Note bank Dmitry Erokhin sentence. The Nota Bank accountant testified against Zakharchenko. Nota-Bank opened a number of new offices

As Life learned, the information received from the financial director of Nota Bank, Galina Marchukova, helped the investigation to collect the evidence necessary for the investigation of the illegal activities of the acting head of Directorate “T” of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko.

The operatives investigating the criminal case of theft at Nota Bank, listening to operational materials - recordings of telephone conversations of Galina Marchukova, which she conducted from 2015 to her arrest (August 2016), - began to check the banker's interlocutors. That’s when they contacted Dmitry Zakharchenko, a colonel from Directorate “T” of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Thanks to the painstaking work of sifting through Marchukova’s subscribers, Colonel Zakharchenko also got into the network, says a Life source familiar with the investigation. According to him, Marchukova and Zakharchenko knew each other well.

According to Life, investigators allegedly offered Galina Marchukova a deal, knowing about her poor health: the woman underwent surgery shortly before her arrest in August 2016, and in the pre-trial detention center her health began to deteriorate.

For Galina Marchukova's revelations, investigators promised to change the preventive measure from arrest to a written undertaking not to leave the place or house arrest. This conversation took place in early September in the pre-trial detention center where Marchukova has been held since August 15, 2016.

On the evening of September 8, 2016, Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko was detained by officers of Directorate “M” of the FSB of the Russian Federation, and the next day, September 9, the Presnensky Court arrested him on charges of taking a bribe, abuse of power and obstruction of justice and the conduct of a preliminary investigation. However, speaking in court, the colonel categorically rejected all the accusations of the investigation and asked to leave him free, citing the fact that he has two young children dependent on him. Nevertheless, the court sent the policeman under arrest for two months.

Three days later, on September 12, 2016, another Moscow district court, Tverskoy, considered the investigation’s request to extend Galina Marchukova’s arrest for two months.

Listening to the verdict of Judge Alexander Merkulov to extend the arrest for two months, Marchukova was very upset that she would have to spend the next two months in a cell in the capital’s pre-trial detention center No. 6, says Life’s source.

The deal apparently fell through. Either the investigators considered Marchukova’s testimony about Dmitry Zakharchenko insufficient, or they were confident that she would be safer in the cell, says Life’s source.

Representatives of the investigation and Galina Marchukova refused to officially confirm the information about the alleged testimony against Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko to Life, citing the secrecy of the investigation.

According to law enforcement agencies, Marchukova participated in the theft of 26 billion rubles from Nota Bank together with the leaders of the credit institution - brothers Dmitry and Vadim Erokhin. The entire trio was detained in August 2016 on charges of theft. The credit institution was deprived of its license by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in November 2015.

During searches at the apartment belonging to the sister of police colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko, in his office and in his car, investigators found about 9 billion rubles (in dollars, euros and rubles).

In addition, according to media reports, the FSB obtained documents about the accounts of offshore companies registered in the name of 53-year-old Viktor Zakharchenko, the father of Dmitry Zakharchenko, in whose six accounts, mainly in Rothschild Bank and the Geneva branch of Dresdner Bank, a total of about 300 million euros was found . According to Dmitry Zakharchenko’s defender, Yuri Novikov, no investigative actions were carried out on this fact and they know nothing about any accounts.

In relation to the former financial director of Nota Bank Galina Marchukova and her sister Larisa. They are charged with theft of 350 million rubles of bank funds. As part of a parallel high-profile case against ex-Colonel Zakharchenko, Marchukova testified against him.

In the final version, charges were brought against Galina and Larisa Marchukov, their friend, fortune teller Nona Mikhai, as well as the former co-owner of the bank Dmitry Erokhin. All are charged with theft of 350 million rubles as part of a group of persons.

During the investigation, it was established that the defendants, acting by prior conspiracy, committed the theft of 350 million rubles from Nota Bank. To do this, they attracted Pharmster LLC (an organization specializing in the supply of medical equipment) as a client of the bank, represented by General Director Tarlykov, who was not aware of the criminal plans of his accomplices.

The suspects convinced Tarlykov to get a loan of 350 million rubles from their bank on preferential terms for the profitable purchase of equipment from a certain company called Elite Project LLC. Tarlykov agreed, received the money into his account and on the same day transferred the funds to the Elite Project account. However, Elite Project turned out to be a shell company, which actually belonged to the accused. The stolen funds were jointly divided among the participants in the criminal scheme, and Tarlykov was left with a debt of 350 million rubles.

