Sobyanin's "entertainment" billions. Who does Sergei Sobyanin serve? Who is leaking dirt on Sobyanin

The high-profile Moscow renovation program ended with 400 billion rubles cut from unspent balances in the accounts of the capital government. There is nowhere to get money for the remaining 15 years of renovation.

The Moscow mayor openly stated that he is going back for another term. At the same time, he forgot to mention that the renovation program, which was promoted last year, will obviously be postponed. Why upset dear Muscovites?

Last week in Gorky Park to celebrate the birthday of the Active Citizen project Sergei Sobyanin announced his intention to participate in the mayoral elections. He explained his decision to run for re-election by saying that he “feels a huge responsibility for the unbuilt stations, subway lines, roads and interchanges”, as well as for ensuring that “our schools are the best in the world, healthcare is the best in the country and one of the best in the world".

Eight years for the best (as the Moscow official press chokes) mayor of the metropolis is certainly not enough. It will take another ten years to restore order in Moscow. The elections themselves will be scheduled between June 1 and 10, and no one has even a shadow of doubt about their outcome. But it is noteworthy that in his statements the gentleman carefully avoided the topic of large-scale renovation, which the entire Russian capital was buzzing about a year ago. Then spears were actively broken, rallies marched for and against her, social networks were seething. Now there is complete silence outside. Why is that?

But because Moscow officials, represented by Sergei Sobyanin and Marat Khusnullin, will smoothly release the topic of renovation until, in a couple of years, ordinary people and society as a whole will forget about it. What was the renovation like? The kingdom of freebies for certain categories of the Moscow population at the expense of the state budget. Which Khusnullin and his Tatarstan “brigade” planned to cut down.

Let us recall that by 2032, in 15 years, the Moscow Residential Development Renovation Fund - a municipal developer - must demolish 5,100 outdated houses, mostly Khrushchev-era buildings, and build up to 33 million square meters of housing. Of this, 18 million square meters will be used to resettle approximately 1.6 million people, while the remaining 15 million square meters will go on the market to recoup costs. Based on the cost of the program of 3 trillion rubles (about 50 billion dollars), the cost of one such “sales” meter was estimated at 140 thousand rubles. This is a lot, but this assessment is far from reality. After all, the cost of “sales meters” will also have to include the demolition of old “Khrushchev” buildings!

Therefore, already at the stage of this financial model it was clear that nothing other than stubborn drug addiction could be called “ the largest renovation program in the world“As Vice Mayor Marat Khusnullin assessed it, it is impossible. Well, or simply admit that such a program is, in principle, unrealizable under the current conditions. What are the external factors? Let's try to list them.

Firstly, it is not clear where these 3 trillion rubles will come from (in fact, more will be needed, but let’s count it that way)? Even if this amount is spread over 15 years, then every year we need to take at least 200 billion rubles from somewhere. Taking into account the fact that the calculations are preliminary, it can be safely increased by one and a half or even two times. It is useless to attract money from shareholders, and the validity of the legislation on shared construction is already coming to an end. It is possible to attract bank loans secured by Moscow meters, but it is unlikely. Even Sberbank or VTB will not make such investments for a period of 10-15 years! Theoretically, Moscow could issue bonds or borrow money as an entity, but there was a hitch with this.

In practice, in 2017, about 400 billion rubles from the reserves of the municipal government were allocated from the Moscow budget for renovation. These funds match, almost down to the penny, the balances in the accounts of the Moscow government (at the end of 2016 they amounted to 375 billion rubles). This is good, but where to get more funds? The secret is simple - there is nowhere to take it from: the Sobyaninites cleverly put into circulation the cash shed accumulated in municipal accounts, and the grass will not grow any further.

Okay, let's say we're wrong in the future and will attract credit funds from banks, the Russian government, and so on (which is very hard to believe). The logical thing arises, secondly: who will pay for the freebie holiday for dear Muscovites?

In fact, the following picture emerges: 1.6 million Moscow residents included in the renovation program will have the opportunity to change their living conditions absolutely free of charge. But there is no free cheese even in a mousetrap (those who live in Russia know that they put a palm oil product there). Who will pay for 15 million “sale” square meters and 18 million square meters for Muscovites moving from Khrushchev?

According to the Sobyaninites, this will be done by some “numerous buyers” on the primary market. But where to get them from? Moscow (not to mention the Moscow region, which is littered with housing) is already overstocked with new buildings, which are selling quite poorly. The reason is the fall in the purchasing power of the population (which is partly “cured” by increasingly affordable mortgages), and the huge supply. Let us recall that in 2010-2014 a real construction boom began in Moscow and the Moscow region, the results of which have entered the market in recent years.

