Runes for all occasions. Proven runic formulas for all occasions

German name: Nauthiz (Nauthiz);
Anglo-Saxon name: Need;
Old Norse name: no;
Phonetic match: H (N).

Traditional fit:

  • self-interest;
  • benefit;
  • need;
  • pain;
  • need;
  • inevitability;
  • need;
  • regret;
  • suffering;
  • sadness.


  • a warrior does not reveal secrets when tortured;
  • the coded person refuses alcoholic drinks;
  • a person goes behind a tree hiding from the cold wind;
  • a peasant, in a lean year, "tightens his belt";
  • the rapist's victim fights him off;
  • with a strong tension on the leash, the dog rests, thereby creating a counteraction to the force;
  • the wolves attack the moose, but he stubbornly fights them off;
  • during a storm, not one bird flies, because before the start of a storm they catch a change in impulses in the air and hide in advance in a secluded place;
  • thanks to the load, the winch rope is stretched;
  • the rail is not bendable;
  • stretch is difficult to break this fabric is elastic and has great resistance;
  • during a hurricane, a tree resists the force of the wind;
  • the force of falling meteorites withstands the surface of the moon.

Rune Nauthiz - despite its position is very difficult. It is very difficult to easily perceive its energy flow.

Description of the meaning of the rune Nautiz

This rune carries a lesson - the need for cooperation with tough coercion. Purpose of the Nid rune:

  • create conditions in which a person will face one on one with his dark side;
  • identify all your personal territory where negativity and suppression are born, direct them in the right direction so that they work in your favor;

When meeting your dark side, you need to:

  • work out your inner tendencies;
  • review and rethink your fears and attitudes;
  • find out where fears come from and eradicate them completely;
  • find stereotypes that direct your inner energy into the negative;
  • to know that everything that happens to you in the world around you is born inside you;
  • understand that all hardships and failures are like teachers who, pointing out shortcomings, make you perfect. But you become one only when you easily perceive criticism and eradicate shortcomings.

Rune Nauthiz insidious in its effect on a person. But if you cooperate with it and take everything calmly, even strive to understand yourself, your “I”, then this period will be the most valuable for you and your life will quickly begin to improve and tune in a positive way.

The well-known formula for kindling an inner fire that is not controlled by a person is Nautiz - - Nautiz. It is better to apply on the body. The essence of this runescript is to burn all outdated aspects of the personality that hinder further development. The process can be very painful, like removing a decaying tooth, painful as hell, but vital. Nautiz begins and closes the formula in which Hagalaz is a destructive force, if this force is put into action, it will be impossible to stop, all that remains is to reap the benefits, either it will be physical death, or the moral rebirth of a new, stronger being.

The meaning of the inverted rune

  • avarice;
  • laziness;
  • inner evil;
  • chains;
  • teaching;
  • old problems;
  • protest;
  • dispute;
  • misunderstanding;
  • contradiction;
  • whim;
  • fool;
  • frills;
  • fussy;
  • temper;
  • disobedience;
  • inflexibility;
  • obstinacy;
  • self-will.

Everything that happens around is the fruit of your imagination and unfinished business, where you were too lazy to take the time to improve them.

When the Nautiz rune is inverted, you need to control:

  • your emotions and enslave them to a peaceful, pure, transparent mind;
  • negative impulses that suppress the calm understanding of what is happening.

Description of the inverted rune Nautiz

In this position, the rune Nid makes it clear that it is inappropriate to show your whims and inflexibility in this period of life. These qualities entangle the work of brain activity with contradictory and incomprehensible thoughts. In this situation, finding the right state of affairs is very difficult. In order to easily manage the situation correctly, you need to control your cloudy thoughts and ambitions.

The Need rune in an inverted position helps a person find harmony and tranquility with his inner world. The main thing is to act and act correctly, rationally and act while being under the energy influence of the Nid rune.

From the beginning it may seem that the Nauthiz rune is cruel and merciless, but this is how it appears before us at the moments of our disagreement to cooperate with it.

When the energy influence of the Need rune on an individual occurs, the person immediately begins to resist and disagree with what is happening. After a certain period of time, a person begins to feel the effect of the rune. At such moments, you need to immediately recognize and begin to control your emotional state.

Rune practice

Nautiz - need, insufficiency. Necessity, compulsion of fate. Humility. The inevitability of following fate.

