Smoke without fire. What are the benefits and harms of electronic cigarettes? Is the vapor from smoking e-cigarettes harmful?

In an environment where smoking in public places is increasingly restricted and tobacco prices are rising significantly, e-cigarettes are becoming more and more popular. Many people believe that the harm from electronic cigarettes is much less than from conventional ones. And a huge number of articles have appeared on the network proving that this type of smoking is not only harmless, but even useful in some way.

Let's see if these latest smoking devices are harmful and whether they should be used as an alternative to tobacco.

The composition of liquid for electronic cigarettes

The electronic cigarette was invented at the beginning of this century in Hong Kong. In about ten years, this newfangled invention has become incredibly popular among smokers. Many of them are not even interested in whether electronic cigarettes are harmful to health. Therefore, their market in the US and the EU is showing enviable growth, despite the fact that tobacco sales in the same region of the world are constantly declining. Russia is no exception, especially after the recent restrictions on smoking and the increase in the price of tobacco products.

But where is the harm? After all, combustion does not occur when smoking - the device soars, and does not smoke. Let's take a closer look at what the smoking liquid consists of. It includes:

  • nicotine;
  • propylene glycol;
  • aromatic additives;
  • water.

In this case, propylene glycol and glycerin are used to dissolve flavors and create a vapor that simulates smoke.

What is more harmful regular cigarette or electronic

Many smokers are interested in what is more harmful - an electronic cigarette or a regular one.

What's wrong with regular cigarettes? In it, in addition to nicotine, the resins formed as a result of the combustion of tobacco and paper are also dangerous. The composition of the resulting resins includes:

This is not a complete list of toxic chemical compounds that cause cancer. In addition, tobacco smoke contains:

The presence of the radioactive element polonium in tobacco smoke has also been proven.

All these elements, of course, are not found in e-liquid and inhaled vapor. The harm from the composition of liquid for electronic cigarettes is much less.

However, although the harm from electronic cigarettes is much less, they are also unsafe. Why this is so, we will discuss below, we will see all the components that enter the smoker's body along with steam.

The harm of nicotine in electronic cigarettes

Both conventional and electronic cigarettes contain nicotine, a narcotic substance with a strong neurotropic effect. Nicotine is extremely dangerous for humans - it is a poison for blood vessels and the heart.

In addition, as mentioned above, nicotine is a drug and, with repeated use, causes physical and psychological dependence. Therefore, the expediency of using it in a device that is supposedly designed to quit smoking is very doubtful.

The amount of nicotine in some "strong" varieties of smoking liquids can reach 25 mg per milliliter. With excessive or improper use of such cigarettes, it may occur. Recall also that the lethal dose of nicotine for humans is about 100 mg.

Long-term nicotine use can cause:

In addition to the fact that nicotine poisons the cardiovascular system, aromatic additives contained in smoking liquids raise many questions. They differ for different manufacturers, and the lack of regulation, standards for supervision of such products suggests the possible presence of carcinogens in their composition.

Is glycerin in e-cigarettes harmful?

Consumers are thinking about the dangers of glycerin in electronic cigarettes. It is a trihydric alcohol, sweet in taste. The substance is used in the food industry, in particular, it is added to some food products to increase their viscosity.

Glycerin itself has low toxicity. It is also not dangerous if the vapor is inhaled. However, in some cases, glycerin vapors can irritate the upper respiratory tract and cause allergies. In principle, this substance in the amounts used in this type of smoking is unlikely to cause any harm to a person.

Is propylene glycol in e-cigarettes harmful?

The issue of the harm of propylene glycol in electronic cigarettes is also of interest to consumers of this innovative way of smoking. This substance is a colorless, viscous liquid with almost no smell. It is a good solvent, and therefore is used in the manufacture of medicines, as well as in the food industry. The addition of propylene glycol to foods as a stabilizer proves that it is not harmful to humans if not abused.

Propylene glycol is used in e-cigarettes to dissolve flavors and irritate the upper respiratory tract. At high doses, propylene glycol depresses the central nervous system and can lead to kidney damage.

Is an electronic cigarette harmful to others?

passive smoking is harmful to others

In the world there is a practice of banning the use of electronic cigarettes in public places. So, does the vapor from an electronic cigarette harm others?

This pair does not contain carcinogenic substances, carbon monoxide. However, it contains nicotine. And it is not at all different from what is contained in traditional tobacco products.

If you smoke indoors, the air becomes saturated with nicotine. When other people are in such a room, they are forced to breathe this drug. And let its concentration in the air be not very high, but still it manages to act on people who inhale it. After all, there is no safe amount of nicotine for humans. The harm from nicotine from electronic cigarettes is the same as from regular ones.

