Why does my head hurt when I bend down? Headache when tilted down: exercises for neutralization, complex treatment When tilted, it gives off to the head

Some people suffer from headaches. Sometimes it also happens that when the head is tilted down, it presses on the head. Such sensations can occur for various reasons and always indicate some kind of protracted disease. At best, this is a runny nose that turned into sinusitis, and at worst, it could be a tumor.

For any pain in the head when bending over, you need to consult a specialist and undergo an examination. If the pain that presses on the head is acute and unbearable, then you can temporarily alleviate the condition by using special medications, or use one of the popular recipes. But in order to choose an effective remedy, you need to at least roughly know the cause of the sensation of squeezing in the head.

Almost everyone has experienced headaches. Of course, you don’t need to panic, but you should definitely pay attention and understand the reasons. So why does your head hurt?


Pressing sensations in the head when tilted can occur both in its individual parts and in the entire head. Sensations of squeezing the head are accompanied by increased pain. The nature of such sensations and the place of their occurrence can give an answer to the question of why a headache occurs when the head is tilted.

Very often, the head hurts when bending over as a result of stress during the day. Such pains usually appear in the evenings, after a working day, when you come home and try to relax. In this case, the sensations are expressed in the tension of the muscles on the forehead, there is a feeling of pressure on the eyes when the head is tilted forward. With such symptoms, herbal infusions or teas brewed with soothing herbs and a good full sleep help well. If your head hurts when you bend down, it is very advisable to see a doctor.

Pain in the back of the head indicates problems in the cervical spine. The expansion of the cerebral vessels also causes discomfort in the head. Vasodilation indicates increased brain activity, which can be caused by a variety of reasons. In this case, the headache is accompanied by bouts of nausea and loss of strength. In this case, for example, a source of bright light, a loud sound or another irritating factor can be unpleasant.

Manifestations of sinusitis are the most common cause of pain in the head when bending over. The pain in this case occurs in the form of a pulsation in the frontal part of the face and in the temporal region. Most characteristically, such sensations appear after sleep in the morning. Symptomatically, such pains are very similar to migraines. Pain, as a result of sinusitis, can manifest itself as follows:

  • feeling of pressure in the facial area;
  • any touching of the head leads to increased discomfort;
  • the tilt of the head causes great pressure in the forehead and temples.

If the cause is sinusitis, then no remedy for a headache will help. Here you need to get rid of the sinusitis itself. It can be very difficult to cure sinusitis on your own, so you should at least consult with a specialist. Indeed, in some cases, the treatment of sinusitis can be carried out only with the help of surgical intervention by the surgeon. Consider sinusitis, as the cause of pressing sensations when tilting the head in more detail.

As already mentioned, the largest number of all cases of pressing pain in the head is caused by sinusitis. Sinusitis occurs as a result of overflow of the sinuses with pus and, as a rule, is a consequence of a runny nose.

Why does the head hurt when bending over with sinusitis. The fact is that when the head is tilted down, a strong rush of blood occurs, which causes pain.


The mechanism of occurrence of sinusitis is as follows: when air is inhaled through the nose, pathogenic microorganisms, microbes, enter the body, which, with weakened immunity, cause inflammation in the sinuses, accompanied by a runny nose or, as it is called in medicine, laryngitis. If you do not treat a runny nose at the beginning of its inception, then inflammatory processes begin to cause the release of pus, as a protective reaction of the body, and it accumulates in the sinuses.

With a large accumulation of pus, it causes bursting sensations even in the normal position of the head. These sensations, of course, are greatly intensified when the head is tilted forward. At the same time, sometimes it seems that something is about to burst in my head.

Sinusitis causes local pain of a bursting or pressing nature, mainly in the front of the head (in the forehead and temples). Therefore, the symptoms of sinusitis are often confused with migraine pains, which have a completely different nature of occurrence. A migraine can even make you feel like your nose is stuffed up. This similarity makes the diagnosis of headaches a very controversial task, which can only be done by qualified specialists with extensive experience in their field.

