Dream interpretation unexpected gift. Why dream of a holiday. Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus: why dream artificial flowers give you

If in a dream you were presented with a crystal vase, this means that you will soon achieve the fulfillment of your cherished desire.

If a young woman sees in a dream that her lover is giving her a pearl necklace, then happy events await her in reality, during which she will hear the words of a love confession from her boyfriend and an offer to marry.

To dream that you have been given a dog is a harbinger of a prosperous life full of comfort and pleasure.

To receive a box of expensive sweets as a gift - in reality you will find yourself in an intelligent society where your talents will be appreciated and will always be happy to receive you.

A dream in which you are given a stunning natural fur coat - in reality you will find yourself in an incidental situation when you are mistaken for the wrong person, and you do not begin to reveal your true name so as not to aggravate your situation.

To receive jewelry as a gift is a sign of exceptional attractiveness and luck in love, promising a wonderful husband and a chic life in complete carelessness.

A dream where you receive a gift from some sponsors a car or a yacht is a sign of the suspicious goodwill of people who have always shown a hostile attitude towards you.

To receive wonderfully designed books as a gift in a dream - to the good news from friends from abroad. If in a dream you did not receive the expected gift, this portends a clear threat to your current position.

If on your birthday you received flowers from a loved one as a gift, such a dream predicts good luck in all areas.

A dream in which you are given golden little things means that you will be able to go far on the path to wealth and universal recognition.

A dream where you yourself present gifts to relatives portends material assistance from them.

Presenting a gift to the authorities on his anniversary testifies to your deeply indifferent attitude towards your leadership, as well as towards any subordination in general.

If in a dream you send an expensive gift by mail - in reality you do not use the chance given by fate to arrange your life.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Seeing a gift in a dream

Receive gifts in a dream - a sign that you will be unusually happy. A gift promises business people successful financial transactions.

Sending someone a gift - to the loss of an opportunity to solve your problems. It is also possible that you will receive a censure from someone that will annoy you.

If a young woman receives a wonderful gift in a dream, in reality she will be married to a wealthy and congenial person.

To receive birthday gifts in a dream promises you rare luck in everything. If you yourself present a gift in a festive atmosphere, this means that in reality you do not have due respect for this person.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

What do dreams mean Gift

If in a dream a friend or lover gives you something as a keepsake, then an unexpected pleasant surprise awaits you soon: friends who are thirsty for your good will do everything possible to achieve it. For a young man, this dream means that his betrothed will be rich in virtue and beautiful in character, constant in her feelings and sincerely attached to him. For a young woman - that her husband will be noble, like a true gentleman, rich, famous, perhaps they will have many children. If you yourself give someone 74 gifts, the dream portends that you will have a happy opportunity to generously give them. But if in a dream you need to make a gift, but for some reason you cannot, this is a sign of poverty and confusion in business.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

What does a gift mean in a dream

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

The meaning of dreams Gift

A gift - to you - if the donor is known to you, expect trouble or trouble through him; if unknown, then someone wishes you evil and with his energy strikes you, what is called the "evil eye". Choose someone - you are on the verge of financial loss, do not commit rash acts. Making a gift with your own hands - your material well-being is in your hands.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Kananit

What does a gift mean in a dream

A gift is a symbol of sympathy and friendship. Judging by the nature of the gift, it can mean both affection and contempt.

Interpretation of dreams from the Russian dream book

The meaning of sleep Gift

To give someone a gift in a dream means that you will do some act that will surprise this person. It is possible that this act will cause a break in your relationship in the future. Receiving a gift in a dream is a sign that soon someone or something will surprise you, in a bad or good way. But if in a dream the gift is unusual or surprises you, then expect some unexpected incidents corresponding to the degree of your surprise (pleasant or unpleasant) in a dream.

To receive a gift on the occasion of some holiday or birthday means that you will achieve the respect of this person. See interpretation: birthday.

