How the wolf appeared. Types of wolves. Description, names and characteristics of wolves. Origin of the word "Wolf"

Everyone remembers the fairy tale about the gray wolf that we were told in childhood. So who exactly is a wolf? An image from a fairy tale or a dangerous animal? The common wolf is a large predator of the Canidae family. The gray wolf is the master of the tundra and taiga, a hardy and very intelligent animal. In this article you will find a description and photo of a wolf and learn a lot of interesting things about the harsh life of this formidable predator.

Externally, the common gray wolf is very similar to a dog, which is not surprising, because these animals have common ancestors. However, the wolf looks much larger. The body length of a wolf can reach 110-160 cm, the tail length can be up to 52 cm, the height at the withers ranges from 60 to 90 cm, and the body weight of a wild predator can reach up to 80 kg.

There were cases when the weight of individual individuals exceeded 92 kg. The average weight of wolves varies from 30 to 65 kg. The size and weight of wolves depend on geographic location. The colder the climate, the larger the animal. Males are always larger than females.

The wolf animal has thick, rather long and warm fur, which consists of two layers, which makes the wolf look larger. The first layer of the common wolf's fur is tougher and protects against dirt. The second is a waterproof undercoat that protects the wolf from the cold and various extreme conditions of nature. The gray wolf animal is very hardy.

The wolf looks like a threatening and dangerous animal, has a strong muscular body, high strong paws and a large broad-browed head with pointed ears. The elongated and large muzzle with dark stripes is combined with almost white cheeks and light spots in the eye area. The massive muzzle of the wolf is also very expressive. The gray wolf's tail is quite long and usually hangs down. By its movement and position one can judge the mood of the predator.

The common wolf has completely different colors, depending on its habitat. In forests it is a gray-brown color. In the tundra it is lighter, almost white. In the desert – grayish-reddish. There are even white individuals that are found in the Arctic, as well as red or almost black ones. The animal's undercoat is always gray.

How is a wolf different from a dog? The common wolf differs from the dog not only in appearance, but also in its tracks. The track of the gray wolf's tracks is smoother than that of dogs and forms an almost straight line. Also, the wolf has a different track length, which is 9-11 cm, and the width is 6-7 cm; for the she-wolf it is 7-9 cm and 5-6 cm. The two middle fingers of the wolf’s paw are more forward, the fingers are not spread out and form a significantly more prominent print than that of a dog.

Where do wolves live?

The wolf is an animal that is the most common land predator. This wild animal has a wide habitat. The wolf lives mainly in cold countries and in various landscapes. In forests, steppes, deserts, taiga, tundra, forest-steppe and at the foot of the mountains.

Wolves live in many areas of Europe (from Russia to Portugal), Asia (from Korea to Georgia) and North America (from Alaska to Mexico). Large individuals inhabit the tundra, and small ones inhabit the southern regions. It is curious that in Russia the wolf is absent only on the island of Sakhalin.

The common wolf is a territorial animal. Packs of wolves live in conquered areas, the boundaries of which are marked with marks. In summer, when the wolf pack breaks up, the occupied territory is divided into several sections. The best of them is occupied by the main pair, and the rest of the wolves switch to a nomadic lifestyle.

How do wolves live?

The common wolf is a social animal. That's why wolves live in packs, they hunt, play and even howl together. A wolf pack is a family group that consists of animals of different ages and can number from 3 to 40 individuals. The pack is controlled by a leader or a seasoned wolf - the dominant male. This is the smartest, wisest and strongest male in the wolf pack. The leader of the pack has a girlfriend - a dominant female. Together they form a pair, thereby uniting other wolves around themselves - this is a wolf pack.

A pack of wolves has its own hierarchy. The leader of the pack has unquestionable authority. This is a wise leader and he is friendly towards all members of the pack. But the seasoned wolf greets strangers exceptionally aggressively. A beta male is often present in a pack - the most likely successor to the leader. Usually this is the common son of the leading couple or the brother of the leading male. The contender for the position of head of the pack periodically demonstrates aggression towards the alpha male, as if checking his status, since he is ready to take his place at any moment.

A wolf that has left the pack on its own or has been driven out is called a lone wolf. Such animals have every chance to create their own pack.

Wolves live relying on their feelings. They use these senses to hunt and communicate with other wolves. The beast's excellent hearing allows you to hear a howling wolf at a distance of seven kilometers. Their sense of smell is 100 times stronger than that of humans. The gray wolf can run at a speed of 55 km/h.

Wolves live in packs and each pack has its own hunting area, which the animals carefully guard from other wolves. In a pack where the leader keeps order, wolves live peacefully and do not fight. Skirmishes occur with strangers and lone wolves who have violated the boundaries of the site. Each wolf pack has its own territory and hunts only on it.

The owners carefully guard and mark their territory, leaving scratches on fallen trees or old stumps. Thus, they make it clear that it is better to stay away. Unexpected guests are punished, such are the cruel laws of the wolf pack. The wolf howl that can be heard around is a way of notifying that the territory has already been occupied.

The size of the common wolf's family territory depends on the landscape and ranges from 50 to 1500 km². The survival of the pack depends on the size of its hunting grounds, so wolves carefully protect them. If there is more than enough food on a family hunting plot, then several generations of wolves will live in one plot. The largest hunting grounds of wolves are found in open landscapes of the tundra and steppe and amount to 1000-1250 km². In the forest zone they are much smaller in size - 200-250 km².

When wolves do not have small cubs, they wander. Wolves travel both in packs and alone. As a result of wandering, animals sometimes appear in areas where wolves have not been seen for several years. Nomadic wolves run up to 70 kilometers in one night.

Gray wolves gather in packs in winter. If the snow is deep, the wolves in the pack move in single file. Each animal follows each other, stepping in the same tracks whenever possible. The common wolf is very cunning. Therefore, it is very difficult to find out from the tracks how many wolves a pack consists of.

