Benefits for the central nervous system. Release form and composition

The human body contains approximately 25 g of magnesium. It is needed for the proper functioning of the nervous system, conductive nerve complexes of the heart, protein synthesis, and strengthening of the immune system. Magnesium dilates blood vessels, lowering blood pressure, and slows down the hypertrophy of the heart muscle caused by arterial hypertension.

Magnesium dilates blood vessels, lowering blood pressure, and slows down the hypertrophy of the heart muscle caused by arterial hypertension.

A unique feature of this trace element is the ability to exhibit an anti-stress effect, creating a favorable psychological mood.

Vitamin B6 transports magnesium into the cell, enhances its absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. It increases the amount of the trace element inside red blood cells, which is often reduced in those suffering from hypertension. Vitamin B6 is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous tissue and the synthesis of neurotransmitters that contribute to a good mood: serotonin and norepinephrine.

What is B6 for?

According to the instructions, the drug must be taken with an already existing magnesium deficiency, or in conditions requiring its increased consumption. According to Russian researchers, the deficiency of this element in the diet is present in 70% of the population, American scientists say about 72%.

In order to understand why magnesium deficiency is manifested by violations of the work of almost all organs and systems, you need to figure out what functions it performs.

Clinical manifestations of this microelement deficiency can be grouped according to predominant functional disorders.

Increased excitability of cells

Magnesium ions provide the resting phase of both nerve and muscle cells. Their deficiency disrupts the exchange of microelements on cell membranes and leads to the fact that cells become hyperexcitable.

  1. Hyperexcitability of cells of the nervous system leads to sharp mood swings, anxiety, tearfulness, and insomnia.
  2. An increase in the activity of cardiac muscle cells causes tachycardia and arrhythmias associated with the appearance of additional foci of excitation in the heart.
  3. Hyperexcitability of skeletal muscle cells causes muscle pain in the neck, back, muscle tension headaches, calf muscle cramps, spasms of small muscles of the hands (writer's spasm, obstetrician's hand)
  4. Increased excitability of vascular smooth muscle cells causes an increase in blood pressure and the resulting headaches.
  5. Hyperexcitability of smooth muscle cells of internal organs leads to abdominal pain, periodic pain in women, stool disorders, when constipation is replaced by diarrhea, broncho- and laryngospasm, in pregnant women it provokes uterine hypertonicity, cervical spasm during childbirth.

Violations of energy reactions

Magnesium is involved in all metabolic processes, being part of more than 300 enzyme complexes responsible for energy reactions in the body - the metabolism of carbohydrates and ATP. Its deficiency causes violations of heat transfer - chilliness. Lack of energy provokes rapid fatigue during normal physical and mental stress.

Neurotransmitter metabolism disorders

Magnesium is needed for the proper exchange of neurotransmitters - substances that ensure the transmission of impulses between neurons.

  1. Violation of the metabolism of catecholamines - dopamine, adrenaline, norepinephrine - is the most important link in the pathogenesis of "diseases of civilization": coronary artery disease, arterial hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus.
  2. Violation of serotonin metabolism leads to depression, anxiety, obsessive thoughts, decreased memory, attention, mood, impaired libido.
  3. Violation of the metabolism of gamma-aminobutyric acid leads to a lack of voluntary attention, hyperactivity, physical manifestations of anxiety (shortness of breath, palpitations), and a decrease in long-term memory.
  4. Violation of dopamine (dopamine) metabolism leads to a lack of energy, a low level of motivation, impaired concentration, and depression.

One person may show symptoms of different groups.

To determine the deficiency of magnesium, you can use a special test.

What Causes a Magnesium Deficiency?

Magnesium deficiency can occur primarily due to the genetic characteristics of the organism, when, with a normal content of magnesium in the blood plasma, its penetration into the cells is difficult. Secondary deficiency may be associated with the characteristics of life and nutrition:

  1. Reduced magnesium intake;
  2. Malabsorption in the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. Enhanced excretion;
  4. Endocrine disorders;
  5. Increased need for magnesium.

Reduced consumption

Typical for most modern people. Nutrition, mainly consisting of potatoes, meat or poultry, dairy products is unable to become a sufficient source of micronutrients. The main sources of magnesium in the diet are “hard” water, fresh herbs, grapes, and freshly harvested nuts. Filtration of water reduces the amount of trace elements contained, heat treatment of food leads to the formation of insoluble salts that are unable to be absorbed in the intestines, storage of nuts does not reduce the content of magnesium, but reduces its bioavailability.

Reduced magnesium intake can also occur due to diets: both due to a decrease in the amount of food, and due to a change in its nature, when the list of “allowed foods” is limited. Fashionable low-carb diets almost completely exclude foods containing this element from the diet.

