The most useful food for a pregnant woman. Healthy foods for early and late pregnancy

One of the main nutrition tips for pregnant women should be the use of food, which retains the largest amount of unchanged food and biologically active substances - fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, freshly prepared juices, sprouts of wheat grains, rye, etc. the amount of vitamin C, B vitamins, folic acid, denatured protein. At a temperature above 54 °C, regardless of the duration of cooking, the hydrolase enzyme, which takes part in the process of digestion of food in the gastrointestinal tract, is completely destroyed, and the product becomes “dead”, which, in turn, requires more stress on the digestive organs and energy on its processing. The more often you eat porridge, pies or fried meat, the more the digestive tract is "polluted" by the remnants of incompletely digested dishes.
In fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and juices, nutrients remain unchanged; they are preserved in fresh-frozen fruits. However, perhaps the most useful are dishes from germinated grains. When the grain is germinated, enzymes are sharply activated in it, in connection with which the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates occurs with the formation of easily digestible sugars, fatty acids, amino acids and vitamins. In particular, vitamin E found in seedlings and green shoots is absorbed by the body at least ten times more intensively than from synthetic preparations. Therefore, such food is the most valuable supplier of all these substances for the female body during pregnancy.

An important place in the diet of the expectant mother is occupied by dairy.

Cottage cheese is better to use fat-free or calcined. In fat-free cottage cheese, about 17% of protein is more than in some types of meat. There is a lot of methionine in cottage cheese, which is so necessary for the fetus, and there are less nitrogenous substances that increase the load on the liver and kidneys than in meat. Calcined cottage cheese can be prepared at home (see recipes).

Sour milk drinks- an indispensable product for a pregnant woman. They help to increase immunity, perfectly normalize motor activity and intestinal microflora, and allow you to get rid of constipation without resorting to laxatives. The best laxative is a glass of kefir or curdled milk with the addition of a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Kefir or yogurt at night should become a permanent component of the diet of a pregnant woman.
Yogurt is best prepared at home by fermenting with two tablespoons of sour cream, kefir or industrial yogurt. Milk is allowed to stand in a dark place for several hours, then put in the refrigerator. "On its own" (using the samokvass method), milk turns sour due to the microflora that enters from the environment, and not only due to lactic acid bacteria. It is not difficult to prepare natural fermented milkshakes at home. To do this, you need to mix kefir or yogurt with fresh juice of carrots, apples, raspberries, etc. Such a product is a good substitute for yogurts, which are so loved by many people and which have no special advantages over kefir or yogurt, but contain food additives (to create taste sensations or extended shelf life). If you can't refuse yogurt, then choose one that has the shortest shelf life, since a long shelf life always implies the presence of preservatives.

Ryazhenka is better to choose low-fat - 2.5% fat. Buttermilk and whey contain a large amount of amino acids with pronounced lipotropic properties (, cystine, etc.), and make up for the lack of protein in the body during pregnancy. The biological properties of nachka proteins are especially enhanced due to the complex of vitamins present in it (A, B, 1 B2, B6, B2, E, PP, shipim) and minerals, including all trace elements found in whole milk. Buttermilk contains up to 5% sugar (lactose), which normalizes the fermentation processes in the intestines and prevents the development of putrefactive processes accompanied by flatulence, and hence self-poisoning as a result of the absorption of putrefactive decay products from the intestines.
Fermented milk drinks enriched with artificial microflora, including bifido: bifidokefir, bifilife, bifidoryazhenka, etc., are extremely useful. From 2 to 5 strains of bifidobacteria are added to them.

In general, it can be said that the nutrition of a pregnant woman should be primarily lacto-vegetarian, but it cannot be said about other products.

First of all, this fish one of the most important food for pregnant women, containing complete proteins (on average 17-19% in the edible part) with a well-balanced composition of amino acids. Fish is easier to digest than meat (moreover, “both in a saucepan and in the stomach”), therefore, pregnant women, especially with a decrease in the enzymatic activity of the gastrointestinal tract, should partially replace coarser meat food with fish, using mainly lean and moderately fatty foods. varieties. In addition, fish, especially sea fish, contains a variety of minerals, in particular, trace elements -, fluorine, copper, zinc, etc.

However, the extractive substances of fish excite the secretion of the digestive glands more strongly than the extractive substances of meat, although they are somewhat less in fish than in meat. Extractive substances turn into a decoction during cooking, so fish broths (ear) are dangerous for women with diseases of the stomach and duodenum with high acidity, as well as the liver and pancreas. This does not apply to the most boiled fish, which is useful for almost everyone.

In addition to boiled, you can eat baked fish, including in foil.

