive system are affected: the cervix and tubes of the uterus, ovaries, vagina. Extraperitoneal subspecies involves damage to external organs.
  2. The extragenital view is diagnosed in the case of the formation of pathological foci in the intestines, lungs, bladder.

What causes illness

First of all, endometriosis affects the uterus, as well as the nearest genital organs. Endometrial tissues are sensitive to hormone cells, so the following changes occur in distant areas covered with mucous membranes:

  1. The endometrial tissues in the uterus grow and become dense - this is due to the release of estrogen cells in the first days of the menstrual period.
  2. The second half of the period is characterized by the influence of progesterone, which destroys the newly formed layer. This process is accompanied by inflammation and bleeding.

Thus, endometriosis of the uterus leads to the formation of cysts, improper functioning of the organs of the reproductive system, and in severe cases, jeopardizes the possibility of conceiving a fetus and the normal course of pregnancy.

Treatment of endometriosis during pregnancy

There is an opinion that endometriosis is effectively treated with pregnancy. This point of view is based on the fact that pregnancy helps to stabilize the functioning of the uterus by stopping the production of hormone cells that contribute to the progression of the disease.

Despite this, medical experts believe that it is impossible to cure this pathology with pregnancy: a positive effect will be observed until ovulation occurs. In this regard, this method is inefficient.

Planning for pregnancy - is it possible?

The negative impact of endometriosis on pregnancy is explained by the high probability of miscarriage, and in the future - infertility. According to medical statistics, 40% of girls suffer from problems associated with conception throughout the year. Against the background of endometriosis, the childbearing function is significantly reduced:

  1. The resulting adhesions in the uterine tubes lead to a violation of the passage of the egg, thereby interfering with conception.
  2. An excess of prostaglandins in the female body provokes the formation of numerous microspasms that disrupt the transport function of the uterine tubes.
  3. Hormonal imbalance and reduced immunity interfere with the normal course of ovulation. Pregnancy is possible with complete stabilization of the hormonal background.
  4. Neoplasms in the form of endometrioid cysts have a negative effect on pregnancy. If the fertilization process was successful, there is a possibility of abortion.

The reproductive function of the girl is significantly reduced, but with effective treatment, the body quickly recovers and returns to its previous form. Pregnancy with endometriosis of the uterus is allowed if the patient takes a course of hormonal medications. If the process of natural fertilization was unsuccessful, the doctor advises using the method of in vitro conception.

Pregnancy after treatment

Treatment of endometriosis is long and complex, since surgical and conservative intervention is used. When compiling an individual technique, the doctor without fail takes into account the biological age, with the help of which the possibility of becoming pregnant is determined, as well as the severity of the pathology.

Conservative therapy consists in the use of hormonal drugs. In order to get pregnant after endometriosis was not difficult, it is necessary to eliminate iron deficiency anemia using iron-containing medicines. To improve the general condition of the patient, the doctor prescribes painkillers, hemostatic, and immunity-enhancing drugs.

Surgical intervention is carried out in case of formation of adhesions. In most cases, the doctor uses the laparoscopy method, which effectively removes the focus on the affected tissues, but does not injure the body. Pregnancy after treatment of endometriosis proceeds with positive dynamics and without severe complications.

How is pregnancy and childbirth going?

Endometriosis during pregnancy is not treated: conservative and surgical methods can have a negative impact on the development of the fetus. According to medical practice, there is an exception, which is the development of an endometrioid cyst that affects the ovary. In order for a woman to be able to bear a fetus, it is necessary to perform surgery in the fourth month of pregnancy.

Bearing a child, accompanied by endometriosis, should be under the close supervision of medical specialists. In order to maintain the pregnancy, the girl must take hormonal medications without fail. There are cases when in the early stages there is a threat of miscarriage due to a deficiency of progesterone, which ensures the proper development of the fetus. If the placenta has formed, the pregnancy is positive.

