Why pulls legs before going to bed and how to get rid of this problem. Varicose disease of the venous system of the lower extremities. What does the patient look like?

Often talks about serious illnesses. When determining the diagnosis, it is important to establish the cause of the pain, under what circumstances it appeared. If the pain is due to the spine, the patient should consult a vertebrologist and establish a final diagnosis.

Pain in the right leg can be pulling, aching or unbearable, there is a feeling of tension inside the muscles, there may be pain in the buttocks. The pain is aggravated by walking, sitting or after sleeping. In most cases, the nature of pain has no prognostic value, but only indicates the stage of the disease. Also pain in right leg may appear in pregnant women due to pinching of the nerve roots, etc.

Causes of pain in the right leg

  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Intervertebral hernia;
  • Sponidylosis;
  • Inflammation of the sciatic nerve;
  • Sciatica;
  • Varicose veins and other vascular diseases;
  • Coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis and other diseases of the joints;
  • Consequences of injuries, the result of physical exertion;
  • Other diseases.

Diagnosis of pain in the right leg

If the pain is due to the spine, then it may be necessary to lumbar x-ray, lumbar MRI. MRI is the most informative for the spine, it is on such a diagnosis that you can confirm the diagnosis - disc herniation and choose the treatment tactics. In order to determine the cause of pain, lie on your back and lift the affected leg straight up. If the pain appears in the lower back, then you need to treat the back. Also in diseases

Drawing pains are determined by patients in connection with flexion or extension of the limb, more common with coverage of the entire surface in front or behind. The nature of the sensations suggests a pathological process along the nerve trunk. Therefore, neurologists are more likely to encounter such manifestations.

What levels of innervation of the legs are affected first?

If pain in the left or right leg is caused by impaired innervation, then 3 possible levels of damage can be assumed:

  • changes in the spinous processes of the spine of the lumbar (L) or sacral (S) sections, called osteochondrosis - a pathological growth of bone tissue, leading to compression of the nerve branches at the point of exit from the spinal cord;
  • radiculitis or radiculopathy - inflammatory or other (degenerative in diabetes mellitus, alcohol poisoning, intoxication) changes in the nerve roots themselves without disturbing the structure of the vertebrae;
  • inflammation of the sciatic and femoral nerves located between the muscles of the buttocks and thighs.

The most persistent pains are associated with prolapse of the herniated disc of the spinal cord, with a tumor.

All types are accompanied by "long" pains of a pulling, aching or shooting character from the lower back to the lower leg. It is important for the doctor to determine the differences in these diseases. For this, in addition to the nature of pain, the place of irradiation in the leg is taken into account.

What does the patient look like?

Drawing pains force a person to take a forced position. With lumbosacral sciatica, pain spreads along the posterior-outer surface of the thigh and lower leg to the feet. Significantly increased intensity during movement, coughing, sneezing, defecation. The patient lies in bed with a bent leg.

With damage to the sciatic nerve, the thigh is turned outward, and if the femoral nerve is inflamed, it is inward.

When trying to turn, the patient leans on his hands and a good leg, and in order to sit down, he has to tighten the buttock on the good side and lean back.

In the standing position, the diseased limb is bent, a slight emphasis is placed on it with the toe. The torso takes the form of an analgesic protective scoliosis: curvature of the spine to the diseased side with inflammation of the sciatic nerve, to the healthy side - with sciatica (to reduce root compression).

It is impossible to work sitting with sciatica due to pain

Diagnostic features

As a differential diagnosis, neurologists use symptoms that indicate associated areas of sensory impairment (from anesthesia to tingling), check muscle tone in the lower back and legs. The tension in the buttocks and calves of the legs also has a protective origin.

Damage to the sciatic nerve causes a decrease in the tone of the gluteal muscles, their atrophy, smoothness and prolapse of the gluteal fold.

There is a difference in pain syndrome, depending on the level of damage to the roots of the spinal cord or hernia prolapse. It is shown in the table.

Osteochondrosis is characterized by:

  • asymmetric pain;
  • association with muscle cramps;
  • occurrence at any time of the day;
  • lack of feeling of weakness and fatigue.

Tension symptoms

The symptoms are checked by a neurologist, they confirm the nature of the pulling pains.

The most popular among doctors is Lasègue's symptom. It has 2 phases:

  • 1 - when lifting the heel of the leg extended at the knee joint, there is acute pain in the buttock and along the sciatic nerve;
  • 2 - when bending this leg at the knee, the pain disappears.

Additionally checked:

  • in the first position, pulling the sock on yourself - the pain increases sharply, the hip flexor muscles tighten;
  • abduction of the raised leg to the side causes pain in the adductor muscles.

For the defeat of nerve conduction, an increase in the Achilles and knee reflexes on the affected side is typical at the beginning of the disease, their extinction as they recover.

In the treatment used:

  • drugs to relieve muscle spasm (muscle relaxants);
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • physiotherapy (UHF, electrophoresis, phonophoresis);
  • B vitamins;
  • massage and acupuncture.

With manual therapy, the doctor directly affects the exit points of the nerve roots. Treatment is quite effective in the hands of a skilled specialist.

Avitaminosis as a cause of pain

Another cause of pain in the right leg is atherosclerosis of the arteries. With this disease, the walls of blood vessels thicken, while the patient feels compressive pain in the calf muscles. Most often, atherosclerosis causes pain in the muscles of the lower leg. The pain is aggravated by walking. A characteristic symptom of atherosclerosis is a feeling of cold feet, regardless of the time of year.

The next group of diseases that provoke the appearance of pain in the right leg are diseases of the spine. The existing disorders in the functioning of the spine, for example, in the intervertebral discs, lead to the appearance of so-called radiating pain, i.e. giving in the leg. The spine itself may not hurt. This type of pain can be attributed to sciatica (inflammation of the sciatic nerve). In this disease, pain from the spine along the sciatic nerve is transmitted to the legs.