Non-fish seafood, which includes mussels, scallops, shrimps, crabs, trepangs, squids, sea kale (kelp) and some others, will be of great benefit during pregnancy. These products contain little fat and are a source of complete proteins, and the content of trace elements is much superior to animal meat. In particular, mussels contain twice as much protein as a chicken egg, and are much better digested than pork, beef or lamb. Plus it's mini! more calories. The meat of crabs, shrimp, squid is very rich in hematopoietic substances. Seaweed is useful for pregnant women who are prone to obesity. Only those who suffer from acute diseases of the digestive system (peptic ulcer, gastritis, bowel disease with diarrhea, liver and kidney disease) should not use it.

As for meat and meat products, then it is enough for a pregnant woman to eat about 100 g of meat per day. At the same time, preference should be given to rabbit meat (it is considered the lightest), veal, lean poultry (but not kurambroilers), as well as lean pork varieties.
The daily diet of a pregnant woman should include 15-30 g of butter, 30-80 g of sour cream or cream and 25-30 g of vegetable oils (preferably unrefined). Fats increase the calorie content and palatability of food, g contribute to the intake of fat-soluble vitamins (A, P, E) into the body. Vegetable oil (under; solar, corn), in addition to essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic), contains vitamin E, which, as already mentioned, is the main one in the prevention of miscarriages. Refractory fats (pork, lamb, beef) should not be consumed by pregnant women.
Useful for pregnant women are complex carbohydrate 3 products that contain vegetable 3 fiber. It is rich in wholemeal bread, & buckwheat and oatmeal, various vegetables and; fruits - potatoes, cabbage, beets, carrots, apples, berries, watermelons, prunes, rich, in addition, 1 also in minerals and vitamins. In the second half of pregnancy, it is better to use 3 salt-free bread made from wheat or rye flour (100 g of such bread contains only 52 mg of sodium - versus 300-400 mg in regular bread), buns with low acidity, buns and bread with seaweed instead of salt. Sufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits (600-700 g) helps to eliminate constipation, which often occurs during pregnancy, and normalize liver function.

If pregnancy occurs in summer or autumn, then fresh mushrooms can be recommended (unless, of course, you suffer from gastrointestinal diseases). They can satisfy the taste whims of even the most “fastidious women.

Mushrooms as a food item are sometimes compared to vegetables, to which they are similar in terms of calories and water content. They are also called “forest meat”, since the chemical composition of mushrooms is close to animal products. Mushrooms are very rich in nitrogenous substances, especially proteins. The protein content in mushrooms is much higher than in many vegetables, and in dried porcini mushrooms there are more proteins than in meat. The composition of proteins includes almost all the most important amino acids - leucine, tyrosine, histidine, arginine. They are remarkable in that they require less digestive juices for breakdown than animal products, and are easily absorbed in the intestines.

Mushrooms are quite rich in vitamins B, 1 B2, E and PP, they contain, although in small quantities, vitamins A and C. But most of all, mushrooms are rich in nicotinic acid, especially mushrooms, which contain 322 mg of this vitamin per 100 g of absolutely dry matter - as much as in beef liver.
Of the minerals in mushrooms, there is a lot of phosphorus and potassium. In particular, mushroom "deposits" of phosphorus are three times more than vegetable ones, and from animal products, according to this indicator, they can be compared with fish. They also include such trace elements necessary for humans as zinc, copper and manganese. In terms of zinc content, mushrooms generally do not know their equal in the plant world.

Mushrooms contain extractive and aromatic substances that enhance their taste and increase the secretion of gastric juice. In their stimulating effect on the secretion of the digestive glands, mushroom decoctions are superior to vegetable decoctions and are not inferior to meat decoctions.
It is also important that, while picking mushrooms, a woman both rests and gives herself moderate physical activity, breathes fresh air and listens to the "music" of the forest. Avid mushroom pickers know that this activity - picking mushrooms - distracts even from the most annoying unpleasant thoughts.

Thus, an approximate grocery set for expectant mothers for one day (in the second half of pregnancy) includes (in d):

    meat products - 100;

fish products - 100;

low-fat cottage cheese - 170;

kefir - 200;

milk - 250;

sour cream - 30;

butter - 15;

vegetable oil - 25;

sugar - 40;

rye bread - 100;

wheat bread - 100;

confectionery flour products (bun, biscuit) - 100;

cereals, pasta - 60;

potatoes - 200;

cabbage - 100;

beets - 100;

carrots - 100;

tomatoes and other vegetables - 200;

fruits, berries or fruit juice - 200;

greens - 30-50.

Video. Features of nutrition of a pregnant woman. Part 1

The content of the article:

Healthy nutrition during pregnancy is one of the main conditions for the successful development and growth of the fetus. In addition, the right products can have a positive effect on the immunity of the expectant mother, preventing the development of certain diseases. The latter is especially important in detail, since the range of medicines that a pregnant woman can be treated without risk to the baby is not so great. Let's see what foods are best included in the diet of a future mother?