Thus, endometriosis involves the following adjustments during pregnancy:

  • with the development of pathology, the chance of such an outcome as an ectopic pregnancy increases significantly. For the timely detection of deviations, the patient is recommended to do an ultrasound;
  • medical professionals should monitor hormonal levels to avoid an increase in uterine tone. Otherwise, the girl will not be able to give birth;
  • a weakened state of the uterus can cause it to rupture as a result of the growth of the fetus. For complete safety, expectant mothers are determined for inpatient treatment;
  • with endometriosis, the process of childbirth is much more complicated: since the uterus is not elastic, it is recommended to give birth using a caesarean section.

Will surgery help me get pregnant?

Modern medicine is impossible without surgical operations, which are divided into conservative intervention and radical intervention. Most often they are combined and used as the most gentle way.

With endometriosis, laparoscopy is most often performed, during which the neoplasms are cauterized with a special laser. If the disease is accompanied by severe complications, the doctor uses the laparotomy method - cutting the abdominal wall. After a surgical operation, the patient needs to drink a course of medication, undergo physiotherapy procedures to consolidate a positive result. In general, the operation eliminates unpleasant painful sensations, stops the inflammatory process, restores the reproductive function, which makes it possible for the patient to become pregnant.

IVF as an option for a long-awaited child

The in vitro fertilization program is compiled individually for each patient, based on her biological age, the number of unsuccessful attempts at conception, the state of health, and the severity of the disease. IVF is contraindicated in the diagnosis of external endometriosis. In this case, an effective treatment method is drawn up for a woman, aimed at reducing symptoms, as well as removing neoplasms.

If pregnancy does not occur after treatment, the girl is prescribed an in vitro fertilization procedure. For patients older than 30 years, the procedure is carried out after surgery and taking hormonal drugs. If the patient is between the ages of 23-27, doctors recommend not rushing IVF and trying to conceive a child naturally.

Endometriosis in the last stages of development is not an obstacle to the implementation of in vitro fertilization. As a rule, the procedure is scheduled immediately after the delivery of special tests and a thorough examination.

This is one of the most common diseases among women in recent years. The affected organ in endometriosis is the ovaries. The nature of the lesion in endometriosis is an inflammatory process. Ovaries with endometriosis increase in size, pulling and spasmodic pains begin. Pregnancy after endometriosis - is it possible?

Endometriosis is not the end of the world, and you can fight the problem, and many in the world can live with it. Moreover, the mass of women become pregnant during chronic endometriosis, give birth to children and live on. Yes, pregnancy after endometriosis is possible, but there are some nuances.

Endometriosis - a brief information about the disease

Endometriosis affects the ovaries and fallopian tubes. In the course of the disease, cysts develop, adhesions may occur. All these formations provoke the expansion of ovarian tissues, and can cause an inflammatory process. However, there are many cases when a woman does not even know that she had endometriosis.

Is it possible to get pregnant after endometriosis?

Modern medicine offers several options for planning pregnancy after endometriosis.

The first thing doctors do to plan pregnancy after endometriosis is to check the patency of the fallopian tubes. If everything is fine with this question, then the woman is offered to take a course of hormonal drugs, and then she successfully becomes pregnant, carries the child normally and gives birth.

If the tubes are clogged with adhesions, then surgery is offered to plan pregnancy after endometriosis. The operation is laparoscopic, and does not leave behind scars, does not cause damage to the body. Removal of adhesions using a laparoscope leads to good results. First, a woman undergoes a course of recovery, then again a course of hormones, and becomes pregnant.

There are cases when pregnancy after endometriosis does not "keep", but there are no reasons for this. In these options, the woman may be offered IVF fertilization. The modern method allows many to become pregnant. In this case, no special harm is done to either the mother or the children.

If a woman has endometriosis during pregnancy, this is also not a problem. In the first months, she is observed more closely, undergoes a course of drugs and hormones. Such therapy allows you to save pregnancy in a dangerous period.

Do not be afraid, pregnancy after endometriosis is not a sentence, it is a completely solvable problem that can be reasonably dealt with and that can be defeated. The main thing is the desire of a woman to become pregnant and her determination in the actions that she is ready to take for this. Be healthy, active and always remember that any problem can be dealt with if there is a desire.