The energy of this Rune is associated with a lack of energy. This Rune creates a vacuum. This Rune paves the way for fate and resolves the most likely events. This Rune is associated with coercion to narrow predetermined behavior. This Rune makes you behave in a certain way.

Pose Description

This Rune is associated with the low stance of the Mage. Hands are at the level of the abdomen. And they create Rune.

Description of Mantra

The mantra of this rune is Noith. Noyon ort rut. Yor ott ess.

Gesture Description

The gesture of this Rune consists of crossed index fingers folded into an oblique cross.

Alternative option

Rune Action

This Rune forces a person to follow his destiny. Each person from birth has his own destiny to a particular fate. Each person has a talent and personal characteristics that determine just such a specific life path. Those who deviate from it go to a dead end in life.

Rune Deity

The deity of this Rune is Moira - the goddess of fate. They guide a person and determine the fate destined for him.

Rune Spell


Based on materials: B. Monosov "Magic of Runes"

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If you have tried all possible conspiracies and rituals, and the desire has not yet come true, use ancient knowledge. Runic formulas will help fulfill any dream and protect you from troubles.

Runes are considered the most powerful symbols that can radically change the fate of every person. There is a legend that God Odin himself gave this knowledge to people. It was they who helped to live in abundance and protected from negative impacts.

Unfortunately, only a small part of the knowledge about runic ties has survived to our times, but even that is enough to change your life for the better. More recently, runes were used as. They opened the veil of the future and gave effective advice, following which a person could influence the situation.

However, now many use runic formulas to achieve their goal. Runes work great individually, and also gain their power with proper compilation of several characters. But when compiling the so-called runic staves, it is necessary to study all the information in detail, otherwise you can harm yourself and your loved ones.

Proven runic formulas

There are a lot of formulas, but some can help, while others will not be as effective. It all depends on the purpose for which they were compiled. The following schemes are considered universal and help everyone without exception.

Runes to protect against any negativity

Hagall is applied first - the rune of destruction and getting rid of all negativity. This symbol literally nullifies your energy and clears the space from blockages, bad thoughts, evil eye and damage.

In order to fill the vacant place and direct the development of events in the right direction, Evaz and Fehu must be applied after this rune. They will help you achieve your goals and deal with true desires.

To consolidate the result and create an active protective field, complete this formula with the Algiz rune. It will protect you from future troubles and sharpen your intuition.

Universal formula for the fulfillment of desires

This combination can be used to achieve any goal. If you clearly know what you want, think about your desire and draw a formula on paper. Ask the runes for help, but on the condition that they will not harm anyone. After the execution of the plan, the sheet with the drawing must be burned.

Runa Soulu clarifies the situation and gathers all the necessary elements together. This is a symbol of the sun, which will give you energy to achieve your goals at the right time.

Kano is a sign of incarnation and movement towards the chosen goal. Helps to focus on business and get results in the shortest possible time. It gives an understanding of what needs to be done so that the desire is fulfilled and gives strength to achieve it.

Fehu and Vunyo complete the runic formula, which in this combination means the successful completion of the case and bestows joy on what has been received.

Runic formulas are an excellent tool for fulfilling dreams. However, it must be remembered that some desires take time to come true. Do not rush things, move towards your goal step by step, open up to the Universe and don't forget to press the buttons and

10.03.2016 00:50

Any sphere can be influenced without making titanic efforts. Ancient runic symbols - a universal way, ...

Runes have been known to mankind since ancient times. Our ancestors used these simple symbols to call on the Higher Forces, communication with which, in their opinion, brought good luck, wealth, love of the opposite sex, family happiness, etc. Today, runic staves and formulas can also be successfully used to improve your own life.

What you need to know

To obtain any desired result, special formulas are compiled from the runes. One character can work in this particular direction. However, more often these signs are used in combination. In this case, they mutually complement and reinforce each other. There are staves consisting of two or three runes, as well as more of them.

It is very important to remember that runic formulas work cyclically. That is, after your desire is fulfilled, the formula used for this will begin to work in the opposite direction. Therefore, it is important at this stage to destroy it. Otherwise, all your achievements will be neutralized and reduced to zero.

Reservations for runic formulas

In order to set the direction of action for the runes, after compiling the formula, a special clause is read over it. It is usually pronounced in a low voice. Its essence is to transfer the runes of one's own desire and saturate them with personal energy.

