What to drink after anesthesia. How long does it take to recover from general anesthesia after surgery? Anesthesia without harm: how to move away from anesthesia

After general anesthesia, absolutely everyone feels bad, although no ethers are currently used.

It is well known that after their use in many patients the liver stopped working.

Is general anesthesia harmful or is it a myth? Does anesthesia affect life expectancy, human health?

Modern drugs for anesthesia are slightly toxic to human organs.

If the dose is calculated correctly for you, the drug is administered correctly, there is nothing to be afraid of.

But we are afraid of anesthesia, pain, although we understand the inevitability of the operation and its necessity.

Now there is a lot of new: equipment, drugs, a lot of new technologies, but we are still afraid, maybe we don’t know what anesthesia is? What to expect from him?

Anesthesia implies safety during and after the operation.

The patient's condition after general anesthesia, qualitative in a good clinic:

  • Absence of nausea, vomiting after surgery.
  • Absence of chills, trembling (sometimes it is impossible to do without these symptoms after the operation).
  • During operations, continuous monitoring of respiration and blood circulation is carried out.
  • Monitoring of the electrical activity of the brain, control of muscle conduction, temperature control.
  • After the operation, the patient is given anesthesia, if this is not enough, the patients themselves inject themselves by pressing a button.

    For this, special devices appeared that the patient always carries with him.

    Doctors then control how many times the patient pressed the button, according to these calculations, the degree of recovery of the patient is determined.

    Thanks to this, the time after the operation passes comfortably.

    Before taking general anesthesia, take into account:

    • Your weight or body mass index.
    • The medical history, tests, permissions from specialists for anesthesia are studied.
    • The age of the patient.
    • Current medications taken and allergic reactions to them.
    • Consumption of alcohol or drugs by the patient.
    • Dental examination, as well as the oral cavity, respiratory tract.

    General anesthesia, what is it:

    General anesthesia, a state of coma, sleep in which the patient does not feel pain. It doesn't hurt, he doesn't react. The man appears to be unconscious.

    General anesthesia is administered intravenously or inhaled.

    Medicines are administered by an anesthesiologist, a specialist who monitors the patient's vital signs, breathing during surgery.

    There are four stages:

    Induction or first stage:

    It is characterized by the onset of drug administration and loss of sensation (consciousness).

    Stage of excitation - the second stage:

    There is delusional, excited activity. Heartbeats and breathing are erratic.

    Nausea, dilated pupils may occur.

    There is a danger of suffocation. Modern drugs limit the time for the two stages described above.

    Surgical anesthesia or third stage:

    When it occurs, all muscles relax, breathing is suppressed. Eye movement slows down, then stops. The patient is ready for surgery.

    Overdose stage, if you have incorrectly calculated the dose of anesthesia:

    Leads to respiratory failure.

    As you understand, the fourth stage is an exception to the rule, but it sometimes happens, as everywhere and always.

    Why do they do general anesthesia, and not anesthesia of only the necessary part of the body.

    Under what circumstances is it appointed?

    • The operation takes a long time.
    • Risk of major blood loss.
    • according to the patient's condition.

    Modern surgical treatment is an absolutely safe intervention.

    Immediately after anesthesia, you may feel:

    • Difficulty in passing urine.
    • Bruising, soreness on the arm due to a dropper during the operation.
    • Constant nausea, possible vomiting.
    • Trembling and feeling cold, you will be shaking, warming up at first is problematic.
    • Sore throat (due to the presence of a breathing tube during surgery).
    • You will not feel pain, nurses will constantly administer pain relief.

    But there are more serious risk groups for the consequences:

    Elderly people with long-term operations are at risk of serious consequences.

    After anesthesia, they can get a heart attack, amnesia (memory loss), stroke, and even pneumonia.

    Of course, it is good that now you can have an operation, recover, if not for the consequences after it. They are.

    Consequences are early, and appear later.

    Early consequences are immediately visible, the person does not get out of the state of anesthesia, a cerebral coma occurs.

