How many years do guinea pigs of different breeds live and what determines their life expectancy. We discuss how long guinea pigs live at home. Feeding advice Longevity by breed

Many or few guinea pigs live? If you answer this question briefly, then from 4 to 8 years. Is it a lot or a little? Judge for yourself: parents buy an animal for a child who does not go to school yet, but it grows old and dies, when the boy or girl is already worried about completely different issues. Does it suck when a guy asks you out on a date?! So think about the fact that your child will not always be a child.

Guinea pigs, who are they?

The most, perhaps, the strangest in the world. This is not, these are rodents. With a specific structure of teeth, living in burrows in the wild. This is not at all sea, they need water not for swimming - for drinking and only for drinking. And how much confusion the name “Guinean” brings is a separate issue.

This is an animal with an ancient, venerable history dating back centuries. ancient Indian peoples of the Andes, breeding guinea pigs as pets, pursued several goals at once. It was:

Meat for eating (it tastes like chicken or rabbit);
an exclusively domestic animal sacrificed (so that the elements do not harm the fields);
an animal whose restless behavior ancient people knew in advance about the approaching storms and earthquakes;
a funny animal that young children willingly played with, without distracting adults from their adult affairs.

The ancient Indians were very fond of their cori and even carved them in stone as sacred animals (but ate them nonetheless). Then the conquistadors brought the animals to the Old World (to Europe), where they became a fashion item along with, and. And immediately began their unbridled selection. What breeds the sophisticated human mind has not brought out. Guinea pigs are:

With short hair;
with long hair;
with hard hair;
without hair at all;
with wool, but in a small amount!

To list all the shades of coat colors is completely unthinkable, we will only note the especially adored and valued tortoiseshell color. What is the value of the animal as a pet?

This is a completely gentle and friendly-calm creature that does not create much trouble for the owners: it does not growl, does not bite, does not tear up sofas and armchairs, and does not fall under the feet of the inhabitants of the house. Takes on hands and gently itches.

And what begins here! The pig rubs against his hands and gently rumbles - grunts (because of this, she is a “piggy”) and, it seems, is about to “melt” with tenderness. Small size and weight (the male weighs no more than 1.5 kg), a pleasant rounded body is very conducive to taking the animal in his arms and having a kind and affectionate conversation with him.

But you should not drop the pigs: the damage caused by the fall can lead to premature death of the rodent, so do not squeeze it too hard, and then it will not break out.

Guinea pigs in the house

Not everyone likes the peculiar smell inherent in the described animal and its dwelling. long haired guinea pig requires more attention than a pig with short hair or born "hairless".

But the main motive to abandon a gentle creature is the diet he needs. With a "oversight" in matters of nutrition or careless feeding, marines can get sick, and illness is always unpleasant. Therefore, if you are not ready to take care of a sick animal and see its suffering, it is better to immediately refuse to keep it in the house.

What is the "content (list) of conditions" for the happiness of the animal and its owners? In other words, how long can a guinea pig live in your house?

For a long life, a guinea pig must be:

Properly chosen;
have comfortable "living conditions";
properly fed;
be able to procreate
competently "served" by the owner;
in case of illness, it is right to be treated and the last - it is the first - condition: to be loved.

If you are not able to provide the animal with everything vital, or you buy it "from the mind", it is better to stop right away! Annoyance at the need to care for him, as well as the protest of one of the family members against acquiring it, is a reason to say “stop” to yourself. An animal is not fun for an hour. From now on, it is completely in your power!

Is it worth buying a guinea pig?

It all starts with the purchase, the acquisition of the future "member" of the family. Immediately decide who will deal with the animal when the child's interest in it "cools down". Let him choose a new tenant for the house. Children tend to choose sad, touching, "unfortunate", predisposed to various troubles with them.

The animal must be energetic, curious, enterprising and responsive to appeal to him, he must have shiny, "funny" eyes and a shiny coat. Sluggish, shy, rodents huddled in a corner should not be taken into the house.

Don't be afraid of the "rapid" breathing of the animal, 100-150 breaths per minute is the norm. But breathing should not be either hoarse or hoarse and, in no case, “coughing”.