Why do wolves howl? Wolves howl because howling is their way of communicating with each other. With the help of howls, wolves find out where their family members are, announce the capture of prey and seizure of territory, or simply to communicate with their relatives. Wolves usually howl in the late evening hours. During the year, wolves howl most often in winter, when the number of pack members reaches its maximum. Wolves begin to howl more actively towards the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, as well as when the puppies begin to develop the family plot and begin to move into its territory.

What does a wolf eat and how does it hunt?

The wolf is a picky predator. The main diet of the common wolf includes large ungulates: deer, elk, saigas, sheep and goats. But the wolf also eats hares, various rodents and birds, because he is not picky. Sometimes wolves can eat dead members of the pack.

Large concentrations of livestock attract wild and predatory wolves. Therefore, it is common to encounter a gray wolf near farms. The wolf eats meat, so on average the animal requires 3-4.5 kg of meat per day. Wolves store their food. Having had enough, the animal wolf buries the remaining pieces of meat. Wolves can go without food for more than two weeks. In the summer, the diet of the common wolf includes plant foods, so in the summer the wolf also eats fruits and berries.

The principles of wolf hunting are very diverse. In winter, wolves hunt collectively for large ungulates. Wolves use this type of hunting in winter. The main advantage of a wolf's winter hunting is the presence of snow cover, on which it can easily move. Snow makes it much more difficult for ungulates to escape from a wolf, a wild and predatory animal.

It is curious that the collective hunting of wolves involves the distribution of responsibilities: part of the pack participates in the pursuit of prey, while the other cuts off the path of the prey. When hunting, the wolf's nose is the main adviser. He tells the wild predator where to look for prey. Wolves can smell even a small animal that is a couple of kilometers away from them. It is with the help of their acute sense of smell that wolves can follow the tracks of their prey. The wolf hunts almost silently.

The wolf's main weapon is its teeth. With sharp fangs 5 ​​cm long, the wolf holds and drags the victim, and with the remaining teeth it cuts up the game. A wolf’s teeth are not only its weapon, but also its protection, so their loss is disastrous for the animal.

Wolves kill especially large ungulates by attacking as a whole pack and attack until their prey falls. At the same time, the primacy to feast on the prey rightfully belongs to the leader and his female; they eat the best pieces of the carcass.

The wolf hunts very carefully. Stealthily sneaking up on the animal, with a deft leap he grabs it by the throat and throws it to the ground. It can sit in ambush for hours and wait for prey all day long. Often they can follow a herd of ungulates; predators do not give away their presence, but wait for the right moment to attack.

Wolves are very cunning; in pursuit they stop pursuing, allowing the prey to go far ahead. When the victim slows down, the wolf attacks again. Wolves often attack foxes. But most often they don't eat them. By attacking a herd of livestock, wolves can distract dogs. Part of the wolf pack attacks the dogs, and the rest attacks the herd.

Wolves are very good at navigating the terrain. Many packs use the same areas of territory to drive prey into a dead end. When hunting rodents, the wolf jumps on the prey, crushes it with its paw and eats it. This hunting technique is common for wolves in the summer.

In summer, the flock splits up and predators live alone or in small groups. Wolves feed on a variety of animals, using well-established hunting techniques. In the summer, the wolf most often feeds on hares. But even with all the calculated moves and deft maneuvers in the hunt, it does not always end successfully.

Wolf cubs - birth of puppies. How does a pack raise wolf cubs?

A wolf's lair is a hole where a she-wolf raises wolf cubs. Wolves make their dens in secluded places. In this case, the place must have a good overview. Wolves often use empty burrows of other animals as dens.

Wolves breed annually in January-February, the first breeding period begins at the age of 2-3 years. The duration of pregnancy for a she-wolf is about two months. In the spring, wolf cubs are born in the den. Typically, a female gives birth to 4 to 8 wolf cubs. Wolf puppies are born deaf and blind; during the first days of the babies' lives, the she-wolf is constantly nearby. They begin to see and hear at about 10-12 days of life.

After three weeks, the wolf cubs leave the den for the first time and begin to taste meat at the same time. The entire pack takes part in raising and raising wolf cubs. Wolves bring the best meat to the den with their babies.

In small wolf cubs, the color has a grayish-brown tint, which changes with age. At the age of 2 months, the wolf cubs leave the den, but still stay close to the hole. Such places are protected by vegetation from prying eyes. Wolf puppies learn the basics of hunting and attack shrews and mice.

Wolf cubs grow rapidly and their weight increases almost 30 times in the first four months. Newborn wolf cubs have blue eyes. At the age of 8 months, the cubs' eyes change to yellow. By the end of the first winter after birth, the wolf cubs reach adult size. The common wolf lives 12-15 years.

Are wolves necessary and why?

Why are wolves needed, because for humans, a wolf is an enemy. It is dangerous to people and destroys livestock. Gradually, the fight between people and wolves led to a reduction in their numbers. But the wild predatory animal the common wolf plays an important role in the balance of the ecological system.

Wolves are needed to regulate the population of large ungulates. Wolves are also a kind of “orderlies”, since by destroying sick animals, wolves prevent diseases from spreading. Hunting weak animals promotes the survival of the strongest.

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For most people, the wolf is not just a wild animal, but an archetypal image familiar from childhood. It is no coincidence that he became a character in fairy tales. People have long feared and revered this beast. They frightened naughty children with a wolf, called him a man’s elder brother, and composed fairy tales and legends about him.

In the languages ​​of different peoples of the world, the word wolf is consonant. It is worth noting that it was born in the ancient Slavic language and means “drag” or “drag.” Apparently, the name comes from the manner of moving prey by dragging (dragging in front of you).

Habitat and distribution in the world

In past centuries, the wolf was the most common animal on earth. Today, the habitat has been significantly reduced. The reason for this is the widespread extermination of animals by humans. Nowadays, most of the species lives in the territory of the following countries: Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Georgia, China, Korea, Iran, Indonesia, India, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Scandinavian and Baltic countries, South American countries, Italy, Poland, Spain , Portugal, Mexico, USA, Canada.

The wolf adapts to life in any terrain, but tries to settle in places with few trees. Often lives in close proximity to human settlements. In the taiga, for example, it invariably follows people, choosing to live in places cleared of trees.

In mountainous areas they live up to the border of meadows, choosing weakly rugged areas.