    The effects appear after a few days or weeks:

    • Severe headache that is difficult to relieve with analgesics. Often they have to be removed with drugs.
    • Sleep apnea - people stop breathing for a short period of time during sleep.
    • The blood pressure rises.
    • may last up to a day.
    • There are panic attacks, fear that interferes with normal life. The person does not understand where it comes from, what to do.
    • Cramps in the legs, calves, bringing incredible suffering to the patient due to their frequent occurrence.
    • The heart suffers, malfunctions appear in its work, the pulse is frequent with.
    • The kidneys and liver, the organs of purification of our body, suffer. Whatever the drugs for anesthesia, but in order for a person to feel nothing, an incredibly huge dose of them is needed. Naturally, in order to cleanse everything, healthy organs are needed.
    • Sometimes alcoholism develops.
    • body.

    Help yourself after surgery :

    It is very good to drink courses:

    • Piracetam, cavinton (improve blood circulation and brain nutrition). Memory will recover faster, headaches will pass.
    • Go through the ECG (electrocardiogram) again, see what is happening with your heart after the operation.
    • Donate blood, go with the results to the therapist. Don't waste time.
    • Avoid anesthesia anytime, anywhere. Treat your teeth under local anesthesia.

    Sometimes life and health force us to take extreme measures in the methods of recovery - to perform an operation, undergo anesthesia and crawl out after general anesthesia, get rid of the consequences after general anesthesia.

    It's life, everything happens in it. Fewer such episodes in your life. Health and longevity!

    I always look forward to seeing you on my site.

    Watch the video, allergies and anesthesia:

    Major surgeries are usually performed under general anesthesia. The consequences of anesthesia in each individual patient manifest themselves in different ways. It all depends on age, hormonal levels, the presence of chronic diseases and other factors. How long does it take to recover from anesthesia? Find out in this article.

    How long does anesthesia last?

    When the effect of anesthesia ends, the person comes to his senses. Everyone has it in their own way. The duration of the period of recovery of all body functions after strong anesthesia depends on the specific circumstances. Some people can recover from anesthesia in a few minutes, while others will take much longer.

    If the operation was simple and successful, the doctor wakes up the patient immediately after the end of all medical procedures. In this case, the patient will feel quite acceptable after 5-6 hours.

    If desired, you can drink a little liquid broth, which will help restore strength.

    When the anesthesia wears off, the person feels a sharp pain in the injured organ. These symptoms should be reported to your doctor immediately.

    If the operation lasted more than 3 hours, the patient will recover from general anesthesia within 1-3 days. In this case, everything will depend on the type of anesthetic used. The exact timing can only be indicated by the anesthesiologist who prescribed anesthesia, having studied the medical history.

    How to quickly recover from anesthesia?

    The process of withdrawal from anesthesia is accompanied by extremely unpleasant symptoms - nausea, vomiting, headache. To help your body recover as quickly as possible, use the following tips:

    • A starvation diet will significantly reduce or completely eliminate nausea and vomiting. Doctors 2-3 days before surgery recommend limiting yourself to liquid broths and a small amount of purified water. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe antiemetics.
    • Prolonged anesthesia disrupts the natural system of thermoregulation in the patient's body. As a result, you feel a strong tremor that is difficult to control. To quickly recover, just cover yourself with a warm blanket.
    • Analgesics can help relieve severe headaches.

    After all unpleasant symptoms have completely disappeared, you need to drink as much liquid as possible. Water will help to quickly remove drugs from the body. The patient must coordinate all his actions with the attending physician.

    How to remove drugs from the body?

    In medicine, there is a special term for this - detoxification.

    It is based on two keywords "de" and "toxins". Toxins are harmful substances that, when they enter the human body, harm it. If there are too many toxins in the body, and they exceed the allowable rate, the body dies, and detoxification will no longer help.


    A method that is used to remove drugs and toxic substances from the body by physical, biological or chemical means. The most effective method is the one that uses natural biological elements.