Foods rich in magnesium.

Decreased intestinal absorption

Again, the most common cause is modern dietary habits. An excess of fat in food, characteristic of fast food, disrupts the absorption of magnesium in the gastrointestinal tract. The same thing happens with an excess of protein, calcium, alcohol.

  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Chronic duodenitis;
  • Enterocolitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • Nonspecific ulcerative enterocolitis;
  • Resection of part of the intestine.

enhanced hatching

May be the result of diseases such as:

  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • renal acidosis;
  • Kidney disease caused by diabetes mellitus.

Also, some medications cause increased magnesium excretion:

  • Non-potassium-sparing diuretics;
  • laxatives;
  • Hormonal contraceptives;
  • Cytostatics;
  • cardiac glycosides;
  • Glucocorticoids.

Endocrine disorders

Magnesium deficiency is characteristic of the metabolic syndrome, which is manifested by weight loss, decreased glucose tolerance, arterial hypertension. It is also characteristic of type 2 diabetes mellitus, characterized by an increased content of not only sugar, but also blood insulin. Also, magnesium deficiency occurs in such conditions as:

  • Hyperthyroidism (excess thyroid hormone);
  • Hyperaldosteronism (excess aldosterone synthesized by the adrenal cortex);
  • Hypercatecholaminemia (excess of catecholamines synthesized by the adrenal medulla);
  • Hyperparathyroidism (excess parathyroid hormone).

An increased need for magnesium occurs when:

  • Stress (according to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 80% of Russian citizens live in a state of chronic stress);
  • Active growth (children and adolescents);
  • Increased physical activity;
  • Increased sweating (hot countries, hot workshops, passion for the steam room);
  • Pregnancy.

How to use magnesium B6?

Since this microelement slowly accumulates in the body, magnesium B6 should be used for at least two months in a row - provided that the patient is under 40 years old and does not suffer from chronic diseases. Patients over 40 or those with chronic pathology should take the medicine for at least six months. If the need to use magnesium is caused by emerging neurological disorders or depression, the drug should be used for at least a year in a row. With osteoporosis, the use of magnesium B6 becomes lifelong.

Magnesium B6 and cardiovascular disease

Lack of magnesium in the diet increases the likelihood of arterial hypertension. Appointment to patients with hypertension of magnesium B6 at a dosage (in terms of ions) of 240-960 mg per day led to a decrease in systolic pressure by an average of 18.7 mm. rt. Art., diastolic - by 10.9 mm. rt. Art.

Residents of regions with "soft" water, with a reduced content of trace elements, are more likely to develop myocardial infarction and sudden coronary death. Inside the myocardial cells of patients who died from cardiovascular pathology, the magnesium content is halved compared to healthy people.

The addition of magnesium at a dosage of 100 mg / day. reduces the risk of ischemic stroke by 8%.

Taking the drug significantly slows down the development of atherosclerosis, even in people who do not follow a diet. Fifteen years after the correction of magnesium deficiency became a state matter in Finland and a special program was introduced, the number of myocardial infarctions has halved.

Magnesium B6 and pregnancy

You can find out the likelihood of magnesium deficiency during pregnancy using the following test:

If necessary, to compensate for the deficiency, the daily dose for pregnant women is 10-15 mg of magnesium per kg of body weight per day. The intake of magnesium B6 during pregnancy reduces the likelihood of threatened miscarriage, the occurrence of premature birth and the birth of children with reduced body weight.

In pregnant women with arterial hypertension who took the drug, the frequency of preeclampsia was 3 times lower than in the control group, the frequency of use of antihypertensive drugs decreased by 4 times, and the frequency of pyelonephritis decreased by 6 times. These women did not experience fetal hypoxia during labor and the Apgar score of newborns was on average higher than in the control group.

Magnesium B6 and children

The age at which magnesium B6 can be used is limited by the form of release of the drug. It is believed that children under 6 years of age find it difficult to take tablets, so the tablet form is only allowed for children over this age. You can use the oral solution from the age of 1, with a child weighing more than 10 kg. Depending on weight and needs, from 1 to 3 ampoules per day are used (5-10 mg of magnesium per kg of body weight per day, in one ampoule - 100 mg).

A sufficient amount of magnesium in the body increases the adaptive capacity of the child under stress caused by admission to a kindergarten, school, a change in the children's team.

In children with ADHD, taking the medication for a month reduced the level of anxiety, aggression, and improved concentration.

In what dosages to use magnesium B6

Normally, about 400 mg of magnesium should be supplied with food daily (5 mg per kg of body weight / day). With a deficiency, the need for this trace element increases to 10-15 mg / kg / day, the same need for it in pregnant women. Children need 5-10 mg/kg/day.