What foods can you eat during pregnancy?

The diet of a woman whose pregnancy proceeds smoothly does not, in fact, require special conditions. It must be, firstly, balanced, that is, meat, dairy products, and plant foods, etc., must be present in the right amount, and secondly, devoid of outright harmfulness, such as chips, low-quality sausages, carbonated drinks, etc.

Let's see what foods during pregnancy should form the basis of a balanced diet:

  • Meat. This is primarily an indispensable source of protein, which is necessary for the growth and development of the fetus every day. However, when choosing meat, the expectant mother should take into account that it is better to use not too fatty varieties of it in cooking. In addition, it is important to note that it is better to cook it in the oven, steamed or grilled. Ideally, avoid using spices as well.
  • Eggs. Separately, it must be said about the need for their presence in the diet of the expectant mother. Firstly, they contain the same protein that is important for the growth of the fetus, and secondly, more than 10 useful vitamins and minerals, among them choline, which is very important for the development of the brain of a child. So if you do not eat meat for ethical reasons, at least include eggs in your diet.
  • . Of course, they should occupy the most important place in the diet, since they are rich in calcium and iron, which are necessary for the development of the child's bone skeleton, as well as healthy skin, hair, and nails. In addition, this, again, is protein, B vitamins, which are important for mother's endurance and performance. Especially worth noting is B9 - folic acid, which is generally responsible for the proper development of the fetus without pathologies and the formation of its nervous system. However, when choosing dairy products, you need to be very careful. It is best to buy fresh milk in the village and make yogurt, cottage cheese, and cheese out of it yourself.
  • Fish and seafood. They are rich in phosphorus and vitamin D, which is important primarily for the mother herself, it normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and prevents bone fragility, which can develop against the background of the “sucking” of useful substances from the mother’s body by the fetus.
  • cereals. Grains are rich in minerals and many vitamins. They can and should be eaten while in an interesting position. Also in the composition of cereals there is fiber, which improves digestion. This is very important, since during pregnancy the gastrointestinal tract is already subjected to increased stress, and facilitating the digestion of food is a very necessary and important step.
  • Legumes. For many, they cause gas and other digestive problems due to the presence of enzyme inhibitors in the composition, but in general they are very useful, they contain a lot of iron, calcium and zinc, as well as vitamins B6 and B9. If you are one of those to whom legumes bring discomfort, you can eat them sprouted, since when sprouted, enzyme inhibitors are destroyed, and beneficial substances are preserved.
  • Vegetables and greens. Of course, vegetables and herbs play a huge role in the diet of a pregnant woman. You can eat them both fresh and thermally processed, although, of course, in the first case they will bring more benefits. It is worth noting that vegetable salads will retain their usefulness only if they are seasoned with good butter or sour cream, there can be no talk of mayonnaise.
  • Fruits and berries. This is a great alternative to unhealthy sweets during pregnancy. They, like vegetables, can be eaten raw (but in this case, be sure to wash the fruits thoroughly) and prepare various smoothies from them, or you can, for example, bake in the oven, a very tasty dish - pears in honey.
  • nuts. Any nut is a real storehouse of biologically active substances necessary for mother and fetus, so there is a place for them in the diet of a pregnant woman, but do not forget that all nuts are very high in calories, and therefore do not lean too much on them.
  • Oils. The same can be said about oils - they are high in calories, but necessary, first of all, to maintain the beauty of a pregnant woman, they contain healthy fats that nourish the skin and make the hair shine.
Products for hemoglobin during pregnancy also deserve special discussion. The fact is that pregnant women often suffer from anemia, and this is very dangerous, because it leads not only to a permanently poor health of the expectant mother, but also to the development of such a dangerous phenomenon as preeclampsia. It is characterized by a pathological course of pregnancy, premature birth and all sorts of complications at the time of birth.

In addition, with a lack of hemoglobin in the mother, most likely, it will be low in the baby, which means low immunity, a tendency to allergies, developmental delays.

Thus, if you know that you have a predisposition to anemia, you must definitely introduce foods that stimulate an increase in hemoglobin into your diet - these are, in general, all foods rich in iron.

