Satanic bands. Rock music, magic and satanism. Rock music in the service of Satan

The ideology of the most influential rock 'n' roll bands, from the beginning of the first of them to our time, has been influenced by Satanic sorcerers such as Aleister Crowley and Kenneth Angler, and other occult rituals and mysteries.

Rock music originated in the middle of the 20th century. with the light hand of Bill Haley and Elvis Presley. April 12, 1954 Haley, along with his group "Comets" recorded the album "Rock Around the Clock". Three months later, young Presley, who at that time was nineteen years old, consolidated the creation of a new genre with his album “That's All Right.” For the first time, racial confrontation disappeared from the popular music of the United States of America, since many whites performed black works and vice versa. , as well as the defiantly loud beats of the drum kit, the sharp picks of electric guitars, the howls of singers (and listeners), the dancers, outraged the ultra-conservative clergy and racist associations. An even bigger mockery was the name rock "n" roll ("spin and spin"): so in jargon North American blacks indicated sexual intercourse, which explained the provocative twitches of Elvis.

The church soon declared rock music to be destructive and immoral, invented by the devil to gain power over fledgling young souls. These arguments could not prevent young people from going crazy with pagan music and elevating Elvis Presley to the rank of an idol. In fact, the rock of the late fifties was not yet diabolical, but just crazy. However, Satan postponed his appearance on the stage for a very short time.

devil network

In the sixties, the "wonderful decade", from old England the Devil was brought to America. The Beatles arrived in 1964, followed by the Rolling Stones and the Animals. These groups already had something to do with the world of Lucifer and draw inspiration from the dark gurus, whose authority in England and the United States grew at a breakneck pace. The most influential of these was the Briton Aleister Crowley. He died in 1947, but until then he managed to become Led Zeppelin's guide to the infernal world, and his face is one of the few surrounding the Beatles on the cover of the satanic music album Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band "(" Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club"), which was released in 1967. In the same year, the Rollings released the album "To Their Satanic Majesty Request" ("I humbly ask Your Satanic Majesty"), the recording of which, perhaps, could not have done without the participation of the sorcerer Kenneth Anger It was a diabolical sect founded by Charles Manson, the famous murderer of the unfortunate Sharon Tate, wife of Roman Polanski, the famous Polish film director who made the film Rosemary's Baby in 1968, which was released in some countries under the name "Seed of the Devil", which reflects the main theme of the film.At that time, the Manson "family" was located in the house of Dennis Wilson, drummer of the Satanic band "The Beach Boys", and this is just one example of the intricacies ny satanic network that entangled the world of rock and roll.

In the seventies, overtly satanic bands began to emerge, such as the English band Earth, who soon adopted the name of their most successful album, Black Sabbath, which was an explicit appeal to the Devil, or Black Widow, ("Black Widow"), whose first album Sacrifice is an unequivocal offering to Satan. It was also rumored that Jimmy Page, one of Crowley's favorite students, convinced the members of Led Zeppelin to make a pact with the devil in exchange for the unprecedented success that came to them at the time of writing the song "Stairway to Heaven", one of the most amazing examples of satanic rock. In 1974, the group's vocalist Robert Plant and his wife were in a terrible car accident, and drummer John Bonham died in 1980. Both of these facts can be considered part of the retribution under the pact with the devil. In the 1980s satanic rock began to lose its momentum as the youth turned to more earthy musical forms such as pop rock and its more or less predictable variations. The attack on the New York Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 marked the death of rock music. For some time now it has become risky to call oneself a supporter of evil, although, as they say, the Devil does not sleep.

Main characters

To better represent the golden age of satanic rock, we will try to briefly describe the bands that did the most to develop it and promote its cult. The list below, for obvious reasons, does not claim to be complete, but it can give an idea of ​​the diabolical secrets of the musical direction, which still fascinates millions of young (and not so young) souls.

Without a doubt, the most significant group of popular music of the XX century. it was those who, in fact, brought demonism to rock, largely combined with a panegyric to new hallucinogens such as LSD, and then to the mysteries of Hinduism. The leader of the Beatles, John Lennon, considered himself the Antichrist and in 1976 declared that he owed his success to the Devil, to whom he had sold his soul.

Some time later, he said in an interview with The Forerunner magazine: “We are already more popular than Christ, and I don’t know what will disappear from the face of the earth first: rock and roll or Christianity.” The loser turned out to be Lennon himself, who was killed in front of his home in New York on December 8, 1980. His killer, a certain Mark Chapman, called himself an admirer of the Beatles leader, whom he killed to share his glory. There is a point of view that he was a tool of the secret forces of the far right, and also that it was Lennon's turn to fulfill his obligations to Satan.

Satanism in the work of the Beatles is especially pronounced in the album Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, on the cover of which you can see a portrait of Aleister Crowley, who is also mentioned in Ringo Starr's song "Yellow Submarine". We should not forget about the "White album" ", in whose songs "Revolution Number One" and "Revolution Number Nine" for the first time you can hear the hidden references to the devil, which were noticed by Lutheran pastor Anthony Greenwald. You can hear them by listening to the tape from the end to the beginning.

Rolling Stones

The leader of this successful aging band, Mick Jagger, has repeatedly stated both in songs and in interviews that he is Satan's chief vicar in the rock and roll environment. According to some sources, he snared the famous witch Marianne Faceful, captivated by her seductive apprentice Anita Pallenberg, whose arcane art captivated Brian Jones, then Keith Richards, and finally Mick Jagger. Anita brought the Rollings together with Kenneth Anger, who was considered the heir to the satanic throne of Aleister Crowley.

After Anger initiated Mick Jagger into demonism, he took an oath of allegiance to Satan at the ceremony of the mysterious sect "Order of the Golden Dawn", which was a modern version of the mysterious Illuminati, founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt. The Rolling Stones confirmed their entry into Hell with the songs "Sympathy for The Devil", "To Their Satanic Majesty Request" and "Invocation of My Demon Brother", in which Mick Jagger directly identifies himself with Lucifer.

Starting in 1968, Jagger began to demonize his image, both in clothing and in stage movement, which drove the audience crazy. The climax came at the festival in Altamont (California), which took place in 1969. There, the leader of the Rollings loudly called on the devil, and on the stage, to the great horror of all those present, a young black man was suddenly killed. The perpetrators of the absurd crime were members of a gang of hell's angels, who, paradoxically, ensured the safety of the event. After that, Mick Jagger abandoned his passion for demonism and after a while changed his satanic outfit to the image of a sort of simpleton of the people. Jagger continues to perform with his band today, all of them are already over sixty, and they still tour all over the world, which indirectly confirms the fact that once they really sold their souls to the devil.

"Led Zeppelin"

And once again the figure of Aleister Crowley appears in the history of a famous rock band. Jimmy Page, the first guitarist of Led Zeppelin, was a selfless admirer of Crowley and in 1970 bought the legendary sorcerer's mansion, located in Scotland on the shores of Lake Ness, famous for an antediluvian monster living in its waters. It was said that Crowley performed black rituals and human sacrifices in this place. Without going to such extremes, Page performed in his new home some of the smaller ceremonies from his teacher's repertoire.

An unequivocal indication of Led Zeppelin's satanic sympathies was their song "Stairway to Heaven" ("Stairway to Heaven"). The lyrics were written by the band's vocalist Robert Plant while Page was playing him the tune he had just composed. “And then for some reason I fell into a trance,” Plant said in an interview, “and suddenly my hand began to display these words:“ There "s a lady who" s sure all that glitters Is gold. And she "s buying a stairway to heaven." Seeing what I wrote, I shuddered so much that I almost fell off my chair. "Other Led Zeppelin musicians also claim that many of their songs originated like this" on which - some kind of telepathic automatism, as if under someone's dictation, and they do not dare to name the author.

In addition to allusions to "signs on the walls" and "words that don't make sense," "Stairway to Heaven" attracted attention because it contained the most talked about reference to the devil in the history of rock. If you listen to the tape from the end to the beginning, you can hear the text, which many understand as follows: “Here is my good friend Satan, who will soon bring me suffering. He will give you 666. He has a box of tools that cause suffering. Sad Satan. All this does not carry a deep meaning from the point of view of Satanism, since it is difficult to imagine a sad Satan who brings people pain with the help of tools from a box. The mention of 666 again refers us to Aleister Crowley, who proclaimed himself the "Beast of 666". This number, not uncommon in Satanism and in the paraphernalia of Satanic doom, refers to the Apocalypse of St. John (13:18): “Here is wisdom. Whoever has a mind, count the number of the beast, for this is the number of a man; his number is six hundred and sixty-six."

Saying goodbye to "Led Zeppelin", let's remember the last stanza of their song:

And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last
When all are one and one Is all
To be a rock and not to roll
And she's buying a stairway to heaven

Black Sabbath

Just as with the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, Black Sabbath vocalist and leader John "Ozzy" Osbourne embodies the satanism of the entire ensemble. He himself has stated that he always composes his songs "in a state of trance", perhaps achieved with the help of hallucinogens. “Some supernatural force is using me to write rock and roll,” he said, “I don’t think it’s the devil, but ...” This uncertainty is explained by the fact that Osborne always verbally denied his belonging to Satanism , while performing songs with explicit references to the devil and black magic, as well as Black Sabbath itself, the plot of which is the witches' sabbath, a nightly ceremony of medieval witches dedicated to the devil.

The emblematic Black Sabbath album was Paranoid, recorded in 1971. Ozzy sings from it in a sepulchral voice that can only be described in one way: diabolical. Osborne constantly returns to the themes of the supernatural, nuclear fission, fear of death, an unknown force and the like, all of which are performed very loudly. The band subsequently dropped the references to Lucifer with the release of Master of Reality. Black Sabbath is credited with creating "mood rock" ("dark rock"), "death metal", "post-punk" and other trends that have developed in recent decades.

"Kiss" and "AC/DC"

Although these bands are markedly different from the early bands that played satanic rock, the constant references to violence, promiscuous sex, and sadomasochism make them suspect some kind of love for evil. The names of both groups, despite their seeming innocence, hide hints of the devil. "Kiss" can literally be translated from English as "kiss", but it can also be interpreted as an abbreviation for "Kings In Satan Service" - which does not need to be translated. Only the most innocent fans of "AC / DC" believe that these letters stand for direct and alternating current. True fans of the band know that their true meaning is "Anti Christ" / Death to Christ, which Satan would sign without hesitation.

Aside from its terrifying title, "Kiss" took glam rock to its most infernal images by voicing the menace in one of its songs: "The god of rock will steal your virgin soul." It is implied that this criminal god is none other than Lucifer. As for AC / DC, the titles of some of their songs are enough to convince you of their adherence to Satanism: "Highway to Hell" (a freeway leading to hell, paraphrasing the famous hit "Led Zeppelin") or "Hell's Bell" ( Hell's Bell) give an idea of ​​the place they would like to go to.

To begin with, on my own behalf, I will say that some religious fanatics claim that ALL rock is from Satan. These gentlemen have long and persistently brought proof of this. And they all give references to unknown psychologists, professors, teachers. They also cite incorrect translations of lines from the songs of metal bands, and cite the words of the band members, confirming their alleged commitment to Satanism. Only these phrases in the full context mean something completely different, up to the exact opposite.
I dug up a couple of such "masterpieces". Further, I can add more articles.

This article belongs to a certain I. Kulikov.


