Create an advertising banner. Online free banner maker

As the popularity of the Internet grows, more and more advertising platforms appear within the network, and competition is constantly getting tougher. To attract visitors and potential customers to your site, you need to use advanced advertising techniques. One of the simplest and most popular methods today is banner advertising. Therefore, if you want to advertise your product, you cannot do without your own banner.

    • Benefits of banner ads
    • Creating a banner
    • About banner effectiveness and affiliate programs

Benefits of banner ads

An advertising banner for a site is a hyperlink to a site page in the form of a small text or graphic image. They place banners on the pages of advertising or partner resources. Sometimes they are placed on the pages of their site in order to increase traffic to a particular page or section.

Speaking about the benefits of using banners, it is worth emphasizing that this type of advertising is associated with low costs. Making a banner does not require deep knowledge, you can do it yourself. Being unobtrusive, banner advertising can be targeted to both a narrow and a wide range of potential customers.

Creating a banner

We recommend online earning course: Learn more than 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money with teaser ads

Convinced of the necessity and usefulness of banner advertising, the question arises, how to make a banner? The easiest way is to contact a specialist designer who will do the job efficiently and save the customer’s personal time. However, current technologies allow you to create a banner yourself and even online.

There are many sites that offer free banner creation from the proposed templates. The most popular and convenient among them are bannerovich, artbanner and Banner Fans.

The simplest, at the same time functional and understandable for novice designers is Banner Fans. The resource is available in Russian, the translation may be a little non-literary, but the interface is still intuitive. Registration is not required, you can save the made banner without it.

The banner is created online. The generator is made in such a way that the results of already completed creation processes are always visible in its upper part. And at the bottom of the editor is a panel with settings. Several basic sections are available to the user:

  • Layout. The section is responsible for backgrounds and banner sizes. The constructor can optionally adjust the size of the selected image automatically or provide this option to the banner creator (manually or from the list of template sizes). The backgrounds available to the user are divided into solid and gradient. In addition, the designer can use their own pictures for the background or choose from the suggested backgrounds.
  • Text. In this section, you can add up to 6 lines of text to the banner, each of which can be independently edited. The resource offers hundreds of fonts to choose from.
  • Impact. Responsible for text effects (shadow, color, transparency, outline, etc.).
  • Border. This section provides an option to select a frame for the banner. You can leave it completely unframed, or choose from a variety of standard options in various colors and sizes.
  • Format. Allows you to select the desired extension for the user to further place the banner on any site.

After all processing steps, the banner can be saved and used. Other popular online banner creation resources work on a similar principle.

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The static banner is ready, but it is possible to animate it, making it more visible and attractive. For this, there is a convenient resource Gifovina. Pre-create several different pictures on the Banner Fans website, then upload them as GIFs to the Gifovina website. The resource will offer several settings in which you can adjust the animation speed, select the necessary backgrounds, add some effects, after which the animated banner is available for saving.

The whole process is quite simple even for beginners and takes a little time. Yes, the quality will be worse than that of professional designers who use complex graphic software, but the result is quite acceptable for the first steps in website promotion.

About banner effectiveness and affiliate programs

When the graphic component is over, the question remains, how to make the banner effective? To advertise successfully, it is important to remember some nuances:

  1. The frequency of clicks on the banner is affected by its location, that is, it should be in a prominent place (top of the page), preferably on the main page of the site.
  2. The banner will look better on a page with bare text than on a purely advertising resource, where it can get lost among other links.
  3. The main thing in the banner is the text, it is it that attracts future buyers more than any animation effects.
  4. You need to advertise the content of your site on resources with similar topics in order to attract the target audience, and best of all, find a suitable affiliate program.

The affiliate program makes it possible to attract clients to little-known companies, saving money on full-scale promotion of your own website. The main thing is to find a suitable affiliate program.

All such programs are divided into types, depending on the method of submitting information and paying for their services. You may be charged per click, impression, or action, or per sale.

Thus, the customer who placed the banner of his site on the affiliate program knows exactly how much and for what he pays. Clicks and conversions are the cheapest, but the return on such advertising is minimal. A more effective investment is considered to be a payment for an action (registration, subscription to the site's newsletter, etc. is implied), since the potential client is much more involved in the process. This type of advertising is suitable for service sites and online games.

If the site sells physical goods, then the best solution is to use an affiliate program that agrees to advertise a banner for a percentage of sales.