First of all, these include:

  1. Meat products. Among the meat products, the leaders are: chicken, pork and beef liver - iron in them is 10-20 mg per 100 grams of product; as well as red meat of turkey and rabbit - there is iron 3-5 mg per 100 grams.
  2. Seafood. Marine "reptiles" contain a shock dose of the necessary element - 25 mg per 100 grams.
  3. cereals. Here, buckwheat is in the lead (7 mg / 100 grams), there is also a lot of iron in millet and oatmeal (3.5 and 4.5 mg per 100 grams, respectively).
  4. Vegetables and greens. Spinach contains 3.7 mg / 100 grams of iron, other vegetables and greens are much less, about 1.5 mg / 100 grams.
  5. Legumes. The absolute leader is green lentils (11 mg / 100 grams), followed by red beans and peas (7 and 6 mg per 100 grams, respectively).
  6. Fruits and berries. A rich source of iron among fruits and berries are viburnum and sea buckthorn (5 mg / 100 grams), grapes (4 mg / 100 grams), peaches, pears, apples (2 mg / 100 grams).
As you can see, the choice is wide, so that every woman can find a product that will not only be useful, but also bring her joy.

Food during pregnancy at different times

Special attention should be paid to the issue of women's nutrition in early and late pregnancy, in these two periods the risk of certain complications is highest, and therefore they require a more responsible approach to diet.

Products during early pregnancy

In the early stages, there is a high probability of miscarriage and the development of toxicosis, in order to avoid such unpleasant events, it is most important to follow the rules for balanced food:
  • 30% of the diet should be fats, most of them should be taken from dairy products and nuts, as little as possible from meat.
  • 15% proteins - and here meat should be the main source, as well as fish and eggs, for vegetarian women - legumes.
  • 50% carbohydrates - first of all, of course, complex carbohydrates - various cereals, whole grain bread, unsweetened vegetables. From simple carbohydrates, you can afford fruits and honey.

It is advisable to eat small portions every 2-3 hours, drink clean water between meals.

The main attention should be paid to products with the maximum content of the following elements:
  1. Folic acid- responsible for the nervous system of the child, found in green vegetables, oranges, beans, carrots, dates, apples, peanuts, beets.
  2. iron and calcium- help mom to maintain beauty and get less tired. Most of them are in dried apricots, liver, buckwheat, greens, cheese, cottage cheese.
  3. Vitamin D- with its shortage, the likelihood of premature birth develops, so its sufficient amount in the body must be monitored throughout the pregnancy. Contained in large quantities in parsley, potatoes, vegetable oils.
  4. Vitamin B12- helps to remove toxins from the body, present in green vegetables, seafood, liver.
  5. Zinc- prevents developmental problems, primarily reduced body weight. Zinc-rich pumpkin and sunflower seeds, sea fish, rice, lentils, nuts, beans, onions.
  6. Omega 3 acids- Responsible for the normal development of the brain. Most of all they can be found in sea fish - trout, salmon, halibut, tuna and cod.

Note! Healthy nutrition not only promises the correct development of the child, but also with a high probability prevents toxicosis. This means that you need to start eating the right foods not at the time of its manifestation, but from the very beginning of pregnancy.

Food list for late pregnancy

Potential dangers of the third trimester of pregnancy - late toxicosis (preeclampsia), edema, premature birth. In addition, during this period, the load on all internal organs, including the digestive tract, reaches its maximum level. In order to reduce the likelihood of developing certain problems, it is necessary to make a number of special adjustments to the diet.

Here are the foods that should mainly make up the diet of a pregnant woman in the last weeks of gestation:

  1. Beef and veal. This is the main meat product on your table, you can also afford chicken and turkey, but pork is best avoided. However, if you tolerate this type of meat well, you can eat it a couple of times a week.
  2. Salmon, chum salmon, hake, trout. These varieties of fish are well digested and carry a huge amount of healthy fatty acids.
  3. Local vegetables and fruits. In the third trimester, it is necessary to refuse, as far as possible, from exotic vegetables and fruits that are not characteristic of our region, this will help to avoid the child's predisposition to allergies to them in the future.
  4. Kefir, ryazhenka, yogurt. In dairy products, emphasis should be placed on sour milk, milk itself is excluded, as it can cause fermentation in the intestines.
  5. Cereals and whole grain bread. Due to the high content of fiber, these products will contribute to better digestion.
In addition, in the later stages, it is especially important to monitor a sufficient amount of the following vitamins:
  • Vitamin C - found in fruits, berries and vegetables;
  • B vitamins - nuts, cereals, vegetables, fruits;
  • Vitamin H - is included in large quantities in the composition of cereals, dairy products;
  • Vitamin K - found in vegetables and fruits;
  • Vitamin PP - it must be taken from fish and poultry.
Also minerals:
  • Calcium and phosphorus - you need to look for sour milk, nuts, vegetables;
  • Magnesium - nuts, cereals, seaweed;
  • Iron - found in buckwheat, nuts, spinach;
  • Manganese - present in large quantities in fruits, nuts, spinach;
  • Iodine - they are rich in seafood;
  • Copper - it must be taken from nuts and seafood;
  • Zinc - found in nuts (especially pine nuts) and cereals.
Based on this list, we can conclude that the basis of a woman's diet in the third trimester should be vegetables, fruits, cereals, nuts. It is also important to eat fish and meat periodically. As for cooking, it is best to steam or bake everything.