Is e-cigarette harmful to pregnant women?

Some women, upon learning of their pregnancy, are unable (or unwilling) to stop smoking. And in the electronic cigarette, they find, in their opinion, a safer way to “deliver” nicotine into the blood.

However, e-cigarettes are not so safe for pregnant women. Note that nicotine and pregnancy, as well as the birth of a healthy, strong baby, are absolutely incompatible things. Even small doses of nicotine seriously harm the health of women and children. There is no even theoretical minimum dose of nicotine that is safe for humans. And even more so for a pregnant woman.

So the use of electronic cigarettes as a safe alternative to regular tobacco during pregnancy is absolutely not acceptable.

Is e-cigarette harmful to children?

It would seem, what is the question here? After all, children's smoking is absolutely unacceptable, including the use of electronic devices. However, buyers of these products are interested in whether the electronic cigarette is harmful to children if they are near a smoker. The answer to this is only positive: after all, children will be forced to inhale nicotine. A child's body is much more vulnerable to this narcotic poison than an adult's.

There is only one conclusion - in no case should you use electronic cigarettes if there is a child next to you.

So, the electronic cigarette is clearly not as harmful as the regular one. In any case, the positive fact is the absence of combustion. But it is also difficult to call it an absolutely safe product. The presence of a drug in it - nicotine, as well as the lack of standards for the production and supervision of this type of product, due to which various impurities, including toxic ones, can enter the liquid, make the use of electronic cigarettes a very dubious alternative to tobacco. Smoking must be quit using special medicines once and for all!

Health impact

Is an electronic cigarette harmful or not, and if so, what harm does it bring to a person?

Today, this question worries a lot of our fellow citizens, because for some reason they don’t give us an unambiguous answer.

In recent years, cigarettes and smoking, in a global sense, remains an urgent and topical topic for discussion in various circles of society, from grandmothers on benches in courtyards to deputies in the government.

Advertising campaigns are attracting more people to their ranks, while volunteer movements and regulation at the level of the law are trying to reduce the number of smokers. To the rescue of both comes a revolutionary device that allows you to release smoke from your lungs without using tar and combustion products - an electronic cigarette. The controversy around it flares up every year, because with each answer more and more questions appear.

Are e-cigarettes harmful? Speaking very roughly, this question is very, very slippery and hidden in it, hundreds of times more than what lies on the surface. Is there any harm from soaring to the human body?

It is difficult to talk about the issue without knowing the interests of the parties. And we have at least three sides: the side of producers, the side of those who allow, and the side of consumers. This classification is very conditional, but let's try to clarify.

A manufacturer, even if his product is deadly, trying to make money on it, may, under the pretext of business secrecy, give incomplete information about the real state of things, thereby violating the law.

But here the Ministry of Health and research centers should take the side of consumer protection, which should identify the potential danger to the consumer, and already the consumer side, which, separating advertising, facts and prescriptions of specialists, draws its conclusions and makes decisions.

And if for a second we imagine that manufacturers of electronic cigarettes are hiding from us the true harm of the product, then why are neither the Ministry of Health of Russia and the whole world, nor scientific organizations still exploding with newspaper headlines about the exposure? The harm from smoking electronic cigarettes has been proven! Agree that a statement of such a plan would turn the smoking-vaping industry as a whole.

It is not surprising if these studies from the outside can be sponsored by tobacco magnates, just like they can be carried out in their own laboratories, because every year the smoke from electrons displaces tobacco from the lungs around the world.

If you look from the other side, then by financially motivating some institutions, you can also hide some information about the dangers of electronics. From the point of view of the manufacturer, this would be more than logical in an age of many countries mired in corruption. And there is a caveat: one hundred percent of health authorities in all countries cannot be influenced by the interests of electronics manufacturers. This is a very utopian plot twist.


Is an electronic cigarette harmful? The opinions of specialists, as well as the opinions of the inhabitants, are divided, and disputes between them flare up brighter and brighter. Arguments are presented both on the one hand and on the other. And the prosecution is operating on the harm of the composition of the e-liquid.

Let's deal with the composition - in the e-liquid, in most cases, there are five main ingredients:

  1. propylene glycol.
  2. Glycerol.
  3. Nicotine.
  4. Flavorings.
  5. Water.

In different compositions, both of them may be present, and not all of them may be involved in cooking in different proportions. But no more than 5 listed ingredients.

Whether electronic cigarettes are harmful to health, we will understand, having learned the effect on the body of each individual component.

Is propylene glycol harmful?