In Moscow, up to 4.5-5 million square meters of housing were commissioned under Yuri Luzhkov; in recent years (2016-2017), about 7 million square meters of housing were commissioned in the Russian capital. And more than half of the new buildings were never sold! Developers and officials had never encountered such a phenomenon before: Moscow meters were always sold out quite quickly. As a result, in 2017, the total supply volume on the primary Moscow real estate market amounted to 7.5 million. Compared to 2014, it has grown almost one and a half times! In order not to keep empty apartments on their books, developers are ready to sell them in bulk at a 30-40% discount on the stated price.

But Moscow does not live in a spherical vacuum. Nearby there is a huge real estate market near Moscow, where in 2015-2017 it was put into operation! As a result, a small layer of real estate buyers in the Moscow region simply does not spread themselves onto the giant offer sandwich. Therefore, the official declared prices for a Moscow meter of 160-170 thousand rubles do not correspond to reality - developers are happy to sell them for 120-130 thousand rubles.

The question arises: to whom did Sobyanin plan to sell 15 million square meters of housing in Moscow at a price of 140 thousand rubles, if the Russian capital and the neighboring Moscow region are overstocked with new buildings that have not been sold for several years even at lower prices?

The crisis in the Moscow residential real estate market has long grown, from the point of view of developers, into a real collapse. Almost all companies' profitability is falling, a number of large developers - are experiencing serious (often still invisible) financial problems and have high debt. Sobyanin’s renovation will become a gravestone for them and they understand this very well. Do they and the federal and Moscow officials who protect them need this?

Thirdly, the annual “release” of another 1-1.5 million square meters “for sale” onto the primary housing market in Moscow will completely collapse development in the Russian capital. Even without it, developers are afraid of excessive overheating, so the pace of housing commissioning has begun to gradually decline. Thus, in 2017, about 3.34 million square meters were put into operation in Moscow, which is an increase of 14%. In January-February 2018, only 70 thousand square meters were put into operation, which is three times lower than the same period in 2017.

Simply put, there is no one and nothing to finance Sobyanin’s renovation and the holiday of freebies for dear Muscovites. There are not so many buyers of Moscow housing who would pay 2.4 thousand dollars per square meter as part of the “largest renovation program in the world” (in reality they would have to pay even more). There is nowhere to get them from. And the Moscow government understands this very well.

Therefore, the 400 billion rubles allocated last year from the unspent reserves of the city treasury will inevitably be cut down, added somewhere, something put into operation, something completed, and after the elections for a new term no one will even remember about the much-hyped “renovation”.

Of course, this is a small scam, but no one will suffer except the Moscow budget, and dear residents of Moscow need to get used to the simple idea that no one will pay for changes in their living conditions. The freebie is over.

On Friday, Sobyanin appointed heads of other departments of the capital. New among them was Eduard Lysenko - he became a government minister and headed the information technology department instead of Artem Ermolaev, who left his post due to a transfer to a new job.

The powers of the heads of the following construction departments and committees have been extended: the construction department - Andrey Bochkarev, the urban planning policy department - Sergey Levkin, the department for the development of new territories - Vladimir Zhidkin. Oleg Antosenko remained the head of Mosgosstroynadzor, Yuliana Knyazhevskaya - Moskomarkhitektura, Valery Leonov - Moskomexpertiza, Konstantin Timofeev - Moskomstroyinvest.

Ministers Alexey Khripun, Isaac Kalina and Vladimir Petrosyan - heads of the departments of health, education, labor and social protection, respectively - will continue to work in the new government in their positions.

Vladimir Chernikov, head of the department of regional security and anti-corruption, also retained his post in the new government. The Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations remained under the management of Vitaly Suchkov, Hasan Gasangadzhiev remained in the position of head of the Housing and Communal Services Department, and the Media Department will continue to work under the management of Ivan Shubin. Elena Zyabbarova will again head the Finance Department.

The Department of Environmental Management remained under the management of Anton Kulbachevsky, but was transferred to the jurisdiction of the city housing and communal services complex and its head Pyotr Biryukov (before this, the department was directly subordinate to the mayor).

The same change occurred in the work of the Department of Foreign Economic and International Relations. The department will continue to be managed by Sergei Cheremin, but from subordination to the mayor, the department has moved to subordination to Sobyanin’s deputy for regional security and information policy, Alexander Gorbenko.

Some reshuffles in the government were announced on Wednesday: Natalya Sergunina, previously the vice-mayor for economic policy, became the new head of the apparatus of the mayor and government of Moscow. Instead, Vladimir Efimov, who headed the department of economic policy and development of the capital before his new appointment, became the new deputy mayor for economics.