Separately, it is worth noting that the drinking regimen for the prevention of edema should be changed - it is necessary to consume less liquid.

Diet during pregnancy

So, now you can see that, in general, the correct diet of the expectant mother consists of a variety of products, it contains meat, and fish, and cereals, and legumes, and dairy products, and vegetables, and fruits. By and large, we can say that any person who cares about their own health should be guided by such a diet.

But, unfortunately, we get so used to various harmful things that a diet consisting of healthy foods seems boring and not tasty to us, although, in fact, everything is possible, except for the definitely harmful.

Let's look at the approximate diet of the expectant mother:

  • Breakfast. It is best to eat one of the following dishes: porridge with berries, fruits, nuts; muesli with natural yogurt and honey; cottage cheese casserole; omelet with vegetables.
  • Snack. Fruits, nuts, yogurts, smoothies from the listed products, as well as vegetables, herbs and berries.
  • Dinner. Light vegetable soup or chicken, rabbit, turkey broth soup. Baked/stewed/steamed meat or fish garnished with boiled potatoes, steamed vegetables with fresh salad.
  • Snack. Freshly squeezed juice, toast with honey, cottage cheese casserole, bread with cheese, dry biscuits with milk, kefir, natural yogurt.
  • Dinner. An ideal dinner would be meat or fish cooked in any way, but not fried in a pan, and a large portion of vegetable salad. If the salad is not a satisfying dish for you, you can make it more nutritious with a handful of nuts, walnuts and pine nuts are especially good.
  • For the night. If you had dinner early and hunger broke out at night, try to satisfy it with a glass of kefir, you can supplement the “meal” with dry cookies with cheese.
This, as it will surely seem to someone, an overly correct diet can sometimes be diluted with cookies, buns, muffins, but these must be quality products, better prepared on their own, and you should not abuse them.

And please get rid of the common misconception - if I want it, the child wants it. Believe me, your baby is unlikely to want doshirak with sausage. Yes, it is possible that someone eats harmful things without consequences, but this does not mean that you are also lucky, so try to stick to proper nutrition, because, after all, pregnancy does not last so long, and you will have to reap the fruits of your mistakes, perhaps all life.

The most useful foods during pregnancy

However, even when the first trimester and / or problems with hemoglobin are left behind, you should not forget about the right diet. Recall that even with a completely successful pregnancy, it must be balanced, and bad habits are excluded.

It is especially commendable to eat not only permitted foods, but also those recommended as the most useful, among them:

  1. Lean pork and beef. Both of these products contain choline, which is very important for the proper development of the baby's brain. To date, there are already several studies that demonstrate an obvious relationship between the consumption of these types of meat and the intelligence of a child.
  2. Properly cooked eggs. No need to take risks and eat raw eggs or soft-boiled, it is best to boil them hard-boiled. Also, don't eat more than 5 egg yolks a week, as they contain cholesterol.
  3. Oatmeal and buckwheat porridge. These cereals are exceptionally rich in composition, they contain selenium, sodium, potassium, B vitamins, as well as vitamin E and PP.
  4. Natural yogurt, cottage cheese and hard cheese. These are the most necessary dairy products in the diet of a future mother.
  5. Carrots, broccoli, avocado. Of course, all vegetables and herbs are extremely useful, but there are also those in which all the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids necessary for the mother and the unborn baby are present in a higher concentration. First, it's all red and orange vegetables, especially carrots, as well as broccoli and avocados.
  6. Spinach. But it can rightfully be called the most useful greens, and not only for pregnant women, but for all people.
  7. Strawberry, raspberry, blackberry. These berries will not only cheer you up, but will also have an important beneficial effect on both the mother and the child. Although, of course, you need to understand that in the off-season they are much less useful.
  8. Mango. The importance of this product for pregnant women is very high. However, any seasonal local fruit will be preferable to the exotic. If both apples and mangoes are grown "artificially", it is better to choose the latter.
  9. Walnut. All nuts are extremely useful, but walnuts should be paid special attention, which are extremely important for the proper development of the brain.
  10. Olive oil. During pregnancy, it is advisable to abandon the available sunflower oil and replace it with cold-pressed olive oil.

Note! The usefulness of the product is, of course, good, but it is very important to take into account both the health characteristics and the taste characteristics of the expectant mother. If a pregnant woman does not tolerate any of the recommended products for one reason or another, you should not force yourself.