Damage to the sciatic nerve (sciatica). The disease is characterized by intense pain along the back of the entire right leg or only the thigh. Patients feel, as it were, a "painful stretched cord."

The examination reveals:
a) scoliosis of the spine in the healthy direction;
b) pain along the sciatic nerve;
c) a positive symptom of Lasegue (soreness with passive raising of a straightened leg in a patient in a horizontal position);
d) restriction of flexion movements of the spine due to pain on the back of the leg;
e) atrophy of the muscles of the lower leg (with a certain prescription of the disease);
f) decrease or absence of the Achilles reflex;
g) hypoesthesia on the outer surface of the lower leg.

Acute sciatica should be differentiated, especially in children, from acute tuberculous coxitis, in which the pain of the joint itself is detected during its palpation, with a load on the leg (tapping on the heel), with stretching and abduction of the leg; there is a symptom of "thickened skin fold" in the hip joint.

Damage to the femoral nerve. Most often, the disease is secondary to lumbar osteochondrosis, less often spondylitis (especially in children), tumors of the spine and is characterized by pain along the anterior-inner surface of the thigh. There is pain on palpation along the femoral nerve. Positive symptoms of nerve tension: soreness along the anterior surface of the thigh when the leg is bent at the knee joint in the position of the patient on the stomach; the strength of the quadriceps muscle is reduced, the knee jerk is reduced or absent, hypoesthesia in the zone of innervation of the femoral nerve.

Pain due to damage to the femoral nerve should be differentiated from pain due to inflammation of the iliopsoas muscle (psoitis), which is accompanied by flexion contracture of the hip. At the same time, pain is noted on palpation of the abdomen and on examination per rectum; possible increase in body temperature and changes in the blood, indicating the presence of an inflammatory process.

Very often, pain in the right leg is associated with diseases of the joints. The pain seems to "twist" the leg. The exacerbation of this pain syndrome is observed when the weather changes. At more serious stages of joint diseases, pain can be permanent, sometimes simply painful. This is especially true for attacks of pain in gout. Pain in the knee joint may indicate the destruction of the cartilage of this joint. But an accurate diagnosis and prescription of drugs can only be done by an experienced specialist.

Diseases of the peripheral nerves can also cause pain in the right leg. With neuralgia, pain is paroxysmal in nature and occurs along the course of nerve fibers. In the intervals between attacks, pain is practically absent, and the pain attack itself can last from several seconds to several minutes.

The most severe pain in the right leg occurs with inflammation of the muscles. Myositis is a rather serious disease that must be treated under constant medical supervision.

Pain in the right leg can be caused by an infectious bone disease such as osteomyelitis. Pain in this disease is acute and prolonged. In this case, the cause of pain is the bones themselves.

In some cases, the cause of pain in the right leg is an injury (bruise, fracture, sprain or rupture of ligaments and muscles), then the sequence of actions is more or less obvious. However, sometimes damage develops gradually as a result of excessive exercise, doing exercises without warming up, wearing uncomfortable shoes, running on a hard surface.

A sharp pain in the shin of the right leg, combined with a sudden redness of the skin and an increase in temperature, testifies in favor of erysipelas (erysipelas). Dense edema, throbbing and bursting pain in the lower leg may indicate thrombosis, lymphatic edema, purulent inflammation (phlegmon). At the same time, they increase the palpation and work of the muscles. You should seek medical help if the pain in the legs does not go away for three or more days, spreads to all parts of the lower extremities, accompanied by their weakness, numbness and cooling, cyanosis or swelling of the skin.

In order to prevent the appearance of pain in the right leg, you must follow some rules. For example, in case of vascular problems, it is necessary to limit fatty, cholesterol-rich foods in the diet, lose weight, and regularly perform a special set of exercises to prevent the development of varicose veins. Try to avoid prolonged standing or sitting. When sitting or standing, you need to regularly take breaks and change positions.

In case of problems with the spine or joints, it is necessary to treat these diseases in a timely manner and follow the doctor's instructions. With a problematic spine and frequent radiating pains in the right leg, regular massage courses are useful. Performing exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles leads to a decrease in muscle tension in the lower back and, as a rule, reduces the frequency of radiating pain.

You should see a doctor if:
- sharp pains in the leg do not recede for three days;
- legs become numb, cold and weak;
- pain radiates to the upper and lower parts of the leg;
- the skin turns blue and swells;
- severe swelling appeared after the injury.

Which doctor should I contact if there is pain in the right leg:

Are you experiencing pain in your right leg? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need an inspection? You can book an appointment with a doctor Eurolaboratory always at your service! The best doctors will examine you, study the external signs and help identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide the necessary assistance. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolaboratory open for you around the clock.

How to contact the clinic:
Phone of our clinic in Kyiv: (+38 044) 206-20-00 (multichannel). The secretary of the clinic will select a convenient day and hour for you to visit the doctor. Our coordinates and directions are indicated. Look in more detail about all the services of the clinic on her.

(+38 044) 206-20-00

If you have previously performed any research, be sure to take their results to a consultation with a doctor. If the studies have not been completed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

Do you have pain in your right leg? You need to be very careful about your overall health. People don't pay enough attention disease symptoms and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific signs, characteristic external manifestations - the so-called disease symptoms. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to several times a year be examined by a doctor not only to prevent a terrible disease, but also to maintain a healthy spirit in the body and the body as a whole.

If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the online consultation section, perhaps you will find answers to your questions there and read self care tips. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need at. Also register on the medical portal Eurolaboratory to be constantly up to date with the latest news and information updates on the site, which will be automatically sent to you by mail.

The symptom map is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and how to treat it, contact your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of the information posted on the portal.