Body temperature from 37 to 39 ° C is not “fever”, for a rodent this is also normal, as is a pulse of 300 beats per minute. The body length is less than 20 cm, the “failed” sides indicate health problems, it is better to refuse such an individual.

The purchased animal should not have lice, withers, purulent crusts from discharge from the ears, nose or eyes, traces of diarrhea around the anus; at the same time determine the gender of the "child".

Rodent care rules

Any animal needs a couple, it will not “stretch” for a long time alone, but if you bought a male and a female, then let it not be a surprise for you that their offspring will appear 60-70 days after the first “acquaintance”.

In the future, the estrus in the female will be repeated in 14-18 days. Do not be too indulgent about frequent mating: the mother's body wears out faster from frequent farrowing.

But demanding abstinence from a male is also not the best solution to limit childbearing. Guinea pigs, like rats and other rodents, are very prolific: if farrowing brings from 1 to 5 cubs, repeated every 2 months, it is easy to calculate the possible offspring in a year.

Whether or not to have more than one pair of gilts is up to you. Please note that newborn pigs themselves will be able to breed and breed in 40 - 60 days (depending on gender).

Consider the question of where the newly born offspring will be placed and where the males will be deposited so that crowding does not lead to a deterioration in the health of your pets.

When transporting home, try to do it quickly, but in such a way that the pig is as calm as possible: do not shake, do not turn over, do not sharply tilt the box and let there be hay inside if the road is long.

If the pig does not eat for 2-3 days after transportation, this is stress, leave it alone. The following can be said about “living conditions”: the pen cage must be clean, warm (but not hot), and so that the pig does not “share living space” with hamsters, rats and other animals.

If a vicious dog or cat lives in the house, make sure they get along. If this does not happen, there is another reason to abandon the animal, because he will regularly be frightened or injured, and his life will not be too long.

Proper nutrition

Proper feeding is one of the main conditions for a long life of a rodent. The front teeth must be methodically erased and polished off with roughage, so hay, hay and more hay!

Hay should be uninterrupted all year round, it cannot be replaced! Hay should not contain poisonous plants, otherwise there will be diarrhea as the mildest version of such “feeding”.

For better grinding of the incisors, periodically give twigs and solid food (carrots, beets, apples). Do not forget that you are dealing with a rodent that eats little, but around the clock. Feed should be plenty, as in the wild, and of good quality.

Juicy food is also a source of vitamin C (the body of the animal does not produce it on its own). And no cereals, boiled vegetables, raw or fried meat: guinea pigs are “vegetarians” and “raw foodists”.

A very important condition of life: cavy must eat her own litter! Do not interfere in any way: droppings are the only “digestible” source of B vitamins and vitamin K for these creatures that are not too picky about food. Never "tempt" the animal with its favorite treats: obesity is one of the reasons for its short life.

In addition to food, animals need water to live, and it must be clean, without pieces of carrots, melon peels and other “food” floating in it. For bathing, the pig does not need water, if it is smeared in the ground on a walk, carefully wash it in warm water, without frightening it and not leaving it with wet hair - use a hair dryer.

A very crucial moment: in case of illness, never administer penicillin to guinea pigs! For them, it is a deadly poison!

And don’t leave your favorite pig alone for a walk: such a meek creature can easily become an object of attack by cats, dogs, impudent crows, and simply be stolen by people with a not entirely clear conscience who encroached on “ownerless good”!

Do you want to be friends with your pet and not part with it for as long as possible? Do everything in your power for this! Believe me: your animal is not just a leather bag stuffed with hay! It beats a small, but all feeling heart!

Guinea pigs are often kept in city apartments. These pets are distinguished by a cute appearance, unpretentiousness in food, unobtrusiveness. Animals get used to the owner and willingly make contact with him, but they can easily remain alone, doing their own business or relaxing. How long a guinea pig lives at home depends largely on caring for it. It will be useful to know the main points of their content.

Description and breeds

The guinea pig belongs to the order of rodents. In the process of selection, breeders bred about 50 breeds these animals, which have differences in hair, color, weight and other characteristics. There are even completely naked (hairless) guinea pigs.