What foods can you eat during pregnancy - look at the video:

Healthy nutrition during pregnancy is an important aspect of the healthy development of the fetus and the well-being of the expectant mother. The diet of women in an interesting position is actually not so strict, it should only be balanced and devoid of harmfulness. However, with certain pathologies or features, the diet should be adjusted together with the obstetrician-gynecologist and strictly followed.

Almost every woman during pregnancy changes her usual tastes in food to the most unimaginable things: for example, she can eat herring with condensed milk with pleasure or eat lime (chalk). This, of course, sounds strange at first glance, but every woman who has already become a mother remembers how she wanted some exotic gastronomy, even holding nails in her mouth.

But in fact, in order not to want to eat, you need to follow certain rules, because the mother’s nutrition during pregnancy is the key to the health of the unborn child, which is why it is so important to maintain a balanced diet and supply the body with macronutrients and vitamins. You can find a list of products for pregnant women in this article, and at the same time find out what products for pregnant women must be consumed by mom during this crucial period.

So what foods should pregnant women eat? Below is the TOP 10 gastronomic joys that a woman who is preparing to become a mother cannot do without. So, here are the most useful products for pregnant women.

Fresh vegetables and fruits

More specifically: avocados, broccoli, carrots and mangoes.

Avocados are useful in that they contain a lot of folic acid, which is very necessary for the baby that is forming in the mother's tummy. With its help, the nervous system is formed, as well as parts of the brain. Also, this acid increases the chance of not losing a child in the early stages of pregnancy. Vitamins C and B6, also contained in this fruit, save from excess toxins.

Carrots are a vegetable rich in vitamin A. It is important both for the mother’s vision and for the eyes, teeth and bones of the unborn baby.

Broccoli also has a large amount of folic acid, which was mentioned above, and in addition to it, there is also calcium.

Mango can be replaced with carrots and vice versa, because the main active vitamin here is A. This fruit is great for both salty and sweet dishes. It can be eaten both raw and, for example, boiled. Salads with mango are delicious, as well as various side dishes for meat and fish dishes.


Nuts are a storehouse of various minerals and macronutrients, and of course one of the most useful foods for pregnant women! And walnuts are very good for the brain, but you can’t abuse them, because the calorie content of nuts is quite high.


Chicken, quail - no difference! The main thing is to eat this product regularly. But there are some nuances here: pregnant women should not eat raw eggs. Also prefer fried boiled, because it is much healthier.


Of all the legume-type cereals, lentils benefit the intestines many times more than others. Lentils contain substances such as iron, vitamin B6, folic acid.


This useful herb is easy to grow even on your windowsill or in your garden! But on the other hand, there are a lot of benefits from it: vitamin A, folic acid, calcium. All this is contained in thin green leaves of spinach, which occupies a worthy place in the list of the most useful foods for pregnant women. Soups, purees, side dishes - you can cook a bunch of healthy dishes from this plant.

Oatmeal (Hercules)

This cereal contains a lot of fiber, B vitamins and iron. It is possible (and, by the way, most useful) to cook porridge with milk. Oatmeal is also added to various kinds of pastries, such as cookies.


Natural yoghurts contain much more calcium than regular milk. It also contains bifidobacteria, necessary for the normalization of intestinal functions. Only here, yogurts in stores are often not as healthy as manufacturers promise us: they have a lot of preservatives, dyes and flavors. So better buy a special starter machine and make your delicious and healthy yogurt. Or kefir can serve as an alternative.


It contains just a huge amount of vitamin B, iron and protein. All this is useful not only for the unborn baby, but also for the mother herself, who is experiencing various health problems during these difficult but happy 9 months. For some, during this period, the level of hemoglobin drops, which the liver will help restore - not only useful, but also a mandatory product for pregnant women.


Everyone knows that fish is a traditional source of calcium and phosphorus. Only now, during pregnancy, you should not eat everything in a row, but only sea and not fatty. Fish also contains vitamin D, which strengthens the nervous system. This is one of the most useful products for pregnant women.

Lean meat

That is, boiled meat, lean and practically without seasonings. Foods such as chicken, rabbit, pork, beef are perfect. Meat is the main source of protein, which, in turn, is the building material of all body cells.

Be sure to include all of these foods in your diet!

A few general words about useful products for pregnant women

The menu of pregnant women should contain only freshly prepared food: no stale foods and stale fruits.

It is necessary to ensure that useful substances enter the body without an overabundance. Otherwise, you risk changing your metabolism, and at the same time, the functioning of the endocrine glands will be disrupted, which will lead to the appearance of a child with excess body weight, weak muscles and underdevelopment of any individual organs. So make your own personal maternity food list and follow it while eating.