In turn, the former chief of staff of the mayor and government of the capital, Anastasia Rakova, became vice-mayor for social policy, replacing Leonid Pechatnikov. The latter left the Moscow government. Pechatnikov was responsible for healthcare, education, social protection of the population, and also had the department of culture and cultural heritage under his jurisdiction. Among the most high-profile areas that he oversaw were large-scale healthcare reform with the consolidation of clinics and the creation of educational complexes from kindergartens and schools with per capita financing. According to RBC's interlocutor at the Moscow City Hall, Pechatnikov has wanted to resign for the last two years.

After officially taking office, Sergei Sobyanin, elected for a new term as mayor of the capital, dismissed the previous government on September 18.

This question is very polite and very valid. And it is very appropriate, in connection with the biography of a civil servant Sobyanin, telling us that civil servant Sobyanin has been serving as a civil servant since 1984, when he began working in the city committee of the Komsomol.

In accordance with the electoral legislation of the Russian Federation, the Moscow City Election Commission published information about the income and property of the candidate for Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin, his wife and minor daughter for 2012.

In this information, the apartment with an area of ​​308.1 square meters is immediately striking. m in Moscow, owned by the daughter of civil servant Sobyanin - Olga Sergeevna, born in 1997.

Working with open databases allows us to easily establish that the specified apartment is located at the address: Moscow, st. Rochdelskaya, 12, building 1 (we also know the number of this apartment). Owned by Sobyanina O.S. this residential premises has been located since August 2010.

It should be noted that this is a super-elite house in the very center of Moscow, literally next to the White House.

In the same building there is an apartment with an area of ​​200.2 square meters. m is sold for 103.8 million rubles. (3.4 million dollars), which is equivalent to 17 thousand dollars per 1 sq. m.

Accordingly, an apartment with an area of ​​308 sq. m, owned by the minor daughter of civil servant Sobyanin, costs 5.27 million dollars, or 173 million rubles.

Naturally, elections impose special responsibility on candidates, who must show maximum transparency in everything related to their income and property. And we really hope that Sergei Semyonovich Sobyanin will be able to explain to Moscow voters how his minor daughter could own a huge luxury apartment in a prestigious area of ​​Moscow, a stone's throw from the Government House, with a market value of at least 5 million US dollars?

If he bought an apartment, then with what income?

Bad apartment

I'll put everything in one place for convenience.

3) Sobyanin could not receive an apartment as a gift, since the “Law on the Fundamentals of Civil Service” directly prohibits him from doing so (Article 11, paragraph 8 - konot31iulya1995. html)

4) ONCE IN YOUR LIFE, every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to privatize housing (in which he actually lives) free of charge. This operation is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On the privatization of housing stock in the Russian Federation” ( Art. speaks about the one-time occurrence of the event. 11 of this law. The question arises: whether Sobyanin exercised this right in Tyumen and whether his apartment there (with an area of ​​116 meters) is just such a primarily privatized apartment.

5) In any case, the same law prohibits the “head-on” privatization of office premises (Article 4 of the same law - 1_1.html#p73). However, the second part of the same article creates the ground for various cunning schemes with the preliminary transfer of public service housing into the ownership or management of commercial companies. […]

5. And, finally, an excellent statement to the prosecutor’s office of the famous housing law specialist Oleg Shein that closes the topic of the “legality” of privatization:

Prosecutor of Moscow
Kudeneyev S.V.

Dear Sergey Vasilievich!

As the press service of the Moscow mayor reported, in January 2006 S.S. Sobyanin, as head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation, was provided with an apartment of 308 square meters. meters ( d=322722).

This information was confirmed by the press secretary of the Administration of the Presidential Administration Viktor Khrekov.

Thus, this housing could be provided as a service.

Subsequently, the apartment was privatized in the name of S.S. Sobyanin’s minor daughter, since the responsible tenant apparently took advantage of the only right to privatization at his previous place of residence.

Meanwhile, in accordance with Art. 4 of Federal Law No. 84-FZ “On the privatization of housing stock in the Russian Federation” “ not subject to privatization residential premises in disrepair, in dormitories, in houses of closed military camps, as well as service residential premises, with the exception of state farm housing stock and other agricultural enterprises equated to them, and the housing stock of stationary institutions for social protection of the population located in rural areas. (as amended by the Law of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 1992 N 4199-1; Federal Laws dated May 1, 1999 N 88-FZ, dated May 20, 2002 N 55-FZ, dated December 29, 2004 N 189-FZ, dated June 11, 2008 N 84 -FZ).