The wolf is one of the territorial animals. During the cold period, flocks lead a sedentary lifestyle. The flock's habitat is marked with tags. The area of ​​such a territory can reach up to 44 km. With the onset of warm months, the animals form pairs.

The strongest individuals continue to live in their territory, while the rest scatter. It is worth noting that wolves accompany herds of deer and domestic animals.

Ancestors of wolves and evolution

The probable ancestor of the modern wolf is Canis lepophagus. This is a representative of the canine breed that inhabited North America during the Miocene period.

The first true wolves appeared during the early Pleistocene. Among the species was Canis priscolatrans, characterized by its small size. This species is believed to be the ancestor of the red wolf, which migrated to Europe and Asia.

Subsequently, Canis priscolatrans modified and evolved, which led to the appearance of C. Mosbachensis, a species that has many things in common with modern representatives. Over time, C. mosbachensis evolved into Canis lupus.

Types and features of each type

Science knows about 32 species and subspecies of wolves. The most interesting species will be described below.

Arctic (polar)

The rarest subspecies of the gray wolf. Distributed in Greenland, northern Canada and Alaska. The absence of humans in the cold, snowy area made it possible to preserve the habitat in its original form.

The Arctic wolf has a large and powerful body build. The male at the withers can reach 1 m, weighing 100 kg. This species is characterized by sexual dimorphism (males are 15-16% larger than females in size).

The animal is ideally adapted to life in the conditions of the polar night, covering vast distances across the snowy plain to search for prey. An adult can eat up to 12 kg of meat at one time. Often nothing remains of the prey, since polar wolves do not chew the meat, but swallow it along with the bones.

Representatives of this species live in flocks of 12-15 individuals. The head of such a group can be not only a male, but also a female. There are times when a pack accepts lone wolves (if they obey the leader).


The species is named because of the long fur that covers the neck and shoulder area. The skin resembles a horse's mane. The main place of residence is South America.

The maned wolf has a red color. A distinctive feature of the species are large ears and an elongated head. In appearance, the animal looks lean. The body weight of an adult does not exceed 25 kg.

The maned wolf is a solitary hunter. It chooses small livestock, birds, and reptiles as prey. It also eats fruits.

INTERESTING! Several years ago there was a threat of extinction of this species. Today the problem has been resolved, but the animal continues to remain in the Red Book.


The most common species found in North America. The weight of the animal can reach 80 kg, and its height is 90 cm. The individual hunts deer, musk oxen, elk and bison.

Mountain (red)

The mountain wolf has a beautiful appearance. Its fur is similar in color to fox fur. Weight is slightly over 20 kg. The length does not exceed 100 cm. The color depends on the region of residence. During the cold period, the fur becomes soft, fluffier and thicker. With the onset of warmth, it takes on a dark color and begins to become coarse.

Predators of this species live and get food in a flock of 12-15 individuals. Their community rarely has a clear leader. Deer, antelope or large rodents are chosen as prey. A strong pack can attack a bull and even a leopard. In case of food shortage, the red wolf can feed on carrion.

INTERESTING! A distinctive feature of the mountain wolf is its method of attacking the victim. Unlike other species (and all canids), it attacks prey from the back, without trying to bite into the neck.

The animal lives secretly and tries to set up camps away from human habitation. This hinders learning.


The appearance of the red wolf is similar to the appearance of gray individuals, only red ones are inferior in size and weight, and also have shorter ears and fur. The body can reach a length of 130 cm and a weight of 40 kg. The color is not uniform, the muzzle and legs are red, and the back is dark.

Predators settle in swamps, steppes and mountains. In flocks there are individuals of different ages. There is almost never aggression towards individual members in the group.

The red wolf eats not only meat, but also vegetation. Mainly hunts rabbits, rodents and raccoons. Very rare, but attacks large mammals. There are times when the predator itself becomes prey to a lynx or alligator.

common wolf

This species is collectively called the gray wolf. It is the most common animal in the family. Body length reaches 160 cm, weight – 80 kg.

The animal lives in North America and Eurasia. In recent years, the total number has decreased significantly. The reason for this is extermination by man. And only in North America does the population remain stable.

What do wolves eat?

The wolf is a predator. Most often it chooses the following animals as prey:

  • Roe.
  • Antelope.
  • Boar.
  • Deer.
  • Hare.
  • Elk.

Small species, as well as solitary individuals, attack smaller animals - rodents, gophers, birds. Very rarely can it choose a victim in the person of a large predator, although there are cases when packs attack wounded or sleeping bears and foxes.

During the hungry period, they can return to half-eaten carcasses. At such times, predators do not disdain carrion.

In addition to meat, they eat forest fruits, berries, grass, watermelons, and melons. This food allows you to get the required amount of fluid.

Reproduction and raising of offspring

A pair of wolves is usually formed for life. If one partner dies, the other does not look for a replacement. Animals live in packs of 12 to 45 individuals (depending on the species).

There is a clearly constructed hierarchy in the wolf community. The head is the alpha animal (this can be either a male or a female). This is followed by adults, lone wolves, and pups. Very often single individuals are accepted into the flock. The main condition is a tolerant attitude towards other members of the pack. When the puppies reach three years of age, they are driven outside the conglomerate. The time has come to find a mate on your own and start a family.

INTERESTING! It should be noted that puppies born in the same litter will never mate with each other.

The most stressful time in the life of a pack is mating season, when alpha males and females try to fight off other members. Often fights between animals end in death.

In one litter, a she-wolf has from 3 to 15 puppies. The offspring are gestated for more than two months. Puppies are born blind. The eyes open 10-14 days after birth.

Wolves in zoos - features of captivity

Wolves in zoos live longer than their wild relatives (the former live 20 years, the latter from 8 to 15). This is due to the fact that in the wild, old individuals, unable to obtain food, die or become victims of relatives.

For a full life in captivity, special conditions must be created. The fact is that an animal in its natural environment travels up to 20 km daily. This is a normal and necessary load, so there must be an enclosure of appropriate size. It’s a good idea to recreate the conditions of the area in which the animal should live.

