Poems about fish in English. Various counting rhymes

Children's poems and counting rhymes about fish in English:

When I go fishing
I'm always wishing
Some fish will be my prize;
But while I "m fishing,
The fish are wishing

If someone needs a translation, write in the comments!

And all the wishes
Of all the fishes
seem always to come true;
So all my wishes
To catch some fishes
Never do.

I "m a little fishy watch me swim
Here is my tail, here is my fin,
When I want to have fun with my friends,
I wiggle my tail and dive right in!

One, two, three, four, five,
Once I caught a fish alive;
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Then I let him go again.
Why did you let him go?
Because he bit my finger so!
Which finger did he bite?
This little finger on the right!
down at the bottom,
Of the deep blue sea.
I catch fishes
One, two, three.

A.S. Bourinot

The little fish are silent
As they swim round and round.
Their mouths are ever talking
A speech without a sound.
Now aren't the fishes funny
To swim in water clear
And talk with words so silent
That no one can hear?

C. Quinn

Fishies in the water
One, two, three, four, five.
Fishies in the water
Dive, dive, dive, dive, dive.
Fishies in the water
Swimming to and fro.
fishies in the water,
Go, go, go, go, go.
Fishies in the water
You'd better not stay.
Fishermen are coming.
Swim, swim, swim away!

Little Color Fish

Five little fishies swimming near the shore.
The red snapper took a bit and then there were four.
Four little fishies swimming in the sea.
The orange roughy fish swam away and then there were three.
Three little fishies in the ocean blue.
The pink salmon took a seahorse ride and then there were two.
Two little fishies swimming in the sun.
The yellow perch swam too far and then there was one.
One little blue marlin, now you're all alone.
I "ll put you in my gold fish bowl and take you home.

Five Little Fishes

five little fishes swimming pool.
The first one said, the pool is cool.
The second one said, the pool is deep.
The third one said, I want to sleep.
The fourth one said, Let "s dive and dip.
The fifth one said. I spy a ship.
The boat comes, and a line goes kerplash.
Away the five little fishies dash!

Four Little Fishes

four little fishes swimming out to sea
One met a shark!...And then there were three.
Three little fishes wondering what to do
One hid in a great big shell...And then there were two.
Two little fishes looking for some fun
One chased after a wave...And that left one.
One little fish with all his friends gone,
Went back home to find his mum...
And that left none!

V. S. Danoff

Five Little Fishy

Five little fishy swimming out to sea
The first one said, "Oh, what can we see?"
The second one said, "I can see a tail."
The third one said, "It must be a whale!"
The fourth one said, "She"s looking for lunch,"
The fifth one said, "She'll eat us in one munch!"
Five little fishy, ​​swimming side by side, crying,
"Oh where, oh where, oh where, can we hide?

Fred and His Fishes

Fred had a fishbowl.
Swimming around with a swish, swish, swish!
Fred said, "I know what I will do.
I"ll buy another and that will make two."
Fred said, "I"m sure it would be
Very, very nice if I just had three."
Fred said, "If I had one more,
That would make one, two, three, four."
Fred said, "What fun to see them dive,
One, two, three, four, five."
How many fish do you see?
How many fish? Count them with me!


I once went to the forest

I found mushrooms there.

Boletus, boletus,

Get into the box.

poisonous fly agaric,

Get out of the basket!

We went to the store

We looked at the window -

There clothes are laid out

On the shelves, as usual.

One, two, three, four, five,

Let's go pick out some clothes!

A magpie crackles on a bitch,

Having fun, white-faced.

So spinning on a bitch

What fell on the grass!

You do not believe? Come out

Look at the forty!

They sit on the branches of jackdaws,

Crows, bullfinches.

And along the paths

Sparrows jump.

You go out into the yard

Look at the birds!

Titmouse sing: “Tili-shadow!

We have fun on a frosty day!”

Sparrows don't sing

They eat grains!

One, two, three, four, five,

Come play with us!


One, two, one, two, three

The cranes are flying.

One stretches south

Cranes last wedge.

Here they all disappeared in the distance -

The cranes have flown.

One, two, three, four, five,

Come back, we'll be waiting!

He touched a goose puddle with his paw:

"Oh, where am I going?"

Ice on the puddles in the morning -

It's time to fly south.

Geese, geese, gather

Let's go on the road!

One, two, three, four, five,

We will follow you!