With this disease, it is very often possible to establish non-absolute infertility, which can be eliminated only by complex medical treatment. Endometriosis and pregnancy - the features of the disease are such that endometriosis provokes a significant decrease in the likelihood of becoming pregnant. In clinical practice, there are often cases of conception with endometriosis, but this happens quite rarely and always poses a danger to the fetus - in particular, arbitrary miscarriage. Therefore, such a woman should be observed by a doctor throughout her pregnancy and strictly follow his recommendations.

Endometriosis and pregnancy: features of the disease

But still, how endometriosis and pregnancy and infertility problems are related to the disease have not been fully studied. There are certain factors that lead to infertility in endometriosis. First of all, these are mechanical violations of the patency of the fallopian tubes, a violation of the anatomy of the ovaries, difficulty in the release of the egg due to the adhesive process.

It also includes various endocrine and immunological problems that can occur with this disease. They have a negative effect on both ovulation and fertilization and implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus. In addition, due to this disease, a violation of the transport function of the fallopian tubes may occur, which occurs from an increase in prostaglandins. With endometriosis, as is known, early spontaneous abortion often occurs. The consequences of the disease can be luteinized follicle syndrome and all kinds of inflammatory effects.

Endometriosis and pregnancy: research results

Recently, researchers have found that, among other things, with this disease, despite regular menstruation, there is no true ovulation (anovulation), without which pregnancy is impossible. All kinds of stimulants in this case are often simply ineffective. As a rule, the probability of pregnancy after treatment, as well as after organ-preserving operations, ranges from 15 to 56%. In this situation, experts advise waiting for pregnancy for 6-14 months.

Prolonged absence of pregnancy after completion of the course of treatment is quite rare. In this case, a second examination may indicate the presence of other problems not related to endometriosis. Therefore, it can be summarized that endometriosis and pregnancy are quite compatible things.

Endometriosis of the intestine - how to treat it? The occurrence of endometriosis of the colon usually occurs as a result of invasion of the process from the retrocervical focus or isthmus of the uterus, as well as from the ovaries.

Endometriosis and pregnancy - some statistics

As a rule, namely in 70-80% of cases, foci of endometriosis during pregnancy are localized in the rectum and sigmoid colon. Less commonly, this disease can be found in the small intestine and appendix. Experts believe that there are no isolated lesions of the colon, and the disease spreads to the intestine from the genitals. The frequency of detection of such a lesion varies from 15.7 to 34.2%.

It is currently believed that intestinal endometriosis is a consequence of the further spread and invasion of the proliferative process in retrocervical endometriosis, endometrioid lesions of the sacro-uterine ligaments, and ovarian endometriosis.

Intestinal endometriosis and pregnancy: symptoms of the disease

The endometriosis we are considering during pregnancy is characterized by damage to the wall of the colon. The disease affects the intestine from the side of the serous membrane. When the pathological infiltrate spreads to the serous and muscular layers, patients complain of pain in the lower abdomen before and during menstruation, dyschezia, tenesmus, flatulence, and sometimes diarrhea.

With the invasion of the endometrioid infiltrate deeper, to the mucous membrane and on the mucous membrane of the colon, pain in the lower abdomen, dyschezia, flatulence, vomiting, constipation, and blood in the feces increase. Doctors also define endometriosis during pregnancy by the presence of partial or complete colonic obstruction.

In this case, gynecological symptoms may be the main ones (chronic pelvic pain, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia. They often mask damage to the colon. In this regard, the diagnosis of endometriosis of the colon can be quite difficult. And the correct diagnosis is very important for choosing medical or surgical treatment. Intestinal endometriosis during pregnancy is a dangerous disease.Therefore, in the event of the above symptoms of endometriosis during pregnancy, it is important to contact knowledgeable specialists in a timely manner.After all, only they can significantly alleviate the manifestations of the disease and provide the patient with a normal, as healthy life as possible.