There are also multi-level affiliate programs with a developed referral network, where payments are made according to a hierarchy.

Summing up, we can say that banner advertising is still the most popular and effective among Runet users. Despite the fact that this type of advertising is not at all new, it has proved its worth and continues to be in demand. Therefore, you must independently, without the help of specialists, know how to make a banner.

The first advantage of the banner maker is that it is available online and does not require any additional software to be installed. As you can see on the screenshot, the service itself is small and not overloaded with menu links, control buttons and various settings. There are only 4 of them on the main page. We will need the section My projects and Inspiration. After authorization through Facebook or regular registration (email + password), we can start creating a banner, poster or invitation.

How to make a banner

The service has all the necessary tools to make a banner quickly and efficiently and download in the format we need. Several image formats of ready-made banners are available: JPG, PNG and PDF.

To make a banner, just start. Go to the designer's website.

  1. We can choose a ready-made design from the proposed library of ready-made options. In fact, if we are satisfied with the picture and design, we can only replace the text with our own;
  2. Or, you can start creating from scratch by setting the desired size or choosing from the proposed formats (for Facebook, Instagram, Poster, etc.) and uploading your picture to the service.

After selecting the desired size from the template or setting your own sizes, go to the page for creating a banner. The menu on the left will change and take the form as in the screenshot. Now we can add photos, backgrounds or background patterns from the gallery or upload our own. In the remaining sections, we can find Lines, Frames, Shapes and more.

Each added element can be repainted in different colors, change the size, position and transparency. The text is added separately and you can also do all the modifications listed above with it. Russian fonts are in the service.

The finished project will be stored in your account and you can return to editing when you need to. You can download the finished banner or poster at any time in image or PDF format. If something doesn’t work out for you, watch the video below (the sound is quiet, alas, it happened), where we will try to make a banner, some unpretentious one and download it.

To work with the designer, it is better to use the Chrome browser, since I noticed that when saving Mozile, the .png extension does not fit - this is solved by simply renaming the file and adding the desired (in which it was downloaded) dot and name (png or jpg). Look like that's it.

Greetings friends on the blog ""! Today's article discusses the manufacture of an advertising banner with your own hands using free programs.

How to make your own banner ad

In the Infobusiness, to make money through the Internet, you can’t do without advertising, including banner ads. Advertising banners are installed on their own and other people's blogs, as well as on various banner advertising sites. For these purposes, advertising banners of various sizes and various designs are used.

If you make money on affiliate programs, on reselling, then, as a rule, advertising banners of various sizes come with these products, and the blogger only has to install an advertising banner on the site, or place them on advertising exchanges. But if you want to advertise your product, you can't do without your own banner. Where to get it? There are two ways:

  • buy (order) a banner on the freelance exchange;
  • creating an advertising banner yourself.

Of course, it’s easy to buy with money, but it costs money, and on the initial path of work they don’t exist anyway, first you need to earn money. Not everyone undertakes to create an advertising banner on their own, the fear of the unknown, the lack of the necessary knowledge, scares them - although it is very simple.

There were cases with me when it was necessary to place advertising banners of an affiliate program on the Rotaban exchange, but I could not do this due to the lack of the required sizes of advertising banners (banners of other sizes were applied in the materials). Work on the Rotaban exchange was written in the article "". It turns out that in order to make money on affiliate programs, you also need your own advertising banners.

Let me remind you that advertising banners on the site are static and animated. A static banner is a simple image, which usually has some kind of inscription, while the animated one speaks for itself. So, making a static banner is easier than ever for any beginner, and in this article we will deal with it. There are a lot of options for making static banners, but we will use an example to consider a fairly simple option, and with the use of free programs.

So, to make an advertising simple static banner, we need a graphic editor, it can be as simple as the standard Paint program to the well-known Photoshop. In our case, we will create an advertising banner in the Pixlr graphics editor, I like this program, it is essentially an online photoshop, but much easier to use.

So let's get started! First we need to decide what banner size we need. Next, we go to the Pixlr online program (how to do this is shown in detail in the article ““. We go inside the program and click “Create a new image.” In the form that opens, set the size of the future banner, in our case 468x60 and click “Yes”.

Now the field of the future banner can be filled with the color we need and make inscriptions. How to do this was discussed in detail in the previous article "", where we made pictures for blog articles.