Santa Claus is coming

Among the trees and birches,

Behind the back carries a bag -

In it, he carries gifts:

Books, dolls, tangerines,

Hares, bears and cars.

One, two, three, four, five,

We are going to meet him!

Dili don, dili don

Sounds are heard from all sides!

Sledges are flying merrily

The bells are ringing!

With the Snow Maiden Santa Claus

Hurries to us among the birches.

You do not believe? Come out!

You go, look!

One, two, three, four, five,

The fox went out for a walk.

The fox loved the fish

She outwitted the wolf.

The wolf sits at the hole

The tail hangs in the hole.

You do not believe? come out

Look at the wolf!

We baked a bun

He has a ruddy side.

He lay on the window

Jumped suddenly and ran away

One, two, three, four, five,

We want to catch up with him.

One two Three,

Well, catch up!


One, two, three, four, five,

Violets, cacti. Aloe,

And pike tail and Kalanchoe ...

He will catch up!

Flowers in a group

Unprecedented beauty.

One, two, three, four, five,

Who can name them?

Let's speak in chorus

Well, go ahead and drive!


Fireworks fireworks over the city.

Together with my grandfather

Through the festive city

Let's watch the fireworks!

One two Three,

You go with us!


We will cut logs

Chocks - chop with an ax.

Axes knock in the morning

Firewood on the street - a mountain.

One, two, three, four, five,

Come help us!


One, two, three, four, five,

The holiday has come to us again!

One, two, three, four, five,

We will congratulate mom!

Prepared gifts -

And sweets and flowers.

And although we were hot

They baked cakes in the stove.

One two Three,

Mom come!



Tili-bom, tili-bom

We will build a new house!

Let's be like parents

We are builders!

One, two, three, four, five,

We want to become builders!

Here comes the morning -

The bell is calling us to school.

Open the door for us, school,

We are students now!

One, two, three, four, five,

We will study for "five"!

Here comes September

The doors to the school were opened for us.

We hold briefcases in our hands,

Backpacks, books and flowers.

We are now not just children,

You and I are students!

You do not believe? Come out!

Look at the students!


Tractor plows the ground

The harrow follows him,

Big planter next

He puts seeds in the ground.

You do not believe? Come out!

Look at the field!

There was a scarecrow in the field,

It grumbled at the rooks:

“Birds, leave the field!

Field, birds, do not trample!

You do not peck, birds, grains!

Fly away, birds, from the field!

Don't you want to leave?

Well, then you have to drive!

Ay, doo-doo, ah, doo-doo,

I'm going to the garden now.

I will pick vegetables

For green fresh cabbage soup.

Where are you, vegetables, ay?

Hide better, I'm coming!

We play, we play

We choose fruits together.

Apple - one

Pear - two,

Plum - three,

Well, you - go drive!

One, two help


We will collect spikelets -

Let's bake a loaf.

You do not believe? come out

Yes, look at us!

We dined in the garden

Ay, doo-doo, ah, doo-doo!

Suddenly magpies flew

They ate everything from our plates,

Scattered forks, spoons,

Cups, saucers, ladles.

Here comes the crow

And I told you to drive.

One, two, three, four, five.

The table again went for a walk.

The chairs followed him

We didn't find them!

Chairs flew into the sky

And you were told to drive!

They love balls

Girls and boys.

On the ball with the palm of your hand - knock,

On the ball with your palm - knock!

The ball bounces along the path,

He doesn't get angry, he doesn't cry!

One two Three,

Go play ball!


We filled the tank with gasoline,

We sat together in the car.

One two Three. One two Three,

Turn the steering wheel left and right!

You do not believe? come out

And hurry up!


Erases, the machine spins,

Plop-plop, puff-plop!

Aunt Zina is washing clothes,

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

One two Three,

Help hang clothes!

If you don't want to help, get out.

You go, lead!

One, two, the willow blossomed!

One, two, three, don't tear it!

One, two, three, four, five,

It's time for us to play!

One two Three,

You go drive!

We went for a walk

On a bright spring day.

Icicles sing and ring:

Shadow-shadow, shadow-shadow, shadow-shadow!

And drops like a waterfall

Rushing to fall.

And so many of these drops

You do not believe? Come out!

Look at the icicles!

One two Three,

What a fish, look!

Three four five,

We want to catch her!

We want to catch her

To play with her!

Fish, fish, don't yawn

You guys catch up!