Today, many women experience difficulty conceiving due to gynecological diseases, but according to statistics, patients most often ask a gynecologist whether it is possible to get pregnant with endometriosis.

The fact is that endometriosis is a pathology diagnosed in 35% of females, the main symptom of which is the inability to become pregnant.

Endocrinologist advice:“I can only recommend one effective and safe remedy for normalizing hormonal levels and diseases associated with its violation, this is of course ....”

Reference! If a woman cannot become pregnant for more than a year, you should contact a gynecologist who will diagnose, because the likely cause of infertility is endometriosis.

Endometriosis: what is it

Endometriosis occurs in women of reproductive age, but it happens that the disease affects girls of puberty and women after 45 years of age. Endometriosis is the overgrowth of endometrial cells - the inner layer of the uterus outside.

Varieties of endometriosis:

  1. extragenital- localized outside the reproductive organs - signs of endometriosis can be seen in the abdominal organs;
  2. Genital- limited to the growth of the endometrium on the reproductive organs - endometriosis can be visualized in the uterine cavity, fallopian tubes, vagina, cervix.

Note! You can meet both types of endometriosis - in this case, the chances of getting pregnant are very low.

Normally, endometrial cells are shed every cycle and come out with menstruation. But endometriosis is characterized by the fact that small structural particles move, affecting the uterine cavity, vascular system and other internal organs.

In these areas, you can notice the growth of endometrioid tissue, the excess of which comes out during menstruation. Blood clots remain inside the organs - this forms adhesions, and you can feel severe pain in the lower abdomen, especially during the menstrual period.

Causes of endometriosis

The exact causes of the appearance of endometriosis have not yet been fully studied, but there are several factors that favor the appearance of the process, as a result of which fertility is impaired, and a woman cannot become pregnant:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • weakened immune system;
  • heredity;
  • the impact of stress;
  • environmental conditions;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • birth, postpartum complications;
  • mechanical injury to the uterus;
  • artificial termination of pregnancy;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • increased consumption of caffeinated products;
  • endocrine diseases.

It is important! The diagnosis of "endometriosis" is not a sentence of impossibility to become pregnant. Gynecologists share endometriosis at 4 stages in terms of severity. First stage does not require long and complex treatment, so a woman who dreams of becoming a mother can get pregnant without resorting to surgical intervention. second stage can be cured with surgery. Third and fourth stages- the most insidious types of endometriosis, and if laparoscopic surgery is not performed in a timely manner, you can remain infertile.

Symptoms of endometriosis

The symptomatology of endometriosis, as well as the likelihood of becoming pregnant with the development of pathology, depends on the severity of the process. At the initial stage of the disease, you can not notice - the disease is asymptomatic. However, over time, menstrual irregularities appear, soreness before menstruation and during menstruation, prolonged spotting at the end of critical days.

Spreading, endometriosis is expressed by the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • discomfort or pain during intimacy;
  • painful menstruation;
  • violation of urination, defecation - pain, discomfort, difficult process;
  • urine containing blood impurities.

If you can’t get pregnant within six months, the condition also indicates the development of endometriosis, which can be diagnosed using Ultrasound, laparoscopy, hysterosalpingography (HSG)x-ray of the uterus and appendages, laboratory tests.

Reference! Ultrasound for the presence of endometriosis is prescribed 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation - during this period, the pathogenic state can be visualized as much as possible.

Complications of endometriosis

In some cases, it is the complications of endometriosis that lead to the inability to become pregnant.

  1. Adhesive disease in the pelvis- Adhesions interfere with pregnancy. Moreover, the existence of the adhesive process leads to painful menstruation, discomfort during intercourse;
  2. Development of chronic posthemorrhagic anemia. Frequent blood loss gives rise to a lack of iron in the body;
  3. Benign and malignant neoplasms- most often with endometriosis, an endometrioid (chocolate) cyst is formed, filled with blood. In addition, the neoplasm tends to become malignant - the progression of the tumor, and the probable degeneration into oncology requires urgent surgical measures, otherwise there is a risk of never becoming pregnant.