An adult should consume up to 2 kg of fresh meat daily. In winter, the norm increases to 3 kg.

Live food should be brought in periodically to maintain the hunter's instinct.

History of the domestication of the wolf into a dog

Very often small wolf cubs fall into the hands of hunters. They don't always hand over animals to the zoo. Some people bring them home, others sell them. Such a product is in demand; there are risky people who want to get their hands on the predator. And the desire to raise a pet from a wild animal fuels the excitement even more.

In most cases, such decisions are erroneous and unsafe. The wolf is primarily a predator. Starting it at home is like setting a time bomb. Sooner or later it will explode.

If such a predator appears in the house, then first of all it is necessary to create all the conditions that ensure safety. The wolf is an intelligent, freedom-loving and cunning animal, so he will spend all his free time trying to get out of the cage. In addition, he is able to learn primitive actions from humans. In other words, he can remember how a person opens the cage and do it himself.

Another point that everyone who wants to tame a wild animal should know. He will never perform the functions of a dog. The wolf is a predator, and man is his enemy, he will always be afraid of him. Consequently, when a stranger tries to enter the territory of the house, he will try to hide.

Wolf and the dog are the closest relatives. In addition, these mammals belong to the same family, called canines or canines. Strictly speaking, wolves are one of the genera of this family, of which coyotes and jackals are also considered members.

The same name as this genus is given to a species that is usually called: wolf. But one of the subspecies of this species is just. In addition, as is known, domestic dogs descended from wolves, therefore, the latter are their direct ancestors.

DNA studies have made it possible to identify several genealogical lines in wolves. More precisely, these predatory mammals have four of them. According to these data, the most ancient are African wolves, which appeared on Earth several hundred thousand years ago.

And later, on the territory of modern Hindustan, three other lines of wolves began to form one after another: the Himalayan, Indian and Tibetan. From these four groups of ancestors all types of modern wolves originated, which have now spread across the territory of many continents.

The range of these fauna representatives has always been extensive. True, over the past centuries it has nevertheless decreased significantly due to the uncontrolled and excessive extermination of these animals. For example, wolves have become completely extinct in Japan.

These were mainly representatives of the Honshu and Hokkaido subspecies. The Newfoundland variety living in Canada, as well as some others, disappeared without a trace. However, wolves are now common in many countries of the Eurasian continent. In Russia they are found almost everywhere.

The only exceptions are Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, as well as some taiga regions of our country. In the North, the range of these predators is also very extensive and extends from Alaska to Mexico.

The appearance of wolves is characterized by the following features. This is primarily a streamlined chest and a sloping back, a long tail. Their paws with blunt claws are distinguished by their strength, and the front legs are longer than the hind legs. The fur of these animals is endowed with the remarkable ability to retain heat. Therefore, even in areas with a harsh climate, wolves are able to take root well and feel great.

When moving through snowy areas, their paws are kept warm by a special structure of the circulatory system. There are membranes between the toes of wolves; they increase the surface area of ​​support for the legs, and, therefore, reduce the load on the soil when moving along it.

Therefore, even if the ground is covered with a significant layer of snow, the wolf is able to move quickly and easily across it. Balance when running is ensured by the habit of this animal not relying on the entire foot, but only on the toes. And bristly wolf hair, as well as rough claws, help to linger on a slippery and steep surface covered with a crust of ice.

And one more feature helps wolves survive in harsh natural conditions. On the feet, between their toes, there are glands that secrete an odorous substance. Therefore, the traces of the leader are able to provide information to the entire flock about where he went, thus they help to navigate, finding the right direction on the ground. You can see what this animal looks like photo of a wolf.

Types of wolves

In the canine family, the wolf is considered the largest member. But the exact sizes of such creatures depend on the variety and geography of their habitat, while their indicators (body length and weight) vary quite significantly. The most impressive representatives can reach a weight of about 100 kg and a height of two meters.

In total, there are about 17 species of these predatory mammals, according to the latest data.

Let's introduce some of them.

  • Common wolf (gray). The body weight of these representatives of the genus of wolves reaches 80 kg, and the length is more than one and a half meters, while they have a half-meter tail. Purely in appearance, such animals resemble large dogs with pointed ears.

Their legs are strong and high. The muzzle is massive, framed by sideburns. Its features are expressive and reflect the mood of the animal: from serene calm, fun and affection to fear, burning malice and anger. The fur of such an animal is two-layered, long, thick.

The vocal range is varied. It can be howling, growling, barking, squealing in the most numerous variations. These animals are widespread in Eurasia (from Spain to Hindustan) and in the northern part of the New World.

  • The Arctic wolf is considered only a subspecies of the just described gray wolf. This is a rare variety. Such animals live in the regions of cold and eternal snow in Alaska and Greenland. They are also found in northern Canada.

Among the representatives of the genus, these specimens are very large; the males are especially large. Looking at such an animal from a distance, one might think that it is White Wolf, but upon closer examination it becomes clear that the light fur of this animal has a slightly noticeable reddish tint. But at the same time it is very thick, and fluffy on the legs and tail.

  • The timber wolf is not inferior in size to the Arctic wolf, and in some cases even exceeds it. Only the height at the shoulders of these animals is about a meter. From the name it is clear that this is forest animals.

Wolves This variety is also called Central Russian, which indicates the places of their settlement, which also extend to Western, sometimes to the forest-tundra and even to the north.

The color of these animals, as well as their size, largely depend on their habitat. Northern residents are usually larger and have a lighter coat color. In areas to the south, wolves with a gray-brown tint of fur are found mainly.

  • The Mackensen wolf is whitish in color and is considered the most common wolf among wolves on the North American continent. Recently, active measures have been taken to breed them.

To do this, such animals were transported to Yellowstone Park, an international reserve, where they took root and reproduced in the best possible way, which significantly contributed to the increase in their numbers. Such animals are closely related to timber wolves.

  • Maned wolf. In general, it is believed that wolves do not inhabit the territory of South America. But this species (an inhabitant of some areas of the indicated continent) has a peculiar appearance and only vaguely resembles many of its relatives.