While the parallel case of ex-Colonel Zakharchenko was going on, it became known that he was in close friendly relations with Galina and Lyudmila Marchukova. A “wiretap” was installed behind them, which brought results. In particular, operatives recorded several conversations between Lyudmila Marchukova and fortune teller Nona Mikhai. The latter communicated closely with the bank’s management, a number of its clients and large businessmen. According to investigators, she also took part in the theft of funds from Nota Bank. Lyudmila directly told them on the phone that “Dimka” was telling them about all the upcoming events of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Marchukova also conveyed information to Mihai “from Dimka” concerning a number of businessmen familiar with the fortune teller.

Later, on December 25, 2015, employees recorded how Zakharchenko at 21:20 near house 10 building 1 on Malaya Bronnaya Street personally received a bribe of 7 million rubles from Anatoly Pshegornitsky. A Rosbalt source claims that Pshegornitsky is also familiar with Lyudmila Marchukova.

Thus, Zakharchenko received about 30 million rubles in monetary compensation from persons associated with Nota Bank. For this money, Zakharchenko provided bank representatives with “cover” for their illegal activities.

However, it was not possible to provide protection for those accused of fraud for a long time. In June 2016, a case of grand theft was opened against the bank's top managers. The bank's management, including Galina and Lyudmila Merchukov, were taken into custody.

Against Zakharchenko it continued. Soon the circumstances of receiving bribes were clarified, and he also went to jail. During the investigation, Pshegornitsky and the Marchukov sisters gave evidence against him.

Another case of abuse at Nota Bank is being investigated.

As Kommersant learned, the metropolitan police are investigating another criminal case of attempted large-scale theft from Nota Bank, which collapsed three years ago. According to investigators, immediately before the introduction of temporary administration at the credit institution, more than 800 million rubles were withdrawn from it, and then they tried to steal this amount from the bank's bankruptcy estate under the guise of insurance compensation. While there are no accused in the investigation materials, meanwhile, this is already the sixth case of abuse at Nota Bank, and one of them, against the former leaders of the credit institution, brothers Dmitry and Vadim Erokhin, is already being heard in court. Former bank employees believe that the new case involves ordinary arbitration proceedings, but not a criminal offense.

According to Kommersant, the appellate instance of the Moscow City Court recently upheld the decision of the capital’s Babushkinsky Court, which had previously seized several accounts in Nota Bank belonging to five individuals for a total amount of almost 820 million rubles. According to Kommersant's sources, investigators from the Internal Affairs Directorate for the North-Eastern Administrative District of the capital's police headquarters filed a corresponding petition, as well as a request to prohibit the payment of money from the bankruptcy estate of a bankrupt bank to the Deposit Insurance Agency. Back in May of this year, they opened a criminal case for attempted major fraud (Article 30 and Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). For now, it is being investigated against “unidentified persons” for “the fact of attempted theft by deception of funds from the bankruptcy estate” of Nota Bank. According to investigators, the “subject of a criminal attack” was the amount of insurance compensation on bank deposits of five individuals - four men and one woman. The investigation materials include a total amount of almost 820 million rubles. The main part of it consists of the funds of a famous businessman, former owner of Sotsinvestbank Sergei Tabolin - his share accounts for more than 517 million rubles.

As investigators established, just a few hours before the introduction of a temporary administration at Nota Bank on October 13, 2015, by decision of the Central Bank of Russia, these five citizens entered into a loan agreement with one of the debtors of the credit institution - Pugovichino-5 LLC, registered in Vidnoye near Moscow. According to open data, this company was engaged in the sale and purchase of land, although several dozen other types of activities were listed as additional, including the wholesale and retail sale of fruits and shoes. A few hours after the conclusion of the loan agreement, Pugovichino-5 repaid its debt to the bank, the encumbrance was removed from its collateral real estate, and the property itself, according to the investigation, was “sold, and the funds were returned to the borrowers” ​​- the same Mr. Tabolin and to others. “Despite these circumstances, these persons applied for the inclusion of their claims in the amount of deposit amounts until they were transferred on October 12, 2015 as a loan to the register of first-priority bank creditors in order to re-receive funds from the bankruptcy estate of Nota Bank,” - says the investigation materials. However, there are no accused in the case yet. “Unidentified persons” appear there as alleged criminals.