In preparations containing magnesium B6, the instructions for use provide for the following content of magnesium ions:

  • Magne B6 - 48 mg;
  • Magnesium B6 Evalar - 48 mg;
  • Magvit (Belarus) - 50 mg;
  • Magnelis B6 (Russia) - 48 mg;
  • Magnistad (Russia) - 48 mg;
  • Magnesium plus B6 (Russia) - 48 mg;
  • Magnikum (Ukraine) - 48 mg;
  • Magne B6 solution - 100 mg per ampoule;
  • Magne B6 forte - 100 mg.

Thus, taking into account the intake of microelements with food and water, adults need from 6 to 10 tablets of magnesium B6 per day, children 4-6 tablets per day. Take the medicine 2-3 times, always drinking water (at least a glass). An ampoule of oral solution should be diluted in half a glass of water, taken one at a time 3 times a day

When not to use Magnesium B6

Despite all the benefits of the drug for the body, there are conditions when its use is contraindicated:

  • Individual intolerance;
  • Phenylketonuria;
  • Renal failure when creatinine clearance<30 мл/мин;
  • Fructose intolerance (for dosage forms containing sucrose);
  • Deficiency of the enzyme sucrase-isomaltase (similarly);
  • Syndrome of glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • Use simultaneously with levodopa;
  • Tablets should not be used in children under 6 years of age, solution - up to 1 year.

special instructions

It is not recommended to take the medicine simultaneously with calcium preparations - as already mentioned, calcium reduces the absorption of magnesium. If necessary, first restore the balance of magnesium, only then - calcium.

Overdose of magnesium B6

If the kidneys work normally, it is impossible to create an excess of trace elements and water-soluble vitamins (B6) in the body: the excess is excreted in the urine. If kidney function is reduced, magnesium accumulation in the body is possible, which manifests itself:

  • Falling blood pressure;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Decreased activity of reflexes, lethargy up to coma;
  • Respiratory failure up to its paralysis;
  • Decrease in the amount of urine up to anuria;
  • Heart failure.

Antibiotics from the group of aminoglycosides dramatically increase the toxicity of magnesium.

With a prolonged overdose of vitamin B6, there may be:

It can be replaced by Russian analogues, such as Magnesium plus B6, Magnestad, Magnelis, Russian-made. Another domestic drug - "Magnesium B6 Evalar" is available both in tablet form and as a syrup in a 100 ml bottle, approved for children from three years old. There are also analogues from neighboring countries - the Ukrainian Magnikum and the Belarusian Magvit.

Magnesium B6- a drug that replenishes magnesium deficiency in the body. Vitamin B6 improves the absorption of the main active ingredient, and also heals the heart and nervous system. Magnesium B6 is a popular remedy for cardiovascular disease, as well as for women during pregnancy.
Magnesium is a vital element that is found in all tissues of the body. Participates in most metabolic reactions, plays an important role in the activity of the nervous system, in the regulation of the transmission of nerve impulses and in muscle contraction, has an antispasmodic and antiplatelet effect. Magnesium deficiency manifests itself in the form of neuromuscular disorders (muscle weakness, trembling, spasms, convulsions), mental disorders (insomnia, irritability, anxiety), heart rhythm disturbances (extrasystole, tachycardia) and gastrointestinal tract activity (pain, diarrhea, spasms , bloating).
Vitamin B6 is involved in many metabolic processes, in the regulation of the metabolism of the nervous system. Vitamin B6 improves the absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract and its penetration into cells.
In the body, magnesium is distributed mainly in the intracellular space (about 99%), of which approximately 2/3 is in bone tissue, and 1/3 is in smooth and striated muscle tissue. This mineral is excreted primarily in the urine.

Indications for use

Tablets Magnesium B6 are used to prevent symptoms of magnesium deficiency and related disorders, such as: irritability, anxiety, sleep disturbance, apathy, fatigue, pain and muscle spasms, tingling sensation.

Mode of application

Adults take 2 tablets Magnesium B6 - 3 times a day with meals. The duration of admission is 3-4 weeks.
6 tablets contain 1.8 mg of vitamin B6 (90% of the daily requirement of the body), 54 mg of magnesium (12.5% ​​of the daily requirement of the body).

Side effects

Very rarely (<0.01%) - аллергические реакции, боли в животе, тошнота, рвота.


It is contraindicated to take the drug Magnesium B6 with individual intolerance to the components.
Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


Clinical experience with the drug Magnesium B6 in pregnant women did not reveal any adverse effects. Magnesium B6 can be used during pregnancy on the recommendation of a doctor. However, the use of the drug during breastfeeding should be avoided, because it passes into breast milk.