It can be very difficult and even dangerous to independently distinguish migraine from sinusitis, and even more so to undertake treatment. However, a migraine can sometimes be distinguished by a reaction to certain stimuli. The main ones are light, pungent odors and noises. Under the action of these irritants, the head hurts more when bending over.

Inflammation and purulent discharge in the sinuses of the nose can occur not only as a result of infection, but also due to allergic reactions of the body. All these circumstances should be taken into account when choosing medications and treatment methods. If in doubt, then you need to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis, because headaches can be caused not only by one reason, but also by a complex of reasons.

Pain in the head, in addition to the main causes, can be caused by circumstances associated with other diseases or complications. These include:

  • complications in asthmatic diseases associated with the change of season;
  • allergic reactions of the body of a different nature;
  • various diseases accompanied by inflammation in the nasal cavities;
  • tumors of various origin and nature;
  • problems with the spine cause pain in the back of the head.

In addition, headaches when bending down can be manifested simply by changes in ambient air pressure. Any activity that involves changes in pressure can also easily cause headaches, such as diving underwater and then surfacing. Therefore, divers and scuba divers are prone to headaches.


If there is pain in the back of the head, then you should start treating the spine, while you need to make an appointment with a neurologist for a consultation. The back of the head is a very sensitive part of the head; pain in the back of the head should not be ignored in any circumstances.

The diagnosis for subsequent treatment is made on the basis of a detailed interview of the patient and the necessary laboratory tests. You may need to be examined by a specialized specialist, such as an otolaryngologist or an allergist. When diagnosing, pain reactions are examined when exposed to certain areas of the head.

All this allows us to draw a conclusion about the cause of pain when tilting the head and give recommendations for treatment. In most cases, doctors tend to prescribe folk remedies, as they know that many medicines cause unwanted side effects. However, this is true only in the case of diagnosis of mild diseases. In the treatment of advanced diseases or intractable diseases, one cannot do without medical or even surgical intervention. Pain in the back of the head also requires detailed attention.

Good data for diagnosis is given by tomography. Most medical centers provide such diagnostic methods. Having made an accurate diagnosis, you can begin to treat headaches.

For example, with exacerbation of pain caused by sinusitis, it is common practice to prescribe antibiotics. The course of antibiotics is supported by some measures to alleviate the patient's condition. It:

  • humidification of the air in the room where the patient is located;
  • periodic washing of the nose with a special solution;
  • drug inhalation.

Massage of the head and neck helps a lot, especially if you are worried about pain in the back of the head. These measures are aimed at preventing re-occlusion of the nose and, as a result, help to avoid headaches.

Before using inhalations, you should consult an allergist to confirm the absence of allergies to medicines. This is also true if the patient is going to use nasal sprays.

A sudden headache usually occurs after a head or back injury. This can also be indicated by pain of a aching nature.

Treatment with medicines can be completely combined with the use of folk remedies. The choice of treatment method and combination of drugs depends on the form of the disease. But we must not forget about preventive measures.

The basis of prevention is the development of immunity with the help of herbs and hardening, the transition to a healthy balanced diet with a minimum amount of fats and carcinogens, a healthy lifestyle and physical activity, such as jogging or walking in the fresh air. But you need to remember that you can not give physical activity with a headache.


Experienced doctors will always advise how to choose an effective complex for the development of immunity and maintaining it in good condition. Pain and pressure in the head often signal some kind of impending disease, giving us a chance to get ahead of the development of the disease and cope with it at the very beginning.

For prevention, you need to try to smooth out conflict situations, get away from stress, and even more so to prevent depression.

To prevent colds, you should try not to overcool your body, often it is against the background of hypothermia that our immunity suffers. And to maintain immunity in order, it is very useful to use folk remedies.

The use of medicinal herbs and herbal preparations is an alternative, milder way to treat headaches. The main task of such treatment is the removal of pain manifestations and strengthening the body.

