Strong odor from the mouth after sleeping. Foods that cause bad breath. Why morning halitosis develops

is the medical term for bad breath. It is observed in 80-90% of the adult population of the planet. In terms of prevalence, halitosis ranks third after caries and periodontal tissue diseases.

Such a symptom affects the psycho-emotional state, the attitude of others, and may also indicate the presence of serious problems in the body and health. Bad breath in the morning greatly darkens the mood at the beginning of the day, the causes of which may be associated with internal diseases or simply with failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Why morning halitosis develops

The main cause of bad breath in the morning is dry mouth syndrome, decreased secretion of saliva or.

Saliva is a natural effective defense of the oral cavity. It washes away bacteria and food debris, and dissolves sulfur compounds that smell bad. At night, the rate of saliva secretion decreases, resulting in stagnant morning breathing. In the morning, the mouth often smells unpleasant in those who breathe through the mouth at night. To eliminate such an unpleasant phenomenon is easy - you need to rinse your mouth with water.

But bad breath in the morning can be associated with other reasons:

  1. Adenoids, allergic or cold prolonged runny nose.
  2. Accumulation of leftover food under.
  3. . It is provoked by an imbalance in the composition, an increased number of anaerobic bacteria.
  4. Failure to comply with hygiene rules. If a person does not brush his teeth in the morning and in the evening, then food remains between the teeth, the process of their decomposition takes place. Due to the lack of the correct one, a fetid odor arises.
  5. dental diseases. For example, . If the teeth begin to deteriorate or an inflammatory process occurs in the gums, then in the morning an unpleasant odor will come from the person.
  6. Some food consumed the day before. For example, onions, garlic, corn, hot spices, some types of juices. Also, the reason may be the use of meat, dairy or legumes for dinner.
  7. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys or liver. In the presence of frequent constipation or low acidity, stagnant processes occur inside the body. This results in an acidic smell. If the gallbladder and its ducts are clogged, a rotten smell appears. If there is an "aroma" that resembles the smell of raw beef liver, there is a problem with the liver.
  8. Other reasons why breath stinks: diabetes mellitus, body intoxication, hormonal disorders, lung diseases, oncology.

Even fasting can lead to morning stench in the morning. If the body does not receive enough proteins and fats, endogenous reserves begin to be utilized. The excretion of their metabolic products can lead to bad breath. Oral hygiene will not help in this case. The smell persists until eating.

Seeing a doctor is a must

You can find out exactly why your mouth smells in the morning after an examination. First of all, you need to contact a therapist.

To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may ask a number of questions, for example:

  1. Are there any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Having a cold or an allergic reaction.
  3. What foods did the patient eat the night before?
  4. Does a person notice dry mouth in the morning.

Diagnosis of the body begins with a survey of the patient, and only then the doctor recommends that you undergo the necessary examination.

The doctor examines the presence of plaque on the tongue and gums, and also determines how intense the smell is.

How to get rid of the problem

Someone is trying to discern the causes of smell in the mouth after sleeping in a dream book, but it is important to check your health and hygiene, after which you can begin to treat the problem.

It is easier to get rid of a strong unpleasant smell in the morning if you know why it occurs. It is important to eliminate the cause of the problem. If this unpleasant symptom arose due to problems with the teeth, then it is necessary to eliminate and pay more attention.

If you have problems with the digestive tract, you should take medications and follow a special diet. In case of kidney dysfunction, it is important to increase the amount of clean water consumed. It is also necessary to contact a urologist so that he prescribes the right treatment and nutrition.

Of course, it is possible and necessary to deal with the symptom itself, especially since it is not always possible to eliminate the root cause of morning halitosis.

Pharmacy means

The pharmacy sells medicines that will help get rid of the unpleasant "aroma". They are able to kill a large number of bacteria that are in the oral cavity. The most common medications include:

  • Camphomen;

If your breath smells bad in the morning, you can buy a vitamin complex at the pharmacy. It must contain vitamins such as B3, B5, C, A, P, E.

This problem is well helped to deal with. It is necessary to pay attention to the composition of essential oils such as thymol, eucalyptol, menthol, methyl salicylate. They help eliminate unnecessary bacteria in the oral cavity, remove plaque.