Interaction with other drugs

The simultaneous use of drugs containing phosphates or calcium salts may impair the absorption of magnesium in the intestine.
When administered orally, tetracyclines must observe an interval of at least 3 hours between ingestion of tetracycline and magnesium B6.


An overdose of magnesium can cause diarrhea, but there will be no toxic reactions. However, in case of kidney failure, magnesium poisoning is possible.
The severity of symptoms depends on the concentration of the active substance in the blood.

Storage conditions

In a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 C.

Release form

Tablets weighing 0.2 g, 2 blisters of 25 tablets.


A drug Magnesium B6 contains: magnesium lactate 2-water, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), excipients (sorbitol E 420, magnesium stearate E 470).

main parameters

ATX code: A12CC06 -

Magnesium deficiency can provoke a number of dangerous diseases. Many of them respond well to therapy when replenishing the lack of a microelement. For the most effective assimilation of active components, it is recommended to take preparations that simultaneously contain magnesium and vitamin B6, since these substances have good compatibility and enhance each other's action. The drug has a number of contraindications and possible side effects, so let's figure out how to take it.

The value of magnesium for the body

This trace element is important for the proper functioning of many systems of the human body, as it affects the strength of bones, the health of the liver, kidneys, and heart. For each person, the daily requirement is calculated based on the physical condition, occupation, age and health.

The role of magnesium is determined by the following functions:

  • prevention of the development of urolithiasis;
  • normalization of cholesterol levels;
  • improving the functioning of the nervous system;
  • stabilization of phosphorus metabolism;
  • stimulation of cardiac activity;
  • removal of poisons and toxins;
  • regulation of cell growth and division;
  • protein formation.

Use in the treatment of hypertension

Magnesium B6 in tablets can significantly lower blood pressure and have a therapeutic effect in hypertension and hypertension. To obtain such a pharmacological action, the doctor prescribes increased dosages of the drug. This allows you to reduce the use of drugs of a chemical nature to lower blood pressure.

With severely elevated blood pressure, magnesium can be administered by injection, which is usually done to provide emergency care to the patient. As a prophylactic, it is recommended to drink tablets with Magnesium B6.

Release form of the drug

If the need to take the drug arose due to insufficient magnesium in the body, the drug is usually prescribed in the form of tablets. The composition of Magne B6 and similar preparations does not differ qualitatively: pyridoxine hydrochloride and magnesium lactate dihydrate are used as active substances.

In some cases (most often when an emergency pressure reduction is necessary), injections can be prescribed for which an ampoule solution of Magnesium B6 is used.

Among the most common drugs of this composition and action can be noted:

  • Magne B6,
  • Magnelis B6,
  • magnicum,
  • Magnefar,
  • Beresh plus,
  • Magvit V6.

The difference is in the price and how much magnesium and how much pyridoxine is contained in one tablet.

What is useful magnesium B6 for the body

The medicine effectively and quickly has a therapeutic effect on the body, as it has a large number of useful functions. Among them are:

  • elimination of insufficient magnesium content in the body, due to which cardiac activity improves;
  • reduction of irritability and neuralgia;
  • reducing the risk of nervous overstrain;
  • slowing down of atherosclerotic processes;
  • improved metabolism;
  • normalization of nervous activity;
  • reducing the risk of complications in diabetes.

Vitamin B6 increases the absorption of magnesium from tablets, thereby enhancing its effectiveness. It can also have a calming effect - with psychological stress, you can take any remedy with this vitamin.

pharmachologic effect

Magnesium B6 contains 2 active substances - vitamin pyridoxine and magnesium itself. The second substance is involved in many metabolic processes of the body, especially those associated with nervous activity and contraction of muscle fibers. The lack of this substance can manifest itself with its increased excretion by the kidneys, dieting, and a decrease in intestinal absorption. More magnesium is needed for those who experience stress, high physical or intellectual stress, pregnant women.

Vitamin B6 takes part in most metabolic reactions, promotes the absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract and its retention inside without loss.

The drug has such a structure that when taken in tablets in the gastrointestinal tract, only half of the active substance from the accepted dosage is absorbed.

Indications for taking Magne B6

A common indication for taking Magne B6 is an insufficient content of active substances in the body of the composition. Among the conditions in which you can take the drug additionally, there are:

  • sleep disorders;
  • irritability, neuralgia;
  • excessive physical or intellectual fatigue;
  • spasms of the muscles or gastrointestinal tract;
  • frequent heartbeat;
  • anxiety.

If there is an increased tone of the uterus during pregnancy, magnesium intake is sometimes also prescribed. How effective the therapy will be depends on the degree of deficiency of the substance.