To receive a valuable gift in a dream means that you will be appreciated. Seeing gifts in a dream on holidays is a sign of receiving good news, meeting loved ones, receiving gifts.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Gift

The gift is a symbol of sympathy, friendship, desire to win the trust of another person. A gift can symbolize love, respect, contempt.

It was believed that it was not customary to go to visit without a gift, at the same time, any, even the most insignificant, gift should be accepted with gratitude. On this occasion, proverbs appeared: “You don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”, “It’s not a gift that is expensive, but attention.”

To dream that the person you love brings you a box with a gift, and you forget to see what is inside the box with happiness - the dream portends a love meeting, a secret date; The one whom you sympathize with for a long time, but did not dare to take the first step, confesses his love to you; You will be surprised with good news, a surprise.

You are asked to bring a scarlet flower as a gift - to get to know an unusual person; to the birth of a girl; to pleasant worries and an interesting journey.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient dream book

What in a dream predicts a Gift

Receiving gifts in a dream is a happy omen. Such a dream portends that you will be happy in love.

A girl's dream in which she is given a gift portends a happy marriage, and her husband will be rich and congenial to her.

If she dreams that she gives a gift to her beloved, this means that in reality she does not have respect for him.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

What does it mean to see a gift in a dream

Receiving gifts in a dream is a sign that you will be unusually happy. For business people, such a present promises successful financial transactions. Receive birthday gifts in a dream - to extraordinary luck in everything. If a young woman receives a wonderful gift, in reality she will be married to a wealthy and congenial person.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What predicts a dream Gift

in a dream indicates joy, love, sympathy and reconciliation between broken relationships with each other.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

Dream Meaning Gift

If in a dream someone gave you a gift (not a specific thing, but a gift in general), the dream means that in the near future incredible luck will fall upon you. All your transactions during this period will be crowned with success, and your personal life will finally get better. You pick up or give a gift - you will lose what really bothered you.

Imagine that you are unwrapping a gift box and inside is exactly the gift that you have been dreaming of all your life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

In a dream to see a Gift

Gifts received in a dream portend great happiness. For business people, such a dream promises successful financial transactions.

If in your dream you sent someone a gift, try not to miss a good opportunity to solve your problems. This dream is also fraught with irritation for you due to someone's inappropriate remark.

A young woman, who received an expensive gift in a dream, in reality expects marriage with a wealthy and congenial person.

A dreamed birthday present portends rare luck in everything. And if you yourself give someone a gift for the holiday, then in real life you do not have respect for this person.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dreams have long been considered messages from the gods.

In many ancient religions, the ability to plunge into a state of meditative sleep was regarded as a kind of gift.

It was people with this ability who were considered especially gifted, endowed with higher power.

The interpretation of dreams was also treated very reverently, especially the interpretation of dreams about gifts. Why dream of receiving gifts - you should figure it out.

Why dream of receiving gifts - general interpretations

From ancient times, gifts, they are gifts, were considered a manifestation of the highest respect for a person, for a family, for the Deity. Giving gifts, laying gifts, a person showed his respect and bowed before the Gods. This attitude to the process of giving determines the current interpretation of dreams about them.

The fact is that when laying gifts, gifts, a person asked to give him a blessing, grace. When she condescended to him, he got everything he dreamed of. And today, dreams about gifts are interpreted as a harbinger of positive, joyful events. They foreshadow the receipt of gifts from above. It can be like:

New relationship;

Joyful events;

Development of existing relationships;


Recovery after a long illness.

Of course, it is nice to see in a dream how gifts are presented to you, but you should be attentive to all the little things of a dream. Perhaps the plot itself is negative. For example, if the dream is joyful and suddenly, the gift suddenly breaks or is lost - such a dream promises trouble and trouble.

If in a dream you receive a rumpled and torn gift, someone is watching you closely and spreading gossip behind your back. What to do in this case is to reconsider your attitude towards the people who surround you. Among them is a traitor, a rogue.

Often, a dream in which a person receives a gift promises joy and happiness. Such dreams are really nice to see. They set a person up to hope and wait for enlightenment in life, to wait for a new joyful period to come.