Interesting! Statistics say that only 30-50% of women suffering from endometriosis fail to get pregnant - that is, it is possible to get pregnant with endometriosis if the pathology is diagnosed at an early stage. To do this, you should listen to the body and at the first symptoms of the disease, contact a gynecologist.

Endometriosis: is it possible to get pregnant

Endometriosis is not a 100% barrier to the impossibility of getting pregnant, but it significantly reduces fertility.

The most common problem of endometriosis is ovarian dysfunction. The disease is characterized by anovulation, in which a mature egg cannot leave the follicle. However, if only one ovary is affected by endometriosis and the patency of the fallopian tubes is not impaired, you can become pregnant.

Difficulty with conception can be fixed when endometrial cells damage the muscular layer of the uterus. As a result, the egg, which has merged with the sperm, does not attach to the wall of the uterus due to the friability of the tissues - the embryo does not implant. If endometriosis is diagnosed in time and effective treatment is prescribed, a woman has a chance of becoming pregnant.

In the later stages of the disease, it is difficult to get pregnant, but by following the doctor's instructions, you can conceive a child.

Important! With a successful attempt to get pregnant with endometriosis, it is necessary to register for pregnancy as early as possible, otherwise there is a risk of spontaneous abortion.

Is it possible to get pregnant with endometriosis of the uterus

Experts say that you can get pregnant with endometriosis of the uterus. During the bearing of a child, uterine endometriosis regresses - this is due to a decrease in the concentration of estrogens in the blood of a pregnant woman. At this time, the corpus luteum actively contributes to the production of progesterone, which inhibits the pathogenic growth of the endometrium in the uterine layer.

It is interesting! For some women, endometriosis resolves after childbirth. Recovery is facilitated by the process of lactation, for which the hormone prolactin is responsible. Thanks to the hormonal substance, the pathogenic growth of endometrial cells decreases, and soon the endometrioid tissue in the uterus completely atrophies.

Is it possible to get pregnant with endometriosis of the ovary and fallopian tubes

A difficult question is whether it will be possible to get pregnant with ovarian endometriosis. In most cases, the disease appears endometrioid cyst, requiring therapeutic and surgical treatment, as in rare cases it resolves on its own. If only one ovary is affected, there is a chance to become pregnant and carry the baby safely, and postpone the operation to remove the neoplasm (in the absence of rapid growth) for the postpartum period.

Difficulties with conception arise when endometriosis affects the fallopian tubes. Due to the growth of the endometrium, obstructions appear in the lumen of the fallopian tubes, which does not allow the egg and sperm to move into the uterus for implantation.

Treatment of endometriosis

A woman suffering from endometriosis hopes for a successful conception, but it is rarely possible to do without therapeutic and surgical methods. The tactics of treatment is chosen by the doctor, taking into account the stage of the disease, the hormonal background and the age of the patient.

Attention! After the age of 35, female reproductive functions decline, and if a woman wants to become pregnant, there is no time to waste. Therefore, when diagnosing endometriosis, it is better for a female representative to seek help from a reproductive specialist or an obstetrician-gynecologist, rather than trying to get pregnant on her own, wasting time. Recall that any actions can and should be discussed with the attending physician in order to avoid complications.

The disease is treated conservatively and surgically. Sometimes methods are combined for effectiveness, because some patients get pregnant after taking hormonal drugs, others require surgical intervention to conceive.

Conservative treatment of endometriosis

Treatment in a conservative way involves taking synthetic hormones for 3-6 months
. Hormonal drugs block ovulation, which leads to the restoration of the affected areas, and endometriosis regresses. At the end of therapy, the ovaries will begin to ovulate, the hormonal background will normalize - the likelihood of becoming pregnant increases. You can start planning in the first cycle after completion of treatment.

Note! With hormonal treatment of endometriosis, relapses of the disease occur, but, as practice shows, most women have successful attempts to become pregnant.