In the pharmacy, you can additionally purchase lozenges, tablets, spray or chewing gums to increase the rate of saliva secretion. It is better to choose chewing gums based on sweeteners and with a mint flavor. There are also chewing gums with antibacterial components. But chewing gum should not be used on an empty stomach! Chewing time is not more than 15 minutes.

There are special stimulators of saliva formation - liquids and tablets for dissolution, which contain biologically active components that activate the increased production of saliva. Such solutions should be kept in the mouth for 5-10 minutes.

Folk methods

You can eliminate or reduce an unpleasant symptom by the following folk remedies:

  1. Tea tree oil. You can add a few drops of aromatic oil to water and rinse your mouth with this solution. It is forbidden to take it to pregnant women, young children, as well as people who have an allergic reaction to the oil.
  2. Vegetables and fruits. Fresh vegetables can become indispensable helpers in the fight against an unpleasant “aroma”. For example, apples or carrots, which help clean plaque from tooth enamel.
  3. Lemon juice. The increased acidity of the lemon helps reduce bacterial activity. Additionally, the sour taste of lemon helps to increase the amount of saliva produced.

Mouth health can be taken care of using herbs. For example, herbs such as mint, thyme, chamomile will be indispensable for this problem. You need to take each ingredient in a tablespoon and combine. Pour 1 liter of hot boiled water. Rinse your mouth after every meal and before going to bed.

Regular hygiene

In most cases, bad breath in the mouth and in the room is due to poor hygiene, so it is important to make it a habit to:

  1. Change your toothbrush regularly – at least once every three months.
  2. One brushing procedure should take at least three minutes. Additionally required.
  3. The space between the teeth should be cleaned once a day with.
  4. Preventive examinations at the dentist 1 time in 6 months, therapeutic as prescribed by the doctor and the appearance of dental complaints.
  5. Use after eating. In the absence of such, you can rinse your mouth with plain water.

All these measures apply to the prevention of morning halitosis.

From this useful article you will reliably learn about why does my mouth stink in the morning.

What should one sin on, having discovered a bad smell from the cavity?
And most importantly, what should be done to stop these symptoms?

We will talk about this in detail.
To prevent the article from turning out to be unfounded, I contacted a woman I know who works in one of the Moscow clinics.

Let's first of all decide what should be understood as the usual not sharp smell from the mouth and repulsive stench.
When we sleep, metabolic processes take place in the body and internal organs function. If you ate at night, then the food can be digested when you already see colorful dreams.

In the event that this mechanism is not disturbed, and is also not burdened with pathological processes, then in the morning you and the person living nearby can feel the specific smell of the salivary compartment.
But this is by no means a painful stench.

The stink from the mouth is a rather sharp smell, reminiscent of rotting or other repulsive “thickness”.
The stench differs immensely from the smell precisely in the intensity of the striking base.

The main reasons why you can smell the stink from the mouth when you wake up in the morning include the following:

one). Not sanitized oral cavity and teeth not cured in time. Trite - this indicates forgetfulness and negligence associated with the neglect of the rules of personal hygiene, which involves the process of cleaning the teeth with a special paste before going to bed.
As for untreated teeth, they can form a stagnant stench during the entire rest period. Also, the remnants of food stuck between the teeth turn into decay products overnight.

2). Chronic and acute diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx. The most common of them are sinusitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis. To detect a pathological process, you need to contact an experienced otolaryngologist.

3). Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that prevent the thorough digestion of food. The stink from the mouth in the morning quite often signals that not everything is in order with the stomach. To eliminate all suspicions, you need to contact a knowledgeable gastroenterologist who will prescribe you a number of procedures to stop the pathological process.

four). Bad breath can be seen as a consequence of the abuse of alcoholic beverages and smoking cigarettes. A smoker and an immensely drinking person neglects hygiene standards over time, spreading pathogenic bacteria and infection in the oral cavity, which also forms what we call stink.

You just found out for sure why does my breath stink in the morning.

An unpleasant smell can also come at other times of the day, informing us of the need to think about our health.

The material was prepared by me - Edwin Vostryakovsky.