Why dream of receiving gifts according to Miller's dream book

Why dream of receiving gifts? Miller's dream book indicates that such a dream promises happiness and joy. If a person who has such a dream is engaged in business, he will get the opportunity to conclude new contracts, find new markets for selling his products.

If you receive a gift in a festive atmosphere with many people around- you should expect recognition of your merits soon. Do not postpone joy and happiness for later. Let them be. Such advice is given by the dream book.

Receive a gift in honor of the birth of a child- such a dream promises a move, a change of residence, a change of job. If the gift is wrapped in a huge amount of paper or hidden in several boxes, a secret admirer is breathing unevenly towards you.

If a man dreams that he receives a crumpled and broken gift- in reality, his hopes for a relationship with a girl will not be successful. The dream book advises not to lose heart, but to analyze all your actions. Perhaps somewhere you made a fundamental mistake.

Why dream of receiving gifts according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book indicates that dreams about gifts are dreaming of the beginning of a new sexual life. If a lonely guy or girl had such a dream, it’s worth taking a closer look. In your environment, you have long been idolized. Someone really likes you.

If a girl is thinking about a divorce, about breaking up a relationship, then a dream in which she joyfully receives gifts- promises her new opportunities in her personal life. Old relationships will easily depart and new ones will come into life quickly.

If a girl dreams of childbearing and cannot get pregnant in any way- such a dream promises her the imminent appearance of children, she suddenly finds out that she is pregnant. If a pregnant girl dreams that she receives a broken, unwrapped gift, you should be especially careful with your health and the health of your child.

If a young married couple dreams about how they exchange gifts- soon they will have a sweet life filled with love and passion. Such relationships do have a future.

Why dream of receiving gifts from other dream books

If we talk about a women's dream book, then in its interpretation to receive gifts - to great happiness and joy. Opportunities to find harmony with yourself. If you are in business, you should expect good luck in trading. It is also worth familiarizing yourself with other interpretations of why you dream of receiving gifts:

If the gift is timed to coincide with a birthday, luck will manifest itself in all areas of life;

For a girl to see such a dream - for an early marriage with a worthy young man;

If a gift was delivered to you by mail - in reality, wait for news from long-forgotten friends.

Receive a huge gift box that later turns out to be empty- to empty hopes and promises. You should not trust people so resignedly, they often use such trust for selfish purposes.

According to the Russian folk dream book to receive a gift in a dream - to make a new friendship, gain location. If the gift seems inappropriate, or your old enemy gives it to you, in reality you will experience contempt and indignation at your actions.

In Aesop's dream book it is indicated that the gift symbolizes a disposition towards a person, a desire to trust, sympathy. Previously, it was believed that coming to visit without a gift is an indicator of bad taste, so they tried to give gifts even on the most insignificant occasions. Gifts, like dreams about them, should be accepted with gratitude - they carry a piece of the soul of the one who gives them.

If in a dream you saw a stranger who gives you a gift, and you don’t even look at what’s inside for joy, such a dream promises a love meeting. Also, such a dream can mean a quick secret date, a declaration of love. Good news is possible that you have long dreamed of.

If the gift is flowers or a flower- for a girl, such a dream may mean that she will soon become a mother. For a married woman, such a dream promises a revival of relationships - their new round.

According to Tsvetkov's dream book a gift promises good and long-awaited news. The French dream book indicates that the gift is a dream of punishment for imprudent actions. It is worth being attentive to every little thing and to every word spoken.

Hasse's dream book indicates that receiving a gift promises an improvement in business. Perhaps the opening of new opportunities, the conclusion of business contracts. The esoteric dream book states that a dream in which you receive a gift from a person you know promises you troubles and empty worries. If a gift was brought to you under the threshold and left without a note, look for other people's things in your house that clearly carry negativity. If an unknown person gave you a gift on the street, you were jinxed.