The editors of the "Missionary Review" magazine begin publishing a number of articles on the dangers of Satanism. The analytical study by I. Kulikov (the author of the third supplemented and revised edition of "New Religious Organizations of Russia of a Destructive, Occult and Neo-Pagan Character" published in Moscow at the end of 1999, Volume 1. Satanism) covers one of the most painful and latent problems of modern Russian society - activity of satanic sects. The author analyzes such a phenomenon as the satanization of public consciousness - its infection with violence, the inculcation of the cult of debauchery and lawlessness, the destruction of traditional Russian culture and morality. The logical and terrible result of this was the emergence and amazing growth in the number and activity of satanic communities. With the permission of the author, some chapters of the publication are published.


No one can say that the influence of rock and roll was healthy and positive! He is, as it were, a perverted charming flutist who leads an entire generation to self-destruction" (Pat Boon)

A well-known medieval legend of the late 13th century about a flutist from the German town of Gamelen says that after he rid the city of the rats that flooded it and did not receive the reward due to him, he decided to avenge himself. Playing a magical tune on his flute, he attracted all the children of the city to him; they entered the cleft of the mountain, from which they never came out again. Music has always had a special effect on the human soul.

Experts note that the popularity of "hard rock" and "heavy metal" bands with satanic ideology is growing among young people. According to The Younger Generation, the average teenager in the US already spends 6 hours a day listening to rock music. For him, she is the most faithful companion, teacher, preacher and guide in life. Dr. Paul King, Medical Examiner for the Youth Program at Charter Lakeside Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee, says that more than 80% of his patients are in treatment because of rock music. He said: "The lyrics become their philosophy of life, their religion."

Famous researcher Jean-Paul Regimebal (in another transcription of Rojimbal): "They don't listen to hard rock, they plunge into it, in accordance with the ritual of sex, seduction and rebellion" .

The subculture of satanic youth and amateur bands is dominated by certain forms of heavy metal music. The music of such rock bands as "Slayer" ("Killer"), "Celtic Frost" ("Celtic Frost"), "The Who", "KISS" and "Led Zeppelin" (this also includes Ozzi Ozbourne), can be singled out because of her open encouragement of Satanic ideology. It is indeed religious music if you accept the premise that Satanism is a religion. The names of such songs are quite indicative here: "Sabbath, bloody sabbath", "Look from below at the cross", "Number of the Beast". Such music may be of extremely low quality in terms of art, but its content directly appeals to Satanism, and its attack is something much more than just entertainment. Two themes, for example, clearly emerge in this "dark metal". The first is suicide, the second is ritual murder and dismemberment. Suicide is put forward as a response to life's problems, as some kind of ritual or religious act of courage and religious fervor. Songs such as "Decision is Suicide", "Compulsory Suicide", "Kill Yourself to Live", "Winds of Suicide" extol the virtues of such a "decision". The killing and dismemberment of others is also put forward as an act of catharsis. And again, here are a few titles: "Blood", "Bodily Dismemberment", "Murder is my business ... And this is a good business!" - the list goes on.

Many specialists have been involved in the study of Satanism in rock music - Jean-Paul Regimebal (the book "Rock and Roll: Violence of the Consciousness with Subliminal Messages"), Terry Watkins (the book "Heavy" Rock Music - the Path to Satanism ") and others.

This phase of the threshold to the satanic cult was initiated by the Beatles when they released their "Devil's White Album" in 1968, which included two works: "Revolution Number One" and "Revolution Number Nine". For the first time in the history of the record industry, subliminal messages appeared for the transmission of the "Gospel of Satan". The formula was successful, and henceforth rock music was on a wide path of diabolical seduction.

The Rolling Stones were the most famous group after the Beatles. Originating in England in 1965, it took an absolutely dominant position in the 70s. It was this group that began the satanic pandemonium in music. From the very beginning, completely unbridled, boldly exposing their depravity both on stage and in their personal lives, the Rolling Stones adopted a Satanic orientation under the leadership of Mick Jagger. Jagger has stated more than once that LaVey inspires their music! Jagger was devoted to Satan under the influence of Marianne Fatful and Anita Alenberg. These two witches invited Keneth Angier, himself a student of Aleister Crowley, to initiate Keith Richard and Mick Jagger into all the rituals of black magic. Jagger himself personally viewed himself as "the incarnation of Lucifer". Jean-Paul Regimebal calls Jagger a satanic archpriest. The best-known works of this group include numerous hymns to Satan, of which "Simpathy to the Devil" ("Sympathy for the Devil"), "Dancing with mr. D" ("D" - the devil) and the album "To Their Majesties" ( "To Their Satanic Majesties"). "Sympathy for the Devil" is the official anthem of the Satanic Church. In it, Lucifer speaks in the first person and asks everyone who meets him to show sympathy for him! Nearly all of the Rolling Stones' rock concerts and festivals have been marked by violence, riots, and even numerous deaths. To ensure the development of their global revolution, they founded their own weekly, The Rolling Stones, in the mid-seventies. Although the group later publicly renounced the occult (how sincerely, is unknown), the path was blazed.

According to Regimebal, the decisive turn in the evolution of rock and roll was brought about by:

The dedication of the artists themselves to the personality of Satan;
financial patronage from satanic sects (the Illuminati, Freemasons, the Witches' Agency - ICCA, the Welsh Society of Witches, etc.), which made a world-class bet.

Punk band "Kiss" seeks above all to praise violence, sadomasochism, all the symbolism of evil and unrestrained sexual perversion. Punk - in England, this word was originally used to refer to a prostitute of both sexes. On the other hand, in more recent American usage, the word means "scum." At their concerts, the musicians of this group jump on the stage like demons - spewing blood, breathing fire and shouting: "God of rock and roll, we will steal your innocent soul" ("God of Rock" n "Roll will steal your virgin soul" ). The name of this group (Kiss - literally "kiss") is made up of the initial letters of the words "Kings in Satan's Service" - "Kings in the service of Satan". thunder" they order the young people to bow before Satan: "I am the lord of the desert, the modern man of steel! I gather darkness to please you! And I command you to worship! Before the god of thunder, the god of rock and roll! I will steal your innocent soul!" This group not only uses subliminal messages, but also systematically composes songs aimed at glorifying the name of Satan and asserting the coming of his world dominion.

"Led Zeppelin" ("Led Zeppelin"). This hard rock band gained an important place in rock 'n' roll mainly thanks to their guitarist Jimmy Page (Jimmi Page). Having fully experienced glucinogenic drugs and homosexuality, the latter led his group into an overt satanic cult. Of the works that brought fame to this group, the most famous are: "Stairway To Heaven" ("Stairway to Heaven"), based on witchcraft and containing subliminal messages, and "Presence" ("Presence"), dedicated to the satanic forces that are always present on their concerts. "Stairway to Heaven" became the most popular song in rock history. One of the lines of this song says: "You know, sometimes words have two meanings." They know it: the song is full of satanic allusions. If you play one part of the song backwards, you can clearly hear: "My dear Satan ... Oh, I will sing, because I live with Satan." And this is the "number one song" in the history of rock!? It's hardly just a coincidence. Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin is a devoted follower of the Satanist Aleister Crowley. One of Crowley's teachings is to suddenly cast spells in front of people by speaking or humming the words backwards! In the song "House of the Saints" "Led Zeppelin" sings: "Let the music be your master. Obey the call of the master. Oh, Satan...".

Formed in England in 1965, The Who probably wouldn't have gained notoriety without the Satanic rampage of Peter Townshend and Keith Moon. Moving from eccentricity to anarchy, this group has included in its arsenal all the possibilities of unmotivated destruction. In the midst of the concert, they broke instruments, stage equipment and incited the audience to express their anger, their vandalism and vindictive hatred. Among her most characteristic productions are two rock operas: "Tommi" ("Soldier"), a blasphemous metaphor against Christ and a celebration of incest, and "Quadrophonia" ("Quadrophony"), which brought double schizophrenia to the stage. This group aims to glorify evil for the sake of evil, unmotivated violence and general anarchy in all areas of both personal and collective life.

One of the most popular bands in rock history is Slayer. The musicians of the Slayer group sing about themselves as "Warriors from the gates of hell ... We believe in Lord Satan." Albums of this group are sold in millions of copies! And song after song - the praise of Satan! Their song "Hell Awaits" sings: "Jesus knows your soul cannot be saved. Crucify the so-called Lord. He will soon fall before me. Your souls are damned. Your God is now in my power forever. Hell awaits." At the beginning of the song "Hell Awaits" there is an obvious message written backwards. When it is played normally, only an unintelligible noise is heard, but if you scroll it in the opposite direction, you will hear the real message - "Join us, join us, join us!".

Slayer song "Hell Awaits" (1985): "Existing on the verge of damnation. The priest never thought to witness such a cruel spectacle. The overthrow of power. Angels fight aimlessly, continuing to die by the sword. Our legions kill everyone who hits on the eye to take the one who is called the master... Lucifer rules the show, the priest of hell seeks the sacred star. Satan sees that the answer lies nearby. Weeping zombie souls cry out to you. Satanic laws dominate your life. "

The song "Kill Again": "Sneaking in the dark fog, starving for your blood, looking for innocent victims. My schizophrenic, lunatic uncontrollable passion to rape and kill women satisfies desires ... Without visible motives, only to kill and kill again ... I raise the brilliant blade and shred her skin as I watch her blood bleed to freedom Rage grows... Bring your life to me Kill the priest's only son, see the child die hacked to pieces, drink the purest blood Unrelenting lust to kill ".

Song "At dawn they sleep": "Taste the sins of hell, the blood that I so thirst for... Ghosts from the depths of hell. Death fills the streets where they dwell... At dawn they sleep. Open the hidden coffin and lift the lid of horror, Feel the deadly cold that will freeze you from the inside."

Song "Secrets of Eternity": "I saw the dark depths of hell, the sorcery of the strongest witch spells ... I killed the priest and cursed him forever ... Satan's soldiers attack prey, leaving corpses waiting for change. Blood drips from the fangs of death."

Song "Necrophilus": "I feel death deep inside, unrelenting passion for rotten flesh. Smash the grave where she lies - the pagan whore of the seed of Satan... The satanic cross points to hell. I must open the earth... I feel a growing desire to fuck this sinful corpse. My purpose accomplished, the bitch soul lies raped in demonic lust. Her belly explodes, the coffin breaks... The devil's child is cast out... He rules over forbidden evil. Lucifer takes my dark soul to the burning depths of hell."

The group "Deicide" (which means "death of all that is holy") with their songs "Sacrificial suicide", "Dead at dawn", "blasphemy", "Mephistopheles", "God-killer" and others contrasts very sharply even against the general background of rock-Satanist groups in that the words of her songs are almost identical to the satanic spells that must be pronounced during ritual rites at the Sabbaths. The song "Sacrificial Suicide" from the album "Godslayer" (1990) by this group reads: "Satanized, crucified, feel suicidal rage... Expose the wickedness of the blasphemous pact. Father Satan, let me sin wickedly and blasphemously. Suicide sacrifice is the destruction of sacred life. Blood on the unholy blade. I make a sacrifice to Satan. A crucifix appeared - a symbol of infertility. Satan, I am the crucifix... Satan, angel of the black abyss, I greet you. Satan, I am an insane blasphemer... Father Satan, I will find peace." In other songs, various names of Satan and direct incantations are heard that are used by Satanists during their ritual rites at the Sabbaths.