Per day, you need to eat about the same amount of useful substances that are in the above products for pregnant women:

  • Calcium - 1500-2000 mg
  • Magnesium - 300-500 mg
  • Phosphorus - 1-1.5 g
  • Potassium - 3-5 g
  • Sodium - 4-6 g
  • Chlorine - 4-6 g
  • Iron - 18 mg

Consult with your doctor: let him make you a personal menu for all three stages of pregnancy, and tell you what foods to eat during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is one of the best periods in a woman's life. This is the expectation of a miracle, this thrill of a baby born under your heart and soothing warmth throughout your body. That is why it is so important during this period not to disturb your inner comfort and the comfort of the baby. And that is why you need to balance and.

The main rule is to get all the necessary substances, vitamins and trace elements, although this is not a reason to double the portion.

During pregnancy, eat as soon as you feel like it. It is better to eat often - up to 5-6 times - but little by little. Do not overeat, chew food thoroughly, do not rush, do not overeat at night. Say yes to boiled, baked, steamed. But fried, smoked and canned - refuse.

First of all, both the expectant mother and her baby need protein, because it is the building material of cells, it helps the baby grow. The daily norm is 75-100 grams of protein per day. If we translate all this into a “food equivalent”, then this is about three glasses of milk, a pound, two eggs and one hundred grams or fish. To get enough protein, cook yourself lean meat, poultry (it is better to take domestic than imported), treat yourself to fish - shrimp, lobster, crabs; boil eggs or make yourself an omelet. Consume vegetables, fruits and berries, but preferably from your lane. Click nuts - pine nuts, hazelnuts - and seeds. Avoid beans.

To help the body with energy - consume carbohydrates. But be careful with them - their overabundance can do harm. There are carbohydrates that instantly relieve the feeling of hunger, but they do not last long. These are chocolates, sweets, sugar. These carbohydrates are stored in the body as fat. Of course, do not refuse sweets completely, but it is better to eat them quite a bit, replace them with cereals, pasta, vegetables and potatoes - especially boiled in their skins. These carbohydrates are called unrefined. They eliminate , do not lift weight and hold . It is better to cook porridge from unpeeled cereals, from whole grains and germinated wheat. And bread is coarsely ground or with bran.

To support normal blood in the expectant mother and baby, eat carbohydrates. It contains liver, sardines, spinach. This is especially good in combination with vitamin C. It is found in citrus fruits - by the way, its highest content is in grapefruits, moreover, they are hypoallergenic - in sorrel, spinach, sweet peppers. Vitamin C heals wounds, and is useful for the baby in that it promotes its growth and makes the skeleton and teeth strong.

By the way, contrary to popular belief, the menu should also contain fats, but unsaturated ones. Add creamy bright yellow and solid butter to cereals, fry in refined oil, and season salads with unrefined oil.

Be sure to consume, A, E and B. Calcium strengthens bones - if the baby has enough of it, then it does not harm mommy's teeth and bones, does not take it from them. Calcium is found in milk, fish, cottage cheese, cheese, almonds and peanuts. Folic acid is found in yellow vegetables, fruits and greens. It helps the skin, eyes and bones, positively affects the development of the baby's brain. B vitamins are in cereals - very good if you eat buckwheat and unpolished rice - in black bread and cabbage. By the way, the latter is very useful if you feel that you are gaining excess weight. It prevents the deposition of fats in the body - consume it boiled, stewed, in salads. Does not allow "lingering" fats and pineapple.

During pregnancy, focus not only on nutrition, but also on fluid intake. Drink at least two liters a day. Soup, and teas also count.

Eliminate unhealthy foods from your diet. Swordfish, shark, cabezon, king mackerel, canned white tuna can be hazardous to the health of a pregnant woman. They have a high level of metal, harmful to the nervous system and brain of the baby. A safe dose is 150 grams per week of white tuna or 300 grams of salmon, shrimp. Be wary of fish caught in rivers and lakes. Never eat raw or undercooked meat, even if it is homemade. And, of course, refuse fast foods: go-dogs, dubious-looking ham are not the best food for a pregnant woman. Do not eat unpasteurized dairy products, juices, chilled smoked meats. Tobacco is also categorically contraindicated, moreover, it is harmful even just to breathe in their vapors. Do not drink tap water: it can only be consumed purified and filtered. Doctors have not fully studied the effect of herbal supplements and teas on the body of a pregnant woman.

In the first half of pregnancy, the nutrition of the expectant mother is actually no different from what she ate before pregnancy. But still it should be varied and include all the necessary (we listed them above) substances. Allow yourself some salty if you really want to, but do not abuse it so that the salts are not deposited. The daily diet of the first half of pregnancy is 2400 - 2700 kcal.