    Even if a person has recovered and stopped using drugs, having accumulated in excess in the body and in fatty tissues, they continue to have a toxic effect - they slow down development processes, change a person's attitude to life and the world around them. The detoxification process takes 2 to 3 weeks (depending on the severity of the disease). The process of detoxification consists in the use of vitamins, minerals, active sports, swimming, cycling.

    You need to drink a lot and take drugs that promote frequent urination. You need to drink mineral water in large quantities (up to 3 liters per day), strong tea (green is best, it removes toxins from the body well), coffee is also allowed, but without caffeine (as it can enhance the effects of drugs). It is necessary to carry out gastric lavage, but only if the drugs were taken orally. If the drug was introduced into the blood, then it is necessary to purify the blood with special devices that are in any hospital.

    Symptoms accompanying detox

    · irritability;

    · dizziness;

    · weakness;

    severe fatigue;

    · nausea;

    · temperature rise;

    · runny nose;

    liquid stool;

    · headache;

    · insomnia;

    Rash all over body

    · stomach ache.

    Detoxification in children is carried out in extreme cases and when absolutely necessary. Ultra-Rapid Opium Detoxification (UROD) is a fast way to remove toxic substances and drugs from the body. After such a procedure, the patient begins to break, which is carried out under the influence of general anesthesia.

    It is worth adhering to a special diet and proper diet during the period of cleansing the body of drugs.

    The diet lasts from 7 to 10 days, during this period it is necessary to include more fresh vegetables and herbs in the diet (especially tomatoes, carrots, beets, cabbage), dairy products (kefir, curdled milk, yogurts), boiled meat (chicken), liver, legumes. Do not forget about dried apricots, dates and raisins.

    Completely exclude coffee, dark chocolate, cocoa, alcohol from the diet. Use flour products as little as possible, except for black rye bread. It is necessary to exclude fried foods, carbonated and sweet water. Drink as much mineral water as possible (up to 2 liters per day, green tea).

    The main goal of such a diet is to first cleanse the body, and then saturate it with useful vitamins and minerals.

    The first 2-3 days you need to eat whole grain cereals in the form of buckwheat, rice, pearl barley and oatmeal in combination with vegetables.

    For the next 3 days, include dairy products in your diet. For the last three days, eat boiled meat.

    1. Breakfast (first three days): oatmeal, fresh salad, green tea, fruit.

    2. Lunch: soup (pickle), boiled fish, vegetables, fruits, juice.

    3. Snack: fruit salad.

    4. Dinner: rice casserole, baked apples with honey, herbal tea with mint leaves, St. John's wort, lingonberries.

    · Breakfast (three following days): milk porridge, fruits, tea.

    · Lunch: vegetable soup, asparagus, cheese casserole, juice or tea.

    · Snack: yogurt, fruit salad.

    · Dinner: buckwheat porridge, scrambled eggs, vegetables, yogurt.

    1. Breakfast: (last three days) oatmeal, scrambled eggs, yogurt, fruit.

    2. Lunch: soup, boiled meat, vegetable salad.

    3. Snack: yogurt, dried apricots.

    4. Dinner: rice, meat, fresh vegetables, kefir.

    You need to drink plenty of water without gas - to flush out toxins from the body. Every day, at least half an hour before breakfast, you need to drink a glass of water with lemon juice.

    In the process of detoxification, the body is enriched with minerals and vitamins. In addition, juices and herbal decoctions will contribute to the suppression of infected microflora in the digestive system and the growth of beneficial ones. There are such ways to cleanse the body of drugs:

    Forced diuresis technique

    This method allows you to remove the drug from the body on your own, without the help of specialists. In the process, it is necessary to consume a fairly large volume of liquid inside in combination with diuretics. As a result, due to the acceleration of filtration in the kidneys, both the drug itself and the products of its metabolism are excreted from the body. Simply put, the narcotic substance is excreted in the urine.