Surgical treatment of endometriosis

Surgical treatment of endometriosis is considered more effective, so the patient's chances of getting pregnant increase. An operation to remove overgrown endometrial cells and adhesions is performed using laparoscopy or electrocoagulation - minimally invasive procedures under general anesthesia.

Reference! During surgery, a biopsy is taken for histological examination for the presence or absence of oncology.

The woman recovers quickly from both surgical methods, and planning can be started from the first ovulatory cycle to avoid relapse. 60% of women get pregnant one and a half to three months after endometriosis treatment.

Severe endometriosis is dangerous by partial or complete resection of the reproductive organs - the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes. Naturally, such radical measures will not allow the patient to become pregnant, except for the IVF procedure (with partial removal of the reproductive organs).


It has been established that a woman suffering from endometriosis has the opportunity to become pregnant and bear a healthy baby. With the onset of pregnancy, endometriosis does not pose a danger, except for the risk of interruption in the first trimester. But as soon as the placenta begins to fully function, the baby is not in danger. It is believed that with endometriosis it is useful to get pregnant - the hormonal background changes, and the pathology goes away on its own.

When planning a pregnancy, it is advisable to be examined for the presence of endometriosis and other pathologies of the reproductive organs, because it is endometriosis that prevents the possibility of becoming pregnant and safely bearing the baby. If the patient has endometriosis, it is advised to be treated for normal intrauterine development of the fetus. The sooner the pathology is detected, the more chances a woman has to become pregnant.

Therefore, at the first alarming symptoms resembling signs of endometriosis, you need to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist.


Many diseases of the genitourinary system affect the reproductive capacity of women. Endometriosis is no exception, which directly affects the possibility of conception. However, it is better not to plan replenishment during this period. Why is it undesirable for endometriosis and pregnancy to occur together? How can such a situation threaten the fetus and the expectant mother?

Conception with illness

With endometriosis, endometrial cells actively divide, its thickened areas are formed. This disease can be developed in different ways - sometimes it has a focal character, and in other cases it is spread over the entire inner surface of the uterus. Depending on the degree of its development, the degree of probability of pregnancy with such a diagnosis also changes.

In principle, conception with endometriosis is possible. However, it should be borne in mind that the embryo will not attach directly to the affected overgrown area. Therefore, if there are single foci, then pregnancy almost always occurs. If the entire cavity is affected, then, in whatever place the embryo is attached, it will be rejected.

Is it possible to get pregnant with the localization of the disease in the fallopian tubes? This is the most unlikely option, since foci of growth can completely close the lumen of the tube, preventing the sperm from entering the egg. Also, with this course of the disease, there is a high probability of developing an ectopic tubal pregnancy due to a violation of the patency of the tubes.

It is important to remember that with this disease, there is a high probability of joining additional infectious and inflammatory processes, which can also affect the likelihood of conception.

Is it possible to get pregnant with endometriosis of the uterus, when it is focal and poorly developed? This is also not always possible. First of all, because this problem is only a symptom of a more serious problem - a hormonal failure, in which the content of female sex hormones in the body has significantly increased. Hormonal imbalance can also be the reason why conception does not occur.

Pregnancy after treatment

Pregnancy after treatment for endometriosis is possible. Therapy is carried out most often with the help of hormonal drugs - combined oral contraceptives. They have a contraceptive effect, therefore, during such treatment, conception will not occur. But as soon as therapy with such drugs is over, the body will recover, and pregnancy after endometriosis will occur.

The second type of drugs used in therapy are gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists. They cause a temporary artificial drug menopause. During this period, conception will not occur. But after the abolition of these drugs, the body recovers quickly enough and you can plan gestation in six months.

This is the standard lead time for scheduling. Since with any type of treatment, the endometrium needs some time to recover. The situation is more dangerous with the defeat of the fallopian tubes. Even after healing, adhesions may remain in them, which will need to be surgically incised.

In addition, the method of treatment also affects the likelihood of subsequent conception. After surgical treatment (if it was nevertheless necessary), this probability decreases. But cases when hormonal treatment is ineffective are quite rare.