This organic compound is colorless and almost odorless. A viscous substance with a slightly sweet taste.

Let's dig deeper. On the toxicological side of the issue, the E1520 additive, as propylene glycol is also called, is approved for use in most countries of the world. Propyleglycol is recognized as a non-toxic substance and safe for use in cosmetology and the food industry. With increased use, this substance does not cause serious side effects.

Significant harm to the body can occur at a plasma concentration of a substance in the blood in the amount of 1 gram per liter, which can be achieved by using propylene glycol or medicines based on it in unimaginably large quantities for a short time. That speaks only of a deliberate overdose.

Only with the intravenous administration of large doses of drugs based on propylene glycol into the blood, significant side effects were noticed, such as:

  • hypotension;
  • bradycardia;
  • anomalies of the T wave and the QRS complex on the ECG;
  • arrhythmia;
  • heart failure;
  • hyperosmolarity syndrome;
  • lactic acidosis;
  • hemolysis.

And a number of side effects that were less common.

How do scientists respond to this? Propylene glycol can cause nasal congestion, skin rashes, and other allergic reactions. But not a word about how the studies were conducted and whether they were based on the use of electronic cigarettes, NO!

Indeed, if you drop a drug containing E1520 into your eye or drink something like that, it will happen, but we are talking about the dangers of a substance that should get to you when vaping.

Based on this, we can conclude that even if you use electron vapor for 10 hours in a row, you will not be able to get close to the amount of a substance in the blood that can cause health problems.

What is harmful glycerin

The ingredients in an e-cigarette could theoretically be harmful.

Glycerin (propanetriol-1,2,3) is the simplest representative of trihydric alcohols with the formula C3H5(OH)3. It is a viscous clear liquid.

It is used in the food industry, the medical industry, in the production of detergents, in cosmetology, in the textile, paper and leather industries, in the production of plastics and coatings.

The prosecution claims that like a sponge, glycerin draws water out of any tissue. Therefore, in people with renal insufficiency, this substance (E422) can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

Also, glycerin has a negative effect on the processes of blood circulation and the condition of blood vessels. And, based on the individual characteristics of the body, the maximum allowable dose of glycerol is not defined.

Only one thing can be said about this. The manufacturer always indicates individual intolerance to the components of the drug as a warning. And this fact is also in doubt due to the lack of information on the maximum doses of the substance in the blood.

Harm from nicotine

Nicotine is a naturally occurring alkaloid. What harm does an electronic cigarette with this substance cause?

Vapes use synthetic nicotine, which, when ingested in large doses, depresses the nervous system, causes vision problems, affects the digestive organs, provokes the production of adrenaline, thereby increasing the load on the heart.

Causes the production of dopamine, the hormone of pleasure, which causes addiction and dependence on this substance in the electronic cigarette. There is certainly harm from modern electronic cigarettes that use a nicotine-containing mixture. It's dangerous, but vapers do it consciously because of the chemical dependency and Throat hit effect.

The harm of nicotine is a well-known fact, and it is no secret to anyone that this substance is addictive. But if we take into account that the electronic cigarette is positioned as an alternative to smoking tobacco, which is hundreds of times more harmful due to the combustion products of raw tobacco, then this fact can also be considered ambiguous.

But no one refutes the harm of nicotine. When choosing a nicotine-containing e-liquid, a person makes this choice consciously. With the exception of cases when nicotine is added to ready-made mixtures without mentioning it in the composition. As a rule, little-known firms or amateur “cookers” do this.

What else can hurt?

An ordinary cigarette is much more dangerous in its composition. The best thing is not to smoke at all.

Aromatic additives that are part of liquids cause a lot of controversy, but there are not very many negative opinions. The main harm of this component is that additives accelerate the absorption of nicotine into the blood, and enhance its negative effect on the body. But the direct harm of electronic cigarettes with the use of aromatic additives in the formulations has not been directly proven.

Water? In addition to the fact that one hundred percent of the people on the planet who used water died, there is nothing more to say about this component.

The coils of evaporators in electronic cigarettes can indeed carry a potential danger. Some metals during operation, when the temperature rises, can release toxic substances.

Poisoning with these substances can have serious consequences, but you can meet this by buying an electronic device from an unknown manufacturer, which obviously may not be a very high-quality product, or by using an amateur vaper winding that did not bother with wire. Whether the vapor from an electronic cigarette of this quality is safe is very unlikely.

After analyzing the above information, you involuntarily wonder - if there are so many potential risks from using it, why is this fashionable device still not banned.