Some breeds are bred as a result of domestic crossing, they are never officially recognized. There are breeding animals. Exhibitions of international format are regularly held, where the owners present both new and well-known breeds of guinea pigs. Among them:

As a result of crossing, many breeds have a hereditary predisposition to various diseases which greatly affects their lifespan. So, ordinary rosette pigs are longer-lived. Among them was the officially registered record holder who lived for 15 years.

Bald rodents live on average 5 years, but can live up to 8 years. The stronger of the hairless breeds is Skinny, which appeared as a result of selection. Hairless Baldwins are the result of a random gene mutation, and they are quite morbid.

The life expectancy of guinea pigs in captivity is directly dependent on several factors: heredity, health, nutrition, care and conditions of detention. At home, a pet needs an equipped cage or a small aviary. The minimum dimensions of the house for one animal must be 40 x 40 cm, the height of the cage must be 50 centimeters.

Set up a home for the pig better in the far corner of the room where direct sunlight does not fall and draft does not penetrate. The bottom of the cage is filled with sawdust or purchased filler. A domestic pig must constantly have access to clean water and the ability to actively move; for this, stairs and labyrinths are installed in the house.

The cage and all the accessories that are in it, needs to be washed regularly and replace the filler with a fresh one. If you do not carry out regular cleaning, there will be an ideal environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria.

The rodent itself also needs to be bathed periodically with a special detergent, and after washing, dry the hair with a hairdryer. Alternatively, dry shampoo can be used. It is rubbed into the coat with massage movements, after which it is carefully combed out. You will also need a nail cutter and a comb for care if the animal is long-haired.

Extend the life of a pig shared content with a relative, because it’s much more fun for them. Two females get along well, especially if they have grown up together since childhood. The female and male should be seated periodically. Guinea pigs are prolific, frequent pregnancies and childbirth will undermine her health and the pet will die before term.


In order for a domestic pig to live a long time, it needs balanced diet. The menu should include:

  • special food;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • hay;
  • branches;
  • crackers.

Purchased food must be intended especially for domestic guinea pigs, other grain mixtures may not be as useful, because the feed formulation takes into account the characteristics of a particular rodent. In percentage terms, the main share should be occupied by dry feed (hay) - 60%, the rest is equally divided by solid (grain, peas, corn) and succulent feed (vegetables, fruits, greens).

Many breeders are skeptical about purchased advertised feeds, attributing to them a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract of domestic guinea pigs. These animals love to eat and are prone to obesity, so do not overfeed them.

The impact of disease on life expectancy

Symptoms of diseases can be a decrease in activity, poor appetite, falling hair, itching and sores on the skin, tremors, diarrhea, increased thirst. Thus, colds and gastrointestinal diseases, pasteurellosis, rickets, helminthic invasion, conjunctivitis and other diseases can manifest themselves. If treatment is not started immediately, the domestic pig can easily die, or cause the host to become ill.

The influence on how many years guinea pigs live can have dental problems rodent. Their incisors grow throughout their lives, if the excess is not cut off in a timely manner, the animal will die of hunger, as it will not be able to eat normally. This procedure will be successfully carried out in any veterinary clinic.

It is good if there is an opportunity to let your pet go for a walk around the apartment. Living in immobility can hasten the death of a pet, and walking makes him more enduring and has a beneficial effect on heart function.

In general, summarizing the answer to the question of how many years guinea pigs live, we can state that:

  • In the presence of diseases, poor care and inadequate feeding, the mumps can live a maximum of three years.
  • The average life expectancy of these animals is 5-6 years.
  • Under good conditions and timely treatment, the rodent can live up to 8-9 years.
  • Very rare specimens survive this period and become real centenarians.

Many pet owners are concerned about how long their pets should live, as well as what care they require to increase their lifespan. The answer is often not so obvious and requires a detailed explanation, especially in relation to guinea pigs.

At home Guinea pigs live an average of 5 to 7 years. Thus, their lifespan is longer than other popular pet rodents such as ornamental rats, mice and hamsters, which rarely live longer than 3 years. However, there are a number of factors that affect how long a guinea pig lives. Depending on the breed, treatment and feeding, she can live for more than 10 years, and the existing the record is as much as 14 years and 10 and a half months. In the wild, guinea pigs have a shorter lifespan, only 1 to 4 years, but, in fact, due to selection, they differ significantly from domesticated ones.