If you are interested in any other symptoms of diseases and types of pain, or you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

Drawing pains are determined by patients in connection with flexion or extension of the limb, more common with coverage of the entire surface in front or behind. The nature of the sensations suggests a pathological process along the nerve trunk. Therefore, neurologists are more likely to encounter such manifestations.

What levels of innervation of the legs are affected first?

If pain in the left or right leg is caused by impaired innervation, then 3 possible levels of damage can be assumed:

  • changes in the spinous processes of the spine of the lumbar (L) or sacral (S) sections, called osteochondrosis - a pathological growth of bone tissue, leading to compression of the nerve branches at the point of exit from the spinal cord;
  • radiculitis or radiculopathy - inflammatory or other (degenerative in diabetes mellitus, alcohol poisoning, intoxication) changes in the nerve roots themselves without disturbing the structure of the vertebrae;
  • inflammation of the sciatic and femoral nerves located between the muscles of the buttocks and thighs.

The most persistent pains are associated with prolapse of the herniated disc of the spinal cord, with a tumor.

All types are accompanied by "long" pains of a pulling, aching or shooting character from the lower back to the lower leg. It is important for the doctor to determine the differences in these diseases. For this, in addition to the nature of pain, the place of irradiation in the leg is taken into account.

What does the patient look like?

Drawing pains force a person to take a forced position. With lumbosacral sciatica, pain spreads along the posterior-outer surface of the thigh and lower leg to the feet. Significantly increased intensity during movement, coughing, sneezing, defecation. The patient lies in bed with a bent leg.

With damage to the sciatic nerve, the thigh is turned outward, and if the femoral nerve is inflamed, it is inward.

When trying to turn, the patient leans on his hands and a good leg, and in order to sit down, he has to tighten the buttock on the good side and lean back.

In the standing position, the diseased limb is bent, a slight emphasis is placed on it with the toe. The torso takes the form of an analgesic protective scoliosis: curvature of the spine to the diseased side with inflammation of the sciatic nerve, to the healthy side - with sciatica (to reduce root compression).

It is impossible to work sitting with sciatica due to pain

Diagnostic features

As a differential diagnosis, neurologists use symptoms that indicate associated areas of sensory impairment (from anesthesia to tingling), check muscle tone in the lower back and legs. The tension in the buttocks and calves of the legs also has a protective origin.

The defeat of the sciatic nerve causes a decrease in the tone of the gluteal muscles, their atrophy, smoothness and prolapse of the gluteal fold.

There is a difference in pain syndrome, depending on the level of damage to the roots of the spinal cord or hernia prolapse. It is shown in the table.

Osteochondrosis is characterized by:

  • asymmetric pain;
  • association with muscle cramps;
  • occurrence at any time of the day;
  • lack of feeling of weakness and fatigue.

Tension symptoms

The symptoms are checked by a neurologist, they confirm the nature of the pulling pains.

The most popular among doctors is Lasègue's symptom. It has 2 phases:

  • 1 - when lifting the heel of the leg extended at the knee joint, there is acute pain in the buttock and along the sciatic nerve;
  • 2 - when bending this leg at the knee, the pain disappears.

Additionally checked:

  • in the first position, pulling the sock on yourself - the pain increases sharply, the hip flexor muscles tighten;
  • abduction of the raised leg to the side causes pain in the adductor muscles.

For the defeat of nerve conduction, an increase in the Achilles and knee reflexes on the affected side is typical at the beginning of the disease, their extinction as they recover.

In the treatment used:

  • drugs to relieve muscle spasm (muscle relaxants);
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • physiotherapy (UHF, electrophoresis, phonophoresis);
  • B vitamins;
  • massage and acupuncture.

With manual therapy, the doctor directly affects the exit points of the nerve roots. Treatment is quite effective in the hands of a skilled specialist.

Avitaminosis as a cause of pain

The lack of vitamins C, B, calcium and magnesium is involved in the occurrence of pain syndrome. This is often associated with a variety of trendy weight loss diets. Return to good nutrition leads to the disappearance of pain.

Special attitude to the state of deficiency of vitamins and trace elements during pregnancy. The increased need of the woman's body for vitamins due to the requirements of the fetus needs to be compensated with additional vegetables, fruits. Obstetrician-gynecologists prescribe special vitamin complexes enriched with mineral supplements. Depending on the condition of the future mother, the health of the baby is laid.

How does intoxication affect the legs?

Pulling sensations in the legs occur with acute and chronic intoxication. An acute process is possible:

  • during a feverish period with infectious diseases, influenza, SARS;
  • in a protracted recovery stage in the absence or poor treatment of infection.

Chronic intoxication occurs:

  • in alcoholics, drug addicts;
  • in persons who have been in contact with pesticides for a long time;
  • in chronic renal failure.

The mechanism of pain is the same: incompletely oxidized toxins, lactic acid, ketone bodies accumulate in the body.

A similar process develops with gout.

Pain in the legs - one of the manifestations of "withdrawal" in drug addicts

To remove intoxication apply:

  • liquids in the form of drinking and intravenously (the concentration of toxic substances is diluted), the composition of the liquid must necessarily contain alkalizing solutions (Essentuki mineral water, soda);
  • vitamins as an integral part of enzymes for disinfecting the body;
  • the procedure of hemodialysis and hemosorption.

Other causes of pain

Hemorrhoids cannot be excluded from the causes of pulling pains in the legs. This disease affects half of the adult population. Phlebitis of the hemorrhoidal veins is a chronic focus of infection, located in the same zone as the sciatic nerves, and contributes to the support of the inflammatory process.

In the treatment are used:

  • candles with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • preparations-venotonics inside;
  • sclerosing minor surgical interventions to exclude dilated hemorrhoidal veins from the circulation;
  • in severe and neglected cases - the operation of removing strangulated nodes.

Restless legs syndrome is more common in women. Typical pains are "buzzing", aching, pulling. At the same time, no other diseases are detected. The reason is the human psyche. Most often occurs in women who do not know how to relax, who have experienced stressful situations, and who work in stressful areas.