Scheme of the slander

When compiling the text pronounced over the staves, one should adhere to the following rules:

  • The names of the runes are spoken first. In this way, you kind of establish a personal connection with them and reveal them.
  • The following describes in detail the purpose for which, in fact, the ritual of inscription is carried out. It should be expressed very clearly and specifically.
  • After that, an approximate course of progress towards it is indicated.
  • Then some clarifications need to be made. For example, to make it clear to the runes how they should act in order not to harm other people.
  • At the final stage, the name of the runes included in the stav is again pronounced.

Below we present to your attention runic formulas, reviews of which from those who used them are positive.

Formula for attracting good luck

In order to attract luck into your life, it is best to use the Heilszeichen formula. It consists of two signs - the dual runes of Sovulo and Thor). Can also be arranged in order. This will result in the symbol ALUGOD, meaning "good luck through magic." Well, the most famous formula for success is the combination of Aansuz, Uruz, Yera and again Ansuz. The Sollu rune, a symbol of victory, can indicate a way out of a difficult situation. Approximately the same force is inherent in the sign of Dagaz. Rune Vunye has the energy of support. "The help of the gods" is called a talisman with the symbols of Ansuz-Mannaz-Uruz. This becoming is able to very quickly and permanently attract good luck to a person.

Formulas to Attract Love

Next, consider what runic formulas (tested) love exist. Those women who want to find a partner and start a family can make themselves a talisman of three runes: Gebo, Berkan and Ofal. Gebo, Tuisaz and Isa protect from a black love spell. The combination of Ansuz-Laguz-Gebo can attract true love, literally "bestowed by heaven." If you need a sexual love spell, use the Kenaz-Pertro-Nights formula. Come up with a reservation on these runes, and you are guaranteed a successful romantic relationship or a happy family life. Berkano (a) -Ingvaz - becoming, designed specifically for women. It is also called the seal of Freya, the Scandinavian goddess of love and beauty. The Ansuz-Gebo-Ofal formula is an analogue of the Christian wedding. It will need to be drawn twice. One copy should be kept by the partner, the second - by the partner.

What are the formulas for attracting money

Using runic formulas, you can attract into your life not only luck and love, but also money. For example, the combination of Tivaz-Sovilo-Ofala is very useful for businessmen. It helps to survive in the face of fierce competition. The Algiz-Fehu-Algiz formula protects the business, while the Raido-Fehu-Otila combination attracts cash flow. By writing a combination of Fehu-Otala-Berkano-Sovilo on a piece of paper and putting it in your wallet, you will ensure stable monetary growth. The Fehu-Kano-Gebo-Sovul formula will attract many customers to your company.

The above runic formulas for money can really make you rich. Try to use them and you will see for yourself.


Next, consider some runic protection formulas. A very interesting combination is Sovilo-Algiz-Sovilo, or "solar shield". This formula protects against all misfortunes without exception. Tivaz-Tivaz-Turisaz is a one-time personal amulet. When attacking the owner, he seems to "explode", giving a curse to the aggressor, and at the same time self-destructs. The combination of Gebo-Algiz-Otala will become a safe-conduct for the family in general and children in particular. This formula also protects speakers. In addition, it can be used to neutralize all sorts of scandals and disputes. Those women who are afraid of a love spell should use the Berkan-Perth-Nautiz runes.

What runes should be used to improve health

Runic formulas, tested by experienced magicians, designed to get rid of diseases, may also be useful to someone. For a comprehensive solution to various kinds of health problems, a combination of Kenaz-Uruz-Ingvaz should be used. People who come to their senses after the operation can draw the Pertro-Ingvaz-Berkano formula on themselves. It is also very useful for women in labor. Of course, recovery is facilitated primarily by a personal positive attitude. Take advantage of the Wunjo-Sowilo-Jera stave, and you will immediately feel the joy of life. Among other things, this rune removes depression and eliminates suicidal tendencies. Very often, this formula is used in order to get rid of longing for a deceased relative. Another strong formula is Nautiz-Berkano-Nautiz. This combination can heal any disease at any stage of its development. You can also close the health problem using the Dagaz-Berkano stav. Those who want to rejuvenate should wear a talisman with the runes of Jera-Pertro.

Formulas for getting rid of enemies

There are runic formulas designed for and curses on enemies. Of course, you need to use them as carefully as possible. Before compiling such a becoming and conducting a ritual, you should think carefully. A very strong curse formula is, for example, Mannaz-Hagalaz-Ise. Wunjo-Gebo-Wunjo cause a person to love excesses, drunkenness, smoking and drug addiction.