Elderberry, sorrel, verbena are the main components of herbal preparations that help get rid of headaches and discomfort when tilting the head.

However, with pain in the back of the head, it is imperative to see a neurologist.

Even food supplements often contain medicinal herbs and are effective in relieving headaches. They relieve inflammation by clearing the nasal cavities and removing the cause of pressure sensations in the head when bending over.

Immunity can be strengthened by plants such as St. John's wort, wild rosemary and lemon balm, bumblebee and mullein. These herbs are sold in pharmacies in the form of ready-made herbal preparations. You can also prepare them yourself. However, they should not be taken by women who are breastfeeding or pregnant, as these herbs have a blood-thinning effect.

The use of inhalers is very effective in the treatment of almost all catarrhal inflammatory diseases. You can use ready-made inhalers produced by the pharmaceutical industry, or do inhalations the old fashioned way - over steam.


Eleutherococcus tincture relieves headaches well. Take tincture 1-2 drops per day, gradually increasing the dose to 14-15 drops.

Mint added to tea will relieve headaches if you drink a glass in the morning and evening. Lemon peel applied to the temples relieves local pain well. Propolis tincture helps with headaches if taken 40 drops a day. The tincture can be added to tea or warm water, but there may be allergic reactions to bee products.

Back pain when tilting the head down occurs due to the connection of muscles in the human body. By moving your head, you change the position of your lower back. This results in compression of the nerve root. Shooting sharp pains torment, sciatica develops. The reason may be in inflammation of the internal organs.

Lower back pain when the head is tilted forward has a different pathogenesis, their diagnosis can be quite difficult. There are certain points according to which it is easier to understand the source of pain when turning the head or tilting. The doctor specifies the following factors:

  • The exact localization of pain in the lower back - in the upper or lower part, from the right or left side;
  • The nature of painful sensations - pulls, pricks, shoots. Whether the back pain is chronic or develops in attacks;
  • Are seizures associated with sudden movements, or can they occur even in a calm position of the body;
  • After what kind of physical activity it hurts. After the patient walks, stands up, turns or bends over.

If your back hurts when you tilt your head, it most often makes sense to talk about pinched nerve root syndrome. As a result, an inflammatory process begins, which only aggravates lower back pain.

The nerve may be compressed due to the following diseases:

  • Neoplasms, malignant or benign. A tumor that can infringe on the nerve root;
  • Hernia or protrusion. Compression is carried out by protrusion of the intervertebral disc or pulp tissue that has emerged from the gap;
  • Spondylolisthesis. The position of the vertebral bodies changes, and they put pressure on the nerve root;
  • Traumatic impacts and fractures with fragments can damage the nervous tissue;
  • Inflammation and purulent focus in the spine at the level of the lower back;
  • Stenosis (narrowing) of the intervertebral disc space as a result of osteochondrosis.

If there is compression of the root, additional pressure may be exerted on it when tilting and turning the head. What will cause severe, shooting pains in the lower back (lumbar backache, or).

Nerve entrapment symptoms

Sciatica is damage to the nerve roots. If you feel pain when turning your head, pay attention to the following symptoms. They will help to understand whether the problem is really in the radicular syndrome:

  • If you touch the chin to the body, severe pain will pierce the lower back;
  • Pain occurs if you tighten the abdominal muscles;
  • Palpation of the spine in the lumbar region became painful;
  • If you lie down and try to raise your straight leg, this will not work because of the pain syndrome;
  • Lower back pain radiates to the pelvic region and lower extremities.

The lower back can hurt with head movements even after the exacerbation of the radicular syndrome is over. It's just that the pain will turn into a chronic form, turn into aching instead of shooting. In general, the situation will not change - you need to find the problem and treat it. Otherwise, in the future, the pathology will only develop.