Among the main contraindications, in which it is not recommended to take magnesium B6, stands out:

  • insufficiency of renal activity in a severe stage;
  • hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug;
  • disorders of amino acid metabolism;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • improper absorption of galactose, glucose.

Often the remedy is not prescribed for lactating women and children who are less than a year old.

Side effects

The drug is well tolerated by patients. Among the most pronounced side effects are:

  • flatulence;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • bowel disorder;
  • allergies;
  • pain in the abdomen.

With a long uncontrolled intake of the drug, the activity of the peripheral nervous system may be disrupted, a feeling of numbness of the extremities, tingling, and goosebumps can be observed.

drug interaction

Magnesium B6 may lose its effectiveness when taken with phosphates and calcium salts. In combination with vitamin B6, the trace element is able to reduce the effectiveness of tetracycline antibiotics. That is why when taking both drugs, you should make a gap between them at least 3 hours.

Magnesium can interfere with the absorption of iron in the body, as well as reduce the effectiveness of oral anticoagulants.

Magne B6 is a mild drug that can help solve many health problems if pathologies are caused by a lack of this trace element. Magnesium medicines have been successfully used to prevent and treat hypertension as adjunctive therapy. The necessary dosage of the agent and the frequency of its use is determined by the specialist.

During my work, I have developed a fairly clear understanding that most of the acquired cardiac pathology is related to magnesium deficiency.

When I studied the state of the issue on the Internet, 2 groups of articles on this topic became clearly visible. The first group is the serious work of researchers, written in complex terminology and obscure to ordinary people without medical education. The second - very understandable (like "drink magnesium - and a miracle will happen!"), But not very literate texts with the substitution of concepts and obvious commercial background.

I have made an attempt to write an article without serious errors and understandable for a wide range of patients. Those who are deeply interested in the topic, especially the evidence-based part of it, can read articles on magnesium for doctors on my website.

The role of magnesium in biology and medicine

Magnesium is one of the most "demanded" metals in wildlife. The center of the chlorophyll molecule (the green pigment of plants) is a magnesium atom. Chlorophyll "feeds" plants (grasses, trees, algae), which are eaten by herbivores, which in turn are eaten by predators. It turns out that magnesium ultimately feeds almost all wildlife. The magnesium atom has special properties due to which in the human body it is "embedded" in at least 300 enzymes that perform a huge number of "useful" functions.

Doctor (according to the first diploma) Alexander Rosenbaum wrote in one of his songs:

"There is anxiety on the face, there is magnesia in the syringe ... This is not for entertainment: there is no more effective treatment than its layered introduction ... After ten cubes, if you have not become healthy, then this is a misunderstanding."

This is the opinion of the emergency doctor. As a cardiologist, I fully agree with him.

In foreign countries, serious studies have been carried out on the role of magnesium on thousands of patients, governments (for example, Finland) have implemented programs for the prevention of magnesium deficiency, the implementation of which has given a very serious decrease in the incidence (for 15 years of the program, the number of heart attacks in Finland has halved); Pharmaceutical companies are producing more and more different drugs containing this metal. Unfortunately, in the Russian national guidelines for cardiology, the use of magnesium is stipulated in only a few cases.

What conditions are associated with magnesium deficiency?

In medicine, there are situations when drugs created to treat a disease do not work. Or the reasons for the patient's condition are not very clear. At present, it has been scientifically proven that a very wide range of pathological conditions are caused precisely by magnesium deficiency in the body. I'll try to draw this circle:

  1. Cardiology: high blood pressure, rapid or irregular heartbeat, high cholesterol and atherosclerosis (and, as a result, coronary heart disease with its formidable complication - a heart attack), a tendency to thrombosis, pain in the heart (cardialgia), mitral valve prolapse.
  2. Psychoneurology: increased irritability, poor sleep, deterioration of mental abilities, depression, fatigue, vegetovascular dystonia (including with panic attacks and hyperventilation syndrome), muscle cramps and spasms (including nocturnal cramps of the calf muscles in women), risk of stroke in atherosclerosis blood vessels supplying the brain.
  3. Pulmonology: bronchospasm (difficulty exhaling).
  4. Gastroenterology: constipation or diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain due to impaired gastrointestinal motility.
  5. Urology: oxalate kidney stones or a tendency to stone formation.
  6. Gynecology and obstetrics: premenstrual syndrome, miscarriage, increased pressure and convulsions during pregnancy.
  7. Endocrinology: hyperaldosteronism (fluid retention in the body).
  8. Rheumatology, cosmetology: connective tissue diseases and skin aging as problems of collagen metabolism.
  9. Oncology (although the information is still small and poorly verified): - Magnesium deficiency leads to an increase in the number of cancers.
  10. Narcology: a very significant part of the origin of the "hangover syndrome" is due to the fact that alcohol expels magnesium from the body. Hence the use of magnesium preparations for the prevention and treatment of withdrawal symptoms.