In the second - the fetus is growing rapidly, the load on all organs and systems of the mother increases, so eat more. But exclude salty, spicy, smoked, semi-finished products. The daily diet of the second half of pregnancy is 2800 - 3000 kcal.

Remember: a properly composed diet will help the baby be born strong and healthy, and the mother will bear the heir without harm to health or appearance, with good health throughout the pregnancy. Poor nutrition in the early stages of pregnancy can affect the survival of the embryo, and in later pregnancy, the development of the baby.

Specially for- Maria Dulina

Top 15 most useful products for pregnant women © shutterstock

Expectant mothers should constantly think about what foods they consume, because during pregnancy, women should take into account not only the taste of the product, but also the benefits and harm that it can bring to the child. Relatives and friends advise to eat one thing, doctors - another, but I want a third. Not surprisingly, many women are intimidated by the question: "What foods are the most useful for pregnant women?".

In order to somehow make it easier for you to choose nutrition during pregnancy, we have selected the 15 most useful products for expectant mothers.


Healthiest Pregnancy Foods: Vegetables and Fruits

  • Carrot: most useful vegetable during pregnancy. Carrots contribute to better functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It contains a large amount of carotene, vitamin E, C, vitamins of group B, K and PP. All these useful substances help in the formation of the organs of the child. The only contraindication for this vegetable is stomach ulcers, pancreatic problems and any inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper: has medicinal properties, helps to improve the condition of the mucous membranes and strengthens blood vessels. Useful substances contained in pepper strengthen the bones of a pregnant woman and help in the formation of the baby's bones. Vitamins C, E, PP and P, which are contained in this vegetable, improve skin condition. And essential oils, protein and beta-carotene will increase the immunity level of a woman who is expecting a baby.
  • Spinach: this vegetable is rich in folic acid (vitamins A, B9 and E), which helps a pregnant woman avoid miscarriage, cope with toxicosis in the first trimester, reduces the likelihood of developing anemia and protects the fetus from the development of abnormalities.
  • Tomato: very satisfying and low-calorie tomato contains lycopene, which is a unique antioxidant and protects cells from the effects of free radicals.
  • Banana: despite the calorie content of this fruit and the amount of starch it contains, doctors do not recommend giving it up. Banana contains the most beneficial elements for the fetus: zinc and potassium. Zinc helps to form the child's immune system, and potassium - the cardiovascular system.
  • Apples: these fruits contribute to the normalization of the digestive tract, increase the secretion of gastric juice, remove nausea. Apples contain a lot of iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, which help the fetus to develop. And 5 seeds of this fruit contain the daily norm of iodine.

Top 15 most useful products for pregnant women © shutterstock

The most useful products for pregnant women: Cereals

  • Oatmeal: contributes to the normal course of pregnancy, due to the large amount of vitamins and minerals. Complex carbohydrates speed up the metabolism. Oatmeal gently envelops the gastric mucosa, which is good for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Brown Rice: this type of rice is digested by the body longer than white, so pregnant women will maintain a feeling of satiety for a longer period. Brown brown rice also contains 8 amino acids, which are essential for building cells.

Healthiest Pregnancy Foods: Protein Products

  • Natural yoghurt: it contains large amounts of calcium and protein, which are necessary for the formation of bones and muscles, as well as vital organs. The beneficial bacteria in yogurt improve the functioning of the digestive tract and speed up the transfer of nutrients to the fetus.
  • Hard and pasteurized cheese: contains a lot of protein and proteins, while such cheeses are low in calories.
  • Sea fish: such types of fish as salmon, sardines, mackerel, anchovies, trout, herring contain enough omega-3 fatty acids, protein and phosphorus, which are necessary for the development of the baby's brain.
  • Eggs: contain a large amount of protein with a minimum of calories, and B vitamins, zinc and selenium will help develop the child's cardiovascular system. It is better not to eat raw eggs, always try to eat eggs that have been well cooked.
  • Lean meat(beef, turkey, chicken breasts): during pregnancy, it is better to replace red meat, which is high in cholesterol and unhealthy fats, with lean meats such as dark turkey meat, chicken breasts, young lean beef). These varieties contain a lot of iron, healthy animal proteins, zinc, B vitamins, which will provide the expectant mother with energy. Plus, they are low in calories. Before eating meat, make sure that it is completely cooked.
  • Tofu: this soy product contains a huge amount of amino acids that help increase collagen production. By eating "bean curd" you will reduce the risk of getting stretch marks. It is a filling and low calorie product.

The most useful products for pregnant women: Berries

Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries: contain minerals and vitamins vital for the development of the fetus. Eating berries and fruits every day (no more than 5 servings) you increase the baby's immunity.

As you can see, there are a lot of useful products, so making the right and healthy diet for two will not be a problem.

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