Combinations for communication with the gods and personal development

Above are runic formulas proven, strong and reliable. However, not everything in this life comes down to the material. Our ancestors developed rune staves that help to communicate with the higher forces of nature. Unity with them will contribute to personal and spiritual development. One of these combinations is Mannaz-Raido-Ansuz. This formula will guide you along the right path chosen for you by the Light Forces of Nature. Becoming Ansuz-Kenaz contributes to the understanding of those who wear higher values ​​and at the same time the existing reality. Evaz-Mannaz symbols are designed specifically for creative people who want to know the world. Approximately the same effect is exerted. However, they are used to solve this particular problem.

Other useful combinations

There are other runic formulas that can diversify life and make it happier. For example, the Isa-Hagalaz-Isa formula protects against mistakes and helps to correct them. Rune Sovilo arouses ambition and determination in a person. The Sovilo-Daga-Fehu formula helps to get rid of the old and obsolete, as well as to reach a new level. Travelers should definitely use the talisman since people wearing it are guaranteed to return home safe and sound. You can use this stav and to protect personal vehicles. Protects on the way and the combination of Jera-Raido-Jera. However, these symbols should not be worn too often. Otherwise, you may develop a love of wandering.

You can get rid of alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction or some other bad habit or addiction using the Tivaz-Mannaz-Nautiz formula. Becoming Kenaz-Mannaz with a 100% guarantee will open some kind of talent in the wearer. For the development of mental abilities, it is imperative to use the Mannaz-Ansuz runes. If you put a piece of paper with Isa-Algiz-Evaz inscribed on it under the pillow, this will guarantee a good sleep.

Where should formulas be applied?

The above combinations can be drawn not only on paper. For example, healing formulas are very often applied to food or even simply drawn with a stick on water, which should then be drunk. Protective stakes can be drawn, for example, on jewelry. Sometimes they are even drawn directly on the body. In this case, they are usually applied to the left side. Runic formulas for love, cursing and any others intended to influence strangers are drawn on themselves on the right. Security stakes are applied directly to those items that need to be protected (from breakage or theft). Sometimes also in this case, the runes are drawn on a piece of paper and put inside.

Disease-healing staves are very often applied to photographs. Rejuvenating runes can be drawn on jars of cosmetics. Symbols protecting dwellings are usually drawn on doors, windows, jambs or frames.

Women who are fond of runic magic often use embroidery to draw these symbols. This approach can be considered to some extent traditional. Our great-great-great-grandmothers decorated clothes with various kinds of sacred signs in this way.

What items will be needed for the ritual

In order for the runic formulas for money, attracting good luck, health amendments, etc. to work, special rituals of their inscription are carried out. First, of course, you should prepare all the items you need to create the formula. In this case, during the ritual, you will not be distracted, rushed and interrupted. So, you will need:

  • Regular sheet of paper.
  • Ball pen. First of all, it is worth checking to see if it works.
  • Two candles.
  • Chair and table. With their use it will be much more convenient to work.
  • Wooden ruler. Most runes have straight lines in their composition. Therefore, this tool can be very useful. The ruler can be replaced with a regular wooden plank.
  • Pre-prepared text of the slander.

Before you start creating a formula, you should sit for a while in order to relax and distract from all extraneous thoughts.

Conducting a ritual

Light the candles. Bend over a sheet of paper and clearly formulate to yourself and for yourself the goal that you want to achieve.

Take a pen and start drawing the sign. It doesn't matter what it is - runic formulas for love, health, luck, wealth. While doing this work, imagine how the sign flies through the Universe and transforms it according to your will. The character should be drawn smoothly and at the same time very quickly. You can even practice drawing it beforehand. In the process of creating a formula, as it were, merge with the sign. After it is drawn, focus on its center. Send a charge of blue energy to this point and watch how it spreads along all the lines of the formula.

Imprint the symbol in your mind and say out loud the words that you have prepared. Extinguish the candles.

Sign placement

After drawing the stav, it is placed in the place where it will work best. Runic protection formulas are usually hung around the neck in a pouch. If this is a security symbol from thieves, put it in the car or leave it in the country.

rune legend

Ready-made runic formulas are, of course, good. However, if you wish, you can make staves that are useful to you on your own. Of course, for this you need, first of all, to know the meanings of individual runes. We will not consider this issue in this article, since it is quite extensive. If you wish, you can find the necessary information yourself. Next, let's talk a little about where they came from.