Such animals have red hair, and got their name because of the mane, very similar to a horse's, it grows on the shoulders and neck. These wolves have a lean figure, and their weight usually does not exceed 24 kg.

Since this animal has to move a lot through areas covered with tall grasses, looking for prey there, it has long legs. This species is considered endangered.

  • Red Wolf also does not look very similar in appearance to its relatives and only resembles them in behavior. Its body structure is most identical to the jackal. But its fur is just like a fox’s in color and beauty.

These are small but very smart predators. They have a fluffy and long tail, large rounded ears and a short muzzle. These animals mainly live in Asia.

Lifestyle and habitat

A variety of landscape types can become habitats for wolves. However, they live much more often in forests. They are able to inhabit mountainous areas, but only in those areas where movement through various areas is not too difficult.

During periods of cold weather, wolves prefer to live in packs, and they usually do not leave pre-selected territories. And to mark their possessions, they leave odorous marks, which inform other animals that the area (their area usually reaches 44 km 2) is already occupied. They often choose shelters not far from human settlements, having adapted to carry people’s livestock.

In this way they chase herds of deer, sheep and other domestic animals. However, with the onset of the warm season, these communities of predators are divided into pairs, each of which chooses to exist separately from the pack. And only the strongest wolves remain in the inhabited territory, while the rest are forced to go look for other shelters.

Since ancient times, such animals have instilled a fair amount of fear in the human race. But what animal is a wolf, and is it really so dangerous for bipeds? Conducted research suggests that these predators almost never initiate attacks.

Therefore, if there is no direct threat from people, then their lives are not in danger. Exceptions do happen, but they are rare. And according to experts, in these cases attacks are committed only by mentally ill, hyper-aggressive individuals.

The character qualities of wolves, their energy, power, expression, as well as the ability of these predators to fight and win battles, have often evoked a feeling of admiration in humans since time immemorial. Some of the people even felt a spiritual kinship and natural connection with this animal, and therefore chose wolf totem animal.

The ancients believed that if you tune into a certain psychological wave through magical rituals, you can draw energy from such a being and receive strength from it. These are very highly developed creatures.

There really is a lot to learn from them. When hunting and fighting, they use very interesting tactics, which many peoples of the past adopted to fight military battles.

During periods when wolves unite in packs, its members live exclusively for the common good, sacrificing their interests in everything for the society of their own kind. And be different wild wolves would not be able to survive in the harsh conditions of the harsh natural environment. In these communities, there is a strict hierarchy, where everyone unquestioningly obeys the leader, and each member of the pack has their own responsibilities.

This society is governed without violence or restrictions on freedom. However, this structure is a well-oiled machine. And the social status of members is determined by the gender, age and individual abilities of each individual.


When attacking livestock, wolves use the following tactics, which are very common for these representatives of the fauna. First, sitting in ambush, they wait for victims to appear. Then some of the predators remain in shelter, for example, in the bushes, while other members of the group of four-legged hunters chase the prey in a given direction, thereby dooming it to certain death.

Wolves often starve other ungulates to death. Part of the pack chases the prey, and when the pursuers get tired, they are replaced by other, full of strength wolves. In this way the fate of the persecuted is decided.

That's how world of wolves, he is merciless and cruel. Often these creatures are able to satisfy the hunger even of their own kind, sick and wounded individuals. However, these animals cannot but impress with their intelligence and courage.

Such predators in a pack hunt large game: deer, wild boar, roe deer, antelope. But individuals of this tribe can catch gophers, rodents, and waterfowl. Hungry wolves do not disdain the corpses of a wide variety of animals.

From the plant menu they eat fruits, melons, mushrooms, and pick berries, but for them this is not food, but drink, that is, the juice of these crops helps them quench their thirst.

These dangerous creatures go hunting at night. And they communicate with each other by giving a variety of sound signals. And absolutely each of them, be it grumbling, growling, squealing or barking, is endowed with a number of variations.

Reproduction and lifespan

Strict monogamy reigns among wolves. And even after the death of a partner, the other remains enviably faithful to him. And gentlemen usually win the attention of free females in cruel and bloody skirmishes with rivals.

When a union of two opposite-sex individuals is finally formed, the members of the pair actively begin to search for a family den, because they need to prepare everything in time and properly for the appearance of offspring.

Mating games that fall during the female wolf's estrus period usually occur in winter or spring. This regime, inherent in the wolf’s nature, turns out to be very convenient in the temperate climate zone, because the couple’s offspring appear at a time when the cold weather is receding, and the new winter is far away, which means that the wolf cubs have time to grow up, become stronger and learn a lot by the harsh times.

The gestation period for a female wolf lasts about two months, after which puppies are born. How they are born and how they grow is not difficult to imagine for those who have dogs at home, because it is already known that these animals are directly related. Wolf cubs are blind for the first days, and their eyes appear only after two weeks.

At this stage of their lives, the wolf cubs are completely helpless, only poking and squeaking in search of their mother’s nipple, being able only to move by crawling. And then they feed on burps offered to them by their parents, but are already raised on a meat diet.

One-month-old puppies are already much more independent, they move well and play with their brothers and sisters. Soon the new generation becomes stronger, and the wolf cubs attempt to hunt for food.

Unfortunately, the mortality rate among the wolf tribe is very high. Already in the first year of life, half of the litter dies for various reasons. But those who safely pass this period soon give birth to their offspring. A similar physiological opportunity in wolves occurs at two years of age. And males mature a year later.

Wolfanimal, comparable to a dog, including in terms of lifespan. They begin to feel old after 10 years. Such members of the wolf pack have the right to food, care and protection. Wolves die at about 16 years of age, although purely theoretically they are capable of living for more than twenty years.

Less than half of the historical “reserve”. This is the number of wolf species on the planet. There are 7 living species of predators. 2 more have sunk into oblivion. Four of the existing species are listed in Red. One of the four wolves was even declared missing. However, scientists managed to film “the last of the Mohicans” on video cameras.

Extinct wolf species

Since ancient times, wolves have been endowed with demonic powers. It is not for nothing that the image of gray was attributed to the dark essence of man. This is how the mythical character appeared - the werewolf. It does not belong to the official species of grays, and the existence of wolf-people has not been proven.