Bad breath in the morning is a common occurrence in adults and children. At times, this is a consequence of poor-quality brushing of teeth or poor oral care. As a rule, the repulsive aroma disappears after hygiene procedures. It happens that the most thorough cleaning does not help. If the stench is a shade of acetone or decay, there is a serious reason to think about the state of health.

The causes of morning halitosis are varied. Individual sources are harmless and easily eliminated. The factors contributing to the appearance of a symptom are divided into three groups:

  • Food preferences before bed.
  • Poor oral hygiene.
  • Diseases.

The stench can come from smoking or taking medications that dry out the mouth.


The main cause of bad breath after waking up is eating foods that smell bad when digested before going to bed. These include:

  • Onions, garlic, fatty meats.
  • Alcoholic drinks, coffee.
  • Confectionery.
  • Marinated products.

The freshness of morning breath depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. If the metabolism is disturbed, and there are problems with health, eating such food is sure to cause a bad smell in the morning.

Oral hygiene

The most common cause of bad breath after sleeping is poor or inadequate oral hygiene before bed. Remains of food, lingering on the teeth, tongue, buccal mucosa, become a habitat for bacteria overnight. By morning, gases begin to be released.

At night, salivation is reduced, dryness occurs in the mouth. Such an environment is favorable for anaerobic organisms.


If in the morning it smells bad from the mouth, this will indicate the pathology of the internal organs. The stench in the morning often indicates pathological processes in the nasopharynx, stomach, and liver. Among the common causes of morning stench are diseases:

  • Chronic inflammation of the pharyngeal and palatine tonsils, tonsillitis, atrophy of the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa, asthma. All diseases of an infectious-inflammatory nature, with diseases, bacteria multiply intensively. The reason for the morning stench is the result of the vital activity of bacteria, pus.
  • Dystrophic-inflammatory changes in the gastric mucosa, gastroesophageal reflux, ulcer, intestinal obstruction. Stagnation of food masses, reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus are common causes of bad breath from the mouth in the morning in people with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diseases of a dental nature: caries, lesions of the oral mucosa, inflammation of the gingival mucosa. With pathologies, the bacterium lives and multiplies perfectly, and insufficient hygiene aggravates the situation - it smells bad from the mouth.
  • Malignant lesions of the internal organs at a late stage can provoke a stench from the cavity in the morning.

If a violation occurs daily, you need to contact a dentist or therapist if there are no dental diseases.

With dental diseases, it may only be necessary to cure the tooth, and the morning phenomenon will be eliminated.


It will be possible to get rid of an unpleasant phenomenon by eliminating bacteria. For example, with the help of drugs:

  • Remodent is an anti-caries remedy used for rinsing the mouth.
  • Triclosan is an antibacterial agent.
  • Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic. Used for rinsing the mouth. May dry out mucous membranes.
  • Cetylpyridinium chloride is an agent that affects gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Indicated for the treatment of diseases of the throat and oral cavity, including laryngitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, etc.
  • Etonium is an antimicrobial drug. Excellent disinfectant, well heals mouth ulcers.

For good health, you need to diversify your daily diet by including foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Be sure to eat food containing vitamin A, B-3, B-5, P, C, E.

If the cause of an unpleasant odor is a stomach disease, medications will help:

  • Activated carbon.
  • Almagel.
  • Omeprazole.

Means should be selected by a doctor after a thorough diagnosis.

Folk methods

You can eliminate the unpleasant odor after sleep using folk methods. Recipes are relevant if the smell is caused by eating smelly foods. In chronic diseases, home remedies will briefly hide the repulsive smell, but will not completely eliminate it.

Popular homemade recipes for smell in the morning:

  • To quickly eliminate an unpleasant odor, rinse your mouth with vegetable oil. The method is effective if the oil is natural.
  • Berry infusion will help remove the terrible smell. Tincture of rose hips, cranberries will eliminate the stench due to organic acids.
  • Fresh needles will eliminate the stench and disinfect the oral cavity. Needles need to be chewed, then spit out.
  • Quickly eliminate the aroma of parsley. Several sprigs chew for a few minutes.
  • A strong odor will eliminate the hydrogen peroxide. A 3% solution must be mixed with water - no more than four tablespoons per glass. Rinse with the resulting liquid.