In this article, we will complicate our task, instead of the usual filling of the banner field, we use the “Gradient” mode, the filling will be done with a variable color intensity, the image will look prettier. To do this, in the left toolbar of the Pixlr program, select the “Gradient” mode (see the screenshot) - step 1. The “Gradient” bar appears in the upper part of the window, click on it - step 2, the color selection window opens, select the color gradation we need - action 3.

Now, with the mouse, set the cursor in the middle part of the future banner and move it up, down or right, left. Experimentally, we obtain the desired color gradation.

Now you can overlay an image, as well as write text in any color and size (as shown in the article "").

In order to place an advertising banner on your own or someone else's blog, you need to create another html code for the resulting banner. This is done very simply, just like placing a picture on a blog (for example, in a sidebar). So let's use the code template:

target="_blank"> Blog banner image URL» width="468" height="60" border="0">

where width is the width of the created banner;

height - height;

It is not necessary to specify these parameters, but it is better to specify them, otherwise the banner elements may not be displayed correctly if it fails. To avoid showing a blue border around the banner, you need to display border="0" .

Now, in the above template, we insert the link where it should lead the visitor. In my example, this is .

Now we need to get the address of the image on the blog. To do this, we place the resulting banner, and this is a picture, on the blog in the media files folder and take a link from there. If you don’t know how to do this, I recommend that you look at the article “”, everything is shown in detail there - posting a picture and getting a link.


As you can see, the process of making advertising banners is easy and simple, any beginner can do this work, and when you get rich, you can order freelance. An advertising banner of any size is made in 5-10 minutes. If you are promoting an affiliate program, and there is no banner of a suitable size, this method is quite suitable both for making a new one and for reworking an existing advertising banner of a different size.

By the way, affiliate products are advertised by dozens or even hundreds of people, and everyone advertises the affiliate program with the same banners, believe me, there is very little return on such banners. To increase earnings, it is better to have unique advertising banners. You can watch the process of making an advertising banner in a short video, see here:

In the near future, we will consider the production of more attractive animated banners. Subscribe to blog updates and do not miss the news. There will be questions - contact. Good luck to you!

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How to create a banner: the concept of a banner + the relevance of banner advertising + 4 ways to create an ad unit + 3 tips for beginners in this matter.

Most likely, you are already familiar with all kinds of advertising and know what they are for. Advertising promotion of goods and services on the Internet has gained great popularity today, and this, in turn, has led to the emergence of many new ways to present your product to the buyer.

But, despite all the new trends, one of the most selling types of online promotion is still banner advertising. In this article, we will tell you how to create a banner, and whether special knowledge is needed for this.

What is a banner: relevance and general concepts

It is unlikely that today you can meet a person who would have heard the concept of "banner" for the first time. And all because the first blocks of banner ads appeared 14 years ago and have since become more and more popular.

Despite the fact that for many years network users have been trying to create more and more new ways to block banner ads, numerous studies in this area still claim that banners have been and remain among the most popular and sold.

The diagram below confirms this:

So what is a banner? How do experts interpret this concept?

Banner in translation from English means a banner. But, if we talk about a specific term, then a banner is an advertising unit, presented in the form of a graphic image or an animated picture, which is aimed at attracting potential consumers of goods and services.

The banner contains not only an image, but also a hyperlink, when clicked, the visitor goes to the advertiser's resource. Today's technologies involve following a link not only by clicking on it, but also by simply hovering over it with the mouse cursor.

Most often, banners are used in the form of logos to attract the attention of potential buyers.

There are many classifications of banners, but we will consider only the most basic ones.

And now let's move on to the main issue - creating a banner. Many believe that this requires special knowledge or at least material investments. We will consider all the ways that are available to each of us.

4 ways to create a banner

Whether you're looking to promote your own website or plan to become a professional custom banner maker, we'll show you 4 main ways to help you create a banner.

Which one you choose will depend on your end goal.

Option 1. Create a banner using the services of professionals.

If you are interested in how to create a banner for advertising and at the same time have the provided capital for an advertising company, then this method is for you.

This option is the simplest, since you only need to find a suitable organization or person who is engaged in the creation of such objects and place an order with them. But, on the other hand, this method is the most expensive, which is quite logical. If you don't put in any effort, you have to pay for the necessary work.

Finding such an agency online is not difficult. There are many small companies that are ready to create your banner in no time.

Here are a few examples for you:


But not only on such resources, you can agree to create a banner. You can also use the services of freelancers by looking for such on specialized sites.