Even though breed is less of a factor in longevity than the care a gilt receives, some breeds tend to live longer. For example, Skinny guinea pigs live an average of 6 to 8 years, while long-haired guinea pigs, on the other hand, live slightly less, averaging 5 to 6 years.

Diet and feeding

The care a guinea pig receives is the most important factor in increasing its longevity, and a major part of the care is providing it with a healthy and balanced diet. For example, alfalfa-based pellets are not recommended for adult guinea pigs. But, at the same time, they are well suited for feeding growing and pregnant guinea pigs, because they contain a large amount of calcium. Granules based on timothy, various herbs, vegetables and fruits are considered more balanced.

Another important element in the diet of guinea pigs is vitamin C. Since they cannot produce their own vitamin C, they need large amounts of it in their diet to maintain a healthy body. Vitamin C is found in some types of kibble as well as many vegetables such as carrots or lettuce, but it's important to remember that too many vegetables in a guinea pig's diet can cause stomach upset. As an additional source of vitamin, you can also use special vitamin tablets, but remember that they are not recommended to be dissolved in water.

Additional factors affecting health

In addition to food, there are other factors that affect the health and longevity of guinea pigs. If their cage is too small, they won't have much room to run around. With a lack of activity, their muscles will not develop properly, and in general their physical form will be far from healthy. Regular cleaning of the cage also contributes to good and good health.

In case of illness, the owner should contact the veterinarian immediately. Guinea pigs are also advised to be weighed weekly, as weight loss is the most common and common symptom of a disease or disorder. In addition to weight, other symptoms may include shortness of breath, heavy breathing, sneezing, lethargy, diarrhea, and blood in the urine. Addressing these kinds of health issues in a timely manner will certainly increase the possible lifespan of a guinea pig and allow it to reach its full potential.

It is believed that all domesticated guinea pigs, regardless of breed, have the same life expectancy, and care and nutrition are the decisive factors that affect this indicator. Breeders, on the other hand, insist that long-haired and hairless pets have significant differences related to physiological characteristics and especially immunity.

On average, guinea pigs live 5-8 years - depending on the breed and conditions of detention. Proper care and nutrition will help to extend the period of communication with a pet.

Guinea pig breeds and lifespan

Wild rodents are more hardy, and their lifespan in captivity is 15-20 years. In the natural environment, they live no more than 8 years due to destruction by predators and diseases.

Breeders have bred over 80 breeds of guinea pigs, differing in color, size, and coat structure.


The Hairless Guinea Pig Lives Long, But Needs Special Care

These breeds include the Skinny and the Baldwin. These are exotic rodents, which have a wool cover only on the muzzle and a little on the paws. At first, the animals could live only 3-4 years, but the breeders managed to increase their lifespan to 8 years.

In order for the pet to please the owners for a long time, he needs to create the appropriate conditions. Due to the lack of wool, the heat-loving rodent is very sensitive to temperature changes, so the temperature should never fall below +22 degrees or rise above +25. It is advisable to place it not in a cage, but in a terrarium where there are no drafts.


The rosette guinea pig lives less than its relatives

These breeds include:

  • Teddy;
  • rex;
  • agouti;
  • Abyssinian;
  • dalmatian;
  • selfie;
  • satin;
  • American crested.

These guinea pigs live 7-8 years. The satin or dalmatian guinea pig will please the owners the longest with proper care, the least of all - rosette (aka Abyssinian). Her life span is 6 years. The pet is very capricious in care, prone to diseases, needs constant communication. If it is not possible to give the animal a lot of attention, it is recommended to add a friend of the same breed to him so that he does not get bored.


Long-haired rodents are distinguished by good health and a long lifespan.

These centenarians, with proper care and maintenance, can live up to 10 years. They are distinguished by excellent health and immunity. In order for the pet to always look neat and tidy, it is necessary to comb it daily, bathe it more often, rub in vitamin ointments so that the coat is soft and silky.

Representatives of this group are the following guinea pigs:

  • texel;
  • merino;
  • sheltie;
  • alpaca;
  • coronet;
  • Peruvian.