Accordingly, all these conditions are corrected (understandably, to varying degrees and for different times) by saturating the body with magnesium.

The need for magnesium increases significantly with physical and emotional stress, alcohol abuse, pregnancy and lactation, chronic fatigue syndrome, eating certain foods (coffee), and taking medications.

Is magnesium deficiency determined by a blood test?

99% of magnesium in the human body is located inside the cells, so the content of metal ions in the blood plasma reflects the state of the remaining one percent. The blood test in this case is much less accurate than your health. Here is a quote from the official website of the Invitro laboratory: "The level of magnesium in the serum can remain within normal limits even with a decrease in the total amount of magnesium in the body by 80%." More reliable is the determination of magnesium in erythrocytes, as well as in hair and nails.

Accordingly, if the blood test determines the content of magnesium below the norm, then its real deficiency in the body is huge.

How does the body get the right amount of magnesium?

According to the literature, the daily requirement for magnesium is 350 mg for women and 450 mg for men. Tables of magnesium content in foods are widely available on the Internet. The only problem is that far from all the magnesium contained in food is perceived by the body, and, according to the general opinion of doctors dealing with this issue, it is almost impossible to “eat” a normal amount of magnesium. Accordingly, it is necessary to provide the body with well-absorbed magnesium in adequate quantities.

Can magnesium poison you?

It is possible if a patient with severe kidney disease, who is on hemodialysis, will receive intravenous extra magnesium. In other cases, excess magnesium when taken INSIDE will be excreted by the intestines (through varying degrees of loosening of the stool). Specialists working in the field of stopping drinking binges, according to the standard scheme, administer to patients intravenously up to a gram of magnesium, and all the excess is excreted by the kidneys during the day. So our attempts to poison the body with a maximum of five hundred milligrams INSIDE will not be successful in any way.

What magnesium preparations are available on the Russian market?

Let's see what is sold in pharmacies. I do not consider network marketing products, as well as preparations of especially “shy” (or boorish?) Russian manufacturers that do not print the amount of magnesium in the instructions, for example, “Motherwort Forte”, “Sea Calcium” or “Magnesium Calcide” (manufacturers believe that You do not need to know “how much to hang in grams?”, And this shows great “respect” for you). Products sold in less than 10 out of 780 pharmacies in Moscow were also not considered. In fairness, I note that I am not on the salary of any of the pharmaceutical companies, so I can have my own subjective opinion (which may differ from the opinion of the reader - you can choose at your discretion).

In the "magnesium" column, the content of pure magnesium is estimated, without taking into account the weight of acid molecules (for example, the drug contains magnesium lactate 200 mg. The formula of magnesium lactate is MgC3H4O3. The atomic weight of magnesium is 24, the weight of lactate is 12x3 + 1x4 + 16x3 = 88, the total weight of the molecule is 112 , that is, magnesium itself makes up only less than a quarter of the weight of the drug).

Table of drugs with prices, moved to my site analogues-drugs.rf.

Dear authors dealing with the issues of magnesium absorption, note that calcium significantly impairs the absorption of magnesium, so I reject all combinations of magnesium and calcium for myself. In addition, different salts have different degrees of digestibility: maximum - citrate, less - organic salts (lactate, pidolate, asparaginate), minimum - inorganic compounds (oxide, sulfate). It is also described that tablet preparations are absorbed by 60 percent at best.

Therefore, a little about the "liquid" drugs, which are absorbed much more fully. There are only three of them (without calcium): Magnesium Plus, Magne B6 in ampoules, Natural Calm. Now I describe my personal feelings and conclusions. Magnesium Plus - I have not personally tried it yet, four tablets (glasses of solution) can, in principle, get almost a full daily dose. Magne B6 I did not like the sweet caramel obsessive taste and the need to take again four ampoules a day. And one drug is taken in the form of a hot solution (in the morning and in the evening, half a cup), which accelerates and improves absorption.

As a result, magnesium citrate preparations Natural Calm and MagneV6Forte are suitable for serious saturation, and Doppelgerz active preparations: Magnesium + B vitamins and Magnesium + Potassium are suitable for average saturation with minimal money. Everything else is a matter of taste.

In the case of a single dose, magnesium preparations are best taken in the evening (sleep will improve).

How long to take magnesium supplements?

If you feel the effect of taking it and the drug does not cause you side effects, you can (and should) take it FOR LIFE. Some breaks are possible, but in about a week the state of magnesium balance in the body returns to its original state (as before taking the drugs).