The most famous of them are the following:


As for the pricing policy, it will differ depending on which ad unit you need to create. If we are talking about an ordinary static banner, then its cost will be from 500 rubles. When you plan to order a set of 5 animated banners, get ready to pay up to 5 thousand rubles.

Option 2. Create a banner using a graphic editor.

Having considered the simplest, but costly way to create a banner on the site, let's move on to the most inexpensive, but difficult option.

In principle, anyone can create the necessary advertisement in a graphic editor, but the complexity of this method is that you need to start work from scratch. Moreover, if you don’t know how to use the editor, then first you need to get the necessary knowledge in this area, and only then get to work.

True, today this is not a problem, just look at a couple of lessons on You Tube, and you can already become a skilled user of one of the editors. But which editor should you choose?

Asking such a question, most often you can hear the same answer - in order to create a banner, it is best to use Photoshop.

Yes, indeed, this graphic editor is very versatile, but it has a lot of tools that you can deal with for years. Therefore, we advise you to create an advertisement in the editor that seems most convenient for you to work with.

  • photoshop- as already mentioned, such a program requires a professional approach, so if you want to learn how to use it or already have some skills, then you can safely try to create a banner in Photoshop. For convenience, you can use the online version of the editor:
  • ( is an easy-to-use, but functional graphics editor that resembles Photoshop with its capabilities. It is the prototype of the standard Paint, just as easy for beginners, but at the same time very advanced.
  • GIMP ( is another very good and simple graphic editor that allows you to create a banner and web site design. Works on the most popular operating systems.

The scheme of work with each of the editors is almost the same, and all of them are not difficult to use, so this option is very suitable for a beginner.

Consider the principle of action on the example of working with Photoshop:

Option 3. You can create a banner using special programs.

This method is another method of how to create a banner without any extra effort, and even more so without spending money.

Programs designed to create an ad block are in many ways superior to graphic editors, as they have many advantages.

They should include:

  • Ease of use - the programs allow beginners to easily and free of charge create a bright and selling banner.
  • Multifunctionality - such services have many tools for supplementing banners with various special effects. In addition, most of them already provide a large number of templates, which allows you to quickly determine the appearance of banner advertising.
  • Russian-language interface - many programs use English as the main language, but almost all of them allow you to change it to Russian.

The main advantage of programs for creating banners, of course, is their ease of use. In order to create a banner in one of these programs, no serious knowledge is required. In addition, there are a lot of such sites today, which allows you to choose any of them at your discretion.

Let's analyze some of the most famous services:

  1. EasyBanner is a multifunctional and easy-to-use site that allows you to create both a regular and an animated banner. Here you can select the desired image, work on effects, insert text. The biggest advantage of the resource is a large number of ready-made templates that greatly simplify the task.
  2. Sothink SWF Easy- a program that allows you not only to create a standard banner, but also to design a professional animated block with bright elements. At the same time, the resource is designed for use by beginners, since all actions can be performed by referring to small tips. The interface of the program is easy to use, besides, there is also a large selection of templates and images.
  3. Atani- a multifunctional program that will compete even with professional services. Here you can create static and dynamic banners using images in a variety of formats.

Using each of these programs is not difficult.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

Now you have created your banner and you can start promoting your brand or product.

Option 4. Create a banner using the online banner maker.

And the last way out of the 4 presented is the option of creating using online constructors. This method is the most versatile and simple.

Even compared to banner creation programs, using the banner designer is even easier. This is explained by the fact that in order to form a promotion tool, you do not need to install or disassemble anything. In addition, such web services have no less functionality, are most often free and, like programs, have a Russian-language interface.

The main thing is to choose the most optimal of the designers for your situation in order to be able to create a high-quality and salable banner.

Let's analyze some popular resources.

No. 1. Banner Fans.

The main advantages of this service include its simplicity and versatility, as well as support for many languages. As soon as you follow the link to this builder, the interface language will be English, but you can change it in the upper right corner.

You will have a banner layout in front of you, which you can change to your taste by selecting the necessary elements, background and applying the template. If in the end you don't like something, then you can change your banner. At the bottom of the page, after creating the product, you can get a code in order to insert a banner on the site.

This resource is free, but has several disadvantages:

  • Firstly, the Russian language, into which the translation is carried out on the site, is very far from ideal.
  • Secondly, it is not always possible to print the text in Russian; it does not read many signs.

Therefore, it is best to try to create a banner using this constructor only in English.

No. 2. Bannerovich.