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Lumbodynia, lumbago or backache is a condition in which a nerve is sharply clamped. This causes instant, stabbing pain. A concomitant symptom is complete stiffness of the lower back. This is due to muscle spasm. Sharp muscle contractions are necessary for the body to protect the nerves of the lower back from further damage. True, tense muscles at the same time often put pressure on the muscles, which aggravates the situation.

Violations of the work of internal organs

Pain in the spine when turning and tilting the head can be at the root of the disease of the internal organs. Such a pain syndrome can manifest itself in completely different ways, pain when turning is one of the possible options. Pain after such movements can radiate to the lower back.

The problem may lie in the following diseases:

  • Pyelonephritis;
  • kidney stones;
  • Pregnancy outside the uterus;
  • Pelvioperitonitis.

What to do

With lower back pain of this kind, it is advisable not to rely on self-medication. Go to the doctor, get an examination - only professional doctors can accurately determine the source of the problem and prescribe adequate treatment.

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There is a good chance that your pain when turning your head is caused by inflammation. Many are sure that folk wisdom is right and the best treatment for inflammatory processes in the lower back is warming agents. This includes a bath, warming external preparations, compresses and even alcoholic beverages. And all these methods are completely incorrect if the inflammation is in the acute stage. After the onset of the inflammatory process of the lower back, it should not be exposed to heat for at least two days. During this time, cold compresses, menthol gels will relieve pain much better.


There are many methods to help relieve back pain. First of all, you can take a painkiller, for example, Ketorol or Ketanov. At the time of the attack, it is best to relax, distract from all stress factors, both physical and mental.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Diclofenac, Ibuprofen or Nise, are widely known among the people. They fight pain, defeating its source - the inflammatory process around the damaged nervous tissue. True, they have a big drawback - they negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract. Including, if applied externally, in the form of ointments or gels.

In cases where the pain in the lumbar region is unbearable, they do not allow normal movement and life, the patient is prescribed an injection blockade of the spine with novocaine. It does not last long, about two days, but during this period the patient can live quite calmly, without stabbing pains in the lower back.

Head tilt pain is the occurrence of pain while a person tilts his head in different directions. It is noteworthy that soreness can be localized in different places. In almost all cases, symptoms develop against the background of an already existing or only developing disease. A similar clinical manifestation occurs in people of any age and gender.

In the vast majority of cases, it acts as the first symptom, against which other clinical signs develop. Symptoms will differ depending on what served as the etiological factor.

Despite the fact that pain when tilting the head is a rather specific symptom, it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis based on this symptom alone. It is because of this that diagnostics are necessary to establish the source.

Treatment, as well as symptoms, will differ depending on the cause of the underlying symptom.


A large number of predisposing factors can cause pain when the head is tilted, which will differ depending on where the pain is given.

Thus, pain in the neck when tilting the head forward or to the side can be caused by:

  • stretching of the neck muscles;
  • - is formed against the background of changes in the cervical vertebrae of a degenerative nature. Often there is the appearance of osteophytes, which are growths of bones along their edges;
  • discogenic pain syndrome - develops due to violations of the structure of one or more vertebral discs;
  • subluxations of the facet joints, which are located along the edges of the intervertebral discs and most often lead to pain in the neck during head movement;
  • neck injuries, after which the formation of seals that interfere with movements occurs;
  • abnormal calcification;
  • spondylogenic myelopathy;
  • neck radiculopathy.

Pain in the head when leaning forward or backward, as well as to the left or right, can be due to:

  • malignant or benign neoplasms in the nose;
  • spondylosis or;
  • - such a factor can cause a headache when tilting the head down;
  • barotrauma - this reason most often leads to the fact that there is pain in the forehead.

The appearance of pain in the back of the head when tilting the head is often affected by:

  • damage to the cervical spine with pathologies such as spondylitis, subluxations and sprains;
  • cervical spondylosis;
  • muscle compaction in the cervical spine;
  • long stay in an uncomfortable position.