How to quickly freshen your breath

It is not always possible to prepare a decoction or chew fresh needles. If the smell from the mouth occurs periodically, it is logical to purchase special preparations at the pharmacy that briefly mask the stench:

  • Septogal is a drug used for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa. The tool has a deodorizing effect and is prescribed for a bad smell from the cavity. Tablets should be sucked until completely dissolved.
  • InFresh - lozenges that block unpleasant odor for a long time.
  • Probiotic Oral Probiotic - oral probiotic in the form of absorbable tablets.

An easy way to freshen your breath quickly that everyone knows about is chewing mint-flavored gum. Chewing gum for more than 20 minutes is harmful to digestion and it is undesirable to use the product on an empty stomach.

Among the popular and affordable products are breath fresheners in the form of sprays. Produced by pharmaceutical companies, cosmetic companies. Effective drugs:

  • Ozone - Russian spray, has a mint flavor.
  • PresiDENT is a spray with a variety of flavors.
  • Lacalut is a well-known tool that quickly masks an unpleasant odor.

When buying a spray, you should pay attention to the composition. It is important that there are no hazardous or allergic substances among the components.


To prevent the appearance of stench in the morning, it is important to follow the rules:

  1. Practice regular oral hygiene by brushing your teeth thoroughly in the morning and before bed. At the same time, clean the surface of the tongue from plaque, and then rinse your mouth. To clean the tongue, it is recommended to purchase a special brush, the head of which has rubber spikes. If it is not possible to buy such a brush, you can use a spoon as a scraper.
  2. During the day after eating, it is recommended to use dental floss and rinse for the cavity. It is important to remove food debris between teeth to prevent bacteria from growing. Instead of a purchased rinse, use an herbal infusion or decoction.
  3. Visit the dental office every six months, remove tartar regularly.
  4. Timely treat diseases of a dental nature, as well as ENT organs.
  5. Undergo diagnostics to identify pathologies of the digestive system and treat diseases after detection, without postponing the process.

It is better to choose a toothpaste and a brush after consulting with a dentist. A good doctor will give you the right advice on caring for your teeth.

You need to carefully monitor your diet and lifestyle:

  • Eliminate bad habits such as drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Walk regularly, ventilate the room, do light exercises in the morning.
  • Balance your diet. Exclude harmful foods, fatty foods. It is better to reduce the consumption of protein foods. Include in the menu products with fiber content - greens, fresh fruits and vegetables.

The terrible smell that appears after sleep is easy to eliminate. The main thing is not to ignore the phenomenon, not to aggravate the situation. The cause must be found quickly and treatment begun. Fighting the morning stench on your own is not recommended, as the cause is probably a serious illness that requires immediate treatment.

There is no person in the world who would not be threatened by halitosis - an unpleasant odor coming from the mouth. During the day, incoming food, especially with seasonings, can mask halitosis. Every self-respecting person strives to prevent such an unpleasant symptom, since a terrible smell from the mouth interferes with communication, spoils the reputation, repels and disgusts people. But in the morning, all mouths smell bad, without exception, and from the point of view of physiology, this is an absolute norm.

Causes of morning bad smell can be not only physiological (natural), but also pathological. First of all, you need to exclude from the list those reasons that provoke bad breath due to the fault of the person himself:

  • Poor oral hygiene. Some people believe that it is not necessary to brush your teeth before going to bed - after all, brushing will take place in the morning anyway. In fact, this is a very irrational idea of ​​​​hygiene. At night, the mouth is usually not ventilated and the odor is concentrated in the cavity. If at the same time a thick layer of plaque lies on the tongue, and the remnants of dinner rot between the teeth, the effect in the morning will be unsurpassed.
  • Smoking. As you know, smokers' mouths smell bad throughout the day, but in the morning, in combination with physiological reasons, the smell becomes even more unbearable.

The physiological side of the problem

If a person does not smoke and strictly observes oral hygiene (cleans the tongue, uses dental floss to remove food debris, brushes the teeth with fresh and high-quality toothpaste), the smell from the mouth in the morning is still unavoidable. Fortunately, the solution to this problem is simple - just go and brush your teeth, put a mint or chewing gum in your mouth.