Is smoking e-cigarettes harmful? There are two opinions on this matter - there is no serious systematics in side effects (2-3 cases per 100 people), there is no data from studying the long-term effects of substances on the human body if he smokes an electronic cigarette.

I want the same thing as his!

Why are electronic cigarettes harmful? Undoubtedly, the mass involvement of young people and girls in the vaping industry should be attributed to the harm of electronic cigarettes. Vapor from electronic cigarettes envelops youth and adults more densely.

And if your child had not tried a cigarette for a number of reasons of a psychological nature and aspects of education, then the permissiveness of using steam at the moment works as a trouble-free self-promotion of the product and spreads it to the masses with crazy speed.

And young people who do not have the opportunity to buy this product, but want to stand out in the wake of general popularity, may not want to buy their first pack of cigarettes themselves.

And this, as we know, is a very slippery slope. After all, in any case, smoking electronic cigarettes will not become even close to harmful, like a cigarette, which a guy may be dragging on. There is no need to prove whether smoke is dangerous when smoking in puffs. How dangerous it is to be addicted to cigarettes, whether cigarette smoke is harmful and what harm people who smoke can do to themselves, parents should tell the young growing body.

Whether it is worth soaring - a young viper also decides for himself. But before that, you need to at least study a little information about what the smoking composition can potentially consist of.

An electronic cigarette, or rather its evaporator, heats up. Substances that are part of it, along with steam, enter the lungs. Why are electronic cigarettes dangerous if their battery can heat up to the maximum temperature? The answers to each of these questions can influence your decision.

It's clear that nothing is clear

Are electronic cigarettes harmful or not? To this day, this remains a rhetorical question. A lot of facts say that their effect on the body is not very useful, while others say that it is not very harmful.

Both of them give quite significant arguments, we can perceive as confirmed facts only the following:

  • electronics is harmful to people with medical contraindications regarding the substances that make up the vaping mixture;
  • an overdose of these same substances can have a detrimental effect on the human body, but it is not possible to cause it even with prolonged vaping;
  • e-liquid containing nicotine is dangerous for the body. Nicotine is addictive and has a negative effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • strangely enough, some use vaping as an alternative to smoking, but for young people, the process of vaping can potentially turn into the use of tobacco products.

And while scientists, doctors, parents and manufacturers are struggling with an endless dialogue regarding the dangers of vapes, everywhere in our country and around the world more and more beautiful bizarre clubs are rising into the air, which are created by steam from electronic cigarettes.

Electronic cigarettes are positioned by manufacturers as a harmless alternative to tobacco products. These are modern gadgets that produce fragrant steam. How are e-cigarettes arranged? Do they help you quit smoking?

Smoking electronic cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes imitate . However, instead of tobacco smoke, they produce steam with or without a certain amount of nicotine.

A microprocessor is built into each gadget, which, when a button is pressed, activates the action of the spiral: it heats up and turns the liquid into steam. Outwardly, it does not differ from the smoke of ordinary cigarettes, but does not have a specific tobacco smell. A person takes a puff of steam, and then exhales it.

The main components of the mixture for e-cigarettes:

  • propylene glycol;
  • glycerol;
  • liquid nicotine;
  • food flavoring.

Theoretically, all components, in addition to nicotine, are harmless to the body. In the process of soaring, tars and carcinogens are not emitted, and due to the absence of a pungent odor, the device is allowed to be used in public places. However, some researchers argue that due to insufficient control, low-quality ingredients are often mixed into the liquid or the nicotine content is increased in them.

Principle of operation

The mechanism of action of an electronic cigarette is similar to that of an inhaler. At the moment of puffing, the liquid is generated into vapor, which is inhaled.

The gadget is battery powered and turns on with a button or automatically at the moment of tightening. When a person takes a breath, a microprocessor starts up inside the battery, giving a signal to the vaporizer and an LED smoldering simulator.

As a result of heating the liquid, steam is produced that enters the lungs. After inhalation, the device turns off, and with the next puff it is activated again.


The device of most electronic cigarettes includes 3 elements:

  • Battery.
  • Atomizer.
  • Cartridge.

Batteries are divided into push-button and automatic, which are activated at the moment of inhalation. At the end of the battery there are LEDs that simulate burning.

The cartridge is a cartridge with liquid that is fed into the atomizer. Outwardly, this is a filter, inside it there are several elements: a mouthpiece, a reservoir and a porous material.

Through the cartridge, the liquid enters the atomizer - the main element of the gadget, where steam is generated. A spiral and a wick are placed inside. At the top of the evaporator is a metafoam bridge that ensures contact with the cartridge.