The lawyer of one of the lenders of Pugovichino-5, Alexander Samodaikin, told Kommersant that he is bound by attorney-client privilege and is not authorized to give comments without the permission of his clients, noting only that, in his opinion, “they are trying to transfer an ordinary civil dispute into a criminal case "

It should be noted that after the introduction of a temporary administration at Nota Bank and its subsequent bankruptcy at the end of April 2016, the bankruptcy trustee of the collapsed credit organization applied to the Moscow Arbitration Court with a statement to invalidate the transaction to repay the debt of Pugovichino-5 to Nota Bank . During lengthy proceedings in arbitration, the repayment was nevertheless recognized as fictitious, and the debt to Nota Bank was restored in the amount of more than 705.5 million rubles. It is also interesting that the arbitration courts also considered the case of another transaction, which also concerned the beginning of October 2015. Then some individuals tried to transfer from one account to another amounts from 506 million to 740 million rubles. to achieve in the future, when repaying debts, their transfer from among the creditors of the third priority to the first. However, the bankruptcy trustee's claims have so far been denied. In addition, according to the Moscow Arbitration Court, it found that since October 5, 2015, all intrabank transactions in Nota Bank “were of a formal nature” and were “exclusively technical entries in customer accounts” made in the conditions of its “insolvency” . Thus, the court considered that all of them were not “real cash flows.”

It is worth noting that, according to some reports, another criminal case against unidentified persons for attempting to steal funds from Nota Bank has become the sixth. The main investigation is being conducted by the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on a number of episodes of alleged theft of funds from a credit institution under articles of especially large-scale fraud and especially large-scale embezzlement (Part 4 of Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). One of the criminal cases, as Kommersant said, has been being considered on its merits since May of this year in the Ostankino District Court of the capital. The accused are former managers and co-owners of Nota Bank Dmitry and Vadim Erokhin. They and their alleged accomplice, fortune teller Nona Mihai, are accused of stealing more than 2.1 billion rubles. from Nota Bank and one of its clients - PJSC Mostotrest. The banker brothers, who are in custody, categorically deny their guilt, while the fortune teller who advised them and the bank's clients confessed everything and is awaiting a verdict under house arrest.

It should be noted that the investigation into the alleged embezzlement at the bank was accompanied by a number of scandals that led to the initiation of new criminal cases. Thus, the fortune teller’s lawyer Mihai came under investigation, who, according to law enforcement officers, tried, for a fee, to “resolve the issue” of her criminal prosecution. In addition, the case of the former financial director of Nota Bank Galina Marchukova and her sister Larisa is also being investigated separately. They, among other things, as it turned out, collaborated with the billionaire colonel from the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs Dmitry Zakharchenko, who notified them of the upcoming investigative actions against the credit institution.

As Forbes was able to find out, in addition to problems with liquidity, Nota Bank may soon be exposed to a massive issue of counterfeit bank guarantees on behalf of a credit institution. Several sources close to the bank spoke about this. On Tuesday, October 13, a temporary administration of the Central Bank was introduced at Nota Bank for a period of six months. The reason for this decision was “failure to satisfy the claims of creditors for monetary obligations.” At the same time, the Central Bank introduced a three-month moratorium on satisfying creditors' claims. This decision was made to ensure equality of creditors "in the context of bank insolvency."

Some dubious bank guarantees can be identified, for example, through the government procurement portal.

One of the sources close to Nota Bank claims that in the last few months, dubious bank guarantees have been entered into the government procurement register with the bank’s electronic signature, allegedly on behalf of Nota Bank employee Anton Yuryevich Konovalov and accepted. The fact that there is no such employee at Nota Bank was reported in the call center of the credit institution, and this was also confirmed by Nota Bank employee Andrey Shatalov, who deals with bank guarantees (he has been working at the bank for more than 10 years). In addition, the signatures of the Deputy General Director of the Nota Bank department, Elena Matyunina, in such guarantees differ when compared with reliable documents. Nevertheless, bank guarantees worth tens of billions of rubles were issued on the government procurement portal with Konovalov’s participation, and the last of them were entered into the systems at the beginning of this week.

Tertychny Law partner Ivan Tertychny says that if it is proven that the signature is fake, then the bank, at first glance, does not bear any obligations under the guarantee. “Although there may be nuances if, for example, this scheme with false guarantees was carried out by current bank employees and the client paid for the issuance of the guarantee not to an intermediary (which is most often found in such schemes), but directly to the bank,” says Ivan Tertychny.

Since the beginning of this week, legal entities - clients of Nota Bank - have been unable to receive and withdraw their funds from the correspondent account of the credit institution. As a source in the bank told Forbes, if there were 250 million rubles in the correspondent account, approximately 2.5 billion worth of payments were put up for withdrawal. The problems also affected individuals, for whom a limit of 10,000 rubles was set for cash withdrawals from ATMs and bank offices.