The Scandinavians on this account have one very Supreme God Odin, having decided to know the wisdom of the world, once nailed himself with a spear to the Tree of Life. After he hung on it for three days and three nights, the runes were revealed to him. According to legend, they were inscribed on the ground with branches broken off by the god and stained with his blood.

Odin himself, according to the myths, is a far from unambiguous personality. Whether he is good or evil - the Scandinavians do not have a common opinion about this. It is believed that he ruled people and other gods fairly. But the Western Slavs have another myth associated with Odin. According to legend, several times a year this god with his retinue of the dead goes hunting. And woe to those who meet the ghostly riders on the way. In the area where Odin's wild hunt is seen, some kind of cataclysm or misfortune subsequently happens. There are such legends among the Germans.

There are more pragmatic versions of where these strange symbols came from on earth. Some researchers believe, for example, that our ancestors, the Slavs, before the Cyrillic alphabet appeared, had precisely runic writing. However, nothing is known for certain about this. Most likely, these symbols both carried a magical meaning and were used for purely practical purposes in writing letters, documents and notes.

How to make runes for divination

Very strong runic formulas were considered above. However, these ancient symbols can be used not only to change the objective reality. They are also used to predict the future. To make runes in the country, you should saw off a branch (approximately 2.5-3 cm in diameter) from any fruit tree. Next, it is cut into equal pieces about 3 cm long. They, in turn, are turned so that plates 1.5 cm thick are obtained. The finished planks are treated with sandpaper. Next, they need to draw or carve the actual runes themselves.

Diamond layout

There are many layouts that allow you to know the future. The simplest is a rhombus. The runes are laid on the table with signs down and mixed. After that, they take any 4 and lay them out in a rhombus from right to left and from bottom to top. The first rune indicates the current state of affairs, the second - obstacles, the third - factors that help achieve the goal, the top one indicates how the matter will actually end.

Using runic formulas can make your life much happier. Pay attention to these ancient symbols, and you will be able to get rid of illnesses, failures, create a happy family and become rich.

Runes are a universal tool with which practices affect any area of ​​human life. Runic formulas are used to improve relations with the opposite sex, to bring career growth closer, there are sleep runes that help to influence the unconscious and go into lucid dreams.

Constantly practicing rune magicians put runic stakes in piggy banks for all occasions.

Why is it important to use proven rates?

Magicians who have just embarked on the path of runic magic are lost among the numerous runic staves and formulas. Beginners often succumb to the temptation to compose a runic stave on their own, which leads to unexpected consequences.

At first, proven runic staves are a reasonable choice. These formulas are compiled by professionals, the combination of symbols is carefully thought out, and the method of interaction is calculated and tested empirically. An illiterate rune formula will not work, and if you are not lucky, it will work incorrectly and harm the creator.

Drawing up runic formulas is the pinnacle of the skill of a runologist. Before moving on to creating staves, you need to thoroughly study the meaning and inner meaning of each symbol of the Elder Futhark, as well as understand the principle of interaction of signs. The master observes all the nuances, compiling a working runescript, and errors in this matter are unacceptable.

Runescripts for all occasions are found on forums dedicated to magical practices, where runologists exchange experiences. On this page we have collected reliable working runic formulas for all occasions. We remind you that before using rune spells, it does not hurt to conduct a diagnosis in order to understand whether it is suitable or not.

Everyone at least once tried to catch luck, following folk signs. The effect of contradictory actions is imperceptible. And here runic formulas come to the rescue, which work flawlessly. Among them there are proven options that attract good luck in business.

Runes of Victory

The runes of victory include:

  • Fehu- in the context of victory, the meaning of the "money rune" changes and the symbol acts as a sign of spiritual transformation, superiority over the enemy and development.
  • Hagalaz- a symbol of destruction, a kind of pass to a new life, when nothing is left of the old. In the runic formula, the symbol means victory and attracting good luck.
  • Teyvaz makes the bearer bold, awakens fortitude, helps to make the right decisions. It is also called the "warrior rune", with the help of Teyvaz, the runescript is activated.

Three "victorious" symbols have a second name - "beer runes". According to legend, one day a glass of poisoned beer broke in the hands of a Viking. Three runes were applied to the surface of the mug, which protected the Viking from death.