    This is a cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract. Of course, this method works for drugs used orally. The method consists in washing the stomach in the usual way - inducing vomiting. For this, the patient is given an enterosorbent. The action of such drugs is that, moving along the gastrointestinal tract, it collects the remnants of drugs. These drugs include activated charcoal.

    It implies the removal of drug residues, as well as metabolites from the digestive system. Of course, this method of clearing the body of amphetamines makes sense when the drug is taken orally. With this method, the stomach is washed with a tubeless method and a medical preparation is used - an enterosorbent.

    The action of this drug is that, passing through the stomach and intestines, it absorbs (collects or absorbs into itself) the remnants of the drug and its metabolic products. The enterosorbent is the well-known activated carbon, but it is not suitable for the removal of narcotic substances. The most effective are ligandins.

    This method is ineffective, since it does not affect the drug that has already entered the bloodstream. It can only weaken the poisoning or deceive the rapid drug test. Some food products (milk) also partially remove drugs from the body.

    Efferent Methods

    These methods involve blood purification using special devices: hemosorption, hemodialysis, plasmapheresis. The methods of hemodialysis and hemosorption involve the extraction of blood from the body, its subsequent purification from narcotic substances and toxins, and its immediate return.

    Hemodialysis and hemosorption.

    The essence of this treatment is to wash the blood. Those. blood is taken out of the body, cleaned and returned back.


    When using this method, all plasma is removed from the victim's blood and replaced with saline solutions.

    These methods are very effective, but very expensive and complicated. Usually they are used only when there is a real risk to the addict's life.

    When using the plasmapheresis technique, the liquid part of the blood (plasma) is removed from the body and replaced with certain saline solutions. Such methods are very expensive, complex, require specially trained personnel and equipment, and also have a huge number of side effects. However, efferent methods are the most effective! That is why they are used even in life-threatening overdoses. It is very difficult to remove drugs from the body, and this requires effort, patience and a long time.

    Most of the drugs are excreted on their own, without any intervention, in just a few days. Rapid tests designed to determine the drug in urine, blood or saliva will show a positive result in up to a week. Read also Recovery of the body after giving up alcohol Recovery of the body after childbirth Recovery of the body after smoking Drug tests How to remove toxins from the body

    There are also very subtle testing methods that can detect the drug in the hair or blood for up to a month and a half. When amphetamine is removed from the body in order to eliminate addiction, a significant amount of the drug is eliminated by itself, and the resulting disturbances of well-being are amenable to medical correction. However, the tests remain positive.

    In very severe and advanced cases, anesthesia is used to help a person. Anesthesia is a state of loss of consciousness, which is caused artificially, and is used in surgery to relieve the patient of the suffering associated with the sensation of physical pain. The anesthesiologist chooses the type of anesthesia based on the individual characteristics of the operated patient, the choice depends on his physical condition, on what kind of operation is to be performed. In order to perform the same operation on different people, different types of anesthesia can be applied to them.

    After anesthesia, some symptoms and conditions may occur:

    memory disorders

    sleep disorders

    · headache


    Hearing and speech disorders

    Recovery of the body after anesthesia

    Conducting any anesthesia, even lasting only a few minutes, requires subsequent recovery. In the case of a short local anesthesia, and in the absence of serious complications, after a short rest and examination, the patient can go home.

    After general or regional anesthesia, the patient requires recovery in a hospital ward. The time required for the body to recover depends on the type, method and duration of administration of the drug. The less time the patient was under the influence of anesthesia, the less time the process of recovery and removal of drugs from the body will take.

    After anesthesia, the body needs a certain amount of time to fully recover. The rate of recovery of the patient's body after anesthesia will depend on many factors. These are the duration and traumatism of the operation, the type of anesthesia, the individual characteristics of the organism, the patient's initial state of health, and his gender.

    As a rule, the first minutes after anesthesia, the patient feels a sharp lethargy, lethargy, disorientation in space, viscosity in thinking. It is very difficult for the patient to concentrate, to correctly formulate his phrases and sentences. Over time, all these sensations weaken, and consciousness becomes clearer and clearer.