Tratatushki, tra-ta-ta,

We caught a mosquito.

And the mosquito flew away

And sat on a tree.

He sat on a tree

Quietly sang a song.

One, two, three, four, five,

Fly away, mosquito, for a walk!

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,

I fly and buzz!

I am a big funny bumblebee

I'm not too lazy to buzz all day!

You don't come near me

And go, drive!

One, two, three, four, five,

The bees need to collect honey!

The bees need to work hard.

They don't want to be lazy!

The bees sat on the flowers

We play - you drive!


Kittens and puppies

Funny boys,

frolic in the meadow,

They played leapfrog.

One, two, three, four, five,

It's fun to play together!


Somehow polar bears

Sailing on a bike.

And funny seals

They flew slowly in the sky.

Walruses - sat on a tree,

Everyone turned their heads.

You do not believe? Come out!

Yes, go ahead!


The parrot walks through the jungle.

He doesn't find anyone.

No elephant, no monkey

Not a boa constrictor under the liana.

Who will I play with?

Who can advise me?

One, two, three, four, five,

You will play with us!

From overseas distant countries

The captain brought the macaque.

In the house, the door was opened with a key:

“Come, macaque, into the house!”

And the monkey got scared

She climbed onto the ledge.

You do not believe? Come out!

Look at the monkey!

Autumn, golden autumn

Play with us today.

One, two, three, four, five,

We want to play with you!

Autumn. Leaves fall in the park.

The yellow leaves are flying.

The wind does not stop blowing

Frequent rain pours tears.

You do not believe? come out

Look at the puddles!

Rain, rain


Wet tracks.

I'm still going for a walk

With Masha and Antoshka!

One, two, three, four, five,

Come walk with us!

A cloud is crying - it's raining.

Wet jackdaws at the gate.

The breeze has flown

And I told you to drive.

All the trees flew around

The birds have flown south

Ice on the puddles in the morning, -

Winter will come to us soon.

You don't believe me - come out!

Yes, go ahead!


Once in the forest a big bear

Loudly began to sing a song.

The fox sang with him,

Hare, wolf - these are miracles!

You do not believe? Come out

Look at the bear!

Once in the forest under the tree

Two foxes, two wolf cubs

Dancing in the meadow

They jumped and played together!

You do not believe? Look!

Yes, go ahead and drive!

Oh, fly, fly snowflakes -

White-winged fluffs.

Everything around is white-white,

The first snow covered.

Hey guys, run out!

Meet winter winter!

There is a blizzard sweeping -

Snow rolls in waves.

Outside the village

Winter has brought snowdrifts.

One, two, three, four, five,

Winter has come to the village again!


One, two, three, four, five,

We love to meet winter!

Skis and skates are waiting for us,

Sledges, slides and snowballs.

One, two, three, four, five,

We love to play in the winter!

We make, we make snowballs,

Together we play.

And in each other we are snowballs

Let's have fun!

One, two, three, four, five,

Come out and play!

There is a mountain in the yard -

The kids are having fun!

Down the hill I'm flying -

I fly where I want!

I ride on sleds

And I'm not afraid to fall!

I'm not afraid of heights

And you will be the one to drive!

We'll wear sweaters

We will take skates.

Like a cheerful breeze

Let's run to the rink!

Do you want to join us? Do not snooze!

Catch up with us soon!

We take skates in our hands,

We go to the skating rink with them.

We play hockey on them

And we do the figures.

One, two, three, four, five,

How fun we are again!

On the crisp snow

I'm going to the park for a ride.

I quickly put on skis,

I walk briskly on the ski track.

One, two, three, four, five,

Well, try to catch up!

If you're very lucky

You will also be in the Navy!

Will you be in the open sea

Courageously sail the sea!

Be a brave captain

You will see many countries!

Waves hit from all sides.

Those who don't believe will get out!

Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking

From dawn to dusk

Through fields and meadows

Through swamps and snow

Through the mountain pass

At night they made a halt.

One, two, three, four, five,

Everyone is tired. Sleep fast!

Proudly walk in the open

Ships in the distant sea.

The captain is leading the ship

The ship is sailing on the waves.

One two Three,

You will be the captain!


Here they sang in a sonorous choir

Roosters on all fences!

Wake up all the people

The red sun is rising!

One, two, three, don't yawn

Count the roosters!

One two Three,

Look at the stars!