In the media by indicated sources Another version has also been expressed - about S.S. Sobyanin receiving housing under a social rental agreement. However, the norms of Art. 49, 50 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation stipulate that only persons whose family standard of living is below the official subsistence level are entitled to receive such housing. If, as of 2006, S.S. Sobyanin presented the corresponding certificate, it should be taken into account that only three categories of citizens have the right to priority receipt of housing under social rent, according to Articles 51 and 57 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation:

- orphans;

Persons suffering from particularly complex diseases that pose a danger to living together with them (epilepsy, tuberculosis, leprosy and others in accordance with Government Decree No. 378 of the Russian Federation);

Persons whose only home is officially declared uninhabitable (for example, fire victims and victims of natural disasters).

If the specified apartment was indeed presented under a social lease agreement out of turn, please inform me whether S.S. Sobyanin belongs to one of the three indicated categories.

In connection with the above, I ask you to check the grounds for privatization and, if it is unlawful, take prosecutorial response measures to cancel the relevant act.

Deputy of the Duma of the Astrakhan Region

Anna Sobyanina - furniture supplier at her father's place of civil service

Oh, Sergei Semyonovich, this eternal lie of “civil servants” is like a swamp.

Acting Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin said that the apartment in the center of Moscow was declared long ago in accordance with the established procedure, and the opposition’s statements on this matter are speculation. “Everything has been declared for so many years, no one is hiding anything. It’s been in the declaration for seven years, so everything else is speculation,” Sobyanin told reporters.

Acting press secretary of the acting mayor Gulnara Penkova confirmed that the apartment was privatized in the prescribed manner and officially declared. “This is standard practice,” she pointed out. Earlier, Penkova reported that the apartment in building 12/1 on Rochdelskaya Street has an area of ​​308 square meters. m was allocated to Sobyanin by the Presidential Administration in January 2006 as the head of the presidential administration. 125381/sobyanin-kvartira-v-moskve-byla-z adeklarirovana-sem-let

We are not talking about declarations here, but about the legality of receipt. So tomorrow you will declare Gorky Park as your property, informing everyone: “The park was declared a long time ago, so everything else is speculation.”

We have already found out that civil servant Sobyanin has already privatized an apartment in Tyumen of 116 square meters (otherwise, where did he get it from?), and you can privatize an apartment once in your life.
And, in any case, the apartment on Rodchelskaya Street is either official housing, which cannot be privatized, or received under social rent on extraordinary terms, which is possible if Sobyanin is an orphan, has epilepsy, or his Tyumen apartment was carried away by a hurricane.

Okay, as for the wonderful 308 square meters in the center of Moscow, we will wait for answers from the prosecutor's office.
It’s interesting, of course, what they’ll come up with: they’ll declare Sobyanin an orphan or a leprosy patient, but we just have to wait.

Well, for now, let’s remember that civil servant Sobyanin has a second daughter: Anna Sergeevna Sobyanina.

Anna Sobyanina

As befits the daughter of a major civil servant, she is terribly talented.
As is known, business acumen awakens in the children of civil servants immediately after their parents take office.

On October 18, 2011, 2 weeks after her 25th birthday (she was born on October 2, 1986), Anna Sergeevna Sobyanina buys an apartment in the Central district of St. Petersburg, at 14 Malaya Konyushennaya Street.

Even if you have never been to St. Petersburg, the names of the neighboring objects “Field of Mars”, “Nevsky Prospekt”, “Palace Square”, which everyone has seen in books a million times, speak for themselves - this is a great place.

The area of ​​the apartment of the daughter of a civil servant, Anna Sobyanina, is 204.9 sq.m.

Now the apartment in this house has an area of ​​152 sq.m. is being sold for 86.2 million rubles, that is, young Anna Sergeevna’s apartment now costs approximately 116.6 million.

This is what her house looks like:

Beautiful, right?
Few people are lucky enough to even stay in such a house.
On the other hand, few people are lucky enough to be born the daughter of civil servant Sobyanin.

How can a 25-year-old daughter of a civil servant, whose maximum income over the last ten years is 27 million rubles, have an apartment for 116 million rubles?

We indignantly reject the very idea that civil servant Sobyanin gave a luxurious apartment in the center of St. Petersburg to his daughter for her 25th birthday. This is so unlike civil servants!

Of course, Anna Sergeevna Sobyanina earned everything herself.

A year earlier, she became one of the founders of Forus-Group LLC.

Sobyanin's "entertaining" billions

Sobyanin's mayor's office will spend at least 12.6 billion rubles on entertainment and media to distract Muscovites?