    Some effects of anesthesia may persist for several hours after anesthesia. So, there may be a feeling of weakness in all muscles, certain difficulties in performing coordinated movements. After spinal anesthesia, during the first hours after anesthesia, there may be a sharp weakness, numbness.

    Of the other effects of anesthesia that are common after anesthesia, patients note:

    Pain that occurs after anesthesia pain can cause severe anxiety and agitation of the patient, as well as lead to an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.

    Nausea and vomiting. It is nausea and vomiting that are very common phenomena that occur after any type of anesthesia. If a person feels nausea, then you should not drink water, and, moreover, do not eat, as this will only increase the discomfort. In most cases, nausea and vomiting after anesthesia does not last long and is well treated with drugs called antiemetics, such as metoclopramide.

    Trembling during general anesthesia occurs when there is a malfunction of the mechanisms responsible for maintaining a constant body temperature. Therefore, after anesthesia, the patient may feel chills, the main cause of which is the cooling of the body.


    After anesthesia, the patient must certainly adhere to a diet and some rules.

    The first 12 hours after the operation, only drinking is allowed.

    Meals should be started with semi-liquid, pureed or pureed light soups, liquid cereals, juices, low-fat natural yoghurts.

    You need to introduce new foods into the diet very gradually - no more than 2 items per day.

    Meals per day (for the first two days after surgery) should be at least five. Serving size - 150-200 grams. Water, juices, rosehip decoction or herbal (as prescribed by the doctor) teas - in the amount indicated by the doctor. It is impossible to increase the volume of daily fluid so as not to provoke the occurrence of tissue edema.

    When the stage of possible complications has already been completed, you can switch to a therapeutic diet that is suitable for you.

    The rehabilitation period requires special care, so it is necessary to exclude heavy foods from the diet - mushrooms, nuts in large quantities, seeds that tend to clog the stomach and impede the digestion process, fatty meat, lard, fish, seafood.

    From vegetables - corn, legumes, cabbage and other vegetables that contribute to increased gas formation, from fruits and berries (during operations on the stomach and intestines) - citrus fruits and those that have a sour taste.

    The basis of the diet menu includes cereals, vegetable, dairy, light chicken broths and soups, cereals, all dairy products, biscuits, bread (in limited quantities) with a thin layer of butter. Vegetables and fruits, berries are allowed.

    Any diet after surgery requires the exclusion from the diet of alcohol, coffee, cocoa, a large amount of chocolate (only 50 grams per week is possible), fried foods, canned food, smoked and salty delicacies, confectionery and other products that contain artificial additives.

    Take care of yourself, take care of your health, because life is given to a person only once, do not tame it in advance, but enjoy every minute that life gives!

    There is no need to argue about the dangers and consequences of drug addiction. If a person was able to get rid of such a strong addiction, he can only wish good luck. However, drugs have a detrimental effect on many body systems, so it is important to make sure that all harmful substances come out.

    Anesthesia is a general anesthesia of the body, which is accompanied by drug sleep. Its purpose is to relieve the patient of pain during surgery. Proper preparation for will help to easily bring the patient out of this state.

    Before the operation, the patient is often overcome by fears: will he wake up after the operation, what will they be, and how will it affect his future life? Therefore, the doctor needs not only to choose the right effective and safe anesthesia, but also to prepare the person psychologically. The patient's recovery from anesthesia requires special attention, because at this stage, the restoration of all vital processes begins.

    For patients with an unstable nervous system, sedatives are prescribed a day before surgery.

    How long does it take to get out of anesthesia?

    The release of decay products of painkillers can be forced with the help of enhanced therapy, diuretics, antidotes and stimulants. However, it would be more correct to wait and observe for a while until the body processes the medicine on its own.

    Postoperative patients, as a rule, are in a state of half-asleep, since the effect of the painkillers used lasts 1.5-4 hours. Based on the indicators of the patient's condition, it is possible to determine how long the drugs will be removed from his body. Recovery from anesthesia and awakening proceed smoothly if there is no postoperative pain, so the patient should be fairly well anesthetized.