There are also other variations of the vaporizer - cartomizer and clearomizer. The cartomizer is a combined atomizer and cartridge. The clearomizer has a built-in cartridge that can be refilled.

On the video, the device and the principle of operation of an electronic cigarette:

Features of use

Each element of an electronic cigarette has a certain reserve of working capacity. They need to be properly maintained in order to function properly.

The average battery life is 5-6 hours, then it needs to be charged. The cartridge is comparable to a pack of cigarettes, but it can be used up faster. When smoking a regular cigarette, a person sees when it ends, and the gadget does not have a limiter.

When the cartridge is used up, it must be replaced by unscrewing the old one and installing a new one. When using a clearomizer, it is necessary to open the tank and pour a new portion of liquid into it.

Benefit and harm

When switching to an electronic cigarette, positive changes are noted: the whiteness of the teeth returns, it becomes easier to breathe, the morning cough and headache disappear. This happens in connection with the cessation of intoxication of the body with harmful substances of tobacco smoke. However, in addition to a positive effect, there are also many answers to the question of whether there is any harm from smoking such a cigarette.

Physiological factors

E-liquid does not emit tar, so it is considered less harmful. On the other hand, propylene glycol in its composition often causes allergies. Also, the liquid contains nicotine, and this is a poison that poisons the body.

For this kind, they are no less dangerous than ordinary ones. Nicotine will quickly accumulate in the blood of the fetus, resulting in damage to its internal organs.

There are also serious consequences during pregnancy:

  • Miscarriage.
  • Spontaneous abortion.
  • premature birth.
  • Oxygen deficiency in the fetus.

Electronic cigarettes can cause serious harm to teenagers. They often try an e-cigarette just out of curiosity, but after a while they get the urge to try tobacco. At the same time, the danger of nicotine use in adolescence is very serious - a negative impact on the development of the brain.

Psychological factors

The danger of the e-cigarette is that it can cause a strong psychological addiction. Such a device does not have a limiter, so a person may not let it out of his hands all day. On a subconscious level, there is a need to constantly hold something between the fingers.

In addition, the safety of e-cigarettes for health is actively replicated, although the results of many studies prove the opposite. Convincing himself of the harmlessness of the gadget, a person begins to soar without fear.

On the video about the benefits and dangers of electronic cigarettes:

Second hand smoke

Scientists from the University of Southern California conducted a study that showed that e-cigarette vapor contains more toxic metals than conventional cigarette smoke. This proves the harm of passive smoking.

Most of the harmful metals, according to researchers, enter the liquid as a result of non-compliance with the production technology. Control in this area is weak, as no relevant quality standards have been developed so far.

Side effects

Electronic cigarettes cause side effects. Many of them are related to quitting tobacco. The body, accustomed to regular poisoning with carcinogens and resins, begins to get rid of toxins, which is accompanied by:

  • acne;
  • burning taste (bitterness) in the mouth;
  • cough;
  • mouth ulcers;
  • bleeding gums;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • weakness.

These symptoms usually resolve within 1-2 months, when the body has eliminated most of the toxins. There are also side effects after smoking associated with an allergy to propylene glycol and an overdose of nicotine:

  • dizziness;
  • night sweats;
  • dryness in the throat;
  • muscle pain;
  • hiccups
  • diarrhea;
  • rapid pulse.

Can you quit smoking with an e-cigarette?

The effect of electronic cigarettes on the body has not yet been fully studied, so it is impossible to give a definite answer to the question of whether these devices help to quit smoking. Experts only agree that those who do not have a bad habit should not start vaping an electronic cigarette - this will definitely not bring health benefits.

Some doctors claim that by gradually reducing the amount of nicotine in the e-liquid, their patients manage to get rid of addiction. In contrast, scientists from the United States present the results of their research.

Americans have found that many e-liquids contain more nicotine than stated on the packaging, resulting in addiction forming very quickly. In addition, the mixtures for e-cigarettes contain purified liquid nicotine, which is instantly absorbed in the form of vapor. Among the 136 participants in the study, only one managed to overcome addiction forever with the help of a modern gadget.

Compared to conventional cigarettes, electronic cigarettes have several advantages. However, it cannot be called absolutely harmless to health.

Here is a comparison table:

Cigarette Plain Electronic
Released substances5000 chemical compounds, including:

  • resins;

  • carcinogens;

  • nitrosamines;

  • carbon monoxide;

  • hydrocyanic acid;

  • nitrogen oxides;

  • free radicals;

  • radioactive components;

  • 76 metals.

Toxic metals, including:

  • chromium;

  • nickel;

  • zinc;

  • lead.