As it turned out, at least 500 million rubles will be spent on the Moscow holiday. This year, 12.1 billion rubles have been allocated for the media. Money is spent on propaganda for Sergei Semenovich, in particular, journalist Alexey Kovalev spoke about the rule “Three Moscows, three Sobyanins,” according to which Sergei Semenovich must be mentioned at least three times in regional newspapers.

But that’s not all, there is also third-party funding for projects that promote a positive opinion about Sobinin. In the capital of Russia there is a Moscow agency for the implementation of public projects. Sobyanin’s officials actively used the services of this office.

Thus, officials for 13 million rubles in 2014 purchased from the office “Provision of technical support services for Youth Day.” The Sobyanin residents ordered for 6 million rubles “Provision of services for the organization and holding of district KVN games” and 4.6 million rubles for souvenirs. Well, at first it seems that these are ordinary small affairs of the mayor's office.

But participants in the political process say that the Moscow agency is the same organization as the Center for Youth Parliamentarism. The center, as our publication wrote, received 855,000 rubles, which could have gone towards the salaries of Internet trolls!

Activist-blogger Ilya Varlamov wrote about trolls “on the budget”. “An ordinary troll commentator earns from 70 thousand rubles a month, especially successful ones can receive 130 thousand or more. I don’t know whether the accounts of today’s Sobyanin commentators are maintained by professional SMM specialists, but the fact that the Moscow mayor’s office is again trying to manipulate public opinion is obviously,” Varlamov reported.

What is Sergei Semenovich hiding? Many things.

"He won't tell you."

The violations, as it turned out, occurred as part of the “My Street” program. The facts surfaced after a request from Communist Party member Valery Rashkin. They found violations worth four billion, but the FAS did not dare to issue an order to eliminate the violations to Mayor Sobyanin.

Rador-M is said to be affiliated with Alexey Eliseev. In 2015, he received the position of deputy head of Highways, or simply AD. This AD is subordinate to the Department of Housing, Communal Services and Improvement of the City of Moscow. Do you know what's most interesting? Mr. Eliseev became a member of the competition commission for tenders in which companies “familiar” to him took part.

At the end of last year, Sergei Semenovich, by his personal decision, gave the post of the Capital Repair Department of the city of Moscow to Eliseev: “Alexey Andreevich Eliseev is appointed head of the capital repair department,” the mayor said.

Tiles are generally Sergei Semenovich’s favorite theme. After all, his ex-wife Irina Sobyanina (nee Rubinchik) took part in her then-husband’s project to lay paving slabs in Moscow. And the income was decent, because in total there were competitions worth a billion rubles - most of which, as they say, ended up in the pockets of Sobyanina-Rubinchik.

Only the work was carried out in such a way that in 2012 orders were placed to re-lay the tiles in the same places. But, of course, Sobinin’s woman was not called to any responsibility.

Sergei Semenovich does not like it when people remember his office apartment in the capital. So, when an official arrived from Tyumen, he was given living space in an elite house not far from the White House with an area of ​​308.1 sq.m.! Well, the future mayor after all.

Only this living space is given for rent to a civil servant (Federal Law No. 84-FZ, which prohibits the privatization of official housing). After all, another official may come from Tyumen or any other city. Only he will no longer live in an apartment near the White House. After all, Sobyanin privatized it in violation of the law, and now his daughter lives there!

You say, you cling, and in general children are “sacred”. No, we have nothing against his wonderful daughters, but when violations occur, everyone is equal before the law, right? Moreover, the daughters are adults. Why do we say daughters? Sergei Semenovich has another daughter, Anna, who, without competition, received contracts for her company Forus-Group LLC for the repair and supply of luxury furniture to government agencies, not through tenders, but mainly through subcontracting. “In particular, they talked about working on the interiors of the building of administrative bodies and the engineering and amenity complex in Khanty-Mansiysk and the reception house,” Vedomosti wrote.

Sergei Sobyanin and Irina Rubinchik.

"Hulk destroy."

Muscovites remember how recently the authorities tried to demolish the monument to Soviet constructivism at the Serafimovich House of Culture. Who gave the order to destroy the building? Urban Planning and Land Commission, the head of which is... Mayor Sobyanin!!! After architects and local residents rebelled against the demolition of the cultural center, the destruction was stopped.

Sobyanin also conceived his sensational “Renovation” program. The problem is that it will mainly not be emergency housing (!!!), but simply five-story buildings that will be demolished in order to renovate Moscow. Considering that, according to the Ministry of Construction, there is a huge amount of dilapidated housing in the country and its number will only increase, maybe it would be worth relocating not five-story buildings, but dilapidated houses?