Another question is the existence of 8 ancient species of predator. Their existence has been proven through skeletal finds, drawings and records from bygone eras.

dire wolf

This predator lived back in the late Pleistocene. This is one of the eras of the Quaternary period. It began 2.5 million years ago and ended 11 thousand years ago. So primitive people hunted dire wolves.

The animal became extinct during the last ice age. There were several of them during the Pleistocene. The latter was distinguished by the severity of the frosts.

Appearance of a wolf terrible lived up to its name. The predator was one and a half meters long and weighed over 100 kilograms. Modern wolves are never larger than 75 kilos, that is, at least a third less. The bite force of prehistoric ones was just as superior to the grip of modern grays.

There lived a dire wolf in Severnaya. The remains of the animal were found in Florida, Mexico City, and California. Wolves from the east and center of the continent had longer legs. Skeletons found in Mexico City and California have short legs.

Kenai wolf

That's who should be called terrible. However, the remains of the Kenai Gray were found later than the prehistoric one. The animal, which once lived in Alaska, reached a length of 2.1 meters. This does not include the 60 cm tail. The height of the wolf exceeded 1.1 meters. The predator weighed about a hundredweight. Such dimensions allowed the predator to hunt moose.

The existence of the Kenai Gray was established by studying wolf skulls found in Alaska. According to research, the species was described in 1944 by Edward Goldman. This is an American zoologist.

The Kenai wolf became extinct by the 1910s. The beast was exterminated by settlers who arrived in Alaska. Predators died while being hunted and due to the use of strychnine by people. It is obtained from the seeds of the cherry grass and is used to kill rodents.

Newfoundland wolf

He lived not only on the island of Newfoundland, but also on the east coast of Canada. Describing wolf species criteria, it is worth mentioning first of all the black stripe along the ridge on a snow-white background. The indigenous people of Newfoundland called the predator Beothuk.

The Newfoundland gray was exterminated by settlers. For them, the predator was a threat to livestock. Therefore, the government set a reward for the killed wolves. Each one was given 5 pounds. In 1911, the last island gray was shot. The species was officially declared extinct in 1930.

Tasmanian marsupial wolf

In fact, he was not a wolf. The animal was compared to the gray one due to its external resemblance. However, the Tasmanian predator was a marsupial. Still premature cubs “came out” into the skin fold on the abdomen. In the bag they developed to the point where they could go out into the world.

Transverse stripes ran along the back of the Tasmanian wolf. They encouraged associations with zebra or. In terms of body structure, the marsupial resembled a short-haired dog.

The official name of the species is thylacine. The last one was shot in 1930. There were still a few animals left in zoos. The Tasmanian wolf lived there until 1936.

Japanese wolf

He was short-eared and short-legged, lived on the islands of Sikoko, Honshu and Kyushu. The last animal of the species was shot in 1905. 5 stuffed Japanese wolves have been preserved. One of them is exhibited at the University of Tokyo. The other four stuffed animals are also in Tokyo, but in the National Museum.

Japanese animal species wolf was small. The body length of the predator was no more than a meter. The animal weighed approximately 30 kilos.

In the 21st century, Japanese scientists reconstructed the genome of the extinct wolf. Protein compounds were isolated from the enamel of the teeth of the disappeared animal. The fangs were taken from the skeletons found. Squirrels were planted on the skin of modern wolves. It turned out that the genome of island grays differs by 6% from the DNA set of continental individuals.

Mogollon mountain wolf

The Mogollon Mountains are located in Arizona and New Mexico. A wolf once lived there. He was dark gray with white markings. The length of the animal reached 1.5 meters, but more often it was 120-130 centimeters. The Mogollon predator weighed 27-36 kilograms.

The species was officially declared extinct in 1944. Compared to other wolves, the Mogollon was long-haired.

Rocky Mountain Wolf

Also an American, but he already lived in the mountains of Canada, in particular, the province of Alberta. Part of the population lived in the northern United States. The color of the animal was light, almost white. The predator was medium in size.

Glacier National Park is located in Montana. The name translates as "Glacier". The area is cold. It was the first in the world to be recognized as an international park. This happened in 1932. Well, there are reports of several wolves living in Glacier that fit the parameters of a Rocky Mountain predator. There is no official confirmation of the information yet.

Manitoba wolf

Named after the Canadian province of Manitoba. Representatives of the extinct species had thick, light, long fur. Clothes were made from it. Also, the skins of Manitoba predators were used to decorate and insulate homes. This served as an additional incentive to shoot predators that were attacking livestock.

The Manitoba wolf was artificially recreated in Yellowstone National Park. However, experiments with the genetic material of an extinct predator made it possible to create a “double” rather than a “twin.” The genome of the modern Manitoba gray differs little from the real one.

Wolf of Hokkaido

Otherwise known as Ezo, he lived on the Japanese island of Hokkaido. The predator was distinguished by a large skull with large and curved fangs. The size of the animal exceeded the parameters of the island Japanese gray, approaching those of an ordinary wolf.

The Hokkaido wolf's fur was slightly yellowish and short. The predator’s paws were no different in length. The last representative of the species became extinct in 1889. The cause of the death of the population was the same shooting, “fueled” by government rewards. They got rid of wolves by actively plowing the lands of Hokkaido for farmland.

Florida wolf

He was completely black, thin, with high legs. In general, the animal resembled a living red wolf, but of a different color.

From the name of the animal it is clear that it lived in Florida. The last individual was shot in 1908. In addition to hunting, the reason for the extinction of the species was its displacement from its habitat. The Florida wolf preferred the American prairies.

Current species of wolves

In fact, there are not 7, but 24 existing wolves, since the ordinary gray has 17 subtypes. We will separate them into a separate chapter. For now, 6 self-sufficient and “lonely” species of wolves:

Red Wolf

Red Wolf-view, which has absorbed the external signs not only of gray, but also of a fox. The latter is reminiscent of the red color of the fur and its length on the back and sides of the predator. In addition, the wolf has a narrow muzzle, like the red cheat. The long, fluffy tail of the red predator also resembles that of a fox. The body structure is closer to a jackal, just as lean.