    During the recovery from anesthesia, reflexes in patients are restored gradually, so for some time they may be inadequate.

    Prevention of anesthesia complications

    Immediately after the completion of the operation, the patient may experience headaches and hallucinations, which disappear in the next few hours after anesthesia. Vomiting is one of the most common consequences of anesthesia, which can be prevented by abstaining from food and drink during the first 2-3 hours.

    For the prevention of thromboembolic complications and bedsores, the patient is recommended to move more, turning from side to side. Too long a patient's stay under anesthesia is fraught with memory impairment. To avoid this, you need to drink at least 2.5 liters of water daily for 7-10 days. This will speed up the cleansing of the body from painkillers and reduce their negative effect.

    The main purpose of anesthesia is to inhibit a person's reactions to surgical trauma. This is not only medical sleep, but also pain relief, and muscle relaxation or muscle relaxation. Awakening after anesthesia is no less important stage, because. at this time, the processes of vital activity are gradually restored in patients. Patients may be inadequate for some time after anesthesia. To prevent complications of anesthesia, anesthesiologists monitor the patient after the operation is completed.


    Remember that the exit time is at least 1.5-2 hours, while anesthetic drugs are in effect, this time you should be under the supervision of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator in the intensive care unit. You may feel pain in the area of ​​​​the postoperative wound, accompanied by nausea, and the mode of wakefulness and sleep may be disturbed. For the prevention of aspiration, you should lie on your side or on your back for some time with your head turned to the side.

    Remember that early activation prevents thromboembolic complications, soft tissue bedsores. You should try to start moving as early as possible, turn on your side, sit down in bed, get out of it. Hypostatic pneumonia is also prevented by physical activity and vibration massage.

    Please note that the first 2-3 hours after anesthesia you can neither drink nor eat. You can only drink water or unsweetened juice. And take food only the next day to avoid vomiting and additional problems with indigestion. If you feel an attack of vomiting, try to turn on your side, and after it be sure to rinse your mouth.

    An obligatory component of the early postoperative period is analgesic therapy. They are prescribed only by the attending surgeon. Remember that all these drugs have many side effects, and a number of them form mental and physical dependence. Therefore, they should not be abused.

    Lastly, don't insist on general anesthesia if your doctor thinks you can do with local anesthesia. The best anesthesia in the world is the one that has been avoided.

    To lose weight, some try different diets, others do different exercises, others listen to the advice of friends and acquaintances. But without a properly chosen method, a person will not be able to achieve any results.

    How can you choose the right weight loss method?

    All methods for weight loss are good, but without a systematic approach and the opinions of experts, some methods may not suit you or even harm your health very much.

    Eye injury is a very rare complication that may occur due to incomplete closure of the palpebral fissure. Death during surgery in a healthy person is unlikely, such cases are less than 1 in 100,000 operations. Anaphylactic shock occurs in 1 case out of 15,000 and only in 1 case out of 20 causes the death of the patient. The main cause of complications in the postoperative period is the negligent attitude of the patient to the preparatory stage or the concealment of certain facts from the doctor. Feeling embarrassed to talk about untreated carious teeth or the presence of implants, you can miss the teeth after the operation, a hearty dinner the day before is fraught with vomiting, smoking for several months before the operation will result in bronchitis and tonsillitis. Modern anesthetic drugs act gently, without causing serious complications.


    With general anesthesia, complications associated with a decrease in blood pressure and impaired innervation are less common, while with spinal anesthesia, sore throats, bronchitis, and sore throat are less common.

    The patient is carefully prepared for a planned operation, and, accordingly, complications can be avoided. In emergency operations, complications, especially frequent ones, are almost always observed.

    Anesthesia is an unconscious state of a person, caused artificially in order to turn off currently undesirable functions of the body. But the unconscious state is only one part of the effects of anesthesia. Its other task is to prevent the body from automatically reacting to pain. The autonomic nervous system is responsible for them, and it cannot be controlled by consciousness and works even in its absence.