Pain in the syndrome of "restless legs" occurs when trying to fall asleep, accompanied by a desire to constantly move the legs

Such manifestations lead to serious neurosis, serve as an impetus for the development of hypertension. Therefore, to identify in time and learn how to relieve stress is an important task.

Treatment will require:

  • operating mode changes;
  • doing sports;
  • the use of relaxing yoga techniques, auto-training;
  • taking herbal sedatives or sedative medications.

Additional diagnostic methods

In the diagnosis of pulling pain in the legs, it is necessary to identify the cause. Help:

  • general blood analysis;
  • biochemical tests for kidney and liver tests, bilirubin, creatinine, residual nitrogen;
  • determination of vitamins, calcium and minerals in the blood;
  • X-ray of the spine;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and liver;
  • angiography of peripheral vessels.

Pain in the legs is a good example of manifestations of general changes in the body. They not only limit human activity, but should be taken as a signal of systemic damage.

Pain in the back, legs and arms can be associated with the spine and nerves that lie in certain areas of it. Irradiation is the property of pain to move through the body. As a result, it is not the organ that is really not healthy that hurts, but a completely different part of the body. As a rule, the one that is more removed from the central nervous system. For example, quite often there is a symptom when the back hurts, gives to the leg, and the patient does not immediately understand where he really hurts.

In medicine, back pain that radiates to the leg is called the general term ischalgia. If the source of sensations in the back is on the left, then the right limb will hurt and vice versa.

This is due to anatomical features: the nerve roots are crossed in the spinal cord.

Unpleasant sensations arise due to the developing inflammation of the nervous tissue. Each nerve occupies a specific position between the vertebrae.

And if there is a violation of the integrity of the spinal column or changes in its physiology, then the inflammatory process from the nerve roots and plexuses quickly spreads to the periphery.

MEDICAL FACT! Severe lower back pain radiating to the legs is the result of disorders of the nervous tissue at the level of the lumbar or sacral spinal cord, which lies inside the spine.

If the patient has pain in the lower back and legs, the physicians will first examine the lower back, lower back and sacral spine.

The nerves go to the lower limbs from the lumbar and sacral plexuses, therefore, using the prefix to the word "ischalgia", doctors indicate the source of the disease:

  • Lumboishalgia - when the lower back hurts and gives to the leg. Lumbago is characterized by acute or nagging pain, aggravated by a change in posture and after exercise;
  • Sacroishalgia - if the pain in the back that occurs at the level of the sacrum radiates to the leg.

Among the common causes of ischalgia, doctors call herniated intervertebral discs with pinching of the nerve, osteochondrosis, scoliosis, and narrowing of the spinal canal.

Slightly less often ischalgia occurs in pregnant women, patients with Bechterew's disease, and those who are overweight.

INTERESTING! The cause of ischialgia and pain in the lower back can be a very simple, but common phenomenon - stress. More specifically, its destructive form is distress. And the nervous system does not tolerate hypothermia.

Also, the risk of inflammation of large nerves increases in athletes, patients with spinal injuries, and cancer patients. Viruses, infections, toxic syndrome occasionally also lead to the development of pathology in the nervous system (for example, with tuberculosis).

Lower back pain radiates to the leg when any of the nerves that run from the spine to the limbs become inflamed.

At the level of the second lumbar vertebra, the innervator of the muscles of the anterior surface of the thigh is located; at the level of the third - the knee area, the fourth - the lower leg, the fifth - the foot. The lumbar segments are mainly responsible for the sensations on the back of the legs.

The doctor finds out the nature and localization of pain. For example, a patient has pain in the lower back, gives it to the left leg, which means that damage will be sought on the right side of the spine in its lumbar region. Gives to the right leg - the problem is on the left.

The back hurts and pulls the leg more often when it comes to the inflamed sciatic nerve. Depending on which segment and pair of roots are inflamed, the patient may experience various symptoms:

  • Changes in the sensitivity of the skin, muscles, joints: exacerbation or disappearance of sensations, numbness (the legs go numb in the part that is innervated by the affected area of ​​the nerve column);
  • Change in mobility: you have to "work out" the leg after sleep or take a long rest to restore strength. It may be difficult to flex or extend the limb;
  • Constant aching pain, shooting or feeling of "electric discharge" in the muscles from time to time;
  • Hypertonicity, a feeling of tension in the muscles of the legs and back;
  • Since part of the nerves is responsible for the muscles of the pelvis and genitals, as well as for the activity of the rectum and sphincters, there may be difficulty with the toilet for large and small needs. It is also necessary to tell the doctor about this symptom at the consultation.

Patients prefer to endure the pain or drown it out by taking pills (analgesics and NSAIDs). But they are often very frightened by their condition, when, due to the inflammatory process in the nervous tissue, the innervation of the limbs temporarily stops - the legs are simply taken away!

Men may experience potency problems, and women may lose their erotic sensitivity and libido.

What to do? So that one day the patient does not lose limbs due to a neglected hernia or scoliosis, it is worth undergoing an examination and finding out why pain radiating to the leg arose and undergoing treatment.

Until the activity of the nerve is restored, mobility and sensitivity to any part of the body will not return.

And since prolonged inactivity weakens the muscles, leading gradually to atrophy, treatment must begin immediately, otherwise the patient risks remaining disabled.

For an experienced doctor, a preliminary diagnosis is not so difficult.

Especially when the inflammatory process affects one or two nerve roots with the corresponding symptoms.

But in any case, preliminary diagnosis requires confirmation. Treatment is prescribed on an individual basis.

Any vertebral pathology is examined using images - this is the most convenient method, but when pain radiates to other organs, specific studies of the state of these organs are required.