Treatment at the planning stage

While it is possible to get pregnant with endometriosis, doctors do not recommend doing so. In the normal case, it is necessary to undergo hormonal therapy or perform a surgical intervention, wait until the state of the body returns to normal, and only then begin planning a pregnancy for endometriosis. There can be only one exception - the older reproductive age and the approach of menopause. In this case, the time spent on curing the disease can become decisive, and after its expiration menopause will come.

In this case, the in vitro fertilization procedure is recommended to the patient if she cannot become pregnant on her own. Also, if conception occurred by accident, then the patient is given the choice of whether to keep the child or not.

Complete recovery and restoration of the body takes from six months to a year for the maximum number of patients (from 15 to 55% according to various sources). If pregnancy has not occurred within a year or two, then you need to contact a reductologist.


How to get pregnant with endometriosis? In fact, only a little over 40% of all patients are diagnosed with infertility. While the remaining 60% can get pregnant on their own quite easily. But if conception has not occurred for more than two years (with or without endometriosis), then the patient is recommended to contact specialists - reproductologists. In this case, the appointment of an in vitro fertilization procedure is necessary.

However, with the diagnosis of endometriosis, IVF is also not performed immediately. The procedure is preceded by a long preparation. Hormonal treatment is carried out for more than six months. After that, also with the use of hormones, superovulation is stimulated and the embryo is transferred. Throughout gestation, a woman receives special hormonal therapy aimed at maintaining the fetus and mother.

Impact of pregnancy on disease

Endometriosis is a hormone-dependent disease, as mentioned below. During pregnancy in the early stages, active hormonal changes occur. At later dates, it is still present, but already less active. Therefore, such a process cannot but affect the development of the disease. And the influence is always purely negative.

This is due to the fact that tissue growth occurs with an excess of the female sex hormone estrogen. Namely, it significantly increases in the body in the early stages. The level of progesterone also changes. As a result of this, the processes of pathological growth of endometrial tissues are almost always activated after conception. Moreover, even in a healthy state, at certain stages of gestation, the endometrium thickens, and this is all the more noticeable in the presence of this pathology.

The impact of the disease on pregnancy

How does endometriosis affect pregnancy? Acute or chronic endometriosis and pregnancy do not go well together. In general, with such a diagnosis, it is forbidden to become pregnant. Because there are a number of serious dangers, both for the health of the mother and for the fetus. They are associated with the state of the endometrium during this period. The following adverse effects are possible during this period:

  • There is a threat of spontaneous abortion in the early stages due to the possible risk of fetal rejection;
  • The likelihood of premature birth in the 1-2 trimesters of gestation;
  • Insufficient blood supply to the placenta;
  • Incorrect placenta previa;
  • Frozen pregnancy at any time;
  • Endometriosis during pregnancy is a conditional indication for caesarean section, since the elasticity of the cervix is ​​sometimes reduced;
  • There are known cases of rupture of the walls of the uterus in the process of fetal development.

In addition, all the possible risks associated with the hormonal imbalance that is present during this period can be added to this. The most common phenomenon is uterine hypertonicity, with all possible consequences, such as the threat of miscarriage. If you are planning to carry with this disease, you should also take into account the high risk of developing HMP.

The likelihood of developing such consequences is very high. If conception occurs by accident, and a woman does not want to have an abortion with endometriosis, then she is prescribed special therapy to preserve the fetus.

Fetal Preservation Therapy

Since endometriosis of the cervix and pregnancy is a bad combination, the patient needs drug therapy throughout the entire period of gestation, aimed at preserving the fetus. The lack of progesterone increases the tone of the uterus, which also increases the likelihood of miscarriage. Therefore, hormonal therapy with progesterone preparations is carried out. She is appointed for the entire period of expectation of the child or only for the first and second trimester.

If there is a risk of rupture of the walls of the uterus, then an operation is planned. It is carried out during the period most successful for the fetus, that is, from the 16th to the 20th week of pregnancy. In general, with such a disease, the expectant mother should always be under the supervision of doctors. In some cases, even hospitalization is carried out.

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