Song "Godslayer": "I killed Jesus just to watch him bleed on his preacher throne. I am evil. I am a Godslayer and I killed the lord... I will kill this world...". Song "Massacre in the Temple of the Damned": "In the Temple of the Damned, drink blood, the concentrate of death." The song "Crucifixion": "Praise Satan, he has now won ... You will praise Satan, the king of kings. Lord of lords, spread your wings ... Lucifer's crucifixion, save me from destruction ... You will pray to Satan .. The act of death rises, the messenger of the satanic mass... Kill the chosen righteous son, demand that the cross be turned over...

Homosexual rock star David Bowie, in the Rolling Stones magazine of February 12, 1976, shocked the music world with the words: "Rock has always been and will be the music of the devil ... I believe that rock and roll is dangerous ... I feel that we are the heralds of something far darker than ourselves."

In the song "Sorcery" by Megadet (A Million Deaths) one can clearly hear the true mission of rock: "I am the protector of the devil! Seller, if you like... join me in my devilish depths... I have your soul !" And at the end of the song they monotonously repeat: "Submit!".

Metallica's "Jump Into Fire" orders their young listeners to "jump into hell": "Follow me my son...doing exactly as I tell you...jump yourself or be taken by force! I don't care I'll get you! So reach out your hand and grab mine! Go home where you belong, jump into the fire." In the song "Prince", Metallica openly sings: "Angel of the Underworld... I want to sell my soul... Devil, take my soul. You paid with diamonds. I don't need the sky. So don't expect me to cry. And I will burn in hell. From the day I die."

"Twisted Sister" ("Twisted Sister") sings in the song "Burn in Hell": "Welcome to the abandoned land. Come, child, take my hand... After you go deep, deep, you will burn in hell!"

The group "Akeron" has an album called "Rite of the Black Mass". In this album, Peter Gilmour, a member of a Satanic cult, actually recites the "black mass" ritual, while "Akeron" sings the following words, accompanied by an infernal roar: "Glory to you, almighty Satan ... We praise you, we we bless you, we worship you ... you are the Lord, only you, oh mighty Satan."

The band "Manowor" ("Warrior") in the song "Bridge of Death" sings: "Dark Lord, I call you. Demanding the sacred right to burn in hell ... take my sinful soul. Drink my blood as I drink yours ... Lucifer "King. Praise Satan!"

In their song "Vengeance in Me", the group "Morbit Angel" ("Sick Angel") sings: "I have become the sword of Satan ... I say with hatred rid the world of the Nazarene!". And to make their blasphemy complete, they are in the song "blasphemy": "Repeat blasphemy, mock the messiah. We curse the holy spirit... Blame the spirit. Blasphemy against the holy spirit." Trey Eizagto from "Morbit Angel" calls himself a real vampire, and while playing on stage, he really bites himself and starts drinking his own blood!

One of the most popular songs of the 70s is "Hotel California", which was sung by the group "Eagles" ("Eagles"). Most people have no idea that this song is about a satanic church that is located on California Street, in a former hotel building! The inside cover of the record features Anton LaVey (looking down on the festivities), the organizer of the Church of Satan and the author of the satanic bible! Eagles manager Larry Salter admitted in the Woco Tribune Herald in February 1982 that the Eagles were members of the Church of Satan! One of the Eagles' songs is called "Have a nice stay in hell".

Rock singer Kat ("The Cat") sings in a parody of the song "Simon Says" titled "Satan Says": "Hello boys and girls! We're going to play a game called... Satan says!... We'll do whatever Satan says, okay?.. Satan says, “Follow me!” Satan says, “Go to hell!”.

The group "Bau-wow-wow" ("Wow-wow-wow") in the song "Prince of Darkness" openly offers to accept Satan: "So open the door and let in Satan, the prince of darkness."

The group "Sad Iron" ("Sad Iron") sings in the song "We all praise the devil": "We all praise the devil. He is so good! We all praise the devil! Until the day we die!".

The musicians of W.A.S.P. (wasp - wasp) proudly admit that the abbreviation of their name (in English) means "We are the Sexual Perverts". In the song "Sleep on Fire" they sing: "Taste love, Lucifer's magic that will overwhelm you. You feel what it does and you get drunk with love, you sleep in fire!" During concerts, members of W.A.S.P. threw pieces of raw meat at the public, and the young people, in a demonic frenzy, grabbed these pieces and ate the meat like wild beasts! On the back of their album, you can read: "Gods you worship are made of steel, you bow on the altar of rock and roll."

Motley Crew sings in the song "The Wild Side": "I carry my crucifix, under the death list. Send my letter to hell ... our father who is not in heaven. May your name be on the wild side."

Group "Black Sabbath" ("Black Saturday"). Their music is seen as satanic rock. This group boldly explored all ramifications of the occult and Satanism, from the "black mass" to human sacrifice. Their albums feature numerous occult and satanic symbols, as well as the number 666 referring to the Antichrist. Ozzy Osbourne himself admits that he is in a state of trance whenever he composes music or performs it on stage. Their philosophy is inherent in leaving complete freedom for the aggressiveness, hatred and destructive instincts of their audience. Originating in England, the Black Sabbath achieved worldwide fame in less than five years.

The musicians of this group during their concerts invited young people to inoculate Satan. One of their albums is truthfully titled We Sold Our Souls for Rock and Roll. Their song "Christmas in Black" is one of the most overtly Satanic songs ever recorded. This is Lucifer's "Love Song" in which he encourages listeners to "love him": "Some say my love cannot be true. Please believe me my love and I will show you. I will give you what you are about never dreamed... Your love for me just has to be real... Look into my eyes and see who I am. My name is Lucifer, please take my hand!".

The hard rock band "AC/DC" ("Antichrist/Death to Christ") is one of the most popular rock bands. In the song "Hell's Bells" they praise the bells of hell: "I am the roaring thunder, pouring rain. I come like a hurricane. My lightning flashes all over the sky! You are still young. But you will die. I will not take prisoners! I will not spare anyone life. And no one can resist me! I got my bells, and I'll take you to hell. I'll get you! Satan will get you! Hell's bells! Yes! Hell's bells!" In 'Road to Hell', 'AC/DC' sings: 'There's nothing I'd rather do, come down, fun time. My friends will be there too... satan paid my dues... I'm heading for the earth promised. I'm on the road to hell." Satanist Richard Ramirez, known as the "Nightshade" who terrorized California, said that AC/DC's "Nightwalker" made him kill and sacrifice at least 14 people to Satan!

Suicidal Tendencies (Suicidal), whose songs glorify suicide and have been linked to the suicide of young people, in the song "Possessed" reveals a frightening truth: "I am a prisoner of a demon ... he is with me wherever I go no go! I can't free myself from his shackles. This must be my punishment for selling my soul!"

The group "Anshlid" ("Unrestrained") in the song "Break the Skull" sings about their hatred of Jesus Christ: "I look into His dull eyes. And I pull out the hair from His beard. I raise a huge ax and split His worm-eaten skull. Break the skull - sacrifice. Break the skull - die Christ! Where did they get such horrible words for this song? Straight out of the satanic bible: the book of satan, 1:10.

The informal leader of the American "Church of Satan" was the popular singer Jean Mansfield.

"Pink Floyd" sings in the song "Sheep": "The Lord is my shepherd, I will not need anything ... with bright knives he frees my soul. He rests me on hooks on high ... For he has great strength and great feeling of hunger. In the song "Lucifer", Pink Floyd sings: "Lucifer... always with you. Always with you."

The band "Pozest" ("Possessed") in the song about suicide "No desire to live" sings: "Drink the blood from my cup. Come to hell, to my palace ... I will take you to the valley of evil ... you can only live death. Worship Satan!"

The song "The Oath" by the group "Mersiful Fate" ("Graceful Fate") contains the real oath that the Satanist must pronounce during the ritual of the "black mass"! Here are a few words from this song: "I reject Jesus Christ, a liar. And I will hide from the Christian faith. I despise all her works ... in this life I swear to be absolutely devoted to the rightful master. I will worship the Lord Satan. And no one else."

The group "Venom" ("Poison") reveals the true purpose of their music in the song: "We did not come here to entertain you ... I preach about Satan. Answer his call!". In their song "Possessed" they sing: "I am embraced by all that is evil. I demand the death of God ... And sit at the right hand of the Lord Satan!"

These groups know very well who they serve and they are completely devoted to their god! In Hit Parader magazine, the Iron Maiden (Iron Girl) musician said: "We can play convincingly every night because we completely believe in the music we play." As, for example, in the song "The Number of the Beast", in which they sing: "666 is a pure beast. 666 - both for me and for you!".

Dmiside, whose name means "death of God," sings about their devotion in the song "In Hell I'm Burning": "In Hell I'm Burning, There's No Question. In Hell I'm Burning for Satan." Their song "Amnesty for Evil" describes Satanic human sacrifice. It begins with an invitation to join them: "Join us...sacrifice the unborn child. Enter the realm of darkness. Infernal majesty, accept this murdered offering." To demonstrate his total dedication to Satan, vocalist Glen Benton has an inverted cross burned into his forehead!

The group "Coven" ("Sabbath") in the song "Burn the Cross" sings: "Son of God, repent of Your sins. Give Your soul to hell. Pray that Satan forgives. One day Your God let You down ... Your God died, and now You're going to die. Satan rules at last!" To show their burning hatred for Jesus Christ and to humiliate His death on the cross, they sing in the song "Christosicles": "If you're looking for a Savior, then I have a joke, Christosicles salvation on a stick."

The popular group "Danzig" in the song "Snakes of Christ" sing about their hatred of Jesus Christ: "Serpent Jesus, snakes of Christ. They are going to build you a world of lies." Inside the album, they proudly quote John 8:44: "Your father is the devil, and you want to do the lusts of your father." One of the emblems of this group is the image of a demon strangling Jesus Christ, whose eyes spurt blood!

One of the songs of the punk band "Dead Kennedy" is entitled "I kill children": "I kill children. I love to see them die. I kill children. I make their mothers cry. I crush them with a car, I want to hear them scream. I feed them poisoned candy and spoil it...".

And all these groups are among the most popular in the world. And besides, those examples that we have given are not exceptions at all, but just a drop in a sea of ​​facts! The cult of Satanism is extremely dangerous, and rock music is literally saturated with it!

If you think about what the average young person "digests" for 6 hours of this kind of music - what do you think it does to him? According to the book "Satanism in America", which was approved by the National Committee of Justice on the occult, associated with ritual murders, Satanism is "the fastest growing subculture among America's youth." Studies conducted by the Georgia State Police Academy have shown that 90% of those who practice Satanism are teenagers! TV presenter Herald Riviera, who has studied the terrifying spread of Satanism, said: "It exists and grows. Teenagers are the first to fall under the influence of Satanism."

How serious is this? During the 1992 MTV awards giveaway, members of the Red Hot Chilly Peers (Red Hot Chili Peppers) accepted the award and gave an acceptance speech saying, "First, we'd like to thank Satan...".

Bon Jovi sings in "Homeward Train": "When I was a boy, the Devil took my hand... I'm going down and down on the homebound train." In Smash Hits, Bon Jovi says, "...I'd kill my mother for rock 'n' roll. I'd sell my soul."