How to prolong the life of a pet?

The following factors affect the life expectancy of guinea pigs:

  • food;
  • conditions of detention;
  • care;
  • disease prevention;
  • genetics.


The pet's diet should be balanced: 60% are special compound feeds purchased at pet stores, 20% - fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, another 20% - hay, crackers. Since such a rodent is prone to overeating and obesity, it is recommended to teach him to eat 2-3 times a day at the same time in order to immediately clean up leftover food. Water in the drinker should always be, once a week you can add liquid vitamins.

It is strictly forbidden to feed a pet with dairy and sour-milk products, fish, meat, salty, fatty, spicy foods, as this can cause serious digestive problems.


The cage must be spacious so that the animal can move freely.

A guinea pig needs a spacious "home" that is at least 30cm x 40cm long and wide and 50cm high. It is recommended to purchase an appropriately sized cage or terrarium with mazes, a wheel and toys. In a smaller area, the rodent will not be able to run and move freely, which will lead to a decrease in activity. A sedentary pet suffering from obesity will live half as long as its healthy and vigorous relative.

The cage should be away from heaters, as dry air can dry out the skin, especially in hairless guinea pigs. It is highly recommended to avoid drafts as the rodent dies of pneumonia within 2 days. The air temperature should never fall below 18 degrees.

Drinking bowls and feeders should be washed daily, the cage - every week. The sawdust should be of medium size (4-8 mm), since very small chips get into the eyes and respiratory tract of the animal, and too large can injure the paws. In the case of long-haired rodents, large chips will become tangled in the wool.

It is strongly not recommended to use newspaper instead of sawdust, as a guinea pig can be poisoned by lead from printing ink. Do not use cotton wool as a coating. Otherwise, the threads will wind around the paws and pinch them, which can provoke necrosis of the limbs.


With the help of a special leash, you can walk with your pet on the street

Guinea pigs do not like water procedures, so they need to be bathed infrequently, but as they get dirty. The hygienic procedure should be carried out in an isolated room without drafts, drawing water with a temperature of +32 degrees into a basin. After bathing, the pet should be dried with a towel, you can use a hairdryer (if the rodent is not afraid of noise), comb it.

The guinea pig needs to be let out of its cage. The more active the pet, the longer it will live. In the summer, you can take him outside on a special leash or harness, which are sold in pet stores. Before a walk, it is advisable to treat the coat with a remedy for ticks and fleas.

You need to regularly examine the teeth of the animal. Too sharp fangs interfere with life, causing discomfort to the animal. It is advisable to visit the veterinarian every six months to assess the condition of the pet. The veterinarian, if necessary, will be able to file the teeth to the desired length quickly and painlessly.

Disease prevention

Guinea pigs are prone to colds and infectious diseases, malfunctions in the digestive system. Warning signs that signal possible ailments are:

  • lack of appetite;
  • shortness of breath and heavy breathing;
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • convulsions;
  • matted wool;
  • discharge from the eyes or nose;
  • diarrhea or constipation.

If there are visible changes in behavior or one of the above symptoms is observed, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. The specialist will determine the source of the disease and prescribe treatment. At the initial stage, it is possible to improve the health of the animal as soon as possible, but delay can be fatal. It is strongly not recommended to self-medicate at home, since an incorrect diagnosis made independently will lead to irreversible consequences.

In general, guinea pigs have good immunity and rarely get sick with proper care. They need to be vaccinated only in case of long-distance travels and only as directed by a veterinarian.


It is recommended to purchase a guinea pig in a nursery, because there you can get comprehensive information about the parents of the animal, track its pedigree. If there were centenarians in the family, there is every chance that the pet will live longer than its relatives. The buyer is obliged to warn about genetic diseases, if any.

At the pet store, the salesperson will not be able to answer questions regarding the origin of the guinea pig. There is no guarantee that the animal is healthy and has no pathologies. The same danger lies in wait for buyers who purchase the animal "by hand" from strangers. To protect yourself from the stresses associated with the sudden death of an animal, it is strongly recommended to take a pet from trusted breeders.