A very easy-to-use online banner maker that allows you to create a banner in two ways:

A noticeable disadvantage of this editor is the lack of templates, but there is a large selection of images and backgrounds. In addition, the service is Russian-speaking and free.

Number 3. Canva.

One of the most popular and easy-to-use banner creation services. The service is free, but you have to pay to expand the number of tools. You can buy a period of use lasting one month, or you can purchase such a right immediately for a year.

The resource is very functional, it allows you to choose a wide variety of layouts and ad block templates for different needs. Here you can also select the desired background, write text and insert an additional element.

First, to work on this site, you will have to register, after which you can proceed with registration.

So, we have analyzed the 4 most popular ways to create a banner on your own or with the help of webmasters. Finally, I would like to add a few words about how to make your advertising product more competitive in the market.

The concept of "the right banner" suggests that it will become a good tool for advertising and promotion, thereby attracting many potential consumers.

    Such banners do not bring the desired visitors or additional income. They are more likely to annoy the audience, which is unlikely to want to return to your site after that.

    The banner should carry the necessary information and be memorable.

    In continuation of the speech about too colorful and bright advertisements, we recall that the main goal of banner advertising is to be remembered by a potential buyer or to make him think that by clicking on the link, he can get important information.

    Place banners on sites based on the target audience.

    Very often, not the design of banner advertising itself plays an important role, but the portrait of the audience to which it is addressed.

    You must clearly understand who you are directing your advertising to and design it accordingly.

We dealt not only with the main question of how to create a banner, but also gave many ways how exactly this can be done, with the help of which program or resource.

Hi all! A banner is an animated picture of small size, the images of which, as a rule, change one by one. Most often, a banner consists of 3-4 images, each of which is shown for several seconds.

Animated (gif, flash) banners perfectly attract the attention of site visitors, which means that traffic can be redirected from one resource to another.

About how to create a banner for the site, how to set it up, as well as what programs to use, I will tell you in this article.

Programs for creating a banner

There are several popular programs that allow you to make a banner for the site. And although there are not as many of them as we would like, they are still free. I recommend using the following programs to create an animated picture:

  1. Ulead Gif Animator
  2. Banner Maker Pro 7.0.5
  3. BannerdesignerPro5.0
  4. Easy GIF Animator

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which it makes no sense to describe. I recommend trying all of them (they are small - each takes about 25 MB), and stop at the most convenient one, in your opinion.

Easy GIF Animator

I will describe the creation of a banner using Easy GIF Animator, since I often use it myself. This program is suitable when you need to quickly create a simple and uncomplicated banner, consisting of 2-3 changing inscriptions. The interface of the program is very convenient, which allows you to instantly figure it out. But the graphics leave much to be desired.

First of all, you will need to download this program on the Internet - select the desired version, the appropriate language, download and start working (I, for example, use the Russified version of "5 PRO").

After launching the program, you will be taken to the main page, where you will have to choose what to create (animation, banner, button, etc.). We choose an animated banner.

The next step is choosing a color. You can choose a monotone color, or you can choose a gradient. A huge palette of colors is available, so there will be no problems with this. Let's move on to the next step again.

The third stage is the creation of inscriptions, which will be broadcast. There are many options here that you can adjust. Change the size of the inscriptions, their animation, position on the banner, etc. You can experiment with the font, as well as the colors of the inscriptions. In total, you can create up to three text messages, unfortunately, you won’t be able to create more =).

When you complete all the work, the program will offer you to save only the created banner.

Here's what I came up with (it only took a minute to create):

Creating a banner in Photoshop

Photoshop is a powerful program that allows you to create enchanting graphic elements, but it takes a long time to master this program. And not everyone has it on their computer. But if you still want to make a banner in Photoshop, but you don’t have it, then use online Photoshop (search in Google). Its functionality is limited in many ways, but it's better than nothing.

I must say right away that Photoshop is a very powerful program, and you can use it to create both very simple and uncomplicated pictures, and very bright animated banners.

I found two very interesting articles on the Internet that describe different options for creating beautiful logos. I recommend that you take a look at them.

Both articles describe the process of creating banners in great detail, so there should be no problems with their perception. That's how you can. If you have any questions, write in the comments.

However, if you're looking for a really high-quality banner, then it's better to go to someone who has been doing this for several years and has good reviews. I recommend a designer named Dmitry, be sure to look at his work, you can go to his website and order a banner using the button below.

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