So did a certain Tommy Sullivan from New Jersey... And he did just that! Tommy is a fourteen-year-old American who cut his mother's throat one Saturday night and then gouged out her eyes. After that, he waved his hand and cut his own throat from ear to ear, so much so that he almost decapitated himself. Mayor Fran Slayton said: "Something is really bothering me about what happened. I'm worried about what a good guy like Tommy could become. Tommy's father said that all week his son sang a song about the blood and murder of his mother."

Such songs have a very strong effect on the mind and psyche of the listeners. In Spin magazine (May 1989), a Slayer fan says: "I hate your God, Jesus Christ. My lord is Satan. I kill animals for Satan. My god is Slayer. I believe in words." their music."

Recently, Satanism has been promoted by the Sacrificial Blood, Inner Satanic Circle, and Burzum groups. Their songs contain satanic curses, call for blood and violence. During "black metal" concerts in Germany, Satanists have already started setting fire to churches (3,10).

Former Southern Cross Adept: "I was involved in the Southern Cross at a rock party"...

Marilyn Manson (real name Brian Warner) has released his new album Clockwork Animals. On the cover of Marilyn Manson is depicted as a strange creature with the most veiled sexual characteristics (on the cover of his previous album "Antichrist Superstar" he was depicted as a sinister character, which is usually shown in films about people possessed by the devil). His current appearance is much more terrible than the past - it is the appearance of a man of the future prepared for us by Satan - a man with "new thinking" and "consciousness of the Age of Aquarius".

The presented material was published 20 years ago in 1998, but its content is still relevant, as it allows you to understand the origins of the Western rock music industry. Domestic performers of this direction mainly went their own way, but still absorbed a significant part of the destructive meanings and images, which is described in detail in the article "Rock Lobotomy":

A well-known medieval legend of the late 13th century about a flutist from the German town of Gamelen says that after he rid the city of the rats that flooded it and did not receive the reward due to him, he decided to avenge himself. Playing a magical tune on his flute, he attracted all the children of the city to him; they entered the cleft of the mountain, from which they never came out again. Music has always had a special effect on the human soul.

The first steps in the development of the direction

Experts note that the popularity of “hard rock” and “heavy metal” bands with Satanic ideology is growing among young people. In the US, the average teenager already spends 6 hours a day listening to rock music, according to The Younger Generation. For him, she is the most faithful companion, teacher, preacher and guide in life. Dr. Paul King, Medical Examiner for the Youth Program at Charter Lakeside Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee, says that more than 80% of his patients are in treatment because of rock music. He said, "The lyrics become their philosophy of life, their religion."

Famous researcher Jean-Paul Regimebal (in another transcription of Rojimbal): “They don’t listen to hard rock, they plunge into it, in accordance with the ritual of sex, seduction and rebellion.”

The subculture of satanic youth and amateur bands is dominated by certain forms of heavy metal music. The music of such rock bands as "Slayer" ("Killer"), "Celtic Frost" ("Celtic Frost"), "The Who", "KISS" and "Led Zeppelin" (this also includes Ozzi Ozbourne), can be singled out because of her open encouragement of Satanic ideology. It is indeed religious music if you accept the premise that Satanism is a religion. The names of such songs are quite indicative here: “Sabbath, bloody sabbath”, “Look from below at the cross”, “Number of the beast”. Such music may be of extremely low quality in terms of art, but its content directly appeals to Satanism, and its attack is something much more than just entertainment. Two themes, for example, clearly emerge in this "dark metal". The first is suicide, the second is ritual murder and dismemberment. Suicide is put forward as a response to life's problems, as some kind of ritual or religious act of courage and religious fervor. Songs such as "The Decision Is Suicide", "Compulsory Suicide", "Kill Yourself to Live", "Winds of Suicide" extol the virtues of such a "decision". The killing and dismemberment of others is also put forward as an act of catharsis. And again, here are a few titles: "Blood", "Bodily Dismemberment", "Murder is my business ... And this is a good business!" - the list goes on.

Many specialists have been involved in the study of Satanism in rock music - Jean-Paul Regimebal (the book "Rock and Roll: Violence of the Consciousness with Subliminal Messages"), Terry Watkins (the book "Heavy" Rock Music - the Path to Satanism) and others.

This threshold phase leading to the satanic cult was initiated The Beatles when they released their "White Album" in 1968, which included two works: "Revolution Number One" and "Revolution Number Nine". For the first time in the history of the record industry, subliminal messages appeared. The formula was successful, and from now on, rock music took a broad path.

The Rolling Stones("The Rolling Stones") was the most famous after the Beatles. Originating in England in 1965, it took an absolutely dominant position in the 70s. It was this group that began the satanic pandemonium in music. From the very beginning, completely unbridled, boldly exposing their depravity both on stage and in their personal lives, the Rolling Stones adopted a Satanic orientation under the leadership of Mick Jagger. Jagger has stated more than once that LaVey inspires their music! Jagger was devoted to Satan under the influence of Marianne Fatful and Anita Alenberg. These two witches invited Keneth Angier, himself a student of Aleister Crowley, to initiate Keith Richard and Mick Jagger into all the rituals of black magic. Jagger personally viewed himself as "Lucifer incarnate". Jean-Paul Regimebal calls Jagger a satanic archpriest. The most famous works of this group include numerous hymns to Satan, of which "Simpathy to the Devil" ("Sympathy for the Devil"), "Dancing with mr. D" ("D" - the devil) and the album "To Their Majesties" ("To Their Satanic Majesties"). "Sympathy for the Devil" is the official anthem of the Satanic Church. In it, Lucifer speaks in the first person and asks everyone who meets him to show sympathy for him! Nearly all of the Rolling Stones' rock concerts and festivals have been marked by violence, riots, and even numerous deaths. To ensure the development of their global revolution, they founded their own weekly, The Rolling Stones, in the mid-seventies. Although the group later publicly renounced the occult (how sincerely, is unknown), the path was blazed.

According to Regimebal, the decisive turn in the evolution of rock and roll was brought about by:

  • development of subliminal communication techniques;
  • the dedication of the artists themselves to the personality of Satan;
  • financial patronage from satanic sects (the Illuminati, Freemasons, the Witches' Agency - ICCA, the Welsh Society of Witches, etc.), which made a global bet.

The active phase of the popularization of rock music

Punk band "Kiss" strives above all to praise violence, sadomasochism, all the symbolism of evil and unrestrained sexual perversions. Punk - in England, this word was originally called a prostitute of both sexes. On the other hand, in later American usage, the word means "scum". At their concerts, the musicians of this group jump on stage like demons - spewing blood, breathing fire and shouting: "God of rock and roll, we will steal your innocent soul" ("God of Rock'n'Roll will steal your virgin soul" ). The name of this group (Kiss - literally "kiss") is made up of the initial letters of the words "Kings in Satan's Service" - "Kings in the service of Satan." In witchcraft language, kings are called messengers who take part in the cult of Satan. In their song “God of Thunder,” they order young people to bow down before Satan: “I am the lord of the desert, the modern man of steel! I gather darkness to please you! And I command you to worship! Before the god of thunder, the god of rock and roll! I will steal your innocent soul!" This group not only uses subliminal messages, but also systematically composes songs aimed at glorifying the name of Satan and asserting the coming of his world dominion.

"Led Zeppelin" ("Led Zeppelin"). This hard rock band gained an important place in rock 'n' roll mainly thanks to their guitarist Jimmy Page (Jimmi Page). Having fully experienced glucinogenic drugs and homosexuality, the latter led his group into an overt satanic cult. Of the works that brought fame to this group, the most famous are: "Stairway To Heaven" ("Stairway to Heaven"), based on witchcraft and containing subliminal messages, and "Presence" ("Presence"), dedicated to the satanic forces that are always present on their concerts. "Stairway to Heaven" became the most popular song in rock history. One of the lines of this song says: "You know, sometimes words have two meanings." They know it: the song is full of satanic allusions. If you play one part of the song backwards, you can clearly hear: "My dear Satan ... Oh, I will sing, because I live with Satan." And this is the "number one song" in the history of rock!? It's hardly just a coincidence. Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin is a devoted follower of the Satanist Aleister Crowley. One of Crowley's teachings is to suddenly cast spells in front of people by speaking or humming the words backwards! In the song "Houses of the Saints", "Led Zeppelin" sings: "Let the music be your master. Obey the master's call. Oh Satan...

Group "Ze Hu" ("The Who"), which originated in England in 1965, most likely would not have gained fame without the satanic rampage of Peter Townshend and Keith Moon. Moving from eccentricity to anarchy, this group has included in its arsenal all the possibilities of unmotivated destruction. In the midst of the concert, they broke instruments, stage equipment and incited the audience to express their anger, their vandalism and vindictive hatred. Among her most characteristic productions are two rock operas: "Tommi" ("Soldier"), a blasphemous metaphor against Christ and a celebration of incest, and "Quadrophonia" ("Quadrophony"), which brought double schizophrenia to the stage. This group aims to glorify evil for the sake of evil, unmotivated violence and general anarchy in all areas of both personal and collective life.

One of the most popular bands in the history of rock is "Slayer"("Killer"). The musicians of the Slayer group sing about themselves as "Warriors from the gates of hell ... We believe in Lord Satan." Albums of this group are sold in millions of copies! And song after song - the praise of Satan! Their song "Hell Awaits" sings, "Jesus knows your soul cannot be saved. Crucify the so-called master. He will soon fall before me. Your souls are cursed. Your God is now in my power forever. Hell awaits." At the beginning of the song "Hell Awaits" there is an obvious message written backwards. When it is played normally, only an unintelligible noise is heard, but if you scroll it in the opposite direction, you will hear the real message - "Join us, join us, join us!".

Slayer song "Hell Awaits" (1985): "Existing on the brink of damnation. The priest never thought to be a witness to such a cruel spectacle. The overthrow of power. The angels fight aimlessly, continuing to die by the sword. Our legions kill everyone in sight to take the one who is called the master ... Lucifer rules the ball, the priest of hell is looking for the sacred star. Satan sees that the answer lies nearby. Crying souls of zombies cry out to you. Satanic laws rule over your life."

The song "Kill Again": "Sneaking through the dark fog, starving for your blood, looking for innocent victims. Satisfying desires is my schizophrenic, lunatic uncontrolled passion to rape and kill women... With no apparent motive, only to kill and kill again... I raise a shiny blade and cut her skin to shreds, watching her blood flow out to freedom. The rage grows... Bring your life to me. To kill the only son of a priest, to see the child die cut into pieces, to drink the purest blood. Unrelenting lust for murder."

The song “At dawn they sleep”: “Try hellish sins, blood that I crave so much ... Ghosts from the depths of hell. Death fills the streets where they dwell... At dawn they sleep. Open the hidden coffin and lift the lid of terror, feel the deadly cold that will freeze you from the inside."

Song “Casters of Eternity”: “I saw the dark depths of hell, the sorcery of the strongest witch spells ... I killed the priest and cursed him forever ... Soldiers of Satan attack the prey, leaving corpses waiting for change. Blood drips from the fangs of death."

Song "Necrophile": "I feel death deep inside, an unrelenting passion for rotten flesh. Break the grave where she lies - the pagan whore of the seed of Satan ... The Satanic cross points to hell. I have to open the ground... I feel a growing urge to fuck this sinful corpse. My goal is fulfilled, the bitch soul lies raped in demonic lust. Her stomach explodes, the coffin breaks... The devil's child is thrown away... He rules over forbidden evil. Lucifer takes my dark soul to the burning depths of hell."