Let me remind you that excess magnesium when taken orally is very quickly excreted by the body, and it is almost impossible to “eat” a normal concentration. So it's up to you to choose which pharmaceutical company to "pay tribute" to improve your condition.

You have every right to say that the doctor is trying to get you hooked on magnesium. I agree, but you have long and firmly been sitting on the "needle" of water, oxygen, food, table salt and other delights. Magnesium is not a drug, I assure you.

Yours faithfully, Your cardiologist in Moscow Agarkov Sergey Valerievich.

Magnesium is a trace element that each of us needs. It supports the normal functioning of the nervous system, positively affects the functioning of the myocardium. With increased mental and physical activity, after suffering stress, as well as during pregnancy, it is necessary to replenish magnesium reserves in a timely manner. Its deficiency can lead to problems with falling asleep, heart rhythm disturbances, hypertension.

In order for the body to be in working condition, it is recommended to take the Magnesium B6 vitamin-mineral complex: its composition includes two important elements - magnesium aspartate, as well as pyridoxine (vitamin B6), which promotes the absorption of the mineral. Aspartate supports metabolic processes.

The action of the drug

What is Magnesium B6 for? The combination of pyridoxine and magnesium aspartate supports the functioning of the nervous system, intestines, reduces the adverse effects of chronic fatigue, helps relieve PMS, stabilizes the heart rate, normalizes blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and reduces weather sensitivity.

Combination drugs are very useful. Magnesium is the most important mineral for the functioning of the heart. It is involved in metabolic processes, it is necessary to maintain immunity, protein synthesis.

Its deficiency can be caused not only by regular stress or malnutrition, but also by taking certain medications, it can also be due to genetic characteristics.

In the "Magnesium B6" preparation, this microelement is offered "coupled" with vitamin B6, which promotes the absorption of the mineral, fixing it in the cells, since magnesium has the ability to quickly be excreted from the body. Also, the vitamin has a beneficial effect on the heart and central nervous system.

In a situation of time trouble, with an eternal rush or at work that requires great psycho-emotional costs, we rarely manage to eat regularly and fully and make up for the lack of vitamins. Our nervous system, muscles and bones suffer from this. By the way, about half of the magnesium in our body is found in bone tissue.

With its deficiency (which, according to studies, is experienced by at least 2/3 of the population), insomnia, headaches, irritability, restlessness, constant fatigue, anxiety, memory problems, impaired libido, cramps (mainly in the calf muscles) and even caries occur. . The dietary habits of modern man do not improve the situation.

Magnesium is found in roasted nuts (such as almonds, peanuts, and cashews), grains, grapes, fresh herbs, and some vegetables. However, to obtain the required dose of this mineral, it would be necessary to eat a fairly large amount of food containing it, so it makes sense to get this trace element by using dietary supplements.

Known anti-stress and antidepressant effect, which the patient receives after taking magnesium. This mineral reduces the likelihood of early development of atherosclerosis, the occurrence of ischemic stroke, and is involved in the regulation of metabolism.

The drug is indicated for the treatment and elimination of the following diseases and problems:

"Magnesium B6" during pregnancy is also indispensable: the mother's body and the unborn child experience an increased need for magnesium, and the usual daily diet cannot fully replenish it, and a deficiency of this trace element can lead, among other things, to the appearance of stretch marks in the abdomen and chest .

When taking the drug, the possibility of the appearance of pathology, eclampsia, abortion due to uterine hypertonicity is reduced, "Magnesium B6" maintains blood pressure levels within normal limits, prevents the occurrence of fetal hypoxia, placental abruption. But the reception should be made only after consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Do not forget about contraindications. The drug should not be taken in the presence of:

If you have hypervitaminosis B6, it is also not recommended to take this drug. Its components enter the child's body with breast milk, so nursing mothers take "Magnesium B6" under the supervision of a doctor.

Release types, availability

The drug is available in tablets, as well as in ampoules (for young children under the age of six years).

In almost every pharmacy you can buy "Magnesium B6", the price is quite affordable - from 100 to 600 rubles on average - and depends on the number of tablets (ampoules) in the package.

There is also such a release form as "Magnesium B6 forte", which contains twice as much active ingredient (which helps to reduce the daily dose, taking into account the number of tablets). Vitamin B2 can also be added to Magnesium B6 Forte.

Previously, the pharmacy chain mainly offered for sale the Magne B6 vitamin and mineral complex, which was produced by European companies, but it was quite expensive. Currently, you can find cheaper analogues for the Magnesium B6 drug that work no worse - for example, these are Magnelis B6 and Magnistad.