As a source close to the bank explains, the Central Bank’s decision not to revoke the license, but to introduce a temporary administration, is primarily due to the fact that the bank’s liabilities are formed by numerous state-owned enterprises in the defense, space and nuclear sectors.

A serious blow to the bank's liquidity was caused by the payment under the offer of the bank's bond issue, as well as the withdrawal of funds by enterprises associated with the brothers Arkady and Boris Rotenberg - Mostotrest and Transstroymekhanizatsiya. Also, part of the funds was withdrawn by FSUE ATEKS, which is part of the Federal Security Service (FSO). “A dozen clients accounted for about 50 billion rubles in liabilities, 20 billion were withdrawn by large clients over the past few months,” says a source close to the bank.

The Bank of Russia and Nota Bank did not comment on the situation.

“Witnesses fear physical harm” The Kurgan court arrested Dmitry Erokhin in the case of the death of a businessman near a nightclub

Dmitry Erokhin Nikita Telizhenko

Today, the Kurgan City Court, at the request of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the region, arrested Dmitry Erokhin for 2 months, who is accused of the death of businessman Igor Leonov near the Play Cafe nightclub, the site correspondent reports. The man was charged under Part 2 of Article 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Deliberate infliction of minor bodily harm”), paragraph “a” of Part 1 of Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Hooliganism”) and Part 4 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, negligently causing the death of the victim”).

As investigator for especially important cases Ivan Bezborodov said today in court, no other preventive measure can be chosen against Erokhin due to his systematic violations of the law and ongoing crimes. So, according to him, on April 7 of this year, he shot one of the visitors of the Eli Peli cafe with a traumatic pistol, in July 2018 he beat up his wife, and on October 25, the accused and a friend beat up two visitors to the Malibu cafe.

In the case of the death of Igor Leonov, during the preliminary investigation it was established that Erokhin hit the businessman with a knife, after which he shot the victim with an unidentified traumatic weapon. An examination of the cartridges found at the scene showed that the weapon from which the shots were fired was loaded by Erokhin himself.

During the preliminary investigation, a number of witnesses were questioned, in particular the director of Play Cafe LLC Skurikhin. The latter stated that he knew nothing about what happened. However, the detailed analysis of telephone conversations showed that Erokhin and Skurikhin maintain contact.

Confrontations with the victims also confirmed Erokhin’s involvement in the commission of crimes. However, some of the victims refused to participate in confrontations due to fears of physical violence from Erokhin, Bezborodov said.

Nikita Telizhenko

At the same time, Erokhin himself stated in court today that he used the weapon only in self-defense. “I believe that Article 111.4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, to put it mildly, is stretched on me, I did not shoot, but I began to fight back with a knife only after the young man began to jump on me,” he said.

The accused also noted that the conflict with his wife had already been resolved and she had no complaints against him. Speaking to himself, Dmitry Erokhin said that he works as a singer and is known in many establishments in Kurgan. With everyone around him, he says, he has friendly relations.

Erokhin also stated that he was detained by police 8 hours after Leonov’s death, when he was about to go to law enforcement agencies for a sincere confession, “but the police were faster.”

Nikita Telizhenko

Erokhin asked the court to choose a preventive measure for him in the form of house arrest.

Bastrykin and Chaika are asked to take control of the case of a fight in a Kurgan cafe, after which a businessman was killed

The body of Igor Leonov was discovered on the night of July 9 near house No. 128 on Sovetskaya Street, not far from the Play Cafe, with signs of violent death. According to the investigation version, announced on the eve of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee, after midnight on July 9, 2018, Dmitry Erokhin, while intoxicated, during a mutual fight with the victim, stabbed the latter in the left shin area with a knife. Hiding from the attack, the young man went to a neighboring yard, where Erokhin fired at least two shots from a firearm of limited destruction at the victim’s body. A short time later, the young man died from a wound to his left leg, complicated by heavy blood loss.

The crime received widespread attention only a month later, after it became known that the main suspect in the death, the businessman, was at large; he did not even have a written undertaking not to leave the place. Officially, the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Kurgan Region stated in this regard that the length of time in initiating a criminal case was due to the difficulties of classifying the crime.

As Ivan Bezborodov, investigator for particularly important cases of the regional Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, stated today on the website, he asks all victims at the hands of Dmitry Erokhin to report confidentially to the Investigative Committee about the crimes he committed.

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