Around the eyes, nose and at the end of the red tail the fur is almost black. Together with the tail, the length of the animal is 140 centimeters. A wolf weighs 14-21 kilograms.

Red Predator Presents types of wolves in Russia, but is listed as endangered on Federation lands. However, outside the country the predator is also protected. Hunting is allowed only in India and only with a license.

polar Wolf

He's white. According to the name and color, the predator lives in. In order not to succumb to the cold, the animal grew thick and long fur. The polar one also has short ears. This eliminates heat loss through large sinks.

Among the existing ones, the polar wolf is large. The height of the animal reaches 80 centimeters. Height is also 80, but kilograms.

In conditions of food shortage, the polar predator goes without food for several weeks. Then the animal will either die or still get the game. When hungry, an Arctic wolf can eat 10 kilograms of meat at a time.

Food supplies in the Arctic are declining due to melting glaciers, climate change, and poaching. The number of polar wolves has also decreased. It is listed in the International Red Book.

Maned wolf

The name is due to the presence of a “necklace” of long hair on the wolf’s neck and shoulders. It is tough, reminiscent of a horse's mane. Similarly, the animal lives in the pampas and prairies. The main wolf population settled in Yuzhnaya. There is no animal beyond the ocean.

Maned, lean, high-legged. The latter property allows the animal not to “drown” among the tall pampas grasses. You need to look out for prey, and to do this you need to be above the “situation.”

The predator's coloring is red. Unlike the Arctic wolf, the maned wolf has large ears. At the same time, an American is comparable in height to a resident of the Arctic Circle, but weighs less. On average, a maned wolf weighs 20 kilograms.

There is no threat of extinction of the species yet. However, the maned wolf is listed in the International Red Book as endangered. The status indicates a declining population of a still thriving species.

Ethiopian wolf

How many types of wolves don’t overdo it, but you won’t find anything more like a fox. The animal is red, with a long and fluffy tail, large and pointed ears, a thin muzzle, and high paws.

The predator is endemic to Ethiopia, that is, it is not found outside of Ethiopia. Before the DNA test, the animal was classified as a jackal. After research, it turned out that the predator’s genome is closer to wolves.

Compared to jackals, the Ethiopian wolf has a larger muzzle but small teeth. The height of the African predator at the withers is 60 centimeters. The length of the animal reaches a meter, and the maximum weight is 19 kilograms.

The Ethiopian wolf is recognized as a rare species and is listed in the International Red Book. The species' extinction is partly due to interbreeding with domestic dogs. This is how the genetic uniqueness of wolves is lost. Among other reasons for extinction, the main one is human development of wild territories.

Tundra wolf

The least studied of the existing ones. Externally, the animal looks like a polar predator, but is not as big in size, weighing no more than 49 kilograms. The height of large males reaches 120 centimeters. Females are inferior to the stronger sex in height, weight, but not body length.

The thick fur of the tundra wolf consists of guard hairs approximately 17 centimeters long and downy undercoat. The layer of the latter is 7 cm.

Spanish wolf

The small red-gray wolf, as the name suggests, lives in Spain. The species was declared extinct, but scientists were able to find several surviving individuals.

Spanish wolves have white markings on the lips and dark ones on the tail and front legs. In other respects, the predator is similar to the common wolf. Many scientists consider the Spaniard to be its subspecies.

Gray wolf and its varieties

Seventeen subspecies of the gray wolf is a relative number. Scientists are arguing about the separation of this or that population from others. Let's get acquainted with the subspecies that have clearly “defended” their right to a separate place in the classification. Six of them are found in Russia:

Russian wolf

It lives in the north of the country, weighs from 30 to 80 kilograms. Females are approximately 20% smaller than males. One day, hunters shot an 85-kilogram predator.

Otherwise, a Russian is called ordinary; he does not need to introduce his appearance. As for the temperament, domestic grays are more aggressive than similar animals from America. Some individuals of the common wolf are black in color.

Siberian wolf

Typical not only for, but also for the Far East. There are not only gray, but also ocher individuals. Their fur is thick, but it cannot be called long.

The size of the Siberian is not inferior to the ordinary one. Only the sexual dimorphism between males and females of the subspecies is less pronounced.

Caucasian wolf

Among Russian wolves, its fur is the shortest, coarse and sparse. The animal itself is small, rarely weighing more than 45 kilograms.

The color of the Caucasian predator is gray-ochre. The tone is dark. Siberian and common wolves are light gray, and thujas are almost black.

Central Russian wolf

This gray wolf species has a formidable Representatives of the subspecies are larger than tundra wolves. The body length of the Central Russian gray reaches 160 centimeters. The height of the animal is 100-120 centimeters. The Central Russian wolf gains weight of 45 kilograms.

The subspecies is typical for the central regions of Russia, occasionally entering Western Siberia. Preference is given to forests. Therefore, there is an alternative name for the subspecies - timber wolf.

Mongolian wolf

Among those found in Russia, it is the smallest. The predator lives in the forest-tundra of Kamchatka and Western Siberia. Externally, the Mongolian wolf differs not only in size, but also in the off-white tone of its coat. It is hard and rough to the touch.

The name of the species is associated with its homeland. This is Mongolia. It was from there that wolves of the subspecies moved to Russian territories.


It has a rusty-gray color, tending towards brown. It is darker on the back, and lighter on the sides and belly of the animal. The predator's fur is short, sparse and coarse.

The steppe subspecies of the gray wolf is typical of southern Russia, living in the Caspian lands, steppes in front of the Caucasus Mountains and the Lower Volga region.

It becomes clear why Russians call wolves gray. On the territory of the Federation, a gray tone is present in the color of all predators living here. However, in principle, wolves are both red and black. However, no matter what the color of the animal, the main thing in the social hierarchy is size. The largest individuals become the leaders of wolf packs. Usually these are males.

Wolves are animals that are known to everyone predators. About wolves There are many fairy tales and sayings that describe him either as a ferocious beast or as a domesticated animal. In fact, the wolf cannot be classified as either one or the other.