When making a choice, you should pay attention not only to the price of the drug, but also to the number of tablets in the package, as well as to the recommended dose. Agree, if you buy a medicine at a “favorable” price, and then it turns out that you need to take about a dozen tablets every day (instead of one or two in the “forte” option), all the benefits will come to naught.


When calculating an individual dose of administration, it must be taken into account that a minimum of 4 mg (namely magnesium, and not the drug as a whole) is required per kilogram of weight. This dose is calculated for prophylactic administration. If there is already some kind of disease associated with a deficiency of this mineral, the amount should be increased by one and a half times.

How to take "Magnesium B6" tablets? It all depends on the instructions of the manufacturer who released the drug. As a rule, it is enough to take 6-8 tablets per day, with food. It is recommended to drink the drug with water or juice (but not tea - because of the tannin it contains), except for grapefruit, and in an amount of at least one glass.

Magnesium should not be taken with tetracycline antibiotics, calcium preparations (they reduce the absorption of magnesium) or drink milk, so pregnant women who are additionally prescribed calcium should take these trace elements at different times.

In the drug "Magnesium B6 forte" instructions for use are just as simple: it should be taken three times a day, 1-2 tablets (with meals). The indicated dosages refer to adults, for children they are lower. The price of "Magnesium B6 forte" is low, on average 100-300 rubles per pack.

The drug "Magnesium B6" is produced by various pharmaceutical companies - for example, "Pharm. Technologies”, “Kvadrat-S”, but the recognized leader in the production of biologically active substances is “Evalar”. This company offers "Magnesium B6" in two different types of tablets (in blisters, 36 and 60 tablets per box), as well as in solution.

The instructions for use of "Magnesium B6" "Evalar" indicate that it is recommended to take six tablets (three times a day, two pieces during a meal). When using the Magnesium B6 solution, the instruction prescribes taking 15-30 ml per day with meals. For children, the dose must be reduced. Pregnant women take 1 tablespoon of the solution.

In the absence of chronic diseases, it is recommended to take the drug for at least a month. If you are over 40 years old, it is advisable to extend the course to at least six months, and in some cases up to a year (the same applies to patients suffering from osteoporosis or neurological disorders).

Keep in mind that taking even seemingly harmless medicines such as vitamins requires consultation with your doctor, as uncontrolled use (for example, in the presence of undiagnosed diseases) can cause side effects such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

"Magnesium B6" for children and adults

“Magnesium B6” is very useful for children - reviews show that the effect comes quickly: “The doctor prescribed Magnesium B6 to my daughter, because she did not sleep well and was very excitable, shuddered at every sound. We were diagnosed with hyperactivity. We bought "Magnesium B6" in ampoules (sold without a prescription, in almost every pharmacy) and gave it as written in the instructions. My daughter has become much calmer, there are no more tantrums. Now she does not wake up at night screaming, she goes to kindergarten with pleasure.

Children, like adults, also have stressful situations - for example, a change of scenery (moving, adapting to new conditions in kindergarten, in an artistic development group), problems in the family when there is discord between parents. During active growth, children and adolescents absolutely need to make up for magnesium deficiency in a timely manner. This trace element helps to increase concentration (which is especially important in the learning process), lowers the level of anxiety.

Organic magnesium salts are absorbed much better than inorganic ones. Additionally, the preparation is enriched with vitamin B6, which helps this mineral to penetrate into the cells of the body.

How to give a child "Magnesium B6"? Instructions for use for children: up to a year, it is not recommended to give the drug to a child (who has not gained 10 kg of weight), it can be taken in special cases, according to the doctor's indications. "Magnesium B6" for children is offered in the form of a solution (1-3 ampoules per day, they are diluted in ½ cup of water), at an older age (if the weight has reached 20 kg or more), the drug is given in tablets (4-6 daily) for a month. The daily dose is divided into 2-3 doses, the latter being taken no later than 16.00.

More reviews: “Magnesium B6” was recommended to me by a neurologist. I had a very difficult situation at work - personnel changes, many were fired. I hardly fell asleep, broke down on relatives. All this eventually led me to the doctor. He prescribed "Magnesium B6" in combination with other drugs. To be honest, I did not believe that these vitamins and dietary supplements really work. But after a week I noticed that the breakdowns had stopped, I began to fall asleep within five minutes.

Anastasia, Moscow. Lately, I've started to get tired quickly. I work in production, and in the hands of a sick father, and another son went to first grade. I often had a headache, I could hardly get out of bed in the morning. The doctor prescribed me Magnesium B6 forte. In just a few days, I felt like I had a second wind. I enjoy going home from work to cook dinner. My head doesn't hurt anymore. I also enrolled in classical dance courses. I go there on weekends and feel great.

As you can see, taking the drug is very effective and works great at any age.

Take vitamins "Magnesium B6" and be healthy!

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