There are millions of them in the sky

One, two, three, four, five…

Calculate, don't be lazy

Look, make no mistake!

We will be astronauts

Let people be proud of us.

On silver rockets

We will fly in the clear sky.

You do not believe? Come out!

Look at the rockets!

Willow sadly looks into the pond,

Ducks are swimming in the pond

Leaves on the water lie:

Falling leaves in the old park.

One, two, three, four, five,

Hush, mice, cat on the roof

Hush, mice, cat on the roof,
and kittens are even higher.
The cat went for milk
and kittens somersault.
The cat came without milk
and kittens ha ha ha.


Eniki-Beniks ate dumplings
Eniki-beniki - damn!
A cheerful sailor came out.

One, two, three, four, five

One, two, three, four, five,
The bunny went out for a walk.
Suddenly the hunter runs out,
Shoots directly at the rabbit.
Bang Bang! Oh oh oh!
My bunny is dying.
They took him to the hospital
He stole a mitten there,
They brought him to the ward
He stole some chocolate there.
They took him to the roof
He stole Uncle Misha there.
They brought him home
He turned out to be alive.

Horses, horses

Horses, horses, horses, horses,
We sat on the balcony.
They drank tea, broke cups,
They spoke Turkish.

bear clumsy

A clubfoot bear walks through the forest,
Collects cones, sings a song.
The bump flew off - right on Mishka's forehead!
The bear got angry and kicked - top!

Rhymes for schoolchildren

Counting from 1 to 10

One, two, three, four, five,
We have learned to count.
Well, then we don't know
Maybe we can count together?

Six - we love to eat sweets,
Seven - we help everyone,
Eight - we will not leave friends in trouble.
Nine - we study for five,
Ten - finished counting.

Tiger Counting

One, two, three, four, five,
The tiger went out for a walk.
They forgot to lock it up.
One two three four.

Ene, bene, slave

Ene, bene, slave,
Quinter, finter, toad.
Ene, bene, res,
Quinter, finter, zhes!


Rolled orange
named Malvinka,
Didn't learn lessons
Received a double.
And then I went for a walk
Got number five!

funny counting rhymes

Freddy Krueger's Counting

One, two, Freddie is waiting for you
Three, four, lock the apartment door
Five, six, Freddie wants to eat you all
Seven, eight, Freddie will come to you without asking,
Nine, ten, never sleep children...

Vest cuffs

Lived at the vest
Three loops and two cuffs.
If you count them together,
Three yes two, of course, five!
Do you just know what the secret is?
The vest has no cuffs!

Mouse counting

One two three four.
Let's count the holes in the cheese.
If there are many holes in the cheese,
So the cheese is delicious.
If it has one hole
So it was delicious yesterday.


The centipede's legs hurt:
Ten whine and hum
Five are limping and hurting.
Help the centipede
Count the sore legs.

Little girl

I am a little girl
I don't go to school.
Buy me sandals -
I'm getting married!

Elimination Counting

Sat on the golden porch

On the golden porch sat:
King, prince, king, prince,
Shoemaker, tailor
Who will you be?

The German came out of the fog

The German came out of the fog
He took a knife out of his pocket
I will cut, I will beat -
Who will you be friends with?
A month came out of the fog
He took out a knife from his pocket.
I will cut, I will beat -
You still have to drive!

Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,
Aty-baty, to the market.
Aty-baty, what did you buy?
Aty-baty, samovar.
Aty-baty, how much does it cost?
Aty-baty, three rubles
Aty-baty, what is he like?
Aty-baty, golden.
Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,
Aty-baty, to the market.
Aty-baty, what did you buy?
Aty-baty, samovar.
Aty-baty, how much does it cost?
Aty-baty, three rubles.
Aty-baty, who's coming out?
Aty-baty, it's me!

Dwarf counting

Under the mountain by the river
Old gnomes live.
They have a bell
Gilded calls:
Digi digi digi dong
Get out soon!

Readers in English

five little bees

One little bee blew and flew.
He met a friend, and that made two.
Two little bees, busy as could be
Along came another and that made three.
Three little bees, wanted one more,
Found one soon and that made four.
Four little bees, going to the hive.
Spied their little brother, and that made five.
Five little bees working every hour
Buzz away, bees, and find another flower.

one for sorrow,
two for joy,
three for a girl,
four for a boy
five for silver,
six for gold,
seven for a secret
never to be told,
eight for a wish
nine for a kiss
ten for a time
of joyous bliss.