In general, it looks a bit outlandish when, in the presence of emergency housing, non-urgent housing is demolished. The fact is that last year the level of apartment sales decreased by 18%. And the main developer of the capital is the Civil Construction Department, which is headed by the protege of Vice-Mayor Marat Khusnullin - Damir Gazizov. In 2016, the management sold apartments worth 19 billion rubles! It seems that Sergei Semenovich does not want profits to fall. Apparently this is the main goal of the renovation.

Moscow is a rich city, but when an amount comparable to the budget of the Republic of Adygea for 2017 (13 billion) is spent on the media, it becomes scary. Although, if you look at it soberly, there is a lot of inequality in Russia, including among the regions. The biggest problem is that budget money is used to praise and defend the interests of Mayor Sobyanin, who is essentially just a hired worker, not a tsar. Sobyanin’s wife and daughter make their careers with budget money. A huge apartment previously owned by Moscow has been privatized. This is no longer a “regional specificity”, but something similar to corruption. If the security forces do not fight this phenomenon, it will become, if it has not already become, a signal to all lower-level officials - “anything is possible.”

At this point there was an article entitled “The Golden Sum dissuaded, or Why the forecast of the editors of Kompromat-Ural regarding Ziya(v)udin Magomedov is coming true.” The text of the article dated April 4, 2018 consisted of five paragraphs. Only one of them mentioned Mikhail Kiyko. Mikhail Yuryevich is now the former general director of United Grain Company JSC (UGC). Kiiko stayed in this position for barely a year and a half and was fired in November 2018. JSC "OZK" is half owned by a businessman Ziyavudin Magomedov.

The mention in the above-mentioned article about the “relationship of financial dependence” between Magomedov and Kiiko caused the latter’s displeasure. Mr. Kiyko’s application demanding the removal of the disputed article (all five paragraphs, and not just about Kiyko) was considered by a judge of the Arbitration Court of the Sverdlovsk Region Elena Seliverstova. She fully satisfied the claim, which was far-fetched, in our opinion.

On 01/09/2019 the decision came into force. Following the letter of the law, the editors of Kompromat-Ural deleted the text within the established period. Nevertheless, we will continue to appeal the illegal and absurd, in our opinion, judicial act and thank all readers who assist in this.

We remind you of the feedback address:compromising- ural@ protonmail. com

The May holidays turned out to be hot for the correspondents of the Kompromat-Ural portal. We have new information at our disposal to continue the anti-corruption investigation against the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Nikolai Brykin. This is a former general of the tax police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and now a representative of the lower house of parliament in the Supreme Court (Brykin was delegated to the State Duma in 2016 on the list of United Russia from the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Tyumen Region).

The scandals surrounding Brykin are caused by the fact that the Ugra entrepreneur is from the “list Titova» Konstantin Dyulgerov, forced to flee Russia due to pressure from the security forces, openly accused the retired general of organizing a custom-made criminal prosecution. Dyulgerov revealed the details of his misadventures in detail in an actual interview with Novaya Gazeta. The victim in the dubious case of Dyulgerov is Brykin’s son-in-law Sergey Kiryanov, and the hero of the scandal himself, as the editors of Kompromat-Ural found out, before being nominated to the State Duma, transferred multimillion-dollar development assets on the Black Sea coast to his daughter Valentin Kiryanov(in 2016, Breeze LLC, which was transferred to her, had assets worth almost half a billion rubles on its balance sheet!). Brykin ran for deputy as a modest representative of the “patriotic fund” (legally this was a fiction).

The other day, the editorial office of Kompromat-Ural received a response from the Assistant Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Valeria Volkova(Valery Georgievich came from the leadership of the Prosecutor General’s Office for supervision over the implementation of anti-corruption legislation). We contacted Yuri Chaika on the issue of verifying the accuracy of the declaration information about the personal welfare of Mr. Brykin. Is the people's servant living within his means, who in the shortest possible time after leaving the Ministry of Internal Affairs turned into a dollar millionaire, and then just as quickly got rid of his “deserved” wealth before the elections to the State Duma?

In a recent publication by our colleagues from the Tyumen publication, it was noted that according to formal declarations, Nikolai Brykin hangs out at the bottom of the deputy rating: “for 2017, his income amounted to “only” 4.8 million rubles. Less than others, but don't rush to conclusions. He owns two huge plots of land, a couple of spacious country houses and a modest apartment of 76 square meters. His wife has a larger apartment: 116 square meters. Also registered on it are four residential country houses and two plots of land. And all their family vehicles are registered to Brykin’s wife - a Toyota Land Cruiser, a Shore Land SRV31B trailer and a Sea Ray 185S boat. How the lady managed to buy all this “herself”, earning 2.9 million a year, one can only guess.”