The runic formula, consisting of three symbols of victory, is used to attract good luck and for protective purposes. Becoming applied to clothes or make a wearable amulet. Talismans with this script are worn as needed.

"For good luck" is a three-part runic formula that fits any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. Runes also help get rid of laziness, pushing the wearer to positive changes.

  • Kano is responsible for the self-realization of a person.
  • Fehu expands the financial flow and attracts material wealth.
  • Vunyo awakens joy and thirst for new experiences, and also helps to fulfill desires.

The runic formula includes Uruz and Hyeres located in the center, enclosed in the middle of two Ansuz. Runestav works in all areas and helps the wearer feel happiness and immerse himself in the flow of good luck.

  • Ansuz symbolizes the acquisition of a new one.
  • Uruz attracts success.
  • Hyères accelerates the fulfillment of desires and brings the results of the work done closer.

This is a simple two-component runic formula, the main sphere of influence of which relates to the health of the wearer. For a person, health is a priority, and becoming a rune helps to maintain tone, along the way, catching good luck and well-being.

  • Dagaz It is used to attract success in business, and also symbolizes new beginnings and the rebirth of a person.
  • Inguz symbolizes growth and development, as well as material abundance.

Stakes to attract material wealth

Material wealth is gold.

The financial issue remains exciting, because requests grow in line with income, so no matter how rich a person is, he will always want more. Below we provide effective formulas that will help you raise money.

The first rune of the Elder Futhark is considered "monetary", its meaning sounds like "wealth, gold, money, fire." A triple symbol, applied to a photo of a person or used as a talisman, expands the carrier's cash flow and attracts material wealth.

The runic formula "Banker" is composed in a complex way and includes more characters. Runestav is considered effective and requires a reservation for each character. The runic spell is drawn on a piece of paper, activated in the usual way, and then placed in a wallet between two large bills. So becoming saturated with the energy of money and will bring the first results within a day.

  • Perth symbolizes a purse in which money lies.
  • Fehu represents wealth.
  • Uruz increases the power of the spell and channels the energy of the characters.
  • Nautiz guarantees the receipt of material benefits.
  • Kano shows the carrier ways to receive money.
  • Inguz prevents squandering.
  • Hyères denotes the harvest obtained after hard work.

Runestav refers to high-speed and starts working two days after activation.

  • Teyvaz destroys obstacles in the way of financial flow.
  • Algiz protects money.
  • Evaz pushes the carrier to the "bread" places.
  • Dagaz opens up new sources of money.
  • Mannaz symbolizes the bearer of the formula.
  • Inguz indicate the arrival of money.
  • Laguz stabilize the flow of funds.

Universal runic formulas for cleansing negativity

Stakes on cleansing from negativity are used before starting work on improving life. Negative energy sticks in the form of envy, evil eye and damage.

Diagnostics "Rune Wax"

A verified runic alignment will help identify the negative and the type of impact, the conditions under which it was produced, will show a possible pest.

  • The four runes of the first row will tell about the difficulties that the person created himself by doing the wrong thing. From here it will become known how negativity manifests itself in a person’s life.
  • Two runes of the central row will indicate the object or person that caused the negative impact. Here you can "see" the ill-wisher.
  • The last rune denotes the object through which the negative was directed.

Pointers to the impact will be a noticeable number of runes inverted in the layout of the first row. Eyvaz, Turisaz, Hagalaz, Vunyo, reverse Laguz, reverse Perth, Mannaz, sometimes - Isa also indicate a negative. If these combinations are not among the symbols, the runes are not laid out further - the person is clean.

When Mannaz falls out among the runes of the second row, this means that the source of negativity is in the person himself. Turisaz and Teyvaz will point to a man, Laguz and Berkana - to a woman. Fehu, Odal, Gebo and Perth say that the negative is directed at a thing or a project.

The third row specifies the method of inducing negative energy. Gebo says that the thing was donated, Odal points to the lining, Fehu - the person held this thing in his hands, Berkana and Laguz mean drink and food. Lay out the last rune in the case when there are many reverse signs in the first row.

Becoming the "Helm of Horror"

Agishjalm has long been known in the ranks of practicing runologists. The frightening name does not reflect its essence - becoming the "Helmet of Horror" is an effective tool of protection. As the myths say, this spell was created by Odin himself, giving people a way to protect themselves from ill-wishers. Amulets with the image of Agishjalm were worn by ancient warriors, today there are varieties of the runic formula.