See how a strange woman gives a gift to your child- a serious illness is to be expected. Accept gifts at work for no reason - get ready for dismissal. Accepting gifts from friends on the eve of your anniversary is a long-awaited profit.

According to the idiomatic dream book receive a gift - to improve things. It is worth expecting profit from hidden sources. For a young girl, a dream in which she receives a lot of gifts promises her attention from the stronger sex. Joyful events are also possible, which will arise spontaneously, and bring many pleasant meetings.

According to the wanderer's dream book to receive gifts- to a happy coincidence. If you dreamed that a deceased person gives you his favorite thing, such a dream indicates that you are under the protection of your ancestors.

It is always pleasant to receive gifts, even in a dream. If things are not going well for you for a long time, relations with the opposite sex are not getting better, and suddenly you suddenly had a dream in which you receive a gift - expect pleasant changes in life.

It will be filled with light and energy. The main thing is to be able to accept gifts of fate with gratitude. Often people themselves refuse them, considering themselves unworthy, believing that it is not yet time to have children, a family. If you already had a dream in which you receive gifts, pay special attention to the upcoming events of your life. Life will not always be favorable, it does not give gifts to those who do not deserve it. What should definitely be done? Listen to the advice and signs of a dream - expect a change for the better, change for the better yourself.

It is pleasant for every person to receive gifts in reality. However, the interpretation of dreams in which the dreamer received a present is not always favorable. The exact interpretation of what you see in a dream depends on the smallest details. It is important to consider the personality of the person who presented the gift and the dreamer's attitude towards this person. You should pay attention to what feelings and emotions the present evoked, as well as the cost and appropriateness of the presented gift.

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    Interpretation in popular dream books

    What is the dream of a gift, according to the interpretation of popular dream books:

    • Women's dream book claims that receiving a gift in a dream is a symbol of incredible luck in life and the fulfillment of a cherished dream in reality. If a person is engaged in business, then in the near future he will have the opportunity to sign a very profitable contract. Successful financial transactions will bring quite substantial profits in the future.
    • Russian folk interpreter of dreams says that the dreamer's emotions when presenting a gift can tell about the attitude of others towards him. If a sleeping person is pleased to receive a present, then in reality this means respect and honor from the giver. The dreamer experiences negative feelings - this speaks of the duplicity and hypocrisy of the donor.
    • Grandma's dream book claims that if the dreamer's friend gave him a present, then this predicts a vacation in a cheerful company that will leave only pleasant memories. In the case when a sleeping person gives a gift to a friend who is close in spirit, then the possibility that he may quarrel with this person is not excluded.
    • Gustav Miller regards the gift as an ambiguous symbol of dreams. A dream plot may portend positive emotions and success for people who are engaged in trade. However, only if they started their business quite recently.
    • French interpreter of dreams gives a rather negative interpretation of the dream, especially if the dreamer has recently committed some kind of rash act. Most likely, he will have to be punished for this.

    What actions did the dreamer perform?

    Giving gift wrapping to someone is a big financial problem. If the dreamer buys gifts for loved ones in a dream, then this indicates that he wants to do everything possible to live in peace and harmony with them. The main thing is not to overdo it in this matter. Otherwise, you can only win the contempt and distrust of relatives.

    Choosing a present is a sign that the dreamer does not know what to do in a difficult situation. You should be extremely careful and carefully think through your actions so that you do not regret anything later.

    Looking for a gift is a symbol of minor business problems that a sleeping person can easily cope with. If the gift looks untidy, then this predicts unpleasant surprises.

    It is a dream that a person receives a lot of gifts - amazing pleasant events will happen in the near future.

    If you had a chance to give a gift to someone you know, you need to remember your feelings at that moment. Perhaps the dreamer feels negative towards this person, and in a dream he tries to make amends.

    If a dream about gifts is dreamed of by a person whose birthday is in the fall, then this promises pleasant communication with friends. For spring birthdays, this portends good news from afar.