Another reason for bad morning smell is eating garlic and onion dishes before bed. A specific aroma will not leave the oral cavity even after brushing your teeth (the paste will only mask the smell), and in the morning an unpleasant odor, coupled with the usual nightly concentrate, will be very strong. This is because garlic and onions contain special sulfuric substances that, after eating, spread throughout the human body.

Dry mouth can also be a source of bad breath. Saliva is the oral cavity's natural protector against bacteria, and if there is not enough saliva, the oral mucosa will dry out and be attacked by germs. Drinking plenty of pure water will help solve this problem. Physiological dryness can occur from a lack of fluid in the body, as well as due to reduced body performance during sleep. But there is also pathological dryness associated with the presence of serious diseases.

When it comes to pathology

If the smell from the mouth in the morning seems specific, with impurities, especially sharp or unnatural, it may be a disease.

Common pathological causes of bad breath in the morning:

  1. Caries, pulpitis, tartar and other dental problems. The warning that dental ailments must be treated in a timely manner is not new to mankind, but people still like to drag out diseases and are terribly afraid of dentists. As a result, after waking up, a concentrate of putrefactive odor accumulates in the mouth.
  2. Xerostomia - dry mouth. If dryness is pathological, it manifests itself constantly, but, as a rule, it intensifies at night, when pathological causes are added.
  3. Diseases of the ENT organs. Infections always produce a fetid odor, including pus and hydrogen sulfide.
  4. Metabolic disorders, kidney diseases, gastrointestinal diseases. In this case, the smell comes from the "inside" of the body and wears a variety of shades of aromas - from fish to sour meat.
  5. Diabetes mellitus, in which the body tries to “eat” fat instead of glucose. The split fats give the smell of overripe apples from the mouth.

What to do and how to treat?

Physiological causes are easy to eliminate. It is enough to give up bad habits, do not eat onion and garlic delicacies at night, thoroughly clean the oral cavity at night and be sure to clean the tongue with a special scraper (some toothbrushes have such a device on the back). Then the smell from the mouth in the morning will be "tolerant", natural, easily eliminated.

If the problems are associated with pathology, you can’t do without a visit to the dentist and therapist. You need to tune in to the appointment, do not be shy to tell the doctor about the problem and listen to his recommendations. If the matter is only in caries or pulpitis, the problem will be solved quickly, and the person will soon wake up with healthy teeth, without feeling an unpleasant putrid stench. If inflammation is detected, the dentist will prescribe treatment with chemicals and rinses. Natural remedies such as oak bark, chamomile, sage, peppermint, eucalyptus, and pine needles work best. They disinfect the oral cavity and relieve inflammation. When the course of chemicals is over, you can not immediately stop rinsing. The result of the treatment should be fixed.

When the problem lies deeper, a special examination is indispensable. You will need to donate blood for analysis, if necessary, make an x-ray or ultrasound. With a correct diagnosis and timely treatment, the root cause of halitosis will be eliminated quickly, and the breath will again become fresh and pleasant, and in the morning you will not have to concentrate only on the smell in the morning.

What can be done in the morning to get rid of the smell?

If for some reason a visit to a medical institution is postponed, or the treatment process is already underway, how to eliminate or mask the unpleasant odor that has arisen in the morning in the mouth?

  • First of all, you need to immediately brush your teeth with a refreshing mint paste, use a special rinse that disinfects the oral cavity. Only then can other measures be applied.
  • Rinsing with Miramistin solution may help to temporarily eliminate the odor. Such rinsing is useful for carious processes, infectious lesions, and inflammation.
  • Eat a slice of any citrus product.
  • After cleaning, spread a pea-sized amount of paste over the teeth and walk like this for about 20 minutes. The enamel will be saturated with minerals, and the breath will become fresh.
  • In the evening, prepare tinctures for morning rinsing of the mouth. It can be oak bark, wild rose, chamomile, mint, thyme. Usually the tincture is prepared as follows: a pinch of dry chopped grass is taken and poured with a glass of boiling water. Then you can cover it with a lid and leave to infuse until the morning. After brushing your teeth in the morning, this rinse will serve as an effective treatment.
  • Eat a green apple.
  • Roasted seeds also help to hide the smell, but in turn add their own flavor, which is not always and everywhere appropriate.
  • When brushing your teeth, much attention should be paid to the tongue, especially its back third. It usually accumulates the largest amount of plaque, which gives a lot of unpleasant odors.