Among the main diagnostic methods for today are:

  • X-rays and tomography allow us to consider in detail why the lower back hurts and gives to the leg, there is an ache or a limb is completely taken away. If the right leg is injured, then the radiologist will pay special attention to the right side of the image when deciphering;
  • CT - computed x-ray diagnostics - is quite informative and not as expensive as an MRI method. This method has a number of individual limitations, as in X-ray;
  • Cytological analysis - microscopic examination. It is especially informative for infectious inflammations and symptoms from the genitourinary system;
  • Blood analysis. According to a number of markers and indicators, the doctor determines why the pain in the leg appeared, what to do to eliminate it;
  • Examination for scoliosis, ankylosing spondylitis, oncopathology;
  • Manual control. The surgeon's sensitive fingers will immediately detect deviations in the structure of bones and the position of muscles, ligaments, and nerve cords.

Even if pain occurs on the right and radiates to the left half of the body, manual methods will be applied to the healthy half, and the complex of drugs will affect the entire body, primarily the nervous system.

Prescribing medications and procedures does not yet guarantee the patient relief from pain.

Sometimes these drugs and procedures can only be a preparatory stage, for example, before surgery to repair a hernia or straighten the spine with advanced scoliosis.

In the outpatient treatment of ischialgia, not only analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are used, which reduce pain and relieve inflammation in the nervous tissue.

To restore its integrity and conductivity, vitamin complexes are prescribed, more often in the form of injections, followed by a transition to a long-term oral intake.

Muscle relaxants relieve spasm in the muscles and return them to normal nerve conduction.

This is necessary not only to eliminate pain, but also so that the muscles provide uniform support to the skeleton, and the joints begin to work properly.

The acute period of the disease is difficult to spend on the legs, so bed rest and optimal posture are recommended. Manual therapy, acupuncture and reflexology are prescribed in the subacute period and at the stage of rehabilitation.

Massage, therapeutic exercises and physical education are recommended to patients throughout their subsequent lives so that the disease does not return.

With inflammation of the nerve extending from the lumbar or sacral segment of the spinal cord, a specific syndrome occurs: the back hurts and radiates to the leg.

Only the damaged lower back (lower back or sacrum) can give pain to the limb. If the disease is localized to the right of the lower back, the left leg gives pain, and vice versa.

At first, the muscle aches or there is a pulling sensation in it for a short time. Then there is a rare tingling, short-term numbness, skin lightening.

The external harmlessness of this symptomatology is deceptive: as the disease develops, the nervous tissue conducts impulses more and more weakly and can completely “shut up”. Then the patient's internal organs fail, one or both legs can be taken away.

Treatment should be prescribed by a professional and carried out under the supervision of the attending physician with periodic repetition of all studies until a complete cure.

Video about the causes of back pain radiating to the leg:

One of the most common reasons for visiting a neurologist is lower back pain radiating to the leg and radiating to the side.

Symptoms are due to a combination of factors, but usually appear after uneven loads on the spinal column. If back pain radiates to the leg, then this is a serious reason for diagnosing the state of health and finding out the causes of the pathology. Why there is pain in the lumbosacral region, pulling the leg, breaking the lower back and shooting in the side, how to identify the causes and what to do - we will discuss in the article.

The main causes of pain

To determine the optimal course of treatment and rehabilitation, it is necessary to find out why the symptoms occur and their causes.

Orthopedic diseases

Pain in the lower back, radiating to the right or left leg, is a typical symptom of diseases of the lumbosacral zone of the spine. They occur against the background of tumor processes, bursitis and neuropathy of the sciatic nerve, but the main causes lie on the surface. These include:

  • hernia of the vertebral discs of the lumbar;
  • osteoporosis;
  • osteomyelitis of the vertebrae;
  • lumbar spondylosis;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • prolapse and protrusion of the vertebral discs with pain radiating to the side on the right or left;
  • congenital or acquired deformity of the spinal column.

Diseases of a neurological nature

The causes of neurological problems are diverse, and a comprehensive examination is required to establish them.

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  1. Bursitis and neuropathies indicate inflammation or pinching of the sciatic nerve. In this case, the pain spreads to the foot, and if you do not see a doctor in time, atrophy of the sciatic nerve may occur.
  2. Strong pulling pain, covering the area of ​​the buttocks and the lateral side of the thigh, indicates a lesion of the upper lumbar roots. With the pathology of the hip joint, the problems are exacerbated, causing sharp pains in the lower gluteal area and impaired motor activity.
  3. The causes of meralgia or Roth-Bernghardt disease are due to compression syndrome (squeezing) of the nerve endings located under the inguinal ligament. The clinical picture is characterized by a feeling of numbness and paresthesia, a strong tingling sensation of the "goosebumps" type and local pain.

Clinical manifestations of the disease

The clinical picture is manifested by a complex of symptoms, which include:

  • pulling, aching pain at the bottom of the lumbar spine, passing through the buttock with irradiation to the right or left side through the thigh, can reach the knee;
  • vascular and neurodystrophic manifestations;
  • limitation of motor activity;
  • loss of sensation and muscle paresthesia;
  • in case of displacement of the intervertebral disc, there is a sharp pain during movement, the appearance of swelling;
  • pain radiating to the buttock indicates a displacement of the vertebrae of the lumbosacral region;
  • irregular heartbeat, hypertension or low blood pressure;
  • numbness of the lower extremities, buttocks and inner thigh below the knee.

The sore leg is cold to the touch, has dystrophic changes in the skin. Pain phenomena intensify at night and become acute - pulls the left or right leg (depending on the side of the lesion), convulsions and involuntary twitching of the limbs occur. When the inflammatory process is running, any movement causes excruciating pain and reduces the quality of life for a long period.

Lower back pain radiating to the side

Pain in the lumbosacral zone of the spine, extending to the side or spreading in the lower abdomen, indicates somatic diseases and disorders of the internal organs. Pain that radiates to the side (left or right) requires the close attention of a specialist and immediate treatment. If the lower abdomen hurts, then the syndrome may indicate inflammation of the genitourinary system, pancreas, spleen, or gastrointestinal tract. The pain syndrome on the right is associated with diseases of the intestines, liver, kidneys and respiratory organs.