The properties of the stav are still in the protection area. The formula protects the wearer. The frightening name works as a scarer for enemies - they are afraid to approach the bearer of the runic stav "Helmet of Horror".

  • Mannaz represents the bearer.
  • Algiz performs protective functions.
  • Turisaz used to counter enemies and destroy them.
  • Isa freezes processes.
  • Stungin Iss- This is the rune of concealment.
  • Teyvaz helps to find a warrior in oneself and repulse the enemy.
  • Jotun haze combined with Stungin Iss hide the carrier from magical scanning methods.

The symbols in the stav line up in mirror protection, which provides for a reverse strike - the negative will be sent to the sender. The runic formula is applied to a photograph of a person or a talisman made from natural materials. Runescript is used for personal protection.

If desired, the operator specifies the action of the formula, indicates what becoming will protect, for how long it will work. The activation method is not important and remains at the discretion of the operator.

The spell takes effect after it is cast. After 2-3 months, becoming burned or updated.

The runic formula is used to accelerate the breaking of attachments, including magical binding methods. Becoming works pointwise and helps to quickly break the connection with a person or object.

  • Quort, originally from the Northumbrian rune series, cleanses.
  • Hagalaz destroys.
  • Evaz protects and acts as a weapon.
  • Turisaz destroys the enemy.
  • Nautiz used to protect and overcome obstacles.

The slander is pronounced arbitrarily, indicating the object or person with whom it is required to break the energy connection.

Teyvaz between two Turisaz creates a strong shield. With the help of this runic formula, higher powers protect the wearer. "Protective Barrier" will stand against the malicious intent that is directed at the wearer.

Becoming helps a person to “reboot” and start a new life. The formula is used to clear negative influences, put the mind in order and overcome difficult times.

  • Dagaz in the stave strengthens health.
  • Berkana will give a feeling of support, will give energy for growth forward.
  • Soulou brings dreams to life.

Runic Cleansing« Sun»

The runic formula includes Northumbrian runes. With the help of a spell, the operator cleanses a dwelling or a person.

  • Quort burn out the negative.
  • Ear turn it into ashes.
  • Soulou attract positive thoughts, give solar energy.
  • Algiz protect.
  • Kano harmonize the inner state of a person.
  • Berkana guarantee the harmless course of the work of the stave.
  • Ir in conjunction with Perth remove magical influences on the subtle plane.
  • Ear gives strength for rebirth.
  • Spiral acts as a funnel where trash goes.

Home defense bets

Runic formulas work to cleanse and protect a person's home.

A powerful formula to protect yourself and your home

This becoming is depicted as a chain or runic ligature.

Hagalaz is placed in the middle, then Kano is placed on each side, two Isa runes close the chain.

Anastasia Smirnova developed a runic formula that is drawn over the entrance to an apartment or house.

  • Algiz protects.
  • Uruz harmonizes.
  • Berkana, the rune of fertility, makes family members happy.
  • Dagaz solves difficult family problems and attracts prosperity.
  • Laguz regulates conflicts within the family, guards the budget.
  • Nautiz supports family, helps to realize karmic developments from past incarnations.

The fastest rates for all occasions

Rune stakes for all occasions are a quick way to solve a problem, no matter what area it belongs to. The action of the formulas begins after activation, after two or three days the first results appear.

This runic formula belongs to the authorship of Banshi and serves as a camouflage-protective cocoon for an object or thing. Practitioners use stav to reduce the interest of others in a person, to make him less noticeable and devoid of sexual charisma, although this is all about side effects. The initial purpose of the "Dusty Cape" is protective, it affects others by becoming.

  • Mannaz represents a person.
  • Mirror Soulou and Laguz hide the true essence.
  • Mirror Kano deprives a person of "inner light".

The formula is applied to the photo of the person whose trust the operator inspires.

  • Laguz reduces the critical perception of the object.
  • Ansuz pushes the intuitive movement in the right direction.
  • Vunyo brings joy from communication and lulls vigilance, provokes sexual attachment.
  • Mirror Soulou suggests that trust comes naturally.

The action of this runic formula will bring changes in fate in the right area.

  • Dagaz, Inguz, Evaz transform the situation.
  • Nautiz turn it in the required direction.
  • Algiz protect the operator.
  • Teyvaz symbolize the movement towards the result.
  • Ansuz control the situation.
  • Laguz manage the course of change.
  • Raido, Evaz, Algiz and Hyères speed up the action and ensure the safety of the operator.
  • Soulou nourished by becoming energy.
  • Vunyo bring joy from the achieved goal.