Bad breath in the morning can bother every person from time to time. Upon awakening, this smell is quite noticeable; it occurs due to a lack of oxygen in the mouth, because while we sleep, the mouth is mostly closed and bacteria begin to multiply in such a favorable environment.

To avoid this, brush your teeth before going to bed. Bad breath in a healthy body disappears after taking morning procedures and breakfast.

If brushing your teeth, rinsing your mouth with special means does not get rid of this trouble, then you need to determine the cause.

Causes of Bad Smell

The first thing to do is to find out if it really is, because it often happens that we do not notice if we smell bad. To understand this, you can do the following: run your tongue along the back of your wrist, where the veins are visible. Then wait a few seconds for the saliva to evaporate and just smell your wrist. If there is a problem, the unpleasant odor will be quite noticeable.

On a note! A yellowish coating with a bad smell accumulates on the root of the tongue. You can clean it yourself with a cotton swab.

Most often, halitosis in the morning is caused by two reasons: a disease of the teeth or, as a result, a disease of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, and food addictions in food.

To remove the smell, you need to change your diet, consult a doctor and choose a suitable diet that will give the body the necessary substances, vitamins and minerals. It is important not to burden the stomach or pancreas.

What can cause bad breath

  • dental diseases (caries, stomatitis, pulpitis, ameloblastoma, apical periodontitis);
  • parotitis, glossitis, stomatitis;
  • complications of diabetes;
  • damage to the digestive tract;
  • constipation;
  • overeating at night;
  • constant consumption of food that contains a lot of protein;
  • helminth infection;
  • drinking alcohol at night;
  • kidney failure;
  • salivary gland disease.
Photo 1: Smoking cigarettes can cause bad breath. To avoid this, you need to get rid of this addiction. Source: flickr (Chief Editor).

These are the main problems that can cause bad smell. During the examination, a specialist can find another reason, which may be hidden in some chronic process that occurs in the body. It could be:

  • liver disease;
  • sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis;
  • adenoiditis;
  • angina;
  • tonsillitis.

Important! Chronic diseases that are not cured in a timely manner threaten not only bad breath, but also more serious complications that affect the work of many organs, for example, oncology of the nasal cavity, which also causes a bad smell.

With good digestion, if there are no problems with the digestive tract, and the smell from the mouth is terrible in the morning, you need to contact your dentist first. Then visit an ENT doctor so that he reveals or refutes the presence of hidden chronic processes in the ENT organs.

If there is a disease of diabetes, then the smell from the mouth, similar to acetone, may indicate a lack of insulin, which leads to a diabetic coma. In this condition, you need to call an ambulance.

Prevention of bad breath in the morning

Photo 2: To prevent the appearance of bad breath, it is necessary to visit the dentist regularly and eliminate caries in a timely manner. Source: flickr (Denmark Dental).

To eliminate bad breath, you need to regularly observe oral hygiene, use a special thread after eating, mouth rinses.

It is important to remember that everything in the body is interconnected, therefore, the cause of the failure in the body may not be recognized on its own, in which case it is first necessary to visit a therapist who, after examining, will give a referral to narrow specialists.

homeopathic treatment

One of the diseases of the oral cavity that causes a terrible smell from the mouth is aphthous stomatitis. It occurs due to the formation of caries and often such a disease is the response of the body's immune system to unidentified bacteria. Gastritis, helminths, complications after the flu can also cause stomatitis. For treatment is used: (Antimonium crudum) or Kantharis (Cantharis).

With bad breath due to chronic rhinitis, the drug helps (Teucrium). This remedy relieves pain, nasal congestion, restores the sense of smell.

With heaviness in the stomach, sensations of indigestibility of food, constipation, remedies are suitable.

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