An assistant to Yuri Chaika reported to the editors of Kompromat-Ural that “the powers to conduct appropriate checks in relation to deputies of the State Duma” are vested in the Duma commission for monitoring the reliability of income information, headed by Natalia Poklonskaya(she is also deputy chairman of the Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption). Therefore, according to Valery Volkov’s response, the appeal about Brykin was sent to the lower house. The editors of Kompromat-Ural will monitor the responses of the State Duma Speaker’s office Vyacheslav Volodin and the profile commission. In mid-April, Mrs. Poklonskaya confirmed to reporters that Brykin is indeed one of the five persons involved in anti-corruption checks carried out by the commission she heads. By the way, in this list Brykin is adjacent to the “pubic” deputy from the LDPR, the hero of immoral sex scandals Leonid Slutsky.

Current publications

What is happening in the Russian government, which after 20 years of “stability” seemed to have grown into a harmonious vertical in order to heroically live under the “dictatorship of the law”? Where is all this? Current employee of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation - assistant to the plenipotentiary representative Nicholas Tsukanova, it turns out, “having received Polish citizenship, bought real estate there, was recruited by intelligence and informed NATO about Security Council meetings and family Putin" We've arrived! A few years ago, another odious ex-official “came together” with Tsukanov Alexei Bagaryakov, who recently moved to Yekaterinburg to follow Tsukanov, but due to the spy scandal, never had time to “fledge.” According to the editors' interlocutors in law enforcement agencies, Bagaryakov has been “under development” from the moment he received a position in Tsukanov’s embassy. Such information reports are studied by observers of the Kompromat-Ural resource.

"Mole Hole. An entire spy network has already been found in the entourage of Plenipotentiary Representative Nikolai Tsukanov,” such headlines fill the media. “A 39-year-old assistant to the plenipotentiary representative in the Ural Federal District, arrested on suspicion of high treason Alexander Vorobyov- Actual State Councilor of the third class. Major General, if in military terms. Spies of this caliber (if the accusation is confirmed. - Ed.) have not been caught in our country, it seems, since the 80s, or rather, since the capture of the famous Cylinder - Major General of the GRU Dmitry Polyakova. And now Vorobyov is in prison. What will happen to his boss Nikolai Tsukanov now that he is free?

Tsukanov ordered Vorobyov to be hired while he was governor of the Kaliningrad region, in 2010. They are fellow countrymen, both from the border town of Gusev. Before this, Vorobyov served in various minor positions, and in 2005 he successfully traveled to Warsaw for an internship. There, they say, he was recruited. And as soon as Vorobyov had a chance to infiltrate the governor’s inner circle, various miracles began to happen to Tsukanov. Before the rapprochement with Vorobyov, the name of the owner of the Russian exclave, if it flashed in scandals, was purely economic, mainly related to protecting the “amber mafia”. But as soon as Vorobyov became Tsukanov’s right hand, the scale of the scandalous stories changed qualitatively. At first, Tsukanov called the fascist occupiers “German soldiers who fought for their fatherland.” And then the scandalous epic began with the renaming of Kaliningrad to Königsberg. In September 2011, the Polish press trumpeted this initiative of Tsukanov - allegedly the governor had the imprudence to make such a promise to a member of the European Parliament from the German Green Party. Werner Schultz(this happened in Warsaw on the sidelines of a meeting of the Committee on Interparliamentary Cooperation between Russia and the EU). Tsukanov tried to give back: they say, I didn’t promise anything like that, but the Poles pinned him against the wall with a dictaphone recording (apparently, the conversation was recorded by the governor’s counterpart, because the conversation was conducted one-on-one. And where! In the men’s toilet!). Later it turned out (Tsukanov himself somehow let it slip) that the “good advice” to rename Kaliningrad was given by none other than his lawyer Vorobyov. They say that the renaming could have a positive impact on the growth of German investment. Tsukanov fell for it.

Media partners of the Kompromat-Ural editorial board ask our observers to cover a resonant story, which for unknown reasons remains without a proper reaction from the St. Petersburg prosecutor's office, headed by Sergei Litvinenko, and the head office of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, which is headed by Novel Plugin. We are talking about the fact that “the fugitive billionaire Aghajan Avanesov, who is on the federal wanted list for transferring about nine billion rubles abroad, lives quietly in a hotel in St. Petersburg...” “Why is no one looking for a wanted billionaire?” journalists ask rhetorically, probably sadly once again becoming convinced that “everyone is equal before the law and the court” - these are beautiful and meaningless words from the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

“For a couple of years now, the former head of the board of directors of StarBank, Agadzhan Avanesov, has been on the federal wanted list. Investigative authorities in St. Petersburg are looking for him as part of a criminal case for theft on an especially large scale. We are talking about the delivery of a large batch of fish products worth 131 million rubles, which the partners of Fish Factory LLC did not receive. This company is also part of the business of banker Avanesov. A large trading company paid all the cash tranches in full, but the fish never arrived.