    Send someone a present - lose the opportunity to solve an old problem. Giving someone a gift on the occasion of an anniversary means that in reality the dreamer does not have any respect for this person at all. In the case when the dreamer prepares a gift with his own hands, the dream suggests that his financial situation depends only on him.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

    The identity of the donor

    The interpretation of sleep depends on who exactly handed the dreamer a gift. It is important to remember the mood with which it was done.


    A gift from a beloved young man is a good symbol. He says that soon the relationship of lovers will move to a higher level. If the dreamer, out of surprise, forgot to look into the box with the gift, then she will have a chic romantic date.

    If a guy made an unusual surprise in a dream, then this indicates his secret desire to offer his hand and heart to his chosen one in the original form.

    deceased person

    A gift from a dead person portends cardinal changes in the dreamer's life. What these changes will be depends on the prudence of the sleeping person. If the deceased gave a bouquet - this is a symbol of the fulfillment of the most cherished desire.

    To receive a present from a deceased relative is an unfavorable sign. He promises a series of troubles, financial problems. You should not agree to dubious transactions with unfamiliar business partners.

    If a gift is presented by a deceased brother, and this happens in some unusual place, then this speaks of incredible luck.

    What was given?

    To receive an expensive gift in a dream means a good attitude towards the sleeping person on the part of the giver. The interpretation of sleep depends on what item was presented as a gift - jewelry, an expensive watch or car, money, a wardrobe item or a toy.

    Gift Dream interpretation
    • If a girl accepted a ring from an ex-boyfriend as a gift, then this indicates that the feelings of the lovers have not cooled down yet.
    • If a young bachelor had a dream about a golden ring, then he should prepare for the marriage ceremony. In the near future, he will meet a girl for whom he will have very strong feelings, and the young man will propose to her a few months after they met.
    • If a young woman who is married accepts a golden ring from a man as a gift, then this is a warning sign. Soon a lover will appear in her life who will try to seduce her and achieve what she wants. It will take a lot of effort not to be convicted of treason.
    • To receive a gold chain as a gift from your beloved boyfriend is a good sign. He speaks of sincerity and purity of feelings, selfless devotion of the chosen one. The dream of a pearl necklace has the same meaning.
    • The dreamer hands someone a golden chain - the desire to subjugate a person and force him to fulfill his requirements. If unforeseen circumstances arise that prevent the present from being presented, then in reality it will not be possible to subdue this person, as she will turn out to be a rather strong and strong-willed person
    • Receive earrings as a gift - to worsen your financial situation. You should think about the possibility of additional earnings, as there is a real threat of being fired from your previous job.
    • If a girl had such a dream, then this promises great disappointment in her chosen one, since it turns out that the young man is building a relationship with her only for selfish purposes.
    • For people involved in trade, a dream in which they had a gift in the form of a watch means the success and prosperity of the company.
    • To accept a watch as a gift - to a useful acquaintance with the right people. However, success will be overshadowed by the daily routine. To avoid this, you need to learn how to plan your day down to the minute.
    • A donated car can speak of a good attitude towards a person of authoritative people. However, a dream may warn the dreamer that he will be involved in fraud.
    • For a girl, such a dream suggests that she has a secret admirer who is ready to spend every last penny so that she pays attention to him.
    Fur coat To accept a fur coat made of expensive fur as a gift - to get into an awkward situation
    Candies Get into the society of intelligent people
    Yacht Hypocrisy on the part of colleagues
    crystal vase To the fulfillment of a cherished desire
    Money An unfavorable sign that speaks of upcoming financial difficulties
    Telephone Sign of receiving news from distant relatives
    Perfume Declaration of love
    Dress A girl who received a beautiful dress as a gift will have a carefree and joyful period.
    Comb The love and attention of loved ones who will surround the dreamer with their attention and care.
    • If an unmarried girl was presented with flowers on her birthday, then very soon a marriage proposal awaits her. The young man will be a decent and worthy chosen one.
    • For a married woman, such a dream portends a warm relationship between spouses.
    Soft toy Pure and bright relationship between lovers. Their feelings grow stronger every day more and more
    Doll It symbolizes the dreamer's desire to return to childhood, since in real life he experiences difficulties. You should pull yourself together, and then the situation will change for the better
    Dog Help a friend in a difficult situation
    Book To receive good news from afar. This may be an invitation to a wedding celebration or news of a new addition to the family.
    Bag An exciting journey that will leave only pleasant memories; fulfillment of the most cherished dream
    • If a woman was presented with red roses as a present, then this promises increased attention from the opposite sex, compliments and an increase in the dreamer's self-esteem.
    • If the dreamer was asked to bring a scarlet flower as a present, then this promises the birth of a girl
    Boots You need to take a vacation and go on vacation. The dreamer has worked hard and deserves a rest.