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe

eeny, meeny, miny, moe,
Catch a tiger by the toe.
If he hollers, let him go
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

come on out and play with me.
come and play.
come with them.
near the tree.
Oh, how happy we will be.
Lot's of fun for you and me.

Numbers in words

The verses in this category for children contain the first natural numbers that preschoolers need to count in order. At a young age, it is difficult for a person to remember the names and sequence of the number series. This is where a fun account comes in handy. Toddlers will learn how to easily count people and objects: apples, ships, animals and more.

The poems are written in excellent rhyme, which is easily perceived by ear. The lines are presented in a fun, playful way that develops a figurative representation of numbers in life and in solving many problems.

Numbers in nature and phenomena

In order for children to better represent real numbers, a variety of enumerated objects are used. These are often time periods: days, weeks, months. This helps to reinforce the correct sense of timing. All sorts of representatives of the living world meet, this develops curiosity in the field of the environment. Often the numbers themselves are taken as objects, like living beings. They make friends, quarrel, converge, disperse. The three colors of the traffic light will allow children to understand the rules of the road for pedestrians. The plot of the poems is very funny and captivating.

A separate role goes to school grades, which encourage children to get good grades and responsibility for completing tasks, striving for knowledge.

Arithmetic in verse

The first thing a fun counting provides is basic math skills. Reading poetry, children learn to add and subtract, multiply and divide correctly. Simple arithmetic problems are added from numbers, which then move on to more complex examples and equations. Works develop oral counting skills. Children show thinking, train memory and ingenuity.

Writing rules

In addition to oral pronunciation and memorization, a fun counting teaches you how to write numbers and action signs correctly and beautifully. The composition of poems often describes jumping lines in notebooks and causes an involuntary smile or laughter, which makes you think about the rules when writing. The way a child learns to display “tails” in twos and “hooks” in triples, it develops how neat and diligent the baby will be in further learning.

Having learned numbers thanks to a fun account, the child will be proud and pleased with his exploits, and parents will be happy with the first successes of the baby.

This easy way to teach kids to count is great for kindergarten and elementary school teachers. The group will listen carefully to their teacher, which will greatly facilitate his work.

A cheerful account is, first of all, excellent children's poems that readers will undoubtedly like very much.

Evgenia Shestakova
This unknown genre "Counting"

Rhymes(counters, counting, readings, counting, etc.) It is customary to call short rhymed verses used by children to determine the leader or the distribution of roles in the game.

Origins counting rhymes lie in pagan beliefs and are associated with that conditional, secret speech. On the basis of which the riddle was created. The fear of betraying one's intentions to animals, birds, fish and their spirits has created in many peoples their taboo of counting. The hunters were afraid that counting the killed game would bring bad luck in future hunting; housewives avoided count chicken eggs so that the chicken does not stop laying, therefore, as a rule, the direct account was replaced by allegorical forms:

Azs, dvazas,

Treases, chasubles,

Heel, lata,

Tupi, moopi,

Stupid, cross.

The next source of counting rhymes magic spells used by adults to communicate with animal spirits and gods with a request to successfully solve cases can serve. Hence, probably, the belief in the magic of lucky numbers was born - whoever gets the choice will be lucky. incomprehensible text ( "zaum", as academician V. V. Vinogradov defined) created an aura of some kind of magical action, introduced the child into the world of the game with its own rules and laws.

Avsen - on the fly, Altata, era, crayfish, ducks,

Shin - stump. Bag, orbu, crayfish, slag,

Shirvarven. Deus, deus, cosmodeus,

Avsen - on the fly, Balus!

In this halo, the main function counting rhymes- the implementation of objective justice - acted more prominently. As if fate itself, and not the authority of an adult (or ringleader - a child) manages the distribution of roles.

Ritual counting rhymes carries a powerful psychological charge, children, as it were, internally rebuild themselves to comply with the game rules and the roles that they will get. In some counting rhymes even specifies exactly, for example, to whom "to drive".

Cucumber, cucumber, I'm not a sissy

Don't go to that end: I grew up on a Christmas tree,

Wolves live there, the wind carried me away,

Your legs will be crushed! I fell on a stump

I'm not a son of a tyatenko, Go and drive, boy.

The support of a comrade, the will is also formed in counting rhymes- the winner of the account gives his right to leave the circle to a friend. And he remains for new tests:

The sack rolled

From a high hump.