The amount of nicotine consumedPuff limit - 1 cigarette.There is no limit on the number of puffs, as a result of which nicotine consumption can increase significantly.
SmellTobacco smoke impregnates clothes, hair, hands, causes bad breath.No bad smell.
AddictionFormation of nicotine dependence.Is highly addictive. Even nicotine-free liquid provokes a persistent psychological dependence.
Second hand smokeHarm to others.Harm to others.
Dry mouth and cough.YesYes
Yellowing of teeth and nailsYesNo
Diseases of the internal organsYesnot enough data

Health impact

An innovative smoking cessation solution invented by a Chinese scientist can solve the problem of smoking in one fell swoop. In his invention, which is called "electronic cigarette", some will find salvation, while others will see an even greater enemy. The question is already in the air: a cigarette or an electronic cigarette, which is more harmful?

Will vaping be able to get rid of tobacco addiction or not, and how much safer will it be than regular cigarettes?

On the issue of harm in general, one can talk endlessly. If, for example, we take milk, then for some it is useful, but for some people it is a deadly poison. In the issue of cigarettes, everything seems to lie on the surface, but in fact there are still a lot of questions.

To smoke or not to smoke, that is the question. It concerns everyone, without exception, in the vastness of our country. Its duality lies in the fact that we forbid our children to smoke, but we smoke ourselves. We drag them by the ear, although we ourselves tried the first cigarette at a very young age.

And against the background of the fact that while we are all at work, our little mischievous people are left to their own devices, it is not surprising that our children will become familiar with the use of tobacco products very early.

If you plunge a little into history, then cigarettes, like tobacco wrapped in a leaf, were brought to our world by the Indians. In 1847, one of the most famous tobacco companies, Philip Morris, was founded, which sold hand-rolled Turkish cigarettes.

And already in the 1900s they moved to New York, after which the most active phase of their activity began. During the Second World War, the pace of sales of tobacco products did not fall. The soldiers, along with their daily rations of provisions, were given cigarettes supplied free of charge by the tobacco companies, and after the war, a huge number of people began to bring enormous income to the enterprise, being already dependent on their products.

Composition of cigarettes

For the average layman, a cigarette is paper, tobacco and a filter. What actually enters the human body when inhaling tobacco smoke? Nicotine is one of the most harmful substances that we have to deal with every day.

The dose of nicotine for the body is the goal of the smoker, as it causes the production of the hormone of pleasure in the body. That is why smoking is addictive. Each manufacturer indicates on their packaging that smoking is harmful.

The composition of tobacco smoke is striking in its diversity.

In fact, there are “a little” more harmful substances in a cigarette:

  • carbon dioxide;
  • carbon monoxide;
  • nitrogen oxide;
  • butadiene;
  • benzene;
  • N-nitroosamines;
  • formaldehyde;
  • aromatic amines;
  • acetaldehyde;
  • PA-hydrocarbon;
  • methanol;
  • nicotine;
  • hydrocyanic acid.

Also, radioactive elements such as Lead-210, Polonium-210, Radon and Cesium get into the tobacco leaf from fertilizers. Tobacco companies have been trying for a long time to find a solution to reduce or get rid of these substances in cigarettes, but the results of the studies are not disclosed.

What are the dangers of tobacco use

The problem of smoking has touched the entire planet, and this issue is relevant on every continent of our globe. Among the causes of death worldwide, lung cancer, which occurs as a result of the use of tobacco products, is in the first place.

AIF spoke about the pros and cons of electronic cigarettes.

Every year it claims the lives of 3.5 - 5.4 million people in the world. And more than 15 million are being treated for the effects of a deadly habit. According to experts, during the existence of the tobacco industry, approximately 167.82 million people died worldwide.

In developed countries, statistics indicate that the average life expectancy of a person who uses tobacco products is reduced by 13 years on average, compared with non-smokers.

Smoking, or rather the dose of nicotine in the blood, blocks the absorption of vitamin C, causing the so-called hypovitaminosis C. The consequences of this fact negatively affect almost all organs of the body, and this especially affects the walls of blood vessels, which are subjected to increased destruction by oxidants.

Smoking leads to changes in internal organs, and, most often, a negative effect affects the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract. Lung cancer is 95 percent more common in people who smoke cigarettes. This is caused by exposure to the lungs of radon, polonium, benzpyrene and nitrosamines, which are contained in tobacco tar.

Also, smoking provokes a number of malignant tumors throughout the body.

Known facts when malignant tumors affect:

  • oral cavity;
  • larynx;
  • esophagus;
  • pancreas;
  • stomach;
  • large intestine;
  • kidneys;
  • bladder;
  • liver;
  • prostate.