Wolf is an animal, which is a mammal from the order Canidae. According to research, it is he who is the ancestor of the domestic one. They grow about 160 centimeters in length and weigh 60 kilograms.

Today this animal has more than 35 subspecies of its genus. “Relatives” live in different parts of the world. They are all different sizes and colors, but they have one thing in common - they are predators!

In appearance, the wolf resembles a large, pointy-eared dog. The paws are tall and thin, they can hardly be called massive. The withers are set high, the muzzle is large, which distinguishes this genus from dogs.

Wolves have a good ability to adapt. They can travel long distances and still feel at home. These predators have an excellent sense of smell and acute hearing. They can smell their prey 2-3 kilometers away.

Below in the photo there is a wolf, has thick and beautiful fur. It consists of two layers: the inner down and outer long hairs. They are tough and repel water well. This representative of the animal world has a large and thick tail, which is always lowered down.

A wolf's teeth are sharp as a blade; it is with them that he tears apart his prey. Plus, teeth are a wolf’s defense against other predators. Speaking about wolves, we need to mention their special voice. Unlike all animals, they can make different sounds:

  • Grunt;
  • Whistling;
  • Squeal;
  • Whining.

Listen to the wolf growl

Habitat and lifestyle of the wolf

Wild wolves are formidable predators whose habitat extends over almost the entire Northern Hemisphere. Representatives of this species could be found in Belarus, Alaska, and so on.

Wolves can live in completely different areas, but they prefer forest-steppes, tundra, steppes, and semi-deserts. They also love forest areas. The wolf will not like high humidity. They can calmly settle close to people and approach them at close distances.

Wolves live in packs, which always have a leader. He chooses the best female for himself. In summer and spring, the flock breaks up, but all animals remain in their territory. The best place goes to the leader and his companion. The remaining members of the pack either pair up or begin to lead a wandering lifestyle. Wolves mark territory like dogs.

Typically, one flock occupies an average of 50 kilometers. At night, but not every day, wolves start singing in chorus. The leader begins to howl, then the others join him. Thus, wolves show cohesion and belonging to the pack.

The life of wolves, as animals, can be classified as nocturnal. Very often these predators make themselves known by starting to howl loudly. When hunting, a wolf can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h and run about 70 kilometers.

Before they start hunting, wolves often begin to howl. Sometimes they thus warn their fellows about the upcoming hunt. The leader of the pack gives a battle cry - this is the beginning of their action.

Wolf character

Wolves, as a rule, do not have a hot temper. Of course, it’s hard to call them friendly. A wolf pack always defends together, just as it hunts.

Males always protect females and young animals. If a female or a wolf cub is attacked by a predator many times larger, not a single wolf will stand aside. He will rush to protect them, no matter the cost. This is life of an animal - a wolf.

Wolves are indifferent towards other predators. Of course, they don't like animals that try to hunt in their territory. But they don’t just get into a fight.

There are legends about wolves as bloodthirsty animals, but in reality everything is completely different! Fauna of wolves designed so that they are diligent family men who hunt to feed themselves.

Nutrition and reproduction

What kind of animal is a wolf?? The wolf is a clear representative of carnivores. He resorts to plant foods in extreme cases, when there is no food at all. An adult consumes from 2 to 6 kilograms of meat at a time. These predators have a habit of hoarding food for later.

Even though the wolf is very voracious, it is capable of starving for a long time. The main diet of wolves includes sheep, ,.

In fact, these predators eat all the animals they can get. The difference in feeding of wolves directly depends on their habitat. Wolves are monogamous creatures, so their marriages usually last for many years. From two to three years the animal is ready to reproduce.

The mating season occurs from January to April, depending on the habitat. At this time, the situation in the pack is heating up. The dominant male and female protect each other from other members.

The remaining males begin to actively court the she-wolves and fight for them. Typically, a female produces only one offspring per year. Pregnancy lasts about 65 days. There are from 3 to 13 puppies in a litter. During the feeding period, the female does not move far from her burrow and protects it in every possible way. The father wolf does not participate in the life of the cubs during this period.

After milk feeding, the whole pack makes sure that the wolf cubs are well-fed. Any wolf shares his piece with the kids. Depending on their habitat, puppies may remain in the pack or leave to look for new territory.

Species of wolves

There are more than 35 subspecies, but only a few of them are worth noting; they are interesting for their lifestyle and behavior. These include:

  • White wolf - animal famous, which differs from its fellows in beauty. Usually hides from enemies. He has an easy-going and peaceful character. He does not like to meet people and often sits in his hole. Being a hermit, he prefers to live in the tundra and the Arctic.
  • Black wolf - animal, which looks like a pointy-eared dog. Because of its appearance, people often confuse it with pets. This subspecies lives in Alaska and North America.
  • Red wolf - animal, which may outwardly resemble a kutsuyu. Compared to its brothers, it is small in size. His weight is only about 21 kilograms. The peculiarity of these predators is their habitat – mountains.
  • Steppenwolf - animal small in size, which, judging by the name of the species, lives in the steppes. Favorite places to live are cliff lines along river banks. They feed on hares and partridges. They most often live in fox holes.

In the photo there is a white wolf

Keeping a wolf at home

Making a wolf a pet is almost impossible. You need to realize that the wolf is a predator that can consider human flesh as food. Taming may take a long time, but if it succeeds, the wolf will become your best friend and protector. He will always be a danger to you, your family, and your guests.

If you decide to get a wolf, then the first thing you need to do is surround the wolf cub with love and care. You can’t shout at him and, of course, hit him. Wolf is an animal of the forest, so it is necessary to provide him with personal space. In general, of course, it’s difficult to imagine wolf as a pet.

It is recommended to feed the wolf with fresh meat and fish. Give the animal a lot of time and attention; the animal should feel your love. You need to play with a wolf like a dog and train it.

In the photo there is a red wolf

We must not forget that this is a predator and it is dangerous to humans. In the wild, people often hunt these animals for their skins, although wolf hunt banned in many countries. Although most of these predators pose absolutely no danger to humans.

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