In this bag:

Bread, wheat.

With whom you want

Share with that.

Rhythm develops voluntary attention in children, the mechanism of internal regulation of behavior. The child listens to the rhythmic pattern counting rhymes and, obeying him, forms his will.

The more gambling the game, the more desirable it is to be selected or to get under the score faster. The more closely the children monitor compliance with the rules. This forms ethical ideas in the child, includes him in the team.

Listening to the rhythm counting rhymes, the child learns the rhythmic structure of the word, gets acquainted with the various forms of verse. AT counting rhymes

borrowed a lot of former ditties, excerpts from lyrical songs, sayings, proverbs - all this enriches the culture of the child, introduces him to the works of others genres.

Here are the words from an old Russian song that disappeared from everyday life, but gave rise to one of the most common counting rhymes:

A boy from Kazan rode,

One and a half hundred rubles sleigh,

Fifty rubles arc,

The boy is the girl's servant.

And this counting rhyme came from the meadow sentencing:

Oh you dawn - dawn,

morning dawn,

And who will sleep through the dawn,

I quilt that.

Many counting rhymes converted from ditties:

Wait, Vanya, get married,

Your hut is falling

Get the first hut

Then bring the bride.

In addition, the very performance in an atmosphere of romantic passion for the game is a pleasure, developing a sense of rhythm that is necessary in song, dance, work. By telling, children learn artistry.

White hare, Lyko fought.

Where did you run? Where did you put it?

In the oak forest. Under deck.

What did he do there? Who stole?

Tanya, Vanya, what are you,

What are you standing on pillars?

There, behind you, there is a shop,

You have to sit on it

Hurry up everyone run

And you, boy, lead.

Rhymes allow children to master the art of chanting, a special kind of recitation with the obligatory emphasis on each foot.

Bach - bang,

Tyah - tyah,

Bunny - wow

In full spirit

Fluff flew from the bunny,

Hoop - hop,

Zeika in the forehead,

Noise, ringing

Get out!

Competition in storytelling counting rhymes make children learn large poems and thereby exercise the brain and develop memory.

The first gave, the village of Kulikovo.

Another gave, Matvey long-nosed

On four guessed I rode on wheels,

Five hundred, judge, the wheels creak,

Sexton, boat, They want to be anointed.

Pigeon leg. Marya Petrovna

Prelo, burned, I went along the logs,

It flew over the sea. Touched for a stump

Across the sea church, Sat all day.

Rhythm"veracity" reinforces moral conditions games:

Fish, fish, fish - whale,

The fish speaks the truth

If the fish will lie,

I won't play with her.

AT counting rhymes simple, not polysyllabic words, images close to children are used. It does counting rhymes understandable to the child and causes a desire to repeat counting rhyme again which strengthens and develops the child's speech. For example, counting rhyme, which can be used to fix the pronunciation of a sound R:

There was a ram

Over the steep mountains

Pulled out the grass

Put it on the bench

Who will take her

He will go out.

remembering counting rhyme, the child masters the account.

One, two, three, four, five -

Bukoy decided to play.

Three, four, five and six -

You believe me that he is.

Beeches, brothers, not at all.

Rhymes can be saturated with words of business speech, technical, construction and other terms, which broadens the horizons of the child, enriches the active vocabulary.

To build a new house

They store oak wood,

Bricks, iron, paint,

Nails, tow and putty,

And then, then, then

They start building a house.

Summing up, we can highlight the following points that make it easier for the child to perceive the text counting rhymes:

1. Rhymes saturated with nouns and verbs, most of them have a plot expressed in a dramatic or narrative form, or consist of several pictures, words - images, connecting according to some principle (rhythm, opposition, etc.).

2. Rhymes describe the visible objective world.

3. The dynamics of actions and the multiplicity of the text correspond to the emotional states of the child, his inability to describe the transmitted event in detail.

4. Dictionary counting rhymes maximally adapted for children's perception.

Charm the genre of counting rhymes is so great that some writers (S. Ya. Marshak, D. Kharms, etc.) borrowed images, rhythm and dynamics counting rhymes. Many of them counting rhymes"take root", entering the everyday life of children's games and becoming folklore.

Using counting rhyme you can conduct classes with children, teaching them to count, correct pronunciation, instilling the skills of dialogue, communication, artistry; developing in children intelligence, memory, observation, creative thinking and imagination, coordination of movements, etc.