Group «Deicide»(which means "death of all that is holy") with his songs "Sacrificial Suicide", "Dead at Dawn", "Blasphemy", "Mephistopheles", "Godslayer" and others. the words of her songs are almost identical to the satanic incantations that must be pronounced during ritual rites at the sabbaths. The song "Sacrificial Suicide" from the album "Godslayer" (1990) by this group reads: "Satanised, crucified, feel suicidal anger... Expose the wickedness of the blasphemous pact. Father Satan, let me sin wickedly and blasphemously. Suicide sacrifice is the destruction of sacred life. Blood on the unholy blade. I make a sacrifice to Satan. A crucifix appeared - a symbol of infertility. Satan, I am the crucifix... Satan, angel of the black abyss, I greet you. Satan, I am a mad blasphemer... Father Satan, I will find peace. In other songs, various names of Satan and direct incantations are heard, which are used by Satanists during their ritual rites at the Sabbaths.

Godslayer Song: “I killed Jesus just to watch him bleed to death on his preacher throne. I am evil. I am a Godslayer, and I have killed the lord… I will kill this world….” Song "Massacre in the Temple of the Damned": "In the Temple of the Damned, drink blood, the concentrate of death." The song “Crucifixion”: “Praise Satan, he has now won ... You will praise Satan, the king of kings. Sovereign of lords, spread your wings... Lucifer's crucifixion, keep me from destruction... You will pray to Satan... The act of death rises, messenger of the satanic mass... Kill the chosen righteous son, demand to turn the cross over...".

Homosexual rock star David Bowie, in the Rolling Stones magazine of February 12, 1976, shocked the music world with the words: “Rock has always been and will be the music of the devil ... I believe that rock and roll is dangerous ... I feel that we are heralds of something much darker than ourselves."

In the song “Witchcraft” by the group “Megadet” (“Million Deaths”), one can clearly hear the true mission of rock: “I am the defender of the devil! Salesperson, if you want… join me in my devilish depths… I have your soul!” And at the end of the song they monotonously repeat: “Submit!”.

Metallica group in the song "Jump into the fire" orders his young listeners to "jump into hell": "Follow me, my son ... doing exactly as I tell you ... jump yourself or be taken by force! I'll still get you! So reach out your hand and grab mine! Go home where you belong, jump into the fire." In the song "Prince" Metallica openly sings: "Angel of the underworld... I want to sell my soul... Devil, take my soul. You paid in diamonds. I don't need the sky. So don't expect tears from me. And I will burn in hell. From the day I die."

"Twisted Sister"("Twisted Sister") sings in the song "Burn in Hell": "Welcome to the abandoned land. Come in, child, take my hand… After you go down deep, deep, you will burn in hell!”

At Akeron group there is an album called "The Rites of the Black Mass". In this album, Peter Gilmour, a member of a satanic cult, actually recites the ritual of the “black mass”, while “Akeron”, accompanied by an infernal rumble, sings the following words: “Glory to you, almighty Satan ... We praise you, we bless you , we worship you ... you are the Lord, only you, oh mighty Satan.

Manowor Group(“Warrior”) in the song “Bridge of Death” sings: “Dark Lord, I call on you. Demanding the sacred right to burn in hell... take my sinful soul. Drink my blood as I drink yours... Lucifer is king. Praise Satan!"

In his song "Vengeance in me" group "Morbit Angel"("Sick Angel") sings: "I have become the sword of Satan ... I say with hatred rid the world of the Nazarene!". And to make their blasphemy complete, they are in the song “Blasphemy”: “Repeat blasphemy, mock the messiah. We curse the holy spirit... Blame the spirit. Blasphemy against the holy spirit." Trey Eisagto from Morbit Angel calls himself a real vampire, and while acting on stage, he really bites himself and starts drinking his own blood!

One of the most popular songs of the 70s is "Hotel California", which was sung by the Eagles (Eagles). Most people have no idea that this song is about a satanic church that is located on California Street, in a former hotel building! The inside cover of the record features Anton LaVey (looking down at the festivities), organizer of the Church of Satan and author of The Satanic Bible! Eagles manager Larry Salter admitted in the Woco Tribune Herald in February 1982 that the Eagles were members of the Church of Satan! One of the Eagles' songs is called "Have a nice stay in hell."

Rock singer Kat("The Cat") sings in a parody of the song "Simon Says" called "Satan Says": "Hi, boys and girls! We're going to play a game called... Satan says!... We're going to do whatever Satan says, okay?... Satan says, "Follow me!" Satan says, "Go to hell!"

Group "Bow-wow-wow"("Bow-wow-wow") in the song "Prince of Darkness" openly offers to accept Satan: "So open the door and let in Satan, the prince of darkness."

Sad Iron Group("Sad Iron") sings in the song "We all praise the devil": "We all praise the devil. He is so good! We all praise the devil! Until the day we die!"

The musicians of W.A.S.P.(wasp - wasp) proudly admit that the abbreviation of their name (in English) means "We are the Sexual Perverts." In the song "Sleep on Fire" they sing: "Taste the love, the magic of Lucifer that will overwhelm you. You feel what she is doing and you get drunk with love, you sleep in the fire! During concerts, members of W.A.S.P. threw pieces of raw meat at the public, and the young people, in a demonic frenzy, grabbed these pieces and ate the meat like wild beasts! On the back of their album, you can read: "The gods you worship are made of steel, you bow on the altar of rock and roll."

Motley Crew sings in the song "The Wild Side": "I carry my crucifix, under the death list. Send my letter to hell...our father who is not in heaven. May your name be on the wild side."

Group "Black Sabbath"("Black Saturday"). Their music is seen as satanic rock. This group boldly explored all ramifications of the occult and Satanism, from the "black mass" to human sacrifice. Their albums feature numerous occult and satanic symbols, as well as the number 666 referring to the Antichrist. Ozzy Osbourne himself admits that he is in a state of trance whenever he composes music or performs it on stage. Their philosophy is inherent in leaving complete freedom for the aggressiveness, hatred and destructive instincts of their audience. Originating in England, the Black Sabbath achieved worldwide fame in less than five years.

The musicians of this group during their concerts invited young people to inoculate Satan. One of their albums is truthfully titled We Sold Our Souls for Rock and Roll. Their song "Christmas in Black" is one of the most overtly Satanic songs ever recorded. This is Lucifer's "Love Song" in which he urges listeners to "love him": "Some say my love cannot be true. Please trust me, my love and I will show you. I will give you something you never dreamed of... Your love for me just has to be real... Look into my eyes and see who I am. My name is Lucifer, please take my hand!"

hard rock band AC/DC(one version of the decoding of the name "AntiChrist / Death to Christ" - "Antichrist / Death to Christ", also called bisexuals in English) is one of the most popular rock bands. In the song "Hell's Bells" they praise the bells of hell: "I am the rumbling thunder that rains. I come like a hurricane My lightning flashes all over the sky! You're still young. But you will die. I will not take prisoners! I won't spare anyone's life. And no one will resist me! I have found my bells and I will take you to hell. I will get you! Satan will get you! Hell's bells! Yes! Hell's bells! In "Road to Hell", AC/DC sings, "There's nothing I'd rather do, let's go downstairs, it's fun time. My friends will be there too... satan paid my debts... I'm going to the promised land. I'm on the road to hell." Satanist Richard Ramirez, aka "Nightshade" who terrorized California, said AC/DC's "Nightwalker" made him kill and sacrifice at least 14 people to Satan!

Suiside Tendencies Group(“Suicidal Inclination”), whose songs glorify suicide and have been associated with the suicide of young people, in the song “Possessed” reveals a frightening truth: “I am a prisoner of a demon ... he is with me wherever I go! I can't free myself from his shackles. This is probably my punishment for selling my soul!”

Anlishd Group(“Unrestrained”) in the song “Break the Skull” sings about her hatred of Jesus Christ: “I look into His dull eyes. And I pull the hair out of His beard. I lift a huge ax and split His worm-eaten skull. Break the skull - sacrifice. Break the skull - die Christ! Where did they get such horrible words for this song? Straight out of the satanic bible: the book of satan, 1:10.

The informal leader of the American "Church of Satan" was the popular singer Jean Mansfield.

"Pink Floyd" sings in the song “Sheep”: “The Lord is my shepherd, I will not need anything ... with bright knives he frees my soul. He rests me on hooks at a height ... For he has great strength and a great feeling of hunger. In the song "Lucifer", Pink Floyd sings, "Lucifer... always with you. Always by your side."

Group "Pozest"("Possessed") in the song about suicide "No desire to live" sings: "Drink the blood from my cup. Come to hell, to my palace... I will take you to the valley of evil... you can only live in death. Worship Satan!"

In the song "Oath" Merciful Fate band("Gracious Fate") contains a real oath that a Satanist must pronounce during the ritual of the "black mass"! Here are a few words from the song: “I reject Jesus Christ, the liar. And I will hide from the Christian faith. I despise all her deeds... in this life, I swear to be absolutely devoted to the rightful owner. I will worship the Lord Satan. And no one else."

Group "Venom"("Poison") reveals the true purpose of its music in the song: "We didn't come here to entertain you... I'm preaching about Satan. Answer his call! In their song “The Possessed,” they sing: “I am embraced by all that is evil. I demand the death of God... And sit at the right hand of the Lord Satan!

These groups know very well who they serve and they are completely devoted to their god! In Hit Parader magazine, the Iron Maiden (Iron Girl) musician said: "We can play convincingly every night because we completely believe in the music we play." Like, for example, in the song “The Number of the Beast”, in which they sing: “666 is pure of the beast. 666 - both for me and for you!

Group "Dmiside", whose name means "death of God," sings of his devotion in the song "In Hell I'm Burning": "In Hell I'm burning, there's no question. I'm burning in hell for Satan." Their song "Amnesty for Evil" describes Satanic human sacrifice. It begins with an invitation to join them: “Join us…sacrifice the unborn child. Enter the realm of darkness. Infernal majesty, accept this murdered offering." To demonstrate his total dedication to Satan, vocalist Glen Benton has an inverted cross burned into his forehead!

Group "Coven"(“Sabbath”) in the song “Burn the Cross” sings: “Son of God, repent of Your sins. Give your soul to hell. Pray that Satan forgives. Once Your God failed You... Your God died, and now You will die. Satan rules at last! To show their burning hatred for Jesus Christ and to humiliate His death on the cross, they sing in the song "Christosicles": "If you're looking for a Savior, then I have a joke, Christosicles salvation on a stick."

Popular group "Danzig" in the song, the Serpents of Christ sing about their hatred of Jesus Christ: “Serpent Jesus, Serpents of Christ. They're going to build you a world of lies." Inside the album, they proudly quote John 8:44: "Your father is the devil, and you want to do the lusts of your father." One of the emblems of this group is the image of a demon strangling Jesus Christ, whose eyes spurt blood!

One of the songs punk band "Dead Kennedy" headlined "I Kill Children": "I Kill Children. I love to see them die. I kill children. I make their mothers cry. I crush them with a car, I want to hear them scream. I feed them with poisoned candy and spoil them ... ".

And all these groups are among the most popular in the world. And besides, those examples that we have given are not exceptions at all, but just a drop in a sea of ​​facts! The cult of Satanism is extremely dangerous, and rock music is literally saturated with it!