Often back pain radiates to the side

Diagnostic measures

If the lower back pain radiates to the leg, knee or side, the lower abdomen is tense, then a complete examination is prescribed. The most common diagnostic measures are:

  • x-ray of the hip joints;
  • CT or MRI of the lumbosacral zone of the spine;
  • blood and urine analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the vessels passing through the thigh;
  • if necessary, an examination by a gynecologist or urologist.

You may need to consult a gastroenterologist if the side (right or left) hurts, heaviness is felt. Similar symptoms indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the presence of stones in the gallbladder and ducts. If pulling pains in the back are combined with swelling of the extremities, dizziness and a change in the color of the urine, then a consultation with a nephrologist will be required.

Important! In case of acute pain and impaired motor functions, qualified medical assistance should be provided. Self-treatment and turning to traditional healers leads to unpredictable consequences, up to paralysis of the lower body.

Back pain treatment

During the period of exacerbation, the treatment of pain radiating to the thigh, buttock and lower leg is aimed at stopping the pain syndrome. In the acute period, it is recommended to limit physical activity and observe bed rest, analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, injections of neurotropic B vitamins are also prescribed. Medicines reduce pain, improve blood flow, relieve swelling and support the function of nerve endings.

Acupuncture treatment is a good way to get rid of discomfort

For stable remission and rehabilitation of the patient, a complex of restorative procedures is selected:

  • acupuncture massage;
  • darsonvalization;
  • spa treatment;
  • manual therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • physiotherapy and general massage.

Treatment is carried out in a course consisting of 10-12 procedures. If necessary, the complex is repeated after 2-3 weeks.

Important! In the early stages of the onset of pain, the main causes of the pathology are identified on the first day of the examination. Treatment of both the main problem and comorbidities for modern medicine is not difficult, so do not delay the visit to a specialist!


In the remission stage, it is recommended to perform a special set of exercises, including strengthening the muscles located on the thigh and its inner side. Walking, swimming on the back, wearing a corset are shown. It is forbidden to lift weights of more than 3 kg, work in a bent position with support on the thigh, twisting exercises.

Do you often experience back or joint pain?

  • Do you have a sedentary lifestyle?
  • You cannot boast of a royal posture and try to hide your stoop under your clothes?
  • It seems to you that it will soon pass by itself, but the pain only intensifies ...
  • I have tried many ways but nothing helps...
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will give you the long-awaited good health!

People often experience pain in the lower extremities. Sometimes both legs hurt, sometimes one. Pain in the left leg and side is a symptom of a serious illness. During pregnancy, pain is the result of pinched nerve endings in the lower leg. The causes of pain are varied and mean different pathologies.

With regular pain in the left leg, treat the cause that caused the pain. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the correct diagnosis.

Pain in the left leg is of a different nature, manifests itself in different ways. Sometimes pains are felt at the bottom of the leg even at night, sometimes they do not bother for a long time. Consider the types of pain:

  • Pulling, aching in the lower leg;
  • Pain appears in the buttock, other parts of the leg;
  • Sharp and unbearable below;
  • aggravated by walking;
  • The pain radiates to other parts of the body.

Pain is evidence of a disease. Pregnant women feel pain in the left leg and side as a result of pinched nerve endings caused by the development of the fetus.


Pain in the left leg often indicates the presence of the following diseases:

  • Inflammatory processes of the sciatic nerve;
  • The results of injuries, mechanical damage;
  • Varicose veins, diseases associated with human vessels;
  • Spondylolysis;
  • Hernia in the areas of the spine;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Sciatica;
  • Joint problems - gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis;
  • Other diseases.

Often pain occurs when walking. It seems that the leg is taken away, the side hurts. Consider the types, causes of pain.

Dull pains, the presence of constant severity indicate vascular problems. The normal course of blood circulation in the vessels is disturbed due to stagnation of blood and lymphatic fluid, irritating the nerve endings. This causes constant pain, a feeling of discomfort, it creates a feeling that the leg is pulling. The pain spreads through the body, radiates to the side.

A complex disease associated with vascular damage - thrombophlebitis, causes pain at the bottom of the limb and on the surface. Attacks of a pulsating nature on the surface, often in the lower leg. With thrombophlebitis, a painful burning sensation is manifested, pulling pain on the surface of the legs and their tissues.

Pain, characterized by constant tension, a feeling of heaviness, speaks of atherosclerosis of the arteries. It is characterized by increased pain in the calves and thighs, cold feet, the leg is constantly pulled down.

Problems with the spine give radiating pain in the left leg when walking, it feels like the leg is being taken away. These phenomena are related. Pain in the lower leg indicates inflammation of the sciatic nerve, which requires treatment. With inflammation, pain is felt in the thigh, lower leg, on the surface of the back, the leg pulls.

Severe pulling pain in the left leg is a consequence of a disease of the nerve located in the femoral part of the leg, caused by osteochondrosis, spondylitis, and a tumor of the spine. Pain attacks are felt in the area of ​​​​the legs, in the thigh area.

The cause of pain in the hip area is considered to be the presence of problems with the joints of the legs. Often, when the weather changes, the leg twists. The pains are aching in nature, bring a lot of discomfort.

Neuralgia is characterized by pain in the left lower limb and seizures in the side. Seizures come and go periodically.

Inflammation of the muscles is characterized by painful sensations when walking in various parts of the leg. The reason is to find out from the doctor. Prolonged and sharp pain in the left leg is caused by osteomyelitis.

Do not write off mechanical damage. In addition to bruises, injuries, pain in the left leg in the ankle area is caused by wearing uncomfortable shoes.