In September 2017, the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg opened a criminal case under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud). As part of this case, in the fall of the same year, the property of Fish Factory LLC was arrested by court decision...

Do you know about other criminal authorities who are formally wanted, but selfishly motivated security forces do not bother them? Report to:compromising- ural@ protonmail. com

“In Russia, I think the judiciary should be subject to lustration. Totally. Because what we have under the guise of justice is an insult.” “I believe that complete lustration of the judiciary would be extremely desirable. The current Russian court is a stronghold of lawlessness.” These and other bold statements were recently made in various media by a famous scientist, Doctor of Historical Sciences Valery Nightingale.

“With high confidence,” he predicts the beginning of a serious political crisis in Russia in 2020 and calls not to have any illusions about law enforcement officers, who are unleashed and armed to the teeth, who will supposedly stand up as a monolithic wall to protect the current regime. “Even ordinary security forces are experiencing increasing pressure from the authorities - remember how much news there has been lately about the suicide of certain security forces,” notes Valery Solovey.

Observers of the Kompromat-Ural project drew attention to the interview, or rather, even an extensive conversation between Valery Dmitrievich and an Ekaterinburg journalist Evgeniy Senshin on the current topic: “Should we expect a revolution in Russia?”

During an information investigation regarding a large coal “baron” Dmitry Bosov(TIN 770400406175), interesting facts about his biography and the peculiarities of doing business were revealed. This includes connections with the arrested ex-minister Mikhail Abyzov and crime bosses, and illegal coal mining, and offshore companies, and environmental pollution, and Italian villas. However, this time he managed to win the battle with his competitors and the details that emerged did not affect his fate in any way.

At the end of March, it became known that the Krasnoyarsk department of the FSB of Russia opened a criminal case against unidentified persons from among the leaders of the Arctic Mining Company (AGK), part of the VostokCoal group, which is owned by Dmitry Bosov and Alexander Isaev(TIN 502482607042). The third co-owner of Arctic Mining Company LLC (AGRK, INN 7707255694), according to the editorial office of Kompromat-Ural, is the notorious oligarch Bokarev Andrey Removich(TIN 771312791603), partner of UMMC beneficiaries Iskandar Makhmudov And Andrey Kozitsyn.

The intelligence services were interested in the illegal mining and sale of coal, RBC writes, citing a source familiar with the investigation and an interlocutor at the Ministry of Natural Resources. An unnamed source claims that the case was initiated on the basis of illegal business activity (Article 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The Nezygar Telegram channel even published photographs of the decision to initiate a criminal case dated April 8, and then the protocol of interrogation of the general director of AGK Vadim Bugaev(TIN 420523793968), which took place on April 17.

“El Dorado in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or the Minister’s “Candle Factory” Kolokoltseva“- this is the title of an anti-corruption journalistic investigation recently published in the media. The editors of Kompromat-Ural carefully studied the resonant materials. As the authors believe, “it seems that a giant “raspberry” has grown and expanded in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation: the generals of the department may be involved in possible fraudulent tricks of the “Main Center for Communications and Information Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.”

Apparently, the alleged fraud may be on a gigantic scale, since the editors have received shocking documents about what is going on in the labyrinths of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at 16 Zhitnaya Street. And this is a continuation of the topic that was covered in the recent investigation “Mislanded Cossack in a state corporation” Rostec". The material described the virtuoso schemes that the Federal State Institution (FKU) “Main Center for Communications and Information Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation” uses to chop “cabbage.” And one of the “carriers” of information, a certain colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Ruslan Suleymanov, who magically escaped prison, is now doing chemical work at the Rostec Group of Companies.

And although the “ulcers” in the Ministry of Internal Affairs have long been opened, the “boils” have been cleaned out, but things are still there! But at PKU, bosses still change like socks. There are already criminal cases filed here. There are requests for an international search, but the office is working, billions are flowing and flowing in the “right” direction. El Dorado - a fairy-tale wonderland - blooms and smells in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And only Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev, for some unknown reason, clearly does not notice what is happening?

In general, we are talking about possible “corruption schemes” in the department of General Kolokoltsev...

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