Old Russian dream book

Why dream of a gift:

Small dream book

Seeing a gift in a dream means:

If in a dream you are presented with gifts, then you are guaranteed success in both commercial and love affairs. In addition, you are not in danger of a situation where you would not have the money to pay for yourself. Giving gifts in a dream means that you cause displeasure in one of your loved ones. In addition, expect failure in business. For a young woman, a dream in which her lover gives her beautiful expensive gifts promises her a rich, decent husband.

Miller's dream book

A dream with a gift in a dream interpretation is interpreted as:

Receive gifts in a dream - a sign that you will be unusually happy. A gift promises business people successful financial transactions.
Sending someone a gift - to the loss of an opportunity to solve your problems. It is also possible that you will receive a censure from someone that will annoy you.
If a young woman receives a wonderful gift in a dream, in reality she will be married to a wealthy and congenial person.
To receive birthday gifts in a dream promises you rare luck in everything. If you yourself present a gift in a festive atmosphere, this means that in reality you do not have due respect for this person.

Miller's dream book

Dream with a gift means:

Receive gifts - you will be unusually happy; for business people - successful financial transactions; sending someone a gift is a loss of an opportunity to solve your problems, you may receive a reprimand from someone that will annoy you; for a young woman - to receive a wonderful gift - marriage to a wealthy and congenial person; receiving birthday gifts is a rare success in everything; presenting a gift in a festive atmosphere - you do not have due respect for this person. See also Name days.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

The meaning of sleep gift:

English dream book

What does it mean if you dream of a gift:

If in a dream a friend or lover gives you something as a keepsake, then an unexpected pleasant surprise awaits you soon: friends who are thirsty for your good will do everything possible to achieve it. For a young man, this dream means that his betrothed will be rich in virtue and beautiful in character, constant in her feelings and sincerely attached to him. For a young woman - that her husband will be noble, like a true gentleman, rich, famous, perhaps they will have many children. If you yourself give gifts to someone, the dream portends that you will have a happy opportunity to generously give them. But if in a dream you need to make a gift, but for some reason you cannot, this is a sign of poverty and confusion in business.

Why dream of giving gifts?

Dreams really are very different, sometimes good, sometimes not so good. One of these good dreams is a dream in which a person receives gifts.

Why dream of receiving gifts? Both receiving them and giving them are, as a rule, a procedure that brings joy and pleasure. And both in life and in a dream.

There are a large number of different dream books, but they all interpret the dream about gifts in approximately the same way.

Gifts received in a dream portend great happiness. For business people, such a dream promises successful financial transactions.

If in your dream you sent someone a gift - try not to miss a good opportunity to solve your problems. This dream is also fraught with irritation for you due to someone's inappropriate remark.

A young woman who received an expensive gift in a dream - in reality, marriage awaits with a wealthy and congenial person.

In a symbolic interpretation, Sweets mean pleasant and joyful emotions that you "gave" to someone in a dream. However, you could give Candy in a dream as a token of gratitude for someone's help. You can more accurately understand what you see if you analyze to whom, how and when you gave sweets in a dream.

Give a kitten in a dream- Get someone in trouble.

The kitten you saw in a dream symbolizes minor troubles and slight worries that you will probably intentionally deliver to someone in reality.