A popular pet, the guinea pig or cavia, is found in many homes. Animals are bought for children, they are bred for exhibitions and shows, as a hobby. Some breeders get so used to their furry pet that sudden death becomes a real blow and shock. To minimize grief and loss, you need to know both how many years guinea pigs live and what influences their lifespan.

The guinea pig is a rodent domesticated millennia ago, distinguished by its funny appearance, good-natured character, intelligence, sociability and good health. They are unpretentious in content, do not create problems at home and take up very little space. The average weight of an adult rarely exceeds a kilogram.

Wild pigs live no more than 8 years, but most often no more than five. This is due to the presence of predators, problems with feed and diseases.

In captivity, the animals live much longer, up to 15 years. There are cases when kavia lived 20 and even 25 years. However, many factors determine how long a guinea pig lives at home. Among them:

  • Breed,
  • The presence of diseases
  • Genetics,
  • Proper feeding
  • tribal use,
  • Proper care.
  • The influence of breed on life span

Today, breeders have received more than 80 breeds of Cavia. Breeds differ in appearance, color, character, human orientation, coat or lack of it. Many people think that this is where the differences end.

However, there is another important point - it depends on the breed and how long the animal will live.

For fewer years, hairless guinea pigs will please their owner. They were obtained by long crossing within the same type, as a result of which not only a recognizable appearance was fixed, but also weak immunity. The first animals rarely lived to be four years old, but today, thanks to the partial infusion of the blood of ordinary pigs, their life expectancy has increased to six years. However, in order for the skinny to live a long life, he needs constant certain conditions of detention. The temperature in the room where the cage is located should not be less than + 22 and more than + 25 degrees. The skin of the animal is equally susceptible to both cold and heat. Too dry air can cause peeling and cracking of the skin, while too humid air leads to the appearance of fungi, lichen and other skin diseases.

The life expectancy of guinea pigs of the Abyssinian and Curly breeds is also not large and is about 7 years. This is also due to the genetics and characteristics of animal breeding. They are quite demanding in care and are often prone to various diseases. Smooth-haired satin and dalmatian guinea pigs will please their owner for about eight years.

Peruvians, as well as teddies, selfies, agoutis, rex and alpacas, are distinguished by good health and unpretentiousness and live much longer - from 10 years.

The impact of disease on life expectancy

How long guinea pigs live at home is directly related to their health. The most common problems and diseases that threaten the life of the animal include:

It is much easier to avoid the disease than to treat it. Most diseases are manifested as a result of improper feeding or violation of quarantine and maintenance conditions. Often, the cause of the death of a young animal is an injury received as a result of a jump, fall, or careless handling of the owner. If the guinea pig is properly monitored and cared for, then the animal will live a long time.

At the first symptoms of malaise, you should immediately consult a doctor, and not self-medicate.

Only an experienced specialist according to the results of the tests can make a correct diagnosis and offer treatment options for the disease.

Influence of conditions of detention on life span

You should also avoid any water procedures. Bathing for Cavia is a big stress. Another disadvantage is that the fur of the animal dries out for a very long time and there is a big risk of catching a cold.

Proper nutrition

For a long and happy life, an animal needs a balanced and nutritious diet. It should be remembered that the guinea pig is a herbivore. Most of the diet should consist of vegetable and fresh food: fruits, vegetables, fresh grass and hay, branches of trees and shrubs, sprouted grains, root crops. There are special dry foods for cavia, but you need to be careful with them.

Some breeds of guinea pigs are prone to obesity and the use of such food will lead to many problems.

It is also worth remembering what you can not feed guinea pigs:

  • Any dairy products
  • Any meat products
  • Any fish products
  • Any bird
  • sweet food,
  • fatty food,
  • Very salty food
  • Very spicy food
  • Any dry food not intended for guinea pigs.

genetic predisposition

It is best to buy a guinea pig in a nursery. There you can see the conditions of keeping the animal, and get competent advice from the breeder, and view the pedigree of the animal. If the ancestors of the guinea pig lived for a long time, then the animal of interest has every chance to live for quite a few years. Another plus is that in the nursery you can make sure that there are no genetic diseases. Sellers in pet stores do not have information about the origin of the animal, as well as other nuances.

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