On top of that, tobacco smoking causes emphysema. This is a chronic disease that is associated with irreversible degradation of the lungs and lung tissue. Smoking can cause cardiovascular problems such as atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction.

Also, it can lead to the development of infectious diseases of the respiratory system. And the most basic problem is the potential danger during pregnancy to cause complications or deterioration in the development of the fetus.

electronic cigarette

What is more harmful, an electronic cigarette or a regular one? Although the electronic cigarette is positioned as a product that is 95 percent safer than an analog cigarette, it’s not all that simple either.

The nicotine that you will use in vape devices does not have the most beneficial effect on the body and, as is the case with simple cigarettes, it is addictive to the product. If you say that you use a vape e-liquid without nicotine, then I will disappoint you - not all manufacturers indicate that they add nicotine to the mixture. And we can talk about psychological habit even longer.

The electronic cigarette does not have a really harmful effect, as from combustion products, but the harm of the ingredients that you inhale while vaping has not yet been proven or refuted. The complexity of the study lies in the fact that there is no data on the long-term systematic effects on the body of seemingly harmless substances that vape contains.

A plus in the treasury of facts about the harmlessness of electronics is that when vaping a vape, there can be no passive vapers.

Exhaled components in the air dissolve instantly. What actually speaks at the moment is the absence of laws restricting the places where delicious steam can be consumed.


Cigarette or electronic cigarette, which is more harmful? Tobacco smoking is definitely dangerous. Indeed, many, many times over, smoking cigarettes is more dangerous than vaping.

When choosing what you will let into your lungs, remember:

  1. Nicotine is addictive due to the release of the pleasure hormone in the body.
  2. Harmful substances from smoking tobacco affect almost all organs of the body.
  3. Smoking causes cancer.
  4. Cigarettes adversely affect the health of pregnant women, can cause problems during pregnancy and problems in the development of the fetus;
  5. Harm to the body when using vape devices is reduced to a minimum.

And if you have chosen a dangerous cigarette, or a safer vape, before you start letting out thick puffs, remember that clean air is much healthier and more enjoyable than participating in medical statistics.

The harm of electronic cigarettes is negligible compared to ordinary cigarettes, and if an ordinary cigarette has already taken you prisoner, then reducing the toxic effect on the body and getting rid of the need for ordinary electronic cigarettes is exactly what they are called upon to do.

Increasingly, among smokers one can meet those who prefer electronic substitutes to tobacco products. But before choosing them, you need to understand what an electronic cigarette is, its health benefits and harms compared to conventional cigarettes, how it can affect the human body and its health. After all, numerous advertisements do not cease to note that e-cigarettes are absolutely safe for people.

However, scientists are in no hurry to be so categorical and unequivocally say whether vapers bring harm or not. Some believe that they are no less harmful than conventional ones, while others argue that these gadgets allow you to quit smoking and consume less nicotine. And yet, what harm from electronic cigarettes? What arguments for and against their use do scientists put forward? In the article we will try to describe in detail the harm and benefits of these devices.

What is an electronic cigarette

An electronic cigarette, also called an electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS), is a device, a kind of liquid inhaler, for inhaling vapors that contain nicotine. Its appearance is almost identical to paper counterparts. A vaper consists of the following elements: a battery pack, a heater, an evaporator, a liquid containing various substances, including nicotine, that are harmful to the body.

The main argument in favor of such a vep device is the absence of smoke due to the fact that it does not burn. Yes, it has been proven that the environment suffers less from such devices. However, what about the smoker himself, because these gadgets contain a lot of components - nicotine, glycerin, propylene glycol, flavorings - that have a negative impact on health. Each of them is dangerous for humans, has a bad effect on various organs, and leads to serious pathologies.


Its regular use for some time develops into addiction, both physical and psychological, and the longer you smoke, the more difficult it becomes to give up. Nicotine is a neurotropic potent drug that can cause the following ailments:

  1. Heart failure.
  2. Tachycardia.
  3. arterial hypertension.
  4. Hyperglycemia.
  5. Visual impairment.
  6. Digestive disorders.
  7. atherosclerosis.
  8. Ischemic heart disease and other problems of the cardiovascular system.


It is also called trihydric alcohol - a transparent liquid, slightly sweet and viscous. He is not capable of causing serious harm to people. It is used in vapers to get more vaping.