If you think about the fact that the average young person "digests" for 6 hours of such music - what do you think it does to him? Satanism is "the fastest growing subculture among America's youth," according to the book Satanism in America, which was endorsed by the National Committee of Justice on the occult associated with ritual murder. Studies conducted by the Georgia Police Academy have shown that 90% of those who practice Satanism are teenagers! TV presenter Gerald Riviera, who has studied the terrifying spread of Satanism, said: “It exists and is growing. Under the influence of Satanism fall primarily teenagers.

How serious is this? During the MTV Awards in 1992, members Red Hot Chilly Peppers(“Red Hot Chili Pepper”), while accepting the award and giving a speech of thanks, said: “First, we would like to thank Satan…”.

Bon Jovi sings in the song "Homeward Train": "When I was a boy, the Devil took my hand ... I go down, down on the train heading home." In Smash Hits magazine, Bon Jovi says: “…I would kill my mother for rock and roll. I would sell my soul."

Such songs have a very strong effect on the mind and psyche of the listeners. In Spin magazine (May 1989), a Slayer fan says, “I hate your God, Jesus Christ. My Lord is Satan. I kill animals as a sacrifice to Satan. My god is Slayer. I believe in the words of their music."

It's a strange thing, although it seems to be obvious that heavy music is in many ways satanic music (song titles like "Highway to Hell" leave no doubt), but nevertheless, many people think that these are just jokes, listen to it, and then wonder where mental disorders and nerve problems come from.

Our last opus "Satanism in the work of Led Zeppeliln" now drops out first in Yandex per request "Led Zeppelin Satanism", and this is already a success, so we will continue our important mission to warn ignorant people.

So, attention, friends! Today we're tearing the covers off our trembling Rolling Stones, Lenonn, AC/DC, Kiss, and many, many more! Your attention is invited to an interesting and to the eyeballs stuffed with indisputable facts article "Rock music. Who dances with the devil":

...he easily falls into the snares that firmly hold him. About how the "devil" scared Mick Jagger with fears, how they destroyed the "real" soul of John Lennon, how the rock music industry bewitches its performers ... Testimony of rock musicians themselves that demonically exciting (heavy) rock music is served from satanic cuisine

I'm not a religious fanatic, but I'm not from the Salvation Army either. As a little girl, I even courageously played the flute in church a couple of times, until I bought myself a record at the age of 14 Led Zeppelin III because my lover insisted on it. Mom and dad were horrified every time when the bone-piercing howl of “Immigrant Song” was heard. Their fears got on my nerves. What if rock music is somewhat "hard" music? But in the end, my parents' prayers were answered. Soon I had a new friend, he pulled me in tow for eight years, I listened only to classical music. In general, Beelzebub saved me once again...

Now I can confidently say that my parents were right. Today everyone knows that the soloist Led Zeppelin Jimmy Page- an adherent of Satanism. When he needs to accumulate new strength before the tour, he returns to his house on the banks of Loch Ness. The house, once owned by Aleister Crowley, now serves the sadistic, drug addict, obsessed founder of the "renewed" black magic.

The sophistication of black magicians includes the spelling and pronunciation of words in reverse. play it "Stairway to Heaven", one of the most famous Led Zeppelin songs, on the contrary, and you will hear snippets of phrases: “Listen!... I live with Satan... Serve me!... There is no escaping it... with Satan... if we "ve got to live for Satan ... Master Satan" - ("Listen! ... I live with the devil ..-. there is no salvation ... with the devil ... if we live for the devil ... Master and lord of the devil...”).

Fuzzy sounds, screams and howls are superimposed on discs with Hardrock, Heavy Metal and Black Metal music. If you lose on the contrary, then this is an animal muttering of words that are heavy in meaning. For example, the song "When Electricity Came to Arkansas" by Black Oak Arkansas. Satan, Satan, Satan. He is God, he is God,” the lead singer of the group howls, “The Devil is God!”

Rolling Stones also ventured into a dangerous flirtation with a demon in the late 60s. In 1967 they released the LP "Their Satanic Majesties Request"- Dreams of his devilish majesty. According to Mick Jagger, the album was inspired by the high priest of the Satanic Church in San Francisco, Anton LaVey.

In 1966, the "Devil Worshipping Age" (1966, because the number 666 is used as the seal of the Antichrist) was held on California Street in San Francisco. San Francisco, considered one of the corners of the triangle of black magic that runs through London and Turin, seemed like the perfect place to call to life the "First Church of Satan".

...he easily falls into the snares that firmly hold him. About how the "devil" scared Mick Jagger with fears, how they destroyed the "real" soul of John Lennon, how the rock music industry bewitches its performers ... Testimony of rock musicians themselves that demonically exciting (heavy) rock music is served from satanic cuisine.

Devil's chants

Here is a list of musicians and rock bands that, according to W. Bäumer in the book "We only need your soul", are under the influence of the devil. Let everyone decide for himself how music affects him. If it makes him aggressive, agitated, depressed, or awakens in him a narcissistic sense of omnipotence, then this is low-grade music. Any music that has a monotonous and at the same time disturbing rhythm tends to develop impulsiveness in a person, but by no means his virtues. So here is a small list of satanic groups.

Groups marked with an asterisk have only a few songs inspired by the dark forces in the program.

Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Pink Floyd*, Rolling Stones*, Motley Crue, Demon, AC/DC, Mercyful Fate, Ronnie James Dio, Ozzy Osbourne, T. Rex, Mass, Crossfire, Grim Reaper, Megadeth, Warlock, Dokken, Karo, Witchfynde, Witchfinder General, Beatles*, Jimi hendrix*, Kiss, Venom, Eagles*, Ian Gillian, Meat Loaf, John Lennon*, Can, Ritchie Blackmore, Emerson, Lake & Palmer*, Nazareth *, Accept, Judas Priest, Uriah Heep, Van Halen, Warlord.

The first band to make a pact with the devil was Black Sabbath. In their exuberant stage shows, they solemnly celebrated black masses, used devilish spells. Their music was howling, disharmonious, deafening, filled with hammer blows, beating on the nerves of the listeners. The lyrics were also not for the faint of heart: “Say goodbye to life, it's cheap. Kill someone, no one will cry. Freedom is yours, do whatever you want, we only need your soul.

On my LP "Reflection" the four Satanists boasted about how they had succeeded. “From the first record they asked the devil about it, who promised them success all over the world if they would take part in a big coven every year. The boys kept their word. Six successful records, concerts in front of fans all over the world ... "And you, poor fool holding a record in your hands, know that you are selling your soul with it, because it will quickly be caught in this hellish rhythm, in the devilish power of this music . This musical bite of a tarantula will make you dance to the end, without rest.

And teenagers bought this "music", believing that it was all a fun game. What a terrible delusion! Flirting with the devil horrified even such a shot sparrow as Rolling Stones.

Newspapers reported on December 6, 1969 that this band wanted to hold a rock festival at a former racing site near San Francisco. Hell's Angels (Hell's Angels), an organization of "rockers", which also has a branch in Europe, had to keep people behind the fence.

"When the Stones came out and sang 'Carol', a couple of naked young people suddenly stepped out of the ranks and crawled towards the stage, as if to the altar, voluntarily putting themselves under the sticks and boots of the Angels," says Tony Sanchez, a friend of the rock group. “The harder they were beaten, the more it seemed that they were driven by some supernatural force to sacrifice themselves to these messengers of Satan. Violence has surpassed all boundaries of what is permitted. Everything happened as in an archaic ritual: the victims not only endured pain and cruelty, they craved it.

When the Stones sang "Sympathy for the Devil" (Sympathy for the devil), the Hell's Angels attacked the audience for no reason. The bloody mass of fighting people in front of the stage was unstoppable. The concert was completely out of control. Mick Jagger muttered: "Every time, as I start singing this song, something happens." "The song "Sympathy for the Devil" concentrates all the destructive anger boiling in the crowd," says Sanchez. Hell's Angels breathed blood, murder was in the air, knives glittered . The Stones were playing with all their might, and now they were unstoppable spirits, summoned by them."

When Mick Jagger, stylized as Lucifer, sang “Under my Thumb” in a demonic pose, 18-year-old black Meredith Hunter was stabbed by the Hell's Angels right in front of the stage. The band's performance ended in death and violence. Three more were killed in a fight, not counting huge number of victims.

Mick Jagger was so shocked by what had happened that he quickly gave up "playing with the devil." Known for his satanic films, director Kenneth Anger, whom Mick Jagger invited to advertise, comments this: “Until now, magic was perceived by him simply as a game, but it became a reality that could destroy the group.”

Another rock celebrity, John Lennon, also paid dearly for her alliance with the devil. The most pacifist, friendly and at the same time shunning people "bit" was brutally and senselessly murdered on December 8, 1980 in front of his home in New York.

Tony Sheridan, who played with the then-unfamiliar Beatles at the Star Club in 1962, shed light on the mystery that explained the band's overwhelming success. John Lennon was very interested in the occult in those days. Together with the Beatles, he held a séance in Hamburg, where he said: “I know that the Beatles will succeed like no other group. I know this for sure, because for this success I sold my soul to the devil.

A year later, the Beatles were at the top of all the world charts and became the legendary band of all time. While the Beatles' music is mostly melodious and melodic, there are some things that "inspire" Satanists. So, Satanist Charles Manson, who in 1969 in an ominous ritual murder took the life of Roman Polansky's wife Sharon Tate, who was in her last month of pregnancy, and 6 other people, wanted to find secret messages in some songs. The Beatles' songs "Helter Skelter" and "Blackbird" forced his perverted and criminal philosophy on him, Manson later stated. (Roman Polanski, a year before, also played a dangerous game with the devil: in the film Rosemary's Baby, Mia Farrow will give birth to a devil child after an incubus. Her own child also constantly turns to the devil until she is born ...) Maybe John Lennon didn't know what he was doing, believed he could make an alliance with the devil, right, just for fun?

It may sound ridiculous, but the tragic events of 1980 make one think about what happened in 1962 in Hamburg: one does not enter into an alliance with the devil, so that later they can so easily forget about him.

Lennon's killer Mark Chapman has kept silent about the motive for his crime all these years. And only recently, the American reporter People managed to stir it up. Chapman impressed him as a spiritually extremely shattered person: tormented by internal contradictions, embarrassed, confused, crushed. And before the murder, Chapman was the plaything of his emotions. He took drugs, was an ardent follower of Jesus. But for a long time it was not enough, and he ran to the devil. Chapman asked him to give him the power to shoot John Lennon. “I prayed that the demons would take over my body, that they would give me the power to use weapons. I prayed to the devil to send me experienced demons. And I got the feeling that I became powerful, that I would kill Lennon.

When Chapman showed up in front of the door of the former Beatles lead singer in Manhattan to kill him, he said he had no emotion. “I had no emotions, no anger, nothing, just dead silence in my head. As Lennon walked past me, I heard a voice in my head whispering, "Do it, do it, do it." He repeated over and over. I turned and took the weapon out of my pocket. I don't remember how I aimed. I just shot five times."

Did the devil get his bail back?

"Enlightened" contemporaries may shake their heads. For them, the horned one is just a fairy-tale figure, born of fear in the religious, uneducated heads of people of past centuries. A superstition that is finally being eradicated. Indeed, there is no Devil, but there are destructive beings who now reside in the lower astral spheres, those spheres that are closest to our physical ones. We ourselves are the ones who created them with our destructive feelings and thoughts over the centuries. In this time of global cleansing, the dawn of the Aquarian Age, they are once again not letting up, knowing that their days are numbered.