Give a doll in a dream— deceit, forgery.

In a symbolic interpretation, the Doll that was present in a dream is an extremely negative sign that personifies your desire to go for a forgery or a substitution. However, if you give a Doll to a child or a girl in a dream, the Dream has a different interpretation - in reality you experience the warmest feelings for the girl or baby you see.

Give a car in a dream- give someone help and assistance.

The machine symbolizes a way to implement the plan. You are probably at the moment ready to give someone a big chance to move forward in life.

To dream that you were given or you gave someone an evil, terrible, too big or too small dog - a desire to get rid of your problems by shifting them to another person.

The dog symbolizes friendship, Loyalty, Devotion, But only if the Dog you saw did not frighten you, Was clean and pleasant. Dogs, Having a frightening appearance, Symbolize your enemies and enemies. It is also worth considering dreams, Where the Dog acted as a gift. If she liked and was pleasant to you - this is success, true friendship and good luck. And vice versa - the Dog that frightens you is a sign that someone wishes you harm.

Search for the meaning of a dream:

To receive a valuable gift in a dream means that you will be appreciated. The ring presented to you in a dream portends a new love relationship. To receive a gold bracelet as a gift from a loved one in a dream predicts a quick wedding for the dreamer. The same meaning of sleep will have a dream in which your mother or your father gives you a wedding dress.

A young girl who managed to receive a dress as a gift in a dream can expect carefree and joyful days that brighten up the monotony so well. And the gift of a comb, which will be well decorated, is made in an original way - a signal from a dream book that very soon you will be surrounded by the love and attention of loved ones who will be ready to fulfill any request and wish.

Almost the same interpretation has a plot where an unmarried woman had to receive flowers as a gift in a dream. A marriage proposal is waiting for her very soon. For married people, such a dream can mean the increased interest of the spouse, his desire to support and help.

Such a gift as a soft toy portends a couple in love with harmony and mutual understanding in relationships, as well as all growing feelings. A dream has a slightly negative connotation, where you were given a doll as a gift. You often remember your childhood, you want to return to it, and the realities of life are very difficult for you. Take control of the situation in life, and then everything will be fine.

English dream book

If in a dream a friend or lover gives you something to remember- an unexpected pleasant surprise awaits you soon: friends who are thirsty for your good will do everything possible to achieve it. For a young man this dream- means that his betrothed will be rich in virtue and beautiful in character, constant in her feelings and sincerely attached to him. For a young woman- that her husband will be noble, like a true gentleman, rich, famous, perhaps they will have many children.

If you yourself give someone gifts- a dream portends that you will have a happy opportunity to generously make them. But if in a dream you need to make a gift, but for some reason you cannot- this is to poverty and confusion in business.

Dream Interpretation Dasha

Gift- a symbol of sympathy and friendly disposition, judging by what the gift is, it can mean both disposition and contempt.

Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation

Give gifts to others- foreshadows the ruin and disorder of the state; receiving gifts means profit and profit in the house.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Why dream of accepting a gift from a dead person? This is a clear sign of change in all areas of activity, and what it will be depends only on your prudence. And if the deceased gives a gift in the form of flowers, then such a plot portends the fulfillment of what one can only dream of. Pay attention to the facial expression of the deceased.

If he is benevolent, then in reality everything will be fine. And if a reproach is clearly read in his face, then you should take a closer look at the environment, perhaps you yourself do not notice how you are acting contrary to public opinion. You need to completely change your attitude towards others, and then all things will go uphill.

A series of troubles, debts, is promised by a dream book if you become the owner of a cash gift from a deceased relative. You can call it a warning dream - be careful about your investments, do not enter into cooperation on "dark" projects, and then troubles and material problems can be avoided.

Also, if the deceased gives a gift in a dream, and at the same time the action takes place in the most unexpected place, then the dream book predicts incredible luck, which will literally be sent from above. Such a dream is especially favorable if the deceased in a dream is your close relative.

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