    And the last goal of anesthesia is to relax the muscle tissue in order to provide full access to the problem area and create favorable conditions for the surgeon to work. The management of anesthesia is a difficult job, since the doctor can never predict what the reaction of a particular organism will be to certain substances. But getting out of general anesthesia is no less a crucial moment. It is fraught with many dangers to the health, and sometimes the life of the patient.

    Please note that the term "anesthesia" implies that the patient is in an unconscious state, therefore it is referred only to general anesthesia. If anesthesia is achieved on a specific part of the body, while the patient retains the ability to perceive the world around him, then it is incorrect to use the term "local anesthesia" here, since this is local anesthesia.

    What is anesthesia

    Narcosis is characterized by many parameters: by the strongly active substance used and the way it enters the body, by duration and depth, by the purpose of use. Each of these groups has its own tasks, its own characteristics and advantages, as well as its own dangers, so:

    Local anesthesia- designed to turn off sensitivity in specific areas of the body. And it is achieved due to the drug effect on certain parts of the nerves, which ensures the loss of sensitivity of the tissues innervated by them. At the same time, the patient maintains a clear consciousness, as well as respiratory activity. This type of anesthesia is used for patients with severe comorbidities or in cases where the patient must be conscious. It does not have a general effect on the body, so removing it from it is difficult and its consequences are minimal. The main disadvantage of such anesthesia is that the technique of its implementation is rather complicated and requires experienced specialists to perform it.

    Inhalation anesthesia- achieved by inhalation of anesthetic drugs, through a special mask. For it, special "volatile" liquid substances are used, which include anesthetics of an inhalation nature and gas-like narcotic substances. Among them are nitrous oxide, halothane, methoxyflurane, cyclopropane.

    In its pure form, this method is used only in pediatrics, and for adult patients, mainly as one of the components of complex anesthesia. It is quite simple to use, has no serious side effects, is inactivated in the liver and is easily excreted from the body. That is why he is preferred in pediatric practice.

    A very significant point is that the surgeon has the ability to freely control anesthesia during the operation. This is especially important when the patient has concomitant pathology of the circulatory and respiratory system.

    Non-inhalation anesthesia- implies the introduction of anesthetic drugs by one of the parenteral methods (intramuscularly, intravenously, rectally). Its advantages are that it is technically simple, passes without a period of excitement, has a good relaxing effect, and its action quickly sets in. The disadvantage of this method of anesthesia can be considered that its action is short-term, which makes it impossible to use it for long-term operations. Its scope is many diagnostic procedures, or minor surgical interventions. Recovery from anesthesia of this type is simple and lasts no more than one to two hours.

    Combined anesthesia is an anesthesia of one type, which can be administered in various ways, sequentially or simultaneously. Its most popular type is neuroleptanalgesia, when a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen, fentanyl, droperidol and muscle relaxants are used simultaneously. In this case, medications are administered intravenously, and to prolong their effect, the patient receives an inhalation mask. This method is characterized by the greatest safety, with a minimum number of deaths in the operating room due to anesthesia.

    Combined anesthesia, unlike the combined one, is characterized by the use of various types of anesthesia (general + local). It is also widely used in today's surgery, especially in cases where a complex intervention is planned, and there is a risk that the effect of local anesthesia will be insufficient.

    Endotracheal anesthesia- is performed by inserting a special tube into the patient's trachea, which will conduct a narcotic substance. This method allows you to keep the patient's airways open even in an unconscious state, which makes it possible to reduce the risk of possible complications, and, if necessary, to remove blood and vomit from the lumen of the respiratory system.

    Step by step general anesthesia

    Getting into the human body, narcotic substances affect the work of all systems and organs. At each of the four stages of anesthesia, these changes vary.