Vanya is riding in a red hat

On a silver horse

The golden bridle rings

Looking in all directions

waving a whip,

A horse is dancing under it.

The squirrel jumped, jumped,

And I didn’t hit the Christmas tree,

And ended up in the royal house.

There they sat at the table

King, prince, king, prince,

Shoemaker, tailor,

Who will you be.

Bunny is a coward

Running across the field

Ran into the garden

Found a cabbage

Found a carrot

Sitting, chewing.

The owner is coming.

Dawn - lightning

Walked on the sea

Dropped the keys.

golden keys,

Things are expensive.


The cat got into a taxi

And the kittens clung

And ride for free.

In the blue sea - ocean

The golden ship is sailing

And on the island of Buyan

The dark forest is growing.

Let's think and guess

No matter how you think or guess

Just chase us.

Beyond the Marys, beyond the mountains,

Behind dense forests

Teremok on the hillock.

There is a lock on the doors.

You go for the key

And open the lock.

Under the mountain by the river

Gnomes live - old people.

They have a bell

Gilded ringing,

Ding - ding, ding - dong,

Get out soon.

There's a picture on the wall

Behind the picture is a web.

Don't look at the picture

Come into the web.

Mashenka went out for a walk,

To pick flowers for yourself,

Silence is all around

Only the cuckoo screams.

You, cuckoo, don't cry

And tell the whole truth:

How many more years in the spring

Will we see you?

She began to cackle

One, two, three, four, five,

Come out to play.

baths - baths,

What's below us

Under iron pillars?

Mice live there

They sew hats;

One hat fell off

The mouse - lope - ran away.

Cat Matvey

Ran after her!

Ivan is walking through the village,

He lost his caftan

And the caftan is on the street,

He was pecked by chickens

Hens - hens,

Don, don, don, don

Start your horse.

Walked, passed

Not found,

Vaughn went.

A cart was driving from Moscow,

Lost three boards

knock, ringing,

Get out.

The bees flew into the field

Buzzed, buzzed,

The bees sat on the flowers

We go and you drive.

The cuckoo walked past the net,

And behind her are small children.

Cuckoos are asked to drink.

Come out - you lead.

The chicken came out of the perch

And behind her are small children.

And shouted: "Where - where!"

Come drive here.

Bunny runs along the road.

Yes, the legs get tired quickly.

Bunny wanted to sleep

Come out - look for you!

Translation of the poem "Counting about fish",

Raetsel: Fisch or kein Fisch

Ein Fischlein schlaeft im Meeres Flusse,
Bestimmt besitzt es keine Fuesse.

Erwacht der Fisch, weil er nach oben muss,
Ploetzlich erscheint bei ihm der erste Fuss.

Auf seinem Kopf schwimmt er weiter,
Erscheint bei ihm noch ein Fuss, der zweite.

Wasist? Er hat noch einen Fuss dabei!
Wieviel zusammen? Also - es sind drei.

Wir fangen langsam an zu kichern,
Denn Fisch versucht auf allen Vieren kriechen.

Unser Fisch zieht auf einmal einen Trumpf -
Die Zahl der Fuesse waechst prompt auf fuenf.

Wirstaunen. Die Sache ist complex.
Er hebt die Zahl der Fuesse auf sechs.

Das Ergebnis wurde noch mal hoch getrieben -
Wir sehen noch mehr Fuesse: diesmal - sieben.

Los, fragen wir ihn. Seine Antwort ist vollbracht:
"All meine Fuesse sind zu acht."

Wenn du entdeckst: ein Fisch besitzt den achten Fuss -
Das ist kein Fisch, das ist ein OktopUs.:)

Translation of the poem "Counting about fish",

Lichilochka about fish

Fish to sleep on the bottom of the river -
Any legs, any hands.

The fish rose from the bottom -
One leg grew.

Sprinkled on the head -
Nig she had two.

Let's take a look at the fire.
Skіlki nіg? Isn't it three?

Raptom, we can’t believe it, -
Nig u ribi already chotiri!

I need to rahuvat again.
She has five already!

For whilina - new news:
Ribnikh nіg vzhe tsіlih sіst.

We got lost together.
Skіlki nіg ribi? Sim?

Numo, we'll ask in ribi.
"Visim" - we are told.

Name: EIGHT.


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