Attacks of pain in the left leg indicate the development of erysipelas, characterized by additional symptoms:

  • Redness;
  • Temperature increase.

It seems that the leg does not hurt, but it pulls.

Swelling, redness, throbbing pain in the left leg are accompanied by thrombosis, phlegmon, lymphedema. When you touch the inflamed area of ​​​​the lower leg, the pain becomes stronger.

If such signs appear, consult a doctor, the consequences are a lot of inconvenience in the future.


The doctor will collect the necessary amount of information. The exact description of the beginning of their appearance is important in the search for the causes of such pains. It is important to remember how the pain appeared, what it was like - this will help you quickly answer why the left leg hurts.

Diagnostic methods for problems with the spine:

  • X-rays of the spinal area in the lower back;
  • MRI. Thanks to the study, they receive maximum information about the condition of the spine. The presence of a hernia in the spine is confirmed.

To identify the cause yourself, follow these simple steps:

  • Lie on your back;
  • Raise the affected leg straight.

In diseases associated with the spine, the back hurts in the lumbar region, pain is felt in the form of sharp shots at the time of coughing. The leg is just pulling.

If the pain in the leg is caused by injuries to the limb, confirm or refute the statement thanks to x-rays.

To diagnose the condition of the vessels, ultrasound is performed. The doctor chooses the appropriate options for examinations, makes an accurate picture of the patient's condition.

Which doctors to contact

It is not always clear which doctor's consultation is required. If the causes of pain are not clear, contact the local therapist, who will preliminarily establish the diagnosis. After collecting the initial information, it will become clear whose help will be needed.

Problems that cause pain in the left leg and side are solved by:

  • Therapist;
  • Surgeon;
  • Angiosurgeon;
  • Rheumatologist;
  • Infectionist;
  • Traumatologist.


Treatment eliminates the causes of pain. A set of measures, as a result of joint use, will give a result, relieve pain in the leg, from the disease.

For problems with the spine, manual therapy is often prescribed, followed by correction of the spine. The vertebrologist is engaged in this, he makes diagnostics, prescribes treatment. More often preference is given to massage.

It is important to correctly identify the causes of pain, the treatment in different cases is completely different, sometimes unacceptable for other problems. Massage for pain in the leg is contraindicated, in the treatment of the spine - effectively.

Varicose veins are treated by a phlebologist, who, in addition to medication, prescribes hirudotherapy. Sometimes without surgery it is not possible to achieve success.

The lower limbs of the human body are subject to constant stress. Against their background, even in the strongest muscular and oblique-articular structures of this segment of the musculoskeletal system, breakdowns occur. One of the frequent manifestations is pain from the hip to the knee or in any other segment of the limb. This article is devoted to the description of this symptom and its correct interpretation.

What could be the source of pain?

The localization of pain in the gap between the thigh and knee does not always correspond to the same zone of pathological changes. A similar phenomenon is due to the presence of multiple anatomical formations in the femoral and knee regions, as well as above and below the lying areas. Pain impulses can come from:

  • skin and subcutaneous fat;
  • muscular-fascial complexes;
  • tendons and ligaments;
  • bones and joints (femur, knee and hip joints);
  • large arterial vessels;
  • superficial and deep veins;
  • peripheral nerve trunks on the thigh;
  • nerve structures in the region of the lumbosacral spine (nerve roots, spinal cord and its membranes).

Important to remember! Pain in the upper segment of the lower limb (from the hip to the knee) is a non-specific symptom. There are so many reasons for its occurrence that only a specialist can correctly determine the most probable!

The hip is made up of many structures and formations. Each of them can become a source of pain impulses.

Causes of pain

Possible causes and conditions in which the lower limb hurts in the upper sections are shown in the table.

Cause group Diseases associated with pain
Soft tissue injuries
  • bruises and abrasions;
  • sprains and ruptures of the muscles and tendons of the thigh;
  • sprains and ruptures of the ligaments of the knee and hip joints.
Bone injury
  • contusion and subperiosteal hematoma;
  • complete and incomplete hip fracture;
  • hip fractures.
Soft tissue inflammation
  • purulent-infectious processes in the skin and subcutaneous tissue (lymphadenitis, phlegmon, fasciitis, abscess);
  • myositis (inflamed muscle);
  • tendovaginitis.
Inflammatory and other types of bone damage
  • osteomyelitis (acute and chronic form);
  • bone tuberculosis;
  • aseptic necrosis of the femoral head;
  • osteoporosis.
Tumor lesions of the bones and soft tissues of the thigh
  • leukemia;
  • osteosarcoma;
  • myosarcoma;
  • angiofibrosarcoma;
  • metastases of malignant tumors in the femur.
Damage to the hip and knee joints
  • intra-articular fractures;
  • deforming arthrosis;
  • arthritis of various origins.
Diseases of the superficial and deep veins
  • varicose veins against the background of varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • phlebothrombosis;
  • venous and lymphovenous insufficiency.
Pathology of the arteries
  • narrowing of the lumen of the aorta and large arteries of the lower extremities against the background of atherosclerosis;
  • thrombosis and embolism of the main arteries;
  • Leriche syndrome.
Irritation of the structures of the nervous system
  • neuritis;
  • herniated discs;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • tumors and injuries of the spine.
Other reasons
  • physical exhaustion of the legs;
  • weather sensitivity;
  • past injuries and operations on the legs;
  • muscle weakness;
  • periods of growth in children;
  • pregnancy.

Important to remember! Leg pain can have different characteristics. It can be both local, capturing a small area, and widespread in the form of a strip, both acute and dull, both sudden and prolonged, both with additional symptoms and without them. Detailing the pain syndrome is the first step towards determining the cause of its occurrence!

Symptoms associated with pain, this is very important

To determine the cause of pain in the leg, localized in the segment from the hip to the knee, the symptoms that accompany the pain are important. Another significant point in their assessment is the determination of the relationship of pain syndrome with existing concomitant symptoms. This means that they can be both a manifestation of the same disease, and a consequence of different pathological processes. Only an experienced specialist can carry out such a differential diagnosis.