    1. Analgesia - when anesthetic substances enter the body
    2. Excitation - characterized by short-term activation of all systems, followed by prolonged relaxation.
    3. Surgical intervention is the time of the operation, when the work of the internal organs is maintained at the required stable level.
    4. Awakening - when consciousness returns and sensitivity is restored.

    How does a person come out of a state of general anesthesia?

    The moment of removing the patient from the state of general anesthesia should be considered the most responsible, when the anesthesiologist should focus on the patient and his condition. How long does it last? From the moment the anesthetic is stopped, the patient begins to come out of anesthesia. How long it will last depends on several factors:

    • The duration of the surgical intervention (the longer the operation took, the longer the recovery from anesthesia will be)
    • The dose of the received anesthetic (in addition to the duration of the operation, it is affected by the weight of the patient and his sensitivity to the drug)
    • Health status. Exhausted by the disease, people with many comorbidities are more difficult to recover.
    • The age of the patient. At a young age, general anesthesia is easier to tolerate than in the elderly.

    At this point, sensitivity and consciousness gradually return to the patient. At the first stage, muscle tone and their reflex reactions are restored, later the nervous system enters an excited state, this is noticeable by incoherent speech and motor restlessness present. Only after this is consciousness fully restored, then the patient awakens. At the first moment, he is lethargic and inhibited, cannot navigate in space, speaks and expresses emotions with difficulty.

    At this point, the anesthesiologist performs a series of tests to give a correct assessment of the degree of restoration of breathing. Only after making sure of a stable positive result, the patient is allowed to be extubated and transported to the ward.

    What can a person feel when coming out of general anesthesia?

    Until the narcotic drugs are finally removed from the patient's body, he will feel their effect on himself. On average, this process takes about four hours. When anesthetics are removed from the body, sensitivity to pain returns, so the first day after the operation, or even two (depending on the degree of complexity of the surgical intervention), the patient is given strong painkillers, sometimes tranquilizers, according to the schedule, this makes the patient lethargic and inhibited. Usually, infusion administration of medications continues at this time.

    The first hours after the end of the operation, the patient is forbidden to drink, you can only wet your lips or rinse your mouth. After 3-6-10 hours, water is allowed to drink, starting with a few sips, gradually this dose increases and after a day or two reaches the usual volume.

    On the first day, the patient may complain:

    1. For dizziness and headache. It is associated with the action of anesthetic drugs on the central nervous system. In addition, drugs used to suppress pain can lower blood pressure, which is manifested by dizziness of varying degrees of intensity. Another cause of headaches is the use of epidural anesthesia, but after a few hours it passes.
    2. Pain in the throat when swallowing and breathing. These phenomena can be caused by trauma to the pharyngeal mucosa during intubation. As a rule, it takes two to three days to recover.
    3. For nausea and vomiting. These are the most common complaints when recovering from anesthesia, they directly depend on the type of drug used. In order to prevent such a condition, you need to take your time to drink water, and if this happens, then there are medications that can cope with this problem. You just need to ask the nurse to make an injection.
    4. For chills. Very often, patients after coming to their senses complain of trembling, this is a consequence of a disorder in thermoregulation. To normalize the condition, it is enough to cover the patient warmer, cover him with warm heating pads.

    How to remove anesthesia from the body after surgery quickly?

    There are several possibilities for this. Firstly, toxic substances will be eliminated faster if drugs that speed up metabolism are used. Secondly, the sooner the patient begins to lead an active lifestyle, the sooner the effects of the introduction of general anesthetics will disappear. Thirdly, plentiful drinking, better vitamin (broth of wild rose, sea buckthorn, compotes), and frequent airing contribute to a speedy recovery. Fourth, anesthesia will come out faster if you give up nicotine and alcohol. Since they cause vasospasm, due to which all metabolic processes slow down. In addition, alcohol has a destructive effect on the liver, and for the full removal of the remnants of potent substances, the function of this organ should not be impaired. For the same reason, after a major operation, preventive courses of hepatoprotective drug therapy and maintenance of kidney function should be carried out.

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