Although, of course, given the human uniqueness, it should be noted that the substance can cause an allergic reaction due to irritation of the upper respiratory tract, dry mouth, impaired circulation and deterioration of the blood vessels.

propylene glycol

It is presented in the form of a transparent, almost odorless, viscous liquid. This component is used not only in devices, but also in the pharmaceutical and food industries. Is propylene glycol in e-cigarettes harmful? There is no single answer. With a moderate dosage, smokers are not in danger. However, its overdose can lead to the most negative consequences:

  • failure of the kidneys;
  • dysfunction of the nervous system;
  • skin rash;
  • nasal congestion and more.


They are used in small amounts and generally do not harm the human body.

The only reason for the deterioration of the condition, overdose may be individual intolerance to one or another component and the occurrence of an allergic reaction.

Nicotine free e-cigarettes

The best option for those who want to quit smoking is to use devices without nicotine. Flavorings are added instead. The main task of such gadgets is the fight against physical addiction. The only thing left is the psychological side, the habit.

However, not all manufacturers are conscientious and honest with buyers. The smoking mixtures that are part of the devices are sometimes even more dangerous to health than the harm caused by smoking electronic cigarettes with nicotine.

Regular cigarettes or e-cigarettes, which is more dangerous?

Considering the question of whether electronic cigarettes are harmful to health, we can say with confidence - yes, of course. After all, they also contain nicotine, and the liquid for soaring can carry a certain danger.

What about conventional tobacco products? Their harm is more tangible for smokers and others, and there is no point in proving the opposite.

This is mainly due to the content of numerous dangerous resins in the product: naphthalene, benzapyrene, pyrene, aromatic carbohydrates and amines, naphthol, ammonium, acetone, nitrosodimethylamine and others, formed in smoke due to the combustion of tobacco and paper. Some of them lead to the most negative consequences, even the formation of cancer cells.

Of course, the harm of electronic cigarettes is not so serious and great compared to conventional ones. Therefore, it is better to give preference to the soaring of the gadget.

Advantages of vapers over paper cigarettes

After studying the harm caused to health by electronic cigarettes, their advantages over conventional paper counterparts should also be noted. The main one is the absence of the release of products hazardous to health during soaring, which are present in the smoke when smoking tobacco products.

So, is the vapor emitted by devices harmful to others, non-smokers, teenagers and young children? Of course, if there is nicotine in their liquid. It gets into the air even at a small concentration, and is inhaled by everyone who is nearby. Only nicotine-free gadgets are safe, but only a few use them.

When switching to a vaper, the smoker after a while notices that his health improves:

  1. The cough disappears.
  2. Smells are much better, clearer, more expressive.
  3. More clearly, the taste is definitely felt.
  4. The skin becomes more even, acquires a healthy color.
  5. Stop yellowing teeth.
  6. Eliminates bad breath.

The use of these vep devices also has a beneficial effect on the lungs, gradually clearing them of nicotine residues. Those who give up tobacco and smoke in favor of e-cigarettes significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Pregnancy and vep devices

Many smoking women who are planning to become mothers ask a completely natural question: is it possible to smoke a vaper during pregnancy? The answer is unequivocal and categorical - no. Despite the fact that they are much safer than paper tobacco products, scientists have proven the harm of electronic cigarettes and claim that they adversely affect the child due to the content of nicotine and other dangerous products.

Experts recommend that pregnant women stop using any type of smoking products, both conventional and gadgets, which will allow them to give birth to strong children. Even very small doses of nicotine can cause the development of various pathologies in a baby and lead to the most tragic consequences.

Another aspect that excites expectant mothers is devices with nicotine-free liquid and their use. After all, they do not harm, will not have an adverse effect on the fetus. However, here too, scientists advise caution. There is no benefit from them to the child, although the harm from electronic cigarettes of this type is minimal. If a woman can not give up her bad habit, it is better to prefer such a gadget than smoke and drugs.

vaper overdose

Smokers switching from conventional cigarettes to vapers need to understand that vaping and smoking are two completely different things. Gadgets may seem weak at first use, and some seek to increase their strength by increasing the nicotine content. However, this can cause an overdose and lead to various problems:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea
  • migraine and dizziness;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • lethargy, weakness;
  • increased salivation.

Therefore, you should think several times before deciding to increase the dose of nicotine. It is also not recommended to vape often, because this can also cause an overdose, even if the content of this drug in the liquid is small.

Psychological problems

Along with physical addiction, the psychological side of the issue, the psychological craving for smoking, is also of great importance. After all, many who switched from tobacco products to vapers continue to smoke and consume nicotine as well. There is simply a replacement of one harmful object for another.

Another thing is if a person really decides to quit and gradually reduces the dosage of the drug in the liquid of the device, and then completely abandons his bad habit.

Video: Are electronic cigarettes harmful?

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