Among the main symptoms that most often accompany pain in the hip area, there are:

  1. Edema. It can be local in nature, located in a small area corresponding to the zone of pathologically altered tissues. This can be the front, side, back of the thigh, knee joint, hip area, etc. The presence of edema indicates an inflammatory origin of pain, vascular disorders, or traumatic tissue damage. Long-lasting edema indicates a traumatic or lesion of the femur by an osteomyelitic process.
  2. Skin numbness with crawling sensation. It is almost always localized along the outer surface of the thigh and is evidence of irritation of the peripheral nerves of the femoral region or their roots at the exit from the spine.
  3. Skin redness. It may have a limited character in the form of a reddened strip or a rounded focus. The first option is most typical for acute thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins of the thigh (great saphenous and its tributaries), the second is a sign of inflammatory-suppurative processes of soft tissues in the thigh area. If the redness is widespread, almost circular in nature from the knee to the thigh, this may indicate erysipelas and fasciitis.
  4. Increase in body temperature. A non-specific symptom that can accompany any disease that manifests itself as pain in the femoral segment of the lower limb. Not typical for diseases of the structures of the nervous system.
  5. The presence of a dense tumor-like formation. If pain in the hip is combined with the presence of a limited additional formation in the form of a tumor, this most often indicates an oncological process. The location of the tumor in the back in the popliteal region may indicate a Baker's cyst.

Acute thrombophlebitis is a dangerous cause of hip pain

Severe and sharp pain

One of the important headings in detailing the pain syndrome, localized in the segment of the lower limb from the thigh to the knee, is the nature of the pain. Acute severe pain always indicates a serious problem in the body. Its appearance may signal the presence of:

  • Suppurative processes in the thigh and adjacent areas. In this case, the pain syndrome is accompanied by swelling, slight redness, pain in movement and walking, and fever. A history of gradual increase in pain is characteristic. For several days, the leg hurts moderately with an increase to a critical level.
  • Traumatic injuries of bones, tendons, muscles, ligaments and articular structures of the hip, knee and thigh area. Pain does not always occur at the time of injury and may appear after some time. The accumulation of blood and fluid causes a feeling of fullness behind the knee. Therefore, the fact of injury and its objective signs in the form of bruises, abrasions, hematomas must be taken into account.
  • Progressive intervertebral hernia. An increase in the size or instability of the intervertebral hernia always causes sharp pains in the part of the spine in which it is located. Very often, this pulls the leg or there is a sharp pain attack along the nerve emanating from the corresponding segment of the spinal cord. Patients describe it as a backache on the outer surface of the thigh.
  • Acute thrombophlebitis. The inflammatory process in the great saphenous vein is accompanied by the formation of blood clots in its lumen, surrounding tissues are involved in the process. An inflammatory infiltrate is formed along the vein from the groin to the knee, dense and sharply painful. The pain gets worse with any movement.

Aching and chronic pain

The most common type of pain in the leg from the hip to the knee is chronic pain that bothers a person for a certain time period. It can be aching, stabbing, accompanied by numbness, occurs against the background of certain factors or spontaneously, is periodic, goes away on its own or as a result of certain actions, as a rule, is limited to a certain anatomical area of ​​the thigh. Almost every person in everyday life is faced with a similar pain.

If a person has a leg ache, this may indicate:

  • physical fatigue and overexertion;
  • tunnel-fascial syndrome;
  • varicose disease of the venous system of the lower extremities;
  • osteochondrosis of the spine;
  • chronic degenerative processes in the joints.

Varicose disease of the venous system of the lower extremities

This disease is accompanied by periodic pain along the veins prone to varicose veins. Most often, this is the inner surface of the thigh above the knee. Such pains are provoked by a long stay in an upright position and heavy physical exertion.

Osteocondritis of the spine

With prolonged existence, osteochondrosis causes irritation of the nerve roots that innervate the thigh area. This is manifested by frequent or constant aching pains in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bbranching of the irritated nerve from the buttock to the knee. As a rule, in parallel there is pain in the lower back, muscle weakness of the lower limb and numbness of the painful area.

Pathology of the spine and intervertebral discs is one of the common causes of pain in the lower extremities.

Chronic degenerative processes in the joints

Chronic injuries, damage to the menisci, osteoarthritis cause damage not only to the articular cartilage, but also to the tissues that support the joints in a stable position. Against this background, there is their overextension, chronic inflammation, possibly accumulation of fluid in the torsion of the joint capsule. All these conditions are accompanied by compression of the surrounding tissues, which is manifested by aching pain. As a rule, it is localized behind the knee near the affected joints and can spread to the above and below lying areas along the outer surface of the thigh. The right leg is affected more often.

Physical fatigue and stress

Against their background, the muscles and periarticular tissues are in a tense state, which is naturally manifested by irritation of pain receptors and a feeling of pain. If we are talking about excessive loads for unadapted muscles, then pain in the thigh is caused by the accumulation of underoxidized substances (primarily lactic acid). On the background of rest, such pains go away on their own.

Tunnel-fascial syndromes

A dense connective tissue plate runs along the outer surface of the thigh - a wide femoral fascia. Peripheral nerves pass between it and the muscles, as well as through its thickness. If the muscle stretching the fascia lata is in tension for a long time, this leads to compression of the nerves and disrupts their blood supply. As a result, pulling pain, accompanied by a feeling of crawling and numbness of the outer surface of the thigh.

Important to remember! Pain in the femoral-knee segment of the lower extremities, being a non-specific symptom, still has a certain specificity. It is important to know the possible variants of the pain syndrome and be able to differentiate it correctly. You shouldn't do it yourself. Contacting a specialist is the only right decision in such a situation.

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