The reasons that when the head is tilted back, the forehead or temple hurts:

  • injuries of this area - in addition to fractures, abrasions, bruises and wounds, it should also be attributed here;
  • the course of inflammatory processes - in this category of etiological factors include, and;
  • dysfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the nervous system - migraine, and.

Cause back pain when tilting your head can:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • spondylitis and;

Similar reasons also lead to the appearance when the head is tilted forward or to other sides.

Ear pain when tilting your head most often occurs against the background of:

  • formations;
  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • a wide variety of ailments affecting the cervical spine.

It is worth noting that pain can occur both in one ear canal and in both ears.

Pain in the nose can be due to:

  • or ;
  • trigeminal neuralgia;
  • trauma.

If during the time a person is trying to bend over it occurs, then this may be due to, which is better known as "thoracalgia".

Pain in the coccyx when tilting the head can be caused by similar causes as the feeling of pain in the lumbar region. However, additional factors are considered:

Toothache when moving the head is very often caused by the eruption of wisdom teeth.


The nature of pain sensations will differ depending on which disease served as a trigger for the expression of such a symptom. Pain when tilting the head can be both sharp and aching, dagger or strong, paroxysmal or constant. A large number of factors can influence the increase in the intensity of pain, ranging from the influence of stressful situations to the use of certain foods. In addition, they can occur regardless of the time of day.

Very often, pain in the back of the neck, as with any other localization, can be accompanied by:

  • sensation of discomfort, pressure and pulsation;
  • puffiness;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • fatigue and weakness of the body;
  • limited movement;

Patients should be aware that any clinical manifestations may be individual.


Establishing the source of pain in the occipital areas, as well as in the lower back, back, auricle and any other localization when the head is tilted, requires an integrated approach.

From this it follows that diagnostic measures will include:

  • a detailed survey of the patient - to compile a complete symptomatic picture, find out the time of appearance and intensity of expression of the main symptom or additional signs;
  • examination by the clinician of the medical history and anamnesis of the patient's life;
  • objective examination - to clarify the localization of pain with the head tilted;
  • laboratory blood and urine tests - to monitor the functioning of internal organs and systems, as well as to identify signs of an inflammatory, infectious or any other pathological process;
  • instrumental examinations of the patient, among which ultrasound, radiography and CT come to the fore.

After the therapist has studied all the results of the examination, he will refer the patient for a consultation with a narrower specialist, for example,

Over a hundred different causes cause headaches. It can be felt in different ways and be aching, pressing, pulsating; may appear in combination with a whole range of symptoms, including nausea and visual disturbances; can only appear in a certain position of the body. It happens that a person has a headache only when he bends over. The most common cause is sinusitis (sinusitis).

If the pain when bending down and forward caused sinusitis, it can be described as throbbing and deep, it is localized mainly in the front of the head. Unpleasant sensations begin to appear in the early morning and intensify towards evening. Correctly diagnosing sinusitis is quite difficult due to the similarity of symptoms with tension headaches and migraines.

Among the manifestations are the following:

  • pressure is felt in the eye sockets;
  • the pain is noticeably worse when bending down;
  • aggravation of pain occurs in the morning (due to the accumulation of mucus in the sinuses during the night), with a sharp change in temperature (for example, when going outside in the cold season);
  • facial skin becomes hypersensitive;
  • dizzy;
  • pain begins with or after a cold.

Inflammation of the sinuses, which accompanies sinusitis, manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  1. sore throat (pharyngitis);
  2. nasal congestion, swelling of the nasal passages;
  3. copious discharge from the nose;
  4. chills;
  5. feeling of general weakness of the body.

What is sinusitis

The nose is the organ that first encounters the pathogenic flora of the environment, and the most powerful defense mechanisms are located in this organ. Unfortunately, they are not always able to cope with viruses and microbes, and sinus diseases are quite common.

Sinusitis (sinusitis) is a common name for diseases of the sinuses. Distinguish between the inflammatory process in the maxillary sinus (actually, sinusitis), the sinus of the forehead (frontal sinus) and the sphenoid sinus (sfendoitis). For these diseases, a common symptom is pain in the head when bending over.