They try to confuse people in any way and take over. The most effective way to bind the soul hand and foot is drugs. Everything that is under the influence of drugs is destructive, and every drug addict, without knowing it, sells or pawns his soul to negative forces. Drug addiction makes a free man a slave.

"Sex and Drugs and Rock" n "Roll is all your body needs." Lines from Ian Dary's song became the leitmotif of the rock scene: "Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll are all the body needs." Ian Dary was inspired to do this by Satanist Aleister Crow-lee, who proposed three methods for inducing a person into trance and ecstasy:

* music based on repetition and rhythm

* drugs

* a special form of sexual magic.

Sex, Drugs & Rock'n'Roll. Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix and many others left this world too soon. Jimi Hendrix delved into spiritualism before his death. He wanted to experience visions and talk to the spirits. Once he succeeded: “Music can hypnotize people, and if you hurt people for a weak spot, then we can put everything we want to say into their subconscious ... Music is taken from the air, so I can connect with the spirit.” (Life, October 3, 1969)

Any music is an inspiration. The only question is where it comes from - from the abode of paradise or the underworld. Peter Gabriel once shared in Stern magazine (16/1993): “When I'm happy, I can't write songs. As soon as I put my depression into songs, I leave the recording studio happy. For me, it's liberation." Most modern rock musicians are well aware of the relationship between spiritualism, demonism, black magic and rock music. What can not be said about anything unsuspecting youth. The reverse-encoded messages on rock discs are unlikely to be understood by the left hemisphere of the brain, let alone by the "creative" right. In addition to brainwashing, the deafening power of sound is very harmful, which, according to the research of the therapist Adam Kniste, causes "aggression, exhaustion, narcissism, panic, indigestion, increased blood pressure, etc." "Beat", i.e. the rhythm of the beat and the frequency of the sound of the bass guitar can unbalance the pituitary gland, or the gland of hormonal secretion. The consequence of this may be sexual excitement, reaching orgasm, and a general phenomenon of disinhibition.

Today's discos sparkle in the flashing light of strobe lights. When light and shadow change six to eight times per second, there is a loss of deep perception. With 20 light changes per second, the light rays are superimposed on the alpha brain waves that control the ability to focus. And then there is an ever-increasing loss of self-control. In addition, laser beams damage the cornea of ​​the eye. Such is the Saturday pleasure with the complications of a lifetime!

The lead singer of the heavy rock band Meat Loaf was interviewed in Time (September 11, 1978): "When I get on stage, I get obsessed." During a live performance in January 1978, the audience could see for themselves how the overweight singer became obsessed.

“Suddenly everything jerked convulsively: arms, legs, head. He began to spin. At first slowly, unevenly, then lying on your back, faster and faster, then furiously. He wanted to keep screaming, but only a wheeze came out of his bared mouth. No, this is not a rock singer, this is a description of the exorcism in Turin, in 1987. Over 1300 applications were received by the Turin clergy between 1981-1983. from people who considered themselves possessed and asked to exorcise the devil from themselves. Six priests daily, from morning to evening, worked tirelessly in the northern Italian automobile metropolis, where black and white magic are waging a ruthless war. It is clear to every person who has a certain spiritual knowledge that the rumor about being possessed by the devil is much more than an unkind tale. Famous rock musicians even recorded statements that, being on stage, they get the feeling that they are not playing, but someone else, they themselves are just listeners (for example, rock drummer Ginger Baker).

“A few years ago I took part in a séance in which Norman Buckley ordered the spirit to appear. After a while, he appeared and started talking to me. He promised me and my group great fame and fortune. The only thing he demanded from me was to give him my body in return. Now I'm famous all over the world. In order to comply with his request, I had to take the first and last name of the witch indicated by the manifested spirit during the session: Eilis Cooper.

Bob Larson, who was an active rock musician prior to his conversion to Jesus Christ, wrote: “The creepiest story I ever heard came from a friend who works with drug addicts. He spoke with a 16-year-old teenager who said that he was in contact with demonic forces. One day he asked my friend to turn on the radio on a wave that broadcasts rock music. Both prepared to listen. And then, before the voice of the soloist sounded, the teenager began to say the lyrics of songs that he had never heard before. When asked how he does it, the 16-year-old teenager replied that these songs were created with the participation of those demonic spirits that he knows. He also explained that while taking LSD, he could hear the demons singing their songs. Some of these songs he heard later on discs of acid rock bands (drug rock).

Johnny Todd, like Bob Larson, is one of those who turned from Saul to Paul. The former witcher is well aware of the practice of the rock music recording industry: “I was the managing director Zodiac Productions, the largest association of disc production companies and concert organizations in the United States. I confess that many did not believe and thought that this was a scientific fiction. When the matrix disk was ready (all other sound records and cassettes are recorded from it), it was taken to a hall completely closed to the public, to an altar standing in the northern part of the hall, and together with a scroll and an inverted star, they were placed inside a circle drawn on the floor .

13 specially chosen people raised their hands and called out to the demons to appear. Then followed the cry of the prince of the satanic cult, so that he ordered the demons to accompany each disk made from this matrix. This happened with every disc produced for one of the largest companies. And this was also the reason why people bought them, because they contained witchcraft ...

"They" did everything to control the spirit of the people. Ask someone who makes this kind of music and they will tell you that their music is diabolical.

Let me not describe the panic in the satanic world caused by the Christian church when believers began to burn rock discs. A terrible panic began, I was among them. They asked themselves, “How did they know what we did? Another tore his hair and shouted: “What happened? We were sure that they were under our control!”

So, they allocated 8 million dollars to open a new record company called Maranata in California. The first product was a disk "Jesus Christ Superstar". They signed some famous bands and gave them Christian names like love song or Children of the Day (Children of the Day). $8 million to start and more to get this music into the hands of young people! The head of one of the firms that calls itself Mural Record, is a very strong Satanist. The emblem on the disks of the company Mural Record serves as a satanic temple, the largest ever built. This is the secret sign of their disks. And this is the reason why all firms equally adorn themselves with the hieroglyphs of the satanic world, such as the double "X", the arrow, the red compass, the inverted pentagram, and so on. This is so that the inhabitants of the satanic world know where the groups are putting their money. (There is a Christian music magazine in Germany called "ixx".)

It is a fact. Go home, count your rock CDs: "One, two, three, four..." And you will find out how many demons are in your house.

Johnny Todd recounts a brief encounter with his friend David Crosby, a rock musician.

Todd: “I have a few questions for you. You can answer them:
Crosby: "Dude, what have I got to lose? If I last until the end of the year, and then happiness.
Todd: "David, are you still calling Colban to enchant the matrices?"
Crosby: "Yes."
Todd: "What is the top priority when making music today?"
Crosby: “The goal is the same as when you worked there.
Todd: "Really?"
Crosby: Control of the human spirit.
Todd: "Songs in the language of Satanists?"
Crosby: "Look, you know about our language!"
Todd: "Of course. But I want to hear about it from you."
Crosby: "You want a lot!"

Johnny Todd advises getting rid of all rock records, as they are associated with demonic forces that continue to work through them. “I have seen people who, without music, fall into a terrible state, they are already its captives. In the satanic world, they know that most of the songs are witchcraft and written under the influence of demons. "Hotel California" (by the Eagles) was the most powerful song ever written...

Some heavy rock band names sound cute and harmless, but secretly carry sinister password signs: AC/DC means, at first glance, "alternating current" in English. The Australians, on the other hand, have “bisexuality” in their dialect. A well-informed guess occurred to one rock writer (the band's first disc was called Highway to Hell), that this abbreviation also means "Antichrist, Death to Christ" (AntiChrist, Death to Christ) or AntiChrist/Devil Corporation). Below is a short excerpt from the song. Highway to Hell, with which the band made a big breakthrough, and today the song is a kind of credo for the army of hard rock fans: “There is nothing I would love more than going to a party where my friends will be. I'm on the street on my way to hell. On the street that leads to hell, there are no stop signs, no loss of pace. No one who could slow me down. I'm rushing like a wheel, no one will stop me. Hey devil, count my debts 'Cause I'm in a rock band Yeah I'll go all the way wow Down the street to hell.

The beautiful name Kiss (Kiss) is the name of the "fire-breathing demons of rock and roll hell" (American rock music magazine). Even his publisher Bob Esrin called the four "musicians" "symbols of unbridled evil and unbridled sensuality." Gene Simmens has an interest in cannibalism and is known for being able to stick his tongue out almost to his neck, an ancient pagan symbol of devil worship. The name Kiss has nothing to do with a kiss, it is an abbreviation meaning Knights, or Kings in Satanic Service (knights, or cavaliers of the devil's environment).

Most musicians, as well as their loyal audience, try to joke, bravely claiming that they have the situation under control, that everything is just a joke, so pranks, harmless pleasure, a little flirting with a horned one. I would like to quote an excerpt from the book by W. Bäumer “We only need your soul”, where he covers this problem in detail.

1. The fact that there are groups that create a kind of occult image for themselves in order to make more money is known to everyone. Whether such flirting really brings success to the group or not, but the musicians open the doors for the demons through which they can act as they please. Rock bands that play games with the occult automatically, often unconsciously, open themselves up to the devil's forces, putting themselves in danger because the initial "joke" instantly connects with the devil's seriousness of the moment. Countless cases show that playing with demonic powers has never been harmless. All the more apprehensive is the increased interest of young people in such, as they consider, innocent practices, like table turning, incantations, witchcraft. One connoisseur of matter put it this way: "Your chances will be better if you take a rattlesnake to guard your house than if you engage in occult practices."

2. A rock musician who has become a puppet of demons constantly wears them in his aura. Through their constantly provided energies, the musician is able to reach out to his listeners (read: victims) on a mediumistic plane, so that these destructive energies can infiltrate the subconscious of the fans. The prerequisite is to turn off the active threshold of human consciousness, whose spirit becomes open. The complete shutdown of the will and the system of feeling sensations (“passivity”) opens the door to the subconscious for all alien spirits. Active understanding is an obstacle to demonic activity. For this reason, the most urgent goal of destructive forces is to bring the human mind into a state of emptiness, i.e. creating a vacuum into which they can then infiltrate themselves.

But how to make a person's spirit empty and open to other spirits? Stay indoors with the deafening power of sound and rhythm. Bright, blinding light "lightning" of the strobe in the dark. A large gathering of people who suggestively inspire each other. All this is ideal, as well as performing magical musical rituals to immerse a person in a transcendent state. This opens the valve for all the dark demons waiting impatiently nearby...

The New York Times writes: "Have American youth gone crazy over the music of would-be assassins?" Lyrics from rappers Snoop Doggy Dogg, Tupac Shakur or N.W.A. (Niggaz with Attitude), with their encoded satanic passwords, openly call for violence and murder: “Wa-ta-ta late at night on the street where I am with a gun in my hands. I'm not afraid to lay down some black man, and when I kill, there is a tra-ta-ta." These are not empty words. The author of this song, Snoop Doggy Dogg, was put on trial for complicity in the murder, which caused a four-fold increase in sales of his discs.