Practitioners use this short formula to attract freebies. The operator draws symbols on his hand, after which he finds money on the road, receives a discount in a store or an unexpected gift, wins the lottery.

  • Gebo in the center of the formula symbolizes a gift.
  • Two Vunyo along the edges of the chain means joy.

The runic formula works when the operator has a source of money. After activation, a person gets a chance to quickly earn money, a bonus or other promotion.

  • Rhombus from Inguz symbolizes abundance and movement towards results.
  • Four Fehu on the edges denote money.
  • Three Soulou inside nourished by becoming a force.

The runic formula "Female magnetism" is used to attract male attention, increase one's own sexuality. The operator applies the runestav to the body, stipulates the rune - in this part of the work with the stav, variations are possible.

  • Inguz energizes the spell and gives impetus to change.
  • Kano symbolizes attractiveness and bright sexuality.
  • Laguz personifies the feminine, charisma and charm.

Probably, there is no such person who would not dream of having a magic wand that fulfills all desires. However, later he realized that magic exists only in fairy tales, and another dream found its place in the category of empty illusions.

And here I am ready to argue. A personal “magic wand” for all occasions is quite capable of becoming runic magic, which can radically change life and make it work in your favor. Of course, you will have to spend a lot of time to learn all the nuances of rune magic, but trust me, the result is worth it! By correctly compiling runic formulas and staves, you can achieve what you could only dream of before.

In this article, I want to talk about proven and strong, repeatedly tested in practice by many people (including me). The information will be useful for beginners who have just begun to learn the basics of magic.

The runes of which the becoming is composed:

  • - symbolizes the wallet and its contents;
  • - a symbol of money, prosperity, abundance, wealth;
  • - sets the direction of the staff, concentrates all efforts on attracting finance;
  • - provides a guarantee of receipt of money;
  • 2 - provide new opportunities for the receipt of finance
  • - ensures the integrity of money, protects against waste;
  • - a symbol of a rich harvest.

Be sure to specify the meaning of each of the symbols used (or make up a visu). In order for it to start working, it must be applied to a small piece of paper, activated in any convenient way and put into your wallet between two banknotes of a large denomination to give him the opportunity to feel the monetary energy. If you do everything right, the first results should appear the next day.

Becoming a "Golden Dragon"

Runes used and their effect:

  • - opens the way to finances, removes all obstacles;
  • - provides security and protection;
  • - directs the performer to money;
  • - transforms the life of the performer, makes it rich, promotes new income;
  • - symbolizes the performer;
  • , 4 times - a symbol of incoming wealth;
  • , 2 times - enhances cash flow, endows it with constancy.

Draw standing on a piece of paper, activate it (slander, breathing, saliva). In the reservation, be sure to promise that you will burn the thank you note as soon as you get what you want. Connect visualization to work: imagine how becoming turns into a living dragon and soars up. When you reach your goal, fulfill the promise - burn a piece of paper, thanking her.

The first results can already show themselves within 2 days - 2 weeks.

Protecting yourself and your home

Approximate visa text:

I close myself and my house from troubles,

Do not break the protection of enemies from dashing!

I only allow happiness and goodness here,

I call on the gods to keep protection!

Bet on happiness

The purpose of this runogram is to remove all negativity from the life of the performer and fill it with happiness, joy and prosperity. Becoming attracts good luck, gives an energy boost and creates a field for gifts of fate.

Runes used:

  • , 3 times - attracts luck associated with partnerships and relationships with other people. Gives new useful acquaintances, promotes positive communication;
  • , 2 times - a symbol of vital energy and strength, insight;
  • , 2 times - a symbol of joy and positive emotions.
  • , 2 times - a symbol of luck. Fulfills desires, contributes to receiving gifts of fate;
  • - symbolizes the person himself and his independence, acts as a magnet;
  • - relieves internal resistance, prepares for change;
  • - protects himself by becoming, ensures the correct operation of the runes.

In the clause, you can describe the effect of each of the runes. Recommended for use as an amulet.

Runogram for good luck in business

The goal is to bring good luck into the life of the performer.

The rune formula is made up of 3 runes: — — . Rune meanings:

  • - promotes the disclosure of creative potential, gives good luck. Directs in the right direction, supports new beginnings, helps to realize what was planned;
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