Sinusitis is characterized by such pronounced congestion that a person is not able to breathe through his nose. In the sinuses there is an inflammatory process and mucus is constantly formed, which becomes an ideal place for the reproduction of microbes. Since there is no outflow from the sinus, the mucus is absorbed into the bloodstream, poisoning the entire body as a whole. It presses on the walls of the sinuses, because of this there are unpleasant sensations and dizziness when you lean down.

In the acute course of the disease, an almost complete blockage of the sinuses occurs along with the mucous contents, which creates excessive pressure on the sinus, which results in a severe headache. It can be completely unbearable if there are risk factors:

  1. tendency to allergic reactions, asthma;
  2. spurs of bones in the nose, deviated septum, nasal polyps or tumors;
  3. swimming, diving;
  4. climbing a mountain, flying at high altitude.

Sinusitis or migraine?

Due to the similarity of symptoms, it is difficult to diagnose and determine the exact cause of discomfort. With a migraine, your head also hurts and is dizzy when you bend over, but it is also aggravated by exposure to bright light, noise, and is accompanied by nausea.

In a conversation with a doctor, be sure to mention recent infectious diseases, colds, allergies. In order to exclude sinusitis as a probable cause of pain when bending down, you will need to consult an ENT specialist. He will examine the nose and determine how congested with mucus the sinuses are. An important step in the diagnosis is to determine the degree of sensitivity of the face using palpation.

If chronic sinusitis is suspected, additional tests, such as computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, may be needed. Sometimes it is recommended to perform tests to identify allergens (if you suspect an allergenic nature of the inflammation in the nose).

When should you go to the doctor?

In some situations, the best solution is to immediately contact a doctor or call an ambulance:

  • the pain appeared suddenly and continuously lasts more than a day;
  • when you bend over, your head hurts and spins so much that it can be described as the worst of all previously experienced;
  • unpleasant sensations are accompanied by impaired coordination, loss of consciousness, changes in memory, speech;
  • severe pain "gives" to the eyes;
  • if severe pain has become chronic in people over 50 years of age.

What are the treatment options

1. Conservative.

Sinus pain when bending forward will recede only after complete disposal of the underlying disease. Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics and corticosteroids to treat sinusitis. Usually, the course of taking medications lasts 10 days, for chronic sinusitis, the duration can increase up to 3 weeks. Nasal sprays help relieve allergies and improve the general condition of the body by eliminating sneezing, itching.

2. Surgical.

If treatment fails, endoscopic surgery may be considered. It is possible to remove polyps or spurs that interfere with full recovery. Sometimes the only remedy that allows you to get rid of sinusitis is the opening of the sinuses.

3. Folk.

We must not forget about simple methods that will greatly help alleviate the course of the disease:

  • using a humidifier;
  • rinsing the nose with a solution of sea salt;
  • massage of especially painful areas of the face, neck, head.

Interestingly, some nutritional supplements may help treat forward bending headaches by acting on inflammation in the sinuses. These are enzymes derived from natural fruits, usually fruits; they should be taken under medical supervision.

Skullcap, St. John's wort, wild rosemary, mullein, lemon balm and some other herbs can play a significant role in the fight against sinusitis, as they affect the density of mucus produced and overall immunity. There are restrictions: herbs that thin the blood are contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.

Comprehensive treatment will be most effective, in addition to taking antibiotics, it is necessary to reconsider the lifestyle for a while: use a humidifier, breathe over steam, visit nature more often, avoid irritants (such as smoking areas and stuffy rooms). Headache when bending forward will pass much faster if you carefully follow all the doctor's recommendations.

Pain in the head when bending reflects a change in intracranial pressure with a change in the position of the body in space. When a person makes an inclination, blood flow to the brain and to the vessels of the skull as a whole increases. The physical increase in volume mechanically compresses the nerve endings, which causes a headache.