70% of all gangsta hip hop-drives, reports the magazine The Source, are bought by white. Who is still deceived today that there is a direct relationship between the decline in morals and values ​​and the type of music that young people are fond of? Her tendency to obsession with morbid passions and impulsiveness: alcohol and nicotine addiction, pornography, violence, drugs, rock music, inner emptiness and dispersion caused by the abuse of computer games. Because of this kind of music and special effects in discos, fledgling souls become aggressive and prone to violence. Their heart chakra is on fire. Lack of taste of all kinds they regard as a long-lost inner freedom. Such concepts as love, peace, truth, freedom become for them vulgar words of a non-existent "holy world".

Group Nazareth in the song "I Sold My Soul" makes a confession that can serve as a warning to all listeners. Their goal is to make everyone who seeks God lose heart. They sing that God never answers prayers: “I prayed to God, but I don't think he heard me. My sacrifice was in vain. In desperation, I sobbed. And took part in black magic. I looked through the heavenly door, but HE was looking the other way. I wept with despair and regret. And took part in black magic. I sold my soul to the devil."

On Fridays and Saturdays the devil dances all night with thousands of others.

Ursula Seiler-Shpilman

Many authoritative musicologists believe that the impetus for the development of this musical direction was the work of the popular composer of the middle of the 20th century, Imre Kalman, who used in his compositions the ancient melodies of his homeland - Transylvania. In all his compositions, the influence of folk rhythms, especially the syncopated rhythm of dance, is clearly seen - verbunkos, the prototype of chardash. This dance was closely associated with paganism, in particular, with the beliefs and rituals of the Dacians, and has survived to this day. Kalman's operettas spread this rhythm all over the world. Today, the shuddering, shaking rhythm of ancient pagan dances is not difficult to find in the compositions of the "stars" of the modern stage. In terms of rhythms, studies have also been carried out in the tribes of Africa, Latin America and Haiti. A complete perception of the entire repertoire of all rituals imitating sexual relations, spells and conspiracies was carried out with the aim of reproducing successive rhythms that would lead the audience to complete sexual ecstasy.

The emergence of rock music in the West in the 1950s was marked by an outbreak of suicide and a truly psychic epidemic that destroys those moral barriers that animals and base human inclinations are designed to restrain. The beginning of the rock epidemic was the beginning of the drug epidemic and the so-called sexual revolution.

A brief overview of the rock band, their connection with the occult and satanism.

In Russia, few people know about the strong influence of the Beatles on the fanatic Charles Manson and his gang. Manson, who killed Sharon Tate and her guests, proclaimed the Beatles "angels" in order to find out about the terrible secrets of the impending Apocalypse. In the text of their song "Revolution N9", containing eerie, maddening sounds, the Manson "family" heard a prototype of the future Armageddon, the final battle between good and evil.

Manson's Beatlemania culminated in a satanic massacre at Sharon Tate's home. Among the inscriptions left by the Satanists with blood on the walls of the house, the police also found slogans from the Beatles song: "Upside down", "Political pig", Rise", etc. But the crimes provoked by the Beatles did not end there either. One of the next victims was John Lennon The songs and sayings of the Beatles prompted this murder of Mark Chapman.

Many Western journalists talk about the influence of Satanism on the Beatles. It is no coincidence that among the images on the sleeve of the album "Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" includes the founder of 20th century Satanism Aleister Crowley and the bloody goddess Kali. It is characteristic that many enthusiasts who advocate the widespread dissemination of Satanism authoritatively state that Aleister Crowley, "the greatest mystic and magician of the 20th century, deserving the title of" the most corrupted man in the world "is the godfather of hard rock. (Crowley Aleister. Magic in theory and in practice, M.: Lokid, Mif, 1998, book 1, abstract).

Let me remind you that A. Crowley is the founder of Satanism of the 20th century. The attitude of the Beatles towards Christianity is indicative. So John Lennon said in an interview: "Christianity will leave. There is nothing to argue with. I'm right, and time will prove it. Now we are much more popular than Jesus Christ. I don't know what will leave first - rock and roll or Christianity" . Lennon considered himself a Buddhist. In the history of the rock bands that followed the Beatles, there is a clear connection with Satanism. Here is one excerpt from Kiss' song "God of Thunder": "I was raised by a demon, prepared to rule like him... I gather darkness to please myself, and I command you to kneel before god thunder, the god of rock and roll."

The word 'KISS' is made up of the initial letters of the words 'Kings in satana service'. Hard rock band AS/DS - 'anti-christ/(death to Christ)' - praises the bells of hell in the song 'Hell's Bells': 'I I got my bells and I'll take you to hell, I'll get you, Satan gets you! Hell's bells, yeah! Hell's Bells!" Another example is a song by the punk band Dead Kennedy entitled "I'm Killing Children": "God told me to scalp you alive. I kill children, I love to see them die. I kill children, I make their mothers weep. I crush them with a car, I want to hear them scream ... ". One of the Rolling Stones albums was called "Their Satanic Majesties Demand." There are many statements by rock musicians themselves about their connection with Satanism and the occult. Here are some of them. Alice Cooper, whose true name is Vincent Fournier, said: "A few years ago I attended a séance of spiritualism, where Norman Barclay implored the spirit to respond. Eventually the spirit appeared and spoke to me. He promised me and my musical group glory, power over the world and unheard of wealth, the only thing he demanded from me in return was to give him my body so that the spirit could possess it. In exchange for having my body, I gained fame all over the world. To achieve this, I assumed the name he introduced himself during the session. So, I got recognition all over the world."

Vincent Fournier, the son of a Protestant pastor from Arizona, who took the name of the witch Alice Cooper, who died a century earlier, is in the extolling of all kinds of sexual perversions, down to necrophilia and public exposure. He ended up explicitly celebrating Satanism on the albums Alice Cooper Goes to Hell and From Alice with Malice. We can mention the famous Elton John, who stated that he never composed or sang a single song that was not written in the language of witchcraft ("Beyond the Yellow Brick Road"). The same applies to "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin, as well as by Black Sabbath and others. It is noteworthy that David Crosby, Nathan Young, Graham Nash, in a word, all significant producers of rock and roll, are members " Satanic Church" and the fact that most rock bands are attributed as representatives of one or another Luciferian religion. It is no coincidence, therefore, that all the attributes and symbols of rock and punk bands are of occult-Masonic and satanic origin. The story of the ritual murder of John Lennon of the Beatles was repeated with Bon Scott of ACC, Duane Allman of the Allman Brothers, Randy Rose of the Ozzy Osbournes, Keith Moon of Hu.

The impact of rock music.

Various studies have been carried out in order to evaluate the various effects of rock music, entailing deep trauma to the eyes when using laser lighting effects, hearing, spine, endocrine and nervous system in the audience. Music therapist Adam Knist, analyzing this phenomenon, writes: "The main problem with the effect of rock music on victims, of course, stems from the level of its sound, causing hostility, exhaustion, narcissism, panic, indigestion, hypertension, an unusual narcotic state." A few years ago, neurosurgeons at the University of Illinois discovered a painful syndrome they called "rhythmic toxicosis." A person who abused listening to rock music showed all the signs of alcohol or drug poisoning, although no traces of these substances were found in the body. At concerts of musical stars, listeners experience a state of hypnotic trance, similar to that which accompanies cult magic. (Today, according to experts, about 90% of the radio air is filled with trance music). In sexual terms, such sound exposure leads to a change in the state of the cerebrospinal fluid and a significant change in the level of insulin in the blood, the balance of sex and adrenal hormones is disturbed so that various functions of controlling moral inhibition fall below the threshold of tolerance or are completely neutralized. Among the inevitable psycho-emotional traumas, in connection with the effect of rock on the audience, experts include serious violations of memory, brain functions and neuromuscular coordination.

Soviet scientists recorded the following: after listening to rock music for 10 minutes, seventh-graders forgot the multiplication table for a while. And Japanese journalists in the largest rock halls in Tokyo arbitrarily asked the audience just three simple questions: what is your name? And none of the respondents responded to them. According to the West German professor B. Rauch, such music causes the release of so-called stress hormones, which erase part of the information imprinted in the brain. A person does not just forget something from what happened to him, or what he studied, he mentally degrades. The consequence of the impact of rock music is also neuro-sensory overexcitation, causing euphoria, suggestibility, hysteria, up to hallucinations, depression, reaching neurosis and psychosis, self-mutilation in various forms, especially at large gatherings, unbridled impulses for destruction, vandalism and rebellion after concerts. and rock festivals. Suicidal and homicidal tendencies are greatly enhanced by daily and prolonged listening to rock music. In a state of moral and mental confusion, a wide path opens up for the wildest, hitherto suppressed impulses, such as hatred, anger, jealousy, vindictiveness, and sexual promiscuity.

In addition, rock music inevitably included the entire arsenal of drugs among those strong emotional stimulants that the new wave offered - caustic rock ("caustic" - acid - is an argotic synonym for a drug). The Beatles with their yellow Submarine (a psychedelic hallucination caused by a substance similar to the drug LSD), the Rolling Stones with their Brown Sugar (cocaine), Sister Morphine and Cousin Cocaine, and finally the Silver Lady (a hypodermic syringe).

As Abbie Hofmann proclaimed: "Rock is the source of revolution. Our way of life and drugs, fancy clothes, all-encompassing rock music - this is the revolution!"

Consequences of the rock revolution.

The socio-cultural phenomenon of rock and roll, which appeared in the early 50s, unleashed a whole wave of blood and human casualties on the world. In addition to the cases of rock music-instigated murders mentioned above, there are a few more. A study of 18 suicides that occurred in the Montreal-Bundy-Quebec area in less than 1 year among youth aged 15 to 21 showed that in all these cases, the musical factor of rock and roll was the only constant factor. The Soviet press wrote about a 14-year-old girl from California who killed her own mother. She inflicted several stab wounds on her. At the trial, it was found that at the time of the crime, the girl was in a state of strong nervous excitement from listening to heavy rock music. At the Rolling Stones festival in Eltement (USA), some of the participants died from suffocation, and three from a large dose of drugs. During another rock concert in the United States, members of the Hells Angels hired by the Rolling Stones staged a massacre in which hundreds of people were injured. Thousands of listeners after such performances were in an aggressive state or fought in hysterics. The fanaticism of the fans looked more and more like an obsession.

This was noticed by the musicians themselves, who took the place of pagan idols. First of all, music, combined with a computer image and lighting effects, has a more powerful effect on young people. Such a spectacle, as it were, draws a person into virtual space. At concerts of rock musicians, huge screens are installed on which a computer image is projected. What danger does this pose? Let us recall the tragedy that unfolded in late 1997 in Japan, when hundreds of Japanese children huddled in front of TV screens during an epileptic seizure during computer cartoons. The last tour show of the rock ensemble "Rolling Stones", which took place in the largest cities of the world, including Moscow, was called "Bridges to Babylon". In the Bible, Babylon is the source of all evil spirits, the worship of Satan. One of the compositions of "rolling" is called "Sympathy for the Devil". During the performance of this song, psychedelic pictures appear on a huge screen, reminiscent of the delirium of a drug addict. During the concert, during the performance of this and other compositions, hundreds of thousands of listeners and viewers around the world come into ecstasy from the spectacle that turns them on. Did not the app warn about this? John in his prophecies: "And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names ... and on her forehead was written the name: mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and abominations of the earth" (Rev. XYII, 3,5). In Greece, the performance of the "Rollings" during a tour of Europe was banned due to the protest of the Greek Orthodox Church.

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