Most often, pain impulses come from sensitive places: the mucous membrane, turbinates and eyes, muscles and periosteum, arteries and veins.

What reason

There is no single cause of pain in the head when bending over: the symptom appears with neurological, colds and heart ailments.

  1. Sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses (small spaces located in the upper jaw). The disease is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane, which fills the volume. Due to the violation of ventilation, conditions are created for the reproduction of bacteria, which aggravates the general condition of a person. Difficulty in nasal breathing and general intoxication syndrome are added to the symptoms: fatigue, nausea, lack of appetite.
  2. Frontitis - inflammation of the frontal sinuses.
  3. Migraine. Most people who complain of headaches when bending over suffer from migraines. Cephalgia with migraine disappears in a few hours, while with inflammation of the sinuses, discomfort lasts a week or more.
  4. Tumors. Pulsating pain in the head when bending over may be the result of the development of neoplasms in the soft structures of the skull. Usually the condition worsens in the morning and evening, it is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, increased pressure. Pain worsens when trying to get out of bed. The emotional state changes: patients complain of irritability, fatigue, tearfulness and low mood.
  5. Pain during movement and bending can be with the development of allergies, for example, with angioedema angioedema. The acute condition is accompanied by swelling of the soft tissues of the face. At this time, the cranial spaces fill with mucus, the membranes increase in size and squeeze neighboring structures - pain appears.
  6. Hypertonic disease. Against the background of constant high blood pressure, the patient may complain of pain in the head when coughing and bending over. In this case, the patient feels bursting and pulsation in the head. The disease is accompanied by dizziness, weakness, fatigue, damage to the heart, brain, liver and kidneys. In patients with increased pressure, the face turns red and shortness of breath appears.
  7. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae. Due to the general dystrophic processes in the spine, the surrounding tissues suffer: muscles, nerves, blood vessels. So, blood flow is disturbed and the conductivity of nerve impulses worsens, which causes muscle nutrition and blood delivery to the brain. Most often, patients complain of pain in the back of the head and temples.
  8. Tension cephalgia. The disease is accompanied by pressing pains around the head: the forehead, crown, temples hurt. 30 minutes after the onset of the attack, discomfort covers the entire head. Patients say that their skull is squeezed by a vise.
  9. Barotrauma. The internal cavities of the skull communicate with each other, their own pressure arises there, and it is sensitive to atmospheric pressure. Divers and all those who dived to the depth are familiar with this concept. Already on land, people with barotrauma report complaints of pain in the head when bending over.

Other reasons:

  • a sharp increase in intracranial pressure;
  • inflammatory diseases of the brain and membranes: encephalitis, meningitis;
  • specific female conditions: menstruation, pregnancy;
  • withdrawal syndrome after alcohol or drug use.

Psycho-emotional reasons:

  1. sleep disturbance;
  2. exhaustion of the body after prolonged work;
  3. depression;
  4. smoking;
  5. passive lifestyle;
  6. weather sensitivity.


The complaint “my head hurts when I bend down” is non-specific, characteristic of many diseases. The therapist will refer the person for a consultation to related specialists: a neurologist, a traumatologist, an ENT doctor, a cardiologist. They will prescribe instrumental and clinical examination methods: a general blood and urine test, magnetic and computed tomography of the brain, daily measurement of blood pressure.


The main task of therapy is the treatment of the underlying disease. You can apply analgesics and the pain will go away, but this is a temporary solution that does not eliminate the cause.

Sinusitis and sinusitis are diseases more often of a bacterial nature, therefore antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed in the clinic. In addition to medicines, physiotherapeutic procedures are performed: UHF, massage of facial tissues, washing the nose with saline solutions.

In acute allergies, intravenous prednisolone and adrenaline are administered. With controlled allergies - antihistamines of later generations: suprastin, diphenhydramine. All other diseases are treated symptomatically or surgically.

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